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Challenges and Gatherings / Re: San Diego Battletech
« Last post by Valkerie on Today at 01:26:59 »
Hello fellow Mechwarriors!  Just a little bump on this thread to let you all know we are still active out here in San Diego.  If you are looking for games in the area, hit me up and I'll get you an invite to our Discord sever.  Still running group games about once a month, but there are always folks willing to play outside of those.

And on that note, we are having a game on September 22nd.  If you're interested, just reach out.  All are welcome!  :cheesy:


The -87 is adorable, no doubt of that.

I guess I really need to get cracking on Aircreator, eh? Getting the basic numbers to make an airframe isn't all that hard--time consuming, but not hard if you choose a good range of exemplars--but it's the things like maneuverability that is vexing.

The problem with aircraft is that they're complex systems. I'm not sure if they generally model as well as ground vehicles. They're also incredibly resource-intensive to design and make. Could be that most nations of the Fringe actually have enough trouble advancing past the turboprop/attack helicopter stage that serious air assets can generally only be imported from outside. If you think of the Fringe as being akin to South America in the greater scheme of things, at least.
 azn  Thank you for the story update!!  Glad to see Drake got to meet Hanse and Quintus!  Look forward to reading the next update on how Operation H goes while Operation Galahad 26 is happening.
Fan Fiction / Re: Blood Loss
« Last post by Red Pins on Today at 00:50:20 »
Talk about a reversal - reading your stuff got me through covid.   :grin:

And, yeah.  It's just, these people got trained.  But they didn't leave any of that knowledge for the next guy, except word of mouth.  >snip<  Sorry, more whining.  But realistically, October will be make or break.
Ground Combat / Re: Battlefield Asset Rules - Expanding the Options
« Last post by DevianID on Today at 00:36:00 »
So far, the force packs have variants of the basic options from the starter box in mercenaries.  So you can get a upgraded LRM carrier, but only the versions they included in the box, not every variant ever made of the LRM carrier.

generating stats isnt the hard part, its the pricing they used thats not decipherable.  In the beta, there was a base stat block for the different vehicle types, and you would add or subtract from there.  If you look at the beta stats from the kickstarter, you will see keywords like 'extra range x4' and such, so you would take the base generic vtol (like from tukayyid), and apply the keywords to get the 'Warrior' inspired one with less damage and more range, or apply different keywords like 'Slow' and 'Extra damage' to make a generic BSP 'yellow jacket'.  People didnt like seeing those keywords on the cards for a construction process that wasnt finalized and available, so they cut all the construction stuff and just put out the stats you see now.

So with that construction stuff gone, you can still kinda see from the stats that damage pricing is linear based on a total number intrinsic to the specific base unit type, not a conversion from the actual unit.  2 otherwise identical units, like the demolisher and the ontos, cost 33 for 40 damage and 32 for 36 damage + IF1.  So the much higher damage on the demolisher (by its quality) is only 1 BSP point.  The pegasus does 21 damage and the condor 15, for 23 and 20 cost.  So the measly 6 points of damage the pegasus gains, though, are worth 3 points--nuch much more expensive then the demolisher's damage boost.  These 2 vehicles do not appear to be using a consistent formula, but each just linearly adding cost to a base unit that has a starting fixed price.  Likewise, the bulldog is 16 for DCTN8 and a range 15 gun, and the patton is 20 for a DCTN11, so the vehicles toughness likewise doesnt seem to scale exponentially from a conversion formula, instead the much higher DCTN value seems to only cost a tiny bit more, like +3 for +3 DCTN on that unit type.

Another example, if you look at the drillson versus the condor, they both do 15x9 for damage output in terms of their product of range and damage.  But the drillson is faster.  Converting from BV, the drillson, with its higher speed factor, should be the more potent and expensive vehicle, but in the BSP chart the drillson is 2 points cheaper.  So this points to the 2 units not following a conversion system, but a hidden 'point buy' type system, where the condor has 'short range' and 'extra damage' and the drillson has 'long range' and 'less damage', which, in the linear point buy they cooked up, comes out cheaper despite the drillson being a stronger unit by the raw stats.

What the point then?  Well, for starters you cant make your own version of anything like a Chevalier tank, because their process is not a conversion one, but a hidden and very different one that uses sliders on a 'base' vehicle (like a 'light wheeled vehicle' that probably looks like the one from the Tukayyid book) to make something that kinda looks like XY or Z, without directly calling on the Chevalier's stats.  You also cant accurately price any vehicle you make, because the prices of the BSP do not correlate to their BV.  In another thread on the general forum, I analyzed all the BSP from the box set, using the rule book (tech manual) BV formula to compare everything, and the result was that the BSPs are not consistent with existing published BV construction rules.  So, for example, a Patton is simply a much stronger BSP unit then a Bulldog, and the listed BV price for BSP is not a BV formula derived price.

Here is the thread where I posted each units BV, and the ratio to calculated BV and listed cost, showing the Patton with a 1.4xx efficiency to the bulldog at .9xx efficiency.
I haven't seen a single copy delivered yet. I thought there were delivery problems or something. Where did you find the reviews? As a German, I'll probably have to wait quite a while for my copy. Well, I'm patient.

No formal reviews, as far as I know. Someone uploaded a short video on Youtube, briefly showing off their copy. Other than that, it's mostly been backers sharing how they felt about the edition.

No for varies reasons I didn't.  And the truth is I am going to regret not having the second book in that set.

I believe a few copies will be available on the CGL store for a limited time at some point.


Haven't gotten.   :sad:

Same boat.
30 years ago this month I was working my first full-time job.  10 hour days, probably just had shifted to 6-days-on-2-days-off rotation on an assembly line.  While this cartoon wasn't my introduction to Battletech, I had started learning of it by the time I saw it, and saw a few problems, like the Jumping Centurion.  Probably got rid of his LRM rack to do it.
Alpha Strike / Combat Intuition, when in the movement phase does it happen?
« Last post by JugernautJedi on 11 September 2024, 23:53:08 »
Alpha Strike Commanders Edition, SPA Combat Intuition page 93.

The part of the statement that says “before any target units can act” has created a little confusion. Are units with CI required to activate at the beginning of the movement phase, prior to any enemy units activation? Or, may they activate at any point during the movement phase?
« Last post by Natasha Kerensky on 11 September 2024, 23:49:33 »

The Spheroidtech version of the Wolf Hawk, the HH-1 Headhunter, is now posted.

My come back and add Quirks — Battlefists is an obvious one — and some Notable MechWarriors later.
« Last post by Natasha Kerensky on 11 September 2024, 23:47:43 »
Looks pretty sharp

Thanks, W.

are you going make a homemade TRO for your stuff your making?

No, I have neither the time nor inclination/talent for layout, website, and such.  I get the most satisfaction from just getting a design right, followed by the writing.  “Publishing”, even here, is somewhat secondary.  If I can just get the designs that I have off my spreadsheets, posted here, and maybe linked together, I’ll consider that a major victory.

Lame, but I know my limits.  ;-)
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