Author Topic: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?  (Read 6849 times)

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Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« on: 14 March 2023, 20:42:04 »
Shrapnel 12 seems to have come out a bit early for Kindle, so I'm posting this a day earlier than I normally might.

What are your thoughts? I'm a bit biased, as I have a story in this issue, but I'd love to know what people think of it. :)


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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #1 on: 14 March 2023, 21:42:58 »
I think I'm logging off and grabbing my Kindle.  I'll tell you tomorrow!    :thumbsup:
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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #2 on: 14 March 2023, 22:04:20 »
I'm writing tonight, I'll read while I'm "in a meeting" tomorrow. ;-) hahaha

I can't WAIT to read it, though, and I'm SUPER excited to see what people think of the Jinngau returning to battle with a fresh new redesign!

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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #3 on: 14 March 2023, 23:38:17 »
I'm glad to see someone articulate that these aren't just "Space Whatevers" but their language and customs have filtered through centuries of separation and linguistic drift.

Also making Rudiger Steiner the main character of The Steinhearts just makes sense.

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Lorcan Nagle

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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #4 on: 15 March 2023, 02:14:51 »
I'm glad to see someone articulate that these aren't just "Space Whatevers" but their language and customs have filtered through centuries of separation and linguistic drift.

I'll admit, that started as a joke in my head that became a more serious idea as I thought about it.
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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #5 on: 15 March 2023, 08:02:49 »
Very well done, Lorcan. I really appreciated the mix of humor and thoughtful analysis in your piece.


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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #6 on: 15 March 2023, 08:07:24 »
Glad to see the story about Nova Cats. Despite the fact that it is very sad considering the events described. Thank you Alan Brundage. Although there is a bright moment in this tragic story. In the form of a mention of where exactly all the remaining aerospace forces of Nova Cats have gone. A little mention of Cox Devalis too.
« Last Edit: 15 March 2023, 10:28:27 by Rncavenger »


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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #7 on: 15 March 2023, 10:45:04 »
Without Warning: Kelvin Casing does a nice job of matching the tone and setting of Mercenary's Star, evoking what life was like for the people of Verthandi under Combine occupation, with the local rebellion simmering in the brush.  This could seamlessly fit as a prequel chapter into Mercenary's Star.

Voices of the Sphere: Mercenary Dependents: Wunji Lau focuses on the often overlooked role of dependents - both those support personnel that accompany the troops on away missions and those left behind to wait and worry.  An excellent use of the VotS format.

It Ends In Fire: One of the major complaints from Nova Cat fans is that their faction went down into oblivion via a footnote in a sourcebook.  Alan Brundage rectifies this by giving the Nova Cat leadership and remaining troops an epic final stand on Irece.  Nobody can say the Cats went down without a fight.

Jinggau: A nice upgrade, and a fleshing out of one of my favorite Xin Sheng designs as it makes its way into the ilClan era.

The Shoulders of Giants: A nice follow on to the prior story, showing the experience lived by some of the refugees from Arc-Royal.  More good combat action, showcasing what an Elemental can do even without armor.

Unit Digest: Steel Wolves: One of the more prominent of the MWDA bandit factions, they were shattered when Anastasia Kerensky pulled the best out into her Wolf Hunters and abandoned the rest.  This further updates the unit through its trivails under Xera, its post-Anastasia leader, and sets up the details so players wanting to use them in campaigns feasting on the underdefended Wolf Empire can get some lore-accurate payback.

Death to Mercenaries: Rhetoric vs. Reality: For this article, I wanted to try to find an in-universe way to reconcile Michael Stackpole's "Death to Mercenaries" ban with numerous other works that prominently featured mercenaries working for the Combine during the ban.  The writers for Invading Clans clearly hadn't gotten the memo (not surprising, since it's just mentioned in passing in the Blood of Kerensky trilogy as a way of making the Dragoons and Kell Hounds coming to save Luthien extra special), and key elements of Robert Charette's Heir to the Dragon indicate he had no input from FASA telling him that mercenaries and the Combine don't mix post 3029.  Not to mention that about 1/3 of the contracts you can take in MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries in the 3040s are from the Combine.  Now, it's longer a "FASA oopsie" element of the lore, but instead showed that Theodore was keeping Takashi in the dark regarding many things from 3039 onwards, with the help of "the Smiling One" himself, Subhash Indrahar.  There are a number of deep cuts included in the article, including the first canon reference to Team Venom and, for any SNES MechWarrior veterans out there, the name "Gantor" should be familar.

Winning the Battle, Losing the War: Jason DeSouza gives us a good look at the Marian/Canopian conflict from the ground, with commanders on both sides using their equipment well and employing sensible tactics.  Interesting that the concept of being Dispossessed still haunts MechWarriors in the "Clan Sea Fox can get it for you by Tuesday" era.

Unit Digest: Old Guard: Not to be confused with the elite Republic Armed Forces formation of the same name that battled the Jade Falcons in North America in "Hour of the Wolf," this is a troubleshooter unit comprised of Hansen's Roughriders retirees.  It's a fun addition to the Roughrider lore from Ben Klinefelter.

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Homeland: Lorcan Nagle's deep dive confirms that Urizen II's cultural renewal of the 2600s essentially transformed the Draconis Combine into a nation of shogunate era cosplayers, rather than anything recognizable by Terra's Japanese citizens, and that the same holds true when comparing the far-flung communities of the Inner Sphere to their ancestral cultures.

Dying Breed: Geoff Swift returns to his Scorpion Empire stomping grounds to chronicle the plight of the Ice Hellion adoptees, still alive, but still suffering the gradual fading of their culture and traditions within the larger Scorpion-dominated Empire.  This is nicely paralleled with the fading out of ProtoMechs from general usage.

Mercenary Entertainment Network Digest: December 3151: Bringing back classic BattleCorps references like the Steinharts and adding new shows (many of which will be instantly recognizable to watchers of modern day cable/streaming programming), Ken' Horner puts up an entertaining lineup.  But when are we gonna get new Clan Spaniel episodes?

Sea*List Ads: The Kandersteg Catalog: I'm getting flashbacks to "Levin's List" with this Sea Fox publication by Stephen Toropov, with a mix of product advertisements, personal messages, and other potential RPG plot hooks.

Everything Up There: Alayna Weathers contributes another poem - this one on the feelings of a rookie MechWarrior going into combat the first time.

Three Ways Home: Tom Leveen's Reunification War-era Taurian tale comes to a close, bringing the characters back to the wall with local foes in hot pursuit.  There are references to the wider war against the Star League, but it hasn't touched Traussin, so the focus remains on the split planet.  There are a few other examples of politically split worlds, such as Denebola.  I wonder if Traussin had a similar founding story - two groups of colonists established footholds on a world and were already well established before they discovered each other's presence.

No Hard Feelings: Wunji Lau gives us a humorous look at how mercenaries handle being friends one contract and mortal enemies the next, all on a Maury Povitch-style confrontational talk show set.  One of the biggest reveals, though, is that by 3152, Galatea is no longer part of the Galatean League, but is now part of a reborn Isle of Skye.  Looking forward to those events being spelled out, hopefully in "For the IlKhan's Eyes Only."

Planet Digest: Rahway II: Waaaaaay back in the early days, the first CityTech boxed set had fiction in the rulebook, showing Davion mercs on R&R on the world of Rahway II.  However, when the maps came out, there was no sign of such a world, and later works never referenced it again.  For this mercenary-themed issue, I thought it would be perfect to put it on the map, literally, in this case, and explain why House Davion had an entire world just for mercenary R&R, and what its local history was.  Fortunately, my search for a system near both the Combine and Capellan borders that had a canon colony in the III slot quickly turned up Sonnia, which was perfectly placed for it to play a role in a number of events involving mercenaries over timeline.  I also used the piece to resurrect the Osaka Mercenary Legion from the original BattleForce rulebook.  The list of amenities was based on what modern R&R resorts catering to service members provide.

Foolproof: James Bixby brings us a great tale of Thomas Hogarth blundering his way to glory, once again, overpromising, catastrophically underdelivering, and finally ushering in a new weapons system for the Lyrans.  Hogarth's bluster is well realized.

A Game of Armored Combat: Daniel Isberner brings us the story of how 'Mech history fans have been commemorating the birth of the BattleMech over the centuries.  I wonder if the 2539 gathering is where Albert Marik, seeing a gathering of all the other major heads of state, got the idea for the Star League?  It was probably the first such mass gathering of leaders since 2412, when the Ares Conventions were signed.  Kudos to Dan for adding this bit of lore to the universe.

The Graceland Gaffe: Chris Hussey puts players in a Galaxy Quest-style situation, when actors playing MechWarriors get attacked for real.  Looks like good opportunities for fun, and a last chance to use the Steel Vipers before they get kicked out of the Inner Sphere in the Hegira War.

Making Them Pay: Stephen Toropov does a well thought-out deep dive into logistical concerns and finances for merc units.

Three White Roses: Craig A. Reed, Jr. takes us waaay back to the Age of War, revisiting the Davion Civil War and chronicling Alexander's escape from Varnay custody.  I'd love more Age of War content, since its an era with loads of hooks, but very limited coverage in the fiction.  This is put together in such a way that it could very well be expanded into a full Davion Civil War novel.  Plus, we do have that Proliferation Cycle force pack coming out - that will demand more stories featuring the Ymir and Firebee!

Unit Digest: Killer Bees:  I remember first seeing these guys as a playing piece in the Succession Wars game.  James Bixby shows them some love, chronicling their exploits in the 3000s and updating their re-formation in the modern era, when they're ready to take the Hinterlands by storm.

One Thousand: Rob Schubert commemorates the 1,000th anniversary of the Donegal Guards, and shows the importance of tactics when navigating both the battlefield and Lyran high society.  It also includes some references to Vedet Brewer, prior to his prominence in the MWDA novels.

Am I My Brother's Keeper?: At the tail end of the Reunification War, an unusual set of events throws two sets of Northwind Highlanders against each other.  A fun scenario, and one that will give your Highlander miniatures a workout.

Never Trust the Recruitment Posters: James Kirtley brings us another tale of Galatea City, following in the tradition of "Not the Way the Smart Money Bets," "Johnny Mace, 'Mech Ace" and "Mercenary's Star."  The first person narrative gives the tale an immediacy, and sets the scene well, showing what mercenary freelancers have to go through "speed dating" potential employers and watching out for the red flags of untrustworthy employers or commanders.  An excellent addition to the canon.
« Last Edit: 15 March 2023, 11:15:24 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #8 on: 15 March 2023, 10:58:43 »

Sea*List Ads: The Kandersteg Catalog: I'm getting flashbacks to "Levin's List" with this Sea Fox publication by Stephen Toropov, with a mix of product advertisements, personal messages, and other potential RPG plot hooks.

On the nose! I first came to the BT universe through MWDA, and the way the website told stories through those in-universe snippets imprinted on me deeply, so I reveled in the chance to use a similar format to add texture and plot hooks to the setting.

Caesar Steiner for Archon

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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #9 on: 15 March 2023, 12:00:52 »
I was glad Hogarth didn't get away totally clean. Even though the HGR succeeded and consequently saved Hogarth's job, he still got demoted, as he is back to being a Colonel in 3062.

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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #10 on: 15 March 2023, 12:43:22 »
I was glad Hogarth didn't get away totally clean. Even though the HGR succeeded and consequently saved Hogarth's job, he still got demoted, as he is back to being a Colonel in 3062.

He's the host of his own show in the 3080s.
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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #11 on: 15 March 2023, 12:47:59 »
And that's the safest place to put him.

"You went from annoying the writers so badly that they killed Caesar Steiner just to spite you, to becoming one of them." -3rdCrucisLancers

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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #12 on: 15 March 2023, 17:51:34 »
Glad to see the story about Nova Cats. Despite the fact that it is very sad considering the events described. Thank you Alan Brundage. Although there is a bright moment in this tragic story. In the form of a mention of where exactly all the remaining aerospace forces of Nova Cats have gone. A little mention of Cox Devalis too.

You're welcome. 'Twas a story that needed telling.
BattleCorps - Righteous Fury, Sorrow of Eden, Lady of Steel, I Was Lost, Forsaken : Legacy - The Forgotten Places : Shrapnel - Scavenger's Blood : ELH Chronicles - View from the Ground : Shrapnel - It Ends in Fire, Picking the Bones


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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #13 on: 15 March 2023, 19:00:17 »
Really enjoying this one so far! The focus on Mercenaries is fun and I'm especially pleased with Unit Digest: Killer Bees.

It's also nice to see several short stories with Elemental protagonists (and even one Proto pilot). I always enjoy a view from the ground, so to speak.
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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #14 on: 15 March 2023, 20:53:17 »
Is there a story behind the Jinggau variants?
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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #15 on: 15 March 2023, 21:53:59 »
Is there a story behind the Jinggau variants?

Besides what's in 12?  Not sure what you mean?


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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #16 on: 15 March 2023, 21:55:13 »
Besides what's in 12?  Not sure what you mean?

I don’t have 12.
Are the record sheets just thrown in or is there a story/fluff bit attached
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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #17 on: 15 March 2023, 22:05:53 »
There is a brief fluff blurb, similar to what you might find in a Rec guide.
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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #18 on: 16 March 2023, 09:46:53 »
A big thank you to the writers of this for not making SLS Fred T. Barry yet another battleship, or worse, an Aegis! :thumbsup:
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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #19 on: 16 March 2023, 10:53:46 »
A Game of Armored Combat: Daniel Isberner brings us the story of how 'Mech history fans have been commemorating the birth of the BattleMech over the centuries.  I wonder if the 2539 gathering is where Albert Marik, seeing a gathering of all the other major heads of state, got the idea for the Star League?  It was probably the first such mass gathering of leaders since 2412, when the Ares Conventions were signed.  Kudos to Dan for adding this bit of lore to the universe.

Thank you. It's doubly fun since the release of that little story coincides with the announcement of the Proliferation Cycle Force Pack. Which I didn't know would be the case. Makes it all the better.
As far as your idea goes...who knows ;)
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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #20 on: 16 March 2023, 13:25:13 »
Initially, I thought I should have specified a Griffin-6S in my story because the (very talented) artist went with a classic one. But I think it ended up adding an extra comedic layer as now, DI wants people to see their new Griffin model and give zero shits that it wasn't even invented when Peter was alive, never mind not pulling Guardian Duty.

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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #21 on: 16 March 2023, 14:09:48 »
Also, we ABSOLUTELY need some Glenn Cortez stories. 8)
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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #22 on: 16 March 2023, 14:23:36 »
I'm still trucking through the book so far, I so glad the magazine still able spring for new art work. It brings the stories to life, such as Nova Cat Elemental on top of the Combine Mech trying bore into the cockpit
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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #23 on: 16 March 2023, 14:26:11 »
(I'll admit, I'm horribly behind on Shrapnels, I'm only delving into issue 10 now!)
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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #24 on: 16 March 2023, 14:50:37 »
(I'll admit, I'm horribly behind on Shrapnels, I'm only delving into issue 10 now!)

Well, hurry up!! We're waiting for you to get caught up!!

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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #25 on: 16 March 2023, 15:37:04 »
I know, I know, I'm moving as fast as I can!
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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #26 on: 17 March 2023, 07:50:24 »
A big thank you to the writers of this for not making SLS Fred T. Barry yet another battleship, or worse, an Aegis! :thumbsup:

You're welcome!
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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #27 on: 21 March 2023, 12:38:25 »
Really loved that story about Alexander Davion. PLEASE expand this to a novel!

heck given how long lived Alexander was you could easily make a trilogy or longer about the guy
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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #28 on: 26 March 2023, 21:43:53 »
This one is just packed with great stuff. I have to admit, that while the narrative fiction has been really good, my favorite parts of Shrapnel have been the little in-universe articles and this issue has some gold in that regard.

But I also really enjoyed Dying Breed.
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Re: Shrapnel 12 -- Thoughts?
« Reply #29 on: 27 March 2023, 08:14:23 »
Glad you enjoyed it, Lanceman!

