BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat

Catalyst Game Labs => BattleTech Game Errata => Topic started by: Moonsword on 27 June 2013, 15:38:45

Title: Technical Readout: 3145 Free Worlds League
Post by: Moonsword on 27 June 2013, 15:38:45
This thread is for all issues and problems with Technical Readout: 3145 Free Worlds League.

Product Link:

Please remember to follow the errata report template (,2412.msg171290.html#msg171290) when reporting issues.  Thanks.

Developer-Level Errata
Sarath, p. 29
add "Narrow/Low Profile" to quirks
Title: Re: Technical Readout: 3145 Free Worlds League
Post by: S.gage on 29 June 2013, 02:11:05
Starting with tech level questions, as these are likely not errata in 3145:
P. 33, Anzu entry (tech is currently "Inner Sphere", but has PPC capacitors and CASE II)
P. 35, Carronade entry (tech is currently "Inner Sphere", but has CASE II)
P. 37, Neanderthal entry, (tech is currently "Inner Sphere", but has PPC capacitors and M-Pods)

Grammar problems:
P. 26, Violator entry:
"When used properly the Violator..."
Deployment section, "When elements of the First Orloff Grenadiers joined the planetary militia to take back the capital they..."
(in both cases subordinate/dependent clause should be separated with a comma)
P. 28, Sarath entry:
Deployment section, "However the Fourth Hussars were eventually ejected from Aitutaki and the defeat was seen as a bad omen for the new Sarath." (Conjunctive adverbs should have a comma, conjunctions joining separate independent clauses should have a comma)
P. 30, Quasimodo entry:
Capabilities section, "Adding jump jets that aren’t unheard of in a Hunchback improves the mobility of the Quasimodo,..." (reads awkwardly)
P. 40, Juliano entry:
"Following the fall of Marik-Stewart the Juliano" (subordinate/dependent clauses should be separated with a comma)
P. 42, Picaroon entry:
Deployment section, "The first reported clash between two Picaroons occurred in 3115 when a raid..." (subordinate/dependent clause should be separated with a comma)
Title: Re: Technical Readout: 3145 Free Worlds League
Post by: DarkISI on 29 June 2013, 02:12:43
Starting with tech level questions, as these are likely not errata in 3145:
P. 33, Anzu entry (tech is currently "Inner Sphere", but has PPC capacitors and CASE II)
P. 35, Carronade entry (tech is currently "Inner Sphere", but has CASE II)
P. 37, Neanderthal entry, (tech is currently "Inner Sphere", but has PPC capacitors and M-Pods)

You are correct, those are not errata.
Title: Re: Technical Readout: 3145 Free Worlds League
Post by: Saint on 30 June 2013, 07:25:15
Leonidas BA Record sheets

Should there be sheets with 5 troopers for the Marians?
Title: Re: Technical Readout: 3145 Free Worlds League
Post by: Xotl on 04 July 2013, 18:39:38
Juliano record sheet (p. 91)

Type incorrectly labelled as JLN-5M.  Change to JLN-5A.
Title: Re: Technical Readout: 3145 Free Worlds League
Post by: martian on 08 July 2013, 05:20:06
ZU-G60 Anzu (p.33) has the Battle Value 1,503.
However, the record sheet for it (p.85) shows the Battle Value 1,486.

ZU-G70 Anzu
In the text (p.32) it is mentioned as the ZU-G70 twice.
However, the record sheet for it (p.86) designates it as the ZU-J70.
Title: Re: Technical Readout: 3145 Free Worlds League
Post by: Wrangler on 25 August 2013, 08:57:53
STK-9A Stalker II (p.38)

Deployment lists the design first being used in 3138 against the Duchy of Oriente.  The Oriente has since been renamed since the aftermath of the Jihad as the Oriente Protectorate.

Recommended change: Change Duchy of Oriente to Oriente Protectorate.
Title: Re: Technical Readout: 3145 Free Worlds League
Post by: jymset on 03 October 2013, 23:15:35
dev-level errata:

Sarath, p. 29
add "Narrow/Low Profile" to quirks
Title: Re: Technical Readout: 3145 Free Worlds League
Post by: S.gage on 30 October 2013, 12:43:18
Anzu Entry, P. 32, Primary Factory=Calloway VI
references to AMSC, Marik-Stewart tactics, and this quote from the "Notable Units, Bondsman Erik Wolf" profile:
"Born Erik Feraru on New Olympia, Erik was an eight-year veteran of the Marik Militia when he was captured by the Wolves during the invasion of Keystone.  Abandoned by his fleeing lancemates, Erik found himself alone in his Anzu... Weaving through the interior of his own ’Mech’s production lines..."
Were there two factories, one on Keystone and the other on Calloway VI?  Or is Calloway VI a misprint?
Title: Re: Technical Readout: 3145 Free Worlds League
Post by: Moonsword on 30 October 2013, 15:47:46
Questions belong in Ask the Writers, not the errata threads.  Please read the rules.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Technical Readout: 3145 Free Worlds League
Post by: MadCapellan on 31 October 2013, 18:00:51
Anzu Entry, P. 32, Primary Factory=Calloway VI
references to AMSC, Marik-Stewart tactics, and this quote from the "Notable Units, Bondsman Erik Wolf" profile:
"Born Erik Feraru on New Olympia, Erik was an eight-year veteran of the Marik Militia when he was captured by the Wolves during the invasion of Keystone.  Abandoned by his fleeing lancemates, Erik found himself alone in his Anzu... Weaving through the interior of his own ’Mech’s production lines..."
Were there two factories, one on Keystone and the other on Calloway VI?  Or is Calloway VI a misprint?

Yes. It was originally a Marik-Stewart Commonwealth design, but with the fall of that nation, it's production was relocated to Calloway in the new FWL.
Title: Re: Technical Readout: 3145 Free Worlds League
Post by: jymset on 25 June 2014, 15:55:31
dev-level errata:

Bulwark, p. 20, Variants:
replace "The original Bulwark, manufactured between 3087 and 3114, lacked..." with "The original Bulwark resumed production between 3087 and 3114. It lacked..."

Bulwark (Original) RS, p. 75, Era:
replace "Dark Age" with "Jihad"
Title: Re: Technical Readout: 3145 Free Worlds League
Post by: ShroudedSciuridae on 24 September 2022, 21:53:48
p. 22

Jenn Talcred formed her mercenary company in 3138, which then defended Republic worlds against Clan Wolf in 3137.
Issue: Timeline
Correction: Adjust formation date to 3136
Title: Re: Technical Readout: 3145 Free Worlds League
Post by: BaldDen on 21 September 2023, 13:47:46
p.49 Caerleon

Length: 16 meters
Width: 16 meters

These dimensions are too small for this craft...