BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat

Catalyst Game Labs => BattleTech Game Errata => Topic started by: Xotl on 19 May 2011, 09:41:18

Title: Jihad Hot Spots: 3072
Post by: Xotl on 19 May 2011, 09:41:18
This thread is for all issues and problems with Jihad Hot Spots: 3072.

Product Link:

There is no compiled errata for this product at this time.

Please remember to follow the errata report template (,2412.msg171290.html#msg171290) when reporting issues.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Jihad Hot Spots: 3072
Post by: sfsct on 23 May 2011, 03:15:21
    * Book format
    * First Print
    * Pg 122; 2nd paragraph
    * "Thus, a 1655 BV Deva Invictus piloted by a Manei Domini whose highest-level implant has a value of 2 and whose base Gunnery/Piloting skills (before implants) are 2/3, would multiply the 'Mech's BV by 2.08 (the skill modifier for a 2/3 Mechwarrior), and then by the 1.82 for a Domini with Level -2 implants.  The Deva's final BV would thus be 3,765 (1,655 BV x 1.82 [skills]x1.25[implants]=3,765."

    * The issue here is that the reference for the skill modifier has two different versions in the Tech Manual.  They are now corrected in the Techmanual Errata stream
  However, these two numbers were both used in the example above.  The end equation is correct as per the latest table, but the earlier reference to 2.08 being the skill modifier for a 2/3 Mechwarrior is incorrect.  Recommend whiting out the 2.08 and replace it with 1.82.