Author Topic: Iron Father  (Read 2396 times)


  • Corporal
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Iron Father
« on: 22 April 2024, 18:00:47 »
Created this story two months ago in the middle of a C19 sickness.  What came from it became a finished product.  I absolutely hate unfinished fanfics and wouldn't have published this unless I finished it.  I plan on releasing all the chapters in intervals.  This is my first one ever so take a grain of salt.  I spent alot of time researching, rewriting, and refining.  Had a few people attempt look at it, but never had follow thru so got tired of waiting.  So sit back, read about the Iron Father.


A rumbling unheard of by the current residents of Turbline broke out across the land.  Farm hands, warriors, and rulers alike looked up and before their eyes an egg flared across the sky.  It fell towards the Erktek mountains and the subsequent death valley.  No one ever went into that area because of the fauna that lived there.  Generations of rumors of giant creatures that snapped up the unwitting or unprotected were rampant.  In fact the settlements were walled fortresses against the night haunts that roamed at sun down.  Some did not know what to make of this portent.  Time would tell as this world would change with its rediscovery by mankind....


7 days previous...

June 6th, 3068

"Jump in 5 minutes." blared over the intercoms.  Phantom Adept Tau Corden awaited the departure from Terra.  His mission to disrupt the battle lines in the Lyran state were straight from The Master.  He clicked his metallic fingers against each other in rapt contemplation of how many people would die by his and the other manei domini breatheren.  The jihad had been going on and The Master spoke of a forced third transfer.  The first jump would take them 29 light years out.  Then a week of waiting recharging the jump drive, then another jump out.  They would be going thru uninhabited systems to facilitate their shadow warfare.

"Jump in 2 minutes." came across the intercom again. Then reality changed as the jump drive engaged.  Except it had been too soon.  Reality twisted and bubbled.  A sense of a long journey took effect then reality slammed back into Corden.  This wasn't a standard jump.  What should have been seconds felt like minutes.

Coming to his senses, Corden pushed off the deck and floated to the door.  In the hall, no one was to be found.  It was like they had disappeared.  He made his way to the dropship airlock to the jumpship and proceeded onto the vessel.  What met him was venting atmosphere.  The jumpship looked like it had shifted in on itself by a fraction of an inch.  Sparks flew, lights flickered, alarms sounding off.  "Abandon ship."  There had been a misjump.

Quickly Corden affixed an emergency oxygen mask to himself, but it wouldn't last long as the void robbed the jumpship of its air.  Corden made for the bridge and found a greusome scene.  All the crew there were also shifted an inch allong their bodies.  Bisected by the misjump then reattached.  Like some horror movie, they floated in the air, their blood jetting out pushing them aloft.   Thinking quickly, Corden made for the onboard HPG station.  A rare device to be on jumpship.  It would send a message out in the same way the jumpship jumps from point to point.  He fired it up, recorded a quick may day message, then hit contineous send.  He was unsure how long it would go or even if the onboard fusion reactor would last.

Corden then made for the dropship.  Getting aboard, he sealed the door and hit the release levers.  The Union dropship started to drift away from the jumpship wreck.  Corden then made it for the dropship bridge.  No one was to be found.  None of his fellow manei domini.  No straggling crew.  No one but him.  By Blake what has happened to them?  Making it to the bridge, Corden interfaced with the onboard computer with his vehicle direct nueral interface VDNI to take control of the dropship.


Instrument panels blarred and corden concentrated on controlling the dropship's decent.  The vehicle link to his cybernetics was having a hard time controlling the semi damaged vessel ever since the misjump.  No one else had survived the transition to the other side.  It was only with blake's blessings that corden managed to make it to the dropship and hurtle out into the void.  Scans in the system indicated a habital planet and he had made his way there.  Only resting in small intervals, he had piloted the stricken dropship to the planet.  He would look at the other data later that was coming in, but the damaged dropship required his full attention, and now more than ever.

The surface of the planet was coming faster he would have liked.  He was a novice in training of this particular and should have paid more attention during his basic training on space flight.  But as with anything, The Master decreed cross platform experience and training was a must.  Corden now only cursed himself of his lack of foresight in the choosings of his time and now he might pay for it.

A valley seemed a good place to land based on the vector he was on.  It would give him a little bit more wiggle room and the mountains would other wise impale the Union dropshop.  The fusion drives bloomed and the Union slowed to a relative safe velocity before he engaged the landing legs.  With a crunch the Union landed and corden felt the impact.  Damage indicators signalled that one of the legs would never work again, but the engines remained intact.

Blinking his biological eye, he noticed blood had seeped into it.  corden didn't realize that his forehead was bleeding and he had felt no pain because of the pain shunt he had been gifted by.  Applying preasure to the wound, he managed to stop it in a few minutes.  Meanwhile his mind sifted thru the data that was gathered in transit in the system.  Seven planets, two possible habitable (he had choosen the 4th one), wreckage from another jumpship at the nadir point, lots of asteroids, and fluxing gravity wells flowed into his head.  The situation looked grim for Corden as he might be stranded but the jumpship wreckage had intrigued him.  From what he could gather, it was a primitive jumpship, 100s of years old.  Maybe before the star league.  In either case, there might be civilization here and he hoped he had chosen the right planet.

The next order of business was to inventory what he had.  Food and water he had plenty of as the number of people that had come on this venture were now in blake's embrace.  He had his invictus archangel Celestial mech stowed and it had survived just fine.  There was also an unconfigured Preta that he could use.  Some se'irim, nephilim, Tengu, and djinn battle armor were also aboard.  For weapons he was not lacking either.  Standard mauser 1200 laser rifles and also some Wraith standard kit.  Considering the nature of the situation Corden thought to take the wraith kit and rifle to scout out the area.

The one door that Corden estimated that wasn't damaged, creaked and exposed him to a daylight.  Fresh air hit him but it came with a strange musky smell.  He had landed in what looked to be a grassland valley.  Exiting the Union dropship, he put his palm on the doors and it slammed shut.  It would only ever open with his protocols and he set off to learn his surroundings.


4 days later.

He had circled the area, taking notes of the terrain, fauna, and flora.  At night he slept under the memetic cloak and heard unusual sounds.  His 2nd cybernetic eye made out large fauna that lived more out in the distance and towards the more forested mountainous area.  Corden decided that going in the other direction was more expediant as his gut feeling told him that they were predatory.  The Preta omnimech was now looking like a better option, but he pressed himself onwards.  He suspected if he made contact with any humans here that the sight of a mech might be too shocking.  Let alone his own blessings.

On the 5th day he had found a way out of the valley.  A small stone pebble gullet lead him to the other side of the mountains.  From there, Corden ascended a little onto one of the mountains so he could see furthur out.  He saw the forest went beyond and to the west was plains.  In the distance he could also make out what looked like a village.  Blake be blessed, he had choosen the correct planet.  However what took his immediate interest was a group of people heading towards the very mountain he was ont.  Clearly they would be coming to investigate the dropship.  However their intentions were undetermined and so he would have to observe them and try to figure them out.


Aaron sat near the fire that would need to be extinguished soon or the night haunts would easily locate them.  Their horses were well trained to lay still at night and not to make a noise.  Discipline was needed for expeditions out of the walls.  The council had determined that the landing of the egg needed to be investigated.  However with the proximity to the forest required stealth.  So here he was.  A guide to four others.  A child was brought as a good luck charm.  No more than 6 years old.  The child knew the importance in following instruction and remaining silent.  In fact, Ush might turn out to be a future guide depending on this excursion.  Guides were rare men on this world for the fear of the night kept many behind the walls.  None the less they would press on in the morning.

Conversation was brisk.  The usual banterings of what the egg might be.  The marriages that come the next season.  Gossip.   Etc.  Aaron then put out the fire and rested.  He was about to fall asleep when something felt amise.  The usual feeling of a night terror stalking by was not there, but something was making his hair stand up.  Slowly he pulled out his blade and stalked into the night.  He had only killed a night terror once and it was a baby at best.  Seven foot tall and soft skin fresh from the shell.  He had kept a momemto of that beast and that was his blade fashioned from its claws.  Able to part flesh and some metals with magical ease.

Pressing on with his own senses, he listened more than looked.  The stars and two moons were not bright tonight so he had too be extra careful.  Sensing a disturbance about 100 feet from him, he slowly moved in that direction...


Corden watched this Aaron slowly approaching his position.  The memetic cloak concealed him well, but every time he shifted, Aaron would change direction.  An inevitiablity was approaching and Corden would have to either run or act.  It was not a decision that he would have liked to make as his hand would be forced.  Corden's true eye eye picked up movement to his right that he thought had been a boulder.  He was dead wrong.  One of the night fauna had been resting outside the forest...


Aaron knew that the thing he sensed was close.  It moved slightly here or there and he corrected his path every time.  The sense of being watched was full on and he knew he would find it soon.  Concentrating on his quandry he only then realized that it was too late for him on what happened next.  The sudden shift of air was familiar to him.  A night haunt stirred and was moving towards him.  Aaron hoped that his death would save the others from this things hunger.  He prepared himself for death and raised his sword...


Corden couldn't believe the speed at which the beast moved.  In a split second he made a choice.  He furled back his cloak, went to a knee, raised his rifle, and engaged his true eye's laser site.  He aimed for the beast's eye and set the laser rifle for a maximum power pulse burst.  The night's silence was broken with a CRACK CRACK CRACK then a thud as the beast's brain boiled and its body collapsed five feet away from Aaron.  Corden then got up and started approaching the mass of the creature all the while a dumb stuck Aaron starred in surprise.   corden looked at the creature and for good measure he pulled the trigger again.  Another cRACK sounded as he put a bolt of light inbetween the eyes to make sure it was dead.  Only then did he turn to Aaron and spoke in a whisper.

"I am Corden and you should not have left the safety of your camp."

"I... I... I am Aaron the guide stranger named Corden.  I have never heard of that name nor seen such magic wielded ever.  I owe you my life."

"What you have seen we will discuss in the morning.  For now, go back to camp, I will watch over you as you sleep.  You will have jitters from the adrenaline and stress.  I have wanted to meet you, but under less dangerous circumstances."

Aaron said no more, he made his way back to camp with the stranger following him.  What had he just experienced?  A man weilding magic just saved his life and just after the egg dropped from the sky.  One of his eyes or what he thought was an eye in the middle of this night had glowed red.  That unneverd him.  Despite that he sensed no malice from this man, and as a guide, he went with his gut.  Aaron lied down to try and calm himself to sleep.  He looked in the direction of the stranger Corden.  The man threw his arm around himself and he just disappeared.  Aaron knew he was still there, but had just winked out.  Aaron might have gotten two hours of sleep before the sun rose in the morning.


Morning came and a fire was started already.  Rubbing his eyes, Aaron thought he had a dream.  The carcass about 150 feet out from the camp proved otherwise.  Aaron knew that Corden would be near and thus hoped corden would wait to reveal himself.

"Brett, Mike, Ush, and Carol I need to speak with you.  Gather around the fire."

All members of the group met up and sat.  Aaron explained how last night went with the stranger that had saved his life and likely the party.  It was at that time he called out Corden to reveal himself.  Unmistakable foot steps started to come into the camp.  Everyone but Aaron was unnerved by the sudden appearance of a hooded red robed figure with a invisible cloak hanging from his back.  In his arms was the magical rifle of some sort.  Only the nobility had rifles and black powder at best.  His one eye that had glowed last night was unmistakable now.  From what he could tell, metal covered the man's right eye.  He had no hair as the upper forehead was also sheathed in metal allong with his hands.  What sort of armor did this magician have?

"Greetings travelers.  I am Phantom Adept Tau Corden of The Word of Blake."

Aaron thought, the Word...  He almost sounded like a priest by the pronoucement.

"So Corden the stanger.  Are you a magician or a priest."

"I am neither.  But I see why you would consider me a magician and/or a priest.  I walk the path of human enlightenment and speak for the word set down by the blessed Blake.  As for being a magician, there is a saying.  Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.  I assure you Aaaron, that what you saw last night and what you see before you is not magic, but technology made by mankind's own hand.  Anyone saying otherwise is a heretic."

That was a shocking response to Aaron.  Most magicians were tricksters and hustlers.  Some had shown Aaron the truth of some of the tricks they did.  He had seen some things made by some of the artisans in other towns.  But nothing ever of this sort of... technology... had existed for centuries.  There were legends of their origin.  Talk of flying in the sky and the stars.  Truly the legends were real?   Was this proof that his order had been waiting for?  Aaron had to press.

"The egg from the sky?  Was that your's"

"The egg from the sky?...  Ah, that." Corden thought. "Yes I am from that object.  It is called an dropship.  I arrived on it, but it is now damaged.  A catastrophe happened and everyone but me survived.  I had to travel a great distance to arrive here.  I must ask you now, how did mankind come to live here on this planet?"

Aaron was starting to get into territory that only the guides knew.  Most other people did not know of the past and the legends.  The order of the guides kept knowledge to themselves and awaited for the day they might encounter their bretheren again.  He couldn't talk in front of the others at this time.

"I do not know nor what you speak of.  It might be possible to find more info in town.  But this ship of yours?  It can fly or does it just simply drop?"

Corden laughed.  "It is just an euphemism.  The dropship can indeed ascend and descend from the sky.  The only problem is that I fear is that if it takes off that it will not survive another trip dropping.  HA HA!!!"

The group chuckled at the little quip.  Next before anyone could say anything, the child ush approached Corden.

"Excuse me sir, what is wrong with your eye?  It glows red and it scares me."

"Be not afraid my child."  Corden pointed to his eye.  'My right eye has been replaced by metal and crystal in order to see the world at night and see things others can not."

"It looks like it hurts sir."

"You are correct, it does, hurt sometimes.  It is the price I paid to extract the sin from my flesh.  However it is a blessing for people in my order to be marked thus."

Now Aaron was getting a little uncomfortable with corden.  Strange talk of technology, replacement of his eye, and there was more that Ush started to ask.

"Sir, your hands?  Are they replaced too or is that armor you wear?"

Corden unvoluntarily looked at his hand and flexed the myomer.  "Yes, they were replaced by metal.  I was severly injured and was inducted into the order named manei domini.  I serve them now due to these injuries by having proved my worth and my damaged body replaced with metal and myomer."

Carol the Medic spoke up next.  "So how much your body has been replaced?  No one I know has existed like this!"

"You forget what I said.  Technology rote by mankinds hand exists and I am proof of that.  I suspect that no one here can accomplish the same skill fashioning what I have in me and around me.  As far how much of me is metal, a significant amount to that level of craftsmanship."

Ush the child tugged on Cordens sleeve.  "May I feel your metal?"

"I don't see why not."

Ush reached up and touched the metal hand of corden.  It was cold and smooth.  Next he tried to touch Cordens face but he was too tall.  Sensing the little ones curosity he took a knee.  The child went to touch his head and felt the skull cap on his head.  Then he made to touch his eye but hestitated.  Corden nodded and the child touched his eye.  Moving his finger on his eye, Ush felt the cystal was unusually warm.  He then moved his finger in a circling motion and it made squeaking noises as he went around and around.  Ush started giggling and corden couldn't help but chuckle.

"Ok, that is enough ush."  Corden said as he stood back up.  He took his sleeve and wiped off the fingerpints and grime the child had left behind.

Aaron spoke up next.  "I think that is enough for now.  What and where are you going?"

"Well, I was heading towards what i assume is your town.  But I ran into you guys and I had to also assume you were heading towards the valley to investige the dropship.  I will tell you now that the dropship is not going anywhere any time soon and no one may enter but me for now.  Before you even consider going there.  I spent 4 to 5 days in that valley and there was alot of the what you are calling the night haunts.  You five wouldn't last a night in there.  Thankfully I was blessed with technology to make the journey out.  I intend to make my way to your town now.  What you five decide to do is your own fate.  I will leave for a few and come back to see where you will now go.  I would like to have your company as you know who I am and seen what has transpired.  And I could use some company."

With that Corden turned and left.  He did not use the mimetic cloak this time and remained a distance away.  He decided to examine the carcass he created last night more in depth.


By the time Corden came back, the party had decided to head back.  The dropship if it was believed what Corden said, wasn't going anywhere.  As a guide, Aaron had been trained in the nuisances in speech and inflection of deception.  In fact this Corden had been vehemently truthful according to a guide's training.  That had given him hope that the guide's long promise was close to fulfillment.  For now he had to wait until he could talk to Corden alone and away from other prying eyes and ears.

Over a three days time of travel much conversation was extended.  Some of what the Word of Blake was about and the nature of technology.  The other hand of information exchange was the nature of this planet which Corden came to know as Turbline.  Also that humans have been on this planet for about 50 generations.  By some quick math, Corden estimated that was about 800 years.  About the mid time primitive jumpships were being used extensively.  There was likely some written down information or even oral traditional history of the people's origin, but no one here seemed to know the full story.  Corden hoped he would learn more as time went on.

They eventually made it to the town that he had seen.  It was called Baltmare.  It had stone walls that extended 15 meters high that were designed to keep night haunts out.  But even these Corden would learn wouldn't fully stop one of the creatures.  Sometimes a big one would be able to push past or even get over the ramparts where it turned into a complete massarce until the defenders fought off the creature or everyone hid in cellars.  The cellars was by far the most effective as it would get hungry and move on.

They had to line up outside while waiting for other travelers from the neighboring settlements presented their reasons for visit and their manifests.  Those who had a guide were always allowed thru without being bothered due to what the guides represented.  But they still had to wait in line nonetheless.  Corden's appearance in one of these lines would send wild fire gossip through out Baltmare.  People would line the walls to gain a glimpse of the metal man.  It became enough of a ruckus that extra guards had to be posted.  Corden noted that these individuals wore chainmail and weilded medevil styled weapons.  For man to have come so far to come so low appalled Corden.  Mankinds birth right had been stripped by this world or some other machination.  Sure, he knew the Word of Blake sought to control mankinds technology, but this?!  This was too far.  He was beginning to believe that a new path presented by Blake was upon him and it was no sheer accident that the misjump occured.

As they approached the gate, Corden told Aaron that he would enter on his own accord and without the guide's advantage.  A guard approached him nervously.

"Welcome to Baltmare.  What is your purpose here... uh... metal man?"

"I am Phantom Adept Tau Corden of the Word of Blake.  I am here to learn about this settlement and other knowledge of which I am limited on."

"Corden, you are from where then?"

"Jardine would be my home.  However I have traveled far from there and am currently stuck here."

"Stuck, what do you mean?"

"My ship was cast adrift and I had to land here in the valley behind the mountains."

The guard was starting to put 2 and 2 together.  He remembered seeing the egg dropping from the sky on fire trails.  He would have thought this man insane and had him barred and chained.  However these times were uncertain and he wanted to keep a cool head.  The red glaring eye was starting to make him panic.  He then recognized Aaron the guide smiling allong with his party behind the metal man.  Aaron just waved.  No mere coincedences then, he must be telling the truth.

"Fine, I will take your story at face value because of the company you keep.  Now I must ask about your slung... weapon?"

"You are correct."

"We ask that weapons be kept slung, sheathed, or otherwise empty while in the town.  We do recognize the need for weapons when a call comes for everyone to man the walls, but we discourage their use in disputes.  Self defense is another matter."

"I understand."  Corden then pulled the power pack from his laser rifle.  It made a slight whining down noise as he placed the power cell in one of his pockets.

"Because of the unusual cirumstances here, a guard will be posted to you.  He will keep you in your place and any others in theirs.  As you can see the rucuss that you have created just being here.  Tim the guard!  Come hither!"

With that Janus walked off and into a guard shack with shaking knees.  He then sat and pulled out a wine skin and took a long draught...


The next 6 hours were spent walking around town with a mob in tow.  People shouted questions, gawked at him, smiled at him, squeaked when they saw him, all manner of reactions.  The most being curosity.  Sometimes he would awnser a question.  Other times he ignored them.  The rations he had were still extensive, but it was time to sample the local variety.  Aaron and his party had departed his company so he was left with Tim the guard to guide him to a local establishment.  A tavern of all places.  Inside he asked what they had to eat and the fake smiling waitress gave him a run down.  Horse meat was the most common item on the menu followed by vegetables.  Of those vegetables, alot were familiar from other worlds.  So mankind had managed to keep some home grown stock going on Turbline.  Rather than risk a negative reaction with native vegs, Corden went with the horse and beans.  A rather filling dish as he engaged Tim in conversation.

From him he learned that horse was the staple thru out the lands.  The majority were bred to be silent during night time and any that didn't be quiet were quickly put down and put into the pot.  Others were bred to the opposite end of the spectrum where they would make all kinds of noise and act as guard animals on the walls.  Any time a night haunt would near the walls, their neighing would alert everyone.  No other fauna was utilized as every creature on Turbline was hyper aggressive and attacked humans.  Even the herbivoires.

Corden had formed a plan and it was boredom.  He remained at the tavern until night time.  As night came, people dispursed as their quandry and curosity became an absolute bore.  Go see the metal man they said.  Seeing him was one thing, but just talking to a guard about boring topics was another.  It was when the mob was gone and insects made their noises did Corden make to find a place to rest for the night.

"Why don't you stay at my place" Tim the guard asked?

"Why should I?  I have been nothing but a burden on you all day?"

"You haven't.  I get to talk to the metal man and drink here." Tim sloshed his tankard full of ale.  "Besides, ever since my wife died, I have had an empty room since."

"I am sorry to hear that Tim, if I am intruding, how did she go?"

"Night haunt got over the wall.  It was one of the smaller ones with extra arms.  Came into my home and... and..."

"Enough, there is no more reason to go over this.  Let us depart"

Tim's abode wasn't too far.  A simple four room hovel.  He took Tim's dead wife's room and slept the deepest sleep he had in a long time.  It allowed the cybernetics that needed to recharge off his body to do so.  Waking up in the morning, Corden internally checked himself thru the various cybernetic interfacese.  99% power.  He thanked Blake for his rest and had an idea.  During the journey to Baltmare, he had asked Aaron about the religion on the planet.  Apparently there was a place called the Keep of the Faiths where various denominations existed.  Corden did not press at that time because Blake's word might distrupt and confound Corden's investigation.  Stretching what biological musucles he had left, Corden asked Tim to take him to this Keep of the Faiths.


It was a simple place.  A few pews centered around an empty altar.  There were different schedules posted to when worshipers could come to what ever service they wished to attend.  Some how, a majority of Terra's faith had found its way here.  Judism, Muslim, Catholic, Lutheran, Hindu, and a few other unknowns to him.  The place was designed for anyone to enter and explore.  Corden walked the side halls and looked at the different tapestries.  Each one showed some particular aspect of each religion perserved here.  What intrigued Corden the most was the Hall of Faiths.  Inside there, each religion had a section dedicated to the vestiments and symbols of that particular religion.  Some articles were immaculate, showing their continued use.  Others were so dust covered, it was like those religions had completly died off.  Mainly the different protestant religions that had existed over the centuries.  There were a few other Asiatic religions that also bore the dust of decades.  Other alcoves were empty.  Either cleared out or were planned Corden thought.

Starring at one of these empty alcoves, Corden reached into his robe and took out one of extra icons of the Word of Blake that he had taken from the dead on the jumpship.  He hung it on one of the hooks that were mounted on the wall.  Down the hall was some incense he saw on a table.  He took it and went back to the alcove.  He then lit it with the various candles that lined the hall.  He then got down on his knees and started to pray.  He prayed for the dead.  He prayed for guidance.  He prayed for himself.  He was there for a few hours before someone noticed him.

"What are you doing child." came a voice behind him.

"I am praying to Blake for guidance and understanding of my place here."

"Everyone has a choice to make in this world.  I have seen many people come and pray to one god to only switch over to another.  Some will find peace, others contrition.  I am James, the Keeper of the Faiths.  Facilitator of this repository and acting priest of all the religions.   I have not heard of this Blake."

"You would not know of him."  Corden stood and turned around.  James appeared slightly surprised but smiled upon recognition of who stood in front of him.

"Oh, I think I know why now.  Rumors speak much of you.  Corden the blake, the metal man, Corden the magician, Corden the etc etc.  You have many names here."

"I do not like it.  My name is Phantom Adept Tau Corden of the Word of Blake."

"So that is who you truly are.  Corden of the Word.  Corden of the Blake.  So many titles.  You follow our naming conventions to a degree."

"So I have noticed."

"Tell me more of this Blake.  What and where did he come from."

"Blake is the saint of my order.  He was from Terra.  Detriot, Michigan to be exact.  He predicted of clamity of which mankind would experience and regress in technology.  He preached that the Lords of inner sphere would destroy all around them and he saw to it that we safe guard man and technology.  That is what the Word of blake is in a nutshell."

"So blake is not a god then?"

"Correct, he was a man given vision.  By what or whom has been a debate for 200+ years."

"So he is like budda?"

"One could consider this a small blasphemy, but the comparison is certainly close.  I would like to dedicate this alcove to blake if you don't mind."

"I am Keeper of the Faiths.  All faiths are welcome here as set down by the articles of religion.  Your's is new and unusual, but we have budda around here some where.  I do not see why Blake can not remain in this hall as long as it doesn't subsume any others in hostilty."

"Then the peace of Blake be upon you James, Keeper of the Faiths."

Corden then set down a copy of Word of blake on the vestment alcove.  He would be able to get more copies from the dropship in time.

"Read what the blessed blake has said and wrote.  I would like to see and attend a service dedicated to him.  Maybe others will understand who I am and also my proper name."

"It will take some time to read this book, but it is smaller compared to some of the others I have had to read by candle light."  James chuckled.

"Read it and ask any questions you might.  I plan to be around here for a few weeks before visiting other towns if the opportunity allows.  I am staying at Tim the guard's place."

"I know who you speak of.  He has been here many times.  He hasn't found solice since his wife was killed."

"Maybe he will with a possible new option.  I must go now.  Farewell." 


  • Captain
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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #1 on: 23 April 2024, 01:21:10 »
Looks interesting, a Manei Domini stranded on a death world with cut off technologically regressed population.

One nitpick though, Blakists didn't call their struggle jihad, their enemies did.
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Corporal
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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #2 on: 25 April 2024, 09:08:17 »
Nitpick noted and valid.  I am not sure what wob called it other than 3rd transfer.  If I get an actual name and go thru edits again, will make the change.


  • Major
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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #3 on: 27 April 2024, 11:19:03 »
I like this...  Cordon not a Kill crazy mad man/machine
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #4 on: 28 April 2024, 21:08:02 »
Keep this in mind as anyone reads this.  Some suspension of disbelief might be needed?  I am not sure.  I tried to stick to a semi grounded construct while writing this.  I now get how hard it takes a writer to make a story and even one that has multiple chapters.  I give hats off to the professionals who hammer out something in a novel.


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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #5 on: 28 April 2024, 21:08:44 »

The next few weeks Corden spent time amoung the locals.  Always some kind of small mob would follow him around to much of his annoyance.  He suspected that in time, as he became a normal sight amougst the populace, that they would leave him alone.  One concern was how he would acquire currency and that might involve a job of some kind.  Not being in the order supported by tithes, donations, HPG fees, and mercintile profits left him pretty much destitute.

One thing he did have over others were stories, strength, and his blessed abilities.  The stories he could tell might be too soon to be told.  He would rather keep some mysteries to himself.  So he inquired with Tim the guard.  Naturally they accepted him to do night watches because of his ability to see at night.  It was pretty mundane to him but absolutely amazing to the others.  Any criminals were confounded by his ability to pick up on them sneaking around.  Corden would just report who and what he saw and the authorities took care of it.

The one shift that interested him was up on the walls.  He could see a good distance out and it helped keep an eye on the night haunts.  The walls had wooden scaffalding at the top and every foot or so a spear stuck out.  On the end of those spears were various claws and teeth from the night haunts themselves.  An improvised barbed wire.  Sometimes they would approach the walls and the horses would sound off in low neighs.  If they decided to test the walls, wich pretty much was always, they got rock or two as an awnser.  Archers were also around that had arrows with teeth tipped arrows.  They were only used when an alarm went out.

Tim had pointed out one particular section of the wall that had been breeched a year ago, the one that cost him his wife.  Extra battlements had been installed because of that one.  The size of the thing was small and snuck thru.  It had made short work of the bulwarks and made it into town.  It had its fill and had left.  They hadn't seen that one in awhile, but it had distinct marks on it to the point that an artist had drawn a few pictures of it.  A reward was posted for the killing of the thing.  No one was that suicidal enough to hunt such a thing.  But there were also other pictures drawn up of other haunts that had killed people.  Each night haunt was differnt from the others.  Corden had an idea to go hunting for a few of the smaller ones on these lists.  The teeth, claws, and spines alone would fetch a price.

Meanwhile the guild of guides had put out envoys and invitations for a decisive meeting.  They needed to plan it correctly in order to not get the attention of the nobles.  The plan was simple.  Host a festival where Corden was taking his time at and it would give the guides and excuse to escort people there.  By their estimation, 85% of the guides would be able to make it...


Corden had set out three weeks later to try his hand at hunting night haunts.  He wanted to get use to them and their behaviors.  What he learned is that each one never behaved the same nor looked the same.  Just that their aggression was the consistant factor.

The memetic cloak came in handy in observing the ones he could.  Always from a distance.  He also learned that they could control their internal tempature to the point where his true eye wouldn't pick up on them at a cursory glance.  That would explain why he never saw the first one that had tried to kill Aaron.

On the fifth day of observation and hunting.  Corden decided to do an actual hunt.  After leaving Baltmare, Corden pushed out furthur from town.  He hiked the distance at night and slept during the day.  Three nights out he actively hunted for one.  Problem was, the ones furthur out were bigger.  Not the juvenile ones he was use to seeing.  Corden wasn't sure how the mauser 1200 would work on these, but there was only one way to find out.

Corden had taken a position on a hill over looking one of the plains.  One night haunt had caught his attention.  It was thankfully the only one around.  The distance was 180 meters and Corden sighted between the eyes.  The pulse burst would cause the beast pain and it would hopefully respond to it and cause its eyes to be stricken.  Corden held his breath, released his breath, and pulled the trigger on full auto.

Laser pulse bursts lit up the night.  The night haunt naturally responded to the burning pain on top of its head by shaking it.  That cost it its sight.  Eyes popped and boiled off and the night haunt screached in rage.  It snapped and bit in what it perceived the direction the pain had come.

Corden simply waited a time for the thing to wear itself out.  It had an unnatural ability to just keep going much to his annoyance.  Hours went by as the thing thrashed around snapping and biting.  It eventually just collapsed out of sheer exhaustion.  That is when Corden got up and slowly made his way to the blinded beast.

Corden made it about 30 meters away when it actively took in his scent.  It tried to move, but simply was out of energy.  Corden kept his distance and looked over the night haunt.  The leathery skin had resisted his burst entirely.  It was only the exposed soft parts that had not survived.  It was time to put this thing out of its misery.

Corden ejected the power cell and put in a fresh one.  The grenade launcher would be too much and he wanted this one intact.  He dialed the power to maximum and aimed for one of the gaping eye holes.  CRACK!  The night haunt convulsed and seized.  Corden waited and went around at a different angle, took aim, and fired again to be sure the brain had been fried. No reaction had come this time.

Approaching the beast, Corden kicked it a few times.  Only when he was certain it was dead did he take out a night haunt dagger that he had acquired.  With it he flensed away the spines and claws with ease.  It was the mouth that he took deadly care with.  A rigor mortis spasm of flesh not knowing it was dead yet could cause the body to shift.  With that many dagger like teeth, Corden did NOT want to be near it if that happened.  It took a few hours of care and day light was coming.  He had a night haunt leather sack full of his spoils by the mid day.  He even cut a few meters of leather at the thickest points and rolled them up.  Then he made back to town.


Three days later he walked in thru one of the gates, stated his business, showed the spoils, and was quickly shown to the bounty table.  The sack of coins he left with would have weighed down a frail easily.  But with his blessed arms and legs, he carried it as if it were a lunch sack.  The bounty on the size of what he had killed was enormous.  The teeth and claws alone proved how big the thing had been.  So, with his wealth, Corden made out to the Keep of Faiths.

As he walked in Tim the Keeper of the Faiths was preaching.  The man was on fire, he was thumping a bible at this particular instance.  Corden guessed it was a baptist service and was playing the part well.  Considering the man preached for every religion here that he had skills that involved oratory and acting.  Corden went his way to the to the Hall of Faiths and stumbled upon Tim the guard.  He was in front of the alcove that Corden had set down the Word of Blake.  The man was reading it.

"Do you have any questions Tim."

"Yes and no.  This book is unusual.  I have read a lot since my wife died.  I have tried to find awnsers some where in God, Allah, hell even Budda, but I am always left empty.  Wondering.  Nothing here seems to hold sway over me.  But this, is different.  Your Blake speaks of preserving something I have no idea what that is.  Technology.  I have heard this word before, but never seen it."

"Yes you have, look at me.  Look at my rifle.  These are some examples of what Blake speaks of.  Truthfully, I am a product of war, but there is more than just this.  Some day I hope you will understand.  But for now, I have a debt to settle with you."

Corden opened the bag and took a handful of coins and placed them in Tim's hand.  Gold spilled out and hit the floor because he couldn't hold it all.  The fortune he had just given this man would be able to buy a new home.  A place for him to move away from his past hurts and forge a new future.

"How, how can I thank you!"

"Do not thank me.  Send your thanks to Blake.  If it wasn't for him, I would not be here.  My blessed abilities would not be here.  I would not have killed something that might kill more of us.  use this to buy a new home.  Move on from the past that keeps you bogged down Tim.  I have heard you cry out at night in your sleep.  You are a good man and should find someone else.  You have sheltered me where no one might have.  I thank you for this and this is my way of doing so.  We can speak again, but I think you might want to contemplate some."

Corden then put more coins into a dish that was in the alcove.  The tithe to Blake from the fortune he had just earned.  He was a warrior but also lived a monk's existance.  Money and posessions were not a thing for those who were Manei Domini, they lived past that.  They lived and fought for humanity.  Money was just a tool to accomplish Blake's will and so by extension, Corden blessed those that helped Blake's choosen.

He then turned and went to leave the Keep of Faiths.  Corden did note that there were services to be dedicated to Blake, he would have to attend a few.  He made his way thru the city.  He wanted to pay Aaron the guide next, but there was absolutely no sign of him...


Bert the nobel of Baltmare threw his goblet against the wall.

"How much did we pay and whom?!"

"Umm, almost the entire treasury sire.  The ransom went to Corden...  Corden of the Word of Blake?  Who is this?"  Said the accountant.

It was always a group of people that would kill this kind of night haunt.  Per the guards the size of the creature was huge.  Normally someone would ask for a favor on this type of kill, land, or even a special arrangement.  But never the bounty.  He was almost bankrupt and how would he pay the guards next month.  No, it was time to deal with the problem.

"I know who he is.  Leave me."

The accountant took his papers and left.  Only then did Bert get up and lock the door.  Then he went to a hidden safe and pulled out an ancient device.  He hooked up a pedal system to a box and pulled out a microphone.  The thing was a radio.  He would be able to record a message and send it to the other nobles.  Already this Corden had been stirring up trouble.  Mobs followed him, his spies and contacts had been disrupted, and his damned book was fomenting the population.  He would report on the treason and disruption he was causing, but dared not report his financial situation.  Another nobel could easily take him out or over.  After he recorded the message, he hit the transmit button where other nobles would receive the message on solar powered receiver boxes.  Responses came quickly and with pledges of support of action...


Aaron slammed the gavel down on the podium.  The gathering of the guides had been hasty.  Most of the guides in neighboring towns had come at once with the emergency protocol.  The start of the fair had been a great cover.

"I am telling you we have finally been connected to our breatheren again.  This Corden is odd, he espouses religion in technology, but his actions show he has no malice.  He is almost like us.  He guards his knowledge like we guard ours.  He claims his ship is damaged, but with the preperations we have bore over the centuries, it might be possible to repair it."

Tylor the guide stood up and voiced his concerns.  "The tomes speak of how we can rebuild.  However the nobles will try to stop any kind of progress.  They have an iron grip amoungst the population.  It is by sheer luck we have not been betrayed from within over the centuries.  Already there are murmors of the nobles seeking a solution to the Corden problem as they call it."

John the guide voiced out.  "Have you heard or read anything from this Word of Blake book that he put in at the Keep of the Faith?  It talks about Successor Lords destroying some kind of inner sphere and the lose of technology.  It also talks about safe guarding technology by the hand of comstar.  What ever THAT is.  The nobles will see a correlary with what they do and see him as an upstart.  You know what they do to people that speak out against them.  This Corden doesn't realize the fire storm he is unleashing with the nobles!"

"Then we must defend him!"  Cried out a guide.  'We must warn him!"  cried out another!  "Bring him into the fold!"

The room exploded in argurment.  By the end of the night, it had been decided that Corden would be warned about the danger he would be facing.  They also decided to let Corden in on what the Guild of Guides was about.  A hope to return to the heavens, a hope to return to humanity, a hope to return to home!  Terra.


An assassin was already on the move.  This metal man was predictable in his movements.  He would spend time at a tavern talking to random people about this blake book of his and praying at the Keep of the Faith.  It mattered not to the assassin.  He was being paid hansomly and could easily retire after this hit.  He elected to go with a night terror tooth dagger.  It would slip thru any metal known to him and it was perfect for the job at hand.

The assassin waited until night fall because people would start going home for bed.  The metal man always stayed late.  There were maybe ten people in the tavern when the assassin decided to move.  Approaching the metal man from the side, he estimated the best angle to hit him was the back.  A simple side thrust just to the left of the shoulder blade would pierce his heart.  He struck with his strong arm and made true with his strike.  Except something felt completely wrong when the dagger landed.  It didn't go all the way in!

Corden registered some pain in what would be have been excruitating if not for his pain shunt.  He whipped around and found a dumb struck man that clearly had tried to stab him.  Without hestitation, Corden seized the man by the throat.

"You dare assail one of Blake's Chosen frail!"

The assassin was choking suspended in the air.  He tried to move the fingers seizing him, but they would not budge.  Quickly he reached into his cloak to grab another dagger.  This one was also made from a night terror, but instead of a spine.  Long and thin as a stilleto, he made to aim for an eye.  Instead Corden caught the hand and squeezed.  Fingers pulped and separated from the assassins hand as myomer bound cybernetics crushed down.  Corden released the grip of his other hand so this man could breath again.  Instead of drawing breath, a scream of pain filled the tavern.

The assassin realized the jig was up.  There was no going back now.  He faced death if given over to the authorties.  The nobles would make sure of that.  Painfully sure.  So with no other option left he crunched down on a glass pill he had secreted in his mouth earlier.  He would die fairly quickly, without pain, in a hallucinogenic dream of what would have been his retirement.

Corden heard the crunch and already knew what was going to happen.  With a humph he dropped the dying man to the ground and reached for his back.  A blade was imbedded into his armored torso.  Pulling the blade out, he saw there was blood.  Enough to draw concern.  The dagger surprised him.  It appeared to be a tooth of some sort.  It should have never have pierced him as his armored rib cage used the equivelant of a mechs armor.

Commotion was bringing in the guard at the same time Aaron stepped into the tavern looking for Corden.  He saw the writhing smiling assassin and Corden with a night haunts dagger.  His hands had blood on them.

"What happened?!"

"I was stabbed in the back by this filth.  I am bleeding but I don't know how bad it is."

Aaron went to look.  He pulled down Cordens hood and he was confounded with what he saw.  Metal for skin that weeped blood.  He couldn't do anything.  He looked to the tavern owner.

"I am taking Corden of the Word to Carol the medic.  He needs attention now."

Aaron rushed Corden out.  Blood was coming out and staining Corden's red robe.  He would bleed out if it wasn't stopped.  corden was able to follow and to help, Aaron took Corden's las rifle up.  After 15 minutes they arrived at Carol's place and banged on the door.  They were rushed in once she saw who it was and what was going on.  corden disrobed without a thought at carol's command.  What both of the natives saw truly shocked them once they got to see who corden was like in the metal.  Corden laid on his stomach as carol went to see what she could do.  There was no blood in his lungs.  From what Carol could tell from the wound, compared to the dagger, that it had not reached his heart.  It probably niched a major vessel or a combination of veins.

"Do what you must Carol.  I can endure pain that others would black out from."

"How... never mind.  More of your metal magicianry."  Carol retorted.

She dug at the wound, but there was no way to assertain the damage due to the armored torso.  Then she got an idea.

"I need to use the dagger to cut away at your metal to get inside you."

"Do it."

Carol took the night haunt dagger and then used it to flense pieces away from Corden.  It was hard to do as the dagger would slip off the blood that oozed out and the metal was tough, but she was able to slowly open the hole enough to peer inside.  She took thread and started to bind the few viens she saw.  After awhile the bleeding stopped.  She then applied honey in the wound and packed it with sterile linen.

"I am not sure how this will heal.  It will likely form scar tissue."

"Thank you Carol"  Corden made to stand up and started to feel wousey.  He sat down on a chair and it creaked under his weight.

Both Aaron and carol starred and took in what Corden really truly looked like below the robes.  Both his arms and legs completely replaced.  Even his hips, chest, shoulder, and parts of his neck were encased in metal and myomer.  The true horror set in what Corden was and Aaron felt a sort of pity while carol felt disgust.  What ever was left of his skin on his back and chest were hard scars from 2nd degree burns.  Carol did note that corden was still a fully funcational male.

"You have to tell me more why you are as you are Corden" Aaron said.

"I will some day.  I.. just need... to..."  Corden passed out and clanked onto the ground.

It took both Aaron and Carol to drag corden to a bed and hoist him up on it.  The town guard eventually arrived and took the night haunt dagger.  They also instructed both of them to tell Corden that he was cleared of any wrong doing due to the testimony of multiple witnesses.  Aaron would stay day and night while Corden slept and recovered.  Carol would clean his robes and clean the dagger wound that Corden would eventually thank her for doing.

It was on the third day when Carol was gone that Aaron told corden that the guild of guides wanted to meet him.  He filled Corden in on what the guides were really about.  The hardships that the towns endured under the nobility and the night haunts.  It was here that Corden would also ask about the night haunts and their role.

The night haunts were a species that constantly changed every breeding year.  No form was constant.  They were omnivores that constantly evolved and mutated.  The one thing that didn't change was their savagery and their ability to part metal with the talons, teeth, and spines.  They were truly feared and corden felt stupid not asking about them more in depth.  He had seen the large forms in the valley, from the mountain tops, and the one he had dispatched meeting Aaron.  He learned that their skin was resistant to metal blades.  It took the first survivors to learn that their talons and crushing rocks dealt with them effectively.  The night haunts truly had fassioned humanity into what it was today on Turbline.  First they had to survice in cave networks that only they could fit in and come out during the day to build walls then eventually homes.  It was during this time that the nobility started to form.  Only focused on survival, they ruled with an iron hand.  Leaving the past relics and ruins from their ships.  The guides were the technicians from that time who saw the need to keep records and thus did in secret.  In time the nobility would forget about the caves over the generations and the guides used the caves for their purpose.  All the first towns constructed were connected to these caves.  It was the towns furthur out that were not in the network. That night Aaron guided Corden to the hidden caves that ran below the towns.


The fair was going very well to refresh the treasury.  Bert the noble estimated that he might be able to make the guard payments next month.  Deciding to attend and mix with the lower class would make him look good.  So he took to throwing balls at cups.  He was close to the grand prize when an informant came up to him and whispered in his ear then made off.  Bert's blood boiled and he threw the ball and missed.  He had to get back to his tower, but not hastily.  THere were too many eyes.  He made off to some games and then out of the fair.

He would get a refund from the assassins guild for their failure.  They however would not take a second contract as that would be favorism and they preferred to have a nuetral stance.  In fact it would come back to him with interest.  He knew who he needed to contact next, but the price.  It would be heavy.  It would cost him all the gold, some night haunt pieces, and bodies.  Warm bodies.  He shivered as he entered his tower and went to get his radio again.  What he didn't know is he had damned them all.


Corden was amazed at what he saw in the caves.  Books upon books of technical manuals.  All hand scribed to be saved for the ages.  Some pieces of technology had also been preserved.  Then he made it to the store rooms.  Through the centuries, the guild of guides had collected raw materials in case of humanities return.  Gold, silver, copper, aluminum, etc, etc, lined the vaults.  What took away his breath was the germanium.  The very blood of K-F drive jumpship technology.  The planet was a literal oasis rife with it.  The guides had collected it all in their payments of doing what they did best.  Travel between the towns.

He met the guides who informed him of their history.  The plan to kill him and the tyranny of the nobles.  For the first time in a long time, Corden's blood boiled with fanaticism and zeolotry.  His path was clear and he had been choosen.  He quickly got up and approached the podium surprising the guides.

"There is a saying that Jerome Blake said.  'Those who fight to preserve technology and knowledge are the grandest crusaders of all.'  You, the guild of guides are practically like the order that came before the Word of Blake, Comstar.  They maintained the technology of man while the successor Lords of the Inner Sphere plotted against each other and dragged mankind towards ruin.  Here the same thing repeats, but instead they plot with each other.  They have treaded for the last time and have declared war against mankind.  For I am Phantom Adept Tau Corden of the Word of Blake, manie domini, and I will rid Turbline of the nobles and night haunts!  I will return to the dropship and what is there will bring cleansing.  Aaron, you are welcome to come if you wish and a few others."

With that, Corden stepped down from the podium to speechless guides.  He left the room to let them discuss what he was going to do.  The conclusion was there was nothing they could do to stop him.  If they did, the gate to the stars would be closed.  Instead Aaron agreed to go allong with four others.  Some how they would try to temper Corden.

They left in the middle of the night without anyone noticing because Tim the guard let him out thru a trusted gate.  It would take them three days to get to the mountains, then 1 day thru the pass, then another 2 to get the dropship.


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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #6 on: 29 April 2024, 01:39:12 »
You can take a Blakist out of Jihad, but you can't take a Jihad out of Blakist. Blake vult!
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #7 on: 29 April 2024, 09:20:06 »
Nitpick noted and valid.  I am not sure what wob called it other than 3rd transfer.  If I get an actual name and go thru edits again, will make the change.

The Manei Domini, especially those raised and trained on Jardine prior to the war, knew of the Third Transfer and beyond as "The Promise." The Jihad they got instead was simply "the war."

- Herb


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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #8 on: 29 April 2024, 16:15:39 »
Without revealing to much of the future story, Corden's origin is eventually revealed.  Considering the information Herb presented, edits would take a bit.  Going to leave the edits for "Jihad" at "Jihad" until I do another a edit which is highly unlikely.  It is noted though.

Corden was a Tukayyid veteran.

Herb, The Quest for Jardine was great.  Helped in the research of this story and delayed me putting it out at least a month.


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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #9 on: 29 April 2024, 22:10:03 »
Without revealing to much of the future story, Corden's origin is eventually revealed.  Considering the information Herb presented, edits would take a bit.  Going to leave the edits for "Jihad" at "Jihad" until I do another a edit which is highly unlikely.  It is noted though.

Corden was a Tukayyid veteran.

Herb, The Quest for Jardine was great.  Helped in the research of this story and delayed me putting it out at least a month.

Glad to hear you enjoyed it, SS!

- Herb


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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #10 on: 30 April 2024, 02:10:42 »
Oh, that's a interesting story you've got there! I don't think I've ever read about a stranded MD operative before. Let's find out how those night haunts and corrupt nobles deal with the full power of an Archangel...
Jude Melancon lives!


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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #11 on: 30 April 2024, 13:35:48 »

On the second day there was a sense that something was wrong.  A feeling they were being followed.  Corden thought of a plan and informed Aaron what he was going to do.  He would stay behind at the camp site in hiding to see if anyone showed.  Aaron and the others took off and Corden waited.  Only one hour later did something turn up.  A night haunt in broad daylight with a rider.  By Blake!

Corden formulated a plan and he needed to take the rider alive.  He aimed at the night haunt's leg joint and fired his mauser 1200.  The night haunt reared up on its legs in pain and the rider fell off.  It searched for the source of its pain had come from and Corden revealed himself from beneath the memetic cloak.  Seeing what just appeared the night haunt started at Corden.

Corden went to a knee and took aim at the same leg.  This time he unleashed the full charge of his laser rifle.  CRACK!  Tendon and muscles separated and the night haunt came to a crash.  It hissed and screached at Corden.  In response he fired the underslung grenade launcher.  The grenade landed in the night haunts mouth and detonated.  Blood and visera carpeted the camp site.

Corden approached the rider.  He was wearing black leather and had pulled a night haunt dagger.  He came at corden swinging wildly.  Corden noted this was an experienced fighter and moved against the slashes.  Batting away the mans knife hand he moved into the close quarters, caught the knife arm under his arm pit, and pushed him down.  Myomer muscles quickly dislocated the man's shoulder and he screamed.  The knife clattered to the ground.

"My name is Cordon of the Word of Blake.  You must already know that to be in this place.  You are going to awnser my questions one way or another..."


Aaron and the guides heard the explosion in the distance.  Corden's instruction were to turn back once something happened or he would catch up with them the next night.  They rode back in the direction of the old camp and could hear screams in the distance.  Aaron noted they were not of Corden's.  The screams went on for a long time and then eventually stopped.

As the arrived, they saw the carnage.  A night haunt missing its head and a broken man.  His arms, legs, and head were at angles they should not have been.  Corden simply sat waiting for them.

"What is going on here!  Who is that and what have you done!"

"That, Aaron is a handler of night haunts.  He was trying to locate us and was a scout.  It seems mankind has figured out how to tame these beasts and it is a brutal process according to this dead man.  From what I could gather they inflict pain and suffering to a youth and young night haunt.  Torture to bind them.  The documents I found on him tells us that they will kill us on sight.  We must make haste and get the dropship faster than ever."

"You did this to him?  You tortured him?"

"Yes I did, I did what must be done to get anwsers I sought.  He would not talk until I broke his bones.  Only until I was satisfied did I end his suffering."

"Corden you are a monster!"

"I am Manie Domini Aaron.  My sinful flesh has been sacrificed in order to save mankind and I will do what must be done.  Instead of arguing and bickering we must make haste.  We must travel at night.  I will watch for any night haunts and guide us around them.  We leave.  NOW!"

They traveled fast by night and day.  Corden was able to guide them quickly and safely to the mountains.  They made it into the pass and into the valley.  There it was harder because the night haunts were bigger.  It was then Aaron felt the prescense of them being followed, but yet they pressed on.  When the dropship came into view, the guides were awe struck.  Their hopes and dreams made manifest.  By the time they got there it was night time and they were exhausted.

Corden approached the door and entered his code.  With a whir the door opened and they entered.  The horses not so much.  By the time they got in, corden could see five pursuers in the distance.  Without thought he knew what he would have to do.  The door slammed shut and he addressed them.

"Stay here and do not touch anything.  You do not know what will do what.  Await for my return.  Aaron, attend me."

They entered one of the bays, lights came on and Aaron saw the battle armors lining the walls.  Metal suits of armor that looked like demons ready to do battle.  Corden disrobed exposing his complete naked metal form next to a Se'irim battle armor.  He climbed in the hatch and activated the machine.  It was then he plugged in his VDNI and they became one.  The inner myomer formed to him and adjusted to his body size.  It was then that Corden asked Aaron if certain parts of the battle armor moved.  Arms, hands, torso, etc.  When the checklist was done, he engaged the weapons.  The SRM 5 rack armed, the medium recoilless rifle whirred, and the search light showed green.  Finally Corden flexed his left hand and the vibro claw did in turn.  With a thought the hatch closed and Corden disconnected from the charging station.  He sent a mental command to the outer dropship hatch and it opened.


Five night haunts and riders were waiting for him outside.  As he left the door slammed shut.  Corden took measure of the riders and noted one that looked important.  He wanted him alive and maybe a few others for more intel.  He was not able to extract the information where they were based out of from the last rider.

The night haunts started to circle their prey and Corden noted two lesser ones were crossing his targeting reticule.  As they passed, he fired the one shot SRM rack.  Five short range missiles instantly launched and connected with only one of the night haunts.  Two hits gored it and the rider.  The other three landed on the ground exploding causing the other night haunt to rear up dropping its rider.  Corden raised the recoilless rifle and ended the night haunts life.  As he turned around to face the other three a night haunt had made it up on him.  It bit down  and teeth embed into the battle armors head.  Warning lights came on showing damage and Corden starred into a maw the could have been his death.  The battle armor should not have been damaged at all, it should not be!

Corden turned on the search light and blinding light poured out on the night haunt.  It screached and let him go.  For its trouble Corden punched his vibro claw into its chest.  Then he extended the claws and pulled.  Viscera came out of the hole and the night haunt started to convulse and die.  Then a 'tink' caught Corden's ears and damage indicators came on.  Corden spun around.  The rider he wanted to take alive had tried to stab him with a night haunt dagger!  As he turned around the dagger was pulled from the riders hands and the search light beam came into his face blinding him too.  For his reward, Corden bashed the recoilless rifle into his chest and the rider crumpled onto the ground unconsious.

Another night haunt assaulted him, but from the back.  Claws dug in and tried to pull him down.  Corden prayed to Blake on a quick idea and ejected the spent SRM rack.  The weight dropped and he was able to move out from under the pull.  He was free!  Spinning he fired at the creature killing it and its rider.  Two more remained.  Switching off his search light he located the other two near by.  They hestitated seeing the fight Corden had put up.  But it wouldn't last as their instincts would kick in.  Corden acted first, raised the recoilless rifle, and gunned them down.  Those riders did not survive.  Taking stock of the fight, Corden pulled up two unconsious riders and entered the dropship.


As Corden came back into the bay, he dropped the two unconisous bodies on the ground.  Upon exiting he found he was bleeding.  From his previous wound and from the little pricks around his neck that the teeth had penetrated the armor.  Corden went to one crate and pulled out a med kit.  Directing Aaron to his back wound, he instructed him how to put the anti coagulants in it, antibodics, then the skin sealer.  Finally the myomer patch kit to completly seal the hole.  Satified with the work, Corden stopped the bleeding from the teeth marks, then donned his robe.

They bound the two handlers in chains.  Aaron voluneteered to take first watch for six hours as guides had been trained to stay up as long as they had.  Corden directed the other four guides to quarters used by the missing crew then went to his own quarters.  He blacked out and fell asleep.  When he awoke, he took Aaron's shift and directed him away.  Turning down the lights in the bay, he put down a mat, and lit some candles.  There he sat in silence, praying, contemplating his future.  Ever since arriving here, he had been cut off from The Master.  He was rudderless, without a true direction other than this war.  He thought about the conversion of this world to the word.

He knew what the others in his order would say.  Convert them or they would die.  No, that would not be right in this case.  These people had suffered by not their own hands.  He would guide them like a father, save them like he had pledged, bring them to the stars.   Like he was saved, created in The Master's image.  He opened his eyes, raised is right hand, and starred at it as the constant reminder of what he had become.  Then something hit him.  Iron hands.  Iron.  He was starting to become a father to this world.   He was...  The Iron Father.

A murmor from one of the prisoners came.  Corden broke the silence.

"Welcome back to the land of the living.  I am Corden of the Word of Blake."

The handlers eyes shot open and looked at Corden.

"And who might you be....  We can do this the hard way or an easy way.  Your NAME."


"Mantle, just Mantle?  You must have a title just like everyone else on this planet.  Why not just tell me... handler!"

At this time the other handler woke up.

"Ah, so another joins us.  What might your name be."

"I am Deback the...."

"Shut up Deback!" came a cry from the other handler.

"So, I was right, you must be the master.  That means this one over here is either a slave or apprentice.  By the time I learn what I need, one of you will be dead.  The other I am not sure yet.  So who will talk first."

Corden then moved to a crate and searched thru it.  He pulled out two syringes and some special drugs.  Going back he pulled out two measured doses and administered them to the two struggling handlers.  It took effect immediately.  Thru fevered dreams, hallucinations, trickery, and deceit, Corden pulled information from them.  Mantle was truly the master of this expedition.  The order was to kill them all and it had been handed down by the Nobles as per the documents he had saw earlier.  The other, was an apprenctice of age 15.  It was his first outing and would be his first blooding.

It was then and there that Corden learned fully of the process of binding to a night haunt.  Pain, suffering, and agony were inflicted.  Night haunt and young man were treated inhumanly in sight and hearing range of each other.  Whipped together, starved together, burned together.  In pain they were molded into a bonded couple.  It was completely disgusting to Corden.  On top of that, the youths that were to be bonded had been kidnapped and given to the handlers by the nobles.  Their payments to keep the charade of night haunts attacking the towns and thus keeping the nobles in power.  Yet still the location of the handleres lair eluded him.

An hour later the two came out of the trance and it was immediate.  Corden then came up with an idea.  He released the apprentice to both of handlers surprise.

"Deback, come with me.  Do not try to escape as you will not make it.  Follow."

He led Deback up to the upper levels where the bridge was.  He connected his VDNI and turned on the computer.

"I am from an order called the Word of Blake.  We believe in the mission set down by the blessed Saint Jerome Blake to save mankind.  You have suffered what should not have been suffered.  Let me show you something."

He called up the scans of the planet, the star, and the land scape.  First he put up the planet on the screen.

"This is your home Deback.  I..."

"Shut up sorceror, you killed my ride and... and..."

"I was defending myself!  You damn well know you were going to kill me and the others.  Do not preach to one that has seen wars of a magnitude you can not comprehend.  I am not a sorceror.   What you see is technology.  What I did out there, what you see in here, and right before you now was created by mankind.  This here is your star.  This here is your world."

Corden zoomed in on the planet.  He could already make out the thirteen towns and also what he suspected was the handlers liar.  Awe was in the youths face.  Corden then saw something in the youths eyes and Corden was about to take a leap of faith.

"Mankind has been stranded here for centuries.  I am now here to escort mankind back to the stars.  The handlers and nobels are standing in that way Deback.  What you have suffered should not have happened.  You were kidnapped, taken away from your parents, brutally tortured to a sick perversive ruse.  You do remember your parents?  Do you?!"

Deback was utterly silent.  Starring into space.  Looking at the monitor of his homeworld.  Stuck in a confusing maisma of memories of his past.

"There are other apprentices who are going under the process you have been thru.  They do not have to suffer like you have.  I will break the chains of this world by Blake.  I pledge I will free all the apprentices if you help me find the handlers lair."

The youth looked conflicted.  Corden could see something was missing in the youth and more inspiration came to him.

"Deback, join me, join the Word of Blake.  I can bring meaning to your life.  What you have suffered no one should have suffered.  I will treat you as a human being.  You will have truth, compassion, and a purpose you have been denied.  There will be no beatings, no pain, no hurt."

"How can I join you when I have no other choice.  You have already stated that one of us will die.  If I choose no, you will just kill me."

"After learning what I have, I can not just do that.  If you choose not to join me, then you will remain here till I have completed what I have set out to do on this world.  Let me do something for you.  I want you to listen"

With that, Corden pulled out a copy of the Word of Blake and started to read aloud.  His words would attract awaking guides.  They would come in and listen.  Others would just peak in and then go about their business.  Corden did not care.  He had a possible convert here.  Someone that would be invaluable to the cause and bring some light into this youth's world.  He took care to explain things to Deback when he asked questions.  Explained the events that the Word of Blake covered.  Two hours later...


"What Deback?"

"Yes Corden, I will join you."

Corden looked into Deback's eyes.  Something had connected.  He then handed the book to Deback who then opened it.  Symbols and lines that he knew were writings met his eyes.

"I can not read."

"Then I will teach you.  Adept Deback of the Word of Blake."

A tear started to form on the youths face and he crumpled.  Corden did something he had never done since he became manei domini.  He got down on the floor with Deback and hugged him.  The youth broke, the pain came out in wailing, and Corden held him in am embrace of metal.  He was the Iron Father.  He would save all who could be saved.  He then began to pray out loud to Blake.  Asking for direction, forgiveness of this youth's sin, bringing humanity to him, and to appease his suffering.  They sat there for an unknown length of time while Corden spoke aloud in prayer and supplication.  Deback later made a motion that he was ready to stand.

As they got up, Corden took off his pendant and handed it to Deback.

"You need new clothes, follow me."

Upon returning, Mantle showed utter shock in seeing his apprentice.

"What in hell are you doing Deback!"

Corden then produced a pistol.  He turned it and offered it to Deback.

"This man will die by my hand.  I offer you the option to do so.  You do know how to use this?"

Deback nodded.  Then he remembered his treatment from years at the hands of the handlers.  The utter pain and torture.  Part of him did not know if he should do this.  The temptation, the hate, the... something broke in Debacks's mind and he grabbed the pistol.  Then he aimed it and pulled the trigger.  Nothing happened.  He pulled harder and strained.

"Deback NO!!!!" screamed Mantle.

"There is button on the side Deback.  If you push it, the pistol will be able to fire."  Corden whispered.

There was an audable click and gun went BANG!  Mantle looked at his chest in shock.  BANG!  Another hole appeared in his chest.  BANG!  Mantle's head went back as a bullet entered his brain painting the floor red.  BANG BANG BANG!  THe gun went on and on till slide lock.  Deback kept pulling the trigger trying to fire the pistol.  His pain was washing away in a baptism of blood as he remembered everything.  Corden put his hands on the pistol and took it away.

"I would have done this.  You did not have to Deback."

Deback turned to him with determination in his eyes.  Corden could tell he had needed to do this.  He simply nodded.

"The shock of revelation will come to you Deback.  I suspect this is your first time killing someone.  It is not easy.  I will help you in your turmoil as you come to terms with this decision."

Corden turned as noise came from behind him.  It was the guides coming in the bay to see what the noise was all about.  They saw the executed handler and the new convert to the word.

"Behold!  Tonight the cleansing of this planet begins!  I will bring forth justice upon those who seek to keep mankind in the mud!"

Corden then made for the other bay.  Later Deback would point to exactly where the lair was and it was exactly where Corden had expected.  His conversion to the word was well on its way.


The bay doors opened and lights came on.  Inside all but Corden froze.  His archangel mech awaited him.  At the base of its feet, he derobed and donned his cooling vest.  He ascended the stairs 12 meters high.  There he entered the cockpit, plugged in his VDHI and vest cooling lines, then he started up the fusion reactor.  The omnimech was in the invictus configuration.  A heavy PPC, plasma rifle, and retractable blade as weapons.  They started to show ready status as other parts of the machine warmed up.

To Corden's right, he saw that Aaron and Deback had ascended the stairs and looked at him.  He smirked then spoke.

"Aaron, you have permission to start going thru the dropship.  Read everything that you can.  Do not touch anything on the bridge though as you might activate the engines.  Also please start teaching Deback how to read if you can."

Finally the security protocols called for him to say his security phrase.

"Mankind and the Word walk step and step."

The machine came fully alive, weapons showed charged, and he was fully in control.  The cockpit clamped fully shut and he then flipped on external speakers.

"I go forth to cleanse the valley of all night haunts.  By the time I return everyone will be able to be outside unafraid of the lurking death.  Blake's will be done!"

With that the outer bay doors opened and the archangel stepped out into night.  What greeted him were six night haunters eating the carrion from the previous battle.  These were the bigger variety and they immediately hissed at him.  In response, Corden fired a heavy PPC at the furthest one.  The weapon was over kill as it would normally slag a ton of mech armor.  Man made lightning and particles streamed forth and punched a hole in the night haunt crumpling it.  He quickly repositioned, turning the mech and increasing to walking speed.  He fired the plasma rifle.  Super heated plastic streamed forth in a plasma jet connecting with another night haunt.  It boiled and cooked within it hard leather skin dying in brutal agony.  Then he waited for the weapons to recharge and the other night haunts were on him.

He grabbed one by the back of the neck as it tried to latch onto his mechs leg.  He willed the mechs hand to squeeze and ten tons of force crushed down on the night haunts neck breaking it.  One night haunt had latched onto one of the legs and was scratching divots in the armor.  Corden released the carcass and punched the night haunt in the head.  Then activated the retractable blade.  It entered the beasts head killing it and dislodged it from his leg.

Corden then activated the mechs jump jets and ascended into the air.  The heavy PPC showed charged, he fired it, and a night haunt died.  One was left.  At the apex of his jump he directed the mech over top the last night haunt that looked at him in confusion.  The jump jets cut and 100 tons of metal fell fifteen meters toward the earth.  The archangel landed on the night haunt, crushing its spine and bursting its innards out.  Myomer strained as Corden fought to keep the mech upright.

There were no more night haunts near him and he set forth into the night to rid the valley of the menace.


From Baltmare, people could see the mountains lit up with lightning despite no rain nor clouds.  Some called it omens of doom.  Others noted that it had started up since Corden had disappeared.  Panic came here and there, but word spread via Tim the guard.  Hope was coming, Corden would return.  The ones that quaked in fear the most was Bert the noble.  No word had come from the handlers that had been sent out.  The only thing he could do now is wait.  The lightning storm lasted two days.


  • Corporal
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  • Posts: 74
Re: Iron Father
« Reply #12 on: 30 April 2024, 13:36:10 »
CHAPTER 3 continued... was way too big...

The archangel entered the bay, armor scratched up, but fully functional.  Corden noted he would want to change the configuration for something more long ranged.  He wanted to keep his jump jet mobility and the luminus configuration would be best.  He would need help and an idea came to him.  Backing the mech into its bay, he powered it down, and jumped out.  A top the gang plank, he called out to those gathered around.

"The valley is now cleansed.  All night haunts are dead, we now stand able to walk in the night, safe from harm!"

Cheering greated him as he made his way down.  He took off his cooling vest and donned his robe.  He saw the guides had been busy ripping into crates, examining manuals, learning how certain computers worked, and digresting whatever written material they could get their hands on.  Their repetitive continued training over centuries had helped them adapt.  It would not be perfect, but it would do.  Corden motioned to Deback.

"Adept, I would have you learn something new.  Follow me."

They made their way over to the other bay.  In front of a fresh suit of Se'irim battle armor, Corden reached in and entered a code to lock out the weapons.  Then he motioned to Deback and explained how to enter the armor.  This was another leap of faith.  He needed another hand to change out the configuration and he could test Debacks will.  As deback entered, Corden explained how the suit would accomdate his form.  In fascination after being suited up, Deback moved one of his arms.

"Whoa, be careful.  You now command battle armor that is capable of what you saw four nights ago.  The weapons are disabled for now.  Now close the hatch by pushing the right most button with your tongue."  The hatch closed.  "Can you hear me?"

"Yes I can." Came a voice from an external speaker.

"If you hit the left most button with your tongue, that will release you from the charging station.  You now have full automony.  Now hit the second from right button."  The SRM rack disengaged and fell to the ground.

"That should prevent any snagging from chains and lines.  We are going to change out my mechs weapons configuration.  The last two nights haven't been kind to the amor plating.  One weapon is now out of ammo too.  I will join you shortly.  Get use to the feel as I am going to suit up myself."

Corden made his way over to the tengu armor.  He fired it up, dropped the medium laser it had, then made his way to Deback.  They proceeded into the mech bay to begin their work.  Eight hours later, the weapon pods had been changed out.  In place of the invictus configuration now sat the luminious.  One ER PPC in each arm, four medium pulse lasers in the torso, and two more smaller ones there too.  Corden was pleased with Debacks performance.  The battle armor moved with him naturally without a VDNI.  The training of riding a night haunt must have translated or he was a natural.

Corden then engaged the jump jets on the Tengu and landed on his mechs torso.  He turned around and looked at Deback.

"The archangel can carry battle armor into battle.  There are points to connect to too allow rest and battery recharge.  Since you do not have jump jets, you will have to climb the legs, here, here, and there."

Deback made it up on the first try.  It seemed almost natural to him.  Clinging to the side of the torso, Corden showed him where to hold onto and to plug into the charging port.  He then released the hand actuators and landed on the deck.

"I am going to get out of this armor, wait here."

Ten minutes later Corden was in the cockpit.

"Deback, hit the second from the left button three times then speak.  You should be tied into a communication channel."

"Hello, you there?"

"Good, we are now connected.  Any time you or I speak, we will hear each other.  We are going for a ride and some testing."

The archangel stepped out into the day light.  The guides had been busy outside.  They had gone out and starting collecting claws, teeth, and spines.  If there were any to be found.  Corden had made a mess of the valley.  The caracasses would attract others in time, but they would likely be from the mountains.  The next area of cleansing.

"Hang on Deback, I am going to go for maximum speed."

Corden pushed the mech to its running speed of 54 kph.  Over the channel he heard boyish cries of fun laughter.  "Wee!!!"  This pleased Corden.  The adept was doing well from his transition from a handler to an adept of the Word of Blake.  He listened well to instruction and seemed to take in all the information he gave.  When he asked how something worked, Corden explained fully how it operated making sure to demystify any idea of magic.  The change over of the mech had taken time, but it was worth it.

He had spoken more in depth of Blake's word and the correlation of the nobels to the successor lords as they worked earlier.  Then Corden made a realization.  The handlers were like the clans.  A human caste based eugenic abomination that glorified war.  Corden as manei domini had been created as the ultimate sanction against them.  To drive them from inner sphere, annihilate them from existance, and exterminate them at their home worlds forever.   But that had not come to pass as the successor lords dissolved the second star league and choked the third transition from existance.  If it would not happen naturally, they were to force it to happen by bringing blakes judgement to those that stood in its way.  Cut off from that mission, Corden applied himself best he could.

"Hold on Deback, I am going engage the jump jets."

One hundred tons of metal flew into the air and Deback squeaked.  As they came to the ground, Corden feathered the fall and kept on running.

"That was amazing!"

"You will get use to it.  I prefer to have this maneuverability.  It will serve us well when we go out to the towns."

"What, so soon?"

"Yes, we are at war.  I will not sit idly by and let the nobels just sit.  I want you to dismount when I come to stop."  Corden slowed the mech to down and Deback dismounted.

Corden backed up the archangel a few steps and aimed at a boulder.  He discharged both ER PPCs, lightning flashed, and the heat spiked in the cockpit.  Nothing he couldn't handle.  Then he engaged the lasers.  Ground turned to smoke as foliage burned.  Again heat spiked but way less.  Finally he backed  up some more, engaged the jump jets and aimed at another boulder.  This time he fired everything.  Heat spiked, warning lights came on, and reactor shut down sequences activated.  Corden mentally over rode it with a thought and he controlled the descent of his mech.  It crunched heavily with over heating sluggish leg myomers.  They held and he did not fall.  The heat was exasperating, but the blessed pain shunt helped him ignore the pain.  Fifteen seconds later the heat had been fully disappated.

"Deback mount up, we go forth into the mountains to cleanse more from here..."


In the darkness of space the wreckage of the jumpship received a HPG transmission.  It would have alerted anyone if they could have heard it in the atmosphereless bridge.  The computer recorded the transmission, logged it, and flagged it for errors.  Then it relayed it to the dropship.  Four minutes later the dropship received it and a light began to blink on the bridge.  Aaron was there when it called for attention.  The manuals he had gone over told him it was for a radio signal.  Despite Corden's insturctions of not touching anything on the bridge, he felt he could operate this with no problems.  He hit the play button....


Three days into the mountain hunt, Deback noted some strange heat signatures, relaying them to Corden they both realized they were human.  Corden made his way to them and when in better range zoomed in on them.  A man was holding a monoscope up at Corden and he knew they both could see each other.  From the way the man dressed, it was a guide.  Corden saluted them with one of his arm barrels a few times till the man waved.  Corden made his way over to them.  They were definitely agitated with the metal machine coming up to them.  WHen he made it close to them, he opened up his speakers.

"It is me Corden.  I see the guides elected to send another expedition.  I have been cleansing the valley and mountains of night haunts.  It is completely safe to goto the dropship.  Aaron awaits there."

"Thank you Corden, you had us worried, and what is that are you in?"  As the guide pointed at the mech.

"It is a celestial mech.  Archangel to be precise.  Man riding in a machine as one.  Now go, I will meet you there eventually, I have a few more passes to make."

By the time he got back to the dropship they had arrived.  outside Aaron and the original party were swarming over one of the legs.  Upon exiting his mech and stepping outside he learned very good news.  The leg was repairable!  It would take some fit and finish.  Resources from the caves, but it would allow for the dropship to take off again!  Maybe move it closer to Baltmare.  But there was something else that demanded his attention.  A transmition had been relayed from the jumpship.  Hope filled Corden.  As they ascended to the bridge and discussion ensued.

"I listened to the transmission Corden."

"You did what?  You violated my trust by doing so by touching anything up there."

"Yes and no.  You tell us what to do, but you need to let us explore.  We have been transcibing manuals and texts over the centuries.  Hell we have even created mock replicas of various pieces of technology.  You have no idea what it is like to pretend to hit buttons and look at a wall that says nothing to replicate a small craft.  Trust the guides Corden we are not idiots."

"Perhaps I have misjudged you.  Deback I had taken a leap of faith with and has turned out to be a trust worthy adept.  I apologize for my, misgivings.  I should be a little more lax.  It is just the Word of Blake has been controlling technology for a long time.  We are a little skittish letting others who have not touched it in a long time to do so"

"Thank you, but you should know this transmission is not what you think it is, I will let you decide for yourself."

They stepped onto the bridge and Corden hit the replay button.

"This is Paladin Kendricke, Republic of the Sphere.  Your transmission and may day has been received.  Help is on the way for any survivors.  Corden, manei domini, when we arrive you are to surrender yourself for judgement for any war crimes you have committed.  The jihad is over and Terra is free of the Word of Blake.  The Master is dead, Apollyon is dead, the Word is dead.  You lost.  Expect us in the coming weeks or month.  Paladin Kendricke, out."

Paladin?  Republic of Sphere?  Corden had never heard any of those terms before.  Terra had fallen again?!  Did that mean?  No, impossible.  He had only just left a few months ago.  The jihad could not have just ended just like that in that time.  The logistis of such a thing would have been collosal and impossible.  There was utter confusion going on at the time he left.  Corden plugged in his VDNI into the console and examined the message more in depth.  There were logged errors with the HPG transmission.  The date was wrong.  It was... fourty years later than what he expected.  Then it hit Corden like a brick.  The misjump, the sense of extended long minutes.  Had the misjump locked him in hyperspace for decades?  Spitting him into the future?  He had heard of rumors of vessels found years later that never arrived at their destination.  Their crews alive and chronometers off by a year or two.  That would mean... had the third transfer have happened?  He could only wait at this point.

"What does it mean Corden?"

"It means nothing at this time Aaron.  It might mean the jihad was a success or it could be a deception.  For now we proceed as planned.  I leave for the towns tomorrow.  I will clear the way of any night haunts and then judgement will be rendered."

Corden and Deback rested for the rest of the day.  Come night time, Deback suited up and attached himself to the archangel.  Corden brought his mauser 1200, extra power cells, and the memetic cloak.  He placed them in his cockpit and then fired up his mech.  Then he transmitted codes to Deback's Se'irim.  His weapons armed.

"What is happening Corden.  My weapons are now online."

"You are a natural in that armor Deback.  I have seen how you have handled it in maneuvers and the limited time we have doing mock weapons fire.  You now have the ultimate sanction and trust of me adept.  From now on.  No more limits.  No more barriers.  You have proven yourself to me.  Now we go to end a war and bring judgement."

Then they proceeded into the night.  Corden estimated that it would take them 5 hours to get to Baltmare at maximum speed.


  • Captain
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  • Posts: 2691
Re: Iron Father
« Reply #13 on: 30 April 2024, 20:42:05 »
An unexpected story about a Manei Domini showing some humanity.
Interesting, looking forward to more. :smilie_party_cheers:
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


  • Corporal
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  • Posts: 74
Re: Iron Father
« Reply #14 on: 30 April 2024, 22:12:15 »
An unexpected story about a Manei Domini showing some humanity.
Interesting, looking forward to more. :smilie_party_cheers:
The hardest part of writing this chapter for me was Corden's interaction with Deback.  I wanted to know if it was believeable and the people that were helping me edit this thing never made it this far.  So I had to forge ahead back weeks ago and hope it worked out to most people.    It seems plausible given the psychological cues and suffering Deback had experienced, that the little compassion shown by Corden might "convert him".  So I have to ask anyone seeing this.  Was the scene believable?

That aside, from my research into the manei domini.  Yeah, they are ammoral, but they are humans that believe in a cause set forth by The Master.  Apollyon definitely had this temperment where their actions in his eyes were for the betterment of humanity and he did feel some kind of remorse for those sacrificed, but the end goal was always the key and damn anyone in their way.  Quest for Jardine gave me a better understanding of this notion.  I think people don't give credit to the WoB as much as they should.  I have found them an interesting study on why and what they did for what reason.  I adopted them for my main mech force because I was going to originally do RotS but saw it was going to get ilclanned.    So I adopt the ones that "killed" the setting in a way then find out there is a little bit more to them under the robes.


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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #15 on: 01 May 2024, 07:30:45 »
While general outlook of WoB is that of unredeemable evil, like all factions in history they had their motivations , their factions and were still human under their cybernetics. And while the spotlight was on their enemies, we still got some glimpses of their side over the years. Everyone is a hero of their story and in each war, the majority of men on both sides believe that they are the good guys.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #16 on: 01 May 2024, 20:33:01 »

So i agree with you that the wobbies would have individual personalities and you did write them well. :smilie_party_cheers:
« Last Edit: 03 May 2024, 01:44:41 by snakespinner »
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #17 on: 04 May 2024, 16:14:42 »

Guards were manning the wall looking out into the night.  Others were around a table drinking ale.  The night watch had to be broken up because of the monotony.  They were playing classic poker by betting on shifts and wages.  Then one of them felt something.

"You guys feel that?"  One of the guards said.  Thud...  The ale in one of the cups rippled.

"Its just you Rick, just get on with..."  Thud.  Then they all noticed that their ale cups rippled.

"Night haunt and a big one!"  One of the guards yelled at the table.

They cleared out and manned the wall.  The Thuds were coming more methodically.  As they peered out into the night they could see nothing.

"The damn horses aren't spooked at all.  You sure that is a night haunt.  Might it be a earthquake?"

The night lit up with three jets of fire.  The archangel appeared to descend from the night sky and landed on the wall.  It strained under the weight.  Guards scattered and the horses started to go bonkers.  The commotion brought about alarms and people coming to see what was going on.  People gawked, gapped, and pointed at the metal giant that sat on the walls.  It did nothing but move its torso around looking around.  Panic started to ensue until someone pointed out the Word of Blake iconography that adorned it.

"Corden has returned came cries from the crowd!"  As news spread.

Then the sun came out from the mountains and illuminated the archangel from behind, just as Corden planned it.  He turned on his speakers.

"I am Phantom Adept Tau Corden of the Word of Blake!  Manei Domini created in the image of The Master!  I am the Iron Father of Turbline!  I bring justice to the all the towns.  Mankind has been kept in the mud thru falsitude and deceit!  The nobles have conspired together against you all.  For this, I bring Blake's judgement.  And it is death!!!"

Corden then pointed his ER PPCs at the nobles tower.  Someone was in there and he fired.


Bret the noble was awaken to a nightmare.  On the wall stood a giant of angular metal.  Four spines jutted out its back.  Arms that looked like gigantic cannons.  Then it spoke and he learned Corden was still alive.  Fear turned to terror.  He should be moving and letting the others know via the radio, but he was frozen in fear.  Then he heard the pronoucemen of judgement and the arm barrels pointed towards him.  "NO!" came out of his mouth then blinding white light filled his eyes and then blackness.


Twin particles of lightning struck the tower, incinerating the occupant and dislodging stones.  They fell to the grond scattering anyone near the tower.  Corden waited for the weapons to cycle and then chain fired them every four seconds until the tower was decimated to rubble.

"This town is now under the control of Tim the guard.  His heart is pure and mind fair.  Also look to the guides for guidance.  I have cleansed the valley and mountains of night haunts and will erradicate them from this world.  Mankind has found its birth right to the stars.  For now, I go onwards to bring the other nobles their damnation for their sins."

Corden gauged the reaction of the crowds.  Cheering, cheering met him.

"See Deback what we can do.  See the uplifting of their hearts.  See the glorious exaltation of Blake!  Witness the common mans rapture!"

"I don't know what to say Corden."

"Then don't say anything.  Just witness.  Witness Blake's work."

With that, Corden jumped his mech off the wall, twisting the mech in the air.  He landed in a perfect run heading to the next town.  The theatrics had been perfect.  Hearts and minds won.  Yes, things were going according to plan.


With four hours of travel in between each town, it would be easily to snuff out all the nobles without them knowing it.  Each town had a slight variation each time Corden arrived, but in the end he left the guides in charge at each town.  Baltmare was the exception due to his holy work there.  Things changed when he made it to the tenth town.

It was daylight as he was approaching and he could see bodies swinging from the walls.  Smoke was filling the air and as he approached he could see they were guards.  Corden jetted onto the wall and what met him flaberghasted him.  Store fronts were being looted, taverns burning, and homes ablaze.  He flipped on his external speakers and spoke.

"I am Phantom Adept Tau Corden of the Word of Blake.  Iron Father of Turbline.  You will cease what you are doing immediately or I will open fire on all of you!"

Corden aimed at a burning tower he assumed was the nobles.  Lightning and particles discharged wrecking the already burning structure.  The effect was immediate.  People stopped, dropped rocks they were throwing, and also stopped a pursuit to what were guards being hounded.

"I have one question.  Is the noble here dead!"

Corden waited as the crowds got shifty looking upon the mech on their walls.  Soon one man came moving thru the crowd, got on a roof, cupped his hands and shouted.

"The noble is dead.  His corrupt guards punished.  They..."

"Enough!!!  This is not Blake's way.  You burn your own home, destroy what has been built by mankinds hands, you are all frail!  Are you willing to take up arms to man the walls?  The guards might have been corrupt here, but they kept you all safe from the night haunts!  From now on, the guides are in charge here.  They will determine what guards are guilty or innocent.  They will determine the punishments to be handed out.  If I catch word of any harm coming to any guides or guards from here.  I will return.  I will annilihate your town.  I will rip appart the walls to allow the night haunts to feast on you.  Your children will die.  You will die.  Do NOT disappoint me."

With that he scanned the crowd to see their reactions and something caught his eye.  Someone looking like The Master was looking at him.  Cybernetics and all.  That was impossible, The Master was on Terra or dead!  The Master simply nodded and disappeared as some people moved past him.  How?  Corden shook his head.  Without paying any more attention he jumped off the wall and started to make way to the next town.

Two hours later intense pain his him and the archangel stumbled.

"Corden are you Ok."

Corden grimmaced and slowed down his archangel.  As it slowed the pain started to sub side.

"No Deback I am not ok.  I believe the side effects of my VDNI are starting to take hold.  Even my blessed pain shunt will not stop them.  I have run out of drugs that might hold at bay pain and eventual psycosis.  It would have happened sooner or later.  In fact I might be having hallucinations"

"You do know that there are doctors and apothecaries on this planet.  Plants and drugs that you never knew about.  Have you even talked to them?"

"No I have not.  Thank you Deback, when this part of the war is over.  I will talk to a trusted acquaintence."

Corden increased the speed to running again.  By the time of the thirtenth town night time had come.  Corden again experienced pain from his VDNI.  He stopped the archangel dead in its tracks.  His body was being taxed to much.  The cybernetics taking a toll drawing power from his biological body.

"Deback, I have to rest.  I need to... rest..."

"Sleep Corden.  I have rested enough between each town.  It is now my turn to watch over you brother."

Corden smiled and let the blackness envelope him.  Deback was worried.  He did not know how to help Corden.  For the first time in his life, he prayed.  He prayed to Blake to protect Corden.  To allow him to complete what he had started out for this planet.  Then he watched for any night haunts that dared to attack the Iron Father.


The HPG transmission that was received was very unusual.  The date stamp was old, but showed accurate against the encryption keys.  The coordinates of the system that the transmission had come from was observed by special telescopic satellites.  It was in some sort of nebula and the readings of mineral contents were shocking.  Germanium existed in all the spectrum readings and all Republic scientist presented the data were excited at the find.  The prospect of the element essential to K-F jump drive construction warranted the mission.  The may day of a manei domini though, in iteslf, would have been utter suicide for the sender or by anyone claiming to be transmitting such a message.  Because of the fact that a possible manei domini was alive and the minerals situation, Devlin Stone himself had handed Paladin Kendricke the orders.  Take the this manei domini alive at all costs.

So there he was on one of the dropships checking over the manifests and cargo.  A klaxon sounded warning of jump in one minute.  As the seconds counted down, Kendricke thought of what he might encounter.  All the manei domini were dead and no sighting of any of the psychos had been reported in a very long time.  They were gone at the end of the jihad that had birthed his nation.  They had hunted for the missing shadow divisions and still had to locate the two hidden worlds.    There was a possibility this was one of them.  Then the klaxon chimed again and the jump was initiated.

Seconds later he came back to reality and intense pain.  His left arm had been shifted one inch above his elbow and he was bleeding into the weightless air.  Quickly he pulled off his belt and applied a tourniquet.  Bearing down on it he grunted in pain but it stopped the flow.  What had happened?!  A sickening feeling came to him and he made his way to the dropship airlock.  It wouldn't budge.  A quick check on the airlock indicator showed that the jumpship air supply was practically gone.  No.  Not now, not a misjump.  Was this system cursed?

He made his way to the medbay to patch the exposed flesh then went to the bridge.  Engines were dead.  He was truly stranded.  Then he tried to radio the other two dropships.  No response.  They were either empty, crew dead, or the radios were broken.  He had enough food, water, and air to last awhile, but he was dead in space.  Then he did the unthinkable.

"May day may day.  This is Paladin Kendricke of The Republic of the Sphere.  We have suffered a misjump.  I am the only one alive that I know of.  Jumpship is airless.  Engines are dead.  Two other dropships are none responsive.  I am injured and my left arm is crippled.  This is an emergency.  Please respond."

He then hit the repeat transmission button and waited for a response.  From a possible ****** blakist.  A manei domini if true.  What hell did he just jump into.


Almost to the last town, something was bothering Corden.  It wasn't his VDNI pain.  It wasn't The Master hallacination.  It was the last towns almost seemed to expect them.  Had a leak happened with the guides?  Why did the riot happen?  He would have to do some futhure investigation.  Thinking more on it...

"Deback, is there any kind of animal that can send messages between people in the towns?"

"No, why?"

"I am disturbed that the last few towns we made it too knew we were coming in some form.  Do you know of any way that the nobels might communicate?"

"I know they communicate with the handlers some how.  However their lair is quite some distance from the towns."

"Is it close to instant communication?  The pack that was sent against me and the others was pretty quick to have found us back then.  Hold on, that might mean something, I have an idea..."

Corden engaged his onboard communications.  Dialing in different channels he was not surprised by his hunch.  There were radio transmissions.  He then fired up his C3i computer that had lied dormant since he had been on Turbline.  It might help assist him some more.  There was one signal, weak, distant.  Computer analysis indicated it was coming from space.  Another was the dropship.  Must be Aaron thought Corden.

"Corden you there?  Come in.  Corden?"

"This is Corden, I assume you figured out how to use the radio.  Go ahead."

"I have been trying to get ahold of you for the past few days.  We have received a may day.  This Paladin, Kendricke is now here and has reported misjump.  I have not responded to him yet."

"Good, thank you for not doing so.  Keep monitoring him and his situation.  Is he a threat.?"

"Judging from his message, he is injured and stranded at his jumpship."

"Aaron, this gives you more reason to finish repairs.  We might need to conduct a rescue or it is ruse.  I had cleared some night haunts from the mountains to Baltmare when I went there.  You might want to see to getting the resources you need.  Also I have a question for you.  Do you know if the nobles have radio communication?  Rumors.  Supersition of instant communication.  Magical messaging.  Anything?"

"There has been speculation amoungst the guides that the nobles had some kind of way of talking to each other.  We guides would know timings and such due to our specialty of moving people from town to town.  Messengers mainly.  Sure the nobles had spies within spies within spies, but there were times when things didn't seem to fit in place.  Like someone knew something ahead of time in regards to important events."

"Thank you, I will be in touch, Blake's judgement is almost over.  Corden out."

Corden kept searching the channels.  There was other activity on the lower bands.  VERY close activity.  He tried to hone in on the transmission and got nothing.  Then he took a ninety degree turn from his path.

"What are you doing Corden, we aren't moving towards the last town?" said Deback.

"I am triangulating and trying to find out an origin of radio transmission.  I need to get a different angle from a different distance."

Thirty minutes later, Corden slowed down his mech.  He had his sources.  It was the thirtenth town and the handlers lair.  They were communicating and it was also encrypted.  During this time, Corden had been trying to break the encryption.  Then he got an idea.  The radio they were using was likely a hold over from the past.  He cycled thru older codes that were never used because they were considered obsolete and easy to crack.  The radio started to chatter.

"I tell you.  We are not hearing from the other towns.  This Corden has been on the move I think killing the others."

"You are being paranoid.  You don't know that."

"If I am right, then you are also doomed because your little party we hired you for did not do its job.  Curse you.  After I find what is going on I will personally be visiting you."

"Do not threaten me.  You do not know what resources we have.  You have only seen a fraction of our power.  We will take care of this problem ourselves and then you will serve us.  We will visit this so called dropship and remove it."

Corden had heard enough.  He activated the guardian ECM and began jamming signals.  The response was immediate from both parties.  They couldn't receive each other but he could hear them.  They had cursed each other and ended their transmissions at the same time.

"Corden, the man that was being threatened was the head master of the handlers.  His name is Ralen."

"What do you know about their so called power."

"I was an apprentice Corden.  I do not know."

Corden switched the channel to the dropship.

"Aaron come in, Aaron come in."

"Is your damn judgement done yet?"

"No it is not.  Cancel everything I asked you to do earlier.  Pull in everyone that is in the valley, I repeat, everyone.  Take up arms with anything that you can field in there.  Consult the manuals.  Seal the dropship.  If you can, learn the dropship external weapons.  They are on the destructive scale as my mech.  Anything that enters that valley that is not me or your guides, you send them to hell."

"What is going on!"

"The nobles and handlers have access to radios or some sort of wireless communication.  Very old communcation radios I assume.  The handlers have some kind of power they gloated about and Deback does not know what it is.  It could be something from the past that came with your ancestors or something about the night haunts.  I am heading towards the last town and then heading back to the dropship after this."

"Corden... Blake speed to you as much as I don't like what your doing.  Thank you for the warning.  I think you say it as, Aaron out."  The channel went dead.


Corden approached the walls.  Heat signature showed that the guards there were up in force.  More than what usually should be.  As he prepared to jet into the air arrows began to fly at him.  To his surprise they landed and embedded in his mech.  Some hit the mechs head and some pierced the cockpit glass.  Looking up he saw they were night haunt spines.

"Deback dismount now!!!  Get behind the archangel!"

"Already am, I took a few hits, but still operational."

With Deback free from the torso, Corden powered up the medium pulse lasers and set them to cycle concurrently.  He raked the walls, bodies burst, stone slagged, wood burned.  Another valley of arrows hit him and then something else.  A few pots with fire wicks landed and the mech was engulfed in flames.  Past memories flooded Corden.  Fire, pain, who he was before the sacrifice of sinful flesh.  He panicked.  Giving into the frail sin of..  fear.

"Deback, get away, back away!!!"

He could hear Deback firing back at the guards on the wall.  The heat was increasing, but he could manage.  He centered and calm himself.  Admonishing himself for the lapse in control.  Instead he drew deep what the fire reminded him of.  Anger.  He fired more of the medium pulse lasers andmMore guards died.

"Corden my brother... Carry Blake's torch to them.  Illuminate them."  Came a voice from somewhere.

Corden shook his head.  Was that The Master?  No, no, not now.  By Blake not now.  He engaged the jump jets as the next pots started to land.  He made it over the wall and found the source of the canisters.  He fired the ER PPCs into the catapults that had tried to cook him.  The resulting chain reaction of volatile chemicals blew apart anyone near them.  Corden waited for the ER PPCs to charge and blasted the main gate.

"Deback, the walls here are clear, catapults are gone, guards are running, we are going in on foot."

"What!  Why.  Ok, never mind Corden.  I am entering thru the main gate now."

Corden disengaged his VDNI and left the archangel on idle.  He pulled out the memetic cloak and threw it around himself before grabbing the mauser 1200 and a head set radio.  He opened the cockpit hatch and a chainlink ladder fell out.  Taking the edge, he closed the cockpit hatch then slid down.  He met up with Deback who was firing on anything that seemed like a threat.

"This town is different.  More militaristic.  You will be the hammer Deback, lead the way, I will follow."

Deback started forward while Corden went at a walking speed making sure the memetic cloak could keep its camoflage of bent light.  The main gate to the inner complex was ahead.  Deback made short work of any resistance before a portcullis fell in front of the doors.

"Deback, missiles."

Deback took aim for the first time in his life and engaged the SRM rack.  Five high explosive missiles ruined the porticullis and barred gates.  Sharpenel blew out the back shredding victims into ruin.  Already Corden was moving and aiming thru the dust.  CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, more guards died.  They were now in the main building.  Deback went forward firing into the main hall way while Corden moved down the right hallway.  He was the hunter while Deback was the distraction.

"Deback, make some noise, I am going hunting."

He moved down the halls, looking thru doors, clearing rooms as he went.  Single targets he took out.  Groups of guards, he stopped moving and let them pass as they ran to and from.  He wasn't going to chance anything to blow his cover.  The radio over his ear squaked.

"Corden, you will not believe this, but I use to live here."

"What!  You?  How?  What happened."

"Before I was handed over to the handlers as a small boy, I had memories of working in a large place.  I remember the paintings that are in here.  Tapistries.  I remember the lay out I think.  Where are you now."

"I went right when we entered down a hallway, went past a few doors then turned left."

"Keep going in that direction.  Four to five doors down should be a stairwell up.  If you enter or see a kitchen, the actual door you want is to the left if you were to exit it."

"Thank you adept.  If you are right, we have a chance to catch the Nobel like I want."

Corden made his way down the hall following Deback's directions.  He made it exactly to where he had told him.  Opening a door he found the kitchen.  Staff were hiding under tables and other implements.  They saw nothing standing in the door way and then the door magically shut.  Corden wanted to chuckle, but he had to keep moving.  The next door he opened revealed the stair case.

"Deback, I found it, make your way to me."

Corden ascended the stairs taking it slowly.  It was two people wide and should have been one to maintain a defensive position.  A bad design that would allow Deback in his armor up here.  At the top was a heavy door.  He knocked on it.

"It is over.  Open up as Corden is he..."

Gun fire poored thru the door.  Bullets hit Corden and he pulled back to a wall.  "Ugg."  The memetic cloak started to shimmer and fail.  It had been damage and Corden saw he was bleeding.  Looking himself over he found he had been hit on his metal chest.  Spalling had entered his flesh causing him to bleed.  It would have to be removed after battle.  The gun fire had stopped.

Corden made for the top of the stairs to descend a little to get cover when more gun fire started up.  He disengaged the safety on the underslung grenade launcher and fired.  The door ripped off its hinges and Corden charged in.  A guard, noble with a pistol in his hand, and a woman holding a child were in the room.  CRACK!  Corden put the guard down.  CRACK!  The nobel dropped the pistol as his wrist turned scorched black and he screamed.

"As I said this is over."

Corden approached the Nobel and buttstroke him arcoss the face.  Teeth flew out and Corden grabbed him.

"You are going to tell me what I want to know before you die!"


Deback was ascending the stairs when screaming could be heard in the upper room.  When he entered he found the smoking guard corpse and a crumpled noble.  A woman was in the corner shaking.  He saw Corden was pulling back a painting and trying to open a safe.  The handle came off and Corden looked to Deback.

"Open this, but gently."

The vibro claw activated and Deback took the door off of the safe.  Inside was the radio Corden was expecting.  Documents and other things of interest were in there.

"****** you metal man." the noble spoke thru bleeding teeth.  "You can go..."  CRACK!  The nobel fell over dead.

"Corden you have done it!  It is over!"

"No it is not.  Two more yet remain."  Corden turned around and starting approaching the woman and child.

"NO!!!  Corden, you don't need to do this!"

"It must, I said that the nobels would be ended.  Blake's judgement has been rended and I will finish it."

With a flash the woman charged Corden with a night haunt dagger in hand.  Deback responded immediately and fired his recoilless rifle painting the room red.  He had saved the man that had saved him.  But the child.  Deback slowly lowered the recoilless rifle.

"Corden, don't do this."

"I am manei domini Deback.  I do things that others will not and do what must be done."  Corden raised his rifle.  CRACK!


The journey back to the dropship was in utter silence.  Deback not speaking.  Corden thinking.  Eventually the silence was broken a few hours later.

"When you were out clearing the valley, Aaron told me what you did to the first handler you ever met.  He said you were a monster.  He was hoping to temper you but I suspect that will never happen."

"You are correct."

"I think I understand you more now.  And The Word..."

"Do not begin to understand what you do not know fully.  The Word of Blake has many different factions.  I am just one facet of a diamond.  The most militant I will concede.  I have told you many times what I do.   I am manei domini, sinful flesh sacrificed, humanity sacrificed to do what others can not do.  We do The Masters bidding and execute Blake's vision that has been delivered thru him."

A few minutes of silence pass...

"I think I understand you more than others then.  Its the cause.  Am I right?  Nothing but the cause."

"You are correct."

"You might call me a heretic Corden, but this needs to be said.  I forgive you."

The statement hit Corden like a brick.  He did not need forgiveness.  He did this willingly for all of mankind.  To save it.  The what must be done that no one else would do.  He became a monster to rid the world of abominations, despots, and tyrants in all forms.  By what right did he...

"Thank you adept.  No one has ever told me that."

Both of them prayed alloud to each other and to Blake the rest of the way.  Seeking understanding, attonement, and for the souls that no longer existed on Turbline.  The archangel and riding Se'irim rode into the coming night.  Trying to make its way to the dropship and an uncertain future.


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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #18 on: 05 May 2024, 13:37:20 »
Manei domini saw themselves as the necessary evil, but it seems that as the Jihad went on at least some began to see themselves as the future of the humanity, although Corden's misjump likely predates such shift in philosophy.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #19 on: 05 May 2024, 14:44:46 »
Oh man, and now a stranded Paladin, too! Is his JS equipped with an HPG, as well? It would be too funny if his call for help would be time-delayed as well and ultimately answered by the IlClan  :laugh:
Jude Melancon lives!


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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #20 on: 06 May 2024, 16:18:10 »

Corden approached the mountain pass to the valley.  He looked too and fro looking for anything out of place.  Something felt amiss and he pushed the archangel forward looking for ambushes.  Not knowing what the handlers could field and what ancient tech that might still be around, caution was warranted.  He had the wounds to prove that and the ancient pistol that had inflicted them.  Suddenly the ground shook.  Corden pulled up his seismic sensors and tried to figure out the source.  It was about near the dropship and he went from caution to running the mech at top speed.  Deback kept silent waiting to find out what happened.

As they came around the mountain they were relieved to find the dropship intact but a small rising mushroom cloud was about 500 meters away from it.  That made Corden take notice and start scanning the different visual fields.  On the IR scanner, there were bodies lying all over the place.  Some were moving.  Others appeared to be in parts and pieces.  There was a battle going on.

Shimmering in the scans likely were memetic cloaks being used by the guides.  Then there were a few pieces of battle armor moving and firing.  The dropship weapons moved but seemed sluggish trying to target threats.  Probably the inexperiencd guides trying to control them.  Then there were the foes.  Night haunts were all over the place.  What took Cordens breath away was the largest one.  It was huge and bigger than his archangel.  Like some kind of B rated holovid.  On top of it, there was some kind of structure where it appeared machine guns and other ranged implements were mounted.

Corden elected not to raise the dropship on the radio as the enemy might have a radio on board and be co-ordinating each other.  An interrupted transmission might blow his surprise.  When he got in range he would slam on the ECM.  Ten minutes, ten grueling minutes Corden pushed the archangel to sprinting speed.  He prayed to Blake that none of the myomer leg muscles would pop pushing it this hard.  Then the dropship fired at a medium sized night haunt and another small mushroom cloud appeared.  Corden now knew what largest threat was.

"Deback, when we make it amist the enemy, target that big one.  You alone have the skills to get into that structure up there.  Get aboard it and kill all who are in there.  There might be intel we need and I don't want to destroy it by killing that abomination.  The medium ones appear to have explosives and are charging the dropship.  I need to deal with them before they damage it any furthur."

"Yes Corden, we will bring Blake's Light."

Corden smiled, Deback had been changing.  More explosions lit up the night as the dropship fired...


The ten minutes had lapsed and the range was good now, Corden slammed on the ECM, and took aim.  Manmade lightning flared and two more explosions came in turn.  Confusion began amoungst the handlers.  Two more lightning streams and explosions happened.  The guides appeared to be rallying now as Corden thundered in with Blake's vengeance.  He made a straight line to the largest night haunt and yelled for Deback to dismount.  Light indicators told him he had just done that.  Then the lasers started to charge, but not quickly enough.

Corden charged the archangel right into the side of the night haunt barreling into it.  He heard bones crack and snap, the thing shrieked, and swipped at him.  Armored panels were ripped off and warning lights turned on.  Then their machine guns in the upper stucture fired.  The pitter patter of lead made Corden swing his torso to the side to block their shots to the cockpit.  He had done enough to disable the creature for Deback to get a good chance getting up onto it.  For good measure he cycled all the lasers into two of the beasts legs crippling it.  Then he engaged the jump jets to get away from the shrieking creature.

As he ascended, he scanned the battle field.  It appeared there were no more of the medium night haunts.  Corden then started ripping into the smaller ones and their handlers...


Deback made it to the back of the large night haunt.  He engaged the vibro claw and began to climb the beast as it struggled and moved.  At the top someone noticed him and swung a machine gun towards him.  Bullets started chewing armor off of him and Deback replied in return.  Pushing past the dead man and over the edge, he could make out ten or so handlers.  Some handling machine guns, some doing who knows what.  They turned and looked at him when his weight hit the wooden deck.  Then they drew night haunt daggers and began to move in on him.  Grinning Deback activated the searchlight.

The upper structure turned into day.  The handlers were blinded.  Some screamed.  Some tried to get off the large night haunt.  Deback took careful aim and put bursts of recoilless rifle into some of the handlers.  Others he eviserated with the vibro claw.  As he made his way forward bringing death he ended up where a driver would have been.  He took aim at the back of the large night haunt and emptied what he had left for ammo.  The rounds did not initially penetrate the hide and bone, but Deback kept on the pain.  Eventually something connected in the brain cage and the entire creature seized.  Deback braced for impact as the entire creature fell to the ground.


Aaron could not believe what was happening.  First there were the night haunt riders trying to gain entry to the dropship earlier.  They had suited up what they could and sallied out at them.  Then the large creature had showed up and starting killing his friends.  Thankfully some of the guides had figured out how to work the dropship weapons and pushed it back.  It was the medium night haunts that scared him shitless.  They had been charging right at the dropship when one exploded to being hit by the dropship weapons.  The crew then started concentrating on hitting them when the large one came back.  Then Corden had showed up.  The mech moved as it was him in some unnatural dance.  He saw him destroy the rest of the suicide haunts.  Slam into the large one, then take to the sky as an avenging angel.  Then there was deback.  The way he had leaped up on the creature, up its back, and into the structure was uncanny.  The sound, light, and the death of the large creature in less one minute awed him.  The guides were not warriors and he knew they would have died that night if Corden had not showed up.


The battle field was a mess.  The smell of cordite, blown apart bodies, and the injured were all over the place.  Corden and Deback were personally dispatching any handlers that remained alive.  Aaron for his part gathered up his wounded guides.  Technical knowledge had been lost tonight.  Those who had studied countless centuries of info were gone.  The information was still in the archives, but the theortical skills of semi hands on knowledge was gone.  Corden would recognize this later and give the dead the blessings of a Blake funeral.  Aaron remembered what Corden had said about Jerome Blake's quote.  Something about the grandest crusaders were those that protected technology.  Tonight was one of those.  The battle would be known as the Battle of the Anchor.


Corden stepped onto the dropship.  Equipment was strewn about as if a whirlwind had gone thru the place.  Panic had ruled here previously and now order would prevail.  Corden helped as best he could, but there was so much to discuss.  Aaron was in shock and Corden knew it.  As he approached, he helped Aaron pick up a crate and set it right.

"I knew there would be blood shed, but not of this magnitude.  My friends are dead.  They fought to keep the hope alive and they did."

Corden put his hand on Aaron's shoulder

"They did indeed.  Though they may not believe in Blake, they believed in the dream of the guides."

"Yes they did.  There is something you must know though.  It is done."

"Done?  What do you mean done?  The dream is not over.  We are not done!  The dropship is still here, the handlers are on the run, and..."

"The dropships's leg is fixed.  Roth the guide figured out a way."

Corden was flaberghasted.  He thought more time and resources would be needed.  He had never serviced a dropship.  He had specialized in battle armor, vehicles, and mechs.   But this!!!

"You mean we can take off?!"

"Yes, the dropship I think is now able to take off and land.  There were some other systems we think we repaired.  All that was needed was to shift some wires around that seemed to be shunted, but it is done I think."

"I will have to thank Roth the guide."

"You can't, he is dead."

Corden frowned.  The know how and what was done to fix the dropship was gone.  Another piece of knowledge lost.

"Then I will pray for his soul.  I will pray that he makes it to Blake."

Aaron scoffed.

"You may not believe Aaron.  But I do and that is what matters.  There are others who believe.  You should have seen Baltmare's judgement rendered.  The citizens believe now.  You can doubt all you want, but Blake's light is here and now.  You will and have been a witness to the achievement of mankind here and it will continue on.  I now have a message to listen and respond to."

Corden left the somber Aaron behind.  Aaron was a frail, but a strong one.  He might see Blake's light some day, but he couldn't be everywhere to convert people.  His actions would be the guiding light.  He ascended to the bridge and listened to Kendricke's message.  He thought for awhle and then hit the transmit button.


Kendricke was asleep on the bridge when the computer chirped.  He warrily opened the channel and listened.

"This is Phantom Adept Tau Corden of The Word of Blake.  Iron Father of Turbline.  I will not deliver myself into your custody nor would ANY manei domini.  As it sounds, you have not the means to enforce this as you have likely befallen what happened to me and the denizens of Turbline.  What you tell me in the this conversation will determine if I even come get you.  There are a few things that need straightened out.  So I ask this.  What year is it."

What kind of question was that?  Then he rememberd the HPG date oddity.  He responded and minutes later Corden heard.

"Corden, it the year 3115"

The misjump.  The delayed time interval and sense of time.  It was coming together.  He now had an index on what might be going on finally.  If this was true, it would mean he jumped 47 years into the future.  He knew small rumors of misjumps like this had happened on smaller year scales.  But of this magnitude, unheard of.

"So you say it is the year 3115.  What proof do you have."

Minutes later.

"You have the HPG reponse time stamp to your mayday, what more proof do you need.  If that isn't good enough, you will have to come up here and look at the tech and computers yourself."

Someone startled Corden as he went to respond to Kendricke.  Corden turned and Aaron was standing there.

"I think he is telling the truth Corden, I hear no deception.  He is worried, fearful, and alone.  What determination that was there in the last message is gone.  There is also something he isn't telling you though, his voice is off.  Worried."

"Are you sure?"

"I am sure as is my training as a guide.  Or have forgetten already?"

Corden turned back to he radio and pushed a button
"I believe you Kendricke.  But there is also something else you are not telling me.  What is it?

Minutes later.  Kendricke spoke thru gritted teeth.

"The dropship life support systems are starting to fail.  I can not effect repairs the way I am injured.  I...  I need your help and soon Corden.  My guess is a few weeks."

"We will come get you when we can.  Alot has happened on Turbline that you do not know of.  I have to test out some repairs on my dropship.  If you do not hear from me the dropship most likely crashed or exploded.  This is Corden, over and out and may the Peace of Blake be with you."

Kendricke screamed at the top of his lungs as he heard the last of the transmission.  It wasn't the fact that he needed rescue, but the fact the way the individual talked.  It was in fact a frakkin Blakist!


They spent a week cleaning up the valley.  Odds and ends collected.  The biggest part was the damning evidence of the handlers existance for the populace to see.  The giant structure had yielded radios, machine guns, and the what was likely gun powder.  The medium sized night haunts were likely trained to run into something and then they remote detonate the creatures.  How the handlers had this technology mattered not to Corden.  All that mattered is that they did.

Corden and Deback inventoried the dropship.  Three sneak suits had been destroyed.  A few mauser 1200 gone.  Ammo was fine overall.  Though some battle armor had been lost.  The archangel had been seeing wear and tear and this last fight had actually marred it.  The leg myomers showed strain and would have to be moved around and some replaced.  The unconfigured Preta would come in handy for many replacement parts.  Superficial damage had been fixed and the amount of stuck arrows removed had been insane.

The work was thearputic for everyone.  The loss of people had hit the guides hard, but the excitement of the take off was coming.  The plan was to try and hop the dropship to Baltmare then likely go after Kendricke.  Some of the guides were sent to Baltmare to let the populace know of its coming.

Everyone that stayed, elected to board the dropship.  There would be no one staying behind.  Corden plugged himself in and started up the launch sequence.  Fuel was good, internal preasure checked out, doors sealed.  Then he willed the dropship to ascend.  On four cones of fire the Union dropship rose.  Meter by meter it went into the air.  Corden looked to Deback and Aaron who were with him on the bridge.  They were in rapt amazement and excitement.  All the blood and toil to this very point.  One step to make it to the stars.  Then Corden turned the dropship and it shot out of the valley pushing the Gs.  He controlled the arch of ascent then slowed the descent as he whipped it around.  Baltmare was mere minute away at this rate.

The entire populace had left the walls to wait for the dropship to land.  They had been outside in vigil praying to Blake for mankinds hope.  Most did not believe, but still went thru the rituals anyways.  Ever since the nobles death, there had been a shift in the populace with opinion and ultimately faith.  Then windows and the ground shook in Baltmare as the Union descended.  It landed a kilometer away so the shockwaves wouldn't kill people.  When it finally had landed, the mass of people moved towards it in a calm matter.  There was no fear.  No fear of night haunts, no fear of reprisals, no fear of Corden.

The exuberance on the dropship was ecstatic.  They had done it!  The repairs had worked, the leg had not broken upon landing.  They could go to the stars!


Corden waited at the main bay watching the masses come to him.  He used his true eye to examine them as them came in from the distance.  Iconography and symbols of Blake were amoung the masses.  Not much, but enough.  There was a conversion going on.  In place of a dead system emplaced by the Nobles a power vacuum existed.  People were gravitiating towards hope and it was displayed in front of them today.  Later Corden would learn that Tim the guard and James the Keeper of the Faith were in the center of it all.

As the mass approached, Corden and Deback remained on top of the ramp of the mech bay.  The rest had disembarked and waited on the ground.  When the masses stopped, Corden waited for the murmoring to stop.  When it did he raised his voice as best he could to address them.  He spread his arms and...

"May the blessings of Blake be on you!  May Blake smile today upon you!  You!  And you!  All of you!  Mankind today can ascend to the stars!"

Cheering came from the masses.  An exuberance that made Corden smile.  Praises of Blake came from a few mouths.  Corden made for the masses to hush.

"The path is still long despite the nobles being completely dead!  Erradicated by my hands and anothers!  I want you all to meet Adept Deback of the Word of Blake!  He has been instrumental in understanding the threats on this world!  He is what the nobles called a handler!  The night haunts are not just some kind of creature native to this world that you feared!  They were harnassed by the Nobles!  Your children that you thought dead in the night were kidnapped, given over, and tortured by these handlers!  They were bound in soul and indoctrinated to these things!  Completely abominal!  Blake's judgement is clear to me!  They are to be erradicated!  Any of the kidnapped children freed!  And any handlers put to the sword!"

The crowd was dead silent.  Nothing of this imagining had ever crossed thier minds.

"There is also more that needs to be done!  I have to go to the stars to test out the dropship furthur!  Some of you will accompany me!  These are the men amoung you that made this dream a reality!  The guides who helped travel between the towns.  They are the ones truly blessed here!  If not for them, this would not have happened!  They have kept the tradition of technology alive!  They are guiding you now as we speak and now they will help me furthur!  The handlers will be dealt with upon my return!  I will need your help when I return!  I will need warriors!  I fully expect the guards help in this endevour to cleanse the land of these evils!  Some might be guilty of helping the nobles in their reign!  But this will be their moment of cleansing and atonement!  What say you!"

The crowd was murmored and swayed in unsuredness.  Corden watched as a few individuals appoached pushing thru the masses.  They were guards and one of them was Tim.  Tim went partially up the ramp, turned and looked out.

"Blake wills it!"

More guards responded.

"Blake wills it!  Blake wills it!"

The crowd erupted.

"Blake wills it!"

Corden nodded to the crowd.  Then turned to Deback.

"You will have to remain behind.  I want you to train anyone who wants the use of battle armor.  They have to be natural like you though to use due to the time constraints.  There will be failures, but those that still want to committ can be trained to use the mauser 1200s.  We will unload what is needed then I will leave."

"Thank you Corden.  I am honored by your confidence.  How long will you be gone?"

"It took me seven days to get here from my wrecked jumpship.  With new navigational data, it might only take five days.  Also Kendricke's jumpship arrived at the same point and I want us to investigate both jumpships.  Aaron has a thoery and will be coming with me.  For now we go amoungst the masses and talk to them."

They descended the ramp and moved amoungst the masses talking of Blake, stories, and events the last weeks.  Evidence was shown that was discovered at the Nobles towers and on the back of the large night haunt.  Night time came and fires were put up for the first time without fear.  People celebrated.  People lived.


Corden had unloaded all that he thought Deback might need.  Various suits to train people with.  Mauser 1200 and extra battery packs.  Sneak suits, armor, ammo, radios, and every conceivable implement that might be used in the future.  Last the unconfigured Preta was stripped of some parts then marched out.  They parked it in the middle of Baltmare to use its fusion reactor as a charging station and a possible radio receiver while Corden was going to the jumpships.

News had travelled thru the other towns of what was going on and since a large influx of people came to see.  By the time he got back to the planet, a movement would have begun.  Blake's word would be spread.

On the ninth day, Corden, Aaron, and few travelers that had the studied old texts and current manuals on dropships went aboard.  Corden initiated the lift squence, they ascended, and then Corden took a hard turn mid way into space.  Aaron noticed the change as he sat on the bridge.  He could see the handlers lair was going to be over flown.  It looked like an attack vector.  Corden looked like he was prepared to lay waste to the lair and its outskirts with the onboard firepower.

"Corden, what are you doing?"

"I am bringing vengeance on those who attacked us and a reminder that judgement is coming."

"There are innocents there Corden.  This isn't some blood child of the nobles that I heard you murdered.  Oh yeah, Deback told me about that one.  You also made Deback a promise.  Your word that you would free the apprentices.  This will likely kill a bunch of them Corden!  You told me that The Word of Blake was truth.  You asked Deback to join you and he full hearted joined."

Corden willed the dropship on a slightly different course.  What he guessed were pens and shelters of night haunts were now the target.  Aaron was right.  Deback had converted fully to the word on Corden's statement.  An almost promise.  Like The Promise Blake and The Master were trying to fulfull.  He engaged the weapons.  "Deback, your will be done."

The dropship passed the lair's pens at supersonic speed.  Man made lightning, particles, and lasers straffed the enclosures super heating the air.  Night haunts boiled, bubbled, and burst.  Pens ignited and caught fire.  Then the guano of the night haunts ignited forming a chain reaction that made it to the explosives storage.  A mushroom cloud formed as it blew apart.  Satisfied with his work, Corden directed the dropship towards space and then to Kendricke's jumpship.  He set the auto pilot and they woud maintain 1G the entire time to help keep gravity for everyone. 


  • Captain
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  • Posts: 3154
  • Your spleen, give it to me!
Re: Iron Father
« Reply #21 on: 07 May 2024, 00:48:26 »
Were the explosives that suicide haunts carried gunpowder or fertilizer like mixture?
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Corporal
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  • Posts: 74
Re: Iron Father
« Reply #22 on: 07 May 2024, 07:04:45 »
Were the explosives that suicide haunts carried gunpowder or fertilizer like mixture?
Truthfully never worked it out.  So yes and yes?  I intended to explore that angle but never got that far.  One property of the guano was it made one he'll of an explosive was one of my intentions.


  • Corporal
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  • Posts: 74
Re: Iron Father
« Reply #23 on: 09 May 2024, 22:04:08 »

During the five day trip, Corden trained Aaron and the other guides on battle armor.  They would be able to be in the void, move around, and be able to manevour.  Corden had selected the tengu while the others were in djinn.  The djinn was nimble enough and small enough to allow them to move thru the coridoors and wreckage.  Aaron hoped to get a real good look at all the interiors and flex his book knowledge.

The first order of business was Kendricke's jumpship.  When they arrive, Corden attempted to dock at one of the free docking collars.  It was a success; however, gaining enty to the dropship was another matter.  Corden was in his Tengu, only armed with a Mauser 1200.  He pulled down on the airlock seal with his true arms and battle armor musclature.  The seal broke and they finally gained access.  The jumpship had power but was completely airless.  They floated thru the structure noting that the inside was pristine.  It was when they got to the jumpship bridge did they finally learn what happened.  Like what happened on Corden's jumpship, the same thing happened here, but worse.  Bodies had been shifted in different directions and recombined.  It was a horrible scene.  Thankfully none of the guides threw up in their suits.  What was surprising was that most of the equipment was intact.  The K-F drive showed offline.  Anything furthur would take actual hands on look.  Corden left th eguides to gake a gander.  He had some investigation and a meeting with a Paladin.


Corden gained entry to the second dropship.  The seals had been broken out to space in the cargo hold.  Bodies floated here and there from the decompression.  As he made his way to the bridge, he noticed that the dropship looked familiar.  The paint covered what would had been a Word of Blake dropship.  The design and lay out were all the same, just colored different.  Corden felt spooked as he made it to another section where doors had sealed themselves in emergency.  Over riding the seals and making his way onward, he found atmosphere.  He drifted thru the different cooridoors noting from memory where to go.  Then it made it to the bridge.

The computers were of Word of Blake design.  The main VDNI interface had been ripped out and in place a more conventional control system installed.  Corden looked over the system and booted up the computers.  He played around with the operating system looking over files and various other things.  Every file he looked at was dated 40+ years than he expected.  Journals, logs, and past flight schedules all reached his eyes.  His guts fell out in his mind as realization of what was likely true.  But he pressed on.

In one section of the files he was looking into he found he was on Kendricke's personal dropship.  So where was the paladin?  At that moment he searched the dropship again.  Hours passed and no one alive or dead was in the sealed sections he was on.  Coming to the conclusion that Kendricke was on the last dropship, he made his way back to the bridge.  There he started going over the personal files of this Paladin.  As he went deeper, he found the orders that were relayed to come to the Turbline system, the Republics expectations of finding germanium, and the apprehension of himself.  Corden chuckled that wouldn't be happening any time soon.

Then there was a sealed folder that needed password to enter.  This confounded Corden as he was not of poltergeist class.  Granted there was cross training in computer hacking, but everything he tried didn't work.  Corden then starting taking panels off the various terminals and looking at the guts of the system.  It was an utter hack job.  Old equipment mated with new ones that he did not recognize.  But one particular board caught his interest.  It was a Word of Blake back up system that would allow a manei domini access to anything he wanted.  A failsafe in case a ship fell into enemy hands and then later recaptured.  It simply looked like a control relay, but if combined with a few other parts that were internal to the system, he could connect his VDNI.  IF the parts were all there.

Thankfully they were and Corden connected to it.  He thought his way thru the system and re-examined the files he had looked at.  All data file integrity was real and true.  Dates, patterns, codes.  It was all true with what he saw thru the frail terminal.  Then he pushed past the passworded folder and unlocked history he never lived.  The jihad, the formation of the Republic of the Sphere, and the rise of Devlin Stone.  Then he read secret files of what the Republic knew of his kin.  They were simply gone.  No where to be found.  The last one being an infiltrator being found years later then executed.

Then there was mention of the hidden five.  Three had been found but not Obeedah and Taussen.  That meant likely his breatheren had followed The Master's plan and made it to the last two.  Hope filled Corden.  If he could possibly get there...  But two other keys were needed to make the jump to any of the systems.  Two other manei domini which he didn't have with him.  Furthur diving into the files, he learned of the projects that the Word had conducted.  Many he knew, some not.  Then salvation was found.  Two manei domini codes that were deeply buried in the files.  Precentor Vapula's and Adept Naamah's.  There was revelation that the Republic had been seeking such codes to try to infilitrate these hidden system.  How did they get them?  Adept Naamah must have had her implants ripped out without her self destructing.  But Vapula?  A traitor?  No one within the manei domini had betrayed The Master.  Unless.  Unless he was ordered by The Master to help the third transfer allong.  Then it dawned on him why Kendricke came here.  He was the third key.  If the Republic got ahold of him and extracted his implants.  The Republic would have a way to the final hidden two worlds.  Shaking his mind, he memorized the codes.  With this knowledge he might be able to fashion a way to return to one of the systems.  Maybe there was some tech on this dropship with the intention of making this possible infilitraion.

Corden then spent hours reading what he could to learn of the history he had missed...


THUMP! THUMP! THUMP!  Came a knocking noise, distant in the dropship.  Kendricke wondered what was failing now.  THUMP!  THUMP!  He floated in the direction of the noise, only then realizing it was towards he dropship/jumpship airlock.  He gulped and pulled out his side arm.  He made it to the airlock and started to see seals and gears moving.  It was then he positioned himself in another room then sealed it.  That way the airlock could be closed and then that room repressurized.  Then the airlock opened.

A thing of thing of nightmares stepped thru.  A visage of a past that he did not want to remember.  Death, destruction, and jihad.  The blakist had come.  He watched the Tengu seal the air lock behind it, turn around, and looked thru the glass at him.  It held up its hand in a greetings and then knocked on the door three times after the room had cycled.  There was no going back now.  That suit could rip open the door if it wanted.  He had no where to go so he stood his ground and hit the open button.  The tengu suit stepped thru.

"Greetings Kendricke.  We have much to talk about.  That pistol will not do a thing so I suggest you either holster it or give it to me."

Kendricke considered his options and holstered it.

"Let me see your face that way I know what you speak of is true.  That you are of the Word."

The hatch unsealed and revealed Corden's face.  Cybernetics and all.

"Shit.  At least I know the truth now.  You wouldn't mind just surrendering right now."

"No."  Chuckled Corden.  "And I don't blame you because orders are orders.  Those end today and now you are in my care.  No harm will come to you at this point as I had to process what you have told me.  The HPG date stamp, the proof that was up here, and the expertise of some people I have been in contact with for months now.  I believe you Paladin, everything.  I checked the other two dropships and the jumpship bridge.  Every single computer I tried and looked at confirmed what is going on.  I am a manei domini out of time.  Fourty seven years lost."

Kendricke just lost it in manical laughter.  The statement seemed absurd, but it was true.  It was the only explanation at this time.

"Are you done laughing Paladin?  For there is another non laughing matter.  Your crew on the jumpship is all but dead.  The bridge people were shifted around like I see there on your arm.  Other rooms showed people that suffocated but were intact.  There were a few others on the two other dropships that I examined.  They had died being scambled.  I am sorry for your loss, but considering what you were sent here for, I am not so sorry."

"You swear that you didn't kill anyone of my crew?!"

"I swear to Blake paladin.  If that is not enough, you do not truly know my kind."

It was, Kendricke knew that the manei domini spoke truth and in an arrogant manner.  This one though was a little different so far.  He at least hadn't called him a frail yet.  He wanted to draw his pistol and shoot this Corden in the face.  It would be all to easy.  It was just their damn cybernetics gave them an ever so edge in reaction.  It would be suicide.  Not to mention his orders...

"So what do you have planned for me then Blakist."

"I want you to tell me the history I missed in your own words.  The actions of the Word of Blake.  This Republic of the Sphere.  What happened to the successor lords and the clans.  You can at least tell me this much without me going thru each computer bank again."

Kendricke retold the story of the Jihad in a summarized version.  The coalition of forces that joined together to erradicate the Word of Blake.  The formation of the Republic.  The down sizing of the successor lord forces and the pausing of clan hostilities.  The leadership of an unlikely man named Devlin Stone.  He judisioucly relayed the death of The Master and Apollyon.  Scoured by the Rasalhague Dominion of the Ghost Bear clan.  THAT got a reaction from Corden.  One of anger, one of contrition, one of sadness.

"Finally hit a nerve there huh."  Grinned Kendricke.

"Yes.  The Master sought the dream of the Third Transfer.  And behold, he was successful and you do not need to thank us.

"Thank you?!  Are you insane!  You and your Master nuked countless souls into oblivion!  You are so blind that you don't see the evil?!"

"Compared to what?  The reoccuring cycle of endless war between despots and the abominations?  How many billions died for star systems to trade hands countless times between the same opponents?  Don't you lecture me on death!  No, no, you are living proof!   The republic is living proof!  Don't you see it?!  A republic!  Not a fuedal warlord scheming over the ruins of the star league.  There is peace in the inner sphere that hasn't existed for over three hundred years!  You should be rejoicing at the sacrifices that everyone made for that third transfer to happen."

"You are like every manei domini.  Arrogant and utterly lost to humanity."

"As The Master meant and praise to be Blake."

"Get me off of this dead ship damn you."

At that time, the airlock was starting to cycle.  They waited for the figure to come thru and Kendricke was even more perturbed to see a Djinn battle armor now aboard with Corden.  The hatch revealed it was Aaron.

"Oh great more blakists."

"I assure you I am not a blakist.  I am Aaron the guide.  You must be Kendricke the Paladin."

"Then why the hell are you here and following this degenerate.  Not to mention you talk funny."

"Because there was no other way to the stars.  Corden has been all but a help to Turbline.

Kendricke scoffs again.

"and as to how I am talking.  Those on Turbline use their job role as a semi title after their name.  Get use to it Kendricke THE paladin."

"You are starting to sound like him now."  Kendricke pointed at Corden.

"I have heard the conversation between you two on the way here.  I can understand the vitrial that you have with him.  You are not alone in thinking he is a monster.  He doesn't dodge that fact."  Aaron looks at Corden.  "Me and him have a semi understanding.  Now if you excuse me I have to talk to him alone."


"What is it Aaron?"

"So Ramus went over the jumpship internals and he found the core and drive are all intact in his opinion."

"Hold on.  Jumpship cores when they misjump are destroyed or damaged.  This is different?  Are you telling me this is repairable?"

"It is weird what I saw when he showed me.    Its the power connections and control wiring.  They were shifted an inch laterally it appears along the jumpship as if it isn't connected to anything.  Just like those poor souls on the jumpship bridge and the dropships.  But why not you and Kendricke, hell even our ancestors, survived these misjumps?  Ralph also has a thoery but wants to look at your jumpship wreckage and also ours from centuries ago."

"Mine shouldn't be a problem.  The old one though will be harder.  Jumpships from then didn't have docking collar technology at the time.  It would be an external entry and very dangerous.  Are you willing to risk being lost in the void because you misfired any of the jump jets on your battle armor let alone anyone else getting there?"

"It is worth it Corden.  If Ramus is right, it might open us up to the inner sphere.  They could come here."

"NOT one word to Kendricke.  Even though he is pure of heart and nation.  He harbors hatred that blinds him and of..."

"I can't blame him Corden.  What the Word did.  What the manei domini did in that Jihad of yours."

"Then keep that in mind when he sees what is going on down on Turbline.  He will use that against everyone.  You were blessed by Blake even if you did not want it.  That is the reality as it sits.  That man could bring in a force that would persecute those who sought hope.  Keep it so that it doesn't happen."


They managed to get Kendricke aboard Corden's union.  Then they dissembarked and moved over to Corden's jumpship.  Upon connecting and exploring the wreck, it appeared that it had taken a worse hit.  In either case the guides determined that the same thing had happened with the KF core.  It had also separated an inch from the main connecting and control wires.  Ramus thought that it could be repaired, but only one jump likely could be done.  Then it would be a total wreck.  Other systems found intact were the fusion reactor, lithium fusion battery, and the HPG.  No more than two days was spent going over the wreck before continuing onto the one jumpship the guides really wanted to see.

The primitive jumpship.  They had to open the dropships airlock, float the way over, cut open the structure, and then gain entry.  Thankfully no one made a mistake and jetted into the void.  Upon entry, it was a total wreck.  Again the KF drive core was shifted an inch, but was cracked down the center.  Floating in the middle of space with random fluctuations of gravity over the centuries had done it in.  They also found mummified corpses of their ancestors and they were shifted as the other crews had been.   What of value though was old computers, manuals, treasures of their ancestors in the form of pictures, clothes, and what not.  A literal time capsule in space.  These were gathered and crated for the journey back to Turbline.

With their work done for now, Corden turned the dropship back to Turbline and began the journey home.  Corden took this time to teach the guides how the dropship worked.  How to fly it, land it, the whole gammit.  He couldn't forever br relied on to do this.  Especially with his VDNI woes.  He still needed to check with Carol the medic or other doctors.  Too much had been going on.  Too much...


During the entire journey Corden was able to remain in contact with Deback.  The connection with the parked Preta was a stop gap at best but it worked.  Training on all the equipment had gone well.  Tim had taken to Se'irim battle armor thru sheer determination and three others had also managed to get a good understanding too.  The rest of the guards who had stepped forward had got the hang of the mauser 1200s.  All in all, it sounded good.

Corden did the math.  He could transport six battle armor on his archangel.  Then another ten tons of equipment by carrying it in one hand if they switched his mech back to the invictus config.  Some kind of structure with seats would have to be fashioned to carry men, arms, and equipment.  Something the guides could easily do.  Taking the dropship near the lair would have been too dangerous and would eliminate the element of surprise.  So a moving assault force would be done.

On the fifth day the dropship descended to Turbline.  Corden warned Deback that he would land at the same place he had before near Baltmare so the crowds would be backed off.  When they did go to land, Corden had Aaron attempt the descent while he was plugged in with his VDNI.  Aaron managed the entry just barely.  Landing though would be the true test and... Aaron failed.  Corden immediately took over, correcting the mistakes Aaron had made, and fought the extra Gs.  The union landed without breaking anything to Corden's relief.

"I am sorry Corden.  We could have died."

"But you did well on the reentry.  You are doing the best you can based on coming from essentially nothing.  Do not despair.  There will be more attempts.  Now we go to the populace and present what you found on the old jumpship.  There will be countless questions and logs to be made.  I have business with Deback and the guards.  Things are to be planned in the coming days."

Kendricke wandered Baltmare looking at the primitive structures and the populace that lived there.  Word of Blake icongraphy was plastered here and scripture graffiti there.  It made him utterly sick.  They didn't know what these bastards had done and why they were hated across the Inner Sphere.  Every person he talked too praised Corden for their liberation and the coming of a new age.  He eventually found his way into the Keep of the Faiths and saw that most of the old faiths had been surplanted.  When asked why most people said that actions spoke louder than words.  Corden had certainly done both word and action.  Then he visited the taverns to listen and talk to the populace.  He learned of the nobles, handlers, and night haunts.  That the war was still going on about them.  Kendricke started to show a little sympathy for these people, but still the influence of Blake was on them.  It was then he decided he wanted to see this war up front himself.  With an assault on the handlers coming up, just maybe he could convince Corden to let him help.


"Let me get this straight.  You want to help this world and for what reason?"

"I have just got here.  I should at least have some idea what is going on.  Considering I am marooned here as much as you are.  I am a soldier Corden.  Not everyone here is going to buy the Blake crap.  Maybe something more can be injected into this world."

"Like some of the ideals of the Republic of the Sphere?  It is intriguing idea and your Republic is a cousin of the Word of Blake in a way."

"That idea is an utter insult."

"Yet it remains true.  But what can you do?  Your left arm is essentially cripplied."

"I might be able to use battle armor or at least a pistol.  I heard of these memetic cloaks that you got.  I can communicate, spot, warn, etc.  You could use another high ranking experienced officer."

"Fine, you have made your points.  The assault could use more leadership.  The question is.  Are you willing to carry out an order that I give you?"

That made Kendricke pause.  An order against the Ares Conventions coming from Corden would grate him.

"Mostly, but no."

"I understand.  Like all frails, you don't have the stomach for what must be done.  I won't order you to do what I will."

He did it, called him a frail.  Typical Manei Domini scum.  He would have to witness some of the damning things this man did in case he ever got back to Terra.  Kendricke held back his anger and let out a slow breath.

"Fine.  We have some understanding then."

"Good.  Then welcome to Task force Blake Kendricke."


The fire was warm against the night sky.  Deback, Corden, Kendricke, Tim, and Aaron sat by it.  The usual pleasantries had been dispensed with.  Local ale drunk.  Hatreds put aside for the night.

"Before I became Manei Domini, I was a soldier in comstar.  I was there when the clans invaded and when we took to the field at Tukayyid.  Many people died that day stalling them on their drive to Terra.  Then the schism happened and the Word of Blake was born.  I was lost.  Challenged by the heretic that my faith was incorrect.  I spent years in Comstar stationed on worlds that had no meaning.  There was no fervor, no soul anymore, no hope.  Just the drudgery of a soulless organization.  Then operation ODYSSEUS happened while I was stationed on Terra.  The Word of Blake came to reclaim it from the heretics.  I was there and I knew my faith was being tested."

"I made a choice and allowed some of that force to land at a space port that was key in the invasion.  For that choice, my fellow comguards turned on me.  I was incinerated in my mech with infernos.  I was able to escape them as the dropships landed.  But my mech collapsed in the confligaration and an ammo explosion happened.  I awoke years later from a coma.  I was missing limbs, burned skin, one eye, and only lived due to life support.  I didn't know the year, but that is when I met him.  We talked a long time about what I had done, why I did it, my faith, what I could accomplish.  I said yes then there was blackness."

"When I awoke, I was like as you see me.  No longer a frail but blessed by technology.  Sinful flesh cut away.  The path clearly choosen.  I was his hand, manei domini.  I never got to execute the plan for the third transfer.  Instead I ended up here.  That is my story."

Kendricke finally spoke up.

"Hold on.  You are telling me that you have never killed billions with atomic fire?  Released chemical agents or the biological ones too?  You were just starting out on the jihad?"

"You are correct, I was in fact heading to the Lyran theater when I ended up here."

"Corden, you do realize you have a chance at redemption here.  You could..."

"I WILL not be swayed Paladin!  I am manei domini!  The iron father of Turbline!  I will not be turned into a traitor and give you access to the final two hidden worlds!  I will detonate myself before you even lay a hand on me!"  Then Corden whispered.  "I have already done what others will not do or what had to be done.  I know you have talked to Aaron.  You know what I have done and I am glad of it.  I see the populace free, in the arms of Blake, and able to reach the stars.  Do you truly have faith?"

Kendricke scowled.  So Corden knew everything of the mission.  This this did not bode well.

"I do.  I do in Devlin Stone.  He pulled us out of the fires of your Jihad.  Established the Republic."

"Then you know what it means to have faith in something and someone.  I have a faith in something you can't touch.  That is where we are different.  I have seen the fruits of my faith and believe in it whole sale.  Every time I have been presented with doubt, I am shown proof of my conviction.  If I am to be judged by mankind, I will be judged whole heartedly without a guilty heart."

Kendricke looked at Corden and simply nodded.  A new understanding between foes was reached.  One not so guilty compared to the rest that were dead.  The fire crackled as the rest stayed silent into the night.


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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #24 on: 10 May 2024, 01:29:53 »
He judisioucly relayed the death of The Master and Apollyon.  Scoured by the Rasalhague Dominion of the Ghost Bear clan.

Was he lying or is this an AU, because with his access to jumpship/dropship computers, Corden could likely find out the details after enough digging.

"Like some of the ideals of the Republic of the Sphere?  It is intriguing idea and your Republic is a cousin of the Word of Blake in a way."

"That idea is an utter insult."

"Yet it remains true.  But what can you do?

Perhaps even more true than Corden expects.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #25 on: 10 May 2024, 13:30:32 »
Was he lying or is this an AU, because with his access to jumpship/dropship computers, Corden could likely find out the details after enough digging.

Perhaps even more true than Corden expects.
Corden already knew a little about the history in the files he "hacked".  Unless I forgot to copy paste that part in.  I will have to double check.  Kendricke doesn't know it at this point if ever.  But The Master did get nuked by the Ghost Bears/Rasalhogue forces in operation SCOUR.  Source is Jihad: Final Reckoning, opening story.  He is talking to a protege of some kind that gets knocked cold by falling debre.  Appolyon also died in this process.  I think a nuke also, but it is buried amoung 6-7 different jihad books.  So is it an alternate universe?  At this point no and will it go that way?  We will see.


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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #26 on: 10 May 2024, 15:17:47 »
Master got nuked by Regulans (the protege there is McIntyre, world ruler) on Cirinus and Apollyon got nuked by Regulans on Gibson, with Regulans also glassing half a dozen worlds in-between, no Ghost Bears involvement.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #27 on: 11 May 2024, 08:05:39 »
Master got nuked by Regulans (the protege there is McIntyre, world ruler) on Cirinus and Apollyon got nuked by Regulans on Gibson, with Regulans also glassing half a dozen worlds in-between, no Ghost Bears involvement.
Well crap.  Just read final reckoning real quick and major issue.  Now got two things to rewrite in story.  For now just go with it in its current form.


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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #28 on: 12 May 2024, 00:47:34 »
The Master was nuked on Circinus by Regulan forces. McIntyre was by his side, but he is not THE Protege that is often referred to by neo-Blakists. (In-universe and in-fiction, the Protege remains unrevealed as of this writing.)

Apollyon was nuked on Gibson, again by Regulan forces.

Some Dark Age lore claimed that the Master's ashes were being kept by someone as a holy relic or some such, but at the end of that book (can't recall which), the urn or whatever is opened and revealed for the fake that it is. How anyone would be able to conclusively ID the Master's remains amid a city reduced by ash by orbitally-dropped nukes and capital weapon fire would be a miracle beyond measure, IMO.

- Herb


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Re: Iron Father
« Reply #29 on: 12 May 2024, 20:57:47 »
The Master was nuked on Circinus by Regulan forces. McIntyre was by his side, but he is not THE Protege that is often referred to by neo-Blakists. (In-universe and in-fiction, the Protege remains unrevealed as of this writing.)

Apollyon was nuked on Gibson, again by Regulan forces.

Some Dark Age lore claimed that the Master's ashes were being kept by someone as a holy relic or some such, but at the end of that book (can't recall which), the urn or whatever is opened and revealed for the fake that it is. How anyone would be able to conclusively ID the Master's remains amid a city reduced by ash by orbitally-dropped nukes and capital weapon fire would be a miracle beyond measure, IMO.

- Herb
The Protege I believe is Berith per Ghosts of Obeedah.  At least what I have going on in my head.

On another note, been trying to message a few people here and the system seems broken.  Getting syntax errors and see other are too in the tech support section.