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Catalyst Game Labs => BattleTech Game Errata => Topic started by: Xotl on 10 July 2016, 22:27:23

Title: Combat Manual: Kurita
Post by: Xotl on 10 July 2016, 22:27:23
This thread is for all issues and problems with Combat Manual: Kurita.

Product Link:

There is no compiled errata for this product at this time.

Please remember to follow the errata report template (,2412.msg171290.html#msg171290) when reporting issues.  Thanks.

Developer-Level Errata:
In case of any contradiction, developer-level errata takes precedence over the current errata document.

Title: Re: Combat Manual: Kurita
Post by: Karasu on 11 July 2016, 10:15:49
Location: P64, Chu-sa Masayoshi Kitakyusho Availability
The Error:  The stat block lists the availability of Tai-sa Naramasa Osano from earlier in the book, and doesn't mention the unit which he is attached to.
The correction: Available to: Ryuken-ni

Location: P65, Tai-i Catmar Lee Sz
The Error:  The stat block lists the size of a Firestarter as 2.
The correction: Change Sz to 1.

Location: P64, Tai-i Catmar Lee Availability
The Error:  The stat block lists no availability for Tai-i Catmar Lee.
The correction: Available to: Ryuken-go
Title: Re: Combat Manual: Kurita
Post by: nckestrel on 11 July 2016, 11:41:29
Location: P64, Chu-sa Masayoshi Kitakyusho Availability
The Error:  The stat block lists the availability of Tai-sa Naramasa Osano from earlier in the book, and doesn't mention the unit which he is attached to.
The correction: Available to: Ryuken-ni
Location: P64, Tai-i Catmar Lee Availability
The Error:  The stat block lists no availability for Tai-i Catmar Lee.
The correction: Available to: Ryuken-go
The CMs don't list an availability in the Combat Commands if its only available to the combat command it is listed under. An Available To is listed if they are available to other commands (at some point, or just a wider than just one specific combat command).  Kitaykyusho is incorrect, and should be Ryuken-Ni (only) and therefore not have an "available to" at all.  Catmar Lee should be as is.

p54, Panther PNT-9ALAG
Add PV 20.

p91,  Orland Yamashita
Change SPA to: Maneuvering Ace and Forward Observer (no Jumping Jack).

Add Crusader CRD-3R with General Availability.
Add Crusader CRD-3K with Kurita Availability.
Add Hermes III HER-4K with Kurita Availability.
Add Wolverine WVR-6K with Kurita Availability.
Add Crusader CRD-3R to Missile Boats with General Availability.
Add Crusader CRD-3K to Missile Boats with Kurita Availability.
Add Hermes III HER-4K to Scouts with Kurita Availability.
Add Wolverine WVR-6K to Skirmishers with Kurita Availability.
Title: Re: Combat Manual: Kurita
Post by: Karasu on 12 July 2016, 04:21:03
The CMs don't list an availability in the Combat Commands if its only available to the combat command it is listed under. An Available To is listed if they are available to other commands (at some point, or just a wider than just one specific combat command).  Kitaykyusho is incorrect, and should be Ryuken-Ni (only) and therefore not have an "available to" at all.  Catmar Lee should be as is.

If that is the standard for templating, then it has been applied inconsistently.
For example, Chu-sa Emma Wu on page 57 is listed as having "Available to: Shin Legion", Tai-i Neg Olivaw on page 52 "Available to: An Ting Legions" and Kapten Ek Olander on page 71 is "Available to: Gunzberg Eagles".  All of these are available only to the command they are listed under but it is specified anyway.
Title: Re: Combat Manual: Kurita
Post by: nckestrel on 12 July 2016, 05:14:25
Emma Wi is an example of a wider availability.  She is listed under the 1st Shin Legion.  If there were no available to mentioned, then she would only be available to the 1st Shin Legion.  But she does have an available to, and it says Shin Legions, so she can be used with the 1st or the 2nd.

Olivaw is listed under the 2nd An Ting.  By default, that would mean only available to the 2nd An Ting.  With an available to: An Ting Legions, he can be used with the 2nd or the 4th.

But, on Olander, he shouldn't have an available to.  He's listed under Gunzburg Eagles, and so doesn't really need an available to Gunzburg Eagles.
Title: Re: Combat Manual: Kurita
Post by: nckestrel on 12 July 2016, 07:45:13
p85, Tactical Specialization (Combined Arms)
"a -1 to-hit modifier to Initiative"
change to
"a +1 Initiative modifier"
Title: Re: Combat Manual: Kurita
Post by: nckestrel on 13 July 2016, 08:01:16
Change General to General* for Assassin ASN-23 (p112 and p120).
Title: Re: Combat Manual: Kurita
Post by: Fat Guy on 13 July 2016, 09:44:11

Lancelot LNC25-01 is listed.

Should probably be the Introtech LNC25-02 instead, which the Combine began producing after the Second Succession War (p264, TRO 3039).

If intentional, the 02 still needs listed.
Title: Re: Combat Manual: Kurita
Post by: nckestrel on 13 July 2016, 10:07:43
LNC25-02 is on p111 for Kurita.
The LNC25-01 is only on the Kurita Special list (Comstar gifts).
Title: Re: Combat Manual: Kurita
Post by: mbear on 15 July 2016, 09:41:01
First PDF release, pages 79, 94, 96, 98, 100 (possibly others as well).

BattleMech names and ranks given in Japanese are supposed to be italicized, but are not.

Suggested fix: Italicize words as appropriate.
Title: Re: Combat Manual: Kurita
Post by: captain_of_the_watch on 20 July 2016, 18:32:17
P. 112 (.pdf)

Units at the top of the page (including QKD-5) have long range damage around 2000.

Title: Re: Combat Manual: Kurita
Post by: Tai Dai Cultist on 25 July 2016, 13:59:30
PDF pg 12, FOUNDING chapter.  Second paragraph, first two sentences:

Quote from: CM: Kurita, pg 12
Shiro’s ambitions did not end with rule over a single planet,
however. A significant obstacle to his desires was the Ozama
Mercantile Association, which controlled trade over a vast
stretch of interstellar space.

Substitute "Ozama" with "Ozawa".
Title: Re: Combat Manual: Kurita
Post by: Shichiro on 28 July 2016, 08:28:58
PDF: Page29

Location: Fifth Sword of Light description paragraph

Text: "The ’Mech regiment possessed one battalion of light ’Mech, one of medium ’Mechs,"

Change to: "The ’Mech regiment possessed one battalion of light ’Mechs, one of medium ’Mechs,"
Title: Re: Combat Manual: Kurita
Post by: Atlas3060 on 14 August 2016, 22:43:45
The Error:  Trebuchet TBT-7K is listed as a Size 3
The correction: Change to Size 2, unsure if the REAR1/1/- special needs to be removed as well.
Title: Re: Combat Manual: Kurita
Post by: Empyrus on 30 November 2016, 21:10:22
PDF page 100.

TRO entry for BattleMaster lists it as having two small lasers which it never had.

Remove the line "2 Magna Small Lasers"
Title: Re: Combat Manual: Kurita
Post by: jshdncn on 23 February 2019, 09:13:31
P. 91 under Chu-I Akihiro Fernandez

The Panther CM should have the ENE special, not CASE; and C3M also adds TAG to the list.
Title: Re: Combat Manual: Kurita
Post by: Cache on 23 March 2019, 14:16:27
PDF page 40, Third Pesht Regulars section.

Unit crest for Third Pesht Regulars displays the number "2" on the dragon. (The Second Succession War lists the Second Pesht as destroyed.)

Third Pesht Regulars crest should display the number "3" on the dragon.
Title: Re: Combat Manual: Kurita
Post by: GreekFire on 10 September 2022, 09:38:13
p.92, Lojtnant Hanssen Månsdottir entry.

Replace Zeus ZEU-7S with ZEU-6S.
Title: Re: Combat Manual: Kurita
Post by: pokefan548 on 29 December 2022, 09:48:46
p. 28

Second Sword of Light description states that the command includes "twice as many aerospace fighters", but only lists two heavy aerospace fighter wings, same as all other Sword of Light Commands. The count of two wings is corroborated by other sources (FM:DC, for example).

Remove ", and includes twice as many Aerospace fighters".
Title: Re: Combat Manual: Kurita
Post by: ShroudedSciuridae on 24 August 2023, 14:47:33
Pages 112-120, seemingly limited to Early Clan Invasion lists
The S/M/L and A/S columns have several entries that (presumably Excel) mistakenly formatted as dates before being imported over.

p. 54
From the above errata
p54, Panther PNT-9ALAG
Add PV 20.
MUL has this as variant as PV 22