Author Topic: Tutorial/Painting Guide for Older Davion Guards Scheme  (Read 3996 times)


  • Master Sergeant
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Tutorial/Painting Guide for Older Davion Guards Scheme
« on: 15 April 2018, 13:27:37 »
I have a force with the newer scheme already done, but I would love to do an older scheme for another force I am building for 4th War/3039 era. Anyone know some online painting guides/tutorials for that?
Clover Spear author and cat wrangler!
FedCom Fan!


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Tutorial/Painting Guide for Older Davion Guards Scheme
« Reply #1 on: 07 May 2018, 08:34:52 »
Copied from another forum and the pics are long gone;

NOTE: Not from me but user DQIII.

So to be honest, this has got to be the easiest one so far but ill try to go into as much detail as possible.  The lines will require patience, a steady hand and a very quick touch with a "water brush" (brush with water to remove screw ups).

Our subject is a Saggitaire, love this mech/mini and am so stoked to do it in these colors!
Colors used:
Blue Crescent
Brilliant Red
Ghost White
Pure White
Blackened Steel
Honed Steel
Golden Brown (base)

Paint it blue...all of it haha. Two coats taken to get full coverage, followed by a metallic detailing

Next up is the wash, we are looking at 2 coats here, fortunately the Saggitaire has some great panel lines that make it look very prominent, though i am gonna slap a MASSIVE Davion decal front and center on it.

Ok so the next part is highlighting and striping.  I basically outlined all the panels in the base Crescent Blue for the highlight and then set out for the Davion Guard's stripes.  After consulting CSO and other sources I determined the best way to go was to just do it.  I took my 5/0 "spotter" wet it down and pinched it till it was flat.  Then i selected my color; Red first, and VERY slowly and carefully took the line down the mini.  This took several "goes" as i kept running out of paint on the brush every 5mm or so.  Then I laid out my white in the same fashion.  Patience is key as a screw up or five will happen in which case just wait a few and correct it with the cover color.  I considered a "in progress" shot but to be honest, its just a straight line, not much of a secret to it ;) .  Its more the time you take than actual skill.  Finally, i took the Crescent Blue to the edges of the stripes to even them it perfect? Far from it, but i gave it my best!  I also did the cockpit by laying down Crimson Red followed by Brilliant Red at this point.

Lastly I added decals;House Davion, and a #04 which is on the right arm (not visible), clump foliage, and a Honed Steel dry-brush to the metallics.

I Hope you enjoy the mini because i think i may have a new favorite!
« Last Edit: March 01, 2015, 06:01:01 pm by DQIII »

