The queue currently looks like:
5th MacCarron's Armored Cavalry (mainly done; needs 7 minis from the KS for completion)
7th Raven Regulars, Oclan, ER (mainly done; needs 3 minis from the KS)
Niops Militia, Dark Age (primed & based, needs 5 minis from the KS)
The rest in the queue need from 30% to 70% from the KS for completion, and are sitting in little boxes: note this order isn't fixed, and can change based on paint availability & my mood.
Black Heart Roses (Merc, Jihad) Assorted
1st Covenant Guards, FWL, ilClan
IX Legion, Merc, ILC
Royal Guard, LA, FCCW
39th Avalon Hussars, AFFS, FCCW
The Battle Corps. Merc, DA
1st Falcon Sentinels, JFR, ILC
1st Oberon Guards, Perp, CI
3rd Dieron Regulars, DCMS, LT
1st Shin Legion, CCAF, SW
Tamar Jaegers, IlC
Helps to have a plan. a Grand Plan!