BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat

BattleTech Player Boards => BattleTech Roleplaying => MechWarrior Hall => Topic started by: Deathrider6 on 30 November 2011, 10:52:47

Title: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Deathrider6 on 30 November 2011, 10:52:47
Well gents the AFFS HC hits another thread limit so I set you all upo with a shiny new thread to hang out in. Just keep a space by the fire for me and don't annoy  the cat (an in-joke for all of you long time denizens). Cheers and a round on the house!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 30 November 2011, 11:00:35
And if you finish the scotch, don't forget to leave a Post-it!  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Deathrider6 on 30 November 2011, 11:03:19
And if you finish the scotch, don't forget to leave a Post-it!  ;)

Indeed we get annoyed if there is no Scotch post it. :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Stormcrow on 30 November 2011, 11:07:25
*transports the Knockando distillery through space and time to the AFFSHC* No worries, mateys
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 30 November 2011, 12:24:13
I'm fine with my Talisker, thanks.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 30 November 2011, 12:42:11
Lampshades? For our heads?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 30 November 2011, 12:58:09
I'm fine with my Talisker, thanks.

Fine brand too. I won't mind having some!  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 30 November 2011, 13:20:52
Well, That was unexpected.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 30 November 2011, 14:48:23
Still sad there is not bacon.  :(
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 30 November 2011, 15:11:02
Still sad there is not bacon.  :(
Next time...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 30 November 2011, 16:23:26
Post-it note and duct tape are what hold the world together and let communication happen.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 30 November 2011, 18:34:27
Still sad there is not bacon.  :(

We need a BOD (Bacon On Demand) service.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 30 November 2011, 18:36:18
We need a BOD (Bacon On Demand) service.

Dont think it will work.  The entire phone network will crash due to an overwhelming number of calls.  :D :o ;D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 30 November 2011, 21:09:22
And would such service include Canadian Bacon
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 30 November 2011, 21:12:55
And would such service include Canadian Bacon
You mean ham?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 30 November 2011, 23:24:35
Hmm. Regardless whether the distillery is here, you need the proper barrels, which require the proper wood, which require the proper trees. Better just to have an instant transport for the finished product. Otherwise, it's just a waste of ethanol.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 01 December 2011, 01:41:33
Indeed Geoff! One should not underestimate the importance of using the right kind of wood, and, I surmise, the right barrel making techniques (not joking, since traditional barrels making involves curve-folding the boards over a wood fire, hence whatr particular wood's used for it should matter)... one could also add the water that's used to make the scotch, which has, if you believe what they say, unique properties and can only be obtained at a special place.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Sharpnel on 01 December 2011, 03:21:14
Bah to Scotch Whisky (too expensive for my wallet) and Huzzah to Jack Daniels (just the right price for my wallet)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 01 December 2011, 03:41:52
Bah to Scotch Whisky (too expensive for my wallet) and Huzzah to Jack Daniels (just the right price for my wallet)
I'm quite sure I can get a bottle of Jack for the same price as a bottle of Scotch.  What quality are we talking about?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Sharpnel on 01 December 2011, 03:55:00
For stuff like Talisker and Laophroaig (single malts) expect to pay US$50 or more (depending on age). For blended whiskys you can pay less than half that depnding on brand. When it comes to Scotch whisky, it's single malt or nothing.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Deathrider6 on 01 December 2011, 04:41:03
Lampshades? For our heads?

As in Leave them on the Lamps they do that stuff in Asgard ;D 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 01 December 2011, 11:44:56
Wow, we hit the thread limit that fast?  Man I can't get used to that.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 01 December 2011, 11:50:32
Wow, we hit the thread limit that fast?  Man I can't get used to that.
They actually just halved the limit.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 01 December 2011, 12:25:00
For stuff like Talisker and Laophroaig (single malts) expect to pay US$50 or more (depending on age). For blended whiskys you can pay less than half that depnding on brand. When it comes to Scotch whisky, it's single malt or nothing.

Johnnie Walker Green and Gold Labels do quite well for this Highlander, and they're blends. ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 01 December 2011, 12:55:11
They actually just halved the limit.

Not precisely.  The main effect causing that was the default posts per thread changing to 25, although the posts per thread limit dropped to 1250 (50 pages under the new system) from 1500 (60 pages under the new system).  The AFFS thread wasn't that far from getting closed anyway.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: God and Davion on 01 December 2011, 13:50:26
Nice to see you again in a AFFSHC thread. BTW... Foxbat, there's a town called Davion south of Lens or it is only a neighbourhood? I plan to visit it one day.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 01 December 2011, 14:52:01
Actually, it's not Davion, it's Avion. That's a town in the neighbourhood of Lens : (

If you believe their website, it's quite pretty : (

 I haven't been near there for 25 years (I have worked in Calais when young), but as I recall Lens, it's in the middle of the French Black Country, with a fairly bleak sky to go along. ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: God and Davion on 01 December 2011, 15:34:06
Ok thank you, sir! I plan to visit it someday.. maybe the next summer.
(seriously, my first travel to France sucked... I stayed in Paris but I couldn't enter the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower  :'( :(.. I must return ASAP).

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Yuri Hikado on 01 December 2011, 21:47:18
Missed the last one.... hoisting the colors
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 01 December 2011, 23:39:50
Hmm. I just finished my first novel. It's strange, but all it really took was turning off the TV for a few evenings. Not even the entire evenings, either. Now I realize I have no excuse for not having done this already.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 02 December 2011, 10:27:46
Hmm. I just finished my first novel. It's strange, but all it really took was turning off the TV for a few evenings. Not even the entire evenings, either. Now I realize I have no excuse for not having done this already.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 02 December 2011, 13:14:22
Well, Geoff, congrats. Looking forward for seeing it.  O0
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: God and Davion on 02 December 2011, 13:23:45
Hmm. I just finished my first novel. It's strange, but all it really took was turning off the TV for a few evenings. Not even the entire evenings, either. Now I realize I have no excuse for not having done this already.

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: trboturtle on 02 December 2011, 15:15:05
Hmm. I just finished my first novel. It's strange, but all it really took was turning off the TV for a few evenings. Not even the entire evenings, either. Now I realize I have no excuse for not having done this already.

Writing or reading? ???

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 02 December 2011, 17:41:46
Hmm. I just finished my first novel. It's strange, but all it really took was turning off the TV for a few evenings. Not even the entire evenings, either. Now I realize I have no excuse for not having done this already.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 02 December 2011, 18:13:08
Now all I have to do is convince the head honcho at BattleCorps to buy and serialize it!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 02 December 2011, 19:55:24
Now all I have to do is convince the head honcho at BattleCorps to buy and serialize it!
Good luck!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Yuri Hikado on 02 December 2011, 20:39:03
Luck & Grats on the novel cereal.

What mech would they put on an interstellar cereal box?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 03 December 2011, 00:59:13
What mech would they put on an interstellar cereal box?
Yen-Lo Wang, obviously.  Kai's record with the 'mech would easily get him there.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 03 December 2011, 01:15:59
Yen-Lo Wang, obviously.  Kai's record with the 'mech would easily get him there.
The Minnesota Tribe or Aleksandr Kerensky are other ideas.

To be facetious, Victor's spine in 3057.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 03 December 2011, 06:31:56
Luck & Grats on the novel cereal.

What mech would they put on an interstellar cereal box?

Something with an LB 20X, for grapeshot's sake?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 04 December 2011, 06:06:28
Well here are some pics of the latest minis from my Clan Wolf Golden Keshik project.  Once again my impressive skill of messing up photos is apparent.  These minis look so dang good in person and yet as soon as I take a picture of them they look like complete and utter CRAP.  Pah!  I knew I should have made Ray give me a photo taking tutorial before I drove him back to the airport after DragonCon.  >:(

First up is the Gargoyle C.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 04 December 2011, 06:07:51
Next up is the Ebon Jaguar.  After seeing the so called new and "improved" resculpt I have to say I will be sticking with this version of the mini for the future.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 04 December 2011, 06:09:18
And lastly a group shot.  This is due to the fact that I deemed NONE of the pics I took of the Dire Wolf alone to be acceptable.  Truthfully none of this pics are acceptable to me.  >:(
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 04 December 2011, 06:34:05
Nice minis! That Cauldron Born looks especially great.  O0
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 04 December 2011, 06:46:22
OK I messed around with a couple of the other pictures that I dismissed after a glance.  After going back over them they seem to look better to me.  Thoughts?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 04 December 2011, 06:47:06
And the second pic.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Deathrider6 on 04 December 2011, 11:46:02
Beautiful minis Wolf Lancer. I do understand you frustration regarding the pics of them.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: trboturtle on 04 December 2011, 12:07:15
Is it just me, or does there seems to be a lot of posters here with a red/yellow/other colored 'Mechs over in the ID/avatar box?

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 04 December 2011, 12:17:28
Is it just me, or does there seems to be a lot of posters here with a red/yellow/other colored 'Mechs over in the ID/avatar box?


Yes but we don't hold it against you
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 04 December 2011, 13:22:10
It's just a classy joint!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 04 December 2011, 13:56:33
Can't be too classy. I'm here.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 04 December 2011, 14:38:09
Well, the roasted joint of lamb I had for lunch today was classily tasty. Does it qualify?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 04 December 2011, 14:52:32
Can't be too classy. I'm here.

You're the class clown?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 04 December 2011, 15:27:03
My Munchkin game has only begun. So far, I have no class...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 04 December 2011, 15:39:20
My Munchkin game has only begun. So far, I have no class...
But do you have a race?

Also, WolfLancer, tried lighting the area separately?

I'm not meaning get Klieg lights, or expensive equipment.  Maybe getting an extra house lamp or two would make your pictures a bit better.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 04 December 2011, 15:49:01
I don't think I have enough gas to get home tonight, much less try to race anyone...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 04 December 2011, 16:25:35
I got gas for $2.89 yesterday.  I didn't really need it, I had 3/4 of a tank, but that's the first time in years I've seen it under $3/gallon.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 04 December 2011, 16:27:37
Beautiful minis Wolf Lancer. I do understand you frustration regarding the pics of them.

After seeing those crappy pics and you come to that conclusion then you would think they are absolutely gorgeous in person.  I really am terrible at taking pics...

But do you have a race?

Also, WolfLancer, tried lighting the area separately?

I'm not meaning get Klieg lights, or expensive equipment.  Maybe getting an extra house lamp or two would make your pictures a bit better.

Thats the thing Im using the recommened amount of lights.  One overhead light and two lights off to the side.  Im currently exchanging PMs with Foxbat, who offered some advice, so hopefully I can nail down my problem.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: God and Davion on 04 December 2011, 16:46:09
And the second pic.

Good work. I think that more contrast is needed, add several light grey dots in the corners of the panels and the mini may improve a lot easyly. I hope this comment helps you!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 04 December 2011, 18:59:37
I got gas for $2.89 yesterday.  I didn't really need it, I had 3/4 of a tank, but that's the first time in years I've seen it under $3/gallon.
Wow, I thought I was lucky when I found it for $3.12 a gallon yesterday.  That's so low I would have been tempted to take a snapshot of it for posterity.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 04 December 2011, 19:00:42
One other thing, where did you're Razorbacks avatar go A_W?  I almost didn't recognize you without it.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 04 December 2011, 21:40:19
Huh, I thought I'd uploaded it again.  Odd.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Deathrider6 on 05 December 2011, 03:06:00
After seeing those crappy pics and you come to that conclusion then you would think they are absolutely gorgeous in person.  I really am terrible at taking pics...

Thats the thing Im using the recommened amount of lights.  One overhead light and two lights off to the side.  Im currently exchanging PMs with Foxbat, who offered some advice, so hopefully I can nail down my problem.

Foxbat is VERY good for advice regarding minature photgraphy.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Joskney on 05 December 2011, 22:49:45
Is it just me, or does there seems to be a lot of posters here with a red/yellow/other colored 'Mechs over in the ID/avatar box?


I stepped away from the Red.... it was eating my soul.    O:-)   And I figured that 5 year of moderating the MWhalls could cause cancer..
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: trboturtle on 05 December 2011, 22:53:24
I stepped away from the Red.... it was eating my soul.    O:-)   And I figured that 5 year of moderating the MWhalls could cause cancer..

Wait! Moderators have souls?? I didn't know that!  O:-)

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Joskney on 05 December 2011, 23:00:16
I got mine back by convincing the dark powers that Worktroll could be a great asset as an Admin.    ^-^
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 07 December 2011, 01:49:17
This is shocking - so long without a new silly post

Not a lot to add just, just offering a bump
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Crunch on 07 December 2011, 02:13:18
Actually, I had a question I was looking for opinions on. I've been perusing Objectives FS and was wondering if anyone had any opinions on the (in production) fighter force available to the AFFS in that era.

Unless I missed something we're producing

Code: [Select]

Any blaring holes that I'm not seeing with my limited familiarity with AT?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 07 December 2011, 13:06:40
What happened to the Dagger?  I don't read the Objective series since I don't really care about the FASAnomics/CGLnomics. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 07 December 2011, 13:13:58
I think I saw somewhere that we lost the Dagger factory during the Jihad. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 07 December 2011, 13:48:35
Dagger was an Omni.  So it had to go.  If the Clan frontline units have non-omnis and vehicles in 3135, then omnis have to be almost extinct for everyone.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 07 December 2011, 15:30:02
The Dagger was neat, but well, rather lose it than our trusted Corsairs. I rarely played AT, but when I did, most of the times I drove a Corsair...  :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 07 December 2011, 18:23:04
Honestly, it was modified Sparrowhawks and TR-13As I picked my mercs...I like the Corsair's looks and stats but find the mini fragile. :'( 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 07 December 2011, 19:09:14
So according to the latest dev blog (, in MWO we can play either as mercs or directly for a faction.  We still leaning towards the LCG with that in mind?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Bostwick on 07 December 2011, 19:24:34
Thread change threw me off, I was wondering where everyone went.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 08 December 2011, 02:45:14
Still there, Bostwick! Just take care threads get closed now at 50 pages, though these are now full at 25 posts. Speaking of which, was it 2003 or 2004 Lanceman launched the very first one? IIRC, it was around this time of the year.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Deathrider6 on 08 December 2011, 12:18:11
Sheesh it took me that long to finally open one of these Foxbat? Has it been that long? Wow.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 08 December 2011, 13:33:02
eh, I barely opened one or two of these over the years myself! But I certainly posted a lot in them  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 08 December 2011, 14:44:22
Shooting here in Blacksburg today.  2 reported dead, shooter still at large. :(
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 08 December 2011, 15:02:19
Keep your head down
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 08 December 2011, 15:22:03
That was the plan anyway.  I woke up with a migraine today.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 08 December 2011, 16:34:16
A weapon was recovered by the second victim, and they've apparently determined there is no more active threat.  The school paper is saying it's possible the second victim was the gunman.

EDIT: The AP is reporting that now too.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Yuri Hikado on 08 December 2011, 18:55:13
Still there, Bostwick! Just take care threads get closed now at 50 pages, though these are now full at 25 posts. Speaking of which, was it 2003 or 2004 Lanceman launched the very first one? IIRC, it was around this time of the year.

I want to say it was '03. I remember talking to MDM about the CBT RPG Campaign I was running & the pics from the website for that are all dated '03.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 09 December 2011, 01:12:30
There's nowhere in the local area to get donuts at midnight.  Color me annoyed.  What's worse is that the best donut shop in town is only open from 3:30 to 10 AM.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 09 December 2011, 01:55:29
There's nowhere in the local area to get donuts at midnight.  Color me annoyed.  What's worse is that the best donut shop in town is only open from 3:30 to 10 AM.

I have a couple of petrol (gas) stations locally that are open 24/7 and do Krispy Kreme if nothing else
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 09 December 2011, 04:48:59
I have a similer problem. Both Timmies are closed by 2300, so if I want late night Doughnuts Have to go to Stony or Edmonton
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 10 December 2011, 06:45:47
Ouch, Klep. Really sad news, just take care.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 10 December 2011, 11:03:31
So we've gotten more information about the shooting. It looks like what happened was the shooter stole a car, was driving it through campus when he saw a campus officer making random stops, panicked and shot the officer, ran off, realized what he had done, and killed himself.  Things are basically already back to normal here though.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 10 December 2011, 15:06:42
Glad for that last part.

So I read an article last night.  How many empires has Jennifer Anniston toppled?  How many ships went off to war over her?  If she is the "Hottest woman of all time,"  then clearly she is hotter than Cleopatra and Helen - who didn't even make the top 5.  Strangely, most those listed are still alive.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 10 December 2011, 15:33:23
Good point.  Sadly, we aren't allowed to fight over that stuff anymore.

It's one of the things that's gone away with the decline of monarchy.  ;D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 10 December 2011, 15:58:20
Good point.  Sadly, we aren't allowed to fight over that stuff anymore.

It's one of the things that's gone away with the decline of monarchy.  ;D

Non-sense, it just went away with the decline of our military  :(
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 10 December 2011, 19:03:23
Non-sense, it just went away with the decline of our military  :(
There is no way I can offer pithy comment without it becoming political, shucks.  Dan, I'm several episodes through '24 Hours in the ER' and haven't seen hide-nor-hair of you.  One really cute 'drunk counselor' but nothing of "British Dan" as Tracy calls you. A bunch of stabbings though.  Also, our DVR is really full.
So according to the latest dev blog (, in MWO we can play either as mercs or directly for a faction.  We still leaning towards the LCG with that in mind?
You know the design of the game bothers for two reasons.  First, I want to play when I want to play and being a working adult with child due before the release date means I'll do that sporadically.  Second, if I join a clan/faction/clique/most-awesome-faction-ever means that my sporadic participation hurts the team.  Also, if most of us play sporadically then how will we know our planet has been invaded.  We'll be holding up the entire universe or worse making a hash out of the LCG.

Lastly, I thought I was the only person who remembered the Rick Rollin' of America during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.


Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 10 December 2011, 19:24:35

Lastly, I thought I was the only person who remembered the Rick Rollin' of America during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.



Its sad to think that people have already forgotten one of the most culturally important events of the last few years  :'(
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 10 December 2011, 19:49:35
There is no way I can offer pithy comment without it becoming political, shucks.  Dan, I'm several episodes through '24 Hours in the ER' and haven't seen hide-nor-hair of you.  One really cute 'drunk counselor' but nothing of "British Dan" as Tracy calls you. A bunch of stabbings though.  Also, our DVR is really full.You know the design of the game bothers for two reasons.  First, I want to play when I want to play and being a working adult with child due before the release date means I'll do that sporadically.  Second, if I join a clan/faction/clique/most-awesome-faction-ever means that my sporadic participation hurts the team.  Also, if most of us play sporadically then how will we know our planet has been invaded.  We'll be holding up the entire universe or worse making a hash out of the LCG.

Lastly, I thought I was the only person who remembered the Rick Rollin' of America during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.



I was pixelated out in the quick, 1-second glimpse you might have had of me, instead all you get is another overweight blue scrubs wearing blob
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 10 December 2011, 19:56:47
Its sad to think that people have already forgotten one of the most culturally important events of the last few years  :'(
Thank you; I've not come this close to peeing my pants with laughter in weeks.  The wife enjoyed it also.
I was pixelated out in the quick, 1-second glimpse you might have had of me, instead all you get is another overweight blue scrubs wearing blob
Dan, don't be a pixelated blob...don't let it happen.  I suggested to the wife that we...shudder...Face the Book.  She talked me out of it; she wouldn't wouldn't let it happen.  Some things, aside from Rick Rolling, shouldn't happen.  Anyway, do you have any idea as to which case they might have been filming when you pixelated out?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 10 December 2011, 20:02:56
Dan, don't be a pixelated blob...don't let it happen.  I suggested to the wife that we...shudder...Face the Book.  She talked me out of it; she wouldn't wouldn't let it happen.  Some things, aside from Rick Rolling, shouldn't happen.  Anyway, do you have any idea as to which case they might have been filming when you pixelated out?

I was caught in a trauma call in one of the last episodes but it is a real blink-and-you-miss-it thing, I was standing at the back with another bloke and neither of us was very interested in it (the rule is to have a low threshold to call and stand us down rather than risk someone missing decent care)

Join the Book of Faces, but do it as something anonymous (like as Charlie 6), quite a few of my friends who are doctors, nurses or teachers have done this to avoid patients/students finding them but to allow them to share baby photos etc...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 10 December 2011, 20:03:44
Thank you; I've not come this close to peeing my pants with laughter in weeks. 

No Sir Thank You. Now I can go around telling people I almost made a Marine piss him self.  >:D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 10 December 2011, 20:14:04
I was caught in a trauma call in one of the last episodes but it is a real blink-and-you-miss-it thing, I was standing at the back with another bloke and neither of us was very interested in it (the rule is to have a low threshold to call and stand us down rather than risk someone missing decent care)

Join the Book of Faces, but do it as something anonymous (like as Charlie 6), quite a few of my friends who are doctors, nurses or teachers have done this to avoid patients/students finding them but to allow them to share baby photos etc...
I'll keep an eye out for two guys of whom "neither...was very interested".  As to Facing the Book, I'm up for my security review in the coming year and the US Govt has figured out that it isn't six degrees of indictment but separation.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 11 December 2011, 05:34:58
Lastly, I thought I was the only person who remembered the Rick Rollin' of America during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
I didn't watch the parade itself (I haven't been up that early on Thanksgiving since I graduated High School and began exploring my nocturnal proclivities).  But it was chronicled on Yahoo or MSN or somesuch.  It was the funniest thing I'd seen in a while, and I still chuckle when I remember it.  All the funnier because it was actually Rick Astley doing the Rickrolling.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 13 December 2011, 22:07:33
Two days and no one took this juicy, delicious slice of NPA? :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Force of Nature on 13 December 2011, 23:34:28
Two days and no one took this juicy, delicious slice of NPA? :)

NPA's are not that juicy or delicious any more.

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 14 December 2011, 00:38:44
Since not everyone uses the full sized pages anymore, people were declaring NPA at odd times, and the system broke down.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 14 December 2011, 05:36:57
I'll say that at 25 posts per page, NPAs are now nearly as juicy and tasty as they were on the old old boards at 30  ;D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 14 December 2011, 11:29:51
I have to ask... NPA?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Kojak on 14 December 2011, 11:31:54
New Page Action.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 14 December 2011, 11:45:55
Accessing this place from my phone, it happens every five posts or so.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 14 December 2011, 14:56:41
Kojak, your avatar has made me incredibly nostalgic for my childhood.  Playing Marathon was great times.  Thank you.  O0
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 14 December 2011, 16:50:49
New Page Action.
Or Announcement.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 14 December 2011, 20:22:52
No, it was Action.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 14 December 2011, 20:23:24
Hello all. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 14 December 2011, 20:56:30
did something happen to your avatar?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 14 December 2011, 21:28:04
And they want me to run the uh, 'marriage/divorce counseling' business now. :))
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 14 December 2011, 21:39:25
And they want me to run the uh, 'marriage/divorce counseling' business now. :))
So what's the um, "approved" way of telling your significant other she's being mentally handicapped?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 14 December 2011, 21:51:55
So what's the um, "approved" way of telling your significant other she's being mentally handicapped?

Coloring books and two white crayons for Christmas.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 14 December 2011, 22:05:19
So what's the um, "approved" way of telling your significant other she's being mentally handicapped?

Its not that sort of counselling. ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 14 December 2011, 22:12:47
Oh. Too right.

Awkward turtle...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: trboturtle on 15 December 2011, 12:19:37
Oh. Too right.

Awkward turtle...

Huh? What??  ??? ??? ???

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 15 December 2011, 12:21:34
Anybody up for MM this afternoon/evening?  Another AFFS thread groupmeet?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 15 December 2011, 12:27:44
I might be after I get home.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 15 December 2011, 12:56:18
Hmmm, no, Ian, your afternoons are fairly late inn my nights... next week perhaps, I'll be on holidays.
Thiss aid, everything's tucked away or battened down in my place, as there's another "storm" forecast. You never know, as alst time they failed to warn everyone enough. The fun part is that it will last all day tomorrow, it will be a treat to drive to work... Oh, well, that's not as if I'd never done that. :-\
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 15 December 2011, 13:09:10
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 15 December 2011, 15:28:32
1900 EST or later.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 15 December 2011, 15:31:14
Darn, working tonight till 2100 central.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 15 December 2011, 16:26:07
Darn, working tonight till 2100 central.

Means you should be able to get in on the second/third game
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 15 December 2011, 17:59:38
1900 EST or later.

Too late for me, probably, but I'll keep an eye on the thread.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 15 December 2011, 18:03:42
Too late for me, probably, but I'll keep an eye on the thread.

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 15 December 2011, 21:03:41
So, I just felt my child kick my wife in utero.  Nice to know the kid wants out.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 15 December 2011, 22:31:01
Hmmm, no, Ian, your afternoons are fairly late inn my nights... next week perhaps, I'll be on holidays.
Thiss aid, everything's tucked away or battened down in my place, as there's another "storm" forecast. You never know, as alst time they failed to warn everyone enough. The fun part is that it will last all day tomorrow, it will be a treat to drive to work... Oh, well, that's not as if I'd never done that. :-\

Good luck. Lord knows I don't take warnings lightly anymore.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 16 December 2011, 02:18:34
So, I just felt my child kick my wife in utero.  Nice to know the kid wants out.

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 16 December 2011, 13:35:19
Thanks Geoff. It's still blowing, but it has been fairly mild till now. Wait & see.
I just learned that a f'ellow teacher in my school just lost her 26 years old son. He'd always had a poor health, and had been implanted a pacemaker. But he suffered a fatal heartstroke yesterday, and died this morning. I'm offering my thoughts and prayers, and hope I can do more when school resumes week in two weeks. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Deathrider6 on 16 December 2011, 13:41:29
Enjoy your holidays and stay safe  during the storm Foxbat. My condolences to you co-worker on thier loss.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: trboturtle on 16 December 2011, 14:33:26
Good luck. Lord knows I don't take warnings lightly anymore.

After seeing a Cat 4 Hurricane up close and personal, neither do I......

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 16 December 2011, 23:02:25
Thanks Geoff. It's still blowing, but it has been fairly mild till now. Wait & see.
I just learned that a f'ellow teacher in my school just lost her 26 years old son. He'd always had a poor health, and had been implanted a pacemaker. But he suffered a fatal heartstroke yesterday, and died this morning. I'm offering my thoughts and prayers, and hope I can do more when school resumes week in two weeks.

Sorry to hear that, Foxbat. My closest friend here in Joplin recently had a heart attack but came through it OK. Only one blocked vessel, but it was apparently the worst one to be blocked. He's all good now, though, thankfully.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 17 December 2011, 01:01:36
My condolences as well.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 17 December 2011, 10:17:10
Thnaks for the kind words, gentlemen, they are much appreciated7 It also looks like Joachim did its rampage well north of my place, so everything's OK for now. This said, having witnessed the '99 and '09 storms, I never take lightly any warning in this matter.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 17 December 2011, 10:25:05
My condolences as well.

And mine.  That's terrible to see, especially at this time of the year.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 19 December 2011, 02:29:19
Woo Hoo!  My family got together and got me the complete Red Dwarf (Series I-VIII and Back to Earth) for Christmas.  I know what I'll be watching next weekend when I'm home alone with nothing to do all day.
Even cooler, my friends got together and bought me a second copy of the Clerics SB for Torg, one of two books constantly used (the Grimoire being the other, and I have three copies of that).  No longer will we have to share one copy for everyone.
Add that to the 4 day weekend, followed by 2 day work week and another 5 day weekend, and this is shaping up to be a good holiday season. 
And on top of that I got to have dinner and play a game of Clue with the family.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Sharpnel on 21 December 2011, 02:48:40
*Crickets are chirping and three Death Commandos are trying to steal the Knockando* Hey! Where is everybody?! *Sees Death Commando scurrying away like cockroaches* Stop, you filthy buggers. *Throw boomerang, which ricochets off the heads of the three DCs kncoking them all unconcious*
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Kojak on 21 December 2011, 04:42:34
Just wanted to show off my new avatar. I've been changing it a lot lately but I think I finally found one I'll be sticking with for a while.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Sharpnel on 21 December 2011, 04:50:08
The only character, besides Leslie Knope, worth a damn on that show.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 21 December 2011, 08:57:58
*looks at the 3 unconscious Death Commandos*
* glimpses at the lawn through the window*

Hmmm, isn't that grass a bit high? That's what I thought. Good thinking, Sharpnel!

*Splashes some ice cold water over the 3 Cappies*
Lawn mowing time, chaps! That's a tradition here that any capellan caught uninvited doing mischief here has to mowe the lawn. 

*hands three butter knifes to the startled DCs*
Hey, you'll do it with these. I'm not sure our insurance covers injuries through lawnmower,; we would not want you to hurt yourselves...  ^-^
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 21 December 2011, 13:24:23
Wow.  Only three days.  My talent for killing threads by posting in them is slipping.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 21 December 2011, 13:27:24
I think my avatar should be all better now.
Edit-yep, back to normal.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 21 December 2011, 13:29:34
Eh, I haven't had much(good) to say lately, in addition to buying/painting tau, so I've kept quiet.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 21 December 2011, 14:28:39
Just finished painting the starter set plastics I traded for my peinted ones 2 years ago to help a pal get his collection. Also, I could get the Mariks and Steiner armies i wanted without to buy a new one eh eh...  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 22 December 2011, 10:37:04
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGH! Northern boards = [metalhealth]
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Stormcrow on 22 December 2011, 10:39:46
Which topic? there could be so many. Ii it the Planet X one?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: God and Davion on 22 December 2011, 18:32:13
Thanks Geoff. It's still blowing, but it has been fairly mild till now. Wait & see.
I just learned that a f'ellow teacher in my school just lost her 26 years old son. He'd always had a poor health, and had been implanted a pacemaker. But he suffered a fatal heartstroke yesterday, and died this morning. I'm offering my thoughts and prayers, and hope I can do more when school resumes week in two weeks.

Toughts and prayers!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 24 December 2011, 13:12:13
Merry Christmas to everyone, on new Avalon or any other world enjoying the rule of the Fox!  :)

...and to all of you as well, time travellers from the 21st century secretly controlling the Inner Sphere!  ;D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Deathrider6 on 24 December 2011, 14:58:29
Merry Christmas everyone.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 24 December 2011, 15:25:40
Merry Christmas NPA!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 24 December 2011, 15:36:40
Thanks my friend, and it looks like Santa dropped that NPA right into your shoes!  O0
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Deathrider6 on 24 December 2011, 20:28:29
Well I will happily take the NPA it has been a while. ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Yuri Hikado on 25 December 2011, 07:52:53
Merry Christmas!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Stormcrow on 25 December 2011, 10:01:27
Happy Holidays
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 25 December 2011, 17:08:35
Merry Christmas, everyone.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 25 December 2011, 17:27:37
Merry Christmas.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 25 December 2011, 21:48:04
Happy Birthday Jesus!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 26 December 2011, 12:26:45
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 26 December 2011, 12:46:22
Well, excellent day today... some months ago, I'd accidentally stepped on the arms of my plastech Thor that had fallen from my work table, utterly ruining them, and well, I thought that was it, but was loathe to trash the body... And I was right!
There was a  topic by someone in the minis forum showing off his bashed Thor C that I found inspiring :  since I was having all the parts in my bits box, I'll someday be the proud owner of a jumping, UAC20 toting Omni  >:D
Been building quite a few mechs, as the weather is way too cold to use the spray primers or seals I favor... so I'm not wasting my time.

Lots of building, lots of typing... I'll say, Knockando time!  :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 26 December 2011, 18:18:45
Picked up a Regula 1 station for Trek gaming(or any sci-fi, it's a good scale for space Battletech too), and a bunch of Seahawks for naval gaming. Sadly, an internet search when I got home revealed NO 1/700 TU-95s anywhere on the internet. This makes me sad.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 27 December 2011, 01:47:28
Kudos on the Regula.  I wish I'd bought more of those before the line was cancelled.  I have almost no Feds.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 27 December 2011, 08:36:08
They're actually not too hard to find in that scale. SFB is in that scale(mostly), and so are most TOS and TMP-era vessels from the Micro Machine line. Because of those, it's also a popular scale for fancasters and some collectible Japanese ship lines.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Yuri Hikado on 27 December 2011, 18:37:29
I bought the heck out of the micro-machine Star Wars line.

We used them in West End Games' Star Warriors.

Used the Micro Machine troops in their Miniatures game.

I still have the Special Edition Star Wars pizza box from Pizza Hut I use to cart them around in...

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 27 December 2011, 18:44:41
I have a handful of SW micro machines still, but lost my Z-95, which I liked as less powerful than an X-wing and old enough to be in private hands, but still useful in combat.  I have a ton of the Trek micro machines.  The Defiant, the Enterprise C(by far my fave from a looks standpoint), the Saratoga, the Reliant, some Klingon BoPs, even a maquis ship and a Bajoran starfighter...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 27 December 2011, 20:30:53
I have a handful of SW micro machines still, but lost my Z-95, which I liked as less powerful than an X-wing and old enough to be in private hands, but still useful in combat.  I have a ton of the Trek micro machines.  The Defiant, the Enterprise C(by far my fave from a looks standpoint), the Saratoga, the Reliant, some Klingon BoPs, even a maquis ship and a Bajoran starfighter...
I loved that design of that Maquis ship...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 27 December 2011, 21:08:15
I loved that design of that Maquis ship...

Yeah, looked good alongside the Falcon but more as a corvette. 

On a side note, that thread about FedRat downsizing... ::)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 28 December 2011, 01:50:11
wha?  Is FM3085 out?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 28 December 2011, 04:43:34
Not yet, as far as I know.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Shadow6 on 28 December 2011, 13:59:46
I want to say it was '03. I remember talking to MDM about the CBT RPG Campaign I was running & the pics from the website for that are all dated '03.

Good gravy!  Was it that long ago?!  I remember a campaign you and I were in, along with one or two others, that MDM was running around that time frame with his Kelly Maddux character. 

I think that was how I got involved in all this nonsense called the "MW Hall" and the AFFSHC.  That and linking up at Gencon the first time with Geoff and MDM for Falcon Stomp '04 (?) ('05?).  Can't remember but I wanna say it was '04.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Shadow6 on 28 December 2011, 14:01:11
Belated Merry Christmas all!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 28 December 2011, 14:16:04
Some day I must definitely make it to Gencon...  :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 28 December 2011, 22:37:52
I'm in the same boat, Foxbat.  Maybe next year, but I'm not sure of my schedule this far out.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 28 December 2011, 22:40:16
Falcon Stomp '05, Shadow6. :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 29 December 2011, 05:16:34
Geoff, I can't remember gfor sure, but I think we'd put something about it on the old AFFSHC site?
Sometimes I miss all the cool stuff that was there.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Shadow6 on 29 December 2011, 07:26:24
Falcon Stomp '05, Shadow6. :)

I defer to your superior memory, sir!  '05 it was!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 29 December 2011, 10:52:53
So how was everyone's holiday?  I ended it with a Lego Super Star Destroyer and the House Davion sourcebook.  To top it off, I stopped at a game store that was on my way home and found the medium Omnimech cutaway posters and Critter-Tek. :D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 29 December 2011, 11:28:21
My wife bought me a boatload of Battletech stuff, and I found some good naval references, including a 1991 Naval Institute Guide to the Soviet Navy and a 2001 Guide to the USN, and finally ordered a flotilla of US ships to serve as an OPFOR against my Russians. :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 29 December 2011, 21:38:35
Where's MDM gotten off to?  I don't think he's posted since before this thread started.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 30 December 2011, 09:52:04
My wife bought me a boatload of Battletech stuff, and I found some good naval references, including a 1991 Naval Institute Guide to the Soviet Navy and a 2001 Guide to the USN, and finally ordered a flotilla of US ships to serve as an OPFOR against my Russians. :)

You'll definitely have to post them when you've painted them.  Being a naval wargamer myself, I'm looking forward to it. O0

As for me, I'm getting these

1    BB Yamato    
1    BB Richelieu    
2    CL La Galissoniere Class    
1    DD Fantasque Class    
1    DD Vauquelin Class    
1    PB Danton    

all in 1/2400 scale.

The Yamato will complement my IJN squadrons (I've not much use for it, since I'm gaming mostly the Guadalcanal cruiser actions), but this is a must for any WW2 naval gamer. The French stuff will tangle with the Italian Regia Marina (,713.0.html) I have already painted, but the Danton, well, I'll admit I didn't buy it for playing, but because it looks so cool. This a French predreadnought, which was torpedoed in the Mediterranean by a U-boat. Its wreck was found 2 years ago. (

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 30 December 2011, 10:10:12
Very nice! I'm trying to decide what other fleets I might do. My options are varied, since near as I can tell I can find 1/2400 scale minis of anything, or close enough.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Yuri Hikado on 30 December 2011, 17:25:08
Where's MDM gotten off to?  I don't think he's posted since before this thread started.

Forum's member list says he was on yesterday. Hasn't posted since October, though.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 30 December 2011, 18:39:20
Finally got started on my 1st Kestrel Grenadiers today.  Right meow though its only 2 lances of tanks that have been primered.  With a little bit of assembly and cleaning I can easily bump this force up to 4 lances of tanks and 1 lance of mechs.  The first lance will be a Jagermech, Orion, Falconer, and a Battlemaster.  I also have some Cavalier and Grenadier BA that Ill be working on as well.

I do know that Im not going to spend very much time on these guys.  Ill probably just prime them black, do a drybrush of a grey over them, add the blue flames and then the details.  I want to get them done up quickly before I lose interest in painting them.  Reason being that I recently discovered I have painting ADD.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 30 December 2011, 19:10:34
All right, it's time to start working on the A-4E I got for Christmas.  Hopefully, it won't take me several months to do this. . .
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: trboturtle on 30 December 2011, 22:33:24
Finally got started on my 1st Kestrel Grenadiers today.  Right meow though its only 2 lances of tanks that have been primered.

WL4 is really a CAT!!!!!  ;)

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 31 December 2011, 02:47:54
Forum's member list says he was on yesterday. Hasn't posted since October, though.
We've had a couple new AFFSHCs since then, he might only be checking his New Replies and hasn't seen the current iteration.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 31 December 2011, 15:45:34
Happy new Year, New Avalon! Time to dress and go out, see you next year. Let 2012 bring each of you health, success & happiness!  :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Deathrider6 on 31 December 2011, 15:50:58
Happy new Year, New Avalon! Time to dress and go out, see you next year. Let 2012 bring each of you health, success & happiness!  :)

I will drink to that!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 31 December 2011, 20:09:45
WL4 is really a CAT!!!!!  ;)

Very sneaky taking a canine as a internet handle, don't you think.

WL4, you painting efforts are solid and your passion about it is to be commended.  I hope I can generate half the effort on my end next year.

Happy New Year, Gents!  Drink well, eat better, have someone else drive, and enjoy the New Year celebrations. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 31 December 2011, 20:26:52
Meow hold it right there!  I am no cat!  :D

It is an inside joke that has taken root in my typing over the past few months.  Ask 97Jedi or Adrian Gideon about it... 8)

WL4, you painting efforts are solid and your passion about it is to be commended.  I hope I can generate half the effort on my end next year.

Many thanks good sir. :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Yuri Hikado on 01 January 2012, 07:58:45
Happy New Years!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: God and Davion on 01 January 2012, 12:44:40
I hope you have a nice and happy new year!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 02 January 2012, 07:36:55
Warm and dry enough now for priming minis. I'm so glad I put to good use all that bad weather time to assemble and base a lot of minis, now it will be a while before I run out of stuff to paint. Woot!  :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 02 January 2012, 19:32:30
Well I am currently working on my armor force for the 1st Kestrel Grenadiers.  I have 14 tanks all primered/basecoated black and Ive started the drybrushing of a gray over them.  The next step will be to add the blue flames to the tanks.  Then the thought of "where do I put the flames" hit me.  Should I just put them on the "front" of the tanks or maybe add some to the sides as well?


It is my hope to get some pics of these guys up on here tonight.

Edit:  I need to learn how to count.  I have 13 tanks.

4 Challenger XMBT
2 Pilum
2 Striker
2 Myrmidon

Soon to join them will be:

3 Ajax(I plan on getting a fourth to make a lance)
1 Rommel
2 Manticore

My thoughts were to the Myrmidon's and Manticores in the same lance and then toss the two Rommel's, Brutus, and Demolisher into a lance.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 02 January 2012, 21:27:53
Front and sides, but going back. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 02 January 2012, 21:34:16
After picking up the brush and starting to apply the flames I decided to simply do it on a vehicle type basis instead of the same for every vehicle.  The Pilums and Challengers for instance have good areas to put them on the front.  The Strikers, however, do not.  On those I put the flames on the side going back just like you suggested.  Im thinking the Brutus, Rommel, and Demolisher will have the flames on the front.  Not sure about where at on the Myrmidons just yet.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 02 January 2012, 21:36:25
You can't pimp Myrmidons with flames!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 02 January 2012, 21:48:00
Yes I can!  And I will!   :D

As a matter of fact they are the last two to get flamed.  :)

As far as the flames go I had originally planned on using three colors for the flames but in the interest of speed I decided to simply use the one color.  These guys are only intended to be used in my Demo games anyway.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 02 January 2012, 21:53:49
The blue-white flame would look sorta odd since I'm guessing they're wide?  Usually its only blue-white when I'd pull my oxy rig back to a smaller, tighter flame. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 02 January 2012, 22:06:24
Well my intent was to basically recreate how Mastergunz did his flames on the mechs he did on CSO.  It looked like a regular blue, then a light sky blue, and then a dab of white.  All that was then washed over with a blue wash.  For tabletop quality the one blue looks good enough for me.

I just finished with the flames so Im going to start on the treads and such next.  After that Ill take a few photos and post them up.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 02 January 2012, 22:51:16
Well I said to heck with painting the treads and adding little details on put paid on the account.  As such here are some pics I took with my phone.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 02 January 2012, 22:56:37
Looks good.  Its a very different scheme for the AFFS. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 02 January 2012, 23:03:18
Indeed it is.  Different and simple.  Thats why I picked it for my Davion force.

Now for a question to throw out to you Davions.  Would you think it would be cheesy to add a few Jag Omnis to this force to give it a wee bit of flavor?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 02 January 2012, 23:12:38
Very nicely done WL!
one or two Jags would probably be ok.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 03 January 2012, 00:28:56
Well I did some research and found out who the Grenadiers fought in Operation Bulldog.  They faced the 362nd of Beta Galaxy which means omnis are a go.  I'm thinking no more than a lance of omnis for them.  No Dire Wolf for sure and a very big maybe on a Warhawk.  I'm thinking omnis like Stormcrows, Mad Dogs, and Ebon Jags.  Thoughts?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 03 January 2012, 02:35:36
Sounds all right to me.  Color scheme looks Smoooth!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 03 January 2012, 12:18:06
These do look good, WL4! You've well deserved of the Suns, feel free to raid our liquor cabinet!  O0

And I'm happy too, real happy! I just received that FPG grab bag I spotted earlier. You get tons of decals sheets at a bargain, but you don't chose which. Mine had lots of stuff I didn't have, among which a S7 stable, 3 IS great House units, 4 new merc unnits, and 2 Clan galaxies, as well as tons of numbers to spice this up. I'm  going to paint eh eh!  :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 03 January 2012, 19:16:16
These do look good, WL4! You've well deserved of the Suns, feel free to raid our liquor cabinet!  O0

*starts raiding the cabinet*

You guys got any Cap'n in here?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Deathrider6 on 04 January 2012, 12:50:54
Look on the 4th Shelf down.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: trboturtle on 04 January 2012, 12:59:44
Nope, the only Cap'n there is Crunch......

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Crunch on 04 January 2012, 14:29:22
Nope, the only Cap'n there is Crunch......


Hey now.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 06 January 2012, 12:30:38
Try Appleton's instead of the Captain.  I think its about ten times better.  I am sitting down to open a bottle of Johnnie Walker Gold my in-laws got me. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 06 January 2012, 13:34:08
An Oppie HMRV claimed by the government on a post-Jihad world. Would it make sense for such a vehicle to be operated by the planet's militia, or by a line unit stationed there? Or someone else entirely?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 06 January 2012, 13:36:32
Really depends on just how strong the militia is, doesn't it?  If its a trusted planetary ruler and he has a decent militia, they should have it.  If one od those conditions is not met, the line unit.  Or they could fight/wargame for it. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 06 January 2012, 13:42:09
An Oppie HMRV claimed by the government on a post-Jihad world. Would it make sense for such a vehicle to be operated by the planet's militia, or by a line unit stationed there? Or someone else entirely?
I'm thinking an independent company should be allowed to run it. I hear Sanford & Son are linking to diversify...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 06 January 2012, 13:53:22
I'm just anticipating the release of FM:85, and wondering what colors my Oppie should have when it becomes part of my RotS troops. Whichever line unit I choose, an associated militia, or something else entirely.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 06 January 2012, 13:54:44
Hey, its an AFFS thread, it should be Steptoe and Son.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 06 January 2012, 14:50:01
Next week the new season of Nicolas Le Floch starts on the TV. For those of you who don't know him, he's a noble in charge of the police in XVIIIth Century Paris, and also Versailles. I will miss Bruno Cremer, who was one of my favorite French actors, but that's good news all the same!  O0
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 06 January 2012, 17:21:16
Well as long as things go well I may very well have 3 more tanks and 2 mechs done up for the Grenadiers tonight.  Im also working on a Grim Reaper that will simply be in a generic white scheme.  It will join the ranks of my Comstar/WOB force.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 06 January 2012, 18:58:20
Next week the new season of Nicolas Le Floch starts on the TV. For those of you who don't know him, he's a noble in charge of the police in XVIIIth Century Paris, and also Versailles. I will miss Bruno Cremer, who was one of my favorite French actors, but that's good news all the same!  O0

Sounds very intersting. One of my favorite shows is Murdoch Mysteries about a Catholic Detective in (Very Protestant ) Toronto in 1895 using some of the new forensic techniques of the time
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 06 January 2012, 20:19:18
An Oppie HMRV claimed by the government on a post-Jihad world. Would it make sense for such a vehicle to be operated by the planet's militia, or by a line unit stationed there? Or someone else entirely?
50-50.  The locals could have it on the grounds they'll be using more often for local disasters, like oil spills, or they are the ones who could end up holding the bag when things go down, and the Regulars leave.

The regulars, since it's an expensive piece of kit that might be useful somewhere else.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 07 January 2012, 13:13:14
Sounds very intersting. One of my favorite shows is Murdoch Mysteries about a Catholic Detective in (Very Protestant ) Toronto in 1895 using some of the new forensic techniques of the time

One of my favorite as well. It's broadcast here too. The last episode I watched saw Murdoch's dearling doctor leave for Buffalo, and Murdoch missing her train by seconds. Meshes really well with Leviathans.  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 08 January 2012, 00:41:14
Well today I finished up 3 more tanks and 2 mechs for my Davion force.  I also assembled and cleaned up another 6 mechs and 12 BA.  I also have another 4 tanks which are halfway primed.

This will bring my Davion force up to 20 tanks, 8 mechs, and 12 squads of BA.  In other words I will be packing a battalion of Davions very, very soon. 

Sometime tomorrow I will post pics of the finished tanks and mechs.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 08 January 2012, 18:07:30
Well I finished a four more tanks today so I now stand at 20 tanks complete and 2 mechs.  As promised here are some pics.

I must say that I really like how the Jagermech looks.

More pics will be posted later in the week as I work on the remaining 10 mechs that Im currently working on for the force.  I should also have some for the Grenadiers and Cavalier BA soon as well.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 08 January 2012, 18:30:57
Aye, like the green/blue/red on black.  Very sharp. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 08 January 2012, 19:54:12
I do like the Midnight Blue on Gloss Black.  We had a unit in game once with those colors - never any actual minis painted for it though.  Nice to know it would have looked as good as we thought.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 08 January 2012, 20:19:32
Thats not gloss black though.  Its flat black spray paint, followed with a slightly heavy drybrush of cold grey, and then magic blue.  I use bloody red for the lightning bolts.  All paints are Vallejo.

And thanks for the compliments.

Now for more news!

Ive gotten so pumped up about this easy to paint scheme and I keep adding mechs and tanks to the force.  I decided that I wanted at least a company of tanks that could be used for 3035 games and thus had to go digging through my bins.  Ive now added 2 Partisian tanks and 2 Shrek tanks. 

My next project after the Davion force is up and running good(Ill add more slowly over the year but not many) I will begin on my Marik and Liao forces.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 09 January 2012, 20:06:43
Hey guys, I got one for you.

I work with some real winners. So our electricians did a portable generator run test inside one of their equipment rooms rather than take it outside today. And then don't bother to tell the HVAC crew there are exhaust fumes in the building. When I requested assistance due to an electrical burning smell in their equipment room they blow me off because they know what happened. They didn't even have the courtesy to leave a voice mail on my office phone telling me what happened, I just happened to be out of the office trying to figure out the problem before we had a fire breakout. I had to call my boss, who called their boss to find out if I'm going to get any assistance before I was finally informed about what happened.

Five plus hours later the room still reeks. How they didn't set off the smoke detectors I'll never know. Come to think of it our equipment rooms have heat detectors, not smoke detectors. I wish the fire system would've gone off. It's the first day of the semester and heads would've rolled for something so stupid.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 09 January 2012, 20:16:10
That is incredibly stupid.  I merely have to start dealing with two large groups of the mentally challenged every morning soon.  [metalhealth]
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 09 January 2012, 20:20:34
Hey guys, I got one for you.

I work with some real winners. So our electricians did a portable generator run test inside one of their equipment rooms rather than take it outside today. And then don't bother to tell the HVAC crew there are exhaust fumes in the building. When I requested assistance due to an electrical burning smell in their equipment room they blow me off because they know what happened. They didn't even have the courtesy to leave a voice mail on my office phone telling me what happened, I just happened to be out of the office trying to figure out the problem before we had a fire breakout. I had to call my boss, who called their boss to find out if I'm going to get any assistance before I was finally informed about what happened.

Five plus hours later the room still reeks. How they didn't set off the smoke detectors I'll never know. Come to think of it our equipment rooms have heat detectors, not smoke detectors. I wish the fire system would've gone off. It's the first day of the semester and heads would've rolled for something so stupid.

That's... special.  I really don't have any useful response to that but cripes, that's stupid.

That is incredibly stupid.  I merely have to start dealing with two large groups of the mentally challenged every morning soon.  [metalhealth]

They forgot to put that part in the YMCA song, didn't they?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 09 January 2012, 22:09:48
As a trained electrician, I will say that is one reason why I have made the switch to plumbing: I foul up now, I take a shower. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Sharpnel on 12 January 2012, 04:56:00
*knock**knock* "Is anyone at home? It's the plumber and I've come to fix the sink"
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 12 January 2012, 08:51:17
Sorry, I'm in my infinite robot WarShip happy place. :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 12 January 2012, 08:53:56
I've figured you'd be there ever since seeing the sneak peek on FB a few days ago.  That Casper is just sweet looking!  I'm more stoked about finally getting the Liberation of Terra books though, cause they're going to finally have to give us some unit experience levels for those SLDF divisions.  Maybe even some perks if we're lucky.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 12 January 2012, 16:56:00
Anyone up for some MM this weekend?  Josh and I are going to try to set up a game either on Saturday or Sunday and it's open to all who're interested.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 13 January 2012, 11:35:24
Grabbed FM: 3085, which has some more information on MATADOR.  Looks like it was a complete success except for where a Hasek let his ego get the better of him and screwed things up.  Again.  I've only had time to skim other than that, but it looks like we're not much better or worse off than anyone else in terms of our recovery.  The exception is the Capellans, who got wrecked in their fighting against the Republic.  I imagine it's that weakness that leads to the Victoria War. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 13 January 2012, 13:53:47
Anyone up for some MM this weekend?  Josh and I are going to try to set up a game either on Saturday or Sunday and it's open to all who're interested.

Why not? At what time? My time zone may make it impractical, but there'es always teh chance we can come up with something  ;)

Ah, and tonight is the strat of Nicolas le Floch new season. Wanting to share it a bit, just for the awesomeness of the musical theme : (

The guy on the left is Sartine, who indeed existed, and served as Minister of the Police, then of the Navy. And yes, it's but episode 5, we only get two  per season, as the production is a bit perfectionist.  :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 13 January 2012, 15:19:55
Let's make it easy, what time works best for you?  I'm livin' the bachelor life this weekend so I'm good to go and I think that Josh is open all weekend too.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 13 January 2012, 15:40:43
Yup! I'm on call and the wife is a scrapbooking event.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 13 January 2012, 16:29:04
I'm in Europe, so tomorrow late afternoon here should be mid morning for you if you are on the east coast.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 13 January 2012, 16:51:25
I'm in Europe, so tomorrow late afternoon here should be mid morning for you if you are on the east coast.

Likewise, sorry for being  away for a while, home internet "issues"
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 13 January 2012, 17:00:00
Some interesting Facebook Statistics.  They have announced that they will reach 1B users by august - and are hyping that to mean 1 in 7 people on Earth are members.
There is a flaw with that.  My friend Greg was a member.  Being dead, I'm reasonably certain he didn't close out his account.  So he is likely still a member.  About 56M people die a year, and if 1 in 7 people are on FB, then 8M users die/year - for 56M FB users - 7% of their total numbers at present - not actually being alive.
(And this doesn't count people with accounts under pseudonyms).
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 13 January 2012, 17:48:41
Some interesting Facebook Statistics.  They have announced that they will reach 1B users by august - and are hyping that to mean 1 in 7 people on Earth are members.
There is a flaw with that.  My friend Greg was a member.  Being dead, I'm reasonably certain he didn't close out his account.  So he is likely still a member.  About 56M people die a year, and if 1 in 7 people are on FB, then 8M users die/year - for 56M FB users - 7% of their total numbers at present - not actually being alive.
(And this doesn't count people with accounts under pseudonyms).
I remain unwilling to Face the Book.

Previously, I was unwilling to finish the crib; I lost that discussion to the nesting mother in the house.  I was just educated on the finer points of breast feeding.  Yep that just happened.  Now we are talking about Valentine's Day dinner.

I suspect things will continue on this trend indefinately.


Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: trboturtle on 13 January 2012, 20:19:57
I just started a twitter account and a blog....Am I strange??  ???

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 13 January 2012, 20:33:30
@trboturtle eh, not really. At least I hope not...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 13 January 2012, 21:50:30
I just started a twitter account and a blog....Am I strange??  ???

Of course, but that's not necessarily why.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 13 January 2012, 22:37:39
I'm in Europe, so tomorrow late afternoon here should be mid morning for you if you are on the east coast.
Hmm, that works.  How much of an off-set are we looking at? Is it 4 or 5 hours where you're at Foxbat?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 13 January 2012, 22:40:15
Likewise, sorry for being  away for a while, home internet "issues"
Not a big deal, trust me I understand internet "issues".  I've wanted to choke someone out at the local phone factory over how my DSL has been dropping out completely at random times lately.  Annoying is an understatement.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 13 January 2012, 22:51:49
Hrmm.  I think FM: 3085 just killed my last interest in the BT universe. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 13 January 2012, 23:45:33
Hrmm.  I think FM: 3085 just killed my last interest in the BT universe. 
Now what?
And apparently, Grousing About TPTB NPA.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 14 January 2012, 03:04:55
Oh, and what I was complaining about earlier this week, you can read about here (
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 14 January 2012, 03:37:32
I saw that earlier.  Not quite clear where the big deal is.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 14 January 2012, 06:29:58
Hmm, that works.  How much of an off-set are we looking at? Is it 4 or 5 hours where you're at Foxbat?

 I think it's 5 hours, as Paris is one hour early on London. I'll regularly check the forums this afternoon, send me a pm here, or contact me on my msn account. I have no Facebook.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 14 January 2012, 07:21:19
Oh, and what I was complaining about earlier this week, you can read about here (
The first time I saw something like that, the cars were aboard either a T-AKE or a T-AO supporting one of the amphibs I was aboard.  It was odd and annoying seeing somebody's MG convertable on the flight deck while my car was oxodizing in the Carolina sun.  Tens years on, it seems like a solid solution if you are going to move an entire ship full of people between duty stations.  Particularly since we're (service leadership) never going to get the toothpaste back in the tube regarding young folks (officers included) owning cars, getting married, buying homes, ruining their credit, etc. by denying the opportunity to own/buy that stuff.
Now what?  And apparently, Grousing About TPTB NPA.
Hrmm.  I think FM: 3085 just killed my last interest in the BT universe.
Is this because no matter how hard good intentioned people can try, fixing the Dark Age through creative writing isn't going to make the era any more palatable to some of us?  I find the announcement of Historical: Liberation of Terra, Vol I to be not completely coincidental.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 14 January 2012, 07:35:46
The first time I saw something like that, the cars were aboard either a T-AKE or a T-AO supporting one of the amphibs I was aboard.  It was odd and annoying seeing somebody's MG convertable on the flight deck while my car was oxodizing in the Carolina sun.  Tens years on, it seems like a solid solution if you are going to move an entire ship full of people between duty stations.  Particularly since we're (service leadership) never going to get the toothpaste back in the tube regarding young folks (officers included) owning cars, getting married, buying homes, ruining their credit, etc. by denying the opportunity to own/buy that stuff.


Is this because no matter how hard good intentioned people can try, fixing the Dark Age through creative writing isn't going to make the era any more palatable to some of us?  I find the announcement of Historical: Liberation of Terra, Vol I to be not completely coincidental.

When I have had to change jobs (each a seperate contract, all with the same employer - the NHS, think having to change contract etc each time you transferred from one Battalion to another  :( ) I would normally finish at a notional 5pm on Tuesday and be expected at work, potentially hundreds of miles away, for at least 8am on Wednesday

It was an NPA if you have the option to have as many posts per page

I think it's 5 hours, as Paris is one hour early on London. I'll regularly check the forums this afternoon, send me a pm here, or contact me on my msn account. I have no Facebook.

On the other hand, I am on strict Zulu time, I think Edward may be green with jealousy  :D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 14 January 2012, 11:19:45
I decided to throw together a company of the Third Periphery Guard LCT for their pirate hunting, rolled randomly from lance weights to unit allocation, although I shuffled one of the mediums for one of the heavies.  As a B-ranked unit, they get some pretty nice stuff.

Pursuit Lance:
2xCN9-D Centurion, HCT-6D Hatchetman, FLC-8R Falconer (lance commander)

Battle Lance:
BHKU-O Black Hawk-Ku, JM6-D4 JagerMech III, MDG-1Ar Rakshasa, THS-4S Thanatos

Hurt People And Break Stuff Lance (HQ thinks it's the Fire Lance):
BKX-8D BattleAxe, MAD-5D Marauder, MTR-5K Maelstrom, DVS-2 Devastator
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 14 January 2012, 12:04:05
I'm digging the Filtvelt RATs. Plenty of old school loving. No Panthers, though. I guess I'll have to go to Clan Wolf for those  >:D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: trboturtle on 14 January 2012, 12:36:02
Hrmm.  I think FM: 3085 just killed my last interest in the BT universe.

Okay, I'll bite...What didn't you like about it?

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 14 January 2012, 18:28:01
I'm digging the Filtvelt RATs. Plenty of old school loving. No Panthers, though. I guess I'll have to go to Clan Wolf for those  >:D

Come on over to the Dark side.  We have cookies.

And cake.

And pie.

And medium prime ribs.

And Dr. Pepper.


In other news how did you Davions do in 3085?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 18 January 2012, 20:03:31
For those curious, Welshman confirmed that the AFFS Battle Armor Regiments conform with the 4 x 4 x 4 construct.  So that's 1024 suits with organic transport (per the ask the writer post).  I wonder if that organic transport offers 100% lift because that's 256 Cavalry-Is or 86ish Maxim (I)s which is a lot of vehicles for that LCT to squeeze aboard some as yet undefined battlearmor/vehicle dropship.

Also, I very nearly ended up being sent to Bahrain for a year today; for a departure time just after my kid's due date.  Fortunately, someone remembered I'm not a Captain anymore.

Does anyone have a 3025 era recommendation for AFFS 'Mechs in lieu of the PHX-1D and WHM-6D that aren't unseen?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 18 January 2012, 20:12:11
Chameleon works for the PXH sub, though it mounts MGs.
Not sure about the WHM sub, a Blackjack with LLs is somewhat there.  For closer to its weight class, a Black Knight or Lancelot.  All have twin LLs, the heavier two have a PPC too.
Also, the obvious choice: Thug, though its not all energy.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 18 January 2012, 20:16:15
I hadn't considered the SLDF models on the heavy end.  The Chameleon is an interesting suggestion as is the Blackjack.  Thanks.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 18 January 2012, 21:32:49
So we had a minor (to me) winter storm strike the Puget Sound region today and yesterday.  Started about 1000Z (0200 local(U)) last night (one of my guys went topside briefly about then).  And it's been snowing the whole time.

Because this isn't a normal occurrence, everything's been shut down.  About 3" (7cm) accumulated around me, but the lack of plows and road salt means the area is shut down.  And you wonder why I'm heading back to Minnesota, where they know how to deal with winter storms.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 18 January 2012, 21:56:18
Least you did not have to put up with the its -40 this morning
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 19 January 2012, 00:35:44
At -40, it's all the same.

Plus, with the target carrier just up from San Diego, and the idiots on the roads, staying home has the least risk to my neck.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Deathrider6 on 19 January 2012, 04:14:44
Hmmph I would have rather had the three inches of snow we picked up nearly a foot here. I'm about 45 mins north of Seattle.  Still it boggles the mind how things get shut down out here when it snows and I am native.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 19 January 2012, 05:10:41
Not enough each year.  And there's no preparing for it each year.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 19 January 2012, 09:17:25
Does anyone have a 3025 era recommendation for AFFS 'Mechs in lieu of the PHX-1D and WHM-6D that aren't unseen?
Ian's already pointed out the Chameleon, but I think you're missing an obvious choice for the 'Hammer replacement in the Hammerhands or Battleaxe.  Granted, they should be rare but I'd think you could still find them, especially if you're looking at a militia force like the presence of the Chameleon would suggest.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 19 January 2012, 14:57:01
Too bad the Watchman has CASE, as its a fantastic L1 design otherwise.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 19 January 2012, 14:58:45
I really, really wish IWM had the Watchman. Even on archive. I like that mech, a lot! Along with the Lineholder.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 19 January 2012, 15:02:27
I have a ton of Watchmen I picked up years ago.  Six or eight.  I wish the Sentry didn't look so horrible.  Its a great infantry support Mech, PPC for hard targets and tons of nastiness for PBI. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 19 January 2012, 15:11:43
Wait, you can't get the Watchman or Lineholder any longer?  When did this happen?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 19 January 2012, 15:13:08
Archived, perhaps?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 19 January 2012, 15:26:19
Ack, Lineholder is archived (got one at GenCon). The Watchman is simply unavailable. It's number is now a BlackHawk. It's mentioned in the beginning of the January Archive Return thread.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 19 January 2012, 15:52:37
Who would ever want a militia Mech with the Jihad over?  There's Arbiters and Quasits and Deeplords! :P 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 19 January 2012, 16:11:08
And primitive Commandos!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 19 January 2012, 16:30:56
Who would ever want a militia Mech with the Jihad over?  There's Arbiters and Quasits and Deeplords! :P
Mmm, Arbiters. If you can't really fight pirates, at least look scary.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 19 January 2012, 17:42:22
Who would ever want a militia Mech with the Jihad over?  There's Arbiters and Quasits and Deeplords! :P
I haven't seen the Arbiter or the Deeplord (really?  they named one after Cthulhu?  ???) but I've seen the Quasit and it's not bad, if you're stuck in the depths of the 3rd Succession War.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Caesar Steiner for Archon on 19 January 2012, 17:45:47
Annnd we're this close to having actual flooding declared in the Portland area.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 19 January 2012, 20:44:10
Curiousity got the better of me:  I posted up north.  I find the idea of organic transport for the 1024 suit BA regiment within a LCT to be stupid.  More hidden CBT math.

Somehow I've managed to collect two each of the Lineholder, Watchman, and the Enfield in mini form.  Haven't painted them...

I'd thought about the Hammerhand and Battleaxe but them seem to primitive and rare to throw into a company.  I guess it is a problem of perspective; I've been hanging around this universe for too long ('85) and new stuff jammed into the past throws me off a bit.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 19 January 2012, 22:40:05
Increase the BA numbers to make up for lack of other production, AND OmniMech numbers are dwindling.  Taxis?  We don't need no stinkin' taxis! 

edit: On second thought: 22 Maxim(I)s could do the job.  I'd figure maybe a company of high capacity transports like those, and two companies of lower transport capacity/combat oriented designs. Bad, bad math.  Then the OmniVees come into play.  Manteuffel is a good BA carrier. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 19 January 2012, 22:40:45
Annnd we're this close to having actual flooding declared in the Portland area.
Good luck. You've an ark, I presume?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 20 January 2012, 02:03:44
edit: On second thought: 22 Maxim(I)s could do the job.  I'd figure maybe a company of high capacity transports like those, and two companies of lower transport capacity/combat oriented designs.  Then the OmniVees come into play.  Manteuffel is a good BA carrier.
I'm looking at the Maxim on Sarna, and I'm not quite following your math.  Speaking of, the infantry variant has 12 ton infantry bay - which says 12 suits to me.  But the BA variant can only hold a squad (4).  What am I not getting?  (Alternately, could someone point me to the original TROs for those versions, so I can try to figure it out?

Annnd we're this close to having actual flooding declared in the Portland area.
good luck.  O0
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Caesar Steiner for Archon on 20 January 2012, 04:27:01
Good luck. You've an ark, I presume?

I know where I'm going to die and this isn't it.  I have another 11 years, 6 months and 21 days.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 20 January 2012, 08:39:07
Is it going to be one of those public deaths where you scar the minds of children the world over, or one of those where they find you in a hotel after a week, marinating in oh god, what is that?!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 20 January 2012, 12:39:30
I'm looking at the Maxim on Sarna, and I'm not quite following your math.  Speaking of, the infantry variant has 12 ton infantry bay - which says 12 suits to me.  But the BA variant can only hold a squad (4).  What am I not getting?  (Alternately, could someone point me to the original TROs for those versions, so I can try to figure it out?

Speaking as the lunatic who had to sort the mess out for the Fan Article, the TRO for those models (TRO3058U) is not really a lot of help in some ways.  Here are the variants that are useful for moving BA around, with cargo capacity and random editorial comments.  All of them but the Mk. IIs are in RS3058 Unabridged IS.  The Mk. IIs are in TRO3085 with the sheets in the Cutting Edge volume of RS3085 Unabridged.

BA Factory and Field Upgrades (4 tons; the factory upgrade drops TAG from the 3052 model, field upgrade drops the MGs, using the spare ton to spread some more armor around)
C3S (4 tons; instead of more armor in the field upgrade, you get a C3 slave)
Clan (6 tons; meaning it can haul a point of BA or two points of foot troops, also has a Streak 6, LRM 15, and ECM)
Maxim Mk. II Infantry Support (8 tons, with two LPPCs, two MGs, and two MML 3s)
Maxim (I) (12 tons, still has two ERMLs, a Streak 6, and TAG)
Maxim Mk. II (16 tons; you pay for this and the heavier armor by having only two MML 3s as your sum total weaponry
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nckestrel on 20 January 2012, 15:13:25
Speaking as the lunatic who had to sort the mess out for the Fan Article, the TRO for those models (TRO3058U) is not really a lot of help in some ways.
I still have a scar from the discussion on Maxim variants.  Ack, it's bleeding again.

Maxim Mk. II (16 tons; you pay for this and the heavier armor by having only two MML 3s as your sum total weaponry
This.  You want to carry Battle Armor (in a hover), forget everything else! :).
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 20 January 2012, 16:01:42
So that Mk. II will carry a BA Platoon.  64 of them carries a Regiment.  They are exactly 50 tons, so the 50 ton light vehicle bay can hold the vehicle and all the supporting resources (amazing how that works).  So 3200 tons for the vehicles and crews (320 men), and 2048 for the BA (1024 troopers and 256 to 512 techs), for a total of 5245 tons transport. 
Take an Excalibur, replace the Heavy vehicle bays with lights, drop the 'Mech cubicles and foot platoon bay, and you have the space for the BA, and another 5290 tons left over (which provides for food and supplies for the unit for a decent campaign).

Except of course that we know from a DA book, that the Swordsworn command ship was one of those ancient, no longer manufactured ships - which had been converted to civilian use because there was no call for them for military purposes).
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 20 January 2012, 17:45:40
Nah, its just my messed up math skills.  Divided 1024 by twelve twice. :-[
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 20 January 2012, 17:55:27
This.  You want to carry Battle Armor (in a hover), forget everything else! :).

I don't recommend that as your one true solution.  Four squads of BA is a lot of firepower and hovers aren't that hard to disable.  Sure, Maxims are hard to tag, but I bet you someone's going to try to nail one with an LB 5-X or SB Gauss if they can strand a whole platoon of Cavaliers (or under standard rules, Hauberks and Grenadiers) in one go.  The fact that they're now a lot easier to land artillery on at that point is real a plus, too.

VTOLs also bring some additional flexibility in dropping Cavaliers or other jump-capable suits, especially the new stealth Cavalry, and can perform functions I really wouldn't be comfortable devoting a Maxim II's capacity to.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 20 January 2012, 17:57:08
Hopefully there are some vehicles yet to be designed for BA transport.
On that note, what about Karnovs and/or Planetlifters?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 20 January 2012, 17:58:32
What about somthing that has more in common with a truck than a true AFV
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 20 January 2012, 18:04:41
Hopefully there are some vehicles yet to be designed for BA transport.
On that note, what about Karnovs and/or Planetlifters?

The Karnov actually has a BA transport variant.  10/15 on an SFE, 8 tons of cargo, two ERMLs, ECM, and somewhat more armor than the original.

Planetlifters aren't a bad option for continental-scale mobility but you need to remember that you're dealing with a fighter* here, not a vehicle, so if anyone doesn't want to deal with aerospace integration in the rules, the Planetlifter shouldn't be your first choice.

One option for larger-scale movement on the company level that I've considered is a new plug-in pod for Auroras, two light vehicles and 16 suits of BA per, increasing cargo space somewhat to get some roomier quarters for the armored infantry and extra munitions stowage.  It wouldn't be good for regimental-scale movements but you don't always need to move a regiment around, either.

What about somthing that has more in common with a truck than a true AFV

That's more or less what a Maxim II is.  For less expansive options, remove the MGs from a heavy APC or maybe use a fuel cell engine.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 20 January 2012, 18:08:41
Every type of vehicle will have its drawbacks, and there will be both high and lower capacity transports, which makes the organic transport idea even less palatable to me.   Its essentially a whole regiment or more of BA taxis.  If the Maxim II is the highest capacity vehicle currently for BA with default rules, its a minimum of 64 of them, and since its BT, figure on 12 vehicle types, all wildly different. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 20 January 2012, 18:48:48
What about somthing that has more in common with a truck than a true AFV

Zug Senses, tingling! :D

Support vees that can carry at least one squad of battle armor:

Prairie Schooner Land Train (17 tons in tractor, 22.5 in each trailer)
Lesseps Dump Truck (20 tons)
Brunel Dump Truck (54.5 tons)
Saurer-Bucher TLF-LL6500 Fire Engine (4 tons)
Burro II Super Heavy Cargo Truck (13 tons)

Galaport Ground Tug (88 tons and 76.5 insulated* tons in trailer)
Gienah-Durapaq Elite Series 3 (39 tons in each of up to 3 trailers)
Saturn Harvester (21.5 tons, 12 tons refrigerated*)
Cortez Series N (18 tons container)
Magellan Series Four (11 tons)
Sherpa Armored Truck (7 tons)

BFFL Buffalo (40 tons)
Lewis Skimmer Bus (18 tons)
Dillinger Police Vehicle (5 tons)

*They're in battlesuits. I think they can stand the cold for a little while.

I'll assume you don't want VTOLs, WiGEs, airships, regular ships, subs, or aircraft for now... 8)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 20 January 2012, 18:51:03
Who let Zug out of his cage? C'mon, you all know the rules about not feeding it after midnight or getting it wet or letting it get excited about support vehicles or allowing it access to thermonuclear weapons...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 20 January 2012, 18:55:13
Sorry my bad.  I was just trying to reward hime for convincing Shadow Raven to buy Crest/Banner of the Stars
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 20 January 2012, 18:57:32
Sadly, this sounds like the conversations I have a work.  So I'll put some of that to use.

Variety of lift is useful but 100% lift is a luxury.  Also, you've to make a decision on what the weapon system is:  the BA unit, the vehicle, or the BA and the vehicle.  It really depends on what you believe the threat envelope is and how you want to set conditions to minimize the threat.  Me I'd want two battalions in tracks, one battalion in hover, and one battalion to walk/be lifted via available VTOLs.
Take an Excalibur, replace the Heavy vehicle bays with lights, drop the 'Mech cubicles and foot platoon bay, and you have the space for the BA, and another 5290 tons left over (which provides for food and supplies for the unit for a decent campaign).
That we have to come up with a solution is what bugs me about the LCT and BA regiment designs.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 20 January 2012, 18:59:02
Who let Zug out of his cage? C'mon, you all know the rules about not feeding it after midnight or getting it wet or letting it get excited about support vehicles or allowing it access to thermonuclear weapons...

But...but...18 tons in a bus! You could even make it a school bus! A short one!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Yuri Hikado on 20 January 2012, 19:12:44
Wait... are we in the Dark Ages now?  :P

Somebody PM me when it's over.   }:)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 20 January 2012, 19:15:29
But...but...18 tons in a bus! You could even make it a school bus! A short one!

Actually, using TacOps rules, the Routemaster (a 3800 kg city hoverbus) has just enough room to squeeze in a squad of power armor if you strip out the passenger seats and about 60 kilos for their personal weapons, explosives, ammo, or the like.

Now, if you really want to go for crazy, load the little darlings in a Rattler.  Self-deploying hardened building cover that brings the artillery support along for the ride! :D

Wait... are we in the Dark Ages now?  :P

Somebody PM me when it's over.   }:)

Weirdo's been doing things like that for a long, long time now from my understanding.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 20 January 2012, 19:28:00
I am sad. I cannot even fit a single battlesuited trooper into an Aston/Martin, let alone a squad. Now that would have been riding into battle in style!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 20 January 2012, 20:22:27
That we have to come up with a solution is what bugs me about the LCT and BA regiment designs.
It isn't as though we didn't have to fudge it for RCTs or DCMS/CCAF/FWLM combined arms regiments also. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 20 January 2012, 20:29:52
It isn't as though we didn't have to fudge it for RCTs or DCMS/CCAF/FWLM combined arms regiments also.
I'd just expect with as much time as has been put into developing niche weapons, purposely flawed 'Mechs, and red herring conspiracies, they could spend a few moments to make some of the other thread eating topics to make a bit more sense.  I say this fully realizing CBT isn't a military simulation but some sort of logic to support Battleforce and whatever will be Interstellar Operations would be nice: I might even spend some money on it.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 20 January 2012, 21:43:16
Especially since they are now making vehicles for all those Mechanized and Motorized units.  Maybe the next TRO will have a DropShip for this.

I'm still a little confused about the ones - Mechanized IIRC, the ones that ride in IFVs, not the ones on trikes/etc. - requiring less tonnage for transport than the vehicle itself.  I'm guessing that means there is supposed to be a separate bay for the vehicle.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 21 January 2012, 00:15:15
*They're in battlesuits. I think they can stand the cold for a little while.
It might even help hide them from sensor scans.  Is that 50 tons of ice or 50 tons of cold steel in that Galaport tug?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Caesar Steiner for Archon on 21 January 2012, 02:16:47
Is it going to be one of those public deaths where you scar the minds of children the world over, or one of those where they find you in a hotel after a week, marinating in oh god, what is that?!

Five against one, they have the element of surprise, one person walks away.

Saw it in a vision.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 21 January 2012, 03:05:31
All that for a few outstanding parking tickets ?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 21 January 2012, 03:41:13
I'm still a little confused about the ones - Mechanized IIRC, the ones that ride in IFVs, not the ones on trikes/etc. - requiring less tonnage for transport than the vehicle itself.

No, they don't.  Since the implication is that these units are being moved in what would functionally be small support vehicles, let's take a look at what the math works out to.  Mechanized transport compartments are 5 tons per 5 man squad.  Bays are 8 tons.  Moving a hover platoon takes either 20 tons or 32 tons depending on whether or not you're talking about just transporting it or supporting it once you get there.  Wheeled platoons are 25 or 40 tons under standard IS organization but need larger bays because their squad sizes get bigger.  Tracked platoons are even larger and not any faster than medium BA, which significantly outgun a mechanized squad and be significantly tougher on both an overall durability basis and a per-trooper basis.  Worse, the things are so bulky that you have to use large support vehicles to move them around or reach straight for small craft and DropShips.  That medium BA I mentioned can hitch rides in sufficiently roomy standard-sized vehicles and is around the same size for transport tonnage requirements.  It's not necessarily better than a tracked platoon, sure, but it's food for thought.

Okay, that's what the rules say for moving them around, so what about the size of the vehicles themselves?  The transport compartment size may actually be somewhat larger than the vehicles themselves.  Small SVs top out at exactly 4.999 tons.  It's not that hard to come up with 375, 450, or even 525 kg for the seating when you've got a few tons to play with.  The Routemaster hover shuttle I mentioned to Weirdo before is 3800 kg and has 14 seats despite being a TR C vehicle powered by an ICE - enough for two full IS squads, but this is a mass transit solution, not a military vehicle designed from the ground up with extra stowage space for personal weapons, room for kit, etc.

Bottom line: No, the transport size for mechanized infantry is not small.  It's about right for what can actually be stuffed in there.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 21 January 2012, 07:14:32
Especially since they are now making vehicles for all those Mechanized and Motorized units.  Maybe the next TRO will have a DropShip for this.

I'm still a little confused about the ones - Mechanized IIRC, the ones that ride in IFVs, not the ones on trikes/etc. - requiring less tonnage for transport than the vehicle itself.  I'm guessing that means there is supposed to be a separate bay for the vehicle.
A 'let's make smart decisions because of post-Jihad military austerity' section TRO would be nice.  Clearly I misunderstood how you mean "transport" because I immediately thought that it would have made more sense to describe the tonnage dedicated to cargo space in an infantry carrier as the harnesses, gripes, and mounting brackets needed to put a squad in the available space.  But then, that's because I've spent too much time wandering around a well deck in amphibs.

@Ian Sharpe, thanks for the suggestion on the LL toting Blackjack it was useful goofing around on MM last night.  Also, I think I like the LRM version of the Jagermech better than the original and it works well with the otherwise useless Whitworth.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 21 January 2012, 09:13:41
@Ian Sharpe, thanks for the suggestion on the LL toting Blackjack it was useful goofing around on MM last night.  Also, I think I like the LRM version of the Jagermech better than the original and it works well with the otherwise useless Whitworth.

Aye, the Blackjack is a badly misunderstood Mech, and aside from the flamer model, have all done wonderfully for me.  Even better, they upgrade into BJ-3s pretty easy.  And the LRM Jagermech is pretty good.  Better firepower, and a fun change up against foes expecting just another Jagermech.  And I like the Whitworth pretty well as a 4th mech in a lance.  Its unspectacular, but can lend long or short range firepower, is useful for covering closing Enforcers, works well with other missile boats as a bodyguard, etc.  The SRM model is pretty good in broken terrain too. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: trboturtle on 21 January 2012, 13:27:07
Has it occured to anyone that 'Mechs might make a use transport for the Battle armor? After all, the BA regiment is attached to an LCT or a RCT with 'Mechs. Might not some of the BA have the abulity to hang onto 'Mechs instead of being stuffed into a tin can?? ^-^

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 21 January 2012, 14:04:43
Has it occured to anyone that 'Mechs might make a use transport for the Battle armor? After all, the BA regiment is attached to an LCT or a RCT with 'Mechs. Might not some of the BA have the abulity to hang onto 'Mechs instead of being stuffed into a tin can?? ^-^

Yeah, I considered it but I ran into some problems.  Is the AFFS going to an all Infiltrator II force?  Isn't that the only canon FedSuns produced BA variant that supports the concept?  Also, if this is the preferred methodology then the needed ubiquity of the Blackjack, Black Hawk-Ku, and Avatar omnis hasn't emphasized enough to overcome the FR: AFFS note on VTOLs or Welshman's comment on organic VTOLs/APCs.

I get the desire to avoid tremendous detail but an occasional detailed example would help.  I'd like to see a canon LCT fit on dropships attached to a Star Lord.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 21 January 2012, 16:16:05
A 'let's make smart decisions because of post-Jihad military austerity' section TRO would be nice.  Clearly I misunderstood how you mean "transport" because I immediately thought that it would have made more sense to describe the tonnage dedicated to cargo space in an infantry carrier as the harnesses, gripes, and mounting brackets needed to put a squad in the available space.  But then, that's because I've spent too much time wandering around a well deck in amphibs.
Unclear language on my part.  :-[  I was talking about the transport bay (and bunk room) on the DropShip. 

which - I just looked it up - is 8 tons/5 man squad.  As compared to 5 tons for a foot squad.  Now assuming a APC/IFV carries a full platoon, that means 3x4=12 tons of bay space dedicated to it.  Compared to the 50 tons of the Maxim?  It suggests that 3 tons is extra equipment, and the vehicle is in another DropShip Bay.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 21 January 2012, 18:33:04
Unclear language on my part.  :-[  I was talking about the transport bay (and bunk room) on the DropShip. 

which - I just looked it up - is 8 tons/5 man squad.  As compared to 5 tons for a foot squad.  Now assuming a APC/IFV carries a full platoon, that means 3x4=12 tons of bay space dedicated to it.  Compared to the 50 tons of the Maxim?  It suggests that 3 tons is extra equipment, and the vehicle is in another DropShip Bay.
Hence the maths are a bit beyond me.  Also, I've read the rules for infantry compartments/bays and still can't tell when, why, or how to use either.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 21 January 2012, 19:13:50
Battle armour usage among the IS increasing across the board is one of the things that bugs me about the decrease in OmniMechs, which weren't plentiful anyway.  Good thing that the magclamps finally spread, however.  Why loading some software and welding on some handholds are beyond the possible remains a mystery. :D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 21 January 2012, 20:10:58
I house rule it, call it a minimal additional expense (under 10% the overall cost of the 'Mech) to be so designed. 
Considering the number of Clan units that look like omnis but aren't in Clicktech, the Clans have the same problem.  Their Elementals are just as plentiful, but they have replaced their Omnimechs with Battlemechs and Vehicles.  So either the Toads are slogging along at 30-90m/round, or a change to the rules is in order.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 21 January 2012, 20:15:46
The Horses have already been addressing it with more BA carrying vehicles.  Its important to note too, OmniMechs haven't gone away, their numbers have declined.  They're still being made, still in service, but its definitely a noticeable shortage. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 21 January 2012, 20:37:55
which - I just looked it up - is 8 tons/5 man squad.  As compared to 5 tons for a foot squad.  Now assuming a APC/IFV carries a full platoon, that means 3x4=12 tons of bay space dedicated to it.  Compared to the 50 tons of the Maxim?  It suggests that 3 tons is extra equipment, and the vehicle is in another DropShip Bay.

Uh, no, it's not 5 tons for a foot squad.  It's 5 tons for a foot platoon of 28 men.  The difference in stowage space is explicitly due to the vehicles.

Hence the maths are a bit beyond me.  Also, I've read the rules for infantry compartments/bays and still can't tell when, why, or how to use either.

Compartments are for APCs or landing craft.  Bays are for whatever equivalent to amphibious warfare ships is appropriate (usually DropShips).  The fact that we conventionally refer to the former as "bays" when specifically discussing vehicles doesn't help the nomenclature confusion.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 21 January 2012, 21:10:18
Tomorrow morning I will sally forth and lead my new Davion force in a 3025 era Battle against those blasted Dracs.  The game size is 20k BV2.  We will be rolling randomnly for pilot skills before the game.  My force will consist of a armor company and two lances of mechs.  My goal is to hold a ridgeline and keep it out of Drac hands.  I will be setting the game up on a couple of tables and using my 4'x6' gaming mat to set the terrain up.  I will do up a battle report and take pics as the game progresses.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 21 January 2012, 23:06:52
Uh, no, it's not 5 tons for a foot squad.  It's 5 tons for a foot platoon of 28 men.  The difference in stowage space is explicitly due to the vehicles.
Duh.  I knew that.  So the difference in mass/area is 6.75 tons, not 3.  Which allows 27 tons extra per platoon.  Somewhat more respectable, though still short of the weight of a Maxim.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Quentil on 22 January 2012, 01:29:30
Heh, so long ago.  ;)

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 22 January 2012, 06:05:51
Tomorrow morning I will sally forth and lead my new Davion force in a 3025 era Battle against those blasted Dracs.  The game size is 20k BV2.  We will be rolling randomnly for pilot skills before the game.  My force will consist of a armor company and two lances of mechs.  My goal is to hold a ridgeline and keep it out of Drac hands.  I will be setting the game up on a couple of tables and using my 4'x6' gaming mat to set the terrain up.  I will do up a battle report and take pics as the game progresses.

Good luck, my friend! Score one for the FedSuns (and don't forget to post an AAR with pics!   ;))

I've had a game at the club yesterday, Naval Thunder and Iron Bottom Sound. Excuse the poor pics in the AAR, it seems I cannot overcome the excitement when I play  ;) (

Quentil, some year I hope I'll be able to make it there too!  :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 22 January 2012, 09:56:06
Duh.  I knew that.  So the difference in mass/area is 6.75 tons, not 3.  Which allows 27 tons extra per platoon.  Somewhat more respectable, though still short of the weight of a Maxim.

My math shows the difference as 39.8 tons between a foot platoon bay and a mechanized platoon bay for 28 men (which is 1.6 tons per man), an even 40 tons with rounding.  That's pretty close to the size of a Maxim, which is much faster, much more heavily armed, and tougher overall (especially against area-effect damage) than a mechanized platoon.  It's significantly heavier than a Karnov, Cavalry, heavy APC, or Pandion, although for DropShip purposes, it's still lighter since all of them get stored in light vehicle bays.  Even by your math, that's still heavier than a Pandion, heavy APC, or Cavalry, all of which are 25 tons.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 22 January 2012, 10:21:36
Tomorrow morning I will sally forth and lead my new Davion force in a 3025 era Battle against those blasted Dracs.  The game size is 20k BV2.  We will be rolling randomnly for pilot skills before the game.  My force will consist of a armor company and two lances of mechs.  My goal is to hold a ridgeline and keep it out of Drac hands.  I will be setting the game up on a couple of tables and using my 4'x6' gaming mat to set the terrain up.  I will do up a battle report and take pics as the game progresses.

Twenty thousand with 3025-era units? That game is gonna take forever! Ah, 3025, when even light 'Mechs lived 20 turns.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 22 January 2012, 10:34:05
Compartments are for APCs or landing craft.  Bays are for whatever equivalent to amphibious warfare ships is appropriate (usually DropShips).  The fact that we conventionally refer to the former as "bays" when specifically discussing vehicles doesn't help the nomenclature confusion.
Thanks.  Bays would be the equivalent of berthing areas on ships.  So for an AFFS battle armor platoon (16 troops) needs 32 tons of bay space, right?  A normal foot platoon (28 troops) requires five tons.  Hmm, that makes a light vehicle bay and foot platoon a 55 ton proposition.  Is there an upper limit to Aurora style cargo modules (I know the Aurora's are 150 tons)?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 22 January 2012, 10:43:52
Yes, BA needs 2 tons per suit, but this somehow magically includes sleeping quarters for the guy in it even if you're stuffing Kanazuchis, Ironholds, or Hauberks in there.  Handwavium: It's not just for 'Mech armor anymore!

As far as the Aurora modules, that's pure fluff.  There's no rules for it in StratOps but you could call it a quirk and move on.  Maybe balance it out with Poor Performance to reflect the design's heritage as a civilian trash hauler.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 22 January 2012, 14:14:31
Tomorrow morning I will sally forth and lead my new Davion force in a 3025 era Battle against those blasted Dracs.  The game size is 20k BV2.  We will be rolling randomnly for pilot skills before the game.  My force will consist of a armor company and two lances of mechs.  My goal is to hold a ridgeline and keep it out of Drac hands.  I will be setting the game up on a couple of tables and using my 4'x6' gaming mat to set the terrain up.  I will do up a battle report and take pics as the game progresses.
A full company of armor and two lances of `Mechs?  That's got some serious possibilities, are you using the armor or the `Mechs as the anvil?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Quentil on 22 January 2012, 20:44:22
Twenty thousand with 3025-era units? That game is gonna take forever! Ah, 3025, when even light 'Mechs lived 20 turns.

Yeah, and things were so much more fun because of it.  When there wasn't a table full of 400 ton UAC Rotary Gauss 90 XXXXXL Engine with FTL capability cheese that's piss common today.  Sort of scary, the power creep... 

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 22 January 2012, 22:33:57
My preferred era of play, when tonnage was about all one needed to balance against any player. I still recall the glory days of the annual gaming con where there was a tournament with each player getting a canon Medium 3025 'Mech. Perfect for the four-hour time slots. I won two years in a row, then started running the games when the old GM moved away. I was still in high school. Ah, memory lane, how much thinner I was then. Shorter, too, so... we're good.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Quentil on 23 January 2012, 00:43:43
My preferred era of play is the original 3055 era.  Because there was a lot of 3025 stuff around and used in regular games, but a just enough of a sprinkle of newer stuff to add spice.  And the original TR: 3055 is the most under appreciated TR ever made.  After TRs 3058/3060, the game was never quite the same on a tabletop level for me.

I do loves me some 3025 though too.  The era when a Large Laser was a potent weapon, and being able to have a chance to cause a piloting check on the enemy almost always meant trade offs in heat management on your part.  My all-time favorite kill was from that era... When I solo'd a Warhammer using a Jenner.  Ahh, good times. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 24 January 2012, 14:01:27
Agree on '55 being underrated.  People rag on the art, but there are some solid units and some solid units with quirks(Gunslinger) without the full on NTS of 3050.  ANd for art, I still regard 3058 as the worst TRO: too many mechs look the same. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 24 January 2012, 14:39:11
Agreeing with you, Yan. A lot of my favorite mechs are from 3055. ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 24 January 2012, 14:42:12
I made a map yesterday, and the printer borked it up. This was oddly comforting, as if I were finally a real GIS tech again. Also, apparently my idea of labeling locations on a large map with their names and street addresses elicited rave reviews.

I've never seen a map get rave reviews that didn't have a hexgrid on it.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Davout73 on 24 January 2012, 17:00:07
I made a map yesterday, and the printer borked it up. This was oddly comforting, as if I were finally a real GIS tech again. Also, apparently my idea of labeling locations on a large map with their names and street addresses elicited rave reviews.

I've never seen a map get rave reviews that didn't have a hexgrid on it.

I just came off a 15 month contract where I was hired to do GIS work and never once opened ARC...

If I weren't doing my own things on ARC I don't know how I would keep my skills current, but progressing?   
On the other hand I am taking a CADD class in the near future, that should help a bit...

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Caesar Steiner for Archon on 24 January 2012, 22:27:29
Agree on '55 being underrated.  People rag on the art, but there are some solid units and some solid units with quirks(Gunslinger) without the full on NTS of 3050.  ANd for art, I still regard 3058 as the worst TRO: too many mechs look the same.

3058 is also where a lot of the min-maxed designs come from. So boo on that.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 25 January 2012, 00:05:36
Looking at my favorites:
55 gave us the Falconer, Penetrator, Rakshasa, and War Dog for the IS - all the best units in that book for my money were 75 tons.  And Vixen for the Clans - until the Unseen situation, the new modelling for that mech is ugly.
58 gave us the IS Omnis, especially the Owens, Black Hawk-KU, and Avatar.  And for the Clans, the Shadow Cat, Cauldron Born, and my personal favorite, the Crossbow.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 25 January 2012, 05:18:05
Youse guys is forgetin' what else '58 gave us. . .

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 25 January 2012, 05:26:46
I wasn't forgetting it.  I just knew that the Starslayer Mafia would cover its press.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 25 January 2012, 09:58:48
Well, Saturday's drawing close, and I plan to stay at home this week end. So, is anyone interested in a megamek game like 2 weeks ago?  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 25 January 2012, 11:06:12
I'm game.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 25 January 2012, 11:17:08
I just came off a 15 month contract where I was hired to do GIS work and never once opened ARC...
This is basically my job.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Davout73 on 25 January 2012, 12:06:55
This is basically my job.

Well, partially in their defense they had to work around the whole "Arab Spring" issue, and then the contract kept getting rejiggered at the last minute.  I had another project to work on that was pretty cool, but wasn't GIS related at all, other than I used a GoogleMap API from time to time....Anyways, when the project did finally kick off instead of shapefiles and plotting they handed us 30 years of documents on four different externals and said "Here, this all needs to be put into a spreadsheet." But they didn't have the spreadsheets done.  At all.  I once sat for three days twiddling my thumbs because they were arguing about the number of columns to include on the spreadsheet.  Three.  Days.

I swear I learned more on how not to run a project in those four months than I have the past 20 years...

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 25 January 2012, 15:29:26
Well, Saturday's drawing close, and I plan to stay at home this week end. So, is anyone interested in a megamek game like 2 weeks ago?  ;)
D'oh!!!  I've been so busy this week I completely forgot about that Foxbat!  I'm game, what time do you guys want to do this?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 25 January 2012, 16:27:11
Well, Saturday's drawing close, and I plan to stay at home this week end. So, is anyone interested in a megamek game like 2 weeks ago?  ;)

I'm out in the evening GMT time but around otherwise at the weekend, supposed to be unpacking yet more boxes or building flatpack furniture though...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 25 January 2012, 20:03:57
I'm out in the evening GMT time but around otherwise at the weekend, supposed to be unpacking yet more boxes or building flatpack furniture though...
I see home projects are the order of the weekend; I'll be preparing the nursery for painting.  At some point I'm going to have to get into a megamek game with you all.  Particularly if I want to play mechwarrior online.   Speaking of which, does anyone have strong opinions on the Centurion art?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 26 January 2012, 02:12:46
I see home projects are the order of the weekend; I'll be preparing the nursery for painting.  At some point I'm going to have to get into a megamek game with you all.  Particularly if I want to play mechwarrior online.   Speaking of which, does anyone have strong opinions on the Centurion art?

I haven't had a chance to see the art, I should have a browse of the site
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Sharpnel on 26 January 2012, 02:15:39
I see home projects are the order of the weekend; I'll be preparing the nursery for painting.  At some point I'm going to have to get into a megamek game with you all.  Particularly if I want to play mechwarrior online.   Speaking of which, does anyone have strong opinions on the Centurion art?
I think it is loverly. I may switch my avatar to that in the future
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 26 January 2012, 10:53:59
It's my least favorite redesign so far, to be honest.  It looks much more like a Celestial than a Centurion to me.  Don't get me wrong, it's a fine looking 'mech. I just don't think it looks sufficiently like a Centurion.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nckestrel on 26 January 2012, 11:24:15
It's my least favorite redesign so far, to be honest.  It looks much more like a Celestial than a Centurion to me.  Don't get me wrong, it's a fine looking 'mech. I just don't think it looks sufficiently like a Centurion.

My first look was "there's no way that's a centurion".  Part of it was that it took me a while to find the "helmet", being hunched down now rather than well above the shoulders.  He's got no neck!  I am a huge fan of the 'mech (stats), but not so much of the old artwork.  I like this new Centurion, but it's hard to think of it as representing the old Centurion.  I think it's the first of these that i didn't see the original basis immediately.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 26 January 2012, 11:29:41
It's my least favorite redesign so far, to be honest.  It looks much more like a Celestial than a Centurion to me.  Don't get me wrong, it's a fine looking 'mech. I just don't think it looks sufficiently like a Centurion.
I had the same reaction to it.  I think it's how the limbs look spindly and slender, much like some of the lighter Celestials do.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 26 January 2012, 14:27:24
Well, chaps I'll be there Saturday at 18h30  which should be 17h30 in Greenwhich... Someday I'll have to retrieve that pic of me at 17 straddling the meridian. I remenber the naval museum there too, really a great place, and nice memories.... :)

But I disgress. So, who will design the scenario? Paladin1 came with a simple but effective one last time.  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Caesar Steiner for Archon on 26 January 2012, 14:47:47
My first look was "there's no way that's a centurion".  Part of it was that it took me a while to find the "helmet", being hunched down now rather than well above the shoulders.  He's got no neck!  I am a huge fan of the 'mech (stats), but not so much of the old artwork.  I like this new Centurion, but it's hard to think of it as representing the old Centurion.  I think it's the first of these that i didn't see the original basis immediately.

The "no neck" style of redesign makes a lot more sense to me, personally.  A lot of designs should at least have high shoulders to protect that head that's full of sensors and pilot and not very well armored.  I'm talking Fallout 2 Advanced Power Armor here.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 26 January 2012, 15:01:12
What's it look like, anyway?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 26 January 2012, 16:17:13
What's it look like, anyway?
See my avatar.

I kinda like it.  I'm more interested in seeing the Dervish when it hits the streets.  The Enforcer too.

Update:  I've found the larger picture to be distracting as an avatar so I've attached now.  Screw it, it is too big.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 26 January 2012, 16:33:41
I don't like it.  Looks nothing like a Centurion to me.  No thanks.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 26 January 2012, 18:07:10
That looks like someone crossbred a Night Wolf and a Templar, then added some Prefect for flavor.  I will say that I like the overall design but it's not a Centurion at all.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 26 January 2012, 18:59:44
Aye, looks nice, not a CNT.  Curious about the ENF, as its always been a fave of mine, to the point of using a fair number for CCAF/MAF mech forces. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: trboturtle on 26 January 2012, 19:40:00
That looks like someone crossbred a Night Wolf and a Templar, then added some Prefect for flavor.  I will say that I like the overall design but it's not a Centurion at all.

A Night Templar Prefect?? ??

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 26 January 2012, 20:16:07
I think it looks better larger and with other paint schemes per this thread:

Also of note, they have altered the Dragon art.  Whether this is a product of constructive criticism or not isn't stated but it is nice they are listening.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 26 January 2012, 20:54:39
Aye, repaints are better, can differentiate the head/body/crest.  Also, the autocannon doesn't look autocannon-y enough for me.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: FedSunsBorn on 26 January 2012, 22:55:13
Well...I like the redesign...I think the mech looks a centurion but just not the centurion if you get me.

Then again, I didn't mind the new Transformers designs from the Bay movies either, oh well, must be me.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 26 January 2012, 23:24:02
If you pray, I could use it folks.  I've got a 15 year old dog who's been having digestive issues, so I took her to the vet today.  They're keeping her overnight to do some more tests in the morning, but initial bloodwork suggests kidney failure and possible liver cancer.  Seeing as dogs don't really get organ transplants, there's not a lot of options, and none I want to consider.  We've had her since I was 8 years old, Hell she's older than some of the kids I coach in High School soccer.  She's pretty much my baby sister.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Sharpnel on 27 January 2012, 02:08:13
I don't like it.  Looks nothing like a Centurion to me.  No thanks.
I think it's beautiful
<------- See what I mean?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 27 January 2012, 02:13:10
I've been there AW.  Thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 27 January 2012, 14:57:53
Been there too, AW. Kindest thoughts and prayers sto you.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 27 January 2012, 17:02:07
Sorry to hear that, AW. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 27 January 2012, 17:28:17
If you pray, I could use it folks.  I've got a 15 year old dog who's been having digestive issues, so I took her to the vet today.  They're keeping her overnight to do some more tests in the morning, but initial bloodwork suggests kidney failure and possible liver cancer.  Seeing as dogs don't really get organ transplants, there's not a lot of options, and none I want to consider.  We've had her since I was 8 years old, Hell she's older than some of the kids I coach in High School soccer.  She's pretty much my baby sister.

That sucks, very sorry
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 27 January 2012, 18:41:00
If you pray, I could use it folks.  I've got a 15 year old dog who's been having digestive issues, so I took her to the vet today.  They're keeping her overnight to do some more tests in the morning, but initial bloodwork suggests kidney failure and possible liver cancer.  Seeing as dogs don't really get organ transplants, there's not a lot of options, and none I want to consider.  We've had her since I was 8 years old, Hell she's older than some of the kids I coach in High School soccer.  She's pretty much my baby sister.

My own family dachshund passed away recently.  You have my best wishes and my condolences.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 27 January 2012, 20:12:22
If you pray, I could use it folks.  I've got a 15 year old dog who's been having digestive issues, so I took her to the vet today.  They're keeping her overnight to do some more tests in the morning, but initial bloodwork suggests kidney failure and possible liver cancer.  Seeing as dogs don't really get organ transplants, there's not a lot of options, and none I want to consider.  We've had her since I was 8 years old, Hell she's older than some of the kids I coach in High School soccer.  She's pretty much my baby sister.
AW, I know this won't make you feel better but at least you get a chance to make a decision and say goodbye if you decide to do so.  My folks put down my last dog while I was wrapping up a six month deployment to the Med.  They both thought the other had e-mailed me and I didn't find out until two weeks after the fact.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 27 January 2012, 20:17:04
My best wishes for your puppy dog.

I dont even want to think of that stuff happening to our family dog.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 27 January 2012, 23:09:40
My auxiliary dog appears to be feeling sick.  He doesn't want to eat much, and he's being very cuddly.  (I suspect I know who was eating the used tissue paper in my trash can).

So was anyone else watching the finale of Chuck?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Sharpnel on 28 January 2012, 02:04:39
Disappointing, yet satisfying for the end of Chuck
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 28 January 2012, 03:12:10
I thought maybe a last scene with them moving into the house.  No need to explain how, or even when.  Just let us know it will happen.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Sharpnel on 28 January 2012, 03:49:16
That's what I was hoping for, too. My ending would have had Chuck already in the house and Sarah ringing the doorbell and Chuck answering the door. Sarah then grabs him and kisses him. Your ending works just as good.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 28 January 2012, 05:04:50
I read yesterday, that had they got a back 9 order (for a full 100 episodes), the producers and Baldwin joked that a major plot point would have been Casey becoming a grandpa. 
I liked the resolutions for everyone else just fine - although the Buy More becoming a Subway?  Would have made more sense to have them put one inside the store.  What deli needs that much floor space?  I'd also never noticed that they shared colors.
Much better sendoff than McG's other series definitely ending this year.  Supernatural definitely isn't as good anymore.  Much like season 5 Babylon 5 - its a season created for the sake of bean counters rather than because the show needed another season, or the fans needed closure.

Update.  My dog has his appetite back, whatever it was, he's worked it through.  Hope you have similar good news AW.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 28 January 2012, 11:50:42
Well, chaps I'll be there Saturday at 18h30  which should be 17h30 in Greenwhich... Someday I'll have to retrieve that pic of me at 17 straddling the meridian. I remenber the naval museum there too, really a great place, and nice memories.... :)

But I disgress. So, who will design the scenario? Paladin1 came with a simple but effective one last time.  ;)

Sorry about dropping off the face of the Earth like that on you two, between Skyrim and Versus I seemed to have forgotten to live much this week.

Is everyone available for a MM game tomorrow at 1:00 PM Eastern?  If so, I'll set up a scenario and post it here later today.

Open invite to everyone else too, not just Foxbat and greatsarcasmo.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 28 January 2012, 11:53:26
Sorry about dropping off the face of the Earth like that on you two, between Skyrim and Versus I seemed to have forgotten to live much this week.

Is everyone available for a MM game tomorrow at 1:00 PM Eastern?  If so, I'll set up a scenario and post it here later today.

Open invite to everyone else too, not just Foxbat and greatsarcasmo.

Errrr, what's that in GMT?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 28 January 2012, 11:59:14
What's Chuck?  ???
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 28 January 2012, 12:02:40
What's Chuck?  ???

TV series by WB.

Errrr, what's that in GMT?

6 PM.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 28 January 2012, 12:15:57
I'll be there, but it will be a shorter game for me as I work on Monday.
Proposing a 2 mechs 2800 BV force? ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 28 January 2012, 12:35:35
Let's make it 2 units and 3K bv.  That should allow room for all kinds of fun.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 28 January 2012, 15:29:34
Sorry to hear about your dog's health problems, AW. :(
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 28 January 2012, 19:20:57
I'll try to make it but can't be sure I can
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 29 January 2012, 12:01:12
Just waiting for the start!  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 29 January 2012, 12:24:08
Sorry, work in a little while.  Those marital aids/homewreckers don't sell themselves. ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 29 January 2012, 17:41:49
Sorry about not being able to make it today guys, I just now got my computer to work again.  I've spent the better part of today trying to find and kill an especially nasty worm that somehow got past my firewalls...again. :-X

Maybe next time?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 30 January 2012, 02:20:37
I just got back from a game of table top B-Tech. Some of it played by candle light as the power went out. Me ShadowRaven and my friends 10 year old daughter beat Him his wife and there 8 year old son.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 30 January 2012, 10:47:15
So how did the Megamek game go?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 30 January 2012, 12:13:06
Sorry about not being able to make it today guys, I just now got my computer to work again.  I've spent the better part of today trying to find and kill an especially nasty worm that somehow got past my firewalls...again. :-X

Maybe next time?

Next time indeed, what about next saturday?  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 30 January 2012, 14:03:32
I might be able to do that, I'll have to see as the week progresses how things are going.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 03 February 2012, 12:32:17
Well hopefully we can play tomorrow. At any rate I'll be there, around 17 pm GMT  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 03 February 2012, 13:50:05
I'll try to make it!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 04 February 2012, 11:48:49
Well, who is ready to rumble?  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 07 February 2012, 12:13:51
No one apparently... a pity, since MM is fun.
This said, excellent day today : I just found a letter from the tax collector advising me of a 700€ refund. This is cool. *grins*
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 07 February 2012, 12:34:10
No one apparently... a pity, since MM is fun.
This said, excellent day today : I just found a letter from the tax collector advising me of a 700€ refund. This is cool. *grins*

Sorry, a busy weekend

On the other hand, next weekend should be a lot less busy for me but my wife will be working a home so hopefully I should be free
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 07 February 2012, 13:36:29 is done. I have now officially applied...for the job I currently hold.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 07 February 2012, 13:39:21 is done. I have now officially applied...for the job I currently hold.
I...I think you did that wrong?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 07 February 2012, 13:53:10
Nope. I'm currently a temp, but the county authorized turning my job into a permanent poisition. Because some law or other decrees it, they have to open it up for anyone to apply to, and I have to apply as well, to keep it an even playing field. I'm pretty sure I have an edge though, given that my bosses like me enough to tell me beforehand about when it was being posted, letting me see it before it was up so I could make sure I was fully qualified, and warning me about little things that could trip me up with HR.

I really hope I get this. I enjoy the work(most of it), it's probably the best pay and benefits I'll ever see in my life, and ever since losing my last good job in 2009, I've come to value stable income over all things, and there ain't much more stable than a government job.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: God and Davion on 07 February 2012, 14:41:02
Nope. I'm currently a temp, but the county authorized turning my job into a permanent poisition. Because some law or other decrees it, they have to open it up for anyone to apply to, and I have to apply as well, to keep it an even playing field. I'm pretty sure I have an edge though, given that my bosses like me enough to tell me beforehand about when it was being posted, letting me see it before it was up so I could make sure I was fully qualified, and warning me about little things that could trip me up with HR.

I really hope I get this. I enjoy the work(most of it), it's probably the best pay and benefits I'll ever see in my life, and ever since losing my last good job in 2009, I've come to value stable income over all things, and there ain't much more stable than a government job.

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 07 February 2012, 17:44:00
I really hope I get this. I enjoy the work(most of it), it's probably the best pay and benefits I'll ever see in my life, and ever since losing my last good job in 2009, I've come to value stable income over all things, and there ain't much more stable than a government job.

Good luck!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 07 February 2012, 18:29:31
Nope. I'm currently a temp, but the county authorized turning my job into a permanent poisition. Because some law or other decrees it, they have to open it up for anyone to apply to, and I have to apply as well, to keep it an even playing field. I'm pretty sure I have an edge though, given that my bosses like me enough to tell me beforehand about when it was being posted, letting me see it before it was up so I could make sure I was fully qualified, and warning me about little things that could trip me up with HR.

I really hope I get this. I enjoy the work(most of it), it's probably the best pay and benefits I'll ever see in my life, and ever since losing my last good job in 2009, I've come to value stable income over all things, and there ain't much more stable than a government job.
Amen. I started work at the library just over a year ago for stable income. Due to how the state's pension fund is set up, I was limited to 19 hours a week (all part-timers are) to stay under the lower limit for the pension system. I got a promotion last week to be the IT assistant and was enrolled in the pension fund. At this point I could really care less about the pension, all I wanted was the hours. But it is nice to have something there for the future.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 07 February 2012, 18:34:09
Huh, odd coincidence.  I was a part-time assistant at the college library my last couple of semesters of graduate school.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 08 February 2012, 15:01:29
Well, a significant part of my job involves running the school's library too... If only I could find a way to have it purchase all the BT stuff  >:D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 08 February 2012, 21:17:51
Well the TROs could go next to any car manuals
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 09 February 2012, 00:14:17
A couple of days ago I sent an e-mail to one of the Defense Contractors who I work closely with looking if they're hiring recently separated types (me in 6 months).  I'm quite sure they've got the way to make some actual cash off of the Government.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 09 February 2012, 00:17:48
A couple of days ago I sent an e-mail to one of the Defense Contractors who I work closely with looking if they're hiring recently separated types (me in 6 months).  I'm quite sure they've got the way to make some actual cash off of the Government.
Good luck!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 09 February 2012, 22:35:51
A couple of days ago I sent an e-mail to one of the Defense Contractors who I work closely with looking if they're hiring recently separated types (me in 6 months).  I'm quite sure they've got the way to make some actual cash off of the Government.

My company hires lots of ex-military folks. But they don't have much listed now. And a degree would make things rosier, I'm sure.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 10 February 2012, 23:49:56
I'm more looking for the tech-rep guy who goes out and installs new stuff to the fleet.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 11 February 2012, 07:27:53
Good luck, Nerd. I hope yours is the kind of experience they will be looking for.  O0
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 15 February 2012, 16:51:07
Four days?  You lads are slipping. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 15 February 2012, 18:13:15
Sorry, I was busy inventorying my loot from that last raid on Johnathan.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 16 February 2012, 00:17:24
Just too busy at work.  I'm not going to have the same schedule as I previously had.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 16 February 2012, 02:57:19
Just too busy at work.  I'm not going to have the same schedule as I previously had.
Me too. I got a promotion at work and went from 19 hours a week to ~38. (it's only supposed to be 30, but we'll see...). Getting even on my bills will be nice, but I kinda miss the free time...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 16 February 2012, 09:31:48
Mmm...ain't no joy like a Jarlsberg breakfast. {>{>
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 16 February 2012, 20:26:31
Beholden to the power of cheese?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 16 February 2012, 20:47:40
Cahill's Irish Porter ( any day. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 19 February 2012, 03:37:01
This makes my mouth water, Ian...  [drool]
no joy for finding this in here though, this said it is not as if we didn't have some cool stuff of our own (   ;)

I'm on holiday for the next two weeks -again!  ;D- so if you see me online, ands feel like some megamek, just drop me a word.  :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 19 February 2012, 07:09:57
This makes my mouth water, Ian...  [drool]
no joy for finding this in here though, this said it is not as if we didn't have some cool stuff of our own (   ;)

I'm on holiday for the next two weeks -again!  ;D - so if you see me online, ands feel like some megamek, just drop me a word.  :)

French cheese is great, British cheeses are also great (and different to French although a Cornish brie is lovely), Italian cheese is great, Canadian cheddar is lovely and Mexicana is nice

In fact the one place I'd avoid cheese is the good ol' US of A...

I'm on Nights this week (and would have MegaMech blocked at work even if I had time) but am on annual leave the week after...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Sharpnel on 19 February 2012, 07:54:55
The USA makes some very fine cheeses. Just stay away from Kraft 'American' and Velveeta (both of which are not tasty, just salty) and you'll be okay.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 19 February 2012, 08:05:43
The USA makes some very fine cheeses. Just stay away from Kraft 'American' and Velveeta (both of which are not tasty, just salty) and you'll be okay.

The stuff I got in sandwiches when on holiday in the US was not so much a dairy product but a semi-digestible plastic product more akin to what I would wrap my sandwich in than put in it

Similarly, what the US seems to call bacon is what I think of as the cheap off cuts rather than the real bacon... I'm sure we've covered this before, jsut look up what a rasher of bacon is in the UK
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 19 February 2012, 08:39:16
Sharpnel, what would you recommande for American cheeses? I must say that this a way my lactose addiction makes me prone to explore. In all fairness, I must say that even though French cheeses are indeed great, the claim some French people make that they are nonsuch is preposterous. I guess I've explored what our European neighbours have to offer and found it just as good. I have a special fondness for parmesan and cheddar.  [drool]

Doc, next week is just as fine for some megamek. I seem to recall you live but across the Channel, so having sensible times will be even better.  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 19 February 2012, 08:42:06
Sharpnel, what would you recommande for American cheeses? I must say that this a way my lactose addiction makes me prone to explore. In all fairness, I must say that even though French cheeses are indeed great, the claim some French people make that they are nonsuch is preposterous. I guess I've explored what our European neighbours have to offer and found it just as good. I have a special fondness for parmesan and cheddar.  [drool]

Doc, next week is just as fine for some megamek. I seem to recall you live but across the Channel, so having sensible times will be even better.  ;)

Yep, am on GMT
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 19 February 2012, 16:49:12
As a Brit in the US, the Yanks can make cheese, but rather like their good beer, its not nationally available, and has to be bought online or at specialty stores. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 20 February 2012, 07:52:54
As a Brit in the US, the Yanks can make cheese, but rather like their good beer, its not nationally available, and has to be bought online or at specialty stores.

Well, this is the same here. Avoid everything made nationally available. The best stuff is made in small outfits, who make themselves a network through personal ties to selected retailers.Getting to know who sells what can be a bit long, but there comes a time when a consumer reaches that heaven where he can get what he likes best reliably.  ;)

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 20 February 2012, 10:32:20
I just had some 17 year old cheddar from Wisconsin. Oh, so wonderful!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 20 February 2012, 12:39:15
Sharp enough to make your eyes water?

I got some 11 year once, and it was excellent.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 20 February 2012, 15:15:04
Vermont also has some very good sharp cheddars.  Huzzah for lactose tolerant genes in the Federated Suns!

Gratuitous cheese action! (
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 21 February 2012, 11:43:03
For you cheese connoisseurs, what would you say is the perfect cheese to put on a burger?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 21 February 2012, 11:45:53
I default towards a swiss-style cheese, but I default there for just about anything, and I'm hardly a burger connoisseur. I'm also not much of a cheese connoisseur, I just like to ingest as much of the good stuff as humanly possible.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 21 February 2012, 11:54:43
For you cheese connoisseurs, what would you say is the perfect cheese to put on a burger?

Beef is relatively powerful  taste wise, so I like a stronger cheese on burgers, esp if it has bacon.  Blue cheese is my preference, but anything I can taste over the burger and bacon works. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Stormcrow on 21 February 2012, 12:20:17
Swiss, Mozzarella or Muenster when I have a choice in the matter. Additional toppings that Have found that go well with all three are bacon, pepperoni, muchrooms or red onions (except with muenster)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 21 February 2012, 13:11:34
I'll second Ian's choice of Blue Cheese. Then again, I love Blue Cheese more than anyone rightly should...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 21 February 2012, 14:29:57
For you cheese connoisseurs, what would you say is the perfect cheese to put on a burger?

A strongish cheddar can be good, blue cheese is fine and I've found Mexicana can add several layers of flavour... to be honest so long as it isn't too crumbly (like Lancashire) it's great. I've had softer cheeses like Camenbert but that is a bit special. Finally, living with a vegetarian wife I get burgers so rarely that I'm just so thrilled I can enjoy whatever. Fortunately we have a Gourmet Burger Kitchen (Google it - so worth it!) and I have signed up to get frequent offer vouchers like 2 burgers for £10

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 21 February 2012, 15:29:35
A strongish cheddar can be good, blue cheese is fine and I've found Mexicana can add several layers of flavour... to be honest so long as it isn't too crumbly (like Lancashire) it's great. I've had softer cheeses like Camenbert but that is a bit special. Finally, living with a vegetarian wife I get burgers so rarely that I'm just so thrilled I can enjoy whatever. Fortunately we have a Gourmet Burger Kitchen (Google it - so worth it!) and I have signed up to get frequent offer vouchers like 2 burgers for £10

I must say, I've never associated burgers with gourmet food, as here, well, I think fast foods put quantity above quality, even they have these "specials" available.  This is interesting to see some restaurants do it otherwise elsewhere. Anyways, trying to field the question, I think bleu, or any strong flavoured cheese can conflict with the taste of the meat. Of course, your mileage may vary on this, but I'd be prone to try it with something milder, like Comté, or, more daringly, some Pyrenean Ossau-Iraty (made from sheep milk). Soft cheese is a big no-no, as it is better eaten raw, so what's the point of cooking it?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 21 February 2012, 15:38:44
I must say, I've never associated burgers with gourmet food, as here, well, I think fast foods put quantity above quality, even they have these "specials" available.  This is interesting to see some restaurants do it otherwise elsewhere. Anyways, trying to field the question, I think bleu, or any strong flavoured cheese can conflict with the taste of the meat. Of course, your mileage may vary on this, but I'd be prone to try it with something milder, like Comté, or, more daringly, some Pyrenean Ossau-Iraty (made from sheep milk). Soft cheese is a big no-no, as it is better eaten raw, so what's the point of cooking it?

The gourmet burger is a relatively new concept in British cuisine but does work well, it is about making a burger more than just fast food

One of the best options at GBK is the pesto burger which will, naturally, have a lot of Italian hard cheese in the pesto

The soft cheese on a burger goes on after it is cooked rather than being on it all the time and melted on and will normally be only one of the flavours along with something like a red onion jam or other flavours that will sit between the beef and cheese
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 21 February 2012, 15:39:27
I must say, I've never associated burgers with gourmet food, as here, well, I think fast foods put quantity above quality, even they have these "specials" available.  This is interesting to see some restaurants do it otherwise elsewhere.

MAybe it's the way the burger is ingrained in some cultures(mostly American), but while they are still most common in cheap fast food joints, many higher-end places are experimenting with the many different things you can do with the basic concept of ground beef between bread, ranging from higher-quality ingredients to alternate toppings and whatnot. I can't remember where it's from offhand, but my wife loves to go to one place and order a burger with a fried egg on top.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 21 February 2012, 15:45:49
MAybe it's the way the burger is ingrained in some cultures(mostly American), but while they are still most common in cheap fast food joints, many higher-end places are experimenting with the many different things you can do with the basic concept of ground beef between bread, ranging from higher-quality ingredients to alternate toppings and whatnot. I can't remember where it's from offhand, but my wife loves to go to one place and order a burger with a fried egg on top.

Check out the GBK Kiwi-burger!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 21 February 2012, 15:47:49
Are they in the US, or just your hemisphere?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 21 February 2012, 15:57:26
Well I would never consider a Burger gourmet, there are some rather nice places up here that go that extra to make it more than just fast food. Red Robins springs to mind as a place that dose this as is the Diner/Pub right next to where I work. By using better ingredants and making it to order will greatly improve the quality.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 21 February 2012, 16:02:36
Red Robin was exactly what I was thinking of as a gourmet burger place.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 21 February 2012, 16:07:57
I still like to go there, just never on a Friday night as it is usaly packed. Waiting 30-40 mins to get a seat is not my idea of a good time.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 21 February 2012, 16:11:25
I've learned to avoid eating out on Fridays on general principle. Heck, I try to avoid going out at all on Fridays if I can, as living between two major roads(both known for construction) makes getting anywhere...interesting.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 21 February 2012, 16:35:23
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 21 February 2012, 17:31:26
I've learned to avoid eating out on Fridays on general principle. Heck, I try to avoid going out at all on Fridays if I can, as living between two major roads(both known for construction) makes getting anywhere...interesting.

I drive down the Downtown Connector in Atlanta every workday.  Most days are okay since I leave early (today was not one of those days...), but Fridays are generally terrible.  Rush hour basically starts at 3 PM on Fridays.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 21 February 2012, 18:01:36
A friend of mines parents own a restaurant in town done in a 50s theme and their tag line is: "If you want to eat healthy, you've got to go home"
and their specialty is the D.O.A ( But to demonstrate toppings they also have the "Barnyard" which reports to have everything found on the farm: Egg, Bacon, Spam, Cheese and Chicken Strips as well as the usual vegetables. I've never eaten one (I'd rather not have a heat attack yet...) but I've heard it's delicious. We also have some bars around here with awesome burgers. Maybe not gourmet, but definitely not fast food.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 21 February 2012, 20:23:25
The real application of American cheese is that it melts so easily and evenly. Since I am not a fan of cold cheese, I can get along fine with my melted American. For me, any cheese that's not melted is a cheese that's being inflicted upon me rather than served to me.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 22 February 2012, 03:20:29
A friend of mines parents own a restaurant in town done in a 50s theme and their tag line is: "If you want to eat healthy, you've got to go home"
and their specialty is the D.O.A (

This is a mean looking burger!  :o

Wait and see, perhaps they'll catch up here with gourmet burgers, as we are prone to try all sorts of food from all sorts of places as long as they do not look too weird. I still remember that trip to Madagscar, and the occasion I was served some stewed lemur. They opened the pot's top, and I saw that little hand poking from the sauce... All of a sudden, my hunger was gone  [blank]

Regarding raw / cooked cheese, actually, even here, a lot of people don't like cheese at all. I cannot stand goat cheese personnally, so I undertsand. And some cheeses are way better cooked than not. Mozzarella is so awesome topping a pizza, and so meh! raw in a tomato salad in my opinion.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 22 February 2012, 08:41:24
I'm a big fan of Five Guys Burgers and Fries.  Not really gourmet, but not really fast either.  I usually get a two patty bacon cheeseburger with mayo, A1, and grilled mushrooms.  No silly green things for me.
Link: (
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 22 February 2012, 09:26:38
The real application of American cheese is that it melts so easily and evenly. Since I am not a fan of cold cheese, I can get along fine with my melted American. For me, any cheese that's not melted is a cheese that's being inflicted upon me rather than served to me.

For me, american cheese(as opposed to traditional cheeses that happen to be made here) is like velveeta or cheese whiz. It looks like cheese, it's often eaten like cheese...but it ain't cheese. For a better metaphor, mainstream american cheese = mainstream american beer.

Some cheeses are best warmed up. I can stand them cold, but a lot of people prefer to eat stronger cheeses melted, as heating them mellows out the taste considerably. I like blue cheeses straight or warm, but goat cheeses or brie really need to be warmed up for me.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Stormcrow on 22 February 2012, 10:27:31
I'm a big fan of Five Guys Burgers and Fries.  Not really gourmet, but not really fast either.  I usually get a two patty bacon cheeseburger with mayo, A1, and grilled mushrooms.  No silly green things for me.
Link: (
Beef patty is too small for the price that you pay. Otherwise, they ain't half bad.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 22 February 2012, 10:34:43
I tend to find that the best burger places are holes-in-the-wall like Ray's Hellburger in Arlington, but the best I've had in a restaurant chain is at Ted's Montana Grill, which is a relatively new chain owned by Ted Turner.  Of the big $5 burger chains, I've tried Steak and Shake, In N Out, and 5 Guys and prefer 5 Guys.  There's a new $5 burger place in town here called Cookout that makes a good burger, but I don't know if they're a chain yet.  Wendy's also makes a surprisingly decent burger since they decided to try and move up the scale a bit.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 22 February 2012, 11:11:58
5 Guys is pretty good, but there are not local and I think a couple of the local bars have better burgers. I also love feta on a burger. In fact there isn't much I don't like feta on. Perhaps I was Greek in a previous life, as I love most Greek staples.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 22 February 2012, 11:31:39
Mmm...feta. Discovered a local pizza joint recently, where about half of their specialty pizzas have feta on them. Awesome stuff. O0
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 22 February 2012, 14:24:41
I've never tried feta on a pizza. It's awesome in a salad, with olive oil and vinegar. I'll suggest it to the local pizzeria (been a client there fotr 20 years, so hopefully they will listen  ;))

Inspired by this topic, since I had to check how our seaside holiday resort had managed through winter, I had lunch with my younger son at the McDonald's there. Actually, I'd seen an ad about "specials" with traditional French cheese. I picked one with Cantal, which is a hard and mild cheese from Auvergne, in central France... Nothing gourmet in it, taste of cheese and meat is blocked by an overabundance of pepper. I guess we'll have to wait till we see better burgers here...

At any rate, that was a nice trip to the sea. A few pics to let you share...

the beach looking north. In the distance, on less hazy days, you could make out the Dune of Pyla, Europe's highest.

looking west. Somewhere beyond the horizon lies New York (we're at the same latitude  ;))

Winter is a season for building works... what will be there for the summer?

Mimosa trees. The sudeen freezing cold that hit us earlier this month wreaked havoc on their full bloom  :(

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 22 February 2012, 14:29:40
Very nice pics there!

Winter is a season for building works... what will be there for the summer?

It's a bad sign that I see stuff like that and my brain immediately goes "Mmm...lift hoists...evil potential..." If they were mobile, I'd practically be cackling.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 22 February 2012, 17:48:06
I tend to find that the best burger places are holes-in-the-wall like Ray's Hellburger in Arlington, but the best I've had in a restaurant chain is at Ted's Montana Grill, which is a relatively new chain owned by Ted Turner.  Of the big $5 burger chains, I've tried Steak and Shake, In N Out, and 5 Guys and prefer 5 Guys.  There's a new $5 burger place in town here called Cookout that makes a good burger, but I don't know if they're a chain yet.  Wendy's also makes a surprisingly decent burger since they decided to try and move up the scale a bit.

Cookout is a chain.  There are several here in Hell. Five Guys is good, but slow and pricey(the one at I Square in DC was) for what it is.  I'd rather eat at Chipotle if I have to wait in line and spend the money. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 22 February 2012, 18:16:35
I've found that not getting fries unless I'm famished cuts the cost down plenty at 5 Guys.  Even their regular order of fries is easily double what I usually eat with a burger, but I hate throwing away food I paid for, so it works best just to not get any.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 22 February 2012, 18:38:51
On my last trip to a pizzeria, I had a pie with garlic, anchovies, and croutons.  Yes, we asked for it and they served it.  It was terrific!

I found grocery stores in New York City to be well-stocked with delicious cheeses pedestrian and exotic.  Elsewhere I've had to hunt a bit for them.

Five Guys is indeed a good hamburger, but yes, three spuds' worth of fries is excessive.  I generally manage to eat a good share of them before giving up, though.

I confess I still like fast food as an occasional treat.  It's too expensive to make a habit of, though.

Poor Foxbat!  Putting French cheese on a McDonald's hamburger is to put the proverbial Gauss Rifle on the UrbanMech; it sounds awesome, but the results are invariably disappointing.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 22 February 2012, 21:47:02
For me, the best chain burger comes from Back Yard Burger. I'm entirely stoked that the one in town that was blown away in the tornado has been rebuilt and should reopen soon.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 22 February 2012, 23:58:57
I made my quarterly (or is it semi-annual?) foray above Off Topic.  Got that out of my system.  Sadly, with the state of the universe in the "present" of the Dark Age Era, there's little for me to want to talk about.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 23 February 2012, 00:41:01
For me, the best chain burger comes from Back Yard Burger. I'm entirely stoked that the one in town that was blown away in the tornado has been rebuilt and should reopen soon.
Is this a midwest thing? I've never heard of Back Yard Burger.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Deathrider6 on 23 February 2012, 02:29:12
Hmmm...All this talk of cheese well I t made my buy more cheese. Colby Jack (Tillamook) is okay for mass market.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 23 February 2012, 14:07:47
On my last trip to a pizzeria, I had a pie with garlic, anchovies, and croutons.  Yes, we asked for it and they served it.  It was terrific!

I found grocery stores in New York City to be well-stocked with delicious cheeses pedestrian and exotic.  Elsewhere I've had to hunt a bit for them.

Five Guys is indeed a good hamburger, but yes, three spuds' worth of fries is excessive.  I generally manage to eat a good share of them before giving up, though.

I confess I still like fast food as an occasional treat.  It's too expensive to make a habit of, though.

Poor Foxbat!  Putting French cheese on a McDonald's hamburger is to put the proverbial Gauss Rifle on the UrbanMech; it sounds awesome, but the results are invariably disappointing.

Our local takeaway pizza place does an amazing array of pizzas including a huge variety of cheeses, meats and vegetarian meat alternatives

Every so often we get some interesting cheeses and nom out on interesting cheeses on biscuits etc while watching crap TV... wonderful!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 23 February 2012, 14:18:45
Nice to see you again, Neko. And you are right, of course, whatever you add to a McDo Burger, it's still basically a McDo Burger. This said, if I may add a positive note, given the skill with which they take shots of their wares, they'd make a kill submitting for Camospecs...  :P
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 23 February 2012, 23:41:58
Is this a midwest thing? I've never heard of Back Yard Burger.

The several states I've seen them have been in the midwest. I'm not certain of their range, but they do make a tasty burger. And their waffle fries are amazing.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 24 February 2012, 10:21:14
The several states I've seen them have been in the midwest. I'm not certain of their range, but they do make a tasty burger. And their waffle fries are amazing.
Maybe I'll try and stop at one on my way out to GenCon this year.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 24 February 2012, 16:27:23
And in other news....I GOT THE JOB!!! WHOOOOO!!! [rockon]
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 24 February 2012, 16:28:29
And in other news....I GOT THE JOB!!! WHOOOOO!!! [rockon]

Congratulations!  [cheers]
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 24 February 2012, 20:42:49
I know of Backyard Burger.  Been a few years since I had one though.  With my work I travel all over the eastern and midwest parts of the US.  I know I have seen one in Tenn.  Probably a few other states as well.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Doug Glendower on 24 February 2012, 21:39:00
And in other news....I GOT THE JOB!!! WHOOOOO!!! [rockon]
Congratulations on getting the job. I'm sure you'll be better than the guy already there. :P
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 24 February 2012, 23:59:45
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 25 February 2012, 00:50:36
And in other news....I GOT THE JOB!!! WHOOOOO!!! [rockon]
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 25 February 2012, 03:26:41
Congratulations on a stedy income. I guse that means your buying  [cheers]
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Sharpnel on 25 February 2012, 04:26:14
And in other news....I GOT THE JOB!!! WHOOOOO!!! [rockon]
Congrats. Nothing like steady income and benefits.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 25 February 2012, 06:32:24
Congratulatins, Weirdo! Indeed a stable income is a big step towards what I'd call happiness.  8)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 25 February 2012, 11:25:40
The several states I've seen them have been in the midwest. I'm not certain of their range, but they do make a tasty burger. And their waffle fries are amazing.
There's one that I know of in Arkansas (I'm sure there's several more, but I can only recall having been to the one).  Certainly better than your average 'fast food burger joint' like McD's, Burger King, etc, but not my absolute favorite either.  I'd probably put them on a level with Hardee's(Carl Jr.'s or something in other places) and Wendy's.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 25 February 2012, 14:51:05
Back from the club, after a Cold War game. My opponent made a big mistake and allowed me to take flank shots at his Abrams with my T64s' gunbarrel fired ATGMs... One company wiped out in a single turn, ouch. The game nonetheless ended in a Mexican standoff, Nato and the Soviets facing each other across the only  bridge on the board. I'd disposed of his armor, but there was no way my conscripts could kick his Rangers out of the town on the other bank.

*note to self* When playing soviet, don't forget artillery.  ::)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 25 February 2012, 15:43:48
I thought the whole point of being the Red Army was to bring the Artillery
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 25 February 2012, 19:29:36
Congratulations on getting the job. I'm sure you'll be better than the guy already there. :P

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 26 February 2012, 04:17:52
I'll be online this afternoon (Europ time) in case someone would like a game  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 26 February 2012, 08:09:51
I'll be online this afternoon (Europ time) in case someone would like a game  ;)

Where and with what version of MM?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 26 February 2012, 08:22:38
May I suggest Steve's server, and I have all the versions running on it. That would be 34.3, and 35.25, 35.26 & 35.27.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 26 February 2012, 08:24:25
May I suggest Steve's server, and I have all the versions running on it. That would be 34.3, and 35.25, 35.26 & 35.27.

I've got 35.27 as my main one at the moment

Which is Steve's server? is it (port 2346)?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 26 February 2012, 08:26:06
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 26 February 2012, 08:28:09

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 26 February 2012, 08:31:23
Port 2347.  I'll mainly be providing color commentary (read: heckling) if you guys don't mind.

EDIT: I guess you don't but apparently the server does...

EDIT 2: Silly me, I was running 35.28 the whole time.  Whoops!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 27 February 2012, 13:40:34
There's one that I know of in Arkansas (I'm sure there's several more, but I can only recall having been to the one).  Certainly better than your average 'fast food burger joint' like McD's, Burger King, etc, but not my absolute favorite either.  I'd probably put them on a level with Hardee's(Carl Jr.'s or something in other places) and Wendy's.

I don't think any of the bigger chains can compete, or even really compare, with BYB. Damn, I need that place to reopen. I'm totally jonesing for that bacon cheeseburger.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 27 February 2012, 13:40:59
Congratulations, Weirdo!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 27 February 2012, 17:48:24
I've been having fun playing Foxbat at MM, now if only I can stop losing...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 27 February 2012, 18:26:52
I've discovered the ground is as much my nemesis in real games as it is in MegaMek...
This past weekend I failed a PSR of 3(!!!!) when entering a hex of water. The only damage on my mech was the stripped rear torsos.
Oh and I had an XL engine.
I actually wished I would have Stackpole'd. At least my death would have had a "cool" factor to it.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 27 February 2012, 18:52:45
Underwater Stackpole? So...your dying act would be to fill a giant jacuzzi with fart bubbles?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 27 February 2012, 19:07:18
Underwater Stackpole? So...your dying act would be to fill a giant jacuzzi with fart bubbles?
Epic, no?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 27 February 2012, 19:12:50
Just thought I would let you guys know that I started a sort of mini journal thread in the minis board.  Going to post updates on my painting challenge, pics, and other stuff there as the year goes on.  Go check it out and give some encouragement!  O:-)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 28 February 2012, 10:16:43
No class or work yesterday and crippled by a migraine. [madflame] Someone tell me they're a side effect of some evolutionary advantage or something. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 28 February 2012, 10:19:45
Exactly that. You're evolving an excuse to avoid work.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 28 February 2012, 10:22:41
No class or work yesterday and crippled by a migraine. [madflame] Someone tell me they're a side effect of some evolutionary advantage or something. 

What do you take for 'em?

First symptom/effect is gastric stasis so most painkillers taken the normal way don't get absorbed (although aspirin is/does). Hence the specialist migraine relief drugs often either aren't a conventional tablet or have something to make the guts work (like metoclopramide)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 28 February 2012, 10:24:38
Listen to the doctor. He has a fancy piece of paper. This makes him right.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 28 February 2012, 10:27:37
Listen to the doctor. He has a fancy piece of paper. This makes him right.

Actually, I have several now
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 28 February 2012, 10:42:00
Just Excedrin migraine, which works on 9/10s of the ones I get.  Aye, I know its the same as Excedrin extra strength, but it just works better, and my father-in-law(a GP) told me not to mess with it if the placebo effect is working. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Stormcrow on 28 February 2012, 10:43:48
Same thing I do when I get a killer headache or migraine. Take the excedrin Migraine even though it's the same as the Extra Strength Excedrin
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 28 February 2012, 11:32:40
I turn off the lights and pop an Excedrin.  Seems to work most of the time, and when it doesn't I take a nap.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 29 February 2012, 00:42:39
And I have spent the day playing the crap out of MW4.  Really liking the Victor with Clan LB-20 and Clan Ultra-20 for the solaris fights.  Just brutal at those ranges with the JJs.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 29 February 2012, 02:49:16
And I have spent the day playing the crap out of MW4.  Really liking the Victor with Clan LB-20 and Clan Ultra-20 for the solaris fights.  Just brutal at those ranges with the JJs.

I might have to try that...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 29 February 2012, 05:08:52
I'm more a fan of the Class 10s - I'll take the halved damage for better range - but that combo sounds absolutely brutal.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 29 February 2012, 07:27:59
I loved the opinion on one of the BT sites(it wasn't CBT or LOTB, but I forget which) where someone mentioned that yes, the Victor had just one trick, but it was one hell of a trick.  So when I saw it in there, I figured I'd do my best to give it the best trick I could...
For open combat, I swap the UAC for an IS heavy gauss but keep the LB-20.  Almost the same hitting power, nearly twice the range but slower ROF.

When I first was using the Victor, I paired 2 Ultra 5s(near constant damage that throws off their aim) with an Ultra 10 or LB-20.  Prior to that I was rocking a Blackhawk/Nova. 

MW4 sounds like a great AFFSHC thread meetup, and doesn't take so much time... ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Force of Nature on 01 March 2012, 00:40:07

MW4 sounds like a great AFFSHC thread meetup, and doesn't take so much time... ;)

I play nearly every day, same call sign.

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 01 March 2012, 02:55:29
I play nearly every day, same call sign.








Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 01 March 2012, 09:27:09
The return of tovaritch polkovnik Foxbatov (
This game has been a blast, and what better war can you simulate than one that never occured?   :)

Ready for some MM too.  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 01 March 2012, 09:47:16
The return of tovaritch polkovnik Foxbatov (
This game has been a blast, and what better war can you simulate than one that never occured?   :)

Ready for some MM too.  ;)

If you don't mind me being a bit distracd by trying to work at the same time, I'm up for a game and am now in my "study" so have dual monitors and can have work and MM open and displaying at the same time  O0
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 01 March 2012, 09:49:31
The return of tovaritch polkovnik Foxbatov (
This game has been a blast, and what better war can you simulate than one that never occured?   :)

Ready for some MM too.  ;)

I can't connect to the 35.27 server but am on the 35.26 server, ready and waiting
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 02 March 2012, 17:42:26
I play nearly every day, same call sign.








I had work last night, and have a final tonight, but I'll start looking for you...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 03 March 2012, 13:36:16
And just got more minis!

2 Jenners, a Grendel, a Kingfisher, a resculpted Ebon Jaguar, a Huitzilopochtli tank, Gnomes!!, 5 Wargs for the hell of it, IS BA, more Nighthawk BA, and 5 Centaurs for my protos. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 03 March 2012, 13:46:15
Planning a couple minis orders in the near future. Debating either a number of large USN support/transport ships(mostly) and a JMSDF squadron in pewter, or some 3d printed plastic ships, a large Marine Nationale squadron and a Japanese DDH. Shame the latter won't be in metal, but they're simply not available anywhere else.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 04 March 2012, 09:53:19
Modern naval, Weirdo? What rules are you using?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 04 March 2012, 12:29:01
Modern naval, Weirdo? What rules are you using?

Shipwreck. The idea of p&p Harpoon terrifies me, and I know of no other good rulesets. Sadly, it's optimized for cold war fights, and kinda breaks down when you try to incorporate stuff too far past the mid nineties or so. A VLS Ticonderoga is already terrifying, and people won't even try to make stats for a Horizon. If you know of any good rulesets for truly modern naval combat, I'd love to see them.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 04 March 2012, 13:11:20
I'm glad there is an alternative to Harpoon... never played it, but man, was I awed by the complexity!  ;)
This said, my naval gaming experience, minis wise, extends only to the 2nd World War. But I did enjoy the Fleet series games, of which 5ty Fleet, IMO, was the best. It's more of a grand strategical game, and purely tactical decisions are minimal and kind of abstract, but it did give a good feel of modern naval ops IMO.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 04 March 2012, 15:21:37
We just started turn ten of our Davion vs Drac 3025 game.  Here is the current kill list.  I only have to survive ten more turns.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 04 March 2012, 15:40:04
Good list!  Did you start playing this weekend?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 04 March 2012, 16:03:13
This is our third time playing.

Update:  just headcapped his Archer and tore into his Catapult.  I see a chance to win THR game by surviving till turn 20.  I'm going to take it.  Sacrifices will be made though...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Force of Nature on 05 March 2012, 00:41:07
I had work last night, and have a final tonight, but I'll start looking for you...

I am usually on after 9PM most nights. CST (Illinois).

Why 9PM? That is when Force of Nature IIC goes to bed.

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 05 March 2012, 09:57:34
I'm glad there is an alternative to Harpoon... never played it, but man, was I awed by the complexity!  ;)
This said, my naval gaming experience, minis wise, extends only to the 2nd World War. But I did enjoy the Fleet series games, of which 5ty Fleet, IMO, was the best. It's more of a grand strategical game, and purely tactical decisions are minimal and kind of abstract, but it did give a good feel of modern naval ops IMO.

Near as I can tell(haven't gotten a chance to play any games yet), modern naval warfare is a lot like being that hunter guy in Jurassic Park. 90% of the fight is your strategy for detecting the other guy first and shooting him before his missiles pull a scream-and-leap on you. If you pull it off, he doesn't see you until your missiles take his head off. If you fail, you don't see his saliva-dripping Exocets coming at you from the side and they gore you to death. More often than not, you've delivered a mortal wound to the raptor, but it still kills you before bleeding out. I think I may have overmixed that metaphor.

Very different feel from Battletech or any other game my group usually plays, so I hope at least some of them like it.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 05 March 2012, 13:48:08
Indeed, modern missiles are way more lethal, all the more since since modern warships are mostly unarmoured. You're hit, you're sunk, or at least completely disabled. The best option is to avoid detection... reminds me of the few Flat Top games I played a looong time ago.
I may give Shipwreck a try (sounds good, just competing with a ton of other stuff, like the coming Leviathans). Keep us posted on your games, and share a few good game reports please  ;)

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 05 March 2012, 21:18:26
Near as I can tell(haven't gotten a chance to play any games yet), modern naval warfare is a lot like being that hunter guy in Jurassic Park. 90% of the fight is your strategy for detecting the other guy first and shooting him before his missiles pull a scream-and-leap on you. If you pull it off, he doesn't see you until your missiles take his head off. If you fail, you don't see his saliva-dripping Exocets coming at you from the side and they gore you to death. More often than not, you've delivered a mortal wound to the raptor, but it still kills you before bleeding out. I think I may have overmixed that metaphor.

Very different feel from Battletech or any other game my group usually plays, so I hope at least some of them like it.
Pretty much.

Shoot first, and if you have, "SS-N-12 SANDBOX Incoming.  Detection mode:  VISUAL," make peace with your virtual god.  And I still want to get the latest computer edition.  Chris Carlson is an old friend of my dad's.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 08 March 2012, 13:00:35
Going to be bestman at a friend's wedding this saturday, so I won't be online for some megameking...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 08 March 2012, 13:18:53
Slacker.  Can't you multitask or something? :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 11 March 2012, 08:07:46
3 days?! C'mon people. Does no one have anything to say?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 11 March 2012, 09:06:27
3 days?! C'mon people. Does no one have anything to say?
I owe you an e-mail.

I just returned from a week in DC working on the service level war game.  [sarcasm]Loads of fun.[/sarcasm]

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 11 March 2012, 09:09:18
I owe you an e-mail.

I just returned from a week in DC working on the service level war game.  [sarcasm]Loads of fun.[/sarcasm]


You get paid to wargame and you're complaining, surely it beats real work
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 11 March 2012, 09:48:41
LoT is out. I'm busy rapturing.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 11 March 2012, 10:38:34
You get paid to wargame and you're complaining, surely it beats real work
While I was away from the office I was also away from my wife for five nights.  At 33 weeks pregnant, routine is key to happiness.

Anyway, most wargames I've done are part of the planning process and are meant to refine a plan.  However, wargame in these parts and at this level (service headquarters) involves developing a plan (a sometimes rushed product driven job) and then briefing it.  I don't why we'd try it that way but that seems to be the standard.  Unless you are developing a plan for execution the only other reason to build a plan is to train people.  Not really sure that's the right approach.  This time around we decided to build a plan and have a seminar battlestudy of the plan to draw out specific topics in a broader effort to find solutions.  I think folks were more interested in trying to fix our plan (which wasn't the point) instead of helping us innovate.  Several people said it was great to do something different and they felt educated walking out the door.  Nice but still not really the point.  Hopefully something will come about next week as we work through the aftermath of the event.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 11 March 2012, 12:38:33
Sorry, been role-playing and working on a merc unit.  One nice mech(Mad Cat MK II) and 11 others that actually do the work. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 11 March 2012, 13:10:45
Myself, I've been doing a bit of Master of Orion, some reading, some other stuff.

I really need to get that article for tomorrow written, now that I think about it...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 11 March 2012, 13:13:03
Packing. Man it's always more than you think. I will have a large basement that I'm setting up to game in. My friends play Axis and Allies so that's what we
we'll play at first. But I'm going to convert them to BattleTech.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 11 March 2012, 14:24:36
'Mechs would be a good upgrade for Axis and Allies.  Give 'em four each for attack and defense and cost 10 resource points apiece.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: God and Davion on 12 March 2012, 12:52:28
Last saturday I won my first tournament in 5-6 years. This happens when you are the guy that runs the tournaments and don't play. Another guy ran one and I got lucky. I scored more than 20 crits, rolling a 12 4 times in the crit chance roll. We had so much fun that I almost have a stroke for the laughter.  It has been a good weekend.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 12 March 2012, 16:48:52
Last saturday I won my first tournament in 5-6 years. This happens when you are the guy that runs the tournaments and don't play. Another guy ran one and I got lucky. I scored more than 20 crits, rolling a 12 4 times in the crit chance roll. We had so much fun that I almost have a stroke for the laughter.  It has been a good weekend.
Embrace it! Those days are few and far between!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 12 March 2012, 16:59:51
So Liberation of Terra has inspired me to repaint the Zug when my backlog of commission stuff is clear, as well as do a few other SLN ships, especially since I know I've progressed far beyond what I called a skill level back when I did most of my League stuff. However, the SLN's color description is very open-ended, so I thought I'd throw my ideas past some people before commiting to painting what will hopefully become the pride of my fleets.

SLDF spacecraft are known to use a scheme of light and dark grey, and a third color representing the vessel's homeworld. We know Zughoffer Weir was built over Titan, so I'm going with a dusty tan as the thrid color. My thought it to paint the upper half of the ship in tan, with light gray on the bottom, and selected panels and stripes in dark grey. Does this sound like it could look good on a Mckenna, and/or did anyone have any other suggestions?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 12 March 2012, 17:18:49
So Liberation of Terra has inspired me to repaint the Zug when my backlog of commission stuff is clear, as well as do a few other SLN ships, especially since I know I've progressed far beyond what I called a skill level back when I did most of my League stuff. However, the SLN's color description is very open-ended, so I thought I'd throw my ideas past some people before commiting to painting what will hopefully become the pride of my fleets.

SLDF spacecraft are known to use a scheme of light and dark grey, and a third color representing the vessel's homeworld. We know Zughoffer Weir was built over Titan, so I'm going with a dusty tan as the thrid color. My thought it to paint the upper half of the ship in tan, with light gray on the bottom, and selected panels and stripes in dark grey. Does this sound like it could look good on a Mckenna, and/or did anyone have any other suggestions?

It sounds good. The only other way I might think of painting it would be to have a dark gray underside, a light gray upper side and selected panels, highlights and stripe(s) in tan: This would give a more homogenised look to the fleet with all of the ships mainly gray with only the highlights to differentiate them.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 12 March 2012, 17:34:43
I'm planning to try something like that on a SovSoy, though I'm hoping to make each vessel very unique. With the only requirment being the three colors(and the third left up to the painter's imagination), there's potential for some truly weird ships. Some ideas involve painting the third color over the whole ship, and using the greys to make interesting patterns, such as camo, tiger stripes, or a lightning pattern. I'm even thinking of doing one in D-Day stripes, if I can think of a world that might use black as their third color.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 12 March 2012, 17:38:26
I'm planning to try something like that on a SovSoy, though I'm hoping to make each vessel very unique. With the only requirment being the three colors(and the third left up to the painter's imagination), there's potential for some truly weird ships. Some ideas involve painting the third color over the whole ship, and using the greys to make interesting patterns, such as camo, tiger stripes, or a lightning pattern. I'm even thinking of doing one in D-Day stripes, if I can think of a world that might use black as their third color.

Mordor? Luthien?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 12 March 2012, 17:41:43
Luthien...well, we do know that the SLDF bought a lot of Samarkand CVs....that might work, if I can't find any conflicting shipyard data. I'm also thinking of using a color from the building nation's fleet schemes, in the case of purchased or captured ships.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 15 March 2012, 20:39:49
How big of a surface do y'all think is needed for a good, decent gaming surface?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Crunch on 15 March 2012, 20:52:34
How big of a surface do y'all think is needed for a good, decent gaming surface?

What game system and scale?

WH40k pretty much scales for a 4' by 6' table. In Miniature rules BT that's the equivalent 24 by 36 hexes, a little less than 2 x 2 mapsheets so about right for a fight with 2 to 3 lances total depending on style and tech level.  But a 4 x 6 table is probably big enough for a company vs company fight using map sheets.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Force of Nature on 15 March 2012, 21:02:35
How big of a surface do y'all think is needed for a good, decent gaming surface?

Easy, a ping pong table.

It is what I use.

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 15 March 2012, 21:04:52
Looking for something that covers a lot. BattleTech, maybe an RPG, Axis and Allies. I'd love to build terrain in the future, but we'll see.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Crunch on 15 March 2012, 21:46:08
Looking for something that covers a lot. BattleTech, maybe an RPG, Axis and Allies. I'd love to build terrain in the future, but we'll see.
I've always liked a pair of 1/2" Ply 8x4 sheets with removable legs. Gives you either a biggish rectangle or a huge square and easy to make and store.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 16 March 2012, 00:14:34
Winter has decided to give spring a miss and go straight into spring.

Ping Pong table from my recollection is pretty close to that 4'x6'.  Here, we have a 4'x8' plyboard covered in felt over a standard dining room table.  The extra 2' gives room for some record sheets on the table, as opposed to all on side boards.  If the ping pong table is sturdy enough to support the weight, you might consider it.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 16 March 2012, 12:50:51
Been groomed to go 4 x 6", but I must say, I am old school! Which is no surprise, given my low opinion of the Jeune Ecole. ;)

Nothing to do tomorrow afternoon, except maybe a bit of kitbashing which will leave ample time for some megamek, if anyone's interested.  :)

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 16 March 2012, 12:57:59
Perusing the FSU archives, have come across several interesting papers...I know there are some other Napoleonics buffs in the thread like 3CL and Davout73. 

Wellington's Two-Front War (

Military Career of General Kellerman (

Command and Control and Role of British Cavalry in the Peninsula (
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Doug Glendower on 16 March 2012, 22:27:42
I have a hinged 4x7 table cover, and a 4x4 Octagonial poker table. Both work well.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 19 March 2012, 19:30:25
Perusing the FSU archives, have come across several interesting papers...I know there are some other Napoleonics buffs in the thread like 3CL and Davout73. 

Wellington's Two-Front War (

Military Career of General Kellerman (

Command and Control and Role of British Cavalry in the Peninsula (
I read the Kellerman paper and was disappointed.  While interesting and a product of hard research, I'm still not certain what the point of a study of cavalry during Napoleon's decline was.  Also, there was some really bizarre use of terms ("combats") from a West Point graduate and prospective teacher.  I'll check out the other two in the coming weeks.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 19 March 2012, 19:33:01
I think the point of most studies is "If I don't publish, I'm going to perish."
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 19 March 2012, 19:50:32
I think the point of most studies is "If I don't publish, I'm going to perish."
A good friend of mine uttered that very same comment when I submitted a writing sample from '08 for a speech writer's job.  An essay writer winner got the job but I think that had as much to do with taking someone in-house as anything else.  Still it got me to thinking about writing a couple of articles for the Gazette.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 20 March 2012, 04:46:38
I think the point of most studies is "If I don't publish, I'm going to perish."

I suffer from this a bit at work too but sadly have too much pride to want to create "filler" work
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 20 March 2012, 06:27:56
I read the Kellerman paper and was disappointed.  While interesting and a product of hard research, I'm still not certain what the point of a study of cavalry during Napoleon's decline was.  Also, there was some really bizarre use of terms ("combats") from a West Point graduate and prospective teacher.  I'll check out the other two in the coming weeks.

IIRC, when I skimmed it, he mentioned there was no actual biography of Kellerman, and was filling that gap; his career simply co-incides with the decline of Napoleon's cavalry corps, and more importantly, its change in usage as a result. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 20 March 2012, 10:56:31
I'm working up a scenario that's a combination chase and hold the line. Basically, the defender will have two groups, one actively running from the defender, the other buying time for the first group's escape, then making their own withdrawal. What kind of balance would you recommend for such a fight, in terms of total attacker vs total defender and running defenders vs holding defenders? I'm not sure yet how exactly I'll balance this, either BV, or by numbers and using RATs. (Both sides will be IS forces of roughly equal tech.)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 20 March 2012, 11:57:23
It depends on the attacker's priorities and exactly how willing the defender is to break the rules and try to combine both forces.  Blowing past a fixed defense line isn't that difficult in BattleTech if you're not inclined to stop and engage.  It almost requires mines to compel someone to be careful.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 20 March 2012, 12:50:19
The attacker's main priorities are simply to get their licks in. I'm running this as a Guerrero fight with the FWL as the attackers, so this is their chance to prove they're still a force to be respected after their poor showing in the 4th War. The FedCom force is basically doing a fighting withdrawal back to their DropShips, though it's not a rout yet.

To prevent the FedCom guys from standing and fighting, I'm going to make their victory conditions centered on getting as many units off the map as possible. Killing Leaguers will be a bonus of course, but that alone won't bring them victory.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 20 March 2012, 16:14:16
My gut response is that the FWL forces need to be composed of fast, hard-hitting mediums and cavalry heavies to give them a chance of forcing AFFC units to engage rather than simply running as best they can.  Otherwise, the AFFC forces will simply make a breakthrough and run... and of course, the same factors that come into play in stopping them are just as influential in their ability to prevent the FWLM from punching past them and going for their real objective: the force running like cowards.

I haven't run a scenario like this, mind you, so this is all theoretical.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 20 March 2012, 19:46:49
IIRC, when I skimmed it, he mentioned there was no actual biography of Kellerman, and was filling that gap; his career simply co-incides with the decline of Napoleon's cavalry corps, and more importantly, its change in usage as a result.
I believe you do recall correctly...except for whole change in usage tied to Napoleon's decline: no corroboration mentioned.  There is fertile ground for comparison or study but there didn't seem to be much effort to do so.  What it really got to me to thinking about was what the pursuit of Phd would require.  I do have to figure out what I'm going to do if I retire in three years.

Weirdo, the 'delay and defend' scenario you devised is similar to my trips to Combined Arms Exercises in the late '90s.  A retrograde, for whatever reason, is a difficult endeavor and the victory conditions you set make sense.  We used to set the 'delay and defend' as a the set up for a counterattack against the enemy's lead elements but it works as premise for a full on off-planet retrograde.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 21 March 2012, 09:16:01
I think I've managed to come up with some good forces using the ER: '62 RATs and my own judgement(Read: rerolls. Lots of rerolls. Damned Stealths...). Both sides are numerically equal, though the FWL/FC points ratio is about 1.25 in Marik's favor. As for victory conditions, I'm going to say that the AFFC must get at least half of their force off the map AND delay the FWL for a certain number of turns, probably however long it would take the FWL's slowest unit to cross the map plus three turns(this is going to be Quickstrike, so that's not as short a time period as it sounds). The FWL's objective is to cripple/destroy two-thirds of the FC force and get half their force off the FC home edge for a strike at their rear area/LZ. The FC will start on the map, with the two lightest lances along the attacker's edge and the heavier one anywhere in the middle of the map. The two running lances get two turns of movement, then the entire FWL force enters the map along the same edge. Hootcha hootcha hootcha...mayhem.

How does this sound? Balanced, or should I tweak it a bit with pilot skills?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 21 March 2012, 18:00:25
Sounds pretty good to me; actual objectives aside from 'kill all mechs' make it a more interesting game. 

Spent the afternoon assembling minis, among them, a Hauptmann RE, Enforcer RE, and Jenner.  Also quite impressed with the Cauldy RE.  Now to test my patience, waiting for the Thunderbolt IIC and Woodsman.  IWM is such a tease, they're on the site!  But not in stock until almost May! :'(
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 21 March 2012, 20:14:39
Hey guys!

I'm not dead yet, but I was in Hawaii and whilst being a fairly generic Mainland Tourist, (as opposed to Japanese), I met the one and only TeamNutmeg, who is as interesting in real life as he is on the boards.

I was severely tempted to pick up a set of Pearl Harbor battleships while at the Arizona memorial's museum ashore, but lack of luggage space won out, as did my lack of rules.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 21 March 2012, 20:30:11
Splendid!  I too lack a set of rules for packing model battleships.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 21 March 2012, 21:30:11
Splendid!  I too lack a set of rules for packing model battleships.
Not that, but more the lack of playing anything useful with them.

Oh, and Neko, there's a buffet in Waikiki with these plastered all over it.  Your venture?  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 21 March 2012, 21:33:52
Don't you know?  I have a venue in every tropical paradise. 8)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 22 March 2012, 08:43:41
He even has one in my good town of Bordeaux for that matter...  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 22 March 2012, 12:46:07
So I had to try this ('s_Gold_Loaf).  The wife will give me hell for the bacon, and I didn't make a whole loaf, just sandwiches, but it was bloody good.  And I want more bacon. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 22 March 2012, 14:56:36
So I had to try this (  The wife will give me hell for the bacon, and I didn't make a whole loaf, just sandwiches, but it was bloody good.  And I want more bacon. 

That sounds... foul. While the ingredients all sound good, the combination sounds... bleugh
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 22 March 2012, 14:58:25
Well, I did skip the champagne.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 22 March 2012, 15:00:06
Well, I did skip the champagne.

The booze was the only bit that made sense and I'm sure that with a skinfull I've eaten worse from South London kebab shops...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 22 March 2012, 15:23:34
Champagne at noon?! :o  Bloody hell man.

...I'd started on whisky at ten.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: whistler on 23 March 2012, 13:43:36
So I had to try this ('s_Gold_Loaf).  The wife will give me hell for the bacon, and I didn't make a whole loaf, just sandwiches, but it was bloody good.  And I want more bacon.

hate to say it man, but that sounds... pretty disgusting.  especially with the champagne.  it reminds me of a liquid PB&J recipe from when i had my jaw reconstructed... :shudder:

so yeah, i know it's pretty random but i've been trying to get back into some of my normal routine now that i'm doing better again.  i'm genuinely happy that this place hasn't changed  :)

Terrance, i know it's your scenario but if you need a hand planning it or getting the quickstrike sheets together i'd be happy to help.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 23 March 2012, 14:33:44
Well, champagne is meh to me. I find the stuff overpriced, as I like better the red & sweet white Bordeaux available here. The wife loves it though, so when we have foie gras on special occasions, we eat it with champagne. But we have all the Bordeaux I like on the rest of the time.  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 23 March 2012, 14:40:57
Well, champagne is meh to me. I find the stuff overpriced, as I like better the red & sweet white Bordeaux available here. The wife loves it though, so when we have foie gras on special occasions, we eat it with champagne. But we have all the Bordeaux I like on the rest of the time.  ;)

I like bubbly but generally find actual champagne is overpriced when compared to nice cava or prosecco in the UK
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 23 March 2012, 14:49:44
I'm a fan of sparkling grape jucie myself...
I'm not very cultured (GASP!, I know) and don't like many wine type things. Though at our wedding we had a Muscoto (?) that everyone loved called Banrock Station. Otherwise I like Boonesfarm. It's like Kool-Aide with a kick!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 24 March 2012, 07:17:17
That's an educational thing, you know. As a kid I used to hate wine... the taste grew on me as I grew myself. I do not know Muscoto, but the name is close to Muscat, which is a sweet, very slightly bitter wine. We usually drink it with appetizers here.
I prefer the Sauternes, or, as they are real pricey even here, I make do with sweet white Entre-Deux-Mers. Beautiful on foie gras.  :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 24 March 2012, 07:20:54
I'm not a big wine drinker as I find it gives me acid reflux in a way beer doesn't but it does get me drunk faster than beer and sometimes it is available free or included at weddings etc. Sparkling wines tend not to have the same problems for me for some reason, possibly because my wife drinks most of it!

I stick to beer and, for example, last night had 3 pints (proper, British 20floz pints) of Doombar ale and a bottle of some Turkish beer someone else bought...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 24 March 2012, 10:27:35
I'm not a big wine drinker as I find it gives me acid reflux in a way beer doesn't but it does get me drunk faster than beer and sometimes it is available free or included at weddings etc. Sparkling wines tend not to have the same problems for me for some reason, possibly because my wife drinks most of it!

I stick to beer and, for example, last night had 3 pints (proper, British 20floz pints) of Doombar ale and a bottle of some Turkish beer someone else bought...
The wife and I went to Napa and Sonoma for our honeymoon four years ago and have been wine drinkers for the most part ever since.  During last nine months, with baby inbound, I've sworn off our favorite vineyard, Duckhorn, from whom we recieve quarterly shipments.  The move last summer prevented us from fully enjoying the late spring mid summer deliveries and we've been stockpiling.  Currently we are up to 52 bottles of which I can really only drink four for another month or so.

Anyway, wine is all about what you like to drink.  I don't drink chiante because it give me heartburn and I can't do the muscato as it is too sweet for me.  If you want a half decent "starter" wine that has decent variety Yellow Tail isn't bad at all.  They even have a decent sparkling wine.  Our Wegmans (grocery store) has a good selection and their $6 bottle are usually pretty good.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 24 March 2012, 11:42:59
Yellowtail. OK. For a wedding gift we got a wind bottle  lazy-susan type holder thing and a bunch of wine glasses. We should probably set them up in our new place, as it's our first "grown-up" living quarters. The free apartment was nice only in that it was free.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 24 March 2012, 13:18:05
Its beer or wine depending on what we're having to eat.  If I'm at home for lunch, almost certainly beer.  I like Mediterranean and South American reds a lot, but I'm accused of having no taste in wine frequently.  Been liking an Argentinian malbec a great deal lately.   

Our Wegmans (grocery store) has a good selection and their $6 bottle are usually pretty good.

I continue to hate you with the burning passion of a thousand suns. ;) The Wegman's in FFX had a whole separate wine and beer store, in addition to what was in the regular grocery store.  Tell them about the olive bar! :'(
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 24 March 2012, 13:48:31
Ghudangit. During the week, I was told the office would be closed the next Monday because of some obscure holiday or another. I was looking forward to it, since I've had 11-hr 6-day weeks for some time now, and an actual 2-day weekend sounded awesome, only to be told today that we're coming in anyway because there's so much stuff to do. I want my Mondays, dammit! >:(
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 24 March 2012, 13:51:36
Ghudangit. During the week, I was told the office would be closed the next Monday because of some obscure holiday or another. I was looking forward to it, since I've had 11-hr 6-day weeks for some time now, and an actual 2-day weekend sounded awesome, only to be told today that we're coming in anyway because there's so much stuff to do. I want my Mondays, dammit! >:(

I thought a silly number of paid holidays was one of the prime attractions of a gubmint job.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 24 March 2012, 13:53:39
I thought a silly number of paid holidays was one of the prime attractions of a gubmint job.

You say that, I'm working a Night Shift on Good Friday - ick  [metalhealth]
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 24 March 2012, 13:59:49
I thought a silly number of paid holidays was one of the prime attractions of a gubmint job.

Since I've only been 'full-time' there for a bit over a week now, I'm not sure if I qualify for holiday pay yet. I hope so. And while the money's very nice(especially after 2+ years of un- and underemployment), I want some time to actually work on the minis I can finally afford. Heck, I've got commissions I haven't even been able to touch in months!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 24 March 2012, 14:04:50
Its beer or wine depending on what we're having to eat.  If I'm at home for lunch, almost certainly beer.  I like Mediterranean and South American reds a lot, but I'm accused of having no taste in wine frequently.  Been liking an Argentinian malbec a great deal lately.   

I continue to hate you with the burning passion of a thousand suns. ;) The Wegman's in FFX had a whole separate wine and beer store, in addition to what was in the regular grocery store.  Tell them about the olive bar! :'(
I'll have to query the wife but I think the defunct 'Meal Station' used to be the olive...nope.  The olives are back by the fresh cheeses; it is probably a 15' double sided salad bar of nothing but olives in various oils and whatnot.  Right now I'm sipping a glass of Patch Block pinot noir ($8) which I think is just as tasty as anything out there.  A Wegmans just opened in Bel Air, Md where my brother live with one minor difference...they don't have a liquor license.  To be honest, the store does have some gaps in its fire plan, so to speak.  The prepared meals are over priced and the chicken doesn't cook up all that well.  Also, I get the impression that many of their items are bulk items that are simply spread out amongst stores and consequently stuff will disappear from the shelf for months.  The dearth of diced ham is making Thursday night omelets repetitive.

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 24 March 2012, 14:16:52
I'll have to query the wife but I think the defunct 'Meal Station' used to be the olive...nope.  The olives are back by the fresh cheeses; it is probably a 15' double sided salad bar of nothing but olives in various oils and whatnot.  Right now I'm sipping a glass of Patch Block pinot noir ($8) which I think is just as tasty as anything out there.  A Wegmans just opened in Bel Air, Md where my brother live with one minor difference...they don't have a liquor license.  To be honest, the store does have some gaps in its fire plan, so to speak.  The prepared meals are over priced and the chicken doesn't cook up all that well.  Also, I get the impression that many of their items are bulk items that are simply spread out amongst stores and consequently stuff will disappear from the shelf for months.  The dearth of diced ham is making Thursday night omelets repetitive.

Maryland sucks for liquor licenses.  College Park had three bars(granted, not that far to others but still!) and even grocery stores and convenience stores didn't have anything.  But it did have a drive through liquor store in New Carrollton/Riverdale that was open LATE.  MoCo seems much more lenient in granting them. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 25 March 2012, 04:34:21
Since I've only been 'full-time' there for a bit over a week now, I'm not sure if I qualify for holiday pay yet. I hope so. And while the money's very nice(especially after 2+ years of un- and underemployment), I want some time to actually work on the minis I can finally afford. Heck, I've got commissions I haven't even been able to touch in months!

Heck you should! I remember when I worked during my holidays as a student. I was one day called by the supervisor telling I did have to take these few holidays I was entitled to. He never wanted to let me work on them for extra pay.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 25 March 2012, 14:34:14
So, I've sort of written my first bit of fiction and have put it up in the Fan Fiction section. I'm keen to get some feedback but please be kind!

It's called Oopsie Eridani
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 25 March 2012, 15:47:03
Just finished.  Given the year, I think you mean Rhonda, not her daughter Natasha.

I'm assuming this is a Chapter 1?  You wouldn't leave us hanging here would you?  I'm curious to see where this is going.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 25 March 2012, 16:11:31
Just finished.  Given the year, I think you mean Rhonda, not her daughter Natasha.

I'm assuming this is a Chapter 1?  You wouldn't leave us hanging here would you?  I'm curious to see where this is going.

I haven't worked out where it is going yet either. I'm debating how to use my little Snordling - and thanks for the continuity fix, I will amend it in a bit
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 26 March 2012, 14:43:36
 Interesting find yesterday. My local fancy grocery(a Whole Foods Market) has a nifty thing in their cheese section, a series of small buckets with 1-2oz blocks of random cheeses, so you can try something new without buying a full-size block of cheese. I had no clue what Mahon was, but I put it in my mouth anyway, and haven't regretted it yet. This could be a fun little thing to do every so often in the future...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 26 March 2012, 20:07:54
Interesting find yesterday. My local fancy grocery(a Whole Foods Market) has a nifty thing in their cheese section, a series of small buckets with 1-2oz blocks of random cheeses, so you can try something new without buying a full-size block of cheese. I had no clue what Mahon was, but I put it in my mouth anyway, and haven't regretted it yet. This could be a fun little thing to do every so often in the future...

IME, most are willing to cut you off a small piece of one or two cheeses in the case. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 27 March 2012, 05:10:23
My cheese seller is quite willing to offer you  a tiny sample slice to taste it on the spot
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 27 March 2012, 17:06:10
Yes, but afterwards it would seem churlish not to purchase.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 28 March 2012, 01:15:57
Yes, but afterwards it would seem churlish not to purchase.

Try several, purchase at least one. Conscience clear and you can be sure it is the one you want.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 28 March 2012, 03:41:35
Yes, but afterwards it would seem churlish not to purchase.

Well, not really, if you did not like it. Cheese comes in a variety of flavours that will not suit everyone's tastes. And thye flavour of a particular cheese changes with time. For instance, Im really partial to Saint-Nectaire provided it's still very young. If it matures, it gets way too strong for me.
THis said, back from the Armagnac  raid. Just restocked the locker, I must say I more and more relish having it for a nightcap, or as digestif after a good meal. Much better than Cognac, if not as well known...  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 28 March 2012, 15:24:51
I hate humanity even more, now.

No, that's not a typo.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 28 March 2012, 19:04:45
I hate humanity even more, now.

No, that's not a typo.
Some one doesn't know how to spell.

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 28 March 2012, 19:29:42
Where is Camal-lot.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 29 March 2012, 01:17:59
Where is Camal-lot.

Saudi Arabia?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: The Mighty ACHOO on 29 March 2012, 08:41:01
Well, at least King Arthurs Court has a round turnaround! And I think the Camal-lot is the one at the end...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 29 March 2012, 12:52:39
To be fair, my mind tricked me into seeing "Arthur."  I had to study it a minute to see that it was actually "Authur," which must be the mid-point between "Author" and "Arthur."
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Stormcrow on 02 April 2012, 23:39:02
*Aplies defibillator to thread* Four days? Really? Davionistas must be fading away.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 03 April 2012, 01:22:22
*Aplies defibillator to thread* Four days? Really? Davionistas must be fading away.

*injects adrenaline, looks at monitor, starts to shake head with a sad expression on face, sees something, grumpier look* "nuts, we got something here...

I've not got much news - I'm moving job tomorrow so don't have the time to do any bits and pieces, like revise my little bit of FanFic or write a second chapter of it

I'm slightly inspired to write something small scale after reading Sniper One by Dan Mills about, guess what, a British Army sniper platoon in Iraq in 2004 - great personalities and adventure so gives me an idea or three for some shorts
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 03 April 2012, 06:16:02
Well, doc, holidays in less than 2 weeks, again... a chance to cadge some MM then?  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 03 April 2012, 08:26:38
I'm mostly done moving, but fate is conspiring to keep from my air brush compressor. My old truck is turning to a real pain to get towed and it looks like I'm going to have to pay good money to have it moved...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 03 April 2012, 10:34:05
The past couple of weeks have been pretty stressful at work for me.  I'm hoping I'm just about at the end, but I'm only reaching it just in time for my mom to come visit and keep my stress levels high.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 04 April 2012, 00:37:37
Well, doc, holidays in less than 2 weeks, again... a chance to cadge some MM then?  ;)

There should be some time, yes. I look forward to it.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 04 April 2012, 08:45:20
You know, a lot of people are nostalgic about their carefree childhood days, but I gotta say this for adulthood: If I want a milkshake for breakfast, I'm having a damned milkshake for breakfast, and nobody can tell me otherwise! O0
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 04 April 2012, 13:19:42
Excellent! I'm looking forward for it too.

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 04 April 2012, 13:35:44
You know, a lot of people are nostalgic about their carefree childhood days, but I gotta say this for adulthood: If I want a milkshake for breakfast, I'm having a damned milkshake for breakfast, and nobody can tell me otherwise! O0

You've not been married that long, have you? :P 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 04 April 2012, 13:49:51
She does not discourage my eating habits. 8)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 07 April 2012, 11:49:15
You know, a lot of people are nostalgic about their carefree childhood days, but I gotta say this for adulthood: If I want a milkshake for breakfast, I'm having a damned milkshake for breakfast, and nobody can tell me otherwise! O0
On a similar note, I had to talk my wife out of a bacon-pancake cupcake idea for our pending-child's, post-pending-baptism brunch.  The child isn't here and she's already fielding menu ideas.  Bad fattening ideas.

I thought I'd give the thread a nudge before it reached the four day defibrillation threshold.  Incidentally, I've noticed absence of two key thread drivers here:  Caesar and 3CL.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 07 April 2012, 11:59:00
On a similar note, I had to talk my wife out of a bacon-pancake cupcake idea for our pending-child's, post-pending-baptism brunch.  The child isn't here and she's already fielding menu ideas.  Bad fattening ideas.

I thought I'd give the thread a nudge before it reached the four day defibrillation threshold.  Incidentally, I've noticed absence of two key thread drivers here:  Caesar and 3CL.

It's still pregnancy-brain (more formally known as placental brain) causing the disgusting menu thoughts

3CL has abandonded the CBT forum(s) but remains well and active on Facebook, I haven't seen CSFA/Vash on Facebook for a while
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 07 April 2012, 12:16:01
It's still pregnancy-brain (more formally known as placental brain) causing the disgusting menu thoughts
See this one I'll chalk up to nesting; the pregnancy-brain stuff has been driving me nuts.  She's constantly forgetting stuff and then realizing she's forgotten something.  Oh, and the hormones are doing random rollercoaster like spikes.  Fun, fun, fun!

Bummer to hear about the abandonment.  It seems many a long time member is drifting away; hopefully the tide brings them back.  The wife and I are discussing Facing the Book, again nesting.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 07 April 2012, 13:53:24
Well, that's how this topic goes.. the original AFFS HC topic was some eight years ago, and people fade and come back regularly.  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 07 April 2012, 15:15:09
I don't think I've seen 97jedi around much lately either.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 07 April 2012, 15:20:46
He's been online, I know that much, but not all that active, you're right.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 09 April 2012, 23:36:42
What is up with this weather?  7 days ago at this time, I had the AC running and I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt.  Tonight, I checked the forecast, and it appears I should dig my winter coat back out for the rest of the week.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 10 April 2012, 10:03:27
Fortunately for me the only thing that changes in my wardrobe is the length of my sleeves and whether I don my pullover.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 11 April 2012, 03:28:17
What is up with this weather?  7 days ago at this time, I had the AC running and I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt.  Tonight, I checked the forecast, and it appears I should dig my winter coat back out for the rest of the week.

If it may be any comfort, you are not alone. Weather has taken aturn for the worse here too. Hoping it improves soon, as we have holidays after next week end.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 11 April 2012, 04:15:14
It is actually below freezing right now.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 11 April 2012, 19:47:55
Its +16C up north here
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Sharpnel on 12 April 2012, 03:01:24
It got to 62F and over an inch of rain fell in the past 24hours
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 12 April 2012, 14:00:26
Rain and no buses this morning... I had to walk to work all the way from the tramway station.  :(
On the plus side, holidays tomorrow evening, yay! ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 13 April 2012, 10:10:40
So after getting a freeze 2 nights ago, Sunday it's going to be back up near 80.  Crazy weather year so far.  I hear we may even have a named storm in the Atlantic shortly, which would be really early.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 13 April 2012, 14:58:15
Not so strange, We just got your rain/light snow and you got our warm weather
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Doug Glendower on 13 April 2012, 16:41:33
Day 3 of rain in Bakersfield. Nothing works any more.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 14 April 2012, 08:41:06
Day 3 of rain in Bakersfield. Nothing works any more.

I thought this was how things worked?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 14 April 2012, 11:18:02
Oooh, found a kit that's a 2-pack of 1/700 Visby corvettes. Think they'd make good Battletech scale support ships?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 14 April 2012, 12:15:06
I had to Google it (; but yes, I think they have a suitably futuristic look to feature in a SciFi setting. Got a pic of them alongside a Mech so we can judge size?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 14 April 2012, 12:26:05
Don't have the models yet, considering ordering them to go alongside my USS Independence. By my math, 1/700 scale puts them at just over 4 inches long.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 14 April 2012, 12:55:20
10 cm should be fine indeed. The Independance (I suppose that's the LCS?) will look great too with them... just toss in a Lafayette or 2, and some FREMMs for more variety.  O0
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 14 April 2012, 12:56:58
10 cm should be fine indeed. The Independance (I suppose that's the LCS?) will look great too with them... just toss in a Lafayette or 2, and some FREMMs for more variety.  O0


I miss 3CL, he would have been advising you to get solid, Royal Navy ships rather than French ones simply because the French ones are probably better...  ;) now he's mostly just obsessed with Spitfires and badmouthing his employers on Facebook
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 14 April 2012, 13:05:30

I miss 3CL, he would have been advising you to get solid, Royal Navy ships rather than French ones simply because the French ones are probably better...  ;) now he's mostly just obsessed with Spitfires and badmouthing his employers on Facebook

Oh, I'm not sure they are better...  I just threw them in because of their weird look. Being more traditionalists, I suppose the RN ships have a less unconventional look?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 14 April 2012, 13:11:10
Oh, I'm not sure they are better...  I just threw them in because of their weird look. Being more traditionalists, I suppose the RN ships have a less unconventional look?

Having spent quite a bit of today watching TV and idly reading about the Future of the Royal Navy on Wikipedia, I would say that the RN is at a different stage of ship acquisitions than a lot of the rest of the major Navies as they have good escorts (type 22/23s) some new ones (the quite unconventional looking typ 45s) and a lot which aren't really even on the drawing boards yet

However, the type 22/23s are still quite "classic" looking and are at the stage where they still have quite a long service life ahead of them but the next generation are being thought about
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 14 April 2012, 13:13:33
The newer RN stuff is odd. Too good for offensive weaponry, it seems.

foxbat: I'd love a FREMM, but at this point, they may be getting a bit big for Battletech games...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 14 April 2012, 13:16:23
The newer RN stuff is odd. Too good for offensive weaponry, it seems.

foxbat: I'd love a FREMM, but at this point, they may be getting a bit big for Battletech games...

 Indeed. It looks like I got carried away  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 14 April 2012, 13:32:50
Then again, my group sometimes uses maps with 2" hexes... 8)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 14 April 2012, 13:39:35
Also I would thing that you would not see anything larger than a corvette as they would be off board using there artillery and cruise missiles
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 14 April 2012, 13:45:59
Perhaps. Then again, if a fight takes place near a harbor while a big ship is in dock...

Also, my group likes to sometimes play on a map of tiny islands surrounded by deep water. A decent support ship could be a major force there.

Finally, one guy wants to do a scenario sometime based off of never-happened WWII plans the Germans drew up to try and capture a British carrier using paratroops. That would definitely require a big ship...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 14 April 2012, 13:51:11
Rember to take picks of the St. Nazaire Raid with Battlemechs  O0
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 14 April 2012, 14:01:21
Or a Battlemech variant of Operation Frankton  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 14 April 2012, 14:46:50
A Battlemech Canoe would be neat to see
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 14 April 2012, 15:26:03
Don't have the models yet, considering ordering them to go alongside my USS Independence. By my math, 1/700 scale puts them at just over 4 inches long.
I have my own reservations on the LCS program.  It's how it requires a far different class of person than most of the surface navy.  It's mostly manning for housekeeping and damage control.  I'm wondering about how good USS Independence (LCS-2) will look when she arrives in San Diego.

And those Visbys, well, what happens when carbon-fiber burns . . .

Adventures in Damage Control:  the Real Navy horrors.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 14 April 2012, 15:37:52
I agree that neither is a truly formidable warship, but they look cool and appropriate for a sci-fi setting.

Besides, a corvette like Visby is probably performing the same duties as a Coast Guard cutter, plus picket duties, and there she seems decent. Independence would be more impressive if she were half the size, or if her OmniPods were ready. Once those are available, it's possible the LCS experiment may prove to be very effective.

At least they look better than Zumwalts. #P
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 15 April 2012, 03:04:20
I would comment but I think it would get too political
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 15 April 2012, 06:31:42
I have my own reservations on the LCS program.  It's how it requires a far different class of person than most of the surface navy.  It's mostly manning for housekeeping and damage control.  I'm wondering about how good USS Independence (LCS-2) will look when she arrives in San Diego.
I saw her pierside in Norfolk in Dec '10; she looks sharp.  According to open source comments from CNO they are going to use to relieve pressure on the rest of the fleet, particularly destroyers and amphibs.  My issue is that only way to get anything big out of the 15K sqft cargo bay is to go pierside.  Which is nice if the locals have a capable pier and will let you use it.  As for the Zumwalts, I'm hoping that they are Seawolf style technology development:  build three and follow-on with a more numerous but smaller sized, less (relatively) expensive class.  Also amusing is the they will be larger than most WWII cruisers and the biggest 'pointy-nosed' ships afloat.

Random CBT thought:  if my math is right, then the LCT vehicle and BA compliments would do well if the Colussus and Excaliburs dumped a battalion's worth of heavy cubicles for light cubicles and BA compartments. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Sharpnel on 15 April 2012, 06:55:42
The one thing I don't understand about the Zumwalt is they are bothering with 'Stealth' technology. From what I've read she's the size of WWII Cruiser (600' long, 14,000+ tons). I find the stealth a waste of tech on something so friggin' huge. I've got the same issue with the F-22 and F-35.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 15 April 2012, 07:12:26
The one thing I don't understand about the Zumwalt is they are bothering with 'Stealth' technology. From what I've read she's the size of WWII Cruiser (600' long, 14,000+ tons). I find the stealth a waste of tech on something so friggin' huge. I've got the same issue with the F-22 and F-35.
If the Zumwalt and her sisters are meant to be the follow-on to the gun destroyers then they will need to get in close and stealth will assist in that endeavor.  The DDG would bely that notion but the numbering doesn't.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 15 April 2012, 08:53:24
I would comment but I think it would get too political

The nature of naval warfare makes it a lot harder to divorce it from the politics behind the navies' creation or use, as compared to many other branches. Sad, really.

The one thing I don't understand about the Zumwalt is they are bothering with 'Stealth' technology. From what I've read she's the size of WWII Cruiser (600' long, 14,000+ tons). I find the stealth a waste of tech on something so friggin' huge. I've got the same issue with the F-22 and F-35.

Stealth on ships isn't really to make them invisible, it's to reduce the range at which they can be detected and/or shot at(a lot like Battletech's Stealth armor, actually). If you can spot a Ticonderoga at 100 miles and an Arleigh Burke at 70 miles, while they won't spot you until you close to 50 miles, you've got a massive advantage over them. Since most modern missiles have ranges far longer than their ships' detection abilities, those detection ranges are the big determining factor in who shoots first(and therefore probably does not get shot back). If the Zumwalt's stealthiness means you won't see it until it gets 30 miles away, it's suddenly a huge threat to you. This is why even huge ships like the San Antonios and the upcoming CVX class will incorporate stealth features.

Ask Nerd, sailors get crotchety when people shoot at them, and they're unable to reply in kind. Meanwhile, the opposite scenario often gets them rather giggly. :D

If the Zumwalt and her sisters are meant to be the follow-on to the gun destroyers then they will need to get in close and stealth will assist in that endeavor.  The DDG would bely that notion but the numbering doesn't.

Near as I can tell, the Zumwalts will also have a full complement of missiles in addition to the guns. I just hope they don't forget the SSMs, like the Darings did. ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 15 April 2012, 08:59:31
The best example of the benefits of "stealth" on a ship are demonstrated by the British losses to Exocets during the Falklands War: the missiles were targeting large ships like the carriers but other things fitted that description like the Atlantic Conveyer. Conversely, if the Zumwalt is sailing in close to use her guns for naval gunfire support but on radar only looks like a little fishing boat then she will be much harder to target with shore-based SSMs. On the other hand, an air defence DDG may need to have it's/her radar active and so "stealth" will be a bit pointless when radiating so actively, even if it/she can handle the incoming fire... although the ability to then switch off the radar and run away to a different position while "stealthy" and "hard to hit" might be nice for the sailors aboard the USS/HMS Target  :-\
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 15 April 2012, 13:39:53
An interesting article on Britain's Greatest Enemy Commander (17th Century to Present) on Yahoo.  Unfortunately, I suspect talking about the results would be political.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Stormcrow on 15 April 2012, 13:50:31
An interesting article on Britain's Greatest Enemy Commander (17th Century to Present) on Yahoo.  Unfortunately, I suspect talking about the results would be political.
I agree with the reasoning behind this, though my choice would not have been the same. My choice may not have been their greatest enemy, but he was more notorious.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 15 April 2012, 17:35:46
And I just got home from my second tabletop game of BattleTech ever with one of our fellow mods and also a Demo Agent, Wolf Lancer 4.

That was fun.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 15 April 2012, 17:49:05
An interesting article on Britain's Greatest Enemy Commander (17th Century to Present) on Yahoo.  Unfortunately, I suspect talking about the results would be political.

Very weak choices in the poll, though.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 15 April 2012, 18:32:55
There were a couple big ones on there.  One has a complex named for him.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 15 April 2012, 19:13:01
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 15 April 2012, 22:46:43
The alleged short guy, I'd guess.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 16 April 2012, 02:36:06
I should have noted that he had an era named for him as well.  The one right before the Victorian Era.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 16 April 2012, 04:23:45
And I just got home from my second tabletop game of BattleTech ever with one of our fellow mods and also a Demo Agent, Wolf Lancer 4.

That was fun.

So, who won?  ;)
Doc, I'm at home this afternoon with nothing more than painting a Mad Cat for this summer's french BT meet, so I should have plenty of time in the intervals 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 17 April 2012, 17:56:43
No one, yet, unless you count the guys who are still on the battlefield.  We're planning to finish it off this weekend.  Roy was painting, not playing - that was me (Steiner) and GoForTheThroat (Wolves).  Some of what he was working on is up in the Minis section.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 17 April 2012, 19:42:28
Actually the ones on the minis board are the ones I have finished the painting on.  The ones I was working on this past Sunday was a Griffin IIC, Shadow Hawk IIC, and Arctic Cheetah.  They still have lots of work left before they are finished.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 18 April 2012, 07:50:58
It looks like painting Wolves is a shared occupation : I'm doing my Wolves for this summer's French Battletech meet. 2 done, another 3 to do, plus Elementals. Right now doing a Timby in Beta livery  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 21 April 2012, 10:36:54
So, who won?  ;)
Doc, I'm at home this afternoon with nothing more than painting a Mad Cat for this summer's french BT meet, so I should have plenty of time in the intervals 

Sorry, I wasn't around
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Wolf Lancer 4 on 21 April 2012, 23:05:28
It looks like painting Wolves is a shared occupation : I'm doing my Wolves for this summer's French Battletech meet. 2 done, another 3 to do, plus Elementals. Right now doing a Timby in Beta livery  ;)

I of course will demand pics!  :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 22 April 2012, 04:31:19
Huh.  I thought you were working on some of those Elementals, too.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 22 April 2012, 08:29:01
No wolves on my desk, oddly enough. Just some Greeks, Leaguers, and Feddies.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 22 April 2012, 10:14:31
For anyone interested, I've a new join to the family.  My son, Mitchell Robert, was born at 2230 EDT on 19 April arriving at 8.5 lbs and 21.5 inches long.  Mother and child are doing fine...I'm a flipping mess.


Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 22 April 2012, 10:24:05
Congrats on the biped! O0
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 22 April 2012, 12:08:31
Congrats on the biped! O0
Thanks my friend.  I remain in awe.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 22 April 2012, 12:10:17

For anyone interested, I've a new join to the family.  My son, Mitchell Robert, was born at 2230 EDT on 19 April arriving at 8.5 lbs and 21.5 inches long.  Mother and child are doing fine...I'm a flipping mess.


Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 22 April 2012, 13:10:43
Congratulations, sir, on the addition to the family.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 22 April 2012, 13:40:31
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 22 April 2012, 13:51:28
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: God and Davion on 22 April 2012, 14:01:15
For anyone interested, I've a new join to the family.  My son, Mitchell Robert, was born at 2230 EDT on 19 April arriving at 8.5 lbs and 21.5 inches long.  Mother and child are doing fine...I'm a flipping mess.



Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 22 April 2012, 14:38:28
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 22 April 2012, 17:36:04
Gents, thank you all.  Gotta start gearing up to give the little guy his first bath.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 23 April 2012, 09:33:13
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 23 April 2012, 13:20:36
Congratulations! That is a life changer!  O0

Of course, pics will be in order. I'm doing a Linebacker Prime and a Cauldron Born H, and then I'll do the Ellies. I guess I'll only put 3 on a base, 5 is overcrowded IMO.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: BlackAce on 23 April 2012, 19:04:45
Dropping by to give my best wishes to Matt and the family. Congratulations!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 23 April 2012, 23:08:42
Time to reveal a certain specific aspect of my ignorance, fellow Davionista.  I've read the phrase "Stick it in and break it off." used in some sci-fi that I read.  BT I'm pretty certain, possibly other places as well, but I can't recall atm.  I must say I don't quite grasp the idiom.  'Twould seem to me that not breaking one's weapon in the enemy would be more beneficial.  Am I missing something?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 24 April 2012, 06:41:16
Life changing is right and we've already had our first trip to the emergency room.  Blood in the diaper at 0500 will scare the crap out of you.  Fortunately, he's fine.
Time to reveal a certain specific aspect of my ignorance, fellow Davionista.  I've read the phrase "Stick it in and break it off." used in some sci-fi that I read.  BT I'm pretty certain, possibly other places as well, but I can't recall atm.  I must say I don't quite grasp the idiom.  'Twould seem to me that not breaking one's weapon in the enemy would be more beneficial.  Am I missing something?
To me it sounds like a cleaned up version of "shove it up your ass and break it off."  The 'it' doesn't really matter because the process is meant to hurt in the figurative sense.  I think.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 24 April 2012, 12:35:31
Time to reveal a certain specific aspect of my ignorance, fellow Davionista.  I've read the phrase "Stick it in and break it off." used in some sci-fi that I read.  BT I'm pretty certain, possibly other places as well, but I can't recall atm.  I must say I don't quite grasp the idiom.  'Twould seem to me that not breaking one's weapon in the enemy would be more beneficial.  Am I missing something?
As Charlie 6 mentioned, there is a modernized version of this but the original version had to do with breaking off an arrow that you just shot into your enemy, thereby making it much harder for them to remove it without infection setting up, not to mention more painful as well.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 24 April 2012, 12:37:05
For anyone interested, I've a new join to the family.  My son, Mitchell Robert, was born at 2230 EDT on 19 April arriving at 8.5 lbs and 21.5 inches long.  Mother and child are doing fine...I'm a flipping mess.



Belated Congratulations as well Matt.  Sorry I didn't catch this earlier.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 24 April 2012, 18:57:42
Another late congrats.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 24 April 2012, 19:36:12
Thanks guys.  Just curious but are there any other parents wandering around this board?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 25 April 2012, 05:22:37
Well, I have 2 sons, 13 & 17. Does it count?  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 25 April 2012, 06:18:41
We're still having too much fun with the attempts at getting her with sprog.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 25 April 2012, 08:31:42
Dropping by to give my best wishes to Matt and the family. Congratulations!
And it is certainly appreciated!
Well, I have 2 sons, 13 & 17. Does it count?  ;)
Of course!  Yours bracket my brother's by a year in either direction.  They were our first visitors when we got home on Saturday.  They rolled in with food (pulled pork) and beer; we sat and watched a hockey game after which my wife and I realized we should have been sleeping.  Oh well, each day is a lesson learned.
We're still having too much fun with the attempts at getting her with sprog.
We were doing that also...until we had problems getting pregnant.  We found great inspiration in a reality program of all places (Giuliana and Bill).  Still, the "just having fun part" was great for the marriage.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Force of Nature on 25 April 2012, 20:48:45
Thanks guys.  Just curious but are there any other parents wandering around this board?

Congrats Charlie 6!

Yes, I too am a wandering parent on this board.

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 25 April 2012, 23:31:15
I've got a question for the literary types, particularly those more European knowledge that I.  I've read two different books by two different authors in the last few days, and both have had characters referring to ancestral castles as "piles" and not (so far as I can determine) in a disparaging way.  Is this a form of aristocratic slang?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Sharpnel on 26 April 2012, 02:11:36
Just guessing on the term 'piles'

1. It takes piles of money to upkeep the castle or
2. Castles are nothing more than well-organized piles of large stones.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 26 April 2012, 02:27:08
Big building or a main and surrounding buildings.  Its not just aristos, but I wouldn't refer to the home I grew up in as a pile, though some of my outlying/subordinate family might. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 26 April 2012, 12:22:27
Time to reveal a certain specific aspect of my ignorance, fellow Davionista.  I've read the phrase "Stick it in and break it off." used in some sci-fi that I read.  BT I'm pretty certain, possibly other places as well, but I can't recall atm.  I must say I don't quite grasp the idiom.  'Twould seem to me that not breaking one's weapon in the enemy would be more beneficial.  Am I missing something?
Found a variation:  From the Battlecorps story "The Gulf of Reason", p.20:
"I think we're pretty well stuck in," he said.  "Let's give this knife a twist and break it off."
  I still don't get the expression.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 26 April 2012, 12:36:58
Found a variation:  From the Battlecorps story "The Gulf of Reason", p.20:   I still don't get the expression.
The thing that your quote brings to mind is a scene from Tom Selleck's "An Innocent Man".  He uses a plexiglass shank to stab him in the gut and was told to twist it so it would break in the guy's belly.  The result being the man would bleed out before anyone could dig the shank out to fully stop the bleeding.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 26 April 2012, 12:50:33
Which brings to mind we recently have had the 1st season of Blue Blood broadcast here. For the few episodes I could watch, Tom Selleck did not disappoint. Really a great actor.  :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 26 April 2012, 14:29:49
I've got a question for the literary types, particularly those more European knowledge that I.  I've read two different books by two different authors in the last few days, and both have had characters referring to ancestral castles as "piles" and not (so far as I can determine) in a disparaging way.  Is this a form of aristocratic slang?

I think it's just a quietly understating way of talking about things: very English/British... which I am told is why the Glorious Gloucesters got so screwed in Korea as they underplayed how bad a situation they were in to the higher command  :-\

The thing that your quote brings to mind is a scene from Tom Selleck's "An Innocent Man".  He uses a plexiglass shank to stab him in the gut and was told to twist it so it would break in the guy's belly.  The result being the man would bleed out before anyone could dig the shank out to fully stop the bleeding.

I will defer to those with appropriate training but had always understood that you need to twist anything stuck in the guts to avoid the muscles spasming and trappin the weapon; I know that we have to do all significant abdominal surgery under general anaesthetic as we need to have the muscles properly relaxed... remember, there aren't any knock out drugs that work in seconds to knock someone unconscious but there are paralysing agents that will leave someone unable to breath/move in seconds with completely preserved consciousness (but I'm sure Falchion et al already knew that tasty bit of nasty)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 29 April 2012, 09:23:10
Holidays are ending (but after 2 straight weeks of cold rain, who'll mourn them?  :P) on another Blitzkrieg Commander game at the club. The next episode of the adventures of Polkovnik Foxbatov.  ( The good colonel will owe this success more to the size of his forces tan his talent, I'm afraid, but he's got a good scapegoat to throw to the NKVD's dogs at least.  >:D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 29 April 2012, 13:10:45
So, classic Red Storm from the East then?

Just remember, the death of a few peasant infantry is nothing for the glory of the Motherland.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 29 April 2012, 13:14:50
Thanks for the info on the term "Pile" guys.  I'm surprised I've never come across it before.

Foxbat, we're getting that same rain here in the midwest US.  Not as much as you describe, but every few days, with a good chance most days.  Its weird, I have my winter coat, spring jacket, and shorts all laid out, because any given day I may need a winter, spring, or summer wardrobe.  Crazy spring.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: LiaoFan on 02 May 2012, 00:59:37
Yo, bros.

How goes?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 02 May 2012, 08:45:08
Well, look who finally crawled out of the ventilation... 8)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Doug Glendower on 02 May 2012, 14:24:33
Hooray. We needed some dissent around here. :P
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 02 May 2012, 14:50:23
Yo, bros.

How goes?

(  ;)

Welcome back, LF! And well, Doug, up to you to build us a new Miniatures Rules episode on his return  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: God and Davion on 02 May 2012, 14:50:33
Yo, bros.

How goes?
Better with you being here O0
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 02 May 2012, 17:52:34
Yo, bros.

How goes?

LiaoFan!  Great to see you!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: LiaoFan on 03 May 2012, 01:11:55
Well, look who finally crawled out of the ventilation... 8)

I was here the whole time.  I was just...unusually quiet.

Hooray. We needed some dissent around here. :P

In the words of the sage:  "'Cuz we need a little controversy, and it feels so empty without me."

Welcome back, LF! And well, Doug, up to you to build us a new Miniatures Rules episode on his return  ;)

Never try to force an artist's hand, sir.  It seems easy at first, but then, you have to spend an entire House's treasury to make sure it sticks.

Believe me.

LiaoFan!  Great to see you!

Good to be seen.  How have the boards behaved in my absence?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Doug Glendower on 03 May 2012, 03:15:36
(  ;)

Welcome back, LF! And well, Doug, up to you to build us a new Miniatures Rules episode on his return  ;)
Actually, I've had an idea for a while. It might be time to "investigate" it. :D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: LiaoFan on 03 May 2012, 14:51:31
As crass as I am, I might have returned sooner if I'd known the reception I would have received.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 03 May 2012, 16:00:00
Maybe a shorter absence would have engendered a lesser fondness.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 03 May 2012, 16:01:06
Mostly we just want to lure you in so we can liberate you.  With "liberate" in this instance possibly having the meaning of "incinerate"
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: LiaoFan on 04 May 2012, 10:56:01
Be careful to open a window.  We Capellans take quite a bit of incineration, stink of sulfur while on fire, and occasionally explode. 

Of course, being a Diplomat/Saboteur, there are other complications, but I'll leave those unmentioned, since everyone likes a good surprise now and again.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 04 May 2012, 10:57:35
It won't surprise me. I've had the cats hide similar things behind the couch.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: LiaoFan on 08 May 2012, 00:55:36

Did someone go and make you a Moderator?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 08 May 2012, 07:28:05
Wow, you have been gone a while. ;D I thought that happened before your disappearance, must have been just afterwards.

Long story short: Yes.

Short story long: Moo hoo ha ha.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 08 May 2012, 16:49:43

Did someone go and make you a Moderator?

They made me one, too.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 08 May 2012, 19:15:29
The more things change the more they stay the same I guess.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 08 May 2012, 19:49:01
They made me one, too.
Yesss, you....curses

(I kid in all honesty relative to my recent faux pas, hee hee)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 08 May 2012, 20:50:35
Boilerman!  I was just yesterday thinking how long it had been.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 08 May 2012, 22:47:09
This semester has been a real bugger.  All's well at your end?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 09 May 2012, 04:53:51
The more things change the more they stay the same I guess.

And I'm really fine with that, eh eh.  :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 09 May 2012, 18:01:43
A-ok, my friend!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 12 May 2012, 20:36:03
I've got another Military Tradition question.  Nautical this time.  I know the basics of the Watch/Bell system (6 four hour periods per day).  But why is First Watch actually the Last Watch of the day (2000 to 0000)?
The only thought that occurs to me is that a Fantasy adventuring party - and I'm guessing that the convention originated with Army traditions - set watches during the night, with the first being about that time frame.  But then, they don't need a Forenoon, Afternoon or Dog Watch.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 12 May 2012, 23:16:58
The glossary in my Centennial (2002) edition of the Bluejacket's Manual merely gives the same definition, with no mention of history.  On the boat, we just call the morning watch stood after section relief the 'first watch.'  But we're submariners, and do what we want.   >:D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 13 May 2012, 05:50:54
The glossary in my Centennial (2002) edition of the Bluejacket's Manual merely gives the same definition, with no mention of history.  On the boat, we just call the morning watch stood after section relief the 'first watch.'  But we're submariners, and do what we want.   >:D
For embarked troops it typically became a matter of equating a number of bells to whether it was time for chow or not.  Our watches, in the Landing Force Operations Center (LFOC) or Tactical Logistics (TACLOG) were based on the numbers of people we had.  Since we pulled the MAR DETs out of ships' company we've lost much of that.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 13 May 2012, 08:26:02
Don't quote me as fact (Sea Cadets was a long time ago)but I belive it was because it was the first watch of the new day because the day befor ends at sunset. It is also I belive why Sunset is at 2000 on a Stone Frigate when the sun will still be up for another hour.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 13 May 2012, 13:51:31
Sunset = New day makes sense as a reason.  Thanks guys.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 13 May 2012, 14:43:29
What is a stone frigate? the name itself would make me prone to questioning its seaworthiness....  ???
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 13 May 2012, 15:08:45
Some cultures traditionally begin a day at dusk as well.  In Judaism, for example, the sabbath begins at sundown friday and lasts until just after sundown saturday, not 0000 saturdayto 0000 sunday as some might assume.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 13 May 2012, 15:51:22
I like the earlier explanation better.  When the army stops marching at sunset and makes camp, they set a watch.  That's the first watch.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 13 May 2012, 17:18:04
What is a stone frigate? the name itself would make me prone to questioning its seaworthiness....  ???
UK for a shore base.  You can hit it on wikipedia.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 13 May 2012, 22:08:55
What is a stone frigate? the name itself would make me prone to questioning its seaworthiness....  ???

It would have taken a 8b on the rictor scale to put the last one I was on to sea
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 14 May 2012, 11:29:47
Got dumped yesterday and learned my credit card had been compromised today.  Anyone got any good news to explain my karma deficit?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 14 May 2012, 11:33:15
My work is actually rather light at the moment, and I just sent in my funding of the M-5 Caspar. My bad.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 14 May 2012, 11:53:16
UK for a shore base.  You can hit it on wikipedia.

Ah, thanks. Disn't think of it, but it makes sense...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 14 May 2012, 12:54:59
Got dumped yesterday and learned my credit card had been compromised today.  Anyone got any good news to explain my karma deficit?
The ex didn't compromise the credit card, I hope..
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 14 May 2012, 14:12:30
The ex didn't compromise the credit card, I hope..
Nope. Completely unrelated.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 14 May 2012, 19:36:02
Since we pulled the MAR DETs out of ships' company we've lost much of that.
"A ship with out Marines is like a shirt without buttons."  ADM David D. Porter, USN.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 14 May 2012, 20:40:59
Well it's good it is only shirts.  All you junior ratings would be in trouble with out the 13 for your pants.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 14 May 2012, 21:06:55
"A ship with out Marines is like a shirt without buttons."  ADM David D. Porter, USN.
Issued for wear under combat uniforms?  Available cheap in multi-packs at Wal-Mart? ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 15 May 2012, 08:46:04
Whoever they is, they are wrong. Hell is not other people. Hell is other people with small children who watch shows with horrible theme songs that get stuck in your head days or even weeks after you visit them. It's worse when you get multiple songs stuck in your head at once, because some things just do not mix with Alestorm, and one of those things is the Backyardigans.

If I ever meet toe writers of those songs, I will Herb them. I will Herb them HARD. >:(
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 15 May 2012, 11:31:51

If I ever meet toe writers of those songs, I will Herb them. I will Herb them HARD. >:(

This is indeed a crime to write music with your feet!  They deserve to have their feet tickled to death! ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 15 May 2012, 12:12:54
Wahoo!  I passed both courses this semester!  I can officially say, after far too many years as a part-time student than I care to admit, that I am finally a senior.  And not far from being considered a senior citizen.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: God and Davion on 15 May 2012, 13:49:24
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 15 May 2012, 16:43:26
Wahoo!  I passed both courses this semester!  I can officially say, after far too many years as a part-time student than I care to admit, that I am finally a senior.  And not far from being considered a senior citizen.

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 15 May 2012, 22:59:53
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 16 May 2012, 04:24:34

Congrats, B-Man! Time to dig up my conga-rats from the AFFSHC's old days!  O0
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 16 May 2012, 10:29:37
Congrats, and best of luck on that final year!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Lord Harlock on 16 May 2012, 14:32:15
Whoever they is, they are wrong. Hell is not other people. Hell is other people with small children who watch shows with horrible theme songs that get stuck in your head days or even weeks after you visit them. It's worse when you get multiple songs stuck in your head at once, because some things just do not mix with Alestorm, and one of those things is the Backyardigans.

Oh please, I can tune out Backyardigans through just repeating the "Touch" in my head over and over again. And if that fails, I break out MegaHerz's "5: Marz", Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters", or Martin Luther's "A Might Fortress is Our God". 

No, the one that you have to watch out for is the abyss known only as Max and Ruby. Even catching a glimpse of its infernal drawings will cause you to lose precious brain matter as you wonder if those dumb chubby rabbits will ever do anything other than stand around.

But honestly, what can you do to the writers of Max & Ruby and Backyardigians that life hasn't already done?  ;) Using small nuclear warheads would only make them martyrs to the denizens of toddler television. And even if it would feels good to eliminate them, they would be avenged by Raffie and a legion of other Nick Jr. Abominations with Sarah Silverman and Jack Black to boot. The only solution is really to convince children that they should never watch such things by introducing them to better animation.


Congrats, B-Man! Time to dig up my conga-rats from the AFFSHC's old days!  O0

I miss that hollowed hall sometimes especially when I accidentally saw what it has become. Live on Congarats!  And congratulations, BM.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 16 May 2012, 19:05:23
Wahoo!  I passed both courses this semester!  I can officially say, after far too many years as a part-time student than I care to admit, that I am finally a senior.  And not far from being considered a senior citizen.
Well done, keep pressing.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 16 May 2012, 21:52:34
Congrat from me as well Boilerman.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 16 May 2012, 21:52:57
Thanks guys.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 19 May 2012, 03:06:51
I made a happy discovery involving my low sodium diet.  Popcorn kernals - dried, not microwavable, and the oil to pop them in, have no sodium and no cholesterol (another part of my diet the doc is concerned with).  And adding a TBSP of unsalted butter isn't horrible.  I just wish I could add a little more salt, or salt substitute.
I had my first popcorn in almost a year.  How I've missed it.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 19 May 2012, 08:51:34
I made a happy discovery involving my low sodium diet.  Popcorn kernals - dried, not microwavable, and the oil to pop them in, have no sodium and no cholesterol (another part of my diet the doc is concerned with).  And adding a TBSP of unsalted butter isn't horrible.  I just wish I could add a little more salt, or salt substitute.
I had my first popcorn in almost a year.  How I've missed it.

Latest guidance is that a low sodium/salt diet is only needed for people with established high blood pressure... or so went the training a friend of mine had recently

Issued for wear under combat uniforms?  Available cheap in multi-packs at Wal-Mart? ;)

Ah, flesh-armour!

Wahoo!  I passed both courses this semester!  I can officially say, after far too many years as a part-time student than I care to admit, that I am finally a senior.  And not far from being considered a senior citizen.

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 19 May 2012, 13:24:47
At my last physical, I was put on meds for my BP.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 19 May 2012, 14:56:35
At my last physical, I was put on meds for my BP.

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 19 May 2012, 18:08:09
My sister is younger than me, and she's been taking them for a couple years.  My mom started them when she was a few years younger than I am now.  I was only borderline (around 130/90ish), but I also only have one kidney, and the doctor felt that it would be better for the kidney.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 20 May 2012, 09:56:11
Seems bad,Greendragon, but I am no doctor. My best wishes for your good health...

This seems a futile counterpoint, but we had another Cold War Commander game at the club. I'm especially happy with how good my opponent's army looks. If I've ever had a student for painting, that's him.  :) (
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 20 May 2012, 11:51:59
Seems bad,Greendragon, but I am no doctor. My best wishes for your good health...

This seems a futile counterpoint, but we had another Cold War Commander game at the club. I'm especially happy with how good my opponent's army looks. If I've ever had a student for painting, that's him.  :) (
Wow! Excellent painting! If I had more time/money I'd pick up micro armor...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 20 May 2012, 12:21:48
@Foxbat: you're bang on right about the opponent's question.  When I played Close Combat: Modern Tactics, I tried out the Warsaw Pact supplied force, and Abrams were simply unmatchable.  I think in several dozen games, I crippled one.  Even 3:1 odds just had my T-72s die slower. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 20 May 2012, 12:27:12
A shame WW3 never happened.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 20 May 2012, 13:00:47
thanks, I'm really happy his units turned out as well as they did7

Ian, this is true in most games. I was hoping it was a bit less so in CWC, becaause you do not need to kill them outright. Suppressing them is just a tad less effective, it stops them from further action for a whole turn, which causes real problems : these 6 cost more than 50% of my army points. When I played Soviet last time, I'd taken loads of long range ATGWs that did the job, although with the help of a major blunder by my opponent who charged right through their killing zone and offered me flank shots. Artillery is good too, as any unsaved hit can cause suppression. I guess tank spamming with low value units is jsut less effective... though if he had not command blundered the last turn, that would have been another game altogether.

Neko : that's definitely why I love wargaming the Cold War : it never happened, and we have such nice piles of exhaustive data. The best war to game is the one that never happened. That's why I'm also getting ready to simulate naval battles between the WW2 era navies of France and Italy.  Take your bets, Richelieu or Vittorio Veneto?  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 20 May 2012, 13:09:09
Thanks Foxbat.  Honestly, on a daily basis I'm fine, I just have to watch my diet.

Nice paint jobs on those minis.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 21 May 2012, 18:17:53
There is a thread up north on the length of IS military careers.  I went over 17 years today.  I'm pretty freakin' tired at this point.

On the brighter side, my kid turned one month on Saturday and was Baptised on Sunday.  That's a career I could get behind.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 21 May 2012, 18:53:24
Another seventeen-year slog just beginning!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 21 May 2012, 20:16:51
Another seventeen-year slog just beginning!
Ain't that the truth...and we want another.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 21 May 2012, 22:05:29
Ain't that the truth...and we want another.
Think of England, my friend.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 22 May 2012, 21:58:08
There is a thread up north on the length of IS military careers.  I went over 17 years today.  I'm pretty freakin' tired at this point.

On the brighter side, my kid turned one month on Saturday and was Baptised on Sunday.  That's a career I could get behind.
Congrats on both accounts C6.  If I had stayed in I would have gotten my 20 in 6 years ago.   

The more I think about it the more I want to retire from my current job 2 years, when I graduate with my BSME and start fresh elsewhere.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 25 May 2012, 17:57:23
Who couldn't use a clean break, eh?  Congrats also, BM.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: God and Davion on 26 May 2012, 14:34:37
Neko : that's definitely why I love wargaming the Cold War : it never happened, and we have such nice piles of exhaustive data. The best war to game is the one that never happened. That's why I'm also getting ready to simulate naval battles between the WW2 era navies of France and Italy.  Take your bets, Richelieu or Vittorio Veneto?  ;)

Richelieu. The Dunkerke and Richelieu class were amazing.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 26 May 2012, 14:49:57
For that battle I would say it all depends on who lands the firs major hit.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 30 May 2012, 09:51:55
Going to be a long day today.  My presence is requested at a 4:15PM meeting. :(
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 30 May 2012, 10:07:28
Good luck, dude.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 31 May 2012, 13:01:22 boom? Enlighten us, man!

On an unrelated note, today I learned that infants behave much like helium. Both spend much of their time enclosed in flexible and brightly covered materials and usually travel suspended a short distance from the ground, and when you pass either one around, most people's voices gain several octaves.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 31 May 2012, 14:18:01
Except helium never needs to have its dipper changed
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 31 May 2012, 14:20:44
Anyone who spends enough time standing under an airship's toilet will probably tell you otherwise...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: God and Davion on 31 May 2012, 15:22:36
Going to be a long day today.  My presence is requested at a 4:15PM meeting. :(

I hope that there wasn't anything bad.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 01 June 2012, 09:07:27
I hope that there wasn't anything bad.
Nah, just an hour of trying to stay awake while I largely didn't need to be there.  Like most meetings, except this one threw my evening schedule out of whack.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 01 June 2012, 09:19:34
Ah. My wife had one of those, the other week. They were told of the meeting a couple days before and that people HAD to be there, it was mandatory, and extremely important. Of course, this got Stina worried sick(possibly literally, it's looking like) about what the bad news could be, and when she got in that morning? It was the normal meeting they always have every morning. [metalhealth]
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: God and Davion on 02 June 2012, 13:39:10
Nah, just an hour of trying to stay awake while I largely didn't need to be there.  Like most meetings, except this one threw my evening schedule out of whack.

Glad to hear about it. My latest meetings are more like fencing matches than something useful.  [whipit] [whipit] [whipit] [soapbox]
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 02 June 2012, 14:15:35
I didn't think the internal mod threads were going that badly lately...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 02 June 2012, 14:29:36
"Can we ban this guy yet?"
"Can we ban this guy yet?"
"Can we ban this guy yet?"
"Can we ban this guy yet?"
"Can we ban this guy yet?"
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: God and Davion on 02 June 2012, 18:27:58
I didn't think the internal mod threads were going that badly lately...

When you have to threaten a policeman, a translator and a public servitor with penal law in the same day you realize that your work is more interesting that you expected.  [whipit] [whipit] [whipit]

"Can we ban this guy yet?"
"Can we ban this guy yet?"
"Can we ban this guy yet?"
"Can we ban this guy yet?"
"Can we ban this guy yet?"

 O0 O0 O0 O0
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 02 June 2012, 21:58:43
When you have to threaten a policeman, a translator and a public servitor with penal law...

Legalese for "No, seriously...YOU shut up." :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 03 June 2012, 03:32:51
I just saw we'd be getting an Omega the other day. It makes me nearly sorry I did not opt for the Jihad as the theme of the yearly BT french meet... Just imagining the faces of the other players when I pull this out of the box. Ah, well, no chance I can paint it in time if they're available at GenCon anyways.  *mad cackles*
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 03 June 2012, 05:46:37
I just saw we'd be getting an Omega the other day. It makes me nearly sorry I did not opt for the Jihad as the theme of the yearly BT french meet... Just imagining the faces of the other players when I pull this out of the box. Ah, well, no chance I can paint it in time if they're available at GenCon anyways.  *mad cackles*
Something that sized makes me hope for a serious return of the Museum scale pieces.  Whether I get it or not, I'm glad there is an alternative to the jumping theme of the past few years.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 03 June 2012, 05:54:39
I finally visited the little game store near my new work (it's only been 2 months) - no BattleTech  :'(
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 05 June 2012, 19:22:27
I finally visited the little game store near my new work (it's only been 2 months) - no BattleTech  :'(
The little game store near me went away.  Sad.

I've discovered that I've little interest in posting in either the 'how much artillery thread' or rehashing the 'confusion with Level IIs and mechanized infantry' up north.  Funny how having those discussion three to four times over the years becomes a draining prospect.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 05 June 2012, 21:29:27
Hey C6, didn't you start out in the artillery?

I have to admit the same thing, I've scanned through some of the threads up north but I'm not at all interested in posting.  Or if I am interested I self-censor because all I want to do anymore is make snarky comments.  The space station thread comes to mind. 

I guess I'm just getting ornery in my old age. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 06 June 2012, 01:55:06
Same as I don't want to rehash the reasons omnis are good when people say they're expensive or whatever.  Its gotten old. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 06 June 2012, 03:02:29
There are still active threads north of Off Topic?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 06 June 2012, 05:02:20
A handful of good ones, even. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 06 June 2012, 16:18:02
A handful of good ones, even. 

I try my best to keep the Fan Articles interesting.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 06 June 2012, 16:19:44
I'm enjoying J A Baker's TopGear 3025 at the moment
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 06 June 2012, 18:52:55
Hey C6, didn't you start out in the artillery?

I have to admit the same thing, I've scanned through some of the threads up north but I'm not at all interested in posting.  Or if I am interested I self-censor because all I want to do anymore is make snarky comments.  The space station thread comes to mind. 

I guess I'm just getting ornery in my old age.
A year ago I was the S-3 for an artillery regiment but I've spent more time as an operational planner.  Oddly, it has become moreso a source of pride to be able to speak as a MAGTF Officer (having an understanding of aviation, logistics, C2, etc.) than strictly speaking artillery.  Not that I'll turn down a battalion command if one comes my way but that remains to be seen.

For me there are only so many times you can make a point and have someone with no understanding of the topic attempt to argue with you.  I'll happily answer PMs or even talk down here but the wandering "ooh, ooh, I've an uniformed opinion" is grating.

The humorous part of the artillery thread is that for all the folks trotting out what ratio of units they'd use is that few of them have put a thought into how to manage the relationship between real estate (where you can put units) and effectively massing range fans to fight the way you want.  Oh well.

Has anyone played Memoir '44?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 07 June 2012, 05:33:17
I try my best to keep the Fan Articles interesting.

Those threads probably comprise the bulk of my posting on this board iteration.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 07 June 2012, 18:33:59
Got my first appointment for separation.  Next week.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 07 June 2012, 18:52:04
Had your fill then?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 07 June 2012, 19:47:54
A combination of exhaustion, and being in a substandard situation for further advancement (not qualifying a certain watch that if you return to a boat and don't have, you're a **** fool, and Big Navy changing the rule to put E-5's on the same proportion of Promotable, Must Promote/Early Promote as E-6's).

Plus, there's too many people who re-enlisted to make E-5 in my rate, and are at about the same point in their career as me.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 08 June 2012, 19:07:14
Then let me be the first (first!) to offer congratulations and thanks for your service.  Any idea what's next?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 08 June 2012, 19:12:31
A combination of exhaustion, and being in a substandard situation for further advancement (not qualifying a certain watch that if you return to a boat and don't have, you're a **** fool, and Big Navy changing the rule to put E-5's on the same proportion of Promotable, Must Promote/Early Promote as E-6's).

Plus, there's too many people who re-enlisted to make E-5 in my rate, and are at about the same point in their career as me.
If it makes you feel any better, and I know it won't, the promotion zone for Marine LtCol went from 12 months to six.  Life is getting rough for everyone.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 08 June 2012, 22:45:39
Then let me be the first (first!) to offer congratulations and thanks for your service.  Any idea what's next?
Back to school.  Already admited to St. Cloud State University, in accounting.
If it makes you feel any better, and I know it won't, the promotion zone for Marine LtCol went from 12 months to six.  Life is getting rough for everyone.
I'm not surprised.  Everyone wants to stay in it seems.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 09 June 2012, 04:03:03
Back to school.  Already admited to St. Cloud State University, in accounting.

I have a family history of accountancy, interestingly it was my grandfather and great grandfather who were both in the British Army - my Great Grandfather ended up as a Warrant Officer (possibly Regimental Sergeant Major) in the Royal Corps of Accountants (now defunct) after a career initially starting in the Inniskillin Fusiliers (I think): the forces always need such support so you can always try to get back in!

If it makes you feel any better, and I know it won't, the promotion zone for Marine LtCol went from 12 months to six.  Life is getting rough for everyone.

I'm not surprised.  Everyone wants to stay in it seems.

Have you seen what the jobs market is like outside?! Actually, I'm reasonably secure in a government job for at least the next few years and the British military is being downsized so my friends who are in are lucky to be keeping their jobs

Back to school.  Already admited to St. Cloud State University

Where is St Cloud?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Sharpnel on 09 June 2012, 04:40:18
It's in the state of Minnesota in the city of St. Cloud, which I think is in the western half of the state. They have a pretty decent men's hockey team at the university, IIRC.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 09 June 2012, 04:41:48
It's in the state of Minnesota in the city of St. Cloud, which I think is in the western half of the state. They have a pretty decent men's hockey team at the university, IIRC.

Thanks, couldn't be bothered to Google it  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 10 June 2012, 10:29:55
Nerd, sorry to hear that. My best wishes for finding another job, though this will probably be less interesting than your current one. I've always wondered how life was in nuclear boats since, as a kid, I read a  translation shortened for kids of Rickover's book.  ;)

I also did some naval stuff this week end, giving my GHQ French and Italian fleets their first outing. I'll just say, smoke screens rock! (
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 10 June 2012, 13:32:28
I'd like to scream that its a game, a great game and universe, but one with flaws for a lot of reasons, like CLRMs having no minimum range because of a printing error rather than being intended that way.  The mental gymnastics and adherence to rules over fun is killing it.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 10 June 2012, 15:41:21
That was a printing error?  Was the minimum supposed to be 6 still?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 10 June 2012, 16:30:19
That's the poop.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 10 June 2012, 16:39:39
I'd like to scream that its a game, a great game and universe, but one with flaws for a lot of reasons, like CLRMs having no minimum range because of a printing error rather than being intended that way.  The mental gymnastics and adherence to rules over fun is killing it.

So, the super-weapon was an accident? How amusing
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 10 June 2012, 18:30:09
But, why then wasn't the CLRM error fixed in TACOPS?  (or TACOOPSs as I just typed it three times...much better name if you ask me).
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: FedSunsBorn on 10 June 2012, 20:48:02
I'd like to scream that its a game, a great game and universe, but one with flaws for a lot of reasons, like CLRMs having no minimum range because of a printing error rather than being intended that way.

I...didn't know that...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Davout73 on 10 June 2012, 20:49:09
You could just house rule it and move on...

I...didn't know that...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 10 June 2012, 20:50:21
The CLRM error isn't the point.  Its the incessant nitpicking and bickering up north over everything and anything.  Some stuff is deliberately bad.  Other stuff is stupidly good by accident(CLRMs).  And now we as a board nitpick and obsess over 3.2 average damage instead of 3.1 average damage.  Or autocannon being worse than lasers.  I like them because they go bang and not zap.  Or the class of a refit when talking about adding a heatsink(the horror!). 

I'm right back where I was a year or so ago: frankly no interest in BT outside the miniatures. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 10 June 2012, 20:51:38
(or TACOOPSs as I just typed it three times...much better name if you ask me).

TACOOPS is what happens when you don't make the WC after tacos. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 10 June 2012, 22:18:31
Wait, I thought the CLRM bit was an urban(mech) legend.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 11 June 2012, 00:47:32
Or autocannon being worse than lasers.
I wish they were slightly lighter weight.  Or that there were a LAC/10 with better range than the progression for the 2&5 would indicate.  The ammo/ton and damage/heat are ok, but with three generations of improvement in Energy Weapons, and Missile Weapons, the original ACs are outclassed.  They are still deadly, but not as deadly as the other options.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 11 June 2012, 05:02:34
Indeed, ACs aree not as good, though the LACs are giving good punch for the BV, especially if you use specialty ammo. A LAC 5 boat with precision ammo spells doom for the fast flankers, with a better precision than a TC or greater range than pulse lasers.
Perhaps allowing a ton to have the normal number of rounds (with perhaps a higher likelihood of explosion, like infernoes) could be contemplated...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 11 June 2012, 19:44:27
A combination of exhaustion, and being in a substandard situation for further advancement (not qualifying a certain watch that if you return to a boat and don't have, you're a **** fool, and Big Navy changing the rule to put E-5's on the same proportion of Promotable, Must Promote/Early Promote as E-6's).

Plus, there's too many people who re-enlisted to make E-5 in my rate, and are at about the same point in their career as me.
I feel your pain, pretty much the same thing happened to me back in '92 after the First Gulf War.  Post Cold War draw-down got me.  I was a machinist mate, essentially a steam power plant operator and maintainer for my non-navy friends, which at the time was 113% of authorized manning.  Every steam powered frigate and destroyer left in the fleet was retired between 1991 and 1994, around sixty ships, plus a good many auxiliaries and amphibs to boot.  Are there even any non-nuke machinist mates left in the USN? 

Good luck Nerd.

I'd like to scream that its a game, a great game and universe, but one with flaws for a lot of reasons, ...
Agreed, hence the signature.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 11 June 2012, 23:04:42
Boilerman:  There's still a few.  Some old Amphibs and the two tenders are about all that's left.

I've described life underway is three days of fire drills, one of classroom training, one of playing war, one of cleaning, and one for you each week.  The amount of work is really dependent on what your job is.  The guys in Engineering Department, including the nukes, almost always have crazy amounts of work (training requirements and maintenance), while my stuff has almost always been planned out.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 12 June 2012, 22:44:05
Twas a good night for basketball.   O0
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 13 June 2012, 00:16:21
Uh oh.  I don't like the sound of that.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 13 June 2012, 18:21:09
Thunder up by 1.  Die Miami, die!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 13 June 2012, 18:41:25
Boilerman:  There's still a few.  Some old Amphibs and the two tenders are about all that's left.

I've described life underway is three days of fire drills, one of classroom training, one of playing war, one of cleaning, and one for you each week.  The amount of work is really dependent on what your job is.  The guys in Engineering Department, including the nukes, almost always have crazy amounts of work (training requirements and maintenance), while my stuff has almost always been planned out.
You forgot to mention that the Marines mostly PT'd, ate, and slept.
Thunder up by 1.  Die Miami, die!
And see I was hoping basketball would die...or at least become baseketball (Nerd, I failed to mention watching movies).
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 13 June 2012, 20:13:46
You forgot to mention that the Marines mostly PT'd, ate, and slept.And see I was hoping basketball would die...or at least become baseketball (Nerd, I failed to mention watching movies).

I'll trade you all this ACC basketball for a Wegman's.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 13 June 2012, 21:00:55
And see I was hoping basketball would die...or at least become baseketball
It's not so much about watching NBA basketball so much as watching Miami bite it that I'm interested in.  I haven't watched a more than a quarter's worth of playtime all season.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 14 June 2012, 18:10:01
I'll trade you all this ACC basketball for a Wegman's.
They're moving south...a new one just opened in Fredericksburg as well as one in Manassas to the West.
It's not so much about watching NBA basketball so much as watching Miami bite it that I'm interested in.  I haven't watched a more than a quarter's worth of playtime all season.
Speaking of sports I don't watch, the Nationals are close to getting me to pay attention.  It would be nice if Euro 2012 weren't on in the afternoon.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 15 June 2012, 02:36:09
Speaking of sports I don't watch, the Nationals are close to getting me to pay attention.  It would be nice if Euro 2012 weren't on in the afternoon.

I'm rather dreading the double-whammy of Wimbledon Tennis (hate tennis) and then the Olympics disaster that will be befalling first SW London and then London as a whole  :(

I'm not really watching the football, I might watch some of the England games but seem to be doing other things whenever they are playing eg today I will be working
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 15 June 2012, 18:44:31
I'm rather dreading the double-whammy of Wimbledon Tennis (hate tennis) and then the Olympics disaster that will be befalling first SW London and then London as a whole  :(

I'm not really watching the football, I might watch some of the England games but seem to be doing other things whenever they are playing eg today I will be working
Well that answers half the question my wife has been egging me about.  What did you do to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee?  I went to a garden party sponsored by the UK liaison officers.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 16 June 2012, 05:36:50
Well that answers half the question my wife has been egging me about.  What did you do to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee?  I went to a garden party sponsored by the UK liaison officers.

I worked on the Monday and sat on my sofa for the rest. My wife went away to her parents' village where there was a street party and things.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 17 June 2012, 00:33:20
Well we had the PoW here for the may long weekend. And I think there is something to be tied in with Canada Day but I have yet to here what.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 17 June 2012, 14:07:26
Not a big fan of tennis myself. I enjoyed playing it when younger, but watching it has always bored me. My father was a fan, bless him, and I stayed throughout the Noah Villander final as he was so happy.  :)
Not a big fan of football, too, so you can guess I'm not watching telly a lot these days. On the upside though, our MP had the good grace to get himself elected on the 1st round, so I was not called to help run a polling station today. So I had a wargaming afternoon yesterday,  giving a first try to the Check your 6 rules set (, and another onee today as Stef paid a surprise call and we had a quick BT game and I tryed out my Head Hunters Wolverine and Lineholder. Unsurprisingly, the Wolverine rocks and the Lineholder not so much. Fun was had by all though, and a surprise unscheduled game is a real piece of luck in itself   :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 19 June 2012, 10:08:01
The hits just keep coming.  My mom is awaiting the results of a biopsy and my grandmother is in the hospital.  I could really use some good news.  :(
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 19 June 2012, 18:58:09
Hang in there, man.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 20 June 2012, 09:48:16
Well my grandmother is out of the hospital.  Fortunately things are not as dire as they initially seemed and she'll be as "alright" as she can be.  Still haven't heard back on my mom yet.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: God and Davion on 20 June 2012, 13:00:17
Good luck and best wishes!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 27 June 2012, 16:24:40
A whole week. Must be summer, nobody's home.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 27 June 2012, 18:58:12
A whole week. Must be summer, nobody's home.
Actually I was beginning to think of it as a blinking contest.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 27 June 2012, 18:59:18
I don't have all that much to say, really.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 27 June 2012, 19:14:13
Actually I was beginning to think of it as a blinking contest.
Well I guess I lost then.   ;D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 27 June 2012, 19:56:29
I don't have all that much to say, really.
See I respect that.  Besides I don't think anyone wants to hear about my trials and tribulations with regard to refinancing my stupid underwater condo.  To use a Twitterism:  #screwmyretirement.
Well I guess I lost then.   ;D
Hee, hee
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 27 June 2012, 23:26:14
Between working and trying not to simply put half the posters on ignore, have had little to say. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 28 June 2012, 10:03:43
A topic!

While working on some commissions, I had the inspiration to add an armorcast launching missile bit I had laying around to a 'mech of mine. The whole thing went really quick, but I want to add something to the missile. Does anyone have a list of the color coded bands what were/are used on ammunition to denote various types?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Stormcrow on 28 June 2012, 10:56:19
Try this link Weirdo. It's Army but it might help
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Bostwick on 28 June 2012, 10:59:20
In the US Army I know the following.

Black  - Armor piercing
Yellow Band - Explosive

So a M829 Sabot rround for the M1A1'a 120m cannon, the warhead is black
the M830 HEAT round is Black with a yellow band near the bottom of the warhead.

heres a decent page (
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 28 June 2012, 11:23:41
Cool, thanks!

Interesting that I already made the whole missile gray...I wonder if experienced people would be worried if I gave the missile dark green and silver bands? >:D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 28 June 2012, 15:11:48
Interesting that I already made the whole missile gray...I wonder if experienced people would be worried if I gave the missile dark green and silver bands? >:D
With your track record of WMDs?  Not really...   :P
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 28 June 2012, 15:32:04
They'd still have to wonder just what kind of missile would be armed with toxic leaflets...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 28 June 2012, 15:35:34
Nortel stock  :D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 28 June 2012, 15:36:56
At least I'm not cruel enough to shower my enemies with copies of twilight...those pages would definitely qualify as toxic leaflets. #P

...maybe fanfiction.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 28 June 2012, 17:37:32
Kai/Victor and Phelan/Vlad slash fics!  And why wouldn't the colours be changed after a thousand years?  This isn't the navy we're talking about. :P
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 28 June 2012, 23:05:26
They'd still have to wonder just what kind of missile would be armed with toxic leaflets...

I'm pretty sure that Brony fanfic counts towards this end...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 29 June 2012, 20:16:09
Good news! My mom's biopsy came back negative!  They want her back in sixth months for another look, but this is a huge relief.  Hopefully now I can sleep again.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 29 June 2012, 21:47:48
Glad to hear, Klep!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Deathrider6 on 29 June 2012, 22:23:40
Had a great day today> Got clearance from Loren himself to run demos at his storefront and picked up a DTF copy of A time of War so I can work up for demos again! Even got it signed as per tradition. A red letter day.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 30 June 2012, 02:57:11
Good news! My mom's biopsy came back negative!  They want her back in sixth months for another look, but this is a huge relief.  Hopefully now I can sleep again.
Good news. 
My mom has been through a lot of tests as well.  They had found five lumps early this year, but when she went back the next week, four were gone and the fifth gotten smaller.  Tests indicate it is a cancer of some kind, but its not aggressive/malignant, and she will be starting some kind of treatment when she gets back from vacation.  So we are all praying here, but not especially worried.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 30 June 2012, 06:00:19
Good news! My mom's biopsy came back negative!  They want her back in sixth months for another look, but this is a huge relief.  Hopefully now I can sleep again.
Good news, indeed.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 30 June 2012, 11:54:33
Whew, that was a close one. I almost got a good night's sleep!  Fortunately a nasty storm took down the power (and hence, the AC) and made sleeping uncomfortable.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 01 July 2012, 07:04:44
So I posted up north again and am reminded of a something I've heard in recent years:  "Why do I hit myself in the head with a hammer?  Because it feels good when I stop."
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: God and Davion on 01 July 2012, 07:56:04
Whew, that was a close one. I almost got a good night's sleep!  Fortunately a nasty storm took down the power (and hence, the AC) and made sleeping uncomfortable.

Glad to hear that your mother is well.

I'm not here as much as I would like. Don't get fooled, doing a TRO is not easy. Writing is the easy part, drawing and layout is very, very hard. And now I'm entering into edition stage  #P #P
BTW.. TPTB showed real class when I asked them a disclaimer. They are very, very cool.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 01 July 2012, 11:37:28
So I posted up north again and am reminded of a something I've heard in recent years:  "Why do I hit myself in the head with a hammer?  Because it feels good when I stop."

Increasingly of the opinion that the RCT, and by extension, LCT, are the most misunderstood formations in BT.  Poor implementation and organisation doesn't help them either.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 01 July 2012, 11:44:05
Increasingly of the opinion that the RCT, and by extension, LCT, are the most misunderstood formations in BT.  Poor implementation and organisation doesn't help them either.
Huzzah!  Let's find a bandwagon for others to hop aboard.

Fluff-wise, I find the lack of dissent within the AFFS to be amusing.  For all of his literary faults, Weber did go out of his way initially to point out the internal service arguments regarding organizational and equipment decisions.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 01 July 2012, 11:57:08
Huzzah!  Let's find a bandwagon for others to hop aboard.

Fluff-wise, I find the lack of dissent within the AFFS to be amusing.  For all of his literary faults, Weber did go out of his way initially to point out the internal service arguments regarding organizational and equipment decisions.
Nukes vs. coners vs. tweeners on a submarine.  We could almost riot over who's more important.

"Why are the nukes holding us up from going underway?"
"Stupid coners aren't smart enough to go to Charleston!"
"We operate mission critical equipment, time for battle stations-missile with all hands!"
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 01 July 2012, 12:02:47
Huzzah!  Let's find a bandwagon for others to hop aboard.

Fluff-wise, I find the lack of dissent within the AFFS to be amusing.  For all of his literary faults, Weber did go out of his way initially to point out the internal service arguments regarding organizational and equipment decisions.

I can respect that aspect of his writing.  I'd love for there to be mention that debate rages over proper employment or doctrine of RCT/LCT formations. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 01 July 2012, 12:20:24
I can respect that aspect of his writing.  I'd love for there to be mention that debate rages over proper employment or doctrine of RCT/LCT formations.
Heck, if I had a fractional ability at writing I'd try my hand at depicting that debate on the fan article board.  Alas, I've not the talent.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 02 July 2012, 03:15:03
I can respect that aspect of his writing.  I'd love for there to be mention that debate rages over proper employment or doctrine of RCT/LCT formations.

Indeed. Sometimes I wish we'd continued the Goshen Review  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 02 July 2012, 13:36:12
Heck, if I had a fractional ability at writing I'd try my hand at depicting that debate on the fan article board.  Alas, I've not the talent.

You could be the Antulio Echavarria of the BattleTech set! :P
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 02 July 2012, 13:41:48
Well Charlie 6 I am glad you posted up north as I find it a neat learning experiance.  O0
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 02 July 2012, 13:50:14
I'm doing what I can to improve the overall readability of the forums, though I'm not sure how to extend that to the entire internet.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 02 July 2012, 13:50:37
My internet access has finally returned! That was a dark time...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 02 July 2012, 16:57:31
Good news! My mom's biopsy came back negative!  They want her back in sixth months for another look, but this is a huge relief.  Hopefully now I can sleep again.
Yes, very good news. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 02 July 2012, 19:04:33
Indeed. Sometimes I wish we'd continued the Goshen Review  ;)
You could be the Antulio Echavarria of the BattleTech set! :P
In the span of two posts I've been culturally flummoxed...let me respond with a 'huh'?
Well Charlie 6 I am glad you posted up north as I find it a neat learning experiance.  O0
I try but unlike Cray who whips out the crazy maths on things I get the impression folks are more interested in telling me why I just don't get it.  Hence my lack of posting up north.  It would be like me telling Dan he's wrong about medicine.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 02 July 2012, 19:29:23
I only love the idea of a battalion or more of Thumper tubes because I just want to see if I can weaponize the scatter rules.

EDIT: Okay, on further reflection, the idea of whole artillery regiments just sounds cool, too, even if it's impractical.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 02 July 2012, 20:31:53
Aim higher Moonsword, try looking at this from the aspect of a battalion of Long Toms to see how broken the scatter rules can be at times.

Plus, as you've already noted, the idea of a regiment of artillery is incredibly cool.  Not sure of it's practicality, or lack thereof, but if the rule of cool is in effect, that more than makes up for any drawbacks.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 02 July 2012, 20:35:49
I try but unlike Cray who whips out the crazy maths on things I get the impression folks are more interested in telling me why I just don't get it.  Hence my lack of posting up north.  It would be like me telling Dan he's wrong about medicine.

I'm not entirely sure how many people up north know what you do for a living C6, but you got to admit when Cray goes and breaks out the geek-fu on someone in his chosen field, it's impressive as hell to watch.

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 02 July 2012, 21:07:09
I mostly don't break out what I know about strat weapons mostly because it would get me put away for life.  Foxbat, Dan, and fltadm would all have to wash their brains, and this site would get pulled down.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 02 July 2012, 21:08:35
I mostly don't break out what I know about strat weapons mostly because it would get me put away for life.  Foxbat, Dan, and fltadm would all have to wash their brains, and this site would get pulled down.
Anything worth doing... :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 03 July 2012, 00:11:23
In the span of two posts I've been culturally flummoxed...let me respond with a 'huh'?I try but unlike Cray who whips out the crazy maths on things I get the impression folks are more interested in telling me why I just don't get it.  Hence my lack of posting up north.  It would be like me telling Dan he's wrong about medicine.

Director of research for the US army war college, I see him writing for SSI as well.  YouTube has a ton of lectures.  I know that's exactly how you want tyo spend your free time, talking shop... :P

Goshen review was a fan ezine written by a good number of the AFFS threaders from an IC perspective, dealing with just such topics.  Named after the war college of goshen from BT.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 03 July 2012, 00:13:27
I only love the idea of a battalion or more of Thumper tubes because I just want to see if I can weaponize the scatter rules.

EDIT: Okay, on further reflection, the idea of whole artillery regiments just sounds cool, too, even if it's impractical.

Cue Soviet style bombardment.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 03 July 2012, 06:55:49
For that to make sense, you'd need an opposing army of greater than 108 'Mechs in the field, right?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 03 July 2012, 07:44:09
I only love the idea of a battalion or more of Thumper tubes because I just want to see if I can weaponize the scatter rules.

EDIT: Okay, on further reflection, the idea of whole artillery regiments just sounds cool, too, even if it's impractical.
The last regimental live fire exercise I did, my CO and I were discussing accuracy and timeliness of fires.  Periodically we'd have a round or two out of a battalion sheaf (impact formation) but when it became a consistent problem we talked about solutions.  We were nearly out of ammunition and time so we didn't get a chance to resolve the problem but the solution reminded me of BT artillery rules.  The only way to determine what section chief was screwing up would have been to fire the entire regiment by piece by round from the regimental fire direction center while the battalion commanders watched.  Overall, it was a horrible idea which is exactly why you don't see the large numbers in the game environment.

By the way, experiencing a regimental mass mission is great; the sky sounds like it is tearing open followed by a rapid deep cracking booms...and we only had 38 of 72 guns firing.

@Ian, I didn't know who the first guy was...I'm a bit surprised someone over our university hasn't done the same.  I think I remember seeing the Goshen posts or at least hearing about them.

@Neko, I guess it depends on how easily you'd want to win.  Admittedly, BT is a game where balanced play is essential for participant enjoyment.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 03 July 2012, 13:25:58

By the way, experiencing a regimental mass mission is great; the sky sounds like it is tearing open followed by a rapid deep cracking booms...and we only had 38 of 72 guns firing.

This brings up an interesting question.  Is there actually any opposition that would get the attention of the entire Division's artillery assets?  I mean, I know you guys train for things like that but how bad would the situation have to be for every gun in a Marine Division to be trained on one spot?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 03 July 2012, 13:29:26
Sounds like the kind of thing that turns an extremely bad situation into an extremely good one. At the least, watching your enemies disappear under that much HE has got to be good for morale.

"Rejoice, for very bad things are about to happen."
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 03 July 2012, 13:33:00
By the way, experiencing a regimental mass mission is great; the sky sounds like it is tearing open followed by a rapid deep cracking booms...and we only had 38 of 72 guns firing.

That must have been fun. The best I can clame was being a  Gun  number on a 12 pounder  for a 21 gun Canada Day salute when I was a cadet
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 03 July 2012, 13:36:59
Discussions like these make me want to visit my uncle down in Florida. Not an artilleryman, but he does get to fire off cannons for tourists at an old Spanish fort, maybe he'd let me have a turn at the fuse. Probably my best chance to actually fire off a big gun, these days.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 03 July 2012, 13:48:15
For that to make sense, you'd need an opposing army of greater than 108 'Mechs in the field, right?

I hear RCTs/LCTs make wonderful targets for artillery.  One problem of doctrine solved!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 03 July 2012, 15:15:13
It was fun and short of battalion command my dream job as a Major/LtCol.  11th Marines fired the pre-invasion preparation fire during OIF 1.  Its target was an Iraqi Mech Infantry Division or at least the forward elements of that division.  Typically, we'd shoot a battalion (18 guns) three (three volleys) at a company sized target.  So you'd likely see a regiment firing each battalion at a company or massing battalions on larger formations.  You could leave your general support assets out of the fight until you enemy unmasks his artillery and then you crush it.  Rockets and fixed wing aviation help in that endeavor also.  Good times.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 03 July 2012, 17:02:50
So I'm at work looking out the office window at a rather large plume of smoke from a brush fire.  Looks like it's up in American Fork Canyon.  It's the second plume I've seen this week and the fourth in the last month.  It's going to be a long fire season.    :-\
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 03 July 2012, 17:09:43
So I'm at work looking out the office window at a rather large plume of smoke from a brush fire.  Looks like it's up in American Fork Canyon.  It's the second plume I've seen this week and the fourth in the last month.  It's going to be a long fire season.    :-\
Have a plan to get out and good luck.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 03 July 2012, 17:19:33
I'm safe, at least from this one.  I'm west of the fire and the wind is blowing south to north.  I'm probably 7 or 8 miles away from it with a lot suburban sprawl and a mountain between me and the fire.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 03 July 2012, 17:27:36
I'm safe, at least from this one.  I'm west of the fire and the wind is blowing south to north.  I'm probably 7 or 8 miles away from it with a lot suburban sprawl and a mountain between me and the fire.

Yeah, but keep an eye on it.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 03 July 2012, 17:44:40
I mostly don't break out what I know about strat weapons mostly because it would get me put away for life.  Foxbat, Dan, and fltadm would all have to wash their brains, and this site would get pulled down.
Nerd rage just got a new, Hulk-like meaning.  I want to be there when it all goes down.
Discussions like these make me want to visit my uncle down in Florida. Not an artilleryman, but he does get to fire off cannons for tourists at an old Spanish fort, maybe he'd let me have a turn at the fuse. Probably my best chance to actually fire off a big gun, these days.

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 03 July 2012, 21:13:15
I'm doing what I can to improve the overall readability of the forums, though I'm not sure how to extend that to the entire internet.
Genocide is illegal most places.  Or so I'm told.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 03 July 2012, 21:30:22
Gun demo at Saint Augustine? O0

Both Spanish Colonial Army and Royal Navy Style.

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 03 July 2012, 22:07:14
Genocide is illegal most places.  Or so I'm told.
Hey, it's only genocide if they're actually fully human right?

At least that's how the Brony Containment System was explained to me.  Well, that and there's a major contract with Elmer's Glue that takes care of the left-overs so there's no muss and no fuss.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 04 July 2012, 02:45:40
Elmers and cardbord, how to make 3rd grade even more fun  :D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 04 July 2012, 03:50:56
Nerd, that fort looks familiar, has it been used in something TV/movie?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 04 July 2012, 07:40:05
Nerd, that fort looks familiar, has it been used in something TV/movie?
Oh when I saw this, emphasis mine, I was hoping for a pillow fort.

My juvenile reaction aside, it does look familiar but then most Spanish forts look that way.  So it's much like saying a town has a square, a tower, and a church therefore I must be in Italy.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 04 July 2012, 10:03:46
Well, happy 4th of July to all Battletech American fans!  :)
Especially the Davion ones.  ;)

It's a special day for me also, although I'm not American, as today is  my 20th wedding anniversary. It's cool to have been in love for so long, just not so cool to have become so much older...  ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 3rdCrucisLancers on 04 July 2012, 10:34:27
Heck, if I had a fractional ability at writing I'd try my hand at depicting that debate on the fan article board.  Alas, I've not the talent.

It's not too hard. Just write the side you agree with, then find a writing partner for the other side.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 04 July 2012, 11:05:16
Well, happy 4th of July to all Battletech American fans!  :)
Especially the Davion ones.  ;)
236 as a nation ain't bad... (stupid maths)
It's a special day for me also, although I'm not American, as today is  my 20th wedding anniversary. It's cool to have been in love for so long, just not so cool to have become so much older...  ;)
...but 20 years in matrimony is a greater accomplishment.  Congratulations, may you have many more.
It's not too hard. Just write the side you agree with, then find a writing partner for the other side.
A 3CL sighting!  I'll see what I can do about giving it a whirl.  I was thinking about you the other day as I wrapped up running a fifty mile week and was wondering if you were still pounding the pavement.  Is all well?

In far worse news,  the Washington Nationals have me watching baseball.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 3rdCrucisLancers on 04 July 2012, 11:23:36
I was thinking about you the other day as I wrapped up running a fifty mile week and was wondering if you were still pounding the pavement.  Is all well?

I was sidelined for all of last week with an overuse injury after trying to up to a 5 mile/34 minute run four times a week from 4 miles/27 minutes four times a week, but I'm doing better now.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 04 July 2012, 11:43:48
I was sidelined for all of last week with an overuse injury after trying to up to a 5 mile/34 minute run four times a week from 4 miles/27 minutes four times a week, but I'm doing better now.
See, I'm stress-balling over hearing my knee pop (vice a normal crack) while shaking my son's rattle at him from a squatting position.  Great googly boogly, that's a 6m 45s mile right?  That's still faster than I've ever run my PFT three mile.  I did a 23:17 last week and my best was 20:40 18 years ago which is the down side of getting one's "kick" at the five mile mark.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 3rdCrucisLancers on 04 July 2012, 12:11:11
See, I'm stress-balling over hearing my knee pop (vice a normal crack) while shaking my son's rattle at him from a squatting position.  Great googly boogly, that's a 6m 45s mile right?  That's still faster than I've ever run my PFT three mile.  I did a 23:17 last week and my best was 20:40 18 years ago which is the down side of getting one's "kick" at the five mile mark.

It's really closer to 6:40, since I pad the time with about a half-minute's worth of running beyond hitting the four-mile point, to correct for any error in the treadmill's calculation. Best sustained time I ever did was about 6:22/mile over three miles for an outdoor 5k last year. I'm strictly a middle-distance runner, though, and my time falls off pretty rapidly over 5 miles. I once ran nine miles to surprise my wife before we got married, and my time was something awful like ten minutes/mile. Historically, knees in my family give out by 35, so I only have a few more years left in me.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 04 July 2012, 12:18:02
It's really closer to 6:40, since I pad the time with about a half-minute's worth of running beyond hitting the four-mile point, to correct for any error in the treadmill's calculation. Best sustained time I ever did was about 6:22/mile over three miles for an outdoor 5k last year. I'm strictly a middle-distance runner, though, and my time falls off pretty rapidly over 5 miles. I once ran nine miles to surprise my wife before we got married, and my time was something awful like ten minutes/mile. Historically, knees in my family give out by 35, so I only have a few more years left in me.
Hey now, that 10 minute mile pace is about what I do when I run between 8 and 10 miles.  It might be a bit lower, soley because I base my time from leaving the third floor of my office to returning to it.

How goes matrimony?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 04 July 2012, 12:56:36
It's really closer to 6:40, since I pad the time with about a half-minute's worth of running beyond hitting the four-mile point, to correct for any error in the treadmill's calculation. Best sustained time I ever did was about 6:22/mile over three miles for an outdoor 5k last year. I'm strictly a middle-distance runner, though, and my time falls off pretty rapidly over 5 miles. I once ran nine miles to surprise my wife before we got married, and my time was something awful like ten minutes/mile. Historically, knees in my family give out by 35, so I only have a few more years left in me.
Funny, that. I'm strictly a no-distance runner.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 04 July 2012, 12:58:14
Nerd, that fort looks familiar, has it been used in something TV/movie?
It's Castillo de San Marcos National Monument in St. Augustine, FL.  One of the oldest masonry fortification in the United States (it might even be the oldest).  The day my buddies and I went (I was at NSB King's Bay, GA at the time) was the commemoration of the handover from France to England at the end of the 7 Years War/French and Indian War.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Doug Glendower on 04 July 2012, 15:32:34
It's really closer to 6:40, since I pad the time with about a half-minute's worth of running beyond hitting the four-mile point, to correct for any error in the treadmill's calculation. Best sustained time I ever did was about 6:22/mile over three miles for an outdoor 5k last year. I'm strictly a middle-distance runner, though, and my time falls off pretty rapidly over 5 miles. I once ran nine miles to surprise my wife before we got married, and my time was something awful like ten minutes/mile. Historically, knees in my family give out by 35, so I only have a few more years left in me.
You're faster than my friend in his '86 Corolla...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 04 July 2012, 15:40:17
Y'know Nerd, my uncle may very well in in one of those pictures....though I think he's closer to Gainesville, don't know how far the two are apart.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 04 July 2012, 17:13:30
Opposite sides of the peninsula.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 04 July 2012, 19:13:07
60 miles or so, but probably over an hour's travel, since there's no straight road from A to B.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 3rdCrucisLancers on 05 July 2012, 19:49:40
How goes matrimony?

Can't complain. We're trying to buy a house, if the seller will fix it so it can pass inspection, anyhow. First anniversary of Der Tag is on the 30th, we got engaged two years ago today.

W/R/T the LCT brouhaha, I want to suggest that a lot of the command and control problems in DA CBT seem to be analogous to those suffered by the WWII Canadian Army, where the senior officers fought in a massive holocaust that lead to casualty-averse era of minimal resources and increased sub-unit parochialism, coupled with a sharp decline in the number of available staff officers. Have you read Lt Col John English's book on the Canadians in the Normandy Campaign? I really liked it.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Joskney on 05 July 2012, 23:12:02
It's a special day for me also, although I'm not American, as today is  my 20th wedding anniversary. It's cool to have been in love for so long, just not so cool to have become so much older...  ;)
Congrats!!!  I just hit my 20th on June 25...
Can't complain. We're trying to buy a house, if the seller will fix it so it can pass inspection, anyhow. First anniversary of Der Tag is on the 30th, we got engaged two years ago today.
Good luck on the house, the rates are rather good lately.

When I passed through, Nebraska, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and Michigian I thought of all the CBT people around those part.  If I wasn't on a tight schedule (pesky 90th for my grandmother anyway) I may have swung by.  Did show the children around south Michigan and northern Ohio.  Tried to convince the 17 year old to drive in Chicago but she was tooooo wimpy.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 3rdCrucisLancers on 05 July 2012, 23:59:54
Tried to convince the 17 year old to drive in Chicago but she was tooooo wimpy.

I don't blame her. I refuse to myself.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 06 July 2012, 01:47:45
  Tried to convince the 17 year old to drive in Chicago but she was tooooo wimpy.

Many people refuse to drive in London... I wish more would and only drive there at certain times of day and to go to certain places, other times it's just foolish not to use public transport

Can't complain. We're trying to buy a house, if the seller will fix it so it can pass inspection, anyhow. First anniversary of Der Tag is on the 30th, we got engaged two years ago today.

Good luck with the house buying: there is nothing quite like epic debt to a bank to keep one in a crappy job!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 06 July 2012, 04:03:08
I don't blame her. I refuse to myself.
I actually drove in the outskirts two years ago.  On the way home in saturday rush hour.  I had my navigator watching my blind spots with me on lane changes, and only made those if the others in the right hand lane were going slow or I had to be in a different lane to get where I was going.  By the time we were on the way outbound again, I was getting comfortable.
And ditto on the good luck on the house. 
I myself am counting the months to ownership - should be 9.  Also very excited and happy that I qualified for Government assistance on Winterization.  New furnace (old one could well have been a fire hazard), water heater, insulation, and some other odds and ends.  Probably would have been 2015 before I could have afforded all these improvements myself.  Which means next summer I can start on other needed fixes.  Homeownership is a lot of work.  But soo worth it.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 06 July 2012, 04:09:12

And ditto on the good luck on the house. 
I myself am counting the months to ownership - should be 9.  Also very excited and happy that I qualified for Government assistance on Winterization.  New furnace (old one could well have been a fire hazard), water heater, insulation, and some other odds and ends.  Probably would have been 2015 before I could have afforded all these improvements myself.  Which means next summer I can start on other needed fixes.  Homeownership is a lot of work.  But soo worth it.

We deliberately chose a house that didn't need work...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 06 July 2012, 04:22:43
Those cost more.  Before I bought this house, with down payment from an inheritance from my Grandfather, I looked into buying his house.  Because it was in good shape, and in a better neighborhood, it was about three times as much. 
But this place isn't in horrible condition, and my mother and I have great plans for remodeling.  Step 1: Central Air ASAP.
I've also apparently learned some of the skills needed to do the work via osmosis/watching my dad and other family members.  I actually sort of know how to do most of what needs doing.  Not well enough I want to do it on my own, but enough to explain what I want to do, and discuss it intelligibly.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 06 July 2012, 08:33:49
Good luck with the house buying: there is nothing quite like epic debt to a bank to keep one in a crappy job!

Try doing all that, then losing said job six months after buying the house. That was unpleasant. #P
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 06 July 2012, 19:27:44
Try doing all that, then losing said job six months after buying the house. That was unpleasant. #P
I truly feel for you.

I'm about to spend myself down significantly to refinance our stupid condo.  It took three tries to get the bank to stop trying to charge us $11K in points just to push the interest rate to the current low.  The only upside is that I'm a little to junior to get the boot and I've never used my VA Loan.
Can't complain. We're trying to buy a house, if the seller will fix it so it can pass inspection, anyhow. First anniversary of Der Tag is on the 30th, we got engaged two years ago today.

W/R/T the LCT brouhaha, I want to suggest that a lot of the command and control problems in DA CBT seem to be analogous to those suffered by the WWII Canadian Army, where the senior officers fought in a massive holocaust that lead to casualty-averse era of minimal resources and increased sub-unit parochialism, coupled with a sharp decline in the number of available staff officers. Have you read Lt Col John English's book on the Canadians in the Normandy Campaign? I really liked it.
My professional military education has fallen off the radar completely but a check on Wikipedia leads me to believe I've read something of his or seen it referenced.  The more I put any professional thought into CBT organization the more I get disappointed.  Consequently, Flames of War has piqued my interest.  I think a system that somewhat locked in choices would make for an interesting set up along the lines of a lance of ENF-4Rs could be supported by a Patton platoon or a twosome of DV-6Ms.

Update:  I may be just about done up north for a while.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Force of Nature on 07 July 2012, 00:28:09
We deliberately chose a house that didn't need work...

My wife and I did also. Much better off for it.

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 07 July 2012, 06:43:33
My wife and I did also. Much better off for it.

As long as the builder and the sub-contractors didn't do something sloppy you are much better for it.  I'm honestly thinking high school home economics ought to be compulsory as long as they teach typing, ironing, checkbook balancing, basic cooking/baking, and pre-dry wall home inspection techniques.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 07 July 2012, 11:37:42
My dad put my name on the house so that me and my sister won't have to go through legal mess to get it if anything happens to him.  So I guess I already own a house.  Partly.  And the best part?  It's paid for.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 07 July 2012, 12:13:48
My dad put my name on the house so that me and my sister won't have to go through legal mess to get it if anything happens to him.  So I guess I already own a house.  Partly.  And the best part?  It's paid for.
Right up until the property taxes hit.  At least that's the case in Virginia.  Actually, that's grand news but talk with a tax advisor to ensure you don't get dinged with some sort of inheritance tax.

Speaking of crappy builders (and renters).  Our condo has a "Roman Shower" with two shower heads and a bunch of stone tile, a couple of built in seats...and grout, yards of grout.  Grout in which mold has grown because for the three years the renters didn't clean it.  Also, the silly glass door has a metal frame sitting in a metal channel that cannot be cleaned unless disassembled.  I just spent the last 45 min bleaching with more tomorrow.  Home Ownership!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 07 July 2012, 12:37:48
I hate grout...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 07 July 2012, 12:46:03
I hate grout...
Amen, Brother!  Some woman went on a rant in the Washington Post about hating grout; she'd just bought a multi-million dollar home and determined grout was the bane of her existence.  The wife and I went looking at new homes on a whim a bit ago and immediately gravitated to the kitchens and bathrooms without it.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 07 July 2012, 16:10:16
I hate grout...

We have a glass panel to prevent the shower soaking the bathroom but it has a runner at the bottom to sit against the bath... and it has about a yard long little groove filled with mould but I can never remember to buy the hugely long but very thin pipecleaner to clean it out...

We also want to put in a downstairs toilet under the stairs but the plumber who looked at it was fairly sure it would be difficult to impossible and very expensive at a minimum  :'(

And speaking of crappy days... I was at work for 13 hours today and have the same tomorrow: I think I'd rather be cleaning out grout!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 07 July 2012, 19:20:33
We have a glass panel to prevent the shower soaking the bathroom but it has a runner at the bottom to sit against the bath... and it has about a yard long little groove filled with mould but I can never remember to buy the hugely long but very thin pipecleaner to clean it out...

We also want to put in a downstairs toilet under the stairs but the plumber who looked at it was fairly sure it would be difficult to impossible and very expensive at a minimum  :'(
What was that about, "We deliberately chose a house that didn't need work..." ?
And speaking of crappy days... I was at work for 13 hours today and have the same tomorrow: I think I'd rather be cleaning out grout!
Well, at the very least you won't be on fire or getting shot at.  So you've that going for you.  I'll be skipping church because it will feel like 100 F (40 C) by 1000 tomorrow followed by destructive thunderstorms in the evening!  Also, I'll be cleaning grout.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 07 July 2012, 21:29:56
I need to install some leaf barriers in my gutters, but will probably wait until its cooler.  Ditto mowing the little bit of yard that got missed last time (the rest hasn't grown because of the heat).  Maybe I'll get around to filling some cracks in the back porch/basement steps tomorrow.
Then back to 10hr days in the oven/work on monday.  :(
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 07 July 2012, 22:04:40
I need to install some leaf barriers in my gutters, but will probably wait until its cooler.  Ditto mowing the little bit of yard that got missed last time (the rest hasn't grown because of the heat).  Maybe I'll get around to filling some cracks in the back porch/basement steps tomorrow.
Then back to 10hr days in the oven/work on monday.  :(
I've never seen gutter covers that worked right for very long. They always seemed to get stuff into them, and then there was no easy way out.

I'm hoping we can buy something next year or so. I really, really want a yard (the Landscape Designer in me) but living in a condo has some benefits.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 08 July 2012, 00:38:06
What was that about, "We deliberately chose a house that didn't need work..." ?Well, at the very least you won't be on fire or getting shot at.  So you've that going for you. 

I'll be skipping church because it will feel like 100 F (40 C) by 1000 tomorrow followed by destructive thunderstorms in the evening!  Also, I'll be cleaning grout.

True, the worst I have to worry about is getting bled/vomited/etc on

We are having lousy weather - cold and wet with nasty storms in some parts of the UK: if any of you are watching Wimbledon, that is only a couple of miles from where we live but the British Grand Prix is loking a bit doubtful due to the weather and a lot of my friends have been talking about going back to their winter bedding for some time

I'm hoping we can buy something next year or so. I really, really want a yard (the Landscape Designer in me) but living in a condo has some benefits.

One of the key reasons we bought our house was to get a garden for Rosie and the cat
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 08 July 2012, 04:21:59
I've never seen gutter covers that worked right for very long. They always seemed to get stuff into them, and then there was no easy way out.
I'm hoping these work.  The south side of my house has numerous trees, but is on level ground and easy to reach.  So those gutters get very little blockage.  The north side is a slope to the retaining wall and the street.  Very dangerous for ladder work - without taking into consideration the power lines.  So that side the gutters are constantly getting clogged.  And when they do, it overflows right outside my bedroom window - noisily - and into the basement.

It is actually a temperature fit for humans outside right now.  Probably have rain/storm coming.  but right now, I don't care.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 08 July 2012, 06:12:35
...but living in a condo has some benefits.
Please due tell.  I consider the double-stacked townhome style condo to be one of the worst real estate inventions; although, a local builder has started building the paired condos back to back so at least someone is trying.  An officemate of mine lives in a condo high rise building and seemingly has a more sane existence.
We are having lousy weather...
One of the key reasons we bought our house was to get a garden for Rosie and the cat
I certainly hope you're not putting both Rosie and the cat out at night.  I kid of course.  I've been wondering about your weather; Tracy and I frequent stupid gossip sites and have noticed the Royal Family all bundled up of late.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 08 July 2012, 10:24:20
Well, I currently live in a "penthouse" condo, which is a main floor and a full basement for a total of 2200 sq feet. We share one wall with a neighbor (the 10 foot wall in a bedroom) due to the way the garages and such are set up. It's basically like someone glued a single family residence to the side of the building. Plus we have access to a pool, 3 parks, tennis and basketball court. I actually worked for the property management company that runs this place for 5 years previous. Plus your dues cover the roof and siding, which is, apparently, not the case with many newer condo associations I've found out.

Our weather broke last night, went down to mid 80s from a week of 90-100 degree temps with the heat index in the 100-110s. Which has done wonderful things for the drought we've been experiencing... Our electric bill is going to be outrageous--even though we kept the A/C at 82 during the day. No minis for me this month...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 08 July 2012, 10:35:52
Well, I currently live in a "penthouse" condo, which is a main floor and a full basement for a total of 2200 sq feet. We share one wall with a neighbor (the 10 foot wall in a bedroom) due to the way the garages and such are set up. It's basically like someone glued a single family residence to the side of the building. Plus we have access to a pool, 3 parks, tennis and basketball court. I actually worked for the property management company that runs this place for 5 years previous. Plus your dues cover the roof and siding, which is, apparently, not the case with many newer condo associations I've found out.
In chatting with neighbors, most of whom live in the top units, they are comfortable but the stairs are a pain.  There's been a constant stream from other corners towards the developers though.  There were three builders initially and a park/amphitheater was planned for one area.  The amphitheater became two large garden style apartments wrapped around their own parking garages with no access country roads.  So traffic will be going up while the children and pets have no place to play.  We're looking to move.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 08 July 2012, 10:37:58
Yea, this place was built in the 70s, before developers really figured out how to screw residents and maximize profits.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 08 July 2012, 12:45:18
Yea, this place was built in the 70s, before developers really figured out how to screw residents and maximize profits.
Ah see we decided to up the ante by allowing the banks to screw us in '07.  Good times.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 08 July 2012, 13:26:42
It's low 70s and raining outside.  Reminds me of Fort Lewis, except that the local plantlife isn't quite "forest moon of Endor" level.  I miss the triple digit heat indexes, no human being should be cold on a summer afternoon.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Stormcrow on 08 July 2012, 13:32:40
I welcome the cool air as it brings with it sme much needed rain. A week it was touching the high 90s. Tmorrow it is only supposed to get to 68. I'm in heaven for a few days, then it's back to the 90s. I have not seen the Sun today and it hasn't rained yet today, but it will.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 08 July 2012, 14:46:29
Our weather broke last night, went down to mid 80s from a week of 90-100 degree temps with the heat index in the 100-110s. Which has done wonderful things for the drought we've been experiencing... Our electric bill is going to be outrageous--even though we kept the A/C at 82 during the day. No minis for me this month...
I'm lucky in that my apartment is half-buried, so it stays cool all the time.  I run the AC at night, but I can leave it off all day without it getting too warm even in this heat.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 08 July 2012, 15:02:48
I have a big Tree infrount of my appartment that helps keep things cooler in the summer time
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: FedSunsBorn on 08 July 2012, 15:09:35
Some pines in the back for light cover and half of my front yard has a big tree of some kind over it but the other half is completely open to the Suns rays. Really sucks when I am mowing in hot weather but what can you do?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 08 July 2012, 16:42:56
I think they have the heating back on at work and so this afternoon while struggling to put in a chest drain (yes, I got to stab somebody today!) and we had the afternoon sun shining in it was sweltering which helped neither me nor the victim patient
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 09 July 2012, 19:17:59
yes, I got to stab somebody today!
Good job, dude!

On an unrelated note, I went to a 1 year old's birthday party (and I do wish Dan had stabbed me beforehand) in over 100 heat.  Anyway, all the streets in the neighborhood had a common theme:  the Civil War.  Atlanta was the only normal one but Sherman, Tecumseh, Brigade, Cavalry, Ranger, Reb, Confederate certainly stood out.  Crazy 60's builders.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 10 July 2012, 00:51:05
Good job, dude!

On an unrelated note, I went to a 1 year old's birthday party (and I do wish Dan had stabbed me beforehand) in over 100 heat.  Anyway, all the streets in the neighborhood had a common theme:  the Civil War.  Atlanta was the only normal one but Sherman, Tecumseh, Brigade, Cavalry, Ranger, Reb, Confederate certainly stood out.  Crazy 60's builders.

Wincanton where Terry Pratchett is from is starting to call new roads/streets after famous Discworld roads!

I live on Farm Road, I think because it pre-dates the estate I live on but all of the roads around me are named for historical Abbeys in England in alphabetical order going in one direction (can't remember which!)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 10 July 2012, 03:04:19
Ajax ON names there streets of the Battle of the River Plate. They recently built a Langsdorff road.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 10 July 2012, 07:41:11
Phew! Just had my big annual(ish) review from work, which went disasterously wrong about 9 months ago and it went much better!

Only downside is that from October for either 6 or 12 months I will be working at a hospital on the other side of London, with very difficult parking (and a very very difficult drive) or poor links to public transport: but it beats the dole queue!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 10 July 2012, 08:13:33
If I ever gain absolute power over any area, roads with scenic names will only be permitted if said scenery is present. If they want to name a stretch of pavement Oak Ridge Lane or whatever, there had better be oaks and a ridge in the immediate vicinity. I'm sick of all the Wooded Lagoon Ways, Mountain Creek Parkways, and Verdant Bay Boulevards around here. This is the middle of Texas, people! There are no mountains, no lagoons, no real trees worth mentioning, and nothing in a two hundred mile radius that could possibly be described as verdant. And there's no spargers at all!

...okay, I'm done.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 10 July 2012, 08:19:51
If I ever gain absolute power over any area, roads with scenic names will only be permitted if said scenery is present. If they want to name a stretch of pavement Oak Ridge Lane or whatever, there had better be oaks and a ridge in the immediate vicinity. I'm sick of all the Wooded Lagoon Ways, Mountain Creek Parkways, and Verdant Bay Boulevards around here. This is the middle of Texas, people! There are no mountains, no lagoons, no real trees worth mentioning, and nothing in a two hundred mile radius that could possibly be described as verdant. And there's no spargers at all!

...okay, I'm done.

I live on Farm Road - until the 1920s there were farms here. The theme of Abbeys are because the land here used to belong to Merton Abbey.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 10 July 2012, 08:22:42
History is perfectly acceptable, as is naming roads for man-made structures. Most of the roads I'm talking about are either recent builds, or are in a part of the world where their namesakes are geographical impossibilities.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 10 July 2012, 08:27:00
History is perfectly acceptable, as is naming roads for man-made structures. Most of the roads I'm talking about are either recent builds, or are in a part of the world where their namesakes are geographical impossibilities.

My understanding is that New York at least numbers it's public school so they are known as PS437 etc

Perhaps the same system could be used to for dull suburban streets: no name, just an identity number?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 10 July 2012, 08:27:52
I approve. Either that, or more historical names. Gotta teach people about their past somehow...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Crunch on 10 July 2012, 08:45:35
I'm looking out my back door in Oak Cliff and it looks a lot like an Oak forest to me. heck there's even some cliff.

Get out of the Mid Cities brother.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 10 July 2012, 08:51:00
I'm looking out my back door in Oak Cliff and it looks a lot like an Oak forest to me. heck there's even some cliff.

Get out of the Mid Cities brother.

There is a City Farm less than a mile away from me but the local Central Road is not particularly central
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 10 July 2012, 10:23:25
Good job, dude!

On an unrelated note, I went to a 1 year old's birthday party (and I do wish Dan had stabbed me beforehand) in over 100 heat.  Anyway, all the streets in the neighborhood had a common theme:  the Civil War.  Atlanta was the only normal one but Sherman, Tecumseh, Brigade, Cavalry, Ranger, Reb, Confederate certainly stood out.  Crazy 60's builders.
It sounds like you were over at Battery Ridge in Fredericksburg.  Interesting place, considering that the subdivision is actually built on part of a battlefield.  Then again you can't really get away from that in NorVa.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 10 July 2012, 12:37:14
There's a neighborhood on the south side of Pine Bluff (the big-for-Arkansas city of which my hometown is a suburb) themed after the Robin Hood and Arthur stories.  Streets include Robin Hood, Sherwood Forest, King Arthur, Nottingham, Royal Forest, and Little John.  There's a Camelot shopping centre, a similarly-named apartment block that's slipping my mind atm.  Also some other streets that are probably meant to be part of th theme; Hunter's Green, Archer's Green, and Lincoln Green.  I want to say there's a Fiddler's Green as well.  Though, to my knowledge Fiddler's Green has absolutely nothing to do with Arthur or Robin Hood.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 10 July 2012, 14:14:55
So no Oceanveiw Estates in New Mexico?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 10 July 2012, 14:16:12
Only if they're on a suborbital skyhook.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Lord Harlock on 10 July 2012, 14:35:09
I'm looking out my back door in Oak Cliff and it looks a lot like an Oak forest to me. heck there's even some cliff.

Get out of the Mid Cities brother.

I've got to agree with Crunch here. You just have to go drive on I-20 on the edge of Dallas proper to see trees. Though I agree with the whole historical naming should be there as well and a bit of historical teaching as well, otherwise you'll just have people wondering why a road is called Hemphill instead of realizing it's someone's name.

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: adamhowe on 10 July 2012, 15:23:50
Anyone here available to talk on an instant messenger?  I have a Federated Suns RPG character I want to chat about.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 10 July 2012, 17:27:35
Just about any road named for water makes me chuckle, I live in the middle of the desert.  So was it wishful thinking?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 10 July 2012, 18:13:57
Perhaps a harkening back to several MYA when it was underwater.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 10 July 2012, 18:42:32
It sounds like you were over at Battery Ridge in Fredericksburg.  Interesting place, considering that the subdivision is actually built on part of a battlefield.  Then again you can't really get away from that in NorVa.
That's the nutty part: Fairfax right off of 50.  Given that crap that Scaggsville has gotten in Maryland you'd think some PC militant nut would rename streets named after a militant.
Though, to my knowledge Fiddler's Green has absolutely nothing to do with Arthur or Robin Hood.
Not to my knowledge.  Fiddler's Green is the resting place of all artillerymen, armor guys, cav folks, and just about any other swizzle community that's latched on to it.  Physically, there was a firebase in Helmand named Fiddler's Green but I've never been.

Dan, am I supposed to offer congratulations or condolences?  Your career progression hasn't given me a cheer moment yet...aside from the recent stabbing.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 10 July 2012, 20:17:28
Err....the original Poem limits it to cavalry only.

Marching past, straight through to Hell
The Infantry are seen.
Accompanied by the Engineers,
Artillery and Marines,
For none but the shades of Cavalrymen
Dismount at Fiddlers' Green.   

Or so I'm told.  All my Army time was ROTC or in a Theater Aviation Brigade.  So do forgive me if I'm just ignorant of other traditions.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 3rdCrucisLancers on 10 July 2012, 20:23:21
Sailors are also said to go there.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Crunch on 10 July 2012, 20:28:41
Sailors are also said to go there.

A quick glance at Wiki (and a double check of their citations) seems to indicate that the Sailor's version is documented as early as the 1830s while the US Cav tradition is first recorded in the 1920s.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 10 July 2012, 21:36:44
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Deathrider6 on 11 July 2012, 02:52:53
That's the nutty part: Fairfax right off of 50.  Given that crap that Scaggsville has gotten in Maryland you'd think some PC militant nut would rename streets named after a militant.Not to my knowledge.  Fiddler's Green is the resting place of all artillerymen, armor guys, cav folks, and just about any other swizzle community that's latched on to it.  Physically, there was a firebase in Helmand named Fiddler's Green but I've never been.

Dan, am I supposed to offer congratulations or condolences?  Your career progression hasn't given me a cheer moment yet...aside from the recent stabbing.

Be mindful of rule 4 on the subject of place names folks.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 11 July 2012, 04:17:45
 >:(  Uncanny.  I decided that tonight when I got home from work, I'd do those quarterly backups I've not done in 8 months.  So of course, Windows decides right then is the time to hog the system for updates.  And the majority of the Updates: For Microsoft Office, which I don't use.  Copying 12ish GB to DVD-R took an hour and a half instead of the 30 min. it should have.  I really hate computers sometimes.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 11 July 2012, 08:22:08
Computer(n). Complex and expensive device that does not function properly.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 11 July 2012, 08:31:16
Droid OS for PC!  I wants it!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 12 July 2012, 00:44:29
Hey guys!

After six hours of packing my apartment in Bremerton, WA yesterday (10 July), I'm now in Billings, MT.  The Cascades and Rockies in an aging Saturn are not much fun.   But I'm safe, and off to Bismarck, ND tomorrow.

I wonder about the bismarcks there?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 12 July 2012, 01:15:31
JJust watch out for string bags or you may end up going around in circles
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 12 July 2012, 01:25:48
 ;D Good one FA.   O0 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 13 July 2012, 22:07:22
Keeping in with FA's joke, I did tell my dad as we were leaving that we had left Bismarck, but with out the Prinz Eugen.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 14 July 2012, 01:18:43
Very nice, Fleet.  ;D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 14 July 2012, 01:45:33
Keeping in with FA's joke, I did tell my dad as we were leaving that we had left Bismarck, but with out the Prinz Eugen.

That line also works if you go through a town called Blenheim
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 15 July 2012, 19:08:27
Because I don't like using my mouse wheel to find this thread:

I found my original registration e-mail for the CBT boards:  13 July 2002.  I'm curious as to when everyone else showed up.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 15 July 2012, 19:16:46
C6:  about that time.  I'm a refugee from the old Dropship/Steelcommand boards who found this place by chance in early 2002/late 2001.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 15 July 2012, 19:35:31
C6:  about that time.  I'm a refugee from the old Dropship/Steelcommand boards who found this place by chance in early 2002/late 2001.
I've been scratching my head as to how I ended up on the boards.  Have you made it to Bismarck, ND yet?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 15 July 2012, 20:15:40
02, but I wasn't a regular on CBT until after a particularly spirited discussion on LOTB regarding rule 4 territory meant I swore that board off. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 15 July 2012, 20:30:31
02, but I wasn't a regular on CBT until after a particularly spirited discussion on LOTB regarding rule 4 territory meant I swore that board off.
Ah, LOTB.  I joined there in '06 and haven't posted more than a half dozen times.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 15 July 2012, 21:03:28
Fall of '04 of '05 IIRC.  Just a teenage kid who'd picked up MW4, then MC2 at Wal-Mart, then some of the FCCW novels in the local Walden Books, and was looking for more of the universe.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 15 July 2012, 21:44:30
Fall of '04 of '05 IIRC.  Just a teenage kid who'd picked up MW4, then MC2 at Wal-Mart, then some of the FCCW novels in the local Walden Books, and was looking for more of the universe.

After reading the FCCW novels, you wanted more?  Masochist. ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 15 July 2012, 21:47:46
About the same time.  Summer of 02.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 15 July 2012, 21:49:15
  Have you made it to Bismarck, ND yet?
Mission complete (Bremerton to Suburban Twin Cities) at 1600 local 13JUL2012.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 3rdCrucisLancers on 15 July 2012, 22:41:07
About the same time.  Summer of 02.

I very vaguely remember a brief IM conversation I had with you while I was still in college. Ah, the horrible heady days of youth.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Doug Glendower on 15 July 2012, 23:21:54
Apparently I came in with Arkansas Warrior, but I was very lurky from '04 to '05...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 16 July 2012, 16:34:07
I think it was '02 or '03.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 16 July 2012, 16:44:15
I think I joined in 2005-6 after getting back into the fiction and stumbling upon the Fora/Forums

Frustratingly, I don't seem to be getting regular updates from this thread when someone posts  >:(
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 16 July 2012, 19:28:57
I very vaguely remember a brief IM conversation I had with you while I was still in college. Ah, the horrible heady days of youth.
I don't.  What was the matter?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Davout73 on 16 July 2012, 20:00:11
2003ish under another name, i rarely posted, heck I don't even remember it now...came back to this name about two years ago?

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 3rdCrucisLancers on 16 July 2012, 21:35:53
I don't.  What was the matter?

Mostly about how cool you were. IIRC, you were in postgraduate at the time.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 17 July 2012, 18:04:26
Ah, that.  Well, it is a conversation I have almost every day, so you can't expect a single instance to stand out at ten years remove.

Ten years?  Woah nelly!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 17 July 2012, 19:03:45
Ten years?  Woah nelly!
That was the thought that struck me: ten years.

I lurked for a while too.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 17 July 2012, 21:49:24
I honestly don't remember when I joined.  I know it was before Warner's BTU site switched over to become the first version of this site and I remember being on the original FASA board back in the last years before they went under.  I just can't believe it's been that long though, it just seems like yesterday.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 17 July 2012, 23:04:58
Been 7 for me IIRC...
Or maybe a little more, I'd been around a while when the Jihad started, and DotJ is copyrighted June '5 (dropped 6th of June IIRC).
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 18 July 2012, 18:49:08
I still think of the Jihad books as upstarts.  But they're now as old as the game itself was when I started playing.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 19 July 2012, 00:20:59
I still think of the Jihad books as upstarts.  But they're now as old as the game itself was when I started playing.

Wow, does that make me like the old L1 rule Grogniards in my dislike for everything about hte Jihad?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Stormcrow on 19 July 2012, 00:25:19
Why, yes, but I like to refer to those people as purists, not grognards
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 19 July 2012, 09:15:11
My GenCon badge has shipped. Hopfully I'll be able to find more of you this year.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 19 July 2012, 09:24:58
If you find me...

You're lost. VERY lost.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 19 July 2012, 20:34:46
I still think of the Jihad books as upstarts.
I felt the same about the Clans until the Jihad came along.  I still prefer the 3rd SW era of lostech and water raids.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 20 July 2012, 02:27:06
I felt the same about the Clans until the Jihad came along.  I still prefer the 3rd SW era of lostech and water raids.

3055-67 is still my preference, though I applaud the Jihad removing so many WarShips. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 20 July 2012, 11:39:27
Funny I like to 3058-59 period with my WarShips and other fun stuff
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 20 July 2012, 14:35:24
I think the bleeding edge we're on now has great potential.  All the high-tech goodies, but not bogged down by massive alliances that prevent you from invading your neighbors, massive threatening invaders that force you into said alliances, etc.  Too bad we basically know where it's going. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 20 July 2012, 14:40:52
We know where we're going in much the same way someone pursuing Carmen Sandiego knows what planet they're going to next. I suspect the Pax Republic and Dark Age still have a lot of surprises in store for us.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 20 July 2012, 18:21:49
I think the bleeding edge we're on now has great potential.  All the high-tech goodies, but not bogged down by massive alliances that prevent you from invading your neighbors, massive threatening invaders that force you into said alliances, etc.  Too bad we basically know where it's going.
Maybe it's just me, but the bleeding edge of high-tech goodies is kind of what finally pushed me away from the current timeline and fully back into the 3rd Succession War. 

I mean, I can't honestly be the only one who's bothered by things like Improved Jump Jets, VSP Lasers and Plasma Rifles.  There's just something disconcerting and just a little wrong about looking at a 75 ton design and realizing that it moves 5/8/8.  I don't really even like seeing 75 tonners moving at a 5/8/0 clip, but have gotten used to it over the years but when you add the jump capability of the Spider, to that speed, there's just something wrong with that.

Some of the weapons I can tolerate, as they seem to be a progression of existing technology, but I honestly don't enjoy the game any longer as it stands now.  I love the new era of "we've got a rule for that", but I do miss the simplicity of the old days at times.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: FedSunsBorn on 21 July 2012, 00:09:21
3055-67 is still my preference, though I applaud the Jihad removing so many WarShips.

This part I agree with since it was the era that I got into the game. The other part still makes me a bit sad...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 21 July 2012, 03:17:43
Maybe it's just me, but the bleeding edge of high-tech goodies is kind of what finally pushed me away from the current timeline and fully back into the 3rd Succession War. 

I mean, I can't honestly be the only one who's bothered by things like Improved Jump Jets, VSP Lasers and Plasma Rifles.  There's just something disconcerting and just a little wrong about looking at a 75 ton design and realizing that it moves 5/8/8.  I don't really even like seeing 75 tonners moving at a 5/8/0 clip, but have gotten used to it over the years but when you add the jump capability of the Spider, to that speed, there's just something wrong with that.

Some of the weapons I can tolerate, as they seem to be a progression of existing technology, but I honestly don't enjoy the game any longer as it stands now.  I love the new era of "we've got a rule for that", but I do miss the simplicity of the old days at times.

I think I struggle with the idea that there was stasis in terms of weapons development for centuries and then suddenly *wham* the number of weapons systems increases hugely! Realistically (gawd help me for trying to bring reality into BT!) mankind is hugely inventive when it comes to warfare and while a warship or tank design might basically survive for decades in the modern era you would expect the systems they use to be upgraded at least but there has never been fluff to suggest that there have been minor incremental improvements that might make servicing or reliability better even if the actual damage output hasn't been substantially changed (the Western Navies have used the same calibre and approx rate of fire main ship guns since before WW2 or the 155mm artillery calibre has been in use since approx WW1).

I did like the WarShips but can see that they might fade... I actually had a bigger problem with them in the small numbers of the Second Star League than either the complete lack of the Succession Wars or the massive numbers (which then make specialist WarShips make sense) of the original Star League.

I am loath to say I like the Succession Wars era best - my favourite era is probably 3049-3067 although I am starting to read all of the new Star League era stuff so may change my mind... basically I love the Gauss Rifle, Arrow IV and a few other weapons systems that just seem to be the optimal killers akin to the 120mm main tank gun of today: basically, why bother with anything else?!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 21 July 2012, 03:34:18
Maybe it's just me, but the bleeding edge of high-tech goodies is kind of what finally pushed me away from the current timeline and fully back into the 3rd Succession War. 

I mean, I can't honestly be the only one who's bothered by things like Improved Jump Jets, VSP Lasers and Plasma Rifles.  There's just something disconcerting and just a little wrong about looking at a 75 ton design and realizing that it moves 5/8/8.  I don't really even like seeing 75 tonners moving at a 5/8/0 clip, but have gotten used to it over the years but when you add the jump capability of the Spider, to that speed, there's just something wrong with that.

Some of the weapons I can tolerate, as they seem to be a progression of existing technology, but I honestly don't enjoy the game any longer as it stands now.  I love the new era of "we've got a rule for that", but I do miss the simplicity of the old days at times.
Maybe it's that I came into the game in the 3060s, but I've never been much for the "Mad Max" technology is barely hanging together stuff.  Too 40k.  I like the feudal "mechwarriors as hereditary nobility" bit, I miss that in the 'modern era', but I think the military reduction thing going on is liable to bring that back.  Too, when I think of 'modern' tech, I'm mostly stuck in the '60s, when the "Field Manual tech" (LGR, HGR,  RAC, TC, LFE, ATM, Heavy Lasers,tc) was fairly new.  I'm familiar with some of the 'TW Tech' (I like the new flavors of PPC and Ferrofibrous) but not others (IJJs, VPLs, HAGs, Ferro Lamellar, Endo-Composite), but still think of them all as rare, and mostly to be found in labs.  Or maybe Solaris.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 21 July 2012, 03:51:07
Maybe it's that I came into the game in the 3060s, but I've never been much for the "Mad Max" technology is barely hanging together stuff.  Too 40k.  I like the feudal "mechwarriors as hereditary nobility" bit, I miss that in the 'modern era', but I think the military reduction thing going on is liable to bring that back.  Too, when I think of 'modern' tech, I'm mostly stuck in the '60s, when the "Field Manual tech" (LGR, HGR,  RAC, TC, LFE, ATM, Heavy Lasers,tc) was fairly new.  I'm familiar with some of the 'TW Tech' (I like the new flavors of PPC and Ferrofibrous) but not others (IJJs, VPLs, HAGs, Ferro Lamellar, Endo-Composite), but still think of them all as rare, and mostly to be found in labs.  Or maybe Solaris.

I see just about all of the Field Manual Tech as... niche... at best. The best is probably the custom LRMs of the FWL and the RAC. The rest of it needs special niches only. Likewise a lot of the TW Tech. They don't ruin it too much for me when they are limited in their use but the explosion in their use and their spread across the whole Inner Sphere is a bit frustrating.

I didn't really ever get the Mad Max era either - my first purchase was TRO 3026 but I assumed it was sensible at the time and then my next was MechWarrior 2 (the book RPG not the game)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 21 July 2012, 09:22:19
I agree with most of the sentiments expressed above.  I prefer the simplicity of 3025 but not the Mad Max aspects as don't mind getting lost in big formations and fleets.  I think battle armor, targeting computers, are specialty ammo nifty in certain quantities but I think tasers, HVACs, and VSPL are pushing my level of interest for keeping track of things.  I also think the characters in the universe that are being neglected the most are the factions.  Take the FedSun, supposedly the most competent military, unlike Clan warriors or Kurita samurai, yet there are few organizational links to the equipment (i.e. dropships, omnis, or vehicles to move all that BA). The same can be said for 'Mech esthetics unless I'm the only one that thinks the Legionnaire and Shockwave walked off the same lines.

I guess I don't view breadth of factions and toys favorably over depth.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 21 July 2012, 10:30:37
I agree with most of the sentiments expressed above.  I prefer the simplicity of 3025 but not the Mad Max aspects as don't mind getting lost in big formations and fleets.  I think battle armor, targeting computers, are specialty ammo nifty in certain quantities but I think tasers, HVACs, and VSPL are pushing my level of interest for keeping track of things.  I also think the characters in the universe that are being neglected the most are the factions.  Take the FedSun, supposedly the most competent military, unlike Clan warriors or Kurita samurai, yet there are few organizational links to the equipment (i.e. dropships, omnis, or vehicles to move all that BA). The same can be said for 'Mech esthetics unless I'm the only one that thinks the Legionnaire and Shockwave walked off the same lines.

I guess I don't view breadth of factions and toys favorably over depth.

Really, I don't even mind the massive formations and fleets, but I like the idea of every scrap of material is precious and every battle needs to be weighed against it's possible risks and rewards.  Modern (3050+) battles seem to be a matter of "how much stuff can I throw at this target" instead of "what's the least amount of resources I can allocate here and still achieve my objective". 

Now granted, I love dropping a massive amount of overkill on a target as much as the next guy but there has got to be some kind of operational restrictions against that in the setting, be it force limits or whatnot, otherwise you get power creep and massive armies fighting over what a single Company should be fighting over.  I mean, really, how often do we see individual Companies and even Lances performing objective raids now?  The vast majority of them seem to be at the Battalion level if not higher.

Now you've gone and done it Matt, you mentioned the organizational side of things.  Sure, we have Overlords and Unions and Leopards, but these are the Landing Craft of the Battletech Universe.  Where's the mass transports used to bring in more troops and supplies once an invasion is well underway?  Don't tell me that they use civilian craft, cause that's just bunk.  You don't see the Marines using Disney Cruise Liners for their auxiliary transports, so what does Davion use for theirs?  Where's the fuel tankers and supply trucks and Jeeps that an army needs to support it?  We've got plenty of combat units and a few oddball support units, but where's the rest of them?  Better yet, where's the support structure?  What, exactly, does a Combat Engineering unit look like in the 31st Century?  Furthermore, what about the other support services?  What does a Medical unit look like?  Military Police?  Intelligence?  Air Defense?  Hell, do they still have Field Kitchens or do they have something else?

How am I supposed to play a decent game of Battletech if I can't prove that my pilots had bacon for breakfast that morning???   :D

*ahem* In all seriousness, I'd love to see some of the organization behind the equipment fluffed out further.  It's one thing to say you can field a Company of `Mechs, but it's another to say how that Company fits into the rest of the organization and how it's supported and that's something that we don't have right now.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 21 July 2012, 12:33:50
That is why I love Chris Trossen RCT write up and Boilermans Combat Suport Field Manual. They Flesh things out a bit more even if they are non-cannon
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 21 July 2012, 14:44:04
Some of those support units could have been seen in future TRO:VAs.  But "no one" wanted to buy them - excepting those of us who were primarily interested in the RPG, not the wargame.  Personally, I haven't played any BT/MW in almost two years now.  The last physical book I bought was aToW.  Which, if I ever use it, will be as fodder for material for campaigns using MW3.5 (my subtle tweaking of MW3 - also known as CBT:RPG). 

However, TPTB attitude toward the characters and faction that were around pre-jihad (as well as a desire to constantly top themselves in the atrocity department) prompted me to establish an alternate timeline for my table.  And since I don't like running games just to spite someone who isn't even aware of it, I don't foresee actually playing again anytime soon.

But if I do it will be an alternate 3095, in which the Star League didn't collapse in 3067.  Factions have smaller militaries, with more vehicles and BA.  And to avoid political fallout they use: small objective raids, mercs with deniability, or they use the Marik states to fight proxy battles.  And while certain characters from DA are being used, I'm going in another direction there as well.  Malvina dies, her brother lives.  I find him more dangerous.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 21 July 2012, 15:33:45
That is why I love Chris Trossen RCT write up and Boilermans Combat Suport Field Manual. They Flesh things out a bit more even if they are non-cannon
That's what I was thinking of when I wrote my last post.  I wish Boilerman's CSFM was canon and I really, really, really wish someone had put the kind of attention into the organizational scheme that Trossen did, even if he did seem to go kind of light on the details.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 22 July 2012, 16:08:04
I'll expound on my previous post, about 55-67:

Namely, its for the toys.  New stuff is generally not the terrible 3050 refits and new production, the designers have largely figured out what works.  Plenty of room for quirks in Gunslingers and War Dogs without them being  outright awful.  The technology continues to advance.  Plenty of conflict and destruction via Star League Part 2: the IS Strikes Back and the FCCW, but also lots of smaller conflicts like 3057 and the Chaos March.  All good except WarShips, because I dislike them. 

Previous and later eras have too many units that become unusable, all while the same hundreds of years old designs continue on and on.  I get tired of 'no, you can only use that Mech on Tuesdays in 2893 because its extinct'.  I just want t bash mechs.  Hence, I tend to ignore the MUL as a result.  Stags and Pulverizers look cool.  I couldn't care less about Clan Wolverine. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 22 July 2012, 18:27:19
All good except WarShips, because I dislike them.

While I love the way Warships are portrayed, I've always thought that they should have been much, much, much smaller.  Like on the scale of the Jumpships.  As they are now, they're just way too big in my mind.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 22 July 2012, 20:04:21
But a lot of that is fuel or other space that is just engines.  Or Cargo Bays.  Its easy to see why the Sharks decided to demilitarize all those hulls post-jihad.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 22 July 2012, 20:22:16
But a lot of that is fuel or other space that is just engines.  Or Cargo Bays.  Its easy to see why the Sharks decided to demilitarize all those hulls post-jihad.
And that's part of my problem with it.  The old 2750 Warships were basically just cargo hulls with engines.  They didn't need to be that big and I don't know why they were ever made that large to begin with. 

Plus, the weapons don't make sense.  Why have NACs in 10, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 ratings when their ground bound ancestors are marked as 2, 5, 10 and 20?  What about Naval Lasers?  Why do we have NL/35's, 45's and 55's when we only have the Small, Medium and Large versions on the ground?  We could have have Large Pulse Naval Lasers if they'd followed the pattern, but instead we have NL/55s that serve as the secondary batteries on Destroyers and Cruisers.  Yes, I understand that FASA wasn't big on continuity either in the fiction or in the game itself but come on, these are the kind of things that just make you go "WTF?".

And with that said, I'm going to go play some Civilization V.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 22 July 2012, 23:40:19
So I've had a really annoying case of sore throat/nasal congestion/drainage/runny nose for the last few days.  I really wonder how those last three can coexist.  I also really wonder what the total volume of my nasal passages is, because they seem a veritable bag of holding as pertains to mucus.  But I seem to be getting better.  Just don't shake my hand if we should happen to meet in the next couple of days.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 23 July 2012, 01:52:44
The latter two contribute to the first.  And I have had times where I was congested and running at the same time.  Sounds like one of those 'spend half the day in 90-100+ temps then the other half in the AC' colds.  I'm surprised I haven't had one yet.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 23 July 2012, 03:08:20
To get back to the discussion of a few posts back (since I'm just back from the seaside, I hope you won't begrudge me for it...  ;))

 I'm excited, and a bit overwhelmed by the current activity of Battletech. I just cannot keep up with all that is being published, and am forced to make choices. I like the new era stuff, and keep an eye on the post Jihad timeline, but I have to say I prefer the historicals and the exploration of Battletech's past. So, I'm mostly focused on the pre Clan invasion things, (including what's taken place in the Homeworlds), and the rise and fall of the Star League (and isn't THIS ( groovy?  [drool] ;))
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 23 July 2012, 03:29:45
That and the corresponding Era book are tempting.  As is the Age of War book.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 23 July 2012, 14:05:29
That and the corresponding Era book are tempting.  As is the Age of War book.

To get back to the discussion of a few posts back (since I'm just back from the seaside, I hope you won't begrudge me for it...  ;) )

 I'm excited, and a bit overwhelmed by the current activity of Battletech. I just cannot keep up with all that is being published, and am forced to make choices. I like the new era stuff, and keep an eye on the post Jihad timeline, but I have to say I prefer the historicals and the exploration of Battletech's past. So, I'm mostly focused on the pre Clan invasion things, (including what's taken place in the Homeworlds), and the rise and fall of the Star League (and isn't THIS ( groovy?  [drool] ;) )

Um, I just bought the FM: SLDF and have just finished reading Liberation of Terra 1

I am very tempted by (and have in my DriveThruRPG wishlist) The Age Of War and Reunification War books (as well as several others)

I am doing a lot of reading on my laptop and really need to get my iPhone loaded up with the .pdfs so I can read them on my commute
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Lord Harlock on 23 July 2012, 16:14:44
So I've had a really annoying case of sore throat/nasal congestion/drainage/runny nose for the last few days.  I really wonder how those last three can coexist.  I also really wonder what the total volume of my nasal passages is, because they seem a veritable bag of holding as pertains to mucus.  But I seem to be getting better.  Just don't shake my hand if we should happen to meet in the next couple of days.

After having nasal polyps, you never want to know the answer to that question.

To get back to the discussion of a few posts back (since I'm just back from the seaside, I hope you won't begrudge me for it...  ;))

I'm excited, and a bit overwhelmed by the current activity of Battletech. I just cannot keep up with all that is being published, and am forced to make choices. I like the new era stuff, and keep an eye on the post Jihad timeline, but I have to say I prefer the historicals and the exploration of Battletech's past. So, I'm mostly focused on the pre Clan invasion things, (including what's taken place in the Homeworlds), and the rise and fall of the Star League (and isn't THIS ( groovy?  [drool] ;))

It's pretty easy for me to make choices honestly. My major rule is to find out if deals it with military unit write ups, economic information, or historical information that I might find interesting. That's an automatic buy such as Field Manuals and Objectives. If not, I put it into the wait for others to comment and discover if it might interest me. I pretty much wait on all Experimental Technical Readouts and Turning Points to see if I'll find there might be something interesting: Turning Points Jihad New Avalon was the exception because I wanted a map of New Avalon. Though if a product revealed the future of BattleTech, I'd probably buy it even if it just a write up of a character for five dollars.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 23 July 2012, 18:41:05
That is why I love Chris Trossen RCT write up and Boilermans Combat Suport Field Manual. They Flesh things out a bit more even if they are non-cannon
Thanks for the vote of confidence FA.  I have a comment about using both of them together though.  I deliberately low-balled the numbers in the CSFM for combat service support types, i.e. mechanics, techs etc.  Bones on the other hand used numbers based on US WW2 division support services.  So the numbers won't match up if you try to reconcile them. 

Someday I'd like to edit the CSFM based on SO and the Interstellar Operations, if it ever comes out.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 23 July 2012, 18:53:18
Where is Trossen's RCT write up?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 23 July 2012, 19:05:46
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 23 July 2012, 19:23:22
Thank you. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 23 July 2012, 19:26:30
Well numbers never match for a whole verity of reasons
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 24 July 2012, 10:06:06
So with 2 weeks to go until MWO launches, do we have a plan?  I know someone had suggested starting up the Lexington Combat Group at some point.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Paladin1 on 24 July 2012, 13:32:08
MWO doesn't launch in two weeks, that's just the Founder's Launch.  There's been groups of Founders getting into the Beta all week at about 1000 per day, but still no word on when the official open will be.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 24 July 2012, 14:46:47
Even if was launching in two weeks, no game pad.  My dog knocked my Mad Catz controller off the desk and killed it, and waiting for my Saitek to arrive...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 24 July 2012, 15:17:46
MWO doesn't launch in two weeks, that's just the Founder's Launch.  There's been groups of Founders getting into the Beta all week at about 1000 per day, but still no word on when the official open will be.
Well I'm a Founder, so I'm still interested in whether we have a plan or not.  :))
I definitely want to be fighting for the Sun and Sword, but I'd also like to fight alongside comrades.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 24 July 2012, 20:44:43
I'm not even so sure my computer will handle that damn thing.
But when I have time, I'd love to pwnd by all the youngins that play all day and night.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 25 July 2012, 12:04:21
In other news, my GenCon badge was just delivered by the FedEx fairy. Who else is going?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 25 July 2012, 18:53:48
So with 2 weeks to go until MWO launches, do we have a plan?  I know someone had suggested starting up the Lexington Combat Group at some point.
LCG remains a good idea but I doubt I'll play much more than I do anything else recreational these days.  I've an account, not a Founder's gig, but a normal account that I doubt I'll use much because I don't have the time in the day to actually play much anymore.  Other than with my kid.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 26 July 2012, 00:34:00
in a similar situation as regards time.  Usually slammed with work, the wife or the dog. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 26 July 2012, 15:21:27
Well, I applied for an apartment in St. Cloud today, so here goes nothing.  I should get it, though.  I'm 'clean' for the most part; no big debts and a clean record will do that.  :D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 26 July 2012, 15:24:47
Well, I applied for an apartment in St. Cloud today, so here goes nothing.  I should get it, though.  I'm 'clean' for the most part; no big debts and a clean record will do that.  :D

Good luck
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 26 July 2012, 15:25:30
Where's that?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 26 July 2012, 15:32:14
About 1 hour NW of Minneapolis on I-94 in Minnesota.  Where I'm going to school in the fall.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 26 July 2012, 15:34:12
About 1 hour NW of Minneapolis on I-94 in Minnesota.  Where I'm going to school in the fall.

Remind me what you are going to study?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 26 July 2012, 15:34:48
Good luck!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: foxbat on 27 July 2012, 14:39:20
About 1 hour NW of Minneapolis on I-94 in Minnesota.  Where I'm going to school in the fall.

Ah, ok... when I first read he name, I thought there's a St Cloud in the proximity of Paris. Good luck! ;)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 27 July 2012, 14:59:46
And I thought of the near Kissimmee in Florida that shows up on commercials as a place to vacation with the family
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 27 July 2012, 16:17:16
Remind me what you are going to study?
Lesser sadism, or accounting.  As compared to standard sadism, or dentistry, or greater sadism, or auditing.  ;)
Ah, ok... when I first read he name, I thought there's a St Cloud in the proximity of Paris. Good luck! ;)
Actually named for that town and the Chateau.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 27 July 2012, 16:20:40
Lesser sadism, or accounting.  As compared to standard sadism, or dentistry, or greater sadism, or auditing.

Oi/Hey! my Grandad is/was an auditor... he is quite remarkable for having no detectable imagination!

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 27 July 2012, 19:54:01
Playing my annual Close Combat 2: ABTF campaign, and the Island(that lone, two lane elevated highway in the Netherlands) is kicking my ass this time as the Allies. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 27 July 2012, 20:11:20
Hey, Doc, were you in any way involved in the local festivities today?  (Trying not to spoil for anyone DVRing.  You'll know what I mean.)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 27 July 2012, 21:31:42
Hey, Doc, were you in any way involved in the local festivities today?  (Trying not to spoil for anyone DVRing.  You'll know what I mean.)
Drat you AK!  I was going to ask Dan that!  Great and leaning towards drunk minds thinking alike, again.  DVR, by the way, keeps one from having to watch the whole thing at once.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Doug Glendower on 27 July 2012, 21:34:20
Concidering his posts, I'm betting "no."

Actually, my bet is on "Hell no, and if the earth swallows up the Olympic Village, I'm ok with that as well."
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 28 July 2012, 02:31:56
Hey, Doc, were you in any way involved in the local festivities today?  (Trying not to spoil for anyone DVRing.  You'll know what I mean.)

Drat you AK!  I was going to ask Dan that!  Great and leaning towards drunk minds thinking alike, again.  DVR, by the way, keeps one from having to watch the whole thing at once.

Pretty much:
Concidering his posts, I'm betting "no."

Actually, my bet is on "Hell no, and if the earth swallows up the Olympic Village, I'm ok with that as well."

Actually, I wasn't asked - I think they asked people from hospitals more in the local (East London) area. I'm not thrilled about the travel disruption and the tickets were so expensive for most things that there was never a chance I would do more than watch on TV.

I actually spent the evening at a Mess Night having free (well, paid for with my Mess Fees from the last 4 months) drinks in a surprisingly posh hotel just by work chatting to both the colleagues just about to start working with us and some who are leaving and some I didn't realise I've been working alongside for the last 4 months! Sadly this was drinking-on-an-empty-stomach and I did it a bit quickly so don't feel so great now and didn't watch much of the Opening Ceremony... plus I missed my arranged MegaMek game with Foxbat  :'(
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 28 July 2012, 19:50:40
Pretty much:
Actually, I wasn't asked - I think they asked people from hospitals more in the local (East London) area. I'm not thrilled about the travel disruption and the tickets were so expensive for most things that there was never a chance I would do more than watch on TV.

I actually spent the evening at a Mess Night having free (well, paid for with my Mess Fees from the last 4 months) drinks in a surprisingly posh hotel just by work chatting to both the colleagues just about to start working with us and some who are leaving and some I didn't realise I've been working alongside for the last 4 months! Sadly this was drinking-on-an-empty-stomach and I did it a bit quickly so don't feel so great now and didn't watch much of the Opening Ceremony... plus I missed my arranged MegaMek game with Foxbat  :'(
I'm fairly certain that any negative impression I had from the opening was because of NBC's poor editing rather than anything London did or failed to do.  Or I could have been more affected by the sangria I was trying to kill off, as evidenced by my use of 'AK' rather than 'AW' or even 'AR' (for Arkansas), but I'm fairly certain NBC needlessly cut away from country intros and interesting tidbits about the UK.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 29 July 2012, 05:11:49
I'm fairly certain that any negative impression I had from the opening was because of NBC's poor editing rather than anything London did or failed to do.  Or I could have been more affected by the sangria I was trying to kill off, as evidenced by my use of 'AK' rather than 'AW' or even 'AR' (for Arkansas), but I'm fairly certain NBC needlessly cut away from country intros and interesting tidbits about the UK.

Although Rosie (wife) recorded the Opening Ceremony I still haven't seen it
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 29 July 2012, 09:03:20
Skipped the ceremonies  and doing my best to continue ignoring the Olympics.  Not easy when the wife enjoys watching, but still possible.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 29 July 2012, 09:06:00
Skipped the ceremonies  and doing my best to continue ignoring the Olympics.  Not easy when the wife enjoys watching, but still possible.

I seem to be spending the bulk of today watching the opening ceremony on the TiVo box  :-\
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 29 July 2012, 09:17:13
I'd laugh but know I'll get shanghaied into watching some tedious pseudo-sport  if I do, so you've my pity instead. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 29 July 2012, 12:06:21
They should nix everything but track and field and then sacrifice the losers to Quetzalcoatl.  I'd watch that.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 29 July 2012, 13:35:35
After spending the day on the lake yesterday, I really thing inner tubing should be an Olympic sport.  I spent less than an hour in the tube, and woke up this morning with every thing from the backs of my knees up to the back of my rib cage feeling heavily bruised.  Plus skinned up my knees and feet a bit.  Add in sunburn and I really didn't want to get out of bed this morning.  Fun times, but I need a week off.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 29 July 2012, 19:11:26
I seem to be spending the bulk of today watching the opening ceremony on the TiVo box  :-\
That was my Saturday.  I'm trying to get into some of the more obscure sports.  I found women's archery to be edited in a compelling manner...if only the same could be done for baseball.  Field hockey is stupid.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 29 July 2012, 22:29:41
That was my Saturday.  I'm trying to get into some of the more obscure sports.  I found women's archery to be edited in a compelling manner...if only the same could be done for baseball.  Field hockey is stupid.
Recommend watching the Dutch women's team, sir.  Or will that get you into wife trouble?

OTOH, I did go to a baseball game today.  A couple of real nice plays.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 30 July 2012, 00:28:34
As I feared, sabre fencing is too fast to actually watch but the rowing is good

The hockey is probably more interesting than the football

Can't remember what else I watched over the weekend but I did also manage to watch about 3 or 4 episodes of Castle (something I tried compared with other such shows on C6's advice)

Oh, and on Saturday we spent a lot of the day at Rosie's uncle and aunt's in Hampshire at a BBQ where I may have found a mug who will help us to build not just a BBQ but a proper firepit we can just throw logs onto  >:D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 30 July 2012, 19:11:17
Recommend watching the Dutch women's team, sir.  Or will that get you into wife trouble?
Aren't you out yet?  Secure the "sir" there shipmate!

As to getting me in trouble, allow me to offer this as a spouse target selection standard:  anyone that watches the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show and says "nice ass" is a keeper.

I did find the fencing too quick to watch effectively.  Synchronized diving was at once fascinating and silly.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 30 July 2012, 19:45:07
I like the hot tub dunk in-between dives.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 30 July 2012, 21:00:09
I like the hot Italian tub dunk in-between dives.
My take.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 30 July 2012, 22:04:47
Women's volleyball.  Too bad about the spandex suits this year.  Modern pentathlon would be fascinating; fencing alone is very 'meh' to me.  That sort of thing should ideally go away and make room for the revived European swordsmanship schools.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 31 July 2012, 12:59:14
Aren't you out yet?  Secure the "sir" there shipmate!

As to getting me in trouble, allow me to offer this as a spouse target selection standard:  anyone that watches the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show and says "nice ass" is a keeper.

I did find the fencing too quick to watch effectively.  Synchronized diving was at once fascinating and silly.
August 9 I go to IRR status.  I was merely being slightly snarky.

Hmm.  Good point on that second one.

I agree with Modern Pentathlon being a neat sport to watch; it's the only event that was started specifically for the Modern Games.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 31 July 2012, 14:38:09
I think they should have a modernized  Hoplitodromos (
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 31 July 2012, 15:19:51
Helmets, Body Armor, and your nations rifle of choice, in a lap around the stadium.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: ShadowRaven on 31 July 2012, 16:16:12
I think they should take a page from the ancient Greeks, and make everyone compete naked, with the exception of running shoes
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 31 July 2012, 16:56:34
I think they should have a modernized  Hoplitodromos (
We already sorta have that in the biathlon.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 31 July 2012, 17:59:45
They wear armor and run laps?  I must've missed that one.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 31 July 2012, 18:24:55
August 9 I go to IRR status.  I was merely being slightly snarky.

Hmm.  Good point on that second one.

I agree with Modern Pentathlon being a neat sport to watch; it's the only event that was started specifically for the Modern Games.
August 9th, I've a meeting that day and the silly Olympic committee scheduled the Women's Gold Medal soccer match for that afternoon.  IRR, where they can recall you at the most inconvenient of times.  I shall endeavor to toast you on August 9th.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 31 July 2012, 18:25:34
What did you mean by "modernized"?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 31 July 2012, 19:07:41
Well, they wouldn't be running laps in helmet & greaves and carrying an aspis, now would they?  I was thinking "full battle rattle" as they say, fatigues, helmet, body armor, weapon with combat load of ammo, etc.  Which I suppose wouldn't be quite historical since no one in the Olympics carried a weapon, and they wore neither linothorax nor bronze cuirass.  What were you thinking?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 31 July 2012, 19:50:21
I was thinking that the biathlon is actually related to the way alpine troops train.  And they carry their rifles and such.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: ShadowRaven on 31 July 2012, 20:06:08
nah. the Biathlon is just a Canadian 'drive by' shooting
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 01 August 2012, 17:43:03
nah. the Biathlon is just a Canadian 'drive by' shooting
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: boilerman on 01 August 2012, 21:34:32
You know, I don't think I've watched an hour of Olympics since the 2002 games here in SLC.  They left me kind of jaded.  And I wonder how many Londoners will feel the same after these games.  I'm wondering if any Londoners are actually getting the chance to watch any of the events at the venue.  Excluding the VIPs that don't bother to show up of course.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 02 August 2012, 00:31:03
You know, I don't think I've watched an hour of Olympics since the 2002 games here in SLC.  They left me kind of jaded.  And I wonder how many Londoners will feel the same after these games.  I'm wondering if any Londoners are actually getting the chance to watch any of the events at the venue.  Excluding the VIPs that don't bother to show up of course.

Quite a few of my friends have managed to get tickets and with the problems with empty seats they have been having they are releasing more are most convenient for the locals to pick up

I'm not going to get to any but am not too disappointed: the events I'm interested in aren't very fun to watch in the flesh and work better on TV (rowing etc)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 04 August 2012, 22:49:58
It's been a while, gents, so:

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 04 August 2012, 22:54:33
Geoff!  Wassap?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 04 August 2012, 23:37:46
Just caught up on the last 24 pages or so of the thread.

Plotting out various works of fiction, including one with a Christmas theme of all things. And me being such a scrooge!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: ShadowRaven on 05 August 2012, 09:34:40
combat drop down someone's chimney?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 05 August 2012, 09:56:05
It's not a BT story. Until I hear something regarding the novella I submitted, I am holding off on any more BT fiction.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 05 August 2012, 11:36:34
Ah, sounds like some fun there.  Best of luck on the novella submission.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 06 August 2012, 08:45:38
It's been a while, gents, so:


Great Murhpy's Pantslessness! It's back!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 06 August 2012, 11:50:21
Question:  does wearing shorts count as being pantsless?  Or would that require wearing a robe or some other such non-bifrucated garment. :D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 06 August 2012, 12:30:58
Shorts indeed are not pants. Then again, I also believe that jeans are not pants, and therefore your definition and mine may diverge.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 06 August 2012, 12:45:37
Funny.  I've called them "short pants."  And surely jeans are pants, unless they're jackets.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 06 August 2012, 12:49:29
They're unsuitable for formal occasions, and therefore not pants.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 06 August 2012, 12:54:05
I find that an unusual criterion.  Is formality necessary or sufficient?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 06 August 2012, 12:57:47
More like the reverse. For me, an article of clothing must be either lacking separate full-length legs or be unsuitable for formal occasions to be not pants.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: ShadowRaven on 06 August 2012, 12:59:50
well technically, they are all 'Trousers'  And have an interesying history to anyone who might actually care. ( But Why should anyone listen to me, I'm just here for the Arby's
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 06 August 2012, 13:08:39
There's a better one: is Arby's a sandwich place or something else entirely?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 06 August 2012, 13:15:46
It's a place that serves Mozza Sticks through a window for what thats worths.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 06 August 2012, 13:21:56
I go for the potato thingies.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: ShadowRaven on 06 August 2012, 13:57:33
I go for the girl who works behind the counter. Or I did anyway, but that was a lifetime ago
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 06 August 2012, 14:09:44
A perfectly valid reason.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 06 August 2012, 14:41:13
I go for Arby's and Hoarsy sauce.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 06 August 2012, 15:38:44
They're unsuitable for formal occasions, and therefore not pants.
On that, sir, we disagree.  Jeans are plenty formal 'round these parts.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 06 August 2012, 15:50:43
I go to Arby's for the artery-clogging, heart attack inducing food, like Hanse Davion.

@AW: pronunciation of 'Arkansan'?  Are-can-sawn or Are-can-san?  It came up in 'Confederates in the Attic' and is bugging me.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 06 August 2012, 15:54:29
On that, sir, we disagree.  Jeans are plenty formal 'round these parts.

It's probably a case of differeing situations. My definition of a formal occassion is "People told me not to wear jeans."

Still managed to go pantsless at my own wedding. 8)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 06 August 2012, 16:03:30
They are all trousers. Pants are underwear.

I go to Arby's for the artery-clogging, heart attack inducing food, like Hanse Davion.

@AW: pronunciation of 'Arkansan'?  Are-can-sawn or Are-can-san?  It came up in 'Confederates in the Attic' and is bugging me.

I don't have any Arby's on my continent so will have to content myself with other artery clogging nastiness
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 06 August 2012, 16:11:48
They are all trousers. Pants are underwear.

Well, that's a whole different kind of pantslessness...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 06 August 2012, 16:18:09
Well, that's a whole different kind of pantslessness...

Now you know what I read everytime!

Also, fanny has a somewhat different meaning...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 06 August 2012, 16:19:41
I go to Arby's for the artery-clogging, heart attack inducing food, like Hanse Davion.

@AW: pronunciation of 'Arkansan'?  Are-can-sawn or Are-can-san?  It came up in 'Confederates in the Attic' and is bugging me.
The second, more or less.  I'd probably represent it are-can-sun.  Stress on the middle syllable, are-CAN-sun.  It's the one place we and the people of Kansas agree on pronunciation.  Though back in the day there was a push for "Arkansawyer" as the proper demonym.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 06 August 2012, 16:26:27
They are all trousers. Pants are underwear.

I don't have any Arby's on my continent so will have to content myself with other artery clogging nastiness

I didn't move for the Arby's. :P 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 06 August 2012, 17:23:07
Agree: ar-Can-zuhn.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 06 August 2012, 22:42:58
Agree: ar-Can-zuhn.


Also: Arby's is definitely a sandwich joint, just not a sandwich "shop" like Subway. ;) Arby's also might be close to Nirvana with their many delicious offerings. Just not in Joplin, where both were blown away in the tornado, apparently with neither to be rebuilt. :(
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 06 August 2012, 22:44:29
Oh, furthermore. Jeans? Totally pants. And if someone tried to forbid me from wearing them somewhere, I would likely take that as a challenge. :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 07 August 2012, 00:13:49
So, I'm trying to remember where I read something.  It was a letter from Kirc Cameron-Jones to Titus, essentially stating that he was committing suicide, using a poison that would poison to Blakist origin, and to use his 'assassination' for Regulus's gain.  I'm pretty sure it was in one of the more recent sourcebooks, but I can't seem to find it.  Or am I just going crazy?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 07 August 2012, 00:22:16
I do my absolute best to ignore or ridicule anything FWL-related, so I'm no help to you, sir.  I just thought I should point that out. :P
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: ShadowRaven on 07 August 2012, 00:30:04
well, I am fairly certain you are going crazy. But that doesn't mean it's not in one of the recent sourcebooks.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 07 August 2012, 02:53:17
I may have read it, so JHS72 or 74 would be good starting points.  (I stopped buying Jihad books about the time Devil-in-Stone supplanted the heads of the five Houses in importance.  This is Battletech.  There are only five families that are of any importance.  Davion, Steiner, and... ummm... the other three.

Actually, I also count Cameron, Avellar, Calderon, Centrella, Amaris, Kerensky, and a couple of the major Clan founders lineages as well.  But if something important happens in the 'verse and one of them wasn't involved, it will be the actions of my Players' Characters.  Not some nobody.

I do my absolute best to ignore or ridicule anything FWL-related, so I'm no help to you, sir.  I just thought I should point that out. :P
Thank you for noting your stand on the Former Worlds League.  I, myself, am quoting you and referencing your statement, in order to emphasize the sentiment.  ;D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 07 August 2012, 08:02:55
Found it!  Sidebar on page 3 of FR:FWLM.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 07 August 2012, 16:45:23
I hear the next round's on Edward.

Or, if I were a 40k Ork: Ed'z teef is growin' fasta, so he getz da bill.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 3rdCrucisLancers on 07 August 2012, 21:44:59
Baby, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: ShadowRaven on 07 August 2012, 23:32:31
oh if only that where true. My dreams would be far more peaceful....
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 08 August 2012, 14:32:03
So While on the MUL today, I noticed Filtvelt is now a pickable option (when did that happen? I can't believe I didn't notice it before!) and we have 110 mech choices. Which is awesome, some decent options in there. However, I'm not so sure Filtvelt HAS 110 mechs.

My favorite? Panther 9R! We also get the 10K and 10K2.
Life is good.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Lord Harlock on 08 August 2012, 15:17:40
Actually going by the numbers given in Field Report: Periphery, the Filtvelt Coaltion had about 200 mechs (199.4 actually, but I decided to round up) in 3079. That's also counting only a regiment is a 108 mechs. Though you'd think that the Filtvelt Coaltion would have more than basically Sparrowhawks for fighters.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 08 August 2012, 15:46:11
Its easier for logistics that way.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 08 August 2012, 15:49:57
So While on the MUL today, I noticed Filtvelt is now a pickable option (when did that happen? I can't believe I didn't notice it before!) and we have 110 mech choices. Which is awesome, some decent options in there. However, I'm not so sure Filtvelt HAS 110 mechs.
Life is good.

More than that - Flitvelt is also on the Periphery General list in the Republic Era.  If you want us to remove some options, we can.  I mean, I'm already logged in on the site...

Let's see, PNT-9R, no need for that, is there? >:D

Actually going by the numbers given in Field Report: Periphery, the Filtvelt Coaltion had about 200 mechs (199.4 actually, but I decided to round up) in 3079. That's also counting only a regiment is a 108 mechs. Though you'd think that the Filtvelt Coaltion would have more than basically Sparrowhawks for fighters.

ASFs are still being worked on.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 08 August 2012, 16:49:20
More than that - Flitvelt is also on the Periphery General list in the Republic Era.  If you want us to remove some options, we can.  I mean, I'm already logged in on the site...

Let's see, PNT-9R, no need for that, is there? >:D

Replace it with the Wight? ;D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 08 August 2012, 17:16:13
More than that - Flitvelt is also on the Periphery General list in the Republic Era.  If you want us to remove some options, we can.  I mean, I'm already logged in on the site...

Let's see, PNT-9R, no need for that, is there? >:D

Bite your tongue! We'll keep everyone of those, thank you very much! Though it feels good to be partially vindicated in my thought process on Filtvelt units. As technology advanced, I always figured that captured units would be sent down the road (and Filtvelt is pretty far down the road...) rather then going through the expense of upgrading them.
SO yay! Panthers and Cataphracts!

Replace it with the Wight? ;D
Oh, I see we have a comedian here, eh? Where did I put that banhammer... :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Lord Harlock on 08 August 2012, 21:15:30
It's not like he suggested that every mech in the Filtvelt Coaltion Militia somehow became Targes including the Thumpers' mechs.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 08 August 2012, 22:52:28
I think Ian is referencing my hate-on for the Wight--induced by MadDog Maddux in our infamous Panther v. Wight battle last fall.

God I hate the Wight...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 08 August 2012, 23:11:43
Destroying one with a Wolverine 8C was highly satisfying though.  Criti-kill!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Moonsword on 09 August 2012, 17:07:07
I think Ian is referencing my hate-on for the Wight--induced by MadDog Maddux in our infamous Panther v. Wight battle last fall.

God I hate the Wight...

Princess Wight Meat rides again, eh?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 09 August 2012, 17:24:44
Princess Wight Meat rides again, eh?
Do we know what happens when Ban-hammer strikes Ban-hammer?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 09 August 2012, 17:29:02
Do we know what happens when Ban-hammer strikes Ban-hammer?

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 09 August 2012, 18:14:51
Do we know what happens when Ban-hammer strikes Ban-hammer?

All that matters is who strikes first.  >:D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 09 August 2012, 18:27:24
Either way, the pyrotechnics are amazing... 8)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: ShadowRaven on 09 August 2012, 18:34:14
This place could use some awesome fireworks
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 09 August 2012, 20:19:44
This place could use some awesome fireworks

You're probably right. It's been too long since they let me play with HE.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: The Mighty ACHOO on 09 August 2012, 21:01:53
WP is more fun!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 10 August 2012, 00:20:37
I really need to try soe of that sometime. Given that the combined arms is growing strong in my group, I think I could squeeze more than a little mileage out of a brace of inferno bombs...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 10 August 2012, 10:02:16
Mmmm....raspberries and blue cheese. Best breakfast I've had in a long time...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 10 August 2012, 17:40:03
Pre-e-e-e-e-e-etty sure that combination just made me throw up in my mouth a little.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 10 August 2012, 17:53:37
Mmmm....raspberries and blue cheese. Best breakfast I've had in a long time...
I had a raspberry and bleu cheese compote/sauce on lamb chops before...awesome with a flavorful pinot noir.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 10 August 2012, 18:50:00
The stuff I see in this thread...
Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 10 August 2012, 22:25:57
Pre-e-e-e-e-e-etty sure that combination just made me throw up in my mouth a little.

Combination? I ate them separately!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 11 August 2012, 02:56:23
By "blue cheese" do you mean something like stilton? or is it some sort of American "cheese" that in the rest of the world would be classified as some sort of plastic and not for human consumption?

I like stiloton but can't imagine having it for breakfast  :-\
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 11 August 2012, 06:17:09
By "blue cheese" do you mean something like stilton? or is it some sort of American "cheese" that in the rest of the world would be classified as some sort of plastic and not for human consumption?

I like stiloton but can't imagine having it for breakfast  :-\
There is a growing market of artisan and imported cheeses over here.  It's not cheap which could explain the level of my grocery bill, darn you Wegmans.  I can't remember the last time I had plastic wrapped American cheese.

So Dan, as the Olympics draw to a close, did you get sucked into anything (aside from the rowing which I thought you mentioned)?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 11 August 2012, 11:11:57
I meant real cheese, I won't eat the plastic. Something called Moody Blue or somesuch. Don't know much about it, but given that the ingredients list was the usual real cheese stuff and penicillin roquefortii, I'm fairly sure it was genuine. Tasty too, though maybe a bit strong for eating solo like that.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: ShadowRaven on 11 August 2012, 11:39:53
I still maintain that waiting for cheese to grow mold before eating it is a sign of a diseased mind
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 11 August 2012, 11:52:35
Good things come to those who wait.

Also, I believe they don't wait, and introduce the mold themselves.

Finally, I won't deny the last.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 11 August 2012, 12:26:36
Good things come to those who wait.

Also, I believe they don't wait, and introduce the mold themselves.

Finally, I won't deny the last.
I ******* love blue cheese.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 11 August 2012, 12:48:20
Yeah, I throw food out when it starts growing blue or green bits.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 11 August 2012, 13:05:56
I love blue cheese, but began wondering when the dog started turning her nose up at it. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 11 August 2012, 13:08:40
Seeing the things they will eat, I wouldn't use your dog's tastes as a yardstick...

On a similar note, today's breakfast was a wedge of dublin stout cheese. Not bad, like a stronger, crumblier cheddar.

Sadly, I'm fast losing my taste for crumbly cheeses. They're hard to snack on without getting it everywhere.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 11 August 2012, 13:29:18
Sadly, I'm fast losing my taste for crumbly cheeses. They're hard to snack on without getting it everywhere.
I rarely allow the cheese to be a solo act.  Bleu on burgers and steaks; crumbled goat on omelets.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 11 August 2012, 13:34:28
I rarely allow the cheese to be a solo act.  Bleu on burgers and steaks; crumbled goat on omelets.
You sir, are a man of refined palate and excellent character.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Doug Glendower on 11 August 2012, 13:41:58
I like processed cheese slices. *shrug*
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 11 August 2012, 13:46:23
Bleu on burgers and steaks; crumbled goat on omelets.

I'll have to try those, especially the steak thing. Though step one still remains getting fuel for the grill I've had for the past year and a half.

I like processed cheese slices. *shrug*

It's okay, I won't judge you. Modern times and all that.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: ShadowRaven on 11 August 2012, 13:59:45
Sadly, I'm fast losing my taste for crumbly cheeses. They're hard to snack on without getting it everywhere.

crumbly cheeses aren't for snacking. They are for serving on top of dishes or being cooked with. Crumbled old cheddar and Parmesan mixed together and served on pasta. Feta in salads or with spinach and fresh tomato on a pizza.  Snacking cheeses should be sliceable like Monterrey Jack or spreadable like brie
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 11 August 2012, 14:06:02
I rarely allow the cheese to be a solo act.  Bleu on burgers and steaks; crumbled goat on omelets.
But how do you crumble a goat?  Do you have to dry it out first?

I like processed cheese slices. *shrug*
As do I, good sir.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 11 August 2012, 14:07:31
You sir, are a man of refined palate and excellent character.
Thanks!  Comes from being a bachelor up until four years ago.  Although the character development is recent.
crumbly cheeses aren't for snacking. They are for serving on top of dishes or being cooked with. Crumbled old cheddar and Parmesan mixed together and served on pasta. Feta in salads or with spinach and fresh tomato on a pizza.  Snacking cheeses should be sliceable like Monterrey Jack or spreadable like brie
Oh, give watermelon, goat cheese, and thyme a go.  Make it as your steak is resting and they are fabulous together.
But how do you crumble a goat?  Do you have to dry it out first?
Store bought that way.  Of course, I could be running the risk of getting the goat cheese equivalent of saw dust but it works for us.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: ShadowRaven on 11 August 2012, 15:11:16
Oh, give watermelon, goat cheese, and thyme a go.  Make it as your steak is resting and they are fabulous together

sounds interesting, how do you make it?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 11 August 2012, 15:16:26
sounds interesting, how do you make it?
That pretty much it:  put chunked watermelon in a bowl, sprinkle some goat cheese in, and add a few sprigs of thyme leaves.  Picking the thyme leaves off is the longest part of the effort.  Our biggest problem is remembering that we bought pre-cut watermelon in the fridge before it goes bad.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 11 August 2012, 15:27:29
Seeing the things they will eat, I wouldn't use your dog's tastes as a yardstick...

On a similar note, today's breakfast was a wedge of dublin stout cheese. Not bad, like a stronger, crumblier cheddar.

Sadly, I'm fast losing my taste for crumbly cheeses. They're hard to snack on without getting it everywhere.

She's half Border Collie.  That makes her smarter than a lot of people already.  But it just means there are a few things I can eat that I don't have to share with her or the wife. 

If you like Irish cheddars, try Cahill's Irish Porter.  Cheddar and porter, looks marbled.  And for crumbly cheeses, try Huntsman.  Its Stilton Blue inside layers of Gloucester cheddar, alternating. 
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 11 August 2012, 18:04:16
I only like them on occasion, actually. I'll give those a shot, but it'll probably be some time.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Crunch on 11 August 2012, 19:28:19
By "blue cheese" do you mean something like stilton? or is it some sort of American "cheese" that in the rest of the world would be classified as some sort of plastic and not for human consumption?

I like stiloton but can't imagine having it for breakfast  :-\

It's the class of cheeses that includes Stilton yes.

By the way America makes a lot of awesome cheese, don't judge it by American Cheese.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 11 August 2012, 21:05:34
I certainly don't, but 12 years here will do that...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: ShadowRaven on 11 August 2012, 21:14:36
That pretty much it:  put chunked watermelon in a bowl, sprinkle some goat cheese in, and add a few sprigs of thyme leaves.  Picking the thyme leaves off is the longest part of the effort.  Our biggest problem is remembering that we bought pre-cut watermelon in the fridge before it goes bad.

ah, so a watermelon and cheese salad of sorts then? Sounds like a nice summer treat.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 12 August 2012, 00:08:53
See, last night I fired up the grill and had pork chops (which had marinated overnight) with a side of bratwurst. Now that's a balanced meal. Why? you may ask? Because the brat was on a bun *and* I put mustard on it. I'm pretty sure that covers all the food groups, since there was lemon juice in the marinade. :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 12 August 2012, 00:12:25
Meat, carbs, chemical weaponry, fruit...sounds balanced to me. Any alcohol?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: ShadowRaven on 12 August 2012, 00:55:08
I would have skipped out on the bun personally in favor of bacon.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 12 August 2012, 02:21:21
The nice thing about the bun is keeps the greese and mustard off of ones fingers. Though sticking bacon in the bun with the brat is a good idea.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 12 August 2012, 03:41:31
Hmm, some nice ideas for food!

We had Stilton, Cornish Brie and Red Leceister yesterday (the Cheddar, Borsin and parmesan-a-like stayed in the fridge) as part of the lunch my wife put together for a load of her friends

Oh, and in terms of the Olympics, it has been pretty great in terms of everything! About the only thing I didn't like was the boxing (male and female) as it just seems ugly. The girls hockey was great (a lot of very pretty girls, the Dutch especially) while the beach volleyball was disappointing in terms of "talent"... it has all been well worth watching and seems to have been so for the sport rather than for gingo-istic national pride as I have cheered (well, I'm mostly watching at home on my sofa so not really cheering but you know what I mean) who ever has won if they have played the sport the best rather than just cheering on Team GB

I also think that although a lot of the build up to the Olympics was a bit rubbish - especially the security scandal - but the actual running of the games has gone amazingly smoothly and it has been a generally wonderful thing: much to my astonishment as I was fully prepared to be a grump and pessimist about it!

Anyway, I have a day of tidying to do after yesterday's party but might try to squeeze in a jog in celebration of the Olympic Spirit (yuck) while we eat leftovers
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 12 August 2012, 11:56:30
Meat, carbs, chemical weaponry, fruit...sounds balanced to me. Any alcohol?

I don't drink. :)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 12 August 2012, 13:26:30
Still missing one food group: chocolate.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 12 August 2012, 19:00:07
I've a hankering for a good lobster roll and lobster is supposedly cheaper than shrimp at the moment.  I think I'll see what I can do to make that happen next weekend.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 12 August 2012, 22:21:37
Yesterday I had the chance not only to see TN and MDM, but also to meet nerd for the first time. He seemed every bit the standup guy that all High Commandos are. Good times, though I hope he and TN managed to pull out a win in the WWII game we were playing when I took my leave for the return drive.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 13 August 2012, 07:44:10
I've a hankering for a good lobster roll and lobster is supposedly cheaper than shrimp at the moment.  I think I'll see what I can do to make that happen next weekend.

Wife made lobster bisque last week, outstanding stuff.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 13 August 2012, 13:36:09
I have not had a Lobster in years. I  fact I don't think I have had on since I made Shadow Raven buy me one when I took him to Calgery to see U2  :'(
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 13 August 2012, 13:39:22
Mmm....colossal sea bugs...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 13 August 2012, 14:04:37
Mmm....colossal sea bugs...
Thanks for that...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 13 August 2012, 14:05:33
Well, what else would you call them?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 13 August 2012, 14:11:52
Dinner works
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 13 August 2012, 15:23:32
Wife made lobster bisque last week, outstanding stuff.

A friend caught a lobster and served it to us a year or two ago as thermidore and we all ended up with far too much as it is ridiculously rich and the lobster was huge

Ultimately I think I prefer crab and tend to be more of a fan of other shellfish/seafood like mussels or just "straight" fish
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: ShadowRaven on 13 August 2012, 15:30:16
Dinner works
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: FedSunsBorn on 13 August 2012, 18:31:32
Dinner works

Lunch too, breakfast...not so much.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 13 August 2012, 19:47:05
Yesterday I had the chance not only to see TN and MDM, but also to meet nerd for the first time. He seemed every bit the standup guy that all High Commandos are. Good times, though I hope he and TN managed to pull out a win in the WWII game we were playing when I took my leave for the return drive.
Don't worry, we won.  One of your ammo bearers ended up getting two 00 morale roles, and we all decided he'd be a VC candidate.  We had more alive in the church then they did in both buildings

The Germans set off a rifle grenade in the church, and that was highly unpleasant, for both sides.  And my Corporal set off a satchel charge in the other building, almost clearing it.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 13 August 2012, 22:42:07
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Ian Sharpe on 14 August 2012, 01:49:19
Looking over FM; 3085.  I don't like any of the surviving Davion units enough to want to paint them up, save the Light Guards.  I really wish the Kathil Uhlans had been reformed at some point. :-\
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 14 August 2012, 13:23:54
Quick question: When a US Navy ship is commissioned, is the ceremony open to the general public?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 3rdCrucisLancers on 14 August 2012, 14:57:33
Quick question: When a US Navy ship is commissioned, is the ceremony open to the general public?

Well, 20,000 people attended the commissioning of the USS Nimitz, but it can vary from ship to ship. If there's a particular commissioning you want to see, get in touch with the Navy PAO.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 14 August 2012, 15:13:26
Well, USS Fort Worth is getting commissioned on september 22 in Galveston, and rarely for someone who lives inland like me, I might actually be able to make it.

PAO? Exactly who is that?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 3rdCrucisLancers on 14 August 2012, 15:15:09
Public Affairs Office. Looks like tickets are/were limited for her, but you can request a ticket, if it becomes available, here:
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 3rdCrucisLancers on 14 August 2012, 15:18:05
Alternately, you can donate $500 a head and get invited to that and the "black-tie and boots gala" afterwards.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 14 August 2012, 15:21:52
I have neither that kind of money, nor that kind of tie, so I'll probably look into the ticket request.

Are those things very formal dress? I literally do not own anything extremely formal.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 3rdCrucisLancers on 14 August 2012, 15:25:21
I have neither that kind of money, nor that kind of tie, so I'll probably look into the ticket request.

Are those things very formal dress? I literally do not own anything extremely formal.

Email the USS Forth Worth Committee at; they can probably answer that question for you. America being what it is, I'd be shocked if you were even allowed in without a Rascal personal mobility scooter.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 14 August 2012, 15:27:28
Will do. You are a bottomless fount of wisdom, good sir!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 14 August 2012, 17:09:42
Commissioning would be a full dress affair for the service members involved. 

Here is a picture ( from the commissioning of USS Mississippi (SSN-782).

And here's one ( from the acceptance of PCU Fort Worth (LCS-3)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 14 August 2012, 19:14:31
Don't forget that Thursday is Geoff Swift Day! If you're properly fed up with someone or something in your life, and you hang a picture of the offendee up in your window, it's just possible the Disgruntled One will "deal with" said problem for you! It's a Geoff Swift Day miracle! Look at all the exclamation points! Another miracle!

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 14 August 2012, 19:20:31
I'll celebrate by glowering at passers-by.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 14 August 2012, 19:54:40
Nerd, belated congratulations on your transition to the Inactive force!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: ShadowRaven on 14 August 2012, 21:44:57
Geoff Swift Day? Good, I can use a holiday, and seeing how I work at home, I might just get one.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 14 August 2012, 22:36:31
Nerd, belated congratulations on your transition to the Inactive force!
Tommorrow I'm enlisting in the Selected Reserve.  :D
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: DoctorMonkey on 15 August 2012, 01:49:33
Tommorrow I'm enlisting in the Selected Reserve.  :D

Isn't that a quality standard of alcoholic beverage?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 15 August 2012, 04:03:18
In my neck of the wood we even have a Royal Reserve

Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 15 August 2012, 08:48:37
Commissioning would be a full dress affair for the service members involved. 

Here is a picture ( from the commissioning of USS Mississippi (SSN-782).

And here's one ( from the acceptance of PCU Fort Worth (LCS-3)

Looks like the civilians are in pretty casual clothing, which is good, since the dressiest things I own are business casual. Thanks!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 3rdCrucisLancers on 15 August 2012, 08:58:50
Unfortunately I've lost so much weight since I last bought suits that none of them fit. So I have regular clothes, and then my tuxedo from high school (which does fit), and nothin' in between.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: nerd on 15 August 2012, 10:30:48
Isn't that a quality standard of alcoholic beverage?
Nope.  It means I get to play Navy one weekend a month, two weeks a year. Proof I'm certifiably crazy.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 15 August 2012, 10:35:23
Kinda wish my gaming schedule worked like that.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 15 August 2012, 14:22:41
But every one else in your gaming group probaly feels they have better odd with you on the ground.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 15 August 2012, 14:40:29
They don't bring AA, it's their fault. 8)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 15 August 2012, 14:50:40
If I ever play you I will bring a C3 Lance of Partisans
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 15 August 2012, 15:04:23
And to counter that kind of BV, I'll bring Torrents loaded with ATG Arrows. Or simply four heavy fighters with the guns to OSK each Partisan, and the armor to survive the return fire.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 15 August 2012, 15:42:18
Well least you left out the Tac Nukes  :-[
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 15 August 2012, 15:44:43
Against a lance? Nah. A company, maybe. A battalion, hell yes. And not a pansy single-Crockett strike, either.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 3rdCrucisLancers on 15 August 2012, 15:44:48
Oh goodness, look at you boys, telling each other your dad can beat up his dad, as if force selection were the only determinant of victory.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 15 August 2012, 15:45:43
Don't worry, I know it's not. I can lose with anything!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 15 August 2012, 16:50:26
Any of you gentlemen here in Indy?
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 15 August 2012, 16:56:58
Only in spirit.

Turn around. }:)
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 15 August 2012, 16:58:22
Not till 9 local time
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Klep on 15 August 2012, 17:01:32
Hrmm... sadly that's a bit too long for me to wait to eat.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Charlie 6 on 15 August 2012, 18:22:34
Tommorrow I'm enlisting in the Selected Reserve.  :D
The best thing I did for two of the Marines I took to combat was to talk them out of joining the Selected Marine Corps Reserve and I ran a reserve unit at the time.  Start drinking.

Hey, GenCon crowd, do keep us posted, please.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: ShadowRaven on 15 August 2012, 22:21:25
One day FltAdm and I shall find the resources to venture to Indy for Gencon. And then I will bankrupt myself at the IWM booth
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: fltadm on 16 August 2012, 02:04:22
witch means I will have to pay at Denny's.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: GreenDragon on 16 August 2012, 03:21:32
Any of you gentlemen here in Indy?
I would invite you to have fun storming the castle.  But I hear WotC doesn't do the castle anymore.
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 16 August 2012, 08:29:14
They had a castle? When? I don't remember any castles in previous cons!
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Stormcrow on 16 August 2012, 10:06:30
Quick the last post before a mod locks this thread
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: Weirdo on 16 August 2012, 10:07:32
Oh hey, that reminds me...
Title: Re: AFFS High Command: Leave the lampshades on.
Post by: 97jedi on 18 August 2012, 10:00:21
I defy your lock!  :)