Author Topic: The Ainu Militia  (Read 1044 times)


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The Ainu Militia
« on: 27 June 2024, 16:49:21 »
The Ainu Militia are part of a side-project I've had for ages.

I'd have loved to run this as a campaign in-person, or even over MM, but to be honest with you, my BT friend group couldn't find their collective tails with two hands, in general and one of them recently decided to just stop talking to me.

But that's okay in a way, because I'm pretty burnt on GMing, overall; so I'd rather enjoy it some other way anyways.

Our basic situation at the outset is this:

We find our heroes in the first half of 3020, acting as part of the garrison for the backwater world of Ainu in the Rasalhauge Military District, a temperate world that I made up whose main export is purified drinking water.

The world is ruled by a governor whose most notable trait is his personal toxicity as a human being, a former mechwarrior who seemingly hates the system he is responsible for in general and it's defenders, in particular.

For their sins; he is the nauseatingly-direct commander of the Ainu Militia, a prerogative granted to him by his position, which he mainly uses to meddle and make the lives of his subordinates miserable for no clear purpose.

Hmmm...Guess the time has come for me to re-learn how to upload imagines to the board now that photobucket is no more...ahem...

The Militia itself is nominally a Brigade in strength, but only nominally so. it consists of an Infantry Regiment, a Tank Battalion and a Security Battalion, a single battery of towed Thumper artillery and a company of Mechs.

As we're mainly concerned with our heroes in the Mech Company, I'll mainly offer an overview of the rest of the Militia here.

The Infantry Regiment is a mainly reserve formation, chronically under-strength, under-trained and poorly-equipped. Most of their active service time is spent practising drill for parades and 60% of their individual line serials are a fairy-tale used by the senior officers to collect pay for troops who do not exist. It is well-known within the Militia that a great deal of the Infantry Regiment's equipment is either missing or simply does not exist in actuality.

As a more-visible aspect of military power on Ainu; the Tank Battalion is more fact that fiction and this is by necessity. It's officers and men are better-trained and the unit exists in a permanent over-strength-state of four companies; two each of tracked and hover armour. Although readiness and serviceability are notably poor, everyone seems to be generally aware that most of the Tank Battalion's requisitions actually do make it to someone who could fill them, if they felt like it in the DCMS supply bureaucracy.

While the two Hover Companies are very much catch-as-catch-can affairs in terms of their equipment, the Tracked Companies are more predictable with the first company consisting of a lance each of Manticores, LRM and SRM carriers and the second blessed with a quartet each of Demolishers, Vedettes and Scorpions.

The best-maintained, trained and -equipped unit on Ainu is the Security Battalion. This is a formation of Military Police, Garrison and anti-riot troops, supported by a forth company of wheeled armour and an over-strength lance of gunships. Ostensibly, these have the primary mission of keeping Ainu free of all-manner of unconventional threats, ranging from criminal bandits in the hinterlands, to terrorists. But in reality they appear more-poised to protect the capital in general and the person of the governor, in-particular from a coup. Although who this might come from is anyone's guess. It should also be noted that the troops of the Security Battalion are in addition to the world's normal complement of police, local ISF and course; who could forget the "Candy Stripers"?

Lastly; the Thumper battery consists of four guns, with 2-3 working at any given time, their crews and transport. The over-worked Thumper battery is moved around the planet frequently and this contributes to their generally-poor state of training and maintenance.

The Mech Company, we shall deal with in a moment.

First, we need to talk about the various "Zones" Ainu is divided into. These are the Capital Zone, The Economic Zone, The Unsettled Zone and the Main Defensive Zone. Reorganizing the world's subordinate government was one of the Governor's first official acts and it's created a great deal of personal and economic disruption, the world-over; re-drawing the map into irregularly-angled shapes dividing the continents.

The Capital Zone is self-explanatory; it consists of the capital of First Landing, some surrounding nature preserves and houses the barracks for the Security Battalion, as well as a few strategic fortifications, including the Gubernatorial Palace.

The questionably-named Economic Zone covers most of the world, in fact; all of it not claimed by another demarcation. This is where most of the people live and work, mainly in fishing, farming and some light manufacturing. Unemployment on Ainu is Kurita-Low, meaning that anyone without a job is either a semi-criminal "unproductive" and not-counted, or else subject to press-ganging into various low/unpaid and dangerous manual labour and also not counted as unemployed. The Governor has stated his intention to make Ainu a regionally-important exporter of food, but has done virtually nothing to make this happen, besides to raise quotas.

The Unsettled zone consists of mainly wilderness, some barren, some not; with a few small, scattered communities. Officially; these communities do not exist and no law beyond the local level is enforced there. The region still bears the scars of the ongoing succession wars and includes many regions of radiation and toxicity inimical to human life or long-term habitation. Still, some persist. The Governor has attempted to bring more of the Unsettled Zones into compliance with the law of the Dragon and under cultivation, but has had limited, although steady success. At this rate, the region would cease to exist in only another 1200-years, give or take a century.

Last and most importantly is the Main Defensive Zone. This small region, south of the Capital and within easy access to the Space Port is where Ainu's ancient Age of War-era waterworks and reservoirs are found. The actual works themselves are based on the edge of a large, salty inland sea, fed by the world's oceans. The lostech fusion-powered desalination and filtering plants are well-hardened and survived near-misses from nuclear devices during the Succession Wars. Thankfully; the plants are built on such a scale as to have few delicate parts. They are nearly self-sustaining and well-supported by Ainu's limited manufacturing base. The problem is the reservoirs, which are immense and virtually impossible to police.

Hostile dropships are able to land in various locations, deploy siphoning parties and be boosting away with a profitable haul before sufficient response can be mustered.

During the Star League-era, it was always planned to garrison Ainu with a specialized RCT or brigade of naval and airmobile troops, supported by blue-water warships and LAMs, but this never materialized before the fall of the League.

Over the years, different solutions have been tried. Ainu was originally established with a grant from the Terran Hegemony as a regional supplier of drinking water. Absent the vanished SL-era fleets of dropships and jumpships to move these resources, however, Ainu produces more than it can export, so as long as no-one destroys the processing plants, past administrations have been content to make a show of running off resource-raiders, without expending major resources.

The current solution is to stage the Mech Company out of a minor military-settlement, leftover from the days when the SLDF garrison was being planned. The adjacent firebase has artillery that can range over several of the most important hardened water-processing sites and the detachment of forces from the Infantry Regiment, placed under operational command of the Mech Company allows for temporary garrisons to be established to man the emplaced defences at any of the sites.

If the world is invaded by forces from the Lyran Commonwealth, then the ostensible plan is for the Tank Battalion to reinforce the Mech Company from their various rotating garrisons, but no-one has any faith they would go anywhere but the capitol.
« Last Edit: 27 June 2024, 20:19:53 by beachhead1985 »
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #1 on: 27 June 2024, 18:45:05 »
Water raids FTW!  I love it! :D


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #2 on: 27 June 2024, 18:50:12 »
So let's talk about that Mech Company, eh?

We have a Heavy Lance, a Support Lance and a Recon Lance. As you can see; few of the Mechs are in perfect shape and that only because they see infrequent action and don't have a budget to do much training. So, mainly the Tech's scrounge and fix what they can and where they can. You can also see that the Heavy Lance and the Recon Lance are both under-strength, the Recon lance by half.

Tai-I Hatsumoto is the leader of his depressive band and the Governor's unwilling pet war-hero. On top of your normal Combine hangups-he's that most tragic of characters; the good soldier and suffers for it immensely. Hard to believe he's been on Ainu almost eight years now; it feels more like 20 most days. His Dragon is mainly missing armour, but his autocannon jams sometimes. Thankfully, he's also no great warrior and knows enough not to rely on his skills; his war-hero status comes from his personal courage and leadership skills. So that's what gets him through a fight and not being an amazing pilot or crack shot. He's aces with either sword; Katana or Wakizashi, or traditional Japanese-style bows, however.

Notable by his absence from the Heavy Lance is Hatsumoto's former right-hand, Sho-ko Robins. When Robins was shot out of his Marauder during a particularly nasty pirate raid a few years ago, the Governor publicly shamed he and Hatsumoto for the loss. Hatsumoto received a reprimand, but Robins was demoted from Chu-i and the Governor used an obscure Combine law to seize the remains of Robins' prized family heirloom mech and sell it for scrap. He's done similar things with the downed machines of dead pilots and looks to continue to as well. It's legal and the mechs are gone before the families (if any) can do anything about it.

Instead of Robins, then; Hatsumoto makes due with the hotheaded and rigid Kashira Sohara. Sohara is a newer transfer and has only been on Ainu for three years, but he steadfastly refuses to learn how things are done here. This leads to regular humiliation for the proud Sohara when things do not go as they would have in the Sword of Light and frequently drives him to undermine the officers of the company out of a misplaced sense of righteousness. But like everyone else in the Militia; he's stuck here and the Mech Company is stuck with him, with little chance of seeing other duty this side of the dirt. Sohara has two saving graces; one is that he's the best overall mechjock in the company, although this is mitigated by the fact that he knows it too. The other is his wife, Sarah who is a model DCMS spouse and a leader and rock among the dependants in the settlement. Sohara drives a '6K Warhammer, one of the better-maintained mechs in the company. The armour damage is from his last battle in which he physically brushed-aside Heishi Van's Charger for a clear shot at a pirate Ostroc, cheating Van of a rare chance at a kill she had worked hard for. As punishment; Hatsumoto has dictated he must live with the damage until he achieves his Commander's frequent refrain of learning to work as part of a team.

Gunjin Firoz and her Panther are in the Heavy Lance for lack of anywhere else to put her. This is just as well though as she runs her Panther like it's a pocket-heavy 'mech anyways. So, for as long as she lasts, this is as good a spot for her as any. On the upshot; she's a trustworthy warrior who follows orders, which is more than you can say for her nominal superior Kashina Sohara, whom she often blows off when his overbearing manner becomes too much. The problem with Firoz though is that she needs orders to function, left to her own devices, she gets into trouble on and off the battlefield.

Tai-i Hatsumoto organized the Support Lance out of necessity; not for fire support, but rather to collect a disparate rabble of the Dragon's unwanted warriors into a structure within which they might do some good. The role of the support lance then is often to dispense individual 'mechs to perform independent missions or to back-up the Heavy or Recon Lances, or to work with the garrison's assorted infantry. However, in a pinch, they do have some utility as a fires asset using Barclay and Shiba's massed autocannon-fire.

Chu-i Barclay should be the Company executive officer, but frankly, she lacks both the experience and temperament. If things had gone another way in her career, she might have made at least a functional company or even battalion commander in her own right, but she has too much tendency to leave things to others, when the XO needs to be the one things are left to. This is a shame, because she has a good tactical mind and you can tell that because she is so good at keeping her S-Model Jagermech out of two-way fights, thus it's pristine condition. She works on it herself too, which is essential in the Ainu Garrison, if you want your equipment to be reliable, as there aren't enough techs or even astechs to go around. She succeeds in the support lance due to the machinations of her Captain who spotted her taste for delegation early-on. Barclay is perfectly happy assigning every other member of her lance to other missions, sometimes hundreds of kilometres away and leaving her to study the maps and plot her own moves.

Go-Cho Shiba is Barclay's put-upon right-hand, but he bears up well under the strain of all the additional duties she foists on him. If he learns to stand up for himself, he'd make a good lance commander in any other unit. On Ainu, the only way he will rise is through attrition and that's the last thing he wants, for a few reasons. By Ainu-standards, he is a passable MechWarrior, which is to say that he came here sub-par and his skills have only sunk lower from lack of training. His Blackjack is battered, but functional, but one of his lasers needs replacing as it sometimes fails in battle from burnt-out wiring.

The best shot in the Company is the redoubtable Gunjiin Obi, in his Liao-pattern Urbanmech. The pity of it is that by the time he gets to the battle, it's normally over. He's nearly useless, effectively; but far from alone in that on Ainu. However, he's well-liked by everyone but Kashira Sohara, who has decided to make himself Obi's nemesis; a totally-one-sided rivalry, which Obi studiously ignores outside infrequent displays of marksmanship. Obi is short, broad and overweight, but has the soul of a true warrior. He bears the limitations of his machine stoically, but secretly curses himself for every missed opportunity. Obi's R61L is in perfect shape, and well it should be; it hasn't seen hostile action in years and he cares for it well, with most of his pay going to buying materials for it's upkeep on the black market. The UM-R61L is the default in Liao space, but uncommon elsewhere. It replaces a heatsink with a machinegun and a half a ton of ammunition. Most of Obi's kills in his career have been infantry he has run to ground in cities.

The heaviest mech in the company is the most worthless, but this may be for the best. Heishi Van is the eternally-frustrated junior-member of the Support Lance and drives her Charger like she stole it. When at the controls, Van hardly ever walks and instead does all she can to dodge fire and close the distance. All of her mech's extant armour damage is from running into buildings and large trees, though her left arm was nearly ripped off when Kashira Sohara cheated her of her most recent shot at a kill, during the last pirate raid, over a year ago. Hatsumoto and to a lesser extend; Barclay do what they can to get her into positions where she can bring her anemic weapons to bear, but so far it hasn't worked out. All of her successes to-date have come on a series of raids some years ago with the Legion of Vega, where she got to work in the confines of Davion Cities as a distraction from Combine objective-raids. But when her unit received reinforcements, she found herself and her 'mech transferred out in favour of a babyfaced Samurai from a low-family and running a Clint. Now she is here and lives her life as a thwarted berserker out of Rasalhaugian myth, complete with the vibroax she carries everywhere.

The Recon Lance has turned out to be where the Militia's MechWarriors go to die, although casualties and other losses in the Heavy and Support Lances are nothing to sneeze at, either. Both Chu-i Mizugaki and Heishi Nobuhara are relative newcomers to Ainu, filling the billets and bunks of dead men and neither expect to live to see a whole and honourable retirement based on the spotty records the Militia has managed to keep over the centuries.

Chu-I Mizugaki is determined to go out in a blaze of glory, doing what he loves for the honour of the Dragon. As such; he doesn't hold back on missions and this shows on his Jenner, which is missing some armour, half the ammo-bay capacity and one laser. Of all the members of the 'Mech company, Mizugaki is the only one to have been commended by the Governor since he came to Ainu. He received praise for bravery under fire and taking down two Lyran raiders himself and he's never lived it down since, with other members of the company regularly teasing him about being the Governor's pet. This is especially ironic, because no one here hates the Governor more than Mizugaki. Invited to the palace for a personal audience with the Governor, he returned shaken and has never spoken with anyone about what he witnessed or experienced during that night's celebrations in the capitol.

A unit like this wouldn't be complete without at least one suicide case and Heishi Nobuhara fills that role more regularly and sincerely than any other. Raised from nothing through sheer luck and minimal training, Nobuhara owes everything he is or every will be to the Dragon. A former conscript infantryman, he single-handedly disabled a FedRat Centurion with a well-placed satchell charge. For his bravery, instead of being decorated, he received a hasty few week's training and a seat in a brand-new Locust in a scratch mech company supporting the DCMS infantry on a world he never knew the name of. Unfortunately, none of this was authorized and when the brass found out, Nobuhara was hastily spirited away with a mech he still doesn't know if he owns to the most out of the way border post anyone could find. Since coming to Ainu, he's learned that hard way that most Kurita MechWarriors are sensitive about who is allowed into their fraternity, when and why. Hopped-up infantryment with delusions of grandeur don't rate with most of them, even here. Tai-i Hatsumoto has been kind to him, however and his Lance Commander has at least been polite. Obi is his only friend in the Company, but the Governor absolutely hates him and refuses to allow him within his line of sight. Nobuhara is the newest addition to the Ainu Mech Company and has only been on-world a little over a year. For his part, he does his best to train as frequently as their modest supplies of actuator lubricant and myomer-splices allow and his piloting and gunnery skills have both managed to improve to just above dismal. His Locust is brand-new and he treats it like the treasure it is; pounding out the dents side by side with the techs when he falls or collides with something. On-mission, Nobuhara is driven far beyond the level supported by his skills. He never hesitates and never questions an order. He can't imagine a future where he hasn't lost all he's gained and so he is committed to giving back all he can and dying in the cockpit like a real Samurai should.
« Last Edit: 27 June 2024, 20:39:47 by beachhead1985 »
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #3 on: 27 June 2024, 18:52:19 »
Question why do the planet export water?

How much can the infantry regiment deploy?


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #4 on: 27 June 2024, 19:12:45 »
Now THAT is a 3025 'mech company! :D


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #5 on: 27 June 2024, 19:16:55 »
Question why do the planet export water?

Truthfully; it's a bit of a conceit of the setting. I'm not certain it's logistically possible to make work in an economically-viable fashion, but bedrock in the BTU is that originally, many worlds could not sustain human life on their own; they needed to import food, but moreso water, because the lostech that kept the colonies going had broken down. For some reason, FASA determined that water purification (forgetting desalination, but implying it as well) was to be emblematic of these difficulties.

Basically Ainu exports water, because many worlds in the region of near-space do not have enough and thanks to being a non-arid world AND still having functional lostech to desalinate and purify the water; Ainu does.

Desperate parties, particularly pirates raid for water in this era, because it's that or whole worlds die of thirst.

How can you keep a whole world in H2O with the limited number of droppers and jumpers? Dunno.

How much can the infantry regiment deploy?

Outside the Main Defensive Zone; a few companies. Think 2-3 of 3-4 platoons, each. Led by over-ranked corrupt thieves who bought their commissions.

But that's *IF* they got their act together. Currently; not together by and large. The ducks have mainly wandered off and the row hasn't been weeded in some time.

The rest of the troops exist only on paper.

Now THAT is a 3025 'mech company! :D

Glad I nailed it, frankly I think they are in better shape than they have a right to be.

Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #6 on: 27 June 2024, 20:07:54 »
The strength of the Main Defensive Zone consists of the Mech Company, plus their attached support troops, the firebase and a defacto under-strength battalion of mixed infantry.

Additionally; they have the imitable Sho-Ko Robins.

The Combat Support platoon consists of the Mech Company's Techs, about two-dozen other mixed support troops of a non-technical nature and various light vehicles. These are also effectively responsible for the unit's dependants, roughly 40-50 non-combatants living in the associated military settlement, nearby the firebase.

Besides the handful of company 'hacks'; being light, civilian or sub-military vehicles used for administration, the Combat Support Platoon is also responsible for:

1x J-27 w.trailer
1x BattleMech Recovery Vehicle
2x Flatbeds
2x B-1 Military Transports (MW1 Heavy truck)
2x Mobile Repair Gantries (a wheeled frame with a crane and tools)

All of which are serviceable. Which is a nice way of saying that while any one might not run on a given day, they should with no greater maintenance required than what the driver should be able to provide. That is to say; fuel, oil, battery, filters, wiper fluid, lights, belts and maybe wheels...assuming all of the above were available, which they might not be.

The Firebase is a small fort with air/ground-intercept radar (combines search and fire-control), turrets with single medium lasers on each of six points, 2x turreted Thumper artillery, curtain walls and integral power, food and medical facilities. It's also supposed to be sealed against gas, radiation and biohazards, but no-one wants to test that. Manning any of these systems requires the cooperation of the support troops. These are well-drilled, but virtually unpracticed due to budgetary constraints. (The Firebase is meant to be the one from the grasslands map set, but the earlier one from map-pack-7 would work too)

The Firebase provides mech storage and repair for up to a company of mechs, so it's a little under-utilized and always has been. That's fine, because at any given time, about a third of the in-situ heavy repair equipment doesn't work.

There are also barracks and facilities in the base for an entire battalion of infantry and their vehicles.

However, currently what we have is this and it's only this good for reasons I'll discuss below.

Here you see three platoons of rifle infantry, a mortar platoon (more useful in fluff than in game, because of the range), the icon with the thick, black line on one side is a heavy recoilless rifle platoon, an MG platoon, a flamer platoon, a recon platoon, two platoons of infantry mounted in wheeled APCs and a lance of Iroquois Utility VTOLs.

So, this obviously isn't quite consistent with the above-description of the Infantry Regiment. There's a reason for that.

When Tai-i Hatsumoto was posted to Ainu, the promised assignment of dedicated infantry support to the 'Mech Company was just that; a promise. One that, as it was; could never be fulfilled. Eventually through a combination of making an utter nuisance of himself over several years and one of the Infantry Regiment's Battalion Commanders embarrassing himself, a unit was *temporarily* dispatched. This was billed as the command of the officer in question; a "Battalion", but arrived as a defacto company blessed with about two and a half-battalion's worth of officers.

A delegation of these attempted to explain matters to Hatsumoto, assisted by a hefty bribe. After giving due consideration to their entreaties and whether or not he should kill these men and women himself, Hatsumoto was eventually given to compromise.

He wouldn't kill them all and they would accede to the assignment of a new senior NCO to their lacking ranks.

This being Sho-Ko Robins.

Over the coming months two things occurred. One was that Sho-Ko Robins, along with a few loyal adherents from within the "Battalion" began actively recruiting from the local communities and running infantry training courses. The other was that the overdraft of mentally, emotionally and physically-unit officers somehow assigned to the "Battalion" began to dwindle. Many transferred back to the Capital. A number resigned. But a rather larger number simply disappeared. A few of these later turned up having been apparently either robbed and murdered by local criminals or killed by the local wildlife.

Of course there were inquiries. Even some threats. But these went nowhere.

One day, the Battalion Commander, citing his obviously declining health, returned to the Capitol of First Landing. Then a funny thing happened. The Battalion which had been dispatched on temporary duty was officially reconstituted in First Landing, without any attempt made to recover the men or materiel they had shipped down to the the Main Defensive Zone with. What's more; the funding for the Battalion, now totally administered a few clerks, continued unabated. Tai-i Hatsumoto chose to imagine this as a matter of honour and respect between himself and the Governor, but it was never spoken of.

Today, Sho-Ko Robins effectively runs the Infantry support for the 'Mech Company through a handful of picked officers whose loyalty is to him alone. This would be worrisome, were it not for the nature of the man himself. Everyone but Hatsumoto seems to be at least a little bit afraid of his dispossesed, disgraced warrior, but none doubt his ultimate loyalty to the Dragon and his Tai-i.
« Last Edit: 27 June 2024, 20:51:46 by beachhead1985 »
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #7 on: 27 June 2024, 20:15:43 »
I was going to say their condition is a credit to the man in charge, but you posted that last bit before I did!  The ISF, or more likely O5P, totally deserve the credit here! :D


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #8 on: 27 June 2024, 20:25:25 »
I was going to say their condition is a credit to the man in charge, but you posted that last bit before I did!  The ISF, or more likely O5P, totally deserve the credit here! :D

Hatsumoto has earned every bit of his war-hero rep. He's also recruiting poster material; the Samurai every young kid in the Combine wants to be...minus that he's not actually that good of a mechwarrior.

But he's not a miracle worker. Ainu isn't hit often and when they are, the raiders tend to escape with the water, leaving the mechs with mainly maintenance to be done. That's possible when the boss keeps your budget so tight you have to think about how much time your pilots spend actually in live mech cockpits.

That's why they are in as good a shape as they are.

Ainu is the kind of place that would make a citizen of the Combine wonder just what they are paying the ISF for. Corruption is rife so far from the Dragon's gaze and everyone feels the bite. O5P should definitely pay a visit.
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman

Natasha Kerensky

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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #9 on: 28 June 2024, 21:52:59 »

Original unit, crunchy detail, and gritty Late Succession War survivor feel.  Good stuff.  Is “Ainu” a reference to the minority native population of northern Japan?
"Ah, yes.  The belle dame sans merci.  The sweet young thing who will blast your nuts off.  The kitten with a whip.  That mystique?"
"Slavish adherence to formal ritual is a sign that one has nothing better to think about."
"Variety is the spice of battle."
"I've fought in... what... a hundred battles, a thousand battles?  It could be a million as far as I know.  I've fought for anybody who offered a decent contract and a couple who didn't.  And the universe is not much different after all that.  I could go on fighting for another hundred years and it would still look the same."
"I'm in mourning for my life."
"Those who break faith with the Unity shall go down into darkness."


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #10 on: 30 June 2024, 11:22:36 »
Original unit, crunchy detail, and gritty Late Succession War survivor feel.  Good stuff.  Is “Ainu” a reference to the minority native population of northern Japan?

You got it! I wanted something Japanese, but at the same time; not. I think it gives the place a remote feeling. Combine, but also different.

Sadly; I don't think there's any realistic way I can claim there is an extant real Ainu population going there. But maybe, cause it Rasalhauge and you mix enough nordics and Japanese, you get folks that sorta look like that and maybe there is a take on a neo-Ainu culture there.

Sadly; the guy running the place is a horror-show.

On a crunchier note; I did up the infantry units that the Mech Company has gained effective operational control over, having built them, essentially. I forgot how weird the canon platoon creation rules can be. Secondary weapon dictates the range for instance.

MegaMekLab makes it easy, but oh my poor flamer platoon!
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #11 on: 30 June 2024, 11:59:29 »
That's only if you have two secondary weapons per squad.  If you only have one, the primary weapon dictates the range.


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #12 on: 30 June 2024, 13:38:06 »
That's only if you have two secondary weapons per squad.  If you only have one, the primary weapon dictates the range.

Lol. So bizarre!
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #13 on: 30 June 2024, 14:51:18 »
Less bizarre than some other elements, but it's been there for a LONG time... ;)


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #14 on: 30 June 2024, 16:39:48 »
Less bizarre than some other elements, but it's been there for a LONG time... ;)

Regardless, it ends up with some fairly nonsensical stats, particularly with what seemed reasonable to equip a backwater militia with.

I definitely didn't make many, maybe *any* smart decisions in terms of game mechanics and rules, but based my choices on how weapons work IRL and what would be useful in this situation based on various factors.

Let's see how my rifle platoons look exported...

New Ainu Rifle Infantry
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tech Rating/Availability: C/X-D-D-D
Transport Weight:  2.5
    Primary Weapon: 24 Rifle (Federated Long)
    Secondary Weapon: 4 Machine Gun (Portable)
Battle Value: 78
Introduction Year: 3020
Cost: 778,795.868 C-bills
Notes: None
Platoon Type (Specialty): Foot (None)
    Ground MP: 1
Platoon Size (Squad/Platoon): 28 (7/4)
Armor Divisor: 1
To-Hit Modifier (Range in Hexes):
    -1 (0 Hexes), +0 (1 Hexes), +2 (2 Hexes), +4 (3 Hexes)
Maximum Weapon Damage (# of Troopers):
    11 (28-27), 10 (26-25), 9 (24-22), 8 (21-20), 7 (19-17), 6 (16-14), 5 (13-12), 4 (11-9), 3 (8-7), 2 (6-4), 1 (3-2)

Frankly, I wanted less-effective rifles for these guys. I actually thought the old MW1 "Rifle" which is supposed to be like an M1 had been ported to ATOW rules. But I figured the Fed Long was pretty generic and that portable MG was analogous to a GPMG.

No armour...because I see these guys doing a lot of movement by foot, not much fighting and reasonable around won't help much anyways.
« Last Edit: 30 June 2024, 16:41:56 by beachhead1985 »
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #15 on: 30 June 2024, 16:43:57 »
The Recon Platoon blew me away, because based on the rules, I think the needler rifles are working out to Intek ranges?

What I wanted here was a stealthy outfit that could also serve as snipers. Those Inteks are the most tech the infantry get here.

New Ainu Recon Infantry
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-D-D-D
Transport Weight:  2.5
    Primary Weapon: 20 Needler Rifle
    Secondary Weapon: 8 Laser Rifle (Intek)
Battle Value: 60
Introduction Year: 3020
Cost: 912,095.586 C-bills
Notes: None
Platoon Type (Specialty): Foot (None)
    Ground MP: 1
Platoon Size (Squad/Platoon): 28 (7/4)
Armor Divisor: 1
To-Hit Modifier (Range in Hexes):
    -2 (0 Hexes), +0 (1-3 Hexes), +2 (4-6 Hexes), +4 (7-9 Hexes)
Maximum Weapon Damage (# of Troopers):
    6 (28-26), 5 (25-21), 4 (20-17), 3 (16-12), 2 (11-7), 1 (6-3)
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #16 on: 30 June 2024, 16:46:43 »
The Recoilless Rifle Platoon is supposed to be the real firepower of the infantry here. As you'll see; that doesn't quite work out.

New Ainu Recoilless Rifle Infantry
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tech Rating/Availability: C/X-D-D-D
Transport Weight:  2.5
    Primary Weapon: 20 Submachine Gun
    Secondary Weapon: 8 Recoilless Rifle (Heavy)
Battle Value: 67
Introduction Year: 3020
Cost: 1,234,126.968 C-bills
Notes: None
Platoon Type (Specialty): Foot (None)
    Ground MP: 0*
Platoon Size (Squad/Platoon): 28 (7/4)
Armor Divisor: 1
To-Hit Modifier (Range in Hexes):
    -1 (0 Hexes), +0 (1-2 Hexes), +2 (3-4 Hexes), +4 (5-6 Hexes)
Maximum Weapon Damage (# of Troopers):
    10 (28-27), 9 (26-24), 8 (23-21), 7 (20-19), 6 (18-16), 5 (15-13), 4 (12-10), 3 (9-7), 2 (6-5), 1 (4-2)

What I really wanted here for small arms was something more like a carbine...but that's not really an option. So generic SMGs; not even KA-23s(!) was what I went with.

Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #17 on: 30 June 2024, 16:49:22 »
The MG platoon is supposed to be my support workhorse...

New Ainu MG Infantry
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tech Rating/Availability: C/X-D-D-D
Transport Weight:  2.5
    Primary Weapon: 20 Rifle (Federated Long)
    Secondary Weapon: 8 Machine Gun (Support)
Battle Value: 95
Introduction Year: 3020
Cost: 1,107,506.067 C-bills
Notes: Burst damage.
Platoon Type (Specialty): Foot (None)
    Ground MP: 0*
Platoon Size (Squad/Platoon): 28 (7/4)
Armor Divisor: 1
To-Hit Modifier (Range in Hexes):
    -2 (0 Hexes), +0 (1-2 Hexes), +2 (3-4 Hexes), +4 (5-6 Hexes)
Maximum Weapon Damage (# of Troopers):
    15 (28), 14 (27-26), 13 (25-24), 12 (23-22), 11 (21-20), 10 (19-18), 9 (17-16), 8 (15-14), 7 (13), 6 (12-11), 5 (10-9), 4 (8-7), 3 (6-5), 2 (4-3), 1 (2-1)

But actually they do 50% more damage to a greater range than the recoilless rifles, reducing them to fluff status support and the MG platoon as my main support unit.
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #18 on: 30 June 2024, 16:53:35 »
The Mortar Platoon is supposed to be mainly for fluff. Infantry mortars are a joke in BT. There are funny little special rule things they can maybe do in some circumstances...but they need a range in mapsheets for a heavy mortar. They are here because, realistically; you'd be nuts to go without mortars in this situation, IRL.

New Ainu Mortar Infantry
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tech Rating/Availability: C/X-D-D-D
Transport Weight:  2.5
    Primary Weapon: 20 Submachine Gun
    Secondary Weapon: 8 Mortar (Heavy)
Battle Value: 75
Introduction Year: 3020
Cost: 1,489,141.726 C-bills
Notes: None
Platoon Type (Specialty): Foot (None)
    Ground MP: 0*
Platoon Size (Squad/Platoon): 28 (7/4)
Armor Divisor: 1
To-Hit Modifier (Range in Hexes):
    -1 (0 Hexes), +0 (1-3 Hexes), +2 (4-6 Hexes), +4 (7-9 Hexes)
Maximum Weapon Damage (# of Troopers):
    10 (28-27), 9 (26-24), 8 (23-21), 7 (20-19), 6 (18-16), 5 (15-13), 4 (12-10), 3 (9-7), 2 (6-5), 1 (4-2)

Ooooo...9 hexes...270 meters for a 100-120mm mortar...oooo scary!

But this is for fun anyways, so outside of working out a scenario in MM; I can work these having more like 5-6'5km range at least. And some real punch too.
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #19 on: 30 June 2024, 16:57:53 »
So here is my flamer platoon...

New Ainu Flamer Infantry
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tech Rating/Availability: C/X-D-D-D
Transport Weight:  2.5
    Primary Weapon: 20 Auto-Rifle (Modern, Generic)
    Secondary Weapon: 8 Flamer (Heavy)
    Armor:  Draconis Combine Infantry Kit
Battle Value: 75
Introduction Year: 3020
Cost: 594,125.046 C-bills
Notes: Can cause heat damage to heat-tracking units.
Platoon Type (Specialty): Foot (None)
    Ground MP: 0*
Platoon Size (Squad/Platoon): 28 (7/4)
Armor Divisor: 1
To-Hit Modifier (Range in Hexes):
    +1 (0 Hexes)
Maximum Weapon Damage (# of Troopers):
    17 (28), 16 (27-26), 15 (25-24), 14 (23), 13 (22-21), 12 (20-19), 11 (18), 10 (17-16), 9 (15-14), 8 (13), 7 (12-11), 6 (10), 5 (9-8), 4 (7-6), 3 (5), 2 (4-3), 1 (2-1)

These guys are a bit more impressive in some ways. In-game and in fluff; these are my short-range (VERY short-range) assault troops. If this was a GDL book, then maybe instead they'd have anti-mech training. Instead the idea is to create a contrived situation where an enemy unit is forced to try and move *through* them. Could happen.

I gave these guys armour...for whatever good it does them and I went with the DCMS infantry "kit" for obvious reasons. Doesn't seem to do much, if anything. But at least it's not encumbering.
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #20 on: 30 June 2024, 17:03:46 »
The Federated Long is more expensive than bog standard Auto-Rifles, but MUCH less ammo intensive.  It's too bad it doesn't use the same ammo as the Portable MGs.  Speaking of which, if you give them two Portables per squad, they'd get the Heavy Burst special.

I might recommend you check out the various Shrapnel weapons (linked in my sig block).  That might give you some additional ideas, especially for your Scout platoons... :)

At a minimum, I think Robins would be able to get a favored platoon a case or two of AP ammo (+2 AP/-1 BD).  That will boost platoon damage a bit... ;)

For actual protective armor, Robins would need to come up with surplus Lyran jackets, Tanker Smocks, or Ballistic Plate vests (none of which are encumbering either).  The bonus the actual Kurita kit gives is the goodies built in to the helmets (the communicator and AV 7 vs. Flash, as opposed to the generic Periphery AV 5 and no commo, or the really sad AV 2 of Flak helmets).


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #21 on: 30 June 2024, 17:05:46 »
Lastly, I have my two mechanized infantry squads, mounted in wheeled APCs, shall-issue; four to a platoon.

New Ainu Mechanized Infantry
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tech Rating/Availability: C/X-D-D-D
Transport Weight:  2.5
    Primary Weapon: 20 Auto-Rifle (Modern, Generic)
    Secondary Weapon: 8 Grenade Launcher (Auto)
    Armor:  Draconis Combine Infantry Kit
Battle Value: 102
Introduction Year: 3020
Cost: 867,450.716 C-bills
Notes: None
Platoon Type (Specialty): Foot (None)
    Ground MP: 0*
Platoon Size (Squad/Platoon): 28 (7/4)
Armor Divisor: 1
To-Hit Modifier (Range in Hexes):
    -2 (0 Hexes), +0 (1 Hexes), +2 (2 Hexes), +4 (3 Hexes)
Maximum Weapon Damage (# of Troopers):
    22 (28), 21 (27), 20 (26-25), 19 (24), 18 (23), 17 (22-21), 16 (20), 15 (19), 14 (18), 13 (17-16), 12 (15), 11 (14), 10 (13), 9 (12-11), 8 (10), 7 (9), 6 (8-7), 5 (6), 4 (5), 3 (4), 2 (3-2), 1 (1)

These folks; their kit carries them and not the other way around, so they get the same armour as the flamer teams, plus auto-rifles.

I guess automatic grenade launchers are just hell on wheels for damage, too.

I see these guys are there to act as a rapid response force; burning it out to one of the water purification facilities or an ambush position and holding it until relief can get there. I'm not sure if the rules allow them to roll-up, dismount and attack on one turn, mount-up and run the next, but it's a fun idea.

This was probably the closest I came to making a good call on building these platoons, according to the rules.
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #22 on: 30 June 2024, 17:15:50 »
The Federated Long is more expensive than bog standard Auto-Rifles, but MUCH less ammo intensive.  It's too bad it doesn't use the same ammo as the Portable MGs.  Speaking of which, if you give them two Portables per squad, they'd get the Heavy Burst special.

I might recommend you check out the various Shrapnel weapons (linked in my sig block).  That might give you some additional ideas, especially for your Scout platoons... :)

At a minimum, I think Robins would be able to get a favored platoon a case or two of AP ammo (+2 AP/-1 BD).  That will boost platoon damage a bit... ;)

For actual protective armor, Robins would need to come up with surplus Lyran jackets, Tanker Smocks, or Ballistic Plate vests (none of which are encumbering either).  The bonus the actual Kurita kit gives is the goodies built in to the helmets (the communicator and AV 7 vs. Flash, as opposed to the generic Periphery AV 5 and no commo, or the really sad AV 2 of Flak helmets).

From spread-sheeting the weapons, I feel we're dealing with at least three "eras", "schools of thought" or "regimes" when it comes to porting weapons to the new (since BMR) rules. Originally, there was some effort at conversion of existing weapons and some of that seems to have been done through an algorithm and another seems to have just tried to make stats *feel right*. Then, we have another whatever-you-want-to-call-it which seems to have started in the Housebooks and continued in shrapnel of making weapons that are actually good in-game.

There's not a ton of detail on what a portable MG is...or a Fed Long for that matter, so I figure it's a reasonable argument to say that here, they take the same ammo, it just works different from two different guns. I did conjure that two support weapons makes you lose move-and-shoot, and I wanted an infantry manoeuvre unit that could still produce some fire as well.

Robins isn't that kind of NCO: he's a trainer, not a scrounger. Getting any kind of ammo for the Militia is tough, let alone anything not bog-standard. Somewhere else, he might have got the other stuff, but not here. The Inteks are where I poured all my miracle juice for this crew.

As a character, what Robins would try is getting some sub-cal or laser-training kits for the infantry to allow them to do some degree of low budget shooting. As it is...these guys probably can't even fire a full annual weapons practice and are making due with less than famil-shoots for their support weapons. He might be working on a budget proposal laying out how much more they'd *save* long-term with more lasers, but...good luck with that...
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #23 on: 30 June 2024, 18:14:32 »
CampOps got an errata that cut down the training cost for Infantry ammo consumption, but I see your point about Robins overall.

You're totally right about AGLs!  They're especially good when boosting Sniper Rifles as primary weapons.

Federated Longs are 4AP/5BD weapons, while Portable MGs are 5AP/4BD, but sure, that's close enough to call their ammo the same.


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #24 on: 01 July 2024, 10:42:04 »
CampOps got an errata that cut down the training cost for Infantry ammo consumption, but I see your point about Robins overall.

You're totally right about AGLs!  They're especially good when boosting Sniper Rifles as primary weapons.

Federated Longs are 4AP/5BD weapons, while Portable MGs are 5AP/4BD, but sure, that's close enough to call their ammo the same.

The Governor, as CO of the Militia under the DCMS reserves controls their budget. There is something fishy going on with how tightly he restricts their access to training ammo, live ammo and parts. Hatsumoto isn't blind to it, but the culture of the Combine ties his hands. The best he can hope for is for the Governor to die of natural causes in the near future and get replaced by someone better. But that's by no means a sure thing, even if the Governor does die.

It's notably conspicuous the degree to which revenues do not relate to outlays of investment in the system, in general.

I didn't even realize sniper rifles could be primary weapons. I won't change anything, but it's interesting.

Yeah, that's close enough to explain with barrel length and firing mechanism.

If the Fed Long is a direct gas impingement rifle with a 20" barrel and the Portable MG is anything but direct blowback and uses a 24-26" barrel, that's totally plausible.
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #25 on: 01 July 2024, 17:14:25 »
Damm this place looks like a fun place to play in 3025.. 

I'm not sure I want to live there..  But well done
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #26 on: 01 July 2024, 22:20:07 »
Damm this place looks like a fun place to play in 3025.. 

I'm not sure I want to live there..  But well done


Thanks Doc! I think that's one hell of a fine compliment  :smiley: :cool:
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #27 on: 03 July 2024, 22:29:21 »
As I write the next part, it seems appropriate to mention that the inspiration for Kashira Sohara's personality is mainly derived from Isao Ohta from Patlabor: Mobile Police.

Here is Ohta yelling at his poor boss, Mr. Not-appearing-in-this-fanfic, AKA: Kiichi Goto.

*edit; that didn't work. Here is the link:

I'm not ready to talk about who inspires Hatsumoto, yet.
« Last Edit: 03 July 2024, 22:35:13 by beachhead1985 »
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,      Their shoulders held the sky suspended;
The hour when earth's foundations fled,         They stood, and earth's foundations stay;
Followed their mercenary calling,               What God abandoned, these defended,
And took their wages, and are dead.             And saved the sum of things for pay.
A.E. Housman


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Re: The Ainu Militia
« Reply #28 on: 05 July 2024, 21:07:18 »
Great work can't wait to see more.  Very 3020 feeling.  Love all the different infantry work.
Current project:

6th Federated Suns Armored Cavalry Regiment (Hillbillies with Guns) - 29/262 - 11% painted

