Author Topic: BT <=> BF Conversion quirks  (Read 3191 times)


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BT <=> BF Conversion quirks
« on: 28 March 2012, 07:39:43 »
I know that a lot of information and subtleties get lost when converting from battletech to battleforce.
Some inconsistensies are a bit too much, though.
Compare the Ontos Heavy Tank (3053 upgrade) with the same tank (light Gauss). Movement, armor and structure parameters are the same, all damage values are 0. The only difference is in special abilities and cost. The LG variant has TUR (3/4/3) and SRCH at 13 points; the 3053 variant has TUR (6/6/2, IF 1), CASE and SRCH and costs 1 POINT LESS!

Am I missing something or what?


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Re: BT <=> BF Conversion quirks
« Reply #1 on: 28 March 2012, 10:47:37 »
I know that a lot of information and subtleties get lost when converting from battletech to battleforce.
Some inconsistensies are a bit too much, though.
Compare the Ontos Heavy Tank (3053 upgrade) with the same tank (light Gauss). Movement, armor and structure parameters are the same, all damage values are 0. The only difference is in special abilities and cost. The LG variant has TUR (3/4/3) and SRCH at 13 points; the 3053 variant has TUR (6/6/2, IF 1), CASE and SRCH and costs 1 POINT LESS!

Am I missing something or what?

1 Point isn't that much.  And you found an example of hitting the rounding almost perfectly.  3053 variant is 1242, the LGR variant is 1269 in BV.
But yes, BV is based on BattleTech, not BattleForce.  And weapons act differently.  That 3 long range means more in BattleTech than it does in BattleForce.   Long range weapons in BF do not get a bonus for having longer medium and short ranges.  IE.  A medium laser and light gauss rifle are treated the same at medium range.  Even though I'm much more likely to hit with the light gauss at medium ranges.  From having no chance at all to hit with the medium laser from range 10-15, while the light gauss is at medium, to the medium laser being at long range from  6-9 hexes while the light gauss is at medium range.
So yeah, I think long range weapons are overvalued in Point Costs because they lose a major advantage in range brackets improving their chances to hit.  And snub-nose PPCs get a bad deal as well.
Alpha Strike Introduction resources
Left of Center blog - Tukayyid Expanded Random Unit Tables, Nashira Campaign for A Game of Armored Combat, TP 3039 Vega Supplemental Record Sheets


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Re: BT <=> BF Conversion quirks
« Reply #2 on: 28 March 2012, 12:07:08 »
Thanx for the explanation

1 Point isn't that much.

Lol, I've had more than 1 game where a single unit of BA saved the day!  :))

