Author Topic: Fall from Glory errata?  (Read 1712 times)

Hydrofoil Goat

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Fall from Glory errata?
« on: 24 August 2023, 05:35:53 »
I just finished reading Fall from Glory, and was doing some reading ahead on Sarna when I noticed that Sarna states Dana Kufahl met Andery Kerensky on Dagda where he was an instructor. This is referenced to Historical: Operation Klondike, which I don't have access to. Fall from Glory has the entire planetary story take place on Eden.

Fall from Glory predates Historical: OK, but I'm not sure whether the story was told prior to publication of Fall from Glory.

It's a minor thing really but I'm used to this stuff being fairly well organised in Battletech so I was surprised something like this got through. Is it just Sarna that is wrong?


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Re: Fall from Glory errata?
« Reply #1 on: 24 August 2023, 07:23:23 »
Looks like an error on Sarna.

Historical: Operation Klondike p. 105 says "Andery did well at the Eden Military Academy" and "Andery was assigned a staff role, but he chafed under the restrictions and instead became an observer with the Wolf forces on Eden.  It was there, as the campaign drew to a close, that Nicholas' brother died, ambushed by a larger enemy force."

So both the fiction and the Historical place Andery's location pre-Second Exodus and during Klondike on Eden.
« Last Edit: 25 August 2023, 01:17:09 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


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Re: Fall from Glory errata?
« Reply #2 on: 25 August 2023, 00:12:25 »
I presume this is in reference to the Dana Kufahl article on Sarna?
I have removed the reference to Dagda there, that should clear it up. BattleTechWiki Admin
Author of the BattleCorps stories Feather vs. Mountain, Rise and Shine, Proprietary, Trial of Faith & scenario Twins

Hydrofoil Goat

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Re: Fall from Glory errata?
« Reply #3 on: 25 August 2023, 05:30:02 »
Yep that's right. Thanks!

