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I'm sure at least some of that excitement will return once you have it and start opening it all up.

It's like being kid and finally getting the new console.  Sure you've played with your friend's, but this one is yours.

until then - here's me - looking at everyone else playing with the KS:

Off Topic / Re: Naval Pictures X: Underway on Nuclear Power
« Last post by Colt Ward on Today at 07:54:08 »

14“ naval guns and naval gun turret construction. Bethlehem Steel Company, Bethlehem PA. 1918.
I'm sure at least some of that excitement will return once you have it and start opening it all up.

It's like being kid and finally getting the new console.  Sure you've played with your friend's, but this one is yours.
Me watching all the other kids play with the new KS

There - updated my Profile to show my excitement level for the KS now with the most recent batch of emails out....that I apparently wasn't on :sad:
Ground Combat / Re: Motive system damage - language barrier
« Last post by AlphaMirage on Today at 07:15:42 »
It is only the actual roll, the damage already takes into account lesser rolls.
after few weeks delay fallout 4 mod
fallout london
 is out on gog total size is almost 34 gb just as big as fallout 4
turned the phone off  locked the door tld every one to sod off until monday already cooked  so whole weekend to myself...for a change

I just wish was on Console  :sad:
Fan Fiction / Re: The Kapteyn Universe
« Last post by Takiro on Today at 07:12:55 »
Sounds like pretty awesome work sir, congrats!
Off Topic / Re: Naval Pictures X: Underway on Nuclear Power
« Last post by lrose on Today at 07:12:10 »
She was headed to Pearl Harbor - she had been in California for repairs after being hit by a torpedo.
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