BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat

BattleTech Game Systems => A Time of War => Topic started by: bytedruid on 02 March 2011, 00:48:25

Title: Civilian hovercar stats for ATOW play
Post by: bytedruid on 02 March 2011, 00:48:25
I've convinced a few of my long time RP gamer friends into starting an ATOW campaign.  We've fleshed out the back story for PC group and had our first gaming session.  So far it's all been role-playing with a few simple streetwise and leadership rolls thrown in.  Though next time we meet they're going to realize they've been added to someone's s*#t list.  Because, as they're tooling down the "interstate" on Canopus IV, they notice that a dude in the truck behind them just leveled a VLAW!

So, what are appropriate stats for a civilian SUV sized vehicle?  The "road rage" example on page 186 of the Combat chapter suggests a BAR of 4 for a car's sheet metal, but doesn't hint at an appropriate number of armor points per location.   What tactical armor point value would you use?
Title: Re: Civilian hovercar stats for ATOW play
Post by: Cannon_Fodder on 02 March 2011, 01:11:28
Taking a look through TRO: Vehicle Annex I would say for civilian vehicles 1 or 2 points of BAR 4 armor sounds about right.

The BAR 4 armor listed for the door sheet metal is for if you are shooting the person on the other side of said door. If you are shooting a person though the sheet metal they get the equivalent of 4/4/4/4 body armor.
Title: Re: Civilian hovercar stats for ATOW play
Post by: bytedruid on 02 March 2011, 13:46:14
Thanks, that's news I can use!

On an related note, looking over the Catalyst product pages I don't see a TRO with that title, is that an older publication, or part of another book?  Our group is likely to use ATOW more as a general Sci-Fi setting instead of jumping into 'mech combat right away, so stats for all types of support vehicles would be of great interest.  Is there an in-print product that you can recommend?
Title: Re: Civilian hovercar stats for ATOW play
Post by: Cannon_Fodder on 02 March 2011, 23:16:30

It is out of print currently. PDF only versions are available for sale.
Title: Re: Civilian hovercar stats for ATOW play
Post by: Cannon_Fodder on 03 March 2011, 08:12:46
AToW pg 324 has BAR values, costs and stats on lots of civilian vehicles.
Title: Re: Civilian hovercar stats for ATOW play
Post by: bytedruid on 06 March 2011, 23:26:54
AToW pg 324 has BAR values, costs and stats on lots of civilian vehicles.

Thanks for the reference (seems I should have just RTFM).  In that chart I don't see internal structure values.  Until I pick up the vehicle annex, is there a per location internal structure value I can just assume for now?
Title: Re: Civilian hovercar stats for ATOW play
Post by: Cannon_Fodder on 07 March 2011, 03:53:36
AToW and BT use two different combat systems. Pay carful attention to the Tactical Combat Addendum pg 200-219

Internal Structure is 1 point for every 10 tons vehicle mass. Minimum 1
Title: Re: Civilian hovercar stats for ATOW play
Post by: bytedruid on 08 March 2011, 01:55:16
It is out of print currently. PDF only versions are available for sale.

Amazon had one new copy left, just picked it up.  Hopefully Catalyst will get a cut of the sale price, I definitely appreciate the quality work they put out and would like em to hang around for a long while.

AToW and BT use two different combat systems. Pay careful attention to the Tactical Combat Addendum pg 200-219

I've read it twice at this point, but is there is some particular difference I should watch out for when using vehicles from the Annex in ATOW play?