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Off Topic / Re: What Are We Listening To: This List Goes Up To Eleven!
« Last post by rebs on Today at 23:44:15 »
I remember when this was the new Metallica, and I had it on cassette in 1989, then on CD as well during the 90's.

And Justice For All ~ Metallica
Jiyi had a Clusters' worth of trained pilots and way more than that in equipment that didn't have a butt to put in the seat.  There's so much stuff built on Sudeten that you can fill out the entire mech compliment of the Cluster before you've used every mech twice. The challenge was figuring out what to cut to make Stars that both look good and work well together.
To Liberty and Beyond – JT Music
MechWarrior Hall / Re: Word Association 36: SAY WHAT AGAIN!!!
« Last post by Akamia on Today at 23:13:48 »
Tron lines. Nice. lol
I’m curious what’s the challenge Jiyi only had a Cluster of mechs and tanks he also had a second Cluster but that was composed largely of infantry.

Plot armor.
I suppose that depends on how the BA get placed and what else there might be in the area.
ok just got my copy of front mission 2
installed it was about to start...and guess who got called in to fix emergency between neighbors....
well the mood is gone ill play tomorrow and i swear ill make their petty squabble look like a vacation in candy land...both know i will do it too
Being the warped bastard that I am, I look at it as a structure thing.

company A, 77th Regulars (3080-something)

1st Platoon: motorized light infantry plus a 'weapons squad' of Fenrir (one four suit element)

replicate three times, then add a "weapons platoon' of mechanized w/field guns and a squad of Rottweilers as the scouting element.

The basic concept is that the suits are weapons platforms providing covering fire or heavy support for the light infantry, and a scout element for the field guns.

all in one 'company' element that's technically oversize, but surprisingly manageable in terms of manpower.
I'm planning a Cluster that's built entirely out of what's in active production on Sudeten and the most difficult part was trimming it did to "just" a Cluster.

I’m curious what’s the challenge Jiyi only had a Cluster of mechs and tanks he also had a second Cluster but that was composed largely of infantry.
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