Author Topic: Solaris Spectacle: a journal based RP set on Solaris 7  (Read 2450 times)


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Solaris Spectacle: a journal based RP set on Solaris 7
« on: 22 November 2013, 05:03:42 »
Me and a friend are opening a BT based RPG, on the journal service dreamwidth (think livejournal, but without an interface that resembles a broken iPod). This is a panfandom AU game, meaning characters from many different fandoms can be played, with their history accomadated to the setting. So for instance, if you ever wanted to play Dale Gribble as a Taurian who sees Davion conspiracies everywhere, this is the place. You create a journal for your character, submit a writing sample and description of your mech/vehicle/whatever (if applicable) to us. If you get in, you use that character's journal to post to the 'log' (third person RP) and 'network' (in-character posts to the local internet) communities.

The overview can be found here. Reply or drop me a line if you have any questions!

Edit: If you're new to journal RP, this guide may be helpful.
« Last Edit: 22 November 2013, 05:05:55 by Hedgehogey »

