In TRO: 3055 Upgrade, the Turk has a Burrock pilot, Pilot Simon Nga. Fought in the Burrock Absorption. Did well but suffered wounds fighting the Spirits, was later adopted into the Adder touman, earning a higher rank of Star Commander and his bloodname.
In TRO: Golden Century the Lancelot C has a Star Colonel Annika Enders. Burrock mechwarrior. Scored an impressive list of victories in the Lancelot C as part of a striker star. Eventually challenged and defeated her Cluster Commander in a Lancelot C2 and took that 'mech and the rank/position. Noted for keeping the Lancelot C in the long run in spite of earning a Cluster Command slot, turning down opportunities to get a heavier/newer machine, like an OmniMech.