Author Topic: Planet map change?  (Read 2796 times)


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Planet map change?
« on: 16 July 2022, 20:08:02 »

This is from the new BattleForce Counters pack, and it looks gorgeous. But the jump point target numbers are different. The old system was in BattleForce 2 p. 83; a 2d6 roll meeting or exceeding the target number (0 for Zenith/Nadir, 6 for other nonstandards). Did the system change in IO:BF? I can't find anything but I could have missed it. Making the polar points a 3 means every jump has a 2.8% chance of failure which seems crazy high.
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Re: Planet map change?
« Reply #1 on: 16 July 2022, 20:48:58 »
Crazy high is an understatement.  If 1 out of every 36 jumps fails, there is no jump travel.
« Last Edit: 17 July 2022, 04:20:59 by Daryk »


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Re: Planet map change?
« Reply #2 on: 16 July 2022, 21:08:16 »
To be perfectly honest, I've ignored jump- and normal orbital reentry rolls since AT1/BattleTech Manual: RoW. I understand their place if you are doing something truly adverse or inadvisable, but for your normal transit situations at this point in human history with this much spaceflight experience andtechnology? Naaaaw. I'm good.
Thought I might get a rocket ride when I was a child.          We are the wild youth,                                And through villages of ether
But it was a lie, that I told myself                                          Chasing visions of our futures.                   Oh, my crucifixion comes
When I needed something good.                                         One day we'll reveal the truth,                    Will you sing my hallelujah?
At 17, I had a better dream; now I'm 33, and it isn't me.      That one will die before he gets there.       Will you tell me when it's done?
But I'd think of something better if I could
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Re: Planet map change?
« Reply #3 on: 16 July 2022, 21:51:40 »
To be perfectly honest, I've ignored jump- and normal orbital reentry rolls since AT1/BattleTech Manual: RoW. I understand their place if you are doing something truly adverse or inadvisable, but for your normal transit situations at this point in human history with this much spaceflight experience andtechnology? Naaaaw. I'm good.
Helps that most JumpShip captains and their crews in canon have crazy-good Piloting Skill Ratings- offset, of course, by usually having abysmal Gunnery Skill Ratings. Convert those target numbers to be used in something like A Time of War, and add in modifiers and applicable skills that a dedicated JumpShip staff should have, and jumping from point to point should be fairly reliable.

And a failed jump usually just means a bit of K-F Drive Integrity lost, which obviously isn't great, but as long as you don't kill your drive out in uninhabited space, you'll survive at least, most likely with the chance to patch up what you can and make your jump route to the nearest repair facility.
« Last Edit: 16 July 2022, 21:53:38 by pokefan548 »
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Re: Planet map change?
« Reply #4 on: 24 July 2022, 00:59:52 »
They Are the same as the original Battleforce 2 map that they are based on.
Looking at them right now.

Battleforce 2 page.83 does not give any TNs.
It stated: "Hyperspace travel is a risky business and doesn't always succeed. To reflect this, players must roll 2d6 against the target number shown in the desired arrival hex. If the result of the dice roll is less than the target number, the jump is off target. The ship arrives in the following turn at either the zenith or nadir jump point, whichever is closer to the intended arrival point."

From what I can tell the changed was only in the Touring the Stars series of books.
Not sure if this was intended or an oversight by the writers.
« Last Edit: 24 July 2022, 01:03:29 by victor_shaw »


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Re: Planet map change?
« Reply #5 on: 24 July 2022, 01:02:24 »

This is from the new BattleForce Counters pack, and it looks gorgeous. But the jump point target numbers are different. The old system was in BattleForce 2 p. 83; a 2d6 roll meeting or exceeding the target number (0 for Zenith/Nadir, 6 for other nonstandards). Did the system change in IO:BF? I can't find anything but I could have missed it. Making the polar points a 3 means every jump has a 2.8% chance of failure which seems crazy high.

By Battleforce 2 rules a failed jump roll just means you show-up one turn later.
Not sure if this was changed later.


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Re: Planet map change?
« Reply #6 on: 24 July 2022, 05:32:22 »
That makes a lot more sense than what's normally meant by a "mis-jump"!  :thumbsup:


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Re: Planet map change?
« Reply #7 on: 31 July 2022, 13:11:38 »
Crazy high is an understatement.  If 1 out of every 36 jumps fails, there is no jump travel.

If jump failures are that high, shouldn't the Tetatae be fully embraced?   :D


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Re: Planet map change?
« Reply #8 on: 31 July 2022, 13:21:41 »
Yes, which is exactly why there would be NO jump travel...  ^-^


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Re: Planet map change?
« Reply #9 on: 31 July 2022, 13:38:28 »


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Re: Planet map change?
« Reply #10 on: 26 October 2022, 18:11:43 »
Is that mapsheet supposed to be SOL system?  If so...I think I know why it's so hard to jump so "close" to Terra.

Per SO, Sol is rated as a G2 star, which places its "proximity point radius" at 1.52 billion km away (about 10.175 AUs).  Note that the transit time from Sol System's zenith & nadir points (assuming 1G constant acceleration, with midpoint turnover to decelerate) matches up exactly with the distance (& confirmed with the graphic on p. 133).  Per that mapsheet, 1 AU is roughly 3 the proximity point perimeter is out 30 hexes from Sol's hex (each hex being roughly 50 million km). 

Not sure why only those particular hexes have penalties applied, but I would assume the +8 is a combination of the "destination is a non-standard point" (+4) and the "destination is a transient point" (+4) penalties.  Not sure what other penalties were added for the +10 & +12 hexes, but maybe they just don't want someone easily jumping that close into Sol (basically needing to be Elite/0 for the +12 hexes to even have a chance, max of Elite/2 or lower for the +10 hexes).

