Author Topic: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.  (Read 2639 times)


  • Sergeant
  • *
  • Posts: 178
So after looking at most of the units in battletech and their many variations a very time consuming exercise  I've come to the conclusion that most of the units that lower tech worlds could field aren't that great. But with the tech available to them much better units could be designed in a way to work in concert.

Id be interested in seeing the ideas that some of you guys have for better units for this. If your interested the idea is that the units should be mainly C level tech with a minimum of D and E as that would need to be imported or could only be built on these worlds in small quantities. Engine should not be fusion ICE preferred Fuel Cell allowed. Advanced ammo allowed though costs should be taken into consideration.

Before I post my take I will conclude that the only way I found to equalize the tech and possibly money imbalance for the lower tech world was rockets, rockets, all the rockets. The design philosophy of the force I designed for this is bricks of armor to hold the enemy in place and fast movers with a bunch of rockets to close and unload while the bricks run interference.
Paladin Heavy Tank- A 75 ton tank with as much armor as its allowed to carry. Its heavy armor allows it to hold the line against most enemies and outlast them. For enemies who outrange it its armor is tough enough to hold until flankers can get in close. Better more expensive counterpart to the Linebacker. For those with extra money.
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Paladin Heavy Tank Export

Mass: 75 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 225 ICE
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     2 Light Machine Gun
     3 Vehicular Grenade Launcher
     1 Anti-Missile System
     1 AC/10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 1,988,000 C-bills

Type: Paladin
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 75
Battle Value: 1,233

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  7.5
Engine                        225 ICE                20
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  4.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.5
Armor Factor                  302                    19

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   8         74   
     R/L Side               8/8      60/60   
     Rear                    8         48   
     Turret                  8         60   

and Ammo                        Location    Tonnage   
Vehicular Grenade Launcher        Rear        0.5     
Vehicular Grenade Launcher        Left        0.5     
Anti-Missile System              Front        0.5     
Vehicular Grenade Launcher       Right        0.5     
AC/10                            Turret       12.0   
2 Light Machine Gun              Turret       1.0     
Light Machine Gun Ammo (100)      Body        0.5     
Armor-Piercing AC/10 Ammo (5)     Body        1.0     
CASE                              Body        0.5     
Flak AC/10 Ammo (20)              Body        2.0     
Anti-Missile System Ammo (12)     Body        1.0     
Precision AC/10 Ammo (15)         Body        3.0     

Linebacker Medium Tank- A downscaled Paladin looses machine guns, grenade launchers, AMS, and some ammo. Same speed max armor for weight and half the cost. Same role as the paladin.
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Linebacker Medium Tank Export

Mass: 50 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 150 ICE
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 AC/10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 1,046,250 C-bills

Type: Linebacker
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 829

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    5
Engine                        150 ICE                11
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.5
Armor Factor                  215                  13.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         52   
     R/L Side               5/5      43/43   
     Rear                    5         34   
     Turret                  5         43   

and Ammo                        Location    Tonnage   
AC/10                            Turret       12.0   
Armor-Piercing AC/10 Ammo (5)     Body        1.0     
CASE                              Body        0.5     
Flak AC/10 Ammo (10)              Body        1.0     
Precision AC/10 Ammo (10)         Body        2.0     
Hedgetrimmer- Built on the linebacker chassis exactly the same except weapons are replaced with a pair of AC-2 with three tons of flak and one of flechette. Meant to be the anti air and infantry cover for the Paladin and Linebacker. 822K cost
That's it for the armored bricks next are the flankers.

Thunderstorm- a 5 cruise 30 ton tank with heavy armor and 11 rocket launcher 10 bolted to the front gets to side or behind and deletes a unit.
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Thunderstorm Light rocket Tank Export

Mass: 30 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 150 ICE
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Armor: Standard
     11 Rocket Launcher 10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-C-C
Cost: 487,500 C-bills

Type: Thunderstorm
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 30
Battle Value: 734

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    3
Engine                        150 ICE                11
Cruising MP: 5
Flank MP: 8
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  144                     9

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         44   
     R/L Side               3/3      36/36   
     Rear                    3         28   

and Ammo                Location    Tonnage   
11 Rocket Launcher 10    Front        5.5     
Backstabber Hovertank- A bit pricy okay armor good speed and an AC-20 with four tons of special shells. Meant to do flanking.
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Backstabber Hovertank AC-20 Variant Export

Mass: 45 tons
Movement Type: Hover
Power Plant: 125 ICE
Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 129.6 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 AC/20
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-E-E
Cost: 1,579,375 C-bills

Type: Backstabber
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Hover
Tonnage: 45
Battle Value: 778

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  4.5
Engine                        125 ICE                 9
Cruising MP: 8
Flank MP: 12
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.5
Lift Equipment:                                     4.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.5
Armor Factor                  80                      5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         20   
     R/L Side               5/5      16/16   
     Rear                    5         12   
     Turret                  5         16   

and Ammo                        Location    Tonnage   
AC/20                            Turret       14.0   
Armor-Piercing AC/20 Ammo (2)     Body        1.0     
Precision AC/20 Ammo (6)          Body        3.0     
Adder Hovertank- Same principle as the Thunderstorm less armor, faster, cheaper, almost as much firepower.
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Adder Hovertank Rocket Export

Mass: 15 tons
Movement Type: Hover
Power Plant: 50 ICE
Cruising Speed: 97.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 151.2 kph
Armor: Standard
     8 Rocket Launcher 10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-C-C
Cost: 295,750 C-bills

Type: Adder
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Hover
Tonnage: 15
Battle Value: 496

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  1.5
Engine                        50 ICE                  3
Cruising MP: 9
Flank MP: 14
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.0
Lift Equipment:                                     1.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  64                      4

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   2         20   
     R/L Side               2/2      16/16   
     Rear                    2         12   

and Ammo               Location    Tonnage   
8 Rocket Launcher 10    Front        4.0     
Next is IFV's and utility.
Bradley IFV- Good armor cruise 4 speed 3.5 tons of troop space and a light ac-2 with a ton each of flak and flechette.
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Light IFV Bradley

Mass: 30 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 120 ICE
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 Light AC/2
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 375,050 C-bills

Type: Light IFV
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 30
Battle Value: 408

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    3
Engine                        120 ICE                 8
Cruising MP: 4
Flank MP: 6
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             0.5
Armor Factor                  120                   7.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         29   
     R/L Side               3/3      24/24   
     Rear                    3         19   
     Turret                  3         24   

and Ammo                    Location    Tonnage   
Light AC/2                   Turret       4.0     
Flechette LAC/2 Ammo (45)     Body        1.0     
Flak LAC/2 Ammo (45)          Body        1.0     
Infantry                      Body        3.5     
Bradley Minesweeper- Removes turret and weapons for minesweeping gear and active probe has 2 minelayers still has troop capacity for mineclearing infantry. 624K Cost

Mule Prime Mover- A tractor vehicle with a strong motor to pull trailers.
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Prime Mover Mule Export

Mass: 50 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 300 ICE
Cruising Speed: 64.8 kph
Maximum Speed: 97.2 kph
Armor: Standard
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-C-C
Cost: 555,000 C-bills

Type: Prime Mover
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 283

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    5
Engine                        300 ICE                38
Cruising MP: 6
Flank MP: 9
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  72                    4.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         22   
     R/L Side               5/5      18/18   
     Rear                    5         14   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
Trailer Hitch           Rear        0.0     
Rocket Trailer- a towable rocket trailer meant to be left in ambush positions has a small engine so it can pop out of cover such as an alleyway to fire.
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Light Trailer Turret Rocket Trailer Export

Mass: 15 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 15 ICE
Cruising Speed: 10.8 kph
Maximum Speed: 21.6 kph
Armor: Standard
     8 Rocket Launcher 10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-C-C
Cost: 242,937 C-bills

Type: Light Trailer Turret
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 15
Battle Value: 319

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  1.5
Engine                        15 ICE                  1
Cruising MP: 1
Flank MP: 2
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             0.5
Armor Factor                  92                      7

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   2         24   
     R/L Side               2/2      18/18   
     Rear                    2         14   
     Turret                  2         18   

and Ammo               Location    Tonnage   
Trailer Hitch            Rear        0.0     
Trailer Hitch           Front        0.0     
8 Rocket Launcher 10    Turret       4.0     
Next is the our flagship item the jeep cheap fast and decently armed. All three jeeps are the same except for armament.

Jeep Scouting Vehicle- 4.5 tons, 10 cruise 1000km range. Lightly armored and packing two support machine guns and three recoiless rifles. 300 rounds for machine guns 72 for recoiless split between 48 regular and 24 inferno. Will wipe out elementals with ease. Really Cheap.
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Jeep Export Jeep Scouting Vehicle
<b>Mass: </b>4.5 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Wheeled<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> ICE<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>108 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>162 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 7</b><br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2 Machine Gun (Support)<br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3 Recoilless Rifle (Heavy)<br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3065<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-D-C<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 25,988 C-bills<br/>

Type: Jeep Export
Chassis Type: Wheeled (Small)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 4,500 kg
Battle Value: 81

Equipment                                         Mass (kg)
Chassis/Controls                                  1398.0000000000002
Engine/Trans.                                     1755.0
    Cruise MP:10
Flank MP:15
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                              175.0
Turret                                             27.0
Armor Factor (BAR 7)          13                  585.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   1         3     
     R/L Side               1/1       2/2   
     Rear                    1         3     
     Turret                  1         3     

and Ammo                                    Location    Tonnage   
2 Machine Gun (Support)                      Turret       88.0   
2 Machine Gun (Support) Ammo (200 shots)     Turret       10.0   
3 Recoilless Rifle (Heavy)                   Turret      180.0   
3 Recoilless Rifle (Heavy) Ammo (3 shots)    Turret       12.0   
Machine Gun Ammo (300)                        Body        15.0   
Recoilless Rifle Ammo (75)                    Body       300.0   


Features Off-Road Chassis and Controls Modification
Trailer Hitch
Advanced Fire Control(27 kg)

Jeep anti armor- Mounts 5 two shot SRM instead 15 regular 6 inferno. 1k more expensive.

Jeep AA- Mounts 5 AA weapon MK 2 Instead 20 shots. Most expensive jeep at 48k.

Anti armor jeep trailer
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Jeep Trailer Export Jeep Anti Armor Trailer
<b>Mass: </b>3.5 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Wheeled<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> None<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>108 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>162 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 7</b><br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5 SRM Launcher (Std, Two-Shot)<br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3065<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-D-D<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 30,418 C-bills<br/>

Type: Jeep Trailer Export
Chassis Type: Wheeled (Small)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 3,500 kg
Battle Value: 89

Equipment                                         Mass (kg)
Chassis/Controls                                  1300.0
Engine/Trans.                                       0.0
    Cruise MP:10
Flank MP:15
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Turret                                             15.0
Armor Factor (BAR 7)          5                   280.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   1         1     
     R/L Side               1/1       1/1   
     Rear                    1         1     
     Turret                  1         1     

and Ammo                                         Location    Tonnage   
5 SRM Launcher (Std, Two-Shot)                    Turret      150.0   
5 SRM Launcher (Std, Two-Shot) Ammo (10 shots)    Turret      100.0   
SRM Launcher Ammo (80)                             Body       800.0   


Features Off-Road, Trailer, Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modifications
Trailer Hitch(2)
Advanced Fire Control(15 kg)
Jeep Mortar Trailer
Code: [Select]
Jeep Trailer Export Jeep Mortar Trailer
<b>Mass: </b>3.5 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Wheeled<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> None<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>108 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>162 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 7</b><br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3 Mortar (Heavy)<br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2 Mortar (Heavy) - Inferno<br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3065<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-D-D<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 35,430 C-bills<br/>

Type: Jeep Trailer Export
Chassis Type: Wheeled (Small)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 3,500 kg
Battle Value: 62

Equipment                                         Mass (kg)
Chassis/Controls                                  1395.0
Engine/Trans.                                       0.0
    Cruise MP:10
Flank MP:15
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Turret                                            111.0
Armor Factor (BAR 7)          5                   280.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   1         1     
     R/L Side               1/1       1/1   
     Rear                    1         1     
     Turret                  1         1     

and Ammo                                    Location    Tonnage   
3 Mortar (Heavy)                             Turret      660.0   
3 Mortar (Heavy) Ammo (3 shots)              Turret       12.0   
2 Mortar (Heavy) - Inferno                   Turret      440.0   
2 Mortar (Heavy) - Inferno Ammo (2 shots)    Turret       8.0     
Mortar Ammo (100)                             Body       400.0   


Features Off-Road, Trailer, Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modifications
Trailer Hitch(2)
Advanced Fire Control(110 kg)

Self Propelled Thumper
Code: [Select]
Self Propelled Thumper Artillery Export

Mass: 40 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 120 ICE
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 Thumper
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-E-E
Cost: 583,800 C-bills

Type: Self Propelled
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 40
Battle Value: 355

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    4
Engine                        120 ICE                 8
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.5
Armor Factor                  88                    5.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   4         20   
     R/L Side               4/4      17/17   
     Rear                    4         17   
     Turret                  4         17   

and Ammo                     Location    Tonnage   
Thumper                       Turret       15.0   
Thumper Ammo (20)              Body        1.0     
Fuel-Air Thumper Ammo (20)     Body        1.0     
Cluster Thumper Ammo (20)      Body        1.0     
Smoke Thumper Ammo (20)        Body        1.0     

Tortuga Lrm
Code: [Select]
Tortuga Lrm Tank Export

Mass: 50 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 150 ICE
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     7 LRM 5
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-D-D
Cost: 1,132,500 C-bills

Type: Tortuga
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 846

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    5
Engine                        150 ICE                11
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  160                    10

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         48   
     R/L Side               5/5      40/40   
     Rear                    5         32   

and Ammo                Location    Tonnage   
7 LRM 5                  Front        14.0   
LRM 5 Ammo (144)          Body        6.0     
CASE                      Body        0.5     
LRM 5 Smoke Ammo (24)     Body        1.0     
Continued Next Post


  • Sergeant
  • *
  • Posts: 178
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #1 on: 31 March 2024, 01:38:58 »

Next are 4 VTOL for combat operations. All four are built on the same frame and only differ in armament or equipment to improve parts commonality.

Rocket Heli- A fast rocket carrier uses its speed to close in the delete one to two units and then retreat for ressupply.
Code: [Select]
Attack Heli Budget Rocket Export Varriant

Mass: 25 tons
Movement Type: VTOL
Power Plant: 110 ICE
Cruising Speed: 108 kph
Maximum Speed: 162 kph
Armor: Standard
     5 Rocket Launcher 15
     4 Rocket Launcher 10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-C-C
Cost: 808,194 C-bills

Type: Attack Heli
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: VTOL
Tonnage: 25
Battle Value: 671

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  2.5
Engine                        110 ICE                 7
Cruising MP: 10
Flank MP: 15
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.5
Lift Equipment:                                     2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  72                    4.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         18   
     R/L Side               3/3      17/17   
     Rear                    3         18   
     Rotor                   3         2     

and Ammo               Location    Tonnage   
5 Rocket Launcher 15    Front        5.0     
4 Rocket Launcher 10    Front        2.0     
Flak Heli- Luckily VTOL are considered combat vehicles instead of aerospace meaning they can use special AC ammo mounts an AC-2 and a single ton of flak ammo for fast mobile air defense.
Code: [Select]
Attack Heli Budget Flak Export Varriant

Mass: 25 tons
Movement Type: VTOL
Power Plant: 110 ICE
Cruising Speed: 108 kph
Maximum Speed: 162 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 AC/2
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 563,444 C-bills

Type: Attack Heli
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: VTOL
Tonnage: 25
Battle Value: 338

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  2.5
Engine                        110 ICE                 7
Cruising MP: 10
Flank MP: 15
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.5
Lift Equipment:                                     2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  72                    4.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         18   
     R/L Side               3/3      17/17   
     Rear                    3         18   
     Rotor                   3         2     

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
AC/2                   Front        6.0     
Flak AC/2 Ammo (45)     Body        1.0     
Scout Heli- Mounts a generous amount of remote sensor dispensers as well as a recon camera free tonnage was used for a pair of vehicle flamers.
Code: [Select]
Attack Heli Budget Scout Export Varriant

Mass: 25 tons
Movement Type: VTOL
Power Plant: 110 ICE
Cruising Speed: 108 kph
Maximum Speed: 162 kph
Armor: Standard
     2 Flamer (Vehicle)
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-D-D
Cost: 956,694 C-bills

Type: Attack Heli
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: VTOL
Tonnage: 25
Battle Value: 269

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  2.5
Engine                        110 ICE                 7
Cruising MP: 10
Flank MP: 15
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.5
Lift Equipment:                                     2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  72                    4.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         18   
     R/L Side               3/3      17/17   
     Rear                    3         18   
     Rotor                   3         2     

and Ammo                           Location    Tonnage   
2 Flamer                            Front        1.0     
4 Remote Sensors/Dispenser           Body        2.0     
Vehicle Flamer Ammo (40)             Body        2.0     
CASE                                 Body        0.5     
Communications Equipment (1 ton)     Body        1.0     
Recon Camera                         Body        0.5     
Transport Heli- Transports 5 tons of infantry has a single machine gun for support.
Code: [Select]
Attack Heli Budget Transport Export Varriant

Mass: 25 tons
Movement Type: VTOL
Power Plant: 110 ICE
Cruising Speed: 108 kph
Maximum Speed: 162 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 Light Machine Gun
     2 Vehicular Grenade Launcher
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 469,486 C-bills

Type: Attack Heli
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: VTOL
Tonnage: 25
Battle Value: 323

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  2.5
Engine                        110 ICE                 7
Cruising MP: 10
Flank MP: 15
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.5
Lift Equipment:                                     2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  72                    4.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         18   
     R/L Side               3/3      17/17   
     Rear                    3         18   
     Rotor                   3         2     

and Ammo                       Location    Tonnage   
Vehicular Grenade Launcher       Left        0.5     
Light Machine Gun               Front        0.5     
Vehicular Grenade Launcher      Right        0.5     
Light Machine Gun Ammo (100)     Body        0.5     
Infantry                         Body        5.0     
Conventional Aircraft

Conventional Conventional Fighters- Yes I know I said that twice the reasons will become apparent later.

Achilles Fighter- A higher budget version of the switchblade below. Mounts two LB-X 2 AC but only because of the silly rule that aerospace cant use special ammo. Otherwise it would use standard AC 2 with flak.
Code: [Select]
Achilles Hi-Budget Aero

Mass: 45 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant: 225 ICE
Armor: Standard
     2 LB 2-X AC
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-E-D
Cost: 758,765 C-bills

Type: Achilles
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 45
Battle Value: 264

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        225 ICE                20
Safe Thrust: 5
Max Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity:         0                       
Heat Sinks:                   10                      0
Fuel:                         480                   3.0
Cockpit                                             4.5
Armor Factor                  45                      3

     Nose                    14   
     Wings                 11/11   
     Aft                     9     

and Ammo                   Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
2 LB 2-X AC                  NOS       12.0     1      2    2    2    2 
CASE                         FSLG      0.5      -      -    -    -    - 
LB 2-X Cluster Ammo (90)     FSLG      2.0      -      -    -    -    - 
Switchblade Fighter- Same as the Achilles replaces LB-X 2 with a pair of medium lasers and 4 small lasers.
Code: [Select]
Switchblade Low-Budget Aero

Mass: 45 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant: 225 ICE
Armor: Standard
     4 Small Laser
     2 Medium Laser
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-C-C
Cost: 597,555 C-bills

Type: Switchblade
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 45
Battle Value: 304

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        225 ICE                20
Safe Thrust: 5
Max Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity:         0                       
Heat Sinks:                   10                     10
Fuel:                         480                   3.0
Cockpit                                             4.5
Armor Factor                  45                      3

     Nose                    14   
     Wings                 11/11   
     Aft                     9     

and Ammo              Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
2 Medium Laser          NOS       2.0      3      5    0    0    0 
3 Small Laser           NOS       1.5      1      3    0    0    0 
Small Laser             AFT       0.5      1      3    0    0    0 

Unconventional Conventional Fighters- These have been built for one reason the two fighters above while seemingly solid have one crucial weakness that conventional fighters are slower than most aerospace fighters except for the slowest. As such their ability to engage was limited though they could still be used defensively a solution was needed. The solution was a tiny 20 ton fighter with that was more engine than anything else. Minimal fuel and ammo that would need a tanker to reach and return from the battlezone. This fighter also had only 3.5 tons for weapons.

The Thousand Needles fighter- Built on the above chassis has 8 cruise and engines that are 60 percent of the design weight after the one and a half tons of ammo that will block a single med laser on any facing and the single ton of fuel there was only 3.5 tons for weapons. Small lasers were considered but the heat sink costs were the killer. In the end the decision was to mount 5 machine guns that matched the small lasers range with a ton of ammo for them. While cheap chances for this fighter were not considered great and was jokingly referred to as the forlorn hope.
Code: [Select]
Ultra Budget Fast Fighter Export Thousand Needles

Mass: 20 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant: 160 ICE
Armor: Standard
     5 Machine Gun
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-C-C
Cost: 175,707 C-bills

Type: Ultra Budget Fast Fighter Export
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 20
Battle Value: 105

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        160 ICE                12
Safe Thrust: 8
Max Thrust: 12
Structural Integrity:         8                       
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Fuel:                         160                   1.0
Cockpit                                               2
Armor Factor                  20                    1.5

     Nose                    5     
     Wings                  5/5   
     Aft                     5     

and Ammo                 Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
5 Machine Gun              NOS       2.5      0      2    0    0    0 
Machine Gun Ammo (200)     FSLG      1.0      -      -    -    -    - 
The Hundred Rockets fighter- Soon after the Thousand Needles was completed the project manager for several other projects came in and slapped the design staff berating them for forgetting our solution to many other solutions rockets and more rockets. The hundred rockets swaps the machine guns and ammo for 7 Rocket Launcher 10. This fighter is meant to do a boom and zoom and empty all rockets into a fighter than run away. Any survivors would hopefully be damaged enough that the needles could finish the job.
Code: [Select]
Ultra Budget Fast Fighter Export Hundred Rockets

Mass: 20 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant: 160 ICE
Armor: Standard
     7 Rocket Launcher 10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-C-C
Cost: 262,607 C-bills

Type: Ultra Budget Fast Fighter Export
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 20
Battle Value: 311

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        160 ICE                12
Safe Thrust: 8
Max Thrust: 12
Structural Integrity:         8                       
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Fuel:                         160                   1.0
Cockpit                                               2
Armor Factor                  20                    1.5

     Nose                    5     
     Wings                  5/5   
     Aft                     5     

and Ammo               Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
5 Rocket Launcher 10     NOS       2.5      3      6    6    0    0 
Rocket Launcher 10       RWG       0.5      3      6    6    0    0 
Rocket Launcher 10       LWG       0.5      3      6    6    0    0 

Conventional ground attack fighters- both are built on the same frame as the Achilles and Switchblade.

Groundpounder Rocket Variant- Mounts an obscene amount of rockets 11 rocket launcher 10's and 9 rocket launcher 15's.
Code: [Select]
Groundpounder Budget Aero Rocket Variant

Mass: 45 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant: 225 ICE
Armor: Standard
     9 Rocket Launcher 15
     11 Rocket Launcher 10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-C-C
Cost: 854,805 C-bills

Type: Groundpounder
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 45
Battle Value: 628

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        225 ICE                20
Safe Thrust: 5
Max Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity:         5                       
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Fuel:                         480                   3.0
Cockpit                                             4.5
Armor Factor                  45                      3

     Nose                    14   
     Wings                 11/11   
     Aft                     9     

and Ammo               Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
2 Rocket Launcher 15     RWG       2.0      4      9    9    0    0 
3 Rocket Launcher 10     RWG       1.5      3      6    6    0    0 
5 Rocket Launcher 15     NOS       5.0      4      9    9    0    0 
2 Rocket Launcher 15     LWG       2.0      4      9    9    0    0 
3 Rocket Launcher 10     LWG       1.5      3      6    6    0    0 
5 Rocket Launcher 10     AFT       2.5      3      6    6    0    0 
Groundpounder Bomber Variant- Replaces rockets with bomb bay for fourteen tons available for bombs and bomb slots. Had a free half ton used for recon camera.
Code: [Select]
Groundpounder Budget Aero Bomber Variant

Mass: 45 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant: 225 ICE
Armor: Standard
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-C-C
Cost: 334,180 C-bills

Type: Groundpounder
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 45
Battle Value: 135

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        225 ICE                20
Safe Thrust: 5
Max Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity:         5                       
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Fuel:                         480                   3.0
Cockpit                                             4.5
Armor Factor                  45                      3

     Nose                    14   
     Wings                 11/11   
     Aft                     9     

and Ammo              Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
Recon Camera            FSLG      0.5      -      -    -    -    - 
Finally comes an important but often overlooked thing for these planetary forces logistics.

Mule Three Ton Truck- A basic low tech truck has 3.5 tons of cargo space and can tow a trailer that can give it eight more if necessary. Can also be configured for troop transport. Lower tech requirements compared to Flatbed Truck. Which is actually E rated as it uses combat vehicle level engine and frame apparently.
Code: [Select]
Three Ton Truck Export Mule
<b>Mass: </b>10 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Wheeled<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> ICE<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>54 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>86.4 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 2</b><br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3065<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-C-B<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 12,863 C-bills<br/>

Type: Three Ton Truck Export
Chassis Type: Wheeled (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 10 tons
Battle Value: 13

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                    2.5
Engine/Trans.                                       3.5
    Cruise MP:5
Flank MP:8
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.5
Armor Factor (BAR 2)          0                     0.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   1         0     
     R/L Side               1/1       0/0   
     Rear                    1         0     

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   

    Bay 1:  Cargo (3.5 tons)        1 Door   

Trailer Hitch

Mule Minelayer- Carries 6 vehicle minelayers and a half ton of BAR 6 armor cost 139k.

Mule Machine Gun- Carries a single machine gun and a half ton of ammo. Mounts 1.5 tons of BAR 6 ammo cost 23.6k.

Mule Rocket- Mounts five rocket launcher 10 in a turret no armor. Cost 101k.

Mule Rocket Trailer- A 5 ton trailer mounting the same turret as the Mule Rocket. Cost 87k

Heli Jeep Resupply- A VTOL with enough fuel and ammo to resupply multiple jeeps no special equipment should be needed as all of the gear is infantry scale. Has paramedic gear.
Code: [Select]
Attack Heli Budget Jeep Resupply Export Varriant

Mass: 25 tons
Movement Type: VTOL
Power Plant: 110 ICE
Cruising Speed: 108 kph
Maximum Speed: 162 kph
Armor: Standard
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-C-C
Cost: 454,728 C-bills

Type: Attack Heli
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: VTOL
Tonnage: 25
Battle Value: 241

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  2.5
Engine                        110 ICE                 7
Cruising MP: 10
Flank MP: 15
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.5
Lift Equipment:                                     2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  72                    4.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         18   
     R/L Side               3/3      17/17   
     Rear                    3         18   
     Rotor                   3         2     

and Ammo                Location    Tonnage   
2 Paramedic Equipment     Body        0.5     
Cargo (Liquid)            Body    1.9999999999999998
Cargo                     Body        4.5     
Movement of force and supplies long distance is still logistics and still important.

Long distance transport aircraft

The Skytrain- A series of transport aircraft and the lighter of two frames can be set up to move one light vehicle or 50 tons of cargo or infantry.

Skytrain light Vehicle
Code: [Select]
Skytrain Light Vehicle Transport

Mass: 112.5 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant:  ICE
Armor: BAR 7
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-D-D
Cost: 940,672 C-bills

Type: Skytrain
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 112.5
Battle Value: 96

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                         ICE                   33
Safe Thrust: 3
Max Thrust: 5
Structural Integrity:         0                       
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Fuel:                         357                  10.0
Cockpit                                            11.5
Armor Factor (BAR 7)          55                    2.5

     Nose                    18   
     Wings                 13/13   
     Aft                     11   

and Ammo              Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
Skytrain Cargo and infantry cost 908k - 904k

Skytrain Aerial Refueling tanker- has three fuel hoses two on the sides on folding extendable booms and one in the rear to allow resupply of three aircraft at a time. A nessecity for the effective utilization of the Thousand Needles and Hundred Rockets.
Code: [Select]
Skytrain Aerial Refuling Tanker

Mass: 112.5 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant:  ICE
Armor: BAR 7
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-D-D
Cost: 1,240,566 C-bills

Type: Skytrain
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 112.5
Battle Value: 209

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                         ICE                   33
Safe Thrust: 3
Max Thrust: 5
Structural Integrity:         3                       
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Fuel:                         357                  10.0
Cockpit                                            11.5
Armor Factor (BAR 7)          116                   5.5

     Nose                    29   
     Wings                 29/29   
     Aft                     29   

and Ammo                                Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
Refueling Drogue/Fluid Suction System     RWG       1.0      -      -    -    -    - 
Refueling Drogue/Fluid Suction System     LWG       1.0      -      -    -    -    - 
Refueling Drogue/Fluid Suction System     AFT       1.0      -      -    -    -    - 

Globemaster Heavy Transport- Serves the same purpose as the Skytrain light vehicle but for a single heavy vehicle.
Code: [Select]
Globemaster Heavy Transport

Mass: 200 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant:  ICE
Armor: BAR 7
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: F/X-X-D-D
Cost: 2,691,719 C-bills

Type: Globemaster
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 200
Battle Value: 350

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                         ICE                   39
Safe Thrust: 3
Max Thrust: 5
Structural Integrity:         0                       
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Fuel:                         350                   7.0
Cockpit                                              20
Armor Factor (BAR 7)          200                     9

     Nose                    60   
     Wings                 50/50   
     Aft                     40   

and Ammo              Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
SV Chassis Mod          BOD       0.0      -      -    -    -    - 

For lower budget and in bulk faster movement of supplies and forces we have to go back to the old ways trains and railroads.

Heavy Train car cargo- All of the train cars carying cargo have their own propulsion they are just traveling connected for safety. All of the carrying cars have the same stats with different cargo.
Code: [Select]
Heavy Train Car Cargo Mover
<b>Mass: </b>200 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Rail<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> ICE<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>97.2 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>151.2 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 7</b><br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3065<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> F/X-X-C-C<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 550,125 C-bills<br/>

Type: Heavy Train Car
Chassis Type: Rail (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 200 tons
Battle Value: 404

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                   40.0
Engine/Trans.                                      42.5
    Cruise MP:9
Flank MP:14
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                               12.5
Armor Factor (BAR 7)          104                   5.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   20        26   
     R/L Side              20/20     26/26   
     Rear                    20        26   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   

    Bay 1:  Cargo (100.0 tons)      1 Door   

Trailer Hitch(2)

Heavy Train Car Fuel- 100 tons fuel 568k cost

Heavy Train Car Infantry- 100 tons infantry 548k cost

Heavy Train Car Heavy Tank Mover- one heavy vehicle bay 568k cost

Heavy Train Car Medium Tank Mover- 2 medium vehicle bays 586k cost

Combat Train Car AA- AC-2 with flak everywhere on chassis to make air attacks suicide.
Code: [Select]
Combat Train Car AA Train
<b>Mass: </b>170 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Rail<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> ICE<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>97.2 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>151.2 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 7</b><br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;10 AC/2<br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3065<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> F/X-X-F-E<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 1,973,160 C-bills<br/>

Type: Combat Train Car
Chassis Type: Rail (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 170 tons
Battle Value: 1,027

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                   40.0
Engine/Trans.                                      36.5
    Cruise MP:9
Flank MP:14
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                               12.5
Rear Turret                                         2.0
Front Turret                                        2.0
Armor Factor (BAR 7)          89                    4.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   20        15   
     R/L Side              20/20     14/14   
     Rear                    20        14   
     Rear Turret             20        16   
     Front Turret            20        16   

and Ammo                   Location    Tonnage   
3 AC/2                   Front Turret    18.0   
AC/2                         Rear        6.0     
AC/2                         Left        6.0     
AC/2                        Front        6.0     
AC/2                        Right        6.0     
Flechette AC/2 Ammo (90)     Body        2.0     
Flak AC/2 Ammo (450)         Body        10.0   
3 AC/2                    Rear Turret    18.0   


Trailer Hitch(2)
CASE(0.5 tons)
Advanced Fire Control(6 tons)

The Purpose of these units is to give lower tech worlds economic and easy to maintain designs that can be mostly produced from local resources. But would still give them the ability to punch well above their weight if used properly together.

The basic tenets of this force strategy is that the bricks hold the enemy in place. Whatever flanking units that were chose use this opportunity to flank and then empty rockets and disengage for resupply. Conventional conventional fighters try to protect units from air attack. Unconventional fighters try to eliminate enemy aerospace forces. Ground based AA tries to knock down anything unfriendly. Ground attack aircraft hit targets of opportunity same with VTOL. Jeeps are deployed en masse to hunt down units. For the cost of the cheapest mech I can have 35 replaceable jeeps who will win against that mech most of the time.


  • Captain
  • *
  • Posts: 1929
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #2 on: 31 March 2024, 18:19:01 »
So I did something like this under the 'battletech 2300' heading.  More or less, I combed through interstellar ops for intro dates and tech levels, and made rough guesses to what a tech B, tech C, and tech D support vehicles, infantry, and spacecraft could look like.  It was a fun exercise, and it forms my core idea of the 'non-house' militaries on all those lower tech worlds.

Like, if you have a tech B world, in addition to the very expensive in terms of shipping tech D imports like the Hetzer combat vehicle, you can also produce your own tech B vehicles and weapons for everyone else.  Low speed, BAR 5 armor, with a Rifle or collection of one use rockets/missiles, and machine gun backup weapons.  They are surprisingly fun as 'goons' for player mercenaries in fancy mechs to roll over, but in numbers will still bomb the players to dust if they get encircled.

Below is the planetary year tech equivalent medium tank at 50 tons, chosen as it leads up to the canonical Korvin tank used by Capella.  It doesnt have 'armored chassis' like other support tanks with BAR, because as a medium tank speed was prioritized.

50 ton Medium Tank.  Max armor, Advanced Fire Control
   Year 2100: 3/5, BAR3 Mgun, RL10, Medium Rifle, 12 shots
   Year 2200: 4/6, BAR5 Mgun, RL10, Medium Rifle, 12 shots
   Year 2300: 5/8 (Fuel Cell), BAR6, Mgun, RL10, Prototype MLAS, (KVN-1)
   Year 2367: Korvin KVN-2, 5/8 (Fusion), BAR6, Mgun, LRM-5, Large Laser

Then there is the 'Main Battle Tank', roughly comparable to a greatly up-gunned Abrams.  Notably the AC5, when compared to the Heavy Rifle at the same weight, is an anti-air cannon on lower tech support units, as it cant pen armor like the Rifle can but can mount flak and other ammos.  The tech C AC10 on more advanced tanks would take over anti-tank duty, as it has LOS range capability with less damage falloff compared to the Heavy Rifle, but if the TechB worlds had a stead supply of AC10s they wouldnt be building these tanks to begin with!

65 ton Main Battle Tank.  Armored Chassis, max armor, advanced fire control
   Year 2100: 2/3, BAR5, 3 VGL, Mgun, Heavy Rifle, 18 shots
   Year 2200: 3/5, BAR6, 3 VGL, Mgun, Heavy Rifle, 24 shots
   Year 2240: 3/5, BAR7, 3 VGL, Mgun, Prototype AC5, 30 shots
   Year 2396: Marsden I, 3/5, BAR7, SRM-6, Mgun, AC5, 3 tons ammo total
   Year 2384: Merkava VI, 75 tons, 80 points BAR7 armor, AC5/SRM4/LRM10/Mgun


  • Major
  • *
  • Posts: 5136
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #3 on: 27 April 2024, 00:54:29 »
I like this because these are family of vehicles designs.  :grin:
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


  • Major General
  • *
  • Posts: 39185
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #4 on: 27 April 2024, 15:43:25 »
Through this lens, the secret sauce of TL D is BAR 10 armor.  And that makes ALL kinds of sense! :)


  • Sergeant
  • *
  • Posts: 178
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #5 on: 27 April 2024, 23:50:00 »
The comments got me to looking at my designs again and I realized that I forgot long endurance harasser units so I present three harasser units 2 built on previously listed frames. All three units have similar weapons loadouts an AC-2 with a ton of flak and one of standard. All units are intended to be used at max range in groups of 10 or more focus firing on one target. Elite units have AP instead of standard AC-2 ammo.

Lupus Light Tank- Built on the Bradley frame removes infantry compartment. Crew compartment is moved to where the infantry compartment was to make space for larger engine and one more ton of ammo, less armor. Slowest of the three units but least vulnerable to motive hits.
Code: [Select]
Lupus Light Tank

Mass: 30 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 150 ICE
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 AC/2
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 334,750 C-bills

Type: Lupus Light Tank
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 30
Battle Value: 369

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    3
Engine                        150 ICE                11
Cruising MP: 5
Flank MP: 8
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.0
Armor Factor                  88                    5.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         18   
     R/L Side               3/3      18/18   
     Rear                    3         16   
     Turret                  3         18   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
AC/2                   Turret       6.0     
AC/2 Ammo (45)          Body        1.0     
Flak AC/2 Ammo (45)     Body        1.0     
Remus Light Hovertank- A small hover tank decent speed better armor than Lupus. More vulnerable to motive hits and has terrain limitations.
Code: [Select]
Remus Light Hover Tank

Mass: 29 tons
Movement Type: Hover
Power Plant: 75 ICE
Cruising Speed: 75.6 kph
Maximum Speed: 118.8 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 AC/2
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 456,225 C-bills

Type: Remus Light Hover Tank
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Hover
Tonnage: 29
Battle Value: 385

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    3
Engine                        75 ICE                  6
Cruising MP: 7
Flank MP: 11
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.5
Lift Equipment:                                     3.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.0
Armor Factor                  104                   6.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         24   
     R/L Side               3/3      20/20   
     Rear                    3         20   
     Turret                  3         20   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
AC/2                   Turret       6.0     
AC/2 Ammo (45)          Body        1.0     
Flak AC/2 Ammo (45)     Body        1.0     
Hwacha Harasser Heli- Built on the "Attack Heli Budget Flak Export Varriant" frame the only difference is a slightly downrated engine freeing up 2 tons for standard ammo at the cost of 1 MP otherwise total parts compatibility.
Code: [Select]
Hwacha Harasser VTOL

Mass: 25 tons
Movement Type: VTOL
Power Plant: 85 ICE
Cruising Speed: 97.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 151.2 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 AC/2
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 548,014 C-bills

Type: Hwacha Harasser VTOL
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: VTOL
Tonnage: 25
Battle Value: 352

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  2.5
Engine                        85 ICE                  5
Cruising MP: 9
Flank MP: 14
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.5
Lift Equipment:                                     2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  72                    4.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         18   
     R/L Side               3/3      17/17   
     Rear                    3         18   
     Rotor                   3         2     

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
AC/2                   Front        6.0     
AC/2 Ammo (90)          Body        2.0     
Flak AC/2 Ammo (45)     Body        1.0     
So just asking have I missed any other necessary capabilities that aren't space based as that exceeds tech limits.
« Last Edit: 28 April 2024, 00:35:37 by Primus203 »


  • Major General
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  • Posts: 39185
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #6 on: 28 April 2024, 07:46:41 »
The only AOE weapon I see is actual artillery.  Both Artillery Cannons and 'Mech Mortars can get you AOE goodness in a slightly lighter package.


  • Captain
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  • Posts: 1993
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #7 on: 28 April 2024, 09:49:49 »
But remember that most non-artillery AOE weapons are hard to put on a unit, or not so effective per its tonnage. Although it does have its merit to take.


  • Major General
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  • Posts: 39185
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #8 on: 28 April 2024, 09:54:12 »
I've managed to cram a MM-1 onto a 5-ton jeep, but you're not wrong about the relative effectiveness for the tonnage you pay.


  • Sergeant
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  • Posts: 178
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #9 on: 28 April 2024, 12:36:02 »
So just noting the jeep has a trailer with 5 infantry mortars and the Groundpounder bomber carries bombs. However per advice I produced a trio of Mech mortar carriers as all of these mortars seem to use the same size of round making logistics acceptable.

Bradley Mortar- Removes the turret and infantry bay and downrates the engine to fit a mech mortar 8 and 4 tons of varied ammo thinned armor was acceptable for an artillery unit can still survive a heavy gauss shot to any armor face.
Code: [Select]
Light Artillery Bradley Mortar

Mass: 30 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 90 ICE
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 'Mech Mortar 8
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 425,100 C-bills

Type: Light Artillery
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 30
Battle Value: 351

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    3
Engine                        90 ICE                  6
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  88                    5.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         23   
     R/L Side               3/3      22/22   
     Rear                    3         21   

and Ammo                            Location    Tonnage   
'Mech Mortar 8                       Front        10.0   
Anti-personnel Mortar 8 Ammo (16)     Body        4.0     
Mule Mortar Trailer- An unarmored trailer mounting an mech mortar 2 and 3 tons of mixed ammo.
Code: [Select]
Three Ton Truck Trailer Export Mule Trailer mortar
<b>Mass: </b>10 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Wheeled<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> None<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>54 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>86.4 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 2</b><br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 &#39;Mech Mortar 2<br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3065<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-F-E<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 105,427 C-bills<br/>

Type: Three Ton Truck Trailer Export
Chassis Type: Wheeled (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 10 tons
Battle Value: 36

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                    2.0
Engine/Trans.                                       0.0
    Cruise MP:5
Flank MP:8
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Armor Factor (BAR 2)          0                     0.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   1         0     
     R/L Side               1/1       0/0   
     Rear                    1         0     

and Ammo                            Location    Tonnage   
'Mech Mortar 2                       Front        5.0     
Anti-personnel Mortar 2 Ammo (36)     Body        3.0     


Features Trailer Chassis and Controls Modification
Trailer Hitch(2)
Jeep Mech Mortar Trailer- A light 5 ton trailer with a mech mortar 1 and two tons mixed ammo.
Code: [Select]
Jeep Mech Mortar Trailer

Mass: 5 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 10 None
Cruising Speed: 21.6 kph
Maximum Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 'Mech Mortar 1
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 76,650 C-bills

Type: Jeep Mech Mortar Trailer
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 5
Battle Value: 37

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  0.5
Engine                        10 None                 0
Cruising MP: 2
Flank MP: 3
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  0.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  8                     0.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   1         2     
     R/L Side               1/1       2/2   
     Rear                    1         2     

and Ammo                            Location    Tonnage   
Trailer Hitch                        Front        0.0     
'Mech Mortar 1                       Front        2.0     
Anti-personnel Mortar 1 Ammo (48)     Body        2.0     


  • Major General
  • *
  • Posts: 39185
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #10 on: 28 April 2024, 12:40:03 »
Ah, I missed the earlier trailer... thanks for adding some more mortars! :)


  • Sergeant
  • *
  • Posts: 178
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #11 on: 29 April 2024, 18:09:29 »
So I came to the conclusion that there was one more area that I needed to address base defense. Yes regular combat vehicles could be used but they have their own compromises and the temptation is always there to pull them for the frontline.

So the first planned layer of the defenses is an earthen ramp or mound with the difficult to scale part facing outwards with a reinforced trenchline as  well as remote sensors for artillery LOS. If an enemy manages to scale it the slope towards the base is structured so that enemy units cannot take cover and once there are within AC-10 range of the defenses who's main heavy weapon is said autocannon. Openings in the mound for roads or rail lines are small and are in the fire zone of 2 or more defense points. Turrets can also be moved into position and buried as needed for mobile use though this dirt only armor is much less durable but can be set up quickly and the turret can be recovered for later use.

The next part of the defense line is turrets. How do you make turrets work you may ask there isn't proper design support for them. The answer I came up with is building them on a trailer base using combat vehicle rules. This trailer is the buried in an artificial hill for want of a better term. For permanent turrets this would be the trailer which has a bit of hull armor incase you get through everything else. A thick dome of concrete or what ever battletech uses in its place covering everything but the turret. And then structured layers of sand and soil on top making the turret in theory the weakest point. And these turrets have most of the available armor. Turrets get recon camera to help artillery aiming.

Buried Turret Double AC-10- Has 2 AC-10 with 8 tons of ammo 6 regular 2 flak. The turret has 207 points of armor meaning that this unit could even take limited capital weapon fire.
Code: [Select]
Burried Turret Double AC-10

Mass: 65 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 10 ICE
Cruising Speed: 0 kph
Maximum Speed: 0 kph
Armor: Standard
     2 AC/10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 1,249,600 C-bills

Type: Burried Turret
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 65
Battle Value: 863

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  6.5
Engine                        10 ICE                  1
Cruising MP: 0
Flank MP: 0
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  3.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             2.5
Armor Factor                  267                    19

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   7         15   
     R/L Side               7/7      15/15   
     Rear                    7         15   
     Turret                  7        207   

and Ammo               Location    Tonnage   
Trailer Hitch           Front        0.0     
Recon Camera            Turret       0.5     
2 AC/10                 Turret       24.0   
Flak AC/10 Ammo (20)     Body        2.0     
AC/10 Ammo (60)          Body        6.0     
Buried Turret Quad AC-2 -  Same as the Double AC-10 but with 4 AC-2 as weapons instead. Four tons eacj regular and flak. When 4 AC-2 start talking even assault mechs get worried.
Code: [Select]
Burried Turret Quad AC-2

Mass: 65 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 10 ICE
Cruising Speed: 0 kph
Maximum Speed: 0 kph
Armor: Standard
     4 AC/2
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 1,012,000 C-bills

Type: Burried Turret
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 65
Battle Value: 767

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  6.5
Engine                        10 ICE                  1
Cruising MP: 0
Flank MP: 0
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  3.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             2.5
Armor Factor                  267                    19

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   7         15   
     R/L Side               7/7      15/15   
     Rear                    7         15   
     Turret                  7        207   

and Ammo               Location    Tonnage   
Trailer Hitch           Front        0.0     
Recon Camera            Turret       0.5     
4 AC/2                  Turret       24.0   
AC/2 Ammo (180)          Body        4.0     
Flak AC/2 Ammo (180)     Body        4.0     
Buried Turret Double Thumper- Mounts two thumpers as this is artillery and a bit further back turret armor is lightened to fit the needed ammo. Though its still tough at 148 points. This design probably has a partial earth berm protecting from direct fire as this fires on artillery trajectory. Has 4 tons standard ammo, 2 fuel air and one smoke.
Code: [Select]
Burried Turret Double Thumper

Mass: 65 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 10 ICE
Cruising Speed: 0 kph
Maximum Speed: 0 kph
Armor: Standard
     2 Thumper
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-E-E
Cost: 1,139,050 C-bills

Type: Burried Turret
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 65
Battle Value: 600

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  6.5
Engine                        10 ICE                  1
Cruising MP: 0
Flank MP: 0
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  3.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             3.5
Armor Factor                  208                    13

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   7         15   
     R/L Side               7/7      15/15   
     Rear                    7         15   
     Turret                  7        148   

and Ammo                     Location    Tonnage   
Trailer Hitch                 Front        0.0     
2 Thumper                     Turret       30.0   
Recon Camera                  Turret       0.5     
Thumper Ammo (80)              Body        4.0     
Fuel-Air Thumper Ammo (40)     Body        2.0     
Smoke Thumper Ammo (20)        Body        1.0     

Light Buried Turrets- While similar to above designs these are smaller with half as many guns and less armor. These are intended for either secondary defensive points or for less valuable bases.

Buried Turret Light Single AC-10 - Similar in construction to its larger cousin half the guns and ammo mounting one AC-10 and one ton of flak and three of standard ammo. Turret armor is 100 points.
Code: [Select]
Burried Turret Light Single AC-10

Mass: 35 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 10 ICE
Cruising Speed: 0 kph
Maximum Speed: 0 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 AC/10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 547,200 C-bills

Type: Burried Turret Light
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 35
Battle Value: 495

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  3.5
Engine                        10 ICE                  1
Cruising MP: 0
Flank MP: 0
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.5
Armor Factor                  160                    10

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   4         15   
     R/L Side               4/4      15/15   
     Rear                    4         15   
     Turret                  4        100   

and Ammo               Location    Tonnage   
Trailer Hitch           Front        0.0     
Recon Camera            Turret       0.5     
AC/10                   Turret       12.0   
Flak AC/10 Ammo (10)     Body        1.0     
AC/10 Ammo (30)          Body        3.0     
Buried Turret Light Double AC-2 - Built off the above light turret has 2 AC-2 and 2 tons of flak ammo.
Code: [Select]
Burried Turret Light Double AC-2

Mass: 35 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 10 ICE
Cruising Speed: 0 kph
Maximum Speed: 0 kph
Armor: Standard
     2 AC/2
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 447,300 C-bills

Type: Burried Turret Light
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 35
Battle Value: 442

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  3.5
Engine                        10 ICE                  1
Cruising MP: 0
Flank MP: 0
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.5
Armor Factor                  160                    10

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   4         15   
     R/L Side               4/4      15/15   
     Rear                    4         15   
     Turret                  4        100   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
Trailer Hitch          Front        0.0     
Recon Camera           Turret       0.5     
2 AC/2                 Turret       12.0   
Flak AC/2 Ammo (90)     Body        2.0     
Buried Turret Light Single Thumper- Has a single thumper and 3 tons of ammo 2 standard 1 fuel air. Has lighter turret armor at 84 points.
Code: [Select]
Burried Turret Light Single Thumper

Mass: 35 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 10 ICE
Cruising Speed: 0 kph
Maximum Speed: 0 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 Thumper
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-E-E
Cost: 497,250 C-bills

Type: Burried Turret Light
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 35
Battle Value: 393

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  3.5
Engine                        10 ICE                  1
Cruising MP: 0
Flank MP: 0
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.5
Armor Factor                  144                     9

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   4         15   
     R/L Side               4/4      15/15   
     Rear                    4         15   
     Turret                  4         84   

and Ammo                     Location    Tonnage   
Trailer Hitch                 Front        0.0     
Thumper                       Turret       15.0   
Thumper Ammo (40)              Body        2.0     
Fuel-Air Thumper Ammo (20)     Body        1.0     

Superheavy Turrets used only on critical bases and vital passes and chokepoints. Unsure on whether I'll use as well as the viability.

Buried Turret ArmyKiller- Mounts dual AC-10 with 9 tons standard ammo. Mounts quad AC-2 with 4 tons each flak and standard. Mounts dual LRM 20 with 6 tons ammo. Mounts several chaff launchers. Turret armor of 638 enough to survive a direct hit from a full HNPPC bay.
Code: [Select]
Burried Turret Armykiller

Mass: 200 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 10 ICE
Cruising Speed: 0 kph
Maximum Speed: 0 kph
Armor: Standard
     2 LRM 20
     4 AC/2
     2 AC/10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 7,582,000 C-bills

Type: Burried Turret
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 200
Battle Value: 2,544

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                   40
Engine                        10 ICE                  1
Cruising MP: 0
Flank MP: 0
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                 10.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             7.0
Armor Factor                  728                  45.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   20        15   
     Front R/L Side        20/20     15/15   
     Rear R/L Side         20/20     15/15   
     Rear                    20        15   
     Turret                  20       638   

and Ammo               Location    Tonnage   
Chaff Pod               Front        1.0     
CASE                     Body        0.5     
LRM 20 Ammo (36)         Body        6.0     
AC/2 Ammo (180)          Body        4.0     
AC/10 Ammo (90)          Body        9.0     
Flak AC/2 Ammo (180)     Body        4.0     
2 Chaff Pod              Body        2.0     
2 LRM 20                Turret       20.0   
2 AC/10                 Turret       24.0   
2 Chaff Pod             Turret       2.0     
4 AC/2                  Turret       24.0   
Buried Turret Somme- Same as above turret but mounting 5 thumper artillery. Has 8 tons standard ammo, 4 FASCAM, 3 Fuel Air, and 1 Smoke.
Code: [Select]
Burried Turret Somme

Mass: 200 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 10 ICE
Cruising Speed: 0 kph
Maximum Speed: 0 kph
Armor: Standard
     5 Thumper
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-F-E
Cost: 6,244,000 C-bills

Type: Burried Turret
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 200
Battle Value: 2,129

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                   40
Engine                        10 ICE                  1
Cruising MP: 0
Flank MP: 0
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                 10.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             7.5
Armor Factor                  728                  45.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   20        15   
     Front R/L Side        20/20     15/15   
     Rear R/L Side         20/20     15/15   
     Rear                    20        15   
     Turret                  20       638   

and Ammo                     Location    Tonnage   
Thumper Ammo (160)             Body        8.0     
Fuel-Air Thumper Ammo (60)     Body        3.0     
FASCAM Thumper Ammo (80)       Body        4.0     
5 Chaff Pod                    Body        5.0     
Smoke Thumper Ammo (20)        Body        1.0     
5 Thumper                     Turret       75.0   

The last defense component takes into account that turrets cannot move and the enemy could seek to focus all forces on one area. The solution to this was armored trains. Bases are ringed by train tracks. These tracks are built in pairs with multiple switches incase of enemy induced breaks in the track. More important bases may have a second and even third raised track pair. These tracks would also have earthen berms to improve survivability due to the poor armor value of support vehicles as there does not seem to be combat vehicle support for trains.

Base Defense Armored Train Double AC-10 - This train and its two cousins are built on a 300 ton frame to maximize armor though for equipment a lighter frame would have been sufficient. To keep costs down and limit risk not all tonnage was used and frame tech was kept at A tech level. This unit has double AC-10 and 6 tons of ammo.
Code: [Select]
Base Defense Armored Train Double AC-10
<b>Mass: </b>300 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Rail<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> ICE<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>54 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>86.4 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 10</b><br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2 AC/10<br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3075<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-F-E<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 1,439,625 C-bills<br/>

Type: Base Defense Armored Train
Chassis Type: Rail (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 300 tons
Battle Value: 1,078

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                  146.5
Engine/Trans.                                      31.5
    Cruise MP:5
Flank MP:8
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                5.0
Turret                                              2.5
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         154                  10.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   30        25   
     R/L Side              30/30     36/36   
     Rear                    30        25   
     Turret                  30        32   

and Ammo               Location    Tonnage   
2 AC/10                 Turret       24.0   
Flak AC/10 Ammo (20)     Body        2.0     
AC/10 Ammo (60)          Body        6.0     

    Bay 1:  Cargo (62.5 tons)       1 Door   

Features Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modification
Trailer Hitch(2)
Advanced Fire Control(2.5 tons)
Chaff Pod(10; 1 ton each)
Base Defense Armored Train Quad AC-2 - Same as above but mounting 4 AC-2 has 4 tons each standard and flak.
Code: [Select]
Base Defense Armored Train Quad AC-2
<b>Mass: </b>300 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Rail<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> ICE<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>54 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>86.4 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 10</b><br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4 AC/2<br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3075<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-F-E<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 1,100,825 C-bills<br/>

Type: Base Defense Armored Train
Chassis Type: Rail (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 300 tons
Battle Value: 900

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                  146.5
Engine/Trans.                                      31.5
    Cruise MP:5
Flank MP:8
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                5.0
Turret                                              2.5
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         154                  10.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   30        25   
     R/L Side              30/30     36/36   
     Rear                    30        25   
     Turret                  30        32   

and Ammo               Location    Tonnage   
4 AC/2                  Turret       24.0   
AC/2 Ammo (180)          Body        4.0     
Flak AC/2 Ammo (180)     Body        4.0     

    Bay 1:  Cargo (62.5 tons)       1 Door   

Features Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modification
Trailer Hitch(2)
Advanced Fire Control(2.5 tons)
Chaff Pod(10; 1 ton each)
Base Defense Armored Train Double Thumper - Mounts 2 thumpers. 5 tons standard ammo, 2 Fuel Air and 1 of smoke.
Code: [Select]
Base Defense Armored Train Double Thumper
<b>Mass: </b>300 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Rail<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> ICE<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>54 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>86.4 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 10</b><br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2 Thumper<br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3075<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-E-E<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 1,384,625 C-bills<br/>

Type: Base Defense Armored Train
Chassis Type: Rail (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 300 tons
Battle Value: 842

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                  147.0
Engine/Trans.                                      31.5
    Cruise MP:5
Flank MP:8
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                5.0
Turret                                              3.0
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         154                  10.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   30        25   
     R/L Side              30/30     36/36   
     Rear                    30        25   
     Turret                  30        32   

and Ammo                     Location    Tonnage   
2 Thumper                     Turret       30.0   
Thumper Ammo (100)             Body        5.0     
Fuel-Air Thumper Ammo (40)     Body        2.0     
Smoke Thumper Ammo (20)        Body        1.0     

    Bay 1:  Cargo (55.5 tons)       1 Door   

Features Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modification
Trailer Hitch(2)
Advanced Fire Control(3 tons)
Chaff Pod(10; 1 ton each)

There were lighter trains in design but they were to fragile and not cost effective.

So what do you think of this concept?

And also rules question is there a piloting roll if i hit a jump jetting mech in the air?


  • Major General
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  • Posts: 39185
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #12 on: 29 April 2024, 18:13:32 »
Hitting 'mechs mid-jump is a fiction thing only... You can hit them while they're dropping, or if they're LAMs, while they're flying.


  • Captain
  • *
  • Posts: 1929
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #13 on: 30 April 2024, 01:33:38 »
There is things like interrupting fire in tac ops to shoot things mid jump, but it is harder to hit to make that snap shot.  The rules are pretty unbalanced though, as since they can ignore TMM.  Opportunity fire is +2 if you give up your shot the previous turn, or +3 if you shoot in the middle of your movement (with only 1 weapon this way), but opportunity fire is almost always gonna be directed at targets that haven't moved much, so what you pay in +2 or +3 you make up for in explicitly ignoring their TMM.  So, allowing opportunity fire instantly makes TMM above 2 pretty worthless--just shoot at targets that have only moved 1-2 hexes in the middle of their movement.

Same with the buried turrets.  The tac ops rule for prepared positions and half levels and such exist that can make it so you only hit the turret, but those rules are pretty bad.  The hex ideally needs to be fortified by infantry, and the turret needs to spend 2 MP digging in, which im not sure a trailer can do... the tow vehicle can, but trailers have 0 MP and cant get hull down as they dont spend MP (nor do I think they should be allowed to).  If it can, then the issue becomes what the CF of the fortifications are.  It would be easier to destroy the tiny half level or fortification hex at -4 then the turret at +2 from hull down that put 200+ armor into the turret.

And it goes without saying that if you dont use the various collection of half level rules, the burried turret concept doesnt work anyway, as its pretty in the weeds of stacking a few tac ops rules to get to the point that you ignore all damage on your front and side arc.  Especially when we have rules for building turrets with the structure rules that dont get these massive bonuses.


  • Sergeant
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  • Posts: 178
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #14 on: 30 April 2024, 01:46:39 »
So as a design program I use megamek which as far as i know doesn't have structures rules where would i find the structure rules. Second the turrets are considered to be deployed permanently around the base before battle being covered in concrete effectively a reinforced building over it.

The ones deployed in just dirt were intended for the hole to be excavated by a engineering vehicle with bulldozer backhoe and lift hoist to get the job done.


  • Captain
  • *
  • Posts: 1929
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #15 on: 01 May 2024, 01:23:20 »
So as a design program I use megamek which as far as i know doesn't have structures rules where would i find the structure rules. Second the turrets are considered to be deployed permanently around the base before battle being covered in concrete effectively a reinforced building over it.

The ones deployed in just dirt were intended for the hole to be excavated by a engineering vehicle with bulldozer backhoe and lift hoist to get the job done.
The building structure construction rules are in tac ops.  I have the old tac ops, so its page 128 there.  If you have the new/split books the page number will likely be different.  Its pretty easy.  You select a CF, add armor which is like extra CF to destroy, and you get 1 ton of equipment/armor per CF.  A gun emplacement is 1 hex of 1 level in height, can have a turret, armor up to the CF, and takes half damage from attacks for being reinforced (and deals 2x damage to a unit crashing into it, again cause its reinforced).  So a Light gun emplacement with CF 15 can have 15 points of armor, leaving 14 tons for equipment.  At CF 15, it will take 60 damage to destroy, 30 for the armor (cause damage/2 for military weapon emplacements compared to civilian buildings) and 30 for the CF (cause damage /2).

So, instead of the dual ac10 turret trailer, you could have a 40 CF weapon emplacement, leaving enough tonnage to fit it all inside.  (2.5 tons for 40 armor, 2.5 tons for a turret, 32 tons for the ac10s and ammo, .5 tons for the recon camera, no power/heatsinks needed cause no energy weapons).  It would take 80 damage to bust the emplacement's 40 armor, and 80 damage for the CF structure (though hits to CF can cause crits)

Like I mentioned above, I dont think the original trailer turret can be made hull down in the rules.  The engineering vehicle, like engineering infantry, can make fortifications with a bulldozer for infantry and vehicles, but the turret trailer you made cant spend 2 MP to go hull down in it.  And, if it could, the half level/hull down rules still dont protect from the rear, so its not exactly burying the turret.  Finally, the rules are pretty terribly balanced to begin with, as the engineering fortification terrain can be destroyed, but they forgot to make CF ranges for half levels and fortified engineering hex modifications that I can find... but its STILL easier to demolish the entire 200 cf hex then shoot the trailer with 200 armor.  That makes a 30 meter wide 1 level hole, where your trailer would fall into... and thats pretty gross overkill to destroy some sandbags and dirt embankments covering a few meters of a trailer's hull, erected in 10-30 seconds with a bulldozer, because they forgot to give the fortified terrain feature a CF like they did with ice, woods, snow, ect.


  • Sergeant
  • *
  • Posts: 178
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #16 on: 01 May 2024, 22:53:10 »
So Devian thanks for the responses I found the reference and now understand how to make the turrets. However I have no Idea how to figure the cost I'm guessing that's in would be in the Techmanual book which I never got because  I used a builder program for simplicity.

If I could ask you a favor could you give me a price on the Double ac-10 turret so I can know if its even worth me getting the books necessary to finish it.


  • Captain
  • *
  • Posts: 1929
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #17 on: 05 May 2024, 19:44:34 »
So it appears that tactical operations forgot to include the cost for advanced buildings.  While I would point you to normal vehicle costs, substituting effective CF for structure (so the effective CF of a weapon emplacement of a cf40 ac10 turret that takes half damage would be 80, * 10,000 for standard structure costs), and armor would be 2x cost (so 40 armor *10,000 *2) because of weapon emplacement armor taking .5 damage.

If you use existing trailers as a baseline with your builder program it gets you pretty close, as while it isnt stated that the turret, power amplifiers, engine, armor, ect are the same costs for buildings, seeing as things like armor doesnt change price across the other unit types I think its a fair assumption.

They do have rules for how to calculate the BV of structures, and master unit list has a few buildings with a BV from the map pack that had turrets, but the cost is NA (because they forgot to make cost rules).

For cost multiplier, for armored/reinforced military buildings like the weapon emplacement, I would treat them like tracked vehicles.  So a 40 CF building carrying 40 tons of stuff max would be like a 40 ton tank, with a 1.4 cost multiplier.  Other buildings, like hangars, would of course have a cheaper multiplier, kinda like how wheeled vees are cheaper.


  • Sergeant
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  • Posts: 178
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #18 on: 11 June 2024, 15:05:56 »
So its been just over a month since my last post on this thread and I was working on some drone units and was reading about communications equipment and realized just how much a command vehicle was needed. Without further ado new units.

Argus Command Tank- The Argus is built on the linebacker frame with the turret removed and the turret armor redistributed around the tank. The engine has been uprated from 3/5 to 4/6. The Argus mounts 8 tons of communications gear for max effect. Though intended to be stationary and have guards the Argus's free weight was given over to 7 RL-10 giving it a great close quarters punch.
Code: [Select]
Argus Command Tank

Mass: 50 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 200 ICE
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: Standard
     7 Rocket Launcher 10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-C-C
Cost: 842,500 C-bills

Type: Argus
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 782

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    5
Engine                        200 ICE                17
Cruising MP: 4
Flank MP: 6
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  215                  13.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         56   
     R/L Side               5/5      53/53   
     Rear                    5         53   

and Ammo                             Location    Tonnage   
Trailer Hitch                          Rear        0.0     
7 Rocket Launcher 10                  Front        3.5     
8 Communications Equipment (1 ton)     Body        8.0     
Puppeteer Drone Command Tank- A linebacker modified like the Argus except for the uprated engine. Instead of Communications gear it mounts 7 drone remote control system and one rocket launcher 10. With the trailer listed with it it can control 10 drones at a time.
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Puppeteer Drone Control Tank

Mass: 50 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 150 ICE
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 Rocket Launcher 10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 787,500 C-bills

Type: Puppeteer
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 656

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    5
Engine                        150 ICE                11
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  215                  13.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         56   
     R/L Side               5/5      53/53   
     Rear                    5         53   

and Ammo                                   Location    Tonnage   
Trailer Hitch                                Rear        0.0     
Rocket Launcher 10                          Front        0.5     
7 Drone Carrier Control System (1 drone)     Body        17.5   
Code: [Select]
Puppeteer Drone Control Tank Trailer

Mass: 25 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 10 None
Cruising Speed: 0 kph
Maximum Speed: 0 kph
Armor: Standard
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 243,750 C-bills

Type: Puppeteer
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 25
Battle Value: 309

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  2.5
Engine                        10 None                 0
Cruising MP: 0
Flank MP: 0
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  127                  13.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         32   
     R/L Side               3/3      32/32   
     Rear                    3         31   

and Ammo                                   Location    Tonnage   
Trailer Hitch                               Front        0.0     
3 Drone Carrier Control System (1 drone)     Body        7.5     
Next are a trio of drones though I am trying in this thread to limit higher tech the D tech engines of these drones are so small that the strain should be minimal.

Sky Eye Scout Drone - A light 2.5 ton flying scout drone with a recon camera if signal is interrupted it is programed to continue onwards a few hexes while recording then turn around. Has ultralight and propeller mods no armor. Cheap
Code: [Select]
Sky Eye Drone Scout

Mass: 2.5 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant:  ICE
Armor: BAR 2
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-F-X
Cost: 26,994 C-bills

Type: Sky Eye
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Tonnage: 2.5
Battle Value: 1

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                         ICE                0.544
Safe Thrust: 5
Max Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity:         0                       
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Fuel:                         41                  0.492
Cockpit                                             0.5
Armor Factor (BAR 2)          0                       0

     Nose                    0     
     Wings                  0/0   
     Aft                     0     

and Ammo                 Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
Recon Camera               NOS       0.5      -      -    -    -    - 
Drone Operating System     BOD       0.75     -      -    -    -    - 
SV Chassis Mod             BOD       0.0      -      -    -    -    - 
SV Chassis Mod             BOD       0.0      -      -    -    -    - 
Switchblade 5000 - Inspired by the real life weapon a 4.9 ton suicide drone. Has propeller mod and armored chassis just enough armor to take an AC-2 to any face making interception harder. Has a 1 ton cargo bay does not drop bomb is the bomb. Can either use high explosive or inferno charge. If no ECM hit chance is based off of operator skill. If ECM the operator will have taken a picture of drone feed and have chosen target before loss of control. It would then be a dice roll for complete miss, partial hit some damage, close enough full damage, or direct hit.
Code: [Select]
Switchblade 5000 Suicide Drone

Mass: 4.9 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant:  Fuel Cell
Armor: BAR 10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-F-X
Cost: 28,616 C-bills

Type: Switchblade 5000
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Tonnage: 4.9
Battle Value: 19

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                         Fuel Cell          0.711
Safe Thrust: 5
Max Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity:         0                       
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Fuel:                         58                  0.696
Cockpit                                             0.5
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         8                   0.504

     Nose                    2     
     Wings                  2/2   
     Aft                     2     

and Ammo                 Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
Drone Operating System     BOD       0.99     -      -    -    -    - 
SV Chassis Mod             BOD       0.0      -      -    -    -    - 
SV Chassis Mod             BOD       0.0      -      -    -    -    - 
Goliath MK5 - Inspired by the German goliath tracked anti tank mine. Due to its lower speed this mine is intended to be used in the ambush role such as in cities dashing out of alleyways. To counter jamming it has a fiberoptic cable like the Modern TOW missile though the use of this system limits its range once deployed. Like the switchblade has a 1 ton cargo bay with a bomb.
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Goliath MK 5 Suicide Drone
<b>Mass: </b>4.615 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Tracked<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> Fuel Cell<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>54 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>86.4 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 10</b><br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3075<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-F-E<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 29,365 C-bills<br/>

Type: Goliath MK 5
Chassis Type: Tracked (Small)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 4,615 kg
Battle Value: 32

Equipment                                         Mass (kg)
Chassis/Controls                                  1244.9999999999998
Engine/Trans.                                     804.0
    Cruise MP:5
Flank MP:8
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                              100.0
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         8                   504.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   1         2     
     R/L Side               1/1       2/2   
     Rear                    1         2     

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   

    Bay 1:  Cargo (1.0 tons)        1 Door   

Features Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modification
Drone Operating System(961.5 kg)
So as always. Thoughts? Suggestions?


  • Major General
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  • Posts: 39185
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #19 on: 11 June 2024, 18:06:32 »
For max effect, a Combat Vehicle (which comes with an organic ton of "Communications Equipment" as part of its controls), you only need six extra tons of gear.  There are no bonuses beyond what you get at seven total tons of gear.


  • Sergeant
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  • Posts: 178
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #20 on: 11 June 2024, 23:41:53 »
Alright Daryk I redesigned the Argus as suggested and dropped 2 tons of comn gear bringing me to 6 plus the free combat vehicle one and spent the extra tonnage on larger rocket launchers.

Code: [Select]
Argus Command Tank

Mass: 50 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 200 ICE
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: Standard
     3 Rocket Launcher 15
     6 Rocket Launcher 10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-C-C
Cost: 925,000 C-bills

Type: Argus
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 839

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    5
Engine                        200 ICE                17
Cruising MP: 4
Flank MP: 6
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  215                  13.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         56   
     R/L Side               5/5      53/53   
     Rear                    5         53   

and Ammo                             Location    Tonnage   
Trailer Hitch                          Rear        0.0     
3 Rocket Launcher 15                  Front        3.0     
6 Rocket Launcher 10                  Front        3.0     
6 Communications Equipment (1 ton)     Body        6.0     
I also decided that the Argus needed more protection even though it would stay in place for the most part and have guard units there was more that could be done. So I made a 25 ton trailer that carried 15.5 tons of infantry as the Argus would set up in an defensible location these infantry would support the Argus guard units.
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Argus Command Tank Trailer

Mass: 25 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 0 None
Cruising Speed: 0 kph
Maximum Speed: 0 kph
Armor: Standard
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-C-C
Cost: 118,750 C-bills

Type: Argus
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 25
Battle Value: 275

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  2.5
Engine                        0 None                  0
Cruising MP: 0
Flank MP: 0
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  0.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  112                     7

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         28   
     R/L Side               3/3      28/28   
     Rear                    3         28   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
Trailer Hitch          Front        0.0     
Infantry                Body        15.5   

idea weenie

  • Major
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  • Posts: 4988
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #21 on: 14 June 2024, 22:43:00 »
For max effect, a Combat Vehicle (which comes with an organic ton of "Communications Equipment" as part of its controls), you only need six extra tons of gear.  There are no bonuses beyond what you get at seven total tons of gear.

I'd hope that you could sub-divide extra Communications Equipment tonnage to allow for more functionality.

So a vehicle might have 20 tons total, and it uses 7 tons for one purpose, 4 tons for a second purpose, 5 tons for a third purpose, and another 4 tons for a fourth purpose.  Each option can only be selected once though.

Basically a giant communications vehicle providing lots of options for whoever owns it (and a giant bulls-eye on it).


  • Major General
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  • Posts: 39185
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #22 on: 15 June 2024, 05:41:02 »
I don't think the RAW support that, but a house rule could totally make it work.


  • Captain
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  • Posts: 1929
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #23 on: 18 June 2024, 22:44:55 »
You could design communication trailers for the purpose.  Each one could be towed to have a second vehicle and operator for additional comm functionality per trailer, so one could direct a battle and a second trailer could access navigation satellites.


  • Sergeant
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  • Posts: 178
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #24 on: 30 June 2024, 18:29:11 »
So as the planet I envisioned had a single supercontinent with many smaller islands I finally got around to building a simple navy. First thing is no large scale naval vessels as those are large expensive targets.

The large surface ships are built on a support vehicle frame as a combat vehicle frame cannot carry the same load due to build rules.
Heavy Common Surface Ship Line - 6 Different Units built on the same 300 ton hull with the same engines and armor. MP 3/5

Surprise Shore Bombardment Ship- Mounts Dual Long Tom's as well as over forty tons of mixed ammo. Limited Supplies, range, and defense are taken care of by the fleet. Meant to pound the enemy in groups from long range.
Code: [Select]
Heavy Common Surface Ship Suprise Shore Bombardment Ship
<b>Mass: </b>300 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Naval<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> ICE<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>32.4 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>54 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 10</b><br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2 Long Tom<br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3075<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-E-E<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 2,395,665 C-bills<br/>

Type: Heavy Common Surface Ship
Chassis Type: Naval (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 300 tons
Battle Value: 1,939

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                   84.0
Engine/Trans.                                      55.0
    Cruise MP:3
Flank MP:5
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                               37.0
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         104                   7.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   30        26   
     R/L Side              30/30     26/26   
     Rear                    30        26   

and Ammo                      Location    Tonnage   
2 Long Tom                     Front        60.0   
FASCAM Long Tom Ammo (50)       Body        10.0   
Fuel-Air Long Tom Ammo (50)     Body        10.0   
Smoke Long Tom Ammo (10)        Body        2.0     
Long Tom Ammo (100)             Body        20.0   

    Bay 1:  Cargo (15.0 tons)       1 Door   

Features Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modification
Advanced Fire Control(6 tons)
Congreve Rocket Ship- If there is a amphibious landing the Congreve  with its 11 LRM 15 and large stores of standard, smoke, and mine clearing ammo is there to help.
Code: [Select]
Heavy Common Surface Ship Congrive Rocket Ship
<b>Mass: </b>300 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Naval<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> ICE<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>32.4 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>54 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 10</b><br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;11 LRM 15<br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3075<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> E/X-X-E-D<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 3,546,608 C-bills<br/>

Type: Heavy Common Surface Ship
Chassis Type: Naval (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 300 tons
Battle Value: 2,354

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                   86.0
Engine/Trans.                                      55.0
    Cruise MP:3
Flank MP:5
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                               37.0
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         104                   7.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   30        26   
     R/L Side              30/30     26/26   
     Rear                    30        26   

and Ammo                          Location    Tonnage   
11 LRM 15                          Front        77.0   
LRM 15 Thunder Ammo (16)            Body        2.0     
LRM 15 Mine Clearance Ammo (24)     Body        3.0     
LRM 15 Smoke Ammo (32)              Body        4.0     
LRM 15 Ammo (112)                   Body        14.0   

    Bay 1:  Cargo (15.0 tons)       1 Door   

Features Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modification
Advanced Fire Control(8 tons)
Raven Command Ship- Has 8 tons of communications gear for max effect or ECM capability. To use the large amount of extra tonnage the Raven has multiple AC-2 with flak per facing.
Code: [Select]
Heavy Common Surface Ship Raven Command Ship
<b>Mass: </b>300 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Naval<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> ICE<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>32.4 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>54 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 10</b><br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;13 AC/2<br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3075<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-F-E<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 1,905,700 C-bills<br/>

Type: Heavy Common Surface Ship
Chassis Type: Naval (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 300 tons
Battle Value: 962

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                   86.0
Engine/Trans.                                      55.0
    Cruise MP:3
Flank MP:5
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                               37.0
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         104                   7.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   30        26   
     R/L Side              30/30     26/26   
     Rear                    30        26   

and Ammo               Location    Tonnage   
3 AC/2                   Rear        18.0   
3 AC/2                   Left        18.0   
4 AC/2                  Front        24.0   
3 AC/2                  Right        18.0   
AC/2 Ammo (180)          Body        4.0     
Flak AC/2 Ammo (450)     Body        10.0   

    Bay 1:  Cargo (15.0 tons)       1 Door   

Features Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modification
Communications Equipment (1 ton)(8; 1 ton each)
Advanced Fire Control(8 tons)
Higgins Landing Ship- A ship with a 100 ton heavy vehicle bay though models with 2 50 ton light bay or infantry housing also exist.
Code: [Select]
Heavy Common Surface Ship Higgins Landing Ship
<b>Mass: </b>300 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Naval<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> ICE<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>32.4 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>54 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 10</b><br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3075<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-D-D<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 742,721 C-bills<br/>

Type: Heavy Common Surface Ship
Chassis Type: Naval (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 300 tons
Battle Value: 467

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                   78.0
Engine/Trans.                                      55.0
    Cruise MP:3
Flank MP:5
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                               37.0
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         104                   7.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   30        26   
     R/L Side              30/30     26/26   
     Rear                    30        26   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   

    Bay 1:  Cargo (15.0 tons)       1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Heavy Vehicle (1)       1 Door   
    Bay 3:  Cargo (8.0 tons)        1 Door   

Features Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modification
Advanced Fire Control
Rockefeller Fuel Ship- As the fleet is ICE powered fuel especially for longer missions is a matter solved by the Rockefellers 160 tons of fuel bunkerage.
Code: [Select]
Heavy Common Surface Ship Rockefeller Fuel Ship
<b>Mass: </b>300 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Naval<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> ICE<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>32.4 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>54 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 10</b><br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3075<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-D-D<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 729,682 C-bills<br/>

Type: Heavy Common Surface Ship
Chassis Type: Naval (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 300 tons
Battle Value: 467

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                   78.0
Engine/Trans.                                      55.0
    Cruise MP:3
Flank MP:5
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                              160.0
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         104                   7.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   30        26   
     R/L Side              30/30     26/26   
     Rear                    30        26   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   


Features Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modification
Advanced Fire Control
Vittles Supply Ship- On top of fuel food, ammo, and spare parts and repair materials are also a concern taken care of by the Vittles 2 61 ton cargo bays.
Code: [Select]
Heavy Common Surface Ship Vittles Supply Ship
<b>Mass: </b>300 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Naval<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> ICE<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>32.4 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>54 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 10</b><br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3075<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-D-D<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 731,688 C-bills<br/>

Type: Heavy Common Surface Ship
Chassis Type: Naval (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 300 tons
Battle Value: 467

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                   78.0
Engine/Trans.                                      55.0
    Cruise MP:3
Flank MP:5
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                               37.0
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         104                   7.0

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   30        26   
     R/L Side              30/30     26/26   
     Rear                    30        26   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   

    Bay 1:  Cargo (61.5 tons)       1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (61.5 tons)       1 Door   

Features Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modification
Advanced Fire Control
Common Medium Ship- Built on a 100 ton combat vehicle frame the one with the best load capability. Anything past that cant carry more unless you go for really low MP. Medium Ships have MP of 3/5 and only differ in weapons in turret.

Vindicator Shore Assault Ship- Meant to support contested landings good armor paired with dual AC-10 and 5 tons mixed armor.
Code: [Select]
Common Medium Ship Vindicator Shore Assault Ship

Mass: 100 tons
Movement Type: Naval
Power Plant: 270 ICE
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     2 AC/10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 1,940,250 C-bills

Type: Common Medium Ship
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Naval
Tonnage: 100
Battle Value: 1,127

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                   10
Engine                        270 ICE                29
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  5.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             2.5
Armor Factor                  390                  24.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   10        94   
     R/L Side              10/10     78/78   
     Rear                    10        62   
     Turret                  10        78   

and Ammo               Location    Tonnage   
2 AC/10                 Turret       24.0   
Flak AC/10 Ammo (20)     Body        2.0     
AC/10 Ammo (30)          Body        3.0     
Flyswatter AA Ship- a heavily armored Fleet AA defense ship mounts quad AC-2 with both flak and standard ammo. Meant to be the core of fleet Air defense.
Code: [Select]
Common Medium Ship Flyswatter AA Ship

Mass: 100 tons
Movement Type: Naval
Power Plant: 270 ICE
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     4 AC/2
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 1,746,000 C-bills

Type: Common Medium Ship
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Naval
Tonnage: 100
Battle Value: 979

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                   10
Engine                        270 ICE                29
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  5.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             2.5
Armor Factor                  390                  24.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   10        94   
     R/L Side              10/10     78/78   
     Rear                    10        62   
     Turret                  10        78   

and Ammo               Location    Tonnage   
4 AC/2                  Turret       24.0   
AC/2 Ammo (90)           Body        2.0     
Flak AC/2 Ammo (135)     Body        3.0     
Light Sea Ship two variants of the same design differing slightly.

Swiss Multirole Picket- A fairly cheap boat armed with both a AC-2 with flak and a LRT-5 for seeing off any seaborne enemies. Have a recon camera and as such can be used as spotters.
Code: [Select]
Light Sea Ship Swiss Multirole Picket
<b>Mass: </b>45 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Naval<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> ICE<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>54 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>86.4 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 10</b><br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 LRT 5<br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 AC/2<br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3075<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-F-E<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 324,021 C-bills<br/>

Type: Light Sea Ship
Chassis Type: Naval (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 45 tons
Battle Value: 207

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                   13.0
Engine/Trans.                                      18.5
    Cruise MP:5
Flank MP:8
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.5
Turret                                              1.0
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         19                    1.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   2         4     
     R/L Side               2/2       4/4   
     Rear                    2         3     
     Turret                  2         4     

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
LRT 5                  Turret       2.0     
AC/2                   Turret       6.0     
LRT 5 Ammo (24)         Body        1.0     
Flak AC/2 Ammo (45)     Body        1.0     


Features Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modification
Recon Camera(0.5 tons)
Advanced Fire Control(1 ton)
Swiss Multirole Picket Smoke Mod- Changes out the LRT 5 for an SRM 5 with smoke ammo. Probably makes up the majority of the pickets. If the fleet comes under attack they will obscure the large ships with smoke and create safe zones to hide in if needed.
Code: [Select]
Light Sea Ship Swiss Multirole Picket Smoke Mod
<b>Mass: </b>45 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Naval<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> ICE<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>54 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>86.4 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 10</b><br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 LRM 5<br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 AC/2<br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3075<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-F-E<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 309,014 C-bills<br/>

Type: Light Sea Ship
Chassis Type: Naval (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 45 tons
Battle Value: 225

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                   13.0
Engine/Trans.                                      18.5
    Cruise MP:5
Flank MP:8
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.5
Turret                                              1.0
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         19                    1.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         4     
     R/L Side               5/5       4/4   
     Rear                    5         3     
     Turret                  5         4     

and Ammo                Location    Tonnage   
LRM 5                    Turret       2.0     
AC/2                     Turret       6.0     
Flak AC/2 Ammo (45)       Body        1.0     
LRM 5 Smoke Ammo (24)     Body        1.0     


Features Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modification
Advanced Fire Control(1 ton)
Recon Camera(0.5 tons)


  • Sergeant
  • *
  • Posts: 178
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #25 on: 30 June 2024, 19:00:58 »
There is also a series of submarine designs I've made based on the roles of the above ships though these tend to be about twice as expensive for similar capabilities. They also use fission engines instead of ICE to lessen supply issues and therefore need less supply ships. The subs also tend to be slower.
Common Heavy Submarine- 300 ton subs built on support vehicle frames. They share hull, engines, and armor.

Surcouf Gun Sub- Mounts dual Long Tom artillery and large amounts of ammo like the Surprise in the last post. One of the big differences though is that while the Surprise could be issued Atomic shells but usually isn't the Surcouf is issued a pair as well as special dispensation to use them in extreme circumstances. As such requirements to become a captain of this class are steep.
Code: [Select]
Heavy Common Submarine Surcouf Gun Sub
<b>Mass: </b>300 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Submarine<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> Fission<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>21.6 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>32.4 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 10</b><br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2 Long Tom<br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3075<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-F-F<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 5,640,997 C-bills<br/>

Type: Heavy Common Submarine
Chassis Type: Submarine (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Experimental)
Mass: 300 tons
Battle Value: 1,538

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                  146.0
Engine/Trans.                                      29.5
    Cruise MP:2
Flank MP:3
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         103                   6.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   30        27   
     R/L Side              30/30     26/26   
     Rear                    30        24   

and Ammo                           Location    Tonnage   
2 Long Tom                          Front        60.0   
FASCAM Long Tom Ammo (55)            Body        11.0   
Fuel-Air Long Tom Ammo (55)          Body        11.0   
Smoke Long Tom Ammo (10)             Body        2.0     
Davy Crocket-M Long Tom Ammo (2)     Body        2.0     
Long Tom Ammo (85)                   Body        17.0   

    Bay 1:  Cargo (15.0 tons)       1 Door   

Features Submersible, Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modifications
Advanced Fire Control(6 tons)
Haze Heavy Missile Sub- Capable of supporting amphibious operations with its 11 LRM 15 and large store of standard, smoke, and mineclearing ammo.
Code: [Select]
Heavy Common Submarine Haze Heavy Missile Sub
<b>Mass: </b>300 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Submarine<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> Fission<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>21.6 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>32.4 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 10</b><br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;11 LRM 15<br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3075<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> E/X-X-E-D<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 5,803,985 C-bills<br/>

Type: Heavy Common Submarine
Chassis Type: Submarine (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 300 tons
Battle Value: 1,870

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                  148.0
Engine/Trans.                                      29.5
    Cruise MP:2
Flank MP:3
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         103                   6.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   30        27   
     R/L Side              30/30     26/26   
     Rear                    30        24   

and Ammo                          Location    Tonnage   
11 LRM 15                          Front        77.0   
LRM 15 Thunder Ammo (16)            Body        2.0     
LRM 15 Mine Clearance Ammo (32)     Body        4.0     
LRM 15 Smoke Ammo (32)              Body        4.0     
LRM 15 Ammo (112)                   Body        14.0   

    Bay 1:  Cargo (15.0 tons)       1 Door   

Features Submersible, Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modifications
Advanced Fire Control(8 tons)
Odin Command Sub- Has 8 tons of communications equipment. Extra tonnage is taken up with several AC-2 with flak per facing and some chaff pods.
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Heavy Common Submarine Odin Command Sub
<b>Mass: </b>300 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Submarine<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> Fission<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>21.6 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>32.4 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 10</b><br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;13 AC/2<br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3075<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-F-E<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 4,055,254 C-bills<br/>

Type: Heavy Common Submarine
Chassis Type: Submarine (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 300 tons
Battle Value: 848

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                  140.0
Engine/Trans.                                      29.5
    Cruise MP:2
Flank MP:3
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         103                   6.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   30        27   
     R/L Side              30/30     26/26   
     Rear                    30        24   

and Ammo               Location    Tonnage   
3 AC/2                   Rear        18.0   
3 AC/2                   Left        18.0   
4 AC/2                  Front        24.0   
3 AC/2                  Right        18.0   
Flak AC/2 Ammo (450)     Body        10.0   

    Bay 1:  Cargo (15.0 tons)       1 Door   

Features Submersible, Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modifications
Communications Equipment (1 ton)(8; 1 ton each)
Chaff Pod(12; 1 ton each)
Blackout Smoke Sub- Due to more limited space on Subs the small subs cannot fit missiles for smoke duty so a large sub frame was used. The Blackout has 7 LRM 5 per facing allowing it to utterly blanket an area with smoke and 34 tons of smoke ammo ensure endurance. Also has 14 tons of standard ammo to help with AA screen. Has several chaff pods.
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Heavy Common Submarine Blackout Smoke Sub
<b>Mass: </b>300 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Submarine<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> Fission<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>21.6 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>32.4 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 10</b><br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;28 LRM 5<br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3075<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-E-E<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 4,743,312 C-bills<br/>

Type: Heavy Common Submarine
Chassis Type: Submarine (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 300 tons
Battle Value: 1,323

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                  140.0
Engine/Trans.                                      29.5
    Cruise MP:2
Flank MP:3
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         103                   6.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   30        27   
     R/L Side              30/30     26/26   
     Rear                    30        24   

and Ammo                 Location    Tonnage   
7 LRM 5                    Rear        14.0   
7 LRM 5                    Left        14.0   
7 LRM 5                   Front        14.0   
7 LRM 5                   Right        14.0   
LRM 5 Ammo (336)           Body        14.0   
LRM 5 Smoke Ammo (816)     Body        34.0   

    Bay 1:  Cargo (15.0 tons)       1 Door   

Features Submersible, Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modifications
Chaff Pod(5; 1 ton each)
Barbary Landing Sub- Has a 100 ton vehicle heavy vehicle bay though a design with 2 light vehicle bays exists. There is no infantry carrier design due to supply constraints.
Code: [Select]
Heavy Common Submarine Barbary Landing Sub
<b>Mass: </b>300 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Submarine<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> Fission<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>21.6 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>32.4 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 10</b><br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3075<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-D-D<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 2,970,008 C-bills<br/>

Type: Heavy Common Submarine
Chassis Type: Submarine (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 300 tons
Battle Value: 404

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                  140.0
Engine/Trans.                                      29.5
    Cruise MP:2
Flank MP:3
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         103                   6.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   30        27   
     R/L Side              30/30     26/26   
     Rear                    30        24   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   

    Bay 1:  Cargo (15.0 tons)       1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Heavy Vehicle (1)       1 Door   
    Bay 3:  Cargo (9.0 tons)        1 Door   

Features Submersible, Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modifications
Chuck Wagon Supply Sub- Capable of docking underwater 2 subs at a time for resupply. Carries food, parts, and ammo in its 2 62 ton bays.
Code: [Select]
Heavy Common Submarine Chuck Wagon Supply Sub
<b>Mass: </b>300 tons<br/>

<b>Movement Type: </b>Submarine<br/>

<b>Power Plant: </b> Fission<br/>
<b>Cruising Speed: </b>21.6 kph<br/>
<b>Maximum Speed: </b>32.4 kph<br/>
<b>Armor: </b>BAR 10</b><br/>

<b>Communication System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Targeting & Tracking System: </b>Unknown<br/>
<b>Introduction Year:</b> 3075<br/>
<b>Tech Rating/Availability:</b> D/X-X-D-D<br/>
<b>Cost:</b> 2,958,975 C-bills<br/>

Type: Heavy Common Submarine
Chassis Type: Submarine (Medium)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 300 tons
Battle Value: 404

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                  140.0
Engine/Trans.                                      29.5
    Cruise MP:2
Flank MP:3
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         103                   6.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   30        27   
     R/L Side              30/30     26/26   
     Rear                    30        24   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   

    Bay 1:  Cargo (62.0 tons)       1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (62.0 tons)       1 Door   

Features Submersible, Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modifications
Common Medium Sub- Built on a combat vehicle chassis the most efficient weight came out to 95 tons. Shares all parts with each other except weapons in turret.

Vanguard Shore Assault Sub- Meant to support contested amphibious landings. Mounts dual AC-10 along with 5 tons mixed ammo and a chaff pod. Well armored.
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Common Medium Sub Vangaurd Shore Assault Sub

Mass: 95 tons
Movement Type: Submarine
Power Plant: 160 Fission
Cruising Speed: 21.6 kph
Maximum Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: Standard
     2 AC/10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 7,338,450 C-bills

Type: Common Medium Sub
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Submarine
Tonnage: 95
Battle Value: 940

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  9.5
Engine                        160 Fission            16
Cruising MP: 2
Flank MP: 3
Heat Sinks:                   5                       0
Control Equipment:                                  5.0
Lift Equipment:                                     9.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             2.5
Armor Factor                  360                  22.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   10        80   
     R/L Side              10/10     74/74   
     Rear                    10        52   
     Turret                  10        80   

and Ammo               Location    Tonnage   
Chaff Pod               Front        1.0     
2 AC/10                 Turret       24.0   
Flak AC/10 Ammo (20)     Body        2.0     
AC/10 Ammo (30)          Body        3.0     
Perdition Medium Sub- Mounts 4 AC-2 with a mix of standard and flak ammo.
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Common Medium Sub Perdition AA Sub

Mass: 95 tons
Movement Type: Submarine
Power Plant: 160 Fission
Cruising Speed: 21.6 kph
Maximum Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: Standard
     4 AC/2
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 6,973,050 C-bills

Type: Common Medium Sub
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Submarine
Tonnage: 95
Battle Value: 826

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  9.5
Engine                        160 Fission            16
Cruising MP: 2
Flank MP: 3
Heat Sinks:                   5                       0
Control Equipment:                                  5.0
Lift Equipment:                                     9.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             2.5
Armor Factor                  360                  22.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   10        80   
     R/L Side              10/10     74/74   
     Rear                    10        52   
     Turret                  10        80   

and Ammo                        Location    Tonnage   
Chaff Pod                        Front        1.0     
4 AC/2                           Turret       24.0   
Flak AC/2 Ammo (180)              Body        4.0     
Armor-Piercing AC/2 Ammo (22)     Body        1.0     
Light Common Submarine- A picket sub design built on a 50 combat vehicle chassis. The more expensive chassis was chosen as less pickets would be needed due to sub fleet being hard to detect.

AC-2 Flak Picket Sub- Mounts an AC-2 with flak. Faster than the rest of fleet to allow concentration and responsiveness of defense. The half ton bay is for supplies for the crew.
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Light Common Submarine AC-2 Flak Picket

Mass: 50 tons
Movement Type: Submarine
Power Plant: 120 Fission
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     2 AC/2
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 2,091,000 C-bills

Type: Light Common Submarine
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Submarine
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 453

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    5
Engine                        120 Fission          10.5
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   5                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.5
Lift Equipment:                                     5.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.5
Armor Factor                  176                    11

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         35   
     R/L Side               5/5      35/35   
     Rear                    5         36   
     Turret                  5         35   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
2 AC/2                 Turret       12.0   
Flak AC/2 Ammo (90)     Body        2.0     
Infantry                Body        0.5     
LRT Picket Sub- Mounts a single LRT 5 the hunter of any waterborne enemies.
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Light Common Submarine LRT Picket

Mass: 50 tons
Movement Type: Submarine
Power Plant: 120 Fission
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     5 LRT 5
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-D-D
Cost: 2,290,000 C-bills

Type: Light Common Submarine
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Submarine
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 655

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    5
Engine                        120 Fission          10.5
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   5                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.5
Lift Equipment:                                     5.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.0
Armor Factor                  200                  12.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         40   
     R/L Side               5/5      40/40   
     Rear                    5         40   
     Turret                  5         40   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
5 LRT 5                Turret       10.0   
LRT 5 Ammo (72)         Body        3.0     
Infantry                Body        0.5     
So thoughts or suggestions on the naval designs in the last two posts?


  • Sergeant
  • *
  • Posts: 178
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #26 on: 02 August 2024, 17:18:42 »
So the core of this thread remains the same it is more starting to morph into the military of a certain world. I would change the thread title maybe but I don't think that can be done. Well anyway's  river craft an updated series of monitors pulled from my posts throwing my hat into the where someone else updated them.

Gonna throw my hat into the monitor ring with my basic budget low tech designs. Several monitor designs made to work together as a little river or costal unit. Three of the 4 designs omit troop carrying for more armor. Also as these are supposedly new build I increased the weight by 5 tons as that barely affected cost but let me put on an extra ton and a half of armor.

Monitor Thumper- Removes all weapons to mount dual thumpers and 6 tons of mixed ammo of your choice. a pair of these makes a good artillery unit.
Code: [Select]
Monitor Naval Vessel Thumper

Mass: 80 tons
Movement Type: Naval
Power Plant: 210 ICE
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     2 Thumper
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 2910
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-C-C-C
Cost: 1,297,800 C-bills

Type: Monitor Naval Vessel
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Naval
Tonnage: 80
Battle Value: 516

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    8
Engine                        210 ICE                18
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  4.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             3.0
Armor Factor                  176                    11

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   8         34   
     R/L Side               8/8      34/34   
     Rear                    8         34   
     Turret                  8         40   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
2 Thumper              Turret       30.0   
Thumper Ammo (120)      Body        6.0     
Monitor Tom - The original Monitor was powerful but woefully short ranged with it's AC-20 and SRM only reaching out 9 hexes. The tom sacrifices pure firepower to extend range. The tom mounts a long tom cannon though lacking artillery fire capability this weapon can fire like an AC-20 but with area of effect and 125 percent more range. 30 rounds standard 10 fuel air. Rather than carrying more long tom ammo it was decided to mount a single AC-2 with 2 tons of flak to support air defense.
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Monitor Naval Vessel Tom

Mass: 80 tons
Movement Type: Naval
Power Plant: 210 ICE
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 Long Tom Cannon
     1 AC/2
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3080
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-F-E
Cost: 2,090,200 C-bills

Type: Monitor Naval Vessel
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Naval
Tonnage: 80
Battle Value: 1,105

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    8
Engine                        210 ICE                18
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  4.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             3.0
Armor Factor                  176                    11

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   8         34   
     R/L Side               8/8      34/34   
     Rear                    8         34   
     Turret                  8         40   

and Ammo                             Location    Tonnage   
Long Tom Cannon                       Turret       20.0   
AC/2                                  Turret       6.0     
Long Tom Cannon Ammo (30)              Body        6.0     
Fuel-Air Long Tom Cannon Ammo (10)     Body        2.0     
Flak AC/2 Ammo (90)                    Body        2.0     
Monitor Dagger - Meant to do the role of the original monitor without the pitiful range. Sacrifices some pure gun power moving from dual AC-20 to dual AC-10 fed by 8 tons of mixed ammo though at least 2 are usually flak. To make up for some of the firepower loss 8 Rocket Launcher 10 are mounted.
Code: [Select]
Monitor Naval Vessel Dagger

Mass: 80 tons
Movement Type: Naval
Power Plant: 210 ICE
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     8 Rocket Launcher 10
     2 AC/10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3080
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-F-E
Cost: 1,538,600 C-bills

Type: Monitor Naval Vessel
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Naval
Tonnage: 80
Battle Value: 910

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    8
Engine                        210 ICE                18
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  4.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             3.0
Armor Factor                  176                    11

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   8         34   
     R/L Side               8/8      34/34   
     Rear                    8         34   
     Turret                  8         40   

and Ammo               Location    Tonnage   
2 AC/10                 Turret       24.0   
8 Rocket Launcher 10    Turret       4.0     
Flak AC/10 Ammo (20)     Body        2.0     
AC/10 Ammo (60)          Body        6.0     
Monitor Support- Lightly armed with a single AC-2 and a single ton of flak to bulk air defense. The main purpose of this ship is to carry stuff. Has 26 tons of cargo space to carry spare ammo or fuel for the other monitors. Has a 5 ton infantry bay though if desired the bolt down chairs and equipment racks can easily be removed to gain another 5 tons of cargo space.
Code: [Select]
Monitor Naval Vessel Support

Mass: 80 tons
Movement Type: Naval
Power Plant: 210 ICE
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 AC/2
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3080
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-F-E
Cost: 829,500 C-bills

Type: Monitor Naval Vessel
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Naval
Tonnage: 80
Battle Value: 442

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    8
Engine                        210 ICE                18
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  4.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.0
Armor Factor                  176                    11

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   8         34   
     R/L Side               8/8      34/34   
     Rear                    8         34   
     Turret                  8         40   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
AC/2                   Turret       6.0     
Flak AC/2 Ammo (45)     Body        1.0     
Cargo                   Body        26.0   
Infantry                Body        5.0     
What do you think of these monitors. I think they do the job well and better yet they are still on the cheap side.


  • Sergeant
  • *
  • Posts: 178
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #27 on: 02 August 2024, 17:34:00 »
A trio of support units to shore up things I forgot or needed to add to my force.

Thumper Ammo Track- My self propelled thumpers in this thread were fine with four tons of mixed ammo. But this could be problematic in long engagements. This is the solution which I forgot relying on trucks till I once again saw a video on artillery. Built on the same chassis it carries 16 tons of cargo enough to resupply the four guns it's deployed with once. This unit can still be topped off by the trucks but acts as a forward armored store of ammo. It also has a SRM-2 with a ton each smoke and inferno. One to roast infantry that near. The other to obscure the artillery from fire. Has a small infantry compartment to help transfer ammo.
Code: [Select]
Self Propelled Thumper Artillery Ammo Track Export

Mass: 40 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 120 ICE
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 Light Machine Gun
     1 SRM 2
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-D-D
Cost: 330,050 C-bills

Type: Self Propelled
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 40
Battle Value: 301

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    4
Engine                        120 ICE                 8
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             0.5
Armor Factor                  80                      5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   4         20   
     R/L Side               4/4      13/13   
     Rear                    4         17   
     Turret                  4         17   

and Ammo                       Location    Tonnage   
SRM 2                           Turret       1.0     
Light Machine Gun               Turret       0.5     
Light Machine Gun Ammo (100)     Body        0.5     
SRM 2 Inferno Ammo (50)          Body        1.0     
SRM 2 Smoke Ammo (50)            Body        1.0     
Cargo                            Body        16.0   
Infantry                         Body        0.5     
One of the greatest issues my force has is that the fast mobile forces are a one and done thing having good armor and lots of rockets but then need to pull back for resupply. This hover tank was made to provide a flexible fast unit with some endurance.

Workhorse Hovertank- A tiny 20 ton hovertank armed with a single SRM-6 having a ton each of standard,inferno,and smoke. Though not the heaviest armament this unit could punch through the rear armor of an atlas if all shots hit. Inferno lets it seriously harm vehicles, battlearmor, and infantry. Smoke lets it screen other fast movers or itself. Fast at 8/12. Okay armor for such a small unit can take a gauss rifle hit on any face except rear. Has turret. Less firepower than SRM carrier but has the speed to get into position. Also cheap enough you can have 5 for the same cost as an SRM carrier.
Code: [Select]
Light Hovertank Workhorse

Mass: 20 tons
Movement Type: Hover
Power Plant: 75 ICE
Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 129.6 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 SRM 6
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3080
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-D-D
Cost: 387,100 C-bills

Type: Light Hovertank
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Hover
Tonnage: 20
Battle Value: 361

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    2
Engine                        75 ICE                  4
Cruising MP: 8
Flank MP: 12
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.0
Lift Equipment:                                     2.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             0.5
Armor Factor                  72                    4.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   2         16   
     R/L Side               2/2      15/15   
     Rear                    2         11   
     Turret                  2         15   

and Ammo                  Location    Tonnage   
SRM 6                      Turret       3.0     
SRM 6 Smoke Ammo (15)       Body        1.0     
SRM 6 Inferno Ammo (15)     Body        1.0     
SRM 6 Ammo (15)             Body        1.0     
Grunt Roaster- a converted civilian light firefighting VTOL. Small, cheap, decent armor for size, has a vehicle flamer. dashes around cooking infantry and battlearmor. Otherwise holds in back lines or scouts.
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Light Anti Infantry Chopper Grunt Roaster

Mass: 12 tons
Movement Type: VTOL
Power Plant: 25 ICE
Cruising Speed: 108 kph
Maximum Speed: 162 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 Flamer (Vehicle)
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3080
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-F-D
Cost: 211,400 C-bills

Type: Light Anti Infantry Chopper
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: VTOL
Tonnage: 12
Battle Value: 257

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  1.5
Engine                        25 ICE                  1
Cruising MP: 10
Flank MP: 15
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.0
Lift Equipment:                                     1.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             0.5
Armor Factor                  80                      5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   2         18   
     R/L Side               2/2      15/15   
     Rear                    2         15   
     Turret                  2         15   
     Rotor                   2         2     

and Ammo                   Location    Tonnage   
Flamer                      Turret       0.5     
Vehicle Flamer Ammo (20)     Body        1.0     


  • Sergeant
  • *
  • Posts: 178
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #28 on: 02 August 2024, 18:00:45 »
The final redesign of the units from the thread These units are fully indigenous and made using 100 percent local parts. These mechs are not actually considered the main core forces that is actually the tank forces. Both the mechwarriors and tankers realize that the mech's job is to be distracting so light heavily armed conventional vehicles can close while the enemy is distracted. That does not mean these mechs are powerless though they are the best that can be made with local tech.

All the patriot Mechs have the same stats differing only in loadout. 50 tons, 5/8 MP running on a fuel cell engine. 10 tons of armor no advanced tech only D tech. A critical weakness of the Patriot series is that due to using single heatsinks and no weight free heatsinks they quickly overheat when firing. As such under the patriots posted are support units to cover their issues.

Patriot AC-10 - Can barely fit an AC-10 and 2 tons mixed ammo.
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Patriot 50 Ton Revised AC-10 Patriot

Mass: 50 tons
Chassis: Standard Biped
Power Plant: 250 Fuel Cell
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Jump Jets: None
     Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Standard
     1 AC/10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-D-D
Cost: 3,452,000 C-bills

Type: Patriot 50 Ton Revised
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Experimental)
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 953

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    5
Engine                        250 Fuel Cell          15
Walking MP: 5
Running MP: 8
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sink                     1                       0
Gyro                                                  3
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor                  160                    10

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Head                    3         9     
     Center Torso            16        24   
     Center Torso (rear)               7     
     R/L Torso               12        19   
     R/L Torso (rear)                  5     
     R/L Arm                 8         16   
     R/L Leg                 12        20   

Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm

and Ammo              Location  Critical   Heat    Tonnage
AC/10 Ammo (20)          LA        2        -       2.0   
AC/10                    LA        7        3       12.0 
Patriot LRM - Mounts a single LRM-20 has 2 tons mixed ammo
Code: [Select]
Patriot 50 Ton Revised LRM Patriot

Mass: 50 tons
Chassis: Standard Biped
Power Plant: 250 Fuel Cell
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Jump Jets: None
     Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Standard
     1 LRM 20
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-D-C
Cost: 3,611,000 C-bills

Type: Patriot 50 Ton Revised
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Experimental)
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 1,055

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    5
Engine                        250 Fuel Cell          15
Walking MP: 5
Running MP: 8
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sink                     3                       2
Gyro                                                  3
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor                  160                    10

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Head                    3         9     
     Center Torso            16        24   
     Center Torso (rear)               7     
     R/L Torso               12        19   
     R/L Torso (rear)                  5     
     R/L Arm                 8         16   
     R/L Leg                 12        20   

Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand

and Ammo              Location  Critical   Heat    Tonnage
LRM 20                   LA        5        6       10.0 
LRM 20 Ammo (12)         LA        2        -       2.0   
Patriot SRM - mounts an SRM-6 in each hand has 2 tons of mixed ammo can be punishing in a close fight.
Code: [Select]
Patriot 50 Ton Revised SRM Patriot

Mass: 50 tons
Chassis: Standard Biped
Power Plant: 250 Fuel Cell
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Jump Jets: None
     Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Standard
     2 SRM 6
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-D-D
Cost: 3,458,750 C-bills

Type: Patriot 50 Ton Revised
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Experimental)
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 925

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    5
Engine                        250 Fuel Cell          15
Walking MP: 5
Running MP: 8
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sink                     7                       6
Gyro                                                  3
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor                  160                    10

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Head                    3         9     
     Center Torso            16        24   
     Center Torso (rear)               7     
     R/L Torso               12        19   
     R/L Torso (rear)                  5     
     R/L Arm                 8         16   
     R/L Leg                 12        20   

Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand

and Ammo                  Location  Critical   Heat    Tonnage
SRM 6                        LA        2        4       3.0   
SRM 6 Inferno Ammo (15)      LA        1        -       1.0   
SRM 6                        RA        2        4       3.0   
SRM 6 Ammo (15)              RA        1        -       1.0   
Patriot Machine Gun - A pure close range fighter. In each side of it's torso are 11 machine guns fed by a half ton of ammo for a total of 22 punishing if it can get into range. Basically meant to hug the enemy and unload.
Code: [Select]
Patriot 50 Ton Revised Machine Gun Patriot

Mass: 50 tons
Chassis: Standard Biped
Power Plant: 250 Fuel Cell
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Jump Jets: None
     Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Standard
     22 Machine Gun
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-D-C
Cost: 3,312,500 C-bills

Type: Patriot 50 Ton Revised
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Experimental)
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 896

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    5
Engine                        250 Fuel Cell          15
Walking MP: 5
Running MP: 8
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sink                     3                       2
Gyro                                                  3
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor                  160                    10

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Head                    3         9     
     Center Torso            16        24   
     Center Torso (rear)               7     
     R/L Torso               12        19   
     R/L Torso (rear)                  5     
     R/L Arm                 8         16   
     R/L Leg                 12        20   

Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand

and Ammo                      Location  Critical   Heat    Tonnage
11 Machine Gun                   RT        11       0       5.5   
Half Machine Gun Ammo (100)      RT        1        -       0.5   
11 Machine Gun                   LT        11       0       5.5   
Half Machine Gun Ammo (100)      LT        1        -       0.5   
There are three support units made to support these mechs and cover for some of their weaknesses. They are all modified hulls of previously posted units.
Lupus Battlemech Support Tank - A modified Lupus Light tank armament is replaced with 4 fluid guns with three tons of ammo usually coolant though one ton might be replaced with oil or inferno jelly. Meant to cool down the hot running patriots.
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Lupus Battlemech Support Tank

Mass: 30 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 150 Fuel Cell
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Armor: Standard
     4 Fluid Gun
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-D-C
Cost: 606,450 C-bills

Type: Lupus
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 30
Battle Value: 388

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    3
Engine                        150 Fuel Cell           7
Cruising MP: 5
Flank MP: 8
Heat Sinks:                   1                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.0
Armor Factor                  104                   6.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         24   
     R/L Side               3/3      20/20   
     Rear                    3         16   
     Turret                  3         24   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
4 Fluid Gun            Turret       8.0     
Fluid Gun Ammo (60)     Body        3.0     
Second issue the mechs generally short engagement range and lack of ancillary equipment.
Lupus Battlemech Support Tank Smoke Mod - Another modified Lupus in this case it's armament is replaced with twin LRM-5 with a ton each of mine clearance and smoke. Meant for clearing lanes of advance as well as shrouding this advance in smoke in support of Mech forces.
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Lupus Battletmech Support Tank Smoke Mod

Mass: 20 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 100 Fuel Cell
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Armor: Standard
     2 LRM 5
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-E-D
Cost: 355,000 C-bills

Type: Lupus
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 20
Battle Value: 475

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    2
Engine                        100 Fuel Cell           4
Cruising MP: 5
Flank MP: 8
Heat Sinks:                   1                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             0.5
Armor Factor                  104                   6.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   2         28   
     R/L Side               2/2      20/20   
     Rear                    2         16   
     Turret                  2         20   

and Ammo                         Location    Tonnage   
2 LRM 5                           Turret       4.0     
LRM 5 Mine Clearance Ammo (24)     Body        1.0     
LRM 5 Smoke Ammo (24)              Body        1.0     
The last issue is the mechs have very limited ammo stores.
Bradley Battlemech Replenishment - A modified Bradley IFV has enough ammo and infantry to refill the ammo of a single lance at one time.
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Bradley Battlemech Replenishment Tank

Mass: 30 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 150 Fuel Cell
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Armor: Standard
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3075
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-D-C
Cost: 436,800 C-bills

Type: Bradley
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 30
Battle Value: 416

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    3
Engine                        150 Fuel Cell           7
Cruising MP: 5
Flank MP: 8
Heat Sinks:                   1                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  128                     8

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         32   
     R/L Side               3/3      32/32   
     Rear                    3         32   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
Infantry                Body        2.5     
Cargo                   Body        8.0     


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  • Posts: 178
Re: Ideas for improved and economical units for lower tech Worlds.
« Reply #29 on: 13 August 2024, 21:34:20 »
Six new units filling roles.

Light Tracked Ammo Carrier- The truck that makes up logistics in this thread is okay and cheap but is not all terrain and has no armor. This unit collects  from the trucks and follows the units to forward supply them. Has enough armor to take an AC-20 to any face. 8 tons of cargo and a half ton of infantry to help load ammo.
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Light Tracked Ammo Carrier

Mass: 20 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 60 ICE
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3080
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-C-C
Cost: 127,200 C-bills

Type: Light Tracked
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Introductory)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 20
Battle Value: 261

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    2
Engine                        60 ICE                  3
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  88                    5.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   2         22   
     R/L Side               2/2      22/22   
     Rear                    2         22   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
Cargo                   Body        8.0     
Infantry                Body        0.5     
Light AA Convoy Escort- A basic wheeled AA vehicle to protect the supply trucks from air attack One AC-2 and a ton of flak enough armor to take a basic PPC to any face.
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Light AA Convoy Escort

Mass: 20 tons
Movement Type: Wheeled
Power Plant: 80 ICE
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 AC/2
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3080
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-F-E
Cost: 195,983 C-bills

Type: Light AA
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Wheeled
Tonnage: 20
Battle Value: 253

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    2
Engine                        80 ICE                  5
Cruising MP: 5
Flank MP: 8
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  1.0
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.0
Armor Factor                  64                      4

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   2         14   
     R/L Side               2/2      12/12   
     Rear                    2         12   
     Turret                  2         14   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
AC/2                   Turret       6.0     
Flak AC/2 Ammo (45)     Body        1.0     
Linebacker SRM- A linebacker that drops the AC-10 for quad SRM-6. 2,1,1 Ratio standard, inferno, Smoke. Well armored.
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Linebacker SRM

Mass: 50 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 150 ICE
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     4 SRM 6
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-D-D
Cost: 1,190,250 C-bills

Type: Linebacker
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 910

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    5
Engine                        150 ICE                11
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.5
Armor Factor                  215                  13.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         52   
     R/L Side               5/5      43/43   
     Rear                    5         34   
     Turret                  5         43   

and Ammo                  Location    Tonnage   
CASE                        Body        0.5     
SRM 6 Smoke Ammo (15)       Body        1.0     
SRM 6 Inferno Ammo (15)     Body        1.0     
SRM 6 Ammo (30)             Body        2.0     
4 SRM 6                    Turret       12.0   
Linebacker Engineering Vehicle- Heavily modified Linebacker. Turret and weapons are removed and armor is lowered by a ton. Not needing to armor the turret means that even with this effective armor increases. Has a Bulldozer on front Backhoe on back and a bridgelayer. Has an uprated 4/6 ICE.
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Linebacker Engineering Vehicle

Mass: 50 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 200 ICE
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: Standard
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3065
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-E-E
Cost: 850,000 C-bills

Type: Linebacker
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 642

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    5
Engine                        200 ICE                17
Cruising MP: 4
Flank MP: 6
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  200                  12.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         50   
     R/L Side               5/5      50/50   
     Rear                    5         50   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
Backhoe                 Rear        5.0     
Bridge Layer           Front        6.0     
Bulldozer              Front        2.0     
Unicorn Assault Gun- Made to solve an issue due to range and speed Issues going on the offensive with many of the other units is hard this is the answer. It's Long Tom Artillery Cannon has good range and excellent firepower. Though not fast it has the armor to close the range. This unit is meant to be used in groups of four offensively or hidden defensively crushing enemies with massed explosive firepower.
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Assault Gun Unicorn

Mass: 90 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 270 ICE
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 Long Tom Cannon
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3080
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-E-E
Cost: 2,935,500 C-bills

Type: Assault Gun
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 90
Battle Value: 1,554

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    9
Engine                        270 ICE                29
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  4.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             2.0
Armor Factor                  328                  20.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   9         76   
     R/L Side               9/9      62/62   
     Rear                    9         52   
     Turret                  9         76   

and Ammo                            Location    Tonnage   
Long Tom Cannon                      Turret       20.0   
Long Tom Cannon Ammo (20)             Body        4.0     
Fuel-Air Long Tom Cannon Ammo (5)     Body        1.0     
Unicorn Assault Gun Ammo- A ammo carrier built on the same frame removes the turret and a bit f armor though again overall armor goes up. Has 25 tons of ammo for it's group as well as an infantry bay to help load the ammo.
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Assault Gun Unicorn Ammo

Mass: 90 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 270 ICE
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3080
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-C-C
Cost: 1,398,400 C-bills

Type: Assault Gun
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Introductory)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 90
Battle Value: 946

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    9
Engine                        270 ICE                29
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  4.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Armor Factor                  312                  19.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   9         83   
     R/L Side               9/9      82/82   
     Rear                    9         65   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
Infantry                Body        3.0     
Cargo                   Body        25.0