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Very valid.   In theory.
I think the issue is the # of points you get v/s the tonnage available.

It was very much a theory. I don’t have the mech design skills to try to experiment with it, which I’d love to do. I had an idea after reading up on Hardened Armor and reading the Vulcan (a personal favorite Mech) Mech of the week article to make one with Hardened Armor, plasma rifle, light ppc (because I like them), and some versions of the flamer and machine gun as a dedicated anti-vehicle/anti infantry mech with minimal anti mech ability. Seeing that most of the incoming damage would be lighter than typical Me h v Mech damage, the loss of speed seemed like a minimal disadvantage compared to being able to almost ignore smaller damage (infantry weapons, srms, etc) before it could kill the enemy. I kind of applied the same logic/theory to this question in a somewhat different manner. The idea would be that the light would still have enough speed to have a high TMM, so it’s creating misses on a lot of that potential damage and anything actually connecting would still have to then defeat the hardened armor aspect. Again, though, purely theoretical. 

Also, very valid point regarding the armor per ton issue. That’s part of the equation that would have to be looked at very hard. How much speed, how much weapons and equipment and still be able to have a serviceable shell of armor to protect the light.
Off Topic / Re: Source On Modern Armor?
« Last post by Prospernia on Today at 18:29:35 »
Pentagon Wars heavily exaggerated the actual issues with the Bradley.  As far as the Abrams goes, every source I've ever seen about the Iraq war states that nine were lost- seven to friendly fire and two were intentionally destroyed to prevent capture after they were immobilized.

It was a dark-comedy, actually, but, the Abrams wasn't knocked out; it just had an RPG-round go through it. The crew survived.
--When will we see record sheets for the Star Leage and kickstarter forcepacks?  Unsure, Rem will chase it up

When *was* the last update for the entire website even?  Shrapnel #17?
Total Warfare / Quad Mechs- PSR numbers needed for first leg loss
« Last post by Ariseall on Today at 18:13:57 »
When a quad loses its first leg: it has its own special ruleset for that first leg loss. I am unclear if the +5 from a leg loss (under a biped losing a leg in TW pg.122) and the PSR chart (TW pg. 60 Footnote 3) applies to this first leg and future PSR rolls that involves the loss of that first leg past the removal of the quads special abilities.

EDIT ** I saw in the errata it does indeed affect jumping with the +5**

It clearly states using the restrictions of a biped in the second leg paragraph (TW- pg. 122)which is why that first paragraph is throwing me off. 

Thank you!

Hi, thanks for getting in touch. Currently our company generator is still using the same home brewed system that has been in place for the past couple years. We are looking to update it, but as with all things that takes developer time.

Regarding your MekTech and Astech issue, that’s likely caused by a legacy code issue that we’re aware of and will be having a fix in 50.01
« Last post by Hazard Pay on Today at 18:05:20 »
Ooh nice, more Totems by Nasty k. Mean bird right there.
Fan Fiction / Re: A Long Journey
« Last post by Wrangler on Today at 18:02:06 »
If their clever they'll keep the Trackers out sight and not mention it to anyone. 

Not going mercenary likely was bad move for Sam Mitchell.
Fan Fiction / Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Last post by Wrangler on Today at 18:01:13 »
This got me chuckling

NHCOMNET, your only choice for interstellar communications if you think wearing monastic robes and chanting HPG instruction manuals is just freaking weird (and also that ComStar charges too much).
The Inner Sphere / Re: Unique Tactics by Faction
« Last post by PartTimeHussar on Today at 18:00:05 »
Preferences then. Trying to get flavors into the bands I’m building.
The Inner Sphere / Re: Unique Tactics by Faction
« Last post by BrianDavion on Today at 17:52:39 »
I mean none of this is truely UNIQUE
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