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I reread the post to make sure, and OP is looking for a Scout Mech.  I keep wanting to answer Reflective--but that would really be best on Strikers trying to use speed to do their damage, get out, and minimize the Pulse Laser return fire (+4 TMM type situation). 

For Scouts, I'd say use the space for Bloodhound/Angel ECM and other ewar packages and just mount as much Ferro Fibrous as you can?
Thank you again for all the hard work.
I listen in but at work and sometimes you cant give it 100% attention.
The Innocent (2021) Spanish TV miniseries based on a Harlan Corben novel. Its about an ex-con starting a new life but his past comes back to haunt him. The plot has plenty of twists and turns, and shifts back and forth from a murder mystery to a crime thriller. While it kept my attention (which is hard to do) I also couldnt help but feel it was a little too pretentious for its own good.

First of all, EVERY character has a dark secret in this, and I mean every. single. one. Second, the amount of pilling on one trope after another feels like the writer of this show had a spreadsheet that listed every single plot point like a laundry list to tick a box from. By the middle of it, the show starts to run out of steam and becomes full of contrived plotholes, and in the end I felt like it was too far out to have any sense of realism, and that pulled me out of the immersion. And lets not forget that many characters go from being brilliant one minute to dumb in the next in order to move the plot forward to extend the scene also cheapens the whole thing.

All in all I can recommend it, but that feeling of being manipulated by the writer kept stopping me from giving it a higher score. Rating: 7/10
GW had an official forum at one time.  It quickly earned the nickname of "The Eye of Terror" and was closed after less than a year IIRC.

There is a reason I avoid most game sites and groups, there are some fandoms that have me avoid IP's all together.
force building is much improved

I’ve been working on the force lists since mid 2022. It’s crazy where I’m at now compared to what’s in the wild (both in volume and methodology)

and has the variants in the back.

Don’t forget the berserker lance refits outlined in the force building (they’re my first canon designs)
Games Workshop - Employees: 2,700  Yearly Revenue: $623.4M  Official Forum?: No

GW had an official forum at one time.  It quickly earned the nickname of "The Eye of Terror" and was closed after less than a year IIRC.
Thanks again for doing this Lorcan!  I was able to quickly scan the news instead of spending an hour watching it.

I'm a little disappointed that there was no news about the Davion Force Manual.  Last we heard officially it is due to be released this month, yes?
As bad as it is, it is better than some of the "original" content they have.
(Which is sadly the closest to an official thing we'll see, since I believe the license is all over the place, innit?)

Last I heard, it's in the hands of Disney due to their purchase of Saban. You'd think it'd be a good fit to throw on Disney+, but they might not have the masters anymore and it could be too much work to bring it up to modern video quality.
Hey, I'm happy for you guys! Hopefully that means that more of us will be getting our address confirmation emails that much sooner!
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