Author Topic: Quick-Strike Add-Ons  (Read 1539 times)


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Quick-Strike Add-Ons
« on: 28 July 2012, 20:29:13 »
In an earlier thread I mentioned that I had developed some home-brew add-on rules to work a bit more character into our Quick-Strike games. The tables below require a deck of 54 playing cards (including Jokers).  These work best with 4 - 5 players each running a group of 4 - 6 'Mechs.

Before developing characters and story lines, players should assign a card suit to each significant piece of terrain using random card draws. Draw cards until all 4 suits are represented.

1.) Name central character--this is the character in your battle group who will possess Skill 2 (Elite). This character starts with 3 Fate points.  Draw a card for your central character and note the suit--all players should the character's suit (show no one else this draw, but consult table below, then note the card draw down and return it to the deck.  Re-shuffle the deck).

Background Table
Ace = Rose from ranks of infantry
2 - 5 = Graduated from lesser military academy
6 - 9 = Graduated from better known military academy
10 - J = As 2 - 5, but top of class
Q -  K = As 6 - 9, but top of class
Joker = Clan Solahama warrior

2.) Name significant Lance/Star Mate--this is the character in your battle group who will possess Skill 3 (Veteran).  Draw 1 card for this character and note the suit:

Diamonds =  Boon Companion
Hearts = Lover
Clubs = Rival
Spades = Family member (Brother/Sister/Father/Mother)

3.) Remaining Lance/Star members all get Skill 4 (Regular).

4.) Secret Draw.  Each player does a secret draw for his central character (show no one else this draw, but consult table below, then note the card draw down and return it to the deck.  Re-shuffle the deck).

Ace = Assassination (Assassinate another central character--use suit to determine target).
2 - 5 = Personal Vengeance (use central character suit to determine which force you wish vengeance upon)
6 - 9 = Spy (Forgo combat turn one round to send transmission to relay station)
10 - K = Sabotage: destroy structural objective (use building suits to determine target)
Joker = Word of Blake Fanatic! Activate doomsday weapon on turn 5! Forgo combat turns and roll a 7+ on 2 D6 to activate weapon.

Spending Fate
Spend 1 Fate to ignore effects of a critical
Spend 1 Fate to absorb  2 points of damage
Spend 1 Fate to take another move or fire action

You may spend Fate to assist a Boon Companion, Lover, or Family member in the same manner as yourself. 

Anyway, this is a start and requires a lot of refinement.

Hope this provides some inspiration!

« Last Edit: 28 July 2012, 22:05:00 by Crimson_Langur_1970 »

