Author Topic: Galahad III Omnimech [AU: Vela Corridor]  (Read 157 times)


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Galahad III Omnimech [AU: Vela Corridor]
« on: 09 March 2024, 03:43:56 »
Code: [Select]
Galahad III (Base)
Mass: 65 tons
Chassis: Standard Biped
Power Plant: 195 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Jump Jets: None
     Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Ferro-Lamellor
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3092
Tech Rating/Availability: F/X-X-X-E
Cost: 5,411,794 C-bills
Type: Galahad III
Technology Base: Clan (Advanced)
Tonnage: 65
Battle Value: 1,022
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure 6.5
Engine 195 Fusion 8
     Walking MP: 3
     Running MP: 5
     Jumping MP: 0
Double Heat Sink: 10 [20] 0
Gyro: 2
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor (Ferro-Lamellor): 203 14.5
Structure Armor
Head 3 9
Center Torso 21 30
Center Torso (rear) 10
R/L Torso 15 20
R/L Torso (rear) 7
R/L Arm 10 20
R/L Leg 15 30
Weight and Space Allocation
Location Fixed Space Remaining
Head None 1
Center Torso 2 Double Heat Sink 0
Right Torso 3 Ferro-Lamellor 9
Left Torso 3 Ferro-Lamellor 9
Right Arm 3 Ferro-Lamellor 5
Left Arm 3 Ferro-Lamellor 5
Right Leg 2 Double Heat Sink 0
Left Leg 2 Double Heat Sink 0
and Ammo Location Critical Tonnage
31.0 tons Pod Space

Code: [Select]

2x Gauss Rifle (RA, LA), 4t ammo (2x RT, 2x LT)
2x ER Medium Laser (LT, RT)
1x Small Pulse Laser (HD)

4x LRM-20 (RA, RT, LT, LA), 8t ammo (4x LT, 4x RT)
2x DHS (LA, RA)

2x Streak LRM-20 (LT, RT), 2t ammo (LT, RT)
1x ER Large Laser (RA)
1x Small Pulse Laser (LA)
1x Targeting Computer (HD)
3x Jump Jet (2x LT, RT)

1x HAG-40 (RT/RA), 6t ammo (RT)
1x ER Large Laser (LA)
1x Targeting Computer (LT)
1x ECM Suite (HD)

2x Arrow IV (RA/RT, LA/LT), 6t ammo (3x RT, 3x LT)

1x Thumper Artillery Piece (RA/RT), 3t ammo (3x LT)
1x Large Pulse Laser (LT)
1x Plasma Cannon (LT), 1t ammo (LT)
3x Jump Jet (1x RT, 2x LT)

2x ER PPC (RA, LA)
1x Plasma Cannon (RT), 2t ammo (LT, RT)
1x Laser AMS (LA)
Targeting Computer (RA)
10x Double Heat Sink (LA, 4x LT, 4x RT, RA)

2x Large Pulse Laser (RA, LA)
1x Plasma Cannon (RT), 2t ammo (RT)
1x Laser AMS (LT)
1x Targeting Computer (LT)
1x Active Probe (RT)
1x ECM Suite (RT)
1x TAG (HD)
3x Jump Jet (2x LT, RT)
4x Double Heat Sink (LA, LT, RT, RA)

1x Gauss Rifle (RT), 2t ammo (RT)
2x Large Pulse Laser (RA, LA)
1x Targeting Computer (LT)

The Galahad III is an Omnimech produced by the Republic of Crossroad


The Galahad III is essentially a Galahad II chassis modified with a new Ferro-Lamellor armor composite and omni-technology.  The Galahad II, in turn, is little more than a redesigned Galahad frame to use an easier to produce and maintain, albeit heavier, chassis.  A reliable but underpowered 195 standard fusion engine enables the relatively inexpensive heavy mech to carry a 31-ton payload.

The Galahad III's center torso is completely occupied- the several jump jet configurations only function via the use of complex software to carefully control the unbalanced 'Mech's jump jet's thrust magnitudes and vectors to prevent the 'Mech from spinning out of control.  Some Galahad III pilots have taken it upon themselves to intentionally interfere with the software and induce an uncontrolled spin in an attempt to dodge incoming projectiles while mid-jump.  This technique has had mixed success, with successful dodges typically being followed by a face-plant into the ground or a building.

The manufacturer by default offered base Galahad IIIs as being only compatible with Vela Corridor (VC)style omni-pods.  For a fee, one could purchase Galahad IIIs that had compatibility with Inner Sphere (IS) style omni-pods, and for a larger fee one could purchase Clan-style (CL) omni-pod compatability.  In truth these were all the same Galahad III platforms and the restrictions were artificial in nature just so the manufacturer could also sell VC pod kits along with the base chassis.  A simple switch in the firmware was all it took to enable the use of CL and IS pods.  Shortly after the start of the Dark Age, a technique to "jailbreak" Galahad IIIs that hadn't paid for the upgrade was discovered by the Draconis Combine and became commonly known, and nearly all export models in the Inner Sphere had received the modification.

Configuration Overview

The Prime configuration references the older Galahad with its two arm-mounted Gauss Rifles.  As the gauss rifles are lighter than their Star League equivalents, the Galahad I configuration is also able to mount backup weapons in the form of two ER Medium Lasers and a Small Pulse laser for use against armor and infantry alike.  Inner Sphere customers often opt to replace the small laser for another medium at a slight fee.

The A configuration is a missile boat filled with 80 LRM tubes for indirect fire.  Despite having a whole 8 tons of ammunition, this configuration still can only sustain fire for about 2 minutes.

The B configuration is a bit more balanced as a missile boat, with 40 Streak LRM tubes, jump jets for improved mobility, and an ER Large Laser and Small Pulse Laser tied to a targeting computer providing sustainable supporting firepower.

The C configuration is primarily an anti-aircraft platform, sporting a massive HAG-40 in one torso with three minutes of sustained fire and an ER Large Laser for a sustainable option to use against lighter armored units.  A targeting computer improves the accuracy of both systems and partially makes up for the Galahad III's lack of a dedicated anti-aircraft targeting system.

The D and E configurations are artillery platforms: The D sports two Arrow IV launchers, while the E only has one Thumper Artillery Piece but makes up for it with a generous ammunition bay, jump jets and a support weapon array.  Inner Sphere customers are often skeptical of Battlemechs lacking any short-ranged weaponry and frequently order D alternatives that replace the second Arrow IV with backup weapons.

Configuration F and G focus on sustainable hard-hitting firepower.  The F fields twin ERPPCs and the G fields twin Large Pulse Lasers as their primary armament.  Both have Plasma Cannons with two tons of ammo to provide long-ranged anti-infantry suppression and tie their weapons to a targeting computer for better accuracy.  Both also have AMS systems to provide additional protection against missiles.  The G takes advantage of its cooler main armament to replace its heat sink count with a variety of utilities: An ECM, an active probe, a TAG system, and three jump jets gives the G plenty of options.


As primarily intended for export, the Galahad III is not typically used by the Crossroadian federal military, with them only being redirected for federal use in 3145 during the Clan Homeworlds Invasion.

Galahad IIIs, along with Phalanxes, are exported to Crossroadian security partners in the Vela Corridor as well as a wide variety of customers in the Inner Sphere through the Lavender Road trade route.  While slow, the Galahad III is cost-effective and features weaponry and the armor roughly equivalent to lower-end Inner Sphere assault mechs- these properties give the Galahad III a reputation of being a "Pocket Assault Mech" and enjoys a good reputation with Inner Sphere states and mercenary groups.

Of the main Inner Sphere states, the main users of the Galahad III are the Republic of the Sphere, the Federated Suns, and the Lyran Commonwealth (including the Wolves-in-Exile).  The Draconis Combine was also a major buyer of the type, but after the Combine stole their Amethyst Legion allies' MerchantShips operating in Combine space and started the Combine-Legion War, the Republic of Crossroad sanctioned the Combine and ceased the sale of further war material to the state.

The Republic of Crossroad made it a particular point to supply the Lyran Commonwealth with Galahad IIIs and Phalanxes, because they were engaged in a conflict with the Jade Falcons, which had attacked Crossroad in two punitive expeditions.  The Lyran Commonwealth's army was ineffective in using the 'Mechs against the Falcons due to poor quality leadership, so the Crossroadians began to directly aid the Wolves-in-Exile, who proved much more capable of turning extra war material into tangible victories, with Galahad III mech frames that just conveniently happened to fall off the back of a shuttle onto Arc-Royal.  Though not the fastest or the most effective 'Mechs available, the Phalanxes and Galahad IIIs allowed the Exiled Wolves to grow their touman by reinforcing their galaxies and forming at least one new 2nd-line galaxy consisting mainly of Galahad IIIs and Phalanxes.

Battle of Arc-Royal

Crossroadian aid proved pivotal in the war between the Lyran Commonwealth and Clan Jade Falcon.  The Falcons launched an attack on Arc-Royal in early September 3146.  The planet's defenses initially held, so Jade Falcon Khan Malvina Hazen dispatched a unit of elementals to go behind the lines to destroy the Clan Wolf-in-Exile training facilities.  However, the exiled Wolve's watch received an anonymous tip (later believed to be sent from a Crossroadian Intelligence Operative) that a small Jade Falcon elemental force had been dispatched towards Wolf City, causing the Exiled Wolves to beef up security.

A Galahad III on patrol managed to detect the elementals just outside the city via active probe; the Mechwarrior slagged one Elemental with its plasma cannon and managed a glancing blow with a pulse laser another before the Falcon force broke contact and entered the city.  Though safe from the slow Galahad III, being sighted proved to be the death knell of the Falcon elementals, as armored Exiled Wolves security personnel rapidly descended upon the survivors of the Elemental star and obliterated them.  The Exiled Wolves also uncovered evidence from the dead Falcons that their target was their sibkos, and began to disperse and evacuate their training operations accordingly.

By the start of October it was clear that Malvina Hazen was not going to achieve her goals of destroying either the Exiled Wolves or the Kell Hounds.  Arc-Royal was holding, key Kell Hound figures had escaped the fighting, Hazen's window of opportunity to obliterate the Exiled Wolve's sibkos had been lost, and the strength of the Lyran forces (as well as the Wolves and the Hounds) turned out to be much stronger than anticipated.  With a current stalement certain to be broken by the looming arrival of Lyran reinforcements, the Jade Falcons were forced to cut their losses and withdraw from Arc-Royal.

The Galahad III's interruption of the Sibko assassination attempt was highly publicized and put the Crossroadians to be put in the spotlight of both the Jade Falcons and the Exiled Wolves.  The Exiled Wolves gained a new appreciation and respect for Crossroadian hardware, though the closest most had actually gotten to dealing with one is through Amethyst Legionnaire shipmen transporting Crossroadian goods to their final destinations.

The Falcons, by contrast, immediately noticed in their post-battle report that the Lyran defenders and their allies had an unusually large number of affordable-yet-effective Crossroadian hardware ranging from battle armor suits to Battlemechs, and concluded that the Crossroadians, with their seemingly supernatural ability to interfere with their clain's affairs at the worst possible moment, were bankrolling the defense of the Falcon's enemies to sabotage their clan.  Some alleged Malvina was planning a third war with the Republic of Crossroad as punishment before switching gears to race to Terra, where she along with most of Clan Jade Falcon died during the Battle for the IlClanship, but any supporting documents to that effect have not been discovered as of the year 3152.
« Last Edit: 10 March 2024, 09:09:30 by Retry »


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Re: Galahad III Omnimech [AU: Vela Corridor]
« Reply #1 on: 09 March 2024, 21:39:55 »
Some configuration thoughts:

Gauss + 2x LPL + TC might be compelling in some situations as an alternative to prime, F, or G.

Streak-5s instead of Streak-20s may be interesting for B. 

I'd still be tempted to play with improved jump jets.


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Re: Galahad III Omnimech [AU: Vela Corridor]
« Reply #2 on: 10 March 2024, 09:01:40 »
Added variant H with a Gauss Rifle, 2 LPLs and a TC.

