I forgot to post trothkin than my Kickstarter arrived.
In addition to a Direct Fire Star I secured six (!) Visigoths, two Blood Asps, a White Raven, a (third) Phoenix Hawk IIC (10) and Callandre Kells SM5 to go with my Clan forces. Plus or minus a couple IS mechs subbing in for IIC’s maybe… bringing it closer to three full Clusters (bout a Cluster unassembled and at least a Cluster of Elementals in Novas)
Now my IS Mercs added 54 Vehicles, 8 Battle Armor Suits, and another battalion of mechs (including more Urbies) bringing it to basically two regiments total.
Definitely going to acquire a couple more Grizzlies, another Bane for a conversion to a 3 model, and maybe another White Raven
Going to do a full inventory soon, maybe tomorrow and sort all the new maps and swag