BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat

Other BattleTech Games => MechWarrior and BattleTech Computer | Console Games => MegaMek Games => Topic started by: BLOODWOLF on 16 November 2016, 12:58:39

Title: MegaMek Scenario Generator
Post by: BLOODWOLF on 16 November 2016, 12:58:39
MS Excel 2013 xlsx
Generates a more balanced OPFOR (in my opinion) and can adapt to player force sizes from lance to regiment.
*Requires you to input all of this into MM manually but, gets rid of hand rolling if you dont like AtB's methods.
Intended to be used with the generated map settings for maps and the RATs for units.

Title: Re: MegaMek Scenario Generator
Post by: BLOODWOLF on 16 November 2016, 13:30:47

-Contract/mission type: All the contract types from HQ
-Scenario type: Search & Destroy, Patrol, Target Raid, Location Defend, Target Intercept, Target Escort
-Civilization type: If buildings on map whether they are residential (light) industrial (med-heavy) or military base (hardened).
-Target type: Personnel, supplies, buildings, or military reinforcements for scenarios that apply
-Intensity: What to set the AtB intensity at for HQ

-Map: Typing in a new planets name will cause the seasons column to recalculate to simulate other planets having different season compared to Terra.
-Terrain: Will roll for the terrain type every time the sheet is recalculated(F9 key) and then will populate the map settings accordingly.
-Axis tilt: yes/no if planet has an axis tilt then it will have seasons from one hemisphere being tilted towards/away from the sun like on Earth.  No tilt yields no changes in seasons.
-Season: spring, fall, winter, and summer.  Will effect temp, lighting conditions(depending on latitude of the planet).
-Satellites: how many moons the planet has, will effect possible lighting conditions rolled.
-Gravity: Player must manually enter from data in HQ or make it up
-Atmosphere: Planets atmosphere will effect weather and winds conditions as described in tacops.
-Equatorial temp: Entered from HQ data or made up by the player (Terra is around 25-30'C) and is what all temp rolls are added/subtracted from
-Surface water: % will change the probability of water on the map and the none-high settings for lakes and rivers in the generated map settings.
-Latitude: Where on the planet vertically the scenario takes place on.  18' to -18' is tropical, 36-54' is temperate, and 72-90 is arctic.  Will effect terrain, temperature, and weather conditions.
-Temperature: Calculated off of all the planets defined variables like latitude, lighting, season, etc for the final temp to be entered into MM.
-Light: Daylight-Moonless night
-Weather: Clear-storms
-Wind: Calm-Tornado
-Fog: Must meet very specific conditions for light or heavy fog to occur
-Start: Player's start location
-Mapsheets: How many boards the map will be
-Width x Height: 16 hexes wide x mapsheets : 17 hexes tall x mapsheets
-Players force size: Lance - Regiment, will causes opfor's force size to change as well.
Title: Re: MegaMek Scenario Generator
Post by: Thom293 on 18 November 2016, 03:57:30
So, it can generate say a regiment with pilot with skills, mech, assign pilots and perhaps generate a mul from which a battle generator could choose/roll for availabl pilots and deploy thm in a game?

Would be a damn fine feature. Looking forward to messing with it.
Title: Re: MegaMek Scenario Generator
Post by: BLOODWOLF on 18 November 2016, 09:15:45
No its just a MS excel spreadsheet is all.  It can generate how many and of what type of unit for a regiment to be used with princess.  And then is intended to be used with the random skills in MM based off the opfor skill level from HQ is how I use it.  But the player will have to add everything manually based off the sheet.  I dont know code.
Title: Re: MegaMek Scenario Generator
Post by: Thom293 on 18 November 2016, 12:38:51
Very cool. Thank you for sharing.
Title: Re: MegaMek Scenario Generator
Post by: BLOODWOLF on 01 October 2017, 19:37:45

Working on making this in visual studio into an app that I will then share.
Title: Re: MegaMek Scenario Generator
Post by: mikecj on 01 October 2017, 19:56:46
Neat, thanks