BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat

BattleTech Miniatures and Terrain => BattleTech Miniatures => Topic started by: Pooman on 03 January 2018, 03:58:33

Title: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Pooman on 03 January 2018, 03:58:33
Since I'm on holidays, I thought I'd take a chance to get some BT stuff done. I have loads of stuff and try to support many factions.

First up (if this works) I did two Scorpion Light tanks for my FWL Guards and a Crab for my Draconis Combine SoL.

(][url=]( (http://[url=

(][url=]( (http://[url= ( by Geoff Dawson (, on Flickr[/url]

Came out twice. No idea why. Using Flickr. Any suggestions?
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Saint on 03 January 2018, 13:17:40
Nice! those look great!

As for Flickr, I take out some of the code you paste in. Just leave the parts starting at [img]and ending at [\img]. ;)
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: IAMCLANWOLF on 03 January 2018, 16:39:50
It looks sharp, but-- I can't help but want some closer shots.
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: jimdigris on 03 January 2018, 17:47:44
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Pooman on 03 January 2018, 18:42:47
I will play around with Fkickr. I used to use photobucket.

The other thing is that I seem to have lost my camera. I will go on another quest to find it today but should post another model regardless. Thanks for your kind words.
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Cache on 03 January 2018, 19:56:59
Flikr has the full-size photos for download.  Pooman, the minis look great. Try cropping the photos to show them off a bit more. I just cropped this one quickly in MS Paint. More minis, less background.  ;)
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Pooman on 04 January 2018, 02:24:14
I'll have to play around with it. Technology is not my strong point. Anyway I think I've managed a better phot of the FWL Guards Hunchback just completed. The brush was pretty much on song today. I hope the link works... (

Cache, how did you get the image to copy over like that? Please be basic, I'm fairly simple in these areas.
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Cache on 04 January 2018, 17:19:13
Cache, how did you get the image to copy over like that? Please be basic, I'm fairly simple in these areas.
MS Paint is a program everyone running windows has access to. It isn't best by any means, but it's a good start:
There's a link to download your images on the bottom right of the flikr page, I chose "original" for the full size version. Once I had it on my computer, I opened in MS Paint. I used the rectangular "select" tool to choose how much of the image I wanted to keep, then clicked on the "crop" button (found next to the select button). If you want, click the resize button next. I chose to resize by "percentage", entered 50% (for the Hunchback), and then made sure "maintain aspect ratio" was checked. Save the image with a new file name, never overwrite the original.

There are more detailed tutorials all over the web, most with free or paid software. Irfanview was a favorite free program back in the day. Foxbat posted a tutorial in this forum (here ( but the images are no longer available. There's an old one at Lords of the Battlefield ( as well. For the modern day, try something like this one Youtube. (

Unless I've created terrain specifically for the photo-shoot, I crop out the vast majority of the background. Otherwise it's a distraction and unnecessarily adds to the file size. Also, don't make the dimensions too large. Flaws get really big. If you magnify a 2" miniature to 6" tall, you probably won't like your paint job any more.  ;)
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Pooman on 04 January 2018, 18:25:21
Thanks for that. I will crop my photos in the future but how do you post the photo onto the forums? Do use the attachment thingy? Sorry if these are stupid questions  :D

Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Valkerie on 04 January 2018, 19:57:37
Thanks for that. I will crop my photos in the future but how do you post the photo onto the forums? Do use the attachment thingy? Sorry if these are stupid questions  :D

No apologies needed.  And yes, the attachment option is where you want to go.  You can upload up to four attachments per post.
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Cache on 04 January 2018, 20:24:02
Thanks for that. I will crop my photos in the future but how do you post the photo onto the forums? Do use the attachment thingy? Sorry if these are stupid questions  :D
Yup, attachments. As long as you're using flickr though, there's no reason to stop. That puts less of a burden on this site's server. If you want only a picture to display without the links, you have to clean the garbage out of the BBCode they give you, after you select the size you want displayed. (Don't go higher than "medium 640x480".)
Code: [Select]
[url=][img][/img][/url][url=]20180103_153058[/url] by [url=]Geoff Dawson[/url], on Flickr
What you want is everything between, and including, the [img ] [ /img] tags:
Code: [Select]
Which gives you this (I chose 320x240 size)...
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: IAMCLANWOLF on 05 January 2018, 10:28:16
imgur makes hosting super easy, and none of the nonsense/hassle of the old photobucket (back when it was still free). Also, photo editing is simple and intuitive. Just upload 'n click the button to copy the BBCode and paste (ctrl + v) here...

Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: avon1985 on 05 January 2018, 20:37:20
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: chongobongo on 06 January 2018, 00:32:25
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Pooman on 06 January 2018, 02:17:26
Thanks for all of your advice. I'll stick with Flickr and now know how to post stuff properly - thanks, Cache.

Anyhow, I managed to finish this guy off today. Corean Enterprise's top of the line - a FWL Trebuchet. Photo's don't really do him any justice to be honest but I am happy with him. I'm thinking I'll knock out a couple of Lyran mechs next but we'll see. Enjoy!


Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Pooman on 08 January 2018, 00:42:00
Today's mech: a Hatchetman. Still a lot of mechs to do.


Might smash out an Assassin tomorrow.
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Valkerie on 08 January 2018, 01:14:48
Nicely done.  8)  How did you do the white?  Very nice clean sharp edges on it.
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Pooman on 08 January 2018, 01:18:20
I base coat with citadel celestial grey. Then apply thin coats of vallejo game colour dead white leaving the grey in the recesses. It takes ages and there are probably quicker and better ways to do it but better the devil you know than the devil you don't ;)
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Pooman on 09 January 2018, 01:41:19
Here's the Assassin. Sexy name but pretty terrible mech I've always thought.

Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Pooman on 14 January 2018, 01:15:03
Been a bit busy the last couple of days and so not much progress. Still, today I finished (more or less) these two: a Clint and a Victor. I find having the cricket on in the background a good motivator to get stuff done. Don't rate England's chances though. Anyhow, here you go...


I think next up, I'll do a FWL mech. Probably the Black Knight. I have a Spider, Awesome, Orion and Harasser tanks to do for them but they take me a while to do what with the white.
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Armond on 14 January 2018, 04:18:42
Very nice, that red looks great!  Good job on the hazard stripes!
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Pooman on 15 January 2018, 01:47:01
Thanks Armond!

Well, another day another mech: FWL Black Knight - none shall pass!

Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: worktroll on 15 January 2018, 02:42:42
Great paint, shocking mini ...
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Pooman on 15 January 2018, 03:42:47
Do you know, I used to hate the Black Knight too and in the twenty-something years I've been playing the game I only recently acquired that one. It's grown on me and seems to fit my FWL Guards quite well.

I actually have a 5000 BV game on Thursday which is great since I seldom get to use the stuff I've done these days. Which House to use?
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: thecybersmily on 15 January 2018, 20:35:40
Real nice job on the white. Great job.
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Daemion on 16 January 2018, 20:01:06
I have never found any better way of doing white than what you've mentioned.

While I think your minis look sharp, my only gripe is that the red is a bit on the dark side for your Dracs. A suggestion: find a brighter red, if it's the paint you're using. If it isn't, try prime coating in tan. I've found that tan helps hold the red color better, and not dulling it down to a darker shade, like what I get with gray.

Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Pooman on 17 January 2018, 05:30:24
Yeah I can see that but I like the darker red. Look, Kurita's wrong on this one and if the ISF want to punish me they'll have to find me in my backwater to convince me otherwise☺

It's just personal preference really. I like the green cockpit vs dark red fuselage.
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: IAMCLANWOLF on 17 January 2018, 14:00:50
Love that Vic! Beautiful work.
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Pooman on 19 January 2018, 03:05:28
Reinforcement for the Combine. A fighting Mongoose. Nobody beats a Mongoose!

Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: thecybersmily on 19 January 2018, 17:32:26
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Pooman on 20 January 2018, 02:00:41
Just finished a Sentinel. Quite happy with how he came out. Quite a pleasure to churn stuff out for the Combine.

Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: SpudBot on 20 January 2018, 11:46:31
Sweet little 'mech!  I know a lot of folks don't like the Sentinel's looks, but it's grown on me.  If a 21st century military ever develops a walking vehicle, I can see it looking like this.
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Pooman on 21 January 2018, 01:29:43
Today's work: two Dragons and a couple of Pegausus Tanks. Photos haven't really come out very well.

Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Pooman on 26 January 2018, 01:53:59
Gave myself a bit of a treat today and painted the Akuma that's been sitting in a box (the salvage yards) for over twenty years. I really like this mech although I can't remember it doing anything back in the days when I used to play all the time. I remember one time when the hip got critted when it was miles away from the action and hardly damaged. On paper, the Akuma looks like a beast that's tough as nails and capable of dishing out a spanking.

A pleasure to paint! Enjoy.


Just got one more mech on the desk to do for the Combine: a Kintaro. Think I'll churn out some Fed Suns after that.
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Valkerie on 26 January 2018, 02:34:02
Again, excellent work!  8) 8)  Are you airbrushing, drybrushing, or other?  Looking forward to some Fed Suns action  8)
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Pooman on 26 January 2018, 03:20:42
I don't have an airbrush. Mixture of over-brushing, washes and layering - guess that doesn't help. I just fiddle around with it till I'm happy!
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: agen2 on 26 January 2018, 03:41:29
I like it.
Title: Re: Pooman's struggle: a BT log of sorts
Post by: Daemion on 27 January 2018, 12:13:53
Dragons and Pegusi.  A very fantasitic mix.  #P