After using the Alpha Strike Box Set to make my first Jade Falcon Star, I felt like I should finish another Star so they had at least a binary. I used left over mechs from the Clan Invasion Kickstarter. Left to Right: Kit Fox, Summoner, Executioner, Hellbringer, and Cougar.
Couple years ago I was chatting with Luciora about how warped and janky my Hellbringer was, and he offered to fix and magnetize it. Here is your shout out sir! Thanks for cutting this guy apart and making it so he has full torso twistyness! (Seen here twisted full hexside left!)
Funny thing is now that I've done a fast and dirty yellow scheme, I can say that I officially don't like this color. And it only took me 10 mechs to figure it out!
Good news is that these just took me a few mornings for the red and green trim. Otherwise a quick exercise to pass the time until the Mercs KS hit!