Interesting fact i found today while searching for other stuff.
Erdelmaine Randis founded the Brotherhood in 2988. In the old The Periphery (1629) (set in the early 3020´s iirc) the current Grand Knight was Jacob Ben Volcroth. The Periphery (1692) says that Galahad Frews took control of the Brotherhood after defeating its former leader in 3037.
Now, while checking Interstellar Players 2: Jihad Conspiracies, there is an IC interview with a conspiracy writter, talking about the Brotherhood in his book "Dark Periphery". In such interview, they mention that Galahad Frews replaced Randis, not Volcroth.
Now, i wonder if it is an in-character mistake by the character, or there was a mistake in the writting of the ISP2 book.