It looks like CapCon has lost at least New Earth and Caph to the 3rd League.
CapCon only took New Earth sometime in 3151. If the diorama and WWE still represent a canon battle (I have no reason to assume they don’t), we don’t know how that battle ended.
And Capellans never had Caph to our knowledge. NWH thought CCAF should be there, but that could just be an assumption that CapCon is taking what it can around Terra.
There’s 6 capellan worlds, 1 DC world, a couple ex-Falcon worlds, and like… 3 wolf Empire worlds we don’t know the fate of. If you extrapolate a bit from the EA and DD maps, you can make some guesses on a few of those worlds and none look like wolves took them. There’s always a chance something changes, so reading past the horizon is sketchy.
Now I am making the OOU assumption that CGL won't declare an ilClan to have it snuffed out before it get's started. I don't expect everyone to agree with this, and am more than happy to wait for IKEO to see what happens.
I agree with you. Both in universe and out of universe. While the wolves are in a trash fire position strategically, and they aren’t getting anywhere near the help they expected, nobody has the will, strategic reach, and necessary forces to take the wolves out. I just don’t think the Wolves have what they need to expand any time soon. I’m expecting a Faux League of a bare handful of worlds for a while. And I mean like… Terra plus 3 or 4 at most.
I hope they tell us. My guess is that the 3rd League will be pulling from more than the Wolf Touman.
Agreed as well. Tasha already made one critical point. We see art of a second naval star around Terran corridor. I have an outside theory we’re gonna see the ravens migrate.
I think wolves will gain in total maybe cluster of falcons, a cluster of jags, maybe a cluster of Kisho’s nova cats, 5ish clusters of Foxes, and a couple Raven clusters (2-4). So maybe another ten total, but ones Alaric can’t just spend carefree. I also expect wolves to take meaningful losses in iKEO. Like 5 clusters worth of troops minimum. They shouldn’t be allowed to just dumpster Capellans like the Lyrans, Lyrans again, FWL, Republic, and Falcons all back to back. I have to hope that era of writing is over. Beating back that much CCAF should cost them.
I also think that a few years down the road, they’ll get a supply of Terran recruits. But both in universe and narratively, I don’t think it makes sense for them to get any soon.
Now, relevant to the protectorate, even with those clans contributing, Alaric can’t reach the protectorate to aid them. If the protectorate attacks the league, the protectorate should collapse. Especially with FWL units already inside it