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Catalyst Game Labs => BattleTech Game Errata => Topic started by: Xotl on 13 July 2012, 23:27:52

Title: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Xotl on 13 July 2012, 23:27:52
This thread is for all issues and problems with Field Manual: SLDF.

Product Link:

There is no compiled errata for this product at this time.

Please remember to follow the errata report template (,2412.msg171290.html#msg171290) when reporting issues.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Trace Coburn on 14 July 2012, 00:14:28
  All errors come from the .pdf edition released 13-07-2012.

  p.8, left-hand column, first paragraph
... Initially the Star League forces declined the challenge but Kazutoyo refused to withdraw. For ten days maintained her vigil outside the gates. Eventually, Lieutenant Bradley Grebbers accepted the challenge against his commander’s orders to do so but lasted a little over ten minutes. ...

  Missing word, presumably "she".
"For ten days she maintained her vigil outside the gates."

p.8, left-hand column, third paragraph

Pirates claimed more SLDF lives in combat than the ronin did, and for three generations more than ninety percent of the SLDF troopers in the Combine even witnessed a duel.

  Missing word - presumably "never", as its absence completely changes the sense of the sentence.
"... for three generations more than ninety percent of the SLDF troopers in the Combine never even witnessed a duel."

p.9, "Business is Business" sidebar

When confronted in the High Council with this information the coordinator did not deny the accusation, saying “business is business” and a fistfight erupted between the coordinator and the Lyran archon.

  As formal titles, both 'Coordinator' and 'Archon' should have initial capitalisation.
"... with this information the Coordinator did not deny the accusation, saying “business is business” and a fistfight erupted between the Coordinator and the Lyran Archon."

p.9, "Third Hidden War" section, first paragraph

It’s most visible casualty is the Martial Olympiad, shuttered after the 2736 games, but ...

  The apostrophe marks this as a contraction, which is grammatically incorrect.
"Its most visible casualty is the Martial Olympiad, ..."

p.10, right-hand column, "General Ikolor Fredasa" section
Despite his vainglorious nature and willingness to accept credit for the actions of others, Fredasa was thoughtful and intelligent commander, dedicated to the ideals of the Star League, but his loyalty was to the League as a whole rather than to the First Lord.

  Missing word, "a".
"... and willingness to accept credit for the actions of others, Fredasa was a thoughtful and intelligent commander, dedicated to the ideals of the Star League, ..."

p.10, right-hand column, "General Rebecca Fetladral" section
... a higher state of operational readiness, both though exercises but also in peacekeeping operations such as separating the combatants ...

  Wrong word - should be "through".
"... a higher state of operational readiness, both through exercises but also in peacekeeping operations such as separating the combatants ..."

p.13, left-hand column, "Brigades" paragraph
Because brigades are largely administrative constructs, the SDLF rarely ever deploys brigades independently.

 Typo: the correct acronym is "SLDF".

  This typo also appears on:
- p.40, "Independent Regiments" section, first paragraph
- p.86, right-hand column, "54th Escort Squadron" section
- p.87, left-hand column, first paragraph
- p.93, right-hand column, "12th Jump Infantry Division" section
- p.94, left-hand column, "Homeport" section
- p.105, right-hand column, first paragraph
- p.108, "Independent Regiments" section, fourth paragraph
- p.146, left-hand column, "Deployment" section
- p.232, "Logistics" section
- p.236, "LXVII Corps" section, second paragraph
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Dark_Falcon on 14 July 2012, 16:19:42
Pg 198: "The senior subcommand of Sixteenth Fleet, this decorated line
squadron counts as its flagship SLS Nelson, the victorious McKennaclass
battleship of the 2732 Martial Olympiad."

The error is due to the fact that Field Manual: Free World League lists the SLS Nelson (including her Martial Olympiad victory) as a Black Lion-class battlecruiser.  FM: FWL notes this in the context of explaining that the FWLM had located and salvaged the Nelson and was returning her to service under the name Xanthos.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Demos on 15 July 2012, 00:45:50
pdf, p. 43, 10th Infanry Divison
The MechWarriors of the 164th, despite the example of their own infantry brigade, routinely underestimate the prowess of the Welsh Foot
when fighting in fixed positions. In simulated combat against 1633rd Brigade, [...]

As brigades are named for their divisions, this brigade is uncorrectly named.

As part of the 164th Division (described in the same corps), the brigade should be named 1643rd brigade.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Demos on 15 July 2012, 00:58:04
pdf, p. 82 Command
Major General Bertram Van Vleit was born in the Draconis Combine, but his family fled when Leonard Kurita ordered their deaths. They fled to the Hegemony, and after Leonard’s death, were granted Hegemony citizenship. [...] Despite being forced to flee the Draconis Combine, the general is knowledgeable in Japanese culture, language and martial arts.

Leonard Kurita died in 2605. While the life expectation is significantly higher in the 28th century, a 170 year old active corps commander is quite unbelievable.

Solution: either change the name of the kuritan coordinatior to Takiro (or maybe Urizen) or change the original sentence to e.g. 
Major General Bertram Van Vleit was born in has origins to the Draconis Combine, but his family fled when Leonard Kurita ordered their deaths. They fled to the Hegemony, and after Leonard’s death, were granted Hegemony citizenship. [...] Despite being his family forced to flee the Draconis Combine, the general is knowledgeable in Japanese culture, language and martial arts.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: joechummer on 15 July 2012, 13:32:16
PDF, First Edition
Pg. 121, 62nd MID:

First paragraph talks about Lt. Gen. Halberstam in present tense, but he was killed back in 2735, which was 29 years before this report was written (2764), and thus should be past tense:

"As a way to inspire his troops, every evening Lieutenant General Absalom Halberstam, commander of the 621st Brigade, would find the largest mealtime concentration of his troops and tell them an enthralling tale."

"A consummate storyteller, Halberstam even relayed tales while out on combat deployment."
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: joechummer on 15 July 2012, 13:36:01
PDF, First Edition
pg 124, 94th Squadron

The squadron nickname should be italicized, as it is an unofficial squadron nickname.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Hussar2 on 15 July 2012, 15:33:12
PDF Page 260 Corps deployment map.
Problem: II Corps is listed twice in both the 8th and 12th Armies.
Solution: Replace II corps in 8th Army with III Corps.
Page 17: "Also within Special Forces Command are the All Weather
Combat Corps (Foul Weather Fiends), a ’Mech battalion... "
Problem: According to page 57 of Era Report 2750 the Foul Weather fiends are a Brigade strength formation
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Xotl on 15 July 2012, 20:07:52
Gents - please follow the template and note the product type in all reports.  I know only the pdf is out right now, but will I remember when the print copy of the dozens of books in this forum 2 or 6 or 12 months comes out when it comes time to compile errata?  Probably not.

Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Colodie on 15 July 2012, 23:35:16
PDF, 13 Jul 12 Release

Page 251 (By Adobe, It is a color map, no page number printed on the map), SLDF Deployment Map for the Terran Hegemony Military Command

The deployment map lists the 156th Mechanized Infantry Division twice on Terra. 

Historical, Liberation of Terra (pg 42) lists 1st Army as having 16 Infantry Divisions at roughly the same time as depicted in FM:SLDF.  I count 17 Infantry Divisions on the Hegemony, including the duplicate.  It appears that it is a duplicate and should be deleted.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Demos on 16 July 2012, 03:10:43
pdf, p. 102 / 114

In the section Homeport of 7th Fleet, SLS golden Hind is mentioned as flagship (p. 102).
On p. 114 SLS Golden Hind is a part of the 84th Pursuit Squadron (8th Fleet).

Change one on the names. In combination of the relation to Drake squadron IMHO Golden hind should be kept for the 8th Fleet. Nevertheless, as on p. 102 the reference is made in respect of the 2692 Martial Olympiad, this ahve to altered, too.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Demos on 16 July 2012, 04:56:06
pdf, p. 89 / 119

Both the 190th Mechanized Infantry division (p. 89) and the 32nd Infantry division (p. 119) bear the same nickname, the Tunnel Rats.
While both are unofficial, it would be nicer to have separate nicknames.

As the 32nd don't mention tunnel warfare explicitly, keep tunnel rats for the 190th MID and change the nickname of the 32nd ID to something according their nighttime and low-light operations.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: FirstStarLord on 16 July 2012, 19:03:13
PDF, First Edition
Pg. 41 and 49, 282nd MID and 39th RBMD:

Both divisions have the nickname "The Denebola Division". Since the 39th was the original unit to bare that name in the Star League SB (pg. 150), the 282nd should be renamed.

Proposed Correction:

Change the nickname of the 282nd MID to "The Battle of Scar River Division" since it is stated in the text that the unit earned its nickname from this battle in 2699.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Charlie 6 on 16 July 2012, 20:35:50

Pg 52 under the Logistics topic sentence reads "The region of space that XXIX Corps occupies has little in the way of heavy."
Perhaps it should read "The region of space that XXIX Corps occupies has little in the way of heavy industry."
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Demos on 17 July 2012, 00:38:11
pdf, p. 139, 184th Mechanized Infantry Division
After some initial success, the 153rd regrouped and flanked the 184th, chewing up [...]

The text of the 151st MID (on the same page) theme the rivalry between both divisions.

Replace 153rd with 151st.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Demos on 17 July 2012, 04:16:04
pdf, p. 142/143
XLIX Corps
XLIX Corps is a big deal, mainly because it is so big. Seven divisions on its own would make it rather potent, [...]
Problem: On p. 143 only six divisions are described.
Cross checking with SL Sourcebook, XLIX corps had indeed seven divisions. The missing division is the 9th Jump Infantry Division (The Meteors), which isn't also mentioned in this Field manual otherwise.

Give us this division!
(As this division has a proper name and to be consistent with SL sourcebook, a potential commissioning of a new division in the period between this field manual (2763) and SL sourcebook (2764) would be not probable).
EDIT: O.k., it's on the map on p. 255, but maybe it could at least mentioned in the description of the XLIX Corps.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Adrian Gideon on 17 July 2012, 07:26:05
pdf, p. 142/143
XLIX CorpsProblem: On p. 143 only six divisions are described.
Not errata. (,21042.msg470219.html#msg470219)
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Archangel on 17 July 2012, 12:30:55
PDF, First edition

The 326th BattleMech Division's nickname is incorrectly spelled twice as "The Mantuffel Division".  The officer's name was Hasso von Manteuffel.  I believe this is a carryover mispelling from the old SLDF sourcebook.  It should be changed to "The Manteuffel Division".
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Demos on 18 July 2012, 05:09:15
pdf, p. 158
Logistics, 2nd paragraph
When a lance of advanced Exterminators was transferred [...], and the for ’Mechs were repossessed by the Royal Command.

replace for with four 'Mechs
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Demos on 18 July 2012, 05:13:31
pdf, p. 240
table SLDF equipment level

Techlevel C states
Unit’s home garrison world is in the Federated Suns, Lyran Commonwealth or Free Worlds League Member

Techlevel D states Unit’s home garrison world is the Free Worlds League Member State

Problem 1:
Free Worlds League Member State is mentioned both in Techlevel C and D.

Delete Free Worlds League Member State in Techlevel C

Problem 2:
Techlevel D: a 'in' is missing

Unit’s home garrison world is in the Free Worlds League Member State.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Demos on 18 July 2012, 05:17:52
pdf, p. 241 RAT
Medium BattleMechs (both Regular Army and Royal Command)

The OSP-15 Osprey is marked as a 45 ton mech.

Change the tonnage to 55.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: mbear on 18 July 2012, 11:15:37
First PDF release, page 85, 213th BattleMech Division, second paragraph, first sentence:

Because of Genral Akaei, the 2139th Aero Wing is expert inn dogfights and...

Incorrect word. Should be "in" not "inn".

Because of Genral Akaei, the 2139th Aero Wing is expert in dogfights and...
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: mbear on 18 July 2012, 11:24:57
First PDF release, page 95, right hand column, Strategic Overview header, third full sentence:

General Huong, born in the Lyran Alliance, can...

Replace Lyran Alliance with Lyran Commonwealth.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: mbear on 18 July 2012, 11:35:14
First PDF release, page 100, Logistics section, next to last sentence:

bulk towards= the Custer

Remove equals sign.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Maelwys on 19 July 2012, 12:18:58
Pg. 160

Under XX Corps "This is most problematic, because XX Corps is the largest in the Thirteenth Army, the only one possessing 5 full Divisions."

The problem with this is that pg. 158-159 shows the writeup for the VI Corps, also in the Thirteenth Army, which also has 5 Divisions. The writeup for the XXXI Corps on pages 164-165 also shows 5 Divisions. So...out of 4 Corps in the Army, 3 of them have 5 Divisions (not to mention the XXXI is technically the biggest Corps when you include the independent regiments).

Fix: Remove the line? Not really sure what the author was going for there, so its hard to fix.

pg. 160

Under XX Corps "Much has been made about the lack of a Royal unit in XX Corps, but army command doesn't believe that Hegemony citizenship and technology provide that great of a difference, especially at a corps level."

The problem is that there IS a Royal unit in XX Corps. Its the very first independent regiment mentioned on that same page ("One of the newer independent regiments in the SLDF, the 902nd Royal Hussars Regiment...").

Fix: Change "Royal unit" to "Royal Division"
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: MrKiasu on 19 July 2012, 20:03:54
PDF 1st edition.

Page 195.

1216th division. This is an odd number, and the division is listed as 126th in the original SL sourcebook. Suggest renumbering back to 126th.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Demos on 20 July 2012, 00:25:03
p. 231, Command
He served in a series of independent regimens, assuming command of the 308th Dragoon Regiment in 2740.
Replace 'regimens' with 'regiments'.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Demos on 21 July 2012, 14:55:54
pdf, p. 216
Seems to be a editing issue as the (150) is out of place...
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: qc mech3 on 25 July 2012, 19:02:55
PDF, 1st print

p. 181 (183 of 264)

(Division du Aquitaine)

bad french was used, it should be

(Division de l'Aquitaine)
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: FirstStarLord on 30 July 2012, 20:03:06
PDF, First Edition
Pg. 175, 94th RMID:

The unit's nickname is given as "Semper Kill" but it already has an official title in the SLSB (pg. 147): The Bavarian Division.


Change the name of division to one of the other, unused units in XXII Corps. The best candidate is the 95th MID. Very few changes need to be made in that case except for one digit and a removal of the Royal title.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: wantec on 31 July 2012, 08:02:42
PDF, First Edition
Pg. 175, 94th RMID:

The unit's nickname is given as "Semper Kill" but it already has an official title in the SLSB (pg. 147): The Bavarian Division.


Change the name of division to one of the other, unused units in XXII Corps. The best candidate is the 95th MID. Very few changes need to be made in that case except for one digit and a removal of the Royal title.
Instead change the official title to "The Bavarian Division" and in the text of the division change, "The unit's nickname, Semper Kill,..." to "The unit's unofficial nickname, Semper Kill,..."
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: northwind on 31 July 2012, 08:39:03
PDF, 1st print

p. 181 (183 of 264)

(Division du Aquitaine)

bad french was used, it should be

(Division de l'Aquitaine)

Sorry but in fact, that is bad french too, it should be (Division d'Aquitaine)
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: MrKiasu on 01 August 2012, 08:56:32
PDF 1st edition.

Why didn't I mention this before? Like ER2750, some images don't appear in the iPad PDF viewer.

Specifically, the footer image on each page and the Lyran Commonwealth logo at the start of the LCMR section. There may be more but that's what I saw.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: joechummer on 01 August 2012, 10:16:21
PDF 1st edition.

Why didn't I mention this before? Like ER2750, some images don't appear in the iPad PDF viewer.

Specifically, the footer image on each page and the Lyran Commonwealth logo at the start of the LCMR section. There may be more but that's what I saw.
That problem also affects Apple Preview. The PDF displays as normal using Adobe Reader, however.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Neufeld on 03 August 2012, 14:54:30
PDF, 1st edition:

Page 52, XXIX Corps, Independent Regiments:
"The First Somerset Guards, officially the 184th Light Horse Regiment, mustered on Somerset in the Lyran Commonwealth at the same time
as the Thirty-eighth Hussars were mustered into the fledgling SLDF."
The problem is that Somerset is in the Rim Worlds Republic.

Suggested Solution:
Replace Somerset with a planet that is Lyran during the Star League Era.

Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Wrangler on 27 August 2012, 17:44:49
FM: SLDF (PDF version)  I think its 1.6 but i'm not sure how to tell.

P.190 XI Corp - Logistics (Wrong variant listed)

The SLDF ultimately rejected the Dragon because the SHD-3H Shadow Hawk was able to draw upon existing replacement part stockpiles, but XI Corps is able to barter with the DCMS for components.

Correction - Unless there new variant, Shadow Hawk was supposed to be upgraded SHD-2Hb from Historical: Operation Klondike. 

P. 205 LXXII Corp - (Corp Name incorrect, Unless it was retroconned)

The original Star League Sourcebook lists Seventeenth Army's XVIII, not LXXII.   All the regiment assigned LXXII belongs to XVIII in the original SL

Correction - Changed all references of Seventeenth's LXXII to XVIII

P. 218 - Eighteenth Fleet

181st Pursuit Squadron was noted for destroying 2 Mako Class Destroyers.   The Makos are Corvettes in TRO:3057R.

Correction - Change Mako Class Destroyers to Mako Class Corvettes

P. 218 - Eighteenth Fleet (Possible correction)

182nd Line Squadron lists its flagship as McKenna Class Battleship, SLS Implacable.   
I'm not sure if Clan Wolf (later Clan Wolf-In-Exile)'s Implacable had the same name during the Star League.  Clan Wolf's ship is the same ship (Had the same name), then 182nd's Line Squadron's flagship has to relisted as a Black Lion Class Battlecruiser.   Field Manual: Updates (P. 89) & Field Manual: Warden Clans (P. 158) both shows a Implacable as Black Lion. 

Correction (Suggestion):  Change Mckenna Class Battleship to Black Lion Class Battlecruiser.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: MadCapellan on 28 August 2012, 12:50:44
pdf, pg.54

"The production lines of Jolassa-Kumbold Armored Weapons on Bristol, which produce both the Fury and Fury II Command and Support vehicles is close to opening a BattleMech production line. Pelorian Motors on Marlette also produces mechanized infantry vehicles that LII Corps sometimes purchases directly, bypassing the SLDF Quartermaster."

Jolassa-Kumbold Armored Weapons on Bristol does not exist in the Star League era.  The producer of the Fury at that time was Jolassa Armored Vehicles of Tybalt.  Also, Peloran Motors company name is misspelled.

Change to read

"The nearby production lines of Jolassa Armored Vehicles on Tybalt, which produce both the Fury and Fury II Command and Support vehicles is close to opening a BattleMech production line. Peloran Motors on Marlette also produces mechanized infantry vehicles that LII Corps sometimes purchases directly, bypassing the SLDF Quartermaster."
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Charlie Tango on 01 September 2012, 05:06:20
PDF, p. 24 "The Gunslinger Program", 1st column 3rd paragraph, last sentence:

"For many MechWarrior lieutenants and senior warrants, the Gunslinger Program is the final finishing school before they begin their career progression in earnest. While it is not required, a graduate of ht Gunslinger Program is certain to be on an accelerated promotion track."


Suggestion: Change to read:

"While it is not required, a graduate of the Gunslinger Program is certain to be on an accelerated promotion track."
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: MrKiasu on 02 September 2012, 09:52:44
P. 205 LXXII Corp - (Corp Name incorrect, Unless it was retroconned)

The original Star League Sourcebook lists Seventeenth Army's XVIII, not LXXII.   All the regiment assigned LXXII belongs to XVIII in the original SL

Correction - Changed all references of Seventeenth's LXXII to XVIII

It's a fix. The original sourcebook has two XVIII corps so one of them had to become LXXII.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: ColBosch on 10 September 2012, 10:49:19
PDF, First Printing

Page 8, First Column, Fourth Paragraph

Existing Text: "The challenge of the ronin threatened to erode that morale; it threatened to bring about the hubristic sense of invincibility the SLDF cultivated. Wars, as Clausewitz observed so many centuries ago, are fought by human beings."

Problem: Two errors in two sentences. The dependent clause of the first sentence makes no sense, as it implies that the ronin were eroding morale by encouraging a sense of invincibility. In the second sentence, the "von" portion of "von Clausewitz" is missing.

Suggested Corrections: "The challenge of the ronin threatened to erode that morale; it threatened to end the hubristic sense of invincibility that the SLDF cultivated. Wars, as von Clausewitz observed so many centuries ago, are fought by human beings."
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Xotl on 01 October 2012, 22:35:15
Field Manual Free Worlds League, p. 119; the SLS Nelson is listed as a Black Lion-class battlecruiser.
Field Manual SLDF, p. 198; the SLS Nelson is listed as a McKenna-class battleship.

The SLS Nelson was a Black Lion-class. Field Manual: SLDF was in error.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: mbear on 20 November 2012, 11:09:54
FM: SLDF, first PDF release, page 66, first sentence. Incorrect word.

Along with Second Fleet, Third Fleet tooa significant part in the Reunification War,

Should probably read: "Along with Second Fleet, Third Fleet took significant part in the Reunification War,..."
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: mbear on 20 November 2012, 11:17:51
PDF 1st Edition, page 66, "Deployment" heading, second sentence. Misspelled word.

Third Fleet elements are adept at using the many recharge stations found in the Hegeony, and

Hegeony should be Hegemony.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: EvilOverlordX on 19 March 2013, 15:08:06
PDF, p. 7:

"...The corps and division that march beneath..."

Should be

"...The corps and divisions that march beneath..."

PDF, p. 7:

"No nation's people enjoy hearing that their young men and women are being killed in far-off battlefields.  That people like the notion even less when the fighting and dying are happening on worlds many hundreds of light years away, on borders not their own, and for reasons they don't especially care about."

The second sentence (starting with "That...") is expecting a clause because of the initial 'That'.

Suggestion: Remove the initial 'That', and start the sentence with 'People...'.

PDF, p. 9:

'...and though no public record has ever been made of his so-called "treason" internal SLDF...'

needs a comma:

'...and though no public record has ever been made of his so-called "treason", internal SLDF...'

PDF, p. 17:

"Vessels are painted in a pattern of light and dark gray and a third color unique to it's world of construction..."

Should be its.  It's == it is.

PDF, p. 22, under Combat College of New Earth:

"...In addition, the Regular Army' Command's headquarters..."

Should remove the unnecessary apostrophe after "Army"

PDF, p. 27, under Mechwarriors:

"...This gives the warrior much greater confidence when fighting on a world that has no atmosphere or one that was poisonous.  Rank..."

was should be is, since the author is using the present tense.

PDF, p. 29, under Aerospace Pilots:

"SLDF fighter pilots wear a flight suit that is far superior normal member-state..."

Should be:

"SLDF fighter pilots wear a flight suit that is far superior to normal member-state..."

PDF, p. 34, under Reserve Fleet

"While the SLDF's active fleet comprised some 2,250 vessels..."

Should be comprises, as this is being written in the present tense.

PDF, p. 39, under 48th Royal Battlemech Division:

"The Goliath Division is I Corps' primary offensive division.  It's mission, in the unlikely even of an attack on Terra, is to..."

Should be:

"The Goliath Division is I Corps' primary offensive division.  Its mission, in the unlikely event of an attack on Terra, is to..."

"...It's officers train near-constantly..."

Should be:

"...Its officers train near-constantly..."

PDF, p. 43, under 164th Battlemech Division:

"...of course--blown out space during..."

Probably should read:

"...of course--blown out of space during..."
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: EvilOverlordX on 20 March 2013, 14:57:33
PDF, p. 44, under 17th Pursuit Squadron:

"...Admiral Nebuschanezzar...

Should be:

Nebudchanezzar, to match the 'CO:' line

PDF, p. 63, under 261st Mechanized Infantry Division:

"...boat parade that celebrates the colonization Nagel each..."

Should be:

"...boat parade that celebrates the colonization of Nagel each..."

PDF, p. 63 under 294th Mechanized Infantry Division:

"...years of near-constant Taurian militantism..."

Probably should be:

"...years of near-constant Taurian militancy..."

PDF, p. 65 under 205th Battlemech Division:

"...Catching the regiment on Valois.  The 205th was almost..."

should be:

"...Catching the regiment on Valois, the 205th was almost..."

PDF, p. 66 under Homeport:

"The primary port for Third Fleet New Earth, collocated..."

Should be:

"The primary port for Third Fleet is New Earth, colocated..."

PDF, p. 68 under XXXVII CORPS:

" reassert the SLDF's authority by returning her troops in."

Should remove that final 'in'.

PDF, p. 70 under Independent Regiments:

"...border when SLIC has located of a bandit..."

Should remove the unnecessary 'of'.

PDF, p. 71 under 249th Mechanized Infantry Division:

"...Over the last six years, the divisions have won each three exercise."

Should be:

"...Over the last six years, the divisions have each won three exercises."
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: EvilOverlordX on 21 March 2013, 14:11:50
PDF, p. 71 under 208th Jump Infantry Division:

"...has lectured at many SLDF academes."

Should be:

"...has lectured at many SLDF academies."

PDF, p. 73 under 202nd Battlemech Division:

"...way of life, calling them, pseudo-samurai."

Should remove the second comma.

PDF, p. 73 under 255th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division:

"CO: Major General.Colbert Delacroix"

Should remove the unnecessary period.

PDF, p. 73 under 101st Jump Infantry Division:

"...and the 1011st BattleMech Brigade is..."

Should be:

"...and the 1011th BattleMech Brigade is..."

PDF, p. 74 under Command:

"...but has been overheard despairing the First..."

Should be:

"...but has been overheard disparaging the First..."

PDF, p. 74 under Logistics:

"...for signs that Star League technology, has fallen into the hands..."

Should remove the unnecessary comma.

PDF, p. 75 under 52nd Mechanized Infantry Division:

"...while the 5211st Battle Regiment..."

Should be:

"...while the 5211th Battle Regiment..."

"...brigades use hovercrafts exclusively."

Should be:

"...brigades use hovercraft exclusively."
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: EvilOverlordX on 21 March 2013, 16:44:40
PDF, p. 83 under 71st Infantry Division:

"The 71st is considered reliable defenders..."

Should be:

"The 71st are considered reliable defenders..."

"The 711st Infantry Brigade..."

Should be:

"The 711th Infantry Brigade..."

PDF, p.85 under 213th Battlemech Division:

"Because of Genral Akaei, the..."

Should be:

"Because of General Akaei, the..."

PDF, p. 90 under LXIII Corps:

"Like the other corps, LXII Corps..."

Should be:

"Like the other corps, LXIII Corps..."

under Logistics:

"For the rest of LXII Corps, parts of..."

Should be:

"For the rest of LXIII Corps, parts of..."

PDF, p. 96 under Command:

"...his younger siblings assigned to his corp when they..."

Should be:

"...his younger siblings assigned to his corps when they..."

PDF, p. 97 under 225th Battlemech Division:

"...the other divisions in LIII Corp."

Should be:

"...the other did\visions in LIII Corps."

under 20th Mechanized Infantry Division:

"Fraternal twin sister of the 225th Division commander..."

Actually, she's the fraternal twin sister of the 218th Division commander.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Tai Dai Cultist on 15 July 2013, 13:29:48
PDF, pg 246, Rules Annex section for 12th Army:

"41st Mechanized Infantry Division: Opponents of the 41st have to make moral checks (see p. 211, TO) and receive a penalty of 1 on all such checks (see also p. 295, SO)."

moral should read "morale"
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: mbear on 13 January 2016, 09:52:43
FM: SLDF first PDF printing, page 141, 55th Mechanized Infantry Division entry, last paragraph, last sentence.

Thankful for a combat command, she driving hew new division hard.

Should read: Thankful for a combat command, she is driving her new division hard.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: sillybrit on 19 April 2016, 17:32:56
FM: SLDF First Printing PDF:

29th Royal CAAN Regiment is noted as twice winning the Martial Olympiad (p23), but is not assigned to any Army in the SLDF. There is a 29th CAAN Regiment assigned to 12th Army, II Corps (Star League sourcebook insert between p147 and p148); this regiment is the only non-Royal CAAN unit.

Suggestion: The 29th CAAN Regiment should be the 29th Royal CAAN Regiment.

Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Natasha on 26 February 2017, 14:17:40
References from the printed book.
Third Army, pg. 57 "...since the death of First Lord Simon Calderon in 2751..." & "After the death of First Lord Simon Calderon..."
Obviously, the correct name is Simon Cameron.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: Kojak on 27 January 2021, 19:44:32
THE ERROR: On page 227 FM: SLDF, the CO of the 364th BattleMech Division is listed as Major General Miranda DeWelt.

In the story Great Gaffa's Ghost by Blaine Lee Pardoe, published on BattleCorps 28 March 2005, the commander of the 364th Division is given as General Stephen James Gaffa, originator of the classic BT epithet that is also the story's namesake. While technically there is a gap between the two documents (FM SLDF's IU publication date is 2 March 2764, the relevant part of GGG is date 4 November 2765), the story heavily insinuates that Gaffa has been commander of the Division for a considerable period of time.

From the narrative, pg. 18 of the GGG PDF: "At the start of 2765 General Stephen James Gaffa was in command of the 364th BattleMech Division, commonly known as the Zulu Division. His record was impeccable for an officer in the SLDF. He had come up through the ranks, attending OCS at the age of seventeen, having shown incredible initiative during operations in the Rim Worlds on a dangerous string of peacekeeping assignments. He had been awarded the Medal of Valor just after the outbreak of fighting [MY NOTE: this would have been 14 April 2765 per H:LOT I] on New Vandenberg for saving a mobile hospital unit by drawing enemy fire onto him and his command company while they evacuated. It was the first Medal of Valor won by the 19th Army in that epic campaign."

From sole survivor of his command lance, who witnessed his death, pg. 19 of the GGG PDF: "I offered to take point, but he refused. He always did." "We loved that old man and there wasn't a man in the lance that wouldn't have gladly taken his place in that crater if we could have." "But he was General Gaffa and his word was like the word of God and Kerensky himself."

And from the narrative, again, pg. 20 of the GGG PDF: "Memorial services were held and General Kerensky himself attended, referring to Gaffa as 'a close personal friend and colleague.'"

THE FIX: Change Major General Miranda DeWelt to Major General Stephen James Gaffa, and edit the 364th BattleMech Division's fluff text to match.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: csdavis715 on 09 June 2023, 07:59:10
* VERSION: PDF edition (don't know which version)
* LOCATION: Page 95, "Seventh Army - Command"

* THE ERROR: "General Ngyuen Huong is new to his assignment, only having been tapped by Regular Army Command six months ago."

General Huong's name is misspelled "Ngyuen," which may have already been caught by editors due to it's correction in Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1 (p. 43) and Volume 2 (p. 87) as Nguyen.

* THE CORRECTION: Change Ngyuen to Nguyen.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: csdavis715 on 10 July 2023, 18:58:07
* VERSION: PDF edition (don't know which version)
* LOCATION: Page 236, "Twentieth Army - LXVII - Command & Logistics"

1) "Major General Carl Thomas Campellton has commanded LXVII Corps since 2754..."
2) "The three colonels were convicted of treason and hung; General Campellton was sent to command LXVII
Corps in the Periphery."
3) "This, in turn, draws down SLDF stockpiles faster than they’re replenished, and General Campellton’s staff can hardly refuse requests..."

In these three cases, General Campbellton's name has been misspelled (missing the "b"). I presume they are misspellings given the typical spelling of this name and the five other instances in the text where it's spelled Campbellton.

* THE CORRECTION: Change Campellton to Campbellton.
Title: Re: Field Manual: SLDF
Post by: zulf on 25 October 2023, 16:53:04
A friend and I are working on a project some questions/discrepancies came up.

Sorry for any formatting issues currently limited to mobile.


Star League Field Manual, no printing #.
7/13/2019 Date, PDF, Inside date 2012

Page 23, 2660, the "30th Heavy Assault Regiment" won.  This is not an independent regiment in the book, should it be, or is this just some regiment within some division?  The number doesn't really match.  Maybe it should be the 305th Royal (1st Army, XXI Corps) or 309th HAR (19th Army, XLVI Corps) instead?
Page 48, 19th Royal Light Horse Regiment is referred to as the 90th in HB:SL (p151), since there already is a 19th (FM:SL p108), this one must be in error.  Recommend changing name to 90th.
Page 51, 75th BMD Map states Cussar (p252), but fluff states Barlow's Folly - These are the same system, its name was chagned to Barlow's Folly after 2765, so recommend change fluff to Cussar.
Page 126, 75th Light Horse regiment is actually in XXVI Corps (HB:SL p143) - Recommend just adding a note that this units is attached to another corps (they are listed in the other corps as well) but it is still part of the RCT.
Page 126, 138th Dragoon regiment is actually in XXVI Corps (HB:SL p143) - Recommend just adding a note that this units is attached to another corps (they are listed in the other corps as well) but it is still part of the RCT.
Page 176, In HB:SL (p147) there was a 210th MID listed but its a duplicate so recommend renaming to 211th MID (it is on Halstead Station on map in FM:SL p256).  This unit was a duplicate in the original HB:SL as well. - Recommendation is adding a note on this page that the unit is part of the corps and not described. 
Page 252, 132nd JID (on Brockton) fluff and HB:SL supports royal, so it should be renamed to 132nd RJID. 
Page 253, 183rd MID should be the 183rd RMID.
Page 254, 14th ID (on Dalton) should be renamed to 14th JID (fluff supports JID)
Page 255, 199th MID - has no line connecting it to its source world, fluff states Kaznejoy - Recommend fixing the line on the map
Page 255, 37th MID - has no line connecting it to its source world, fluff states Vindemiatrix - Recommend fixing the line on the map

These units are divisions that were part of corps in the HB:SL book, but were not listed in the FM:SLDF book.  I recommend adding a small note after each of those corps introductions stating that it has the 48 additional divisions, but they did not justify being described:
Page 38, the 6th RMID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p140) but is on the map (Terra)
Page 38, the 74th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p140) but is on the map (Terra)
Page 40, the 36th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p140) but is on the map (Achernar)
Page 42, the 92nd MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p140) but is on the map (Wasat)
Page 42, the 111th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p140) but is on the map (Wyatt)
Page 58, the 257th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p142) but is on the map (Huron)
Page 80, the 197th JID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p153) but is on the map (Gan Singh)
Page 142, 9th JID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p144) but is on the map (Aristotle)
Page 170, 11th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p147) but is on the map (Minowa)
Page 170, 5th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p147) but is on the map (Saaremaa)
Page 170, 23rd MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p147) but is on the map (Irurzun)
Page 172, 28th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p147) but is on the map (Dumaring)
Page 172, 51st MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p147) but is on the map (Numki)
Page 172, 64th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p147) but is on the map (Fukuroi)
Page 174, 95th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p147) but is on the map (Junction)
Page 174, 79th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p147) but is on the map (Lapida II)
Page 174, 77th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p147) but is on the map (Ludwig)
Page 180, 33rd MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p148) but is on the map (Bad News)
Page 180, 8th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p148) but is on the map (Tabayama)
Page 180, 58th JID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p148) but is on the map (Sinope)
Page 182, 63rd MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p148) but is on the map (Elidere IV)
Page 182, 142nd MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p148) but is on the map (Huan)
Page 182, 106th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p148) but is on the map (Matsuida)
Page 184, 160th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p148) but is on the map (Hachiman)
Page 184, 155th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p148) but is on the map (Simferopol)
Page 184, 167th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p148) but is on the map (Worrell)
Page 186, 267th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p148) but is on the map (Huaide)
Page 190, 57th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p149) but is on the map (Pinnacle)
Page 190, 66th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p149) but is on the map (Trondheim)
Page 190, 49th ID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p149) but is on the map (Goito)
Page 192, 89th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p149) but is on the map (Soverzene)
Page 192, 75th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p149) but is on the map (Itabaiana)
Page 192, 71st MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p149) but is on the map (Kanowit)
Page 194, 114th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p149) but is on the map (Irece)
Page 194, 158th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p149) but is on the map (Yumesta)
Page 194, 100th JID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p149) but is on the map (Chatham)
Page 196, 189th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p149) but is on the map (Gravenhage)
Page 202, 16th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p155) but is on the map (Adherlwin)
Page 204, 22nd MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p155) but is on the map (Early Dawn)
Page 206, 93rd MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p155) but is on the map (Lindermarle)
Page 212, 208th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p156) but is on the map (Ramora)
Page 214, 209th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p156) but is on the map (Halla)
Page 216, 147th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p156) but is on the map (Puttalam)
Page 222, 62nd JID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p157) but is on the map (Ishtar)
Page 224, 176th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p157) but is on the map (Flaum)
Page 226, 31st ID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p157) but is on the map (Mithron)
Page 232, 179th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p158) but is on the map (Predlitz)
Page 234, 200th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p158) but is on the map (Windsor)
Page 236, 227th MID is not mentioned anywhere (HB:SL p158) but is on the map (Rajkot)

Furthermore, these are units listed in the book that were not on any of the maps, but based on entries in the fluff, should be on the map on the existing systems:
Page 41, 282nd MID (Denebola in TH)
Page 59, 26th RBMD (Pitkin in FS)
Page 59, 159th RMID (Hazelhurst in FS)
Page 59, 219th MID (Brookeland in FS)
Page 59, 225th MID (Altoona in LC)
Page 59, 235th MID (Stratford in FS)
Page 61, 59th ID (Barlow's End in FS)
Page 63, 261st MID (Nagel in FS)
Page 63, 268th MID (Mayetta in FS)
Page 131, 14th JID (Oriente in FWL)

These units have a location listed in the fluff, that does not match the maps nor the corps deployment areas:
Page 49, 39th RBMD Map states Raman (p252), but fluff states Denebola - Fluff should be updated to Raman
Page 81, 175th RMID Map states Shensi (p253), but fluff states New Aragon - Fluff should be updated to Shensi
Page 113, 70th MID Map states Regulus (p252), but fluff states Repulse - Fluff should be updated to Regulus
Page 127, 149th BMD Map states Scheuerheck (p254), but fluff states Ohrensen - Fluff should be updated to Scheuerheck
Page 127, 125th BMD Map states Vakarel (p254), but fluff states Lexington - Fluff should be updated to Vakarel
Page 141, 129th MID Map states Zebeneschamali (p255), but fluff states New Aragon - Fluff should be updated to Zebeneschamali
Page 191, 67th MID Map states Christiania (p256), but fluff states Brownsville - Fluff should be updated to Christiania
Page 191, 34th RBMD Map states Polcenigo (p256), but fluff states Epsilon Indi - Fluff should be updated to Polcenigo
Page 197, 30th JID Map states Cheriton (p256), but fluff states Muphrid - Fluff should be updated to Cheriton
Page 205, 260th BMD Map states Dunianshire (p257), but fluff states Raldamax - Fluff should be updated to Dunianshire
Page 205, 60th ID Map states Lockton (p257), but fluff states Donegal - Fluff should be updated to Lockton
Page 205, 265th MID Map states New Abilene (p257), but fluff states Belluevue - Fluff should be updated to New Abilene
Page 215, 226th RMID Map states Devil's Breath (p259), but fluff states Yorii - Fluff should be updated to Devil's Breath

These units have different locations mentioned in the fluff vs the maps.  Based on the previous block, I'd assume the map is correct, but either system works in every case:
Page 43, 99th BMD, map states Ronel (p251), but fluff states Dieron - Either of these could be right
Page 71, 208th JID Map states New Avalon (p252), but fluff states Remagen - Either of these could be right
Page 117, 352th BMD Map states Ibarra (p254), but fluff states Gibson - Either of these could be right
Page 213, 110th MID Map states Crestoblus (p259), but fluff states Ramora - Either of these could be right
Page 225, 95th RJID Map states Katinka (p258), but fluff states New Vandenberg - Either of these could be right

Other people noted these in the errata already, I just placed them here for confirmation:
Page 23, 2696/2700 were won by the 29th Royal CAAN, but on page 48 it isn't listed as a royal unit. It should probably become royal.
Page 41 the 282nd MID and page 49 the 39th RBMD both have the same nickname 'The Denebola Division', keep it for the 39th RBMD and change 282nd MID to "The Battle of Scar River Division"
Page 89 the 19th MID and Page 119 the 32nd ID both have the same nickname 'Tunnel Rats', should stay for 190th MID, change 32nd ID
Page 175, the 94th RMID nickname is 'Semper Kill', but in the SLHB it is called 'The Bavarian Division'.  Recommend changing to 'The Bavarian Division' as its a named unit.
Page 195, 1216th MID should be called 126th like the SLSB (Title and 2 mentions in fluff, and page 247).  Is is also on the map as the 126th MID (Kagoshima).

Historical, Liberation of Terra Volume 1 (I assume Star/Battle/Strike are "line" squadrons), sometimes shows different fleet counts, even though its set only 1 year later:
1st Fleet:  FM:SLDF (p44) lists 1st Star, 12th Interdiction, 16th Escort, 13th Battle, and 14th Battle, and 17th Pursuit squadrons.  Hist:LOT1 (p46) lists it as 3 Line, 1 Interdiction, 2 Escort, and 1 Pursuit Squadrons.  Recommend adding 15th Escort Squadron. 
2nd Fleet:  FM:SLDF (p56) lists 2nd Star, 21st Strike, 22nd Escort, and 23rd Recon Squadrons.  Hist:LOT1 (p46) lists it as 2 Line, 1 Recon, 1 Escort, and 1 Pursuit Squadrons.  Recommend adding 27th Pursuit squadron. 
3rd Fleet:  FM:SLDF (p66) lists 31st Battle, 32nd Pursuit, 33rd Recon, and 34th Recon Squadrons.  Hist:LOT1 (p46) lists it as 1 Line, 1 Interdiction, 1 Recon, 1 Escort, and 1 Pursuit Squadrons.  Recommend adding 37th Interdiction and 34th Escort Squadrons, and removing 34th Recon Squadron. 
8th Fleet:  FM:SLDF (p114) lists 81st Line, 82nd Recon, 83rd Escort, and 84th Pursuit Squadrons.  Hist:LOT1 (p47) lists it as 1 Line, 1 Recon, 1 Escort, and 2 Pursuit Squadrons.  Recommend adding 85th Pursuit Squadron. 
15th Fleet:  FM:SLDF (p188) lists 151st Line, 152nd Line, 153rd Pursuit, and 154th Recon Squadrons.  Hist:LOT1 (p48) lists it as 1 Recon, 1 Pursuit, 1 Escort, and 1 Line Squadrons.  Recommend changing 152nd Line squadron to 152nd Escort. 
16th Fleet:  FM:SLDF (p198) lists 161st Line, 162nd Line, 163rd Escort, and 164th Escort Squadrons.  Hist:LOT1 (p48) lists it as 1 Recon, 2 Line, and 2 Escort Squadrons.  Recommend adding 165th Recon Squadron (It is noted as being split up, but never named or a type). 
17th Fleet:  FM:SLDF (p208) lists 171st Recon, 172nd Interdiction, 173rd Escort, and 174th Line Squadrons.  Hist:LOT1 (p48) lists it as 1 Recon, 1 Pursuit, and 2 Interdiction Squadrons.  Change the Escort to 173rd Pursuit and 174th Line into 174th Interdiction Squadrons. 
19th Fleet:  FM:SLDF (p228) lists 192nd Escort, 193rd Line, 194th Line, and 195th Recon Squadrons.  Hist:LOT1 (p48) lists it as 1 Recon, 2 Escort, and 2 Line Squadrons.  Recommend adding 197th Escort Squadron. 
20th Fleet:  FM:SLDF (p238) lists 201st Line, 202nd Line, 203rd Pursuit, and 204th Recon Squadrons.  Hist:LOT1 (p48) lists it as 1 Recon, 1 Pursuit, and 1 Line Squadrons.  Recommend removing 202nd Line Squadron.