Author Topic: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.  (Read 14159 times)


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Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #30 on: 30 January 2021, 11:02:29 »
did you ever continue this elsewhere?
flesh it out more?
i might be interested in tapping into it for my new campaign i am starting with a merc company and savage worlds mechwarrior as the rpg side, and battletech tabletop for the combat side.
please pm me
thanks in advance


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Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #31 on: 30 January 2021, 12:06:57 »
One. Ping. Only (Helm, station keeping. Lets watch the violence from afar, shall we?).
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #32 on: 11 April 2022, 22:19:27 »
Hello! I just saw that some people have posted replies here.

This campaign consisted of me as the GM and my two brothers. We did manage to play through a few games in Megamek and advance the story a bit, and it was quite enjoyable! However, one of them got married and the other is now the father of twins. While I'd never say it's dead, this campaign is definitely on hiatus as they are both full-time dads now. Sadly we haven't touched it since about the time COVID started.

Ultimately, in the long term I envisioned a campaign in which Horizon (through a combination of military brilliance, political maneuvering, and the rediscovery of some fully intact Rim Worlds technology caches) came to form the nucleus of a major new Periphery state encompassing most of the Barrens including Oberon, the Elysian Fields, Von Strang's World, and the Belt.

First there would have been a series of engagements in which pirate raids on other independent Periphery worlds would be stymied by mercenaries (namely the players) acting on behalf of the HRA as "peacekeeping ambassadors." This is about where the campaign ended. Fortunately, they don't ever read or post here. :)

Eventually, the three major pirate factions would have formed an alliance of convenience to put Horizon and the rest of the Barrens back in its place. Redjack Ryan and his lover Maria Morgraine, now reunited, would have assassinated Helmar Valasek and absorbed his forces into their own, turning Ryan's Rebels into a single monstrous reinforced-regiment-sized Battlemech force of hard-bitten murderers. This would have resulted in major damage to several of the worlds Horizon was trying to protect. Realizing the monumental threat that this posed, Horizon would have sent the players' mercenary unit to eliminate Maria Morgraine after receiving an inside tip from Lyran Intelligence as to the location of her next raid.

The death of Morgraine would have driven Redjack Ryan into an absolute fury, baiting him into attacking Horizon itself with virtually all assets. Driven by revenge, and completely failing to understand either the power of Horizon's rather large conventional army or the population's near-fanatical desire to beat him at any cost, Ryan would be defeated in the largest ground battle in the Periphery since the Amaris Coup. In addition to the players' own mercenary unit, elements from the Oberon Confederation, Von Strang's World, and the Belt would also unexpectedly arrive to cut off Ryan's forces from retreating, thus giving official birth to this new alliance. Eventually, Ryan himself would be cornered and wounded following an emergency ejection. Alongside the same HRA mechwarrior who lost his biological eyes in the fluff here, the players would find Ryan incapacitated, being comforted by his nine-year-old daughter Suzie. As she begged for her father's life, the players would have to decide to either end Ryan once and for all or to show mercy, with long-term repercussions either way.

In either case, this victory would completely clear the Barrens of pirates for at least the next decade, while absorbing the formerly pirate-held worlds as well.

The resurgence of a Rim Worlds Republic successor state wouldn't sit well with many in the Inner Sphere, of course. In fact, one of the Draconis Combine's warlords would commit a major invasion to put a stop to Horizon's ascendance. This would be defeated with help from the Lyrans, and Horizon's stout resistance would also inspire a full-blown rebellion in the Rasalhague Prefecture (in contrast to the Comstar-brokered independence agreement that occurred a few years later in the core timeline). It's even possible that Horizon might receive a border world from the new Free Rasalhague Republic in gratitude.

By this point Horizon's new alliance would claim virtually all of the 3025-era northern periphery. This would cause an economic boom in the region of the like not seen for centuries. The name of the new state would have been up to the players, of course. I haven't really planned an outline of what happens after this, or what would happen once the Clans arrive (or if they arrive at all).

Speaking of the players, their unit was called Maverick's Marauders, a B-rated medium-heavy Battlemech battalion with some additional ground assets. They also owned their own Overlord, a Gazelle, and six medium aerospace fighters. The blinded HRA mechwarrior, his eyes replaced with cybernetics, functioned as their military liaison.

If there are any further developments, I'll certainly post here again!
« Last Edit: 08 December 2023, 00:41:27 by Cavgunner »


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Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #33 on: 12 April 2022, 01:19:11 »
Sounds like a story!!! Well done man
 Pitty you couldn't continue it, but so is life. Hopw tou can finish the story arc in the future!


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Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #34 on: 12 April 2022, 03:27:36 »
Very solid plot outline!  :thumbsup:

idea weenie

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Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #35 on: 12 April 2022, 08:30:55 »
Very nice story and setup.  You set up lower population levels to better explain tech loss, and have a run-down location that can be fixed up by a clever mercenary group with some tech support.


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Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #36 on: 13 April 2022, 11:35:57 »
Interesting and well written story, I hope you continue writing in the future.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #37 on: 17 December 2023, 15:34:14 »
Rezzing this thread because I've been tinkering with a few ideas.

Voyager Land Train
Base Tech Level: Standard (IS)
Level: Advanced            -   
Era: 2722+ (Star League)             -   
Tech Rating: E/D-E-D-D
Type: Support Vehicle

Weight: 200 tons
BV: 582
Cost: 4,312,688 C-bills

Movement: 3/5 (Tracked)
Engine: 600 Fusion
BAR Rating : 8

Internal:                   120
Armor:                     133
                    Internal        Armor               
Front                20             25               
Front Right       20             22               
Front Left         20             22               
Rear Right       20             22               
Rear Left         20             22               
Rear                20             20               

Searchlight (Mounted)        FR           
Trailer Hitch        RR           
Lift Hoist/Arresting Hoist        RR           
SV Chassis Mod [Tractor]        BD           
SV Chassis Mod [Snowmobile]        BD           
Communications Equipment (1 ton)        BD           
Paramedic Equipment        BD      
10 Additional Crew Seats     BD   

Overview: The Voyager is one of the largest and most advanced land train systems ever produced. Designed specifically to overcome the most hostile arctic environments, it was a staple on many developing colonies in the late Rim Worlds Republic and elsewhere. With the main production line on Apollo destroyed long ago, only a few examples of this mighty vehicle remain.

Capabilities: Voyager-class land trains are used to provide logistical support to settlements that either cannot rely on or are disconnected from a world's transportation network. While the Voyager can function in any environment, it is optimized for long-range operations in arctic, snowbound biomes. A Voyager boasts virtually unlimited range thanks to its fusion plant. In addition, the vehicle's gigantic size, power, and "snow cat" configuration means that it can easily muscle over snowdrifts, rockfalls, fully grown trees, medium-sized buildings, or even small Battlemechs without noticing the difference.

Reliability is the main reason that any Voyagers have survived the long dark of the Succession Wars at all. The Diplass Titan power plant is one of the finest fusion engines ever installed on a civilian vehicle, capable of decades-long continuous operation without so much as a power fluctuation. Meanwhile the transmission and drivetrain are as smooth and sturdy as polished granite. In addition, the massive treads feature a deceptively simple auto-tensioning system. This is fortunate, because on the rare occasion that a Voyager DOES manage to throw a track, its crew will be in for a highly strenuous experience trying to walk it back on.

With its expansive views and spacious multi-crew layout, a Voyager's cockpit resembles the bridge of a small dropship. The standard crew of 5 consists of 3 driver-navigators, a systems engineer, and a crew boss. Seating is available for up to 10 additional people. In modern times this usually consists of family members. The living section features various amenities including five modest cabins. There is also a basic medical station in the event of crew injury. Thanks to the fusion engine, internal heating for the tractor and its trailers is never an issue.

The tractor is not designed to haul cargo itself, but it does feature a 15-ton hold that is accessible via a drop-down ramp. The hold is used to store supplies, spare parts, the crew's personal belongings, and extra trade goods. It can also accommodate small vehicles. Jet Sleds, Ferret VTOLs, and small trucks are the most common choices, but on Horizon, the Orlov is also popular.

As standard, a Voyager is unarmed. Crews operating in lawless regions often reduce the size of the cargo hold in order to install a topside turret with mech-scale weaponry. Armor protection is sufficient to protect from enthusiastic driving, aggressive megafauna, or the occasional falling boulder.

The tractor's maximum off-road speed when unloaded is 54 kph. When pulling a train, however, cruising speed is limited to 22 kph. Because the crew operates in round-the-clock shifts, this sedate speed is not a concern. In the minds of a Voyager crew, slow but steady wins the race.

Trailers of any type or size can be accommodated, but most crews prefer a configuration of five 40-ton trailers for an optimal mix of variety and practicality.

Deployment: In 3018 Voyager land trains are uncommon, which makes them even more important to the communities that rely on them. On Horizon approximately two dozen of these vehicles are scattered across the planet. Elsewhere in former Rim Worlds space the number of functional vehicles slowly dwindles every year, with probably less than 100 total examples now remaining.

On Horizon, many different land train designs are in use but Voyagers are the ones most associated with the planet's culture. Before the Succession Wars, these vehicles were all operated by the planetary government. Nowadays, they are owned and operated by the descendants of their original crews. These fiercely egalitarian crew-families take great pride in personalizing their vehicles. A Voyager is often adorned with bright, expressive, whimsical artwork that belies the vehicle's immense size. As such, each vehicle is a form of heraldry for its crew-family. For many of the most remote communities on Horizon, a visit from a Voyager train is more than just a prime opportunity to trade and resupply. It may very well represent the community's only reliable contact with the outside world. A Voyager's arrival is usually cause for celebration.

During the early Succession Wars many Voyagers were scrapped so that their fusion engines could be used in various military applications. Aside from the obvious loss of a magnificent, irreplaceable machine, such short-sighted decisions were almost always to the detriment of the isolated communities that rely on land trains to survive. Belatedly realizing this, the Gienah-Durapaq Elite Series 3 was a mid-Succession-wars attempt by the Lyrans to duplicate the Voyager concept. The Series 3 shares many of the Voyager's design cues and is successful in its own right, but it does not quite reach the Voyager's level of sophistication or capability.

idea weenie

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Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #38 on: 17 December 2023, 15:55:16 »
For the 15-ton cargo Bay I'd tend to split it into 2 cargo bays; 6 tons up top and and 9 tons in the existing below area.

The top area is 6 tons of capacity for storage, or enough room for a half-ton turret, a 5-ton Large Laser, and half a ton of armor.
The bottom area is for the vehicles as usual, or reducing the number of vehicles to carry cargo if the top mount is used for the weapon.

(Yes, I like to limit cargo bay modifications based on their locations in the vehicles.)


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #39 on: 19 December 2023, 02:28:43 »
Thanks for the comment. Unfortunately a large laser would be problematic since energy weapons on support vehicles require full heat sinks even if the vehicle is fusion-powered. More likely they'd have to make do with a medium laser and perhaps a small missile launcher.

Here is the entry for the Voyager's cargo trailer and other trailer variants.

Code: [Select]
Voyager Cargo Van (and variants)

Mass: 40 tons

Movement Type: Tracked

Power Plant: None
Cruising Speed: as tractor
Maximum Speed: as tractor
Armor: BAR 3

Communication System: None
Targeting & Tracking System: None
Introduction Year: n/a
Tech Rating/Availability:D/X-X-X-D
Cost: 49,175 C-Bills

This 40-ton cargo van is used to transport up to 30 tons of dry goods, consumer items, or raw materials. This entry represents a unit constructed using a Succession Wars level of technology with a snowmobile configuration that is
compatible with the Voyager tractor. Lower-tech versions do exist, as do versions without the snowmobile modification.
Type: Voyager Cargo Van
Chassis Type: Tracked (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 40 tons
Battle Value: 85

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                    8.5
Engine/Trans.                                       0.0
    Cruise MP:0
Flank MP:0
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Armor Factor (BAR 3)          78                    1.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   4         19   
     R/L Side               4/4      20/20   
     Rear                    4         19   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   

    Bay 1:  Cargo (30.0 tons)       1 Door   

Features Trailer, Snowmobile Chassis and Controls Modifications
Trailer Hitch(2)

For purposes of this entry, all variants of the Voyager trailer are structurally identical, differing only in their configuration.

Liquid carrier: Typically used to transport fuel or industrial liquids, but sometimes used for unrefrigerated liquid foodstuffs. Capacity: 26.91 tons. 53,375 C-Bills.

Reefer: Accommodates refrigerated goods such as frozen food items. Capacity: 25.87 tons. 57,575 C-Bills.

Passenger Car: Features seating for 40, a kitchen, two emergency medical stations, and 2.5 tons of cargo for luggage. Most suitable for when the time between stops is one local day or less. 173,776 C-Bills.

Sleeping Car: Features four 2nd-class passenger cabins and 2 tons of cargo for luggage. Due to the limited number of cabins, fees can be quite high. Still, this is often the only practical, safe option for those
venturing to distant or otherwise inaccessible locations. Typical users include surveyors, prospectors, and adventure tourists. 133,175 C-Bills.

« Last Edit: 19 December 2023, 22:07:03 by Cavgunner »


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Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #40 on: 19 December 2023, 02:30:52 »
HRA Line Infantry Platoon

HRA Line Infantry comprise the bulk of Horizon's regular infantry regiments. With an emphasis on range, flexibility, and survivability, they are quite distinct from most Inner Sphere infantry formations.

Horizon has fostered a working relationship with the Intek corporation for centuries. It should come as little surprise that Horizon is one of the few entities that has been granted permission to produce a licensed copy of the Intek laser rifle. Although the Intek rifle is not the most powerful infantry weapon available, it is reliable, accurate, and fairly compact. Most importantly to HRA doctrine, it easily outranges most other rifles. As such, Line Infantry squads can engage targets with effective fire at distances not expected from "basic" infantry. One trooper in each squad is also equipped with a shoulder-fired, two-shot SRM launcher. This time-proven weapon dramatically increases a squad's firepower. Finally, each trooper is also issued a set of Lyran-derived ballistic plate combat armor. Although the armor is quite heavy, it allows a trooper to sustain serious damage and survive.

Depending on the needs and function of the regiment, Line Infantry squads might be trained in various specializations including mountaineering, para-deployment, or anti-mech warfare.

HRA Line Infantry platoons are ubiquitous at posts across Horizon. On occasion they are deployed in support of offworld operations, but Horizon's ability to move large numbers of troops off-planet is very limited.

The infantryman of most modern armies is, to put it charitably, somewhat disregarded. This is often reflected in low morale, low motivation, and ultimately, low effectiveness. What truly sets Horizon's typical infantryman apart is their training, motivation, and morale. It has been said that while the HRA infantryman might withdraw, he does not know how to retreat. An institutional mindset of dogged, often grim determination permeates the infantry corps. Over the centuries this has been reflected time and again in engagements where HRA infantry units have held fast and prevailed against theoretically superior opposition. Every trooper knows that they are the first, and often last, defense against Horizon's many enemies.

Code: [Select]
HRA Line Infantry Platoon
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Transport Weight: 2.5 tons
     Primary Weapon: 24 Laser Rifle (Intek)     
     Secondary Weapon: 4 SRM Launcher (Std, Two-Shot)     
     Armor: Ballistic Plate
Standard Battle Value: 116
Introduction Year: 2910
Cost: 2,051,694.943 C-bills
Notes: None
Platoon Type (Specialty): Foot (None)     
Ground MP: 1
Platoon Size (Squad/Platoon): 28 (7/4)
Armor Divisor: 2
To-Hit Modifier (Range in Hexes):      -1 (0 Hexes), +0 (1-3 Hexes), +2 (4-6 Hexes), +4 (7-9 Hexes)
Maximum Weapon Damage (# of Troopers):      10 (28-27), 9 (26-24), 8 (23-21), 7 (20-19), 6 (18-16), 5 (15-13), 4 (12-10), 3 (9-7), 2 (6-5), 1 (4-2)

HRA Jump Infantry Platoon

Much less common and more expensive to field than Line Infantry, Jump Infantry platoons are equipped identically, aside from the addition of a jump pack. Due to their mobility and the range of their weaponry they can be extremely difficult for enemy forces to deal with. They are sometimes trained in anti-mech tactics, which increases their cost exponentially. However, HRA doctrine states that this is not strictly necessary since they should be harassing the enemy at arm's length.

Code: [Select]
HRA Jump Infantry Platoon
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Transport Weight: 5 tons
     Primary Weapon: 24 Laser Rifle (Intek)     
     Secondary Weapon: 4 SRM Launcher (Std, Two-Shot)     
     Armor: Ballistic Plate, Standard
Battle Value: 147
Introduction Year: 2910
Cost: 5,334,406.851 C-bills
Notes: None
Platoon Type (Specialty): Jump (None)     
Ground MP: 1     
Jump MP: 3
Platoon Size (Squad/Platoon): 28 (7/4)
Armor Divisor: 2
To-Hit Modifier (Range in Hexes):      -1 (0 Hexes), +0 (1-3 Hexes), +2 (4-6 Hexes), +4 (7-9 Hexes)
Maximum Weapon Damage (# of Troopers):      10 (28-27), 9 (26-24), 8 (23-21), 7 (20-19), 6 (18-16), 5 (15-13), 4 (12-10), 3 (9-7), 2 (6-5), 1 (4-2)
« Last Edit: 27 February 2024, 17:19:04 by Cavgunner »


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Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #41 on: 19 December 2023, 04:27:01 »
The Intek used to be my favorite Laser Rifle... then Shrapnel #9 came along... ;)

As for armor, I gave my Lothians modified "Tanker's Smocks" that swap out the cooling for a heater.  As a bonus, they're non-encumbering... :)


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Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #42 on: 19 December 2023, 16:32:03 »
HRDC Zero-G Marines

Horizon Royal Defense Corps Marines, also known as the Royal Marine Regiment or simply the Royal Marines, are Horizon's premier infantry force. These soldiers are trained and equipped (at eye-watering expense) to perform as spaceborne zero-g infantry.

The primary weapon of the Marine trooper is a short-pattern variant of the Intek Blazer Rifle. While this weapon is quite effective in a zero-g environment, care must be taken to avoid hull over-penetrations.

HRDC Marines are the only formation authorized to deploy Horizon's dwindling supply of Mauser 960 pulse laser rifles. In the distant past these frighteningly powerful weapons were fielded in great numbers as a main battle rifle. Now less than 140 functional examples remain in Horizon's inventory; the Marines therefore use them as squad support weapons. For protection, HRDC Marines employ a midnight-black Marine Environment Suit derived from types used by the Successor States.

Although the HRDC detests expending Marines in open planetary combat, necessity often dictates that the Marines must perform as regular infantry. For this reason, all Marines are trained in anti-Mech tactics.

Marine units are typically parceled out at platoon-sized strength to the few remaining HRDC vessels capable of supporting spaceborne infantry operations. It is important to note that the Marine Regiment is under the direct command of the Horizon Royal Defense Corps, and not the Royal Army itself. As one of the last vestiges of Horizon's spaceborne capability, the marines rightfully view themselves as an elite force. They are also the only formation authorized to perform as royal guards.

The Royal Marines are fairly well-known in the coreward Periphery. One of their most recent exploits was the capture in 3012 of the rogue Kuritan Merchant-class jumpship Blue Velvet, now the HRDC Farseeker. This action stranded a deserting company of Rasalhague Military District mechs that were inbound to raid the planet, resulting in their surrender.

Some conspiracists have claimed that the entire event was, from the beginning, a ruse to steal a Kuritan jumpship and that the deserting mechwarriors were actually offered asylum in advance for their part in the plot. No publicly-available evidence exists to support these claims.

Code: [Select]
HRDC Marines
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Transport Weight:  3
    Primary Weapon: 24 Laser Rifle (Blazer)
    Secondary Weapon: 6 Laser Rifle (Mauser 960)
    Armor:  Environment Suit, Marine
Battle Value: 217
Introduction Year: 2910
Cost: 56,543,843.234 C-bills
Notes: Burst damage.

Platoon Type (Specialty): Foot (Marines), Anti-Mech
    Ground MP: 1
Platoon Size (Squad/Platoon): 30 (10/3)
Armor Divisor: 2
To-Hit Modifier (Range in Hexes):
    -3 (0 Hexes), +0 (1-2 Hexes), +2 (3-4 Hexes), +4 (5-6 Hexes)
Maximum Weapon Damage (# of Troopers):
    14 (30-29), 13 (28-27), 12 (26-25), 11 (24-23), 10 (22-21), 9 (20-19), 8 (18-17), 7 (16-14), 6 (13-12), 5 (11-10), 4 (9-8), 3 (7-6), 2 (5-4), 1 (3-2)
« Last Edit: 30 January 2024, 14:27:47 by Cavgunner »


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Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #43 on: 19 December 2023, 17:45:06 »
Shrapnel hasn't done gyro jets yet, but I expect they're next... ;)


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #44 on: 19 December 2023, 19:12:55 »
Thanks for the comments!

Mounted Frontier Militia

Deep within Horizon's wintry interior regions, horse-mounted volunteers form a rough but effective militia.

Horsemanship is considered an important skill on Horizon. Vehicles can malfunction, or run out parts and fuel. A horse, however, will remain sturdy and true to its rider as long as it can forage for food and water. Horses can also quickly traverse terrain that most vehicles cannot. Many different breeds are popular on Horizon, but the ones most preferred by civilians and frontiersmen are muscular, shaggy beasts descended from strains of the Finn Horse. These animals are capable of withstanding the harshest weather extremes. As credit to their toughness, growing wild populations have taken root in Horizon's vast wilderness.

The most prosperous cities on Horizon would not seem dissimilar to those in the Inner Sphere. However, outside of the main urban areas, large portions of the population live in remote settlements that often have infrequent contact with the the outside world. While they are not necessarily primitive, life there can be difficult. For such communities, a horse-mounted militia might be the only presence enforcing local security. These ad-hoc militias are not armed in a uniform fashion, except that they typically bear long guns and hunting weapons that have often been passed down for generations.

In times of danger large numbers of these militia will band together. More than once, raiders seeking easy pickings have found themselves wholly cut off by swarms of ferocious, shouting horsemen taking potshots at every opportunity. Horse militia are also particularly well suited to operating in an enemy's rear areas, disrupting logistics, destroying vulnerable targets, and generally being a serious long-term annoyance.

Due to their ad-hoc nature not even the administrators of Horizon know how many mounted fighters can be called up at any given time. By most estimates that amount is almost certainly a five-digit number, but they are scattered across the whole planet. Despite their unruly organization and absolute absence of discipline, mounted militia units form an important wild card when Horizon is threatened.

Mounted Frontier Militia
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-X-D
Transport Weight:  14.7
    Primary Weapon: 21 Auto-Rifle (Modern, Generic)
    Secondary Weapon: None
Battle Value: 86
Introduction Year: A story as old as time
Cost: 1,951,797.101 C-bills
Notes: None
Platoon Type (Specialty): Beast-Mounted, Horse (None)
    Ground MP: 3
Platoon Size (Squad/Platoon): 21 (7/3)
Armor Divisor: 1
To-Hit Modifier (Range in Hexes):
    -2 (0 Hexes), +0 (1 Hexes), +2 (2 Hexes), +4 (3 Hexes)
Maximum Weapon Damage (# of Troopers):
    11 (21), 10 (20-19), 9 (18-17), 8 (16-15), 7 (14-13), 6 (12-11), 5 (10-9), 4 (8-7), 3 (6-5), 2 (4-3), 1 (2-1)
« Last Edit: 20 January 2024, 12:18:56 by Cavgunner »


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Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #45 on: 19 December 2023, 19:30:51 »
You're very welcome!  And I might recommend something more along the lines of the Suns Killer from Shrapnel #1 for your horsemen... Sure, it does less damage, but it has MUCH longer range... :)


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Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #46 on: 28 December 2023, 02:42:51 »
Atlatl Fire Support Vehicle ATL-2b

Mass: 30 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: GAZ 150 Hydrogen
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Armor: Starshield Standard
     1 Intek Small Laser
     1 Harvester SRM 2
     1 Holly LRM 15
Manufacturer: GAZ
     Primary Factory: Horizon
Communication System: Basix 200
Targeting & Tracking System: GAZ Shotcaller
Introduction Year: 2948
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-D-D-C
Cost: 816,725 C-bills

The Atlatl is a LRM fire support vehicle indigenous to Horizon. By combining the best qualities of the Hunter and Striker, the Atlatl is small, speedy, and inconspicuous while still offering respectable firepower. 

The Atlatl came into being as a result of the Royal Army's dissatisfaction with traditional Inner Sphere fire support vehicles. The Army views most of these offerings as either too mission-focused (such as the powerful, but horribly fragile and unwieldy LRM Carrier) or too generalized (such as the Striker). The Hunter seemed like a good benchmark, but its fusion engine was an unnecessary extravagance.

Using the Hunter as a starting point, Horizonian designers reduced the size of the vehicle to 30 tons, meaning it now needed only 2 crewmembers. They also downgraded the LRM-20 to a LRM-15, added an additional ton of ammunition, and then mounted the weapon in a turret reminiscent of the Striker. In place of the Striker's SRM-6 the Atlatl uses the same Harvester SRM-2 common to almost all Horizonian combat vehicles.

In an unusual choice, a single Intek small laser rounds out the vehicle's weaponry. Called the "Stinger" by Atlatl crews, the laser is rarely used. However, in cases where an Atlatl platoon is pounced upon by an enthusiastic light Mech, the laser can be a significant deterrent when combined with the SRM launcher.

Like most home-grown Horizonian vehicles, the Atlatl is powered by a fuel cell engine.

The Atlatl's main defenses are its speed and small size. It does not possess enough armor protection to trade shots with other tanks (and certainly not with Mechs). HRA doctrine states that as an indirect fire support unit, Atlatls should quickly advance to cover and then use spotters to direct their LRM fire. If cover is not available, smoke rounds should be employed instead. When threatened with contact, they should withdraw rather than stand and fight. They absolutely should not engage in direct-fire combat except as a last resort.

Atlatl companies rarely fight together as a unit. Instead, they are usually doled out in platoon-sized strength to Mech and tank companies. Most HRA infantry regiments will also have at least one platoon of Atlatls in their support echelon.

Despite weighing only 30 tons, the Atlatl is currently one of the largest combat vehicles still produced on Horizon. Unfortunately, these numbers are gradually dwindling because the original GAZ factory-complex now lies mostly in ruin. Only a single semi-functional assembly line remains, so production is limited to barely 10 vehicles per year.

Code: [Select]
Type: Atlatl Fire Support Vehicle
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 30
Battle Value: 559

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    3
Engine                        150 Fuel Cell           7
Cruising MP: 5
Flank MP: 8
Heat Sinks:                   1                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.5
Turret:                                             1.0
Armor Factor                  72                    4.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         18   
     R/L Side               3/3      14/14   
     Rear                    3         12   
     Turret                  3         14   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
Trailer Hitch           Rear        0.0     
LRM 15                 Turret       7.0     
SRM 2                  Turret       1.0     
Small Laser            Turret       0.5     
LRM 15 Ammo (24)        Body        3.0     
SRM 2 Ammo (50)         Body        1.0     


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #47 on: 28 December 2023, 17:59:36 »
Ranger Medium Tank RNG-3R

Mass: 40 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: GAZ  200 Hydrogen
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Armor: Starshield Standard
     1 Mydron Model C AC/5
     1 Intek Medium Laser
     1 Harvester SRM 2
     1 Coventry Light Autogun Machine Gun     
Manufacturer: GAZ
     Primary Factory: Horizon
Communication System: Basix 200
Targeting & Tracking System: Comstar Test-2
Introduction Year: 2760
Tech Rating/Availability: E/C-D-D-D
Cost: 1,020,367 C-bills

The Ranger medium tank is currently the largest combat unit in full production on Horizon. Originally intended as a direct competitor to the Vedette, the fall of the Star League meant that internal-combustion engines arose as the preferred standard for combat vehicles. Consequently, while the fuel-cell-powered Ranger remains a vital part of the Royal Army it is virtually unknown outside Horizon.

The Ranger is fairly typical of a late Star-League-Era design intended for the mass market. From the weaponry to the targeting system and down to the Starshield armor plating, all of its systems are derived from tried-and-true technologies. The combination of autocannon, medium laser, and SRM launcher provides respectable firepower. These weapons were carefully selected first for their reliability, and secondly to minimize the overall weight of the turret assembly. A prow-mounted minigun ensures a measure of anti-infantry defense. Armor protection is sufficient for a vehicle that was mainly intended to engage other medium and light units. Ammunition capacity is good, with up to 40 rounds available for the autocannon.

Overall, the Ranger is considerably more capable than the Vedette but only slightly more expensive. If the Fall had never occurred, it is quite possible that the Ranger would have been able to find mass-market appeal.
Unbeknownst to Rim Worlds designers at the time, the Ranger's sturdy simplicity would be a key factor toward the design's survival of the Succession Wars. Indeed, the humble Ranger would set the standard by which almost every Horizonian combat vehicle that followed afterward would be designed, equipped, and measured.

The Ranger is a ubiquitous and well-regarded vehicle within the HRA. While it was never meant to be a main battle tank, it is often required to stand in as one due to the simple fact that heavier units are not always available. Production delays with the long-awaited Masada have not been helping in this regard. Even so, when properly deployed a Ranger company can pose a formidable threat to a mech raiding party.

Ironically, the HRA also deploys large numbers of Vedettes to round out its forces. Consequently, there are some armor battalions in which one or two companies of Rangers might serve alongside a company of Vedettes.

Production capacity has dwindled over the years, but GAZ is still capable of producing about 2 Rangers per month. This is sufficient, albeit barely, to cover normal operational losses in most years. Unfortunately, the last several years have been anything but normal.

Code: [Select]
Type: Ranger Medium Tank
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 40
Battle Value: 567

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    4
Engine                        200 Fuel Cell        10.5
Cruising MP: 5
Flank MP: 8
Heat Sinks:                   3                       2
Control Equipment:                                  2.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.5
Turret:                                             1.0
Armor Factor                  96                      6

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   4         25   
     R/L Side               4/4      18/18   
     Rear                    4         15   
     Turret                  4         20   

and Ammo                      Location    Tonnage   
Machine Gun                    Front        0.5     
Medium Laser                   Turret       1.0     
AC/5                           Turret       8.0     
SRM 2                          Turret       1.0     
SRM 2 Ammo (50)                 Body        1.0     
AC/5 Ammo (40)                  Body        2.0     
Half Machine Gun Ammo (100)     Body        0.5   
Trailer Hitch                   Rear        0.0     


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 260
Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #48 on: 28 January 2024, 23:28:10 »
Common Articulated Tactical Transporter (CATT)

Mass: 20 tons
Movement Type: Wheeled
Power Plant: GAZ HydroPower 12
Cruising Speed: 64.8 kph
Maximum Speed: 97.2 kph
Armor: GAZ Commercial
Armament: None as standard
Manufacturer: GAZ
Primary Factory: Horizon
Introduction Year: 2894
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-C-C-B
Cost: 99,688 C-bills
Like many militaries in the current age the logistical component of Horizon's military consists of a bewildering hodgepodge of transport vehicles that have been stolen, salvaged, and otherwise acquired through various means at various times. Where possible, however, the Royal Army prefers to use its own locally-produced, hydrogen-powered vehicles. In production for over a century, the Common Articulated Tactical Transporter, or CATT, is the most common heavy military truck in use on Horizon.

The CATT's most obvious feature is the articulated joint that separates the cab from the cargo section. This feature allows the 20-ton truck to turn sharply at its midsection, and thus navigate obstacles and corners that would impede similar vehicles. CATTs are primarily used to haul cargo, supplies, and ammunition. However, other configurations include liquid haulers, mobile field kitchens, mobile communication uplinks, and MASH trucks. The CATT can be configured to haul troops as well, but it is never used in actual combat. Thanks to a powerful fuel-cell engine a CATT can pull up to 20 tons' worth of trailers and still maintain an off-road speed of 54 kph.

CATTs are sometimes equipped with a pair of lift hoists in lieu of the internal cargo bay. This allows the vehicle to carry up to two standard 10-ton containers while also speeding up cargo-handling operations for itself and other vehicles. However, this cargo is unprotected, and the hoists also more than double the cost of each truck.

The CATT also has a large cab-mounted spotlight for nighttime operations. Maximum range with the fuel cell engine is 555 kilometers.

Because it is essentially a large commercial truck, the CATT can be produced in relatively low-tech factories. It costs significantly less than equivalents such as the Heavy Transport B1 and it is easy to maintain. It is also surprisingly capable as an off-road vehicle. On the other hand, the electronics package is rudimentary, so most crews rely on hand-held systems for communication and navigation.

Hundreds of CATTs are in service with the Royal Army. The CATT is also popular with many of Horizon's civilian operators. It has occasionally found some moderate success as an export product under the marketing slogan, "Agile as a CATT!"

The CATT is sometimes criticized because its 6-ton capacity is no better than that of the much smaller Flatbed Truck. However, this disregards the fact that the CATT is tougher, faster, and has a much greater towing capacity. Furthermore, with its durable simplicity the CATT is well-liked by its crews and costs very little to operate.

Code: [Select]
Type: Common Articulated Tactical Transporter (CATT)
Chassis Type: Wheeled (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 20 tons
Battle Value: 108

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                    5.5
Engine/Trans.                                       6.0
    Cruise MP:  6
    Flank MP:   9
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.5
Armor Factor (BAR 7)          44                    2.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   2         11   
     R/L Side               2/2      11/11   
     Rear                    2         11   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   

    Bay 1:  Cargo (6.0 tons)        1 Door   

Features Off-Road, Tractor Chassis and Controls Modifications

Features the following design quirks: Easy to Maintain, Searchlight

Model 94A Heavy Cargo Trailer

Mass: 20 tons
Movement Type: Wheeled
Power Plant: None
Cruising Speed: 0 kph
Maximum Speed: 0 kph
Armor: GAZ Commercial
Armament: None
Manufacturer: GAZ
Primary Factory: Horizon
Introduction Year: 2894
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-C-C-B
Cost: 30,078 C-bills

The CATT is compatible with a wide range of trailers. One of the most common is the Model 94A, which was specifically designed to operate with the CATT. This is a 20-ton dry van configuration featuring a 14-ton cargo hold and off-road capability. Other configurations include liquid transporters, field workshops, mobile commissaries, laundry/sanitation vans, and mobile barracks.

The trailer itself is basic in design and highly utilitarian. This allows it to be constructed in the most rudimentary Horizonian facilities. The BAR 7 commercial-grade armor is the same as that found on the CATT itself.

Code: [Select]
Type: Model 94A Cargo Trailer
Chassis Type: Wheeled (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 20 tons
Battle Value: 77

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                    4.0
Engine/Trans.                                       0.0
    Cruise MP: 0
    Flank MP:  0
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Armor Factor (BAR 5)          44                    2.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   2         11   
     R/L Side               2/2      11/11   
     Rear                    2         11   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   

    Bay 1:  Cargo (14.0 tons)       1 Door   

Features Trailer, Off-Road Chassis and Controls Modifications
Trailer Hitch(2)

Features the following design quirks: Easy to Maintain

« Last Edit: 01 March 2024, 11:16:08 by Cavgunner »


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1032
Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #49 on: 19 February 2024, 20:19:41 »
". . .Society has crumbled and the technology of the average Inner Sphere world has been pummeled to a level barely greater than that of 20th-century earth. . ."

So, basically, that of 1980's Earth.

Addendum: Also, if you're RPGing it, I'd run it like the Mad-Max series or The Day After; everyone they encounter wants to barter and you're running into scavengers/thieves, constantly.

And if they are in the Periphery, they may not be as low on technology, as the war-torn worlds on the House-borders.  After all, the Clans are a, "Periphery", power!
« Last Edit: 19 February 2024, 20:38:13 by Prospernia »


  • Major
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Re: Battletech New Horizons: A 3025-era campaign setting.
« Reply #50 on: 27 April 2024, 11:06:47 »
 :sad: thing is when the Clans coming knocking they are in the way
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

