Author Topic: Converting CamOps support teams to/from AToW  (Read 403 times)


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Converting CamOps support teams to/from AToW
« on: 17 July 2024, 19:09:12 »
Campaign Operations provides Experience Ratings for Technical and Medical Teams on page 190 of the fourth printing.

How can you convert these to and from A Time of War, keeping in mind that there are multiple people and slightly different skills involved? Page 20 says that whether combat personnel can act as AsTechs is based on their relevant Technician subskill, so they're clearly meant to be used together to some extent.

Of particular interest, how does Medical Team skill in CamOps relate to Surgery and MedTech in AToW, and what qualifies someone to be a medic? The latter would presumably extend to using Paramedic Equipment as well.