BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat

BattleTech Game Systems => General BattleTech Discussion => Topic started by: Midnightsun on 25 February 2014, 04:14:43

Title: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Midnightsun on 25 February 2014, 04:14:43
I'm not sure if anyone one else has started this topic.  But just finished my first read through and i'm very impressed, especially all the details on the flaws of the AFFS before the start of the first succession war.  I'm also very impressed with some of the units, especially the Dragonlords! That one caught my attention.  Another great field report.  I look forward to the remaining books.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Korzon77 on 25 February 2014, 06:17:48
Any naval ships? 
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Sharpnel on 25 February 2014, 06:24:23
Two. Defender-class
battlecruiser and Congress-D Frigate. Both feature alot of DAKKA!
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Lord Harlock on 25 February 2014, 08:46:42
To keep this shorter, I'll just go through what I liked, disliked, and huh?


-There is a USS Constitution feel to the Golden Lion being the flagship of the AFFS for ages. I like that. Plus, she still went out like a slugger apparently actually being the blunt instrument used to stop the Combine  at Cholame at her age. Add in the fact, she reminds me of a combination of a Southern Cross vessel with a Earth cruiser from Space Battleship Yamato/Starblazers, and she brings a tear to my eye.

-Dragonlords are a unit that just somehow escaped being mentioned in the past because they are just that awesome sounding especially the Fifth.

-The Robinson Chevaliers were great especially being named after knightly orders.


-Okay, I get it. I'll get no more details about Fed Suns Arcadia. However, why in the world make a unit called the Arcadian Cuirassiers which is a unit from Demeter without a mention of poor Arcadia? It makes sense from a Greek point of view especially with the goddess Demeter, but come on, it's a missed opportunity to talk about Arcadia.

-Industrial map basically matches the same.


-I know what a Hotspur is. And if the author intended the Hostspur to be that, I'd figure it was just a spelling error, and I'd give a wink and a nod for what seems a distant memory. However, I have no idea. I've spent fifteen minutes searching through dictionaries and various search engines. And all I came up with is a Football team in Totterham that has fans that misspell hotspur a lot. Somehow, I doubt this all has to do with a common misspelling of the Totterham Hotspurs, but you never know.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: CungrVanck on 25 February 2014, 08:50:26
I too am highly excited about the many new units that are described in this Field Report.  Then I think of the upcoming 1st Succession War and I get sad  :-\  May they fight and die well!

I enjoyed the new warships (two new classes) and they create a fairly well balanced fleet for House Davion.

If TPTB do go ahead with the a Early Succession War Book (or three or four considering the sheer mass of units available!), I am ready to throw my money at them!
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: nerd on 25 February 2014, 10:25:40
A Hotspur reference might also be to Horatio Hornblower, who's first official command was an 18 gun sloop.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Klat on 25 February 2014, 14:21:08
I desperately want more info on the Dragonlords. I'd love a paint scheme.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Pat Payne on 25 February 2014, 15:19:57
I desperately want more info on the Dragonlords. I'd love a paint scheme.

Seconded. Thirded. Twenty-Ninthed. The name is so awesome alone, I'd love to know their history.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: sillybrit on 25 February 2014, 15:29:52
There's been multiple real life HMS Hotspurs, albeit not for many years, so it's a name that does have a naval pedigree. The name Hotspur itself comes from the nickname of a English nobleman who rebelled against the Crown, with that story being the subject of one of Shakespeare's plays, which is probably how many people know him rather than an actual interest in Medieval English history.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 25 February 2014, 15:37:16
Seconded. Thirded. Twenty-Ninthed. The name is so awesome alone, I'd love to know their history.
Likewise.  The line about Avalon's Silver Claws being friendly rivals who push the DAG to be better sold me.  More please!

I really think we're being set up for a Historical: 1st Succession War that explains how the Robinson Chevaliers and Tancredi Loyalists became the Robinson Rangers, and the demise of the Dragonlords (perhaps ending up rolled into the Crucis Lancers?).
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Adam Vagus on 25 February 2014, 16:03:50
Just got this and I'm loving the huge write-up on the Avalon Hussars. I think I found my new favorite Davion unit, the 1st Avalon Hussars. Though all the Hussar units are awesome. Makes it hard to choose just one.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: TigerShark on 25 February 2014, 16:31:58
Very good. Also very interesting to see the tech levels of the Houses rise above general expectations.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: jimdigris on 25 February 2014, 17:02:05
I'd like to see the Dragonlords resurrected in the post 3145 period.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Dragon Cat on 25 February 2014, 17:16:53
I'd like to see the Dragonlords resurrected in the post 3145 period.

I'd like to see a resurrection too maybe I will not in canon maybe  O0

I really enjoyed the glance over I had of this the first time ill need to have a second and third glance though

I'd have really liked a Block II Defender that would have been interesting to see
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Liam's Ghost on 25 February 2014, 18:44:02
Ooh. Oh my. It's the original Congress! Like the Original Original "no our guns didn't magically disappear due to a typo" Congress!

It's been so long, I never thought I'd see it again!
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Wrangler on 25 February 2014, 19:57:28
I'd like to see a resurrection too maybe I will not in canon maybe  O0

I really enjoyed the glance over I had of this the first time ill need to have a second and third glance though

I'd have really liked a Block II Defender that would have been interesting to see
I second that motion.  If your going to have so few big boats and keep them around, i'd be upgrading them best i can.

Congress D was interesting, I was surprised but should haven't been to see a different version of the Congress.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: DarthRads on 25 February 2014, 21:34:31
Ooh. Oh my. It's the original Congress! Like the Original Original "no our guns didn't magically disappear due to a typo" Congress!

It's been so long, I never thought I'd see it again!

Now all we need is a SovSoy with those 18 missing NLs!
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Liam's Ghost on 25 February 2014, 21:38:24
Now all we need is a SovSoy with those 18 missing NLs!

That would be great.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Nebfer on 25 February 2014, 22:51:15
Seconded. Thirded. Twenty-Ninthed. The name is so awesome alone, I'd love to know their history.
and fiftieth  :D

I'd like to see the Dragonlords resurrected in the post 3145 period.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Wrangler on 25 February 2014, 22:55:23
Aside from the mighty Defender.

The Field Report is really interesting, the Tancredi Loyalists are interesting group. I hope they went out in blaze a glory since there no sign of them by the 31st Century.  Dragonlords write up is nice along with the rest of the other units!

The dedicated DropShip Squadron is also an eye opener.  I do think thou, i wish Inner Sphere powers had been able come up with their open DropShip designs.  It would been lovely to get stats for the Union CV mentioned in bygone era of TROs. 

As a side note:  How long has the Tortuga Prime been a pirate state????  You'd think SLDF would clean those boys out along time ago, then again...i thought they formed during the Succession Wars.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: TigerShark on 25 February 2014, 23:02:05
I hope and pray the Periphery book is as good as this one. You can't see it... but I've crossed every finger. And toe. And a few hairs.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Trace Coburn on 25 February 2014, 23:31:45
As a side note:  How long has the Tortuga Prime been a pirate state????  You'd think SLDF would clean those boys out along time ago, then again...i thought they formed during the Succession Wars.
  The original founders of Tortuga were an AFFS unit that went rogue during the Reunification War.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Welshman on 25 February 2014, 23:41:28
I had an absolute blast writing this product. It was something like mixing a walk down memory lane with an archeological dig into the lost past.

Hotspur- Yes, this is a nod to the old British HMS ships of the same name. It is also a nod to this forum and the dedicated fans. The last incarnation of the Fan Council game had the Davions finding a derelict Congress, which had been lost in the Star League. It was the Hotspur. So a tip of the hat to all of you.

Dragonlords- Okay, I'm very pleased that everyone loves the concept, really pleased. I enjoyed coming up with the concept for this unit and then fleshing out the units. I do have to make a confession, it was a goof. Oystein is one of the hidden forces behind the entire FR2750 reports. He was given the monumental task of tracking all the canon references to units. After doing that, he then had to create whole cloth units to fill out the roster. The FedSuns needed a lot of whole cloth units because so many o the units we think of now did not exist in the Star League. All this was placed on a spreadsheet that was provided to the writers. He also generated some high level notes for the origins of the new units. Well somehow I never got the notes, I only got the spreadsheet. The Dragon Lords were intended to be a Draconis March unit originally. Not having any notes, I looked at math and saw the Crucis March was sorely lacking combat units so I made the Dragon Lords history as you read it now.

So they ended up being a happy mistake. The final product was better than what we originally planned.

And yes, I loved setting up the DAG rivalry. That was one of my most enjoyable parts of this whole project.

Robinson Chevaliers Do you know how hard it was to find Knight Orders that would work? So many knights orders have names that just are not... well "manly stompy roboty"

Paint Schemes All new units (in all the FR2750 books) should have paint schemes and even insignia documented. We knew this was going to be important to all of you. I also wore another hat on this project, helping to get all the books reviewed and ready for layout, that's one of the things I worked to make sure happened. We know you CSO and aspiring CSO folks really care about these things.

New WarShips- Jellico gets full credit for your new WarShip dakka. He personally created the Congress and was the project lead for all the FR2750 to design these WarShip with the help of several Aerospace experts in the writers and design teams.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: I am Belch II on 25 February 2014, 23:52:43
The Congress D is just like the normal Congress and fixed it's flaws having all the big firepower in the aft slots.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 26 February 2014, 00:01:03
I had an absolute blast writing this product. It was something like mixing a walk down memory lane with an archeological dig into the lost past.

Hotspur- Yes, this is a nod to the old British HMS ships of the same name. It is also a nod to this forum and the dedicated fans. The last incarnation of the Fan Council game had the Davions finding a derelict Congress, which had been lost in the Star League. It was the Hotspur. So a tip of the hat to all of you.

Dragonlords- Okay, I'm very pleased that everyone loves the concept, really pleased. I enjoyed coming up with the concept for this unit and then fleshing out the units. I do have to make a confession, it was a goof. Oystein is one of the hidden forces behind the entire FR2750 reports. He was given the monumental task of tracking all the canon references to units. After doing that, he then had to create whole cloth units to fill out the roster. The FedSuns needed a lot of whole cloth units because so many o the units we think of now did not exist in the Star League. All this was placed on a spreadsheet that was provided to the writers. He also generated some high level notes for the origins of the new units. Well somehow I never got the notes, I only got the spreadsheet. The Dragon Lords were intended to be a Draconis March unit originally. Not having any notes, I looked at math and saw the Crucis March was sorely lacking combat units so I made the Dragon Lords history as you read it now.

So they ended up being a happy mistake. The final product was better than what we originally planned.

And yes, I loved setting up the DAG rivalry. That was one of my most enjoyable parts of this whole project.

Robinson Chevaliers Do you know how hard it was to find Knight Orders that would work? So many knights orders have names that just are not... well "manly stompy roboty"

Paint Schemes All new units (in all the FR2750 books) should have paint schemes and even insignia documented. We knew this was going to be important to all of you. I also wore another hat on this project, helping to get all the books reviewed and ready for layout, that's one of the things I worked to make sure happened. We know you CSO and aspiring CSO folks really care about these things.

New WarShips- Jellico gets full credit for your new WarShip dakka. He personally created the Congress and was the project lead for all the FR2750 to design these WarShip with the help of several Aerospace experts in the writers and design teams.
Hey, the 6th Crucis painted flowers on their big stompy robots.  "Knights of the Garter" or something would've been just fine. :)
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Klat on 26 February 2014, 00:08:54
Okay, I'm blind; I can't find any reference to the Dragonlords' color scheme. Can someone give me the reference?
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: VhenRa on 26 February 2014, 00:28:06
Somehow I don't trust the Admiral commanding the Coreward Fleet. Its probably the Creuset part of his name.

What I am disappointed at is a lack of any surviving remnant of the old Outer March units, if there was one anyway.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Lord Harlock on 26 February 2014, 00:44:53
Oh my Lord, I had missed that the first time about Mark Creuset. I am a bit tear-eyed now. Of all of them, I never expected Mark to be the one that somehow transcended. Thank you, Welshman.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Welshman on 26 February 2014, 00:50:51
Okay, I'm blind; I can't find any reference to the Dragonlords' color scheme. Can someone give me the reference?

Well dang... Looks like I managed to drop their color scheme notes.

I'll have to issue an errata on them. Once I find my notes again.

MUL folks- Ping me if I forget.

Sorry, folks.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Jellico on 26 February 2014, 01:09:16
Yep. Copied it out of an old TRO someone left lying around.

Very happy with all the FR2765 ships. A good balance of effectiveness and quirk.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: VhenRa on 26 February 2014, 01:19:47
Oh my Lord, I had missed that the first time about Mark Creuset. I am a bit tear-eyed now. Of all of them, I never expected Mark to be the one that somehow transcended. Thank you, Welshman.

Oh? Whats this story?
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: FedSunsBorn on 26 February 2014, 03:06:36
My only complaint is that the 1st Succession War is coming to screw up such a lovely book... :'(

Top notch as always guys. Thanks so much for the hard work and many hours you guys put into these things.  O0
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Dragon Cat on 26 February 2014, 05:05:06
My only complaint is that the 1st Succession War is coming to screw up such a lovely book... :'(

Top notch as always guys. Thanks so much for the hard work and many hours you guys put into these things.  O0

Seconded on both although if there was no succession war it'd really screw things up...
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Kojak on 26 February 2014, 06:21:07
Just finished reading through this and I enjoyed it just as much as the last too. The Dragonlords in particular were an inspired bit, I quite enjoyed them and second the call for their camo scheme.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Lord Harlock on 26 February 2014, 09:10:07
Oh? Whats this story?

Where dreams and nightmares begin of course, Fan Grand Council 3063.

To get away from waxing too much about about the best and worst of times and get to Mark Lee Creuset's creation, it all began in November 2006 when the Combine and Capellans both decided to invade the Suns. Mind you, this was a different reality than canon 3064. For one, there was no FedCom Civil War. And two, the Suns held Tikonov pretty firmly. Three, the Suns was bringing back forces from the Clan front after the end of the initial Clan Conflict. And this is a bit point, Katherine Steiner-Davion died from a gunshot wound to the head with Yvonne becoming First Prince in this continuity because Jackson Davion had her trained as a Battlearmor trooper.

The reborn Suns under Yvonne had airs of being a bit hippie. It was the perfect opportunity to attack. The Combine and Capellans gathered their warships and units. After assembling some evidence that Tikonov had a large number of units on it attacked because it was obviously the Suns planned to attack both of them with the large mass of troops that were coming home from the Clan front.

So, there I was mostly in the Fed Suns team to write fluff. And since I figured that at least one of our warships would go boom, I decided to create a character specifically to die. And thus was born Mark Lee Creuset. The reason that he was created steamed from the fact that FltAdm had created Mu Du La Flaga as a admiral, and it seemed a shame that Mu's "Brother/Father's Clone/Whatever" didn't get to be part of the fun.

Since I am loathe to create exact copies of characters, I usually do some jumbling or some sort of in-joke to homage them. Mark follows the in-joke method. His first name is from the English voice actor for Rau Le Creuset Mark Oliver, and then I shifted Le to Lee because you can never have enough Lees. Creuset stayed the same, so someone who knew what to look for would get the joke.

Basically Mark Creuset was the commander of fighters off the FSS Brest which I figured would be the one to buy it. He called himself a Knight of the Void, and the Void was all that he really believed in. He was suppose to be nihilistic death seeker who put on airs of religious fever for morale, but other than talking about the Void, the nihilism never really got past first base. Instead, the Lucien Davion under the ever watchful command of Admiral Adam West got blown up.

Creuset survived. And thus he went on many exacting adventures with the crew of the FSS Brest throughout the life of FGC 3063. Actually, Creuset mostly got stuck in peacekeeping operations during his life in FGC 3063.

And that was the life of the Mark Creuset that I created. The canon one has the same name, but he probably had a better life considering that he got to be fleet commander from the New Syrtis.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: VhenRa on 26 February 2014, 09:41:20

So there was a reason I was distrusting him and I was right... just through multiple layers.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Billy Boy Mark II on 26 February 2014, 10:23:55
Where dreams and nightmares begin of course, Fan Grand Council 3063.

To get away from waxing too much about about the best and worst of times and get to Mark Lee Creuset's creation, it all began in November 2006 when the Combine and Capellans both decided to invade the Suns. Mind you, this was a different reality than canon 3064. For one, there was no FedCom Civil War. And two, the Suns held Tikonov pretty firmly. Three, the Suns was bringing back forces from the Clan front after the end of the initial Clan Conflict. And this is a bit point, Katherine Steiner-Davion died from a gunshot wound to the head with Yvonne becoming First Prince in this continuity because Jackson Davion had her trained as a Battlearmor trooper.

The reborn Suns under Yvonne had airs of being a bit hippie. It was the perfect opportunity to attack. The Combine and Capellans gathered their warships and units. After assembling some evidence that Tikonov had a large number of units on it attacked because it was obviously the Suns planned to attack both of them with the large mass of troops that were coming home from the Clan front.

So, there I was mostly in the Fed Suns team to write fluff. And since I figured that at least one of our warships would go boom, I decided to create a character specifically to die. And thus was born Mark Lee Creuset. The reason that he was created steamed from the fact that FltAdm had created Mu Du La Flaga as a admiral, and it seemed a shame that Mu's "Brother/Father's Clone/Whatever" didn't get to be part of the fun.

Since I am loathe to create exact copies of characters, I usually do some jumbling or some sort of in-joke to homage them. Mark follows the in-joke method. His first name is from the English voice actor for Rau Le Creuset Mark Oliver, and then I shifted Le to Lee because you can never have enough Lees. Creuset stayed the same, so someone who knew what to look for would get the joke.

Basically Mark Creuset was the commander of fighters off the FSS Brest which I figured would be the one to buy it. He called himself a Knight of the Void, and the Void was all that he really believed in. He was suppose to be nihilistic death seeker who put on airs of religious fever for morale, but other than talking about the Void, the nihilism never really got past first base. Instead, the Lucien Davion under the ever watchful command of Admiral Adam West got blown up.

Creuset survived. And thus he went on many exacting adventures with the crew of the FSS Brest throughout the life of FGC 3063. Actually, Creuset mostly got stuck in peacekeeping operations during his life in FGC 3063.

And that was the life of the Mark Creuset that I created. The canon one has the same name, but he probably had a better life considering that he got to be fleet commander from the New Syrtis.

Damn right we held Tikonov firmly!
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Klat on 26 February 2014, 17:08:47
Well dang... Looks like I managed to drop their color scheme notes.

I'll have to issue an errata on them. Once I find my notes again.

MUL folks- Ping me if I forget.

Sorry, folks.

Sorry to ask but will their color scheme be posted in the errata thread or elsewhere? Thanks for taking the time to look into this.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: nckestrel on 26 February 2014, 17:16:18
Sorry to ask but will their color scheme be posted in the errata thread or elsewhere? Thanks for taking the time to look into this.

That's presumably what he means by "i will have to issue an errata.."
Just give him some time to find his notes.
And maybe a snack, some Pocky perhaps.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: madscotsman on 26 February 2014, 17:58:11
wrong post
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: TigerShark on 26 February 2014, 18:30:45
Were (will) color schemes (be) issued for all of the "new" units from the 2765 series?
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Adrian Gideon on 26 February 2014, 18:31:28
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Klat on 26 February 2014, 18:37:05
That's presumably what he means by "i will have to issue an errata.."
Just give him some time to find his notes.
And maybe a snack, some Pocky perhaps.

mmm... Pocky...

That's what I figured but I wanted to be sure.

Reading further I really like the sidebar noting the change in attitudes regarding IDCs/mercenaries.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Welshman on 26 February 2014, 18:48:24
Were (will) color schemes (be) issued for all of the "new" units from the 2765 series?


And missing paint scheme text from the Field Reports, will go in the Errata thread here on the forums.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: MadCapellan on 26 February 2014, 18:56:27

And missing paint scheme text from the Field Reports, will go in the Errata threead here on the forums.

I'll email you.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Welshman on 26 February 2014, 18:58:37
I'll email you.

Yes, any authors who notice errata on their paint schemes, email me. I'll work with Ray, who is our CSO guy (among other things) before anything is posted.

Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: abou on 28 February 2014, 14:36:53
First Field Report I've picked up since I'm an AFFS fan.  I really enjoyed it!  Same complements everyone else has!  Major props to Welshman for his writing.  I'll be picking up the others very soon.

Now to feel the emotionally crushing despondency when units I've become attached to disappear in the Succession Wars.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: wolfcannon on 01 March 2014, 00:20:53
Why no mention of the Aragon Lancers or the Victoria Lancers unit?  two units of the aragon lancers and one victoria lancers are mentioned destroyed in the age of war.  also what of the light horse regiments namely the 237th who became the infamous tortuga pirates.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Dreyf on 01 March 2014, 00:25:18
Why no mention of the Aragon Lancers or the Victoria Lancers unit?  two units of the aragon lancers and one victoria lancers are mentioned destroyed in the age of war.  also what of the light horse regiments namely the 237th who became the infamous tortuga pirates.

The Lancers could have been disbanded during the early Star League years due to force limits and not reorganized at the time of the report.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Arkansas Warrior on 01 March 2014, 00:52:35
Why no mention of the Aragon Lancers or the Victoria Lancers unit?  two units of the aragon lancers and one victoria lancers are mentioned destroyed in the age of war.  also what of the light horse regiments namely the 237th who became the infamous tortuga pirates.

Because the Age of War was 200 years ago at this point.  Mentioning them would be like a 3025 FR talking about the Dragonlords or Tancredi Loyalists.  They're long gone at this point.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: wolfcannon on 01 March 2014, 14:47:53
ok my question is to the parent units not the individual units that perished.  The Aragon and Victoria Lancers would have had more units in their structure i would say and since it was the 237th light horse regiment that was thrown away in the reunification wars against the taurans i would presume that more light horse units existed.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Wrangler on 01 March 2014, 15:07:30
I wonder if the SLDF units that did join the various former Star League Member States will get a profile in the book highlighting the 1st Succession War.   McKinnon's Raiders was just small company that joined the SLDF, but there were regiments and even components of Divisions that did also i thought.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: Welshman on 01 March 2014, 23:28:35
ok my question is to the parent units not the individual units that perished.  The Aragon and Victoria Lancers would have had more units in their structure i would say and since it was the 237th light horse regiment that was thrown away in the reunification wars against the taurans i would presume that more light horse units existed.

These commands were no longer active in 2765, so they were not mentioned. Probably they were decommissioned in the Post Reunification draw down.
Title: Re: Field Report 2765: AFFS
Post by: bigmac on 03 March 2014, 14:39:35
ok my question is to the parent units not the individual units that perished.  The Aragon and Victoria Lancers would have had more units in their structure i would say and since it was the 237th light horse regiment that was thrown away in the reunification wars against the taurans i would presume that more light horse units existed.

The Victoria and Aragon Lancers were armored regiments, The 1st Victoria, 3rd Aragon, 5th Victoria, along with the Findas Motorized Infantry and the Illisen Commandoes were destroyed by orbital bombardment of the newly formed Confederation Navy on Capella 72 years before the Hegemony invented the battlemech.  As to the Light Horse, they were most likely disbanded at the end of the Reunification War.