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I think some of you are jumping the gun in asserting that the matter of the Khanship of the Falcons is "settled". These are the Clans, and we've seen them devour and genocide each other over far less pressing things than an illegitimate Khan...and yes, by Clan law, Jiyi Chistu is 100% illegitimate; he was not voted into his position by a quorum of the Clan's Bloodnamed warriors. Hell, the Falcons just fought a civil war over the legitimacy of their Khan within the last twenty years, so it's not like there isn't a precedent here.

While I do agree that 1) current circumstances prevent Alaric and Stephanie from dealing with that situation right now and 2) the expression "possession is 9/10ths of the law" absolutely applies here right now, it seems rather foolish to assume that there won't be a reckoning at some point. Especially with Alaric in the mix; we all literally just watched him demand the RasDom go all-in on his new Star League, and we've seen the lengths he will go to in order to get what he wants. And if that so happens to be a united Clan Jade Falcon, well... a reckoning will happen sooner or later.

 Opinions are all fine and dandy, but let's not speak of them as if they're facts. No one here knows how this story is going to go.
The AW-18 is Sapporo's strategic sledgehammer, it's what the SDR uses to scare unruly tankers to sleep on other worlds.  It's a beatstick that's saved for special occasions.

Love it.
The problem is exhaust velocity. For ships that are using grams of fuel per second in strategic mode, you can find superluminal values of exhaust velocity (if you stick with Newtonian math)

If I recall an ancient thread correctly (with Fallguy, to date it some) there is some 'gain' in the sense that the mass of the fuel goes 'up' relative to the vessel the closer to c the fuel is made, but still nowhere in the ballpark of removing the sheer magic of it all. I can't recall if it's better or worse for DropShips; I assume there's more magic in WarShips.
Last thing for the night:

I am auditioning for any additional Infantry support weapons. The only caveats being they have to be sufficiently different from the existing weapons. To put that into perspective, the MMG and HMG do not have to be M240s and M2 HBs; once you get to TL5+, they could just as easily be electromotive versions of those ol'-reliables. Their damage and ranges scale upwards as the associated TL does, so it's already built into the system.

I can see a laser- and particle-weapon being a thing, but that's all I got at the moment. But I lack creativity, you see.

And special rules. Those are still a WiP and are not represented on the Record Sheet just yet. But they will be in the new last row of the sheet which is basically a blank line right now. I'll take advisement on those, too!
Fan Fiction / Re: A Long Journey
« Last post by lowrolling on Today at 21:47:50 »
Beautiful updates and thanks for posting.

Looks like Patricia's shipping company willsoonbe three Mulestothe good as soon as one gets repaired and taken to Morgan's Holdfast and emptied out. Everything about the other two is just pure icing on the cake. Gerald will have to hide Nighthawks from Prince John but it will be easier for him to doso then for Samuel. Here's hoping the manufacturing equipment is specialized to produce factory tooling. Just need the Taurians to come through on that Snowden and the race will be on to industrialize Mackolla.

Great ride so far, kind of worried how hard the hammer is going to drop  on Mitchell and company to make up for the good fortune.
Weellll...the Rifle Team numbers are not hard numbers. As you change the different cells in the worksheet, you will see those ranges change. They are derived from the Infantry Team Offensive TL and their Quality (the referenced Cell, F7* on the Creation WS is not actually blank for those looking at the provided-image, but the text is the same as the background to make it hidden. For TL5 Trained infantry it is 350). For what it is worth, very few things in Tankreator are actual "hard numbers". They are driven by the fundamental factors that impinge on them. In this example, an infantry element's engagement range is a result of their equipment and how well they use it (on average, across a force).

Just like armor in this system is not specifically an amount of protection-per-tonne. The mass of protection is a result of the size of the object being protected, how thick that protection is, the type of protection-material being used, and the materials science behind the producer.

For what it is worth, I tried writing all this out as part of the Dust & Fire ruleset. I very rapidly found my time was much better spent working on Tankreator!

*The formula to get to that number is indeed =VLOOKUP(B8,Infantry_TL_lookup3,3,FALSE)*VLOOKUP(B10,InfantryQuality_lookup3,3,FALSE) which is what is in F7, as you know.
I was just thinking about this while playing Mechwarrior 5, given how many different mechs I have in the game for different mission types.

Given that a single mech is usually a luxury, how many instances are there of mechwarriors who were confirmed to have owned more than one mech at the same time (and not just borrowed or otherwise ended up in a different mech from time to time, and also no rumors like Gray Noton's allegedly having more than one Rifleman).

Off the top of my head, I remember that according to the fluff in TRO 3060, Hohiro Kurita was gifted a Tai-Sho by the manufacturer at the same time he was still piloting his Daishi.  And in In The Shadow of the Dragon, Yori Kurita had both a Tenshi and a BattleMaster that had been Takashi Kurita's.  Any others?
I think the issue is with OpenOffice, for some reason it's not reading four of those formulas correctly.  Here's what I see when I look at the data range you provided; most of the numbers are determined by calculations such as AB64's entry which shows #VALUE on my sheet:

=(IF($'Infantry Worksheet'.F7="";"";CONCATENATE($'Infantry Worksheet'.F7/2)))/100

I notice that it's referring to F7 on the Infantry Worksheet, I have this data for that cell:


There is an easy solution here - the numbers for the Rifle Team have no calculation behind them, they're just typed in as you see them in the data set.  The same goes for all range numbers entered in white on that screenshot.  If I just type in a number, then check the Infantry Worksheet, it displays ranges properly in both the worksheet and record sheet.  So hand-entering instead of relying on a formula fixes the problem.  The question is, then, what should those four #VALUE entries be?  They seem to be the only ones with zeroes in them that are calculated instead of hand-entered.  Based on that, I'm guessing 0/0/2 for the Close Assault infantry ranges, and 0/2/4 for Military Police and Sapper?  I can just edit the data set and resolve the calculation that way.

The Type 15 APC is very likely Sapporo's standard; Gensoukyou uses some but not a large number - only 90 of them in 2530, compared to 338 M113-clone Type 95 tracked APCs.  There's also the Type 18 IFV, of which there's 86 in the Gensoukyouan inventory - about 1/3 of the hardware's TL5, roughly, though small arms and infantry equipment is generally TL5 across the board.  Mass-producing body armor and rifles is simple enough compared to large numbers of heavy vehicles.  The AW-18 is Sapporo's strategic sledgehammer, it's what the SDR uses to scare unruly tankers to sleep on other worlds.  It's a beatstick that's saved for special occasions.

As a small, upstart nation in an unstable corner of the Inner Sphere, the Pact would want peace and stable borders with as many neighbors as possible, doubly so for big neighbors like the Dominion that threaten to gobble the Pact up just due to their sheer size.  The only exception would any neighbor that the Pact is targeting for expansion, and even then, it may make sense to fake peace until invasion time.

For the Dominion, it’s a matter of timing.  If Tomans happens after the Dominion has started its Combine offensive or is in the middle of its Civil War, then yeah, the Dominion would appreciate the stable border so more of its focus can be pointed internally or at the Combine.  If Tomans happens well before the Dominion knows it will be going on the offensive against the Combine or is embroiled in rebellion, then it’s hard to see the Dominion seeing the Pact as more than a speed bump in its expansion into the former Falcon OZ.  If the Dominion wants certain former Falcon worlds bad enough, they simply have the numbers to eventually roll over any Pact resistance.
Fan Fiction / Re: A Long Journey
« Last post by 2ndAcr on Today at 21:15:24 »
11 November 2786
Mackolla (Federated Suns)

 Colin Blaine walked along the perimeter of the space port, like he always did after his morning run to cool down. He paused and thought for a second before mentally saying to himself "Screw it, I want to know what the hell is in them". He broke into a light jog towards a shuttle, he needed a ride up to the Olympus Station.

14 November 2786

 He had redirected the shuttle soon after launch to head straight to where SLS Super Stallion, Monolith Jumpship, was normally hovering. The three Mule Dropships still attached to her docking points. He had changed into a simple jumpsuit before boarding the shuttle and could smell himself after three days wearing them. Once the shuttle docked, he was out in a flash heading for the ships bridge. Once there he pled his case for the ships Captain.

 "We have got to know what is on those Mules. They are the only things we have not searched. Worst case, we ferry them down to Mackolla and park them on one of the uninhabited continents. At least they will be off your ship." Colin Blaine said

 "You retired Mister Blaine. Look, I know who you are and who you were, but those are still sealed on orders of General Mitchell." Captain Marcy White replied

 "I can get my cousin Commodore Mitchell on the radio, she can order you to break into those Mules." Colin Blaine said

 "She might, or she might order me to arrest you. I would love nothing better than to get them off my collars, but your asking me to disobey a direct order and that is not something I am going to do." Captain White replied firmly

 "Then we call Commodore Mitchell and see what she says." Colin Blaine said

 It took 18 minutes between messages and made it difficult to plead his case, even on an encrypted channel, he had to speak in a round about way which made the conversation even harder.

 "Patricia, I need you to order Captain White to get us a look at those last items."

 "Colin, are you mad? What if something bad happens?

 "Then we at least know. Right now they are limiting options. I am sure the Chief Engineer can be real careful. It is the one itch I have got to scratch."

 "Is she there?"


 "Captain White, break them open, very carefully. Let Colin scratch the itch. If safe bring them down."

 "Aye ma'am, crack them open carefully and bring them down is if safe."

 It took several hours for the engineers to get everything ready and setup. Colin Blaine stood out of the way while the engineers worked. The first Mule had it's locks jail broken in less than an hour. The door opened easily. Colin Blaine was the first inside the Mule Dropship and once he entered the lower cargo bay found himself staring at normal shipping containers. He had the engineers open one of the sealed containers open so he could see inside. Once it was opened he was staring at carefully packed machinery, manufacturing equipment of some sort. He ordered the container resealed.

 They moved to the second cargo deck and again was staring at shipping containers. Opening one found more carefully packed machinery. The same thing was found on the third cargo deck. Once they were on the Jumpship he said "This one can go down."

 The second Mule was stubborn and every attempt to jail break the lock failed. "Cut it open." He ordered the engineers. It took two hours of careful work to get the door cut open. This time, when they entered the cargo deck they found ammunition storage containers. All were former SLDF and had seen them many times before only these bore the symbol that just screamed nukes to all who saw it. "Nope. We are not opening any of those."

 The Chief Engineer moved to the first container and read the label, all SLDF ammunition containers were labeled. "Alamo's. Nuclear armed Arrow IV missiles. Anti ship weapons for Aerospace Fighters. Should be eight of them in there."

 "Well, at least we know what is on this Mule. On to the next one." Colin Blaine said, eager to get away from nukes of any type.

 The third and last Mule was jail broke just as easy as the first one. Entering the cargo bay he was staring at shipping containers. "Break one open."

 When the door was opened it caused Colin Blaine to almost have a heart attack at what he saw. He was facing a humanoid suit of armor. Once he calmed himself he peaked further inside and saw more of them secured firmly and with padding fitted around them. I have no clue what these are, but I wonder if the first Mule is connected to what is in here, he thought as he gestured for the container to be resealed. "This one goes down also. Fix the door on the second one and have a tug move her somewhere nice and safe. At least she will be off your ship."

Cephei (Unclaimed)

 Captain Harvey Barclay watched the engineers work to clear the door they had discovered. With the right equipment, clearing the door of dirt and rock was accomplished quickly. The engineers studied the door closely. "This is going to take some time to break open. We have done it before, but it damned sure was not easy or quick."
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