Author Topic: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)  (Read 11520 times)


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Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« on: 24 March 2020, 02:52:32 »
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction, not to be sold or otherwise circulated for profit. The Battletech and Mechwarrior franchise is owned by Topps Toys and their respective licensees.
A/N: Six-score and eighteen months ago I started writing Star Adder Symphony and broke off part way through. It was a good effort by the writer I was at the time… but that wasn’t a very high bar. Looking back… it’s not great. And there’s more than a decade of new material we have access to. So rather than picking up where I left off… here we go.
This story, although set in the 31st century's familiar setting of armoured combat, is an Alternate Universe which diverges in the last year of the 30th Century. Please strap in, read safely (wash your hands, etc.) and enjoy the ride.

Star Adder Symphony
A Battletech AU fanfic

Book 1: Hidden Hope
Return to the Inner Sphere is impossible for us. Our heritage and our convictions are different from those we left behind. The greed of the five Great Houses and the Council Lords is a disease that can only be burned away by the passing of decades, even centuries. And though the fighting may seem to slow, or even cease, it will erupt again as long as there are powerful men to covet one another's wealth. We shall live apart, conserving all the good of the Star League and ridding ourselves of the bad, so that when we return - and return we shall - our shining moral character will be as much our shield as our BattleMechs and fighters.
- Aleksandr Kerensky, General Order 137, 5 October 2785


Hall of Khans, Katayusha City
Strana Mechty, Clan Homeworlds
15 March 3000

Kerlin Ward didn't seem phased by the glares of some of the more fervent members of the Crusader movement as he stood. The Khan of the Wolf Clan had made no secret that he opposed them, and his own faction - those called the Wardens - stood behind him on the matter.

Gerrick N'Buta didn't take his eyes off the young Khan but he leant slightly across the aisle between his own bench and that of the Cloud Cobras to hear their Khan's murmur: "Ironic that one of his own Wolves is the Crusader's spokesman."

"I do not think any clan is unanimous on the matter," he replied in just as low a voice.

There was a low laugh from Terrel N'Buta as the other Khan straightened and they both gave Kerlin their full attention. The two men were as alike in appearance as brothers, unsurprising since they were from the same sibko. For many years Gerrick had suspected that he and Terrel would someday fight - perhaps to the death - for the right to lead Clan Star Adder. Fortunately for them both, the Cloud Cobras had captured Terrel - at no small cost to themselves - and after he rose from bondsman to warrior, it was only a matter of time before the former Star Adder had risen to one of his new Clan's leaders.

All the more glory for Bloodhouse N'Buta, and a furthering of the alliance between their Clans, Gerrick thought.

"My comrades." Kerlin spread his hands. "We have debated in private whether or not we should return to the Inner Sphere and many of these arguments have been repeated here already. I will not waste your time by repeating what many among you have already said."

Gerrick arched an eyebrow but didn't voice the obvious question.

Yvonne Hazen was not quite so restrained. "You are not in the habit of wasting our time, Khan Ward. But you have risen to speak so I imagine you have something to say, quiaff?"

"Aff." The Wolf nodded to the Jade Falcon. "Instead I will point out that we know next to nothing of the Inner Sphere."

Eyes narrowed around the room.

"What would you call someone who bids a battle without seeing what the defenses are?" he asked rhetorically, raking the room with his own glare. "Or who picks a battleground they know nothing of? I doubt I will convince any one of you who yearns to restore the Star League by force of arms to turn from that goal... but I ask you this: what forces do we face? What worlds are held by what House? With what forces? What are their tactics, their strategies? What worlds are of value, demanding our best, and which are minor enclaves that can be left for cubs to take?" Kerlin paused and drew breath: "We do not know."

"Ouch," mouthed Terrel, Gerrick barely hearing the breath. It was a fair hit.

"We do not know," the Wolf repeated. "And many of the arguments that I myself have expressed as to whether or not we should return are, I admit, based on a similar ignorance: while I do not believe conditions in the Inner Sphere demand our intervention or protection of those who our ancestors once defended... I could, perhaps, be wrong."

"So!" He slapped his hands together. "I propose, Khan Winson, to table your proposal... for now," Kerlin added as a growl of discontent came from the bench occupied by Clan Smoke Jaguar's Khans. Those two, along with Hazen and her fellow Jade Falcon, were the heart of the Crusaders. "Instead, let us find out the facts that we lack and answer the questions that I have posed. And then, only then, can we make an informed choice."

Once more, Kerlin Ward looked around the chamber and then, with cool dignity, he returned to his seat, leaving the floor to others.

Hazen looked about to speak, but Gordon Moon was faster off the mark. "Neg!" the man snarled. "We should not hesitate. This matter has waited long enough. The Great Founder waited twenty years to retake the Pentagon from the rebels who torn those worlds apart - but it is more than two hundred since we left the Inner Sphere. To wait longer is a shame upon us. Let us return in force, and take what answers we need with the same hands that take back the worlds the Scavenger Lords fight over."

Gerrick cleared his throat. "The great Kerensky waited until his forces were ready, but also until he was fully informed as to his opponents' strengths and weaknesses. Absalom Truscott - my own Clan's founder - was sent to gather that intelligence. Both were wise, and that wisdom is worthy of emulation."

"I had not thought that the Star Adders were so... cautious," Moon grated. His eyes flicked to Terrel and back again. "Which of you is abtakha again?"

"You know so little of both of our Clans," Terrel observed coolly, "That were we to switch uniforms and seats, I doubt you would be able to tell my sibkin and I apart. But we have a closer eye for such details... and such details are useful to know, Gordon Moon."

"Let us return to the issue at hand." Nadia Winson had more of the look of a Wolf than of a Ghost Bear - the latter clan favoured slightly heavier builds and lighter hair in their bloodlines - but that was hardly surprising - she, like Terrel - had risen to lead a Clan other than that she was born to. "Khan Ward's point is not without merit, but how would such details be gathered?"

Kerlin rested his elbows on the desk in front of him. "I propose a reconnaissance force be sent to the Inner Sphere. For our own security, they will adopt a false identity, one that will not betray their origins. This force - sufficiently strong to defend themselves - will be charged to circle the Inner Sphere, fighting for and against each of the Great Houses, and report to us their strengths and weaknesses."

Gerrick lowered his eyebrows. "Would the Lords allow that?" he wondered. "What sort of force could shift between them in turn - we can hardly anticipate that they would be so conveniently join and then leave the services of the Houses."

That got a smile - almost a smirk - from the Wolf Khan.  "On the contrary. We know of a group among the Inner Sphere who do exactly that."

"Who?" asked Terrel sceptically.

Ren Posavatz leant forwards. His Goliath Scorpions were practically clients to the Wolves. It was no surprise, Gerrick thought in some disgust, that he would be in Ward's confidence. "I believe Khan Ward suggests that our recon forces present themselves as mercenaries."

"Mercenaries?" asked Hazen in obvious bemusement. "What in Kerensky's name are they?"

"Contract warriors." Gerrick made a face. "Amaris used them - hirelings who were granted payment for their service, not loyal and honourable soldiers."

"They were not only used by Amaris," Posavatz corrected him. "The SLDF was not unaccustomed to them - and more than a few of those who chose not to follow the Father into the Exodus chose to serve in that capacity rather than pledge to one of House Lords."

"That says nothing for their virtues," observed Hazen tartly.

The Goliath Scorpion shrugged. "Nonetheless, what little we have heard of the Inner Sphere through deep periphery traders makes it clear that they still exist and in great numbers. One more such force would be unlikely to cause much alarm and they could easily take contracts that would allow them to fight with and against each House, given some time."

"Who would do such a thing?" protested Terrel. "I understand the need for information, but can you ask it of your warriors - to behave so dishonourably, and then to hide it behind a further shame by having a hidden purpose behind it?"

Kerlin Ward gave Terrel a dry look. "I can ask it of them, yes. To serve one's Clan - to serve all our Clans - is no dishonour, Khan N'Buta. But to ensure that they are not shamed for such a sacrifice, I would have to offer a suitable reward. That is a Khan's duty, quiaff? To reward the loyal and dutiful, even when those duties are less than glorious?"

Hazen glanced at Winson. "Do you really think that this is needful, Nadia?"

"Aff," the woman said thoughtfully. "Perhaps not this way, but Kerlin is not wrong to say we know little of the Inner Sphere. An invasion without such knowledge would be ill-prepared."

The Jade Falcon shook her head in disgust. "And how would you reward those bringing back such information?"

It was Ward who spoke up. "I would recruit from the freeborn and those with little chance of sponsorship for a bloodname, Khan Hazen. And if their report opens the opportunity of realizing your precious crusade, then could you deny them the greatest honour we have to bestow on them?"

"You cannot be serious!?" exclaimed Niamh Sukhanov from her seat. The aged Khan of the Snow Ravens was probably not long for her post, Gerrick thought. Her hair was beginning to show traces of grey. "You would offer a bloodname, quineg?"


That simple reply brought chaos to the room, Moon and other Khans to their feet.

The two N'Butas didn't join the outcry, instead exchanging looks again. Terrel made a face. "If they are willing to do... that..."

Gerrick shrugged. He found the idea less distasteful. "If it means the Crusaders having their way down the road... it is the Wolves who will have to accept such a bloodhouse among them, after all."

"Order!" the Loremaster shouted. "Order!" When order did not resume, the woman drew her sidearm and fired it into the air. (Part of the roof was specially reinforced to accommodate this.) That at least drew a moment's silence and she lowered the still smoking weapon. "This is a Kurultai, not a lacrosse match," she reminded them, not pointing the gun at any one Khan. "We will act under the martial code... or must I remove a Khan from the chamber?"

"No Khan may be dismissed from the Council!" protested Sukhanov.

The loremaster's smile was as shark-like as her Clan's totem (a Clan with little fondness for the Snow Ravens) "Not while alive."

"Let us vote," proposed Nadine Winson. "Khan Ward's proposal has merit in my eyes."

After a quick glance around - Terrel and Gerrick both nodded as she looked at them - the Loremaster pressed a control at her console. "The motion is before the Grand Council. A vote of aye is to approve Khan Kerlin Ward's proposed reconnaissance force. A vote of nay will dismiss the plan."

By tradition the votes were by voice. By the time the Loremaster called on the Cloud Cobras, a dozen votes had been cast for Kerlin's plan and only eight against it. Gerrick heard his sibkin vote and without prompting added his own "Aye," followed by his saKhan.

Sixteen votes out of a possible thirty-four... and Kerlin himself had yet to vote.

In the end, a total of twenty-three votes (the Fire Mandrills as usual disagreeing) favoured the plan.

Gordon Moon gave the Loremaster a sour look but refrained from dramatics. "Clan Smoke Jaguar calls for a Trial of Refusal," he declared.

"No surprise there," Terrel muttered and Gerrick smirked.

"Nor there," he agreed, as Kerlin rose and bid the 328th Assault Cluster to defend the decision - and at the balance of votes, the Smoke Jaguars would be pitting barely half as many forces against one of Clan Wolf's premiere units. It wasn't a foregone conclusion that they would fail... but it would be a distinct surprise if they didn't try.


Hall of Khans, Katayusha City
Strana Mechty, Clan Homeworlds
18 March 3000

The Hall had been build with many small nooks for private meetings. Some were used for political scheming - more Grand Council decisions had been quietly settled in quiet conversations in them than Trials of Refusal had overturned them, or so Gerrick N'Buta would have guessed. And of course, it was convenient for warriors to have somewhere quiet if they were simply coupling. There weren't all that many places to meet across Clan lines after all.

Gerrick had invited Kerlin Ward for the former, although he wouldn't have passed up the second. The House of Ward sired comely warriors and vigorous, after all.

He had reserved the room with its fine view down over the streets of the city outside - nearer the sprawling parks and bloodchapels that were the heart of the Clans, beyond them the quarters where hundreds of thousands worked for their Clans or the Free Guilds, a constant struggle against inertia, entropy... and each other.

"A drink?" he offered the Wolf Khan, lifting a bottle from the table where he'd left it.

"Oh, you're trying to cloud my wits already?" But Kerlin nodded as he settled into one of the lightly padded seats and looked out over at the city for a moment.

Gerrick laughed and poured into the waiting glasses. "If this much is going to be detrimental, I shall have it served to you before we next bid on something of issue between our clans." It was a fairly mild cider, actually. A minor export from the Star Adders' capital world of Sheridan, and one he knew was often purchased by the Wolf enclave here on Strana Mechty, where they still kept their own capital - unlike many other Clans who had moved their centres away from their world of origin.

Kerlin accepted the glass. "Do you expect such an issue in the near future, Khan N'Buta? Although if we do find ourselves at odds, by all means do your best to soften me up with this. It is rather decent."

"Your plans for a reconnaissance force interest me," Gerrick told him candidly and took a sip from his own glass. "May I offer a bid for our forces to assist in providing the unit? Sending hundreds of warriors will take something of a bite from your Clan's touman, if you will excuse the pun."

"Not so much as you might think." Kerlin's eyes were alert. "Inner sphere warriors rarely retire as early as our own unblooded warriors, so many of them will be recruited from those facing a future in solahma forces, as well as trueborn who completed their warrior training but failed their trials of position. A second chance will motivate them well."

"And other troublemakers who fit in poorly with your Clan and might cause strife in the future."

The Wolf's smile tightened. "We are all brothers and sisters in the Wolf Clan, but in any pack, there can be but one Alpha."

Gerrick shrugged. "And an Alpha is wise to see that rivals are dealt with, one way or another, before they divide their pack, quiaff? I am pleased by Terrel's success, but had he remained a Star Adder - or Nadia Winson a Wolf - then our Clan Councils might have had a difficult job choosing a khan."

"See it that way if you want."

The Star Adder shrugged and let the subject drop. "Training your force will require an opposing force," he offered instead. "If you are already drawing on reserves to form them then tying up another force to shape them might be a burden. I would be honoured to provide warriors for some sharpening of your claws."

"A generous offer." Kerlin finished his glass and accepted the silence offer of a refill. "And I would gladly accept but I fear your bid has come too slowly. Khan Posavatz cornered me even before Moon's Trial of Refusal had failed."

"Ah, he is a sharp one." And had probably helped to plan the entire thing. "What was his bid?"

"The Heartvenom Cluster. He tells me that they have dug out SLDF manuals and are already poring over them to shape our Dragoons - that is the name we have chosen for them - into a Spheroid-style force."

Gerrick's eyes narrowed. A sound choice - the First Cateran Cluster were perhaps the most elite force in the Goliath Scorpions, rivaled only by the Khans' own guard force. "I believe I could equal - though perhaps not surpass - the quality of the warriors, but their historical proficiency is unmatched. Once again you have already gone ahead of my thinking."

Kerlin raised his glass in salute. "And yet, you and Ren are the only Khans to think so far ahead. Sometimes I wonder if our peers assume that the strongest Clans are that simply for combat prowess and do not recognise that we are often simply those who think before we bid."

"I cannot claim that the thought has not crossed my mind. Although the Jaguars do well and they are not what I would call the most foresightful of Clans as a rule."

"I suspect that the Falcons use them as a stalking horse. Hazen is clever enough, and with someone like Gordon Moon as a contrast, she seems more reasonable to the moderates among the Crusaders. Like Nadia... or you."

Gerrick's lips quirked. "Granted."

"If you believe the Dragoons' reports will one day persuade me that your crusade is justified, you are very likely mistaken."

"I respect your convictions, even if I disagree with them. And while I concede it would take strong evidence to the contrary to persuade me that it will not take our intervention to turn them from self-destruction, I would be pleased if such evidence was found."

He saw Kerlin's gaze sharpen. "Yes... I believe you. And that is perhaps more than I would have expected to say."

"We are not all invested in that goal for glory." Gerrick tipped back his glass and drained it dry. "And I also put together what most of the Council have not: the chances of us being the Khans to lead an invasion, should that happen, are slim. You have set us back decades."

"I'm shocked."

"That I can count? Years to prepare, a year or so of travel either way - and not less than two years with every Successor Lord, probably more. I would be shocked if this mission consumes less than two decades." And more if you instruct them - as I think you will - to take their sweet time.

Kerlin lowered his glass and shook his head slightly when Gerrick offered the bottle once more. "Does that bother you, Khan N'Buta?"

"To a degree, which suggests my interests are more personal than I would like," he said frankly. "But to invade - aff, aff, if we do indeed invade - blindly would be folly. You have guarded us from that, and I thank you."

And I think you will guard us from any intelligence gathered, too. At least any that might stir us to action. You are a canny wolf, Kerlin Ward. No, a dog. A guard dog between us and the Inner Sphere. I will accept the delay - nothing much has changed in the Inner Sphere in centuries even from the scant information we have, so a decade or two more are worth the price. But if you think I will not use this time well...

Then you are very much mistaken.


Star Adder Council Hall, Katayusha City
Strana Mechty, Clan Homeworlds
25 March 3000

"What sort of preparations do you have in mind?"

Eamon Phoushath had changed little from his time as Khan. Gerrick unseating him had only moved him a few doors down the Star Adders' capitol building since he had almost immediately been nominated to step in as the Loremaster of the Clan. Even here on Strana Mechty in the old headquarters that Absalon Truscott had used in the 2810s and 2820s, his desk was a clutter of datapads and old-fashioned paperwork. Only the contents had changed.

Gerrick leant forwards. "Firstly, we must think."

"Ah, our most constant limitation." Eamon pushed the papers he had been reading back into his in-tray and brought out a fresh notebook. "Planning for something beyond our own likely lifespans, quiaff?"

"Aff." Gerrick would be doing well to still be leading the Star Adders if they invaded in the 3020s. Ten or twenty years later he would be unlikely to still have warrior status. "But Nicholas Kerensky waited twenty years to return to the Pentagon, so there is precedent."

"And you want to know where to begin. Why are you not asking Logan?"

"He is a hothead."

"He is your saKhan."

Gerrick made a dismissive gesture. "That was the Clan Council's choice. And he votes sensibly, I will admit. But he talks often with Hazen and Winson. If outsiders learn we are preparing for an invasion, the other Clans will either try to co-opt our work if they are Crusaders or destroy it if they are Wardens. We have seen what happens to Clans that over-expose themselves, and I would not be the next to suffer as the Coyotes did." The Coyotes would probably be among the first to jump in, eager to make good their losses over past decades.

"Perhaps they should change their name to jackals," Eamon suggested drily. "There is precedent now that the Foxes are Sharks."

"It is suggestions like that which brought you down from being Khan."

"And it has been good for the Clan, I think." The older warrior folded his arms and leant back on his chair, pushing it back on the rear two legs. "Very well, preparations for an Invasion. There are generally three areas of preparation: training, logistics and intelligence. Do you intend to compete with Kerlin in the latter?"

The Khan shook his head. "I suspect that he will filter what we receive, but I could be wrong and it would be too suspicious to attempt that now. Perhaps later, if the Dragoons do not prove useful."

"Then that leaves the other two areas."

"Our largest problem," Gerrick said slowly, "Is that I suspect that Kerlin's questions before the Grand Council only scratch the surface. We do not know the questions to ask, and how can we answer them without that. No one has ever attempted to conquer the entire Inner Sphere, not even James McKenna or Ian Cameron. And we are a thousand light years away."

Eamon grunted. "That is true, but perhaps someone has at least considered it before. The SLDF had a mammoth administration in order to support operations across the Star League, perhaps that should be looked into as a starting point."

"Ah." He furrowed his brow. "There is a phrase I heard when I was a child. Or maybe read... I... yes, I remember now. I was looking for a file in the databanks and came across a file labelled 'The Art of War' in a directory labelled 'Military Science'." Gerrick snorted. "Terrel and I were confused that it had no images, given it was titled art."

"Where are you going with this?"

"Our forebears considered military activity a science and studied war. So perhaps I should set scientists to digging into the old files and see what thinking there is of the problems such an endeavour could face."

"There is some merit to that," the Loremaster agreed cautiously. "But the scientists little like being taken from their own studies. If you are to take a long view, pick younger researchers."

Gerrick shrugged. "We already send scores of the more intelligent washouts from our sibkos into the caste. Training them to research is part of the normal process, but we can simply allocate them to it once they complete their general training as scientists. We have the time."

"Aff. Be sure to impress that upon your successor, when the time comes."

Gerrick nodded a little wearily. "What else do you suggest?"

Eamon took a sheet of paper and jotted some numbers down on it. "The Star League ruled around three thousand star systems, did they not?"

"I think a little less. And some have apparently been depopulated in the Succession Wars." A prospect that was painful to contemplate given the dearth of habitable worlds in the Kerensky Cluster.

"Two thousand then. And seventeen Clans would mean that even if no worlds are divided between multiple Clans then there would need to be enough forces to secure over a hundred planets each. How large such forces would have to be, I could not tell you."

"That would likely depend on the opposition we are facing," Gerrick said slowly. "Fifty to seventy clusters if we are mostly looking at only conflicts between Clans, but to get to that point..."

"And then there is transitioning the populace to the Clan ways. We have no examples of that since the aftermath of Klondike and that was apparently so troubling as to lead too..." the Loremaster lowered his voice, perhaps unconsciously: "the Not-Named."

"I think we do have an example we can study, actually."

"Oh?" Eamon rocked his chair forwards. "But... oh, the Tanite worlds. I almost forgot they existed."

"The Cloud Cobras do not make much of them, I admit. But my sibkin served there briefly after he redeemed his warrior status. He speaks little of them, but they are a recent example of how a non-Clan society may be assimilated."

"How have they done that?"

Gerrick shrugged. "I am honestly unsure, but I can ask. If it comes to that, there are three worlds in the system and we can launch a Trial of Possession for one and see for ourselves."

The older warrior smirked. "You think large, my Khan. But the Cloud Cobras are our allies. Doing so would alienate them, quiaff?"

"Aff. And we would likely fight them and also the Burrocks, since they have a presence there." His eyes narrowed. Which suggests that a single Clan is struggling to pacify only three worlds.

"The Cobras are not the strongest of Clans, particularly in ground forces," Eamon noted judiciously, his thoughts clearly following a similar path. "But the Tanite colonies are all in a single star system."

"We Crusaders are contemplating a thousand times as many worlds, across a vastly greater region of space."

Khan and Loremaster eyed each other uneasily. "Put like that, distance alone will be our enemy."

"Yes," Gerrick agreed. "Perhaps in addition to the Dragoons we should consider establishing an enclave nearer to the Inner Sphere. Something to use as a stepping stone. It will not solve all the other challenges that are becoming apparent, but it would be a beginning..."
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #1 on: 24 March 2020, 02:59:04 »
Chapter One

Hall of Khans, Katayusha City
Strana Mechty, Clan Homeworlds
13 December 3048

Virgilia Truscott watched politely as Leo Showers laid out his plans for the Invasion of the Inner Sphere. She'd voted the man in as IlKhan and in favour of the Crusader agenda, so she owed him that much support.

The holodisplay showed spearhead driving across the Inner Sphere, down through the swathe of worlds that the Draconis Combine and Lyran Commonwealth had been fighting over for two and a half centuries and then finally down to the glowing orb of Terra, at the heart of the Inner Sphere.

The ilKhan sat back and visibly awaited the approval of the Grand Council.

Alright then, that was about the limit of the support she was obligated for. "IlKhan Showers, in my professional assessment, that is the worst plan I have seen since the last time the Ice Hellions tried to raid us for some of our Chameleon training 'Mechs. And that, my Khans, was a very bad plan."

Stephen Tyler, sat under the blue and orange banner of Clan Ice Hellion, reddened visibly. The Trial of Possession had, to put it mildly, been a disaster. The Star Captain who won the bid had apparently been an advocate of the Ice Hellion's particular interpretation of zellbrigen: that a Star of light 'Mechs swarming a single heavier 'mech was allowable but that heavier 'Mechs shouldn't be allowed to retaliate in kind.

Clan Star Adder took a slightly different view - specifically that an honor duel is an honor duel, while a battle is a battle - and combining fire on a target makes it the latter. Older but larger 'Mechs had concentrated their fire to tear the Ice Hellions apart one at a time, before a Star of light OmniMechs held in reserve had harried the demoralised survivors back to their dropship. To add insult to injury, Kappa Galaxy had treated the wounds of those Ice Hellions who didn't make it back to their landing zone and then shipped them back via a Diamond Shark, billing the warrior's Clan for the transportation costs.

The implication that Clan Star Adder - a Clan that went so far as to fight Trials of Possession not only of aged solahma, but even their genetic legacies - didn't want the Hellions as bondsmen had been spread by the Chatterweb to every corner of the Homeworlds long before the humiliated warriors had been returned to their Clan.

Tyler and his saKhan might not find the reminder welcome, but there were snickers from many of the other Khans present - only a few of the thirty seated on the Council Chamber benches seemed to recall Virgilia's original point.

Facing them on the throne, Leo Showers was evidently unamused by the comparison. "You have reservations about our ability to defeat the degenerate warriors of the Inner Sphere, Khan Truscott? I believe the reports of the Dragoons spelled out how very far they have fallen from the Star League's might, while we have only risen."

Virgilia didn't bother to rise to her feet, instead looking the ilKhan over with lidded eyes. "I am familiar with those reports, ilKhan. I am even familiar with more recent news as to the creation of the Free Rasalhague that exists between the two House Lords and that the armies of the Inner Sphere may be beginning to field at least limited quantities of the weapons used by the Star League."

"Then we must strike now," Yvonne Hazen declared. The Jade Falcon Khan was almost seventy - older than any Khan save those of Clan Nova Cat - and had held the leadership of her Clan for almost five decades, a nigh-unprecedented feat. It was whispered that only the desire to return to the Inner Sphere kept the iron-haired woman alive, much less in power.

"Indeed. And I have voted to invade, Khan Hazen." Virgilia gave the old warrior a respectful nod. "But just because your protege, Crichell, has had a hand in this plan does not make it a good plan."

"I stand ready to rebut your criticisms," the much younger Falcon saKhan declared boldly from beside his mentor.

Virgilia smiled toothily. "Rash of you, when you haven't even heard them yet." She rolled her shoulders ostentatiously and then straightened. "It is a cardinal sin of strategy, Elias, to assume that the enemy will act as you wish them to. But your plan assumes that the Inner Sphere's warriors will meekly stand still and let you carve through them in convenient bite-sized portions. Even on a cursory glance, I can see that the obvious counter-measure for them will be to let your spearheads dig deep - which they will have little choice in, given initial surprise - and then employ a counter-attack against the long flanks you will be leaving exposed."

She met Crichell's hauteur with amused contempt: "I could determine this in minutes, but your plan gives the warlords who have fought their entire lives on this scale years to recognise it, and that is just to reach Terra. After that, with not even a sixth of the Inner Sphere of under the Clan's control -  if all goes as you plan, which I very much doubt (there is another maxim of war you seem to have forgotten)..."

"No plan survives contact with the enemy," Roderick Irons cut in from beside her, with some relish. "That's why they're called the enemy."

"Aff," she agreed. "What then, Elias Crichell? Do you and our IlKhan propose to maroon whatever remains of these invasion forces deep in the Inner Sphere, likely short on supplies by this stage, given that they can hardly expect even Star League quality parts and munitions to be compatible with their OmniMechs, and for the Great Lords to meekly surrender?"

The ilKhan shook his head. "As you yourself have pointed out, Khan Truscott, the situation once we have liberated Terra will be quite unpredictable. To present detailed plans at this point would be grossly overconfident."

"That hardly seems to have deterred you so far," she shot back, shifting targets. "Your plan would have each of the four Invading Clans holding at least a hundred worlds before they reach Terra. Just to defend them against counter-attacks would tie up, conservatively, a cluster for every two worlds, on average. Fifty Clusters..." She looked around. "That might be feasible for a few Clans but even for the largest touman, it would leave very little for continued operations, and keeping them supplied would be nigh-impossible."

"The Inner Sphere's warship numbers are not sufficient to support any ambitious counter-attack," pointed out Crichell quickly. "And in any case, we have specified that a fifth Clan must serve as reserve against such an eventuality."

"Warships are of very little concern to me in this." Virgila flicked her fingers dismissively. "The Dragoons' reports made it clear how quickly their numbers had fallen once the Inner Sphere began employing nuclear weapons against them. Press them too closely and they will erase your own, but since there would be no glory in utilising them against lesser ships I do not expect that foolishness of you."

"No, what concerns me far more even than a counter-attack is pacifying the worlds you intend to conquer. Out of all the Clans, only we can claim experience of this and your numbers are beyond optimistic of what is required."

"Now you are simply bragging." Robin Steele, Khan of the Coyotes, rose with her furred cloak swaying around her. "Aff, you absorbed the Cloud Cobras, and aff, you own the Tanite worlds, but all our Clans took back the Pentagon worlds, and you know how within a few years they were completely converted to Kerensky's ways."

"Those worlds were very different, Khan Steele." Virgila shook her head. "Our ancestors descended on worlds still divided and fought over. The people they liberated were willing, indeed eager, to follow any vision but the one that left destruction imminent. But the Inner Sphere is in a period of relative peace. It is almost ten years since the past wars and they were relatively localised. Worse, the region we will invade through - and I recognise that it is the only sensible route under the circumstances - is an area that won independence from the Successor Lords. Convincing them of the merits of our ways will take time and will face great reluctance. These are challenges that take more than merely warriors. It will take many years of work, but the plan we are presented assumes they will adapt to the changes as easily as enclaves long familiar with our ways."

"Do you have a better plan?" asked Crichell sourly. "Or are you only going to complain?"

Virgilia nodded. "Firstly, accept that this scale is simply inadequate and that a sensible invasion will take years to prepare for. Secondly, as with Klondike, all the Clans should be involved. One attack not entirely unlike what you propose to fight the troop formations along these borders, but on each flank another attack force should head for the capital worlds - Tharkad and Luthien. That will spread their forces out and provide a deeper reserve of forces to deal with counter-attacks."

Karianna Schmitt nodded approvingly from her seat at the Blood Spirit bench. "This sounds better already."

"You should beware, Schmitt," warned Hazen quietly. "The Star Adders have a rough way with those they call their allies."

"Only when those so-called allies have fallen from the Way of the Clans."

Showers thumped the arm of his throne with one fist. "Khan Truscott is making her presentation, my Khans. Let us do her the courtesy of hearing her out."

Virgila waited a moment and once it was clear she had their attention again, gave the ilKhan a crooked smile. "Over the next five years, our warriors should secure a world or worlds nearer the Inner Sphere to act as forward bases. These should be chosen with a view to being unnoticed as it will take those years to move supplies and personnel forward in the necessary quantity. Some of those personnel will be cadres of administrators and technicians to set up the needed governments and facilities across occupied worlds, but we will require hundreds of thousands of police-warriors to maintain order and..."

"Hundreds of thousands!?" exclaimed Steele. "Where would we find so many warriors?"

"Washouts from frontline service," Virgilia suggested. "Freeborn children eager to better themselves. There is time to train them and if there is one thing that the Brian Caches are not short of even now, it is conventional infantry gear."

"Why would we even need such a vast force?"

Roderick cleared his throat. "IlKhan, one of the worlds in the holodisplay... Tamar - it should be in the invasion route, around eight months in by your plan."

Showers gave a nod to one of the technicians and the display zoomed in on the system, automatically bringing up details on the planets that orbited the star.

"The third planet," directed Virgilia's saKhan. "One of the Commonwealth's more important political worlds, middling in terms of industrial significance. That one world alone has a population exceeding that of all of the Clans combined. Just to maintain a reasonable oversight of the planetary government, the main spaceport and HPG station will require hundreds of personnel. Add in maintaining a reaction force to deal with riots, guerilla resistance and the like... and we will need to operate in this fashion on hundreds of worlds until the population accepts our ways."

"This is ridiculous." Steele seemed to realise at last that she was still standing and settled back onto her bench. "I call no one here a coward - we are all warriors, quiaff? - but the Star Adders are taking caution to a ludicrous degree. Let us vote on the matter and be done."

Showers nodded. "Very well, Khan Steele. A vote of aye will be to approve my proposed plan, Operation Revival. A vote of nay will be to assign Khan Truscott to formulate her plan in more detail so we can properly evaluate it as an alternative."

The Khans made their votes and Virgilia felt her face tighten as for a long moment only the Blood Spirits voted against Revival. She thought that the Ghost Bears might back her but after a brief consultation, both Karl Bourjon and Theresa DelVillar cast their votes as Aye.

In rare agreement, the Fire Mandrills voted Nay before Virgilia had her chance but she already knew that the vote was against her. She and Roderick both opposed Revival and Ulric Kerensky, voting next, abstained with a wry look in her direction that she couldn't read.

The last clan to vote were the Goliath Scorpions and to her surprise they didn't support the ilKhan's plan either. Garth Radick had, so perhaps the senior Wolf Khan declining to take a stand was the issue.

Not that eight votes to twenty-one was anything but an overwhelming defeat.

Virgilia surged to her feet, almost eagerly. "My Khans, I call for a Trial of Refusal."

"Those are long odds for you, Khan Truscott."

"Invading the Inner Sphere will demand much longer odds," she shot back. "Why not start here?"

"Our warriors will stand with yours, once again," proposed Karianna.

Nikolai Djerassi rose to his feet. "The Scorpions will offer a Trinary, may I suggest that each of us sends one."

Everyone looked at the Fire Mandrills, but Khan Carrol shook her head. "We accept the outcome of the vote."

"Three trinaries then," the ilKhan declared. "Each to face... approximately four binaries. Who wishes to bid to defend our decision?"


The Triad, Tharkad
Donegal March, Lyran Commonwealth
14 December 3048

Fires crackled in the hearth of the office deep within the Triad, giving the room a warm and comfortable feel even if the bulk of the actual heating was from more sophisticated systems beneath the floor. Archon Melissa Steiner-Davion laughed quietly to herself at that thought - warming a room by blowing hot air through the space beneath it went back to the Romans, but that was indeed still more sophisticated than an open fire.

"After the upswing a few years ago, the level of raids into the Periphery March is lower than it has been since the 3020s." Hauptmann-General Horatio King was attending on behalf of Melissa's distant cousin Nils, who commanded the Federated Commonwealth's forces along that long border region. "It's beginning to feel as if we're not even needed there."

"I think..." The voice cut off as it's owner glanced towards Melissa with a trace of guilt.

The blonde gestured for her son to continue. Victor was supposed to be preparing for semester finals at the Nagelring, but Melissa didn't doubt that he was well-prepared for almost every class and had meticulous tutoring scheduled for anything he felt was lacking. Sitting in on some of her more routine briefings would be a valuable part of his education, probably more so than another cramming session.

"I think," the young man repeated himself, "that we'd regret taking that impression at face value." His eyes narrowed in thought, much as his father's might have. "What do you think's behind the downswing in attacks?"

"Three interrelated reasons, your highness." King opened up another window in the holodisplay, bringing up what was clearly part of a prepared presentation. "Firstly, there's been an upswing in trade through the near-Periphery. The Black Buck company's jumpships have been touching base at Langhorne, Main Street and Engadine and from the trade goods they've been bringing in, they're doing business with minor colonies left over from the old Rim Worlds Republic up to a hundred light years out from our borders."

"I thought most of those colonies had died out," Melissa mused. "We've not paid close attention to the region since..."

"A little over forty years. Not that it was ever a priority," King qualified the statement, "But your mother had attention refocused away from it after she took the throne - Marik and Kurita were almost all that LIC could handle with the situation Alessandro Steiner had left her in."

There were other reasons that her mother hadn't wanted too much attention on the region, Melissa thought. But the Hauptmann-General wasn't cleared for her mother's pre-throne exploits in the region, nor the source of the Black Box communications devices that the AFFC used for covert interstellar messages.

"Do you think that those colonies are bearing the brunt of pirate attacks by making themselves easier targets?"

King gave Victor a respectful look. "At least initially, yes. But those that survived that are almost certainly moving rimwards or corewards. The Black Buck are at least as ruthless in defending their sphere of influence as Tamar, Marsden and McQuiston were back in the day. We're almost certain they're behind the disappearance of Hopper Morrison and his band."

Victor considered that and then shook his head. "I don't recall the name, I'm afraid."

"One of the most dangerous pirate groups in living memory. A former member of the Black Warriors who found a cache of Star League-era machines somewhere a few years ago."

"Yes." Melissa leant forwards. "Almost two regiments of 'Mechs, and you're sure that he's been eliminated?"

"Two?" Victor exclaimed. His reaction was understandable - that put Morrison on par with the Circinian Federation or the Greater Valkyrate in terms of military forces.

King shook his head. "Pirates aren't known for their discretion. And it's been three years without any reports of him at all. I doubt Morrison could keep his unit operating this long without supplies he'd have to raid for. So either he's fled beyond the reach of our intelligence or he's out of business for one reason or another."

The Archon considered the question. "Unless he's associated with the Black Buck company. How much do we know about them?"

King shrugged. "Not a huge amount. They operate at least six Merchant-class jumpships and twice that many Union-class dropships, or civilian-built equivalents at least. First contact was around the time of the Skye Revolt, so everyone's focus was elsewhere. Mostly they deal in mid-range luxury goods and civilian type tooling."

"And yet you think they had a hand in destroying Morrison? Twelve Unions wouldn't be enough to carry an equivalent force," pointed out Victor.

"There's no one else besides us in the area with that much lift capacity," the general told him. "And we do know that the Black Buck managed to field at least a company of BattleMechs in 3043. Another band hit Caldarium while a Black Buck dropship was down, and torched a warehouse the company maintained there. The Bucks scrambled an aerospace lance from their dropship and harried the pirates back to their dropship. Eighteen months later, the same pirates resurfaced on Botany Bay and 'Mechs with the Black Buck badge on them were waiting for them."

"What did the Valkyrate have to say about that?" asked Melissa wryly. The pirate realm had less pretentions to be a real state than their neighbours, but even Redjack Ryan would be displeased at having worlds in 'his' domain fought over by outsiders.

"Mostly 'ouch'. The Black Buck had rolled over the garrison first and they only lost a single 'Mech in both engagements. Two days later they left Botany Bay and took the pirate dropship with them, along with all the salvage. None of which we've found in the usual black markets since."

Melissa shook her head. "And you think that Morrison raided one Black Buck's outposts and they retaliated in the same way, but on a grander scale?"

King spread his hands. "I can't think of anyone else who might have, your highness. Lord knows, we would have gladly done so ourselves if we'd managed to pin down his base. Whoever did it, the local bands appear to assume that there's a larger predator in the region and either headed for the usual regions or are testing the strength of the Rim Collection."

"Are they another of the factors you mentioned?" enquired Victor.

"Yes, besides Morrison dropping out of sight and Black Buck, the Collection is drawing a lot of attention. It's not an unfamiliar pattern and it's been the bane of any would-be statelets in the area before: worlds that band together are preyed upon before they get large enough to become a threat."

"Damn pirates," the prince muttered.

Melissa snorted quietly. "Victor, it's been our ancestors as much as it has been pirates. A successor state to the old Rim Worlds Republic might leave us with a third hostile border - not to mention the possibility that scores of worlds Robert Steiner occupied in the 2770s might decide to breakaway. Look up what happened to Finmark at some point."

Victor looked abashed.

"In this case, the difference is that the Rim Collection has managed to win the support of a fairly adequate military force - a mercenary force of at least a battalion called Able's Aces parted from AFFC employment after the War of 3039 and seem to have either been hired by or at least made common cause with the new government."

"Caldarium's one of the worlds in the Collection," mused Melissa. "Which suggests an overlap with the Black Buck's sphere of influence. If they're helping the matter along then we could see whatever colonies they do business with joining the Collection as well. That could leave us with a new state forming along a large swathe of the border."

King nodded in agreement. "We have contingencies to drop the hammer on the Rim Collection if that's your preference, Archon. Even a single regimental combat team would be enough to eliminate the Aces and without their defenders..." He shrugged. "But given we don't know how the Black Bucks would respond, the Marshal has asked me to express concerns about any plans to remove forces from the Periphery March at this time."

Melissa turned her chair slightly. "Your opinion, Victor?"

He made a face. "I'm not convinced we should destroy the Rim Collection. A hostile state could be a problem, but if they could be made an ally then it might actually cut our pirate concerns. Or if it turns out that they can't handle the pirates, stepping in ourselves might convince them to join the Commonwealth, gaining six worlds for a pittance compared to the costs of invading."

"And if we do find out that there's a prospective state emerging that could threaten our border?" she asked, playing Devil's Advocate.

"Then Marshal Davis-Steiner is correct and we shouldn't withdraw forces. If anything, we ought to step up patrols in the area so we find out now and not with the entire thing too far ahead to avoid without the sort of mess that would have Thomas Marik and Theodore Kurita salivating."

Melissa saw King hide a smile and nodded. "I will speak to Duke Hasek-Davion, General. For now though, you may inform the Marshal that I see no reason to cut his forces and every reason to see if we can find some reinforcements for him so he can carry out some reconnaissance of the Black Buck's apparent reach. That may take a year or two though."

"I believe we have that time, your highness."

"Very well." She fixed him with a glare. "Now, there are some confused reports of civil unrest on several worlds around Inarcs.  What exactly is being done to investigate these issues?"

The general made a face. "The Marshal has scheduled a tour of the area next year and there's an advance party on the way now to talk to Duke LaRue about his neighbours. Hopefully that'll let us pinpoint some of the hotspots for the Marshal to visit and we'll have an honour guard of the Seventh Crucis Lancers available for him if things get nasty."
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #2 on: 24 March 2020, 03:00:38 »
Bearcat, Newark Swamp
Strana Mechty, Clan Homeworlds
2 January 3049

The Newark region of Strana Mechty wasn't a prosperous one. It had originally been a core enclave of the Not-Named Clan and after their Annihilation, their holdings had been broken up, leaving it difficult for any of the Clans occupying the region to rebuild it. And with the tradition that enclaves on the Clan Capital weren't open for Trials of Possession, no one could really change that patchwork of territory.

As a result, the swamplands were almost uninhabited, poorly mapped and mostly ignored... at least until another reapportionment of Burrock and Clan Cobra holdings led Khan Logan Banacek to request a rationalisation of the region. The other Clans involved had been broadly willing... so long as the Star Adders accepted that their share would be the worthless swamps.

Banacek had raged, protested... and once the agreement was made, smiled privately and designated the swamps for a training ground, which had been his goal in the first place. A reputation for being hotheaded and impulsive could carry one a long way.

Oskar could have lived without the swamps, personally, but he'd been in a sibko at the time, so no one had consulted him. This was this third time visiting the Newark swamps - first for basic training, then again for retraining after he lost his status as a pilot.

He'd thought then (and now again) that he was very glad the enhanced imaging implants did nothing to improve his sense of smell.

A barely audible ping on his earpiece alerted the Star Adder that there had been a micro-burst transmission from trinary command. A twitch of his cheek confirmed he was in a safe condition to hear it and a moment later, Hannibal Banacek's voice cut through the sound of the swamp's insects.

"All warriors. The Coyotes aerospace assets are moving back towards their dropzones. We calculate their onboard fuel is below half. Mission Carnival is go."

Oskar dipped his head as if in acknowledgement - though of course, no one could see him - and began to slither through the swamp on his belly. Like an Adder, he thought.

The day was growing late, with the low sun casting shadows that only made it easier for him to move closer to the Coyotes landing zone. A single dropship sat there, an Overlord-class that towered over everything around it, was surrounded by technicians working frantically to set up a field base.

They should have begun when they landed, Oskar noted. They would be done by now. Instead the dropship was lighting up with spotlights so that the labour could carry on despite the impending sunset.

Reaching the vantage point that he had chosen earlier, the short warrior scaled the tree he'd chosen and strapped himself into position. Sure he was stable, he closed one eye and used the other to scan the site with his monocle. There were no OmniMechs or BattleMechs visible, just a pair of work-mechs being used to set up a simple field hangar. The Coyote's had flown their fighters in, so the dropship didn't have suitable bays to service them.

The absence of mechwarriors didn't surprise Oskar - he'd seen the Coyotes march all twenty-five of their 'Mechs into the swamps earlier, screened by fifty Elementals.

What did surprise him was the absence of any other forces here. A star of elementals, or even a couple of points of solahma infantry would have made his task here far more challenging. And what were the latter for, in most Clans, except to stand around carrying rifles and watching civilians work.

(Oskar had heard the suicide rate among solahma infantry in other Clans was horrendous. He could only imagine that boredom was the primary cause, followed perhaps by shame that the warriors weren't doing anything useful.)

But no, just technicians. Probably there were warriors in the dropship crew and perhaps a security force remained aboard it?

Well, if it made his mission easier, so much the better. Oskar checked his ghillie suit hadn't hung up on anything and then extended the wand of his target acquisition gear. His monocle showed him where the designated mark was and he adjusted it carefully, making sure that he didn't accidentally sweep it across anything that might detect the sensor beam.

Once he was in position, all that was required was to wait. An important skill and one that didn't come easily to younger warriors. Communications were kept to a minimum, although in Oskar's opinion, the chances that the Coyotes would be monitoring for signals was looking increasingly slim.

The first sign of the impending attack were the Coyote fighters coming in to land. The Coyotes had cleared a field for their fighters - it wasn't a full landing strip but aerospace fighters could handle vertical take-offs and landings from even entirely unprepared sites. The main preparation had been ensuring that the ground was solid enough at this edge of the swamp and moving fuel and ammunition out. The work mechs had spent most of the day digging rough berms out around the latter and then using the ditches they'd taken the dirt from to store the large sacks of hydrogen fuel and the pumps to drain them into fighters.

Keeping the wand straight limited Oskar's ability to look up but from the blunt wedge shapes of the shadows cast, he guessed that most of the Coyote fighters were Jagatai omnifighters - relatively new and advanced heavies. He briefly envied the pilots - for much of his time in the cockpit he'd dearly wished that his Clan would obtain such fine machines. And then he remembered what was about to happen.

There was effectively no warning. One moment sixteen aerospace fighters were just dropping into their final approaches - eight points, the Coyotes must have bid down to secure their participation - and the next moment eight fiery daggers rocketed into view and disintegrated beneath them.

Technicians waiting for the inbound pilots stared in confusion - save for one unlucky soul whose head was taken clean off by one of the submunitions.

And then the fighters - the pilots still unaware of what had happened - touched down. Right onto a field that had just been scattered with artillery-deployed mines.

Most of them, by law of averages, were lucky. But most is not all. One Jagatai took off involuntarily as mines went off beneath it, hurled upwards and then hammering down into the ground, spine broken.

As Oskar swept his TAG wand to a second target, he saw a Bashkir, one of only two lighter fighters, disintegrate. The mine must have breached the fuel tank.

More daggers of fire reached into the airfield and this time they weren't going to detonate in such an unassuming fashion. Oskar held his wand to designate a berm that was stacked with LRM crates and only seconds later, an Arrow IV missile ploughed into at least forty one-ton missile cassettes.

The berm did its job, protecting the men and women on the ground from the immediate blast, but it was too low and too hastily created to protect something larger and a work mech was was sent staggering back. The thirty ton industrial machine collapsed onto the wing of the remaining Bashkir, conclusively wrecking the fighter's ability to fly.

He swept the beam on, this time to a fuel bin. A missile obediently tracked his targeting, sending up a mushroom cloud of smoke and fire from the pit, but now Oskar was actively scanning the area. The first three targets had been chosen as part of the mission plan, but once they were used up, it was for the spotters to use their discretion.

Half the Coyote's fighters were still more or less intact, and he considered targeting one of them, but without fuel or munitions they were of limited threat and he was sure that the other spotters would choose to eliminate them. There were sixteen primary spotters and eight back-ups, with each spotter guiding a missile from alternate salvoes...

So what to pick, the half-built field base or...

With a savage grin, Oskar brought his wand around and aimed it directly into the open door of the Overlord. One Arrow IV missile wouldn't destroy the massive craft, even detonating inside, unless he was miraculously lucky. But that door led directly into the 'Mech bays within, the primary repair facility for the Coyote's ground forces.

He watched eagerly as one of the dagger-like missiles streaked through the air, following his targeting lure. It was on a low trajectory and for a moment he thought it might make it but instead the missile clipped the side of the door and blew a divot three metres across out of the hatch.

"Stravag thing," Oskar cursed and glanced aside. Five more aerospace fighters had been wrecked - in the air they might have survived the hits but on the airfield they were being hammered against the unforgiving ground by the impacts.

He shifted his aiming point slowly and murmured a soft prayer. This was his last missile.

The guns of the dropship opened up belatedly, trying to swat the Arrow IV artillery out of the sky. But even the rapid-firing autocannon weren't fast enough and the dagger-like missile lunged past the tracer fire and through the hatch.

Fire and smoke gouted out of the dropship and Oskar had to restrain the urge to shout in victory. He did allow himself one brief fist-pump with the hand free as he stowed his TAG wand and then the former-pilot slapped the quick-release on his straps and slithered down the tree.

Hit first, then fade, he reminded himself.

It was tempting to try to run but that was almost impossible in the swamp and would be far too obvious. Instead he moved slowly and carefully, trying to move smoothly through shallow water and spend as much time as possible in thick cover.

For a few minutes, he thought he was getting away with it.

Then ripples began to mark that something large and heavy was moving. And given the terrain, that almost certainly meant one or 'Mechs.

Oskar considered his options as he scurried through some ferns and into a pool of muddy water that might hide his thermal signature. Stay silent or transmit?

For himself, staying quiet might save his neck. But 'Mechs present could also endanger the rest of the Point. Or of the entire Trinary.

Cautiously, he raised his head and looked towards the origin of the ripples. It was hard to make out through the foliage but at last he recognised the high shoulders and boxy missile launchers of a Stormcrow OmniMech. And from the way the trees moved, it wasn't the only one.

Sliding back into cover, Oskar's brow furrowed. He had seen the twenty-five OmniMechs sent into the swamp earlier - and the only mediums had been a pair of Vipers. The rest had all been heavier, so why were Stormcrows now in the field? Had the Coyote's held back part of their bid?

Activating a tiny keyboard he typed a few quick words and then the software encoded it. Oskar tapped the transmit command and closed the keyboard up.

The sound of the 'Mech came closer and Oskar began to crawl back towards one of the wider channels. Had his brief transmission been detected? Possible, that was the risk of it. So the further he was from the previous cover he was...

Trees crashed aside and the former pilot gulped, hastening his pace. Aff, they knew his approximate location.

One layer of bushes...

A reed-filled pond...

Closer and closer behind him, waves of water chasing Oskar across the swamp as the 'Mechs splashed after him.

He'd reached the edge of the channel and took a deep breath -

A pulse of coherent light slammed into the water right ahead of him, sending up a fountain of water... if he hadn't paused...

Exhaling sharply, Oskar dived into the channel, using the water thrown up by the Coyote's shot as cover for his entry and then clawing his way along, staying below the surface. It deepened quickly and he was swimming before he was his own body length into the murk.

Almost blind, relying on the compass built into his monocle, he kept going forwards. There had been no time to check landmarks but he thought he remembered this channel from training and if it was the area that he thought...

The waters slapped at him as the Stormcrow waded after him relentlessly, one long-legged stride at a time.

It was still following him - if the mechwarrior crouched, he might get the guns under the water's surface and be able to track well enough to shoot Oskar.

And then a violent wave brought Oskar to the surface, lungs burning as he gasped briefly for what was likely his last breath - before sudden suction drew him back and under.

That saved his life, for missiles crashed into the water ahead of him and detonated, the shockwaves hammering unmercifully at his ribs and the organs behind them. His ghillie suit caught on something and Oskar thought for a moment that this was it... he'd drown and be lost down here forever.


The knife strapped to his chest came out and frantic sawing cut away the section of his cover that was caught. The suction was gone and the current dragged at him again.

Clawing for the surface, the small warrior had just enough presence of mind to turn and only slip his face above the water for another life-giving gasp of air.

Back below, paddling...

The touch of mud beneath him, and he risked putting his head up. The long branches and leaves of a willow-like tree screened him from sight.

Oskar took a long breath. He was... back on the same side of the channel he'd started from. Perhaps a hundred metres downstream?

And the Stormcrow was stood on the bank where he'd entered the water, torso bent over as the mechwarrior studied the water. Hadn't followed him, had that just been his imagination or...

There was bubbling from the water and then a mechanical hand larger than Oskar reached up from it.

Aha! There had been two and one must have blundered into a deep pit in the channel. It was what Oskar had hoped for - Mech-traps dug out during the training here long ago. Not impossible to extract a 'Mech from, but difficult and time-consuming without heavy equipment.

Of course, the second Stormcrow might be enough.

Oskar's eyes narrowed and he unslung the wand of his target acquisition gear. Transmitting his intent would give too much warning, but if the crews of the Vili vehicles carrying the Arrow IV launchers were still ready for targets...

He aimed the wand at the ground right below the Stormcrow on the bank. Directly aiming it would definitely alert the mechwarrior, but if he wasn't the direct target then Oskar transmitting might not get his attention - particularly if he was already working.

The Stormcrow took one step forward, braced and then extended one hand to grasp the outstretched hand of its comrade, the two metal titans looming up over the swampy forest.

Oskar triggered the TAG wand and clenched his jaw. He wouldn't know until it was almost the last second. All it would take would be for the Stormcrow to turn...

There was the ping of an inbound message. He triggered it.


Another ping almost at the same instant, separated by a second. Oskar guessed that it was 'two'. A countdown from someone with quick wits.

On the third ping he shifted his aim to the Stormcrow, which was now trying to turn, hampered by the fact that the other OmniMech wasn't releasing it's grip. Oskar aimed for the side of the cockpit.

A second later, the sky was torn by not one but four Arrow IV missiles dropping down from above the treeline.

One went awry, caught on a tree branch perhaps. The other three vectored in on the upper body of the Stormcrow and their warheads weren't mines or high explosive - they were armour piercing homing missiles.

The upper half of the Stormcrow seemed to disintegrate and Oskar dropped his wand, curling into a ball as the missiles in the dorsal launchers went up, causing a cascade of secondary explosions inside the frame.

What was left of the Stormcrow slumped forwards, cockpit shattered, into the channel. The wreck continued to slide until it suddenly dropped away - fifty-five tons of wreckage settling on top of the 'Mech already at the bottom of the pit.

"No one is getting that out without a crane," Oskar murmured to himself.

It was tempting to stay and see if the mechwarrior at the bottom of the pit got out... but he or she probably still had a comm to call for help and it wasn't as if killing the 'mechwarrior would serve any particular need right now.

Oskar slipped back into the water and began to swim slowly downstream, letting the current do most of the work. Get clear first, then call for pick-up once he was far enough away that short-range detectors might not pick up his signal.

His ribs hurt or he might have laughed at the triumph. Even if they lost the trial, he'd taken out two 'Mechs on foot. That should get one of the bloodhouses interested in his giftake.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1477
Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #3 on: 24 March 2020, 03:01:33 »
Absalom Hall, Sheridan
Kerensky Cluster, Clan Homeworlds
2 January 3049

"I must express my Khan's deepest apologies." John Yanez dropped to one knee before Roderick Irons. As an Elemental this only brought his face to slightly below the mechwarrior's but the gesture was sincere. Roderick found the Blood Spirit sometimes stiff, but always sincere. He was liked by most of the Clan Council, if gently mocked in private as exemplar of the Spirit's lack of flexibility.

"Your warriors fought well against greater numbers, surrendering nothing." It cost nothing to tell the truth. Clan Nova Cat had won the right to face the Blood Spirits in the trial and it had been a straight slugging match between BattleMechs. Twenty-seven of the Nova Cats most aggressive Crusaders had fallen in the battle... but the price had been all fifteen of the Blood Spirits involved.

Yanez rose to his feet. "Nonetheless, our defeat and that of the Scorpions forces us to -"

There was a ping from Roderick's comm console and he made an apologetic gesture. "Excuse me, that must be important."

"Of course, Khan Irons. Shall I withdraw?"

Roderick gestured dismissively. "You have been our trusted allies for years." And if it was anything truly sensitive, he'd kill Yanez, then the idiot to message him anything secret when he was meeting the ilChi, and find some excuse later.

Fortunately that dire step wasn't necessary. "Good news, John. Khan Truscott's Trial of Grievance has ended favourably."

The Blood Spirit nodded. "And Khan Steele?"

"Will survive." Which was a shame, but one could not have everything.

Yanez looked solemn. "No doubt the Coyotes will seek some further opportunity if they can find one. While I found your Clan's tactics... extraordinary, I cannot argue with the reasoning."

"Quite. It is unreasonable to expect that the Inner Sphere will recognise zellbrigen when they will have never heard of our customs in battle. All the tactics we employed are simply taken from those that the Wolf Dragoons faced in the Inner Sphere. By utilising them, we have demonstrated to the Grand Council the nature of the war that they are beginning."

"The ilKhan also understands, which speaks well for calming relations between he and Khan Truscott." Yanez looked more hopeful than Roderick felt, but there was nothing to be gained by an open breach with Showers at this time.

Still, unity amongst the Clans was the Blood Spirit's guiding principle, no matter how badly it had burned them historically. "He has no reason to be less than magnanimous. And we have at least persuaded him to modify his plans slightly."

"Indeed." Yanez turned towards the window, but it was probably the Inner Sphere he was looking at, not the streets of the Star Adder's largest city. "Seven clans to return is not the same as all of us, but it at least better than five."

Roderick nodded. "Have you heard anything about how the participating Clans will be chosen? I have been engaged in administration while Virgilia remained on Strana Mechty."

"I believe the specifics of the Trials we will compete in are in the hands of Khan Kerensky."

"An odd choice?"

"The ilKhan is reaching out to those he has previously had differences with." The large man turned from the window. "In any case, there have been suggestions that as Kerensky's chosen Clan, the Wolves will be granted one place in the Invasion without contest. They are certainly among the stronger Clans and it would be shameful for them to be excluded."

Roderick rose from his desk. "I suppose it is of little concern to us. I wish Ulric well with adjudicating such an issue."

"You...?" The elemental seemed taken aback. "You will not be bidding?"

"No, my friend." Roderick looked out over the city. "We would be lacking in integrity, to take a place in a plan we do not have faith in."

That seemed to take the wind out of Yanez's sails and he looked from Roderick to the streets outside and back again before continuing. "I know Clan Snow Raven has indicated their recent losses mean they would be unable to commit to credible bidding for a place, but I had hoped that our Clans might see battle alongside each other once more. Your touman is mighty."

More than we have ever let you know. The saKhan simply reached up and patted the ilChi on the shoulder. "We may well do so again. The future will undoubtedly see many battles for both of our Clans. If Clan Blood Spirit seizes the opportunity to invade, then surely you will have the chance to build bonds of brotherhood with the other Clans to join you."

"That would be pleasing," Yanez admitted. "It is a shame though. I know your Clan are among the most committed Crusaders. For this to have divided your warriors from such a dear dream..."

"We bid as best we could, we fought as best we could... and now we must accept the outcome." Roderick lowered his head so as not to have to meet the other man's gaze. "We are not the Coyotes to whine and howl about the outcome of a fair trial."

"Neg. You speak wisely. And perhaps if things go as poorly as Khan Truscott clearly expects, the ilKhan will have to amend his plans." Yanez stepped back from the window. "As this is a matter you have given thought to, may I ask your counsel on how we should bid?"

Roderick returned to his desk. "I believe bidding will probably descent well below what we consider wise," he warned. "I would not be surprised if some Clans commit fewer than twenty clusters to the invasion. It would be wiser to look at substituting secondline or even garrison forces rather than reducing your numbers."

"Fortunately, something we have plenty of, given how troublesome the former-Burrocks can be," Yanez said with a rueful smile. "It has been almost two generations even for civilians, but some still cling to that identity. It is maddening."

"Yes." And the fact you still call them that probably doesn't help. "The Wolf Dragoons provided much useful data in how the Federated Suns transitioned the civilians of a Capellan world - New Aragon - to their new government. Given the many differences between the two administrations, you may find it wise to have your rear area forces study them."

"New Aragon..." Yanez said the name carefully and then took out a datapad and made note of it. "It will not be one of the worlds we are likely to see early in the invasion, quineg?"

Roderick refrained from saying anything provocative. "Neg."

"I thought not. The Capellans and Suns worlds are both on the far side of Terra." Yanez laughed deprecatingly. "You Adders are not the only ones to read the reports, even if you sometimes think that you are."

No, but I think we are the only ones who try to understand them, Roderick thought. Except maybe some of the Wolves. And even we are looking at them through a filter of two centuries of isolation. All that I can be sure of now is that we do not think the same way as spheroids...

And that if we do not bridge the gap, somehow, then this Invasion will be a disaster no matter however many battles we win.


Absalom Hall, Sheridan
Kerensky Cluster, Clan Homeworlds
13 January 3049

What Virgilia thought of as the 'working council' was assembled in a briefing room adjacent to the Clan Council's chamber. So far in her tenure she still found the group inconveniently large, but at least it was more manageable than the Clan Council itself, which numbered only a handful of seats less than the maximum number of one thousand Bloodnamed allowed to any single Clan under Clan Law.

Of course, since the membership of this group had responsibilities all across the Star Adder's holdings, bringing them all together in one room was utterly unfeasible. It was only in the last few years that sufficient HPG relay buoys had been laid to allow realtime communications with their latest acquisitions. And since not everyone had had a need to know about today's topic conversation, some of them didn't even know each other.

Which should make this entertaining at times.

The biggest block of faces were the Galaxy commanders, who were seated together with the Star Admirals. The thought of an outsider walking in and seeing thirty-four men and women with the four gold bars of that senior rank would probably be briefly entertaining. Fortunately, John Yanez had been recalled to participate in the Blood Spirit's planning, so that was one possible leak that wouldn't have to be cleaned up in a permanent fashion.

Across the aisle from the military commanders, Virgilia was facing the elected Chiefs of each caste, the Senior Administrators of their major enclaves, various senior staff members... the list went on. Some of them flickering slightly as the holo projectors provided the illusion of their physical presence - almost a third of those present.

"Convening the Clan Council like this is going to be impractical," Roderick muttered from beside her. "One of the HPG technicians broke down in tears at the idea."


"Of laughter, at least until he realised I was serious. They are already having trouble preparing the buoys we will need to retain strategic communication ties in the Inner Sphere. Doubling that for realtime will take much longer."

Virgilia shook her head, setting her hair rustling against her shoulders. She should cut it, she reminded herself. They were going to war and she might have more interesting opponents than Robin Steele to face. That had been over too quickly, the Coyote surrendering after the knees of her Timber Wolf were both broken.

In any case, the last arrivals were taking their seats. Virgilia gave the guards a nod and they closed and sealed the door. Lights on the podium flickered from amber to green, informing her that the various anti-surveillance measures built into the briefing room were now active.

"Order!" Bjorn Steiner raised his voice, although the man didn't stand. "We are gathered here under martial code and shall conduct ourselves accordingly." He waited to be sure there was silence and then bowed his head reverently. "We are in a state of war. My Khans?"

Virgilia returned the salutation. "Seyla." There was a ripple of murmurs as others echoed her. "For those who may not have been keeping up with recent events, the Inner Sphere has found the Homeworlds. A survey ship was captured over Huntress late last year and it has persuaded Khan Showers of the Smoke Jaguars to propose that we should invade the Inner Sphere and restore the Star League now."

She very much doubted that this was a secret from anyone here, but some might have missed a detail and it never hurt to ensure that everyone was on the same page.

"Our Clan Council and every Caste Council has put the matter to vote, and we voted to back Showers' motion." Not strictly necessary, but it was generally wise for a Khan to ensure momentous decisions had the backing of their Clan. "The majority of the Grand Council is of a like mind and also elected Leo Showers as our ilKhan, to lead the invasion."

Seeing discontent on the faces of some of the warriors, she shook her head. "Perhaps I should have put myself forward. However, there were already many putting Yvonne Hazen forward as a candidate and to divide the matter further would only have invited disunity. When she chose to refuse the nomination, the matter was settled. Hazen has since stepped down as senior Khan and her replacement, Elias Crichell is the... mastermind behind the invasion plan."

Carlos Hutchinson leant forwards. "A Jade Falcon, planning?"

Beside Virgilia, Roderick leant forwards. "You have faced him, Duke. What do you think of Crichell?"

Duke Topi's response was measured, emotionless and terse. "Little."

Carlos shook his head in amusement at his fellow Galaxy Commander's laconic nature. "Can you elaborate on that?"

"He is a politician first and a warrior second. He grasps strategy, but delegates tactics and logistics. Nor did he take the field personally." The commander of Gamma Prime Galaxy might as well have been discussing what he had eaten for breakfast.

"That is accurate to my own impressions," Virgilia agreed before Carlos could ask further. "He proposed to invade with four Clans in the lead, a fifth as reserve  - and that only after Niamh Sukhanov suggested three Clans would be rash."

"If the right Clans were selected," Carlos asserted, "That could be two hundred Clusters. Not enough to occupy all of the Inner Sphere, but potentially to seize the major political and industrial worlds..." He trailed off. "I take it that that was not the plan in detail, quineg?"

"Neg. Crichell proposes a world-hopping campaign from the vicinity of Rasalhague and then broadly following the traditional Lyran-Draconian border until reaching Terra. Planning after that point he considers premature." Virgilia made a face. "Given the bidding that has taken place only Clan Wolf will be fielding more than three galaxies, and then only four. Neither reasoned argument nor a Trial of Refusal has persuaded the IlKhan or Grand Council to do more than accept an increased reserve of three Clans."

There was a pregnant pause and then Chief Technician Shen rose to his feet, removing his antiquated spectacles and polishing them briefly on his tunic. "My Khan, as I am no warrior, I ask for an informed assessment of the likely outcome."

She nodded and then made a beckoning gesture to one of the younger civilians in the room. Scientist Kimball rose as Shen sat down, stepping out in front of the rest of the Clan. He was as trim as one of the warriors and Virgilia knew from personal experience in the practise salles that Kimball maintained a high level of proficiency in unarmed combat. If he had managed the same in a cockpit then he might well have been a Star Colonel by now, perhaps achieving a bloodname. The warrior caste's loss, the scientists' gain - he was a ristar of the military-scientist subcaste.

"It is possible for the proposed Operation Revival to reach Terra," Kimball declared. "The chances are about even according to our estimation, depending on which Clans participate and their logistical preparations. However, if they do reach Terra, they will be worn down, both in equipment, in warriors fit for service and in supplies. The region occupied will have borders five hundred light years long - sparsely garrisoned, if at all. And the supply lines will stretch fifteen hundred light years... further than the SLDF ever attempted."

"The Inner Sphere would be mad not to take advantage. Unless they misread the situation so severely that they throw everything they have directly into the path of the invasion, they will have ample reserves to retake worlds and most likely Terra, using their far shorter training cycles and supply lines to overwhelm the Invasion force. It will be painfully expensive for them in lives and equipment, but it is a price they can afford and in victory they will gain access to our equipment and captured personnel. The advantage of surprise would have been lost, which will be followed by the loss of our technical advantage. It is impossible to judge whether the exact location of our Homeworlds would be discovered, but they would almost certainly have an approximation. The long term consequences of which..." Kimball spread his hands helplessly. "Depend heavily on the politics of the Inner Sphere. The most I can say is that they would drastically reduce the chances of a later invasion."

Virgilia nodded in agreement and the young scientist retreated gratefully.

"So," she announced. "The invasion plan is a disaster waiting to happen and more pertinently will effectively eliminate any likely success in a second attempt. Further, the Clan has voted overwhelmingly to invade and while the overall Trial to Refuse the plan failed, our Clan was successful in our own part of the Trial, so a case could be made that we are not bound by the outcome."

Roderick cracked a slight smile. "So since we have only a brief interval of opportunity, we have decided that we shall obey the dictates of Clan Council and invade ourselves. With no reference to Crichell's Operation Revival."

There was a shout of approval from Carlos, who seemed to care little that few others in the room were so quick to judge.

"It is possible that the invasion will still fail," the saKhan admitted unflinchingly. "But if we do nothing then it will fail. And a competently executed invasion should at least force the Inner Sphere's forces to divert some of their forces away from Operation Revival and secure a foothold that they cannot easily retake. Ideally, we can present a facade of strength such that they are inclined to come to terms, granting the Clans time to secure enclaves in the Inner Sphere that do something to counter the massive imbalance in resources between our homeworlds and the Successor States."

"Is there no possibility that we could succeed in re-establishing the Star League?" asked the administrator of the Brim enclaves. "If this is our only opportunity..."

Virgilia could see generations of aspirations in the eyes directed to her. She returned a crooked smile. "Define re-establish the Star League?" she responded.

"Well, remove the Successor lords and bring the worlds under our government?" the woman asked, sounding uncertain.

Duke Topi shook his head sharply. "Neg. Impossible."

Virgilia nodded in agreement. "Perhaps if had ten years more years to prepare, or if all the Clans participated. Even the former is in doubt as the Inner Sphere's technological recovery is accelerating. They have at least limited recovery of Star League technology, similar to that of the cached SLDF hardware still in use within our Sentinel Clusters."

She let that sink in. "It is possible that if we wound them badly enough that the Successor Lords will reform the Star League Council and that we could demand a place at the table, but that is optimistic and depends on political factors we cannot count on in any way."

"Then is there any point in our invading at all?" asked the administrator, her face despondent. "If we cannot win..."

"We cannot win now. But we can build the foundations for a later success. The least bad option. It is... sub-optimal," Roderick admitted. "But the alternative is to do nothing and let the consequences of the ilKhan's arrogance fall upon us anyway, which is far worse."

"Remember, the Councils have voted." Virgilia tapped her knuckles against the desk. "It is binding upon us that we will invade. The only question is how."

She activated a control on the desk and the lights dimmed, a hologram appearing between the Khans and those in the briefing room. "Before the Absorption War, Khan Gerrick N'Buta began a search for a planet we could use as a base closer to the Inner Sphere. We ultimately located a suitable world for colonisation here, not far from the Chainelane worlds."

If the Smoke Jaguars hadn't captured that Inner Sphere jumpship, invading the fractious states of that star cluster was something Virgilia had planned to press the Clan Council for. It would have been excellent practise for the later invasion and greatly expanded the population and resources of the Star Adders.

"The bulk of our touman and personnel from all the castes to support them will be shipped to Sheridan as quickly as possible. There is little more than a year before Operation Revival begins so the timetable will be challenging, but doable if we are to then move our forces forward to the forward bases we have secured closer to the Inner Sphere..."
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #4 on: 24 March 2020, 14:28:22 »
Very interesting and off to a damn good start! If this is going to be as good as Scorpio Ascendant  I can't wait to read more :)
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #5 on: 24 March 2020, 17:36:09 »
Still not a clan fan, but I saw Drakensis was writing it, so I'm checking it out.  Just finished the first post, and have detected an oversight in the Adders' planning: AMARIS tried to conquer the whole enchilada.  He failed utterly, but DID try.  He actually thought he could get the House Lords to fall in line... heh.  That said, at least SOMEONE other than the Wolves is looking at the true scale of the problem.


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #6 on: 24 March 2020, 17:37:20 »
This is a good one, for sure. :)


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #7 on: 24 March 2020, 17:50:56 »
Drakensis is back! At least something's going right in the world.  :)


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #8 on: 24 March 2020, 18:17:19 »
I can't agree with that enough!  :thumbsup:


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #9 on: 25 March 2020, 19:16:33 »
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

Tyler Jorgensson

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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #10 on: 26 March 2020, 07:22:43 »
Following :)


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #11 on: 26 March 2020, 12:38:36 »
I like how you're taking this version of your Star Adder story. But the fact that the Star Adders absorbed the Cloud Cobras? When did that happen!?


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #12 on: 26 March 2020, 16:00:18 »
Likely when they started investigating the Tanite worlds, and discovered they were a hotbed of Dark Caste recruiting and trading, and pretty much utterly not a pacified and assimilated Clan world.


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #13 on: 26 March 2020, 23:18:37 »
Very interesting, the Star Adders pre-3060 always seemed to be the Clan that most closely thought like a professional military.

After reading this, I'm hoping you'll revisit you're "A Victorian Age" story. I really enjoyed reading what you had written of it. :D


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #14 on: 28 March 2020, 12:09:58 »
Chapter Two

College of Military Science, NAIS
New Avalon, Federated Suns
20 May 3049

The 'Mech hangars buried underneath the classrooms and dorms of what many alumni still called the New Avalon Military Academy were busier than usual. The graduation of a new class of mechwarriors meant that the portion of the class who owned their own 'Mechs needed them prepped for transport to their new assignment - and the rigors of the final examinations made it impractical to do so ahead of time.

Kai Allard-Liao paused to let a forklift carrying an entire heat converter assembly go past him before he headed on towards the 'Mech bay where his own ride was stored. Wendy Sylvester wouldn't be here - he'd timed it carefully to arrive after the handful of cadets assigned to units stationed on New Avalon like the Davion Heavy Guards had been sent on. That dropship had departed at the crack of dawn on a sub-orbital hop for the continent of New Brunswick - the busy traffic over the capital of an interstellar empire wasn't accommodating of delays.

His own dropship wasn't scheduled for another forty-eight hours and a nice mind-numbing day of checking every armor panel on the sixty-ton Rifleman sounded like just the thing to keep regrets at bay.

Kai's father had taught him to check such matters for himself, not depend on technicians. The lessons had included the tale of a duel that had proven far more challenging than expected due to the failure of an autocannon. Sabotage, in that case, but for all the size and power of a BattleMech, they could be finicky and simple technician error or FOD - foreign object damage - was sometimes as bad as intentional damage.

Not that he expected anything to go wrong here, the techs working at NAIS were the best in the Federated Commonwealth and probably the entire Inner Sphere, not to mention security vetted. Even the final year tech-cadets allowed to work on actual 'Mechs had training (if not the practical experience) on par with crew chiefs in most 'Mech units.

More than that, in some cases, with advanced courses preparing some of them to work on classified equipment not yet ready for widespread deployment.

But still, it would keep Kai busy, both in hands and mind. And ease the work schedule of the technical staff, which might not be his first reason but would also at least not leave him looking like one of the stereotypical 'mech-jocks who just expected their 'Mechs to be ready and weren't interested in the work needed to make that happen.

He'd seen that habit broken, forcibly, in some of his better-born classmates. Fortunately his parents had made sure he never developed it. Less fortunately, he'd been cited as an example. After all, if the heir to a sovereign duchy could...

No, he didn't want to think on that. He should focus on the -

Kai came around the last corner.

- Archer stood in the 'Mechbay. What the hell? Had he got turned around somehow?

The Archer, a blocky seventy-ton fire support design, gave no answers. It was a fine 'Mech, but not his father's Rifleman. Kai checked the bay number. Yeah, this was it.

God, had he lost the 'Mech? Some bureaucratic SNAFU?

There was a giggle from his left and Kai turned, still slack-jawed in surprise, seeing the source.

"Break our cover, why dontcha?" Cassandra exclaimed, swatting at Quintus as the pair emerged from the next 'Mech bay along. The boy danced away and then ran over to hug Kai around the waist.

"Quint, Cass..." Kai rested his hands around his little brother's head as their eldest sister put her hands on her hips. "I thought you'd be on your way back to St Ives by now." The same demanding air traffic schedule that allowed him to avoid Wendy had sent the ships bound for St Ives off in the middle of the night.

Two more graceful figures followed Cassandra out, the fourth Allard-Liao child only a half-step behind their mother. "I am pleased that you are keeping track of dropships, son." Formal gown and cloak should have seemed out of place here in the 'Mech hangars but Candace Liao made them no more than backdrop as she stepped close and kissed Kai on the cheek. "However, if you had penetrated the security of our movements rather than merely the transportation, you would know that we will be visiting Kestrel for the summer. Your grandfather's family see little enough of us as it is."

Of course. That was careless of him, Kai castigated himself. A reason for the giggle presented itself to him. "Did you move my 'Mech, Quint?"

The boy nodded but their mother shook her head slightly. "A half-point, my son. Though Quintus did indeed take the cockpit. Your father and I have had discussion before he had to leave for Tharkad with the First Prince and we do not believe that you should take Legendkiller with you to the Tenth Lyran Guards."

Oh. Of course. It was a dull ache, but it made sense now. The Rifleman was a priceless legacy of Justin Xiang Allard's mentor on Solaris VII, the 'Mech of the legendary seven-time champion of that game world. Allowing him to use it in the academy was already honour enough. To let Kai take it out into actual service...

His mother pursed her lips in disappointment. "I had wanted to provide you with one of the new VTR-9Ds being built by HildCo - if it is good enough for Prince Victor then it may suffice for you. However..." She shrugged slightly. "It is a father's prerogative, I suppose."

"Well if you have one spare..." Cassandra hinted, with a laugh.

"When I am sure you are safe with Vindicator, I may consider it," said Candace in a tone of cool reproof. Then she stepped back and turned, Kuan-yin still holding position beside her, gesturing for Kai to join them.

He obeyed, giving the younger twin a quick hug around the shoulders as he reached them.

"I don't get a hug?" protested Cassandra.

Kai gave her a wry look. "I see that camera, Cass."

"Uh, camera?" She held up one empty hand, then dropped it back behind her back and held up the other, also innocent of any camera.

"You're wearing a fanny pack."

"I'm sorry, but your face deserved it."

Even the reserved Kuan-yin smiled at that. It probably had been pretty funny, Kai thought, if you weren't the one having a panic-attack over a priceless piece of family history going missing.

"While Quintus moved Legendkiller, it was Cassandra who brought in your new 'Mech," their mother advised.

"In that case," Kai decided, trying to give an air of exaggerated consideration. "All is forgiven." Cassandra hugged him and then squawked as he ruffled her hair. "Well, maybe not all."

"Oi!" she yelled again as she saw he'd unzipped her pack and fished out the camera, bringing up the last shot.

Kai let her snatch it back and gave her a mocking grin. "Always guard yourself, you budding paparazzi."

"Low blow, bro! Low blow!"

Quintus grabbed Kai's hand and pulled him across to the bay. "Come and look, Kai."

He followed obediently, rounding the thick bulkhead that ensured that even a serious accident in one 'bay shouldn't impact on the machines next door.

What was waiting there was instantly familiar to him: a red-and-white painted Centurion battlemech. Lighter than a Rifleman, but with better protection -  a 'Mech that operated as a brawler, not in the supporting role of the other 'Mech. "I think you will have your father's knack for finding trouble," the Duchess of St Ives said in a resigned voice. "But this 'Mech got him out of trouble so I shall entrust you to it."

"But... this is Dad's 'Mech?"

"And now I have an excuse to insist he stay safely behind his desk. Do not take that away from me, son." Her voice took the sting out of the words. "You will notice some differences from how it appeared the last time you saw it."

Details were jumping out at him already. "You replaced the autocannon?"

"Yes. Hildco fitted a Poland Model A Gauss Cannon," his mother informed him. "The same arm-gun used in their new Victor, which fits nicely since the Pontiac 100 your father carried there was intended for a Victor anyway. We had to bring it here for Corean to replace the reactor though." That admission seemed almost painful to her, admitting that her beloved homeworld didn't have the technical ability yet to match the Federated Suns.

"One of the new extralight GM reactors?" Kai knew that the manufacturers of the Centurion, based right here on New Avalon, were fitting new production of the design with much more powerful engines.

Cass nodded eagerly. "I wanted to take it out on the known distance range, but they're still clearing it up from exams. But just bringing it in here, Yen-lo-wang almost dances, Kai! You won't believe the difference!"

Kuan-yin lowered her head. "That might be the myomers, sister."

"It all helps!"


Candace nodded. "Your father deceived my father into fitting the Red Lancers and House Imarra's mechs with triple-strength myomers that gave improved performance... but that are vulnerable to certain gasses. Our intelligence is that Romano has now pressed her scientists into devising a version that lacks that flaw, so we obtained a set to study and a second one for you to use. Top secret, so keep it in reserve for when you really need it."

"I... I don't know what to say."

"You make us very proud, Kai." His mother swept up to him and embraced him fiercely. "We didn't actually manage to steal it," she warned so quietly he could barely hear it. "This is the old stuff, but so long as no one knows it, it should be safe."

And so the dance goes on, he realised. If his aunt, Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation, knew that he was using the flawed myomers, she'd probably ensure that someone attacked while using the gas that would make them a deathtrap. But if she thought his parents had simply stolen one of her newest military technologies then they, not he, would be the target of assassins.

Which would change nothing. The hatred between Romano Liao and his mother went back to their childhood. And if her feelings for Justin Allard were more recent, they were far more vicious.

Once again, his parents were standing between Kai and harm. And the Maskirovka would only need to succeed once, while the security around his family had to do so every time.

I need to get away, he thought as Candace let go of him. Before I let them down.


Markham, Stacha
Tanis System, Clan Homeworlds
21 February 3049

The comm in the barracks was set to a Diamond Shark news channel, transmitting from Strana Mechty as Costigan left the showers. He gave the holodisplay a look as he passed and there were formations of lights.

"What is that? Some artsy thing?"

That got him looks from the other warriors present, and not particularly welcoming ones. Of course, he was the junior warrior here in the transient barracks - the only graduate of his sibko's mechwarrior course. Welcoming looks were something saved for people who weren't upstart threats to the pecking order.

"The invasion force is leaving," one of the mechwarriors condescended to explain. Grieg was somewhat less of a pain in the posterior than the others, perhaps through natural disposition.

Costigan blinked and gave the holo another look. Oh, dropships. He wasn't used to seeing them form up like that - usually they just headed for the jump-point in whatever order they took off, or at most a handful of ships travelled in loose formation if a large force or shipment was involved. But there were dozens of lights. "Is that all of them?" He'd heard that Khan Truscott had said that the other Clans were taking the invasion far too lightly, but a few dozen dropships seemed... wrong.

The older mechwarrior gave him a sour look. "Neg, just an advance force from the four Clans taking the lead. Have you been ignoring the news?"

He felt his face heat in embarrassment. "Aff. They talk of nothing else... and I had my trial and then rehabilitation." It had not been the most successful trial of position ever - a laser pulse from his second opponent had hit his cockpit in their first exchange of fire. He wasn't sure if it had been deliberate - some of his trainers had been older warriors that questioned the... value of the mix of Mongoose genes into House Riaz.

On some level, Costigan could understand that sentiment. Clan Mongoose had been absorbed by the Smoke Jaguars almost two centuries ago, their genetic heritage only preserved in a handful of bloodlines that Clan Cloud Cobra had won. And there hundreds of unblooded warriors, eager to have their chance at seeing their gene-children born so the decision of the bloodhouse's scientists to use an older legacy rankled with many.

But that didn't mean having a replacement leg grown and needing to learn to walk again was less of a pain.

Grieg planted his right fist against the flat of his left hand for a moment. "That which did not kill you," he said noncommittally. "The other Clans are not entirely mad. These advanced parties will seize periphery worlds near the edge of the Inner Sphere, as well as seeding HPG buoys and surveying for suitable worlds to use as waypoints as they make their way. It will ease the passage of their main flotillas."

"Just that of their own Clans," grumbled one of the others. "The reserve Clans will have to make their own way, quiaff."

Costigan considered that and then smiled slightly. "Aff... save that the Diamond Sharks may find that data somehow and sell it to the Blood Spirits and Steel Vipers."

That got a sharp laugh from Greig. "Aff. The merchant clan are not blind to the value of information or the demands of shipping."

There was a chime from someone's personal comm and after a few seconds' search, Star Commander Alaric dug his own out. "Provisional Star Sierra-Tango-Seventeen," he announced laconically. "Assemble in the 'Mech hangar."

Costigan straightened - he was assigned to Star ST-17 until formal assignment to a regular Cluster came through. Perhaps because of his wound, he had been waiting more than a week. "Have we been bid for something, quiaff?"

The Star Commander laughed. "Neg. Neg. Every warrior in the Clans is watching the holos today. No one is launching trials. But our labourer brethren are overworked and there are spare 'Mechs with hands."

There was a moan from Grieg. "More loading dropships?"

Alaric opened his locker and pulled out a piloting suit, lined with cooling filaments. "Aff. But look on the bright side, Grieg. With the amount of supplies we are loading, the Khans must have some kind of plan in mind."

"Perhaps to deal with the Hellions," someone suggested as the other warriors headed for their lockers with no particular enthusiasm.

Grieg shrugged his own piloting suit, pulling the locker door aside so that it wasn't blocking Costigan's. "We can only hope."

Clan Ice Hellion had not done well in the Trials for places in Operation Revival, knocked out in the second round of combat by the Goliath Scorpions and Fire Mandrills. They'd been swarming out of their enclaves ever since, trialling for possession of almost anything they could find with no rhyme or reason that Costigan had heard anyone explain satisfactorily. The Star Adders' enclave on Arcadia had fought off an attempt to seize several valuable mines but not every Clan had been as successful.

Someone was going to have to put them back in their place, and if the Star Adders were that someone... Costigan shrugged his piloting suit into place and zipped it up. Well, that would be a chance to catch the eye of someone in Bloodhouse Riaz. Sponsorship for a bloodname was the next logical step if he wanted to advance in the Clan.

The hangars were bustling as the five of them entered, a harried looking technician holding a datapaid. "Star Commander Alaric?"


"Sir, we have two Mules to load today and all our loader 'Mechs are already committed."

Alaric nodded. "You want us to use the Duellist 'Mechs to load non-fragiles."

The technician nodded. "The Khans have set a rigorous schedule and we have no wish to let them down."

"The Duellists have hands but limited lift capacity," the Star Commander declared. "We may be more effective freeing up larger loader 'Mechs."

Costigan cleared his throat. "Star Commander, there are Chameleon training 'Mechs at the training facility. They can carry twice as much as a Duellist."

For a moment he thought that he had overstepped his mark but then Alaric gave him a thin smile. "Service to the Clan, Warrior Costigan." He activated his comm and began searching for comm codes. "And some labor for the sake of the Clan will give the cadets some useful practise."

Three hours later, Costigan was regretting his suggestion, since he'd been assigned four Mechwarrior cadets perhaps six months his junior and highly resentful that they had been pulled out of gunnery practise to work as glorified loader mech drivers. Particularly as Alaric made a point of telling them it had been Costigan's idea.

How to motivate them...

He considered his credit allocation, much higher as a warrior than as a mere cadet and with fewer purchasing restrictions. Well, it wasn't as if he was using it for anything. "If we get the dropships loaded on time - with no breakages," he added hastily. "Then I will arrange some beer for you."

"We are not allowed beer," one young woman protested.

"You are not allowed to purchase beer," Costigan dismissed the restriction. "There is no regulation against drinking it if a warrior gives it to you."

The dropships lifted on time, the cadets got their beer and Costigan got yelled at by Alaric, passing on the ass-chewing the trainers had given the Star Commander. But assignment orders arrived that evening, so at least there were no ill-feelings in the barracks as they racked out for the night.


Absalom Hall, Sheridan
Kerensky Cluster, Clan Homeworlds
14 June 3049

Virgilia studied the icons hovering over the map of the Clan's enclaves. There were far too few of them. "If the Ice Hellions come..."

Much to everyone's surprise, Khan Stephen Tyler had died suddenly while inspecting an enclave seized from the Smoke Jaguars. Embarrassingly for the Hellions. it hadn't even been a formal trial against another Clan. Instead, a bandit group had struck before the Hellions had themselves organised and both the Khans had been in exactly the wrong place at the right time.

With Tyler dead and his saKhan Danielle Lienet critically wounded, the Hellions had needed new leaders in a hurry and elected a young and ambitious Asa Taney. Given that Taney had distinguished himself in the 'Hellion's Fury', further challenges to enclaves across the Homeworlds seemed likely.

Roderick shrugged helplessly at his Khan's concern. "Tabitha will have to manage."

There was simply nothing else they could do. The simple fact was that invading the Inner Sphere would require eight of their ten prime Galaxies and holding any substantial area of space would demand almost every Sentinel Cluster that the Star Adders could field.

Even after years of building up, heavy recruitment (including launching Trials of Possession for suitable warriors that other Clans wanted to retire) and doing everything in their power to discourage older warriors from considering their service ended, the Clan could still field only a hundred and twenty such clusters.

Fortunately half of them were already on Sinclair, as much to hide their extent from the other Clans as to ease the mammoth issues in conveying tens of thousands of warriors towards the Inner Sphere. But now that the shipping was underway...

A mere eighteen clusters were left to guard the Star Adder enclaves. Anyone hitting the Tanis system would find nothing but raw trainees and the aged, equipped with 'Mechs and rifles built to serve against Stefan Amaris almost three hundred years earlier.

Three clusters, albeit the best that Kappa could field, were all that remained of the usual mighty force guarding the Clans' capital here on Sheridan - although if absolutely necessary, one of the two 'mothballed' naval stars could be activated. The other star - orbiting Arcadia - had long since been stripped to the point that the ships were little more than scrap. The rest of the defense forces were scattered across eight more worlds - Beta Galaxy was spread particularly thin with a single frontline cluster on Strana Mechty and the rest split between the Arcadia and Babylon enclaves.

"We can only hope," the Khan conceded.

"Tabitha is more than capable. And we should both be within HPG contact - at least until we reach the Inner Sphere itself."

After that, Roderick wasn't sure. According to the plan, he'd stay in contact as much as he could, supplementing pre-recorded announcements with new ones filmed from Sinclair or dropships to give the appearance that he was - unlike the other twenty-nine Khans - still in the homeworlds.

Virgilia had obviously followed his thinking. "The less the Grand Council have cause to think of you, the better."

The IlKhan's thinking in encouraging the entire Council to accompany the invasion force was obvious: avoid a repeat of the Hellions' tantrum by keeping the leaders of the Clans under his thumb. Showers had come very close to making Roderick's presence a direct order, which would have been very close to a disaster. Having even one of the Khans absent during the largest military action the Star Adders had ever attempted was bad enough.

"I will be the very soul of discretion," he assured her. "As far as the other Clans are concerned, I might as well not even be on Sheridan."

She threw back her head and laughed. "With you, they may believe that. They never would if it was I."

Roderick adjusted the display and military units vanished to be replaced by industrial figures of each enclave. "Tabitha and I have discussed which enclaves are most important to retain. With so little shipping left here, our merchants will be hard pressed to maintain a semblance of normal trade. We have no margin to move tooling and consolidate our manufacturing."

"As well that we are relying on Sinclair as a source for everything then." Virgilia stalked around the display moving her finger through it to touch Marshall, probably their least secure holding. Despite a population of less than twenty million between Marshall instead and the out-system moon Diamondstar, five other Clans shared the system with the Star Adders. "If you must decide then move the workers and worry about tooling later. With skilled workers, we can build new tooling far faster than the reverse."

"If we can."

"If Tabitha can." She didn't look at him across the hologram. If the Ice Hellions, or another Clan, realised how weak their defenses were, then their entire holdings in the Homeworlds might crumble and Sinclair might have to become the heart of the Clan. "We must trust her to do all that can be done. If we lose everything but Sheridan, we can survive." Half the Clan's civilian population lived on their capital.

Roderick nodded. "You may need to make a hasty departure if the Grand Council takes our actions... poorly."

"Short of bringing a warship along, I will be as prepared for that as I can be. A full aerospace trinary - and more importantly, the goodwill of the Blood Spirits."

Virgilia was taking a Titan-class dropship as her transportation - and a Monolith-class jumpship, carrying eight cargo dropships full of munitions and other consumables. The Blood Spirits had immediately recognised her reasoning and accepted her request to travel with their flotilla. It wasn't taking much away from the touman - most of the supplies were of types that the Star Adders made relatively little use of and the freighters were ancient ships that had barely passed certification when they were uncached. They likely wouldn't hold up to the intensive use of supporting the campaign, but all they would have to do now was remain docked to Virgilia's jumpship until the Blood Spirits declared a Trial of Possession for them.

Finally, the Khan looked up. "There is something wrong here. You are leading our Clan into battle, while I am going to be entangled in politics."

He smiled at her frustration. "That is the custom of many Clans. The Khan commands, while the saKhan leads in the field."

"We are not other Clans."

Roderick was reminded suddenly that Virgilia was younger than he. "Well, I am only going to be liberating the Spheroids from the Successor Lords. You will be doing battle against the greatest threat to the invasion."

Her eyes locked on his. "You are speaking treason, Roderick."

"Am I wrong, Virgilia?"

She did not reply directly. "I will join you as soon as I can. Watching one of the other Clans make a mess of this will be demoralizing."

"Stick with Clan Wolf then. Kerensky is the best prepared."

"Oh yes. I might kill the Khans of another Clan, for their foolishness."

"You will not tempt me to switch positions with you by threatening their lives."

"I had to try."
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1477
Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #15 on: 28 March 2020, 12:10:44 »
Deep Periphery
7 July 3049

Virgilia was able to count the warships waiting at the rendezvous with her naked eye, mountains of metal that for the most part exceeded half a million tons each. The display was a daunting one, but also one that puzzled at her.

"I was aware that the Jade Falcons had a large fleet, but I thought most were aged Aegis-class cruisers," she observed to John Yanez, who was serving as her guide aboard the Blood Spirit cruiser.

He smiled down at her from his imposing height. "So this is what it is like to be the one 'in the know'. I see why your Clan enjoy it so much."

"The Coyotes do not call us Smug Snakes for no reason," the Khan agreed cheerfully. "But it is not hard to know more than they do, and they know better than to call us that to our faces."

"Do they? I thought Khan Steele..."

"She called me a 'sneaking snake'. Educating them on avoiding that phrase is a work in progress."

"They are not the most co-operative of Clans," Yanez agreed diplomatically. "For your edification, Clan Jade Falcon have contracted for Clan Snow Raven to assign ten warships to support their invasion."

Virgilia gave him a baffled look. "Why? The Inner Sphere have made no use of warships for centuries. A few wrecks remain and I suppose that it is possible that new warships could have been constructed since the Dragoons' last report, but not in enough numbers to demand this sort of deployment."

The elemental nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Thus we have brought only the Unity and her two escorts."

"A piece of our Clans' shared history," Virgilia agreed.

The Unity wasn't quite as old as the Aegis-class ships that Virgilia had mentioned a moment before. The Terran Hegemony had built the ship - then named Constanineau - as one of the Avatar-class, a replacement for the Aegis-class, and it had served both the Hegemony and then the Star League for two centuries, before being mothballed. Restored to service by Amaris the Usurper and briefly renamed Taborri Amaris, Constanineau had been recaptured by the SLDF and restored to her original name and purpose. She and her remaining sister-ships had joined the Exodus, only to be mothballed again on arrival.

Following the Dragoon Compromise, Clan Snow Raven had rebuilt one of the Avatar-class into what they called the Liberator-class, and accepted contracts from other Clans to similarly refit the other five. Constanineau had been paid for by Clan Burrock, who then paid extra to rush the completion so she could be sent against the Blood Spirits in the Absorption War.

Instead, Clan Star Adder had used a regular shipment to the Snow Raven shipyards to cover for bringing in two trinaries of Blood Spirit elementals and hastily assembled prize crews. The two Essex-class destroyers that still served as the cruiser's escorts today had been captured as they arrived to collect the Constanineau and - with their losses replaced by volunteers from the Star Adder warriors present, the two trinaries had launched a successful Trial of Possession, taking the cruiser and her crew of 350 out from under the eyes of the Snow Ravens. The three ships were trophies of the war, the cruiser renamed in honour of the alliance that had eventually triumphed over the Cloud Cobras and Burrocks.

"I regret that I was too young then to participate in those glorious battles," John said, resting one hand on the thick viewport. "But at least with you present, we may have the chance to fight together."

"Khan Irons has advised that I accompany Clan Wolf once the invasion begins," Virgilia confirmed. "But should you be activated to fight, I would be glad to join you on the battlefield."

"If the opportunity should arise, I would be glad to bid you and your escort as part of our forces."

She grinned eagerly at the idea. "Something to look forward to!"

"Alas, I will have to bid very ambitiously with the rest of my forces. I fear you would be valued well above any other Mechwarrior save perhaps our own Khan." The elemental shrugged his broad shoulders, suggesting the prospect did not disturb him. "You have brought an OmniMech, I hope? I know that the bulk of your escort are pilots."

"My Pillager is stored in the cargo hold of our jumpship. Do not worry, the gyro is programmed to allow for elementals being carried."

Yanez's smile widened. "Ah. The same 'Mech that brought down Khan Steele?"

"Yes." Virgilia heard the hatch open and began to turn as she finished: "I am sure that having her fine omnimech brought low by an 'obsolete' battlemech will have done wonders in reducing her pride to more tolerable levels."

"I must disagree. She remains as full of herself as ever." Karianna Schmitt closed the hatch behind her. "Khan Truscott, I regret I could not welcome you aboard earlier. Khan Crichell was insistent upon my time."

Virgilia gave the Blood Spirit ruler a tight smile. "Anything of import?"

"I believe he is concerned that worlds taken by his Clan may be targeted for possession by the warriors of the reserve Clans." Karianna found her way to a seat and folded her legs up beneath it to hold her in place in the zero gravity. "Not an entirely unjustified concern, given that warriors who see no action can be prone to... initiative. But he will have to take those worlds first so he is... premature."

The younger Khan gave Karianna an arched look, a wordless question.

She got a slight nod. "Not that I have personal experience, of course."

"At least you have taste, Khan Schmitt." The invasion forces weren't moving entirely blindly across the Periphery - one of the major tasks of the advance parties was to pick out waypoints like this one - stars that gave the best recharging times and also had at least marginally habitable worlds that could be used to stockpile supplies and support rescue ships of any jumpships experienced drive failures.

Because only the invading Clans had sent advance forces, they had chosen the waypoints and the three reserve Clans had little choice but to use them until they could set up their own. It would have been naive to think that they would not try to secure some advantage from this.

Schmitt gestured with one hand. "I have received a proposal from one of my officers to address this... frustration."

Virgilia pushed off from the viewport and crossed the compartment to the other Khan. "Something that will not ruffle Falcon feathers, quineg?"

"Neg. That is my hope." The woman frowned slightly. "There is a cluster of inhabited systems anti-spinward of us - the Chainlaine Isle. Our information is limited, but they are described as fragmented... resembling the Pentagon before our ancestors return to those worlds."

"I see. And you propose to let your warriors vent some of their excess energy against those worlds?"

"My information is limited," Karianna repeated. "Strategically their location is useful. Four or five jumps from the Inner Sphere. Closer to some of the Periphery worlds being targeted by the advance forces. It could be a foothold for us and a relatively simple conquest."

"There are ten systems." John Yanez observed quietly. "Kerensky used four clusters for each of the Pentagon worlds, a Galaxy in practical purposes. We have three galaxies, so taking all ten may be more challenging than advocates of this plan admit."

For a moment, Virgilia felt tempted to try to deter the Blood Spirits. This was her project, the invasion that she had planned even before she became Khan, almost as long as she'd known of Sinclair and the other preparations for the eventual return to the Inner Sphere. But that was foolish. One Clan alone, even her Clan, could not do everything.

I am thinking like Showers or Crichell, she condemned herself.

"You are correct, John," she assured him. "However, the divisions of the Chainelane systems are such that it might not be necessary to take all of the systems. In fact, doing so would be detrimental for reasons beyond overstretching your forces."

"How so?" asked Karianna intently.

"As reserves, you could be called on at any time. If your forces are over-committed to invading these worlds and the ilKhan activates you, you would be a few jumps from the Inner Sphere and perhaps significantly further from where you are needed. Not so far as if you were still in the homeworlds, but still..."

Yanez grunted thoughtfully. "You mentioned their fragmentation. Are you suggesting that we take only part of the Isle?"

"Aff. The invasion is only the first part. You would also need to hold whatever enclaves you secure. And it will demands supplies and a constant diversion of forces to garrison it. However, the Chainelane states are unlikely to unite against you unless you appear to threaten all of them. If you were to invade... hmm." This was a reversal of her own plan, which began at the anti-spinward end of the cluster, the worlds nearest Sinclair. "Ingvolstand is the closest world to supply lines. Or Vannes, which is closest to the Federated Commonwealth and the Jade Falcon's invasion corridor. You need not even take the entire world at once. In fact, a small foothold would serve your logistical needs and could be expanded by targeting one faction at a time, as opportunities present themselves."

The two Blood Spirits beamed. "And it gives us an endpoint for our own supply lines," Schmitt pointed out. "If Operation Revival succeeds... I understand you feel it will not but if it does."

"Then you will be well placed to carve out further enclaves in the Inner Sphere." Virgilia tipped her head in acknowledgement. "If the invasion does succeed then Clans who do so will be at a significant advantage over those who do not."

Yanez gave his Khan a quick look. She returned it and then nodded.

"Some thought has been made to inviting Clan Diamond Shark to join us in this endeavour," the elemental said, somewhat diffidently. "Like ourselves, they will not be activated until the Steel Vipers have been."

"Logical. Khan Hawker will probably not be interested." His only interest seemed to be in following Crichell and Showers around like a puppy. "But Khan Sennet..."

"Exactly." He nodded sharply. "However, since this is separate from the invasion we could also offer to contract forces outside of our Invasion bid. If we and the Sharks took Ingvolstand, we might offer another Clan we have good relations with a contract whereby they take Vannes for us, with half of that world as their share. And then that Clan..."

"You would offer us a part of the conquests?"

"And thus place you ahead of other Clans in the Homeworlds," confirmed the Blood Spirit Khan.

Oh how awkward, Virgilia thought. This would be perfect... could I...? She thought for a moment. No, by the time that forces could plausibly have arrived from the Homeworlds, the frontline elements to carry out such an operation would all need to be over a hundred light years for Roderick's own operations. More importantly, the shipping would be completely out of position.

The Blood Spirits were watching her, anticipating approval and acceptance.

Virgilia took a deep breath. I should not lie to them. They are allies, if not ones I can give the full truth to. "You do us great honour," she said humbly and then gave them a sly smile. "However, I must decline."

Both faces fell but she held up her hand before they could speak. "The reason Khan Irons is not with me is that our Clan is pursuing a similar operation already, some distance anti-spinward." Technically true, both Sinclair and the planned invasion zone were anti-spinward of the Chaine Cluster, if significantly further rimward in the latter case. "As such, our available forces are already committed. I am sorry we cannot fight alongside you in this, but if we are successful, we may be able to trade resources with you to help you secure your hold in the Chainelaine and perhaps if all goes well, in the Inner Sphere as well."

Schmitt gave her a searching look. "Ah, ahead of us once more?"

"Since the ilKhan may be irate, I would prefer that you can honestly say that I have not confided in you." She shrugged. "But perhaps Clan Snow Raven, since they shall have warships in the area and will be familiar with the route, would be interested. They lacked the forces to fight in the invasion, but a more modest operation." And the Snow Ravens had been allied with the Blood Spirits for far longer than the Adders had been. It might upset the Diamond Sharks a little, but in the long run bringing more Clans into the vicinity of the Inner Sphere might tip the balance just a little.


CSADS Black Company
Deep Periphery
10 October 3049

Oskar wished - he dearly  wished - that he had been among the lucky few to be travelling with the leading elements of the Clan. Yes, they had spent more than half a year travelling aboard fourteen warships and military transports intended for occupancy measured in weeks, not months. But he would have gladly taken that over this.

Battlemechs, aerospace fighters, tanks, crates of equipment... none of these needed life support. So long as they were properly stowed, they could spend all that time in transit and it made little difference. Thus, they had been shipped first.

People, on the other hand, required air. Water. Food. Places for the eventual result of eating and drinking to be dealt with (Oskar tried not to think too hard about the recycling of water aboard the converted Mammoth dropship he was riding. He didn't always succeed.)

The Exodus had lasted two years and carried six million people to the Pentagon. Even with a less circuitous route, Clan Star Adder didn't have even a tenth of the resources, far less time and records strongly suggested that the SLDF had not been in any condition to fight a campaign when they reached their new home. That was clearly unacceptable.

Thus, trailing behind the leading elements of the invasion force was a long line of Invader and Odyssey-class jumpships.

The principle was simple and well understood - a dropship would be carried from one system to the next by a jumpship, then undock and connect to another jumpship, for the next step. Repeat over and over until you needed the destination. As long as you could afford to pre-position enough jumpships, a relatively small shipment could cross immense distances quite quickly.

Nine hundred or so light years might not be quite the longest command circuit ever attempted but it was surely a contender. The dropship Black Company had left the Tanis system two days ago and was expected to reach Sinclair in four more. So far so good.

Unfortunately, the personnel required for the invasion was something in excess of two hundred thousand - only around half of them warriors. The rest - technical specialists, administrators, their families (Jehovah as his witness, so many children!) - were civilians, most of whom had never travelled by dropship before.

The converted freighter crammed more than ten thousand of them aboard under conditions that were spartan even by military standards. And Oskar had twenty-four warriors besides himself to keep order.

"Is this yours?" he asked, trying not to snarl, as for the fourth time he handed a small child back to one of the fretting civilians.

"Thank you!" the woman exclaimed. "I was so worried." She hugged the child fiercely.

Given that the brat had managed to find (but fortunately not activate) the hatch into one of the escape pods, Oskar thought that those worries might be well founded. But saying so would not help.

"Can you not keep her from straying?" The child had escaped once in the first day, but this was the third time today.

The woman - a scientist - shrugged helplessly. "My partner is unwell."

Oskar rubbed his forehead, the flesh moving while the embedded circuitry of his Enhanced Imaging implants did not. He wasn't quite used to them, but it had strongly been hinted that requesting the cybernetics would lead to a more active posting in the invasion - at least among warriors in his age echelon. "Who else is in your cabin?"

"They are all sick," she said defensively. "Is jumping always like this."

Transit Disorientation Syndrome, Oskar recalled from his briefing. It was not entirely unknown among the warrior caste, but over centuries of careful breeding, it was extremely rare. And most who suffered from it were washed out of frontline postings. Civilians, on the other hand... gossip suggested that more than one in ten of those aboard were reacting to jumps with nausea for hours afterwards.

And the Black Company was jumping every three or four hours. Sedatives were having to be rationed.

Still, almost an entire cabin being affected... There were twenty adults to a cabin, with two children to a bunk where they were boarded. That was...

"Show me."

The woman guided him to a cabin - in truth, a cargo pod locked in place with crude bunks and facilities fitted. The moment the hatch opened, a wave of odours hit Oskar like a club. He could suddenly understand the girl's desire to leave it at every opportunity. A dozen bunks were occupied, most of them clutching buckets or other containers, while three other civilians were going back and forth with water cups to keep the sick hydrated.

A quick glance at the tabs told him that all four civilian castes were represented. Odd, accomodation was supposed to be segregated by caste. "You are bunking with non-scientists?"

She made a helpless gesture. "It was decided to segregate the sick and their families. Some of the less educated feared this might be a contagion."

"Hmm. No other children?" An older child could at least supervise this - Oskar jerked as he felt something touch the back of his hand. He looked down and saw that the girl had been touching him.

"Metal," she declared boldly. "You have metal in your hands."

"Sophia!" The scientist pulled the girl back. "Do not do that!" She gave her daughter a little shake and then looked up. "The others are in creches. Sophia is too young for an educational creche and the children her age are gathered on a deck above..."

And the crew had sealed the hatches between each cargo deck except for essential transport to try and maintain a semblance of control. This reshuffling of passengers had presumably been allowed. "She appears precocious."

"I would hope so." The mother realised a moment after she'd spoken how sharp her tongue had been.

Oskar let her sweat a moment before shooting her a tight grin. "Both Scientists and Warriors are bred for intelligence, if in slightly different ways," he conceded.

Planting Sophia on one of the empty bunks, the woman started up a small 2-D portable monitor. "Come on, sweetie. Just stay here and watch the show."

It took Oskar a moment to recognise the show. He'd watched it himself as a child in the sibko, albeit on a 3-D holo display not this one. Tribulation was produced within the Star Adders, following the misadventures of a cross-caste group setting up an outpost on a new colony. It was full of good moral messages and his sibko had voted it the most boring show they were allowed to watch (Oskar had voted that the Adventures of Clan Spaniel was worse, but only so they had an excuse for a 'Trial of Refusal' out in the play ground).

He watched the scientist go back to one of the men trying to rest - her partner, he assumed - and heard a stealthy footstep. Without looking, he reached down and caught Sophia climbing out of bed.

"No!" she wailed.


"It's boring!" she told her mother

Oskar reached down and flicked the girl's nose. "It is. Not 'it's'. Do not slur your words."

For a moment, he thought the child would start crying, but instead she clutched her nose and stared up at him. "It is boring."

He shrugged. She was not wrong. "Does this device have interactive capability?" he asked, picking the monitor up and shutting the show down.

"Er... Aff?" the woman said, knelt by her partner.

Oskar rifled through his pockets and found a datachip he could plug in. The screen automatically switched to a directory and he instructed it to copy one of the files onto the internal menu.

"Here." He herded Sophia back onto the bunk and handed her the display. "This is an instructional video. There are tests. If you complete the test, it will move to the next segment. If not, you will have to watch it again and again. That will be boring, so do well in the tests."

It was an interactive instructional manual for maintaining a SLDF Mauser laser rifle. Not really scientist fare, but it was what he had on hand. The entire thing ran for hours, so it should hopefully keep the child entertained for a few days.

"Thank you, warrior." Sophia's mother dipped her head. The child echoed her a moment later, wide-eyed.

He waved his hand dismissively. "I will arrange more help for you here. Keep her from wandering off."

Closing the door after him he took a deep breath of the cleaner air and shook his head. Right.

Then he opened the hatch to the room opposite, heads jerking up from the occupants. Oskar ignored their half-dressed state and the cards they were holding. "I require two volunteers!" he roared and grabbed the nearest two. "Well volunteered!"

"But..." One started, clearly the dumber of the two technicians.

His comrade was quicker off the mark and elbowed him. "What have we volunteered for, warrior?"

"There are ill clansmen in the cabin opposite. You will help with keeping them clean and hydrated." He smiled at them in an unfriendly fashion. "In six hour shifts. You may select new volunteers from your comrades here when your shift ends. You have questions, quineg?"

"...neg," the technician answered with only a slight whine in his voice.

One problem solved, Oskar thought as he headed back to the stairwell. Now if I can only get through the rest of my shift without.

A droplet of water - he hoped it was water - splashed onto the floor in front of him. He looked up and saw another pooling. Something up there was leaking. "If it is not one thing..."

He really could not wait to reach this colony near the Inner Sphere. Sinclair could be the most desolate place in the universe, it could not be worse than this dropship.


A/N: For those wondering why Clan Blood Spirit is in the Nova Cat's canonical slot as the second reserve clan, this is a ripple effect from the Absorption War which eliminated Clan Burrock and Clan Cloud Cobra. In canon, the Cloud Cobras and Snow Ravens both bowed out of the invasion during the bidding (as did the Star Adders, if for slightly different reasons), leaving thirteen Clans bidding for three invasion slots alongside Clan Wolf. Fourteen Clans fought in the trials, with the Star Adders providing a OpFor to round out the numbers. (For more details, see Operational Turning Points: REVIVAL Trials.)
In this timeline, there were an even number of Clans in the Trials. Three rounds were fought with two victories required to reach the finals. The Blood Spirits can't fight the Burrocks in the first round, since they no longer exist, so they face the Diamond Sharks and win, but then lose their second round against the Jade Falcons. Clan Nova Cat lost their first round against Clan Smoke Jaguar and in the second round they faced the Steel Vipers (who in canon faced the Burrocks in this round) and lost a second time, being eliminated. In the third round, Clan Blood Spirit faced Clan Fire Mandrill and beat them, thus getting into the finals and eventually becoming a reserve Clan after Clan Ghost Bear beat them (they are ranked above the Sharks because they had faced and beaten the Sharks in the first round).
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #16 on: 28 March 2020, 13:23:51 »
Could you delve more into this Absorption War? It's obvious that Clan Cloud Cobra and Clan Burrock are no longer in existence. But did another Clan also get absorbed?

Sir Chaos

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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #17 on: 28 March 2020, 13:57:44 »
Could you delve more into this Absorption War? It's obvious that Clan Cloud Cobra and Clan Burrock are no longer in existence. But did another Clan also get absorbed?

Apparently not. There were 17 at this point canonically; minus Cloud Cobra and Burrock, that´s 15, and he mentioned 30 Khans voting on Operation Revival.
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #18 on: 28 March 2020, 17:17:34 »
Kai?  With a GAUSS RIFLE?  A FAST Gauss Rifle??  ::)

And my money's on Sophia finishing that training in less than two days...  ^-^


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #19 on: 28 March 2020, 17:51:56 »

Which corridor are the Adders using?
Herb: "Well, now I guess we'll HAVE to print it. Sounds almost like the apocalypse I've been working for...."

The Society:Fan XTRO & Field Manual
Nebula California: HyperTube Xtreme
Nebula Confederation Ships

Red Pins

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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #20 on: 28 March 2020, 23:22:30 »
...Visit the Legacy Cluster...
The New Clans:Volume One
Clan Devil Wasp * Clan Carnoraptor * Clan Frost Ape * Clan Surf Dragon * Clan Tundra Leopard
Work-in-progress; The Blake Threat File
Now with MORE GROGNARD!  ...I think I'm done.  I've played long enough to earn a pension, fer cryin' out loud!  IlClan and out in <REDACTED>!
TRO: 3176 Hegemony Refits - the 30-day wonder


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #21 on: 28 March 2020, 23:31:45 »
One Ping Only.
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #22 on: 30 March 2020, 19:03:11 »
Great to see you working on this again drakensis, keep up the great story-telling.


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #23 on: 31 March 2020, 03:20:12 »
Enjoying this story so far, keep it coming :thumbsup:

I, too, am curious about this Absorption War that's been referenced. In particular, how did the Star Adders persuade the Grand Council to allow them to absorb not one but two other Clans? The Wolves and Smoke Jaguars got a power boost from absorbing just one Clan apiece, so for the Adders to be allowed to rake in the assets of two Clans they must have been mighty eloquent. Or 'persuasive' Snow Raven-style... (see Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 120 >:D)

Also wondering what kind of losses versus gains the Adders took absorbing the two Clans. Dark Caste connections or not, I imagine at least some Burrocks or Cobras would still have resisted fiercely rather than join a more honorable Clan.
All Clan totems are equal but some are more equal than others.

"The Succession Wars solved no problem. Their effects, both immediate and indirect, were either negative or disastrous. Morally subversive, economically destructive, socially degrading, confused in their causes, devious in their course, futile in their results, they are the outstanding example in Spheroid history of meaningless conflict."
The Third Star League's view of the Succession Wars, plagiarised from an ancient Terran historian's judgement of the Thirty Years War.


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #24 on: 01 April 2020, 11:00:43 »
Excellent stuff, I loved the multi-caste interactions and how they carry themselves :) Brilliant writing!
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #25 on: 01 April 2020, 17:16:24 »
If challenged, I bet Drakensis could make drying paint interesting to read about...  ^-^


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #26 on: 06 April 2020, 01:26:19 »
Chapter Three

Castle Gerrick, Sinclair
Near Periphery
9 October 3049

Dropships could normally keep the air aboard them somewhat fresh, but very few of them carried thousands of people, even for a relatively short trip. In comparison even the relatively dry air of Sinclair was very welcome.

While habitable, the planet was drier than most. Even the Pentagon worlds, which were drier than real garden worlds, had more surface water. Barren, uninhabited deserts girdled the planet and significant surface water was only found around the poles. Some quirk of the planet's continental plates left both polar regions separated from the deserts by mountain ranges - a scientist from the ecologist sub-caste had mentioned in Costigan's hearing that it was probably the only reason that the world was habitable at all.

Still, it was an entire planet. A small fraction of the surface was still an enormous area, and colonisation had focused on the arctic region, with more but smaller lakes and a single body of water that aspired to the title of being a sea, compared to two larger seas in the antarctic.

Costigan glanced north at the thought but couldn't see the sea in question. Castle Gerrick was comparatively close, but still over the horizon from the Arctic Sea, nestled in the foothills leading into the mountains shielding it from the tropical and equatorial deserts. Outlines of what had been expected to be a proper city one day were now being filled out with temporary shelters, frequently the same repurposed cargo pods that had brought the Clan's civilians here.

Reportedly dozens of other outposts were seeing the same explosive growth, destabilized by the fact that many of the new inhabitants would not be staying all that long. With only a million or so colonists previously present, only the fact that Sinclair had been preparing for such an influx made it viable - but it was beginning sooner and taking place more swiftly than those preparations had envisaged.

Down on some of the terraces carved out of the mountainside, Costigan saw 'Mechs drilling. Frontline units, he guessed. Unlike the 295th Sentinel Cluster he had been assigned to, they would be preparing for battlefield deployment - not working alongside civilians to build up the settlements. The final wave of personnel was only five days away according to the schedule and after that the command circuit would be collapsed, with most of the ships making for the Inner Sphere to serve as the logistical sinews of the invasion.

It wasn't until Costigan had almost reached the massive doors of the 'Mech hangar that he saw one of the 'Mechs close enough to realise that it was too small - only about three times his own height. "What in Kerensky's name..."

There was a sharp whack against the back of his head. "Do not take the founder's name in vain," Grieg instructed him.

Costigan glared at the man but there was no point arguing with him. Grieg had spent the voyage in discussions with his Anasaz brethren and somewhere along the way had tattooed their emblem on his collarbone, renewing his devotion to the Cloister. "My apologies, warrior. But what are they?"

The older man took a deep breath and then exhaled. "They are called Asps, Costigan. And they may be what await us if we do not distinguish ourselves."

That didn't answer Costigan's question in any meaningful way, but Grieg made a more apologetic gesture and continued: "I have not been formally briefed, but they are crewed by older warriors - aerospace pilots and mechwarriors of small stature - and require enhanced imaging implants. A last chance of glory for them, before they can only serve in the infantry trinaries of clusters like ours."

"I have never seen them before."

"They are not used in the Homeworlds," Alaric cut in, gesturing for them to continue into the hangar. "And the reason they are not working alongside us is that many of the pilots have only recently been introduced to them. They need the practise if they are to see action alongside us."

Costigan frowned. "Do you mean the touman itself or just the Sentinel Clusters?" Like us, he meant. If these miniature battlemechs were cheaper and manned by used-up warriors, they might free up real 'Mechs for the frontline forces.

Grieg also looked hopeful but Alarc shook his head. "Some will be joining Sentinel Clusters, but the best of them will be joining frontline Clusters as scouts and skirmishers. A real opportunity for them to make their names. Now, if you are done wasting time?"

"Aff!" Costigan exclaimed, realising the Star Commander's patience was running out.

He led the way into the hangar. A stair near the entrance led up to gantries at cockpit level, and also gave a view of the other 'Mechs stored inside. It was...

There was a part of Costigan that still revered the BattleMechs, as the towering god-like figures he'd trained his entire life to pilot. But there was another part of him that recognised that the trinary wasn't equipped with the best his Clan could field. Alaric and Grieg were actually mounting twenty-five ton Duellists - a design developed to be expended in internal Trials without wasting units useful for the battlefield.

And at that, they were still newer and more advanced than the other three. His Hermes was... an honoured relic of the SLDF. A 'Mech that had fought in the long war to overthrow Amaris the Usurper and had served Clan Star Adder for centuries. Technologically it was grossly inferior, as were the two Mongoose light 'Mechs rounding out the Star.

Strapping in, the Mechwarrior felt the coolant in tubes around his piloting suit begin to circulate, a cold crawling sensation that would fade as the reactor heat warmed the cockpit. It couldn't happen soon enough for him - which was about the same as his feelings about the Invasion, when you come down to it.

Alpha Deuce Galaxy - which the 295th Sentinels were part of - would naturally be assigned to follow Alpha Prime Galaxy and garrison worlds in their wake. And since Alpha Prime was the finest Galaxy in the touman, they would likely be assigned a flank position and their garrisons would be the most exposed to a counter-attack.

Costigan still wasn't sure what the details would be - as far as he knew, no one had been briefed and it was possible no decision had been made. But with five months before Operation Revival was to begin, it couldn't be long before Star Adder clusters would have to start shipping off. Perhaps a month or two more as enough jumpships arrived...?

The Star filed out of the hangar in an orderly fashion. "Today we are extending one of the agricultural terraces," announced Alaric. "Follow the highway out of the Castle and then take the western exit. And try not to step on the fields. We will be eating some of the food grown here, so destroying crops is depriving us of meals."

Moving his Hermes into line behind Grieg's Duellist, Costigan opened his cockpit vents to let more of the dry air in. The cockpit was high enough that dust wasn't likely to be an issue and it was large enough that he would be able to stop and stretch. That wasn't the case in a Duellist, or even in some of the OmniMechs that he'd used in training.

"Once we reach the Inner Sphere, would it not make more sense to requisition foodstuffs from the worlds there?" he asked. Shipping thousands of tons of food from Sinclair to their conquests seemed wasteful, since the Inner Sphere was supposed to be full of paradisiacal worlds with ample harvest... granted, a generalisation, but feeding more than the smallest colony from another world was impractical in the long run so they had to be at least self-sufficient.

"Eventually, yes." Mechwarrior Hestia's Mongoose was behind his. She was new to the Cluster, but not to be Sinclair - warriors were still being shuffled and reshuffled, in this case trading Hestia and another warrior from the 325th Sentinels across from Alpha Trey Galaxy. "It will take time to set up orderly arrangements."

"And we don't want to let insurgents access our food supply," Alaric added dourly. "That happened on Tanis, early after the Absorption War. Half a Trinary of Elementals died slowly and painfully after a feast supposed to be in the honour of them replacing the original garrison."

Costigan paled. "What was done?"

"I do not know. I am not that old," the Star Commander added, a little defensively.

Hestia sighed. "Nor I, but a warrior I served with when I was Costigan's age was there - at least if we are thinking of the same incident." She paused. "Scientists used forensics to trace a dozen culprits, who were executed. Their families and the administrators of the enclave were sent to a remote colony to make a fresh start. Probably here. If you ever heard someone was being sent to a distant posting, that usually means Sinclair."

"It does not seem bad here."

She paused. "It was harder when the colony was being founded. There are... compensations."

"Like what?" asked Grieg.

"I have been to the Inner Sphere."

"You are serious, quineg."

"Aff, aff," the older warrior protested. "Only once. We send - sent, I suppose - merchants there to gather information once or twice a year. Escorting them was a prized assignment. Two years ago I was with a trading mission to Langhorne."

Costigan thought but the name didn't ring a bell. "A Lyran world?" he guessed. The Lyran Commonwealth was the nearest Successor State and it was said that their merchants were powerful, more so than the Draconis Combine.

"Aff." They reached the junction and their 'Mechs marched down the ramp, which twisted back and forth to maintain a sensible gradient. "It is far towards the Rim. The mission visited Caldarium - a periphery world where we traded some obsolete weapons for farming equipment - and then one jump into the Lyran Commonwealth. The merchants wanted some mineral that we do not mine here on Sinclair."

"Did you fight anyone." Alaric seemed interested.

Hestia laughed. "Only a drunk in a bar. A Lyran soldier tried to help me and seemed quite surprised that I needed none."

She was small, Costigan thought. Perhaps the Lyran had mistaken that for weakness. Would she be considering a move into piloting Asps if it got her a transfer to frontline duty?

"And then we shipped back up to Kinnison on the way back - that is a pirate world captured before I came here." Hestia sounded disappointed. "I believe it will be the staging area for the invasion so you may see it. It was not as pleasant as Langhorne or Caldarium. Or even Sinclair, really. But after two months on a dropship I was glad to get there."

"Are there many pirates?"

"No, Costigan. They had two regiments or so I am told, but three Clusters of Theta Galaxy tore them apart. The hardest part was making sure that the Inner Sphere suspected nothing." There was a thump from Hestia's cockpit. "This Mongoose was isorla from the battlefield."

He was about to ask more but there was a click from the command channel and then a three-note prefix to indicate an announcement was about to be made.

"Pull off the road," Alaric ordered sharply, and moved his Duellist out of the traffic and onto the dry verge, a relatively narrow strip of rocky ground between the road and the fields.

Costigan and the others followed and spaced their 'Mechs out, facing in all directions just in case the announcement was of some threat.

The three notes sounded again and then the familiar voice of Khan Roderick Irons came from the speakers of Costigan's cockpit. The Khan's voice sounded no less calm than it had for many other announcements in the years since his election, so it was probably not battle.

"Warriors, this is Khan Irons. "Once the last of our personnel arrive, there will be a three week training exercise in the Antarctic regions of Sinclair. In seven days the first wave will be ferried there to take defensive positions under the command of Galaxy Commander Dante Truscott. Forty-eight hours later, the second wave - an equal force of four prime galaxies and their associated deuce and trey galaxies - will be landed as an invasion force, led by Galaxy Commander Duke Topi of Gamma Galaxy."

"The exercise will be carried out under the rules of engagement we shall be using for the invasion. Logistical support and other conditions will be as realistic as feasible." There was a pause. "I expect the best from you. My officers and I will be reviewing your conduct and underperforming warriors in the frontline forces will be replaced with those who excel in less prestigious roles. Bring honour to your bloodlines and to our Clans. Seyla!"

"Seyla," Costigan murmured as the message ended. He heard the rest of the Star echoing the word with him.

"Something to look forward to," Alaric declared with relish. "But before that, we have rocks to clear for the technician caste."

Nonetheless, the five 'Mechs moved out with new energy.


Hope Harbour, Sinclair
Near Periphery
9 October 3049

The military administration building of Sinclair's largest city wasn't particularly pretentious. It wasn't a fortress - one was planned but given the existence of outposts in the north polar mountains, it had yet to exist save as a rough outline in the city plans and a vacant lot.

The main building and the two wings were utilitarian in design, but the courtyard they enclosed had a small garden around a statue in the centre. Roderick personally found the statue rather morbid - two near-identical men facing each other, swords buried in the other's chest. According to the plaque, the statues represented Gerrick and Terrel N'Buta and the artist had declined to specify which was which. Not, given that they had evidently just mortally wounded each other, that it mattered.

It was overblown and dramatic - not to mention that the two Khan's final bloody duel had been fought with 'Mechs not swords - but it was also apparently a very popular attraction. Tours of children from creches and even the sibkos that had been relocated here had visited every day since Roderick arrived, as had many serving warriors stationed near enough.

Turning back from the window, the Khan saw that refreshments had been served so he closed the shutters and went back to his place at the table. Picking up a pastry he bit into it, then washed the mouthful down with coffee - or rather, a coffee-like drink made with a native plant. Coffee plants didn't thrive on Sinclair's soil, and shipping some in would have been a waste of limited transport space. One more reason to invade the Inner Sphere, he thought sardonically. As if we needed more motivation.

"Kimball," he ordered, seeing that the scientist had finished his own pastry. "Summarise for us."

The young man finished his drink and activated the holodisplay, bringing up an outline of the Lyran half of the Federated Commonwealth. "The council has agreed to operate on a similar schedule to Operation Revival," he reminded them, "Both to give the impression to the Inner Sphere governments that we are operating as part of the same plan and to avoid accusations from the other Clans that we are seeking to steal their glory."

"Such accusations are inevitable," Anne Moreau pointed out. She wore the enhanced imaging implants prominently on her pinched face, marking her out as the only Galaxy commander so far from the expanding cadre of warriors riding the Asp protomechs into battle.

Roderick gave her a slight smile. "I know. But this at least avails us of a defense. Kimball, you mis-spoke."

"I apologise, warriors." The scientist looked frustrated. "To defend ourselves from political attacks then. It is also agreed that we will maintain a degree of separation between our advance and that of the nearest Clan, that being the Jade Falcons."

"Undermines the first advantage of moving forward at the same pace," pointed out Duke Topi.

The Khan tipped his hand to concede the point. "It does not help. But if the Falcons decide to jump a world beyond their planned advance and run into us, they will not show restraint, quineg?"

"Neg," agreed Dante Truscott. The Alpha Galaxy Commander - Alpha Prime, Roderick corrected himself - had chosen a seat between those of the two garrison galaxies that shared the Alpha designation. "Our strategy is constrained by what is possible."

Kimball waited for the senior officers to settle and then lit up four systems - a roughly triangular formation, with two stars in proximity as the tip of an arrow pointing towards the interior of the Inner Sphere, although not quite to Terra. It would have been more symbolic if it had, Roderick thought. Oh well, no use blaming the stars.

"Based on Operation Revival's schedule, these are the major targets we intend to take in the first year," the scientist declared. "Our predictions are that it may be closer to eighteen months - in either case, the timeframe expected for eight successive waves of conquest."

"Alarion." One light flared up. "Coventry." Another. "The Lyran Commonwealth capital of Tharkad, and Donegal just beyond it." The twin stars at the point of the triangle. "All four systems are important political and military nodes."

"The interior regions of the Commonwealth are sparsely settled due to a number of worlds that have been abandoned during the Succession Wars. While we have the stellar maps to use uninhabited systems, the Inner Sphere's jumpships are typically in poor repair so they rarely do so. This leaves them with limited shipping lanes except for purely military expeditions willing to take such risks. Severing these lines will devastate the Lyran economy."

Anne gave the display a look. "A swathe of the Lyran Commonwealth would remain along the Free Worlds League border. You do not expect the Free Worlds League to take advantage?"

Kimball spread his hands. "There are no certainties in war, Galaxy Commander. We view a Free Worlds League offensive towards Bolan as possible but on balance we expect the Captain-General to act cautiously. The rewards would be offset by a hostile border with us and also inflame relations with the Federated Commonwealth, who might treat it as a betrayal. It is likely that low level efforts would begin to subvert the worlds, with an intention to take advantage if he sees an opportunity."

"And if he chooses aggression?"

"Unless he seeks to attack deep into the Federated Commonwealth, we will have warning." Kimball expanded that part of the display. "Alarion is anticipated to be a Fourth Wave target, with further operations along the rimward flank of our occupied zone, securing transport nodes. If serious conflict breaks out between the Inner Sphere states, it represents divisions between them that would be highly advantageous. If the Commonwealth actually withdraws and allows the Free Worlds League to overrun the worlds then we would be presented with the opportunity to engage their forces while they are operating on extended supply lines and with demoralised civilian populations on the worlds in that region."

Anne frowned and then nodded. "It would widen our operations."

"Aff." Roderick gave her a nod. "In that contingency, we may find it necessary to divert forces away from operating deeper in the Inner Sphere."

"Would that impact on seizing the other targets?" asked Dante thoughtfully.

"There are a number of contingencies." Kimball stepped in. "Which options are chosen would depend on what sort of opposition is being faced. We could, in theory, cease all further advance deeper into the Federated Commonwealth and bring seven frontline galaxies to bear against the Free Worlds League. We would envisage only three or four in most scenarios, in which case securing Coventry is very likely and the chances of securing Tharkad and Donegal would depend on how effectively they are defended, but be perhaps fifty-fifty."

"Which is to say that we would be heavily outnumbered," observed Roderick as a stern reminder. "While in practical terms the majority of worlds we target will be defended only by militia forces. The Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth are large, but far from large enough to defend the interior with a large number of frontline forces. We must guard against over-confidence."

Duke Topi nodded solemnly. "We will take the border forces by surprise, and sweep deep into their space before they can rally. The real challenge will be how we face them when they are not off balance."

"Yes. Once their best forces and equipment are pitted against ours."

Kimball pulled the display back. "We plan on converging thrusts from the periphery, so that once we reach core industrial and political worlds our forces aren't dispersed."

"I must stress -" Roderick swept the commanders of the garrison galaxies. "We cannot effectively control hundreds of planets. Clan Jade Falcon and perhaps other reserve clans will carve out their own occupation zone, but even with a full Sentinel Cluster present on each planet, we would be hard-pressed to hold more than the capital and main drop-port against a wide-spread insurgency. And we have only one hundred and fourteen Sentinel Clusters."

Anne nodded reluctantly. "It sounds like an immense force, but across this region..."

"We will have to largely allow the worlds to govern themselves. We must tolerate the fact that they will not quickly change to the Clan ways. We must win them over, and displays of unnecessary force will not do so. Necessary actions, yes. But for the most part we can only hope for now to control their interstellar trade and communications."

The projection was that at one hundred and fourteen worlds they would be only a relatively small distance past Tharkad - if at all. If the advance went past that then occupation would be as much bluff as anything and they might have to seek help from the other Clans. Or at least persuade them that they were taking advantage by stepping in.

That was a problem for another day though.

"During the Absorption War, Cloud Cobra and Burrock civilians accepted that they were now Star Adders and Blood Spirits with some grace. This will not be like that. Expect a mix of the situation on the Tanite worlds and the problems the Blood Spirits had with Burrock holdouts going bandit. We cannot afford too many of the mistakes that have been made."

"So do not annihilate the Polcyzks?" offered - Roderick had to think a moment - John Connery, of Theta Trey. (It was beginning to be hard to keep track of all his subordinates).

"Aff. I understand why the Blood Spirits did so," Dante Truscott allowed, cutting short the awkward pause following the quip. "It was those bloodhouse's founders that called for the Spirits' annihilation along with the Not-Named - not something that is easily forgiven - but it caused much ill-will. If they had shown more restraint they might have retained some Burrock warriors and had fewer turn bandit."

"Their loss was our gain."

In a manner of speaking, that was true. The trial of possession for Burrock warriors had given the Star Adders the manpower to put boots on the ground when it came to the Tanite problems, but taking their giftakes as well... Roderick leant forwards. "If we make the mistake then it will be our loss, John. And there is no other Clan to accept them, so the spheroid warriors will be our problem as bondsmen to win over or as bandits that will make a joke of our ability to occupy worlds."

He waited for the garrison galaxy commander to subside before adding: "And we will want and need the bondsmen. The majority of those you face will be second-line or third-line warriors but they will be defending their homes, worlds they have rarely - if ever - left. Ensure that as many as possible are removed before they can become the backbone of resistance to us." Roderick paused and let a smile flicker across his face. "We have plenty of room on Sinclair for new colonists."

There was a ripple of laughter.

"And I do mean colonists," he added. "Invite their families to accompany them, these will be freeborn warriors and such ties are stronger in most of the cultures here than we are accustomed to."

"Should we extend this to others who resist?" asked Anne.

"Absolutely. There have been no trials of position here, so many potential warriors may be found here. Those who 'volunteer' by showing resistance will be doubly valuable if we can win them over, which is easier if we remove them from their accustomed surroundings and society. And if not, well, at least they are not left in place to continue to resist."

Seeing that the point had been made, he nodded to Kimball.

"Our plan for the invasion is that four frontline galaxies will advance along pre-mapped corridors, invading two or three worlds in each attack," the scientist explained. "The other four galaxies will carry out more localised operations to secure worlds bypassed by the main advances and provide a reserve in the case a leading galaxy bogs down."

"Which galaxy is assigned to which position will depend on their performance in the coming exercise," Roderick interjected. "For this purpose, each Prime Galaxy will be brigaded with their Deuce and Trey Galaxies, under the Prime Galaxy commander. Beta Trey, Kappa Deuce and Kappa Trey will be in reserve under my direct command during the invasion and will carry out operations during the exercise under my express command... just to make matters interesting."
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #27 on: 06 April 2020, 01:28:38 »
Antarctic Military Reservation, Sinclair
Near Periphery
20 October 3049

Piloting an Asp was nothing at all like an aerospace fighter. Oskar felt...

He felt tall. Powerful.

Even with BattleMechs towering over him, he didn't feel that they dwarfed him. The mechwarriors within were still just people riding inside them.

Oskar WAS the Asp. Five metres tall, limbs to proportion.

In a cockpit he would be reaching for controls, even if it was almost a subconscious step at this point. The ProtoMech side-stepped all that, with the pilot curled into a tiny life-support pod nestled below the reactor and both sensor input and commands conveyed by the implants.

The thick antarctic jungles parted easily before his stride as Oskar ranged ahead of the force. He had the speed and agility to stay ahead of the 'Mechs and vehicles of the main force, serving as their eyes and ears - not just for the enemy but also to find a route through the dense trees.

"Magscan report," one of the point commanders announced as Oskar pushed through another layer of trees. Rather than a single mass of trees, the jungle clustered around myriad streams and pools as water drained slowly down towards the inland seas of the south.

He cocked an - well, not an ear. That was more or less staying where it was, since his biological body was out of the loop right now. An audio sensor?

"Over eight hundred tons, moving north..."

Oskar dropped to his - the Asp's - knees and checked seismic. It wasn't a system he was hugely familiar with from his aerospace days, but he'd trained in it for infantry purposes and the signature was unmistakable.

"'Mechs," he confirmed. "South south-east and moving north. Estimating... ten points." Which suggested a binary of heavy and assault 'Mechs. It could be from one of the Guards Clusters but they generally ran towards the lighter end of the heavy spectrum. Dragoons usually deployed trinaries...

"A binary of the 312th Assault Cluster," a voice declared confidently. "Move your toys aside, Gregor. You have no business tangling with 'Mechs. My Cavaliers can handle them."

"Where there is one binary there may be more." Star Colonel Gregor of the 389th Sentinels sounded far less confident. "I recommend forming up an anvil position for your Cluster to -"

"Neg, Sentinel Colonel." That was not a rank, it was a slur. "Your forces are auxiliaries. Move them aside."

There were more seismic signals - this time from the north where 335th Cavalier Cluster were clearly moving to intercept.

Gregor made one more attempt. "Star Colonel Hutchinson, your Cluster is a pure 'Mech force and an Assault Cluster will have supernova binaries and possibly aerospace support."

There was a long pause and no change in the Cavalier's pace. Then Gregor spoke again, this time on the 389th's direct channel. "Advance elements fan out and provide observation only, anticipate the 335th moving through your positions. Armored column form a defense line westwards from Point Papa-135."

"Why do you think he changed his mind?" Warrior Arfan asked from beside Oskar.

The two Asps started moving again, in the direction of the approaching 'Mechs. "Ivar Hutchinson probably overrode him in a private channel." Oskar wasn't sure about that decision. Engaging the Zeta Galaxy 'Mechs was fine, but the Cavaliers would probably be better off supported by the mixed 'Mechs and Protomechs of their trinary, not to mention the ninety Vili support vehicles behind them, carrying infantry and an assortment of weapons.

Arguing with Star Colonel Ivar Hutchinson probably wouldn't go well though. It didn't appear to have worked for Star Colonel Gregor.

The Asps advanced through the trees, trying to avoid too much noise or damage. They had the advantage of being smaller than what they were seeking, but that also meant that they could be destroyed very easily if they were seen first.

Well, 'destroyed'. It was an exercise, not a real battle. Taking damage in an Asp hurt though, Oskar had been annoyed to find out.

"Wait," Arfan warned, pausing his Asp behind a line of trees. He dropped it to a crouch below one towering... well, it wasn't a terran breed. Most like a cactus... with willow branches. "it's them."

Oskar followed suit and peered under the branches.

Sure enough, there were ten 'Mechs, each carrying five elementals or... no, that was battle armour but not Elementals. And while most of the 'Mechs were BattleMechs except for a single Kingfisher, they were big, durable designs. It would be hard for any force to take them out quickly...

At least unless they were softened up. "Star Colonel," he reported. "We have a sighting of a Supernova binary of Zeta Galaxy. Requesting artillery on the following coordinates."

"NEG!" shouted Hutchinson.

Looking back, Oskar saw the leader of the Cavaliers burst through the treeline behind them, his Mad Dog leading a loose V of heavy 'Mechs. Light and medium 'Mechs flanked them, but the Cluster's assault stars must have been left behind.

"Neg," the Star Colonel declared again. "Those 'Mechs are mine."

"Neg." Another voice cut across the channel. "Those 'Mechs are bait. Star Colonel Gregor, take command. Star Colonel Hutchinson, withdraw your Cluster and subordinate yourself to Gregor."

"I..." The Mad Dog didn't cease it's advance. "They are prey, Galaxy Commander."

Then a heavy 'Mech rose above the trees behind Hutchinson's force. Oskar's sensors marked a laser shot from the jumping Guillotine, one that intersected the cockpit of the Mad Dog with clinical precision.

The Mad Dog shut down, falling over so abruptly that the legs tangled comically with each other. Oskar had to double-check before he saw that the cockpit wasn't actually damaged - it was just a simulated kill.

"Point Commander," the voice continued. "Continue your operation."

"Aff." He shook himself, feeling the Asp brush against the tree branches and then read off the coordinates for Gregor.

"Our Vili are deploying. May I deploy aerospace, Galaxy Commander?"

"Neg." The Guillotine - Duke Topi's - had dropped beneath the foliage again. "Their own fighters were waiting for the Cavaliers to break cover. Once it is clear you will not do so, you will need them for your own protection. Now, proceed."

And from behind the trees Arrow IV missiles launched from those of the Vili carrying the launchers. Not many, for half of the Vili were carrying infantry and other weapon configurations were needed.

But enough to convert the air around the Zeta force into explosions. The battle armour they were carrying went flying - more in an attempt to go to ground than because of the missile's detonations.

Actually entirely because of that - he had to remind himself that however realistic everything looked to his eyes - his sensors - the missiles were training loads and damage was simulated. Most of the elementals piloting those suits would get damage reports and some might cease action, having been told that they had received what would have been fatal damages. But that would wait until they were thinking and not responding on reflex.

Taking a look at the nearest of the suits, Oskar judged him to be just barely in range of his laser. "Arfan, be ready to run."


Oskar triggered the laser - it was built into the torso of the Asp so he felt the heat immediately and saw the laser intersect the suit.

"You are crazy." Arfan bolted backwards as the suit hit the ground and those around it - as well as a Guillotine heavy 'Mech - started returning fire.

Spinning on the spot, Oskar leapt away, firing his jump jets almost horizontally to catapult himself away. The last thing he saw was the battle armour suit rising. Now that was crazy - an Elemental suit might not be taken out by a laser of this kind, but that plus artillery damage... either the infantryman within was luckier than he had any right to believe or those heavy suits were tough.

They were slow though, and while they were jumping, they weren't using jump jets - just myomer enhanced limbs, throwing themselves a few metres at a time. The Asps - Oskar, Arfan and the other three of the point - were easily able to outpace them.

"Point Commander," the Galaxy Commander demanded. "Why did you break cover to fire on the enemy."

Oskar winced and felt a tickle on his skin as Arfan directed a comm laser at him. "Someone's in trouuuuble," the other warrior snickered.

"Intelligence gathering," he responded, ignoring his subordinate as they raced back towards the rest of the Cluster. "I have never encountered battle armour of that type. Now I have an idea of their durability and their mobility."

As he spoke, Oskar packed his quick assessment and sent the data to Star Colonel Gregor.

Duke Topi did not sound approving, but then he rarely did. "Acceptable," he judged.

Oskar relaxed a little. It seemed the Galaxy Commander wouldn't take him out of the exercise yet. "Get back under the air defense net," he ordered his warriors as he spotted contrails in the sky. Aerospace fighters from both sides were converging.

As the Asps scurried back, the sky lit up and vehicles added their fire. The Zeta 'Mechs followed only as far as the trees.

A fusillade tore into the jungle, even low powered lasers blasting away the fronds and the heavy 'Mechs retreated, picking up the armoured suits as they went. A last salvo of artillery ripped into them but none fell.

"Sound and fury, signifying nothing."

"What?" asked Oskar.

"Something I came across reading," Arfan admitted. "I do not recall where from but it stuck in my mind as a description of some Clans' posturing. And this fits - all that shooting but not a warrior fell."

Oskar looked at Star Colonel Hutchinson's Mad Dog, still lying on the ground. "One did."

"Except him."

"We are down a little artillery," Star Colonel Gregor informed them. "And Zeta lost armour - or so the simulation will assess it. Some of their infantry may be judged injured. The exercise will go on for days and such attrition will wear both sides down. Commanders must judge if a clash is worth committing to seriously or if it is wiser to wait."

In his Asp, Oskar looked at the infantry dismounted and the Vili parked between the trees. "Zeta cost us something else," he realised. "Our advance has been slowed."

"Yes. They bought perhaps an hour." Gregor's voice was thoughtful as his Glass Spider battlemech scanned the sky for viable targets. "It is not the way Clans fight amongst themselves. There are many more factors for us to consider."


Antarctic Military Reservation, Sinclair
Near Periphery
24 October 3049

Costigan was breathing heavily as his Hermes scaled the pass. His damage display showed that more than half the armour plating was gone from the light 'Mech's hide and there was genuine damage from where he'd skidded down a slope the day before. It would give the technicians practise if he could get back to one of the field repair bases that had been set up.


He was beginning to understand why that word was so pernicious.

"There should be a rally point around thirty klicks north of us," Grieg advised him. The older warrior sounded just as tired as he was - they were the last active members of the Star.

For that matter, the Cluster was in bad shape. Following them up the pass, many of the Vili were carrying exhausted infantry on their upper surfaces, weapon pods empty of ammunition. Air mobile elements in Ve transports were evacuating the wounded (not all simulated although fortunately there had been no genuine fatalities in the 295th Sentinels).

"Is there even a point in continuing? They've already pushed us up into the mountains."

Accurate information on the larger scale of the exercise was more gossip than fact. There was no briefing or bidding - there was barely time to get out of their 'Mechs occasionally. Costigan was already appreciating that the Hermes cockpit was spacious and had borrowed an infantry backpack to carry rations and other consumables up there during their last resupply. He'd had to scale the 'Mech twice with the pack on his back - the gantries available were all fully engaged in keeping damaged 'Mechs in service.

Grieg's Duellist was smaller and slower than Costigan's Hermes and one arm hung limp, visible occasionally when the filter showing it as blown off wavered. "There are three other battlegroups," he pointed out. "Just by remaining in action we force Topi to keep some of his forces facing us."

They reached the crest - a gap between two of the peaks, with no road as such to follow but it was less steep and once their 'Mechs and the vehicles passed, there would be a noticeable path for the rest of the three galaxies to follow.

"Stop before we go down," Costigan suggested, seeing that there was a modest plateau leading down on the far side. It wasn't quite what the maps said, but those were just rendered from orbital pictures, not detailed ground-level topography. It was possible no human had ever used this pass before Dante Truscott chose it as an evacuation route for his battle group.

"Why?" But Grieg slowed his 'Mech further and the two light 'Mechs edged forwards, side by side.

Costigan dropped the Hermes into a crouch. "I want to get a look off the edge of this plateau before we go further. It'll screen us from being seen from below while we take a look."

"What do you expect to see?"

"Half of Epsilon Galaxy," he answered, half-facetiously, but only half.

"Really?" Greig dropped the Duellist onto its haunches, locking the limbs in place. But he at least wasn't advancing further forwards and making his present known. "We surely lost them in the mountains, quiaff."


"What? You see them?" the mechwarrior exclaimed in alarm.

"No, but they have ambushed us four times since the exercise began. I am not going to under-estimate them."

Grieg sighed in relief. "They are sneaky surats, is all that means. But they have practise fighting like the Inner Sphere, they had an entire Cluster fitted out like a Spheroid regiment from the Dragoons report, back in the 3030s, I hear."

"That is not good," Costigan said after a moment.


"They are operating like Spheroids. And we are losing." He let the passive sensors of his Hermes comb the landscape below and then pulled back as the automated systems processed the wealth of data that could be gathered from up here. Mostly 'Mech's sensor computers focused on what was nearer, but now he had something like a hundred square kilometres of landscape for them to assess.

He pulled out a ration bar and chewed on that as the computer chewed over the data. They had about fifteen minutes before the vehicles caught up, so there was time. Thirty kilometres was probably too far away to see the rally point in this terrain, but dropships were pretty large and he might get lucky.

The bar was nutritious and could be stored for years. Taste... not so much. But the texture wasn't so bad if you washed it down. Costigan found a bottle of water and swallowed some. He didn't check the date stamped on the wrapper. He'd checked that none had been accidentally past the date of expiration and fought two infantrymen for the right to exchange some of his older bars for fresher selection... such as it helped. But it was still depressing to think that some of the ration bars were intended to be kept around for decades and that some of what he was being fed was older than he was.

The secondary monitor serving the sensors pinged and updated, highlighting the  map of the terrain ahead of him. Costigan took one more bite from the ration bar and then slapped down the visor on his helmet so the HUD would help augment what he was seeing on the monitor.

He regretted that decision when he spat up the mouthful over the inside of the visor.


The young mechwarrior shoved the visor open and then locked his 'Mech's legs and unstrapped the helmet as quickly as he could. "Do not move. Do nothing," he snapped.

Rummaging quickly he found a wipe to clean the visor and did so manually as he scanned the screen again. Had he made a mistake? Had the sensors been wrong?

They had to be... quiafff?

Neg, he realised. There was no mistake. Or rather, there was... but it was not the sensors or his assessment.

"Costigan, what are you doing?" hissed Grieg, having lowered his voice.

Costigan checked quickly and reassured himself that the two of them were communicating via tightbeam lasers automatically directed at each other's mechs. Not by a transmission that anyone could pick up and...

"...damn them."

He was sure suddenly of how Epsilon had been able to mousetrap the Galaxy over and over.


"Grieg, there are Epsilon Galaxy dropships on the ground near the rally point. Enough for at least two Clusters."


"They are being camouflaged. Another fifteen minutes and I might not have been able to spot them." He shook his head. "They are ahead of us again."

The older mechwarrior sounded sceptical. "How could they be? We did not know we were using this route until a day ago. Nor did the supply unit supposed to meet us there. The Galaxy Commander transmitted the message in code."

"Yes," Costigan agreed. "He did. But all our encryption is standard across the Clan. It is just a matter of identifying which codes we are using. Epsilon must have done so, and they are listening to everything we transmit."

"Why those cheating stravags!" Grieg's voice rose to a roar. "We should tear their heads off! Challenge them to grievance and -"

"They aren't cheating!" Costigan didn't realise for a moment that he'd let proper dictation slip in the heat of the moment. "We could have done the same. But we did not think." He let his voice lower to a growl. "We did not think."

After a long moment, Grieg exhaled, the breathing audible. "Should we... we could break radio silence and inform the Star Colonel. Inform the Galaxy Commander!"

"Neg." Costgian finished cleaning his helmet and put it back on. "We need to run back until we can laser-com them. They know where we are and they know our plans. Our one advantage is that they do not know that we know that they know..." He paused, went over that in his head again. Yes, that was right. "Since we know they have an ambush prepared, we can avoid it. Or perhaps turn it against them and recapture the initiative."

"You are faster than I am." Grieg backed the Duellist up before straightening it. "I can make eight-six at best, and this terrain is not the best. Your Hermes is half again as fast. You go back. I will stand guard here at the pass to give warning in case they launch an attack up the pass."

"They will not. They want us to emerge so they can catch us from the flanks." He could see it in his head, the Cluster extended as they descended the slope, caught between 'Mechs emplaced either side of the path and artillery vehicles waiting where the three Alpha Galaxies expected that they could find a rally point.

It would be a slaughter.

Grieg swept the functioning arm of his Duellist to one side. "Perhaps. No, even probably. But just because that is how we would do it, does not mean that Epsilon Galaxy will do what we expect. I have learned never to assume that an opponent will think as I do."

"...aff," Costigan admitted. "I will be as quick as I can."

"Do not break your 'Mech. We will need it."

Heeding the older warrior's experience, Costigan didn't push the Hermes too hard as he went back up to the crest and then scrambled down the other side, towards the oncoming column of Vili, escorted by the other 'Mechs.

No sooner was he in sight than his Hermes was skewered by a communications laser. "Warrior, report."

"An ambush, Star Colonel," he reported tersely. "I do not believe they spotted us. I -"

"Impossible. You are jumping at shadows. How could they know our path?"

"Sir, I believe someone in Epsilon Galaxy has identified which encryption we are using. We are using a standard code, they would only have to identify it."

"Dezgra scum." Star Colonel Helmut Steiner was well past his prime but his wits were sharp enough. "Yes, Epsilon would do that. And I cannot transmit that to the Galaxy Commander without revealing that we know about their ambush."

Costigan had been thinking about this as he came back down the pass. "Can we relay a signal off one of the Ve? If one flies up high enough, it could have line of sight on us and Galaxy Commander Truscott. And Epsilon might not target an evacuation flight in case they alert us that they are lying in wait."

"Good thinking, Warrior." One of the Vili, the Star Colonel's command car, pulled out of the column. "One collected our last wounded five minutes ago, see if you can contact it. It is our last chance."

He braced the Hermes and raised one arm, reconfiguring it to communications mode as his fire control system swept the sky looking for the helicopter. It would be well out of weapon range, but if the only need was to convey signal pulses...

Almost to Costigan's surprise, it was surprisingly easy to make contact and the Ve pilot nervously increased the altitude of his flight to remain in line of sight until the Galaxy Commander could be contacted with his own communications suite.

"Aff." Dante Truscott seemed unsurprised at the idea. "I suspected as much."

"You... you suspected?"

"Yes, Star Colonel." Truscott remained unruffled. "I am pleased that I am not the only one."

"Galaxy Commander!" shouted Helmut Steiner. "Is this entire exercise scripted?"

"After a fashion. It is not important what Galaxy Commander wins. What matters is that we identify which of our subordinates is really thinking about this. Epsilon's... exploit is clever. Did you recognise it yourself?"

"...neg, one of our scouts. A mechwarrior named Costigan."

"Put him on the channel."

Costigan cleared his throat. "I am here, Galaxy Commander."

"His 'Mech is providing the comm laser," Steiner explained.

"Good. Mechwarrior, how many dropships did you see?"

"Six. Based on types, enough for two Clusters and supplies or perhaps an infantry or Vili complement."

"Excellent." Dante sounded amused. "I will count on you and the other Warriors of the 295th Sentinels to deceive them in turn. Colonel Steiner, assign your units the communications identifiers for our other Clusters in all three Alpha Galaxies. Transmit that an advance force will scout the area today to find the best route for our entire force to cross the pass tomorrow. Stress that we are expecting to meet a convoy with fresh munitions and armour plating."


"Galaxy Commander Olaf Hobbes tends to stick to a plan once he has one in place. He will push all his forces still south of the pass catch us from behind as we are ambushed to the north, rather than risk have us overwhelm them with our full numbers."

Dante paused and Costigan could almost see the Galaxy Commander's feral smile, "And we will lay an ambush of our own for Olaf and his Galaxy."
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #28 on: 06 April 2020, 01:29:50 »
Fort Minotaur, La Blon
Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth
11 December 3049

The Monarch wasn't a military transport, but even the mighty AFFC couldn't ship everything or everyone on their own shipping. Like everyone else, there were never enough jumpships and rarely enough dropships. Once you allowed for ships that were being repaired, ships visiting worlds that had so little commercial traffic and ships that had to remain at least in the vicinity of nodal systems so that the units in strategic reserve could be deployed should a war begin...

Well, there were reasons why operations like the legendary invasion of Tikonov, a generation before, with over a hundred jumpships carrying eight entire Regimental Combat Teams at one time had been incredibly rare over the last century and a half.

And for the same reason, a routine personnel transfer to La Blon, in one of the more affluent and more travelled regions of the Inner Sphere involved hiring berths on a civilian vessel rather than diverting a military transport. The timing was just terrible.

Steam was still coming off the hull from the heat of re-entry as the delta winged dropship was towed in from the runway to the terminal. It could have taxied under its own power, but at a busy drop-port like this one, the authorities generally preferred to have tight control over moving objects, particularly those in the kiloton range.

An enclosed bridge swung out from the terminal to link to the dropship, allowing the passengers to embark without discomfort. The heat was probably tolerable, but La Blon's drop port had been built by the Star League in the days when interstellar tourism was common and the planet had drawn corporate executives to its many resorts, men and women expecting to be sheltered from even minor inconveniences.

Somehow, despite the centuries since, they were still functioning. It was even more surprising since Fort Minotaur had grown up adjacent to and then interlinking with the drop port to house the planetary garrison. There had been fighting over it in the Fourth Succession War, Kai had learned since arriving here a few months before, expelling the much feared Proserpina Hussars and retaking La Blon for the Lyran Commonwealth.

"Are you waiting for the military personnel aboard?" asked one of the attendants.

Kai nodded. "There should be a Doctor Lear in charge of seven enlisted personnel."

The attendant checked his list. "Yes, I have them here. They'll probably be among the first to disembark."

"Oh? A special privilege?"

That got a smile. "No. But in my experience, military personnel are usually better organised."

Kai chuckled at that. "Even fresh out of the academy cadets?"

"Even then."

The bridge locked onto the dropship and a moment later the hatches opened. Star League engineering at its finest, only notable on the rare occasions when it failed.

The first across the bridge was a striking woman a few years Kai's elder. Her black hair barely reached the shoulder of her AFFC undress uniform, but he could see the badges of a medical officer. Somehow, when he'd been told to expect a member of that corps he'd expected someone older and more seasoned, but everyone had to start somewhere he supposed. "Doctor Lear?"

The woman looked up from the folder of identification papers she was checking. "Yes, leftenant? Are you here to meet us?"

"Yes, doctor." As a warrant officer, she was technically subordinate to Kai despite his inexperience. "There's also been a change of plans."

"Well colour me surprised." She offered her hand. "Doctor Diedre Lear."

Kai reached out to accept it as the other soldiers - all men and women that he guessed had a decade or more of service over either of them. "Leftenant Kai Allard-Liao. Pleased to -"

Lear's hand snapped back before they could make contact and she stared at him, face melting from the previous welcome to such violent hatred that for a moment he thought she would attack him.

"- meet you," he finished, stepping back in surprise.

"Doctor?" asked the first of the enlisted, seeming just as surprised.

Lear took a deep breath. "Change of plan," she said, voice harsh, and added "You said," a moment later, as if it was a tremendous effort to say more than a few words at once.

"Uh. Yes." Kai glanced to the side, seeing that the attendant had one hand on a comm unit. "Let's step aside and let the civilians disembark."

The doctor took a deep breath. "Yes," she agreed tightly and stepped forward briskly to the attendant, who accepted her papers.

Kai exchanged a 'what the hell?' look with the Sergeant who was behind Lear and got an equally perplexed look. "Transit of the space port only," he said out loud for the attendant.

Lear half turned and gave him an angry look - well, more accurately, her look hadn't changed. "Transit?"

"Yes, doctor. The Tenth are leaving La Blon. Some of our dropships have already left. The RCT field hospital are loaded and the general delayed departure so you could join them rather than be ferried between dropships later."

"I see." The doctor accepted her stamped papers. "Thank you, leftenant," she grated. "Tell me the terminal and I'll see we get there."

"No ma'am," Kai said apologetically.

"AFFC regulations, Doctor," the sergeant agreed. "Until we've formally reported in we need an escort who has done."

"As if," she almost spat, "We aren't functioning adults."

"Yes, well... if officers don't oversee the enlisted, they might begin to think officers aren't needed," Kai offered, hoping that he would be able to calm the Doctor with some humour. "Who knows where that might lead?"

"Cats and dogs living together?" the sergeant.

"Mass hysteria," proposed a grey-haired woman with logistics tabs on her shirt but mechwarrior spurs on her boots.

The last soldier in line, an infantry corporal who looked old enough to have been retired by now, nodded. "It could overturn the entire social order."

The joke fell flat against it's target though, and from the look on her face, it seemed that overturning the social order would be just fine with her.

"Come on, Doctor," the logistics sergeant said before Lear started preaching revolution. "If we're going to change right to another dropship I want to use a groundside toilet. Just to make sure my plumbing is still working."

"Yes, good idea."

Kai and the male members of the detail watched them go. Under other circumstances, watching the trim doctor from behind might have been an appealing prospect but right at the moment, Kai was very definitely coming down on the side of not hating her leaving.

"No offense, leftenant, but did you kill her dog or something?"

"I'm pretty sure I've never killed anyone, not even a dog."

The sergeant shrugged. "Might be you being a Liao, sir. No offense, but I believe that she's from the Capellan March."

Kai groaned. That made entire too much sense. His mother's decision to take her worlds out of the Capellan Confederation had been a political coup at the time, but she was still a scion - arguably the senior member - of a dynasty that had been enemies of the Federated Suns for six hundred years. The worlds of the Capellan March had been the frontlines of scores of wars and campaigns.

His father, a half-Capellan, had found serving in the Capellan March... difficult, during the late Third Succession War. And enemies from the Capellan March had followed him across half the Inner Sphere for years afterwards until he was enshrined as one of the great heroes of the Fourth Succession War.

Fortunately, when the women returned Doctor Lear had apparently calmed down. Granted, she didn't say a word to him, but that was probably an improvement. "So, sir, where are we going?" the older woman asked. "I thought they were tempting fate when I was told La Blon would be a nice cushy assignment before I retired."

"Well, Sergeant Hebert, the exact location is up in the air."

"A dropship?" The corporal's feigned innocence was almost flawless.

"We're being sent to the Periphery March," Kai soldiered on. "According to the briefing, the Marshal wants reinforcements so he can send out exploratory missions to find out why things have been so quiet along his front and encourage that. I haven't heard yet if that means we're replacing one of the RCTs already out on the border or if we'll be doing the missions. In the latter case, we could be living off dropships for more than a year."

"And first we have to get there. Over two hundred light years." Hebert rolled her eyes. "Well, if I couldn't take a joke, I shouldn't have enlisted."

"At least you got a royal welcome to La Blon," offered the Corporal.

"Good point." The old mechwarrior gave Kai a sly smile. "Of course, I remember when his father was just a fresh leftenant, back on Spica."

Doctor Deidre Lear twitched violently. "We should collect our bags and proceed," she half ordered and set off in the direction indicated by the signs without waiting for Kai.

So it's not my mother, Kai thought. What did dad ever do to her? "Doctor Lear is correct," he confirmed to the soldiers and the little detail followed him deeper into the terminal, in search of their baggage and hopefully some decent food before they were on the Tenth Lyran Guards' dropships and eating in low or even zero gravity.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #29 on: 06 April 2020, 08:46:30 »
Very, very nice.
Question - where i can get info on the Duelist mech and Asp protomech ?


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #30 on: 06 April 2020, 18:25:11 »
You are cruel, sir... just cruel.  I saw you had posted before I left for work this morning, but knew I wouldn't make the train if I stayed to read it then...  I had to wait ALL DAY to get this dose of awesome!  And I was totally right... I wouldn't have made the SECOND train if I'd stayed...


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #31 on: 06 April 2020, 18:57:57 »
Very, very nice.
Question - where i can get info on the Duelist mech and Asp protomech ?

This post on Spacebattles has the Duelist I believe.


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #32 on: 07 April 2020, 02:51:00 »
Yep, thanks.


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #33 on: 07 April 2020, 08:40:53 »
Excellent stuff! So the Adders and friends are going to be hitting the Lyrans from the flank for all intense and purpose at around the same time as REVIVAL crashes into the IS's 'north'.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #34 on: 09 April 2020, 01:10:25 »
Clan Star Adder Warships

One of the many issues facing Clan Star Adder after the Absorption War was the disposition of their warship fleet. Between isorla and the contract bidding that had them fighting to support the Blood Spirits against the remaining Burrocks, the Star Adders had received the majority of the Cloud Cobra and Burrock warship fleets (the principal exceptions being the Black Lion-class battlecruiser Admiral William S Preston (a Star Adder warship that the Burrocks had captured only to then fall into Blood Spirit hands), the Liberator-class cruiser Constanineau and its escorting Essex-class destroyers Tehuantepec and Eagle) in varying conditions.

This left the Star Adders with a theoretical force of thirty-eight warships, enough to seriously challenge Clan Snow Raven's dominance and more pressingly, more than sufficient to overwhelm their limited shipyards. The Blood Spirits were already using their generally good relations with the Snow Ravens to smooth over the capture of three Burrock warships from a Snow Raven yard, not to mention working their own fleet hard to patrol their much-expanded enclaves, so they were unable to help and the Star Adders' traditional allies, Clan Steel Viper, had taken the absorption of Clan Cloud Cobra poorly.

Well aware that the Inner Sphere didn't appear to currently have any warships, the Adder leadership viewed warships as useful as a reserve, but also expensive and something that could easily lead to a naval race with the Snow Ravens. As a result, a large number of warships were cached, often with repairs still pending, until the yards at Sinclair reached the point that they could provide some of the maintenance needed. Given the secretive nature of those yards, the Star Admirals of Clan Star Adder have gone to some lengths to obfuscate how many warships are in operation at any given time. To mask their exact strength and deployments, the Clan renamed all of their warships, ostensibly to smooth over any stigma of the ships recently obtained.

As of 3048, the Star Adder fleet is divided into five Naval Stars, two of which are of questionable value:

Sheridan Naval Star
Charged with providing a last resort for defending the Star Adder capital, eleven warships cached in the star system are in relatively good condition and were being kept on the books for reactivation as a further active Naval Star over the next decade - or possibly to be sold off to other Clans. The major issue delaying this would be the need for a major overhaul of their Kearny-Fuchida drives. For the purposes of simply defending Sheridan's orbitals, removing them from mothballs would take much less time than scraping together crews, both of which were begun after the main invasion force departed in 3049.
Sandworm (Nightlord-class), Al-mi'raj and Skvader (Volga), Gorgon and Echidna (Lola III-class), Fafnir and Jormungandr (York-class), Tarasque (Fredasa-class), Bakunawa and Zilant (Carrack-class), Vritra (Vincent-class)

Arcadia Naval Star
In contrast with their counterparts over Sheridan, the Arcadian naval cache's only military value at this time is as a bluff. The six warships are in poor condition, with parts having been removed over the years to keep over warships active and it's over a decade since the last survey to assess their fitness for restoration projected an expense that the Merchant Caste objected to in strong terms. With the bulk of the fleet away and depending on Sinclair, there may finally be enough yard space to consider restoring them - or simply tearing them apart for raw materials to support the rest of the fleet.
Basilisk (Cameron-class), Unicorn and Kraken (Sovetskii Soyuz-class), Gryphon, Manticore and Sphinx (Aegis-class)

The active portion of the Star Adder Fleet has spent years being rotated between shipyards, patrolling their enclaves and being temporarily cached due to lack of parts and personnel (this has occasionally been used as cover for escorting convoys to Sinclair). A few years ago, one of the Stars was finally reassigned to Sinclair on a permanent basis, the yards there having reached the point that they could support this. With the invasion underway, both the other active Stars rushed to join them. These Naval Stars are organised with ships of the same classes and their names were chosen with obfuscation in mind:

Pi Naval Star
Feathered Serpent (McKenna-class), Naga (Potemkin-class), Hydra, Bakeneko (York-class), Undine (Lola III-class), Pegasus (Vincent-class), Harpy (Fredasa-class)

Phi Naval Star
Rainbow Serpent (McKenna-class), Ourobouros (Potemkin-class), Tsuchinoko, Chimera (York-class), Mermaid (Lola III-class), Centaur (Vincent-class), Wyvern (Fredasa-class)

Psi Naval Star
Sea Serpent (McKenna-class), Lamia (Potemkin-class), Nidhoggr, Yamata no Orochi (York-class), Hippocampus (Lola III-class), Dragon (Vincent-class), Cockatrice (Fredasa-class)
« Last Edit: 09 April 2020, 02:11:37 by drakensis »
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #35 on: 09 April 2020, 05:20:36 »
An impressive naval force and I can imagine the Ravens having a handful of kittens about the Star Adders having 4 battleships to their name too!
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #36 on: 09 April 2020, 15:57:53 »
Pi, Phi and Psi are perfectly named to aid in obfuscation...


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #37 on: 09 April 2020, 21:08:32 »
An impressive naval force and I can imagine the Ravens having a handful of kittens about the Star Adders having 4 battleships to their name too!

Could call it 7 Battleships, only thing keeping the Potemkins from being counted is their usual role as super container ships with guns, rather than serving in the battleline themselves. They have the guns for the job, even if the armour is a bit thin for a BB.


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #38 on: 11 April 2020, 14:33:15 »
Nicely convoluted!   :thumbsup:
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #39 on: 12 April 2020, 06:10:50 »
Chapter Four

CWWS Dire Wolf
Star's End, Periphery
15 January 3050

The representative of ComStar was as interesting as Karianna Schmidt had suggested, Virgilia decided on her first sight of him.

Anastasius Focht - she wondered absently whether the Khans would settle on one name or the other, since he could hardly be bloodnamed - reminded her somewhat of the Nova Cat Khans. Old, but not significantly diminished by it - experience and cunning offsetting any reduction in the man's vitality. He was powerfully built, his right eye covered by a patch.

Perhaps that meant that ComStar's medical technology was inferior to that of the Clans. Or perhaps the injury had been inflicted under such circumstances that proper treatment had not been possible. Reports from the Dragoons and the Black Buck company made it clear that regrowing damaged organs was unusual, perhaps entirely unknown, on most worlds of the Inner Sphere.

I should ensure that our medical technicians see what we can offer to the medical professionals of worlds we conquer, Virgilia noted to herself. It would be a sign of goodwill and of what we can offer worlds that accept our practises... or would holding it back until they are compliant be wiser? The psychology of the matter will need consideration.

"And this is Khan Virgilia Truscott, of Clan Star Adder," Karianna introduced her.

Focht drew himself up. "I'm honoured."

The Blood Spirit scowled and Virgilia hid a smile. We are provincial in some ways. "It is pleasing to meet a representative of the Ministry of Communication. I see that the language of the Inner Sphere has changed somewhat in our absence. Or rather, I hear it."

"I can't claim to be a student of languages, Khan Truscott," he said, seemingly suspecting a trap.

Ha! No, I will help you, Focht. This time. ComStar may prove useful and why burn a bridge when I can build one easily? "You say 'I'm' and 'can't', while we say 'I am' and 'cannot'. To use language as the Star League did is a point of pride for our people."

"Did they truly speak thus?" Such a mask of sincerity, this one knew politics - and detested it, from the look Virgilia saw in his eyes. Interesting.

There was an inhalation from Khan Schmitt but Truscott nodded. "It may seem... archaic for you, but the ways of the Star League are... sacred in many eyes."

"Many people in the Inner Sphere also revere the great institutions of the Star League." Focht shook his head, white hair brushing his shoulders. "But much has been lost, even with our protection of Terra. Perhaps in learning from each other, we can redeem some of that."

"We must hope that some good comes of the matter." Khan Ulric Kerensky had been watching them with interest. "But the ilKhan awaits. You will join us, Khan Truscott, quiaff?"

Hah, so much for speaking the original tongue of the Star League, she thought wryly. I have studied enough to know that such phrases were introduced by the Founder's brother. "Neg. The IlKhan and I do not see eye to eye. My presence might tar our guest's mission in his eyes."

"And yet you are here to meet me?" Focht tilted his head, questioningly.

"One should keep allies close, enemies closer and always know which is which," she told him. And taking your measure might be the most important thing I have done since leaving the Homeworlds. If the ComGuards are in your mold, then they may be more capable than reports suggested.

Karianna Schmitt gestured to indicate that she would also wait and Khan Kerensky led the Precentor Martial away, the two men already exchanging words. "In that company, yours would do little to make the ilKhan more suspicious of Anastasius," she noted. "Why are you... avoiding him?"

"The ilKhan has the highest authority anyone may wield among the Clans, but he is still subject to the dictates of the Grand Council and I have opposed him there. If I embroil myself in politics - and there is nothing but politics around him - then he will suspect I am building a faction against him, if only because Crichell will put the idea in his head. Thus, the best support I can offer him is to stay away."

The Blood Spirit's brow furrowed. "Your view is... inverted."

"Politics is often like that. Why do you think I avoid it, or transcend it where I can?"

"You said you keep friends close, but enemies closer. Of all the Clans, you are closest to my own... which do you see us as?"

Virgilia gave her fellow Khan a crooked smile. "The Clans have no friends, Karianna. We are all rivals. That is Kerensky's wisdom: only a friend can betray you, while an enemy's purpose is open and honest. Thus because we can recognise that we are all striving to exceed each other, we can respect each other. A friend would excuse a weakness in another Clan, but enduring alliances are not built on weakness."

"And thus when you found weakness in the Cloud Cobras..."

She nodded sharply. "Yes. And if you found us to be undermining Clans as a whole by deviating from the Way, you would do the same with us, quiaff?"

The Blood Spirit looked at her for a long moment. "Aff. I see. So enemies are the ones you respect. Truly you are twisted."

Virgilia let a grin form on her face. "But you still like me?"

"For some strange reason. I disagree with you though. There is more to friendship than forgiving weakness."

"There are multiple Clans in order that we can have different viewpoints," she allowed. "If there were only one path within the Way, the Founder would have created but one Clan. Since the Way of Blood Spirits has not led them to weakness I cannot say that you are without merit in your beliefs... even if I do not share them."

Karianna sighed. "Sometimes I wish Khan Irons had come with us and you had remained in the Homeworlds. I am never sure if you are sincerely disagreeing or just spoiling for a fight."

"As much as I enjoy your company, Karianna, I would have preferred for him to accompany the invasion, but he is cursedly good at bidding."

"Speaking of bidding." The Blood Spirit ushered Virgilia across the dock and onto the dropship, apparently feeling that while the previous discussion was high-brow enough that it didn't matter if the crew of the Dire Wolf (a Clan Wolf vessel), that her next topic was to be treated with more discretion.

"What do you have in mind?"

"The Chainelane venture." Karianna folded her arms. "The Snow Ravens are interested in Vannes, but wish to contract elements of Clan Fire Mandrill for assistance."

"They are still feeling the pinch in their ground forces, quiaff?"

"Aff. And from what you have advised me, the 'boots on ground' is critical for assimilating the existing populace. However, with two Clans participating there, my Clan Council are leaning towards striking at Ingvolstand alone."

Virgilia arched an eyebrow. "That may be ambitious."

"Aff. And one of our jumpships made a quiet visit to the outer system. It seems that the world is more unified than we believed."

Virgilia lowered her head in apparent contemplation to hide satisfaction that the Blood Spirits were doing recon of their own volition. "That could be something of a problem."

"The unifiers were a pack of bandits, from what we have learned," Karianna waved the issue off. "Promisingly, the world seems to be recovering some of its previous industry under their leadership."

"Which would make it a more valuable asset than previously envisaged."

"Yes. My concern is how long we would need to maintain a substantial garrison before we could free up the forces to support an invasion. The population appears to be comparable to one of your Tanite worlds, if that helps."

So somewhere between half a million and a million, Virgilia guessed. "Of garrison grade forces, I would say twenty to thirty years - although you probably would not be dealing with Cloud Cobra levels of mismanagement to make up for, which could help."

"...decades?" Karianna sounded utterly horrified.

"Perhaps a cluster at most of second-tier combat troops to see off any opportunism by the other Clans or outside raids," Virgilia clarified. "The greater commitment is sufficient infantry to escort civilians in the assimilation role. The crux of bringing the population around is to show them the benefits of our ways - what the SLDF referred to as 'hearts and minds'."

The Blood Spirit relaxed. "That would be more manageable. And since it is not part of the invasion, I can bring forward forces not part of our bid."

"Aff. Remember, the Trial of Possession for the bodies of the inhabitants is handled by warriors. To possess their spirits, that Trial will be fought by technicians, merchants and scientists. Let the people of Ingvolstand see the advantages of our ways, that you bring prosperity and security for them."

Karianna nodded. "I have faith in our civilian castes to do this, although... other Clans."

Virgilia made a face. "The Jade Falcon merchants are not without influence. The Bears and Wolves at least understand their civilians are valuable."

"I am thinking of the Smoke Jaguars and Steel Vipers." Karianna shook her head violently. "It leaves a poor taste in my mouth. Let us find a drink and go couple somewhere."

"Bargained well and done!"

"Shut up." And the Blood Spirit shut the Star Adder up with her lips, for a while.


Gette City, Lost
Periphery March, Lyran Commonwealth
5 January 3050

The city authorities had refused consent to the protest march. That didn't stop it, it just meant that many drivers had little to no warning that the streets around the capitol would be full of pedestrians. A handful of police had tried arresting marchers for jaywalking, realised that they were quietly being surrounded by more marchers and backed off with no threats or violence being offered.

There were banners flying, letters in three languages - German, English and the native Sponglish, which practically no one off Lost would understand. Having grown up with it, Helen Candidy found it easier than English and she had to guess at the German. Proficiency with the latter language might have done her career good, but it was not something she had ever mastered.

"You're not thinking of going out there and joining them," Mr. de Silva told her in a warning tone.

"What?" She turned and gave her boss a surprised look. "I'm not political, sir. Just thinking I might have been better parking my car somewhere else."

De Silva shook his head. "Too late now. By the time you got there and back in that crowd, half your shift would be over."

"Yes sir." She went back to sorting the fruit on the display, picking out anything that was no longer good to sell, anything that looked like it might be about to reach that state and need to go in the discount rack near the door and what was still good and fresh. Finishing the rack she peeled off the disposable gloves and walked past the door to bin them, turning her head to look again.

The crowds weren't thinning out. If anything, more and more people were moving towards the capitol building, carrying home-made banners.

"All these people and none are buying anything."

Helen hid a grin from her boss. "It'll be lunchtime soon," she offered. "And since they're hungry and already here..."

"Good thinking." The man glanced into the back and then shrugged. "I'll make more sandwiches for the bar, then. You man the till. Checking the rest of the fruit can wait until after lunch."


"And cut that militia-talk out. Customers don't like it."

"Okay, Mr. de Silva."

"You're not in, still? Going to be called on if the Governor wants more security."

She'd told him three times this month, given the strop he'd had when the Governor did just that and he had to give her three days off with pay while she stood outside the capitol building with a third-hand rifle. "No sir, I quit. Two years full time and two in reserve was quite enough."

Losing the twenty kroner a week was a pinch, but it wasn't worth risking her job over. And it wasn't like she was going to get any more stripes unless she somehow became fluent in german.

And while Helen said she wasn't political, it didn't change that every time she'd been called up for militia service it hadn't been because of pirates, or even raiders from the League or Combine. No, she'd been called up to face the threat of... other citizens of Lost. That felt wrong.

"Duke - duke - duke!" she heard in the distance, from the direction of the capitol building. The crowd chanting the customary cry of Lost's protests, demanding that the planet's duke come forth to account for himself.

"Stupid," de Silva grumbled from the back where he was cutting bread. "The duke isn't even on Lost."

"I think that that might be the point," Helen observed from the till. "He's not, but maybe he should be."

"He's representing us on Tharkad. Keeping Lost's interests in the government's mind. Got to do that with the court on New Avalon half the time."

Helen shrugged. Getting into that argument would just undermine her claim that she wasn't political... but she had a suspicion that representing Lost's interests was more the responsibility of their Estates-General representative, and Baron Whitehall was the Duke's brother-in-law and had been re-elected twice, meaning he was only the second representative in her lifetime.

She wasn't sure offhand how often the Baron was on Lost, she hadn't really been paying much attention and last election she'd not quite been old enough to vote and been more interested in boys at school than politics.

A customer entered at that point, and both of them stopped discussing politics. That was a sure way to either scare customers off or have them stand around for hours. The customer, a young man, poked around the discount rack and filled the bottom of a basket before coming to the till.

Helen calculated his bill with easy familiarity. She was tempted to tell the youth he'd picked the very oldest and worst fruit, but it wasn't unsellable and Mr de Silva wouldn't want her to scare off business by saying so.

The boy handed her a kroner coin and was halfway to the door before she'd fished his change out of the till, much less given him a receipt. "Sir?"

He waved and mouthed something like 'keep it' before the door cut him off.

"What was that?" asked de Silva.

"He didn't take his change."

"Hmmph. Doesn't know the value of money."

Helen frowned and then wrapped the receipt around the pfennigs and dropped them in the tip jar. If the young man came back, he could have it. Was this some strange idea of flirting?

Mr de Silva brought her out of puzzling at that by bringing a tray of sandwiches out. "Help me to put these out."

The first sign that they had of something going wrong was a rise in the tone of the distant shouting. Voices that had been chorusing "Duke - Duke - Duke!" now fell out of step and grew shriller.

Then there were the first feet, hitting the road like thunder.

Helen dashed to the door and looked out, the glass panel sliding aside automatically as she approached. The crowd was moving away from the capital, and there was no marching order, for the people were a mix of those walking briskly and those who jettisoned dignity and ran.

"Oh crap."

"Ms. Candidy! Don't use that sort of language where a customer could -" De Silva was cut off as Helen ran back behind the counter. "What are you...?"

She elbowed him firmly aside and found the switch behind the till. "That isn't a march any more." The metal shutter that covered the store window at night began to descend, painfully slowly. "It's a mob."

"Are you insane?"

She said nothing, watching through the door as more people ran past. There had been thousands of people on this street, and that must add up to tens of thousands outside the capitol. And now people that had taken hours to gather were trying to escape in minutes.

Helen closed her eyes and turned away when the inevitable happened - a woman around her own age stumbled and the crowd didn't stop.

Mr de Silva's face was white when she opened her eyes. "We ought to..."

"There's nothing we can do," she said flatly. "Go out in that and we'd have to run with them or be trampled. If she survives..." There was a medical kit in the drawer, she thought and opened it up.

De Silva picked up the comm. "The police, emergency services..."

"Try, but lines are probably jammed." Finding the kit, which seemed ludicrously inadequate compared to the militia medical gear she'd seen, only took a moment. There were slats in the grille that were transpex not metal, so even once it grudgingly finished closing, she could see out.

After what seemed like hours but wasn't even ten minutes, the crowd began to thin.

"Is it over?" De Silva asked nervously. He was holding a bread knife as if would do anything to protect him from... well, anything.

Helen took one last look out of the grille before she went back from the switch. What she saw froze her in her tracks.

There was no 'Mech more hated on the battlefield than a Firestarer. Its bulging shoulders and the helmet-like head unit were distinctive. Mechwarriors despised them, both because if they saw one they might see their heat spike out of control as the four flamers bathed their 'Mech in fire, or because for those who chose piloting one over being dispossessed it meant being the first target on the battlefield. Tank crews, knowing that those same weapons could bathe the air intakes of a tank engine and wreck it, were no happier to see a Firestarter facing them than Mechwarriors.

But those like Helen, who trained as infantry, knew that they didn't face their ride being crippled or impaired. Those flamers meant a horrid burning death for anyone not lucky enough to take a fatal hit from the machineguns.

And while the designers and pilots claimed that they were for 'tactical' burning, clearing obstructive forests or cutting fire breaks against forest fires... everyone knew that the Firestarters existed for one reason: burning dug-in infantry out of urban battlefields.

The shop, which had been a shelter, was now a trap.

The drab red and brown Firestarter stalked down the street with prissy neatness, carefully avoiding the broken woman outside the grocery store, as well as the other injured.

"Is that...?" De Silva was with Helen now, peeking out through the blinds.

"A Firestarter. An anti-infantry 'Mech, one of the mercs from the garrison."

"What the hell is it doing in the city?" the grocer cursed.

"Whatever it damn well pleases." Although, now that she looked at it, there was no scorched paint around the one flamer muzzle she could see clearly. So it had perhaps not used its weapons. Yet.

The 'Mech paused and turned to look directly at them.

Crap, we must look like a couple of infantry waiting to ambush it, Helen realised. "Go back to the kitchen," she hissed and reached back over the counter for the switch.

If she'd thought that the grille was slow before, it was excruciating waiting for it to rise. As soon as it was open enough, she forced the automatic door open with her hand and pushed the medical kit out, the emblem uppermost.

From the floor, she squinted up at the towering 'Mech for a long, dreadful moment. Then one arm waved breezily and the 'Mech moved on with the same care as before.

Helen rested her head on the floor. Going anywhere or doing anything...

"Is is safe?" Mr. De Silva asked plaintively.

"I think so," she managed and clambered up. The grille was gone and she scooped up the medical kit as she went for the trampled woman. Helen was depressed but not surprised to discover that it was too little, too late. But groaning from other victims suggested that there were others she could help.

Two of the protesters were on the shop floor, with Helen putting a splint on the second's arm by the time the police arrived, a full squad with riot shields. Judging by the stains, unlike the Firestarter's flamers, the shields had seen service - at least to shield their bearers from rotten fruit...

Helen's eyes darted to the discount rack. That youth earlier...

"Were you at the riot?" one of the policemen asked intently.

"We're not political," Mr. de Silva declared quickly. "This is a grocers' for god's sake. We're just giving first aid."

The man, face mostly covered by the enclosed helmet just nodded. "I'll leave one of my men here until we can pick these two up."

"For the ambulance?"

The laugh behind the helmet was dull and echoing with no real amusement to it. "Ambulances are dealing with the really injured. This pair and those like them will have to wait in gaol first."

"At least it's over," Mr de Silva declared once the two injured men and the policeman were gone. "Take the rest of the day off. We'll have no more customers."

But by the time Helen got back to her apartment, the governor had declared martial law across Gette City. And rumour was that half the elected assembly would be joining arrested protesters behind bars. Words like insurgency were being thrown around. Over seemed to be an optimistic assessment.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #40 on: 12 April 2020, 06:11:48 »
Castle Absalom, Sinclair
Near Periphery
6 January 3050

As the Ve helicopter carried Costigan towards the headquarters of Alpha Galaxy, he saw very little to distinguish the fortress from that he'd been stationed with previously. Both were nestled in the northern slopes of the North Polar mountains, overseeing one of the passes through to the deserts south of them.

After a few minutes, he realised that there was a difference: no highway stretching north to the inland sea, probably because Castle Absalon was almost a thousand kilometres away from the sea. In fact, there was no regular ground route between the Castle and the rest of the colony - primarily because it had been home to a handful of sibkos until the invasion.

That might change, Costigan thought as he saw 'Mechs - BattleMechs, OmniMechs and Industrial Mechs intermixed - carving out fresh terraces for housing and farmland. Clearly the Castle was experiencing the same explosive population growth as the rest of Sinclair was. Perhaps a road would be built in the future, as the population spread north and more farmland was needed.

Whatever happened, Costigan might see it, but only on return. He wouldn't be here long.

The Ve swept over the terraces and then down towards the landing pads. "Warriors, I will only touch down briefly," the pilot declared. Since the VTOL wasn't in a weapons configuration, he was only a technician, not a warrior himself. "There are other passengers waiting."

Indeed, the helicopter didn't touch down at all, technically. Instead it came down and hovered perhaps half a metre seperating it from the pad as the doors unlocked. Costigan hit the quick release on his straps, pulled his kitbag out from beneath his seat and joined the handful of other passengers climbing out of the side-hatch and scrambling, bent over slightly to stay as far clear of the spinning rotor blades as possible, off and away.

A small line of uniformed warriors were waiting, carrying their own kitbags. Their faces were stiff as they made the reverse trip, disappearing one at a time into the helicopter before  the hatch closed behind them.

The pilot gave a half-wave and then opened the throttle, sending the helicopter vaulting skywards. Costigan raked his hair back and made a mental not to trim it at the next opportunity.

"Mechwarrior Costigan!" a woman called and he turned to see a Star Commander scanning the arrivals. She wore her hair longer than he thought wise, caught in an off-centre ponytail. But perhaps it was a trap she laid for the unwary?

"I am Costigan." He raised his hand in salute.

She eyed him with icy eyes and returned the salute with razor formality. Unconsciously, he stiffened his posture and tightened the salute he'd thrown. The Star Commander held her own for a long moment and then lowered it slowly. "Follow me," she ordered tersely.

Not a good start, he thought as he obeyed. On the other hand, even from behind she was certainly attractive. A shame she didn't seem inclined towards informality - but perhaps he was the one at fault. The 295th Sentinels had placed little weight on military decorum, so long as readiness was maintained. The 69th Hussars were one of the flagship clusters in the three Alpha Galaxys - not only part of the Prime Galaxy but one of the three frontline clusters. That divide had faded somewhat since the prime galaxies had been reorganised to include three frontline and three secondline clusters each back before Costigan's birth, but there was still enough truth in it that the Clusters considered themselves a cut above even the other half of the prime galaxies.

They entered the castle through double doors of what he knew enough now to recognise as native wood rather than anything seriously resistant to attacks, and cut left immediately up the steps that framed the broad entrance hall. At the top of the stairs, a a mezzanine ringed the hall, doors leading off it. Costigan glanced at the first door, then narrowed his eyes and checked again.

Unlike the outer doors, these were reinforced metal under a decorative coating, with a sliding window that could be moved aside to check who was outside before opening it - or just a bit wider to aim a weapon out of.

Anyone storming the castle could enter through the main doors easily enough, but the hall would be a killing ground for anything less than a battle armour assault. Another Clan would be unlikely to attempt it, of course. They would look for a simple Trial of Possession in some suitable circle of equals. Only the Inner Sphere would be likely to attempt a direct attack on the castle... And they lacked battle armour.

The door they went through just led into a corridor dug into the side of the mountain. It was bare of decoration, just a ferrocrete floor and walls, with simple lighting and doors along the left-hand side; but there were markings suggesting someone was planning tiling and to fit screens along one wall to emulate windows.

About a third of the way down, the Star Commander turned so sharply that Costigan had to sidestep up against the wall to keep from running into her. She ignored him and rapped her knuckles twice against the door they were facing.

"Who is it?" a man called from inside.

"Star Commander Rebecca reporting with the new Mechwarrior, Star Colonel."

"Come in then."

The blonde opened the door and gestured for Costigan to enter. The room within was slightly less barebones than the corridor - a battered desk and noteputer, the chair behind it occupied by a square-featured officer, his close-cropped hair beginning to silver at the temples. The walls had a half-dozen photographs, one of a sibko near their start of military training (or so Costigan guessed from their ages), another of the officer standing in formal dress uniform in front of the founders plaza, near Absalom Hall on Sheridan. The other four were landscape shots, from the angle likely taken from a 'Mech cockpit or possibly pulled from its sensor feeds.

The man looked up as Rebecca started to close the door behind Costigan. "You too, Star Commander."

"Sir." She closed the door, but with herself on the inside of the office.

"Sit down both of you." The man - Costigan's new Star Colonel, he assumed - leant back in his chair as they took their places on plastic folding chairs facing him. He eyed them both for a moment later. "I am Star Colonel Hannibal Banacek. Lately imposed on the 69th Star Adder Hussars Cluster due to dissatisfaction with their performance in the recent exercise. Star Colonel Rie Pershaw, who you may have expected, objected to being reassigned. He is expected to recover, but only after long enough he will have to requalify as a warrior."

Banacek flicked his gaze to the blonde. "Star Commander Rebecca has been with the 69th for three years and successfully trialled for command of her star after the exercise. I recognise the need for a change of leadership, but the existing Star Commander is dead, which deprives us of one more warrior we may need down the line, which I am less satisfied with. Every member of our Clan can and should contribute more than a few kilograms of fertilizer for the farmers."

Out of the corner of his eye, Costigan saw Rebecca's jaw tighten but she said nothing.

"So, to fill out the gap in your Star, Rebecca, we have here Mechwarrior Costigan. Recommended to move up from the 295th Sentinels by Dante Truscott personally, based on an adequate performance as a scout during the exercise. High praise."

He'd thought it was a bit more than adequate, to be honest. Detecting Epsilon Galaxy's trap had turned that entire situation around.  The southern jaw of the trap had been gutted when they rushed at what they thought was a barebones rear-guard and was instead co-ordinated fire from dug in Alpha Galaxy vehicles and a mobile reserve. Meanwhile the northern ambush had tried to force the pass, only overrunning the 295th after an hour of furious fighting and then found themselves exposed to re-armed Alpha galaxy aerospace fighters while they were exposed on the heights.

With a secure rear and opportunity to resupply and repair, Alpha absorbed the remains of Zeta Galaxy and came very close to beating Gamma Galaxy (itself reinforced by what little of Epsilon had escaped) before the alloted time for the exercise had expired. Costigan, ruled dead in the defense of the pass, hadn't been free to participate but felt he could take at least some credit.

"Do you disagree with that assessment, Mechwarrior?" asked Banacek.

"I am not going to argue with the outcome, Star Colonel." It had got him this posting, after all.

The other man smiled slightly. "A realistic analysis. Excellent. Star Commander, which 'Mech is free in your Star?"

"There is an Assassin," she replied immediately. "Well suited for a... scout."

"As you say." Banacek seemed to ignore the brief pause and that left Costigan no opening to do so. And an Assassin... he'd seen them during the exercise - not as fast as his old Hermes, but it had jump jets and better armour. "You will have no cockpit time in an Assassin, Costigan. Theta Galaxy and the Trey Sentinel Clusters stationed here on Sinclair have hoarded them. Take forty-eight hours to familiarize yourself. No other duties for him until then, Rebecca. And see he has got time on the training fields. There will be few other opportunities for the next few months."

"Sir." Was that a note of discontent in her voice. Costigan would be the low man in the Star going forwards, as he had been with his last posting. It occurred to him that with a new mechwarrior due, the Star might have been letting their less pleasant chores build up to leave them to him.

If the Star Colonel noticed that, then he gave no sign. "Do not unpack too far, Costigan. We will be lifting shortly. Alpha Galaxy's targets aren't the furthest from Sinclair, but the shipping schedule is unforgiving and we will not begin my command of the 69th by allowing it to fall behind, quineg?"

"Neg, sir!" the two in front of the desk exclaimed crisply.

"Have targets been bid for, sir?" asked Rebecca.

Hannibal Banacek tapped the wooden surface of his desk. "Not specifically. Galaxies have been assigned to their overall roles, but which worlds the 69th Hussars will be decided once we have updated our intelligence data and can make informed bids."

"May I ask what posting Alpha Galaxy has received?" asked Costigan.

"You may."

There was a slight pause and Costigan realised the verbal trap he'd fallen into. "What posting has been assigned to Alpha Galaxy, sir?"

"I am glad you asked," Banacek answered puckishly. "We have been assigned the primary role in corridor A, on the coreward flank of the invasion. Iota Galaxy will be acting as our support."

"Thank you, sir."

"Thank me, by getting up to speed in your Assassin as quickly as possible." The Star Colonel rose and spun his noteputer around, indicating the star chart on the screen. "The two primary targets in our corridor are Kowloon and Hood IV. As of our last reports, they both have a full regiment of 'Mechs and we can assume support at the brigade level. In addition, the Seventh Crucis Lancers Regimental Combat Team is only a jump away from Kowloon. We will be bidding high to destroy those forces before they can respond. Do not disappoint me by being unavailable."


CSAWS Feathered Serpent
Simms, Near Periphery
14 February 3050

"I move for a deferral of any and all Trials of Bloodright until the end of the Invasion," Roderick declared flatly. Nearly a thousand eyes were aimed at him, either in the flesh or via holo receivers. On Sinclair most would have been the former but with jumpships racing away towards first wave targets, even Bloodnamed warriors nearer than the Homeworlds needed to rely on the HPG chains to participate.

It was one reason that he'd allowed this item to be left until this late moment. There was vastly less chance of the session of the Clan Council breaking into a riot if the participants were outside of each other's reach.

As it was, he saw a dozen warriors sharing the large chamber rise to their feet, demanding the chance to speak. Two of them drifted off from the floor, having apparently forgotten that they weren't in the McKenna-class battleship's grav decks.

"How can you expect our young warriors to perform at their best if they are denied advancement?" called Ivar Hutchinson. Roderick could honestly say that demotion to command a Sentinel Cluster hadn't soured the man... because he'd never been sweet to begin with.

"Many of our warriors distinguish themselves even when there is no likely prospect of a bloodright falling vacant in their house," he countered. "They still do their utmost to catch the eye of potential sponsors in the future and many find their giftake chosen as patrilineal contributors to other houses. This is no different than that."

A younger warrior's hologram raised her hand. "Does this measure fall within Clan law?"

Bjorn Steiner nodded, well prepared for this question. He might even have prepped the younger warrior to make the enquiry.

"It would not be the first time that our Clan has deferred Trials of Bloodright," he informed the Council. "Most recently we deferred trials following the Absorption War when the number of bloodnamed warriors threatened to exceed the lawful maximum. Many of your younger warriors were even discouraged from seeking Bloodnames within houses that are dominated by other Clans, a cause for much strife in those difficult years."

Kendra Mannix stood, towering over non-Elementals in the council. A large portion of the Council fell silent, members affiliated with the Tongo Cloister heeding their ecKhan and others not wishing to offend the centre of the Star Adders' Wardens. They had been... touchy, of late.

"There is also the example of the founding," she reminded them. "In those days the first bloodrights were opened only cautiously for competition, with Clans who too quickly filled vacancies finding their young warriors demoralized. Are the issues we faced after the Absorption War not further evidence that preventing Bloodright trials is unwise?"

Roderick shrugged. "Our Bloodnamed are valiant. The overwhelming majority of you will stand on the frontlines, and we must assume that a great number will die. This is the nature of war. To use the Absorption War as evidence, it is reasonable to expect that as many as one in five of us will fall in battle over the coming years."

There was a pause.

Ivar snorted. "That is a worst case scenario, quiaff?"

"Neg. The worst case is that we are all dead and the tattered remains of the touman flees both the Homeworlds and the Inner Sphere. Unlikely, but not ruled out. It is possible our losses will be lower than projections, but that would reek of the overconfidence of the Jade Falcons." Roderick let that sink in. "But let us say one in ten, if that soothes your feathers, Ivar."

The Star Colonel sank back into his chair, face red.

"One in ten of us. Near enough a hundred trials of bloodright. Warriors pulled from the frontlines to gather for trials. A grand melee for each, consuming dozens of Duellist battlemechs that we have already pressed into duty with our Sentinel Clusters, aerospace fighters and Elementals that have no equivalent ot the duellist and must come from the Prime Galaxies, depleting their available equipment." Roderick exploded to his feet to emphasise his words. "We would damage ourselves more terribly than the Inner Sphere! We would cripple ourselves before their guns!"

"Is there anything more important than bloodnames in Kerensky's teachings?" asked Olaf Hobbes bluntly. "If we cannot win while following our ways, then have we not lost who we are?"

The khan turned to him sharply. "The Clan before oneself, is that not our way?"

The Council fell silent.

"Think on it. A hundred trials, costing us not hundreds but thousands of our warmachines damaged and in need of repair, consuming valuable supplies. Several hundred warriors recovering from injuries inflicted by their peers - no small number killed. And the shipping - by the gods of every Cloister! - the shipping to convey the warriors back and forth for the trials."

Bjorn raised one eyebrow. "I have touched less on the logistics than our saKhan but even I am aware that our jumpships are strained to bring our forces to their jumping off points."

Carlos Hutchinson, far away in the homeworlds, rose and waited for the muttering to end. "I support this measure, as the head of the Hutchinsons." That statement got a flinch from Ivar. Bloodhouse leaders very rarely issued such definite instructions, for dissent within a bloodhouse was a serious sign of weakness. It would take a very bold warrior to vote against such a sentiment - but it was far from unknown for them to seek to unseat their leader privately after the fact. And Carlos, far from the action, would have little glory to boast of unless matters went seriously awry.

Seated beside Carlos, Tabitha Paik nodded in agreement. "I counsel the same to my own House. She wasn't the leader of the Paik, but as their highest ranking member, she carried considerable weight. "In victory, we can hold all the trials we need. And the warriors who have passed through the fires of war will have shown if they are worth of our patronage or not."

"I like it not." Kendra Mannix seemed unmoved.

"A compromise," offered Anne Moreau. The aged warrior looked around. "It is hard to commit when we do not know how long the fighting will last. Once a year, every Bloodhouse with a vacancy may hold one trial of bloodright. Make an event of it, something for the warriors to anticipate."

Roderick frowned. Not... impossible.

"My own warriors will be largely excluded due to distance," Carlos pointed out warily.

"Six months of transit is an issue," agreed Dante Truscott. "Let us say once a year but the trials must be announced six months in advance, so only those of us slain in the first waves will have our bloodrights open for consideration in the first wave. Then those bloodrights opened in the following twelve months would have their chance in... early 3052, if we count from now."

"This seems to be a reasonable amendment to my proposal," Roderick conceded. "Let us say that vacant bloodrights must be announced by Founder's Day -" The twenty-fourth day of August. "- and the trials to take place in late February, as logistics allow."

Kendra considered this for a moment and then took her seat with dignity. "Very well."

Bjorn looked around the chamber. "Very well. I move for a vote. Ayes shall accept the saKhan's proposal as modified by this discussion. Nays will be against any deferral of trials of bloodright."

Votes were cast electronically and Roderick saw to no great surprise that many warriors had abstained. There had clearly been some private arguements within bloodhouses as discussion had taken place, with some warriors only technically not contesting the leaders. Still, he had very nearly five hundred aye votes, to less than half as many opposed.

"With a majority of four hundred eighty-eight to two hundred thirty, the motion passes," declared the Loremaster.

"I call for a Trial of Refusal," called a Star Colonel. It took a moment for Roderick to place her as Pauline Beckett. One of the younger bloodnamed and she must have done well since to make Star Colonel but... not well enough to be memorable.

Our numbers grow to great for me to directly oversee as we once did, he thought to himself. I should bring forward the proposal to establish a new intermediary rank above Galaxy Commander. "Very well, Star Colonel. I believe that two to one odds are fair?"

"Aff." She stood - one of the officers in the room here. "And I would not waste our resources by fighting augmented when we are in transit. Who will face me to defend this decision?"

Roderick considered possible pairings, looking around the available officers. "Unaugmented, here and now?" he asked Bjorn.

"That would be best, my Khan. Shall I hear bids."


"Alone, sir?" the loremaster exclaimed, blinking. That was a lower bid than was required. Pauline Beckett would be doing very well to win against two warriors, particularly if one of the  Elementals was bid.

"Aff." Roderick stood and stepped forwards. It would be well, he thought, to remind the Council that he had not been elected just for political skill or as an administrator.

The thought that he might lose didn't even cross his mind as the younger warrior left the benches. "Loremaster," the Khan called.

"The trial begins," declared Bjorn without ceremony.

Beckett flowed mid-stride into a throat-strike. It was well done, practically textbook.

Predictable, he thought and nearly parried it but then recognised the feint and swayed away from the kick she was actually going for. If it had landed, his kneecap would have paid the price. A crippling first blow. Better than he had expected.

He countered with a heavily telegraphed attempt to catch her ankle. He could practically see her trying to see if this was a fake or an attempt to fool her into thinking it was a feint...

It was a feint, actually. Roderick dropped briefly onto his hands, swept her legs and then flexed his arms, bringing him back to his feet, albeit crouched.

Beckett rolled away before Roderick could finish the fight. His arms ached with the effort of throwing himself upright. He didn't follow up immediately, letting her get halfway upright before stepping in while she was off-balance with a boot to her upper arm.

There was a nasty snap as her arm broke.

Then she caught his ankle, yanked and he went over backwards. Throwing himself into the flip he slammed both hands against the deck and pushed over, coming up again on his feet.

His opponent was standing again, her arm hanging loose. Both were breathing heavily.

She went for him, she had to finish this quickly now. Roderick batted aside her first two blows and caught the second.

The brief hesitation as she adjusted to that was decisive. A kick to her ribs was pulled just enough to perhaps crack something, not break them outright. Pauline gasped for air and he used his free hand to seize her broken arm.

The warrior screamed in pain and he let go of her arm, seizing her throat, heaving her back and pinning her against the wall with an impact that was audible.

"Do you surrender."

"A-aff," Beckett gasped.

Roderick stared at her for a long moment, letting it sink in and then released her sharply, letting her drop to her knees. "Call for a medic," he directed casually as he stalked back to his chair, trying not to show that the fight had tired him more than he expected.

Two technicians hurried in and began to examine Beckett. Long experience had made keeping a medical team on standby for meetings of the Clan Council standard practise.

"She will recover in time for operations to begin, quiaff?"

The senior technician stood again. "Aff. Regeneration therapy will suffice."

"Good." Roderick dismissed them. "The matter of Bloodname trials is settled. What is our next matter for discussion?"

Duke Topi's image rose. "The question of invading the Rim Collection has been raised by the Clan's Merchant Council." The commander of Gamma Galaxy had a forbidding manner, but for some reason he had become a common point of contact on the Clan Council for the senior merchants. Not the only one, but usually the one they brought major issues to. It might serve Topi well if he made a push for the office of Khan.

"Are they for or against?" asked Bjorn Steiner.


There were several rolled eyes around the Council.

"Conquering the Rim Collection would require garrisons, diverting an entire galaxy from our reserve," Roderick reminded them. "We cannot break the Inner Sphere, even with the other Clans' invasion taking place. We will have to co-exist with Spheroid states for years to come. Our relations with the Rim Collection will be a training ground for diplomatic ties." He paused and felt his lips curl. "Perhaps we should take a leaf from the Blood Spirits and appoint an ilChi to these worlds."

That opened debate and let him lean back, massaging his arms as he listened to the discussion.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #41 on: 12 April 2020, 06:12:36 »
CWWS Dire Wolf, Paulus Prime
Near Periphery
20 February 3050

The first two days of the Grand Kurultai had been long and boastful reports of the fighting so far, with much made of what sounded to Virgilia like rather minor skirmishes.

There had been exceptions, she admitted. Von Strang's World saw savage urban fighting for the Jade Falcons and Khan Crichell had at least insisted on proper scouting there, something that neutralised what could have been a costly ambush by the defenders.

"Treachery is the only weapon that the Inner Sphere has against us," saKhan Weaver of the Smoke Jaguars declared.

"I would not call it their only weapon." Ulric Kerensky disagreed. "Though it is one, as you found out on Santander's World."

Sarah Weaver bared her teeth like the totem of her Clan. She had bid less than a trinary to take the world, a bid that she then had to break when three mined dropships blew up, shattering the initial force.

"I wish you good fortune in finding the pirate responsible," Virgilia offered mildly.

"I will need no luck. Their warriors are inept and their equipment substandard."

"Not all of them." Ulric Kerensky held up his hand. "We are fighting, for the most part, only bandits. Only Clan Wolf has engaged anything resembling a regular force."

"These Kell Hounds you reference were destroyed with ease by your warriors," pointed out the ilKhan impatiently. "I have viewed your records and they fought without honour."

"Did you perhaps view the record of Vladimir's duel?" asked Ulric intently. "One of our rising warriors and you will not have failed to recognise his skill."

"For a Wolf," sneered Elias Crichell.

Showers' brows lowered angrily and he shook his head. "Neg, Crichell. That warrior does indeed have promise. You refer to the mechwarrior he faced that was piloting a 'Mech of unknown design."

"Yes. Although there were two such 'Mechs."

"The other being so primitive that it is intended to fight by beating on other 'Mechs with a club."

There were laughs from around the chamber and Virgilia found it hard to argue with that assessment. "Nonetheless, the 'Mech Khan Ulric mentions gives useful data on what the Inner Sphere doctrine deems advisable. A 'Mech designed for their wars."

The 'Mech in question, designated a Wolfhound, was of the same size and speed as that of the Kit Fox and Adder, the main light OmniMechs used by the Star Adders. The data shared by Kerensky suggested heavier armour plating and an all-energy armament, suited to extended operations.

Within the constraints of the technology it was effective. The one consolation was that Virgilia was confident the new Assassins being built by her Clan would be readily able to handle one.

Ulric nodded. "The Wolfhound is no match for young Vladimir's Timber Wolf but the mechwarrior fought with skill and had he had a comparable 'Mech, the outcome would have been in doubt." He paused. "We have interrogated the mechwarrior and he attended one of their premiere academies, the same Nagelring that the Great Father attended once."

The murmuring of Khans died instantly.

The Wolf Khan scowled. "This Phelan did not even graduate, he is a washout. Sent to hunt bandits. I do not doubt that there are many other warriors in the Inner Sphere who have completed training in such academys. Warriors that could be just as dangerous and should not be taken lightly."

Leo Showers let that sink in. "Your point is made, Khan Ulric. If the Inner Sphere has no warriors of quality then they would have collapsed long since. Let us remember that the reason we have come back, as we were long ago promised, is because one of their ships had found us. If these warriors become common, if their technology continues to advance then they will follow the same dark path as their ancestors. Destroying themselves for the ambitions of the Successor Lords."

He raised his hands. "We are here to save these warriors, these jewels in the dross of the Inner Sphere. We will find them, we will defeat them and they - like those veterans of the SLDF who welcomed our ancestors on the return to the Pentagon - will see the righteousness of the Clan way and join us."

"That is certainly to be hoped for." Karianna Schmitt steepled her fingers in front of her. "And reports from conquered worlds so far indicate that many consider the warriors present to have saved them from their previous leaders, which is very promising. I note that the victories so far have in some cases been rather more expensive than projected. The advance forces ran through supplies in some cases above even the worst case estimations."

Khan Crichell took a deep breath. "While such cases as Von Strang's World or Santander's World are exceptions, I concede that they are nonetheless examples that may be repeated in future. We have called for additional supplies to be shipped from the Homeworlds and I encourage other Clans to do likewise."

"That will be useful," Schmitt agreed equably. "In about six months, when they start to arrive. The first wave of attacks on the Inner Sphere begins in only one month."

Virgilia frowned as she realised where the Blood Spirit was going. It was exactly the sort of idealistic goodwill gesture that had cost the Blood Spirits terribly in the early twenty-ninth century. Oh well, she decided. I was going to be basically giving it all to the Spirits anyway, so if they want to hand it off to other Clans it is their loss, not mine.

"What do you propose then, Khan Schmitt?"

"I propose that all the Clans should send a shipment of supplies, tailored to those that have seen excessive consumption so far. For those invading now or in reserve, this will be directly under our control. Those Clans not invading -"

There was a pained cry from Robin Steele, drowned out by Asa Taney pounding his fist on the table in front of him.

"- will contribute to a general stockpile under the ilKhan's discretion," Karianna finished.

"The entire point of winning places in the Invasion is that your Clans are supposed to carry the task out." Malavai Fletcher of the Hells Horses spoke in measured tones, but before anyone more fervent could get their own words in. "Why should we support you if your efforts are inadequate?"

"Because the alternative is being cut out of the Inner Sphere entirely, quineg?" offered Virgilia.

Fletcher gave her a dangerous look. "Your meaning being?"

"Let us assume that the invasion succeeds. You all know my doubts on that matter, I will not bore you all again," she assured the Council. "If it does succeed then the difference in resources available to the Invading Clans - including any reserves activated - will be measured in orders of magnitude. If we accept that our administration will be superior to that in place, then within a generation there will be no useful comparison in power between those Clans with significant Inner Sphere holdings and those that do not."

The air left Asa Taney's lungs as an incoherent wheeze instead of what was no doubt intended as a roar. It was quite possibly the most amusing sound Virgilia had ever encountered in a meeting of the Grand Council.

"Which means that those of us wishing to remain relevant will have no choice but to secure such holdings ourselves," she continued once she could be sure she wouldn't break out laughing. "And such will be much easier if we all have a foothold here to use as a base for such Trials. May I recommend that the ilKhan select a world to be taken which can be divided into enclaves for all the Clans... all the Clans that contribute, that is. Or we could perhaps ask Clan Wolf to yield up Paulus Prime, since it serves symbolically as our gathering point, to be Strana Mechty in miniature for us."

Robin Steele rose to her feet. "You speak, Khan Truscott, as if this invasion irreparably sunders the balance of power among the Clans."

"It does." Why else did Steele think they'd been arguing over this since before most of the Khans present had been born?

Ulric rubbed his face. "Khan Truscott, why is it that you can get these issues across to our comrades so decisively?"

"Natural talent, Khan Kerensky."

"With regard to Paulus Prime, no. My warriors fought for it so I will not just render it up to other Clans."

"Entirely reasonable. Another world then." Virgilia smiled at him and then looked back at Leo Showers. "In any event, I believe Khan Schmitt was going to suggest that my Clan donate the rather large shipment of supplies I brought with me to this proposed central supply stockpile. So long as my Clan and others contributing receive some reasonable recompense, I see no issue with this."

Then she sat back and watched the rest of the Council explode.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #42 on: 12 April 2020, 11:25:42 »
The Clans sure are in an uproar; but so far things for the Inner Sphere are quiet. But just wait until they start hitting the Inner Sphere Proper.


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #43 on: 12 April 2020, 21:47:22 »
The Wolf Khan scowled. "This Phelan did not even graduate, he is a washout. Sent to hunt bandits. I do not doubt that there are many other warriors in the Inner Sphere who have completed training in such academys. Warriors that could be just as dangerous and should not be taken lightly."

I don't get the impression from that meeting that Phaelen isn't going to be as much a A-list character in this AU setting (is he?)… In fact I got the impression that Ulric favors Vlad?
« Last Edit: 12 April 2020, 21:50:09 by ThePW »
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #44 on: 12 April 2020, 23:34:30 »
Ah, the politics of the "apolitical" clans...
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #45 on: 13 April 2020, 02:29:57 »
I don't get the impression from that meeting that Phaelen isn't going to be as much a A-list character in this AU setting (is he?)… In fact I got the impression that Ulric favors Vlad?
The better Vlad looks (and Ulric's issues with Vlad were entirely over politics, he had no hesitation in using his talents) then the more impressive Phelan looks for making Vlad work for a victory. And by extension, the less unusual Phelan appears, the more impressive the Inner Sphere looks.

Timeline wise, we're currently between chapters 14 and 15 of Lethal Heritage, roughly a third of the way through the book. (46 chapters including prologue and epilogue).
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #46 on: 15 April 2020, 08:45:35 »
An excellent update! Magnificently written and a superb portraying of how the Clans work as always!
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #47 on: 16 April 2020, 14:47:25 »

The Triad, Tharkad
Donegal March, Lyran Commonwealth
21 February 3050

"I won't sign this." Melissa tossed the document back across the table towards Hanse.

Her husband had to examine it for a moment before his memory visibly kicked in and he was able to place the letter. It had been a long day and he had his own stack of documents to review that evening. "Am I missing something?" the First Prince asked mildly.

"I think we both are." The Archon of the Federated Commonwealth sank back into her chair and rubbed her forehead. "I wish Marshal Davis-Steiner had done his tour of the area last year, rather than waiting for this one."

"I'm not sure Lost is one of the worlds he planned to visit, although I agree that he should."

Melissa nodded. "And he's already confirmed that he is. The entire area is a mess and I think the new Periphery March is enabling that, not helping."

"Alright," he allowed. "Do you have any particular suspicions with the Dismal Disinherited though. Everything we have says they showed great restraint."

"The trouble," Melissa said slowly, "Is that everything we have is too clear cut. There's a very clear narrative that paints the Disinherited and the planetary government in a good light... we both know that life isn't that tidy."

Her husband nodded reluctantly. "I can see that, but the Mercenary Review Board is making some noises about revising the Disinherited's rating, which could hurt them badly. If we don't have their back when they deployed on the request of our officers then a lot of other units will start wonder if we'll support them in a similar situation."

She gave him a frustrated look. There was little about their marriage that she regretted, but there were times that being Hanse's co-ruler was more like being his student. It had been a decade now. "I'm aware of that Hanse, but there's too much that I am not aware of for me to issue such a comprehensive endorsement of their actions right now. I'll have my secretary draft something more guarded and send it over to you."

"Fair enough." Hanse set the letter aside, picked up the next document on his pile and then  put it back. "Who's their representative on the Estates-General?"

"Baron Thomas Whitehall." She made a face. "The duke's brother-in-law, although that was after he was elected for the first time. You met them both at that ridiculous duck-hunting expedition Duke Brewer organised for Luther's fifteenth birthday." The Duke's nephew Luther was also Melissa's second-cousin once-removed. The combination of family ties and Kenneth Randolph Brewer's position had mandated some level of royal attendance, and the location had given Hanse and Melissa a night away from the palace and the never-ending paperwork of their positions.

"I thought that Duke Easton was one of Brewer's shareholder."

"He is. The Eastons have been pushing pfennings into shares in Defiance subsidiaries since my... great-grandfather's day, I believe. Not the main company, since those aren't really up for trading, but that and their other holdings are more valuable than their estates on Lost, at least by tax valuations."

Hanse nodded. "I can think of a few nobles from our Outback worlds who have that sort of situation. It can cause problems."

"Normally," Melissa noted, "the provincial social structures of Alarion and Coventry's nobility kept them somewhat in check but the Periphery March hasn't gelled so far to the point of constraining absenteeism."

"So what do you want to do?"

"I am tempted to tell Nondi to redirect the Tenth Lyran Guards to head directly for Lost. With their three regiments scattered across as many worlds, we don't have any regular 'Mech regiment that can counter balance the Dismal Disinherited in the area. Which worst-case might be required -" she held up her hand "- even if I have no immediate cause to suspect them of doing more than using the bare minimum of force in response to local authorities activating the insurgency clause. More likely I'll need to replace them - that sort of deployment is toxic, which means finding somewhere for them to be stationed that shows we still have confidence in them."

Hanse watched her attentively but said nothing.

"More pragmatically, the Tenth wouldn't get there all that quickly and there's no use trying to micromanage matters," Melissa admitted in a lower voice. "And I'm sure Justin would be unhappy if I was deliberately directly his son's unit right into a political mess."

"They're a high profile unit," Hanse conceded drily. "On the other hand, the nearest unit in an emergency would be the Sixth Crucis Lancers on Langhorne, which would be another political message entirely."

The last thing they needed was a repeat of the Skye uprising, where Davion regiments had been used to try to restore peace on Lyran worlds, only inflaming the situation.

"I'll authorise Marshal Davis-Steiner to remove the governor if need be," she decided. "The Qanatir PMM isn't quite as formidable as the Sixth Lancers, but short of active insurrection by the Dismal Disinherited, they should be equal to the task. In the meanwhile, I'll have the Eleventh Lyran Guards added to the units rotating out to the Periphery March."

Hanse made a face.

"I know, I know. It's a hole in our strategic reserve. But that's what a reserve is for."

"For what it's worth, I think the Marshal is right that it's too quiet along that border," the First Prince admitted. "Nothing I can put my finger on, but the fact we don't know why does bother me. And it's spreading. There hasn't been anything from Oberon or the Greater Valkyrate since the Kell Hounds got jumped there."

Melissa lowered her eyes at the reminder. Morgan Kell had given her away at their wedding, in lieu of his cousin - the father she had never known. His son's loss in that attack had hurt him almost as badly as the destruction of the entire battalion present. "If whatever jumped them is widespread then we may need a much larger redeployment."

Hanse's eyes glittered. "Shipping contingencies are somewhere in this stack," he said, indicating the papers he'd already reviewed. "If whatever happens comes at us, we'll have command circuits in place to shift most of the ready reserve units in the Federated Suns as far as Skye in weeks."

Skye was a very long way from the Periphery, but it would at least put them on the right side of Terra.

Melissa didn't need a map to name worlds along the Periphery border. She'd been raised to be Archon, to know every world in the Commonwealth as at least a little more than a name on a map.

And her mind didn't go to Lost or even the rock - imaginatively named The Rock - where Phelan Kell had died. It went to a frozen little world called Trellwan (or Trell One on some documents) where their firstborn son was enjoying his first command.

Victor Steiner-Davion was only a few jumps away from the edges of the Federated Commonwealth. If whatever was happening in the Periphery spilled over, he would insist on joining whatever response force was mustered and it would be politically disastrous for her to try to stop it.

"He has my brother's guts," Hanse told her, guessing what was on her mind with his usual accuracy. "And your mother's brains. We gave him a battalion right out of the Nagelring because it would be a waste of his talents not to. Whatever's out there, if Victor isn't equal to it then no one we have is."

"I'm probably jumping at shadows."

"Well, the best way to get rid of a shadow is to cast light on it."

Melissa nodded and made a note to have Baron Whitehall called into the Triad at the next opportunity. If she pressed him on what was going on with his homeworld he'd hopefully either come out with something useful or go running to his brother-in-law to cover up whatever was really going on. If it was the latter then she might dust off some of the more repressive of the Archon's authorities over the nobility.

She'd have to have all her facts straight, but if the Eastons cared so little for Lost then a more reasonable planetary leader might be needed... and if their prized Defiance shareholdings had been bought with taxes from Lost then some careful accounting might see those stripped from the Duke as well. Loss of wealth and title would serve as an example that the leaders of her most outlying worlds seemed in need of.

If it was merited, of course. But something told her that the Dismal Disinherited's complaint about being called up on the insurgency clause of their contract was smoke from a long-burning fire she didn't want burning out of control.

Star Adder Symphony
will continue in
Book 2
Shadow Star
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 8157
    • Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs
Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #48 on: 18 April 2020, 22:06:41 »
So Victor and friends are still on the front line and it seems the FedCom is unaware there's going to be a spear hurled at its side too. To quote a movie 'be prepared for a lot of stinging..'  But excellent writing as always!
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1477
Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #49 on: 22 April 2020, 08:21:32 »
Book 2: Shadow Star
They see you as small and helpless
They see you as just a child
Surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild
Prepare for your greatest moments
Prepare for your finest hour
The dream that you've always dreamed is suddenly about to flower
This Will Be The Day - Casey Lee Williams, Jeff Williams

Chapter One

Gette City, Lost
Periphery March, Lyran Commonwealth
11 March 3050

Sanity had apparently broken out at a high level - Helen Candidy made no pretence at knowing where - and the Governor had withdrawn martial law in time for the soccer season to begin.

Granted, there was a curfew that was merely 'adjusted' around the evenings of matches and that she hadn't heard anything one way or another about the assembly members or anyone else detained, but that was enough for her to be out for a match.

Unlike many of the fans crowded around her, Helen hadn't gone as far as wearing face-paint in the Getter Rays colours. She'd done that once, got some of the green in her hair and it hadn't come out for over a week. Which would have been nice to have had some warning of. Although at least it was before her current employment. Or her militia duty. Neither would have reacted well to green hair.

No, she was just wearing a team shirt over her normal clothes and enjoying the bright, clear weather as the teams fought (figuratively) for possession of the ball. It made her feel positively old.

"Get lost, get lost, get lost," came a familiar taunt from the far side of the stands where the visiting fans were resorting to the traditional heckling of the home team. The repetition sent a shiver through Helen - how many of the same voices had been raised outside the capitol building.

Okay, enough of that, she told herself. This is a football match. There's nothing political going on. We won't have battlemechs coming out to send us home and the mercs have been keeping to their bases ever since that.

Nothing she had heard anywhere suggested that the Dismal Disinherited's third regiment had fired a single shot. Their commander, a Colonel Hogan, had even gone on the news and stated that he deeply regretted that the local government had found it necessary to call on him and that he and his troops were here to keep pirates away, not to involve themselves in local politics.

He had not said that they wouldn't deploy if they got called out again. If anything, the fact that Hogan had sent in 'Mechs in when he didn't want to meant that the Governor was able to insist on it. And if he could do that once, he could insist on it again, probably.

The crowd roared around her and she realised that in her distraction, she'd missed the sight of the ball being intercepted. Green-clad players were running down the pitch now, no longer marking the opposing team but trying to avoid them so that they would be open to receive a pass and move the ball towards the other goal.

Not that the 'Hapless' - Hope Levee City - players were letting that go. In their blue shirt and white shorts they were dashing into position to make that process as hard as possible. Helen saw the ball arc across the field and the recipient got it under control twisting and turning to avoid attempts to get it away from him.

"Go Gette!" she screamed in delight.

Too many players were converging to keep control and the ball was passed hastily. This player missed the ball touching down - it was just out of his reach - but he caught it before the man marking him could exploit it, spun and -

There was a thunder in the air but Helen couldn't be sure if it was the crowd exclaiming or something else as the player looked up, paled and then bolted off the field.

What - was - he - doing!?

Then a flash of light in the sky cut off the commentators who were saying about the same thing.

Helen craned her neck back and swallowed.

Dropships overflying the pitch were an occasional nuisance at most. The stadium was built under the approach vector for the spaceport, but that was miles away. Aerodynes might go over but they did exactly that: went over. Wait a few seconds and they were gone. The sphere of metal above the stadium had no business being there. Capable of taking off and landing vertically, it ought to be doing so over the port. Not here.

The commentators cut out abruptly and an authoritative voice rang out across the stadium.

The governor's voice was familiar and he sounded angered, not fearful. Unfortunately, what Helen later guessed was supposed to be inspiring or reassuring was turned by an unfortunate choice of when to cut it in.

"- panic -" the man roared and ten thousand sports fans took that as an order.

Standing near the front, Helen had the luxury of an easy out. She threw herself forwards, jumped over two middle-aged men who had tried to push past each other and just knocked each other over and seized the rail.

Up, over and a three metre drop... just like basic, she thought abstractly as she hit concrete of the player's entrance feet-first and let her knees buckled reflexively. At least I'm not in full field kit.

Another bright light from above and she glanced up, horrified at the thought that the dropship might be exploding. Even if it was 'just' a Union, that would be devastating.

What she saw wasn't quite that bad, but evidently she had tempted fate too hard earlier.

BattleMechs were spilling from hatches on the lower hull of the dropship and while some were vaulting off on arcs that didn't seem to be coming down inside the stadium, they couldn't really be landing further than the parking lots.

And one exception was growing far too rapidly in size...

Helen crouched at the side of the entrance and watched in disbelief as ten metres of metal came down just to one side of the centre line, legs flexing much as her own had for a much shorter drop, absorbing much of the impact.

Of course, the flaring jump jets must have slowed it considerably, she realised as she tried to identify who or what had interrupted the match. Pirates were the most likely culprits, out here, but it had been a long time since she'd been briefed on the active bands.

Black was her first impression. Not the dark blue with red and gold trimmings of Morrison's Extractors, which was something. Those were one of the most vile bands she'd been told about back in the militia... although she had some recollection that they had been destroyed.

It wasn't a huge 'Mech, she estimated. More than thirty tons but probably not over fifty by rough eyeballing. The torso was smoothly curved across the shoulders and there was no head - or rather, there was but it was only a slightly larger curve over a cockpit buried between the shoulders. Definitely familiar... something about Marik...

Assassin, she remembered. That was it. Not a common 'Mech, but still found in Free Worlds League service more often than elsewhere. She didn't see the Marik eagle on it anywhere, though. Usually the League splashed that somewhere prominent in purple, which wouldn't exactly stand out against the basic black of this 'Mech.

There were more screams as people tried to get out the entrances or found themselves trampled.

The 'Mech turned its torso towards them and she saw a badge at last, some sort of snake in front of a five-pointed star. Nothing she recognised, some new pirate band perhaps?

"Cease this behavior!" a voice boomed out from the 'Mech, sounding more indignant than angry. "Civilians are to hold their place."

The 'Mech took a step forwards, which Helen didn't think was going to prevent the panic above and behind her. From the sounds she was right.

"I said stop!" the mechwarrior demanded again.

Helen cringed. She was close enough that she could see the weapon muzzles, shrouds for laser lens, unless she was mistaken. Now that she thought of it, shouldn't an Assassin be fitted with missile launchers above its hips? Not that refits were unusual for any 'Mech.

She didn't want to think about what might happen if the man inside fired. The stands weren't all that solid. Military grade weapons would rip them apart and the fragments... no, she wasn't going to consider it.

Forcing herself up to her feet again, she walked slowly towards the 'Mech, waving both hands above her head to get its attention.

The Assassin halted and the torso leant forwards, comically as if it was a man looking down. Which was probably accurate enough.

"Go away!" she called out, enunciating as clearly as possible. External microphones for 'Mechs were surprisingly sensitive, but with an entire crowd behind her... "There is nothing here for you! We are unarmed!"

The Assassin examined her and she wondered what he made of her. Was he about to destroy her as an example to everyone else?

But instead the 'Mech simply straightened. "Aff," the voice declared, sounding more guilty now than angry. The Assassin turned briskly, took two paces towards the away team's goal and then fired its jump jets - setting part of the pitch on fire, but hardly an inferno.

Many tons of metal arced up and out of the stadium. Forty tons, Helen recalled absently. Assassins weighed forty tons. More than half again as much as the Scorpions in the militia's armoured battalion.


Helen turned at the voice and saw a player in green eyeing her in naked admiration. His shirt was sticking to him with sweat. The green clashed awfully with his ginger hair.

"That was bloody brilliant," he finished. "I thought it would kill you for sure."

"You thought that?" she asked, dropping to her knees and hugging herself. "I... I thought it was going to kill all of us. Just by being here."

"Right. We should..." he looked up and back. There were still people crying, shouting and crying. Not so many, perhaps, but still some. "I don't know."

"Are you a medic?" she asked him quietly.


"You're useless then," she said, realising she was being unfair. "And I've got nothing anyway." She felt in her pocket and realised she still had her comm. "Well, except this."

The emergency line was clogged, as it turned out. She left a message anyway, in case no one else in the stadium had called this in.

"Is there a way out of here?"

"You're going out?" the man asked incredulously. "At least the 'Mech isn't here. Who knows what's going on out there?"

"If my car's still out there, I can get to my apartment," Helen told him bluntly. "If I can get there, then I can get my stuff and get out of the city, or at least hunker down there if it makes more sense. Stuck here I don't even have a public radio to tell me what's going on."

"Oh." He looked at a sign that declared 'private, staff and players only' and then pushed the door open. "I guess you can go through here."

Four other players who'd taken refuge in the changing rooms stared at her accusingly as she was ushered through, as if her presence there was somehow worse than this raid or invasion or whatever. For them, maybe it was, although she had no intention of telling anyone that Enriquo Fields had crapped himself at the sight of a 'Mech. She doubted he was the only one.


Gette City, Lost
Periphery March, Lyran Commonwealth
11 March 3050

The city was impressive in some ways, Oskar thought. He didn't think it was the largest he'd ever seen, but there was an underlay of massive and enduring Star League architecture - the sort of thing that only the greatest cities of the Homeworlds needed.

On the other hand, quite a lot of the city had been rebuilt over the years in a much more slipshod fashion in styles and materials that he wouldn't have seen outside of smaller or newer enclaves that didn't yet require or justify what the Clans saw as appropriate building materials.

It did give it a distinctive look but...

He winced as a cloud of dust rose from behind a line of apartments.

...they didn't seem all that durable.

Point Four, we have the HPG," he heard Robert declare. The elemental wasn't Oskar's Star Commander strictly - the bidding for Lost had been complicated, with Sentinel units from the Gamma Galaxies bid in lieu of some Delta frontline units since their own Deuce and Trey Galaxies were still a month away. As a result, Oskar's point - or four of them - replaced two points of Elementals in this particular combined Star. "They appear to have signalled for support. Expect a response unit."

"Seyla," Oskar replied philosophically. "Point, cover me." He leant his back against a building, after checking that it was of proper construction and able to bear his weight and tilted his head. The communications gear built into his... into the Asp's head automatically linked up with one of the dropships and gave him access to an aerial view of the city.

Fighting inside a city was unwelcome, but this was where the HPG was and last reports suggested a company of the mercenary mechwarriors stationed here were inside the capitol complex. Either they would spearhead the response force or it would come from outside Gette City.

It took only a brief moment to confirm that Star Adder OmniMechs were engaged already with  multiple 'Mechs and other combatants. It took a few seconds for Oskar to count eight hostile 'Mechs, three of them already neutralised.

So four were unaccounted for. He could not be sure they were coming for the HPG, but it seemed possible.

The god-like eye in the sky raked quickly along the major roads to the edge of the city. Then across to the militia barracks where another Star was tearing through ill-prepared and often dismounted infantry - the tank barns were already cut off and neutralised.

With a wrench he was back to himself, leant against the side of an office building. A couple of windows had broken, shards scraping at the black paint on his skin... the Asp's armour. It felt itchy.

He shook it off and straightened, seeing the other three Asps all covering the approaches to his position. "Expect four 'Mechs to be approaching from the direction of the government buildings," he advised.

"One each," Sam said in delight.

Oskar reached out and pressed one hand against Sam's face. "Fool. This is not for our glory. The Galaxy Commander himself ordered that zellbrigen is suspected."

"It is unfair to treat them as dezgra."

He felt the palm of the hand grind slightly against the other Asp. "We respect our duty to our Clan first and the enemy after that. If we fight them alone we will place the burden for repairing our Asps and perhaps replacing our dead. And if you would respect these mercenaries then we will do so by fighting them with everything that we have, including our teamwork."

Sam pushed Oskar's hand away. "It is behaving like Ice Hellions!" The other warrior was the only member of the Star who had come from mechwarrior stock. He was barely within the size constraints to pilot an Asp.

Perhaps being larger than me outside of our Asps is giving him ideas. Oskar shook his head, sensors flickering back and forth across the city. "We fight like elementals. Do you insult our brethren fighting in the HPG complex? Will you see them dead, if you throw this fight in your desire for personal glory, quiaff?"

The other two Asps were flanking him, leaving Sam outvoted.

"Neg," the warrior conceded grudgingly.

"You will fight as part of this point, quiaff?" demanded Oskar.


"Then our victory will be your victory, your glory all our glory." Oskar cut the conversation off by firing his jump jets and soaring up and backwards onto the top of the office building, turning to face the government buildings.

The other three Asps of the point fanned out, hopping mostly from street to street as the majority of roofs would probably have difficulty with even their weight. Oskar looked for the site of the building that he'd seen collapse. He didn't see why a 'Mech heading in their direction would destroy a building, but he hadn't seen any other obvious cause either.

Locating it, he quickly traced the coordinates and punched a query back to the dropships above. It was in roughly the right direction and nearer than the area of fighting.

Oskar moved after the rest of the point, following a road that seemed to lead in roughly the right direction. Two storey residences lined the street, with paved footpaths separating them from the roadways. His head was only a little above the upper story windows and he saw the occasional movement behind shutters.

It would be inconvenient if some of that movement was infantry teams with TAG systems, he thought. But the chances were pretty good that they were just civilians.

Fighting in cities, what a terrible idea, he thought. But there were military forces here and the HPG station, both of which the Clan needed to knock out quickly. In theory he could deal with the possible threat by firing on the buildings, but that would probably do nothing but cause civilian casualties and he'd be breaking Duke Topi's rules of engagement.

"Point Commander, the location you queried had an enemy battlemech, designation Commando, hit by an airstrike. Our assessment was an ammunition explosion, either it didn't have proper ammo storage or it malfunctioned."

"Understood. Were other 'Mechs detected by the airstrike?"

"I am sorry, Point Commander. I have no information either way."

"Acknowledged." He cut the channel abruptly and altered his course towards the smoke still coming from the wrecked building. "Form on me," he ordered the other three. "Use seismics." He hoped that that was unnecessary, infra-red and magscan would be utterly pointless in the city as things stood. Still, better to have said it than to leave someone making a mistake.

The calibration of his sensors barely picked up the footsteps of the four Asps, but 'Mechs would be larger. With little more than a thought, Oskar adjusted the settings to show not just confirmed sources of vibration, but lower possibilities. "Cross-feed me your seismic data," he ordered and overlaid the feeds he received.

"I have them!" he exclaimed, perhaps optimistically as three possible sources showed up. An Inner Sphere lance of four - less the one Commando. Total tonnage seemed less than a hundred tons - likely for a light lance and most importantly, within the range of capabilities that the four of them might be able to handle.

"Permission to confirm?" asked Sam - his Asp was nearest to the projected location.

"Authorised," Oskar confirmed. "But do not engage until we join you." I hope I can rely on him to show restraint.


Checking the map, fruit of some reconnaissance carried out in years past he supposed, Oskar picked out an elevated highway that intersected the road that the other 'Mechs seemed to be on. "Jan, Ernest, we'll use the highway to cover our approach."

The three of them raced out and ducked below the highway. Their heads probably wouldn't graze the underside but there wasn't much clearance, particularly as they navigated the obstacles. And using their jump jets was obviously out of the question until they moved out.

"Contact!" Sam half-shouted. "Three 'Mechs, heading towards the highway, approximately sixty kph."

Oskar checked the map and did a rough calculation. The three of them would get to that junction first, but only just. "Did they spot you?

"I believe not." Sam's voice was steader. "Warbook identifies as a Firestarter, a Commando and a Wasp."

"The Commando has no jump jets," he remembered. "Stay behind them. The Wasp will be our first target, it is the smallest. The Firestarter..." That one 'mech was almost as large as all four of them, designed for anti-infantry work. As the largest, it might be the leader's. If they crippled the Wasp quickly then it would likely be constrained to stay with the ground-bound Commando.

Or so he hoped, anyway. They were faster, but not decisively so. Disengaging would be difficult.

"Stravag!" Sam shouted. "They have turned away, the turn before the highway. Towards you!"

"We have them." Oskar felt his - the Asp's - feet skid slightly as he turned sharply. He caught himself on a street sign, which came away in his grip but gave him just enough traction to stay upright.

With a fraction more warning, the other two flared their jump jets, keeping them upright as they made the turn.

The Wasp crossed the road ahead of them, half-turning and raising the laser built into one arm as it saw them.

The ferrocrete of the highway cracked behind them as the larger 'Mech - even though it wasn't tall, it towered over them - missed. None of the three of them did, and the Wasp staggered, armour ripped away by lasers. The left arm had been flung up and took the brunt of Oskar's laser, myomers torn away and flailing away from control of the limb.

There was a flash of light from behind and Oskar saw another Asp - Sam - jump past behind the Wasp. Struck from behind the right torso, the entire shoulder tore apart and the right arm - along with the laser that was its main armament - went flying.

"Duck and cover," Oskar ordered as the rest of the lance came into view. Both were visibly larger and bulkier. In a fighter he would have still considered them small and relatively soft targets, but now he had a single laser. It was a very different way to fight.

Missiles sailed towards them from the Commando, one clipping Ernest's Asp as they dodged.

"Are you damaged?"

"Only stung, Point Commander. Our target seems disabled."

"Yes. Good shooting, Sam. Now, take backshots by preference, the Firestarter is primary target."

"The Commando is smaller!"

"Yes, but less mobile." He jumped up and back, landing on the highway, looking down on the two 'Mechs and firing another shot. He saw plates across the chest of the Firestarter rupture, but unlike the Wasp, the shot didn't seem to impair the 'Mech and it fired its own jump jets, both arms raised. Lasers tore into the roadway as Oskar dashed aside a moment before the other mechwarrior fired.

Am I a mechwarrior myself now? he thought and then shook the thought away. Battle was no time for such worries.

The Firestarter crashed down onto the highway - fortunately it was an example of the older Star League infrastructure and was equal to the weight of the 'Mech. Well, actually it was unfortunate - it would have been delightful if the 'Mech had crashed right through it and done itself damage.

Oh well, the locals would be upset, Oskar thought philosophically and fired again before dodging. If he could keep ahead then his laser had more range than anything on the Firestarter.

Then he was almost sent sprawling as a shot tore into the armour of his chest. It stung like crazy and almost sent him stumbling. He turned the move into a dive off the side of the highway, firing his jump jets to absorb the landing and then throw himself back under the raised structure.

A moment later and the Firestarter would have landed directly upon him. As it was, paint across the Asp was scorched by fire from the battlemech's flamers. The heat inside the Asp rose sharply, something he could feel with both bodies. It was disconcerting, almost overriding the link.

"Point Commander!"

"Change of plan," he ordered as he scrambled away. "It is following me away from the HPG. Finish the Commando then join me."

"Now who is chasing glory?" Sam called back, but he and the other three turned back on the Commando.

"Mission first." He raced behind what appeared to be some form of commercial building - a food store, but larger than anything he had seen in the homeworlds. Good - he did not trust that the other Mechwarrior would be considerate of civilians. "I will not defeat this enemy alone."

Maybe not at all, he thought. The Firestarter jumped up over the building, clipping one corner but simply smashing through, unslowed.

One problem with the Asp, Oskar noted as he dodged more shots. Mounting the only weapon in the torso limits its traverse. I will have to fight while retreating backwards or my laser will not bear.

His second hit on the Firestarter - the third hot to hit it so far - didn't breach its armour any more than the other two had. The shots were doing damage, but not enough. Oskar jumped back again, checking his surroundings. The Firestarter had come down in some kind of loading bay, but the store was surrounded by open parking areas and more stores, most with little to no clue as to what they might be selling.

Not that it mattered.

"I don't suppose I can get you to surrender?" a woman's voice boomed out from the Firestarter's speakers. The 'Mech didn't fire as it stepped out of the loading bay.

"'Don't'," he muttered to himself. "Oh, ‘do not’ maybe. Well..." The thermal signature of the Firestarter was dropping. "Ah, stalling as you cool off. Wait..." Was the woman feeling like she was the one on the defensive? Feigning strength as she recovered?

Oskar jumped to one side just in case. "I think your forces are not in any advantage." He also refrained from firing. While his own heat was fine, stalling for time was fine with him. It just gave time for the rest of his point to finish off the Commando and rejoin him.

Speaking of which... "Progress report, warriors?"

"Ernest has taken further damage," Jan reported. "I have directed him to return to the HPG and support Star Commander Robert. Sam and I are moving to join you."

"The Commando is out of action, quiaff?"

"Aff." She sounded annoyed. "There was considerable property damage. I do not believe they have proper cellular ammunition storage."

"Unfortunate but not under our control, warriors."

The Firestarter took a step closer, raising its weapons. "I think your surprise has worn off. But the Federated Commonwealth will pay us well for samples of your war machines, even if I have to break it a little."

Oskar fired his jump jets and shot away. "Do please mind your targets, this is a settlement after all."

The Firestarter opened up with both lasers, missing both times. "You're the bastards that brought the fight here."

"Then I suppose I should end it quickly." He tracked the 'Mech and centred his crosshairs on the already battered armour over the right chest.

The laser shot slashed across the previous damage, penetrating at the juncture of the two lines. Fire ripped out of the back and for a moment he thought that he'd hit an ammunition bin, but it was just a jump jet venting prematurely.

An instant later the Firestarter took to the air once more, but it was clearly off balance and veered wildly in the air.

"I have it!" shouted Sam and the 'Mech was caught in a crossfire between all three Asps as Oskar's reinforcements caught up.

At least one shot - he wasn't sure what - hit the already damaged right side and it came apart in mid-air, scattering bits of jump jets, structural ribs and myomers across the parking lot. One crate-like component smashed into a car and started spilling machinegun rounds out across the wreck.

The head of the Firestarter also seemed to blow apart as the pilot ejected, her command couch soaring up into the sky as her 'Mech smashed to the ground.

"Do we want them as a bondsman?" asked Jan, her Asp clearly tracking the seat as a parachute bloomed from it.

"Aff," Oskar ordered quickly. "Perhaps not as a warrior - she was careless of her surroundings but she is wily and it would be wasteful to kill her. We will take her back to the HPG and she can be secured along with the staff there."
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1477
Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #50 on: 22 April 2020, 08:22:46 »
CSADS Silk Road, Somerset
Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth
12 March 3050

"I believe that Khan Crichell will be disappointed to learn that you are departing," Timur Malthus observed from where the two Khans were watching trucks empty the freighter out.

Virgilia gave the Jade Falcon's junior Khan a sidelong look. "I was not aware that he was so fond of my company, Timur."

"Not fondness." The man reached into his pocket and pulled out some goggles that he donned to protect his eyes against the dust kicked up by the trucks. He made no measure to offer Virgilia any, leaving her dependent merely on sunglasses that were rapidly picking up a covering of dust. "After the bombshell that you delivered to the Grand Council, he appears concerned about what you will do next."

"I said nothing that was not obvious to anyone paying attention."

"And yet somehow the majority of the Khans had missed it. Perhaps it was less obvious than you believe."

Virgilia took off her glasses, wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and then the glasses against her shirt before putting them back on. Somerset's sun was high and bright today. "Or more Clans need to elect Khans who pay attention."

Malthus' smile thinned. "Internal matters are a Clan's own concern, quaiff?"

"Aff. Yet the choice of Khans impacts the decisions of the Grand Council, so it cannot be entirely internal."

That got no immediate response and they watched in silence as more trucks arrived to be loaded.

"Rasalhague may play the role of an Inner Sphere capital for us," Malthus said at last.

"A world on the line between the Wolves and Ghost Bears, while the ilKhan's stockpiles are placed in the your hands and those of the Smoke Jaguars."

He made a face. "I will not say politics played no part but there is logic to dividing the supplies you have provided into more than one location."

Virgilia grinned. "Four locations would be better than two."

"In that case, you might as well grant them directly to the four invaders, which could offend the reserve Clans." Malthus lowered his voice. "I have suggested that the ilKhan activate Clan Steel Viper to provide security for these stockpiles. Leaving such large quantities of supplies on a world the Inner Sphere knows of is a risk and a large garrison would slow our advance."

"And you anticipate no problems between yourselves and the Vipers?"

"They are the first reserve Clan," he said, avoiding the issue of historically poor relations between the Falcons and the Vipers. Traditionally, Clan Star Adder had taken the Steel Viper's side but the Absorption War and broadly falling on different sides of the Warden/Crusader split had damaged those relations so Virgilia saw no reason to champion Natalie Breen or her Clan.

"Are the facilities here adequate to store the supplies?" she asked instead.

"Aff." The other Khan gestured southwards. "There was a military academy located here and it appears that they had warehouses suitable to use as a major logistics depot. Unfortunately, very little was currently stored there or we would have further damaged the spheroids defenses by taking this world."

"Doubly unfortunate, since a large supply store would have required more garrison than a handful of instructors and a few dozen cadets in obsolete 'Mechs."

"Not entirely obsolete," Malthus observed. "They had some of the Wolfhound battlemechs that Clan Wolf encountered in the periphery and a medium design that we know only from the reports of the Wolf Dragoons."

She gave him a questioning look. "Does this 'Mech have a designation?"

"Centurion," he pronounced carefully. "Unimpressive overall, but a benchmark for current production capabilities of the Inner Sphere. None of our warriors suffered more than armour damage."

"Perhaps the wrecks can at least be stripped of armour to replace the losses."

Malthus shook his head. "It will do in a pinch for repairs to our Hellbringers, but it is seriously inferior to that of our Kit Foxes and Summoners."

Virgilia nodded in understanding. The SLDF had used advanced ferro-fibrous armour plating on some of their 'Mechs, something the Clans had perfected. Not all used these technologies as the armour was bulky and somewhat more expensive than the older options, but the Jade Falcons' favoured OmniMechs were the Kit Fox, Summoner and Hellbringer.

She was actually far more familiar than the issue than Malthus probably realised: the Star Adders’ more recent designs avoided using ferro-fibrous plating specifically so that they could resupply from Inner Sphere sources when the invasion began. But many of their existing designs did use it and would be dependent on shipments from Sinclair. The Kit Fox was one of their own preferred light OmniMechs, in fact.

"There is something to be said for the light defenses here," she said lightly. "If there was more resistance than I might have been tempted to request the opportunity to participate and I hate to think what you would have asked for that."

"I would have said no," he responded promptly. "Perhaps Khan Crichell would have overruled me, but I doubt it. These victories belong to Clan Jade Falcon."

They had been solid victories, Virgilia conceded privately. But not as complete as she would have liked. The main defenders the Falcons had faced had been mercenaries: the Grave Walkers divided between Apollo and Bone-Norman (worlds that flanked Somerset) and three of the four regiments of the 12th Star Guards, on worlds directly along the Periphery. Elements of both forces had retreated with many casualties, but more critically, with data on the Jade Falcons.

The Star Adders had planned their attacks on the premise of ensuring as little information escaped them as possible, at least in the first wave, to give themselves some measure of surprise in the second wave of attacks. But with ComStar's assurance that they would not allow messages to be sent to the rest of the Federated Commonwealth, the Jade Falcons had apparently felt that what they had done was sufficient, allowing troops to escape.

The three Federated Commonwealth regular commands had received more respect and the forces on Anywhere and Here had been all but obliterated, but the last news from Barcelona was that the 17th Skye Rangers, a unit of high repute, had escaped with relatively light losses and their dropships had reached a jumpship in time.

"You may find them better prepared in future," she warned. "Survivors will carry word of you to worlds in the next wave."

"I hope so." Malthus gave her a confident smile. "Hearing how easily we swept them aside, they will be demoralised. Tales of our warmachines and skills will leave many units hesitant to face us in battle. If their armies are defeated in their minds, before the first shot is fired, then our victories will be faster and less expensive."

"That is a fair point," she admitted. "It is not my own preference but I can see merit in this strategy."

"You are so generous," he allowed sarcastically. "So, when you depart will you be seeking to play the gadfly among the Smoke Jaguars, as you have with us?"

Virgilia frowned, not at the question but because dust was getting at her eyes again. "I think not," she said, removing the glasses again. Should she ask to take the conversation elsewhere or would the Falcon take that as weakness? "It is tempting but if I kill too many of his warriors in Trials of Grievance then the ilKhan may feel I am impairing their progress."

Malthus threw back his head and laughed. "You do not doubt you would win?"

"There are one or two Smoke Jaguars who I consider credible opponents on even terms," the Star Adder explained reasonably. "Perhaps I should address this suggestion of Rasalhague. It is a very valuable world, I must admit. Dividing it between all fifteen Clans would be the cause for more conflict over particularly valuable territory."

"Well you have raised the idea, so you cannot argue against it."

She frowned up at the sun beaming down on them and quickly replaced her sunglasses again. "I can argue against its implementation. I did when it came to the invasion."

"Yes, you did." Malthus considered her for a moment and then gestured away from the dropship ramp.

At last! She cheerfully walked with him away from the source of the damnable dust. The smile fell off her face at the Jade Falcon's next words.

"I know Khan Irons is leading your touman in an invasion."

"Who is there around the Homeworlds to invade?" she asked, forcing herself to stay calm. She'd already given enough away when she stopped smiling.

Malthus gave her a wry look. "Not the Homeworlds. I admit that I do not know the specifics, but it is obvious to anyone who pays attention. You know that the invading Clans will control vast wealth once the invasion ends, even if it does so prematurely as you suggested."

Virgilia folded her arms. "And?"

"And as a responsible Khan, you do not wish to see your Clan relegated so significantly," the Falcon saKhan told her. "So you have found somewhere that your Clan can attack, seizing worlds somewhere to redress this. Most likely worlds that you will hide away, ensuring that in the worst case scenario that you suggested - the annihilation of the Clans - that Clan Star Adder has some final redoubt."

"If that were so," Virgilia told him slowly, "then it would be a secret I would defend at... any cost." Now I sound like Karianna.

Malthus shrugged. "Let us say that I am speculating. Merely theorising as to what some Clans might do if they take your suggestions seriously. What the Star Adders do somewhere in the Periphery is no business of Clan Jade Falcon. The Tanite worlds are ample precedent that you are in your rights to conquer other human colonies if you find them."

"Then what is your point?"

"My point," he said and paused, presumably for the drama. "That would be your enclaves in the Homeworlds. If Khan Irons and the best of your touman are elsewhere, then those enclaves are open to trials of possession from other Clans. Something that would severely hamper your efforts in... whatever it is that you are planning."

"I see no reason to share this with anyone else," he added before she could do anything impulsive. "And I am not so foolish as to believe that you can be threatened into doing anything unbefitting your position or loyalties. Mostly likely you would kill me if I made such a demand, although I assure you that if you do then my speculations will be shared with Khan Crichell."

"Then you must have some reason to tell me this."

"All I want from you is nothing," Malthus told her. "You've made a point of stirring up dissent and offering criticisms since the Invasion took place. What you do with other Clans is not my problem, but for the near future - until you feel that this... hypothetical period of vulnerability, shall we call it? Until it ends, that you will keep such activity to specific clans other than my own. Nothing affecting the entire invasion, nothing affecting Clan Jade Falcon. Is there really less that I can ask than nothing?"

"You present me with no dilemma," she said with mildness she didn't feel at all. "As it happens, once I leave the Jade Falcon's occupied worlds, I see no reason to return to your corridor for the immediate future, so whatever happens there is little chance that your Clan will hear from me over the next few months."

Malthus tipped his head. "Then we are both getting what we want, quiaff?"

"Aff. Nothing."

He grinned boyishly and Virgilia fixed that image in her mind. I will kill him, she decided. Sooner, rather than later.


Olympia, Tharkad
Donegal March, Lyran Commonwealth
13 March 3050

The summons to a briefing for senior officers had included the peculiarly Lyran note that officers of a suitable social background should be brought as aides. Kai was reminded of all too many tales he'd heard his parents' guests recite about the Lyran officer corps following the War of 3039, but he was a Leftenant and Kelly Devers was a Marshal. When a Marshal 'invites' a Leftenant to attend a meeting as her aide, it has the force of an order.

The room filled up steadily as staff-car after staff-car disgorged officers from the Tenth and Eleventh Lyran Guards RCTs. Even limited to the regiment-level leadership, that was still eighteen distinct regiments represented: a regimental combat team included not just the 'Mech regiment but also an armoured brigade and reinforced infantry brigade.

The troops were all eager to get out and stretch their legs after weeks on transports and the promise of weeks more to look forward to. A few days leave in a city only a few hundred miles south of the Tharkad City and well used to free-spending soldiers would do wonders for morale. Being crammed into this dimly lit room (windowless for security) instead was presumably one of those burdens of command that the academy had mentioned.

"When I was your age," Marshal Devers murmured, voice pitched not to carry far in the room, "I feared Combine samurai less than being stuck watching holo-slide presentations. Now I'm a Marshal and it's half my life."

Then the door opened and at the sight of the stern looking woman with grey-shot blonde hair that took the podium, every conversation cut off.

Nondi Steiner, the Archon's aunt and the second-ranking officer in the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth hadn't aged gracefully. Some blamed her injuries during the War of 3039 for that. Others the humiliation that after she was sidelined by wounds from the assassination attempt on Vega that the offensive had collapsed.

"Ladies and gentlemen." There was enough frost in her icy soprano voice to chill the room back to the ambient temperature outside. "As of yesterday, the Commonwealth is at war. We simply do not know who with yet."

Kai felt frozen in place. War. Something he had never really known, but what his parents' generation - and most of the men and women here had grown up with. But how could you not know who you were at war with?

"Over the last seventy-two hours we have lost contact with worlds from Timbuktu to Steelton. Messages via ComStar are not being replied to. In some cases there was a little warning, in others we have heard nothing whatsoever."

Kai discreetly checked his noteputer. Steelton wasn't that far from the Free Rasalhague Republic, although it had no particular strategic importance. Timbuktu was... that couldn't be right. It was halfway across Lyran space, more than halfway along the border with the periphery.

"In a few cases troops stationed on those worlds have escaped," Steiner continued inexorably. "Some HPG reports of landings were made before we lost contact, and we have some hopes that other reports are simply still on the way. So far we have only a few facts to work with."

A holographic map of the Lyran Commonwealth sprang up in the air in front of her. "Firstly, almost every world targeted was once part of the Rim Worlds Republic."

Kai wasn't the only one who gasped. Green stars against the golden outline of the Federated Commonwealth's territory showed what were obviously the attacks. Twenty four worlds in an arc that covered almost four hundred light years of the border.

"Second, to the best of our ability to determine, neither the Free Worlds League nor the Draconis Combine is behind this."

Who else was there? Green was usually used to indicate Capellan movements but even if they had the forces for this without stripping their defenses bare (the last intelligence assessment Kai had been informed of was that his aunt could field perhaps thirty 'Mech regiments, including mercenaries), the targeted worlds couldn't be further from the Capellan Confederation.

"Finally, our defenses in the region have been crippled. While it seems unlikely that the forces deployed on every world have been defeated at this stage, at this time high command has no way to tell which are still fighting and which have been lost."

Marshal Devers raised her hand. "If I may enquire, which forces have reported in?"

"The majority of the Seventeenth Skye Rangers managed to escape to regroup on Newtown Square with the Thirty-Ninth Avalon Hussars." The Field Marshal used a pointer to indicate one of the border worlds that hadn't been highlighted as a target. "They were fortunate to have a jumpship waiting at a pirate point and managed to combat load more than two battalions of 'Mechs, along with the bulk of their dependents before they were overrun on Barcelona."

There was a pause as everyone waited for more to be listed. Nondi Steiner waited just long enough to make her point: that was all.

"Units unaccounted for include the Second New Ivaarsen Chasseurs, Sixth Crucis Lancers, Eighth and Eleventh Arcturan Guards RCTs, three other 'Mech regiments and nine regiments of mercenaries, the latter including the entirety of the Dismal Disinherited and Grave Walker units, and most of the Twelfth Star Guards."

"Mein... gott..." someone whispered near the back.

"This, obviously, leaves the frontier rather bare of defenses. March Militia commands -" Secondline units that primarily secured their defense zones against raids. "- have been alerted and remaining frontline commands will at least not be taken by surprise."

Devers looked at the map. "That's not a lot."

"Correct. Once the invaders - the only designation we have at the moment is 'Falcon', which may be more the heraldry of a unit rather than their nation - secure their current targets, we expect them to move on and exploit worlds that have only local defense forces available. A minority opinion in military intelligence believe that they will prioritise the four remaining commands in the area, but we have no reasonable way to determine when or if that will take place."

Nondi put some weight on the podium. "Your units were already on their way to the Periphery March, that is being expedited. In theory, you are to link up with the Seventh Crucis Lancers on Winter and provide Coventry Province with a mobile defense force until further reinforcements can arrive. More concrete plans will depend on gaining more information and if we don't have that by the time you get there, you can expect to be sent on reconnaissance-in-force to get that data."

Marshal Bryan of the Eleventh Guards rose to her feet. "Where is Marshal Steiner-Davis making his headquarters, ma'am?"

"Marshal Steiner-Davis was on Main Street when we lost contact. At this time Marshal Alpert of the Sixth Lyran Guards will be exercising command of the Periphery March. Althastan doesn't appear to be in the path of this invasion, at least as far as we can tell so far." Steiner speared Bryan with a firm look. "You will be reporting directly to Alpert as commander of your task force, with Marshal Devers and - if contact is made - Hauptmann-General Zibler of the Lancers as your principal subordinates."

"Have the Rangers been able to give any details about the attackers?" asked Kai.

Nondi glared at him and he cringed, realizing he'd spoken without thinking. Kelly Devers looked approving though. "I know there hasn't been time for detailed analysis, Marshal but it's a fair question. It at least gives us some idea what to prepare for."

The Field Marshal relaxed - slightly. "I suppose we bring aides to these meetings so they can learn," she allowed somewhat grudgingly. "The main information we have so far is that the 'Mechs that the Rangers saw were of the same kind the Kell Hounds encountered last year - unfamiliar designs with advanced technology, at least on part with the SLDF."

Something like Yen-lo-Wang, Kai realised. But that level of technology is almost unknown in deployment.

"We only have limited data to work for," Steiner continued. "But it isn't recommended that you should risk engagements except on favourable terms: with numbers and terrain in your favour. For now we assume they'll have both a range and mobility advantage, based on our studies on such upgrades for ourself."

"I take it that there's no chance of getting anything like that ourselves?" Bryan seemed less than amused at the idea of facing that sort of disadvantage.

To Kai's surprise, the Field Marshal changed the hologram to bring up schematics of several 'Mech weapons. "In limited quantities, yes. Refit kits for some of our equipment were being built up here for the Royal Guard to try. Your techs will have to play catch up in a hurry, but we're handing them over to your task force."

"It won't be enough to close the gap entirely," she continued. "New autocannon, extended range PPCs and lasers, missile guidance, advanced heatsinks - SLDF grade. What we don't have in any quantity are the lightweight structural frameworks and engines, and I don't want to arm you with systems you can't use in the field. You'll need to make some decisions quickly about what they're fitted to."

Another change of view. "What we recommend is keeping most of the missile and autocannon upgrades for your combat vehicles, then upgrade the energy weapons on 'Mechs which can benefit from the new heatsinks..."

Kai opened a new file on his noteputer and started recording the advice Nondi Steiner was giving them, adding his own thoughts based on Yen-lo-Wang.


Gette City, Lost
Star Adder Dominion
14 March 3050

The flags outside the capitol were different now - the serpent-on-star of their new rulers - but the beer hadn't changed at least.

Rationally, of course it hadn't. What was Helen thinking, that the invaders would rush around the city insisting on a new flavour of city? But the invasion had - after the fighting was over - made astonishingly little difference. It was all the more jarring when she did encounter a reminder, like the work crews dragging what was left of one of the Dismal Disinherited's Commandos off to be salvaged.

The building the 'Mech chassis was being hoisted out of had taken more damage than the warmachine - there was enough left of the Commando that it was identifiable, while the office building was a burned out wreck without even a sign left outside of who had worked there. Fortunately, it had probably been empty.

But the crews clearing it were for the most part city workers, using the same heavy equipment they would have for any industrial accident. A couple of the invaders were overseeing it, wearing those armoured suits of theirs, but they might as well have been wearing high-visibility vests and carrying clipboards for all the hostility they showed.

Helen sipped on the beer again. Hopefully Mr de Silva would open the store again soon. Two scares in recent months had led to him closing the shop temporarily and retreating to his sister's house on the edge of Gette City. If he didn't come back and open up, she wouldn't get paid and she didn't have the savings to live without work for long.

In theory she could sign up for unemployment relief, but how that would work now...

At least it wasn't the Dracs, she thought. As improbable as the Draconis Combine reaching Lost was, she'd heard stories about what life had been like on worlds they occupied during the Succession Wars. Ugly stories - and not barracks rumour, official instruction as part of her militia training.

Unemployment didn't happen on some of those worlds, at least officially. If you couldn't find work, work would be found for you. But not in jobs that anyone would want. If you were lucky, sweatshop conditions that would probably kill you. If you were unlucky... being young and female for example...

Helen shuddered and finished her beer. Well, no sign of that... so far, at least.

The door to the pub pushed open, the archaic bell hung from it tinkling. She looked up and was startled to see a short man in black leathers enter. His face was marked by black tattoos and seemed out of proportion to the rest of him - looking like he needed another growth spurt to fill out to an adult's height.

Eyes around the bar narrowed and Helen saw Jose step along the bar to where he kept a baseball bat. The barman was the owner's brother and had put thirty years into the metropolitan police before retiring to a more sedentary occupation. He knew trouble when he saw it.

The new arrival glanced around the room casually, before entering with two more men behind him - one significantly taller, although on second glance he was only about Helen's height. It was just his companions that made him look tall.

They wore the same black leathers and they had the same tattoos.

Shit, Helen thought. A gang.

It wasn't the first time gangs had tried to move into the area. Bikers bringing narcotics in from the countryside was pretty much a way of life in the tenement districts, where people retreating in from smaller towns and villages more vulnerable during a pirate raid tended to settle. The Descott district of Gette City was a little upmarket of that, but not much.

The three of them were only halfway towards the bar when Franco stepped in their way. "Hey," the burly man told them bluntly. "We don't want your lot here."

The largest of the new arrivals brindled but the leader swung his hand back and slapped him lightly on the chest. "Save it," he added and then looked for Franco. "We are here for some drinks, unwind a little. Nothing else."

"Ya. That's how it starts." Franco pointedly started rolling up his sleeves, revealing muscular forearms marked with the occasional scar from work accidents and sometimes the result of violence. "Then you are selling. Drugs. Protection."

From where she was sat, Helen saw all three of the ganger's eyes change. There was nothing subtle about it, it was like a mask being stripped away. One moment they were relaxed, the next they were predators.

"If you have a grievance," the leader said, voice lower and more clipped, "Then let us step outside and avoid damaging this establishment as we settle matters."

"Three on one, huh," snorted Franco.

Helen pushed herself upright. She didn't know this gang, but she knew Franco. "Not one." She pointed with her free hand at the third man, seeing his jacket ride up. "He has a knife."

He reached back and tapped the leather scabbard, clearly comfortable with it. "Sharp eyes." He looked Helen up and down, measuringly. "You look like a tough lady," he added in an admiring voice. "How about I buy you a drink too. We can get to know each other."

She felt her face redden. "Get ******!"

He blinked. "Oskar, was that a yes or a no?"

A moment later, Helen's glass hit the man in his face and he in turn hit the ground, face bleeding but already rolling with the impact, getting ready to get up.

"Ernest!" shouted the larger man, as Franco swung at the leader - Oskar. The punch swept above the little man's head as he ducked and then went to work on Franco's ribs.

Jose swept out from behind the bar, bat in hand and the other patrons either headed for the back door, rose to join in or just ducked for cover.

Two men Helen barely knew tackled Ernest as he kipped up, apparently eager to fight. She saw Franco fall, gasping, and she flung herself at the little man standing over the delivery man before he could bring out a weapon.

They crashed to the carpeted floor, her on top but he was wriggling like a snake and then something crashed up under her ribs.

Dammit, she thought, finding herself on her back and gasping for breath. What I wouldn't give for a combat vest. When she did training for this in the militia, most of the time they'd been wearing full kit.

There was a crash of glass and she levered herself upright. A stool had smashed into the front window and was comically suspended there, part of the pane having remained intact and caught the seat before the stool could go completely through.

Holovids had apparently lied to her.

The larger man had deprived Jose of his bat and was holding him face down on the bar, twisting one arm behind the former policeman's back.

Gathering her legs beneath her, Helen sprang on his own back, locking one arm around his throat and dragging his head back as she pressed against the soft flesh below the jaw.

Choking, he released Jose and spun, dizzying Helen for a moment, and then slamming back against the bar. By intent or calculation, the edge of the bar hit above her hips and below her ribs, sharp pain slackening her grip.

Then the back of his head hit her nose and she felt it snap.

Stars filled her vision and she settled on the floor, leaning against the bottom of the bar as the man stepped away.

Franco was on his knees, but trying to stand. What was in his path was Ernest, one hand twisting the bigger man's arm in a submission hold, one booted foot on Franco's calf.

For a moment the third ganger looked likely to join in but then he had to dodge away as another patron went after him, swinging a barstool.

It seemed to take an eternity for Helen to get to her feet and she stumbled once getting to Ernest. He looked back but not before she managed to snatch the knife from the scabbard at his side.

Ernest's eyes were fixed on her and he pushed Franco away, the delivery man's face hitting the carpet with a thump. She saw blood running down the ganger's face and the lines on his face... weren't tattoos. Some sort of... wiring, implanted into his face. Who did such a thing to themselves.

"So, get ****** means neg?" he asked, shifting his stance. "The glass was unnecessary."

Helen waved the knife at him. "You came here looking for a fight."


"Technically, yes." A sinewy hand grabbed Helen by the wrist and the leader snatched the knife off her with the other before she could react. "The planet, that is. Today all we wanted was some drinks."

"And maybe..."

Oskar turned and slammed the knife, point first, into the bar. It dug at least three centimetres into the wood. "Ernest."

The other man raised his hands. "Only if she said aff!" he protested. "She is so spirited. If someone taught her to fight, she would be dangerous."

This was apparently a good thing in their eyes?

The third man staggered over, beaming despite a cut on his own forehead bleeding profusely. "That was fun but I believe we have upset local police-warriors. I hear sirens. This the sort of trouble the Star Colonel wanted us to avoid, quiaff?"

"Neg." Oskar pointed up at the security camera in one corner. "This one attacked us, we acted in self-defense. I should call it in to make sure they listen though." He pulled a comm from his pocket.

Helen thought back. Dammit, they would have her bang to rights. And if she wound up behind bars, Mr De Silva would probably fire her. "Who are you?"

Ernest's face creased again, this time in a smile. "I am Ernest, this is Sam, the old man is Oskar. We are warriors of Clan Star Adder."

Her legs could somehow not support her anymore. Either the adrenaline had worn off, or it was finding out she had picked a fight with the new rulers of Lost.

Oskar fished a plaited cord from his pocket. "Put this on her, Sam."

The taller man caught it and gave Helen a look before turning back to his leader. "You are sure?"

"Ernest is right, she is spirited. The sort of person resistance rallies around. The type we want, quiaff?"

"Aff." Sam grabbed Helen's wrist. When he released it, she saw that the cord was tied around it.

"What does this mean?"

Ernest dropped to his haunches, to put his face on level with hers. "Welcome to Clan Star Adder, bondswoman. Congratulations."


"She does not know what a bondsman is," Oskar said with a sigh. "Explain it while I talk their police-warriors down."

Sam picked up a paper napkin from the dispenser on the bar and wiped at the blood on his face. "With three cords you are a prisoner," he told her. "As you show your skill and loyalty, each cord is cut and will be trusted with more responsibility and opportunity. When all three are cut, you will be a member of our Clan. Perhaps even one of our warriors."

Helen sat down heavily. This was not how she had envisaged her day ending: the bar full of groaning and injured patrons, the police on the way and herself... somewhere between being a slave and being inducted into a cult.
« Last Edit: 23 April 2020, 01:29:40 by drakensis »
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #51 on: 22 April 2020, 11:20:33 »
First-class writing as usual.


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #52 on: 22 April 2020, 12:10:31 »
absolutely brilliant, really nice take on how piloting/being a Proto works as well, probably closer to what it would be like. Superb writing as always!
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #53 on: 22 April 2020, 17:20:15 »
I honestly thought the 2nd part would be in it's own thread... but please: Continue, Quiaff?
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #54 on: 22 April 2020, 18:59:17 »
Nicely Done with scoring Helen boys.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #55 on: 22 April 2020, 19:31:14 »
The room filled up steadily as staff-car after staff-car disgorged officers from the Tenth and Eleventh Lyran Guards RCTs.

"Units unaccounted for include the Second New Ivaarsen Chasseurs, Sixth Crucis Lancers, Eighth and Eleventh Lyran Guards RCTs, three other 'Mech regiments and nine regiments of mercenaries, the latter including the entirety of the Dismal Disinherited and Grave Walker units, and most of the Twelfth Star Guards."

Was it the 11th Regulars?
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #56 on: 22 April 2020, 21:05:44 »
There's no halfway between... she is BOTH slave and cult inductee...


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #57 on: 23 April 2020, 01:30:29 »
The room filled up steadily as staff-car after staff-car disgorged officers from the Tenth and Eleventh Lyran Guards RCTs.

"Units unaccounted for include the Second New Ivaarsen Chasseurs, Sixth Crucis Lancers, Eighth and Eleventh Lyran Guards RCTs, three other 'Mech regiments and nine regiments of mercenaries, the latter including the entirety of the Dismal Disinherited and Grave Walker units, and most of the Twelfth Star Guards."

Was it the 11th Regulars?

It's the 8th & 11th Arcturan Guards
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #58 on: 23 April 2020, 07:36:31 »
There's no halfway between... she is BOTH slave and cult inductee...

Yup.  she is.  It's too late for her.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #59 on: 23 April 2020, 09:32:29 »
Those new attack vectors sound really interesting, did you intentionally place the Nova Cats in the backyard of the Fed Suns area of the Fed Com drakensis, as a nod at Dragon Cat?  8)


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #60 on: 23 April 2020, 17:15:53 »
Yup.  she is.  It's too late for her.
Been reading too much Ngo stuff lately...  8)


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #61 on: 24 April 2020, 00:48:00 »
Those new attack vectors sound really interesting, did you intentionally place the Nova Cats in the backyard of the Fed Suns area of the Fed Com drakensis, as a nod at Dragon Cat?  8)
You've lost me. I know of Dragon Cat, but the rest of this escapes me.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #62 on: 24 April 2020, 02:38:22 »
In Dragon Cat'sw long running AU the Nova Cats are operating on FedSun side of the Sphere having set up roots near the Tortuga Dominions and areas along the rimward edge of the FedSuns closest to that area.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #63 on: 25 April 2020, 04:51:03 »
Okay, but where did I bring in the Nova Cats?

They're not even invading in this timeline.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #64 on: 04 May 2020, 09:17:16 »
Chapter Two

Gette City, Lost
Star Adder Dominion
15 March 3050

"Two days." Star Colonel Eleni Riaz didn't look up at first as Oskar stood at attention before her, a weak power play in his opinion. "We have been assigned as the planet's garrison for two days and you are already fighting the local populace."

Fighting was perhaps too strong a word, Oskar thought. No one had been seriously hurt and the bar patrons had mostly suffered the consequences of not knowing how to roll with a punch or kick. None of his group had needed more than a couple of minutes with a first aid kit.

"Do you think that I will reassign you to the frontlines, if you become enough of a problem, quineg?"

"Neg, Star Colonel."

"Did you miss my orders not to inflame the situation, quiaff?"

"Neg, Star Colonel."

Eleni slammed the datapad she was holding down on the table. "Then account for yourself, Point Commander!"

"Myself and two of my warriors went out for a drink. Meeting local civilians on a social basis is encouraged in the guidelines issued for garrisons."

"I am aware," the Star Colonel confirmed with forced calm.

"There was, as I later determined, some form of misunderstanding as to our identity. It appears that our uniforms resemble the customary garb of a criminal group. Warrior Ernest attempted to defuse the situation, and appears to have inadvertently provoked anger. The bondswoman I have taken assaulted him and we defended ourselves."

Eleni Riaz rubbed her temples. "The security footage from the bar confirms this, fortunately. Something that has averted an immediate conflict with local law enforcement. Nonetheless, your experience raises two concerns."

Oskar frowned. "I still do not understand the provocation Ernest caused," he confessed. "How many similar misunderstandings will we cause?"

"That is one. For the record, Spheroid populations appear to place more social weight on sexual propositions than we do. Similar incidents are on record between Cloud Cobra and Tanite populations before the Absorption War. By the time Clan Star Adder took over the Tanite worlds, the differences were at least understood and we appear to have overlooked the extent of this."

"I see."

"Secondly, these people's major contact with groups outside the Lyran Commonwealth are periphery bandits." The Star Colonel paused. "Bandits who among other things carry out slave raids on populated worlds. Do you -"

Oskar slapped his face. "They will think that by taking her as a bondswoman that I am behaving as a bandit!"

"...worse." She glared at him. "They will assume that of all of us. Removing the warriors we have captured is one thing. Picking out civilians is another."

"I offer surkai." He bowed his head. "How may I make this right?"

"We need to reframe this." The Star Colonel pushed her chair back. "I am due to make a transmission today, introducing us formally to those we rule. Since we cannot change what has happened, we can only affect what they learn of it. That means that you and your bondswoman have been promoted to a leading role. I hope for your sake that she is still presentable."

Oskar coughed. "More presentable than two of my warriors. She went for their faces."

"At least yours is unmarked. Bring her in."

Obediently, Oskar exited the office. Bondswoman Helen was still on one of the waiting room couches. Having sat on one of them earlier, Oskar was sure that many of the more aggressive Clans would deem them almost criminally comfortable. Of course, most of their warriors wouldn't live long enough to learn that there was no particular virtue in being uncomfortable when you did not have to be.

"Are you asleep, Helen?"

"Very nearly," she answered in a surly tone. "For some reason I didn't get much sleep."

Oskar reached down and tapped her on the underside of her chin with one finger. "Do not contract your words, it is disrespectful."

"Why should I respect you?"

"It is always wise to respect an adversary," he counselled her. She was older than he had thought at first, perhaps due to an easy life or perhaps good genes. The combinations that led to that were not particularly prized in the breeding programme for most of the Star Adder's history, a preference for warriors that burned bright and fast having crept in. It would take generations to repair that miscalculation... and perhaps fresh blood would help. "I have no illusions that you like me, bondswoman. But you have much to gain if you can overcome the challenges I set you. I and the Star Colonel, that is. Come with me."

Giving her credit, the young woman came easily to her feet and followed him into the office with no further backchat - she even came to something approaching attention as the Star Colonel looked her over. Interesting.

Eleni had her datapad in her hand. "You are Helen... Candidy, quiaff?" she began, visibly forcing herself to use the second name.

Helen frowned. "Yes."

"A grocer, quiaff?"


"For reference," Oskar advised in a low voice, "Aff is the customary response."

Eleni waved her hand. "She can learn to speak like a Clanswoman later, Oskar. Or so I hope. Where did you have military training, Helencandidy?" Merging the two names seemed easier for her.

The Lost native hesitated, then: "I served in the militia for a few years."

"Excellent." Eleni leant forwards. "Has the position of bondswoman been explained to you?"

"In some terms," she admitted cautiously. "How accurate my understanding is, I don't... do not know."

"Hmm." The Star Colonel examined her. "For those who face defeat at the hands of our Clan, there are three fates. Firstly, one may die. Unfortunate and sometimes wasteful, but battle is a strenuous test and for those who fail, the consequences are generally dire."

"Yeah. I guess a lot of my militia buddies got that."

"A warrior's death for warriors. Their defense will be honoured."

"Oh I'm sure that'll make everything alright."

Oskar frowned and stepped forwards to take Helen by her shoulder. "None of us are claiming that. They faced the same chances all of us take on the battlefield."

"A battlefield that happened to be a city? Do you know how many civilians died when you dropped 'Mechs on the city. I saw people trampled trying to get away."

Eleni Riaz turned her datapad around. It showed Helen Candidy on a street in the city, tending to a fallen woman. "A situation not unique to our arrival on this planet, I gather. This was in your police file."

Helen gulped, face paling.

"As I understand your laws, you could face time in prison for assaulting my personnel," Riaz informed her, almost cheerfully. "However, I am inclined to write that off as a mere cultural misunderstanding. Fortunately, no one on either side of that little fracas was too badly injured. Our medical staff assure me that everyone will make a quick and complete recovery."

The woman's shoulders slumped. "But? Don't tell me that there isn't a catch. Is not a catch." She paused. "Quiaff?"

"Aff," Eleni said cheerfully. "There are two other fates for those we defeat. Firstly, we conclude they are unworthy and release them. For a warrior, this would be considered shameful. Our culture encourages us to be useful, to contribute. To be told that you are unfit or unwanted is a disgrace. Some even end their own lives."

Although bondsref was more often used to avoid becoming a bondsman of an enemy one deemed unworthy, Oskar thought. He could recall some examples of that as well.

"And finally there are those we take as bondsmen, or in your case, bondswoman. Those we believe have potential to rise from their defeat and become stronger. Who may one day stand alongside us as equals." Eleni rose from her desk and walked around it to face the bondswoman. "In our lights, Oskar is complimenting you by taking you as a bondswoman."

"That isn't exactly how I see it."

"That is a shame." The Clanswoman shrugged. "As his commander, I can override his decision if I see fit. I would be disagreeing with his evaluation of you and, at best, declaring that you are too much trouble to educate. It would be... contemptuous."

"I could live with your contempt."

"Do you really wish us to treat your people with contempt?" asked Riaz, sounding sincerely curious. "Your world has been conquered, yes. But I have no wish to oppress you. Just looking out of this window I can see a world that has fallen far from the prosperity it once knew under the Star League. We have returned to rebuild that and, fortunately or unfortunately, that means removing the rule of the Successor Lords."

Helen snorted. "Yeah, good luck. This is just one world, a long way from the centre of power. It might take the FedCom a while to get forces out here, but they'll be coming at you with a lot more than some second-rate mercenaries."

Oskar cleared his throat and gave Eleni a meaningful look, to which the Star Colonel nodded. "Lost is one world, aff," he confirmed calmly. "But it is not the only world that we have taken possession of, Helen. In the last week, dozens of worlds have fallen to the Clans and we are only beginning our campaign. The forces of the Federated Commonwealth will not have to come to us, we are going to go to them."

She shook her head. "And you think you can win?"

"As ever, battle will decide that." Riaz stepped back in. "Nonetheless, the fact is that Lost is now part of the Star Adder Dominion. It is certainly within our power to rule over you, to treat the people of this world as a conquered people... but that would be wasteful. I, and the other members of our ruling body, would prefer to rule with yours. To establish councils in the manner of our Clan, men and women elected by your people to govern them and to represent them to Clan Star Adder, not as outsiders but as new members of our Clan. To learn from our ways, which I admit we largely consider superior, but also to bring new perspectives and ideas... because we know that we can still become better."

"We fought," Oskar offered, "Because we did not understand each other. I would rather that such fights not repeat. If nothing else, it makes it hard to get a drink."

That brought the beginnings of a smile to Helen's face. "Oh, a practical concern."

Oskar shrugged. "Big things are made of small things."

"So what do you want of me? To accept becoming his bondswoman? And what does that even involve?"

Eleni leant against the window frame. "We must build bridges between our peoples. I believe that Oskar is right, that you could be one of those bridges. However, that will only work if you are willing. So if you wish, I will dismiss the bond. You will released, taken home and we will say nothing more of the matter."

She paused and when Helen opened her mouth, she raised her hand. "Or, you may join myself and Oskar as I introduce our Clan and some of our ways to the people of Lost. I understand that your current employment is of low status, but if you complete your bond, you can potentially earn a high place among us."

"As a price for selling them out."

"Betraying your people will earn you nothing but our contempt. Show us instead their - and your - virtues. That we will respect."

The local woman stared at her and then shook her head. "I have no idea why you think I would -"

Oskar interrupted her before she could say anything that might be offensive. "Helen, ask yourself this: how many times have you looked at this world, today or last week, and bemoaned the way that it is?"

She said nothing, but her face answered the question.

"We are offering you the chance - just the chance - to have a hand in shaping your world and many more besides. It would take extraordinary success for you to have the same influence as Star Colonel Riaz, who is part of the Clan Council, but you could at least equal my own status, and very possibly exceed that."

Helen's gaze flicked to Riaz who nodded. "It is very rare, but not unheard of, to award a new bloodhouse. However, besides his rank, Oskar has attracted the patronage of Bloodhouse Moreau -"

Oskar stiffened. Had he now? That was news!

"And we are a meritocracy at heart. If you have the skill and will, you can attain rank and attract such interest, which comes with the opportunity to advise the Clan Council. Even if all you do is qualify as a Warrior, you will have a vote and a say in the Warrior Councils, you might even be elected to them. We can teach you the skill, the question is: do you have the will?"

There was a long pause. "And I would do... what?"

"You would be sent to one of our worlds for training. Given your prior experience, it would take months, perhaps a year. Then you would need to pass a test of position, as all of our warriors do."

"And I'd have to be a warrior?"

"Warriors risk their lives for their Clan," Oskar told her. "For that reason, we are accorded the highest status among the Clans. If your training and bent is for another Caste, you would be trained for that, but I believe you have the heart of a warrior."

She nodded. "And I don't have to... sleep with you?"

"What?" He frowned. "What would that have to do with anything? Besides, I will be here on Lost. It would be difficult to share sleeping quarters when we are light years apart."

Helen stared at him and then sighed. "I mean sex."

"That sounds like a terrible basis for decision making," he said frankly.

For some reason she found that intensely amusing and had to lean against the window frame, mirroring the Star Colonel.

"Is that agreement?" asked Riaz when the spheroid woman had stopped laughing to wipe her face.

"I think I’ll regret this," she said, "But I guess you're making me an offer I really can't - cannot refuse."


Maroo, Gillfillan's Gold
Rim Collection
7 April 3050

If this was a trap, then Roderick rated his chances of escaping as perhaps ten percent, if that. The Rim Collection had very few professional soldiers, outside of Major Able's battalion, but the security around this mansion was considerable and with six worlds contributing, even a relatively small military could bring a lot of people to bear.

The guard dogs were perhaps excessive. Roderick was not among those of the warrior caste who kept a pet. He wouldn't feel bad if he had to kill a dog to escape, but he wasn't particularly sure what the right approach would be.

There were two guards flanking the door ahead of him. They came to attention, wearing some kind of formal uniform not combat gear, as Roderick approached. Their weapons looked entirely functional though. Needlers, he noted. His uniform pants and jacket would resist but not necessarily stop shots from them. If they hit his head... well, it would be quick at least.

Jerry Able, commander of Able's Aces - the mercenaries who were also effectively the 'Mech element of the Rim Collections Militia - quickened his pace and extended his identity card. To Roderick's approval, the guards didn't take Able's identity for granted. One stepped forwards and checked the card, making sure not to block his comrade's line of fire while he did so.

Apparently satisfied, the guard returned to the door and knocked on it with his knuckles. "Major Able and guest," he reported when the door opened a crack.

The door swung open and a suited man - not someone Roderick had seen in his briefings - looked them over and then stepped aside before ushering them in.

It was a comfortable room, well-furnished but with care taken to also keep it functional. The man at the door exited behind them. An aide or secretary perhaps? Roderick might need to find out, but for now it was the other two men waiting inside that mattered.

"So... Khan Irons, is that the right title?"

Roderick drew himself up. "It is, President Moroney. And this would be Planetary Councilman Roberts?" He refrained from adding quiaff as they wouldn't know what he meant.

James Moroney didn't act like a scientist. He was a professional educator, which had informed Roderick's expectations. He'd watched the man's speeches well before the invasion was confirmed, but he realised he'd assumed that the dynamism was only seen in those.

"Shall we begin with whatever ultimatum you are here to deliver?" the president proposed calmly, not rising from behind his desk. There were other chairs but none facing the desk. Neither Roberts or Able moved for them.

That certainly wasn't as expected. "I am not here to offer an ultimatum, Mr President."

"Then what brings you here?"

Roderick smiled slightly. He liked the directness. "I am here to correct some misconceptions and put our relations on a more honest basis."

"You mean the fact that your people, this Black Buck Company, have lied to us for decades."

Roderick smiled toothily. "I could ask you now what we have told you that it was false but you refer to lies of omission, q... do you not?" His tongue had slipped.

"We had merchants on Langhorne when Black Buck dropships disgorged an invasion force," Roberts pointed out sharply.

"Were your merchants harmed? I assume since they have reported to you that they were allowed to leave."

Moroney raised his hand before Roberts could reply. "The point being made, Khan, is that we are concerned of the same happening on Caldarium." Or here, he implicitly added. Gillfillan's Gold was more than a hundred light years rimwards of Black Buck's trade network - the planet's own handful of trading ships had played a key role in bringing the small state together over the last decade and the two fleets had worked out a loose agreement only to overlap at Caldarium, the most coreward world in the Rim Collection. Each had their own sphere of influence and they could trade with each other.

Of course, that was when they were perceived as functional equals.

"Not under our current leadership," Roderick replied in a reasonable tone.

"And if your leadership changes?" shot back Roberts immediately.

"I can assure you that our leadership will change eventually, as will yours. None of us live forever, after all. Whether that will lead to a change in policies towards the Rim Collection..." He shrugged. "It is impossible for me to predict with certainty."

Able folded his arms. "Where are you coming from?" he asked. "I mean, in terms of why you are willing to assure us you don't plan to invade us when you're clearly doing that to the Lyrans... although where you actually come from is just as fair a question."

"That is a fair question." And not an unexpected one, Roderick noted. "We are here to end the Succession Wars. That involves removing the Successor States and governing the Inner Sphere, which is rather a large task and likely to keep us busy for quite a long time."

"You're fond of understatement, I see." Moroney's voice was dry as a desert.

"The Successor States are old and ossified, nothing less than force will change their path at this time. Even the Federated Commonwealth is little more than a family connection at their highest levels. We have visited many of their systems over the last few decades and found no real change as a result of that alliance."

"The Inner Sphere has been at peace for around ten years now." Able gave him a challenging look. "That's the longest time that's been the case since, something like the 2860s if I recall correctly."

"Are you familiar with the world of Aubisson?" asked Roderick. "I have never been there personally."

"One of the worlds the Commonwealth took off the Combine twenty years ago."

"Correct, Major. According to ComStar's news broadcasts, which seem broadly accurate at least, the world is currently being fought over by the DCMS and AFFC. Peace, in the Inner Sphere, is a relative term."

Of course, Trials of Possession would take place even in the event that the ilKhan's plans worked. A reborn Star League would hardly be without conflict. But those Trials would be regulated and restrained, compared to the warfare of the Succession Wars.

Probably, a little voice murmured inside the Khan's head. He ignored it.

"And you don't see yourself as trying to change us as well?"

"We will change you, one way or another. We will be a new, large and wealthy neighbour. Even if you sever all ties to the rest of the galaxy to try to avoid us, that will itself be a change." Roderick looked the President in the eye. "The fact that you are facing me as president of a united nation, not one of six disparate worlds, shows that change need not be for the worse."

Roberts harrumphed. "What place do we have in this new order you proclaim then? We still remember the Pollux Proclamation. High ideals, with naked steele beneath."

The Khan turned towards him. "We will face the Lyrans and the other Successor States for years, perhaps even generations. In war and also in what passes for peace. It would be helpful to have a neutral party, a state neighbouring both of us that can act as an intermediary at times when it is... difficult for us to interact directly."

"Most people use ComStar for that."

"I said neutral."

All three of the spheroids... they would probably be offended if he called them that. All three Rim Collection representatives frowned at that. "That's an unusual position to take," Moroney said diplomatically.

"I do not intend to entrust our interstellar communications to an outside group," explained Roderick patiently. "Their representatives do not seem to appreciate it when we take over their HPGs."

"How will you operate them? Much less maintain them?"

"The same way that we do our own, Councilman." He saw that sink in and nodded in confirmation. Yes, we have our own HPGs. We do not need ComStar.

"You are the Khan of Clan Star Adder," observed Moroney, changing the subject. "That implies other Clans. Do you speak for them as well."

"I am a Khan of the Star Adders. One of two," he clarified.

"Something like the Consuls of Rome?" the president asked.

"I would have to know more of their history to be sure of that." Rome had had emperors, had they not? He would have to check that. What was a consul? "And no, I cannot speak on behalf of other Clans."

"Then can we expect them to be so restrained?" asked Roberts. "It's all very well for you to say that you won't invade us, but if another Clan turns up tomorrow..."

"That is unlikely, but not impossible," Roderick admitted. "However, in that case... I will need to give you some background. To answer the Major's earlier question, our homeworlds are located quite some distance away. During roughly the same time period as the First Succession Wars, there were savage wars between factions on our initial colony worlds. The Clans were formed to end them, eventually bringing the other factions down because we settled our conflicts in a regulated fashion, which proved less wasteful and thus we were more efficient."

"I see," Major Able said slowly. "But how does this apply to us?"

"As a neutral political group, positioned between Clan Star Adder and the Federated Commonwealth, naturally we will compete for influence within your nation, each wishing to have your favour. At least, that is my understanding."

Roberts seemed dubious but Moroney nodded cautiously.

"It's much how Hendrik Grimm prospered so long," Able explained to the Councilman. "The Lyrans and Draconians could have easily crushed him, but neither was willing to let the other do so, leaving them buying him off to stop him willingly siding with the others."

"Indeed. We would categorize that as a Trial of Possession. While such trials may be decided by military force, it is equally valid for there to be other terms: in this case, our merchants will be completing with the Lyrans to win you over through trade and diplomacy." It was Virgilia's idea, but Roderick had been won over to it after reading Black Buck’s intelligence reports about the same Hendrik Grimm that Major Able had mentioned. "And it would be terribly bad form for another Clan to interfere when we are engaged in a Trial of Possession. We would be entirely justified in fighting them off for you - even in working together with the Lyrans to do so if it came to that."

"Just like that? But surely there's some limit?"

"Myself and my fellow Khan think that a potential back-channel to the Lyrans, and not having to divert forces from facing them to occupy your worlds, is well worth keeping the Trial going indefinitely. If we die or are removed from power then you'd have to deal with our successors."

"So what you're saying is," the Councilman decided after a moment's thought, "Is that you want us to extort bribes from you to remain neutral. Does that seem backwards to anyone?"

"That's politics for you," Moroney sighed with what sounded like acceptance to Roderick. Of the principle of their bargain, at least. There would be many details to establish.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #65 on: 04 May 2020, 09:17:58 »
Mount Asgard, Tharkad
Donegal March, Lyran Commonwealth
9 April 3050

In hindsight, the lack of information had been a kindness, Melissa now realised. Then there had been the hope that the next news would be good.

While the hallways of Mount Asgard were no tighter and scarcely less well decorated than the royal palace of the Triad, they seemed much gloomier at the best of times, buried under kilometers of granite as they were. And these were not the best of times.

For this high level briefing, she and Hanse faced Nondi Steiner and Morgan Hasek-Davion across the table. Justin Allard-Liao took the speaker's spot, his Ministry having taken point on assembling all the available data. Normally more junior staffers would handle that, but they could speak frankly between themselves without having to worry about giving some poor junior analyst a heart attack if he had to speak to them. Mid-level and lower briefings would also have to be... adjusted to hide sources.

There was no knowing what intelligence assets, if any, the invaders had but there would be definite interest by ComStar in how the Federated Commonwealth was getting information off occupied worlds. The rulers of Terra and operators of HPGs - officially the only means of interstellar communication other than impossibly costly numbers of courier jumpships - had been in a state of undeclared war against House Steiner-Davion since the day of their alliance.

Melissa remembered those days vividly, her first meeting with Hanse at a confidential conference hosted at Hilton Head on Terra. Their marriage had been no more than a tentative clause in the Federated Commonwealth Accords, but even then the polite words of their host had rung false.

Primus Julian Tiepolo had lived only another seven years, long enough to see the wedding take place, once again at Hilton Head. Not long enough to see the Fourth Succession War that had been declared at the wedding reception end. His successor, Myndo Waterly, had ordered an Interdiction on trumped up charges, the most open move in the shadow war that had been fought ever since between their intelligence assets and those of ComStar.

"The reports from our agents are so far indicating that the invaders are unaware of our Black Box network," Justin reported. "Keeping them separate from military bases has paid off, because we've only lost one station so far and their last message indicated they were going to have to destroy their equipment and go to ground."

"As good as that is to know, Justin, I'm more curious about what they can tell us about the invaders." Melissa happened to know that Morgan had been working eighteen hour days with the strategic planning teams and was at the tail end of one of those long days now, but his uniform was pristine and eyes clear.

The spymaster adjusted his notes. "Let us begin by disappointing some of my younger analysts: they aren't aliens. We're dealing with a human invasion, not something out of science fiction."

"Is it the Combine?" demanded Nondi.

"I can't absolutely rule that out, but it seems increasingly unlikely." Justin touched a control and a map lit up, marking out icons. "We have a tentative count on the units so far and if the Combine had as many 'Mechs - mostly of unknown but very advanced types - and other military equipment then they wouldn't need to nibble away at the outer borders. They could strike directly for Skye and Robinson, with a very good chance of taking both worlds."

"It could be a test."

"It could be, even on this grand scale," he agreed. "But it would give the capability away. Despite our losses and the effect on our deployments, how much worse would it be if they had hit that many worlds along our mutual border?"

"They could have blasted a hole a hundred light years wide in our defenses," agreed Hanse. "As it is, we know that this force exists now and we're preparing to counter them when it's in, excuse me, peripheral regions. If Theodore had that sort of advantage, he'd want to crush the Terran corridor and as many of our forces as he could before we can match him. Right now, he'd be wildly out of position."

Melissa's aunt nodded slowly. "I suppose so, yes."

"We're also not quite sure that it's a single force," added Justin. "In fact, reports suggest the opposite."

Melissa leant forwards. "Expand on that, please Justin. At some point we’ll almost certainly have to engage with them politically."

"Of course," he agreed smoothly and almost didn't look at Hanse at all. "Our initial differentiation between the units was based on their liveries. We've encountered three distinct colour palettes so far: the original grey-painted 'Mechs encountered in the Periphery which had some sort of canine unit badges, then the two groups currently invading: one in green with a bird icon and the other in black with a snake marking. We know that the first group is currently invading the Free Rasalhague Republic, although we have less data from those worlds so far, and there may be a fourth group also striking at Rasalhague, with light blue heraldry - but this could be a mistaken report of the grey-painted war machines."

Morgan brushed his long hair back from his shoulders. "You're sure that they aren't just unit markings, the way our own different brigades use common markings?"

"At first we weren't sure but the invaders haven't been shy about announcing their identity to the people they've conquered." Justin made a face. "There's no real context for this, but they identify themselves respectively as Clan Jade Falcon and Clan Star Adder. The latter have either captured the Black Buck trading company's shipping or were always behind them, because their dropships were used to get a strike force inside the air defenses at Langhorne."

"Dammit," Hanse hammered his hand down on the table. "That sort of trojan horse move can only mean they've been watching us for years."

"No one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man's and yet as mortal as his own;" Melissa quoted drily, and rested one restraining hand upon her husband. "It's not a new concept."

"I can't place the reference," Morgan admitted.

It was her aunt who answered: "H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds. He was an advocate of wargaming back when it was still a comparatively new military approach, but was better known as a science fiction writer. I gave Melissa a collection of his works when she was fourteen. I see I'm not the only one that it struck a chord with."

"Greater intelligence, at least in the military sense. Advanced technology." Morgan took a deep breath. "But division between them... we might be able to work with that."

"I imagine we'll find that the grey group have some similar name for themselves, Clan Space Wolf or something like that. The most likely explanation - although it's far too early to be sure -  is that we're dealing with some kind of alliance or federation, groups that may have a common foundation - since they use the same technology and broadly similar organisations - but at the same time, that are operating within distinct areas, rather than cooperating closely."

"The obvious question is whether there's some connection to Kerensky and the SLDF," Melissa enquired.

"I was very much inclined to doubt it," Justin observed, "They don't operate according to SLDF doctrine and their units are more like the Marian Hegemony's than anything the SLDF used."

"Units of five and ten, rather than four and twelve," Morgan explained quickly when Melissa arched her eyebrows. The Marians were more than pirates - if barely - but they were on the far side of the Free Worlds League, far away from the Federated Commonwealth.

"But you now think that they are connected?"

"I wouldn't go so far as to say that they're directly descended from them, but the Skye Rangers managed to get one point of data that makes a link of some kind more likely than not." Justin replaced the map display with a hologram of a spacecraft. "This was taken at long range and we've had to refine it a lot, but what you're looking at is a Black Lion-class warship."

Melissa blinked. "The Hegemony or the Star League class?"

Justin gave her a respectful nod. "The latter, Archon."

"You lost me," Hanse admitted honestly. "If by warship you mean something like the ships Galax is working on..."

She nodded. "I'm hardly a naval expert, but the Terran Hegemony built two distinct classes of ships designated as Black Lions, in both cases they were battlecruisers. The first were built by James McKenna - and like a lot of older ships they sometimes fell into the hands of other states. But the newer class was a Star League design and they never formally shared them with the member-states. There are a few wrecks in places - the Tripitz incident in the last century saw a wreck dating back to the Periphery Uprising destroyed when the Taurians and someone else fought over it - but every known surviving ship left with the Exodus."

"Succinctly put," Justin confirmed. "It's possible that the Jade Falcons salvaged the ship somewhere, but it at least means they had some indirect contact with the SLDF in the periphery. The ship could be a leftover from something lost before the Exodus, but the odds favour it being one that left with Kerensky."

"It's something to follow up on," Hanse noted. "But we need to know more before we can use it."

"What else do we know?"

"At the moment we're still trying to get data on their equipment and organisation," Justin admitted.

"You're doing amazingly well to get this much data so soon," Melissa assured him.

"The one thing that's of immediate significance is that the Star Adders appear to be rotating their frontline combat units off the worlds they've hit, replacing them with infantry heavy units."

Everyone else sat at the table exchanged looks. Melissa sighed inwardly. "I take it that we should expect another wave of attacks then?"

"Yes. It's a similar schedule to that which we saw in the Fourth Succession War. Although they may not be alternating waves of assault troops. We tried that in 3039 and the after action reports showed it wasn't a good idea," Morgan admitted.

"The issues we faced won't kick in until they've been fighting for months more, which means more worlds falling," Nondi added. "We're not going to stop another wave of attacks, not with most worlds in the area only defended by militia. The Tenth and Eleventh Lyran Guards won't get there in time to change that."

"With your permission," Morgan barely glanced at the royals before returning his attention to Justin. "We need to significantly redeploy. Where can we pull forces from?"

"As far as we can tell, neither the Free Worlds League nor the Capellan Confederation is directly affected," Justin said judiciously. "Thomas Marik is probably rational enough to realise it's in his interests to let us bear the brunt of the invasion rather than get his regiments torn up stabbing us in the back, but I can't say the same for my sister-in-law."

No surprises there, Melissa thought. "And the Combine?"

"They're responding to something." Justin tapped the podium with his metal hand in unconscious frustration. "I just don't know what. Their troop movements definitely show that they're planning something big - whether it's to respond to another Clan or Clans hitting them..."

"Or to take advantage."

Hanse nodded at Nondi's conclusion. "If it was Takashi Kurita I would know it was the latter. Theodore, I think would at least wait until we were chewed up before he moved. He's more aggressive than Thomas Marik but he knows to pick his moments. The question is which of them is making the decisions."

"And if they are being attacked?" asked Melissa. "What would that mean for their decision making?"

"Theodore would focus on them and if Takashi got in his way, he'd remove him." Her husband didn't hesitate. "He wouldn't do it lightly, but if he has to choose between his father and his realm, he'll pick the latter. We saw that with how he worked around the Coordinator in the ‘Thirties."

"So it's not clear if we can move anything off the other borders," Morgan observed. "But if we have to gamble..."

"Mercenaries?" asked Melissa.

"We're hiring everyone we can," Nondi told her. "But there aren't many major units not under contract already and most of those are hesitant to take a contract that could see them thrown directly against an enemy that's chewed through entire RCTs like a woodchipper."

"The Wolf Dragoons might be open," Hanse noted. "Jaime Wolf cancelled his contract with the Free Worlds League last month and the regiments stationed there are on their way back to Outreach. That almost has to be related to the Clans, but we haven't heard from him."

"Send him a direct message," Melissa suggested. "If necessary, you could offer to visit him directly on Outreach. It only makes sense to move some of the court to New Avalon under the circumstances."

"If a personal visit is needed, you might be a better choice."

She took a long moment to consider her words. "Hanse, I love you, but I am not leaving Tharkad. We can argue about this later if you feel the need, but I'm the Archon. Leaving the capital during wartime would be indefensible."

He held his hands up defensively. "I had to try."

"We'll talk about this later," she promised. Family quarrels would be better kept private. "Can we at least bring units together into response forces? If the Combine is under attack we can send them to face the Clans, or if they are taking advantage then they'll be prepared for a counterattack. Any attack from the Combine has to be crushed immediately, making it clear we can't be trifled with or the Marik and Liao borders will explode."

Morgan looked at Justin. "Can you show me our deployments?"

Without a word Justin brought up a hologram of the entire Federated Commonwealth, troop deployments overlaying a moment later. The map of the realm reminded Melissa slightly of an hour-glass: Tharkad marking the centre of the upper bulb, New Avalon in the corresponding spot of the lower. The Draconis Combine made up the bulk of the space to the right, with the rest occupied by the comparative sliver of Rasalhague. On the left, the Free Worlds League covered most of their border with the rest facing the shrunken Capellan Confederation and St Ives. The Terran Corridor linking the two halves of the Commonwealth was still tiny in comparison.

"I hate to show weakness, but the fighting on Aubuisson is a distraction," the Commander of the AFFC said grudgingly. "We can pull the Twentieth Arcturan Guards back from there, and send the Nineteenth Guards to join them. It'll take months for them to get there, but the Taurian border really isn't a priority right now."

"We can also create a reserve task force in the Terran Corridor by pulling the Tenth Deneb Light Cavalry and Third Lyran Regulars from the Draconis March, then the Eleventh Donegal Guards and Fifteenth Deneb Light Cavalry from the Capellan March," proposed Hanse. "It thins our defenses but not severely. If we can free up nearer forces, then we can move them into the Terran Corridor to replace units being shipped out, or to reinforce those worlds if the Combine does move. Whatever happens, we can’t lose the Corridor."

Morgan nodded and then reached into the hologram and tapped icons. "We'll alert these units to prepare for movement, and preposition dropships and jumpships to carry them," he decided. "It'll take time to get them into position but if the Combine is facing the Clans, then we can afford to remove them and we might be able to commandeer civilian shipping to make up time throwing them forwards."

Melissa looked at the units, Justin having highlighted them as Morgan indicated them. They were a grab-bag of units. Two Deneb Light Cavalry RCTs, one of the Davion Guards, one of the Lyran Guards, two each from the Federated Commonwealth Corps and the Crucis Lancers.

It was a formidable force, even stronger than the invasion force that had finally taken Tikonov in 3028 after literal centuries of failure.

Against these Clans? Melissa just didn't know. And when she looked around the table, she saw that question unanswered behind the facade of confidence leadership demanded of them.

And that frightened her, as nothing had since her near capture on Styx a lifetime ago.


CSADS Courage
Deep Periphery
19 April 3050

Helen's brief exposure to Kinnison had convinced her that it was a hole.

The thumbnail history she'd been given showed the foundation of that: a former RWR world that had dropped out of interstellar contact as the Succession Wars exploded to life, then subjugated by pirates as a stronghold, enslaving the remaining populace and bringing in additional slaves to offset the... wastage.

In contrast to that, the Star Adders probably seemed like guardian angels.

The area around the drop-port was a domed industrial city, not domed because of the lapsed terraforming but because it protected the populace from the rampant pollution caused by the industries. It was blatantly obvious, from the expanding factories and establishment of new domes, that the Star Adders didn't have the slightest intention of resuming the terraforming. Inside the city, well, she hadn't had a good look. But the thought of living the rest of your life under a fragile dome that was the only thing keeping the air itself from killing you.

Helen shuddered and then forced a grin at her reflection. In the dropship, that was pretty much her condition, but at least it would reach somewhere eventually.

"Are you coming?"

She looked up and saw Henry Clay waiting at the door of the compartment. "What?"

"Compulsory briefing," he said as if reminding her.

"Ah." She hadn't got a message, so it probably wasn't actually compulsory to her, but she had to room with Clay and his family. Letting them know she wasn't being taken to the Star Adder colony (which she now knew was called Sinclair) just because she'd once been part of the militia didn't seem wise. They weren’t from Lost so they likely hadn’t seen the excruciating interview she’d gone through for the planetary news.

"How's your father?" Helen asked as she followed him to the stairwell, pulling herself from handhold to handhold in zero gravity. The Star Adders apparently didn't consider providing centrifugal gravity terribly important while waiting for jumpships - unlike the trip to Kinnison, this ship hadn't been put out to spin around the jumpship until it was time to dock for the next jump.

Henry sighed. "Still not talking to me."

She patted the boy on the shoulder. He was only seventeen, too young to be the man of the family but apparently his family was traditional that way. "He may feel differently when he's walking again."

"I hope so."

There weren't any visible guards on the hatch they went through but it only opened after they swiped cards and someone in security checked them through a remote camera. The crew hadn't said what would happen if someone tried a hijacking, but it was entirely possible they'd just evacuate to the jumpship and leave the Courage here in an uninhabited system for everyone aboard to starve.

Two decks up - for all it mattered without gravity - other young men and women were filing into the briefing room. It wasn't just for that purpose, Helen noted. One bulkhead had some rather barebones bunks folded against it so it probably doubled as accommodation for the Star Adders overseeing the draft of bondsmen. She was glad no one had asked why her bondcord had two of the three strands severed compared to one or none among the others and she'd wound them together to hide that fact.

Two women wearing camouflage jumpsuits were facing more than twenty bondsmen, but it clearly didn't cross their minds to worry about the disparity in numbers. Then again, Helen didn't think that any two bondsmen combined were the size of even the smaller of the pair who was on the far side of two metres tall and looked like she would benchpress a car. Elementals, she knew now, bred through generations to be elite infantry even before they donned battle armour.

Given what the diminutive Oskar and Ernest had done, along with Sam, Helen wasn't sure that the pair of them might not be equal to everyone else here if it came to a fight.

The taller wore a point-commander's badge on her collar and scanned the room, obviously doing a headcount. "We are one up," she noted.

"One down is what would matter, quiaff?" the other Elemental noted in a bored voice.

That got a sharp look and a grudging "Aff," from the Point Commander. She might outrank her companion but apparently the hierarchy wasn't so strong as to leave her unquestionably in charge. Which was odd, from Helen's recollection. Perhaps the LCAF traditions passed down to the planetary militia were simply different from those of the Adders, as so many of their other customs are.

"Since all of you volunteered, for a given value of the word, to enter warrior training, what we are about to tell you is probably a waste of your time and ours. But the Clan Council proposes and we dispose."

"What are you going to tell us?" asked Helen bluntly. Her interactions with the Star Adders suggested that most of them - the warriors at least - appreciated directness.

The smaller warrior smirked in her direction and then muttered something about "Tomorrow's roster," to her superior.

"Sucker bet," the Point Commander said in a dismissive aside before addressing the bondsmen again. "Our people have a custom we call bondsref. I do not know what you people call it, but since you are to join our people, you need to know about it."

"Like most of our briefings, there will be a long test afterwards." The unranked warrior had a wicked smile on her face. "Or a short test, depending. It is called 'the rest of your lives'."

"Are you actively campaigning for a drill instructor's position, Lydia?" enquired her superior, apparently a dire threat from the way the woman grimaced at the thought.

"Some of your fellow bondsmen have followed this custom," the Point Commander continued seriously. "Particularly among those wounded when we took these worlds."

Helen tried not to look at Henry. Andrew Clay had lost both legs when his tank was destroyed, defending Issaba - a world just one jump away from Lost. Henry had volunteered when he was told it would get his father preferential medical treatment. Thus his family had been packed up en masse for a new life among the Star Adders.

"What is bondsref?" the boy asked.

The Point Commander leant back against the wall and looked at the group levelly. "Sometimes, a captured warrior chooses not to become a bondsman. It is technically within their rights to do so. Opinions vary on how honourable it is. Among Clan Star Adder it is deemed an admission that one is unfit to contribute to the future of our Clan, or of whatever Clan has captured one of our warriors."

"But what is -"

Helen's mind flashed back to the office where her options had been presented to her. "You're talking about suicide," she realised.

Lydia snapped her finger. "That is the word, yes." She shook her head. "Defeat can be difficult. As warriors we face it a thousand times in training, so that when a true trial comes, we can uphold the honour of our Clan."

"And more importantly, the interests of our Clan," her superior interjected. "If we lose a battle, then resources our people need - or perhaps our people themselves - may be lost. To be defeated when the stakes are real is a tremendous shame. In some cultures, it is held that the warrior is responsible for the suffering and that death is restitution. As bondsref is permitted under law, some groups even within our Clan consider it acceptable as a last resort."

"We aren't samurai," a man near the front of the bondsmen said in disgust. "We won't slit our bellies because we lost to a sneak attack."

"Good." Then the Point Commander stepped forwards and slapped him lightly across the cheek - although still hard enough that he drifted off the floor, left flailing in the air. "But slovenly speech. Try to speak like a civilised human being. You have been allowed to come because you are believed to have the potential."

"Do not think that Menolly is being harsh," Lydia told the man. "If you speak like that when your true training begins, you will be punished far more harshly. The warriors of a Clan do not fight for the Clan, they must also represent the Clan. Slovenly speech leads to lax habits."

Menolly steadied her victim, reeling him back in until he could get his foot into one of the discreet straps on the floor that were fitted for this purpose. Then she stepped back. "We are strict," she admitted. "But we do so because we expect more from you. Whether you are aware of it or not, the soldiers we have captured in the Inner Sphere, along with those who have been chosen for various reasons to join you as bondsmen have been sorted very carefully."

"Most of you have come with family members, who will be making new homes among our civilian castes. For those bondsmen who cooperate, that is the life they can look forward to. It will be different from what they are used to, but habits and customs they bring with them will either prove useful and survive or useless and fade away. Others, who will make trouble out of proportion to their value will be assigned less pleasant tasks." Lydia slapped her hands against each other. "Those who will not cooperate at all... well, those who do not work do not eat. And starving oneself to death is a form of bondsref."

"The point we are making is that Clan Star Adder does not want any bondsman to end their lives. We believe you have value, and that all of you are potentially very useful. Being useful to the Clan is rewarded in proportion, though the nature of those rewards can vary." Menolly reached the wall again. "But if any of you, or any of your families truly prefers the alternative? Then request bondsref now. Before we waste time, effort and other resources on you."

Helen felt a cold chill. The two women were completely serious. Succeed or die?

"Are you saying that if we fail training we will be killed?" she asked.

"Do not be ridiculous."

"Accidents happen though," warned Lydia in a teasing tone.

"Those are accidents." Menolly corrected her. "Washing out for failing to qualify is not shameful so long as every possible effort has been made. The majority of cadets do wash out and most do very well in the civilian castes. However, if we do not see honest effort..." She shrugged. "Well, some of you are here as part of agreements made. If you willfully fail to keep to the bid you made, we are not obligated any further, quineg?"

There was some shuffling of feet.

"But washing out itself." The point commander made a dismissive gesture. "Most of you probably will. That happens, in which case we have more technicians, scientists or whatever. Only a tiny handful of irredeemables end up in gulags."

"And what happens to them there?"

Both elementals made pain-filled faces. "If they are absolutely intent on not being useful, they are prevented from being a burden. We do not insist that they suffer, but the Clan will make no effort to alleviate any distress they suffer there."

"I do... not understand."

Lydia flung up her hands. "We sterilize them and leave them on barren islands with enough seeds and tools to feed themselves, if they know how. It would be cheaper to shoot them but occasionally one of them comes to their senses."

"For a moment I thought you meant some sort of Capellan prison camp," Henry said in relief.

"What are they like?"

There were several suggestions, from the bondsmen. Helen doubted any had an informed idea, but Capellans were apparently horrible to prisoners as a matter of policy.

The two Star Adder warriors exchanged disgusted looks. "So Capellans are dezgra," Lydia noted

"Wasteful fools at least," Menolly said more cautiously, although she didn't seem any happier with the described experiences. "Can you imagine what it would cost to build such a place? Much less run it? You would need warriors to guard it all the time."
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1477
Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #66 on: 04 May 2020, 09:18:31 »
Gette City, Lost
Star Adder Dominion
21 April 3050

It was the sound of the singing that drew Oskar to the building.

He'd heard that tune before and once he adjusted for the fact that the local language of choice wasn't english, but some sort of hybrid, he thought he recognised the words as well.

Turned off the road he walked up to the building, a spired structure that reminded him a little of one of the bloodchapels on Strana Mechty. Just before he reached the door, he looked up at the spire again and saw that it contained a bell. What the purpose was, he had no idea.

The door was open - one reason he'd heard the voices within - and no one challenged him as he entered an antechamber. Books in plastic covers done up to look like dyed leather were shelved along the inside wall and this door was pulled almost, but not quite closed.

Oskar pressed the flat of his hand against it just a hair and it resisted only for an instant, a hand on the other side releasing it.

The woman on the far side was old, and her eyes went wide as she saw Oskar. Beyond her was a large hall, chairs interlocked in rows across it, with men, women and children stood between the rows, voices raised in song.

He shook his head when the woman seemed about to speak in protest and raised one finger to his lips. When she looked outraged - amusing how quickly that replaced fear - he hummed a bar to remind himself of the song and joined in with the next verse:

"~Crowns and thrones may perish, Kingdoms rise and wane; But the Church of Jesus, Constant will remain.~" He was a hair out of sync with them, he noted. They pronounced the messiah's name 'Haay-zus', although if he recalled from his cursory exploration of biblical history years ago then they weren't any more or less accurate in that than the way that he had learned to say it among the Josians.

As if Oskar had given some subtle code, the old woman relaxed and even stepped out into the antechamber, returning with one of the books, offering it to him as he continued to sing. Opening it, he saw a title page identifying it as a standard hymn book. What standard was unclear. Then, to his surprise, she took his arm and composedly drew him forward, ushering him to one of the rows of seats that was unoccupied.

When the singing reached the end of the hymn, everyone seated themselves and Oskar followed suite. He hadn't particularly expected to join a religious observance, but at least this sect seemed to have something in common with his own beliefs.

Granted, the Josian Cloister was one comparatively small strand of Judeo-Christian thinking, isolated from similar traditions save the Ka'an, the Quarani and a few smaller cloisters for centuries, but there was at least some common ground.

A robed man stood at the far end of the hall, save for the woman standing guard at the door the only one who did not sit. Everyone gave him their attention and Oskar saw that the man had - despite the size of the hall - spotted him and gave him a thoughtful look.

When he spoke, he quoted from the bible - the Book of Luke - regarding the famous incident when the Messiah was challenged over whether or not to pay taxes to the Roman government. The parallels were obvious and the man laid them out, responsibly - at least in Oskar's opinion - advising against rash opposition to the Star Adder's Dominion over Lost. And then, with a certain calm resolution, the man 'flipped the coin' and reminded them that Moses had brought the commandment from God not to worship false idols.

Render unto Caesar that which is Caesars, but render unto Jehovah that which is his, in other words.

They sang another hymn he knew and then the man ceded the podium to a middle-aged woman who briskly went through a half-dozen announcements that Oskar could make nothing of save that they pertained  to the local community. He wouldn't have expected them to be inserted into a religious gathering.

Another hymn was announced, this one he didn't know but fortunately before they began, the page reference in the hymn book was given for those unfamiliar - very considerate - so he was able to make a fair attempt at it, any mistakes hopefully lost in the chorus of hundreds of voices singing. Oskar prepared to sit again but instead this time everyone remained standing as the... teacher? ...from earlier 'led them in prayer'. The sentiments seemed sound - a desire for peace and understanding, although why he thought God would grant these rather than expecting them to see to them directly escaped Oskar.

Oh well, it was understandable that doctrines would differ. And perhaps if there were no warriors present they didn't expect to be able to have much influence on the matter. The local government did not, in Oskar's unprofessional opinion, have done very well in representing views other than that of the hereditary and appointed executives.

When the prayer concluded, the man leading the group walked down one of the aisles between the seating and exited into the antechamber, giving Oskar another look as he did so.

He was hardly the last to do that, with a ripple of his presence spreading as those who had been sitting in front of him caught sight of him - at first out of the corner of their eyes as they began conversations with their neighbours as people started slowly trickling towards the exit, then as word spread Oskar realised he was the centre of attention.

Not wanting to cause another brawl - Star Colonel Riaz still hadn't let him forget about the incident in the bar - he tried not to look threatening and sat down, opening the book to leaf through it for other hymns he might have come across. It would probably be best to let some of those present leave before asking about this place. Was it a regular place of worship? The civilians had them, although it was rarely practical for a warrior. What was it used for at other times, some sort of community centre?

No one seemed inclined to approach him at first, until someone even shorter than he was scampered along the row of seats. Looking up, he saw a child - less than sibko age, and he wasn't sure enough of the local cultural cues to guess from their clothes if they were a boy or a girl - examining him curiously.

"What are those on your face?"

Oh, an easy question. "They are part of an implant system that help me pilot a ProtoMech." It wasn't as if that was a secret.

"Are you a 'Mechwarrior?"

"That is an interesting question. We operate in a similar role, but most Mechwarriors I have met say ProtoMechs are not BattleMechs, so no. So..." Oskar shrugged. "Something similar, but not quite."

The child didn't seem to care about the uncertainty of the answer. "You're not very tall."

"That is true."

"I thought mechwarriors had to be tall."

"Smaller pilots are preferred for ProtoMechs." He saw a woman hovering uncertainly at the end of the row, reminding him of Sophia and her mother from the dropship to Sinclair. "What is your name?"

"I'm Hogan!"

"Well met, Hogan. I am Oskar, of Clan Star Adder."

"What's a Star Adder?" the child asked.

Oskar turned his shoulder to display the patch on his sleeve. "It is an engineered species from... one of our homeworlds." Had anyone transplanted some to Sinclair? Or were the nearest ones on Strana Mechty? It was somewhat sentimental but it would be good to know that some were nearer than that. "They hunt crana and they are very territorial."

"What does territorial mean?"

He thought a moment how to phrase that for a child’s understanding. "They do not like anything threatening their homes." Much like most humans, really.

"Why is there a star on it?" Hogan pointed not at the star backdrop on the patch but the brightest of the stars that glittered on the skin of the embroidered snake.

"Hogan!" the woman hissed. "It's time to go."

"Real star adders have white patches like that," Oskar answered and then made a pushing gesture. "Is that your mother calling you?"

The child looked back and nodded.

"Go on then."

Hogan waved at him as... he? it sounded like a boy's name up ...hopped sideways a few of his short paces along the row of seats before turning and running back to the woman. She scooped up her offspring with some effort, too old a child for that to be easy and tried to insert a scolding into the excited babbling.

The sound of footsteps on the carpet of the hall alerted Oskar to someone approaching from the other side. He turned and found a stooped man settling onto one of the chairs between him and the end of the row. Am I being trapped? The man was ancient, hair wispy where it remained and skin marked with wrinkles and liver spots.

Something of his surprise must have shown on his face, because the new arrival gave him a creaking laugh as a greeting. "Not the prettiest person to be sat next to, am I? I wanted to rest these old bones before I go the rest of the way to my car."

"I am in no hurry."

"You're new here, aren't you?"

Oskar inclined his head slightly.

The man took a deep breath, then broke off coughing, pulling out a handkerchief off a pocket and covering his mouth. When he was done, he wiped his thin lips before folding the handkerchief away meticulously. "All of you Star Adders seem so young. Is that so, or have you found a fountain of youth out where you come from?"

I am hardly young, Oskar thought. "We have found no such fountain and if we did, I imagine it would come with some form of downside."

"Those downsides might start to look more acceptable once you are closer to my age," the man said. "I heard you tell young Hogan that your name is Oskar." He tucked away the handkerchief and offered his hand. "I am Domingo Selleck."

Oskar shook the hand, careful not to break bones that seemed fragile beneath the sparse flesh. There was an awkward moment and he thought he might have missed some implied question. "I was not looking for a religious gathering, but then I heard the hymn."

"Ah, you have churches where you come from?"

"I do not recognise the term," he admitted directly.

"A gathering of like-minded christians, or sometimes the word means the buildings we worship in," explained Domingo.

"Ah. We would say cloisters, for such groups, although the term includes all religious groups."

"It is good to hear that your people are also open to the word of god."

Oskar smiled. "We are... I believe the word is ecumenical, but not particularly evangelical in that sense. Are there many churches here on Lost?"

"Practically every settlement and city district has at least one. Is that not true where you come from?"

"It varys." Oskar thought for a moment. It wasn't as if he had any statistics on that, he wasn't sure if anyone had ever compiled them. "I think about half of my people are part of a Cloister. As a warrior, it's not always easy to find a stable group, so we take the chance to gather when we can."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Although I suppose if any song was to draw in a military man, I suppose Onward Christian Soldiers would be a likely one."

He held up the hymn book. "I recognise several others from here."

Selleck smiled. "I have met more than a few soldiers and most were religious, though few of them inclined towards turning the other cheek."

"To turn the other cheek is an important principle, but sometimes military necessity demands otherwise." He knew the Josians in the Clan Council had pressed the Khans hard to issue a final ultimatum to the Inner Sphere before launching the invasion. The argument had been that an unannounced surprise attack gave the Inner Sphere no chance to accept the superior Clan ways without battle. Ultimately, the strategic merits of surprise won the debate.

"That is surprisingly restrained."

"The Archon Katrina Steiner earned much respect among my people for her Peace Proposal," Oskar told him. "We consider it a fine example of turning one's cheek, calling on the other Successor Lords to reconsider their unending wars."

"Some would say that her decision led to the Fourth Succession War," the elderly spheroid pointed out. "And to the Federated Commonwealth."

"I would agree. But, Domingosellick, if one offers the other cheek and it is slapped too, then one must consider the one doing the slapping to be committed to their course. Continuing to offer one's cheek for a third time will almost never receive a different result."

The old man gave him a sad look. "I find that hard to argue with, sir. But I do not believe that it is what our saviour believed. Perhaps Father Esteban can persuade you."

Oskar gave him a perplexed look. This man was so old, but his genesire still lived? "I would listen to any reasoned argument you or your father can offer," he conceded dubiously.

Sellick gave him a puzzled look and then his eyes widened in realization, forming new valleys in the wrinkled flesh around them. "Father is the title we give to our priests," he explained. "Goodness, my own father would be doing very well to be with us today. He'd be almost a hundred and twenty-five."

"What is a -" He was about to say priest but the sound of running feet drew Oskar's attention. There was outcry from the antechamber and then a man burst in, a civilian by his clothes, but in his hands...

Oskar was moving without thinking, hurling the first thing that came to hand. The hymnbook cracked against the new arrival's face and he jerked backwards, the rifle in his hands discharging into the ceiling.

"Dear god!" Sellick exclaimed. A moment later he cried out again as Oskar grabbed him and pushed him to the floor, heedless of fragile old bones.

Then he prostrated himself on the seats, conscious that the back of the chairs wouldn't stop a large calibre round of the kind being fired. He told himself he was imagining the wind of the shot touching him as the gun fired again, causing more screams.

Fortunately, it seemed to be a bolt-action model and Oskar grabbed the edge of the seat and jabbed his legs down pushing off into a forward roll that took him to the aisle. Two men, one of them the man who had delivered the lecture earlier, were wrestling with the gunman, the rifle now pointed safely at -

The gun fired again, dust and plaster raining down briefly.

- mostly safely at the ceiling.

Judging the relative positions of the three combatants, Oskar picked his moment and then grabbed the gunman's right wrist and twisted.

There was a crack, a scream and the gun hit the floor - Oskar kicking it away promptly.

The other two men let go of the disarmed gunman, who proceeded to curl up on the ground, trying to protect his broken hand. Oskar shook his own. Hitting bone like that, particularly when it was against something solid like the grip of a rifle, wasn't ideal.

"The Star Colonel is never going to let me off base again," he muttered and pulled his comm unit out. "Is anyone hurt?"
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #67 on: 04 May 2020, 10:53:34 »
Excellent stuff as always, superb writing and I wish I could write character stuff like this. And Oskar's ongoing shenanigans are probably going to cause his Star Colonel to go grey at this rate :D But he seems to have stopped either a shooting in a church, or, to be more precise, something aimed at him. And the Churchgoers defence of him and each other will probably win them browny points in the Star Adder's eyes.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #68 on: 04 May 2020, 14:09:11 »
Excellent stuff as always, superb writing and I wish I could write character stuff like this. And Oskar's ongoing shenanigans are probably going to cause his Star Colonel to go grey at this rate :D But he seems to have stopped either a shooting in a church, or, to be more precise, something aimed at him. And the Churchgoers defence of him and each other will probably win them browny points in the Star Adder's eyes.
It's been a while but I'm utterly enjoying this romp into 'What If' lands... What I call all these AUs
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #69 on: 05 May 2020, 09:23:19 »
A question that came to mind from this story. Not really knowledgeable about proto mechs, so are they good for garrison duty/ anti- piracy duties?

What are the best proto-mech for those duties? Or what traits would you want for such duty?

Better than a swarm of Savanna Master/ Shamash?
“ My Clan honor is bigger than your Dragon honor, and comes in 18 clan flavors.”


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #70 on: 02 August 2020, 11:34:24 »
I just finish up the last bit of these

Oskar I would love to read more of him, and his now long suffering Star Colonel.

"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #71 on: 09 August 2020, 21:24:25 »
Me too!
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Star Adder Symphony (revised) (AU)
« Reply #72 on: 13 August 2020, 00:05:45 »
Give me a ping, Vasili?  One ping only please.