Author Topic: [AToW] Expanded Hit Locations & Aimed Shots  (Read 4474 times)


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    • Poke's Aerospace Academy (Discord Server)
[AToW] Expanded Hit Locations & Aimed Shots
« on: 29 August 2022, 10:30:42 »
On AToWC p. 21-22 is the Expanded Hit Locations Table. On the Primary Hit Location table, the arms and torso are split into upper and lower segments. The Secondary Hit Location Roll table features some locations that already exist on the Aimed Shots section of the Basic Combat Modifiers Table (AToW p. 178), but some appear in multiple places, while others are removed in favor of more specific locations. When using the Expanded Hit Locations Table, what should the modifiers be for targeting different hit locations (along with any other rules adjustments required to make Aimed Shots work with Expanded Hit Locations)?
Poke's Aerospace Academy
The best place to learn and discuss AeroTech.

"Poke is just a figment of our imagination really." - Siam
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"I want to plant the meat eating trees and the meat growing trees on the same planet! Watch that plant on plant violence!" - Sawtooth
Leviathans: The Great War Backer #224
BattleTech: Mercenaries Backer #23


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    • Poke's Aerospace Academy (Discord Server)
Re: [AToW] Expanded Hit Locations & Aimed Shots
« Reply #1 on: 02 November 2022, 08:29:34 »
Poke's Aerospace Academy
The best place to learn and discuss AeroTech.

"Poke is just a figment of our imagination really." - Siam
"Poke isn't a real person, he's just an algorithm programmed by CGL to try and get people to try the aerospace rules." - Phantasm
"I want to plant the meat eating trees and the meat growing trees on the same planet! Watch that plant on plant violence!" - Sawtooth
Leviathans: The Great War Backer #224
BattleTech: Mercenaries Backer #23


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    • Poke's Aerospace Academy (Discord Server)
Re: [AToW] Expanded Hit Locations & Aimed Shots
« Reply #2 on: 06 December 2022, 09:13:04 »
Poke's Aerospace Academy
The best place to learn and discuss AeroTech.

"Poke is just a figment of our imagination really." - Siam
"Poke isn't a real person, he's just an algorithm programmed by CGL to try and get people to try the aerospace rules." - Phantasm
"I want to plant the meat eating trees and the meat growing trees on the same planet! Watch that plant on plant violence!" - Sawtooth
Leviathans: The Great War Backer #224
BattleTech: Mercenaries Backer #23


  • Captain
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  • The Barracuda knows where it is, hence the -2 mod.
    • Poke's Aerospace Academy (Discord Server)
Re: [AToW] Expanded Hit Locations & Aimed Shots
« Reply #3 on: 08 March 2023, 13:43:07 »
Well overdue for a bump.
Poke's Aerospace Academy
The best place to learn and discuss AeroTech.

"Poke is just a figment of our imagination really." - Siam
"Poke isn't a real person, he's just an algorithm programmed by CGL to try and get people to try the aerospace rules." - Phantasm
"I want to plant the meat eating trees and the meat growing trees on the same planet! Watch that plant on plant violence!" - Sawtooth
Leviathans: The Great War Backer #224
BattleTech: Mercenaries Backer #23


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  • The Barracuda knows where it is, hence the -2 mod.
    • Poke's Aerospace Academy (Discord Server)
Re: [AToW] Expanded Hit Locations & Aimed Shots
« Reply #4 on: 15 May 2023, 15:40:57 »
Poke's Aerospace Academy
The best place to learn and discuss AeroTech.

"Poke is just a figment of our imagination really." - Siam
"Poke isn't a real person, he's just an algorithm programmed by CGL to try and get people to try the aerospace rules." - Phantasm
"I want to plant the meat eating trees and the meat growing trees on the same planet! Watch that plant on plant violence!" - Sawtooth
Leviathans: The Great War Backer #224
BattleTech: Mercenaries Backer #23


  • Captain
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  • Posts: 2793
  • The Barracuda knows where it is, hence the -2 mod.
    • Poke's Aerospace Academy (Discord Server)
Re: [AToW] Expanded Hit Locations & Aimed Shots
« Reply #5 on: 23 April 2024, 05:40:00 »
Poke's Aerospace Academy
The best place to learn and discuss AeroTech.

"Poke is just a figment of our imagination really." - Siam
"Poke isn't a real person, he's just an algorithm programmed by CGL to try and get people to try the aerospace rules." - Phantasm
"I want to plant the meat eating trees and the meat growing trees on the same planet! Watch that plant on plant violence!" - Sawtooth
Leviathans: The Great War Backer #224
BattleTech: Mercenaries Backer #23