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The hard part is tracking Damage from them.  Either they all "miss" for some reason, or I have to personally track where the Damage lands so they can "clear" it when they figure it out.

Of course, that only applies if the unit they are chasing shoots them at the same time.

If the ones they are chasing don't fire after the holograms are engaged, then it isn't really a problem (aside from maybe determining XP and Honor gains). 

But if they get in to position to be engaged by both...  That's what's driving me a little crazy in figuring out at this point.
BattleTech Miniatures / Re: Slowly getting back to paining
« Last post by MarauderD on Today at 10:19:48 »
Nice work--good dark green for the lance & Longbow!
Mine doesn't seem to have been updated.  The values haven't changed, and the shipping tax is still in place.
Denver... ok, so, here's the thing. They're getting blasted, but what was the option for them?

Clan Chatterweb / Re: The Remembrance: Mostly Boat Lists?
« Last post by cmerwin on Today at 09:37:12 »
it seems to me that, as a work of epic poetry, the Remembrance ought to consist largely of epic catalogues.  The most famous example of this is the exhaustive, 29 contingent, 46 captain, 1186 ship long list in the Illiad, but these are also found in The Faerie Queene, the Aeneiad, and Paradise Lost. Oh, and the Illiad has a second, shorter list that details the Order of Battle for the trojans.  They seem to be useful to a Loremaster-useful context for battles and history as well as getting the Bloodnamed excited to hear that they are recorded in a line of the Remembrance-if only as a name and a mech-and useless to a novelist or most rulebook writers.  Which would neatly explain why, even if the Clans use a lot of catalogues in their epics, we don't see a lot of them-they're dull and repetitive and we don't need to name every warrior who participated in Operation Revival.

Though, I do think that a 'boat list' of all the Bloodnamed who participated in that campaign would be a nice thing to have.  Maybe make that the canonical catalogue portion of the Remembrance, if the authors would be so kind?

I absolutely think the Remembrance would include a boat list of each of the founding Bloodnames from OP Revival. As you said, the Illiad goes into _great_ detail about who went off to fair Ilion. Moreover, as a foundational piece of political propaganda (like the Aeneiad), it would be important to catalogue who they were, their great deeds, and the vile forces that opposed them. But most importantly, it sets up a tone for what is and isn't worth of recording.

And it seems like most of the rest of the Remembrance(s) is/are similar. It outlines the unique identities of each Clan and what their values are, and then lists bullet point moments and people involved that were somehow foundational to changes in that Clan. In some cases, there are a few passages which have somewhat prophetic sounding bits, about the Clan's "future".

I agree it's mostly boat-lists, but in the service of social programming/propaganda.

I would _love_ to see a physical copy of the Rememberances ala the forthcoming Sun Tzu's the Art of War (Translated and Annotated by Jaime Wolf).
Nothing last night, but they did say that anyone who paid the initial shipping costs will be refunded the difference when everything is sorted out so presumably the same holds true if there are any additional changes
Most of the episode was a discussion with a member of the Demo Team who's part of a team that made a game based around Drone rigging in Shadowrun on Holostreets, and are doing a universe-agnostic version on Kickstarter at the moment.  The only BattleTech-related news was to hold off on paying shipping until there's a backer update sent out, and that the bits that have hit the warehouse recently are still not ready for release

I'm sure some people have already jumped the gun on paying for shipping.  Did they say what to do in that situation?
Clan Chatterweb / The Remembrance: Mostly Boat Lists?
« Last post by Vehrec on Today at 09:20:24 »
it seems to me that, as a work of epic poetry, the Remembrance ought to consist largely of epic catalogues.  The most famous example of this is the exhaustive, 29 contingent, 46 captain, 1186 ship long list in the Illiad, but these are also found in The Faerie Queene, the Aeneiad, and Paradise Lost. Oh, and the Illiad has a second, shorter list that details the Order of Battle for the trojans.  They seem to be useful to a Loremaster-useful context for battles and history as well as getting the Bloodnamed excited to hear that they are recorded in a line of the Remembrance-if only as a name and a mech-and useless to a novelist or most rulebook writers.  Which would neatly explain why, even if the Clans use a lot of catalogues in their epics, we don't see a lot of them-they're dull and repetitive and we don't need to name every warrior who participated in Operation Revival.

Though, I do think that a 'boat list' of all the Bloodnamed who participated in that campaign would be a nice thing to have.  Maybe make that the canonical catalogue portion of the Remembrance, if the authors would be so kind?
On another note, Sun-Tzu may have been the shrewdest politician in the IS, over that period.
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