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BattleTech Miniatures and Terrain => Hobby Tips and Tricks => Topic started by: Geont on 12 March 2018, 08:25:02

Title: Proxy for Unseen Marauder and Warhammer
Post by: Geont on 12 March 2018, 08:25:02
I am looking for currently produced minis of Warhammer and Marauder that are easiest to mod to MAD-3R and WHM-6R weapons configuration. Any suggestions?
Title: Re: Proxy for Unseen Marauder and Warhammer
Post by: Mattlov on 12 March 2018, 10:44:31
Robotech Tactics has both, basically.
Title: Re: Proxy for Unseen Marauder and Warhammer
Post by: Luciora on 12 March 2018, 10:48:15
The Glaug is bigger than the usual minis fielded on tabletop.   

Which aesthetic are you going for?   The MAD-4X and Hector are decent starts, you just need a torso cannon for the AC if you are willing or have spare bits.

Robotech Tactics has both, basically.
Title: Re: Proxy for Unseen Marauder and Warhammer
Post by: Geont on 12 March 2018, 12:01:53
Robotech Tactics has both, basically.

Well, here in Europe it's not easy to get them. I prefer IWM/RPUK products as they are easier to get here.

The Glaug is bigger than the usual minis fielded on tabletop.   

Which aesthetic are you going for?   The MAD-4X and Hector are decent starts, you just need a torso cannon for the AC if you are willing or have spare bits.

I don't have spare bits but I could try do a AC from greenstuff. And MAD-4X looks like good start. But for WHM all variants from IWM looks so skinny. :/
Title: Re: Proxy for Unseen Marauder and Warhammer
Post by: Weirdo on 12 March 2018, 12:13:24
The Hammerhands was practically designed to be a Warhammer stand-in.
Title: Re: Proxy for Unseen Marauder and Warhammer
Post by: Geont on 12 March 2018, 12:31:50
The Hammerhands was practically designed to be a Warhammer stand-in.
Yes, that's what I was looking for. HMH looks like promising start mini. With some greenstuff to make it more resemble unseen WHM.

Thanks for suggestions from all of you.  O0
Title: Re: Proxy for Unseen Marauder and Warhammer
Post by: Ronin Actual on 12 March 2018, 16:21:09
Can you get Reaper miniatures? The CAV Nightshade is a good Marauder clone.
Title: Re: Proxy for Unseen Marauder and Warhammer
Post by: Geont on 13 March 2018, 02:28:36
Can you get Reaper miniatures? The CAV Nightshade is a good Marauder clone.

Yes, I can but I don't like how they are looking besides IWM designs.
Title: Re: Proxy for Unseen Marauder and Warhammer
Post by: worktroll on 13 March 2018, 03:15:30
The Reseen Marauder & Marauder IIC can make good proxies, if you're happy to pin.


Short form, remove the shoulders, pin the arms into the "leg wells", then put the legs & hips at the back. See versions 2 & 4 above.

The RRT minis are well sized for Warhammers, Riflemen, Archers, and Longbows - but amazingly fiddly multi-part kits.

Title: Re: Proxy for Unseen Marauder and Warhammer
Post by: Colt Ward on 13 March 2018, 06:30:08
As someone said, the MAD-4X would be your best start for a Marauder 3R since it has a torso that looks close to what you want, simply cover the SRM6 slots.  The new MAD 7D arms that were released would be good for the 3R arms.  I am using the Hound's AC bit to be the AC on the MAD that I am converting.

As far as the Warhammer . . . yeah, there have been several torsos recently that can stand in for the Warhammer.  As everyone said the Hammerhands, which has a appropriate head and place for the SRMs- the SRM rack that comes with it is sideways however with its flap.  Other good representative torsos IMO is the Lament, its a bit shorter with a wasp waist but deeper though harder to put the SRM rack on.  The Thunderbolt 1C torso can also look like it, it has a better slope on the upper front and the waist does not narrow quite as much as the Lament and has secondary weapons on the torso.  It is also very easy to mount the SRMs on since it puts a LRM rack on the torso anyway.
Title: Re: Proxy for Unseen Marauder and Warhammer
Post by: Cache on 13 March 2018, 17:56:19
A Warhammer IIC 4 would make a good proxy for the WHM-6R. File the missile doors off the left pod and you have a searchlight. Torso weapons wouldn't be too tough to add.
Title: Re: Proxy for Unseen Marauder and Warhammer
Post by: Colt Ward on 13 March 2018, 18:03:01
Too big and the center of the torso is a mound rather than flat or slopes.  Its one of those mechs pointed at as out of scale even as a assault- bigger than the Atlas, Dire Wolf and others.
Title: Re: Proxy for Unseen Marauder and Warhammer
Post by: HMS_Swiftsure on 21 March 2018, 00:59:27
The old Talon Games(Now CAV) Halberd for upper torso, Patriot legs for lower torso, and maybe a spacer.  Just need to sort the PPCs.
Title: Re: Proxy for Unseen Marauder and Warhammer
Post by: Brother Jim on 22 March 2018, 20:51:33
A CAV Halberd with CAV Thunderbird arms.
Title: Re: Proxy for Unseen Marauder and Warhammer
Post by: Major Headcase on 26 March 2018, 00:19:00
Robotech Tactics has both, basically.

The RPG Tactics Glaug is gigantic for Btech! I'm not too concerned with "comparative scale" so much as it won't fit on the hex base or on the map very Well! 😂
Title: Re: Proxy for Unseen Marauder and Warhammer
Post by: Luciora on 26 March 2018, 11:17:07
Here's an Phoenix Warhammer redone in the style of the Macross look.  The arms are modified King Crab legs. 
Title: Re: Proxy for Unseen Marauder and Warhammer
Post by: Wrangler on 26 March 2018, 18:05:27
Reseen Marauder IIC is closer to the original Marauder in my opinion.  It's little oversize, but it's more ascetically like the original.
Title: Re: Proxy for Unseen Marauder and Warhammer
Post by: Colt Ward on 26 March 2018, 18:13:35
Definitely rounded on the torso more than the -4X or any PP, legs are also pretty good . . . its just the arms & pods that are off, and if you use the ones from the latest MAD it should work to offset those arms.
Title: Re: Proxy for Unseen Marauder and Warhammer
Post by: Sebastian Llywelyn on 01 April 2018, 01:34:28
There's some really good stuff here, thanks for all the info guys.