BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat

BattleTech Player Boards => Fan Art => Topic started by: lucho on 19 February 2017, 13:21:31

Title: New art: Battlearmor
Post by: lucho on 19 February 2017, 13:21:31
Just an initial render, a test. More on the way  :)

The idea is medium battlearmor. Stats to be posted shortly

Title: Re: New art: Battlearmor
Post by: lucho on 19 February 2017, 19:59:30
Another render. Don't hold back on the comments!  :)
Title: Re: New art: Battlearmor
Post by: worktroll on 19 February 2017, 21:07:55
1) Wow! You can definitely do good stuff in 3D.

2) Not quite convincing me as a BA. The arms, yes - but the rest of it looks more like a light 'Mech, somehow, than a BA.

Hard to say why, but a BA should look like stuff strapped around a human figure, or a casing into which a human fits. This looks too - "organic" has the wrong connotations, it's not about biology, but it all fits together as a thing, not as a thing around another thing.

(And yes, some canon BA piss me off royally!) But look at the Elemental, or the IS Standard - they're definitely bulky suits on top of a human, to my eye.

Maybe make it clunkier?
Title: Re: New art: Battlearmor
Post by: lucho on 19 February 2017, 21:17:48
Thanks, I wish I had more time for this; RL is a harsh mistress  :-[ :(

2) Not quite convincing me as a BA. The arms, yes - but the rest of it looks more like a light 'Mech, somehow, than a BA.

Hard to say why, but a BA should look like stuff strapped around a human figure, or a casing into which a human fits. This looks too - "organic" has the wrong connotations, it's not about biology, but it all fits together as a thing, not as a thing around another thing.

(And yes, some canon BA piss me off royally!) But look at the Elemental, or the IS Standard - they're definitely bulky suits on top of a human, to my eye.

Interesting... I was trying to avoid just that (looking like some canon suits, that is). My goal was to make a suit of armor, not a robot, so I made it a bit `chubby' to reflect that. Only a little, since the my idea is a suit with comparatively light armor. Still working on this, though...  :)
Title: Re: New art: Battlearmor
Post by: worktroll on 19 February 2017, 21:31:41

1) Make the torso less integrated with the arms & helmet. Does that make sense? Make the helmet out of fewer surfaces.

2) Maybe make where the legs join the hips more of a generic sphere-shape.

I think the issue is - for me, anyway - is that I'm used to greeblies making minis look like big things. The level of detail here seems to fit my mind's eye for 'Mechs, hence my initial impression.

Just try making it a little clunkier. The arms & torso are good proportions for a medium BA suit, and the forearms & hands are good battle claws ;)
Title: Re: New art: Battlearmor
Post by: Sabelkatten on 22 February 2017, 06:34:52
From a strictly realistic viewpoint I'm fairly certain it's far to wide. Put a human silhouette in front of it and check where the shoulders and hips end up.

You'll also want to put the largest pieces of armor on the joints, not in between.
Title: Re: New art: Battlearmor
Post by: glitterboy2098 on 22 February 2017, 10:57:40
could see it as a Heavy/Assault BA in the vein of the Kanazuchi or Marauder.. more of a minimech in terms of layout.
Title: Re: New art: Battlearmor
Post by: lucho on 24 February 2017, 07:24:33
interesting observations. I've tweaked the model a bit, but with no time for renders yet  :(

One observation: Part of the idea here is that the suit will hyave the BA myomer booster. In my head canon the bulkiness of the booster give the suit a bulkier appearance.

That, and I'll work on the joints a little- in the initial render the joints are a little too loose  :-\
Title: Re: New art: Battlearmor
Post by: lucho on 26 February 2017, 09:32:39
Here's a test render with the new proportions. I'm not so satisfied, it now looks... fat  :-\
Not much time here, with Carnaval in full swing  #P

Title: Re: New art: Battlearmor
Post by: worktroll on 26 February 2017, 17:56:26
Looks much more like a BA to me - maybe because I'm overweight too! ;)

One change I'd recommend - the vision slits need to be moved downwards. I can picture a man inside this, and the vision slits are over his forehead.

Title: Re: New art: Battlearmor
Post by: Sabelkatten on 27 February 2017, 11:25:00
I'm still wondering how a person is supposed to fit into it... The only ways I can see is to either have the operator completely inside the torso, or just have his lower arms and legs fitting into the upper arms/legs of the suit.