Long time no talk. Between moving around the world where I'm now on an isolated island in the east of The Philippines in a time zone only kangaroos and perhaps naval personnel care about, I'm finding I would like to run a full game online for folks to kind of break up the monotony of weekday work.
Last time I tried to run a game online about six years ago, I was rightfully accused of being unprepared. A fair and accurate accusation. So, if I try again, I do not want to bog things down and disappoint players, especially those who are veterans of the game and don't want an amateur fudging things up for them.
I used to have maps and stuff for live games, but now, they're all in a storage unit back in the US. As I'm not spending any money here, I am willing to drop a bit of dosh for online assets that would make an online game doable.
So, what are some must-haves, besides pdf copies of books?
MegaMek/MekHQ for maps and perhaps mech combat?
Recommended VTT? I have Foundry, but I would need tons of assets. Roll20 has stuff, I know. Is it better?
Any considerations I need to take in? I already will be waking up at sunrise to accommodate players on the other side of the Earth, as I've not found many folks in my general region that want to play anything other than D&D 5e.