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read the comic surrogates its much more deeper than the movie....its hard to find now
always thought that it was a warning about how net lets us insulate to a point of actually having fear of another human being or fear of embarrasment
Off Topic / Re: What are we Reading Now: Conan the Librarian
« Last post by elf25s on Today at 21:21:51 »
Reading a book about Gypsies; it turns out, they pretty much sprang up in Europe at the 15th-century.  They're considered refugees from the collapse of the feudal-system and their genetic make-up was not necessarily from Egypt or India, but most were European.
actually they are descendants of groups that ghenghis khan  displaced when he started his empire a lot of them initially came from central asia and their lines got pretty diluted by the time they reached europe around late 13th century
Yeah, Moon dust is really bad, like breathing in shards of glass. Good colony-filters and lung-repair might be in order.

. . .Especially when the wealthy proprietor owner pulls up stakes and goes back to Earth.

I don't think a wealthy-proprietor will be able to return to Earth from Mars.
Off Topic / Re: What are we Reading Now: Conan the Librarian
« Last post by Prospernia on Today at 21:10:14 »
Reading a book about Gypsies; it turns out, they pretty much sprang up in Europe at the 15th-century.  They're considered refugees from the collapse of the feudal-system and their genetic make-up was not necessarily from Egypt or India, but most were European.
Surrogates; so I grabbed it because Bruce Willis looked old in it, so I thought it was a recent-release; it turns out it's from 2009 and, I vaguely remember watching it in 2010, the last time I had cable or a TV-set.
Again going back in time...

But judging by the way the Sarna People's Front organized itself to become quite influencial in so very little time following the 4th SW, I'd wager there was already some form of "sarnese independantist" organization within the CC before the 4th SW. This is pure speculation, of course, but then such groups don't tend to sprout out from nowhere.

Another example that I'll dust off (while I'm at it) is Gabriel Quinn, for she makes an interesting case study. A highly decorated mechwarrior, a fall from grace saw her narrowly saved by Tormano Liao from imprisonment and quite possibly death. Now while she IS linked to tormano altough she does not seem to be actually genueinly part of his small personnal power base, she IS described as recruiting anti-liaoists for future projects, notably to have some of Maximilian's relations take dirt naps.

This is all old and dusty stuff, but interesting to consider nonetheless.
BattleTech Miniatures / Re: Deckard_2049s Battletech stuff
« Last post by Gladius-XC on Today at 20:54:07 »
Beautiful!  I love the camo pattern!
Off Topic / Re: What Are We Listening To: This List Goes Up To Eleven!
« Last post by rebs on Today at 20:47:03 »
Train in Vain ~ The Clash
Played one at a con that was 50 Comstar vs 40 Clan. Didn't finished the game in 4 hours. Lots of fun,
Lunar dust can be comprised of all kinds of metals.  Would be like blacklung in a coal miner in no time, I could see that. 
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