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Off Topic / Re: Fallout: Exploding onto your screen April 2024
« Last post by Liam's Ghost on Today at 22:24:46 »
And now I'm out of episodes to watch.

(and here I thought I might not get through them with only a week worth of prime)

*The only thing that could definitely be considered a retcon seems to be the location of Shady Sands. Which is annoying, but it could have been worse.
*Honestly, the idea of ghouls staving off the feral state with drugs is an interesting and reasonable development. The point where a ghoul goes feral was always highly variable, and we have past indications that it isn't an instant change, so with so many ghouls in the wasteland it's an obvious field of research. I have to wonder when this treatment regimen was developed and by who. NCR would be a reasonable choice, but since there were pre-war experiments with creating ghouls this too could have been a vault tec product.
(Or maybe a Ghoul who felt his mind slipping just started downing mentats and had a eureka)
*It's kinda sad, but the simplest way to get the classic fallout feel and still set it close to los angeles probably was to nuke the NCR. It's kinda hard to get the grim and gritty part down when you set it in the most populous and stable nation on the continent. I do have to wonder how much of NCR might still remain as a functioning state.
*Maximus is a moron.
*New Vegas isn't looking so hot. I would have preferred otherwise. But the presence of an NCR vertibird and Securitrons suggests that Caesar didn't win at hoover dam, and whatever befell the city (deathclaw swarm?) saw the NCR present for the fight. So probably an indication that the nuking of Shady Sands wasn't the only attack launched on the NCR and/or their partners. (ooh, maybe the haze means the "player" of that timeline's new vegas skipped dead money and Elijah's on the loose)

Did I enjoy it? Well I binged it in one sitting.
Off Topic / Re: What Are We Listening To: This List Goes Up To Eleven!
« Last post by rebs on Today at 22:07:47 »
NWO ~ Ministry
People have gotten emails again?  I have seen nothing.

We've been using the link from the previous email.
MechWarrior Hall / Re: Word Association 36: SAY WHAT AGAIN!!!
« Last post by rebs on Today at 21:53:06 »
MechWarrior Hall / Re: Word Association 36: SAY WHAT AGAIN!!!
« Last post by Wrangler on Today at 21:51:24 »
People have gotten emails again?  I have seen nothing.
We're going to miss this Juno mission once it's done.  This survey of 3 of the 4 Galilean moons is mostly all bonus mission. 

I think the team can run into 2026 some time on the current mission plan, and perhaps can increase the length on the end.  Not sure about that last bit, but I'd love to see encounters going on into 2028 or so.  Opportunity cost of getting such a robotic outpost out that far away in orbit is such that you just have to keep the wheel going as long as it will spin.
Aw, no way! That's easy mode!

You're already working with Holograms; that's next-door to lasers. If they can be projected, they can shoot and score hits.

If the system can tap into and "tether" to your mech's training computers, it will make them simulate damage.

That could be a clue; something is trying to "pair" with the players and NPCs mechs/tanks/fighters com systems as soon as they come in range for "safety purposes".

I was planning on having their own 'Mech's systems tracking Damage and taking things of line appropriately when tracking Damage.

Another "clue" is when they take an Ammo Hit, but they just lose the Ammo Bin, but not get the Neuro-feedback.
MechWarrior Hall / Re: Word Association 36: SAY WHAT AGAIN!!!
« Last post by rebs on Today at 20:42:47 »
BattleMechs / Dark Age/IlClan AC-2, -5, -10, -20 Challenge
« Last post by Hazard Pay on Today at 20:33:10 »
Over the centuries, out of all the weapons used by combat craft across the inner Sphere and Periphery the Autocannons, ranging from the piddly class two to the monstrous class twenty have been some of the most common.

But as they succeeded the Rifle Cannons of yore, so to have the bog standard ACs fallen to the wayside in the face of ever advancing energy weapons and even their own inheritors such as the Light, Rotary, LBX etc. cannons. But in spite of all this, the Autocannons still march on if only because they've been produced in such vast quantities over the centuries that you can still trip over them ever mile or so. This may be the last era these venerable weapons show up in depending on how the next timeskip turns out, if so let's send them off with some hoorahs.

Rules are simple for the Challenge, all tech is available for your perusal up to the 3150s but must include at least one AC-2, -5, or -10. The OG variety, none of the more advanced stuff.

Special munitions may be used. No weight class or locomotive restrictions, so Superheavies and Tripods are allowed. Good luck Mech Techs, show us what jank abominations your deranged minds can come up with!
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