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Fan Fiction / Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Last post by Sir Chaos on Today at 08:01:17 »
As Cannonshop mentioned, a "conclusive link" isn't remotely necessary for the clanners...

Canon clanners are different from Ngoverse clanners.

And they had no reason to NOT want very good evidence before they believed a disgraced former warrior.
Fan Fiction / Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Last post by Daryk on Today at 07:55:43 »
As Cannonshop mentioned, a "conclusive link" isn't remotely necessary for the clanners...
The only AOE weapon I see is actual artillery.  Both Artillery Cannons and 'Mech Mortars can get you AOE goodness in a slightly lighter package.
Fully Loaded dropships.

you said "the best" not "the most realistic" the absolute BEST thing would be to find a clan Overlord C, loaded with a full cluster of mechs, hardwear etc... and steal it.

Including crew and passengers.

An additional +1 for the Goblin from me.

The Vedette is too much a sniper in its base consideration, with nothing to back it up.  It's basically a heavier Scorpion.

The Goblin still carries a gun that can punch holes in its main SW configuration, then has 2 more that can fill it up even more depending on if you want it from downtown or up in the grill.  While the Armor isn't amazing, it's still pretty good for its weight.  Toss in a few sassy squads of Infantry to be spotters or ambush harassers, and you have a decent medium tank.

Of course, this is coming from someone who hasn't actually deployed any, yet.  I will be deploying a Lance-worth this next Friday as part of a Clan campaign OpFor, along with a few other tanks for them to blow up.  I searched up and down what was available to figure out what to consider, and these look like the best option.

The fuel cell model Vedette’s tend to carry type 10 autocannons of some flavor or bombast lasers, so don’t see them as snipers myself.

Some even have Gauss rifles.

Join Together-The Who
Watched Franklin on Apple+

Pretty good, some of the characters blend together, its kind of hard to tell which one does what.
I give it a 8 out of 10.
It is larger, all parts of it.
So now what one is correct??
MechWarrior Hall / Re: Word Association 36: SAY WHAT AGAIN!!!
« Last post by SulliMike23 on Today at 07:01:10 »
Combat Vehicles / Re: Weight Budget Challenge
« Last post by Daryk on Today at 06:49:53 »
Nice!  If an SRM-4 fits, so will a mortar... ;)
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