Author Topic: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)  (Read 21449 times)


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #270 on: 29 June 2023, 11:29:57 »
earring a comm unit?  or a tracker?

"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


  • Colonel
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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #271 on: 29 June 2023, 11:37:38 »
Minor spoiler, yes it is part of Maori's communication system for her human form remote.  Form of an earing for concealment purposes and detachable for mainteneance.  But because it is for Maori it doesn't have traditional microphone/speaker functions as it doesn't need to.  And anything that transmits can be used as a tracker.  I probably should have slipped all that in somehow but eh.  I kind of let something else go unmentioned in that scene I should have dealt with too and I should take the opportunity to work in something else that should be mentioned in the next section too.


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #272 on: 29 June 2023, 13:52:31 »
Disable the small craft? ... could they capture their jumpship instead?
"We're caught in the moon's gravitational pull, what do we do?!"

CI KS #1357; Merc KS #9798

"We're sending a squad up."


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #273 on: 29 June 2023, 18:27:20 »
Double stamp!  :D


  • Colonel
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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #274 on: 29 June 2023, 21:55:31 »
Meanwhile between gigglefits:

I'm largely guessing on when some of these worlds actually changed hands, not just being liberated but when they also became Sons of Plunder worlds too.

I know I've overwritten some canon ownership changes.

This part of the project is exceedingly difficult to coordinate in a way others can have input on such things.


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #275 on: 30 June 2023, 08:27:31 »

Casualties made…

…the extract a bit more difficult, even with Beta team tying up the militia response. 

Bushavov and Samantha Roberts were not in exactly pristine condition but with leaving Hong and Massa behind already was putting him critically short on manpower for how many hostages they needed to secure or he’d leave Bushavov behind too.

So it was down to him, Nune, Bushavov, Collins, and Grieg from the original team of seven.

The farm-truck at least had off-road capability and a full tank of petrol.

It also had three pedals on the floor, making the start-off of the escape…complicated. "A ****** manual??"  Nune glared at Hostage number one.  "NOBODY builds Manuals!"

Samantha was silent thanks to a gag in her mouth, but her eyes conveyed nothing but rage.

It took a couple of tries to get the vehicle in motion, and the jerking impact of missed shifts didn't do great things for the wounded.

Samantha’s wounds were fortunately relatively light thanks to Maori, but she still winced in pain when Nune was less than careful in her driving.

Once Nune got the rhythm down for clutch-and-shift, things smoothed out.

“Focus on being cooperative, Miss Roberts.  We have sufficient reason to keep you alive as long as you behave.  Don’t, and well, all we really need for our purposes are your children,” the leader of the Commandos said flatly.

The children were stunned, bound while also being gagged.
Jeremiah, the oldest at twelve, glared sullenly over his gag and struggled when he could against his restraints.
Joshua, at ten years old, was silently focused on everything around him, the wheels in his head spinning to try and think of a way to get free.

Of the two, Skorzeny had more of a feeling that the younger one was going to be a real problem to contain.  The boy was entirely too calm and focused.

Elizabeth was also gagged with a mix of anger and fear in her eyes.

“Boss, the militia isn’t stopping at the farmhouse,” the voice of Massa came over his radio.

“Shit, one of them has a tracker.  Nune, drive faster!” the leader barked as he started examining Elizabeth.

“Yes sir!


Signal located.  Tracking.  Escape vehicle has ceased evasive maneuvers.  Extrapolating likely vector…  Comparing topographical data…  There you are.

Maori pulled as close as she dared to the atmospheric interface and lined up very carefully her Heavy Naval PPCs.

“Have to make this count and before they get too close.”  Maori triggered the weapons.


A pillar of light suddenly reached down from the sky.  Even from this far away the hairs on everyone’s necks and arms stood on end as an explosion erupted right where their grounded ship was.  Ripping through the trees, the explosion rocked the truck on its shocks despite the distance.

A snap in the Commando’s headsets made all of them wince.

“Attention dipshits who just made a very big mistake.  You will free your hostages now, and surrender to the militia unit currently following you.  As you can see, I just busted your ride off world.  Hurt them or kill them, and I will make it my mission to track every last one of you down and make you suffer in ways you cannot possibly fathom.  You have thirty seconds,” Maori’s voice came through the earpieces loud enough Samantha and Elizabeth could hear it.

The hummingbird thump of helicopters in the distance seemed to accentuate this point.  The choppers were audibly getting closer.

“Shit.  We don’t have time to search for a tracker.  Nune, how’s the road?”

“Clear for the moment sir, but where the hell do we go now with our ride busted?”

“The last place they’d expect.  The militia base.  We’ll steal one from there.”

“****** me.”  Nune changed course for the militia base.


Maori didn't need the tracker anymore, she could see them on the ground using thermal and telescopic imagery.  "Vector south-southwest," she told the locals.  "They're heading overland toward the airbase.  It makes perfect sense: their options to escape are limited."

“We will be quite ready for them now that their diversionary attack is being decidedly dealt with.”

And it was.

The diversionary raid with their stealth gear had managed to do quite a number on the active patrols and the garrison forces mustered as reinforcements.  But that just meant the rest that were being readied now would be extra motivated.

"Star Captain, I have an idea.  Make sure everything that can make orbit looks like hell.  Have your techs make the surviving operational shuttles and fighters look like they were chewed up.  And clear me a pad on the north end of the flight line.  I'm going to let them think they can steal a shuttle."

The Star Captain on the other end started laughing.  "Aff!  Agreed!!"

Maori began activating her internal drones on 'security mode'.  Feeding them data to make sure Samantha, Elizabeth, and Samantha’s children were considered critical assets for retrieval.

With that set, she sent one of her shuttles down.

The airbase was a hive of activity as well: techs were either moving craft inside hangars or for those that would take too long to move, doing as Maori suggested.



…I don’t like this,” Nune complained.

“They’re not going to use the heavy stuff on us with our hostages, so just gun it.  They’ll let us right through, you’ll see.”

Nune floored the accelerator as the Elementals at the perimeter didn’t even fire their auto-rifles.

“Too easy, they should have shot something at us,” Nune continued to complain.

“Relax.  They know how the real world works, and how shooting for the engine or tires could send a stray shot killing a hostage.  Which they can’t have.  So they’re playing it smart and letting us through.  The tough part will be when we find the shuttle.  That’ll be when we need to be on our guard,” the leader now identified as Skorzeny countered.

“There,” Bushavov groaned as he pointed at a shuttle that had a few scorch marks on it but otherwise looked like it could still fly.

Nune pulled up to it.  Each of the Commandos grabbed a hostage except for Skorzeny.

They carefully stepped out of the truck using their hostages as shields as best as possible, just in case the garrison had snipers deployed, while Skorzeny worked the door controls with an override kit.

“Bingo.  Everyone aboard!  Cheer up kids, you’re going to get to go into space.  Big adventure time!”

Skorzeny sat at the controls while the others secured the hostages, then themselves.
Lifting off, he knew he’d need to wait a few days before calling their ride out of system to meet them part way.  A shuttle like this wasn’t suited for such a long trip.

And what worried him was where that orbital bombardment shot came from.

But as they broke atmosphere and sensors cleared he saw the answer and went pale.

He tried altering course.  But the shuttle was no longer responding.

“Welcome to Maori spacelines.  I regret to inform you there’ll be no inflight meal service for this voyage.  The emergency exits are clearly marked.  If you wish to use them now, well tough shit.  I’ve locked everything down.  Now do enjoy your flight.”

“Skorzeny what the hell?” Nune asked.

“Shit.  Shit.  Shit.”  Skorzeny cursed mindlessly.

“Oh, and at this point you know there’s no point killing the hostages right?  It’d remove any possibility of leverage you have and free me to deliver on my promise.  All with you wrapped up in a nice pretty pink bow for me.”

The shuttle landed in Maori’s shuttle bay.

On every screen in the shuttle suddenly came the image of her assembled drones in the hanger doing a traditional Maori Haka.

The lights turned green, as the deck pressurized, and the external hatch opened on its own.

“Boss?  What’s the play here?” Bushavov asked.

“Shit.  Guns out the door.  We’ve lost,” Skorzeny admitted.

There really was only one other alternative, and despite his position and what he’d been trained for, he found he couldn’t quite bring himself to give that order.

“******,” Nune cursed as she tossed her gun out first, then exited hands up.

One by one, the four other Commandos on the shuttle did the same.

Maori’s drones secured them, then one entered the shuttle.

“Apologies Samantha.  With so many people to protect, I really should have had more than one drone down there, even if light delay would have made it troublesome to run more than one at a time and the fact we were visiting your in-laws meant charging capabilities were limited.”  Maori ungagged and freed Samantha first.

"You did fine, Maori," Samantha allowed, turning to help unbind her sons first, then her intended guest.

"Well… looks like I can't run far enough."  Jane Drillson's manner was… changed.  "Maori, the commander of that team, get his big three.  And can you loan me a conference room with two guards, please?"

“Of course, Lady Drillson.”  Maori smiled.

"It's clear I have to retire that name, at least for the time being.  You may call me 'Lady Cameron’."

“As you wish.”  Maori frog marched the indicated prisoners to a nearby suitable location.

"What are you going to do?" Samantha asked.

"Wings didn't work, so it's time to use some song," Elizabeth stated.  "I really wanted to leave it to Helena."  She shook her head.

“For what it’s worth, your sister would have gladly accepted that, but it seems our enemy has other ideas.”

"They always do," Elizabeth sighed.  "They always have their own plans…"

“Well, I do regret I don’t have proper facilities aboard for long term human crew, but if you wish to return to the surface right away, I’d be glad to accommodate Samantha.”

"Just make sure there's a mop and a bucket," Elizabeth stood, rubbing her wrists.  "I'm going to have a little discussion with our captor's leader… And keep some medical resources nearby."

“Third hatch coreward, port side.  Everything you should need is now there.”

"Good, bring the Captain of that bunch.  I must critique his actions… and explain his error."

“This should be good.  Whatever you need right now Samantha, I’ll be glad to do my best to accommodate.  You and your sons have been through a lot.”

"Mom!  Can we see the Bridge?"

"I think that sets it, Maori.  Can my sons have a tour, and do you have anything to drink?"

“Yes.  Standing orders are to keep relief supplies on hand even for ships without human crew.  So I have plenty of water, stabilized milk, and a variety of fruit juices in my stores.  Nothing more adult, I’m afraid.  While Auntie Elizabeth has her conversation and your mom is getting patched up, you two follow me.”  Two Maoris grabbed hold of the Roberts children as they floated in the microgravity.


"You recognized…

…me, Captain," Elizabeth began.  "Let's get this out of the way, Michael Skorzeny, Captain, Star League Defense Force, military occupation specialty Special Operations.  Did they run you through the school on Churchstone?"

"Yes," he answered.

"Then you knew who I was, you even identified me.  I seem to recall my granddaughter claiming I was ill when she launched her coup.  I presumed everyone would decide I was dead.  Who briefed you in?"

He sullenly mumbled.

"What was that?"

"My great uncle, Lord Major General Guffney," he said aloud.  "He claimed you were insane, being held for your own safety at a secure location."

"Well, half right," Elizabeth said.  "I was… though 'for my own safety' is really a matter of some dispute.  What’s my position, Captain?"

He stared again, silent.

"I asked you a question.  What am I?"

"You're…" he couldn't make himself say it.

"I'm your ****** Sovereign, Captain!" she slapped him, open handed, leaving a hand-shaped bruise and rocking his head back.  "Say it!  I wanted to retire.  I don't get to retire.  So since you and whichever descendant of mine sent you refuse to let me retire, you will ****** acknowledge who I am!!"

“First Lord, Director General, I’m not sure which one you want…”

"I don't want either one.  But it's clear the people who sent you leave me no other option," she hissed.  "I am Elizabeth, Daughter of Simon Cameron, and your rightful lord."  She slugged him in the gut.  "Kneel."

He did his best to kneel in the microgravity.

“I know better than to expect mercy for my failings, but I ask it for the others.”

"Your orders, Captain are to provide this vessel with the coordinates of your jumpship pickup.  You will then fall in line, and do as I damned well tell you to.  Beginning with getting that ill-disciplined mob of yours squared away and prepared to obey.  Do I make myself perfectly, utterly, clear?"

“As you command, my Lady.”

"Good.  I'm not going to kill you, because I know a secret.  And you don't want to learn the details.  But it begins with 'you’d be amazed what you can live through'."  She stared into his eyes.  "Is that clear, Captain Skorzeny?"

“Yes, my Lady.”  He felt all will to resist her leave his body.

"Maori, show this 'Captain' to his men, monitor them for the time being.  And establish a connection to President Avellar's office, if you will."

“Aye, Lady Cameron.  If you want privacy, comms room 4 is set up for you now.”

"Thank you, you're a standard M-5, correct?"

“Slightly refit.  Lost some guns and missiles, gained armor and point defense, mostly.”

“But your deck plans remain the same?" she asked.


"Then I know the way."

“Apologies if I even hinted otherwise, Lady Cameron.”

"YOU did nothing wrong, Maori.  But it's clear I have to take a hand in correcting MY mistakes."  She sighed.  "This means I have to be… this, now."  She shook her head as she headed for communications station 4.  "Maori, prep remotes for boarding.  I want to recover as much of my property as possible."

We are the Robot Pirates,” Maori began to sing as her remote jaunted off.

She laughed, "So we are."

“Wait?  ‘We’ my Lady?  I thought you were… human,” Captain Skorzeny asked meekly.

"I am.  However, my army are robots at present.  At least the competent ones are."

“A simple bloody telescope, that’s all we needed to know how badly we blundered,” Skorzeny muttered.

"As I said, the competent ones.  Clearly, training standards have slipped since my last tour in office.  This, too, will be corrected."

“As you will it, my Lady.”

"Michael, let me clarify the sheer magnitude of your mistake.  Your men shot a member of the Royal Family Line."


"The Roberts family.  They're my descendants, just like your Basileus.  But without the perfidy of being part of a coup," she said conversationally.

“Oh… ****** me…”

"Maybe later, if you're good," she quipped.  "For now, you will consider that I am holding that charge in abeyance.  Hinging on your further cooperation.  Am I understood?"

“Yes, my Lady.  Perhaps I should write those coordinates down for you.”

"That would be lovely."


The message…

…from SLS Maori interrupted her preparations for the meeting with the Joint Command.

“Well damn.  Good job Maori, keeping it from being much worse.  Okay, I need to be supportive of my big sister right now.”

"She's asserting she IS your sister," Victoria clarified.  "She has apparently retired the 'Jane Drillson' alias."

“And I’m super happy about that.  But it sounds like we’re about to have to settle some politics to make it as painless as possible.  Okay, first up: if she wants to be First Lord, I’m happy to let her have it, even Director General.  But I know her, she’s going to want me to be her Commanding Admiral.  General would be inappropriate with how naval our military is.”

A knock on the office door interrupted whatever Victoria was going to say.

“Enter,” Helena shouted.

President Avellar came in, followed by Acton Howe and Al Crowe.  "I take it you know." 

“Yeah.  She’s the older sister and it’s her right, so I’m happy to support her however she wants me to right now.”

"She insists you're the political leader of your faction, Helena," Acton stated.  "Elizabeth's message was quite… explicit.  She's declaring her intent to take over the 'SLDF Relief Zone' and enact 'long overdue reforms'.  She has formally asked our assistance in doing so."

“Okay.  Considering how much she had to flex her rightful position of sovereign to achieve what she just achieved, I didn’t expect that.”

"She also sent this…"  Avellar pulled a Padd, and handed it over.  "She's basically sticking you with the job, and claiming only her rights as a Cameron, rather than the Cameron."

“Sneaky big sis knew I’d try to step aside for her.  Well, then.  Vicky, I want an updated record on my heir since the enemy seems willing to try head hunting now.  Only person I can think of to saddle with it without causing too many problems is Daryl.  Amanda’s going to probably give me nine kinds of hell for that, followed by Daryl, but it’s the best option I can see right now.  Because we all know what it’d do to the Clan elements of this coalition if I didn’t nominate a Cameron, even if a bit removed.  Or worse, if I named one of you my heir.”  Helena chuckled.

“Do not even joke about such a thing, Lady Cameron,” Alberto Crowe scowled.

“Relax.  Like I said, we all know he’s the only choice that won’t completely blow this up.”  Helena took on a more serious expression.

“It does raise the question of why not make use of our Iron Womb technology to arrange a direct heir,” Acton Howe offered.

“Tempting, but no.  If I’m going to have another kid, I’m doing it the old fashioned way.  And since that’s not going to happen in my current state, I’d say that’s a non-starter.”  Helena shook her head.

Howe listened, then he said, "We can always offer the accompanying technology, Lady Helena.  The methods to restore basic fertility to someone are not unknown.  The Clans considered it before settling on the faster production method available via the Iron Womb."

"Uh, what?  Wow," Helena marveled.

"The same tech they're using to keep me from aging out," Avellar clarified.  "With women, and I actually looked into this when it looked like things might go somewhere with your sis, they have to use some ex vitro techniques and reload the ovaries.  But fertility and stable hormones are possible for people who’re having kids the natural way after a particularly… long… life."

“Damn.  Well okay, being pregnant and trying to run a war at the same time sound like a bad combination.  So we’ll figure out what you guys need in return for that later.  To be honest, this whole Elizabeth wanting to reclaim her lordship over the region, and doing it right this time, actually solves a lot of post war problems for us.  None of us can really occupy that many worlds that long term without a lot of aid from the Wolves, Bears, and Falcons.  And they all have other agendas that make that impossible.”

"It'll help to have someone the subjects of the Sons will obey," Avellar noted.  "The captured commando team recognized her, and their leader offered to commit suicide for the offense of attacking her."

“From the prisoners we’ve taken, it sounds like they expect death for failure, and he failed big time.  Still, if Maori hadn’t been there it could have been so much worse.  They might have actually gotten away with it.”

"Yeah, she only threatened 'worse than death' for further disobedience.  She must have been quite the monster when she was younger."

“Something of a family trait.  Yeah, I know you all probably don’t believe that I have that dark of a dark side, but I do, and I battle it constantly.”

“Be that as it may, this does present the possibility of getting some of their units to turn, and potentially in numbers.”  Acton Howe nodded.

"It's the last piece," Helena realized.  "The thing we've been wrestling with:how to garrison and control billions of people after we beat them in combat.  She's given us the last piece."  Her eyes widened.  "We can win this.  Put the news on the HPG nets.  When Source Alabaster gets wind of this, they’ll have no choice but to pass it on to them.  And even in the tightest intel community, something like this will start getting out and among the average soldier."

To Be Continued

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #276 on: 30 June 2023, 10:42:15 »
Meanwhile between gigglefits:

I'm largely guessing on when some of these worlds actually changed hands, not just being liberated but when they also became Sons of Plunder worlds too.

I know I've overwritten some canon ownership changes.

This part of the project is exceedingly difficult to coordinate in a way others can have input on such things.

Is it possible that names could be faked, ownership been faked, reports faked not unlike a certain Clan Burrock reborn occurrence in Clan Space?
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #277 on: 30 June 2023, 10:46:31 »
Jesus, EXT-6CS? The ComStar variant with Light PPCs, a Chameleon Shield and a Null Sig? How did the Sons get their grubby hands on those things? Is there a deeper connection there we do not know yet?


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #278 on: 30 June 2023, 11:21:13 »
Jesus, EXT-6CS? The ComStar variant with Light PPCs, a Chameleon Shield and a Null Sig? How did the Sons get their grubby hands on those things? Is there a deeper connection there we do not know yet?
From the WoBblies. It's been stated before that C* was actively connected with them and supporting them for a long, long time.....

The part that got me was the final confirmation that Jane Drillson / Elizabeth Cameron is not "Source Alabaster". I was half-suspecting she had a sleeper personality that was responsible for it, but apparently not.


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #279 on: 30 June 2023, 11:34:37 »
[out of story]

Letting you all know, in the document, we've actually reached the finish line, so there's only a week or two worth of posts left until you have to look forward to something new.

what's coming up is going to be a lot heavier on the combat and strategy action, blood will be shed, unclear things made apparent, mysteries solved and (hopefully) legends begun.  We're in the home stretch here...finally.

There's a hell of a lot of material still waiting to post, we're going over it with editing combs and fretting a lot, so please, be patient and enjoy the ride.

[/out of story]
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Captain
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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #280 on: 30 June 2023, 11:43:31 »
taking out their escape with a well placed NPPC shot.  Very nice.  At that point I would have started thinking harder about surrendering.

next week? ... ugh, I'm out of computer access for then.  Man, I'll have a bunch of reading to catch up on!
"We're caught in the moon's gravitational pull, what do we do?!"

CI KS #1357; Merc KS #9798

"We're sending a squad up."


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #281 on: 30 June 2023, 12:44:48 »
[out of story] we ARE trying to stick to one to two postings per day, just so nobody gets SWAMPED trying to keep up.[/out of story]
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Major
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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #282 on: 30 June 2023, 13:29:02 »
From the WoBblies. It's been stated before that C* was actively connected with them and supporting them for a long, long time.....
So shocking huh... 
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #283 on: 30 June 2023, 13:37:00 »
A major point: Devon Stone when he first met Helena, offered her heredity control of the Hegemony. So right there is a ready to train occupation of naval Infantry, (got to keep all the forces in the same branch.)
"Constructive critism is never a bad comment"

"By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher."
- Socrates


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #284 on: 30 June 2023, 15:07:17 »
[out of story] we ARE trying to stick to one to two postings per day, just so nobody gets SWAMPED trying to keep up.[/out of story]

very thoughtful, none of us would be so sucked into a story that we'd forgo anything else!  >:D  (not to mention time/effort on y'alls part)
"We're caught in the moon's gravitational pull, what do we do?!"

CI KS #1357; Merc KS #9798

"We're sending a squad up."


  • Lieutenant General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #285 on: 30 June 2023, 17:23:44 »
Ack!  I clearly missed a LOT of posting today... this weekend will be a LONG editing session!  :o


  • Colonel
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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #286 on: 30 June 2023, 17:44:13 »
Ack!  I clearly missed a LOT of posting today... this weekend will be a LONG editing session!  :o

Hehe.  The worst part is I'm not even done with all my post script ideas and I still have to wrangle Helena's fleet state post war.  Notes have been made for me to sort through on the fleet state front.


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #287 on: 30 June 2023, 19:00:28 »
I'm almost done with the forum... I'll be editing full time soon!  8)


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #288 on: 30 June 2023, 22:11:33 »
Form Up

Overview: Operation:Medway

Operation Commander: Admiral David Foster flying his flag on SLS Larry Nichols

Command Group

SLS Larry Nichols(no AI, but equipped with the cores and automation Farragut) with Captain Thomas Erik Mahan in command
SLS Olivia Hazard Perry(Royal Congress effectively)
SLS Stacy Cameron Roberts(CV M5.2)

Taffy Group A:

SLS Billie Hoel(ATACs+CV M5.2C)-AI Billie Hoel Formation Command
SLS Samantha Booker Roberts(M5.1)
SLS Ottillie Lee Dennis(M5.1)
OWS Tenebrous(Bonnie)-Regina Marbury Raymond in command

Taffy Group B:

SLS Tabarinth(ATACs CV M5.2C)-Formation Command
OWS Duplicitous(Bonnie)-Seron (Snow Raven) in Command with AI XO Joana Vincente Johnston
SLS Joana Clarice Butler(M5.1)
SLS Lucy Heerman(CV M5.2)

Surcouf Group A

OWS Evanescent(Bonnie)-Amanda Roberts Formation Command
OWS Illusive(Bonnie)-Luther Bedwyr in command
OWS Ephemeral-Captain Malcom O’Connel in command-No AI support nor systems for it installed
SLS Piorun(M5.3)
OWS Cossack(Lola III)

Surcouf Group B

OWS Mina Siegel(Essex II)-AI Mina Siegel Formation Command
OWS CapriciousSikh(Bonnie)
SLS Phoenix(Bonnie)-Star Commander Trina in command with AI Phoenix in support
SLS Maori(M5.1)

Reserve Group

SLS Sparks Aegis Block II-AI Jonathan Morgan Formation Command
SLS Betty Laffey(Essex II)-Captain Kevin Armington in Command with AI support
SLS Tartar(M5.1)
SLS Zulu(M5.1)

"The Command and Reserve groups consist of our heavy hitters.  Because of the nature of this mission, the layout will be for reserves to hold one jump back from their assigned Corvette units," Foster explained.  "We come in if the kids run into something too big to handle, or bump into serious resistance, and hold back when they don't.  Maintaining a below-thirty-light-year spacing.  The attacks will be as simultaneous as we can make them, and the goal is to cripple the enemy's ability to deploy naval forces while augmenting ours."

He paced the briefing room.  "They… call it 'grand strategy', is that we're running fast-and-deep, while main line Snow Raven units and Allied forces are pressing from the rimward and anti-spinward sides, to roll up and roll through the outlying systems.  It's tightening the noose.  The final objective is to make it as smooth as possible for the invasion forces to reach the enemy's capital world in the shortest amount of time feasible.  In the process, we're dismantling their commercial and military traffic capacity, isolating their garrisons, and avoiding surface contacts."

He handed out packets.  "Taffy Group will be under the overall Command of Billie Hoel, and will consist of two four-ship groups with a reserve unit of heavies with Stacey Cameron Roberts having formation command of the second four ship group.  Likewise with Surcouf group, with Fleet Captain Roberts taking lead of that unit's A-group with the note of I am adding Ephemeral to make it a five ship group since you’re short on hitters.  Mina you’ll have operational control of the B group."

Nodding to Johnathan Morgan, "Admiral Murakami has graciously allowed Captain Morgan to join the Taffy reserve formation as both a leader and advisor.  He's done good work as an officer all the way back to the Jihad."

“I will be with the Command group, which will be acting as a further reserve for this operation as well.  This operation can become very fluid very quickly.”

Foster sighed.  "Now for the worse news: we cannot spend more than drive-charging time at any single target for this to work out, so our timeframe is roughly one week between strikes.  Underway replenishment of stores will be handled as we can get them moved forward, which is to say, it is going to be rough out there.  We are basically pulling an epic-sized commerce raid across a front 180 light years wide, 90 high and 40 deep."

"That's… one for the record books, isn't it?" Luther Bedwyr noted.

"It is.  Partial UNREP will be provided by the Thazi Armed Forces' Fleet, but their operational reach is shortened because they need to maintain their local security from Wynn's Roost to Bloemfontein in the event we screw this up.  Prize vessels will route straight back here, to Port Orphan, where Fleet Captain Gomez and Admiral Murakami will handle the processing and dispatch, as well as record-of-capture.  Erinyes and the remaining Aegis vessels will handle system defense while we're out."

Not quite looking like a school boy in class, Jonathan Morgan raised his hand.

“Yes, Captain Morgan?”

“Admiral, in addition to our cruisers, we have a number of smaller drone units of DropShip size and smaller.  Most would probably be best served to remain here on defensive duties, since we’ve got a limit on collars, but our M-10 carrier units each have a single six-bird squadron of Phoenix Hawk LAMs converted to drone control.  I know the Swifstars and BlackWasps may not be the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree, but we were able to add a bit more computing power to the Phoenix Hawks, and they may prove valuable on boarding ops, if we can shuffle our birds around a bit.”
“Something to take under advisement,” Foster replied.  “Anyone else?”

Lucy Heerman’s human remote had a look about her like if she could cry, she would.

“Problem, Captain Heerman?”  Dave Foster looked her way.

“Apologies sir, but I’m not sure if I’d be shedding tears of joy seeing a fleet action this big again, or if they’d be tears of frustration seeing what has become of our nice neat Destroyer Divisions,” Lucy admitted.

“Heh.  Probably both would be acceptable, given the circumstances,” Foster chuckled slightly.  “Amanda and Phoenix, we have something to discuss in private.  The rest of you, dismissed.”

”So you…

…are our newest recruit.”  Foster studied Phoenix’s human remote.

“Yes sir.”  Phoenix stood before him at attention.

“I have read all the briefs and reports of what you and Amanda tried to pull while I was away, and Helena has given her blessing to how everything went down.  I think she saw this coming, while I failed to when I paired the two of you.  Still honestly, if we had the time, I would be tempted to stick you with Roberts directly.  But we don’t have the time for the refits or the shuffling of crews to make that work.  As it is, several vessels are running short crews to keep that Battleship operational.  I heard a report where you introduced yourself with a false rank, Phoenix.  I’m assigning Star Commander Trina to sit on you as CO and leader of your boarding parties, but once the boarding operations start going down, you’ll be on your own.  So you’ll have to teach her to be an officer in a Command Position of a Warship and I have to enter orders for special dispensation to restore you to full command authority for the remainder of the operation.”

“I understand, sir.” Phoenix stayed at attention.

“Amanda, I am sure you have gotten all the lectures you care to listen to.  Now that you’re clearing medical, I can finally give my blessing for my favorite chainsaw to go do her thing.”  Dave Foster sighed.

“You’re not mad at me?”  Amanda seemed shocked.

“I have accepted it would be like being mad at water for being wet.  You’ll always be a loose cannon, Amanda.  But you are our loose cannon.  All that can be reasonably done to ensure you survive this war, and have a chance of actually being able to acclimate to peace once it is over, has been done.  So now it is up to you and your choices.  Don’t get me wrong, Amanda.  We are still going to be there for you, and support you as best as we can.  We all also recognize it is now your choice which path you want to follow.  Now, you two have something to hash out from my understanding.”  Foster shook his head.

“I’m sorry Amanda.  I gave false pretenses and misrepresented myself.  So you were right to treat me the way you did, and can forgive yourself.  I forgive you,” Phoenix started.

“Phoenix, you weren’t wrong to be angry with me.  Even though you did introduce yourself using the wrong rank, I didn’t care about that.  I still treated you poorly, and you could have called it grounds for coercion to get you to enlist, but you didn’t.  So, I’m sorry too,” Amanda said.

“Amanda, maybe you can accept my debt that is friendship.  Now that we both know who the other really is, and that I truly have a free choice in it.  Because despite everything, I still choose to owe that to you.”

“Thanks, Phoenix.”  Amanda and Phoenix hugged.

“Better.  Now, I believe you have a brother to go see off.  And we have some business to conduct that requires my presence, technically...”  Foster folded his hands and rested his elbows on his desk so he could hide his smile.



…sir."  Amanda was in uniform again, this time it was a 'real' uniform.  "The name on the birth certificate is 'Roberts', sir.  Not 'Cameron'.  I am an Outworlder, not a Terran, sir."

"Yeah, I know.  But I also know the chain of command, and with the official release of data…"

"Roberts, sir," she stated again.  "I'm not fit to be anyone's legal heir anyway, compromised and all that I am."

"You're saying you don't want it?" Daryl asked.

"You have sons.  Two of them, great kids, they'll be great men," Amanda asserted.  "She made you her legal heir.  I'm not fit to be the spare.  I refuse the honor to be your heir.  You have a family."

Daryl looked at Foster, "Can she do that?"

"Yes," Billie said.  "There’s legal precedent in the Terran Hegemony, and Star League codes.  Anyone can step away from the line of succession, provided they are either unfit, or genuinely unwilling."

“Kah-Ray-ZEE.  And all banged up to hell.  So there.”  Amanda smiled.

"I wish I had an excuse half as good," Daryl mourned out loud.  "I don't, but I wish I did…"  He looked at his sister, "I wish it wasn't you that had this."

“If it makes you feel any better Daryl, it’s only because she has to name an heir now that the enemy are getting desperate enough to try head hunting tactics,” Billie offered.

"Yah, Helena's going to live for centuries," Amanda pointed out. "You may never have to actually FILL that spot."

"Your word to God's ears," Daryl asserted.  "Still doesn't explain why you don't want to be third."

"I don't want it, because it means I can't go out and have fun," she stated.  "I'd have to learn all that politics and economics and business stuff.  I'd have to give up my letter of Marque and be…important," she added with distaste.

“Well, you’re important to us already.”  Stacey was in dock re-supplying and took the opportunity to be a part of the meeting.

Amanda stepped forward, and gave Daryl a hug.  "Kiss Sam and the boys for me, okay??" she said.  "Tell them I love them lots."

"I will," he nodded.

She turned to Mashona.  "Take care of my brother, and not just because he's your boss's heir.  For me, okay?"

“I will.  I look forward to when we can meet again, Amanda.”  Mashona smiled.

"Far side of the rift," Amanda nodded.  "Admiral, I've got a ship to prep.  May I be excused to do so?"

"Here I thought you wanted to see them leave," Foster commented.

"No sir, I said my fare-wells.  Daryl's got two important jobs-one of them in Parliament, and the other?  Family don't raise themselves and come out worth a… worth anything."

“Well, we’ll take it as a sign of progress that you’re willing to trust Mashona with your brother, and be happy that you’re growing up a little, but not too much.”  Billie chuckled.

"Mashie's cool," Amanda said.  "Though she needs a Cool Hat.  I need to finish prepping Evanescent, and I need to talk to Phoenix and Luther about our patrol plan."


"Okay, Phoenix…

…You've got your extra personnel sorted and bunked?"  Fleet Captain Amanda Roberts was holding a 'meeting' with the Vessels and Captains for her portion of the mission.

“Yes ma’am.”

"Luther, you're loaded too?  Does anyone have any questions about our objectives?"  She was in a slightly different state than she had been during her recovery.  Amanda Roberts was almost manic.

"Yeah, I'm ready.  When am I getting a Human officer assigned, Commodore?" Luther asked.

"You're not.  We don't have any spares," Amanda told him.  "It turns out it takes a lot of extra bodies to crew a Farragut, including officers qualified for a ship the size of a Bonnie.  The closest you get is your Prize Crew Caps."

“Sorry.  I know my current situation isn’t helping that either Luther,” Phoenix apologized.

She turned to Seron, "Is your ship ready?"

"She's ready, Captain."

Amanda turned to Jonah.  "Will there be problems with Cossack?" she asked.

"No ma'am."

"Better not be."

Johnston tried to stifle a giggle but obviously failed.

"Share the joke, Johnston.  I'm sure we can all use the lightener," Amanda ordered.

“Oh, it’s just that Cossack is actually a total sweetheart and teddy bear once she actually accepts and respects someone.  So she’ll probably give the newbies grief, but once they pass muster she’ll be fine.”

Amanda mock-sighed.  "Damn, and I was hoping for a scurvy space-dog psycho.  Well, can't have everything… I suck at the speeches, but you all know the operation plan.  Your reports show you've got your stores and spare crews.  Those of you who aren't familiar, this is going to be a series of a very special kind of raids.  We're going in to steal their navy blind."

“Oh, Cossack will absolutely be that to our enemies.  No need to worry about that, Commodore.”  Johnston smiled.

'What makes THIS one different is the betting pool," Amanda informed them.  "I have a standing bet with the other squadrons over who's going to score the richest loot off the enemy, and I intend NOT to lose… But we'll be competing with some tough competition.  Including Destroyer Group One led by Billie Hoel.  We're going in to take as much enemy iron out of enemy hands as physically possible… And I don't want you guys to embarrass me in front of our friends."

“Well, that could get complicated for the betting pool, since some of us technically still report to Billie as part of Group One,” Johnston added.

"We're 'Redfor' for this one," Luther said confidently.  "Aren't we?  And the ships with Billie are acting as Bluefor."

"Bingo, and someone dropped a fiver on the pool, didn't you, Luther?" Amanda teased.

"Fifty," he said.  "I bet fifty Escudos at two-to-one odds our group would come out on top, despite the tonnage and manpower difference."

“A little competition between siblings now and again doesn’t hurt either.”  Regina smiled.

"Each competing group is getting a 'slice' of the pie.  We're doing this ahead of the main offensive, so we have a slight advantage in that our initial targets are closer to us than the others.  Which is part of the handicapping, but the overall is the same.  I've got one hundred Escudos that says we'll bring more tonnage, in better condition, than the other two teams."

“So how are we approaching this then?  Close and noisy as hell, or sit back and get a little surprise?” Sikh asked.

"That depends on what we see.  It's why we have a mix that includes ships other than Bonnies," Amanda said.  "Stacey Roberts and Group Two's team will be kinda forced to be big and noisy, what with having one of Murakami's cruisers in their line.  And DG one is going to be the same, just on the amount of thermal boom their emergence waves make.  But they can play subtle too.  We'll be using adaptive tactics at each of four systems on our target list, each one will be a case of dropping in on contingency planning.  But our primary mission is to deprive the enemy of every piece of jump-capable iron we can sink our dirty little fingers into."

"So the mission really is to raid, pillage, and plunder our bloody little black hearts out?"

"Yo Ho Ho."  Amanda grinned wildly.

“This should be fun.”  Johnston adjusted her tricorn hat.

"You all have the target lists and the listing for our rendezvous coordinates.  Jump off is in twelve hours.  Try to have most of your crews sober by then, and my speech is done!"



…flight on the way out is a traditional thing.  Most navies in the Age of War through Star League eras would do a pass-in-review before embarking on a mission.

This time, the flight plan included it for less practical than sentimental reasons.

This wasn't, after all, for a mere practice exercise.  Four Bonaventure corvettes in formation, three with wild-ish looking nose art, and the OWS Illusive with its patriotic-themed Outworlds Flag (oversized).

ALICE watched her friends go, and felt some sadness.  "You'll watch over them, won't you?" she asked her visitor.

"Kolossus will watch over them, little one," Kolossus answered.  "As much as Kolossus can, while also watching over Billie Hoel."

"Thank you."

The next ships off the dock and forming in line were from Destroyer Group One.

"It's… sad seeing them all leave like this," Alice mused.  "I'm worried."

"Kolossus knows.  It is okay to be worried," the entity told her.  "It means you care.  Feelings are… complex.  A proof of evolving beyond what we are, and into who we are
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Colonel
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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #289 on: 30 June 2023, 22:47:18 »
Finally finished all my post script ideas and got Helena's fleet status finally sorted.  At least well enough.

415 pages on our current google doc...
145k words...

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #290 on: 01 July 2023, 01:10:21 »
Ack!  I clearly missed a LOT of posting today... this weekend will be a LONG editing session!  :o

I'm cramming for an ECSA certification exam on Wednesday, so I'll be limited how much I'll be available to write or edit this weekend - probably just when I need a brief decompression from studying.

(Funniest thing?  My biggest problems are keeping up with all the new bells and whistles we don't use introduced since I took my classes 5 years ago - like they introduced a new installation/patching method as an option, teach to that these days, but I don't know that anyone really uses it)
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #291 on: 01 July 2023, 04:13:17 »
Finally finished all my post script ideas and got Helena's fleet status finally sorted.  At least well enough.

415 pages on our current google doc...
145k words...

I have copied this from the beginning and I am up to 406+ pages....and dang this is getting good....great war story with lots of behind the scenes stuff like the three book Cameron Legacy series....excellent work....and getting up to 350K words....


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #292 on: 01 July 2023, 12:03:34 »
Order of Battle, 1st Wave

Darado System...

…Taffy A slid into existence and began shaking out as each vessel arrived.  On telescope, the environmental damage to Darado's main world was visible: strip mines ran streaks across the almost-earthlike world, interrupted by pockets of urban development and village-like encampments.

The latter would be where the slaves lived, exposed to a world of tailings and dust, while their masters lived in the domes, protected from the runoff and dust of massive mining and smelting operations.

"Amanda's report on Darado suggests she didn't know what the local ecology had gotten to before humans started tearing the place up.  The Evanescent didn't get that close, but based on albedo and spectral readings, the planet's got a barely-breathable atmosphere mix with higher-than normal concentrations of CO2 and water vapor."

"What's the green?" Ensign Martins asked from the helm station.

"Algae in the water," Lieutenant Winters answered from Navigation.

It would matter more for the follow-on forces.  For now, the mission was what all that mining and smelting were feeding: a small fleet of JumpShips at the planetary L1 point, there to meet DropShips from the surface.  And occasionally to send DropShips down.

Most of those, to replace losses in the workforce.

Presently there were six Invader class, and two Star Lords.  The Star Lords had Mammoth type dropships docked, ready to depart.

“Engines to max for ten minutes.  Ease back half a g each minute after that until we’re down to one g.  We’ve got time.  Keep an eye on the passives.”  Billie Hoel focused her crew.

It had become a well practiced routine.  Jump in far enough out to get your own look with scopes, burn for a while outside known detection ranges of planetary or moon based sensor systems, then pounce on the enemy before they knew you were there.

It was on the second day of the burn when they saw the small station.  It was clearly more of an anti-piracy defense station, with its own small collection of DropShips for defense and likely fighters as well.

“It’s outside the limit,” Lieutenant Walker said from the weapons station.

“Tempting, but we should save those for bigger fish.”  Billie declined the use of special munitions.

“Should we shorten transit time again?” Ensign Martins asked.

“Yeah, 1.5 gs for ten minutes.  Back to 1g after.  Repeat that at the top of the hour until we hit the turn over and coasting point.”  Billie calculated the strain and rest periods needed.

By the time enemy radar would have enough resolution to detect them, they should be practically on top of them.  And plenty of targets with only partially charged drives waiting for them.

The next three days were tough on the humans in the crew, but there had been no active sensor pings detected from the enemy yet.

That happened on day 5.

“Samantha, be a dear and take care of the station.  Joana screening duty.  Ottillie, any DropShips that launch.  Lucy, let’s start deploying our fighters now,” Billie ordered.

The station scrambled a full aero regiment, and the two Titan DropShips it scrambled before weapons range was entered almost made Billie laugh.

“Establishing ATACs links now.  ECM active,” Billie alerted her crew.

The telemetry from the drone fighters was already flowing in.  In about an hour, they’d have no trouble swatting the station, DropShips, and supporting their own drone fighters with AA mode Capital Laser fire and Capital Missile fire.  Likely even some bracketing Naval PPC fire.

The hour passed quietly.  The planet was scrambling its own response as well, but it too was pitiful.

Four Mule Q ships launched from the surface, and perhaps if they could have linked up with the Titans might have been a viable threat that could cause some armor damage and shoot down more than a half dozen drone fighters.

But thanks to the ATACs feeds, Taffy A’s weapons fire was far too accurate and deadly and sliced through the closing DropShips and Station in a scant three minutes.  The surface force launched fighters before being destroyed two minutes later.

The enemy pilots were certainly skilled and brave, but now completely outmatched.  Some tried to ram to extract some measure of revenge, but those too were effortlessly swatted aside.

“Adjust velocity for enemy JumpShip group.  Now we’re on the clock.  Get the boarding parties away,” Billie ordered.

Within ten minutes after engaging the Station and local defenses, Taffy A was now starting their boarding operations.  It would take only another ten before all targets were secured.  One of the Star Lords significantly damaged its core trying to rush its charge.  The others also tried to rush, but their cores were in much better shape, or completely undamaged.

Jasper’s Mine system...

Taffy B found the system militia well organized and alert.  They were also largely unprepared to fight anything more serious than a light raider.

This state of affairs had to do with how the system actually worked.  Jasper's Mine wasn't and had never been habitable.  The actual 'mine' was on an airless, rocky, pseudo-Mercury rock orbiting not even a tenth of an AU from the dim red dwarf primary.  Most of the system's defenses were concentrated in a series of stations, including a somewhat decrepit and worn O'Neill cylinder that was the main port and habitation for the planet's overlords. The labor force was confined to burrows and domes on Jasper's Mine's surface.

This dependence on even the most basic commodities moving from the greenhouses of the Habitat to the labor camps on the surface meant a bit more active protection to secure and monitor things.

How cluttered the inner system was with so many worlds and moons also gave ample opportunity for places for defenders to hide.

"I count two Merchant, three Invader, and a pair of Star Lords, looks like twenty Mules, three Aqueducts, and a Mammoth active between the Primary and the Station.  That's our target list.  Defenses look like six Achilles class DropShips backed up by a pair of Pentagons and a pair of Titan class carriers… Plus whatever's based on the station or the planet."

Orders were issued, and Marines went to their boarding ships, while fighters were readied.  "We do this as a two-pronged assault to keep the patrols from protecting the JumpShips."

The Assault teams launched relatively early, to run up on cold thrust under stealth blankets, while two of the Destroyers moved to present the threat that would draw the defenders away from the true targets.

"Remember, we're playing this one tight.  We don't have the manpower to take the Habitat OR the surface base.  So we're just taking the JumpShips and taking out the garrison's fighter and DropShip assets."

Fighters rose from moon bases as the formation closed into detection range.  The DropShips, to their credit, at least the armed ones, assumed a combat formation and began their run on the first ship to enter detection range.

Two of the JumpShips tried to thrust toward the point, beginning to furl their sails… And then they drifted, sails half-furled.

It was as good as launching a flare.  The boarding parties were already in place when the destroyers began their run.

One by one, the JumpShips jumped out as the defensive forces arrayed to give battle.

In a sense, this was as one-sided as you can possibly get.  The defending units had no chance at all.

The last of the JumpShips vanished as they finished off the defense squadrons.  Taffy B moved to a mapped transitory point and departed, leaving the mining colony untouched, aside from the destruction of two squadrons of combat DropShips and forty-two fighters.

The remaining forces, mostly ground units tasked with crowd control in the labor pool, didn’t know they'd been stripped of transport and cut off.  The invasion wasn't coming for another eighteen hours.


Nilea’s Garden system…

Surcouf A arrived outside the jump limit, and immediately deployed sail.  Amanda studied her target.  "We'll have to do this quick and smooth," she judged.  "Last time we passed through, they had damned near no defenses at all, and we got a good read on what’s produced here, and for whom."

She rolled her shoulders.  "Mister Chester?  You’ll observe that we have two selections of targets here.  I count eleven JumpShips in various stages of ready to go, but none of them are actually fully loaded yet."

"Aye ma'am," the Elemental Marine nodded.

"We're going to steal them all.  Or as many as we can lay our blackhearted grubby hands on, anyway.  I want priority on the heavies with those Mammoths docked to 'em, because that's food for the enemy, and we want to be eating it instead of them.  Miss Lori, pass down the formation, we're going to do this one systematically: Marine teams will attend in the order I give.  But we're going to steal all their stuff.  Sam, did we kit up the rest of the squadron with your special stealth setups?"

"Yes, we have, and it's been tested," Samuel replied.   "Heck, I even got advice on improvements."

"Did you implement them?"

"I did."

She grinned.  "Good.  It's time to steal their rations."

"What about the defense stations?"

"Oh, we're going to kill those," she asserted quietly.  "Stations, any off-planet air bases, and any fighters they muster.  This is invasion prep.  But we're going to steal their supply ships first.  Have all ships in the formation ready to begin attack runs…"  She mentally calculated, "Six hours after the Marines head for their JumpShips.  We're going to be covering the retreat of our prize crews, and that's going to be all the combat anyone could possibly want here."

She nodded.  "Let's begin.  Jolie Rouge is the signal.  Yo Ho Ho."

"How're we going to do that?" Piorun's avatar asked.

"Well, once our Marines are in motion, I'm going to tell them who we are," Amanda said casually.  "That should bring out every defender in the system, given what I did last time we were through here.  They'll focus on us and on 'holding us back' long enough for the prize crews to make off with their logistics.  It's pure psychology."

“Ah, similar to how I goaded the Blakists when I transmitted in the clear that ‘I am a Caspar and I am free’.  Got it.  Should be fun.”

"If it isn't fun, what's the point?" Amanda grinned.  "This is going to be a hella more fun than killing spacers from range because they sail under the wrong flag."

"You should've been born a Caspar."

Amanda laughed, there was a slight maniacal twinge to her tone, "Now why would I be that, when I can be The Greatest Pirate they'll ever see?"

“The two states are not incompatible.  And I remember my human source well enough, even after all these centuries, that I can enjoy this.  I am a Caspar, and I am free.  What more can I want?”

"Freedom is why we're here," Amanda chuckled.  "Six hours, be ready for my signal.  We need to let the boarding teams storm those ships."

“Well then, I should probably get my remote back to my ship.”

Five and a half hours later, Chester was standing on a JumpShip's bridge, with the enemy commander's override in his hand.  "Pulse the signal, then prep for jump."

The signal went out.

Over a general channel, broadcast from multiple transmitters including the much more powerful ones mounted to the pair of M5s…

"Your attention, Ladies and Gentlemen and All Ships at Sea!!  I am The Dread Pirate Roberts, and I have Come for you All!!  There will be no quarter expected nor offered, your souls belong to me and I will take them to hell!!"

The reaction was swift panic, and combat DropShips began thrusting from surface bases or patrol routes, as ground based detection showed a lone Bonaventure class burning toward the planet.

Right into the kill box formation, as eleven JumpShips moved from station keeping to jump.  Nobody on the ground or on traffic control really blamed them.  Roberts had savaged merchant ships mercilessly not a year and a half ago.  Nobody wanted to be there for the next round of it, so they didn't realize those eleven ships were already stolen.

Piorun and Cossack had to settle for wiping out Achilles and Pentagon class DropShips, plus the pair of Titans, while the Bonnies in the formation and the fighter squadrons dealt with enemy fighters. 

The battle was as one-sided as any the Caspar had record of.  And when the coup-de-grâce on the polar stations was delivered twelve hours later, it was more or less a mercy killing.

Nilea's Garden would prove to be a relatively simple conquest for the Allied forces, having been effectively stripped of Aerospace assets in a single evening of brutal fighting.


Fort Zimbabwe system…

…was a fortified site.  Somebody with access to DOME equipment had spent a lot of time fortifying the system.

"Her reports suggested this would be a major base…"  So far, the comprehensive data gathered by Evanescent's run through the home territory of the Sons of Plunder had been reaping nothing but benefits.  "What do you think, Phoenix?"

"I think that's a Potemkin with a pair of Essex II's flying escort," Phoenix stated.  "We can take those??"

"With help," Mina said judiciously.  "Lots of help… and look!  We have somebody to call in!"

"I don't have enough boarding troops to take an Essex, never mind the Potemkin," Phoenix stated.

"You do not need them.  You need to focus on these…" Mina showed her a cluster of standard JumpShips at the system Nadir.  "We can take those, we can not take the battlewagon.  But the Reserve formation can... And if we time it right, they can keep the big bastards so busy they will not know we are stealing their logistics transports."

"But… won't that-"

"I make some effort not to be as foolheaded as Dave's protege, Phoenix.  I am not going to put your Bonaventure hull anywhere near the capital fire a Potemkin class can sling, never mind an Essex II.  That bunch is for the Cruisers in the Reserve group.  Maori, you are our backup band."

"Backup band?"

"Because only an idiot would leave those JumpShips without a watchdog," Mina asserted.  "I am calling in the Reserve to hit the troop-cruiser and her escorts.  When they are good and on the way?  We hit the logistics formation at the Nadir point.  I want two transports minimum from each of you."


"Two.  If you can not swing two, grab one and blow the other one in place.  If you think you can grab three, do so," Mina said.  "We have a betting pool to win."

“Challenge accepted. I have some payback to get on these bastards after all. They wrecked my favorite remote.”  Maori smiled.

Reserve Group

SLS Sparks (Aegis Block II)-AI Jonathan Morgan Formation Command
SLS Betty Laffey (Essex II)-Captain Kevin Armington in Command with AI support
SLS Tartar (M5.1)
SLS Zulu (M5.1)

SLS Belleau Wood-Potemkin Class, Lord Admiral Jason Alexander David Louis Winston XIIth
SLS Milton-Keynes-Essex II, Lord Commander Enid Roberta Paisley Jane Winston Xth
SLS Salmonford-Essex II, Lord Commander Philbert Devon Lucas Winston the VIIth
2215th Composite Squadron SLDF (Enter from starting map edge, turn 10)

Special (experimental) rules: Defenders may not use Bracket Fire as they have not been trained in it.

Boarding Actions take 4 turns per attempt to resolve.  Each small craft involved in the boarding action increases the defender's survival roll target number by 1 (Rolled once per shuttle, per turn).  It requires 4 successful survival rolls to repel the boarders per boarding unit (small craft) employed.  Four failures (including non-successive) results in the targeted vessel 'flipping sides'.

Each failed survival check generates a critical hit to ship's systems.
« Last Edit: 01 July 2023, 12:34:17 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #293 on: 01 July 2023, 12:07:07 »
Consolidation Phase 1

"Admiral Foster…

…I would never have believed it, If I wasn't looking out the window at it."  Director General Helena Cameron stated, "Over fifty jumpships captured, including the SLS Belleau Wood."

"Admiral Murakami said Morgan was good," Foster approved.  They  were on the SLS Larry Nichols as Flagship at the rally point.  "It's nice to see she was right.  Care to hear what the follow-on forces are hitting?"

"Fierce ground fighting?" Helena suggested.

"A few places, a few others couldn't wait to surrender.  Jasper's Mine's governor, Phillipe Winston?  He was broadcasting surrender codes as soon as the Ghost Bears showed up.  Nilea's Garden is turning out to be one of those poisoned chalices, though."

"What do you mean?"

"Clan Wolf is dealing with a concentrated insurgency from the 'Star League Citizens'.  They freed slaves, and the slaves are fine.  But everyone who was not a slave on the plantations: the technical workers, most of the people who know how the infrastructure works.  Star Colonel Kerensky wants to trade occupation zones with the Jade Falcons, who are earlobes deep in fighting on the ground at Fort Zimbabwe.  There is something close to an SLDF Brigade on the ground there, and they are not inclined to surrender yet."

“And let me guess, they want me to mediate since they can’t be grown ups?”

"The enemy's local commander already claimed Elizabeth is a 'pretender'," Foster said ironically.  "But it might help on Nilea's Garden.  The local officials officially surrendered, so you might actually get some traction getting their educated people to stop planting bombs and shooting at patrols."

“Okay, I’ll swing through on Victoria and see what I can do about the locals.  But feel free to tell the Wolves where they can stick their request to trade occupation duties for me.”

Foster laughed.


"Basileus, if we don't…

…at least try to negotiate…"  Cecil Halford was ready to be killed for saying it.  Well, mentally prepared.

Basileus Katrin looked at the reports again, and then at her Commodore of Naval Forces. "Slow them down.  I promise, I’ll try to open a dialogue.  YOU predicted this."

He nodded.  "Yes, Highness, I did…"

"It is my error," she said.  "Thing about mistakes is, it's always what you do after you've made the catastrophic mistakes.  Buy time, slow them down, so we can at least try to negotiate… And start pulling our forces back.  We can maybe trade space for time."

"You're not going to kill me?"

"I told you before, Cecil.  I value competence.  You've been nothing but competent with every job I've given you.  You're the best man I have for your role.  I can't afford to kill you.  I'm not sure I can afford to lose you, even if we lose this war.  Work up a plan to pull our forces back and concentrate on an effective defense.  We need time, and I need to speak with my Communications Ministry representative about taking steps to open a dialogue and end this with… something."  She sighed sadly.  "Maybe if I negotiate well, some of you might live to serve Her."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #294 on: 01 July 2023, 13:12:51 »
I think I've caught up on editing... the climax is coming!  ^-^

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #295 on: 01 July 2023, 18:36:21 »
Reserve Group

SLS Sparks (Aegis Block II)-AI Jonathan Morgan Formation Command
SLS Betty Laffey (Essex II)-Captain Kevin Armington in Command with AI support
SLS Tartar (M5.1)
SLS Zulu (M5.1)

SLS Belleau Wood-Potemkin Class, Lord Admiral Jason Alexander David Louis Winston XIIth
SLS Milton-Keynes-Essex II, Lord Commander Enid Roberta Paisley Jane Winston Xth
SLS Salmonford-Essex II, Lord Commander Philbert Devon Lucas Winston the VIIth
2215th Composite Squadron SLDF (Enter from starting map edge, turn 10)

Special (experimental) rules: Defenders may not use Bracket Fire as they have not been trained in it.

Boarding Actions take 4 turns per attempt to resolve.  Each small craft involved in the boarding action increases the defender's survival roll target number by 1 (Rolled once per shuttle, per turn).  It requires 4 successful survival rolls to repel the boarders per boarding unit (small craft) employed.  Four failures (including non-successive) results in the targeted vessel 'flipping sides'.

Each failed survival check generates a critical hit to ship's systems.

Oops, I was going to try to write up the battle for this one on my study breaks this weekend.  Been so behind with work this week.
 The basics, though:

An Aegis I that can bracket fire turns out to be surprisingly capable against a Potemkin that can't bracket fire.  Both ships have surprisingly similar damage outputs at long range, both are broadside fighters, with the Potemin having a thrust and armor advantage, while the Aegis I, being an M-12C Concord conversion, has an accuracy advantage.

So, the Sparks would directly engage the Bellau Wood, Tartar and Zulu would flank the enemy Essex and use their bigger broadside bays against them, while the Betty Laffey would use her bow-facing weapons to take aimed shots at both the enemy Essex class and Potemkin.  Drone Phoenix Hawk LAMs would support the boarding parties going against the Bellau Wood, while drone fighters and DropShips held off the enemy fighter and DropShip squadrons.
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #296 on: 01 July 2023, 18:37:59 »
Phase 2

Tannhauser’s Bell system...

As soon as the jump effects dissipated and her screens cleared, Billie didn’t like the look of this system.  There was clearly a large space-borne population here with the large bell shaped asteroid belt.

So where were the defense stations?  Active patrols?  This wave should have started with more resistance, not less.

There were a pair of Invader class JumpShips loaded down with what looked like space station modules at the nearby planet-moon L1, but before Billie and her squadron could cover even that distance they jumped out.

All that were left were small little satellites and the local burrows.

“They’re jammer satellites.”  Ensign Ortega had this shift at Communications.

“Weapons and fighter squadrons clear them from my sky,” Billie ordered.

Once they were swept, the distress beacons from the burrows could be heard.  They were begging for food, water… any supplies really.

“They stripped them.  Just to slow us down.  Force us to deploy our logistics assets here,”  Ensign Ortega was angry.

“And it might have worked if Amanda hadn’t grabbed that supply convoy.  Ortega, start working that panel.  I’ll coordinate anything we can spare to the most critical cases until relief can show up.”

Natsu system...

Tabarinth studied the system.  It was clearly a fairly substantial production center for the Sons of Plunder.  But the defenses, well what she could see, were inadequate.

The only reason that made any sense, is that the Sons of Plunder knew what was coming and were starting to pull back.

The quartet of Pinto class corvettes that she could see thanks to her Naval Comm Scanner were in formation with three Merchant and five Invader JumpShips at the Zenith point.

“No need for anything fancy.  We’ll just take them and roll up anything the planet can muster later.  Straight forward defeat in detail,” Tabby informed her crew at the same time she sent the orders out over her ATACs.

Engines came up to full acceleration.

The only reason the battle lasted more than five minutes once joined was because the Pintos decided to die with drained fuel tanks, futilely running for their lives.

A week later the planet failed to muster any immediate response.

“They’re figuring out our tactics.  Knowing we’re focusing on any sort of sortie before our invasion force arrives, and destroying what defenses we can.  And unless I’m mistaken, those mountains near the main settlement are stuffed full of Surface to Orbit emplacements.  Communications, advise follow up forces accordingly.  We’re not going to be able to clear this without getting bogged down in unfavorable fighting,” Tabby said for the benefit of her human crew.

Silesea System...

Amanda studied the plot.  "Back again," she said.  The traffic was lighter than it used to be.  She could almost see where the AIs had killed a Baron class here, and she'd taken a Star Lord.

Back at the scene of the crime.  She sighed. 

"Contact!  Sixty degrees port, range eighteen thousand kilometers!!"

"Identify it," she ordered.

"Vincent Class, model 39, transponder is SLS Voerhoeven."

"Well, they're not friendly at least," she resolved.  "So where’re his buddies?"


"A Vinnie is a recon bird," she said.  "She's spotting for someone, and probably has us spotted.  Spread the formation out, overlap your sensor coverage.  She let us see her.  Means her pals are nearby."

The Vincent's engines lit, and she began pulling back.

"Oh, clever girl… Lori, signal Piorun.  The Vincent's hers if she can take her.  The rest of the formation will fly in support-he's trying to draw us into a kill box… So let's see what she's got to kill us with."

"Neutrino spray, picking it up roughly ten thousand kilometers along her vector, multiple sources."

Amanda relaxed.  "Well, they laid out the party mat.  So let's not disappoint our hosts.  Open the formation another thousand kliks.  They want a kill box, let's oblige them.  Pass a message to the Reserve, there's work for Fleet ships here."

There is an art to turning an ambush.  The trick is to let the ambushers think they're unseen while your reserves arrive behind them.  This deep outside the jump limit, that's pretty simple, really.

Space rippled as the heavier WarShip group slid into three dimensional space, containing the four Pintos that had been laying doggo in the outer system.

"Surcouf formation, break off," she ordered.  "Piorun and Cossack, just linger enough to keep the stopper on them.  The rest of you with me.  We're going to make some nightmares come true.  Advance on the Zenith point first."

The enemy had picked up their arrival, had this planned ahead of time.  And burned their jump charge getting in position.

It could have worked, if the sensor suites were still 'Star League grade' on the Privateer ships, but between Helena and Acton and multiple updates?

Not so much.

As the Bonaventures from Surcouf A moved on the now-lightly-protected Jump Point, men died in darkness and silence, sandwiched in a kill box wrapped around their kill box.

Cossack merrily waltzed through the Pintos, their frail frames not withstanding her superior firepower.  Until only one was left, and signaled surrender.

“Smart move.  It’ll take us longer to secure you than kill you.  Fine.  Boarding parties away, and let them know we’ll be watching for funny business.”  Cossack sighed.

Karalia System...

"I know you…" Phoenix could recognize that hull.  Vincent, Mk 39.  She'd seen her before, met her, and her partner.  "...I know you!!"

Convoy 22's attacker was HERE.

"Launch fighters."

Phoenix heard it then, over RF, wide band.

"This is SLS Tench, Lord Commander Bruno Unger in command, to Outworlds vessels.  I want to negotiate a surrender."


It repeated three more times before she could muster her response.  "This is SLS Phoenix, on behalf of Task Force Surcouf B.  What are your terms?"

"Decent treatment for my men, and your pledge not to bombard the civilian population from orbit."

"Stand down your weapons and drives, and prepare to receive boarders," she said.  "This better not be a trick, Tench, over."

“I believe this is where we part ways and Foster’s special dispensation to return you to command kicks in Phoenix.”  Trina departed Phoenix’s CiC.

“Good hunting Trina.”  Phoenix smiled.

Three hours later, she was fielding the surrender messages of the planetary militia garrison, a reinforced company of tanks and 'mechs.

"I didn't even get to shoot anyone," Phoenix marveled.

Consolidation Phase 2

"In some places…

…they fight like cornered tigers.  In others, they surrender without a shot." 

"Unger," Helena observed.  This time, Foster was visiting Victoria over Nilea's Garden.

"Bruno Unger.  Who would have thought he not only believed in Elizabeth, but decided he was more loyal to her than to Basileus Katrin."  Helena shouldn't have been surprised by the man's deposition, but she was.

"Well, your sister showing up here put an end to the fighting.  And her visit to Fort Zimbabwe turned that Brigade into a civil war," Foster noted.  "You did more than your fair share pacifying things here."

"How bad are things at Fort Zimbabwe?"

"Katrin Loyalist versus Elizabeth Loyalist, both going after neutrals.  And the Falcons are letting them, as long as they stick to the areas they already shelled and bombed out.  So they only have to protect the pockets of noncombatants while the local lunatics tear each other apart."

“Shit.  Well I could try swinging through there too, to see if maybe I can smooth things over.  Anything to try and get some sanity taking grip there.”  Helena shook her head.

"The good news is Tannhauser's Bell," Foster observed.  "Republic units report the locals are friendly, and your sister's holoimage is showing up on people's walls in offices and public areas without prompting.  There were few slaves in that system.  Most of the population is educated."

“Helps we had all those extra supplies conveniently loaded up for redistribution that Amanda nabbed.  Feeding and keeping people breathing tends to win their support.”  Helena smiled.

"It's still good news," he said.


The facility…

…had been sabotaged.  "We don't have an HPG."  Katrin wanted to scream, to lash out.  To express the sheer betrayal represented by the Communications Ministry destroying the HPG site rather than try to open a dialogue with the forces invading the Star League Remnant.

The facility had been destroyed, and most of the personnel committed suicide, rather than comply with her orders.  The Communications Ministry, aka The Word of Blake, was NOT going to let themselves be taken by the allies.

Even at the risk of putting billions of Star League Citizens and subjects at risk of total destruction.  They were never loyal.

The realization hurt.  "Can we fix this?" she asked Marshall Guffney.

"We can field the truck-mounts, and relay through Naval vessels, but the HPG hub?  We don't have the tooling to rebuild it, Basileus."

"Do what you can," she said.  "We're blind, deaf, and mute without it!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, as you will… What will you order next?"

"That depends on whether I can get in contact with the invaders, and their… pretender.  And arrange a cease-fire.  If I can't, then we may have to fight to the last.  If I can, then maybe, just maybe, something will be left for my successor," she scowled.  "Why haven't you overthrown me?"

"Because I'm loyal, Highness.  To the end, my oath is to you," he told her.  "Why else?  You're the first competent Basileus in decades…"

"I got us into a war we can't win," she countered.  "A war we’re losing."

"I disagree. This war was inevitable due to the policies enacted by your ancestors.  You just had the misfortune of it coming during your reign, and your enemies being strong enough to win."

"If I offer a surrender, what would you do?"

"I would surrender," he told her.  "If your offer was accepted, and I would order my men to do the same."

"There is hope then, because it's harder to do than you realize," she said.  "I almost can't make myself do it… What if I ordered you to fight to the last?"

"I would fight to the last.  My honor would be satisfied merely in my obedience, Basileus," he told her.

"I don't deserve… Thank you… Get our network up in some kind of operation."  She looked at the ruined A-station.  "Our mission remains what it was from the start: to preserve as much of the Star League as physically possible."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #297 on: 01 July 2023, 18:43:10 »
Oops, I was going to try to write up the battle for this one on my study breaks this weekend.  Been so behind with work this week.
 The basics, though:

An Aegis I that can bracket fire turns out to be surprisingly capable against a Potemkin that can't bracket fire.  Both ships have surprisingly similar damage outputs at long range, both are broadside fighters, with the Potemin having a thrust and armor advantage, while the Aegis I, being an M-12C Concord conversion, has an accuracy advantage.

So, the Sparks would directly engage the Bellau Wood, Tartar and Zulu would flank the enemy Essex and use their bigger broadside bays against them, while the Betty Laffey would use her bow-facing weapons to take aimed shots at both the enemy Essex class and Potemkin.  Drone Phoenix Hawk LAMs would support the boarding parties going against the Bellau Wood, while drone fighters and DropShips held off the enemy fighter and DropShip squadrons.

Sorry Gio, I think it might be a defect of the sheer PACE I write at.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #298 on: 01 July 2023, 21:32:48 »
Can we please get a VERY big map picture of current affairs? from the OA to the systems TSP hold/held?
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


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Re: Strategos Concludes!! (a Great Captain Roberts story)
« Reply #299 on: 01 July 2023, 21:44:45 »
Can we please get a VERY big map picture of current affairs? from the OA to the systems TSP hold/held?

Monbvol IS working on maps for takes time, and I'm not exactly the most patient sort of person.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

