BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat

BattleTech Player Boards => BattleTech Roleplaying => Topic started by: Vincent Vascaul on 18 November 2016, 09:50:52

Title: Looking to join a Battletech RPG group online or IRL
Post by: Vincent Vascaul on 18 November 2016, 09:50:52
I have been hankering for some sci fi RPG'in goodness and since my last D&D group had to stop meeting due to scheduling. I would love to find a group to play the Battletech RPG with or a very narrative heavy Battletech campaign. I live in Norther Seattle so if anyone is local that would be great but online is also amazing these days with sites like roll20 ect....  Just shoot me a message or post here if you can help me out thanks!
Title: Re: Looking to join a Battletech RPG group online or IRL
Post by: Daryk on 18 November 2016, 21:16:51
First, welcome to the boards!  The "prove you're human" tests end after your first ten posts.

Second, I'm not running a game at the moment, but if I do start another one, I'll definitely keep you in mind.  Best of luck!
Title: Re: Looking to join a Battletech RPG group online or IRL
Post by: Generalripphook on 07 December 2016, 20:43:52
I would also be interested in joining a RD20 rpg
Title: Re: Looking to join a Battletech RPG group online or IRL
Post by: Domino on 22 December 2016, 16:36:55
Also looking for a ATOW game...   Just getting back into Battletech!
Title: Re: Looking to join a Battletech RPG group online or IRL
Post by: Generalripphook on 24 December 2016, 12:27:42
I'd be interested as well.
Title: Re: Looking to join a Battletech RPG group online or IRL
Post by: PurpleDragon on 24 December 2016, 14:43:01
If you are in the Tulsa Oklahoma area, I might be interested in a RL game.   I'm not much for online. 
Title: Re: Looking to join a Battletech RPG group online or IRL
Post by: Infidel439 on 03 January 2017, 20:44:18
This was posted on the HBS Battle Tech TT Finder ( thread posted by Fattierob. It's a ZEEMAP locator for others to game with, thought I would post it here. Just create a free account using your email, and if someone else is local and looking to game you'll get an email. It's totally anonymous until you accept to contact. Hope this helps all looking for a game.
Title: Re: Looking to join a Battletech RPG group online or IRL
Post by: Infidel439 on 03 January 2017, 20:48:24
Any chance a Moderator could pin this thread for viewing? Due to the above ZeeMap locator post. Thanks