BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat

BattleTech Player Boards => Fan Fiction => Topic started by: AlphaMirage on 12 June 2018, 10:24:55

Title: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion (Complete, Comments welcome)
Post by: AlphaMirage on 12 June 2018, 10:24:55
The recent amusing What ifs inspired me to write a short AU.  Really I just wanted to feature Hanse Davion more because he's such a magnificent bastard but is dead in my current AU.  This will be less Grimdarky and more snarky than my Katherine Chronicles

Chapter 1 – The Golden Lion Roars
New Avalon 02/17/3039

“I am going to get you big brother!” crackled over the radio in young Captain Ian Davion’s Marauder currently walking through a narrow pass.  “Ooh I’m shaking in my neurohelmet sis.  You won’t get that transfer to the Rangers at this rate.  Where are you anyway?  I have a date tonight, you’re not the only woman interested in my time.”
“The only person you have a date with is Death.” 

Two Phoenix Hawks jumped from one of the ridges nearby painted light gray with the seal of the 11th Avalon Hussars, one forward one behind.  “Now this is a strange ménage a trois.”
The same voice came over the radio, “Eww gross!  That’s something Andrew would say.  Eat laser Perv!”

The Phoenix Hawks fired their lasers damaging the heavy mech’s armor but the Marauder dropped one of them with a lucky cluster that killed the forward mech’s engine.  “Helen, I can’t believe your chest has got you into trouble in the simulator too.  Fine you win this one brother.”

The simulator screen blacked out and Ian exited the NAIS College of Military Science simulator pod.  The other two women exited, Helen, the moderately endowed blonde wearing a tight NAIS CMS sweater.  The other a brunette, looking much like her mother, wore a green jumpsuit similar to his but with a red trimmed rank plate, Subaltern, she was still on probation after graduating last year from Sakhara. “Davion, Y” was scribed across her left breast pocket in golden script.

“Yvonne, I knew you two were hiding in there.  You threw away all your mobility advantages in closed terrain.  You should have hit me in the swamp.  I would have been a sitting target.”

Her eyes were narrowed in anger but she knew he was right and calmed down, “You’ll just have to wait till Tancred comes back.”
She let out the most staged cry of anguish, “But that is going to be forever!”

Ian rolled his eyes at his twenty year old sister, so love-struck and distraught that her boyfriend had been recalled to Robinson by his father, “it’s like three months maybe four.
Anyway it’s a good thing he isn’t distracting you from training anymore.  Dad wants you good enough to ship out to David so he personally tasked with me beating you up until you can do the same.”
  She dropped her shoulders, flipped her braid over, and stomped off to the locker room.

“Bye Ian,” Helen blushed and smiled before following after her.

Ian walked out to see the next scheduled group of CMS cadets and gave them the all clear before walking out.  He smoothed out his red hair and walked back toward the lab where Riva Allard was working on something sciency.  She had given him the explanation but Ian was no scientist.  He nodded politely until she got bored and sent him away.  He found her, her brother Daniel, and his wife Megan in the lab.

“I didn’t expect to find such a full lab Riva.  That saves me a lot of walking, everyone I wanted to see is here already.”

The smallish bespectacled woman was beautiful, tragically she was too old for him, and already taken.  Also her father was Quintus Allard his father’s spymaster the man terrified him even though he was on the same side. “Pleasure as always to see you Prince Ian.  Please take my brother and sister-in-law away. I have so much work to do and they keep distracting me.”

Dan Allard gave her a hug, they looked very similar. Far more so than their half-brother Justin, current consort of Duchess Candace Liao in the St ives Compact.  “So much love sister, is it so terrible that we stop by to see you and dad every couple of years.”
“No, but right now you’re annoying me.  Your prince is calling, go to him.”
“Very well we will see you at dinner then.”
“And not a moment before I assure you.”

Ian, Daniel, and Megan walked the quad of the New Avalon Institute of Science taking in the remarkable landscaping.  The entire complex was established as one of his father’s first acts as First Prince, the Battle of Halstead Station, and the recovery of a treasure trove of technology and information from the Star League era.  To think what they could have done with the complete collection, the remainder of which had fallen into the hands of the Federated Suns ancient enemy, the Draconis Combine.

“Dan, what do you think of Melissa?  She is unproven but seems to have a good head on her shoulders.  Can she keep the Lyran end of the deal?”

“Everyone is a beginner once.  That said Melissa has good starting material.  Her mother is an exceptional woman and was an Archon without peer.  I think she will be fine as there are plenty of good people around her.  FYI Count Bradford of Coventry has apparently made an offer for her hand in marriage but its supposed to be a secret.  She told us anyway in the last transmission.”

Megan Kell laughed surprisingly jovial compared to her rather grim Father, she must take after her mysterious mother, "Maybe you should put your hat in the ring Ian."

Ian stopped and put his hands out, "Whoa!  I don't think so!  Mom was angling for Corrine Marik on her latest bride shopping trip.  You know I don’t have control over this as much as I would like.”

The trio laughed the rest of the way to the car, “Yes Blue Blood problems.  I very much understand.  I think your mother has your best interests and those of the Federated Suns well in heart however.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Starfox1701 on 12 June 2018, 14:51:31
Need more
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: mikecj on 13 June 2018, 05:35:43
So far, So good
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 13 June 2018, 12:42:46
02/18/3039 07:17 Castle Davion, New Avalon, Federated Suns

The First Prince’s office was very plain for being such a powerful place; a few knick nacks, three pictures (Ian and Hanse, Hanse and Dana, The Family), and the original Ian Davion’s grave flag were the only decorations otherwise everything was dark wood and books.  Hanse Davion, First Prince of the Federated Suns, still handsome and vital in his 50s was sitting behind his desk while Ian stood in his garrison uniform before him.

“Son, you’ve been a Captain for a week now. How do you like it thus far?”
Ian shifted slightly, “The bars are surprisingly heavy.”

Hanse nodded in approval, “Wait until you add more or wear the Sunburst Vest itself.”
“I’m hoping it’s a long time before I must bear such a burden.”
“As do I.  Ian I am sending you to the Commonwealth with the Kell Hounds when they rotate back in two months.”

The Captain cleared his throat, “Yes sir.”
“Do you have a problem with that?”
“No of course not.  You are the First Prince and my Father, I will go and do as you wish in service to the Federated Suns.  I merely didn’t expect to be going so far so quickly.”
“What did you expect when I called you in this morning then?”

Ian paused gathering his thoughts, “Reassignment to the Armored Cavalry after Yvonne ships out to the Eleventh.”

Hanse stood up from his chair and walked up to his brother’s grave flag, his son followed. “You are very much like him you know but I need you to be something different.  I understand your desire to see some action and feel as though you truly earned those Captain’s bars.  I felt the same way at your age and that is why you are a Guardsmen and not on the front line as I feared you might like it too much.”

Hanse turned around heading toward the window that overlooked Avalon City, “We can’t win the Succession Wars solely from the cockpit of a Battlemech.  It’s something I learned a long time ago, that doesn’t mean we don’t use it of course.”

He paused and looked a resin sculpt of his battle damaged Battlemaster after Halstead Station where both he and Dana almost died and would have if not for Yvonne Davion, “War will unfortunately always be a necessary tool for a Prince but there are others that are far more effective.”

“What do you mean?”

“I am sending you on a Diplomatic mission just as dangerous as a raid into the Confederation if not more impactful to the good of the Federated Suns. The Lyran Commonwealth is a powerful ally, one that we need to continue to court aggressively, friends can easily become enemies and nothing stays static for long in the Inner Sphere. 

As if to demonstrate that point reports indicate that Tormano Liao has returned to the good graces of Chancellor Romano and is currently seeking to undermine our relationship with the new Archon on behalf of his sister. 

Katrina I could trust, but Melissa is not as well known to me.  She was a smart young girl last I saw her but now she is a well-established woman with her own agenda.  I want you to ensure that we are higher on her list than they are. 

There is already grumbling in the Commonwealth about our alliance as they fear the Dragon might continue to build and strike at both of us if it feels threatened.  There is evidence enough to support that theory and it greatly concerns Duke Sandoval and I.  The DCMS has grown much faster than we had projected under Kanrei Theodore.

To that end I am sending you to Tharkad as an ambassador, military liaison, celebrity; you will be whatever they need you to be.  The goal is to ensure the Confederation doesn’t take away our best chance to end these Wars.” 

He put his hands on his son’s shoulders, “This task is far more difficult than any you have ever faced but I trust in your judgement and skill.  I have taught you what I know but you alone must put it into action while I can still provide guidance and support.”

They separated and returned to their original positions, “Additionally assuming the negotiations follow through to our satisfaction and the League gets their house back in order after this Andurien Crisis you may marry Corrine Marik, her father and uncle can be excellent allies if somewhat bristly at times with each other as much as others.  I would like them to see you excel as a statesman and Prince, things that are far more important to the Mariks than your Battlemech prowess.  Although she has at least one cousin and likely others in the League that would put that to the test if you give them cause to doubt in your abilities.

Perhaps you will even get a chance to meet her.  I hear she is a fine young woman.  If you do as well as I believe maybe you even impress them enough to eliminate any hesitance the Mariks have about the Steiners.  There is a lot of bad blood still between the League and the Commonwealth.  The last thing I need is my allies fighting one another at a particularly desperate time.”

“I understand.  What of Yvonne and my other assignments?”
“You have two months to get your affairs in order, which should be plenty of time. I don’t expect you to return for a while so if you can’t resolve it at least make a clean break rather than have it trail you across the Inner Sphere. 

As for your sister... well your mother is running her through the ringer as we speak.  She was very unhappy after hearing that Yvonne hasn’t made Leftenant yet and took it as a personal affront so you should have all the time in the world for other tasks. 

I personally think she arranged Tancred’s recall but don’t have any evidence,”
Hanse rubbed his short well-groomed beard, “and I don’t think Quintus would tell me even if I asked him.” 

Hanse let out a hearty laugh and smiled, “Yvonne will shape up if only to save herself and get as far away from New Avalon as quickly as possible.  I can’t wait to see what kind of trouble Dana is going to be for Andrew at Armstrong.  She has refined the art of aggressive mothering as much as I have redefined statecraft in our time. I for one am relieved to no longer be the sole target of her energies.”

“May I go now?”
“Yes, you have much to do before you head to the Commonwealth and I have many meetings to attend this morning.  You are dismissed Captain Davion.”

Ian saluted, about faced, and walked out of the office.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: David CGB on 13 June 2018, 19:11:29
much, much more of both please
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Dave Talley on 13 June 2018, 22:06:03
Ians dead, Hanse is Prince, who da momma since its not Ms Steiner?
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Iron Grenadier on 13 June 2018, 22:21:11
Ians dead, Hanse is Prince, who da momma since its not Ms Steiner?

Dana Stephenson. Reference from this thread -
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Dave Talley on 14 June 2018, 00:16:02
ok much more sense
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: mikecj on 14 June 2018, 04:59:12
Great, more please.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 14 June 2018, 10:05:30
Great, more please.

much, much more of both please

Ask and it shall be delivered

Chapter 2 – Among Wolves
05/13/3039 03:17 Location – Dragoon Landing Site Bravo-3, Remus, Outreach

The Union Mark V FSS Valor landed at the illuminated pad, the thrust plume being redirected into a series of water filled trenches to dissipate the extreme heat and force while the spheroid Union’s landing legs deployed in the cloud of steam.  With the legs firmly on the ferrocrete they then lowered to allow the occupants to disembark onto an incoming black and red painted bus.  8 Mechwarriors, 4 Aerospace pilots and the ship’s crew boarded the vehicle that rolled back to the terminal.

Inside the terminal Colonel Jaime Wolf waited patiently beside a man and younger teenage girl.  A middle aged man with graying brown hair, battle scars cutting jagged white over tan skin on his left arm, a sleek prosthetic right one, and old burn marks on his face was the first out of the stairwell, “Patrick so good to see you again!”  The Wolf and Hound shared a quick embrace, “It has been what three years since you last visited?”

The Kell Hound separated and looked around, “Something like that.  I’m impressed Jaime, last time I was here this terminal was much less, well everything.”

“Rome was not built in a day and neither will Romulus nor Remus, although we are making exceptional progress.  My engineers currently expect everything to be done by forty-two.  If I remember correctly you were not entirely complete either last time we met.  How is the arm?”

“Excellent!”  He clenched his fist and did several other movements to showcase a smoothness of motion so unlike any other prosthetic they had seen, “I can finally get back in my Thunderbolt after a long hiatus.  My sister-in-law spent many long nights at NAIS working on making it perfect.  She said and I quote ‘This is perhaps my greatest masterpiece, and here you are going to use it to eat with a fork and wipe your bum normally.  My talents are clearly wasted on you dogs.’”

Raucous laughter erupted from all assembled, Dan Allard clearly hadn’t heard that before, “Classic Riva.”

“You are familiar with my sister and brother-in-law.  However, we have a special guest making his first state visit.”  Patrick stepped aside and another man stepped forward wearing his regular garrison uniform, “Jaime this is Prince Ian Davion,” a slightly older man with a strong military bearing stepped forward, “and Major Bishop Sortek, both of the Davion Heavy Guards.  We are taking them to see my cousin or rather technically they are taking us on their fancy new Union dropship.”

Megan Kell added blissfully, “It still has that new dropship smell, or rather lack of it.  I only need one air freshener.”

Patrick and Jamie both shook their head at that, “I am greatly flattered to be hosting you while your command circuit comes into alignment Prince Ian and Major Sortek.  Hanse Davion has been gracious to the Dragoons and we owe him a great debt of gratitude.  While we are on introductions this is my son Mackenzie and daughter Katherine.”

Mackenzie stepped forward with a firm handshake that turned into a hug and whispered to Ian, “Just a friendly warning, when you see Natasha run like hell and get out to somewhere with witnesses.”
“When?  Wait, who is Natasha?”
“You’ll know her when you see her.”
  He slapped the young Prince on the back and returned to stand beside his half-sister.

Colonel Wolf waved them through, “Let’s start the tour.  By the way if you are hungry breakfast will be on the way.  If anyone acts rather strangely just know we rarely get visitors here so do not look to deep into it.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Starfox1701 on 14 June 2018, 13:00:08
Uh oh Tasha is hunting princes lol
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: snakespinner on 14 June 2018, 21:04:10
Natasha is always hunting. >:D
Well done story. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 15 June 2018, 08:04:23
05/20/3039 14:58 Location – Wolf Enclave, Remus, Outreach

Bishop Sortek and Mack Wolf walked the broad streets of the Dragoon’s private city together toward the firing range.  Both were wearing the battledress uniforms of their respective units which made Bishop stand out like a sore thumb, a speck of green on a tide of black and red.  They each had a holstered pistol on their belts but that didn't look as out of place. 

The men had hit if off in the week they had spent together each was tied to someone higher up in the chain and resented it.  They were both lifers and had a similar taste in blondes, booze, backgammon, and revolvers.  Both had piloted Enforcers for most of their careers although Bishop got a new prototype Mech on this assignment that he couldn't talk about yet.  They even had the same centerfold, MechJack's Miss April 3034, Alara “Kitten” Kaiten of Thraxa, in the back of their lockers.

“I keep trying to get the Colonel to hire at least one company led by me out to the Magistracy for training duty but he won't bite.  I'd be willing to take my fee out in trade if they don't have the creds.  It's not like we are getting any action on or off the battlefield now with all the rookies.  If you have the cred to pay our rates you want the Wolf's Dragoons! Not some puppies.”

As if to demonstrate, a SIBCo (Standard Instruction Basic Company Bishop figured) of Dragoons was crossing the street on their after lunch run.  The Sergeant continued the cadence as they passed while the two men waited for the 24 man group to clear the street.  “How many of these SIBCos are you training Mack?”

“Me personally?  Three a year typically, we might get six quality Warriors for further instruction if it’s a particularly good group, average is two or three.  The good ones that almost made the cut are assigned to the support units or referred to A list Merc groups.  The lower performance ones typically find their way into a lesser outfit out of Harlec but we keep a close eye on them.  This is my off cycle so I have to submit to training rather than render it.  Then we do six months on contract before rotating back to do it all over again.”

“What are they training you in now?”
“Strategy and Tactics for Integrated Interstellar Operations.  It's a lot of sim table time, I try to avoid going to the class and you have given me an excuse, thanks for that.  I will be deeply saddened when you depart.”

They arrived at the firing range and checked out regular rifles preparing for a shoot house scenario.  Both were Mechwarriors but they had trained in basic infantry tactics so this was for personal challenge.  Mack said he could do it faster than Bishop and drinks plus bragging rights were on the line.

Mack edged him out by 10 seconds and went back to his bag.  His CommPad was blinking noting that he had received a message during his time shooting.  He opened it up and checked his feed

TBW:  Nice try cub but I won our little bet, drinks on you!  Haha

Bishop went into his bag intending to check as well, “Hey, where’s my CommPad?  It was in here earlier.”
The Wolf let out a long exhale and leaned his head back, “I know where it is, you will get it back soon.  Drinks?”
“You want to get drinks now?  There might be something serious going on.”
“If there was anything serious going on you’d still know about it.  And yes I want to get drinks,”
  he muttered “because I won’t have the money to get my own for at least a month because of that damn Black Widow,” under his breath.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 15 June 2018, 10:26:01
Ian Davion walked across Cameron Square, the Dragoon’s had rebuilt much of the old Martial Olympiad complex and the Square was the most impressive section of the city.  It took up four city blocks with a massive Cameron Star landscaped in stone with many interlocking paths to walk making for a unique fractal design from above.  Even at ground level it looked spectacular, exotic plants from across the Inner Sphere grew in between the pathways in multicolored splendor, the smell of flowers drifted in between on the warm breeze. 

This was the nicest area of the city a stark contrast to the more standardized military town layout that made up the rest of the Enclave.  The area around the Square was built up and civilians milled about, he could see some Blackwell Industries execs and men in suits on their way to the tram he just departed from.  He looked at his CommPad again orienting himself toward the long end of the Star, Bishop had sent him an address and a request to meet.

“What are you planning Bishop?  My birthday isn’t for another three weeks.”

The building was one of the nicest apartment buildings he had ever seen, he took the elevator up and stopped by the door.  A display reading, “Come On In,” in bright multicolored letters marked the door he wanted.  He opened it and stepped into darkness, the display changed to “Do Not Disturb,” but he didn’t see that.  Ian stood there in partial darkness for a moment, “Alright Bishop, where’s my surprise?”

The lights turned on and an attractive redheaded woman appearing to be in her mid-30s maybe early 40s stood in the room wearing a half-shirt, slightly longer jacket, and combat pants and boots, with Bishop’s CommPad in her hands.  “Surprise Prince Davion.”

Ian attempted to open the door while still facing her but it was locked now, “You must be Natasha, Mack warned me about you.”
“Did he now?  He is always trying to ruin my fun.  Did he also happen to tell you that I am his Commanding Officer?”
“He didn’t mention that.  What do you want?”

She waked up very close to him, “I wanted to see the new Ian Davion myself. I knew the old one,” she put her hands on his chest and drew closer, “very well.  He was about as old as you are now when I first met him all those years ago.  He was a great Warrior and died in battle, there is no better life to live, always on the edge, not knowing if there is a tomorrow.  Exciting.”

He wasn’t sure whether it was excitement or terror that he was feel, “I’m afraid I don’t have much experience in that.”
“Then be prepared to learn something.  Boy.”

Lights out, I will forward this video from my favorite video game to kick start your imagination, not explicit but probably NSFW (


Two days later Bishop and Ian reported to the Tetsuhara Proving Grounds for a Dragoon specific training exercise known as the Gauntlet.  Each of them would take their Heavy mech and duel against a light, medium, then another heavy Battlemech.  A tough test of skill that controlled for luck although it never hurt to have any as all the weapons were at full power. 

Ian had never actually been in combat or a live fire exercise and while confident was nervous. Bishop recognized the value in the training having fought DCMS Panthers, Gladiators, and Dragons or CCAF Firebees, Vindicators, and Cataphracts in his career.  Today they had a nice sampling courtesy of the Dragoons excellent salvage teams and the fact that Hanse Davion had the Wolves raid both of the FedSuns enemies as regularly as possible.

Bishop stood before his prototype mech while Ian stood next to his Marauder both men were wearing their cooling vests over their shorts and boots.  Jaime Wolf stood next to them waiting for their opponents, “Impressive, it looks like a Marauder but is clearly not one.”

“Aye, Colonel Wolf, its codename is currently Penetrator.  NAIS remade the old Hammerhands jump jet and Independence refitted a MAD-3M for testing at great expense.  The legs required heavy reinforcement, the chicken bones of a regular Marauder would snap eventually under the stress of landing so it needed a complete redesign. 

This unit is part of the first production run, they wanted me to test it anyhow so I appreciate you allowing us to do it here before our actual mission starts.  Your people can forward all the performance data back to them and make the design team very happy.”

“Of course Major.  Ah yes here are your trainers.”  A Warhammer, 2 Dragons, a Firebee and Panther, as well as two Vindicators in Dragoon’s colors arrived on the field opposite them.  The Warhammer stepped forward and its pilot disembarked using a chain ladder let down from the cockpit she was wearing very little under her cooling vest.

“Prince Ian, Major Sortek, this is our Chief Cadre Officer and Commander of the Black Widow Battalion, Natasha Kerensky.  Good Morning Natasha”
“Same Jaime”
“This is Major Bishop Sortek and his Penetrator”

Natasha looked it over whistling, “Ooh Penetrator, I like it, Boys with Toys and all.”
“And this is Prince Ian Davion.”

She winked at Ian, “We are already well acquainted”
Jaime Wolf looked at her then him, “Excellent, continue on with this morning’s exercise then Tasha.  I have other duties to attend to.”

He embarked on his Blue and Gold Archer heading back to the Enclave to run his planet and group.  Leaving the Davions in the capable hands of The Black Widow.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: snakespinner on 15 June 2018, 19:07:10
I wonder if Ian would consider the Black Widow's hands capable. >:D :thumbsup:
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 17 June 2018, 22:36:48
Chapter 3 – Playboy
06/11/3039 Location – Union Mark V FSS Valor en route to Gallery, Lyran Commonwealth

Ian Davion walked through the dropship's cavernous Mech bay currently filled with 8 battlemechs around a central staging port although there were only five active Mechwarriors aboard and three young teens (The Kell-Allard Trio Mark, Tempest, and Harrison).  The heaters in this area were on the fritz so the space was incredibly cold, the Techs said they could fix it on Gallery and Ian and everyone else had to put on their heavy red jackets, watch caps, and gloves while doing the daily maintenance for the Mechs.  He climbed the access ladder and walked out onto the platform toward his Red and Gold Marauder “Golden Lion” a Battlemech once operated by his Grandfather Andrew Davion. 

The man used it last during his campaign to eliminate the Mechwarrior Cabals and avenge the murder of his father (Ian's Great Grandfather Paul) before swearing to never take the field again.  The guilt of having shed the blood of so many of his fellow nobles even if for the good of the Suns still clung to him till his death.  It was still used as a cautionary tale for those that would seek to corrupt the ideals of the Federated Suns for their own selfish gain.  It didn't stop his uncle Michael from trying to take over the Suns by betraying his Father to the Capellan Confederation however. 

To be privileged with his Grandfather's Battlemech made Ian immensely proud it was a dream to pilot.  He climbed the access latter to check with his personal Tech dressed in his own red and gold heavy uniform playing with his portable diagnostic tool. “Morning Vance, what's on the schedule?” 
“We're actually pretty well caught up, I don't have anything for you today.”
“Well what am I going to do then?”

Vance smiled at him before tossing him a rag and pointing toward a can of wax, “Well you can wax it, those Lyrans are going to go crazy for this paint job.  I'm glad I had the Dragoon's shop when we fixed your mech up after they shot you up.  This is good stuff,” he put his hand just over the gleaming paint around the Marauder's cockpit, “way better than the paint used by the AFFS.” 

He activated a portable light unit mounted on the overheads, “Look at that gloss! 
I don't want you to get it shot up before I can bring a local round and, you know, engage in some international relations.”

The man turned and was about to head out, “Catch ya later kid, I'm gonna see who's on the local net boards.  Maybe I can get a meeting lined up with a hot blonde tomorrow as well.”

Ian took the rag and stopped to admire the two Wolf's Dragoon's heads painted under the cockpit representing the two kills he got on Outreach before his mech was legged.  Bishop got all three of his opponents much to the surprise of Natasha and her trainers.  Ian was a little jealous but Bishop had actually fought on the front line and his mech was tougher and unfamiliar to the Wolves.  His mech was painted Red and Gold as well although he was not a fan of it preferring the regular Tricolor Parade scheme.

The Prince finished up with the Marauder wanting it to shine for a different reason than Vance before heading back to the room he shared with Bishop who wasn't there as normal.  The Valor's captain had insisted that he take the Captain's Cabin but Ian had refused although it was much more spacious.  First Princes had for centuries put up with the cramped space of a shared drop-ship cabin he could do it as well.   He didn't even have that many things anyway but he stashed his heavy uniform in the storage locker that was beneath the hinged bed. 

With plenty of time he headed toward the small but comparably large rec room to see Patrick and Bishop engaged in a vigorous game of holo-chess while Megan and Dan watched.  Ian squeezed into one of the couches opposite them.  Military transports weren't built with creature comforts in mind first even ones that carried Princes, however this Union was among the nicest ones due to the slightly reduced combat crew and enlarged cargo bay.  Megan started, “Hey Ian I thought you were on maintenance duty right now.”
“I was, Vance let me go early.  I just had to wax my Mech to help him be a lady killer.”

The Allards laughed at that but Bishop and Patrick were still intensely focused on their match. 

Her cheeks showed the barest blush, “Like he needs the help, I see him working out in the Tech Bay shirtless sometimes when he's supposed to be working.  I sometimes stop him and ask for him to look at my Phoenix Hawk, especially if he has to bend over.”
Dan looked at her incredulous, “What!  You're not supposed to look at other guys.”

Megan gave him a look and put her tan hand so unlike the other Kells playfully through his black hair, “and you're supposed to be a rugged, handsome, Mercenary Mechwarrior but you've gone soft being an academy training liaison.  My dad isn't even going to recognize you when we get back to Arc-Royal.  You're going to have to start doing martial arts with the boys again.”

“I'll restart their lessons tomorrow Megan.”  He caressed her hands, “I have another way of working out though.  Sorry Ian but we're going to head out now.  Tell us who wins.  And distract our kids a little bit would you?”

Megan and Dan departed toward their Cabin, their departure hardly registering on the two chess players.  “Checkmate!”

Bishop slammed his fist on the arm of his chair, “So close!  Another move and I would have had you Patrick.”
Patrick leaned back content with his victory, “Haha, I know, I've more experience at this game then you do though Major, Morgan tried to use that gambit all the time but it never worked on me.”

The two of them powered down the holotable, then they realized that Ian was here and that the other two left.  “Hello Ian.”

“Patrick, Bishop good game it seems.”

“Yes, I'm glad we picked this dropship to come home on.  Your normally need a Monarch to get a holographic gaming table this nice.  Bishop is quite crafty I'm certain he's learned a lot about gaming over the past couple of weeks so I'm sure he will pass it along.  Just be prepared to lose for a while till you become unstoppable Ian, its a good skill to learn unfortunately.”
“Patrick, I heard that your brother will be giving away Melissa during her wedding.”
“Aye, we've always been very close.  Morgan was humbled by the offer, he loved Arthur and loves Melissa as much as Katrina.  I actually just heard that she has requested you to be her escort.”

Ian had a blank look on his face and choked a little bit, “I hadn't heard that.”
“Well now you have.  She sent the message to me a couple hours ago.  I figured we would see each other before tomorrow, small dropship and all.”
“But I haven't even met her yet.”

“It's not like she asked for you to be her date for a fling in the supply locker.  Poor woman is just clinging to life out of sheer stubbornness as it is.  It seemed appropriate to have a Suns Prince escort the Archon Emeritus to Tharkad however and she agreed.”
Ian looked around this was a brand new dropship but it was nowhere near presentable for a major head of state, “She's going to be on my dropship?  Please tell me that's not the case."
"No you will be on her dropship as a guest along with Bishop, its very nice, the Valor will follow behind.  We're going to catch the next charter to Arc-Royal so you won't see us until the wedding."
"So about the meet tomorrow, I would like to go over the proper protocol with you again.”
“Certainly I don't think Bishop will give me another game today.”

Bishop looked at him with grim displeasure at losing so many times to the Kell and politely excused himself.

“We're going to do a simple meet and greet at first nothing ostentatious Gallery is hardly a formal world despite it's privileged position in the Commonwealth.  Now when we get to Tharkad the rules change but we have a few weeks before that happens.  We're going to need to get you a better uniform though.“
"But a uniform is...uniform."

"In the Lyran Commonwealth, there are uniforms, and then there are uniforms.  You won't make much of an impression if you show up with one of the former.  I'm sure Jack (Nondi Steiner's husband) can set you up with his man on Tharkad.  That man knows how to wear a suit.  We'll even get a little purple pocket square in order to catch the eye of the League's ambassador."

Ian was surprised his potential arranged marraige to Corrine wasn't supposed to be known to Patrick, Dan and Megan had sworn they wouldn't tell him, "What?  Why would I want that?"
"I know about your little Marik side-quest.  I don't hate them but I don't like or trust them either.  You might end up in trouble because of a huge family feud or a Steiner power struggle.  There are three other Steiner lines and even though it's Melissa's primary concern they might try to use you to advance their own claim.  It's happened before."
"Did you tell anyone else?"
"No, my lips are sealed.  The Kell Hounds try to stay out of the feudal politics of the Successor States.  I just wanted you to know that people will ask about all of your motivations here in many different ways then you are used to so you have to be very observant.  The ball room is just as dangerous as the dueling field or battlefield in the Commonwealth.  Don't trust anyone and especially watch out for Ryan, he's a snake as vicious as any in the Combine and he hates the Free Worlds League.  You already know to be cautious around Tormano that man is affable sure but he's cold blooded as well and he has it out for the Suns now."
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: mikecj on 18 June 2018, 04:30:30

Nicely characterized.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: VhenRa on 18 June 2018, 06:30:51

Nicely characterized.

No, its obviously Paint IIC.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 18 June 2018, 13:36:04
06/12/3039 07:14 Location – Alistair Steiner Memorial Starport, New Stockholm, Gallery, Lyran Commonwealth

Gallery’s Starport is an engineering masterpiece, an example of the capabilities of Lyran engineering.  Dropships land on a heavily reinforced pad their blast forces being deflected toward the ocean beyond creating a constant eerie steaming mist to add to the persistent drizzle that covers the rocky barren surface.  Normal guidance lights were unreliable in the haze so everything was radio directed from the large masts surrounding the perimeter fence far away from the incredibly hot exhaust. 

The Union FSS Valor set down on Pad Six and the dropship was gradually lowered the forty feet underground atop a massive hydraulic pad till it was clear of the Ferrocrete cover that would roll into place in order to protect the sprawling underground facility. 

Ian stepped off the ramp and was immediately assaulted by the controlled chaos that surrounded him.  Five other vessels were here, an Overlord, Mule, and three of the small egg shaped K-1 Shuttles used mostly for short orbital hops.  The Overlord was painted in the Blue and White of the 10th Lyran Guards as were the Banshee and Zeus standing outside. 

Tracked combat vehicles painted in several different patterns were heading toward the Mule.  The smell of their ICE exhaust surprising faint due to the massive ventilation shafts that ringed this area.  Larger crawler transports were carrying shipping containers with unassembled parts to be kit built by lesser manufacturers or units that didn’t want to pay Quickscell to assemble them.  Their bulk carried aboard one of the many lengthy underground train tracks that ran beneath Gallery.

Ian looked up as the ferrocrete completely closed with a thud, “That’s a big door.”

Patrick Kell was following him, buttoning his black coat against the damp chill air the cyber-hand surprisingly dexterous, “Yeah amazing tech they have here.  All six doors can open completely within five minutes and allegedly could withstand Warship fire.  Back when those were a thing, at least the only ones with those now are the Dragoons and maybe COMSTAR and as far as I know they don’t have it out for us.  If it jams they have Uni Workmechs pull it closed until it’s fixed, don’t want plasma exhaust in this closed space.”

The Kells and Davions descended the ramp toward and down the rising walkway, “Ian, Nondi will be nice but she’s not a huge fan of your AFFS officers changing ‘Her LCAF’ she’s very old school and I dare say arrogant.  She won’t do anything to upset Katrina though especially while she’s here so you should be safe for now.  Nondi is on the verge of retirement anyhow so her kind are bound to leave us eventually. 

There are others that are more receptive to change and improving relations with the Federated Suns, whom many in the Commonwealth consider a lesser realm or at worst just as bad as the Combine but further away.  Edward Regis, the current General of the Armies is also unfortunately on his way out.  He has long been one of Katrina’s strongest supporters and a solid champion for the Alliance but feels the need to allow new blood into the command structure with a new Archon in charge.”

The party boarded a small open transport with their baggage and headed toward the terminal hub, the wheels gliding silently across the well-worn ferrocrete rows that kept it out of harm’s way.  “I’ve heard that Caesar or Roman Steiner are on the Melissa’s short list to be the new General of Armies.  With any luck it will be Roman, he is much more focused on the Combine than the League threat and open to using RCT style formations with some changes to suit Lyran sensibilities.  If anyone can bring the LCAF into the new era it would be him.

His nephews Andrew and Adam are bright lads too, they’ve visited the Hounds before.  Both are still young but Adam in particular has a lot of promise according to what I’ve heard, the Somerset Steiners are on the ascent so you want them on your side.”

Mark Allard, the oldest son of Dan and Megan, now nearly sixteen, “I like Adam but he’s always so serious and I hate that he beats me at MechCommander, I think he cheats.”
Megan chastised the teenager, “Just because you lose sometimes doesn’t mean the other boy cheated.”
Dan added his own take, “All is fair in love and War.  He probably does cheat though, no one beats my boy if he’s honest.”
His siblings Tempest and Harrison laughed at that, “We beat him all the time.”
Bishop spoke up from the side, “Must mean he’s a good teacher than.”
Patrick looked over at the boy, “Yeah that’s got to be it Dan.” 
The transport stopped at a small terminal, “Anyway we’re here so this is where we part.”

Everyone got out and separated Tempest looked up, “Uncle Patrick can we see Katrina too? We never see her and she always gives us something.”

He patted the girl on the head with his cybernetic arm, “I promise you’ll see her sometime later today.  Ian and Bishop haven’t met her yet though and they have business so they get to go first.  You need to go with your mother, father, and brothers.”
The girl looked down at her boots and kicked an imaginary rock, “Fine I guess.  She’s more fun than my brothers though.”
“She’s also very sick right now so I don’t think she will be up for much playing.  Now go along Tempest.”

The little girl scampered away to join the rest of her family, Patrick looked at the two of them with an eye tuned toward Commonwealth sensibilities.  “Alright you two look presentable enough.  Let’s meet the Steiners.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: mikecj on 18 June 2018, 18:59:55
Nice capsule summaries.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Sharpnel on 18 June 2018, 19:15:04
No, its obviously Paint IIC.
It can't be Paint IIC as the Clans have yet to arrive in the IS
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 18 June 2018, 20:53:07
Nice capsule summaries.

Thank You Mike, Patrick Kell makes a surprising good talking ghost without that little Silver Eagle incident.  Merc life is tough though, a couple of bad rolls on Tour of Duty:Merc will mess you up bad.  It's all about using that wealth trait to deal with all your disadvantages.

The thing I like most about Battletech (besides giant stompy robots.  There will be a Solaris fight in this story, teaser, for the action fans.) is that main characters exist before we see them.  Also we all know Adam is a dirty screen looking cheatin' punk.

Back to the Story

Ian, Bishop, and Patrick walked through the door to the reception by Archon Emeritus Katrina and Duchess Nondi Steiner dressed in blue and silver, the dapper elder tycoon Jack Milby in a well made dark blue suit, their daughter Lisa Steiner II in her blue and white LCAF formal uniform, and a host of other aides.  Katrina was looking shaky even using a cane and Nondi stood nearby, ready to provide support to her sister if needed. Both women looked haggard and far older than they truly were, a wheelchair was manned a short distance behind Katrina. 

Nondi attempted to whisper, “Katrina sit down,” but it was easily overheard.  Katrina’s response was forceful, “I will not greet Hanse Davion’s son in my wheelchair.  I am not an invalid!”  A hacking cough threatened to knock her over, “at least not yet.”  Greetings were exchanged and some of the aides departed to prepare for later.

“Patrick good to see you again.  Ian, Bishop, a pleasure to meet you both.”
Patrick took a step back allowing Ian and Bishop to be at the fore front, “Good to see you as well Katrina, You look awful, I’m greatly concerned for your health.”

“So is the entire Lyran Commonwealth.  It only took me being at death’s door to finally get my daughter to the wedding altar.  She’s just as headstrong as her mother I’m afraid.  I should have locked her in a closet with Thomas years ago.  I would be on my fifth grandchild by now if I had.  Now I’ll be lucky to live past their honeymoon.”

Katrina carefully maneuvered herself to face Ian, “Apologies Little Fox.  I am no longer the spirited young woman I once was nor am I still the Iron Lady of Tharkad that you've heard about.  The burden of leadership is a heavy one that I regrettably had to pass on before I believed the bearer ready, if there is such a time.  I am honored that you have decided to visit during such an eventful time in our history and to see me first.”

Ian and Bishop both stepped forward toward the ailing woman and her still strong sister who gave them an annoyed look. 

“You are truly your father’s son,” Katrina brushed her hand across Ian’s face patting it gently, “and a handsome one at that.  Pity that we couldn’t arrange a wedding between you and my Melissa, the political will was not something I could muster in the Estates General despite our common interests.  You will make some other woman happy and every other one jealous one day I’m sure.”

The compliment was flattering and Ian let it be seen, “Thank you for your kind words Katrina.  You are an inspiration in the Federated Suns and a beacon of hope to our people that we might finally live in the peace that has eluded for centuries.  My sister and mother both look up at you with high esteem and wished to come, but we all have our own duty to attend to first.  They send their well wishes and regrets.”

Her eyes lit up, her mind still burning with drive even as her body was failing her, he could see small tears forming under the bright lights of the corridor, “Thank you Ian that means more than you know.  Please tell your family that I appreciate their continued support while we try to build a lasting peace.  I apologize but I must sit down now.” 

Katrina sat back down wiping her face and holding her cane in front of her while seated.  The man behind the wheelchair wrapped a woolen blanket over her shoulders.  “Walk with me, we shall go to Blacktree and then continue our conversation.  I do actually want to spend some time with the children during their time here so I hope you don’t think it’s rude.  You will have an uninterrupted audience in me when they depart.  There's a train waiting for us right now and you will stay there for the few weeks before we finally head to Tharkad.  Perhaps for my last time.  Though I wish it weren’t so.”

The wheelchair starting moving and Ian followed easily, “Thank you once more for your generosity.  I don’t think it’s rude at all, in fact I could use a break from them.  I already had to spend a month on a drop-ship with them.  A week of alone time might just be what I need to recharge and adjust to being so far from home for perhaps quite a long time.”

Ian looked back for Patrick but he must have slipped out while he was talking with Katrina to join his sister’s family at the train.

The group walked through the terminal until they found the five car matte gray electric train with a bright blue stripe running along it.  “Gallery One” written in a bold Gothic font in English and German, the other aides were just finishing loading up their luggage and the Hounds and their pups were no where to be found.  The techs and drop-ship crew would remain with their ship but would be given vouchers to cover their lodging, food, and drink in New Stockholm planetary script and allowed to do as they wished as long as the Valor could take off in three hours.

A richly attired conductor walked the platform ensuring all luggage and passengers were accounted for, “All Aboard, next stop Blacktree Estate.  Departing in...Ten minutes”  The man checked the precision crafted retro pocket watch he used because Jack enjoyed the romance of rail travel so much.  The man had even installed a real steam whistle even though on an electric train, an extravagant expense for a whistle that also made tea.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: mikecj on 19 June 2018, 04:39:21
The train was a nice piece of local color.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Starfox1701 on 19 June 2018, 09:36:17
Indeed 8)
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 20 June 2018, 07:01:19
Patrick Kell ( (

The train Gallery One rolled along the charged railways built under the planet over the previous centuries of occupancy.  The surface was so dismal most of the time that it required the immense talent of genetic engineers to render the planet habitable initially during humanity’s Golden Age and the current skill and might of Lyran industry to keep it so. 

The inhabitants went underground utilizing old mining tunnels and massive caverns made by ancient machines during the Star League era.  None of these beasts that had once pulled thousands of metric tons of ore from the dull gray stone and processed it in order to feed the growing industries on Tharkad and Hesperus II still operated.  Each had long since been cannibalized for parts until there was nothing of value left, their power plants became the hearts of new cities, their structures the bones of new settlements on a subterranean world where everything was made by man in defiance of nature.

Since everything was underground Gallery One’s cars had no windows instead the wall was occupied by a few pieces of abstract art that Ian was looking at absentmindedly, grateful for some alone time.  That was interrupted when Patrick walked in and settled on one of the other leather chairs in this cabin, “Hey kid, needed a break from the children so decided to stop by.  You look unnerved.”
“No windows.  I would like some sunshine.”
“You’re not likely to get any on this planet, I recommend Tatyana on Tharkad if you can get there but watch out there are more than a few aspiring actresses and models there that would love to become the next Duchess Davion. 
Just like there were plenty that wanted to be a Countess Kell during my time, that’s why I don’t go there anymore.  Young man’s game, I don’t have the heart for it anymore. 
I still managed to sweet talk and more with a few of them.  You ever seen Melanie Quest?”

MQ, as she was more well-known was a prolific holofilm actress with more than a sixty blockbuster credits to her name as leading lady.  She also currently owned her own production company and magazine both of which were nearly as prolific as the largest Commonwealth ones. She or her companies had been in multiple spreads in every type of magazine for years.  “Has anyone not seen her?”

“I hit that, multiple times in fact, fairly certain her first son is mine but I wasn’t the only one,”
Pat breathed out deeply, “that woman is a machine.  I try to keep a record of my extracurricular activity for later claims but that was probably my most high profile one.”

Patrick put his regular arm under his chin clearly lost in an interesting memory, “Maybe I’ll give her a call after the wedding just for old times’ sake.”

He stood up and walked toward the wall, “Anyway there is nothing to see out here just more gray stone so they didn’t include windows.  By the way where did your pal Bishop go?”

“Rack time, Dan and Megan were otherwise engaged last night so we had to face the full energy of their kids.  Mark wore him out.”

Patrick nodded, “He’s a good kid.  He will make a great Kell Hound one day.  You will get to see my nephew Phelan during the wedding and experience what kind of nuisance he is in comparison.  It’s a standard trait for anyone with Kell blood I’m afraid.
Ian would you like some coffee?”
“Certainly, although I’m not sure where to get it from.”

The Hound waked up to one of the artworks and lifted a recessed latch exposing a small hollow with some buttons and a dial on it.  “Jack spent a lot of Kroner to retrofit a steam whistle on this train.  A nice side effect of that is that we can get hot drinks almost instantly.  The kids love it.”

He grabbed two of the cups from their holder and tapped the button twice.  Before returning to his chair he passed one to Ian.  “Thank You Patrick, I will miss our times together.”

“As will I.  I have watched you mature a lot in the past couple of years.  You have a brave heart, sharp mind, and good judgement, you do your House proud now and will continue to do so into the future.  You just need to do is make sure you don’t get in over your head.  I unfortunately can’t teach you to respect your limits.  I certainly never have so I don’t even know where to start.  Try to avoid fighting to many Dragons though.”

He put his heavily scarred and cybernetic arm out, “They tend to leave nasty scars.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 20 June 2018, 09:40:30
Chapter 4 – Green and Gold
07/04/3039 13:47 Location – Tracial Steiner Memorial Starport, Tharkad, Lyran Commonwealth

The Fortress Dropship LCS Iron Gauntlet descended over the vast ferrocrete plains of a sheltered valley in the shadow of Mt Wotan.  Rail and car tunnels cut through the Jotun range toward Tharkad City and the Triad on the far side and the adjacent Olympia City and its smaller Air and Shuttleports that connected this area with the rest of Tharkad on the near side. 

The mighty New Danube River originally cut through the mountains to form this valley but had been rerouted through another tunnel to emerge on the other side of the Starport in order to continue its winding trek toward the ocean on its original course.  Great blast trenches were cut throughout the landscape deflecting the superheated plasma from the dozen landing pads and four super long runways for Aerodyne dropships.

As usual the area was busy, Tharkad was if not the, then among the wealthiest planets in the whole of the Inner Sphere and produced thousands of different types of industrial goods. Its wealth and productivity was a source of much pride for its inhabitants and the Steiner Family that ruled over it. 

Ian was in awe of the size of just the spaceport as he walked along in his Marauder with Bishop’s Penetrator and a company of the LCAF’s 1st Royal Guard toward the Triad along “The Giant’s Passage.”  A slightly depressed walkway that later became an elevated one that led right to the Triad bypassing The Twin Cities and their snarling traffic.  It cut along the buffering wilderness beside the New Danube that separated Olympia and Tharkad while following a railway easement. 

Bishop opened a point to point channel between their mechs lest the Royals overhear them, “Ian I think the Steiner’s have a rail fetish.”

Ian couldn’t help but laugh and almost lost the balance of his machine, “You think they are compensating for something Bishop?”

Ian looked over at one of the Atlii that was part of their escort group.  The hulking machine was a fearsome beast and his namesake had died in one so it had a special place in his heart.  Most of the other mechs in his escort were equally large, a Banshee, two other Atlii, four Zeuses, and a Longbow and Awesome both likely salvaged from some raid against their perennial enemy, The Free Worlds League.

“I just think they like the sight of a long powerful machine going into a deep dark tunnel.”

Ian had to stop his Marauder in mid-stride causing the rest of the Guards to pause as well for a long moment, “Don’t tell Melissa or Thomas that Bishop.  I expect you to be on your best behavior while we are on Tharkad.  Keep the sophomoric antics of a Guard’s Brat just between us.  I guess you could tell Katrina, the woman could sure use some levity.”
“Of course my Prince.”

One of the Royals came in over the radio, “Is there a problem Prince Ian?”
“No problem, merely taking in the sights.”
“Of course.  Take your time, we will continue on.  The trail is easy enough to follow.”

The two Suns Mechs paused and reestablished the Point to Point grateful for perhaps the last bit of privacy they might have for weeks.  Both were looking out over the skyline of Tharkad and Olympia, “Are you ready for tonight’s party Ian?”

“As much as possible Bishop.  I have to admit that the uniforms Jack’s man made for me look mighty sharp.  However ‘Finishing School’ on Gallery was just as hard as my time at Albion.  I don’t know how I will deal with these people, they just seem so alien.”

“I will start by saying be yourself.  You are the son of First Prince Hanse and Dana Davion, you belong there as much as any of these Steiner bluebloods.  Don’t let them intimidate you by making you seem lesser in any way.  Hell you faced down a trio of Wolf’s Dragoons with live weapons.  That’s more combat experience that most of these ‘Generals’ can muster in their entire careers even with their fancy school rags.”
“Thank You Bishop, that does put me at ease.  Should we catch up to the Royals?”
“With our mechs we could overtake them and beat them to the Triad.  I can’t wait to get to the Suns Annex myself and eat some normal food.  It’s been months since I’ve had decent wings and a beer.  Also I want to see whether the Albion Cavaliers beat the NAIS Knights.  I didn’t want to peek at the score summary when it came in this morning.  The vid should be available on the CommNet soon.”

“Of course the Cavaliers won.  That sounds like a good afternoon Bishop, curse these chains of courtesy that bind me to spend time with other.”
“I know right.  The Knights don’t stand a chance but the Cav’s Striker is my old classmate’s boy.  I want to see him in action.”
“You really want to make me drag my feet to get to the Triad Major.  Let’s walk and talk.”

The Marauder and Penetrator overtook the slower Guards and made it to the Suns Diplomatic Annex ahead of schedule.  They walked their mechs into the reinforced Mech Bay joining a Griffin, Shadow Hawk, Rifleman, and Wasp.  Both Ian and Bishop disembarked and were greeted by Colonel Alexander Horvat first of the 35th FedSuns Mechanized Rifles, part of the 3rd Davion Guards, Security Commander for the multi-building compound although Ian was to be assigned a token detachment for his own security.

The three men left the Mech Bay and headed toward the Ambassador’s Residence once the home of Alessandro Steiner’s favorite mistress.  The entire place had been renovated more toward Davion Elegance rather than Steiner Opulence. Ambassador Ran Felsner was richly attired in green and gold with his trademark monocle, a relic of his lost eyesight that removed him from active Battlemech piloting. 

His preferred Mech, The Griffin, was also a favorite of the Lyran Commonwealth, two Griffins watched over the shoulders of Melissa just as they had watched over her Mother’s and Grand Uncle’s whenever she held court.  His astute observations and focus on logistics as well as his worldliness and humility won him much respect in the Triad with commoners, nobles, and both the Social and Fighting Generals of the LCAF.

“Prince Ian, it is good to see you again after so long.  I last saw you when you were just a fresh’y at Albion.  What a fine looking young man you’ve become.”
“Thank you Ran.  It is good to see you as well.  How do you like Tharkad?”
“The cold bothers my joints a bit but not enough to be a concern.  My family is quite happy with our assignment Ian.  One of my grandsons just passed the test to start at Nagelring come September and I couldn’t be prouder.  Being an ambassador is a nice change of pace from my time fighting at your father’s side. 
I’m sorry but you just missed Ardan Bishop.”
“He sent me an HPG on the way back to New Avalon.  Too bad he couldn’t route to Gallery on the way back.  I would have liked to see him but Command Circuits are a fickle thing.”
“Massively understated as usual but I’m not going to lecture you on the proper routing of Jumpships though I could.  You have many other things to do as do I.  My butler will show you to your rooms.  We will be seeing plenty of one another in the future and I look forward to helping you however I can.”

Ran’s butler Pietre gave Ian and Bishop a quick tour.  Bishop was housed closer to Colonel Horvat’s men and Ian was given one of the larger rooms in the mansion. All of his clothes had already been placed in closets and drawers.  There was only enough time to grab a quick bite to eat before he had to get ready for the Ball tonight where he would meet Melissa and Thomas for the first time.  An hour before he was due to depart a brown haired woman around his age dressed in a green and gold ball gown knocked at his door, “Who are you Miss?”
“I’m your date.”
“I was not informed that I would be having a date.”
“Neither was I until three hours ago unfortunately I was free.  Though I don’t think my father would have cared if I weren’t.  I’m Tess Felsner, and your tie is all wrong.”

Ian grabbed the tie, “It most assuredly is not. This is how Albion and my mother taught me to do it.”
“Yes, well we are not on New Avalon.  Let me fix it.”
“Very well.”
  She artfully retied it in a more elaborate configuration.  Ian looked in the mirror again and barely repressed the feelings he had for the look.  “That looks ridiculous.”
“I’ve seen far worse my Prince.  You will too.  Well let’s go then.  I need a drink.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: mikecj on 20 June 2018, 18:46:37
Poor Tess :)

Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: snakespinner on 21 June 2018, 02:19:28
Poor Ian. ;)
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Starfox1701 on 21 June 2018, 02:35:05
Oh good lord lol
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 21 June 2018, 04:12:10
Oh good lord lol

Which part?
Train Joke, Soccer, or Prep.

This section was fun to write
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Starfox1701 on 21 June 2018, 11:00:23
I would imagine
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Dave Talley on 21 June 2018, 20:07:49
smart move for daddy,

prince gets a date/tour guide, so less trouble with the various sharks smelling fresh  blood, and if they hit it off, he may end up with a noble son in law
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 25 June 2018, 07:57:26
smart move for daddy,

prince gets a date/tour guide, so less trouble with the various sharks smelling fresh  blood, and if they hit it off, he may end up with a noble son in law

I don't think Hanse and Dana would appreciate that very much though considering he's there to impress the Mariks as well and marry Corrine. 
Free Suns Federation? 
League of Federated Suns? 
I'm open to potential combo names.


Ian and Tess worked their way through the Triad, the massive multi-building government complex that stood out like a vast acropolis above Tharkad City.  Easily isolated for VIP events and never taken by an outside enemy power.  The Federated Suns Embassy Annex was closer to the Royal Palace than many of the others but it was still a bit of a walk but a pleasant one. 
“So you know all about me Tess but I don't know anything about you.”
“I suppose that's fair, we didn't get properly introduced.”
She paused and sat down on the edge of a faintly illuminated fountain dedicated to the heroes of some battle fought long ago.  The trickle of water and faint multicolored light illuminating her features made for a pleasant atmosphere. 
“We have some time I guess, have to be fashionable late after all.  I'm a Protocol Officer, PR Rep, and Translator.  Went to NAIS for Political Science and have served on my father's staff since he was assigned here three years ago.”
Ian sat down next to her, “You went to NAIS?”
“Yes, and the Knights beat the Cavaliers, Three to Two in case you were wondering.”
“What?  How?”
“Malru pulled a hamstring and Baker scored a goal in the last thirty seconds.”


Meanwhile at the Embassy's Officer's Mess, Major Bishop Sortek, Colonel Alexander Horvat, and most of the off-duty officers of the 35th Federated Suns Mechanized Rifles were standing or sitting on couches or chairs watching the Tri-Vid feed right off CommNet. “And Baker shoots and


Amazing and with only thirty seconds left on the clock, three points to two!”

A minute passed, “Final score, NAIS Knights Three against the Albion Cavalier's Two.  What an upset, I'm sure the bookmakers on Solaris are sweating this one out Jean.”

“Oi! the all-star Malru being absent today really messed up the Albion's offense.  I'm sure he'll be kicking himself when his hamstring is healthy again.  That's it folks, NAIS Knights clinch the Championship. Good night everyone.”

Multiple crumbled beer cans were thrown in the direction of the TV, “Bull!”
Major Sortek was wearing his Red and Gold Albion sweater, “It went right past his fingertips, Banzai Blitz my...”


Back at the fountain Ian had a surprised look on his face, “Bishop will not be happy about that.”

“So what can you tell me about today's party?  I read the dossiers Ran forwarded in transit but you've actually talked to these people.  What was left off the Dossier?”
“Well you are familiar with Ryan Steiner fortunately for both of us he will not be attending today he's probably plotting something devious back on Skye.  Melissa is well aware of the threat he poses, I expect him to be iced if he makes any moves against her.”
“Well that's a relief, I would like to stay out of any Steiner family drama.”

“Wouldn't we all.  The next biggest person to worry about is Tormano Liao, he's dangerous and angry with Candace since she cast him out.  She blames him for a few attempts on her husband Justin's life.  One of which nearly succeeded, I don't know whether it was his fault or not but it doesn't matter, he works for Chancellor Romano now.  He has been whispering poison into Melissa's ear and Romano's anti-League stance has found fertile ground here among the Bolan, Skye, and Alarion regions.”
“Well that's not good, I'll have to keep an eye out for them.”
“It’s a good thing your enemies and allies are mostly obvious here, it's the undecided ones that I am most concerned about.”
“Like our hosts?”

Her shoulders' slumped slightly, “Yes, actually and unfortunately.  Count Bradford has really stepped up in the past couple of months since their engagement was made public.  His reassignment to the 10th Lyran Guard made it fairly obvious what was going to happen if you were paying attention regardless it has been the talk of the town ever since.  He's dangerous though, he killed six people on the dueling field last year, now they probably deserved it but still.  He pilots a Banshee, brand new 3S, calls it “The Painted Lady,” what you might not know is that the Banshee is what they assign officers with a killer instinct.  Thomas probably won't like you but that can't be helped, he sees you as a threat to his position.”
“What!  He already put a ring on it.  He and Melissa are together.”
“Yeah well that was never a sure thing.  If Katrina could have got the Estates General to agree she would have wed you together in a heartbeat.  He's been working on getting this to happen for years and has the scars to prove it, Melissa might have been getting married to you this year instead of him.  I'm certain he won't do anything unless you give him reason though, so please don't.”

“I will be on my best behavior Tess I swear.  I've heard that the trust in the Federated Suns is at an all-time low on Tharkad though.  Why?  We've honored all of our pledges.”
“The Lyrans have begun to wonder about our conviction to a continued peace.  The defection of the St Ives Commonality and the invasion into the Victoria Commonality and failed invasion of Tikonov has many of them thinking we are just as bad as the Dracs.”

“It’s not enough that my uncle’s treachery ended up with a nearly successful attempt to double my father.  Or consider Romano’s multiple attempts on my father and her sister’s family sufficient cause?”
“You don’t have to justify the Suns’ actions for me.  I understand what Hanse is trying to do.  It’s just that not enough people agree on Tharkad, the Estates General will continue to honor Katrina’s accords as long as Melissa supports them as well.”
“Is there a chance she might not and support the Confederation instead?”

Tess didn’t look certain, “I’ve never talked to her alone and she prefers to speak French to my Dad so I don’t need to translate for him.  She’s tough to read.  I think she sees the benefits of our continued relations but she is not as committed to the plan as her mother.”
“Well I hope we can convince her that the Suns are better than the Capellans.”

“That is why you are here after all Ian.”
  She checked her watch, a fine delicate golden piece, “We should be fashionable late now if you want to head out.”
The pair stood up and continued to the Palace standing outside to get their picture taken by paparazzi.  They entered and a pair of olive skinned guards formed a human wall behind them.  They stood at the top of the stairs alongside the Master of Ceremonies.  “Introducing Prince Ian Davion of the Federated Suns and his escort Miss Tessera Felsner, Daughter to the Honorable Ambassador Ran Felsner.”

All two thousand attendees looked up to see the Foreign Prince that just dropped into today and was already hitting the party circuit.  As they cleared the initial entryway they went off to a side, a group of women was waving to Tess.  “This is where I leave you Ian.  I’ll be in the Gal Gallery getting that drink.”
“Gal Gallery?”
“Yes, it’s better than some of the other things I’ve heard it called.”
“What do you do up there?”
“Gossip, admire cute guys in their tight uniforms, play ‘who wore it best,’ you know girl stuff.”
“So you get to party while I have to work.  That hardly seems fair.”

Tess crossed her arms with a drawn out exhale, “We’ll both be plenty busy working.  You won’t be able to get any work done surrounded by blood sucking baronesses.  I’ll keep them occupied while you work your handsome princely charm and win more allies in the Estates General, most of them are present tonight.” 

She looked at him with barely concealed humor, “Don’t worry though I will keep an eye on you in your tight uniform.” 

Ian was momentarily embarrassed as his realized just how much tighter fitting this uniform was then his originally issued one, “If you need my help just rub your head three times and I’ll try to rescue you.”

“Well are you going to be there all night?  What if I want a dance later?”

Tess blushed slightly at the offer, “That sounds fun!  It will show those haughty ladies that I will have to deal with all night.  See you later Ian.”  Tess departed and Ian took a moment to watch her go.  She joined the group of ladies that were waving to her and he heard a quick laugh from them before they went upstairs.

Ian left and circulated through the ballroom quite visible in his green and gold uniform against a sea of other dark colors.  There were only thirty Federation nobles among the party, most of the Suns citizens were widely dispersed across the vast Commonwealth engaging in their various assigned duties across the Inner Sphere from their home-worlds. 

Eventually he staked out a position on one of the elevated sections of the ballroom the main floor of which was in the middle of two Vs and decorated with brilliant under-lit mosaics.  Many people eventually found him but even with his breeding and years of attending these sorts of events he could barely keep track of them only remembering their colorful or eccentric attire. 

After recalibrating his eyes he realized that there were men in dark suits dressed like the staff who were circulating through the crowd following him.  He also saw a flash of Liao Jade Green across the ballroom, Tormano, who was also clearly being followed through the room by similar men.  Then he realized he was marked as soon as he walked in here by the LIC’s Diplomatic Guards, the polite version of the Lyran Special Forces but no less ruthless in their tasks.  It was something he would clearly have to get used to being on Tharkad but it still gave him shivers.

Seeking reassurance he looked up at the Gallery across the hall and saw Tess standing and talking with a group of young women all of whom had wine glasses perched on the stone railing.  Some of the other women waved or subtly blew kisses in his direction after they realized he was looking their way.  He wasn’t sure which terrified him more Diplomatic Guards or fangirls both might bring him down in equal measure.

Regardless he continued working, introducing himself to nobles from the across the Commonwealth that were fans of his father’s or saw great benefit from the Federated Suns’ partnership with the Lyran Commonwealth.  Mostly in economic terms but they saw the revisions to the LCAF as positive and didn’t want the Commonwealth and Confederation to become closer.  It wasn’t enough for him to know his friends though, not tonight, nothing of consequence would happen here but he needed to know more about what might happen outside. 

Ian worked his way toward the Liao Green he saw earlier, along the way one of the dark suited men bumped into him with a loud apology.  However, the man lingered and barred his progress, “Don’t go starting trouble with Liao tonight, Prince or not we will eject you.  Melissa’s party, our rules.  Be civil.”
“Of course, I’m merely a guest here after all.  I wouldn’t do anything to offend my hostess.”
“See to it that you don’t.  Keep it friendly, smile.”

The man disappeared back into the crowd with eerie efficiency, perfectly timed movements and social control to make people part for him.  Ian was impressed but again concerned, if any of these LIC operatives could escape and blend that easily they could always be watching him.  The LIC was one of the finest Intelligence and Special Ops services in the Inner Sphere, it was one of the strongest power players in the whole of the Commonwealth.  Well if they were going to be watching him he endeavored to make it a good show at least.

Finding his way into the ring of courtiers that surrounded Mandrinn Tormano Liao the middle aged man looked regal and in his element dressed in a black Zhongshan suit.  His wife, Hanya No Cha, dressed in a bright green Qipao, looked a little bored but was still engaging in conversation with the wives/escorts of the men that Tormano was talking to. 

The Mandrinn was a known political operator that had fallen out of favor with his father, “Mad” Maximillian Liao, for an entirely innocent reason, he married a commoner out of love.  His sister Candace, Duchess of St Ives, had defected to Hanse Davion nearly ten years ago after a brilliant double operation and taken her St Ives Commonality with her making it a protectorate of the Federated Suns. 

The other sister Romano, the current Chancellor, and her were engaged in a fierce civil war.  This war was still mostly fought in the shadows with only limited support by the Federated Suns Director of Intelligence and Candace’s father-in-law Quintus Allard.  However, Romano didn’t follow any rules and that made her particularly dangerous.  Tormano had apparently been quite content to work with his sister Candace but after the near death of her husband blamed him and ordered his capture.  Tormano and his family escaped however and reappeared on Tharkad as part of the Capellan Confederation’s diplomatic mission.

Tormano bowed ever so slightly and Ian did the same, they were technically at the same noble ranking despite their age difference or relative power of their noble Houses, “Greeting’s Prince Ian.  I understand that you just landed this afternoon.  Would you like a personal tour of the Triad?”
“No Mandrinn Tormano, I already have one scheduled for tomorrow unfortunately but thank you for the offer.  I was thinking of visiting the botanical gardens perhaps you and your wife would like to join me?”
  The Botanical Gardens were closer to the Federated Sun’s Embassy than the Confederation’s, requiring them to come to him even if it was in a neutral location.  Hanya looked toward Tormano after hearing that, as a botanist she loved plants.
“Apologies, I believe that Hanya and I are quite busy.  If you will excuse me Ian, I have many people to see.  However, I am certain this will not be the last time we will have a chance to speak to one another.  Enjoy the ball.”

Ian departed he had looked the man in the eye and seen his fear.  He was motivated by his sister’s and his own ambitions and that made him more dangerous than Ian feared.  His father was massively understating how important his own mission was to the future of the Federated Suns.  A motivated Liao is among the most dangerous creatures in the Inner Sphere.

The Prince worked his way through the crowd which seemed to be thinning.  Upon returning to his stake out point he definitely saw that there were fewer people around as the men in dark suits were politely escorting people out of the ballroom.  He wasn’t sure why that was as he had forgotten his watch in the haste to get dressed.  Then he heard the band that had been warming up begin the Commonwealth’s Anthem.  He looked at the now illuminated balcony opposite the one he entered from, “It is my great pleasure to present her highness Archon Melissa Steiner and her husband to be, Hauptmann Thomas Bradford, Graf von Veracruz."
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Dave Talley on 25 June 2018, 09:52:48
I don't think Hanse and Dana would appreciate that very much though considering he's there to impress the Mariks as well and marry Corrine. 
Free Suns Federation? 
League of Federated Suns? 
I'm open to potential combo names.

oh yeah forgot about her, oh well cant hurt to be a backup plan
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 25 June 2018, 11:24:19
oh yeah forgot about her, oh well cant hurt to be a backup plan

You are fast Dave.  To be fair though it's not like Ran wouldn't want his youngest daughter to be with a Prince.  That's a high end commodity to bargain with and something most factions in Battletech don't exploit fully enough for a Feudal styled system.  The Commonwealth and Confederation seem to be the only ones that get it, Candace was promised to Anton, and Isis to Sun Tzu.  Theodore was to marry some Rasalhague noble but I think that is the only instances of an absolutely arranged wedding and none of them worked out. Hanse and Melissa were put together initially but there was an escape hatch if she wanted to back out yet it worked. (not really)


Ian watched Melissa and Thomas stand on the steps, their personal guards taking up positions behind and out of the spotlight on the balcony.  Thomas was fit and handsome with some dueling scars marking his face but it worked for him.  His dress whites were pressed and every one of his medals were shining brightly, his hair close cut in the distinctive style of Steiner front-line Mechwarriors whose helmets were unique in their operation, the trodes riding down the neck to increase signal gain rather than networked nodes built into the helmet. 

Melissa was gorgeous and regal holding her neck high not that there was much choice with her choice of a high-necked light blue dress, accented with diamond jewelry, her blonde hair up, makeup immaculate, and her engagement ring, a sapphire set in platinum custom made by the finest jeweler in the Magistracy of Canopus, was blinding under the bright light as she put her hand on her fiancée’s chest.

“Thank you all for attending this evening.  It is my great pleasure to host such fine guests, please return to your revelries.”

They descended and a ring of security kept the courtiers from crushing in on the couple while allowing privacy.  Ian approached a path opened ever so slightly for him and sooner than he thought he was standing before Melissa and Thomas. 

Greetings were exchanged in proper Commonwealth fashion just as he had practiced with Katrina, “Greetings Prince Ian, I’m glad you’ve decided to join us this evening.  I apologize if you were inconvenienced in any way by the rapid turnaround.”
“Enchanté Melissa, it was no trouble I assure you.  I appreciate your hospitality, I’ve met many interesting people thus far and I’ve not even been on Tharkad for half a day.”

“By the way your tie is very handsome Ian, I do hope it becomes the new fashion trend.  Far better than when Ambassador Felsner first arrived on Tharkad right Thomas?”
“Ja.  So many broken monocles, it was disastrous, no iced drinks at all on the floor for fear of glass.  Welcome to Tharkad Ian, I heard you defeated a pair of Dragoons in single combat with live fire.  Is there any truth to this?”
“Yes Thomas, it was a training exercise my Marauder on a Panther and Vindicator.  Like the Dragoons say there is no substitute for the real thing.  I would however like to confine my time in a Mech to being prepared to use it rather than being forced to. Perhaps we can practice together sometime in the future?”

Thomas looked very thrilled for the opportunity but Melissa looked at both of them, “without live weapons of course, Archon.”  Melissa relaxed slightly while Thomas remained focused on Ian, both men sizing each other up.

“However this party is not about me.  Archon, my family would like to personally extend our congratulations on your upcoming marriage.  I won’t be the only Davion in attendance but I’m afraid my parents, brother, and sister’s duties require them to remain in the Federated Suns.”

“Thank you Ian, I appreciate that and am pleased that you asked to escort my mother to my wedding.  She has said nothing but good things about your character today and during correspondence while you were on Gallery.  It is our honor to have you in a front row seat.”

“I look forward to it.  If this is but a fraction of the party it shall be one for the ages.  Your mother is an exceptional woman and you worthy of her legacy.  I trust in your ability to lead the Commonwealth into a brighter future.”

Thomas looked at him again and Ian excused himself allowing the soon to be first couple to continue their meet and greet.  He found Tess and managed to escape the grasping hands of the Baronesses that were keeping her company.  They grabbed something to eat before returning after the social warmups were completed before the dance section of the Ball. 

Ian nonchalantly said, “Can you Tango Tess?”
She almost choked out the water she was drinking, “What!?”
A little blush came to her cheeks, she checked her brand new green dress to ensure nothing spilled on it, “I mean yes.  Are you already going to keep showing off every day you are on Tharkad?  Because you’re not going to make many friends if you keep that up.”

“Well I do like to leave an impression more than make friends sometimes.  I also want to see if Thomas is a better lover than fighter because otherwise I might be in trouble.”

“You didn’t make him angry did you?”
“No, but I didn’t exactly get him to like me either.”

“So you think potentially showing him up on the dance floor is a good idea?”
“It’s better than either of us duking it out on the dueling fields.  Don’t you agree?”

Tess was thinking about this racking her head trying to deal with this, it did sound like fun but it could go horribly wrong just as easily.  “Ian, this is a terrible idea but I’m in, at least in this moment.  I can’t promise anything beyond that.”


META- Yes I am going to write a Dance fight, Creative Writing Power GO!
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: mikecj on 25 June 2018, 19:32:04
Now I'm visualizing the dance in Get Smart.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Dave Talley on 25 June 2018, 22:36:32
great so far,
even if nothing happens, his daughter being friends/friendly with a prince cant hurt
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: misterpants on 25 June 2018, 23:27:30
For extra hilarity consider tango's origins as men dancing with men.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Sharpnel on 26 June 2018, 09:15:49
Could be wrse, it could be the dance scene from the latest version of 'Get Smart'
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 27 June 2018, 11:36:01
For extra hilarity consider tango's origins as men dancing with men.

Who do you think taught him how to Tango?
Patrick "Playboy" Kell


Begin Part I

The Royal Ballroom of Tharkad’s lower section had been cleared exposing its colorful geometric mosaics. The staff had swept it during the interlude to ensure it was suitable for dancing and sometimes they even polished it slightly.  The chandeliers were adjusted for proper lighting, the orchestra was assembled on the wide entrance stairs, and many other things backstage were handled.  All of this setup was well-rehearsed, this room hosted more than eighty full capacity balls every year.  Every couple that was interested in dancing was paired up. Ladies in dresses with bright sparkling accents and the men in suits or uniforms whose medals shone under the lights.

Observers crowed along the upper section and the Gallery above, there was an intricate order to it all and Tess knew every step and ensured that Ian and her where they should be.  It was not quite the fairy tale balls hosted by Castle Davion much to Ian’s disappointment.  The Commonwealth dress code was much too formal compared to the more fanciful costumes and shorter hemlines of the Federated Suns.

His partner was lovely though nervous, he could tell by the way she looked. Her shoulders and jaw tense with anticipation that wouldn’t do. Ian whispered to her, “You’ll be great Tess, don’t worry.”  She squeezed his hand in appreciation and relaxed slightly, it wouldn’t do for her to be tense.  He was putting a lot of pressure on her and he hoped she wouldn’t hold it against him if it went wrong.

Melissa Steiner occupied the middle of the Ballroom, Thomas standing at her side. She had removed her neck piece but her diamond necklace and bright accents in her blonde hair sparkled in the spotlight.  “Thank you all for being here tonight to celebrate the return of my mother and your Archon Emeritus to Tharkad after a year of absence.  I am quite pleased with your chosen order of dance this evening. We shall have a grand time.  Our conductor this evening is Klaus Viken with the Conservatory of Tharkad’s orchestra.  A great round of applause for our performers this evening.”

The dancers all clapped in appreciation as the conductor looked toward them and bowed deeply.  The orchestra was faintly illuminated under their own lights while Klaus had a bright light shining on him.  Melissa clapped her gloved hands then stopped as did everyone else, “We shall begin with a Waltz.  Klaus darling, Schlange die Band ein!”

“Ich wäre dir ein Vergnügen, deine hoheit.” Klaus turned and began waving his baton calling fourth a melody inspired by Strauss from the orchestra. 

The dancers followed one another twirling in a grand circle.  Ian and Tess stayed in a close embrace throughout the dance, Tess was not wearing gloves in the Davion fashion while most of the Lyran women wore them. It made their connection of only a few hours very intimate.  He could feel her soft skin against his hands, made rough with combat practice.  The faint aroma of her flowery perfume diffused out of her freshly redone wavy chestnut brown hair that flowed elegantly with each motion.  She seemed to blend into him as he guided her across the whole of the dance floor with a practiced grace.  The golden accents of her dress and the few medals on Ian’s hunter green uniform shone under the lights.

“You're really good Ian.  Who taught you how to dance?”
“My mother taught me most of the steps.”

He twirled her round and pulled her back toward him in a tight embrace, their arms crossed before them, as they walked closely side to side, “Then she made me teach and practice with my sister.  She was a…eager learner and I didn't get much rest until it began to affect my performance at Albion then Dad put an end to it.  The woman refuses to sit or stay in one place for long. She was a menace to the staff then.” 

He spun her out and with a pull of his arm brought her back to their original position right arm extended, left on her back, “I later figured out Mom stuck us together so they could get a break.  I was relieved when Yvonne left for Sakhara though I feel bad for Tancred sometimes. Then again he chose her not me so it's his own fault for not looking before he leapt.  I cannot wait to see how she takes her first deployment.”

They were cheek to cheek but separated as the music ended for a moment, “I will have to send a letter of appreciation to her on the next HPG to New Avalon then.”
“I'm certain she would welcome the compliment and you will have a very dedicated pen-pal for as long as you flatter her.”

Kommandant Thomas Hogarth’s request of a Ländler was next.  The man was apparently eager to impress the Countess of Mesa Verde, Valentina von Mesaldra.  The woman was an exotic Italian beauty, dark featured and sensually sculpted, while Thomas was rather plain looking, nearing on portly from far too much rich food and little exercise though his uniform and presentation were immaculate.  The man had a dedicated following in social circles and was a regular in the tabloids and magazines just not on the training grounds according to the dossier Ian had read.
Ian looked around for him and her after the dance but could not find either, “I cannot believe that man.  He is the walking embodiment of the phrase, ‘It’s better to be lucky than good.’”

Tess giggled in amusement behind her fan, “He must have an amazing sense of humor or something else extraordinary.  I’ve never seen him without a partner at any of the balls I have attended nor have I rarely seen him leave without at least two.”

“At least two? I really must find out the man’s secret.”
Tess punched him softly while laughing, “That’s not very princely Ian.”
Ian bowed slightly toward her, “Please forgive me, my lady.”
She lightly tapped his head with her fan before returning it to her side, “You are forgiven, my charming, silly Prince.”

They returned to the floor and continued with dances from all across the Commonwealth, some couples retired from the floor for a time or the night but two danced every one of the ten slots.  As they neared the end of the dance card Tess caught a glimpse of the Baronesses that always looked down on her for being a commoner even if her father was Hero. 

A commoner that was now dancing in the arms with the most eligible bachelor in the Inner Sphere.  Their glares were evident but fleeting behind fans and polite gestures. It was clear to anyone that they were spiteful witches that wouldn’t hesitate to make her life difficult but at this moment they wished they were her.  She whispered, “Everyone is looking at me Ian.”

“Of course they are, you’re beautiful.”  He spun her out again and brought her close drawing his clean shaven face across her neck which sent a chill down her spine, “I regret that I didn’t tell you that when we first met.  Every lady that I see here is literally green with envy.  Even if you are the only one wearing the color on the outside.”

Tess smiled at the realization that she was literally the only one wearing green while nearly all the other women still present had some manner of blue or white dress.  She spied Melissa and Thomas as they looked toward them as well.  The couples had managed to keep within sight of one another the whole ball.  Melissa whispered something to Thomas who stared intently at Ian. “Thomas definitely knows your game and Melissa has put him on the hook for it since they know what is coming up for the last dance.”

Ian whispering, “I was kind of hoping for another later tonight.  Why stop the fun?” right into her ear.

Tess’s eyes lit up and she gently rubbed back into him, “I don’t know if I’ll be able to wait that long.”

Ian stroked her arms beyond the embrace, whispering again, “All we need to do is call the car…and get inside.”  Tess glowed and the music paused but she didn’t let go instead staying very close as they faced Melissa and Thomas.  Every other couple had left the dance floor to spectate in the shadows at her body language.

Both women unbuttoned one side of their skirt showing off a leg, an intentional design that made (un)dressing easier and accented this sort of dance, a risqué thing to do in polite society within the Commonwealth.  Melissa removed her opera gloves tossing them to the stairs and let her hair down, its ringlets perfectly framing her face.  She wasn’t about to be upstaged by a jumped up commoner and a just arrived Princeling at her own party in front of an audience.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Iron Grenadier on 28 June 2018, 01:39:04
Really enjoying this one so far. I liked your Katherine AU, but I think this one might beat it.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: mikecj on 28 June 2018, 06:33:46
This ought to be good!
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 28 June 2018, 11:49:26
Really enjoying this one so far. I liked your Katherine AU, but I think this one might beat it.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

We'll get back to her, I bit off a little more than i could chew attempting to rectify the mess that is the Jihad even without my adjustments.  To many POVs in the Third Transfer but I can't go all George RR Martin on them yet


Part II Begin

Thomas and Ian stood with their backs to one other in shadow as their partners got into position, both were roughly similar in height which actually made the ratio the same between their partners, the audience was quiet in anticipation of what promised to be a good show.

“Twenty paces Thomas?”
“Two Four steps Ian, we’re on a dance floor not at a dueling field tonight.  As much as you seem to want it to be so.  Perhaps you will honor me with one later. I’m free tomorrow evening.”
“How dreadful for your fiancée then. Surely you don’t begrudge some friendly competition.”
“I don’t, but you tread on dangerous ground.”
“Good. I think I would hate being bored and certainly like keeping on my toes.  Speaking of which.”

The lights turned back on with Melissa and Tess opposite their partners hands raised, the men did the same and clapped. Both couples completing a single orbit of rhythmic sashaying from the ladies and stomping from the men before the orchestra began its song, starting slow and melodic with a single guitar but it sped up gradually eventually encompassing fourteen different players. 

The couples walked toward one another settling less than three meters from each other under the lights.  The gold heels of Tess and Melissa’s white ones much more visible as they danced to the music occasionally getting lost against their partner’s uniforms. 

During the leg hold Ian was holding her bare leg further up than the dance called for. He and Tess were near kissing with their heads down toward each other, “You’re amazing. Where did you learn to dance?”
“I host dances all the time, but no one ever asks me to do something like this. I think they’re afraid they might hurt me.”

He leaned even closer, “Well does it hurt?”
She fluttered her eyelashes, “Anything but”

Ian spun her around before bringing her back down to a low hold over his knee with her leg raised. Her wavy hair draped over his arm and nearly touched the floor, “The only thing I’m afraid of is that I might lose time or have to end this dance before the music stops.”

Thomas and Melissa were putting on their performance alongside, their contrasting outfits were far more colorful for the spectators than the matching green and gold of their competitors.  The Archon managed to sneak in some looks Tess’s way during the holds.

She had to admit the woman was good.  But she was the Archon and would not be upstaged by a common tramp. In front of members of Estates General within Her Royal Ballroom of all places!  She sharply whispered something to her partner who began to work the patterns to a flourish, wrapping Melissa around his waist, before spinning, and dropping her to a deep fall backwards held only by her arms before pulling her back up to a kissing embrace with her legs around him.

Ian and Tess worked an intricate pattern of intertwined legs but didn’t go for a grand flourish before the music ended allowing Melissa the proper applause deserved of the hostess instead.  The audience clapped wildly at the display and the couples bowed and clapped for the orchestra, “We could have done something more dramatic Ian.  We could have won the night.”
“No it’s fine, I’m sorry Tess but they win tonight.  We’ll beat them at the Embassy’s Ball.”

Tess wrapped her leg around his as they stood together, “I still feel like I won the night.”
“Me too but we can’t leave yet that would be rude.”

Melissa took a moment to unwind herself and catch her breath, “Party’s over!  Gute Nacht!”
She grabbed Thomas’ arm and politely pushed him up the stairs, before they passed through the door with his tie in her hands and pulled him past, her mic was still on and “Du wirst das beenden, was du auf der Tanzfläche angefangen hast” came in over the speakers followed by what sounded like a crash impact before the feed dropped. 

The guests quickly departed among them Ian and Tess who were first out and into the waiting Federated Sun’s Embassy Limo.  The slick black haired chauffer stood outside holding the door as Tess entered however before Ian followed he whispered to the man, “Take the long way round.”
“The Triad, your highness?”

He shook the man’s hand passing him some Suns that just so happened to randomly show up in his palm, “All of Tharkad City. This could take a while.”
The man looked down at his hand and nonchalantly put the bills in his pocket, “Of course sir.”
“What’s your name?”
“Torsten sir”

Ian clapped the man on the back, “Torsten, you’re a good man.  Don’t tell the ambassador about this.  Okay? I'll put you in for a medal.”
“Of course not sir.  I will be discrete. Enjoy your ride Prince Ian, but be sure to buckle up. It might get bumpy.”
“You do your nation proud.”
“It is my pleasure to serve House Davion.”

Ian went into the door and Torsten got behind the wheel taking the long way round the whole of Tharkad City.  Of course there was a database error and they arrived precisely 15 minutes after departure with none the wiser.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: mikecj on 29 June 2018, 05:44:21
I think I saw Kevin Costner pull that trick.  Topper Harley too.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 05 July 2018, 11:36:47
Chapter 5 – All In
08/10/3039 07:47 Location – Tharkad, Lyran Commonwealth

Two women are currently sitting behind a desk which says “Inside Access.”  Behind them on the view screen is a collage of posed pictures from celebrities, nobles, and notables. 
“Good Morning everyone, this is Gina Valli and my co-host”
“Mari Ruiz, it is a good morning Gina and not just because almost everyone on Tharkad is off today.”

Both of them frowned before returning to smiles, “Except us and our hardworking crews currently setting up throughout the city.”  The camera switched prospective to the production crew in front of them.
“Don’t forget all those hunky boys in blue of the Polizei or the LCAF protecting the VIPs and citizens today.”
The screen behind them went through a slideshow of handsome men in formal, duty, and combat uniforms, “We definitely can’t forget them.  Mmhm.  I would like to personally thank you for your service gentlemen.  Say around ten o clock till whenever,”
Gina makes the “call me” gesture.

“Now begins our live and exclusive coverage of the Royal Wedding between Archon Melissa Steiner and Hautpmann Thomas Bradford, Graf von Veracruz, brought to you by Coventry Metal Works.”

The screen behind them shows a quick customized commercial from Coventry Metal Works showing the products in action everything from Hunchbacks and Commando Battlemechs to Shoulder Launched Missiles and Submachine Guns.  It ends with a group of mechs saluting and a voice over from the CEO, “Coventry Metal Works, the original Lyran Heavy Industry, congratulates the new Royal Couple on their wedding day.”

“We take you first to the Triad with Michael Shan”

The screen takes over with a blonde haired man standing near a news van, “Thank you Ladies.”

The Triad’s central fountain sparkles as soldiers from the 1st Royal Guards Infantry Brigade march in formation across Commonwealth Square.  Their gold and blue dress uniforms starched and spotless, shoulders back, heads high, rifles on their shoulders, their polished steel helmets reflecting the morning sun as they marched up and down the square. 

“As you can see the Archon’s Own are busy preparing for the ceremony.  Right now they are just getting in a last minute dress rehearsal.  These guys are under a lot of pressure, more so than usual for a Royal Wedding. As many know Melissa trained as an infantrywoman and served her only military tour of duty alongside them.  Any scurrilous rumors of her above or below them have already been soundly disproven.  Back to you Gina.”

“Thank You Victor, very impressive display of our proud Royal Guards.  Mari unfortunately won our little bet and gets to the Cathedral while I host the remaining day of programming.

Just another reminder to our Tharkad City citizens and visitors that with so many VIPs on the move today you will find that many roads will be blocked.  A real time list is available on our Local CommNet site just type ‘InsideA’ or you can go to the TCP’s site. 

If you are trying to get anywhere near the Ink or Cathedral Districts and especially along the Boulevard where the wedding party will travel to and from the Cathedral you are probably out of luck.  However, you can sit in your house and watch Marco Gamin who is setting up at our Boulevard Balcony.  Hello Marco”

“Hello Gina, yes you are definitely out of luck if you want to get anywhere near the Boulevard.  It is packed!  The TCP has the area cordoned off for now with SecurityMechs, armored vehicles, mounted, uniformed, and undercover officers, and the Bremen SEKs are on standby locked and loaded in case something happens.  Elements of the 1st Royal Tharkad Heavy Tank and Battlemech units will begin coming up the street shortly. We’ll be certain to get good footage of their procession.”

10:00 Guests begin arriving at the Cathedral of the Heavenly Host in Tharkad City.

Mari changed clothes and had her hair done standing outside the Cathedral along with a production crew, “Hello everyone, this is Mari Ruiz, slightly delayed for you but live from the Cathedral.  Unfortunately the only cameras allowed inside the Cathedral belong to the Diplomatic Guard but they have allowed me a moment to stand out here and schmooze with the celebs as they enter.”

A limo pulls up and a grizzled middle aged man with graying hair and a woman with wild brown hair followed by two energetic but well behaved children, a boy and girl.  “Our first guests today are the illustrious Kell Brothers and family.  Morgan Kell and Salome Ward joined by their son Phelan and daughter Caitlin, all of whom look quite handsome.”

Mari waved and shouted toward the boy, “You’ll be a great Kell Hound one day, young man.”
Phelan waved back to the strange lady, “The Best!”
“Ah kids they’re so cute.”

Another limo pulled up as that one departed, “Patrick Kell and Mega Superstar Melanie Quest! 
Ohmygosh, I can’t believe she’s actually near me.  I’m so excited.
Count Kell, Miss Quest a moment please?”

The pair walked toward the camera which unfortunately veered toward them rather than giving Mandrinn Tormano Liao and Hanya No Cha their due credit.  Nevertheless plenty of other cameras were watching and taking pictures and he wasn’t known for making public statements, merely private ones.

Maid of Honor - Misha Auburn
Colonel Lisa Steiner, Countess Jacqueline Brewer, Countess Angelica Bradford

Best Man - General Roman Steiner
Colonel Ivan Steiner, Colonel Grayson Carlyle, Colonel Andrew Redburn

11:00 Last Guests and the Royal Couple arrive

Mari watches as four armored cars pull into the underground parking section of the Cathedral now blocked by TCP barricades and LCAF Battlemechs.  “That must be the Wedding Party now.  Almost show time people just a few more very important guests.”

The first limo pulled up, Nondi Steiner and Jack Milby walked out to give a quick statement of how happy they were for their niece’s wedding.

Prince Ian Davion watched as the last vehicle departed, checked his uniform one last time out of what must have been a thousand spot checks, and looked over to Katrina seated next to him.  The woman was weak but her smile was strong and despite all of the pain she was in she looked beautiful again.  “I would like to thank you again for giving me the honor of escorting you to your daughter’s wedding.  I’m so sorry that your husband never got to experience any of her life.  It is not fair that these things should happen to good people.”

“He’s here in spirit.”  Glistening tears formed and Ian handed his handkerchief to the woman, he wasn’t certain whether it was joy, pain, or sorrow that filled her but it was certainly a mix, just like it probably would be for her daughter.

Back on the red carpet, the limo pulled up and door opened.  Ian Davion stepped out in his full dress greens with a long golden braid, Captain’s bars, and Prince’s seal on his epaulets.  “Prince Ian Davion of the Federated Suns.” 

Katrina stepped out steadied by Ian’s hand and he took her arm into his, she looked frail but managed to stand tall and smile for the cameras although the effort labored her greatly, “and Archon-Emeritus Katrina Steiner, the Mother of the Bride.  And such a proud mother she is.  Well this is where we cut off for now.  Be sure to keep your channels set for the Wedding Feed which should be going live in about a half hour, back to you Gina.”

Once inside the Cathedral Katrina returned to her wheelchair and was taken to Melissa by Nondi while Jack and Ian walked to their front row seats on the Left side of the very packed Cathedral.  At 11:45 they returned teary-eyed to await the beginning of the ceremony and Morgan Kell left to take his position.  The Diplomatic Guard’s camera feed went live and began transmitting to the Local CommNet and Tharkad’s HPG so the citizens of the Commonwealth could witness the wedding.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: snakespinner on 06 July 2018, 02:01:00
Interesting, you have Col. Grayson Carlyle as a groomsman.
I would not think he would be important enough, but that would certainly set tongues wagging. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: mikecj on 06 July 2018, 03:52:31
And not a Kell in the wedding party... and where is Heimdall lurking?
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 06 July 2018, 09:06:16
Interesting, you have Col. Grayson Carlyle as a groomsman.
I would not think he would be important enough, but that would certainly set tongues wagging. :thumbsup:

Which i think is strange, you go and steal the plans for a technological renaissance from the Lyran's particularly hated enemy (The League), show up their other enemy (Combine), and it still took till the 3050s before they gave him a noble title.

And not a Kell in the wedding party... and where is Heimdall lurking?

Heimdall is everywhere there are bad LIC operators (thus everywhere)


Ian had a front row seat to the wedding, if he was not here for a ceremony and on camera he would be looking around at the artful frescos and sculptures.  Each and every piece was unique, made by one of the generations of skilled artisans that had spent thousands of hours refining their craft.  Like the Commonwealth it was a beautifully sculpted, had a solemn weight of history, and was at the same time grandiose.  However as much as he would have like to be a tourist that would have to wait for another time.

The Wedding Procession begins with the Bridesmaids and Groomsmen walking down the Aisle wearing bright blue or white outfits.  General Roman Steiner and Misha Auburn standing fore amongst them.  They were followed by the Archbishop of Tharkad City, Hermann Mueller, entering from the side.  Then the groom Thomas Bradford entered in his Dress Blues to stand next to Roman Steiner, his mentor, friend, and among his closest confidants the two having spent a lot of time together while the 3rd Royals were on Coventry.  His twin sister giving him the biggest grin ever from the other side of the altar.

Finally everyone stood as Caitlin and Tempest Kell, the flower girls, entered in front of the bride whose dress was simply majestic in its construction.  Morgan Kell’s red and black dress uniform a sharp contrast to the flowing white and long blonde hair under the veil.  The two walked arm in arm down the aisle.

Elsewhere in Tharkad City, Vincenzo Marti watched the live feed of the ceremony on his TV while preparing lunch.  His apartment had a great view of the Boulevard on the other side of the custom frosted windows. It was a pricey place but he was a banker and had the cash.  He was wondering where his girlfriend was.  She couldn’t get a better seat in all of the city to watch the parade than right on his couch, must have got stuck in traffic or overslept. 

A knock came on the door, “That must be her.”
He walked over to the door and opened it to see a wiry, plain looking man wearing a TCP style uniform with a pack behind him.  “Can I help you officer?”
“Yes, get out of the way.”  He pulled a subsonic pistol out and fired it three times, each round hit where intended the low velocity slugs stayed inside the body making it very clean just a little 12mm hole that now leaked blood.  Vincenzo dropped but was caught to prevent anyone being alerted by his fall.

The Grey Man dragged the corpse off to the side in case he needed to open the door quickly again. Then closed and locked the door before ensuring the room had no other inhabitants.  He smelled the leftovers the man was heating up and took them back to the couch watching the ceremony take place. “I guess I have time for lunch before I go to work.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Iron Grenadier on 06 July 2018, 11:07:11

The Grey Man dragging the corpse off to the side in case he needed to open the door quickly again, then closed and locked the door.  He smelled the leftovers the man was heating up and took them back to the couch watching the ceremony take place. “I guess I have time for lunch before I go to work.”

I was wondering when the shoe was going to drop.... :brew:
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Dave Talley on 06 July 2018, 12:25:44
cant have everything all smiles, its Battletech after all
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: mikecj on 07 July 2018, 08:12:27
That was a nice intro for the assassin.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 10 July 2018, 08:17:50
Melissa Steiner (-Bradford) looking as regal and elegant as any fairy tale princess with her veil lifted and blonde hair done up to the fullest, “I do”

The Cathedral burst into applause as the newlyweds had their first kiss and walked up the aisle together for the first time as husband and wife.  Ian could see the sparkling tears of joy from Katrina as she stood weakly to keep them in view.

Meanwhile back at Vincenzo’s apartment The Grey Man finished setting up his gyro-stabilized tripod mounted 14.5mm Sniper Rifle onto the dead man’s metal kitchen table which had been pulled up to face the Boulevard.  After he turned away from the TV, he looked through the scope, making adjustments based on the local weather station while listening in to the TCP broadcasts concerning their preparations.  “Congratulations to the newlyweds. Now it’s time for the fireworks.”

Ian Davion, Katrina Steiner, Melissa and Thomas Steiner-Bradford, Tormano and Hanya Liao were seated in open top vehicles right behind each other in the parade order.  Multiple Guardsmen jogged to the side of the vehicles, it would be an easy 3 kilometers down the Boulevard to the Triad for the reception, the hottest ticket in all of The Inner Sphere.  There was more pomp and ceremony than even the most audacious of any previous Steiner wedding. Melissa wanted to ensure that her mother got to enjoy her wedding as much as she did.

The Parade pulled out from the street in front of the Cathedral, the six super VIPs waving to the adoring crowds that packed within a block of the Boulevard.  Bleachers had been set up down every side street and every seat was full with people waving the Lyran Commonwealth flag or messages to their Archon hoping she would see them.  A thick line of blue clad Polizei from across Tharkad were manning the barricades.  As the Archon passed they saluted before returning to their duties.

Adrianna Lurecha walked through the lobby of the Epsilon building, her black heels clicking against the marble as she headed to the elevator.  “Stupid, stupid, you just had to let your phone die so you couldn’t get the traffic updates didn’t you Adria.  Vincenzo will be so upset, I’m sure he’s been trying to call me.  I hope I’m not too late.” 

She fumbled with her purse, “Where’s his key card.  Accidenti!  I must have left it in my other purse.  I hope he didn’t leave to go to my place and not tell me.”

As the elevator dinged on the 23rd floor she walked along the plush carpeted hallway to the gilded door of her boyfriend’s apartment.  She knocked, “Vincenzo mi dispiace sono in ritardo. Per favore apri la porta, ho dimenticato la mia chiave”

The Grey Man heard the knock and a woman’s voice at the door and looked over seeing the armed directional trip mine still in place pointed toward the door.  His grasp of Italian was not very solid but he recognized enough words to know that she didn’t have a key.  This was a bad time for distraction, he was too close to accomplishing his mission.  He ensured the pair of machine pistols were close to him, maybe she would go away.

On the other side of the door Adrianna could smell recently cooked food. He had to be home but wasn’t opening the door.  She knocked harder, “Vincenzo c'è qualcosa di sbagliato?  Mi dispiace, sono in ritardo, non essere arrabbiato con me.”
‘Is there something wrong?  I’m sorry I’m late please don’t be mad with me.’

Still nothing he had never shut her out before. Was he hiding something, or someone? Now she slammed her fists on the door, “Vincenzo c'è un'altra donna lì dentro? Apri la porta!”
‘Is there another woman in there?’

The Grey Man attempted to keep his calm, he could shut up the irritating woman outside in a couple of seconds but he needed to keep a clean scene.  He preferred to kill the bare minimum of people necessary to accomplish the task. Murder was messy business and he was only paid to kill a certain person, anything else cost him extra.  If Vincenzo had just gone to this cagna’s place he might have lived but he just had to show off this excellent location.

Now she was screaming, “Apri la porta!” followed by a string of insults in Italian and German while hitting the door.  The Grey Man turned up (down?) the noise canceling ear buds he was wearing, muttering “Crazy Italian women”

At the Tharkad City Polizei’s temporary command post Polizei Inspector Heinreich Vanchek was monitoring the situation.  This was the highest risk portion of a very lavish ceremony, the Archon wouldn’t listen to him when he initially refused after she requested an open air parade down Marsden Boulevard with so many VIPs.  The whole city was locked down but he knew there were cracks, there were always cracks.  It was too risky but she was the Archon, if she wanted to put herself in danger.  Well Archons regularly went to war already, he could almost guarantee Tharkad City was safer than an active battlefield.

He was looking over one of the TCP Councillors, “Inspector it’s been fairly quiet, couple of Free Skye protestors, Rasalhague refugee activists, drunks, just the normal troublemakers.  The only active call inside the security cordon is a domestic disturbance at the Epsilon.  We haven’t dispatched anyone there yet, some girl is just shouting at her man through the door so it’s a low priority call.”

“Pull it up, we can’t be too careful that is one of the high risk buildings.”

The Epsilon Building’s daring architecture filled the center holo-display.  A callback to the old modernist architecture of the 21st century with jagged angles and lots of glass.  It was among the most expensive residential buildings in all of Tharkad City.  “Floor Twenty-Three, unit Six”

The display rotated, it had a great view of the Boulevard. There would be some exposure while the parade cleared a side street before it was lost.  “Get me an angle.”

The computer calculated the shortest path between the area several lines appeared before disappearing and leaving only one.  It was an easy range for a particularly capable sharpshooter a nice profile shot on any of the VIPs.  He could call it, make Melissa stop and avoid the exposure or cover her up but she wouldn’t have any of it.  Heinreich talked into his radio headset to the Diplomatic Guard, “Set a timer, In six minutes I want Melissa under cover, unless I say otherwise” 

The woman had been a particularly nasty bridezilla even if it was for her own protection she would make it difficult for him.  He picked up the phone to dispatch, “Dispatch this is the Inspector, send a SEK team to Epsilon Twenty-Three Oh-Six immediately, no knock, high risk.  You have five minutes.”  He put the phone down, “Someone get me the Epsilon’s Building’s manager!”

Ian Davion was riding next to Katrina, he was hyperaware, they had been briefing on the security protocols in the event of a threat but he sure felt safer in his Marauder.  The Diplomatic Guards that were jogging alongside stopped for a moment setting their watches, curious.  Every nerve in his body was on fire as he knew something was happening but couldn’t do anything about it and the mystery was churning his already well churned guts.

Back in the Apartment The Grey Man watched through the scope he could see the target vehicles in the Parade and began his own internal countdown, relaxing, and engaging in the precise breathing he would need to hit his target.  There was no chance for a second shot.

A TCP Armored Van pulled up next to the lobby of the Epsilon Building, ten balaclava wearing and black clad SEK Police Commandos were hanging on to the outside and immediately rushed through the open doors.  Another ten exited the vehicle and secured entrances and exits pushing aside people in their way, “Polizei Notfallbewegung”

The first team stacked themselves up in the open elevator, all of them were currently on the ground floor.  They readied themselves and their equipment as they went up to the target room.

The Grey Man knew the Parade lineup by heart and saw the last vehicle before his target, he had a minute, plenty of time but not enough.

Ian Davion could see the Diplomatic Guard get tense and move closer to the vehicles, something was about to go down but he didn’t know what it was going to be.

The Heavily Armored SEK Commandoes thundered out of the Elevators rushing toward the target room, they saw Adrianna still yelling and slamming at the door,
“Geh aus dem Weg! Wir gehen rein!” 
She turned frightened with tears in her eyes and was pulled aside by one of the men who body slammed her against the far wall.

The heavy steel shield wielding Pointman put his whole body against the boss followed by a coordinated shoulder ram that smashed the gilded door and set off the directional mine that sent him flying back and scattered the others.  The custom frosted glass windows shattered in the overpressure of even the small bomb.  The Grey Man had his crosshairs on his target at the exact same moment and the explosion knocked off his aim.  The apartment was filled with outside air and the canyonlands between Tharkad City’s skyscrapers channeled the wind right in.

The 14.5mm round tore into a building façade causing massive damage to the old brick. The Grey Man swore and turned to the door where the dazed Polizei were recovering.  Firing the machine pistols to keep them back, a moment later they began returning fire.  He rushed out to one of the windows and leapt out, a parachute billowed our right behind him.  One of the SEK squad leaders put his SMG outside firing into the canopy, “Zweites Team! Abfangen am Boden!” 'Second team, intercept on ground'

The Grey Man landed, immediately shedding the parachute and firing his pistol at a pair of SEK Commandoes that were attempting to prevent this escape.  They returned fire bullets impacting the upscale MacEnroe Magic sedan he was hiding behind.  He could hear the sirens of the Polizei, they would be on him likes flies in moments.  There was no escape.

The two SEK Commandos carefully approached the sedan the suspect had been hiding behind, they cleared the vehicle and called it in.  “Verdächtiger, einziger Schuss zum Kopf” ' Suspect down, single gunshot to head'
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: mikecj on 11 July 2018, 08:29:20
Nicely written
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Starfox1701 on 12 July 2018, 00:08:30
I wonder who the target was. Remember if you want to kill a nobody wait till there next to somebody.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 12 July 2018, 11:56:47
I wonder who the target was. Remember if you want to kill a nobody wait till there next to somebody.

You will have to decide, I know who it likely is and why but I wrote it intentionally vague


2nd Issue of Report on the Attempted Assassination of Archon Melissa Steiner-Bradford on 08/11/3039
Filing Date – 8/19/3039
Tharkad City Polizei Central Detectives Branch, Diplomatic Division
Filing Officer – Chief Detective Otto Vogt

Autopsy Notes
Cause of Death – Single gunshot to head
Suspect's Estimated Age – 34 TY
Average Height (1.8m) and Weight (86Kg)

Notable Features
Multiple tattoos related to the Free Rasalhague Republic’s Kungsarme.  Follow on investigation is ongoing, the FRR embassy in Weibetal has given its full cooperation in identifying the suspect. 

Old combat injuries consistent with infantry service.  Possibly during the Ronin War?  Possible Draconis Combine and ISF connections?  Warrants further investigation from LIC and related agencies.

Individual was carrying a FRR passport, Analysis has determined that it is a fake.  Regardless based on the tattoos we are currently assuming suspect was a FRR citizen.  The passport was registered to a Tharkad Aerospace Group supplier in Weibetal.  Authorities in that city are still investigating and will forward their report to the central division upon completion. 

A set of keys has been matched with a MacEnroe 519 sedan found in the Epsilon’s parking garage.  It was reported stolen shortly after the incident from a citizen in Olympia City’s West River District.  OCP is providing utmost support in investigating possible leads in the city. 

No money, phone, or apartment keys were in the suspect’s pockets.  Weibetal Polizei raided the apartment attached to the passport but found it empty.  Where the suspect dwelled is currently unknown.

Suspect was wearing a uniform similar to the TCP but such things are easily found second-hand so no possible chance to trace.

Two Mydron Machine Pistols with filed off serial numbers, regularly encountered among the criminal underworld.  Very difficult to trace

The sniper rifle the suspect was using is a custom job, 14.5mm APFDS, bolt action.  Very expensive optics, stabilizers, and fine engineering throughout.  Bespoke items like this are only available through a few suppliers, Diplomatic Guard is overseeing an interplanetary investigation on the few in the Lyran Commonwealth.  However, other succession states are capable of manufacturing these items so they have no guarantee of finding the source.  Nevertheless it is one of the strongest clues we could find if it were to be uncovered.

The body of Vincenzo Marti, recently hired by the Commonwealth Central Bank after working for the Import-Export Bank of Arcturus for ten years, was found in the apartment’s bedroom.  He had been killed with a trio of subsonic slugs delivered at extremely close range.  Currently the Financial Crimes Division and Commonwealth Bank Inspectors are investigating the CCB and IEBA to see whether or not the suspect visited either institution. 

His girlfriend, Adrianna Lurecha of Tharkad City’s Lower Danube District, was injured during the breach but is recovering under guard in St Mary’s Hospital for Women.  She was despondent upon hearing what happened to Vincenzo but is talking with police during her recovery.  Police are investigating her business and home to determine if the suspect or an accomplice was following her.

Updates 10/01/3039

We have identified an account related to the suspect by determining his residence via backtracking with colleagues. A numbered account originating from the St Ives Central Bank was found through a set of stables on Solaris VII.  Various queries to the St Ives Embassy in Tesseraburg are being processed as we speak but the payment’s origin is currently obfuscated through multiple interplanetary holding companies.  LIC is taking over primary investigation now that it is clearly an interstellar issue beyond the TCP's jurisdiction.

Chief Detective Vogt signing out
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Starfox1701 on 12 July 2018, 13:01:15
He's Rom
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: DOC_Agren on 12 July 2018, 15:32:05
And I'm trying to figure out, did he have "body double" stashed behind the car or not...  It the whole  multiple tattoos related to the Free Rasalhague Republic’s Kungsarme, seems almost a "distraction" to lean away from the real bad guy target.  Plus he had a plan to escape via chute and land here. 

my thought is a hit on Tormano (but oh so sorry Hanya got it instead, but well she was a mere commoner so it really doesn't matter anyways) Liao by Chancellor Romano to further turn Melissa POV to that of Tormano and the CC and away from FS.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Starfox1701 on 13 July 2018, 13:49:17
It reads like a Romano hit except its far too subtle for her. She likes big grandiose messages with a personal twist. This is too clean and concise for her. It doesn't fit Davion or Kurita tactics and nothing would benefit the FWL so that leaves Comstar
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: DOC_Agren on 13 July 2018, 17:32:40
What hitting Hanya Liao "by Mistake" right beside Tormano isn't sending Tormano a grand message while providing him with sympathy in the LC, and well it solves that horrible but she a mere commoner that pissed off Dad.

And the assassin wasn't a Kali Follower, but a either a professional Assassin or Death Commando.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Starfox1701 on 13 July 2018, 17:59:22
First where do you see she got hit cause I missed that and can't find it.

More on point though why would Romano be selling up dad's scores now? She offed him I highly doubt she would bother now especially considering she could have done this face to face.

No this still points at Comstar because right now the only people who would want to "scare" Tormana are the Davions. Since Hanses is neither that stupid or that sloppy this is clearly ment to drive a wedge between Tharkad and New Avalon.  While that would benefit the Confederation when has Ramono ever been that crafty? Comstar benefits more and this has The primuses gruby fingerprints all over it just like that HPG hit back during the 4th war.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: DOC_Agren on 13 July 2018, 23:43:44
She wasn't hit, the sniper missed his target.
And are we sure in this AU Romano killed her dad?  and who said this Romano isn't less crazy and more crafty.  Like I said, the assassin wasn't a Kali Follower, but a either a professional Assassin or Death Commando, something our Romano wouldn't do.

While I will agree Comstar will gain benefits from this.  If they wanted to drive the wedge, the assassin would not have had tattoos related to the Free Rasalhague Republic’s Kungsarme but to the fedsuns.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Starfox1701 on 14 July 2018, 01:12:53
Ok I'll give you that we don't know yet that she is as bat turd crazy as ours but all things considered the point of deviation in this AU shouldn't have had an effect on that so baring evidence to the contrary its a logical to conclude she is. Therefore its also logical to conclude baring said evidence that she would act to type.

On the note of the tattoos why would Comstar assume that the LIC would think the MIIO would be stupid enough to hire a guy that a flashing neon sign that says we did it? No its the weapons, the travel stuff and account that casually point back at the Suns. Still sloppy but could be chalked up to the guy figuring he wouldn't get caught by the investigation team. Institutional arrogance is a Lyran trait. Safe for someone like Comstar to figure the LIC would assume there opposite numbers are equally so. Remember it's the LIC that this dog and pony show is being run for not the Allards.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: DOC_Agren on 14 July 2018, 07:56:40
you know Starfox, I'm betting we are providing AlphaMirage with a good laugh.

So who do you think the target was Starfox?
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Starfox1701 on 14 July 2018, 09:45:31
At first I was thinking Ian or Katrina but the more I think about it I'm betting on the new Mr Stiner.  Thing is this outcome is at least as good for Comstar than if the hit had gone off. With the alliance being weaker than in our verse Stiner might not even know to suspect Comstar.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: DOC_Agren on 14 July 2018, 13:21:42
Interesting reasoning, and I can see where you are coming from on the Thomas Steiner-Bradford being the target.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Starfox1701 on 14 July 2018, 22:18:52
Thank you hopefully we won't have to wait long to see how close we got to guessing
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 17 July 2018, 08:56:02
Thank you hopefully we won't have to wait long to see how close we got to guessing

You were very good and I definitely appreciate you post padding my thread.  I was thinking Tormano as the intended target.  Either sister could have been the person ordering the hit as both have reasons (Romano is nuts and Tormano knows that but prefers to take his chances in the Commonwealth far away from Candace as well).  Sisters are just nasty like that. 

Now the fact that either Precentor St Ives or Precentor Sian provided the necessary contact information to The Grey Man could be entirely coincidental. 

This is going to be a quick overview of my 3040.  I'll get back to an in-person story maybe as soon as later today.

Historical Interlude 1
Important Events
Death of Katrina Steiner on Tharkad 01/04/3040
Birth of Thomas Arthur Steiner, Archon Melissa Steiner’s first born 03/02/3040
Katrina Steiner’s State Funeral and burial on Gallery 07/04/3040

War Status
The Andurian-Magistracy invasion of Romano Liao’s Capellan Confederation ends after a counter-attack by the CCAF and the loss of both ringleaders on the opposing side.  A motion to continue attacks on the Capellan Confederation is defeated in the Atreus parliament after an impassioned speech delivered by Mandrinn Tormano Liao.

The Capellan Confederation Civil War continues to heat up as Candace Liao’s SIMC with assistance from the Federated Suns fight against Romano’s CCAF and her TDF “allies.”  Heavy raids are common throughout the four contested commonalities (Sian, Capella, St Ives, and Victoria) as well as in the Capellan March on the Concordat Border.

The CCAF has occupied the industrial world of Detroit near the Magistracy of Canopus as well as the independent breadbasket worlds of Joppa and Herotitus giving the struggling Confederation a much needed boost.

Raids from the Draconis Combine to the Federated Suns become increasingly common with newer and more numerous DCMS Battlemechs regularly making an appearance.  Dozens of heavy raids and one attempted invasion are repulsed on Quentin although the offensive (OP: IRON DRAGON) almost leads to the capture of the Mech factories on planet which would have been a massive loss to the Federated Suns. 

The Sphere at Large
First Prince Hanse Davion’s investments in the AFFS continue to give the Federated Suns an edge but it becomes less of a sure thing in the wake of Theodore Kurita’s at times bloody reorganization of the DCMS.  The Federated Suns and Draconis Combine begin to narrow the technological gap courtesy of the Halstead Station Library and Helm Data Core, sharing and industrial espionage on the part of other successor states begin to rapidly reverse the decline in technology that characterized the last century.

The ComGuards begin their building process as COMSTAR hires small mercenary units on long cadre contracts. The Titan Warship Yards around Saturn begin reactivating as the James McKenna Yards around Kathil are being rebuilt by Hanse Davion.  Primus Myndo Waterly urges greater COMSTAR “guidance” in the Inner Sphere as the Blessed Order’s long successful OP: HOLY SHROUD begins unraveling.

Notable Characters
Leftenant Yvonne Davion is reassigned to the 25th Lexington Reserve Group (a battalion-sized sub-command of the Kestral CrMM) based out of Fort Ballycastle on Lexington from the 11th Avalon Hussars on Kesai IV after she attracted undue attention by the DCMS.  The Hussars still repulsed a trio of raids in force and executed two reprisal raids against the Galedon Prefecture. Several near misses force the First Prince’s hand and his daughter resents the coddling and acts out, much to the chagrin of her Commander. 

Count Tancred Sandoval is assigned as the Intelligence Secretariat’s Liaison to Lieutenant General Viviane Petty of the Kestral CrMM.  She coincidentally assigns him to the Lexington Station.  Yvonne Davion’s behavior immediately improves, much to the relief of her Commander.

General Roman Steiner, Duke of Steelton, is assigned General of the Armies by Archon Melissa Steiner and begins reorganizing the LCAF in the wake of continued DCMS raids on the Tamar and Skye Marches.

Corrine Marik begins training at the Allison Mechwarrior Institute on New Olympia.  Her chosen battlemech is the Wolverine 6M “Troubadour” used by her Grandaunt Sylvia Marik during the Third Succession War.

Emma Centrella ascends to Magestrix after a coup that sees her mother Kyalla Centrella institutionalized
Duchess Catherine Humphreys, the Free Worlds League’s “Rogue Duchess” dies in prison of a heart attack.

Kapitán Uriel Vesely ("UV-4") goes AWOL from the 1st Atrean Dragoons with his Orion 3 "Black Eagle" heading toward Kalisdasa on the Commonwealth-League border.

Captain Ian Davion and his guard unit head out from Tharkad on a tour to visit Solaris VII and the Commonwealth-League border aboard the Union-V Valor.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: DOC_Agren on 17 July 2018, 12:38:07
You were very good and I definitely appreciate you post padding my thread.  I was thinking Tormano as the intended target.  Either sister could have been the person ordering the hit as both have reasons (Romano is nuts and Tormano knows that but prefers to take his chances in the Commonwealth far away from Candace as well).  Sisters are just nasty like that. 
I was close, but that only counts in Nukes
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Starfox1701 on 18 July 2018, 00:55:06
You say that like you don't know who was the target? I didn't go with him because he was the obvious target. So if Candice is trying to off her brother then there must be multiple points of variance from the prime universe
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 18 July 2018, 10:08:43
You say that like you don't know who was the target? I didn't go with him because he was the obvious target. So if Candice is trying to off her brother then there must be multiple points of variance from the prime universe

There definitely is some variance, The St Ives/Confederation War being a three way family power struggle, Tormano has his own ambitions like he always does but with Candace being a traitor and Romano being nuts I think that conflict make for a more interesting arrangement than Hanse Davion just beating everyone all the time.  At the same time though killing the Bradford, Melissa, Ian, or Katrina would accomplish the goals of at least one of the involved factions as well.  Thus it is one of those what-ifs that works.

Chapter 6 – Black Eagle
10/07/3040 08:11 Starlight House, Solaris City, Solaris VII, Lyran Commonwealth

The elegant Starlight House was perched atop one of the Black Hills that this district of Solaris City was named after.  The Back 9 of the Running Fox Country club ran between it and the garish Green Mansion.  The first group of golfers were teeing off after enjoying a formal breakfast at the Country Club.  The House’s veranda was currently occupied by three men eating and staff delivering the breakfast they had requested.  They were too far up hill for the golf course to be a hazard. 

“Mr Bao, how do you deal with that mess across the way?” Bishop said between bites of his omelet.

Tran Ky Bao’s tone was dripping with distain, “If I planted something to block Drew’s ugly house. I wouldn’t get to watch the sunrise on beautiful days like today.  I will give him this small victory but continue to best him at every other opportunity.  Fool man doesn’t like the fact that a Capellan keeps besting his Stable.  Starlight’s Gladiators have gone from 14th to 3rd place in the official rankings under my management.  Blackstar’s have dropped from 8th to 12nd in the same time under his.”

Ian finished his coffee and got up ready to head out for the day’s business, “Bishop, didn’t Drew work with Morgan some time ago?”

Bishop followed also finishing his drink followed by the stable-master, “Yes, if I remember correctly. I think your cousin met Kym on Solaris while on some assignment with Redburn.  So Drew probably had him as a guest to make himself feel more important than he was.”

“Speaking of guests, thank you for hosting us Mr Bao.”

Tran Ky Bao bowed deeply, Bishop and Ian less so, “It is my great privilege to offer my humble home to you Prince Ian.  If you require anything else on Solaris I will of course be willing to help.”

“Merely directions right now.  Your offer of a car was certainly appreciated.  We unfortunately couldn’t fit one on the Valor for our groundside excursions. I don’t think the Solaris Police would appreciate us using our Battlemechs to get around.  The Chauffeur was too much though, I will forget how to drive if everyone keeps putting me in the back seat like they have been for a year.”
“Of course Ian, enjoy the rest of your day.  I have business to attend to. Will you both be eating dinner here tonight?”
“I believe we are at the Sesame Inn tonight. Right Bishop?”
“Yes sir.”
“Make sure both of you are careful in Cathay.  People there are just as divided as the Capellan people these days and just as violent.”

17:28 Location – Brit’s, Montenegro District

The Montengro district was a burned out industrial space, endless gray from the street to the sky.  The Factory Arena loomed in the background, once a major Battlemech factory now it deconstructed mechs instead of assembling.  The smoke stacks of the even worse off Xolara slums drifted in when the winds changed filling the area with an acrid stench. 

A handsome young man with black hair, a leather vest, and an eagle tattoo on his right bicep pulled up to a well-worn bar with no sign and tinted windows, raucous music could be heard outside.  He was riding a black TMW Tiger motorcycle, outside a group of men were smoking and ogled the machine. 

The man dismounted his bike near the others though his was the nicest, walking up to the man that seemed to be in charge.  He lit his own cigarette from a Zippo with the 1st Atrean Hussars insignia on it, “This is Brit’s right?”
“Yeah, who’s asking?”
“Uriel Vesely, I’m looking for Dave.”
“You found him.”

David Weinstein looked at him curious not many people were quite so bold about looking for something, “Yeah, what do you need Mr Vesely? I’m a very busy man tonight.”
Uriel exhaled a cloud of smoke into the rapidly cooling air it drifted on the wind before dissipating, “I’m looking to start a fight.”
Dave made a chopping ‘no’ gesture, “Not in my bar you don’t.  I finish them quick in there.  Bad for business.  Who do you want to fight?”
“Someone big.”
“Well you’ve come to wrong place. I’m not a gladiator matchmaker.  You want to fight someone, you go to Anton von Tripp.”

The young man responded with an arrogant tone, “Do i look like a Gladiator?  I'm after someone bigger than that.”
“What are you a Merc going after the Bertolis? Cause I don’t do that kind of matchmaking neither.”

Uriel finished his cigarette flicking the filter to the ground and grinding it out with his boot, “Not a Merc. Don’t care about gangsters either.”

“Quit wasting my time kid.  You tell me what you are up to right now! Or my boys are going to take your fancy bike after kicking your ass.”  The other men produced clubs they had hidden under their jackets. A few seemed to be packing something more based on what Uriel saw.

“That won’t be necessary Gentlemen.”  Uriel unzipped his leather vest slowly showing the standard issue FLWM Hawk Eagle pistol in its shoulder holster.  He carefully reached in causing some of the guys to start moving towards him before pulling out the latest issue of Mechjack Magazine with Prince Ian Davion’s face on it.  The central story was an interview conducted on Tharkad before the Prince left toward the Free Worlds League border.  “Seen this guy around?”

David motioned for his guys to their weapons down, suddenly very interested, “Why don’t we step inside kid.  I might be able to help.  You thirsty?”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 19 September 2018, 09:27:58
Solaris VII Promotional Poster

Golden Lion vs Black Eagle

Illustration shows a Rostock Canyon Lion with its auburn coat and mane, golden teeth bared facing up toward an Atreus Fighting Eagle, whose purple feather accents are heightened talons outstretched, striking from above

Prince on Prince, Pay per view live across Channel S7 come October 13th

10/13/3040 07:41 Location – The Jungle Class 6 Arena, Cathay, Solaris VII

Tran Ky Bao sat next to Major Bishop Sortek in box seats acquired via trade with his Capellan contacts.  Bishop had donned a slightly more subdued green AFFS uniform, this was a Liao stadium. Solaris was supposed to be neutral ground but the Confederation still tried to make his life difficult.  He would return the favor whenever he got back to New Avalon.  The St Ives Compact native blended in more with his robes and features thus was less hassled even though his home was a rogue province.
“Ian will be fine Major.  At least its controlled carnage, better here than on a border raid with the Combine.  That didn’t work out so well for his predecessor.”

“Ian only has two combat missions under his belt.  Now he's facing Photon Brett-Marik, who has four years of active combat experience during the latest Marik Civil War while under the guidance of his now deceased second cousin who had a damn fine military mind and who's Mech he now pilots.

I can’t believe he took the challenge.  Ian’s too much like his uncle for his own good.”

“Regardless he’s in it now.  Let’s see if he remembered anything from Albion or the Dragoons.  The whole Inner Sphere is watching.”

The two of them looked at the view screen above the arena where the red and gold Golden Lion, and purple and black Black Eagle, were raised from their ready stations to the fetid jungle.

Ian watched as his Marauder was slowly lifted into the humid subtropical Arena.  He could see the greenhouse roof above and the slope of the pyramid where live audiences watched through narrow bands in the armored wall. 

Golden Lion was not going to like this Arena, it was already a heat hog but so was Photon’s Orion.  This was going to be an ugly match, at least they were equally weighted, the bookies said it was a toss up which was a relief as Ian had no idea of Photon's combat experience before accepting the challenge.

Ian could almost feel the sticky hot air and was glad that he packed the cooling shorts along with the vest.  The headband of his new D38 Neurohelmet was already slick with nervous sweat and that was with the cockpit at ambient temperature.   

The experience just felt so surreal.  To be face to face with a wall of green fighting a Mech battle with the cousin of his potential bride to be.  Bishop told him not to do it but that never stopped him before.  He couldn’t just turn down a challenge and hide from combat that was not the Davion way.
Hopefully the Mariks wouldn’t make a habit of it, he had more important things to worry about then family feuds.  Even if that was the order of the day when it came to the Free Worlds League's ruling dynasty.

He felt the lift stop his mech was still locked out by the Arena’s Controller judging by the bright red display on his HUD.  The bars that were securing the elevator were pulled back into the ground.

A slightly accented voice came in over the comm-link, “Combatant are you ready?”
Ian checked himself and his mech running through the standard pre-deployment checklist by memory, “Affirmative.”
“Stand by for manual transfer. Three, Two, One”

The Arena controller released the Battlemech to him and the bright red letters disappeared from his HUD.  The Marauder stepped forth and pushed its way into the darkened canopy of The Jungle in search of his target.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Iron Grenadier on 19 September 2018, 10:51:23
Been waiting for this to start back up.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 20 September 2018, 05:12:25
Photon Brett-Marik used his Orion’s hands to part the jungle in the Arena. The current generation of Orions were different than those of star league vintage in that they actually had hand actuators. A radical addition to the old chassis that greatly improved the machine’s close combat capabilities and widened it's mission portfolio. 

The Jungle was not his first choice for venue but the Cathay Games Commission was eager to see the Confederation’s two greatest enemies duke it out with one another and offered it free of charge to the combatants.  It was just so much sweeter that both were Princes of their respective factions.  Photon was on the short list as heir apparent after his uncles but ahead of his cousins (Ana 6, Janos 5, and Corrine 17) however neither uncle confirmed it, holding their cards close from their elder nephew. 

If Thomas had stayed dead there was already a plan in place to deal with Paul, but his uncle has miraculously recovered from the bomb that killed Janos and Duggan Marik and was voted in as Captain-General.  As long as the details of Photon’s time serving under his 2nd cousin Duncan as Uriel Vesely stayed secret he would remain a golden son with his mother continuing to champion his appointment as heir-apparent. 

However, if that came out it would ruin his chances and might cause him to end up like his other uncles Gerald and Anton, executed for treason. 

Thus he was here instead attempting to foil their current plan, his uncle Paul had been in conversations with the Federated Suns for years now concerning a match between his cousin Corrine and Prince Ian.  He couldn’t let that happen.  It would completely ruin his chance to be anything other than what he was now. The Federated Suns was pushing some of the provinces the wrong way and he intended to use that discord to reach the top.

There were no signs of the Marauder that he was searching for and that was frustrating.  He thought the enemy could be stalking behind him at this very moment.  The man had survived the brutal campaign against Andurien Succession and was as wary of Liao or Steiner treachery as he was of his Davion opponent.

His Mech’s sensors were limited by the vegetation which meant surprises would be assured.  He backtracked and continued pushing into a glade.

Ian Davion was on edge in a glade when the sensors detected an unknown contact off the four o’clock.  The Marauder turned and saw a purple and black Orion pushing past a tree roughly 200 meters away.  “You’re mine now Mari.”

He fired everything at the lumbering mech and hit with one of his PPCs and a large laser, the energy weapons turned the glossy paint into char as slagged armor steamed all the way to the grass.  His Mech’s internal temperature spiked as it attempted to cool the heavy weapons.  Ian could hear the fans in his cockpit increase in pitch as they attempted to keep him at a livable temperature even as he felt the floor warm from the radiant heat of the power plant below.

The Orion returned fire, its medium autocannon, large laser, and a dozen missiles hit rocking the Marauder, threatening to unbalance Ian, and destroying the carefully kept paint job as charred and shattered armor clattered to the spongy ground below.  Ian’s sweat dripped down his arms and onto the control sticks, rivulets vaporizing on the metal floor, “Vince is going to be pissed.”

Ian’s mech was slowed as the myomer refused to operate at peak efficiency due to the heat.  He backpedaled toward the jungle attempting to keep an open distance between the enemy and his mech.  An Orion was already a fearsome combatant but even more so at close range where the Marauder’s barrel like arms were not as good. 

According to the reports Photon was a brawler both in and out of Battlemechs thus he wanted to close and they were already too close for Ian’s comfort.  Ian again regretted not borrowing Bishop’s Penetrator.

Photon’s Orion menaced toward the Marauder, firing its arm mounted lasers, medium autocannon, and large laser at close range.  The coherent light and high explosives crashed into Ian’s mech, again threatening to topple him.  Catching itself with a timely arm post the Marauder stabilized, steam erupted as the white hot barrel touched the warm humid grass already cooking from his overloaded leg mounted heat sinks. 

“I have not even seen your cousin yet man, get over yourself.  You think I wanted this sort of thing to happen?”

The particle cannons of the Marauder found their targets and staggered the heavy Battlemech enough that its pilot needed to take a moment to regain his balance.  Ian’s mech was still critical on heat, he could feel every joule of waste from the thermonuclear core below him.  It was a necessary sacrifice to gain a momentary advantage.  Soon his arms would be used for an alternate purpose then firing supercharged particles half a kilometer away.

The Marauder backpedaled into the nearby undergrowth but the Orion was quick behind, the Marik mech was blackened in places but it was still in good condition.  There was little chance it was going down soon while his Marauder was getting torn up and with the enemy at such a close range the PPC’s field inhibitors would make firing his main weapons all but impossible. 

He needed to give the system time to cool down anyway but having an Orion in your face made every second count, at least this wasn’t the feared 2M (“aka the Male”) version with a 203mm Autocannon and lasers (LL, 2 ML) but no missile rack (as opposed to the 3M or Female version with a larger missile rack and lasers).  This was the more balanced 3B although it was still capable of more damage than his Marauder at most ranges.  Ian fired his large laser and hit the Orion square in the center of mass melting more armor from the already charred section.

The Orion returned fire with its own laser cutting deep into the Marauder’s weak leg armor before attempting to punch with its heavy battle-fists.  Ian switched the input to the data-gloves and managed to deflect the punches but the Marauder’s arms took a beating in the process. 

“Can’t keep that up.  Not going to have an arm left to defend myself when this is all done. 

Gotta come up with something good or get lucky.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 14 May 2019, 16:51:20
Prince Ian was getting warm his DI computer was warning him that it heat exhaustion would soon set in unless he cooled down  It wouldn't stop him from pushing the envelope but it was nice that Golden Lion was looking out for him.  Ian Davion opened a set of covered switches in his cockpit, turning each of the toggle switches and overriding the caution message.  “Time to disengage the PPC's field inhibitors.  Sorry Leo these are desperate times.” 

His tech Vance monitoring the telemetry of the unit from the control room attempted to open a channel to him, “And this is gonna hurt me too, a lot.  But I'll probably live.”

Photon Brett-Marik watched the Davion Prince that he had trapped against the Liao jungle.  His raven black hair was just a little damp from the jungle heat but Black Eagle's wasn't taxed in this match.  Its battlefists were ready to crush his foe in a perfectly controlled and legal way.  “Idiot.  All it takes is one mistake to end your reign before it even starts.”

The azure blue gathering at the ends of the Marauder's Magna Hellstar PPCs was brighter than normal.  At point blank range they were certain to explode from the feedback.  “You crazy bastard, you didn't.  You are only going to get one shot.  Don't miss.”

The impact of the Marauder's full weapon strike punched through the armor of his Orion 3B and found the half magazine of autocannon shells and missile racks.  The volatile ammunition detonated and blew the Orion apart, its limbs were thrown to the four corners of The Jungle the flaming wreckage was extinguished in the humid air within the biodome.  The Marauder's PPCs went critical from the feedback and detonated.  Most of the damage was contained within the Marauder but the arms shattered causing shrapnel to embed itself in the softwood trees.  The residual feedback, overheat, and blast caused Ian to black out in his cockpit.  Photon's ejection seat took his unconscious form high above the jungle landing ninety meters from the collapsed mech and parts of another one.

Within the S7 Central Broadcast studios the live commentators and their crowds were hushed but began clapping within moments.  One of them a young alt woman with a tattoo climbing up her neck and just enough cleavage from her top.  “What a fight!  Short, sweet, and to the explosive point.  So who wins Ron?”

A black man with dreadlocks in his early 30s had his comm-pad out scrolling through the tablet, “Well according to the chatter;  I think Ian wins cause he still has most of mech left and is still in it.  Black Eagle is a total loss.  Photon is going to be going back to mama Therese empty handed.”
“But not with blood on his hands so mixed blessing.  Lets see if he is still alive.  The Jungle's Director has not given us new telemetry data yet, Golden Lion's particle feedback might have wrecked their sensors.  Lets zoom in on the rescue crews.”

Orange uniformed medics exited the blaring chartreuse Simca ambulance.  Two of them went to Photon's chair and another two were attempting to gain entry to the cockpit of Golden Lion.  Two medics had thumbs up and were moving the stunned Mechwarriors onto stretchers.

“Alright no kills but a great show from the Jungle today.  Sorry pay-per-view people but it was by the minute.  Keep turned to channel Sigma Seven for more exciting live matches or pre-recorded action. 
I think a King of Hill match is about to start in the Barrens.
Laura Vera here from Solaris Seven.  We will be back with more commentary in five minutes after a word from Blue Shot Weapons.”

10/15/3040 20:47 Location – Starlight House, Black Hills, Solaris VII

Ian woke with the worst headache since his graduation from Albion Military Academy more than seven years ago in his twenty five.  The window in his room was open and a cool fragrant breeze was blowing in from the curtains.  He attempted to stand but as soon as he put his feet on the floor he stumbled but broke the fall as he had trained multiple times on the mat at Albion.  “What the hell?” 
He rolled over and rocked to his knees holding his head straight.  “Severe feedback fatigue.  Going to be a rough month of recovery.  Still better than dead.  Bishop!

Major Bishop Sortek opened the door it was a great sight for the floorbound Ian.  The man leaned over and picked him up to his feet.  “I didn't kill him did I?”
“No but you did dispossess him, at least for a little while.  The Duchess' people came to collect him, though too late to stop it from happening and apologized.  He's going to have to answer to Duchess Therese over his recent behavior.”

The elder Marik was know to be a tough woman, Ian eventually found his way to the bathroom. “I should have killed him.”
“Let's hope you don't get the chance Ian.  Vance is beyond livid about how you broke 'his' work of art.”

Finishing his business he noticed that the toilet paper was used up. “I'll deal with him in the morning.  Hey.ah Bishop can you grab some teepee for me?”

Major Sortek tapped on the door, “Yes Sire,
Yeah sure Bishop its a great opportunity.  Serve the Prince. 
Keep him alive, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. 
Artie, you owe me big for this.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: cklammer on 16 May 2019, 14:13:29
Hooray - Prince Ian lives  ;D

Thank you the update  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Starfox1701 on 16 May 2019, 14:16:42
I get the district impression we are missing something politically
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 16 May 2019, 19:18:57
I get the district impression we are missing something politically

Yeah shenanigans are afoot as usual in the Inner Sphere.


10/17/3040 Location – Starlight House, Black Hills, Solaris VII
Hanse Davion's hologram played on the top end DE-18k projector in the Starlight room.  “Ian, that was a really dumb thing that you did last week.  You almost caused a major interstellar incident and gave me a heart attack with that final bit. 

I'm serious too, fortunately your mother was there with me. The doctor said it was good that it was only a little one.  That coronary could have been way worse if we didn't get to the clinic.”

Hanse lifted a plastic container filled with a colorful pulpy liquid.  “Going to have to change some things and take better care of myself.  Unfortunately that means I have to drink these awful smoothies every day and can never eat bacon or red meat again.
By the way your mother is furious with you; I had to stop her from getting on a jumpship to Lyran space to drag you back by your ears just this morning.  Expect a scathing rebuke once she calms down.

My opinion you made it look good; I appreciate the swagger but not the sensationalism.  There are going to be consequences for your behavior.  Golden Lion is going to have to be fixed at your sole expense.

You broke it you fix it.
Fox Out.”

The hologram disappeared and the lights returned to normal.  Ian saw Bishop sitting across from him.  “That could have been way worse Ian.  I suppose its a mixed blessing, hope your father doesn't have a repeat incident.”

Ian and Bishop were both dressed in normal clothes they had to stop public appearances to actually get anything done.  'Golden Lion vs Black Eagle' was the top selling holovid on the COMMNET since Jusin Allard piloted Legend Killer.  Everyone knew who Ian was now which was good and bad, the Commonwealth appreciated the celebrity while the League was impressed with his boldness.  “Me too Bishop.  Glad I could help him catch it early I guess.  I am trepidatious about seeing Golden Lion again.”

“You did a real number on it that's for sure.  Vance is very unhappy but fixing that mech is his job.  Choosing what to do with it is yours.  You just need to choose your enemies wiser.”

Ian stood up and began to walk toward the garage Bishop beside him as he was still shaky from FF, “What?  I didn't know who he was initially.”

“A great reason to not to get in a deathmatch with him.  He wasn't worth it.”

“I don't know about that Bishop.  It worked out in the end right?”

Bishop drove them out of the Starlight House past a crowd of onlookers gathered outside the walls.  Some women flashed the car but all of them were shouting.  “I don't know about that.  Too much of this attention is not great for our mission.”

“Corrie might have a cardboard standee of me in her room right now.  Just waiting for the real thing.”

“I doubt AMI would let that happen.  If she has a cardboard anything it is probably a target.”

“Why do you have to say it like that?”

A police patrol vehicle gave them an escort through the Black Hills to New Avalon Technologies.  The expansive building was warded by a tall perimeter fence and a contingent of armed guards including Copper securitymechs as well as top tier surveillance technology.  The gate guards waved the pair through before closing the gate behind them.  Bishop followed the markings on the side of the building and parked the car outside one of the Mech Bays where a GM Edge sport motorcycle and EM Envy SUV was parked.  “Alright we're here Ian.”

“Good thing Tran is here too.  I need to talk to him.”

“I'm going to talk with Vance real quick.  He's been determining what we need to do to get Golden Lion back online.  When you're done change and meet me in there.”

Bishop walked past a group of Mechtechs on a smoke break and they gave him some direction which he followed.  Ian noted where he went and then walked into the smaller windowed door in the side of the building carrying a bag with his utility clothing inside.  The receptionist told him where Tran Ky Bao was and pointed him in the right direction. 

The building was a standard commercial type, cheap carpet, stale coffee, and poor light.  Ian walked past small offices with many different agents providing legal, technical, and business service as well as stablemasters and merc commanders recruiting new warriors inside.  He stopped at a small suite of offices, the boilerplate 'Starlight Stables, Talent Manager Tran Ky Bao.' was written on the glass in sparkling gold print.

Ian opened the door and was greeted by the receptionist, a pretty woman of Southeast Asian ancestry wearing a yellow floral printed Ao dai and speaking with a musical voice, “Bonjour Prince Ian.”

“Bonjour Mademoiselle, Je m'excuse mon francaise est rouille, trop allemand”

“I can use standard too though it doesn't sound as pretty.”

“That is quite fine.  If I didn't have Bishop and the others I doubt I would hear my native tongue quite as much.”

The receptionist stood up and pointed, “Mr Bao is waiting for you.  His office is down this hall, 2nd door on the right.  Would you like coffee?”
“Yes thank you, Miss?”
“Sao Lei”
“Thank you Miss Sao Lei.  May I leave my bag here?”

Sao bowed gently, “Certainly.  You are very welcome Prince Ian.  I will bring the coffee in a few moments.”
Ian walked down the hall and found Tran's door open, he entered the room and closed the door behind him.  The Stablemaster stood and smiled at him, “Welcome to my offices Ian.  I figured you would stop by.  Please sit.”

Ian obliged the offer sitting in the comfortably upholstered chair, “What can I do for you?”
“You have been a very generous host Mister Bao.  I do however have a sudden need for funds.”
“Golden Lion is in bad shape I understand.  You are rich why do you need my help?”
“Well my father has decided to punish me by making me pay to fix Golden Lion.”
“It will be expensive.  I am quite willing to help of course as a proud citizen of the St Ives Compact.”
“Now as I understand it my Freelancer contract comes with a royalties clause.”

Tran Ky Bao pulled up the contract brief on his computer, “Yes and a generous one at that courtesy of my negotiator.  You winning also helped my bookkeepers.  Liao loyalists bet heavily against you and filled my pockets in the process.”

“Serves them right.  I would like you to transfer it to you with some terms.”

“That is a very kind offer Prince Ian.  Certainly worth more than the repairs for your Marauder.  What else do you need the money for?”

“I would like a certain residual fund outside of the Ministry of Ways and Means.  Possibly in the SICB (St Ives Central Bank).”

“For what?”


Tran peaked his fingers in interest.  “I understand.  We can certainly make that happen and no one needs to know but us and well Sao Lei.”

He picked up the phone and asked his receptionist to bring him the report he just printed with the coffee.  The woman appeared a few minutes later and Ian signed the paper to make Tran Ky Bao the custodian of a trust in his name with a generous retainer fee.  “I will send this out to my associates via bonded courier.  No need for COMSTAR to know about our arrangement.”
“I appreciate it.  Say I have another request Tran.  Do you know a Doctor David Vining, Ex NAIS?”
“Yes, he runs a small salvage operation in Xolara.  Why?”
“Can you contact him for me?  I have a contract for him if he is interested.”
“Certainly Ian, I will ask him to stop by NAT.  Is that all?”
“Thus far yes.  Thank you Mister Bao.  My adventures in Solaris would not have been possible without your assistance.”
“Hardly reassuring considering you almost died in your first month despite both me and Bishop looking out for you.  I would not like to receive any message from your father assigning me any credit.  Enjoy your sweat equity Ian.”

Ian finished his coffee, said goodbye to Sao Lei, and changed into his utility clothes for his likely extended shift assisting Vance in fixing Golden Lion.  As he entered the Mechbay he saw what was left of Golden Lion being held up next to “Jumping Jack,” Bishop's pristine Penetrator.  Both of the arms were gone and the torsos were heavily damaged by the PPC capacitors, the remaining armor had been stripped out to allow easier access to the unit's internal space.  The myomer musculature of the mech made it look almost biological but it was clearly a machine.  Wire on spools and a Myomer repair unit were located on large dollys.  When Vance saw him he almost rushed Ian but was held back by Bishop. 
“You dumbass.  You broke the whole damn thing.  I have to rewire everything in this stupid machine because you burned the whole electrical system!”

“At least we won't be bored Vance.”

“You won't be bored.  No, I'm making you go in the hole to fix the linkages in Golden Lion's armpits.  First I need to get some arms though.”

“This is Solaris we can find parts.”

“Yeah old ass or broken ones that need refurbishing.”

“Well this Marauder could have probably used a tear down and refurbishment.  It's nearly a hundred years old, spent the last fifty in mothballs.”

“Yeah but I need a whole depot crew to fix this thing by the end of the year.”

“We can find some.  I already have a lead.”

“Who are we going to trust to fix the First Prince's mech on this planet.”

“Someone Doctor Banzai said was a genius.  I have some alterations in mind for Golden Lion to bring it into the Thirty First century.”

“What do you mean?”

Ian looked at the large laser that was now the only weapon still active on the broken Marauder.  He opened his engineering computer to a top secret NAIS prototype version to improve on the venerable weapon with newly recovered technologies from the Helm Memory Core.  A major gift that he was intending to offer to the laser loving Mariks in order to demonstrate the value of an alliance with the Federated Suns.  Now he would get an actual working copy which was one of his reasons to come to Solaris in the beginning.  “Take a look at this Vance and tell me what you think.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 16 May 2019, 21:20:01
Chapter 7 - Building for the Future
10/20/3040 Location – New Avalon, Federated Suns

First Prince Hanse and his wife Dana Davion(-Stephenson) walked through the immaculate gardens of Castle Davion.  His health scare was still not going to stop him from visiting his son Andrew on Galax.  There would just be another doctor present on his personal dropship.
The First Prince stormed across the cool stone path attempting to sooth his inner turmoil, his red hair swaying in an autumn breeze.  “I don't like this Dana.  Cornelia (Precentor New Avalon) has to be in on it.  We would have known before this (Ian's Solaris Match) happened it was all over the net but not on New Avalon.”

Dana was harried to catch up to Hanse having a much shorter stride as he stormed about, strands of her chestnut brown hair fell out of the green wool hat she was wearing.  “Dear, you are putting to much stress on yourself and its bad for your heart.  You should calm down, step back, and let your deputies take on greater responsibilities.  Quintus' people can handle ROM.”

“FLUSH is my baby.  It has been going on for years but we can't stop COMSTAR, each agent we find is replaced almost immediately.  They own the HPGs and hear everything.  We have to accept their ComGuards but that doesn't mean we can trust them. 

The Suns doesn't have the ability to handle an interdiction, the jump fleet is not big enough.  We need those League and Lyran ships if we are to go against the Order without ruining ourselves. 

Just getting Victoria almost caused a dozen Outback worlds to starve to death and drove twenty into full blown economic depressions because we needed the Jumpships.  Quintus is not getting any younger and Tancred shows promise but is not seasoned enough yet because he is with Yvonne.  I can't separate them without causing trouble. 

We can't even be certain the LIC is entirely on our side they have their own problems in Skye. 
Justin is helping up with the Mask agents but the Dracs are everywhere and raiding with greater vigor with mechs not seen in a hundred years.”

Dana grabbed his arm and restrained him holding firm despite her smaller size.  “We will be fine.  The Federated Suns has always had adversity but we grow stronger each time.  NAIS is a threat to COMSTAR.  We have already started to claw back lostech from the great void of history. Our alliance with the Commonwealth is as well as long as Melissa sees us as useful.

The hopefully impending marriage of Ian to Corrine will be the finishing touch.  They know it but they know they can't win a war against the Federated Suns...”
“Not yet at least you mean.”

She held him close it was cold out and they had been wandering the gardens for too long, “Not ever.  New Avalon will never fall to an enemy power.  Not while my Fox is in charge.”

Hanse embraced her and kissed her on the lips, “I appreciate the vote of confidence Dana.  You keep me going in the right direction.  Thank you.”

On the other side of the Inner Sphere on the planet Tamarind, Photon Brett-Marik looks up at the ongoing construction of the Technicron Manufacturing Jumpship Yard from the windows of the Painted Desert Estate.  His mother Duchess Therese Marik glared at him, his father Jeremy Brett was also present as was his brother Reginald both of whom were equally scalding. “What the hell were you thinking Pho?”

“I wanted to see if all the hype about Ian was deserved.”

“So you challenged a Prince of the Federated Suns to a potential deathmatch on Solaris because you wanted to see if he was a good Mechwarrior?”

“Yes.  He didn't have to take the challenge.”

“Bullshit!  You went AWOL with Duncan's mech because you wanted to prove something.  All you did was prove you are an ass and made things difficult for us.”

“Cause you care oh so much about my feelings mother.”

“Your feelings are unimportant to the status and standing of this family.  Which has been tarnished due to your reckless behavior.  What do you think would happen if you had won?  Were you expecting a grand parade on Atreus and a medal?”


“Good because you would have gotten worse than being grounded; probably been on the other side of a bullet.  You can't go AWOL if you can't break orbit.  I'm going to keep a close eye on you from now on.” 

Therese put her hand to her chin in thought as she looked toward a picture from one of Tamarind's esteemed artists.  “You took and destroyed Duncan's mech that he left you so you are going to help raise his son.  A far more noble way to honor your cousin's legacy.”

“Do you really think that's the best idea mother?”

“I don't really care.  Carlos needs a father figure and you need something productive to do while you are stuck here.  If you don't do it, then you will be checked into the stockade instead.”

Tamarind's stockade was a legendary hell-hole set in an incredibly isolated and fiery stretch of the planet's vast deserts on the Dhofar continent atop a sand quarry only accessible via helicopter. “I accept.  I swear I will do better to atone for my errors.”

“I had hoped so.  Now be a good boy and get out of this house.  I have so much damage control to do with my brothers and questions for Precentor Kajidama.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: mikecj on 17 May 2019, 17:07:31
Boys will be boys...
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 18 May 2019, 11:16:30
Chapter 9 - Focht on the Rim
11/01/3040 Location – Canopus, Magistracy of Canopus

“Precentor Martial please follow me.”  Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht followed the flamboyantly dressed Canopian man through the perfumed halls of the Crimson Palace of Canopus.  His own white and gold uniform was crisp but scorching hot in the heat of the tropical city. 

The gray Zouve dressed Iron Hand of Raventhir guards watched them as they approached a large door their weapons held in front of them at the ready.  Two of them opened the door as they neared it and let the bright light of stained glass windows into the previous dark and warm corridor. 

Magestrix Emma Centrella reclined on a pillowed futon wearing a very revealing sari type garment.  A fan was blowing across her causing her honey brown hair to fly back from her face and keep her cool though you could see some sweat coming down her exotic and glamorous body just like an ancient queen in the holovids. 

She was currently being attended by six older women wearing crimson clothes, with a snap the women were dismissed and departed via doors along the back wings of the room.

Emma beckoned him forward causing a series of gold bangles to clink against one another.  Anastasius Focht walked forward and his escort walked backward into the door they just entered.  His boots clacked on the colorful mosaics which melded into the colored light of the stained glass windows propped open in the heat.  He stopped slightly forward the slightly raised platform roughly ten paces from the woman.  “So what brings Comstar's Precentor Martial in the flesh all the way to the rim and my humble little realm?”

“I am inspecting the new ComGuard formations in the Magistracy.  I understand that you pushed back on the Primus regarding our purely defensive formations.”

“Purely defensive”
she scoffed, “even a demi-company of your ComGuards could overpower most of my depleted world's defenses and I only accepted their continued existence under threat of extortion."

“But they won't and have standing orders to aid the planetary garrison as long as it doesn't endanger their core mission.  I apologize on the behalf of the Blessed Order, Precentor Canopus was out of line with his crass methods.  His removal and a change of top leadership; will I hope give us a clean slate.  Additionally I come bearing a gift for you to show that we are sincere.  May I approach?.”

Emma sat up and patted one of the pillows beside her, “You may sit beside me if you wish, or more.”

The gruff Focht slowly shook his head, “No, this is business.  I'm afraid I shall have to decline your hospitality.”

“All business and no fun.  Are you certain you are not a Steiner?”

The former Frederick Steiner was mildly insulted but he had spent the past ten years in a DCMS prison camp and had learned how to not show it.  “You prefer the Davions I hear.”

Magestrix Centrella stood straight up, “Damn right I do!  Romano Liao ordered that MAC to attack Canopus an attack that we barely repulsed.  Duchess Candace Liao and Lady Arano remain my most stalwart allies in an Inner Sphere filled with pretty words and petty politics.”

Focht remained calm during the fiery woman's rant, “Well I assure you that while this agreement is quite pretty it is sincere and Comstar continues to be dedicated to the bigger picture with no space for pettiness.”

Emma regained control and sat back down.  “Apologies Precentor Martial, that was improper to do to a distinguished guest though I am not certain how to properly quantify you.  Comstar has never had a Precentor Martial or such a large public military force, it is all quite new.”
Anastasius walked up to her and handed her a verigraph protected case.  “No worries Magestrix.  I am figuring it out myself.  There have been many changes and more to come.  It will be a difficult transition but hopefully a worthy one.  This has already been approved by Gamma branch.  The long forms were transmitted to the Delphi HPG yesterday from Terra.”

The Magestrix opened a small port on the case and put her thumb on the contact plate.  The case unlocked and disengaged the incendiary charge that would have destroyed its contacts in the event of a breach.  She looked through them intently while Focht spoke.  “With this preferential deal extended to Mindstar Entertainment you should be able to better service your mother's debts.  Additionally support for a MRB hiring hall on Hardcore, upgrading Canopus' HPG to an A class station, and more jumpship traffic should bring more business into your lap.”

Emma looked back at him, “With that rate I will be able to be free and clear in five years.  My lap.  How about yours?”

The Precentor Martial shook his head again, this woman was too much. “My lap shall remain unoccupied Magestrix Centrella.”

She gave a slightly disappointed sigh and pout, “If you insist.  However, if you change your mind I will be right here.  Are you certain there is nothing else that I can do for you?”

“No.  That is quite enough Magestrix.  I have business to attend to with Precentor Ribiero.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: mikecj on 18 May 2019, 17:19:33
Ah Frederick...
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Tyler Jorgensson on 19 May 2019, 00:45:41
Following... quite amusing AU
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 19 May 2019, 17:52:39
Following... quite amusing AU

I appreciate it Tyler.  This one is much more light than my increasingly grimdark Katherine verse (which is waiting while I figure out exactly what I need to write)


12/08/3040 Location – Calderon Hall, Taurus, Taurian Concordat

Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht walked into a security checkpoint within the Taurian Concordat's executive mansion.  “Arms up Precentor Martial.”  The Concordat Marshal wanded him and Precentor Sikandar.  They cleared the checkpoint and were still following one of the clerks that worked in this building.

“The Protector is mighty paranoid Precentor Martial.  Third checkpoint we've had to walk through.”

“He thinks Quintus Allard is trying to kill him.”


“No.  He's not quite that obsessed to think that the Head of MIIO would personally give him a visit.  Far to busy dealing with Seneca and Romano's Mask for that kind of endeavor.”

“Its not like it would get him anyhow.  The TDF can launch raids at the Victoria PDZ but can't overextended or take any advantage of a breakthrough due to a paucity of Jumpships.  So why are we dealing with him again?”

Anastasius whispered to Sikander, “The ComGuards wouldn't exist without the Concordat.  I can't talk about it but our Blessed Order is having to put our thumb on the scales to maintain balance in the Inner Sphere.  Hanse Davion is upsetting the equilibrium of the Inner Sphere and giving the Primus in particular fits.”

Focht and Cali continued walking through the narrow halls of Calderon Hall.  The dark wood lacked any decoration beyond portraits of several Protectors and illustrious Marshals.  Their guide departed and left them in front of the Protector's study.  The door opened and a member of the Far Lookers departed from the office.  The tall man walked proudly out his business suit crisp and classically styled, he identified as an Inheritor by his affiliation medallion.

“Blake's Blessings upon you Precentor Martial.”

“Upon you as well.  Who are you, sir?”

“I am Lord Gabriel Gaer of the Carthage Collective, though many call me Lord Ga-ga.  I sensed that you would come here soon when I set out from the rim.  All the signs point to the end for the Great Houses.  The inheritors would be willing to help Comstar put everything back together as it should be.”

“I thought all orders of the Far Lookers were on the Protector's bad side considering the massive upheaval and fraud of the past years.”

“True we have lost some of our standing but Lady Katherine is among my order's number.  The Inheritors were not involved with the investment malfeasance over the years.  We have continued to politically support Thomas' Protectorship at the expense of our standing among our peers in many cases.”

“Bold statement and yet a strong sign of integrity.  Perhaps we shall speak again Lord Gaga.”

“You have a standing invitation to Carthage should you ever wish Precentor Martial Focht.  Now I would not keep the Protector waiting he's gets unpleasant ideas if there is a delay.”

Gabriel departed and Cali opened the door for Anastasius before following behind.  Protector Thomas Calderon and his eldest son and heir-apparent 19 year old Jonah Calderon on world with his cadet class from the Concordat Aerospace Flight School currently doing a rotation at École Militaire.  Both men shared a strong resemblance dusky skin and curly black hair though Jonah was wearing a leather bomber jacket and only tangentially interested in what was going on.

“Protector of Taurus Thomas Calderon, Blake's Blessings upon you and your distinguished family.”

“I don't like the mystic or flowery talk.  I am not a Far Looker or that tart of a Magestrix that needs to be flattered.  We speak plainly here.  Why are you here Anastasius?”

“As I mentioned before I landed I am inspecting the ComGuard garrisons and speaking with the leaders of the Four Periphery Realms as one of my first tours as Precentor Martial, I have already rotated through the Alliance, Republic, and Magistracy.  We are also looking at partnerships to expand our number and provide better service to our loyal customers.  The Order and your Realm have had disagreements in the past.”

“Putting it lightly, We Taurians have a proud tradition of defying Terra's influence.  We are a self-reliant people.”

“Yes and I come bearing a few tokens from Terra that I hope will dismiss any concerns you have about our intentions with the HPGs in your territory; and increase that self-reliance.  We hope you will accept these boons as a down payment for partnership in our goals.”

“What do you want from the Concordat Precentor Martial?”

“I have several contracts for your industries to provide equipment for the ComGuards.  Additionally we would appreciate one of your worlds hosting a supply depot and another a naval repair yard for our people.  The Concordat is a far away from Terra and defense of our dispersed enclaves is an increasing priority in these uncertain times.  So it is not what we want from you but how can we serve your needs better Protector?  I have a few tokens of our sincerity from Terra for you if you would like to entertain them.”

“That sounds like a trick Precentor Martial.  When did Comstar become so gracious?”

“The Primus believes that new blood in the organization combined with a new outlook will bring us greater opportunities.  We are attempting a new fairer approach to business in light of that and I am authorized to provide a few gifts for the leaders of some Realms.”

Precentor Focht presented a verigraphed metal document case to the Precentor who looked at it for a moment before opening it and paging over the letters.  “You can't really expect that I would allow you to take two of my children to Terra with you for brainwashing?”

“We do not brainwash in Comstar Protector Calderon we enlighten.  Your son Felix has expressed interest in joining our Blessed Order already as you likely know.”

“My son is confused.”

Jonah who was only mildly paying attention cut in after taking a look at the documents, “Dad This may be the only chance Janice has to get better.  Precentor Martial Focht can Kappa Branch actually treat the Brisbane Virus?”

Anastasius Focht looked at the young man as paternally as possible.  He was concerned about his sister which was a noble thing and like he expected a perfect opportunity.  “While I am no expert in the medical field Cadet Calderon I have been assured that they will try.  A Dove is due to arrive on New Vandenberg with a crew from the Kappa branch partnered with the Luxen MSTC sometime in the coming months.  It might take time but she will have access to the best doctors in the Inner Sphere if she comes with me to Terra.”

Despite his son's intentions he didn't know enough about Terran perfidy yet for Thomas.  “It still doesn't explain why you need Felix.”

Focht focused on the Protector look intently as his prosthetic left eye.  It was an old and crude model far inferior to his own which had been recently installed to replace the one lost in his near suicidal attack on the Combine years ago.  That realistic prosthetic was concealed under an eyepatch but Frederick Steiner had adjusted to its absence and it was intimidating to common people.  “I am told that your son Felix is a bright boy and wishes to join Comstar since you have effectively dismantled the Far Lookers Explorer Branch due to their financial improprieties.  The process greatly upset his ambitions to map the stars.  The Comstar Explorer Corps facility at the University of Aphros around Venus would be happy to take him in and allow him to pursue his dreams. 

It would also allow Janice to have a friendly face to visit though I am certain she will find people at the London Royal Hospital while taking classes at the Royal University nearby.

Young man, what do you think about this?  They are your sister and brother as well.”

Jonah was shocked at being addressed directly; still growing into the role of Heir-apparent after his sister's recent incapacitation. He hadn't been asked for his opinion frequently yet due to his father's controlling and paranoid mentality.  Jonah faced his father, “I think that Janice and Felix would accept this opportunity if presented father.  Jeffery might be mildly upset but he is only fourteen he has time to find his own way.”

“Fine you go and tell them then Jonah.  The Precentor Martial and I have another point of business to attend.  I will catch up with you later.”

“Thank you Father.  It is not everyday Comstar comes bearing gifts.”
  The young man excused himself and exited the study to inform his siblings of their impending journey when Precentor Martial Focht began heading coreward in March.

With him gone the Protector looked down the room.  “Now concerning this technical exchange.  How do I know your Omega team will not take advantage of their sensitive access to S2IRP (Sterope Special Industrial Research Project)?”
“Cali please reassure the Protector that you are not a ROM spy.”

Precentor Omega VII Caligula Sikander's white cape swished as he stepped forward, “Well I am not certain I can prove I am not a ROM spy but I can prove that my team knows their stuff.  I know you are no engineering expert Thomas, but I am.  If you would take a look at this please.”

The Precentor handed the man a data-pad with engineering diagrams for tooling and components that would improve the Concordat's heavy industries.  “I think you will find that my access to your program is a risk worth taking.  My working group can do a lot for your people.  We already have some plans on the drawing board that might interest your people.”

Protector Thomas Calderon looked over the data and asked questions.  “Enjoy your stay in the Concordat Caligula.  Omega Group will keep in touch.  Lord Protector Thomas, I hope you will consider these as a down payment for a bright new future for your Realm.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: snakespinner on 19 May 2019, 18:06:07
Why do I immediately get suspicious when someone named Caligula wants to help the TC. >:D
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 20 May 2019, 22:05:19
Why do I immediately get suspicious when someone named Caligula wants to help the TC. >:D



05/01/3041 05:58 Location – Hilton Head, Terra

The lights were on in Primus Myndo Waterly's quarters on the reclaimed island of Hilton Head now one of COMSTARs many glittering clusters that echoed the Golden Age of the Star League on humanity's home-world.  The Primus herself was on top of her Precentor Martial and vigorously rocking her hips as she straddled him. 

“You can't take an extended leave ever again Precentor Martial.  I won't allow it.”

She finished and he pushed her off him which resulted in her getting tied up in the sheets for a moment, “Madam Primus, the responsibilities of duty may require me to leave once more without your accompaniment.”

Myndo attempted to untangle herself but Anastasius held onto it, she didn't seem to mind. “And if I were to remove you from that duty and replace it with another?”

Focht released her, “I would be greatly displeased and your own pleasure might suffer as a result.  Do you really want that?”

The woman untangled herself and leaned on her elbow naked torso revealed, “You make a strong case Frederick.  I suppose I can allow it but not for a little while at least...Don't get too comfortable though I can always find another silver fox to satisfy me."

“An acceptable compromise Myndo.  I don't believe there is an urgent need for my presence elsewhere in the Inner Sphere at present so consider my talents at your service.”

“Good to have you back Precentor Martial.  You're back on your ranked duty in two hours.”

“Appreciate you giving the old man a breather Primus.  You'd just hate for him to have a heart attack in the presence of such a spirited lady.  Questions might be asked.”

Myndo got up from the bed and walked over to the bathroom, her upper body turned to him. “Doubtful.  No one asked about what happened to Julien before you.  Yes that reminds me I would like you to get that ticker of yours checked out at the clinic Precentor Martial.  I don't want you kicking out early after being away for so long.  I don't feel like I have gotten my money's worth out of you yet.”

“Of course Myndo.”
  He leaned forward and looked at his reflection in the mirror that caught the morning sun just right.  His torso was covered in scars from his time as a 'guest' of the DCMS on Algedi and long service in the LCAF prior.  His hair had just changed from blonde to gray but remained high and tight.  His blue cyber-eye was almost indistinguishable from its original yet he still covered it up, he rubbed his jaw still square despite all the abuse it suffered.  “That would be great tragedy for both of us.” 

He could hear the shower turn on and departed the room to the alternate one.  It felt dirty to sleep with his boss but she was just as passionate at that as she was in her ambitions for Comstar.  He also hadn't lost a step during his detention much to his own surprise.  Precentor Martial Focht washed, shaved, redressed, and ate breakfast in time for the morning briefing.
The Primus, Precentor Martial, and Precentor ROM Charles Seneca gathered in front of the sleek white plastic holotable each had recently been away from Terra on a special mission and had arrived on schedule as planned.  Charles Senaca, an entirely plain man of average build and thus a perfect spy was given the floor first

“Primus Waterly, Precentor Martial Focht.  As you know the Explorer Corps believe they have found one of the coreward supply depots used by the Wolf's Dragoons.  My men were dispatched to investigate and found this.”

He inserted a datacard into the reader and a projection of a derelict Warship and a pair of jumpships.  “This warship is one of the SLDF Volga line, it is marked CWS Provider.  The helium seals were broken and it looks like the Dragoons pulled everything of use off of it and purged its database.  Mu Branch is attempting to piece together the recovered data-core for anything related to its origin.  A Faslane from the Explorer Corps is en route to provide greater technical support and possibly salvage the derelict.”

Primus Waterly was enthralled by the poor state of the Volga transport, “They must have traveled a far distance in that piece of junk.  Amazing they got here with the few Warships they have in decent condition.”

Focht zoomed in a rotated the image, “Indeed, unfortunately we have not had to opportunity to see the Dragoon's warships engage any force in their time in the Inner Sphere.  I am thinking they might be paper tigers unlike our own.”  Another vessel, the Dante frigate White Wing, currently being assembled in the Titan Yards around Saturn replaced the derelict, “If not though the Dante, Faslane, and Carrack programs are underway once more according to Titan.”

Seneca looked toward him, “I still don't know about the Carrack's Precentor Martial.  Its just a simple transport.”

“Precisely and it shall draw little attention to itself because of that. Our ComGuards greatest advantage is our strategic mobility Charles.  Comstar controls the largest Jumpship fleet in the Inner Sphere but we are widely dispersed and these vessels are vulnerable to the Successor States growing Aerospace Corps.  The Carrack transports will be able to dissuade any aggression on our troops even without a Dante. 

With the potential ceasefire between the Commonwealth, League, and Suns we may have to go through heavy aerospace defenses in order to make planetfall should it prove necessary.  Hanse Davion has begun making major investments in the old McKenna Yards around Galax, Melissa Steiner is renovating Alarion's Port Sydney Yards, and Thomas Marik is using the Helm Core data to update the Technicron ones above Tamarind. 

If they can restart limited Warship production in the next twenty years we must be prepared, we have a head start but are not within sight of the finish line yet.  Holy Shroud has held them back this long but it is not doing so anymore.”

Primus Waterly looked at the two of them, “And what of all the mothballed ships at Luyten, Odessa, and Ross.”

Focht stood tall against his successor, the slight man was cowed by the still vital Warrior before him but it wouldn't last forever, he was a wily creature and if he sensed weakness he might attempt to take the Precentor Martialship.  “I had inspected them personally with members of the Order of Valkyries and Omega Research Group when I was Precentor ROM.  The Chief Architect at the Titan Yards doesn't think we can bring any of them out of mothballs at a reasonable cost or timetable.”

Precentor ROM Senaca cut in annoyed at the rude interruption, “We can however use them as parts for new construction, such a thing should reduce the cost of each new vessel to a more reasonable unit price that the Phi Branch can stomach.  It will require additional Faslanes however to speed along the process for the larger vessels and a massive recruitment effort in the technical groups for crew and labor. 

We might be able to poach some of the engineers working on the Houses' programs to begin it in earnest.  Once we start it will be difficult to stop without decay however Primus.  Already Primus York's original laborers from the first Dante build in the Titan Yards had to be brought in to train their replacements.  It will take time for the White Wing to be complete although it was partially finished before funding ran out.”

“Time we may not have.  Nevertheless well said Precentor Seneca. 

I am hesitant to invest so much treasure into the Warship program.  If we are discovered it would cause a major arms race that I don't think we could win while we are honoring our agreement with Theodore, Thomas, and Haakon. 

The Draconis Combine, Taurian Concordat, and Free Rasalhague Republic are all in dire need of investment from our Blessed Order and despite our recent windfalls these things need to be properly resourced.”

Charles looked toward the former Combine citizen Myndo, who had received high praise from the Dragon's covert service before she jointed Comstar to protest something they did poorly to a friend. “Did you manage to secure Minoru Kurita for the Order Primus?”

The woman pulled up a 3d picture of her Theodore, the 10 year old Minoru, and his older sister Omiko on Dieron.  “Yes, Theodore reluctantly supports his son's voluntary admission to our Order as a price for our continued support.  The boy is still very young but will take up residence in Fortress Dieron until his transfer here for further training and orientation.  I am told that Krupt, Martinson, and Skoebel will begin their tech transfers when that begins but in the meantime are providing spares to refurbish our White Army while supplying surplus goods at a steep discount to the Dragon.”

“Thomas Calderon's son Felix has also joined our Order, he is currently being oriented on Aphros Station as a member of the Explorer Corps.  His daughter Janice is in London receiving treatment for her Brisbane Virus.  Thomas will be easier to control now that we have two of his children under our care.  Not that we have to do much beside point him at Hanse Davion and let him fly into a paranoid rage but it helps if he thinks we are on his side.”

“So there is no intention to treat Janice Calderon in London?”

“No, we will treat the young woman and her fellow afflicted to our highest ability because Kappa Group needs to get practice dealing with these kinds of issues if we are to expand our offerings and network at the HPG Stations.”

“I suppose it will cost less than a new Battlemech so there is little trouble there.”

Precentor Martial Focht stood up, “Speaking of which I am due to head to the Mountains of Madness in an hour and would like to get ready.  If there are further lines of conversation I will be happy to continue our talk from my shuttle.”

Myndo stood up as well and faced him, “Please don't allow our chatter to interfere with your responsibilities elsewhere.  You are dismissed, Blake's Blessings upon you.  I would just like to speak with Precentor Seneca about our uninvited guests, The Wolf's Dragoons more.”

“Very well, Primus, Precentor ROM.  See you both at a later time.”

The desolate and snow covered plains of Terra's Queen Mab Mountains on Antarctica greeted Precentor Martial Focht as he departed in a heated snow creeper.  The bitter cold and darkness were offset but the fusion reactors and task lighting of the ComGuards Southern Storage and Refurbishment Depot, aka The Mountains of Madness.  The buggy rode into the sealed and heated garage joining dozens of similar vehicles.  The Precentor Martial and his aides stepped out in their bright orange high visibility coats with inner heating coils.  A middle aged man wearing the ComGuards Zeta Precentor patch on his shoulder with XII. “Right this way Precentor Martial.”

Focht followed the man through the winding passages to a large hanger dug into the deep rock of the range.  Before him were rows upon rows of damaged Battlemechs and Tanks left behind by Kerensky during his Exodus.  All were stripped down to their white primer coat and the front row had technicians in Exoskeletons, Industrial Mechs, and operating atop regular repair vehicles. 

Most of the combat units were terribly damaged but parts were sourced from Terra or cannibalized from other units if necessary.  “This is truly astounding architecture and operations-wise Precentor Sound.”

“Yes, the Hanger is one of the lost wonders of the Star League's Department Of Mega Engineering.  Perfect place to store lost treasures and insulated from observation in all spectra.  Little nippy but you get used to it, the jacket helps.”

“Would you like the grand tour of our facility sir?”
“Absolutely.  Glad we can finally begin making some progress on this mess.”

“Aye, me too.  Its not right to keep these War Machines locked up for centuries.  They were built to fight.  We should let them perform their purpose.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 21 May 2019, 16:52:24
Chapter 10 – Mandrinn takes Bishop
01/08/3041 18:47 Location – Cathay, Solaris VII

Tormano Liao walked through the streets of Cathay wearing a mask as expertly tailored as his black Zhongshang suit.  Both had been acquired in the same place, right here in Cathay, and he had need for some new acquisitions.  The man walked toward 'The Perfumed Garden' whose bright neon sign was presently dark during the day but would draw all manner of attention in a few hours.  Tormano walked up to the door and knocked thrice, a burly man in a kilt opened the door.  “De tha thu ag iarraidh?  Mura robh iad fosgailth.”

The mask was very good if it fooled Angus Stout, the former Northwind Highlander, “Tha duil aice rium”

Angus looked over him once more, the big man picked up the much smaller Tormano with a great hug.  “Little brother!  Come on in.  Fine craftsmanship you got on there fooled me even.  The Madame will be in the Jade Tea Room shortly.  Trust you can find your own way there.”

Tormano brushed himself off and stepped into the parlor before removing his mask, “Tapadh leibh Aongus.  Amazed it fooled you even for a short while.” 

The large man settled back into the thick Highspire hickory chair and Tormano set off through the main entertaining area where the barkeeps, elegant ladies, and attentive gentlemen were getting ready for their long evening.  One of the waitresses a thin woman with soft skin the color of teak wood intercepted him with a bottle of his favorite drink on a tray which she placed on the table in the Jade Tea Room.  “Xixie ni”  The woman departed with a smile and sashayed out of the room in her tight cheongsam dress with black fishnet stockings and heels closing the curtains behind her.

Madame Mai Shi entered shortly after, despite her biological age of nearly 50 she was still remarkably beautiful in her elegant robes with gold combs in her hair.  Once she was a close friend to both of his older sisters until she became their father's mistress after his second wife Elizabeth Jordan was found to be having an affair with Pavel Ridzik.  The affair unfortunately resulted in both of their untimely deaths due to 'suicide'. Max's fall from grace during the Victoria War and Romano's ascension to Chancellorship and the ongoing uncivil war with her sister had caused her to seek fortune elsewhere.  “Jie Mai Shi.  Ni kan quilai hen hao” ('Older sister' Mai Shi, you are looking well.)"

She leaned over and gracefully poured out two shots of the New Kyotan Imperial shogu on the table, “Tormano it is a pleasure to see you again.  How is the family?”

“We are well.”
  He raised a cup and she did the same, “To continued good health and fortune.”

“To continued good health and fortune.”
  Both placed the cups down and she poured another but let it stand for now.  “Tormano I've heard a dreadful rumor about Ian Davion's near death experience at the hands of Photon Brett in The Jungle.  Seems people think you might have arranged some of this...unfortunate coincidence.”

“While I did have access to both men's diplomatic schedules I would never do such a thing.  Just boys being boys.  You should know such things rarely are quite so simple.”

Both drank another shot of the liquor which was rapidly replaced.  “Yet you were recently on Atreus and had a chance to know about the troubled young man, have strings enough to pull for a match, clear the Jungle arena, and know that Ian enjoys the spotlight.  Seems you'd be the perfect man to arrange for such a fate for the Confederation's primary rivals.”

“Unfortunate coincidence I assure you.”

She smiled lightly, “Of course.  It was almost a terrible tragedy.  I hope you bet on Ian.  I did.  He could certainly stop by but I believe his Bishop is keeping him out of perfectly manicured hands.  Think of the publicity for my girls...or boys.”

Tormano sipped at the cup this time rather than rocking it back, “Based on what I saw on Tharkad its definitely girls Mai.”

“Excellent I should trying sicing young Zena on him.  Those Tikonovians will surprise many ways.”

“I don't think that will work, not unless you have a plan for his minder Bishop Sortek.  Ian may be inexperienced but that man is frustratingly competent when he chooses to be.  Must be in their blood, my father's doppleganger plan would have worked without his cousin Ardan.  Either way that is not what I wanted to ask you about.”

“Oh...why must you ruin my fun Tormie?  I might still do it anyway.”

“I'm not going to stop you but I do have an alternate target I am trying to get leverage on.”

“And who might this be?”

“ComStar's Precentor ROM Charles Seneca.  He's a League native and I hear that ROM is gathering for a big operation.  I want to know where it is, what they want, and why. 

Free Cappela might need some help to turn out the heroes to Ian.  Hanse Davion is not going to stop with the Victoria Commonality not if our young prince charms Corrine Marik.  The Confederation would lose all its allies if that comes to pass. 

The Steiners are still rocky but more stable now that Melissa and Thomas are together.  I can cause chaos in the League but only so much before they kick me out.  One of my sisters is going to lose their war and I need support to take down the other one out.  Once that's done I can reclaim the Confederation but to get that done I need COMSTAR to stop prolonging it for their own benefit at the cost of our fellow citizens.”

“Very well Tormie.  You always were a dreamer.  I will make some calls and get back to you.  Perhaps you would like to meet at your place next time.  Would like to meet Treyhang and little Fengmian.”

Tormano looked at her curiously, “I will bring age appropriate gifts, just because I run the finest entertaining house in Solaris City doesn't mean that is my sole interest,” she looked longingly at a ink painting on the side wall with her name on the bottom right of the canvas, “just the best paying one.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Starfox1701 on 21 May 2019, 20:47:17
You owe me 2 bottles of brain bleach for that image.  Very well executed more please
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 22 May 2019, 21:33:30
You owe me 2 bottles of brain bleach for that image.  Very well executed more please

I'm curious if that was just one of the posts or one for each.  Either way, express shipping to your place Starfox.


01/18/3041 20:58 Location – Black Hills, Solaris VII

Bishop Sortek parked his red Argyle Sunspot electric motorcycle in the parking garage attached to The Pelican Pub.  He secured his helmet behind the seat and next to his pack which had his Class A uniform neatly folded within.  The heavily muscled Sikh bouncer looked him over and found his lower key but trendy enough clothing acceptable but asked for ID.  Bishop presented his military and diplomatic IDs to the man.  “No weapons inside even for you Major.”

Bishop handed the man his matte black Serek 7875 sidearm and its holster then man looked him over.  “Got a knife or club?”
“No, just a flashlight...and my hands.”

The man let a small smile break his gruff exterior, “Enjoy the Pelican Pub Major Sortek.  Your pistol will be right here and I'll keep an eye on the bike.”  The man walked over to a series of small lockers with tab keys on them, pulled one out and handed it to Bishop who put it into one of the discreet pockets in his pants.

Bishop pushed his way through the walkway where there were a few private booths to conduct 'business' of all sorts.  The club was packed inside with the huge tri-vid projector mounted at the center of the circular bar throwing colorful images of dancing forms against the massive glass dome above.  2D Screens showed sporting matches from across the Federated Suns and by request elsewhere.

Patrons occupied the dance floor in a variety of outfits ranging from neon bright against the black lights to almost non-existent.  Bishop didn't get out much so his outfits while trendy and well-fitted were no quite as daring, that and he wasn't a big fan of dancing he was here for the Markesan League's Football Championship.  He walked up to the bar and caught the eye of the attractive barmaid who was wearing very little but enough.  “What'll it be soldier.”
“That obvious huh.”
“Well most of our clients don't keep their hair high and tight unless they are active duty.  I like it though.  What can I get you?  Kinda busy tonight.”
“I'll take a Talcott Tan and a menu.”
“Sure thing hun.”

The woman returned with a brown ale from his birth-world of Talcott, the quaint world known primarily for being one of the largest providers of the advanced Aerospace engines used by the AFFS' fighter craft.  He moved his beer to one of the quieter corners to watch the football game just uploaded to the FSBS from the hosting world of New Valencia.  Fellow fans were wearing the colors of the New Valencia Wildcats or the Northfield Bloodhounds.  Bishop didn't care who won but it was going to be a good game and he needed to relax after spending all day working at the Sortek building to get clearances to League space and new orders from New Avalon.

A young woman in a fashionable black dress sat next to him, she smelled pleasant far better than the sweat and spilled spirits of the other Pelican patrons.  “Oh wow!  I made it.  I thought I was going to miss the opening play.”

Bishop idly opened with some innocent banter, “Any favorites miss?”

She leaned over and pushed her honey brown hair back to reveal the face of a pixie with bright hazel eyes that caught the bright light of the screen, “I'm a Wildcat fan.  Name's Helena.”

“Bishop.  Nice to meet you.”

“You too.  That's a neat name.  I don't think I know any other Bishops.”
She patted his head, “Where's your hat?”

Bishop cracked a rare smile at her silliness.  “I'm not that kind of Bishop Helena.  The only Miter I have is a saw.”

Both of them laughed she more so than he, “Do you know how to use it?  I was thinking about remodeling a loft here in Solaris City.  I don't typically stay in one place very long though so it's probably not worth it.”

Bishop wasn't paying any attention to the game.  He was fixated on a different one but still wary of this woman's sudden interest in him.  “I know the feeling.  I live out of a duffel bag and a cramped footlocker.  It is a rare treat to not be wearing green.”

“I'm sure you look quite handsome in it.”

“Maybe.  Can I get you a drink?”

“So sweet of you.  I would love a whole bottle of Tequila but I'll settle for a shot of Alegre, if they have it.  It's been a long day.”

“A woman of fine taste.  Lime juice?”

“Is there any other way to enjoy Alegre.”

“Not that I know of.”

The waitress worked her way around and Bishop ordered two shots of the higher end Tequila with Lime juice.  Helena held her glass the light of the screen refracted in the clear liquid within.  “What shall we toast to Bishop?”

He looked at her thinking for a second.  “To shorter days...and longer nights.”

Her meek smile was replaced with a larger grin.  “I like it.”  She downed the shot and lime juice chaser, “Let's take a bottle to go.”

Bishop did the same, “I have more back at my place.  You'll have to ride on the back of my bike though might be a rough ride.”

“Practice makes perfect.  Let's get out of here.”

Bishop's red Sunspot peeled out of the garage with two helmeted passengers aboard.  The bike white-lined it all the way to the Davion Arms condo that was reserved for visiting VIPs and was hastily parked on the manicured grass outside the door.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 23 May 2019, 16:10:43
01/19/3041 07:58 Location – Black Hills, Solaris VII

Zena Usyk aka Helena Blair woke up after a fun night next to her mark Bishop Sortek.  Her vision was still blurred from sleep and tequila.  An empty bottle was probably somewhere on the floor under their discarded clothes, Bishop's bag, and her counterfeit designer purse.  She blinked it clear and went to the bathroom to get a cup of water.  As she got up she could hear Bishop groan and attempt to stand.  She returned with water and aspirin for both of them.  She covered herself with the sheet and sat up, he didn't bother, typical man.  “Been a long time since I've done that.”

“Me too.”
  She took a long drink from her glass, “You poor thing; your Commander not let you out to play much?”

“He needs constant adult supervision.”
  He did the same, “Every time I take my eyes off him he gets into trouble of interstellar magnitude.”

“Well at least that's exciting.  My work is typically boring.”
“What do you do anyhow Helena?”
“Better to talk about it over breakfast.  I need a shower.  You probably do too but you can get it afterwards while I fix my hair and nails.”
“You go get cleaned up.  I'll make breakfast.  We both seemed to work up an appetite last night.”

She dropped the sheet and worked her way tantalizingly slow to the shower using the door to cover everything but her face, “But it was very satisfying.”

Bishop waited until she turned on the shower and not receiving another invite put on shorts and worked his way to the kitchen.  Zena washed herself quickly and dried but left the shower running.  She peeked back into the bedroom and finding Bishop not there worked her way to her purse.  The sound of cooking and rock music from the Federated Suns could be heard from the bedroom doorway which she closed.  “Time to get to work.”

Zena opened up Bishop's bag and pulled out some of the papers he received at the Sortek building yesterday as well as his ID cards.  Using her phone she snapped pictures of the IDs of 'Sortek, Bishop Gambit.  Major AFFS' as well as new orders received from New Avalon.  Ian was cleared to leave for Augustine by the end of the week.  The Augustine that was the current location of Thomas Marik's baby sister Kristen, and her new baby Alys.  Gifts were to be brought and a photos taken of the dashing young Prince making nice with the Mariks.  “Saccharine but you can't go wrong with the classics.  Showing up at a friend's wedding, for the birth of a baby, and comforting the family of an ally during a state funeral for one of the best leaders in their time.  All very cutesy.”

She rifled through the bag and found a noteputer with a classified sticker on it, “What are you bringing with you?”  Zena was no hacker but she did have a datacard with some scripts on it from StIMI and MIIO acquired via moles working with Tormano.  She pulled out a tin of mints and opened the false bottom to reveal the card which she inserted into the computer slot.  The worms didn't seem to work they might backdoor onto something else though which would be sent to Mai Shi.

“Helena, what kind of jam do you like?”
“Damn, no time to mess around with it though.”

She pulled the datacard out and put it back in the container which she placed in her purse before returning to the bathroom and turning off the shower.  “Whatever you have is good Bishop.  Just finishing up now.  Five minutes.”

Bishop Sortek waited seven minutes for her and she arrived wearing a white sleeveless blouse and gray skirt with tan sandals.  He hair was in a messy bun that still framed her face nicely.  “You had all that in your purse?”

“Why did you think I carry around such a big one?  What else would I carry in it, fancy gadgets?  Skirts fold up small, these sandals are really thin but comfy, and I don't need sleeves in this subtropical climate.  A proper lady always needs to have a change of clothes.”

The table was set with a fine quick breakfast of bacon, toast, and eggs, two jars of jam were out as well as a metal tea kettle with presently full cups.  Bishop held the chair out for her, “Please sit.”

She smiled at him, “Why thank you kindly sir.”

Bishop sat down opposite her in the breakfast nook the mid-morning sun was beaming through the window to the side of them.  “Where did you put your dress?”

“It unfortunately tore last night.”
“Sorry about that, don't know my own strength.”
“It was going to go out of style soon anyway.”
  She spread some jam on the toast, “You can keep it if you like, as a trophy.”

“That's not my style.  Get a new one on me.”

Helena looked at him with amusement, “That could end up costing you more than you are willing to pay.”

“I'm good for it.  Make it another date?”

“I didn't realize we were dating now.  Thought it was just a fling.”
“I've only got another week on world figured I'd make it count.  That is if you are down for a few more long nights and nothing long term.”
“I'm also shortly about to leave town for a new job on Augustine.”

Bishop couldn't hide his interest, “What do you do Helena?”

“I'm a contributor for a faith based e-zine.  There's a columnist opportunity in Troy on Grecian that I've been vacillating upon but I think its a good one.  I hear the world is beautiful and calm, very different than this one.”

He stirred a sugar cube into his tea while looking at her, “When do you leave?”

“Ten days till liftoff, have it booked through COMSTAR already.  Will require a few shuttle transfers that will take me a little longer than a direct jump route but I don't have the money to route there directly.”
“What are you doing today?”

“I didn't have anything planned Bishop.  Don't you have work to do?”
“Light day actually.  Can finish up early this evening.  I have all afternoon and night free.”
“Why don't we have a shopping date then.”
  She leaned across the table and undid one of the buttons on her blouse, “I'll try on dresses and you see if you can get them off...without tearing them. 
Unless you want to of course.
Its your money I'm just in it for the fun.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 25 May 2019, 09:08:56
01/23/3041 Location – New Avalon Technologies, Black Hills, Solaris VII

Ian Davion walked through the cavernous Bays of NAT like he had done every morning for the past few months.  The eight Red and Gold mechs and four sleek Corsairs Aerofighters of his guard unit were still arrayed but they were packing up.  VEST Engineers milled about checking the diagnostics of the pieces of equipment they upgraded and panels were open for inspection. 

Ian stood at the feet of the rebuilt Golden Lion, not only had he installed the new laser but it got a new paint job courtesy of a Solaris body shop based on the poster art from his special.  The Marauder's front showed a Golden Lion with his paws on a Black Eagle.

His personal tech Vance hopped down from the scissor lift and took off his gloves hanging them off the heavily loaded belt of his green jumpsuit before taking his AFFS issued cover off and fanning it for a bit.  “You know I hope you never get in another fight Ian; but if you do make sure it’s somewhere with some good artists.”

“I hear Tamarind has some good artists.”
“Don’t push your luck Ian.  At least not while I’m still around.  Already put in a lot of overtime putting Golden Lion back together.”

“I guess so.  Have you seen Bishop lately Vance?”

“He’s been sparse this week.  Mykah only has a little bit to do on Jumping Jack.  That Penetrator is new undamaged equipment and all.  It’s not like she needs his help that much. As long as he changes the coolant regularly she won’t care unless he gets into a fight.”

“I haven’t seen him in days, he’s been keeping weird hours and staying at the Davion Arms condo at night rather than Starlight.”

“Did you try calling him?”
“He still calls me I just haven’t seen him.  Think he’s upset over something?”

Vance sat down in the rolling chair and moved it to the Marauder’s leg access panel as he pulled out his diagnostic computer. “Or he’s found a local piece.  Good selection on this planet; not that I have been taking full advantage while we were fixing your mech.

Almost makes our unscheduled stay worthwhile.  Just gotta stay out of Cathay, the 'massages' are good but the prices are high even for the level of service.”

“You’re probably right.  Just strange it seems like I’m missing my own shadow.”
“I'm sure he's fine.”
  He slapped the prince on the shoulder, “You're doing great kid.  I'll keep you out of trouble.”

Ian let out an incredulous laugh that echoed off the walls and drew the attention of the few remaining VEST Engineers, “You!  Oh man.  I'd rather try my luck playing Mahjong at Tormano Liao's than trust you can keep me out of trouble.”

Vance feigned a wounded look, “That hurts me deep.”  Patting himself on the chest, “Right to the core of my being Ian.”

“You'll live.”
“I might need the embrace of loving woman to heal however.”
“I'm sure you'll find one.”

Vance handed him the diagnostic computer, “Or two.  You can finish up here Ian, everything that needs to be done is on the computer, should be an easy night.”
“Where are you going?”
“Viewpoint.  Got a hot date and only a few more days on world.”
“Fine have a good time.”
“I will.  Chin up Ian. We're heading out soon to see you potentially lovely teenage bride to be.  I can have some fun then it will be your turn.”

He put his motorcycle helmet under the crook of his elbow, “Keep it clean Ian.”
Ian looked at the to do list on the diagnostic computer, there were few things he couldn't do on Golden Lion after learning under Vance.  That didn't make all the duties pleasant ones and Vance typically saved at least one unpleasant task for him to keep him humble.

01/26/3041 Location – Solaris Spaceport, International Zone

Ian Davion and the crew of the FSDS Valor had been busy the past few days reloading the now steaming spheroid Union dropship.  A contingent of blue clad Solaris Authority's Gendearme and a Copper SecurityMech were on hand to ensure that nothing unauthorized was loaded onto the Prince's vessel.  If something was going to go wrong it wasn't going to be on their watch. 

An Aurochs 8x8 heavy cargo truck rumbled past him.  Its internal cargo bay and the trailer it was carrying were the last of the supplies his unit was loading up for the next leg of his Interstellar cruise.  By oh six hundred he was going to be lifting off heading toward a jumpship that would take him to Free Worlds League space. Heading toward the planet Augustine where the Captain-General's little (half-)sister was about to welcome the next Marik in the already heavily extended family.

He looked at his watch '04:40' and went over the checklist again, “Where the hell is Bishop?”

Twenty minutes later he was still on the tarmac while the crew finished up final preparations.  A small car worked its way across the Tarmac heading his way, the diminishing SAG contingent intercepted it but after a short inquiry waved it through.  The vehicle stopped a short way from Ian and another man in a green jacket and casual clothes stepped out followed by an attractive brunette.  He opened the trunk and grabbed his bag before the woman came over and gave him a long kiss before returning to the car.

“Sorry I was late Captain Davion.  Slept in.”
“Easy to do with a woman like that I suppose.  What's her name?”
“Helena, from (Novaya) Zem(la).”
“Glad you had a good week Bishop, been missing you buddy.”
“Well we have some time to catch up while en transit to Augustine.  You didn't get into any trouble while I was away did you?”
“Not enough to get a headline.”
“Well keep it up Ian.  We only want good news headlines.”

The woman lowered the window, “Au revoir, á beintõt l'amour.” then blew him a kiss.
“Je t'attendrai Helena.” she rolled away and the rest of the SAG contingent followed her

“What did she mean Bishop.”
“I'll tell you in the Valor.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 27 May 2019, 10:37:56
Chapter 11 – Eagle’s Nest
02/18/3041 Location – Darienbad, New Olympia, Free Worlds League

“Do it Corrie.”  The dark haired Corrine Marik downed another Marik PPC at the urging of her girlfriends almost choking on the dry anise flavor of the ouzo mixed with grain alcohol.  This one was the second of her 18th birthday night and the last.  She didn't remember what happened the rest of the night but woke up back in the Alison Mechwarrior Institute women's dorm still in the clothes from last night. 

Corrine checked herself quickly and found nothing amiss other than a few hours of fuzzy memories and a dry mouth.  “First and last time that ever happens.  Giselle is going to have some explaining to do.”

She walked into the bathroom taking a moment to wretch out the last of the total of six shots she had last night.  Way to many for her in such a short time.  Once she walked into the shower though she noticed a new tattoo on her hip, an artistic rendition of bluebird that was bound up with clear tape.  “At least its cute; even if no one will see it.”

After finishing her shower she walked in her dorm-mate's room, the woman was surprising up and reading something on her computer.  “A tattoo!  Really Gee?  If my dad finds out I'm in so much trouble.”

“Well I advise you not go on family pool or beach parties then.  Its not like he's going to see it and your mom won't care.”
“I'm going to get rid of it while it's still fresh.”
“Don't do that.  Its cute.  You were really excited to get it.”
“I was also very drunk.”
“Yeah so.  All innocent fun.”
“I guess I'll give it a day.”
“See you need to ease up on those sorts of things Cori.”

Corrine took a deep breath, “I guess I'm just nervous about the end of term test next month.”
“You've got a whole month to worry about it.  You're smart you will do fine.”
“I don't know about that but I know I can't wait for leave.”
“Me too.  Going back to Marik?”
“No Augustine this time to see my Aunt Kristen and cousins.  Going to get some training in with the Krushers.”
“You go getter.  Alright let's get breakfast and hit the books Corrie.”

04/24/3041 08:57 Location – Augustine, Free Worlds League

The FSDS Valor landed with much pomp and fanfare from the Augustinians, there was a grand celebration ongoing.  Prince Ian Davion walked off the Union dropship in his dress greens with the open topped golden crown of The First Son of the Suns on his head, something that he rarely wore except for special occasions.  The rest of his retinue followed and made a grand show much to the adoration of paparazzi.  The Valor and her crew had made a detour to Irian for a state visit to that massive industrial world and a few photo ops with Prince Ian in a new Guillotine Battlemech.

Ian walked down the red carpet to greet the lovely Kristen Marik with her week old daughter Alys.  Both of them were in a wheelchair manned by her dashing mercenary husband Jiri Rousett and their other children Ana and Janos II.  Corrine Marik stood on the tarmac wearing a light gray dress with a purple wrap over it and a white pearl and purple amethyst inlaid diadem attached by ribbon to her short hair.  Ian made a move toward her stopping in front of her before kissing her hand which she had to accept as formal polity.

She whispered, “Bold, Prince Ian.”
He finished and held her hand a moment longer to whisper back, “Bold would be my middle name if it weren't Renard Countess Corrine.”

Corrine smiled for the cameras before Ian was pulled away by his Princely duties.  “What an insufferable young man.” 

After diplomatic displays and presentations of gifts to the new mother and child as well as a brief speech by Jiri and Ian they finally worked their way back to the ornamental hedged off Sunspire Manor.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Starfox1701 on 27 May 2019, 14:36:34
Feelsike you got cut off
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 27 May 2019, 20:32:20
Feelsike you got cut off

I did actually, the rest failed to paste.

Picking up where we left off

Ian Davion and the members of his retinue interesting in the tour followed the House Custodian, a proper man with salt and pepper hair named Dauphin.  They walked through its large lush vegetable and flower gardens, a hedge maze, tennis courts, etc..  eningd with the pride of the manor, the tall white stone obelisk with a high powered light atop it.  Ian asked the obvious question, “This planet has navigational satellites and radio transmitters.  Why build a lighthouse?”

Dauphin took a moment to point to the beacon, “Duchess Elise Marik didn't build it as a navigational aid.  She was a pious woman hence her fury at her father's cybernetics that has continued until this very day in our Realm.  Her hatred of biotics and vigor in fighting against the Scourge of Death are also among her legacies. 

The Sunspire was built based on a passage in her personal bible and has been maintained ever since.  It is a magnificent sight indeed.  That beacon follows the monthly procession of Augustine's moon Numidia.”

“Fascinating.  Thank you Dauphin.”
“You are very welcome Prince Ian.”
  He checked his watch, “The porters should have moved your luggage into your rooms by now.  I will escort you to them.”

Dauphin walked them back across the paving stones, the sun was beginning to set and guests were due to arrive soon for a small social gathering at the manor.  Ian Davion retired to his room to change into a fresh pair of Class As while Bishop Sortek found himself an isolated balcony looking out on the Sirius Sea.

Major Sortek pulled out his phone to look at a picture message from Helena he had received after landing.  A flirty one of her on a white sandy beach in a tan bikini.  She had been on world for a month already while they were on Irian and was presently tantalizingly close.  “So close but so far away.  At least for now.”

There was knock on his door, Bishop walked through the small but well appointed room to the door and opened it.  Ian was on the other side after changing in a fresh uniform and stowing the show crown which he disliked wearing anyway.  “Coming to the party Bishop?  Could use a wingman?”

“Not this time Ian.  I'm going to settle in and double check our schedule tomorrow.”
“You sure?”
“Okay well good night then Bishop.”
“See you at oh six hundred tomorrow for PT kid.”
“Yes Major.”

Ian Davion returned to the mansion's main ballroom to greet a selected small group of guests.  The Captain-General's little half-sister sat at the head table with her infant daughter.  Tomorrow was the little girl's christening and a small gathering had been called to celebrate the occasion. 

Ian walked in to an unfamiliar audience the ballroom was filled with clerics of Augustine's disparate religious orders.  The first of whom was an older man wearing the black robes with a red sash of a Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church(-in Exile) moved to greet him first.  Ian had studied the cards for the high profile guests this evening most were clerics in attendance for Alys' baptism, the entire continent of Roma was the domain of the Roman Catholic Church with the Bishop in charge.  “Greetings Cardinal Curia.”
“Prince Ian what a delight to have you on our humble planet.”
“It is a magical place.  I look forward to seeing more of it over the next month.”
“Of course, feel free to include our Cathedral in your tour the architecture is quite superb as is its location.”
“I will consider it.  Enjoy the evening Your Grace.”

Next in line was a bald woman with a asiatic complexion and saffron robes.  The woman, Abbess Chao Kyo, and Ian both put their hands in the prayer position, “Xin Chao nu tu.”
The woman was very pleased to hear the greeting in her native tongue, “Bénédiction sur votre famille.”
“Je suis honoré abbesse.  Bonne chance à vous.”

Finally he worked his way across the room after exchaing similar greetings with an imam from Dar es Salaam, Rabbi from Tharkad, and a Shinto priest visiting from New Kyoto.  Finally he exchanged greetings with Precentor Augustine Tomek Cosmo of COMSTAR's Troy HPG located slightly more than a hundred kilometers away. 

Finally he ended up at the table next to Countess Corrine Marik who had changed into a different outfit a floor length purple dress with a white wrap covering her shoulders.  “Of course they would sit us together.”

“Makes the cameramen or the SAFE agents job easier if we are next to each other.”
“Yes, my father does enjoy his spies.  Though he is a poor spymaster, more interested in his computers than counter-intelligence.”
“That was a concern for MI6 I have brought a few things with me from Solaris, prototype tech from NAIS.  An upgrade for your Battlemech if you are interested?”
“And what will be the cost to upgrade Troubadour?”
“Remains to be determined.”
“Hmm that sounds rather steep.”

“I can get us out of her.  Already marked the surveillance crews and came up with a escape route.”
“So quickly?”
“I slipped the LIC's Diplomatic Guards on Tharkad.  More than once.”
“Impressive how did you manage that.”
“I had a very trying two week 'camping trip' at Quintus Allard's cabin on New Scotland before I shipped out to Gallery.”
“The Quintus Allard?”

“Oh my.  That must have been difficult.”
“I have some interesting stories.”
“I would like to hear them.”
“How about a stroll to the Sunspire then?”
“I suppose I can work it into my schedule.”
“Let's get something to eat then head out.”

Ian and Corrine excused themselves to the restrooms and escaped the surveillance crews that were sent to monitor them.  Cardinal Curia and his retinue were escorted to their guest house, an old cloister that had been renovated recently.  Ian guided Corrine back to her room to change into something more suiting adventure than a ball gown, she came back with a black top, dark blue jeans, and boots.  His Class As were still military uniforms so were tailored like them by the best on Tharkad so he kept them on but removed the brass Captain's bars and his few medals.

The two of them slipped the house security team that was quietly looking for them.  “They probably won't even tell Bishop they lost me.  It would look bad for them.  As long as we are back in our beds by midnight they won't care.”

“I thought they had us there a few times.”
“Close calls are kinda my forté.”
“A dangerous habit Ian.  Hardly one a Prince should have.”
“Perhaps I shall grow out of it.”

“That doesn't seem likely Prince Captain Ian Renard Davion.”
“You were an eager participant in our little adventure Countess Cadet Corrine Stephanie Marik.”
“How did you know my middle name?”
“I make it a point of pride to know everything about everyone I meet particularly women.”

She leaned over and looked at him, the reflection of the Sunspire's light was bright in his hazel eyes.  “And why is that?”

“Because I am gathering pen pals for my poor dear sister Yvonne and she wants only interesting people.  She is quite bored on Lexington and sends me harassing HPG messages to vent her frustration with our father sheltering her after our mother spent so much time riding her to get those Leftenant bars.”

“You must be joking.”
“I love my sister dearly and don't want my interactions with her being unpleasant.  She may never get outside the Federated Suns due to politics.  If she wants me to find her friends I shall look.”

“And what would she tell me about you?”
“Besides the fact that I am amazing dancer courtesy of her?”
“Amazing huh?”

“Pity there were no cameras at Melissa Steiner's ball welcoming her mother back from Gallery.  Had to let her win, it was her planet after all.”
“Perhaps you will give me the honor of a dance at some later date.”
“I would be honored Countess.”

“So onto other things.  What were you talking about with SAFE?”
“I am bringing gifts to the Free Worlds League, NAIS has created a superior large laser with increased heat dissipation.  I used an ex-NAIS fellow on Solaris to prototype a number of them for me.  However, due to MI6's concerns about espionage from the Capellans I have not been authorized to transfer the technology yet to the Free World's League.”
“But you could upgrade Troubadour?”
“I could I suppose but what about that price.”

“Don't get too cheeky Ian.  It would be improper with so many clerics to be lewd.”
“Then something innocent.  A kiss by moonlight then.”
“That's your price?”
“Yes.  Just one kiss.”
“I suppose you did kiss me earlier.  I should return the favor.”

She leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek.  “I was expecting something more 'intense'.”
“You only asked for a kiss.  I gave you one.”
“Fair enough.  We can begin installing it tomorrow.  Should take us a couple of hours.”
“We, as in you and me?”
“Yes, I don't need Vance for this.  Couple hours to remove the laser and rewire it.  It even runs cooler so you don't need to change any piping.”
“I've never worked on Troubadour without Patrice.”
“It will be a piece of cake.  Patrice and Vance can inspect our handiwork at the end of the day.”
“Very well its a deal then.”
“Sealed with a kiss.”
“Don't get used to it.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 28 May 2019, 21:16:54
04/25/3041 18:29 Location – Troy, Augustine, Free Worlds League

Ian Davion and Corrine Marik walked into the Augustine Metals refit facility in the city of Troy 107 kilometers away from Sunspire.  The Bays were currently occupied by Battlemechs in the livery of four different units, the AMI Training Battalion (Light Purple on Gray), “Lions of New Avalon” (Gold on Red), Kristen's Krushers (Black on Light Purple), and the Fourth Marik Militia (Dark Purple on White).

Ian noticed Vance and Mykah the Techs for himself and Bishop respectively, Corrine's tech Patrice pulled her aside for a moment while he talked to his own people.  “Mykah have you seen Bishop?”

“I've seen him but Major Sortek has been acting strange this morning Ian.  He was pulled into a tactics session with an ****** of a Captain from the Fourth.  Probably will end up in a fight.  Hopefully it will be in sim only.  Hate for Jack to take the beating when the meat will do.”

“I don't know what is up with him but I don't like it either.  Ever since we left Solaris it's like he's changed.  I'll talk to him again later.

Vance I'm going to help Corrine install one of the lasers into her mech.”

He looked over his shoulder at the young woman who was wearing a purple tank top and gray shorts with low boots in the hot weather. “Showing off the big hardware for the little lady huh?”

“Something like that.  I know how to put it in but I want you and her tech to take a look when we are done.”

Vance was about to open his mouth but was silenced, “By the way get your mind out of the gutter and keep your eyes open, you too Mykah.  Both of you are the senior techs so pass it around to the others.  I don't necessarily trust the Fourth or Krushers with our gear but unless we wanted to keep them on the Valor this is only place we can service them.”

“We should just keep them on the Valor Ian.”
“I thought about that Mykah but we are scheduled to do some training exercises with the Fourth and Krushers while we are on their world.  This will be easier on everybody unless they want to stay in their bunks on the Valor.”

Vance looked at his insulated lunch pail, “The food is an improvement.  If you like Gyros.”

“Aren't Gyros you're specialty Vance?”
“And muscles, myomer”
he flexed his right arm showing off the well-defined bicep, “and otherwise.”

Mykah rolled her eyes at her fellow tech, “Showing off already Vance.  We've only been on planet one day.”

“This audience has not yet witnessed the wonder Chief.”

“I want to witness you getting some work done today.”
She pointed over to one of LNA Mechs the thus far limited production Hounds, the FedSuns copy of the original Cataphract that might soon be replacing the standard Jagermechs in the AFFS formations.  “The left leg actuators on Peter's Hound are locking up again.”

“That doggy needs more potassium and hydration to prevent cramps.  Why do I have to troubleshoot these damn prototypes?  That should have been Kallon QC's job.”

“Get to work Senior Tech Sergeant Kilbourne.”
“Only if you are watching Chief Tech Gold.”

“I have more important things to do.  So does he. 

See you later Ian.”

Ian walked over to Corrine and exchanged a quick greeting and pop quiz on MechTech by Patrice.  One of the Krusher techs ran over to the woman, “Chief, we have a problem with the Caesar.”

“Is it that Extralight engine shielding again?”
“No the Gauss Rifle capacitors aren't holding the charge.”

“Damn this new fangled tech.  Just give me a Grasshopper or Guillotine, something simple and easy to work on.  It was good enough for the past hundred years. 

Excuse me Countess Marik and Prince Davion, duty calls. 

I'm keeping an eye on you two so get to work.” 

“Sure thing Chief.”

Ian walked down the bay next to Corrine through the Mech Bay which smelled of cooling oil, sweat, and burning metal.  They eventually were at the foot of Troubadour, the partially gray and purple Wolverine 6M was well worn and still carried some battle damage from the last time it was used.  “So why did Sylvia call it Troubadour?”

“It was her callsign.  Well it started out Trouble Doer.”
“Bit of a firecracker huh?”

“Yeah, last time this unit was in service was nearly fifty four years ago; during Alessandro's Deep Raid.  She took down a Zeus on Nathan in this thing solo.”

“Wow that's not easy.”
“Yeah tell that to Troubadour.  Patrice and I have been fixing it up since I enrolled in AMI last year.  You know first years don't get a lot of time in the cockpit at academies.”

“Yeah same with Albion.  I spent my first year fixing up Golden Lion in my skimpy spare time.  Might change soon with more production from the factories as we recover some of the lost technologies that make these things work.

Do you have a callsign yet?”

“No, how bout you?”
“Haven't been in combat long enough.  Scratch is catching on though, particularly with my tech Vance.”

She watched him bring one of the scissor lifts over from the bay, “Mr Muscle guy.”
“Yep, that's Vance Kilbourne.”

“Why Scratch?”
“Every time I get in a battle with Golden Lion.  I've got to rebuild it almost from Scratch.”

Corrine readied the tools they would need to take off her Wolverine's arm mounted Magna Mark III laser. Widely known for its ease of maintenance especially on this unit.  “Maybe your luck will turn soon.”

Ian hoisted the tools on the working surface and offered his hand to Corrine so that she could get on the platform beside him. “With all due respect Countess I hope it doesn't.  I am quite happy with Golden Lion taking the hits for my squishy body.  He is built for it, I just ride him into battle and take all the glory.”

Ian watched as Corrine went under the laser to undo the brackets while he attached the unit to the gantry crane above.  Her tank top rode up a bit and he took the opportunity to take a peak at her while she was distracted.  She had the lean and fit body of a runner and great legs.  It made sense she chose a skirmisher type battlemech out of the available options.

Experienced Mechwarriors could tell what kinds of mechs someone used by their personality and physique.  Larger taller people rode assault mechs meant to break the line like the Atlas, Zeus, Stalker, or Victor.  Boxers preferred brawlers with a punch like the Hunchback, Orion, Guillotine, or Grasshopper.   Lithe people chose mechs with mobility like the Jenner, Wolverine, Dragon, or Phoenix Hawk. Sharpshooters were given designs with a lot of long range missiles like the Valkyrie, Archer, Apollo, or Crusader.

The list went on but smart militaries chose their matches based on the Mechwarrior's innate abilities which were multiplied by the Battlemech.  Losing a DI computer was like losing your brother or sister and Mechwarriors went to great lengths to protect the computer for later installation in another unit to reduce the discomfort of the adjustment period.  You were your mech under the Neurohelmet and that bond is what made the fighting unit so effective and special. 

It was something that was difficult to explain to someone that didn't know already and syncing with a Battlemech was something that took time especially if it was an older model.  The whole process also only worked a certain segment of the population and the families that were the best became the five ruling houses of the Successor States, Davion, Steiner, Kurita, Marik, and Liao.  It was an even more intense bond in the Aerospace fighter version of the cockpit but the technological limits of the Succession Wars nearly made that form of spacecraft extinct just like the Warships of the Star League.

A yell came from under the assembly, “Stop looking at me Ian!”
Ian doubled check the cables that held the laser up and prevented it from crushing the Countess.  "Sorry Corrine.  I didn't mean to stare.”

She wiggled her way back to a seated position however during the process he got a look at the bottom of her black sports bra before she pushed the top back down and tucked it into her shorts.  “Sure you didn't.  We'll this unit is unbolted from the arm.  I trust we are hooked on the gantry above.”

“Affirmative, lets head down and drop it.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Starfox1701 on 29 May 2019, 12:16:08
I don't think she likes him at all but she don't hate him either
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 29 May 2019, 20:03:27
Ian lowered 'Troubadour's' large laser assembly from the right arm using the Mech Bay's overhead gantry crane, “I can help you put the new hand on later but we'll start with this its probably easier,” he tapped on the outside of a carefully packaged metal container marked 'AFFS Proprietary Technology' on it, 'V.E.S.T. S7 Unit XIV' was stencil painted on the side. 

Once the Magna Mk III was placed in the powered lowboy trailer Ian and Corrine got to work unbolting the armor that protected the laser itself.  Once the top was removed they opened the honeycomb style backing and saw the unit itself. 

Ian whistled at the sight, “Look at all that corrosion.  Must have been bad coolant.  Might have fired but just as likely to burn itself up.”

Corrine leaned over the frame to take a look herself, she had to get on her tip-toes to look over and Ian tried desperately to look at something on his engineer's console, “I guess it wasn't sealed correctly.  Good thing I didn't need it yet.  Oh well. 

You said we had to change almost everything to install the new unit anyhow right?”

“Almost everything.”
  Ian stepped toward the crate and keyed in a code to unlock the container which folded down to reveal a sleek and shiny new laser slightly larger in volume due to the sophisticated built in heat sink.  “particularly in the Mech itself.  Might take a while to run the new wires but i'm pretty fast with wiring courtesy of recent experience.”

Corrine was admiring the shiny new design, “It's not a normal heat sink or laser insulator.”

“No this unit has double the heat dissipation of a standard heat sink dedicated particularly to keeping the power supply cool.  Its one of the technologies recovered from the Helm Core that led to a breakthrough in power supplies and cooling.  The whole project was a major one, very top secret while it was going on.  My father put a lot of Pounds and his best minds behind it. 

This new large laser design, the Exostar Northstar, is just one of the many things that benefited from NAIS' work just last year. 

Its a very promising field of study.  I'm told making it more widely available will require a little bit more refining and tooling changed over in order to get enough to refit even one RCT with it.  With the Commonwealth beginning that process it shouldn't take long, Dynamico is already changing their lines over.”

“That is very impressive.”
“All the ports are located on the back so we will have to make a new casing for the laser itself that will work with your Mech's new right hand.”

“I'm glad the LCCC is beginning to give more of our FWLM mechs a pair of hands.  So useful, they are worth it for the advantages even if they cost more to make.”

“Agreed, only regret I have about Golden Lion is he doesn't have hands, but he's not supposed to be in close.”

“That didn't work out so well for you against my cousin Photon?”
“Don't I know it.  Still get a little dizzy every once in a while.  Doc says I'm fine though.”
“Sorry about that anyway on behalf of the Marik family.”

“I appreciate it Corrine but you were not to blame nor anyone else in your family except Photon.  It was my own damn fault.  I should have listened to Bishop.”

Ian took some measurements and plugged the device into his engineering computer to ensure that the device was properly manufactured.  “Everything looks green for this unit.  Can't wait to test it out.”

“Let's get it in first Ian.”
“Right, one step at a time.  I requested the machine shop make us an new assembly large enough to accommodate the new laser.  They will drop this into that while we work on the hand.”

The flatbed was guided toward the machine shop past squads of techs and security troops.  Mechwarriors for each unit were suiting up for today's training runs.  Someone shouted “Mech on the Move!”

Ian and Corrine moved their flatbed out of the way and watched a brand new Krusher Banshee 4S (95t, 4/6, GR, PPC, SRM4, 4ML) walk past them.  The footsteps of the assault mech, one of the largest in the Inner Sphere, quaked even the deep set foundation of the Mech Bay.  “Wow, The Krushers are gearing up for something.”

“New toy syndrome, she's getting everything clear to get out of League space next contract.  That 4S and the Caesar over there.”
  She pointed to the sleek mech whose clean lines were unlike those typically found in Lyran designs. “Were bought together for their Gauss Rifles and to curry some favor with Duke Bradford.  The brand new big gun is still a bit unreliable but I'm sure they will fix it in due time.  With how much Kristen spent on just the Banshee she could have bought a whole lance of Guillotines.  However, I'm sure Harrison Bradford will appreciate the support given to his company.”

“It was probably for her.”
“You are probably right Ian.  She is a bit of a bruiser, a Banshee seems like a good fit.”
“That woman is a bruiser huh?  Seemed nice enough.”
“You should see her fight.  The BattleROMs of her in her Lancer days are pretty impressive.  Blew a Whitworth apart with one shot from her Hunchback.  Motherhood has softened her a bit but don't be fooled, she's tough.”

“I will keep that in mind Corrine.”
The flatbed finally made it to the machine shop, Ian and Corrine handed over the weapon to the machinists who were already hard at work making a new assembly.  They returned with a mech's hand on a different flatbed and took that back to Troubadour lifting it up to the stripped down arm of the Wolverine which revealed all the steel gray bundles of myomer musculature underneath.  Vance had already anchored strands of the material to the mech's frame but it took Ian and Corrine more than an hour of operating the myomer merging machine and bolting the armor onto the hand before they were complete. 

Corrine powering up the Battlemech to confirm that the musculature was operating correctly and gave a giant middle finger to a random 4th Marik Militia mech which almost resulted in a fight before Ian convinced the Mechwarrior it was an aberrant twitch.  Ian looked over at the open cockpit, “You're a trouble maker Corrine!”

“Just a bit of light fun Ian!”

“The time for fun is over.” 'I can't believe I just said that.  So unlike me.'

“You're just jealous you can't flip people off with your Marauder.”
“That might be true.  Let's get this laser in and hit the showers.”
  Ian fanned himself with his cover, “Its too damn hot on this world and this bay is an oven.”

Corrine joined him on the scissor lift as he pulled the lever that would lower them back to ground level, She too adjusted her hat to fix her ponytail which had a lock of bright purple in the otherwise black hair, “Why do you think I'm wearing shorts?”

“I try to keep in uniform Cadet.  Doubt they let you dye your hair at AMI?”

“How very proper of you Captain Davion.  They don't but I'm presently on leave to visit my mercenary aunt.  The dye will wash out before I make it back to New Olympus especially if I sweat a lot which like you said is not hard here.”

The two of them returned with the laser and installed it in Troubadour.  The diagnostics from the cockpit were green but Vance and Patrice came and checked on their work for the day.  Both found it satisfactory but very slow and a little sloppy.  The more experienced techs cleaned it up and showed them what they had done incorrectly but gave them an A+ for Amateurs.  Ian and Corrine headed toward the locker room to get a shower.  The lockers were sectioned off but the individual shower stalls were together as were the restrooms. 

Ian caught a glimpse of Corrine's hip tattoo before she went into the shower but nothing more.  “Very cute tattoo Corrine.”  A bar of white soap was tossed over the divider and through the steam hitting him right in the forehead with a thud. “Ouch!”

“Serves you right.  No peeking.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: snakespinner on 30 May 2019, 01:08:51
Corrine must have a targeting computer in that arm, direct hit with a bar of soap. :D
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 30 May 2019, 19:57:40
Corrine must have a targeting computer in that arm, direct hit with a bar of soap. :D

Author Fiat, Battletech wouldn't be what it was without it.


04/26/3041 05:48 Location – Augustine Metals, Troy, Augustine, Free Worlds League

“Ian!  Looking good; from this angle at least.”   Ian turned around at the woman that had ended up right behind him while he was admiring his mech.  Corrine took a moment to look at his outfit in the morning sun.  Federation Green Shorts, Gold Cooling Vest, and Tan Boots all of which fit his athletic body quite nicely.  “The Midas vest is a bit much don't you think?”

He looked down at the Midas vest from the Cooling Solutions Company of El Dorado (CSCED often mispronounced 'Succeed' especially in their marketing materials).  “This the finest cooling vest in all the Federated Suns Corrine.  The only type suitable for a Prince of the People.  They gave me two of them for free.  All I had to do was endorse them.”

He looked up at the dawn sun and the light hit him in a truly regal way, clearly something he had practiced.  “I regret nothing.”

“You are ridiculous.”

Ian looked at her outfit as well, there were no female mechwarriors in his unit it just hadn't worked out that way.  He had never seen his sister in whatever she wore in her Phoenix Hawk though it probably looked something like Corrine was wearing except maybe in a different color palette.

She wore a tight black cropped top that showed off her shoulders and arms both of which were tan, a sleek black Artemis Alloy cooling vest accentuated her abdomen and reached to the bottom of her top, dark purple compression shorts covered her thighs but had a gap that showed a portion of leg before it reached the top of her black boots.  One of which had a stiletto type dagger hanging off the side.  “Nice cooling vest especially on you.  Didn't think they allowed Canopian imports in the League anymore.”

“They didn't attack us, just the Confederation Andurien stuff though the market has cratered for them.  Just because they favor Davion doesn't mean anything. 

They are right next door to the League while you are on the other side of the Inner Sphere.

I picked this outfit up and a few other things from a free trader that was coming out of Rasalhague and Lyran space.  Apparently she couldn't sell her goods in the Combine and had some extras.  I got her before she got back to Atreus with the latest fashions from Tharkad.”

“While I am very curious about what else you picked up from this Canopian.”

She lifted an eyebrow and put a hand on her hip, “You'll never find out.”

Ian was smart enough to not even whisper what he was imagining, 'We'll see about that. '

“I have to wonder why she couldn't sell her goods in the Combine.  Kanrei Theodore actually allows Onna Bugeisha to exist now for the first time in a long time.”

“That's what Isabella thought.  She told me that they still don't manufacture cooling vests that fit the female form well.  Only the most boyish can fit and even then most are still too small for even the smallest men's size.

The Canopian stuff was too expensive for them, much to their dismay. 

Their loss is my gain however; Artemis brand stuff is the best on the market and as you can see it is both cute and functional. 

My size always sells out when a shipment comes in to New Olympia, the upper class bitches beat me to it but not this time.”
  She gave a little twirl, “I can't wait to see them cry.”

“So what do the women of the DCMS wear in the cockpit?”

“They just go topless or wear the Sarashi. 

Female mechwarriors in the DCMS normally pilot units that don't get too hot or are very old like older Dragons and Shadow Hawks, not the new types with a PPC.  I guess eventually the Pillar of Jade will address their demand but things move slowly there unless the Coordinator pushes.”

Ian thought about something completely different now, he hadn't heard that about the DCMS but then again the AFFS was unlikely to capture a female Mechwarrior on the border.  “Really?  Topless?”

“That's what Isabella told me. 

You are such a boy.  Get your mind in the game and out of game.  Let's get moving I want to give the Northstar some live fire.”

The two of them walked to their mechs which were currently placed next to one another.  They took the lift up the four meters to the pilot deck where their neurohelmets were waiting.  “Is that a Dreamcatcher?”  Ian's Red and Gold D-38 was the best on the market and he had gotten unit 5 right from Doering Electronics on New Kyoto.  “Sure is.”

“I didn't think they were even available for sale yet.”
“Benefits that come with my position.”
“A gift from the Archon?”

“She took a lot of charming to get on my side and no small measure of her mother's intervention.  I am fairly certain she would have happy to have me down the sights of an M&G that first night.”
“What did you do to her?”
“Its a long story I'll tell you while we are en route.”

Corrine picked up her matte black unit with an high back plate.  Corrine did her black and purple hair up in a low ponytail and it hung down readily through the slot. “Artemis Moondancer, fairly certain my sister has one as well.”

“She has good taste.  I want to complete the set but a full outfit needs to be tailored with a very long backlog, and it is really expensive.  I'd have to go to Fanardir to have a chance to get one.”

“If you knew her you would agree, wish her boyfriend would stop beating my fellow Cavaliers at fencing however.  Albion's record is still positive even if he is the coach for NAMA but they better shape up.  Did a stint on the Rugby and Pistol team as well?”

“You fenced?”
“Top sabreur at Albion my Junior and Senior Years.  How about you?  I am guessing that stiletto on your boot is not just for show.”

She gave a predatory smile, “And you would be right I'm a Marik.  It's like being a Kurita without the honorable bit.  A family doesn't still get to be in charge after almost four hundred years of intermittent civil war without learning a few things.

I'm pretty good with a Halberd too.  Right now I'm on Track and Field team at AMI.”

“Well I would like to see how you move Countess Marik.”

“From afar Prince Davion.  Troubadour can easily outpace Golden Lion but I'll slow down to let you catch up if you like.”

“Maybe I like the view from behind.”

“Cheeky and t's not even full daylight yet and you're already in rare mood already aren't you.”

“Can't turn it off I'm afraid.  Comes with the package.”
“Turn it down a bit though; if you want to keep that fancy Midas vest in one piece.”

Ian smiled, “I have a spare and no regrets.”

Captain Davion walked to the currently open cockpit of Golden Lion and Corrine climbed up the shoulders of Troubadour slipping into its very cramped cockpit with her lithe frame.  The glass closed and the twin sensor masts that were very similar to the smaller Phoenix Hawk that shared its comm suite raised into their positions. 

The Wolverine came online and Corrine checked the unit's hands again to ensure that the new right hand was operating properly.  Golden Lion powered up and raised its barrel arms into their active carry position just below Ian's visual plane.  The Nav point appeared on the HUD visor attached to his helmet, “You go first Ian.”

“We'll take forever to get there.”
“I have nothing but time.  Now, how did piss Melissa off?”
“You sure you want to hear that story?  You might get jealous.”

“Well if you want I will start from the beginning.”

The two mechs marched out of the Mech Bay, “So once I landed on Tharkad.  I noticed something very interesting about the Lyran's rail obsession.”

A short time passed, “You really can't turn it off can you?”

“Why would I want to?”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Shadow_Wraith on 30 May 2019, 22:38:29
That was a funny closing statement at the end!  ;D
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Starfox1701 on 01 June 2019, 14:31:10
Is it just me or is Ian getting more full of himself the further he gets from New Avalon
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 03 June 2019, 16:32:24
Is it just me or is Ian getting more full of himself the further he gets from New Avalon

Some of that is just an act to impress Corrine it seems to be working why stop when you are on a roll.

Chapter 12 - Sunburn
07/28/3040 15:22 Location – Meistmorn, Doneveal II, Federated Suns

“Watch your flank.”

Tancred Sandoval's black and red Warhammer 6K 'Lucy' took a solid shot to the head from the hostile white painted DCMS Battlemech currently code-named “Wolf Trap.”  The round destroyed the head armor.  Shrapnel tore into his armored cooling vest ripping it open and exposing the tubes which now leaked electric blue dyed cooling water.  His dual PPCs ripped into the attacker followed by twin flights of missiles from his wing man Garilbard.  “Tancred you alive in there?”

“I'm still breathing.  I can't tell if its coolant or blood soaking my uniform though.”
“Bloods warm, coolant shouldn't be.”
“Not in this mech.”
“Keep it together.  I'll take Point.”

The Archer stepped forward its blocky damaged form covering the critically damaged Warhammer.  Wolf Trap turned on its serpentine route firing once more at Lucerne Hammer.  This time using the newly rediscovered cluster munitions that released a cloud of explosive sub-munitions with proximity fuses.  One of them detonated right outside the cockpit and Tancred saw the shrapnel fly right past his face and then darkness.

04/18/3041 03:47 Location – Fort Ballycastle, Lexington, Federated Suns

Captain Tancred Sandoval, Count of Lucerne, and DMI MI2 Analyst, woke with a start that scared his fiance Princess Yvonne Davion.  He ran his hand along the scar that the sub-munition gave him that day a long scrape that ripped the top of his ear and blew his eardrums out as well.  The eardrums had been repaired but he hadn't bother to cover the scar or make his ear whole again.  She grabbed his other arm with both of her hands, “Are you okay Tancred?”

“I'm fine I promise.”
“That's the second time this week.  I'm worried.  Doneval again?”
“Yes, just can't forgive myself for living when Garilbard died.”

Yvonne folded down the picture of the three of them at Sakhara during graduation.  “He was a good man Tancred.  Did what was tactically prudent.  His Archer took the hits when you were down and he didn't fall without taking four Dracs with him.  He earned all ten medals.”

“It's War people we love die, people we will never know die, we mourn and live to honor their memory.”

“You know I can't do that.”

Yvonne embraced him, “You have to move on Tancred for both of us.  Accept he's not coming back and make the best of it.  We're together but you don't seem with me lately.”

“Its just work Yvonne.  The DCMS keeps putting us on the back foot there has to be a way to put an end to that.  You're father taking a back seat isn't helping.”

“My father despite his own ego cannot carry the Federated Suns alone Tancred.  He needs help we all do.  He has mother and a whole court of advisers.  You have me and us and that will have to be enough for now.”

“I'm sorry Yvonne I need to take a walk.  I'll be back.”

She sat up and turned on the light to reassure herself he would be able to find his way back, “I'll be here.”

Captain Sandoval worked his way cautiously through their house nestled in the woods of Fort Ballycastle near a large pond.  The world was a scenic and temperate one and the Fort was currently in its autumn season.  Vast stands of timber trees imported from Terra lined the streets and small streetlights provided warm pools of yellow light that Tancred swam through.  He cut through a well-trodden trail in the woods only marked by reflectors and arrived at one of the many dispersed bunkers located a safe distance about a half hours walk from the residences. 

This one was a secure communications bunker with a small mech bay constructed nearby.  Tancred could see the tops of the antennae towers through the trees and the trail gradually turned to gravel and led to one of the many roads cut through the woods.  A guard walked toward him while the rest of his squad manned their stations, “ID”
Tancred presented his ID to the man, “Working late again Count Sandoval?”
“Something like that Corporal.”
“Alright then sir.  You can enter.  No one else is currently inside according to the roster so if you hear anything tell us.”
“I will Corporal Tailor.”

Tancred walked toward the Mech Bay and entered through the smaller door in the massive hanger doors.  His slate gray Warhammer 'Lucky', Yvonne's white Phoenix Hawk 'Stella', and a pair of the new Watchmen Mechs from Robinson still in their gray primer coats stood menacingly above him.  He stood at the foot of 'Lucky' and banged on it, “Just making sure you're still here Lucky.  One of these day's we'll get you out again.” 

The mech had been torn to shreds on Doneval but he lived and had spent the past year repairing it with surplus parts from War Reserve Ballycastle in his spare time.  He could have had the Repair Depot on-planet fix it up but he wasn't necessarily in hurry to get back in the field.  There were better ways to damage the Dragon and he was certain one of these days he would find the right tactic, the right battleplan, the right anything.  Once he found that; only then would he would finish the fight on Luthien.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: DOC_Agren on 08 June 2019, 06:21:15
a question
Is Tancred Sandoval's
black and red Warhammer 6K 'Lucy'
the same mech rebuilt as
slate gray Warhammer 'Lucky'

and yes in a Warhammer without DHS, he right the coolant is warm too :thumbsup:
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 08 June 2019, 08:54:39
a question
Is Tancred Sandoval'sthe same mech rebuilt as
and yes in a Warhammer without DHS, he right the coolant is warm too :thumbsup:

Yes.  Needed a whole rebuild after that fight
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 13 June 2019, 21:50:43
Chapter 13 – Kanrei’s Ghosts
05/07/3041 Location – Kessel, Draconis Combine

The Fort Spica on Kessel was buzzing with activity as DCMS dropships and shuttles took off and landed in orderly patterns outside the soundproofed windows of the Fortress.  Within this utilitarian room were twenty men. All of whom were Yakuza that brazenly showed off their colorful Irezumi tattoos and scarred bodies over ivory vests and gray pants, the unofficial uniform of the Dai Shi Gosuto (4th Ghost) regiment.

A DCMS Officer wearing the gray work uniform stepped out of the office.  He was a stern dark-skinned man with tight cornrow braids tied into a top-knot.  “Yodama Shin.  Step Forward.”

A young man with colorful tattoos of a dragon along both arms stood up and stepped forward to the Procurement Officer bowing slightly but not politely.  The Officer was uncomfortable in the presence of so many Yakuza but did his best to not show it from afar.  “Hai.  I am he.”

“Kashira Yodama.  The Procurement department has approved your upgrade request.  Your Panther will be reprocessed and continue to serve the Dragon elsewhere.  You have won the honor of piloting one of the new Zonbi aka Wights.  It is similar to your Panther 9A LAG so the learning curve shouldn't be too steep considering your extensive experience.”

He handed the younger man a scroll wrapped in ribbon.  Shin bowed and took the scroll with him.  “You may pick it up within two hours.  Until then secure your personal effects before the depot crew arrives to take away your Mech.”

Shin bowed slightly, “Arigatogozaimasu”
“Sayonara Yodama-san.”
“Sayonara Tai-I Shikugo.”

Shin Yodama bowed once more to the man who returned it.  No sooner did he turn his back and walk away then the Tai-I called out another name.  He departed the Fortress which was currently housing the 4th Ghost ICRe (Integrated Combat Regiment) and 6th Amphigean Light Assault Group.  Numbers were vague but the Draconis Combine had undergone a massive industrialization and rearmament project in the wake of the increasing capabilities of its long time rivals, the Lyran Commonwealth and the much hated Federated Suns. 

Shin walked across the catwalk that bridged the infantry barracks to see a battalion of Ashigaru Infantry engaged in group exercise drilling themselves in Karate Katas.  The DCMS's numbers had exploded and new military training capability was coming online monthly.  The dozen Ghost Integrated Combat Regiments were just part of Gunrei-no-Kanrei Theodore Kurita's modernization drive which included expanding the Light Assault Groups, Arkab Legions, and Ryuken. 

The Teeth of the Dragon had never been sharper and a good portion of it was homegrown.  Giving top of the line Battlemechs and equipment to the newcomers was unprecedented and had stoked resentment in the senior brigades that were used to receiving the best equipment.  They were however outfitted with large numbers of tried and true designs that fit with their tried and true tactics.

Within twenty minutes he had walked across the length of the fortress to the Mech Bay where his Companies Battlemechs were housed.  Eight of them were ancient Panthers of different configurations.  The light trooper was the workhorse unit of the DCMS and one of its best export commodities; the other four were Shadow Hawk 2Ks. 

Shin climbed the ladder to reach the cockpit and removed the DI chip and his well worn bone white neurohelmet from the chair.  He detached a tanto dagger's sheath from the chair.  Its richly decorated handle had been crafted by his own hands even if the steel was standard this dagger was unique. “Tatakai o tsudzukeru Tomukayatto.”

A pair of technicians walked toward him and bowed before handing him a note.  “Its all yours.”

“Hai Kashira Yodama.  It will serve the Sixth well.  We will assign it to someone who will respect it.”

“It is just a tool without the warrior to wield it.  I have what I require.  Time for me a wield a sharper blade against the Combine's rivals.”

The techs walked up to the machine and did a quick diagnostic before one of them put on a neural band and activated the unit in its low power mode.  With only a blank Panther ROM chip it moved awkwardly at first before finding the proper balance and heading out the mech bay door.

Two hours later Shin Yodama had just arrived at the secure storage hanger.  A squad of Ashigaru troops wearing respirators stood guard and demanded his identification and the scroll of transfer he had received earlier.  After checking it twice they waved him through.  The storage hanger was filled with skeletal Zonbis and Rattlesnakes (Garangahebi) rushed to Kessel without their armored skin, two massive mechs that Shin had never seen before stood side by side. 

One had a wickedly crafted demon's skull for a head it would be intimidating on the field and by its armament would be an equal to the Lyran Banshee and Atlas battlemechs that were frequently without peer on the battlefield.  The other looked like an odd Warhammer, it was significantly heavier with symmetrical gun arms mounted over under.  By the looks of it some kind of autocannon and a laser along with the missile pods in the chest.  Shin stopped one of the Kessel Depot techs, “What are those?”

“New models from New Samarkand.  Akuma and Daboku.  Heavy as a Highlander while outgunning an Atlas.  Very impressive stats if the test results are to be believed, and to think the Daboku was designed by the Capellans first!  It will kill many FedRats and Elsies.”

Shin nodded, “I am here to pick up this one.”
The Tech pointed to one of the skeletal Zonbi (Wight), Shin looked at it curiously, “Why is it bare?”

“They got rushed here from Dover.  We've got armor enough here.  That mech just uses standard plate over the 'Endo-Steel' skeleton, whatever that is.  Sounds like a pain to fix. 

Anyhow.  You know how to put it on Kashira.  I will be sure to send a stack of plates to the mech bay when we complete the deliveries.”

“I refuse to take deliver of the item before it is armored.”
“You can take it up with Procurement then.  We have another two weeks of upgrades and transfers.  All of this new tech is a pain.  Us techs have to sit through seminars from Wakazashi and LAW on how to even service these damn things.  New tech, unreliable tech.  You should see the manual for the Daboku, its immense.

I apologize for my rant Kashira Yodama.  Today has been very stressful.  Enjoy your Zonbi.”

Shin walked up the mobile staircase to the waiting cockpit, the tech was not wrong things were still out of order.  Someone at Wakazashi quality control was going to have a very bad day when he got this thing back online.  Kagishira Yodama pulled away the plastic protector to the DI programming chip that contained a collection of his brainwaves that would speed up alignment with this new unit.  He put the Neurohelmet on the flat stair mount of the Zonbi and found the manual that would tell him how to put the cockpit back together.

The new diagrams were confusing and poorly labeled.  He touched the wrong wire and was zapped.  He reflexively closed his hand and threw a wrench out of the cockpit in frustration.  “Damu!  Rokudenashi!  Baka-Ki!”

One of the techs overheard him from below and shouted up at him, “Do you need help Yodama-san?”
“No!  I will figure this infernal machine out if it kills me.”
“Very well continue on.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 06 July 2019, 09:06:02
Chapter 14 - Secrets
06/07/3041 Location – Bluewater, Ariel, Free Worlds League

A KR-61 flew out of the sky its belly rapidly cooling from cherry hot to dull gray against blue sky with white puffy clouds.  The shuttle landed at a small runway next to a long one throwing up white smoke from the wheels. A parachute billowed out behind being reeled in before it could catch the nearby sea breeze.  Alongside the runway a dark purple AM-700 SUV kicked up gravel as it moved toward the still warm shuttle.

Corrine Marik was first in line as the stairs came down wearing a purple sundress that billowed in the wind.  Giselle Markovic followed her down wearing a similar outfit but more stylistically cut.  “This is going to be awesome.  Thanks for giving me a ride back, with a week long beach vacation.”

Giselle ran her hands through her brown hair, still short enough for a neurohelment and in dire need of a stylist after an extended say on the shuttle.  “Do you have any cute cousins Corrie?”

“I don't typically visit my mom's extended family so I'm not sure.”
  The AM-700 stopped, a tanned woman twice their age but still looking fabulous with long black hair stepped out wearing a lavender saree, “Why don't you ask her?”

“That's your mom!?  How did she end up with your dad?  He's not exactly a looker.”

“But he is a Marik.  Though in this generation that is not quite as powerful as it might have been.”

“I'm liking my chances of your having some cute cousins now.”
“You just like looking for trouble Gee.”

Cecelia Marik-Kral stepped toward the pair of young woman kissing her daughter on the cheek and hugging her first.  “Corrine Its been so long since I've seen you in person.  You must be Giselle nice to meet you.”

“Sorry I don't visit more often mom.  Been kind of busy.”
“I know.  Lets get going.  Your luggage will follow.”

The women got into the vehicle and were heading back before two trucks, a small one to carry their luggage and a larger one to offload medical supplies destined for Bluewater's hospital were on the tarmac.

“Thanks for the letters dear.  Seems like you had a fun time on Augustine with Kristen.  However, you didn't mention that Ian Davion visited.”

Giselle was suddenly excited, “Wait Ian Davion was on Augustine when you were there!  You didn't tell me that either.  How did I miss this!?”

“There's not a lot of paparazzi on Augustine Gee.  It's why Aunt Kristen went there in the first place to have her baby.  You wouldn't have seen it in the celeb e-zines.  It was all very tame.”

“You're a bad liar Corrie.  What was he like?  He looks super dreamy is he like that for real.  Did you go out on a date?  Or more?”

“He was there for Kristen we only spent time together while working.  He helped me with upgrading Troubadour.  We spent two days out on maneuvers nothing more.”

Cecelia lifted an eyebrow, she knew Corrine meant more than she was telling, “Maneuvers eh?”

“Not like that mom!  I should have known that the wife of the SAFE director would know that Ian was there even if they didn't release press pics yet.”
  She crossed her hands and leaned back against the seat, “Nothing happened.”

“Oh its nothing bad Corrine you're just the same age I was when I met your father and Ian is almost as old as he was when we married.”

“I am getting out of the Academy and doing my two years before I would even consider such things.”

“Suit yourself dear but you would have to really try to do better than a Prince with such promise.”

“We are not talking about it any more. 
How is Aunt Barb?”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Hairbear541 on 06 July 2019, 17:46:25
wonderful update alpha , was about to think you had fallen into a rl blackhole . glad your back....
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: mikecj on 07 July 2019, 15:12:33
I like her Mom.  Well played Mom
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 11 July 2019, 17:48:05
wonderful update alpha , was about to think you had fallen into a rl blackhole . glad your back....

Yeah it will be slow over the summer, just having too much fun to sit down in front of a computer despite the near constant rain.


05/18/3041 Location – Troy Interplanetary, Augustine, Free Worlds League

The five story sphere of the the FCDS Valor sat on the tarmac as the sun rose to the east.  Ian Davion was waiting in the terminal a kilometer away ensuring that all of his people were accounted for after the grand farewell dinner that Kristen Marik had planned for them.  He looked over to one of his bodyguards, a solid and stoic Sikh from Islamabad, a world deep in the Federation's Outback.  “Ran have you heard anything from Bishop?”

“No Your Highness.”
  Something came in over the ear piece and he leaned in, “Seems he's coming up now.”

Major Bishop Sortek walked up in his dress greens and a unusually somber look on his face, “Apologies Ian.  I had hoped to get here earlier.”

“No harm done friend.  The Valor has not taken off yet.  We still have an hour before takeoff.”

Bishop pulled an envelope out of his carry bag, “and I won't be on it.”

Ian took the sealed envelope opening it to see Bishop's resignation letter, “Why?  You've spent your whole life in the AFFS.”

Bishop removed the rank tabs from his uniform and offered them to Ranbir, “That's right I have.  Seen sunrises and smelled the wind of dozens of planets.  Been a guest at grand palaces and slept in the dirt under the stars of many battlefields.  Worked with the most amazing people in the universe.

I had given my life in service to the Federated Suns but I want to live it on my own terms.  Thus I would like you to accept my resignation and release me from your service.”

The Prince of New Avalon listening but still could not understand, Bishop was AFFS born and bred to walk away was...unthinkable. “What will you do?  Where will you go?”

“I will find a place somewhere in the Inner Sphere and keep in touch.”  Bishop put his hand on Ian's shoulder, “You have been a good friend Ian and will be a fine First Prince when your time comes. 

Don't forget the little guys in your big towers.  Always face your enemies with honor no matter how dishonorable they may be.”

A small tear came to Ian's eye.  The loss of a trusted friend and planned Prince's Champion was a heavy one, “As a Prince of the Federated Suns I release Major Bishop Sortek from his service in the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns.  Go forth with glory but always remember your oath of service to the Federated Suns.”

Bishop took a step back and bowed slightly, he was now just another citizen of the Federated Suns in the company of his Prince, “Thank you, Your Highness.”

Ian handed the letter to Ran in exchange for the blood red tabs of an AFFS Mechwarrior Major, “Are you certain you don't want you tabs.  You earned them.”

Bishop shook his head, “You should keep them Sir.  You might need them sooner than your think.”

As the man turned his back Ian stopped him, “Bishop of House Sortek wait.”

Bishop turned around this was against normal protocol but that had never stopped Ian, “How may I be of service Sir?”

“I would like to grant you a boon for your many years of service to the Federated Suns.”
“I'm honored but that is quite unnecessary.”
“I think not and as your Prince may do as I please as long as it follows the Laws of Noble Conduct.”
  Ian opened his commpad and changed the papers for Major Sortek's Penetrator, 'Jumping Jack,' transferring it to the now civilian Bishop Sortek.  “By this Royal decree I transfer the rights to ownership of Penetrator oh oh three and associated equipment as well as a sum of one hundred and fifty eight thousand pounds to thee.”

Bishop received a copy of the decree to his personal comm-pad and another would be sent to New Avalon via HPG later in the day for record keeping.  “Thank you Sir.  It will be put to good use.”

“I'm certain it will.  Goodbye Bishop of House Sortek,”
Ian extended his hand to shake and Bishop accepted it, “until we meet again.”
“Until we meet again Prince Ian Davion.”

Bishop watched as the Valor blasted off into the early morning sky of Augustine, Bishop snapped a slick salute to the departing spheroid, “Godspeed Ian.  You don't need me anymore. Time for both of us to blaze our own trails.”

A chirp on his Commpad caused him to open it up.  A message tied to all independent Mechwarriors looking for work popped up advertising merc work on Westerhand for all three Liao siblings.  “Not even two hours, they must be desperate.”

Historical Interlude 2

June 3041
Capellan Confederation Chancellor Romano Liao completes moving the capital to Capella as the St Ives Confederation Armed Forces (SICAF pronounced Psy Caf) move within striking distance of Sian along the new Ares-Pallatine Battle Line in their ongoing Civil War. 

Premier Candace Liao speaks out against the latest in a line of brutal combat actions that resulted in the death of her husband and Senior Colonel of the SICAF Justin Allard who was leading the St Ives Lancers against the fearsome Harloc Raiders promising blood for blood.

Romano's on again off again consort Tsen Shang was assassinated on Tikonov while on foreign assignment to Earthworks.  While no parties take responsibility rumors fly placing blame with Justin Allard's father Quintus Allard, retired Minister of Intelligence to the Federated Suns.  If true it would be a massive escalation with the already embattled Federated Suns.

Duke Tormano Liao arrives on Atreus to once more consult with the Free Worlds League that is now facing an increasingly unstable border with the Capellan Confederation. 

Dalma Humphries, the new Duchess of Andurian, demands that the League allow her to rebuild the Defenders of Andurian which were decommissioned in the wake of the Andurian Succession crisis resolved less than two years ago or failing that deploy Marik Militia to protect her domain. 

Duke Andel Orloff whose worlds border the Confederation is increasingly outspoken in Parliament about the large quantities of Lyran Commonwealth and Free World's League flagged mercenaries flowing toward Westerhand.  The mercenaries are pursuing lucrative contracts for the embattled Capellan states and have drawn high and low ranked units in equal measure.  Andel is requesting approval to annex/conquer that world which has declared itself neutral.  This is required to better control the flow of arms and men at arms that might become brigands when the bloody war eventually finishes.

COMSTAR contracted mercenaries and ComGuards have deployed to the Federated Suns occupied territories on the Rimward end of the Capellan Confederation.  They are there to hold those worlds in trust to whichever side eventually wins the war in the wake of accusations against AFFS occupying forces.  Accusations that the Martial General of the AFFS denies claiming pirates and rogue CCAF or TDF soldiers were responsible for the atrocities.

Romano Loyalist’s Capital – Capella
Candace's Reformist Capital – St Ives
Federated Suns Occupation Force HQ – Fort Lee, Victoria
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 11 July 2019, 20:33:49
Chapter 15 - Atreus
06/28/3041 Location – Carthage Hill, Atreus, Free World's League

It was high noon and bright light reflected off the fish pond and onto the face and green formal uniform of Ian Davion, Prince of the Federated Suns.  The young man was presently thinking about current events.  He so wished he could get a real time HPG link to his father on the other side of the Inner Sphere. 

An authoritative voice of an older man came from behind.  “You come to us at a difficult time Prince Davion.  The Inner Sphere is in its standard state of turmoil once more.”

Ian turned and saw the horribly scarred visage of Thomas Marik dressed in a sharp black suit with purple accents.  “Apologies Captain-General.  I was not expecting you here.  Everything I read tells me you are quite busy with parliamentary proceedings relating to the Capellan Confederation.”

“Paul is doing an adequate job of managing the diverse interests of the Free World's provinces without me.  He's admittedly not the sharpest but apt enough and still in his prime.” 

“Its a difficult job being Captain-General sometimes I like to take walks in the park but I normally disguise myself when I do so.”
  He framed his face with his gloved hands almost certainly burned or replaced by well crafted cybernetics along with other parts.  More than five years ago his nephew and cousin attempted to kill him with a bomb and almost succeeded, they had paid for their failures with their lives.  “I wanted you to see the real me however, a bit broken perhaps but unbowed.  Your father however has gotten us in a bit of trouble.  His occupation of the Confederation is flirting with a COMSTAR interdiction.”

“I understand that you were once a member of the Blessed Order Thomas and likely believe their claims are credible but MIIO will reveal in time that the AFFS was not responsibility for the atrocities on Zanzibar, Huric, and Turin blamed on them.”

“War is an awful thing young man but so is politics.  This Capellan situation is growing out of control.  It is why I invited Mandrinn Tormano back to my capital.  It is my hope that with both of you here that we might come to an agreement.”

“He tried to kill me on Solaris.”

Thomas did a grim impression of a smile, “That seems a bit of a stretch Ian.  If I remember correctly my nephew Photon was the one that was facing you in the Arena and you beat him in a quite spectacular fashion.  Even if that is true, you'll get used to it.  I had to.

My own cousin did this to me attempting to seize the throne.  Well Executive Seat of Parliament.”

“How did you not just put him in front of a firing squad when you returned?”

“The Order taught me a few things, one of them was that not everyone needs to like you all the time to be useful later.  He died all on his own with no blame or shame on me. 

That is a remarkable necessary skill on Atreus, one day an MP will try to challenge you to a duel, a week later he needs something and is willing to deal.  You'll learn a lot if you stay here for a while.  Far more than on that decadent icy hell of a world, Tharkad.”

“I picked up a few tricks courtesy of the Lyrans. 
Learned to ice skate, tried several different forms of dance, some experimental cuisine...”

“Experimental cuisine you say?  Why don't we talk about it on a walk together.  Perhaps Paul will even join us if I can separate him from that Regulan Derick (Cameron-Jones).  Persistent that one but its in his blood.”

“I didn't have any other plans today.”
“Perfect then let me give you a personal tour of the City of Atreus.  Might need a few props and a change of clothes though.  You stand out in that uniform.”

“That was the point sir.”
  Ian looked down and pointed out some of the fancy embellishments that separated this one from standard issue, “This is a bespoke uniform straight from the tailors of Guthrin Reihe in Tharkad City.  Feel it.”

Thomas shook his head at that request, “I think not Ian.  Might want to stick to black here, I don't think your red hair will work well with purple.”

“I agree.  It is close to the bottom of my favored colors.”

As they walked beyond the villa they saw the purple banners flying off the Atrean Parliament.  “Well you will have to get used to it.”

"I think that might be the hardest part.  I can take the blood sucking nobles.
"  Ian looked at the clerks and other League citizens in the Punic Plaza outside Parliament.  He spotted a gorgeous woman following the Canopian ambassadrix also a stunner, and put his sun glasses on to dampen the bright light.  "At least they get some sun here."
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 17 July 2019, 16:07:55
07/05/3041 Location – Modré zrcadlo (Blue Mirror), Atreus, Free Worlds League

Prince Ian Davion stepped off the yacht and onto the plank before looked back across the straight to Atreus City.  Its grand buildings reflecting on the perfectly clean water that separated the city from his current location.  The area was known as the 'Mounds (of Cash)', a series of privately owned and built artificial islands connected by air or sea just a short way to the Atreus City Aerodrome or Cothon.

Before him was the island known as Blue Mirror for its distinctive shape, the 'handle' was elevated and looked toward Atreus City.  Presently he was in the 'mirror' a perfectly serene cove protected by a sea gate that smelled of wildflowers.  The shores of the island were patrolled by soldiers of the 343rd Federation Jump Infantry.  They were part of the Davion Light Guards sister unit to his Heavy Guards so he expected jokes would be made on his behalf concerning weight and he prepared ones in advance about them.  A trio of men approached him, two were in light suits while the other was in a dark one.  “Ambassador Zibler, pleasure to meet you in person.”

The brown haired man in the dark suit bowed as did his guards all showing off the AFFS standard buzzcut.  “Pleasure is all mine Prince Ian.”

He looked at the boat that Ian had come in on as porters were unloading things from it and another small boat, “Afraid things are still a bit of a mess inside.”

“Sorry to make you move all of a sudden.”
“We'll get it done by day end tomorrow your majesty.  Your room will be top priority. 

Thank you for improving my living conditions dramatically.  The main Zibler estate on Euclid is not nearly as nice as this one.”

“Well IrTech never does things in half measures.”
“We got a lease on this estate and the plans for the GM Three Seven Five XL engine.  All for an improved large laser?”

“Well the Mariks do love their lasers.  We also got a good deal to buy out Irian's Marauder tooling.”

“What am I even here for?”

Ian patted the man on his back he was only slightly older than he.  “Cheer up Damien.  I can't win them all by myself.”

“I should hope not Ian.  What a drag living on this beautiful island without responsibilities would be.”

A dark haired tan woman exited from the small 6x6 utility vehicle walking down the pier with a walk worthy of a model.  “Ah yes.  Speaking of beautiful.  This is my wife Justinia.

Justinia meet Prince Ian Davion.”

She spoke with a heavy accent almost Canopian in nature but not quite, “Thank you for accepting our invitation Prince Ian.  It is our honor to host you while you are on Atreus.”

“At least here I am not drowning in purple.  The sun should do me some good.  Augustine was far to hot most days and having separate men and women's beaches is just cruel.”

“You get used to it.  I am from Paradise, best place outside the Magistracy to vacation.”
  She pulled her brightly patterned jacket closed, “This is almost cold to me.”

“Well then lets get you in the sun-room dear.  We'll show you around Ian.”
“Lead the way.”

07/06/3041 09:58 Location – Parliament of Worlds, Atreus, Free Worlds League

“Speaker, I once more put forward my request to annex Westerhand!  We cannot allow the continued unchecked flow of weapons as well as the mercenaries and pirates to wield them into the Capellan Confederation.  It is only a matter of time before this spirals out of control and we are drawn into a larger conflict for which we are not prepared.”

Paul Marik stood at the podium in lieu of his brother Thomas today, the bookish man did not quite have the stage presence as his older half-brother or sister but was unflappable despite the sometimes heated rhetoric exchanged on the floor. “Mandrinn Liao has once more assured me that will not occur Duke Orloff.  Such an action will throw more fuel into an already overheated situation.  Regardless as is your rights Is there any support amongst you for this motion that would declare war on the Capellan Confederation?”

The only member that enthusiastically raised her hand was the young Duchess of Andurian Dalma Humphries.  Her outspoken realm had just been given its seat in Parliament back only this year but had not forwarded a motion yet.  'Prince' Kirc Cameron-Jones also offered his support but the motion failed to carry.  Ian Davion stood in the observation gallery behind blacked out bulletproof glass; sometimes Parliament became a contact sport. 

Ian had spent the past week familiarizing himself with the arcane rules and traditions of the Free Worlds League and was astonished it even worked sometimes.  Unlike the rest of the Successor States the Free Worlds League was a Republican state rather than a constitutional monarchy like the Federated Suns or a dictatorship like their perennial rivals, the Draconis Combine.  Thomas Marik had introduced some changes that gave the Executive Seat, traditionally held by a member of the Marik family greater flexibility in actually getting anything done.

“Just like last week.”

Ian turned to see Mandrinn Tormano Liao, whose sisters were busy tearing up their realms while he lived in exile behind him wearing the standard sharp black Zhongshan suit.  His arm was in a sling, “Mandrinn Liao.  What happened to your arm?”

“One of my sisters' people almost got me earlier today.  Fortunately I don't go anywhere without an armored car and armed security.  Fortune favored us.  Everyone is fine.”

“How about armed?”
“Your security man searched me if you are curious.  Hardly a fair fight any how young man.”

The man sat in the chair next to him, “Maybe at one time.”

“I don't know about that Tormano I was on the pistol team at Albion.  Still keep in practice.”
“Its not my style anyway.  I think of myself as a Warrior of Peace.  I don't want my children to inherit a doomed realm.”
“A noble goal Tormano but one that always seems elusive.  You said something about this happening every week”

“True on your first point.  I am not terribly surprised you didn't look up the video history of Parliament to understand the people in it better.  The young Duchess of Andurian is showing support to Andel Orloff because she has been attempting to get an engagement to his son and heir, Alfonso. 

The Andurians rogue attack on the Confederation resulted in massive loss to both her Duchy and their allies the Magistracy of Canopus.  With the Defenders of Andurian disbanded as punishment for their rebellion she needs protection from the resulting spillover of the Confederation's Civil War.  Duchess Humphreys needs a political and economic ally to rebuild her realm.  The Orloff Grenadiers are the finest soldiers in the Free Worlds League's provincial militaries and are regularly brought in to decisively open or close a battle.

Duke Cameron-Jones also offers his Regulan's support to their cause as push back against Thomas Marik's attempts to centralize power in the hands of the Executive.  The Regulans have long chafed at the Marik's attempt to tie their hands and prevent them from fielding a larger military capable of offensive action.”

“Who do they want to attack?”

“That is a good question young man.  I think they just like showing off their might to the other provinces.  Kirc and his kin are more bluster than brawlers however.  I don't think the Regulan Hussars have ever deployed outside the Duchy's borders.  During Anton's revolt they even fought amongst themselves. 

Probably going to make a move on the Rimward portions of the Confederation.”

“You know you could be a bit more decisive Tormano.  You being here and not in the fight is detrimental to the resolution of the Civil War.”

“You would have me prop up your occupation of my family's worlds.  I think not young Prince.  Your AFFS is out of control I'm both happy and terrified that the ComGuards are stepping into the gap.  I trust you ever so slightly more than them.”

“My father's intervention was justified Mandrinn.  The Chancellor attempted to double my father and worked with Micheal Hasek to harm the Federated Suns.  Turnabout is fair play.”

“So you think that excuses the double agent that seduced my sister and turned her against my family.  Your father started this War Ian and I think he prefers to keep it burning while he deals with the Dragon despite the horrific cost it has inflicted on my people, and yours. 

Think about that next time you send him an HPG.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 07 August 2019, 18:46:51
07/08/3041 Location – Ryal City, Atreus, Free Worlds League

Mandrinn Tormano Liao sat on the balcony looking at the sun rising over the Partheon Sea.  The breeze was fragrant and strong enough to press his black silk robes to his body.  Smooth sapphire waves crashed over rough white rocks behind which were the manicured lawns and gardens of vacationing Parliamentarians.  It was a fantastic view like the Adriatic Sea on Terra or so he had heard, one day he would make it to Terra although it would have to wait for COMSTAR to be defeated.

He stopped a moment and poured a clear liquid from a crystal decanter into two glasses, “Director, you've come a long way from Tikonov.”

A tall lanky man with black hair and a wolfish face was waiting just inside the sliding glass door.  He walked forward and stood in front of the exiled son of Maximillian Liao.  “Where's the family Tormano?”

“Spending the night at a friend's house Alexi.  They still think I am in Atreus City.”

Alexi pulled one of the well-finished wooden chairs from the table and sat facing Tormano.  “I appreciate the professional courtesy.  How did you know I was promoted to Director?  I doubt even some of my people know yet.”

Tormano handed the man one of the glasses of alcohol.  He moved with pained slowness and Tormano could see bruises on his arm, “A little bird told me.”

“This bird needs to shut its beak.”
“Did you kill Lord Sheng Alexi?”

The man downed his glass in a single gulp, “Hell no!  I told Quintus and Hanse we shouldn't do it.  Justin died on a battlefield in his mech he knew the risks.  They didn't treat him any different than any SIAC soldier. 

Quintus' went rogue and blew my cover.  Hanse had to cut him loose, now he's rogue with Candace. 

ROM sniffed me out and too many Rabid Foxes died to get me off that world.  Now Romano is fighting dirtier than ever before and Candace is pushing the First Prince's resources to the limit. 

We can't afford an interdiction!  Not with the Dracs circling the Draconis March.”

Tormano refilled the other man's glass from the decanter, “What brings you to Atreus then Director Mallory?”

“I want your help and am prepared to offer mine in exchange.  How long have we worked together Tormano?”

“Thirteen years.  You know I refused to let the Capellan Confederation be a client state of New Avalon's why does MIIO keep bothering me?”

“You damn well know why.  Candace is out of control and she has Quintus Allard in her corner.  Romano gets more unhinged by the day and has ROM on her side.  We need you to step up and you can have us in your corner.”

“I can handle myself well enough alone Alexi.”
“Yes, dammit! 

Hanse Davion started this, he should act to finish it or accept the consequences for his inaction.  He sent this all in motion he needs to stand up and put a stop to it for real.  Yet he hasn't been seen in two weeks.”

Alexi sipped at his liquor, Vodka from League space wasn't quite as good as from Tikonov but it was good enough.  “Alright I'll tell you a secret Tormano, Hanse Davion is not well but improving.  I know you talk to Prince Ian regularly you had best not be speaking venom into his ear. 

The First Prince would not appreciate such behavior.”

“Only the truth raw and unfiltered.  He's a smart young man in that he listens and judges.  Without Bishop beside him he's had a rough time accepting his place as just another pawn.”

“He's at least a Knight in Hanse Davion's board.  You're a Bishop that just so happens to turn colors every other round for advantage.”

Tormano smiled and sipped at his drink, “Well I do spread propaganda and take the most efficient path so that seems fair.  I'd like to think of myself of at least a Rook.”

“You will have to accept being a Bishop Tormano.  Well like I've said I need your help and we can help one another against ROM.  I know your looking for dirt on Precentor Senaca.  He's a fast riser on the seniority track but immensely skilled for a League originated Spy.”

“They don't make them like they do in the Mask.  Fair enough we can call it a truce for now but you have to begin to withdraw support for Candace.”

“Quintus took a lot of our best people with him to StIMI, I can get the First Prince to par back our support for her and refocus it on the real threat.”

“Finally!  Alexi why don't you stay and play some chess with me while we discuss our future partnership.”

“Which color are you flagging this time Tormano?”

Tormano smiled a wicked smile at the man who looked disconcerted in its wake, “I think I shall go with Gold and Green.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 07 August 2019, 19:53:53
Chapter 16 – Escalation
Location – Yulan River Basin, Gei-Fu

Colonel Patrick Kell's walked his modified Thunderbolt-5SS to the crest of a hill overlooking the mighty Yulan River swollen with monsoon rains.  This season was a particularly bad one and it showed.  The large river had burst its banks and filled the whole of the plain with mud and silt that was bogging down the heavy tanks of the St Ives Janissaries and 3rd Capellan Defense Force. 

The lighter main battle tanks of the Janissaries, medium weight Tiger 22s with their modernized LBX main guns were able to cross with minor difficulty and fared well against the heavier Pos of the 3rd Capellan Defense Force. 

A squad of Boeing Jump Bombers flew overhead booming over his mech while racing toward battlemechs bearing the flag of Warrior House Ijori.  Missiles and cannon fire filled the air with flak taking down half the flight but the other half dropped their lethal payload.  In a rush only two mechs were hit with bombs while the others burst in the river spraying brown water all over the battlefield.

The explosions rent armor and caused more mobility kills among the bogged down CDF tanks.  Crews popped their hatches and threw satchel charges into the cabin to deny it to enemies that could have been their brothers in a different world.  Overloaded trucks filled with grim faced infantry slowed down to allow the men to hang onto the side.  Even if their tank was lost they could still carry a rifle for Romano.

Patrick Kell put his artificial hand to his chin, it was so lifelike from the outside but it would never feel the same.  “Over and over again in this war.  You loyalists hold on beyond all reason.  You have to know this war was hopeless.  Put down your guns and save your sons and daughters for god's sake!”

A female voice came in over his Thunderbolt's comm-link, it was the Battalion Tactical Officer Major Tanya Black.  “Colonel Kell.  Detecting three incoming SRBMs on Long Range.”

“Shit!  Pull back Janes.”

The Janissary tanks stopped in the middle of the marshy field and attempted to reverse tracks.  Some of them were bogged down in the mud while others broke free.  Their tight formation was snarled as the TOADs (TOp Attack Detonation) fell down and detonated above them spreading heavy sub-munitions that tore into track and turret.  The Warrior House Battlemechs moved forward while the Janissaries were retreating attempting to finish off the wounded.  The St Ives mechs rushed into the fray as well, they were already heavily damaged but so were the Warrior House units.

“Puppies lets get biting!”

The Kell Hounds 3rd Battalion “Patrick's Pups” pushed forward, two mobile lighting companies of light and medium mechs or vehicles anchored by a solid heavy and assault Battlemech Group.  The lighting companies raced over the hill throwing up clumps of mud and occasionally falling in a too deep soft spot.  The Drillson, Pegasus, and Maxim hovercraft blazed over the terrain only to be interrupted by a counter charge of Regulator, Condor, and Harasser hover vehicles from across the river.  The fast moving groups were forced to engage one another in order to ensure that neither side could exploit their sheer speed and flanking ability.

The Loyalist force paused in their own advance to face the incoming attackers and split up with half pursuing each force, the wounded reformists and the still fresh Hounds.  “What do they think they are doing.  Bite and tear Hounds.”

Just then the ground in front of the Kell Hounds began to explode, “What is that?”

The kindly female voice came in over the comm-link, “Looks like Thumpers somewhere nearby.  I'm vectoring in a Boomerang to see if I can get a fix on them hang tight Third.”

The Kell Hounds opened up to limit their damage from the incoming artillery.  Then his long range Aerial RADAR picked up something different, VTOLs hover over a nearby hillside and pitched toward his force.  “Guns get outside.”

The Jagermech and Rifleman in the company positioned themselves on the near side toward the choppers.  Warrior H-7Cs equipped with long range missiles would be a nuisance but nothing to scary as long as his ground-to-air cover held.  A thumper shell exploded right in front of his Thunderbolt damaging the front armor with fragments and almost causing him to lose his footing in the resulting crater.  The thick mud clung to his mechs feet and the machine was forced to work harder to free itself with each step.  “Last time I fight in a swamp.”

“I found the artillery Playboy.”
“Whereabouts TacOps?”
“Ten klicks away looks like they are preparing another TOAD launch.  The TELs were up.”
“Roger.  All forces minimum concentration.  TacOps how long until we can get a bomb on them.”
“Not soon enough.  SRBMs away.”

Patrick's mech torso twisted to see the faint plume of flame reaching up into the sky from the direction.  “Its not coming your way Playboy.  Trajectory is southbound.”
“But that's toward you.”
“Affirmative.  Five minutes to impact.”

At the Kell Hounds base two TOAD SRBMs fell down on the dropships followed by a third one containing the potent nerve agent UrbStryc-A.  All hands for the dropships and support crews were lost to the gas as the previous explosions had severely damaged their vessels.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: paulobrito on 08 August 2019, 02:51:47
Nasty - typical Romano move, i like.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: snakespinner on 08 August 2019, 05:31:57
Nasty, I wonder what the response will be. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 11 August 2019, 18:46:06
07/12/3041 Location – New Avalon, Federated Suns

First Prince Hanse Davion sat on the edge of the Fountain of Nike inside Castle Davion enjoying the contrasting feeling of cool stone and the warm breeze.  It was a beautiful summer day in Avalon City he had chosen a good time to come back to the Capitol.  He looked at the gold watch on his tanned wrist, “Where is he?”

Colonel Jaime Wolf walked across the courtyard of Castle Davion, his Wolf Dragoon's formal uniform was immaculate and gave him the air of a powerful noble despite being a mere legendary man-at-arms.  His weapon had been removed by Castle security but he still looked fearsome for his age.  They entered the Castle Gardens which were quartered off by hedges and currently being worked on by the groundskeepers.

He turned to a younger woman next to him, she shared a common resemblance, dark hair and eyes with a pleasant though strong face.  She wore the same uniform but was based on the rank insignia was of lower rank, “Maeve stay in the gardens with Marisa and the children.  I will speak to the First Prince alone.”

“Aff Colonel.”
  The young woman turned around and headed back to where the teenage girls, their brother, and mother were, “Lets go into the hedge maze girls.  Dad has to conduct some business.”

The younger of the girls was excited with all the pleasant landscaping, “That sounds like fun V.  These gardens are so pretty when we will get something like this at home?”

“I don't know Rachel.  You will have to ask father.”

The five of them headed toward one of the other quadrants, Colonel Wolf turned and faced a different one.  A long series of Arches that led toward the Castle Proper on the other side of a short stout wall capable of concealing a battlemech behind it.  The Albion Arches were wide enough for armored vehicles to pass in single file or at least twelve men to stand abreast.  Jaime felt eyes on him and as his eyes got used to the darkness he could see plain clothes MIIO agents in the shelter of the doorways that led off the main thoroughfare. 

On the far side he could see his destination, the Fountain of Nike within the Western Bailey.  Inside the courtyard fountain was Lady Nike in stone with bronzed sword raised high.  As he cleared the gap a man stood up from where he was sitting on the fountain's stone ledge.  Colonel Wolf walked up to him, “Hanse, you're looking mighty hale and hearty for a man of apparently declining health.”

Hanse Davion shook the man's hand, “A bit of subterfuge for public consumption.  I'm nearly back to my fighting weight and Dana appreciates the time that I can now spend with her.”  He took a swig of a green mixture in a clear plastic bottle, “The food continues to be dreadful despite the kitchen's best efforts.”

“How is your wife?”
“Quite well.  She is still on Lexington with our daughter.  Yvonne has done a lot of growing up in the past year.  Andrew is off on his first tour in the Outback.  I'm grateful that she has Tancred and he her.  The young man has a bright future ahead of him.  Your family?”

“MacKenzie finally got his chance to go to the Magistracy.  Emma Centrella has been reorganizing the MAF and he was willing to work for a reduced fee with some of our more promising recruits.

According to him the MRB is setting up a hiring hall on Hardcore and he wanted to be the first to put his name on the charter.  Maeve, Marisa, and the others may currently be lost in your hedge maze.”

Hanse put his hand under his chin, “Why would they build a MRB hiring hall that far out on the Rim and deny you one on Outreach?”

“That is what I've come to talk to you about.  I sent Mack to the Magistracy with an ulterior mission.  He is there to monitor the situation and as a backup. 

Outreach is being raided heavily by Capellan and Combine forces under false flags and my WolfNet Operatives on Tikonov were burned along with Mallory's men.  Someone is working against us and I think it is the same people working against you, COMSTAR.”

Hanse didn't know that Jaime was watching him but figured that it might have been the case.  Alexi Mallory was the deepest cover operative in the DMI and now he had been promoted to head Spymaster.  The previous primary, Quintus Allard, had gone rogue with his daughter-in-law and setting up StIMI with other loyal to him but rogue officers. 

Alexi had been sent to Atreus to help Ian deal with the new situation developing there.  Hanse had fewer state responsibilities now that he was 'infirm' so he could take on the thing he really enjoyed the most, Subterfuge.  This Fox was a cunning one.  “So you knew about Alexi?”

“My WolfNet operatives were very good.  If ROM ferreted them out then we have both underestimated Precentor Senaca.

So I have to ask you First Prince.  Is your offer of the Duchy of Quentin is still on the table?”

Hanse was taken aback by that statement.  He had offered the Dragoons that Duchy shortly after their final betrayal by the Draconis Combine.  They had refused it instead asking that he validate their claim to Outreach against the Capellan Confederation who would not be able to resist the AFFS after the Victoria War, “You would leave Outreach?”

“Either we leave soon or we will be driven out.  We can move the Blackwell factory components to the Valley of Steel alongside Independence Weaponry.  Additionally I have some of the old DoME Terraforming units that might be able to regenerate the atmosphere.”

One of Hanse's eyelids lifted curiously, if Jaime was telling the truth there were a lot more questions than answers.  “Wait, what?  You have Terraforming tech?”

Jaime presented a datachip to Hanse Davion, “and more.  Do we have a deal then First Prince Davion?”

Hanse took the offered chip, “I think we do Duke Wolf.  Stay for dinner, we have much to discuss I think.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 09 October 2019, 16:11:19
27 year old Stavros Lambda (Photon Brett-Marik) and 7 year old Titus Lambda (Carlos Marik) stood atop the Hagia Sophia at first light taking a moment to appreciate their first Terran Sunrise.  A firm authoritative voice came from behind them, “Marvelous isn't it?”

Both turned around and gasped at the sight of Anastasious Focht's cybernetic eye and other prosthetic, such things were readily hidden in their home realm.  “Precentor Martial.  To what do I owe this honor?”

“I always make a little time in my day to great VIPs that have recently arrived on Terra.  We are pleased you have decided to join us Photon Brett.”

“That's not my name anymore.”

Focht zoned out for a millisecond while something likely flashed on his cold blue cybernetic eye.  “Of course Stavros, what a fine nom de guerre.  Precentor Seneca risked a lot lifting you three off Tamarind.”

“My mother will not admit that I managed to escape her but will quietly post a bounty for me.  That's just how she is.  Always looking to cover herself first, she has my brother she doesn't need me.”

Anastasius unconsciously stroked his face tracing the scars he endured for the Steiners and his cousin Katrina's betrayal.  “Yes, family drama is something I am intimately familiar with.”

Focht stared at the boy before softening his ruined gaze as to not frighten him, “What do you think of Terra young man?”

Carlos/Titus looked out over the Staits, “This place is wonderful.  I'd love to stay forever.”

“Well you can your Uncle and I have a some business to discuss however.  Say my assistant Tanya will be around soon.  Would you like her to take you and your mother on a tour of Istanbul?”

“When will I see you Pho?”

“Its Stav, and you're Titus.”

“But my name is Carlos.”

“Not here it isn't.”
  Photon looked over the Anastasius who spoke calmly to the child, “I suppose we can see each other around lunch.”

“Sure I will go find my mother, she said she was saying morning prayers.”
“Good boy.  We'll be right here.”  Titus ran off across the gardens, “You did a noble thing when you adopted that boy and married his mother.”

“My cousin had good taste, Farah is a remarkably gorgeous young woman.  Pity Duncan died so soon, his loss is my gain however.”

“Well now Stavros.  Concerning our business.  I have a black ops unit in training that needs a commander.  If you want the assignment you can have it.”

“Just like that, you aren't afraid I will choke like I did in the Jungle?”

“That was bad luck.  If he missed you would have killed Ian Davion is a perfectly legal way. 

I want Uriel Vasely, I read you're file you're every bit as good as Duncan Marik might have been if he had lived if not more so.  Your family didn't allow you to flourish and solidify your skills something I'm also familiar with.  I want to give you that chance.”

“What kind of hardware are we talking about?  COMSTAR isn't known for its army.”

“To be fair the same could be said of your Free World's League.  However, you'd be surprised what we have kept ready for action.  For you I was thinking something special, a SLDF grade Black Knight.”
  The offer was an astounding one, Photon hadn't expected to be offered a job in the COMGUARDs when he was “rescued” by ROM.

Photon saw a just showing 24 yo Farah and Titus walking toward him through the gardens, “I'm in.”

“Good, I brought it with me.  Let's see whether your year off has dulled your edge.”

“Now its your turn to be surprised Precentor Martial.”
“You can't surprise me.  I've been in this game for a long time.”

Farah stopped and waited to be invited over to the conversation.  She entered it warily as Focht' cybernetics were horrific to her. “Who is this man Photon?”

“This is COMSTAR's Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht.  Precentor, this is my wife Farah bin Al'Hassam of Mosiro.”

Focht responded with a courtly bow well practiced on Tharkad.  “A pleasure maam.  I am here to offer you husband a job in my organization.  He may be traveling frequently but will have a home here on Terra somewhere pleasant courtesy of COMSTAR as part of his rich compensation.”

“You told me you had given up being a Mechwarrior to spend more time with Carlos.”

“I have Farah.  The Precentor is offering me a role as a strategist on how to protect isolated HPGs from pirates.  Surely that is a worthwhile way to spend a career even if it does require some travel I will always return.  COMSTAR's services are invaluable to the Inner Sphere, I'm trying to protect it from a threat of its own making.”

She didn't seem convinced but chose to bring up her objections at a later time.  “I still don't like it.  Our child needs a father.”

He walked over to her and embraced her, “And I shall be the best one I can be when I am here which will be most of the time.  COMSTAR can rush me home from the farthest Rim world in two weeks if I need to return in a hurry for us.  I doubt I will leave soon.”  Focht nodded, “There is much to do here on Terra like go shopping for a house. 

The loveliest one we can find.  First though I have to do a lot of paperwork so Precentor Focht's assistant is going to take you on a tour and shopping trip while I do so.”

All he was thinking of though was revenge with a brand new mech and what sort of paint job he was going to give it.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 02 April 2021, 12:02:24
Historical Interlude 3
3043 – The Capellan Civil War
St Ives Compact Premier Candace and Capellan Chancellor Romano Liao's Civil War continues to consume men and resources in the fires of war fueled by outside influence and their own hatred for one another. Their brother Mandrinn Tormano Liao's Free Capella, a ‘humanitarian’ non-profit dedicated to housing and caring for refugees and advocating for a swift end to the conflict, operates out of Solaris VII attracting funding through affiliation with the Federated Suns’ charismatic Prince Ian Davion and Lyran Commonwealth’s Archon Melissa Steiner's (self-interested) benevolence. In the Rimward Periphery the Taurian Concordat and Magistracy of Canopus have chosen opposite sides and a new low intensity front has opened in the Fronc Reaches and Aurigan Coalition between the two powers. Each seek to carve up (or be rewarded with) parts of the Rim-ward Confederation presently controlled by Candace Liao’s St Ives Compact.

Within the Draconis Combine Coordinator Takashi Kurita has handed over the role of Supreme Commander of the DCMS to his son, the brilliant heir-apparent Gunji-no-Kanrei Theodore Kurita. Free to focus on revitalizing his realm knowing its security is in good hands the Coordinator has focused on strengthening the Pillars of Gold, Teak, and Jade rooting out incompetent and corrupt officials with the aid of COMSTAR and in some allowing the order has taken over with tacit permission from Luthien. Theodore’s reforms of the DCMS have created a more effective military force that follows him as opposed to their regional Warlords. Additional recruiting from previously ‘undesirable’ (women, criminals, the poor, etc.…) populations have fostered greater dedication and appreciation of the DCMS throughout the Combine while only marginally affecting its superior quality. However expansion of Ghost, Legion (Arkab or of Vega), and Ryuken formations has caused friction with the Provincial Regulars and elite Sword of Light.

First Prince Hanse Davion and Wolf Dragoons of Quentin are on a war footing, DCMS forces regularly raid border territories while both Liao sisters have struck supply depots within the Capellan March to ensure a steady supply of material for their own war machines. Taurian border territories have begun to heat up as Thomas Calderon’s revanchist Concordat once more try to reclaim territory that has been Federated Suns since the Reunification War. All while Outworlds Alliance privateers working with Candace operate all along the Draconis March to Sarna attacking Combine vessels but drawing pirate hunting DCMS forces into battle with AFFS garrisons in defiance of both their President and the First Prince.

On Atreus every faction is vying for the Free World’s League to pick a side tipping the balance of power in their favor. With its own internal divisions the Parliament of Worlds finds itself pulled in many different directions and paralyzed with indecision. Having endured a recent Civil War the FWLM has no appetite to occupy Capellan space whereas the AFFS and LCAF cannot as they face DCMS pressure on their own borders. Time is running out however as the refugee crisis and border raids continue to escalate in both intensity and scope. Mercenaries and pirates come from as far away as the Oberon Confederation and Hanseatic League to exact their pound of flesh from the carcass of a flailing, failed state. As the Capellan Confederation rots away it threatens to consume the whole Inner Sphere in its death throes.

Premier Candace Liao finds herself under greater pressure on her new temporary capital of Victoria as her sister Romano’s CCAF is aided directly and indirectly by the DCMS’ Genyosha, Ryuken-San and Roku, as well as 2 Ghost Regiments. Within her territory the COMGUARDs protect their own and she is left with merely superior covert forces from her father-in-law, a defensible line starting from Teng and Texlos, an abundance of supplies from Magestrix Centrella, and a Taurian Concordat under pressure from Duke Morgan Hasek-Davion’s New Syrtis Fusiliers. Without additional support from either New Avalon or Atreus what seemed like it would be a quick victory will turn into a long defeat. She needs leverage in order to strengthen her fragile position and an option might have just presented itself.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Wrangler on 03 April 2021, 17:39:24
Wow. Your resuming the story?  Awesome!
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 04 April 2021, 12:44:03
Wow. Your resuming the story?  Awesome!

Yeah, I had a bit of inspiration and wanted to finally finish it. Plus its tagged on my Sig so people are more likely to look.

Chapter 17 – Milk Run

09/18/3043 Aboard FWDS Aerlion, En Route to Sadurni, Free World's League

Corrine Marik banged her fist on the table, an action which would have upset the four wine cups on it were they not magnetized. “You're a damn cheat, Llewell!”

The Roma brushed his hands down bare arms and collected his winnings. Giselle and him were still in their bright tech overalls while Corrine and Duke wore the black jumpsuits of League spacers. A narrow purple diagonal stripe showing on their shoulder marked them as Cadets. “I don't even have sleeves on Countess. Care for another round?”

She tossed the cards back into the center, taking a drink for the cup, “No I'm tapped out for the week.”
Llewell shuffled the collected cards back into a stack, “You're a legitimate Countess, why so cheap?”

“My lands and funds are held in trust by mother until I'm twenty-five, or get married.”

Giselle looked over to her clearly surprised. Few AMI Cadets were nobles as most had their own house Masters-at-Arms or private universities to provide martial instruction. Most were scions of the League's wealthy industrialists and political elite looking to improve their family's standing through service. “So you have to ask your mother for an allowance?”

Corrine deflated, turning ever so slightly red from something other than wine, “Yes, and most of it goes to academy and maintenance fees.”

Duke Karamazov, an ambitious name for an adequate Mechwarrior, nodded “Sounds like a raw deal. Free Flight, Limited is paying my fees. You'd think with a last name like Marik AMI would be willing to cut a deal.”

“They would've. I turned it down.”
She stood up and picked up her now empty cup. “Alright have fun guys. I'm hitting my bunk.”

She walked past the IrTech branded Ergonomic Containers in the cargo bay. Her first mission in Mechwarrior AIT was a 'Milk Run' guarding these upgraded Exostar Northstar 5cm (Large) Lasers. Twenty of which were to be transferred to the newly created 2nd Free World's Legionnaires gathering for training at their destination.

Along the way she stopped by the galley where the 20 IrTech Senior Technicians aboard were eating their dinner of richly spiced meats and fresh bread. These new Unions {The Union V, 3055 Upgrade except only 2 Air Lances (4 Fighters, 8 Mechs) with Ferro-Aluminium armor and an extra 200 tons of cargo} had much better accommodations for the 14 man crew and 24 bay personnel including a small rec room, more capable galley, and superior life support. The life support upgrade in particular eliminated the dank suffocating atmosphere she had experienced on her way to New Olympia after traveling on Monarch lines with her mother. While it was still a combat transport it was a comfortable and better equipped one.

This group of professionals were tasked with refitting the Legionnaires' equipment and making the lance of refurbished Guillotines and four pack of Cheetah light aerofighters on-board ready for battle. Additionally they provided support for the Cadet's Battlemechs (Her Wolverine, Duke's Orion, Giselle's Cicada, and Llewell's Trebuchet) in lieu of their normal crews, presently at an arms conference on Atreus. They were pleasant enough folk but she had no time for chit-chat with them today and deposited her cup into the dishwasher before heading to her room via a maze of ladders and slightly padded corridors.

After showering and redressing from the locker built into the bottom of her bunk she looked up at the small vid-screen built into the bunk. She keyed in 'Ian Davion' and a small video (saved on her console) played of Prince Ian Davion stood before the Marik Assembly looking sharply martial but regal and wise at the same time. His latest addresses were thematically similar desperately beseeching the LCCC to act before its to late and the Civil War rolled over into Oriente and Andurian.

Even Mandrill Tormano Liao had changed, likely under some influence from the Prince. Where he once curried favor with his sisters and tried to stay out of the public eye he was increasingly visible and more regularly traveled within the League from his home on Solaris VII. With the support of the Archon and both regiments of the Kell Hounds he had carved out a narrow piece of border territory from Elnath almost to Bithinia as a refuge.

Both regiments of Genyosha under Sho-Sho Yorinaga Kurita, the original First Prince Ian Davion's killer (in combat) and blood rival of the Kells were deployed to that theater. Additionally the Federated Armored Cavalry, formed by Ian, had sworn vengeance although they had other deployments, with the FWLM in Andurian, and MAF in Fronc. She knew through her father's SAFE connections that 'her' Ian was currently on Detroit undergoing light duty with his company of Armored Cavalry after a particularly fierce engagement with Warrior House Ma-Tsu Kai.

A soft whisper distracted her, “He's just so dreamy.”

Corrine realized the video had played and another was lined up with Ian on it. Horribly embarrassed she blushed much to the delight of her roommate who ably avoided the small pillow thrown her way, “Are we going to bump into him again on Sadurni?”

Their destination was four jumps away from Detroit and the Armored Cavalry regularly went up and down border regions deterring either Liao sister from launching raids into the vulnerable Duchy of Andurien. A Duchy which only last year had been allowed to rebuild its militia commands after being under occupation by Oriente and Orloff Peacekeepers since the Succession Crisis now that the Hussars and Grenadiers were needed in their own home provinces.

Still she lied because she was fairly certain, or hopeful, she would 'bump' into Ian while training with the Legionnaires so close to where he was. “Probably not Gee. We both have lots to do.”

Giselle settled into her own bunk opposite her throwing the pillow back with just enough force to make an impact, “I'm sure he'd make time for you. I have eyes, and ears.”

The lights turned off, “Go to bed.”


On Detroit in the city of Flint, Captain Ian Davion along with 2nd FAC, Bravo Battalion, Company C wrestled with their emotions. Ian had foolishly underestimated Ma-Tsu Kai's scholar-warriors and now five of his command's Mechs had been lost, two with their pilots. The others had suffered critical damage from the elite air mobile infantry they were not equipped to handle. It was the worst raid he had conducted since taking command. While Golden Lion's firepower and his own 'tactically unsound but eponymous' rear guard action had preserved the command it had shaken his confidence. He took another shot of whiskey before finishing the condolence letters sending them to the HPG for processing.

He looked into the Mech Bay at Whetstone Depot from his office window, the last with light on for the evening. The Federation Armored Cavalry was forward based from this independent industrial world to appease Atreus and Canopus alike as neither wanted AFFS forces based within their own realms. Within its cradle his now partial Marauder, Golden Lion, was crawling with techs undergoing its third complete refurbishment in five years. The missing mechs were being replaced by local production Shadow Hawk and Swordsmen (referred to as Calliopes in the Magistracy). To combat Warrior House and Home Guard infantry he also acquired a Vulcan, what happened on Exedor would not happen again.


Within the Excalibur SIS Zheng Hei on Victoria Shiao-Zheng Michaelangelo Schmidt of Warrior House Kamata bowed deeply to Premier Candace Liao who had reverted to more conservative (and warmer) Imperial (Chinese/Russian) dress over the past years hiding her rapidly fading looks and sickly complexion with shadow and silk. “Premier, you requested my presence.”

Quintus Allard, her father-in-law and former spymaster to First Prince Hanse Davion, appeared out of the shadows behind her. “Lord Allard, please brief the Shiao-Zheng on his mission.” She coughed and politely started to retire to her chambers, only accessible from a single elevator, “I must attend to other matters.”

The elder gentleman bid the Lord Colonel to stand before handing him a encrypted datachip. “Everything you need is there, your target is very close to Betelguese. I wish you luck because,” He leaned very close to the other Warrior, “While Candace is not Romano, failure is not an option here House Master.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: paulobrito on 04 April 2021, 13:09:31
You called the Unions the Union V 3055 Upgrade, but at the same time in the Chapter text you said is 3043...
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 04 April 2021, 13:45:34
You called the Unions the Union V 3055 Upgrade, but at the same time in the Chapter text you said is 3043...

Yes, the upgrade in this AU occurs in 3042 but is identical to the 3055 in canon
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: paulobrito on 04 April 2021, 13:46:54
Yes, the upgrade in this AU occurs in 3042 but is identical to the 3055 in canon
Ah, ok. One of these PODs.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 05 April 2021, 21:18:26
09/30/3043 Sadurni, Duchy of Andurian, Free World's League

'Missiles incoming!' flashed on the HUD as a rocky camouflaged Wolverine clumsily dodged missiles arcing over the forest. Their warheads detonating with dark red smoke. Troubadour leapt on jets of super-heated air over the intervening copse of trees to find the offending unit. The area filled with an eerie mist concealing the mech within the evaporated dew.

Once it cleared Corrine Marik was shocked to see a firing line of dismounted infantry dug in with entangling obstacles (rough terrain) in front of them. Through her viewfinder she could see the periscopes of the 2nd Legionnaire's (Light Mechanized Tank Company) Goblin IFVs as another flight of missiles shot over the intervening hill. Although they did not damage her machine instead Troubadour was covered in red smoke and struck by concentrated (but in reality low power) support laser fire.

Lucky's system marked the spots as critical and locked up the damaged components. Her own six pack of (paintball) SRMs and lasers caused some 'casualties' among the dug in infantry but with her mobility compromised another round of LRMs 'finished' her off. A large 'Mech Destroyed' showed up on her HUD, the Wolverine took a knee and powered down.

Corrine opened up a comm-channel, “Giselle why didn't you spot that formation?”
“They dropped FASCAM mines in front of my Cicada, and had Harassers in place to finish me off.”
“So wet T-shirt party spraying the paint off?”
“Or finding some of those hunky ARRS men to spray me down with their big hoses.”
“You're so lewd.”
“You suggested it. What got you?”

The breeze began to dissipate the cloud that surrounded her mech, “I got smoked.”
“There's a reason they have those weekly seminars. Smoking will kill you, well that and VD, of course as we are reminded quarterly.”
“I appreciate the ones informing the guys to stop hitting on us.”
“Speak for yourself sister. I've never had to buy my own drinks.”
“Well I got a few scouts although now I think they were luring me into this trap.”

She tapped on one of her multi-functional panels to access the local BattleNet in order to check on the status of the rest of her unit. Duke and Llewell were still in the fight against a medium tank company supported by a Striker Lance. “The guys are still in at least.”
“Well Duke's cannon is fairly mighty.”
“Can't say I've had the pleasure or interest, could see why you do.”
“It has its benefits, unfortunately for me his cannon doesn't have a lot of staying power however...or range.”
“Did you put Innuendo on your languages during enlistment?”
“It wasn't an option...much to my dismay.”

At the end of the exercise the combined 2nd Free World's Legionnaire's slowly worked their way back to base. Each entered within the high fence whose decrepit front sign noted 'Home of 7th Army SLDF' in fading letters that had withstood the elements for centuries. Corrine and crew dismounted, Duke's Orion had several scorch marks from firecracker ballistic weapons and red ARRS firefighting trucks were waiting by the entrance to wash the paint loaded into SRM warheads off equipment. The diluted red paint had a sickly look to it in the light that made Corrine uneasy.

They changed out of their Mechwarrior outfits and met at the mess, the flight line was active as the Legionnaire's pilots were preparing for their own night operations. She watched as one of the Cheetah's, likely transported aboard their dropship, took off in a bright pure white light followed by its squadmate. Both went vertical after a bit and boosted to space.


In a distant corner of the Sadurni system a Tramp jumpship arrives with flash of electromagnetic radiation against the velveteen blackness of the void. The vessel deploys its gossamer thin solar sail concentrating dim light from a distant star in order to fuel its jump drive. Four Trojans operating under the colors of the TDF's Red Chasseurs depart on a low speed ballistic trajectory star-ward.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 07 April 2021, 22:25:11
10/16/3043 Location - Achtur, Fronc Reaches, Contested World
Harsh winds blew across the desolation interrupted by decaying bones of mining machines and broken architecture from a long distant past. A small white sun began to dip to the horizon casting long shadows from the forgotten monoliths. Fumaroles and mud volcanoes erupted nearby; the stench of sulfur carried on an unceasing wind.

Hover-tanks ripped over the rocky flats throwing up gravel. The pebble landed with a sound dwarfed by the whoosh of missiles from the Saracens or thunderclap of the Gladius' guns from their casemates.

Eight Armored Cavalry mechs twisted and returned fire at the approaching tank platoon, the Jagermech providing rear guard with its flippable arms. Rapid firing auto-cannons and missiles stitched small holes in the rocks, focused energy beams hammered into tank plate at a molecular level. One small caliber autocannon round perforated one of the hovercraft's skirts causing air to leak out with a piercing howl sounding like a lanced pig. Another of the tanks belched black smoke from its ICE engine as it attempted to escape incoming fire.

Hover-tanks circled Captain Ian Davion's eight mech command like vultures. Before him stood a decaying fort of ferrocrete held together with epoxy. Ramshackle barricades that nevertheless provided the only cover in this scorched wasteland. “Bravo! Captain Dredge, Can you read me.”

A scrambled reply came over the net, interspersed with loud pops, he picked up or filled in, 'en route to LZ under fire.'

“Find a hole and fill it with your mech.”

Seven acknowledgment lights chimed on the local battlenet as Ian's Marauder stood abreast the Vulcan piloted by the newest Mechwarrior to his command, a promising recruit from the Magistracy Mechwarrior Academy. “Trish, damage report.”

Her slender battle-mech had taken hits from the Gladius and Saracen. Raw gray myomer tendons showed beneath shattered armor plates flexing as she attempted to maintain balance. Her mech was not designed to fight armored targets up close and it showed. Nevertheless she had used it to beset effect against the pirate's strong-points before they were chased off by the tanks. “Minor actuator damage to the left leg, critical on the CT and LA.”

“Drop your machine gun ammo. Stick close and inside the pocket. You can still pace heavy lance.”

He switched to up-link mode, a small microwave and radio antennae deployed from the Marauder's head. Unfortunately he could only pick up encrypted comms from an enemy that seemed content to lurk just beyond their effective range. Valor's LZ beacon was lost in the rugged terrain beyond.

Ian poured water onto the softcap below his helmet which didn't make it wetter but much cooler. “Those pirates must have found the relay posts.”

The hilly terrain was only reachable by a dangerous crossing in the open. However, it was more defensible against hover-tanks and they needed to reach it in order to resupply and continue the campaign against these pirate bands. “We need to get into those hills.

I want immediate ammo and damage checks. The Aerofighters will eventually conduct a fly over and come within radio range.”

That smoking pirate hover-tank disengaged returning to the mining camp they meant to disrupt. Camps that had started popping up as control broke in the Fronc Reaches. These operations provided metals and gemstones throughout the Rim providing resources to New Vandenburg and both types of Cappellans as well as pirates and other undesirables.

MIM and the DMI hadn't expected these groups to be quite so organized or well armed. He was busy with the comm panel when one of the Shadow Hawks walked up beside him, “Leftenant, sitrep?”

“Ammo situation critical. Half dozen salvos with everything, cannons twice that.”
“Good thing we upgraded the Jagermech and Dervish. Still have some of that firepower.”
“Aye sir, unfortunately Nate and Trish have critical damage. Everyone else has taken some but the heavy guns didn't seem eager to close.”
“The damaged machines can pace within the Heavy Lance's pocket. The Hawks will hold the flank.”
“As long as we have ammo.”
“It will have to be long enough, those tanks are running low as well. With any luck Bravo company has broken through and is en route to the LZ as we speak.”

He paused to take a long draft from his canteen, “If we can stay on the move we might be able to evade their fire.”
“It's risky sir.”
“But necessary.”
Ian opened up the local battlenet channel as Parish's Hawk returned to its position, “We will hold position for ten minutes. Catch your breath, get some water and a snack to keep up your strength. I am trying to contact our allies.”

No response came from Bravo company, the dropships, or Saber/Tusk Flights. All he could pick up was the encrypted digital transmissions of the pirates. Ian scanned the horizon with Golden Lion's IR and picked up another platoon of hover-tanks approaching at high speed. These ones were different and already damaged which was either good or bad. Two LTV-6s, using the same basic design as the Condor but with a PPC in the turret, and a pair of J. Edgar light hover-tanks, known for their blazing speed but little else.

“Brace for incoming hostiles.”

Golden Lion's gun barrel arms raised to track incoming contacts that were approaching them from all angles. The Jagermech and Vulcan's long range guns let loose their opening salvo against the rapidly approaching hovercraft scoring weak hits merely denting the frontal armor of the Gladii. The J Edgars and Saracens fired smoke rockets from their SRM batteries ahead of them.

Billowing clouds of pure white smoke stood out against the dreary dun of the rock around them. Within this mess Ian tracked and fired at one of the LTVs, they responded in kind and hyper-accelerated particles filled the air around them with an ozone smell and faint traces of lightning. Charlie's Crusader took the brunt of the damage from the incoming attack which collapsed the barricade in front of him as another shot impacted just below its knee.

This latest exchange crumpled more armor on both sides but importantly continued the depletion of Charlie Company's ammunition. The hover-tanks wheeled off using the smoke to obscure themselves, continuing to circle the raiding party like sharks scenting blood. “We have to break out or run out of ammo.”

All seven status lights blinked in agreement. “Heavy Lance form the pocket. Hawks on the outside.”

Ian's Marauder took the right side of the pocket, several dozen meters away the Swordsman and Vulcan limped along. The Jagermech (2 LL, 2 AC/2, 2 ML, 4/6, 11 tons of armor) took rear, its ability to flip its arms and thick rear armor (the same thickness either way) tailor made for this kind of situation. On the left flank was a Dervish and on point a Crusader whose head was on a swivel, its fist full of LRMs ready to engage from any aspect.

The command made good initial time as the enemies did not expect the formation would attempt to conduct such a crossing in the open. After slight confusion they screamed back again pushing their engines to flank speed in order to reengage the Armored Cavalry. The Shadow Hawks supported by heavy fire from the rest of the formation took slight hits but scored mobility damage with their auto-cannons. With their maneuverability compromised and the terrain closing in the pirate hover-tanks disengaged after five minutes of maneuver warfare that would make any cavalrymen proud.

Once they had some elevation the beacon signal from Valor appeared on his screen after a quick check with the long range radio array. “Locking coordinates.”

As they crested hills their two Union dropships came into view, each towered over the surrounding ridges providing a clear line of sight that would give adequate warning for the 4th Magistracy Mechanized Infantry attached to the 2nd Federation Armored Cavalry to man their positions. As they neared the whale like Gazelle transport became visible along with the eight Corsairs, a Boomerang, and Ferret on the abandoned airstrip they occupied, remnants of some long lost prospecting group.

Most of Bravo company was there are well, six of the eight mechs had returned although all were worse for wear. The two other pilots had to ride in the laps of their lance-mates who had abandoned the broken but repairable machines on the plain. Charlie company walked in under the friendly guns of the Arachne tanks (Wheeled Scorpions) and MMI gun trucks.

He dismounted and stood in the midst of the technical staff, “I want anything that can be easily repaired and rearmed prioritized. More damaged machines can wait till later. We go again tonight.”

Ian slammed his fist on the table as murmuring began among the Mechwarriors of more damaged machines that wanted back in action. “No arguments. I will not allow those pirates to continue operations on this world while we are upon it. Is that understood?”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 09 April 2021, 11:14:01
Ian Davion’s assault team had taken the recently resurfaced but empty ferrocrete runway and landing pads. Their dropships were warmed up and ready to take off for the half-hour long trip to the destination but could not as their arrival and takeoff would be obvious to anyone with even rudimentary sensors. Golden Lion and crew crept up on the pirate camp only visible against the all-encompassing darkness due to a small number of dim lights active in the adjacent pit mine. Achtur had no moon so night vision was less effective as it only had starlight to amplify and beyond several hundred meters even large objects were lost to shadow unless one was using thermal sensors.

4MMI’s dismounted infantry were in the lead guiding the Arachne and Striker tanks operating in blackout mode forward. They disabled remote sensors by jamming them and foot patrols searching for runaways with suppressed weapons. The damaged but fully functional 2nd FedArmCav Battlemechs operated in support far behind sticking to the road to prevent their approach from being heralded by falling rocks. Golden Lion in particular as the heaviest mech in the formation had to watch it’s step to prevent the primitive road from collapsing.

As they neared no sign of alarm was visible even though Ian could see how many cigarettes the sentries were smoking in thermal sight mode. 4MMI’s infantry were clustered around the perimeter but two Behemoth tanks were stationed next to the gate. The damaged pirate mechs and tanks were close by. Sparks from welding torches filled the area with a white-blue haze which would work to his advantage as it would spoil night sights. “Attack!”

LRMs filled the air, a dozen warheads impacted the ugly stout plate of the two gunned Behemoths, damaging them slightly. More importantly some hatches were still open, so their impact killed several of the tank’s large crew. The remainder managed to close the open ports as the tank activated its main engine skewing the heavy guns onto incoming ArmCav Battlemechs. 4MMI troops opened fire killing the guards closest to them although their advance would be slowed by razor wire and two tall electric fences protecting the prison camp. Arachne tanks had to carefully navigate the perimeter ditch and shoot through the outer barrier which combined with the attack triggered the alarm now ringing out through the previously quiet night.

A short and brutal press began as the FedSuns battlemechs poured immense amounts of firepower into the Behemoths who took it in kind. Their treads held for a time allowing them to press forward giving the pirates more time and distance to start their own machines. Golden Lion took a pair of the heavy autocannon hits the heavy ballistic force shattering armor plates. It and Ian felt it in their chest as four cannon rounds were fired their way momentarily causing a stutter step to maintain balance. Arachne tank guns turned a portion of the outer barrier into rubble and were starting on the inner one as MMI infantry followed cautiously snipping the electrical wires that could harm them.

Four Corsair Aerofighters dove hard strafing the pirate’s tanks and their crews with laser fire. Gas cylinders and electrical generators scattered about exploded with fire and lighting causing nearly as many casualties as the lasers. This fire creeped followed a stream of oil under a nearby LPG tank while pirates desperately attempted to extinguish the flames with sand while under attack fearing the incoming enemies as much as the looming threat.

One Behemoth was brought down after withstanding a constant stream of fire but not before two Centurions from Bravo Company were disabled by the pirate Pos joining the fray. They had closed with the forward line while the primary LRM carriers provided fire support. Golden Lion had already absorbed a number of impacts, taking four cannon shots and more than a dozen SRMs. Ian’s army display read yellow throughout and seemed to be pushing his luck against the monstrous assault armor.

The area near the gate erupted into flames as the fuel tank failed in a BLEVE (Boiling Liquid, Expanding Vapor Explosion aka Fuel Air Bomb) shaking even the distant mechs firing LRMs into the assembled area. Shockwaves rolled over the 4MMI infantry that had taken cover in the perimeter ditch after noticing the hazard. Nearby flimsy buildings were leveled, at close range anyone was liquified, at longer ranges killed by shrapnel and unsecured equipment propelled at immense speed. Ian prayed that there were no prisoners in those buildings. He utilized one of the Corsairs as a relay and transmitted the takeoff order for his dropships.

Stunned by the shockwave that damaged most of their equipment and killed many of their comrades the pirates fled through the streets. The second Behemoth and both Pos were a smoking ruin by the time Golden Lion and the other Mechs of FedArmCav entered, their pilots gingerly stepping around pirate mechs torn limb from limb and wreckage.

Since they were primarily Military Police when not serving in Anti-Piracy missions 4MMI immediately began search operations. Their light tanks smashed down nearby buildings and pushed debris away to establish firebreaks and prevent this whole decrepit ghost town from erupting in flames. Stunned and deafened pirates were zip-tied and put in the perimeter ditch for safekeeping under guard. Critically wounded ones had their suffering cut short by a bullet if deemed unlikely to live through the next few hours.

With the chaos in the process of coming under control Ian Davion’s FedArmCav pressed forward heading toward the lights of the nearby pit mine. They were met with a group of pirates some of which were likely among those present at the opening battle hiding behind a line of chained slaves.

A Warhammer from Bravo and Ian activated their Mech’s spotlights shining them onto those gathered. He broadcast from the Marauder’s public address and all short-range radio frequencies. “This is Prince Ian Davion of the Federated Suns. You have two minutes to throw down your weapons and surrender or you will die on this world.”

A heavy-set barrel-chested man stepped forward yelling into a small personal radio, “You don’t intimidate us. You’ll just kill us on another world. We have hostages.”

The man disappeared as Ian’s Northstar laser flash evaporated a 5cm hole where the man’s heart once was. No blood came out of the body as it fell as the arteries were cauterized by the heat. Once more the PA rang out, “You now have thirty seconds to comply, this is not negotiable.”


Prince Ian Davion watched with great relief and accomplishment as the pirates were walked onto the Condor MJC Jailbird in chains under the watchful eyes and quick triggers of the Magistracy Field Officers and 4MMI. MIM and the DMI had managed to ‘convince’ some of them to cooperate in exchange for lenient sentencing for their crimes against the Rim. The past week had given them more insight into ongoing investigations and how they connected to fixers all the way to Marian Hegemony.

Bravo Captain Lance West walked up behind him, “We did good work here Ian.”
“I know. It never seems like enough though.”
“Pest control is always ongoing. Cheer up, enjoy some fresh media and the happy faces of the liberated. No HPG or enemy has made this place stale.”

A different Condor had also landed nearby to collect the liberated captives of the Captain Blackhawk, a derisive term for League privateers during the First and Second Succession Wars. Ian retired to his quarters above the Valor and pull down the latest news feed brough to them when their relief had arrived. He was drawn to the current state of the Capellan Civil War.

One headline caught his attention more than any other.

10/18/3043 ‘Sardurni raided by force in colors of TDF Red Chasseurs, moderate casualties among 2nd Free World Legionnaires, serious damage to equipment, two dozen missing in action.’
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 13 April 2021, 21:27:57
10/25/3043 Atreus

“What do you mean you don’t know!”

Paul Marik weaved out of the way as the now distraught woman threw a glass ornament lifted from a nearby table toward him. He took this opening to embrace her closing his arms on the back of her dress, gently running his hands through her smooth black hair which seemed to help soothe her, “Cecelia, I don’t know where Corrine is or who has her. I only know that she wasn’t among the dead on Sardurni.”

Cecelia Marik-Kral wept into her husband’s shoulder, “Find her Paul. You have to find our daughter.”

“I will love.” He kissed her and just let her ride it out as his own emotions churned deep in the pit of his soul. “She will be found, and her abductors punished. I promise.”

The next day within one of the many SCIF rooms of Parliament a rather plain looking but clean-shaven middle-aged man entered his white cape, held together with a golden brooch, swishing along marbled tiles. On the other side of the room Parliamentary Speaker Paul Marik stood in sharp cut black suit his mustache and beard in top form. Both men carried a lifetime of service to their respective organizations and had worked alongside one another in the past before parting ways on less than stellar terms.

“Precentor ROM Charles Seneca at your service.”
“Please sit Precentor.”

As the Precentor sat the door behind them closed and sealed off the room from any surveillance. “How may the Blessed Order of COMSTAR be of service Speaker Marik?”

“You can start by telling me where my daughter is Charles?”

Charles was unfazed by the sudden query. Paul Marik was one of SAFE’s ace Active Analysts and serving Speaker of Parliament, so he had prepared for any line of inquiry. “I’m certain I don’t know.”

“So you are saying your ROM had nothing to do with her disappearance? We know about Focht’s deal with the Calderons and FLUSH.

You’re telling me the Red Chasseurs or a unit pretending to be them just show up over Sardurni and take my daughter right from her fresh posting without sending it via HPG.

That they could just jump across the Confederation on Taurian ships in order to preposition themselves for best effect.

I think not Precentor. They had help and you were in the position to aid them.”

“Well you would also know Precentor Martial Focht has cut a deal with many high-level politicians throughout the Inner Sphere. Perhaps something leaked through the Magistracy, or Candace’s Confederation, or DMO
(District-Marshal Oriente) Personnel leaked something.

Of course it could be some amateur noble hunter had their ear to the ground to find the charming young Countess that has attracted so much attention these past few years.”

The Precentor ROM stood up brushing the pleats of his cape in the process, “I do hope you find your little girl soon Speaker Marik. Pirates have been quite the threat to the Rim lately it’s not the place for an unescorted young lady. In fact I would recommend bringing a gunship.

However, in the interest of continued peace between our organizations and in recognition of our shared history I will forget this conversation occurred; but if I hear anything, I will of course bring it to your attention.”

At the Atreus HPG the Precentor ROM walked right into the ready room where the acolytes were preparing today’s transmissions as if they were sacred scripts. A burst transmission emanated from the broadcast chamber traveling through five others before arriving at Sarna.

Photon Brett-Marik (as Stavros Lambda) heard a beep on his console as his Black Knight cleared the water to deal with the latest pro-Federated Suns insurgency. His demi-company of handpicked war criminals and pirates followed him closely as they marched toward the enemy’s camp. He silenced the beep, “I’ll get it later. Right now I have more pressing matters.”

10/28/3043 FSS Valor, Detroit, Fronc Reaches
Within the FSS Valor Captain/Prince Ian Davion tossed in his sleep as much as one could in zero gees within the narrow bed even a Prince received aboard a Union. The deck officer broke the cycle with something novel, “Message for you sir. Encrypted with a verigraph. I’m sending it to the burner comm-pad.”

Ian rolled out and reached for the basic and more importantly disconnected comm-pad, encrypted messages could contain malware that only activated upon decryption. He ensured it was blacked out before pressing his thumb to the device unlocking a video file.

Corrine Marik appeared in the video file, appearing roughed up consistent with a rough bailout but not overly black and blue. She was still in her mechwarrior uniform at least but had a blade to her neck. A modulated voice played over the speaker, “Prince Ian Davion of the Fading Suns. One hundred million cash ransom for the Countess, a matching sum for everyone else. All or nothing.

Tell no one or we cannot guarantee they will be in good condition when you meet us on Zanzibar in four weeks’ time.

More messages to follow.

Pretium Sanguinis.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 10 May 2021, 15:53:57
10/31/3043 12km North of Active, Repulse, Contested

Bishop Sortek shook in his cockpit as Jumpin’ Jack landed on the short dry rise, the directed hot air of his jump jets setting the prairie grass aflame. The field was filled with a number of small fires filling it with a light smoke that scattered laser energy and that equally messed with the Wolf Dragoon and St Cyr Armored Hussars’ weapons. A flight of missiles from the SIMC Vindicator’s that continued to press on their position which was rapidly worsening.

He aimed his extended range large lasers at one of the machines, through the haze he could see it was battle torn and missing its own laser arm with the mechanism of the FarFire X visible. With a press of the trigger two bolts of focused light passed the six hundred meters between them in an instant just as the next volley were exiting their tubes impacting Jack with a mere trio of the ten launched. The resulting ammo explosion obliterated the machine, but the Vindicator’s head ejected with the likely unconscious pilot into the sky deploying a parachute and landing nearby before rolling down the hill toward the otherwise normal valley beyond.

“Just like the simulator.” He checked the rear camera to see nothing but smoke from the Archer and Apollos firing their weapons over the rise he controlled toward the main scrum. Impact smoke and small wildfires made the once green territory look like one out of the ancient Napoleonic Wars but unlike then he could use a radio. Bishop scanned the horizon looking for new targets within his effective range. “Mack, sitrep.”

A small wind picked up propelled by the grassfire that pushed the smoke to the East and revealed MacKenzie’s Excalibur wrist-deep in the blast ruin of a Cataphract. Two solid upper cuts by the 70-ton mech had punched through the engine containment of the Cataphract whose now 50-ton deadweight leaned forward onto his own machine which strained the myomer muscles and gyros holding him upright. The Wolf had the usual answer and deadpan delivery of any veteran mercenary or otherwise. “FUBARed. Critical ammo and armor.”

Finally he shrugged the machine off him and into the scorched earth below, his arms came up protecting him from two flights of LRMs whose warheads exploded off more armor revealing the myomer and endo-steel below. Bishop watched another platoon of Po tanks, uninspired but effective machines, trundle down the hill. Their Ceres Model T 105mm guns skewed toward the Dragoons skirmishing with the more mobile SIMC Battlemechs.

They came under fire from Canopian Pikes near the Fire Support Lance. The dozen long-range rapid fire ‘ultra’ autocannons, imported from the FedSuns, caused little damage to heavy armor but tore into treads from far beyond any effective return fire slowing the already sluggish Pos. Constant harassment forced the Pos back under concealing smoke from their built-in launchers allowing the Dragoons a safer corridor to regroup and pull damaged machines back toward their LZ.

Bishop looked down at his command, “Smoke five hundred rounds, crescent coverage three hundred meters.”


Missiles streaked out toward the enemy positions obscuring the Dragoons limping back to their defensive line. Mack’s Excalibur ‘Wolfsbane’ returned to the ridge firing off a gauss slug in a snap short that created a whorl in the smoke followed by the satisfying sound of a hypersonic impact on tank plate. The machine was actually equipped more like a Victor but with higher ground speed to favor the heavy cavalry tactics of the Dragoons and a defensive Anti-Missile system that had long since run out of ammo.

“Your new flashbulb is making quite the impression on the SIMC.”

“Well it wouldn’t be what it is now without the Dragoons. Although it gets a little warm in here.”

“If you are not pushing the heat scale, you’re not doing it right that is what father always said.”

“Another five minutes?”

Already the resupply trucks were restocking munitions for the front-line forces. Dragoon techs alternated fire support and front-line conducting field repair and rearmament in between waves. This would be the fifth wave and Jumpin’ Jack’s coolant level was running low after such intense fighting, he waited for the tracked coolant truck to arrive and top off the tank for the third time today. Although the St Cyr’s Armored Hussars outnumbered the Dragoons most of their machines were lighter and/or less mobile than their high-tech Dragoon counterparts limiting their effectiveness on the offensive.

The attrition was taking its toll however on the fifteen strong Dragoon Heavy Cavalry and their Magistracy Mechanized Infantry support. Both commands were trained to be on the offensive not guarding their dropships which had suffered bombing runs from surprise Guardian and Jump Bomber attacks earlier this morning. Deploying the Pikes, Partisans, and other AAA further out discouraged those attacks, or the Hussars had run out of bombs. Either way no side had air cover besides a few strike or recon helicopters.

Smoke cleared allowing them to see the St Cyr’s Hussars forming up for another attack on their former right flank. “Ten damaged Mechs and a platoon of tanks. Hardly fair for us to be facing the lesser part of battalion.”

Wolfsbane knelt down and received another ton of Gauss rounds, the exoskeleton equipped techs used a small crane to put each of the eight rounds into the compartment. “We are used to it.”

“What did you do to piss off St Cyr? Jilted lover?”

“I have not had the pleasure. Her father lost his life at the hands of Romano after failing in a raid which the Black Widow Company foiled. I was not in it at the time however, but I suppose she thinks killing me will hurt Natasha or at least my father.”

“Would it?”

“It certainly would, she does not know what she is getting into, however. The Dragoons would hunt them down. We are bad enemies when we want to be.”

The Dragoons had conducted several bloody reprisal actions in their history when they were screwed over by an employer. Both the DCMS and Anton Marik’s loyalists had felt their wrath and it wasn’t pretty.

A large RADAR contact appeared on their screens in the distance. Everyone looked up at the sky to see a spheroid dropship descending near their position. “Another Union dropship?” As it neared, they saw the Federated Suns Sword and Sunburst painted large on the side.

Amy St Cyr saw the arrival of the interlopers with great interest from the cockpit of her Battlemaster. “FSS Valor. Prince Ian’s ship? Damn him!” She looked over at the gathering ranks of her Hussars with dismay. Her mission of vengeance was over now that he was here. The Premier didn’t want this kind of diplomatic incident and would possibly act like her sister if they returned having injured or killed the Prince.

“Collect our fallen and begin withdrawing to Active. Today we will take a partial victory against the Dragoons. Until next time MacKenzie.”

Prince Ian Davion disembarked from the Valor in his Marauder to see his old friend Bishop Sortek, now in an upgraded Jumpin’ Jack, and MacKenzie Wolf of the Wolfsbane Company. “While I appreciate your arrival. I think we could have handled them Captain Davion.”

“I have no doubt of that Major Wolf. Unfortunately I need your assistance and it won’t do for your machines to be all torn up like they are.”

“We would love to help but it would be a breach of contract to the Canopians.”
“The Magestrix and her people have already agreed. We are going to Zanzibar, as quickly as your dropships can get into the sky again.”

“As you wish your Royal Highness”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 12 May 2021, 19:49:44
Chapter 18–Fall of the Capellan Confederation?

11/02/3043 Location–Memorial City, Capella

“We have broken through the Northern Gate.”

“Continue the attack. All forces advance.”

Gunji-no-Kanrei Theodore Kurita pushed his Akuma as fast as it could go. Even running at max speed, he could barely keep up with Ryu (Dragon) and Shinobi (Shadow Hawk) units of the 1st Ghost Regiment. His Assault Company lagged as the cavalry pushed forward, skirting obstacles in their way. Tora (Wolf Trap) and Zonbi (Wight) skirmishers ranged ahead on the flanks, slicing through CCAF armor vainly attempting to stop the advancing Samurai. Samurai who until last week were their allies.

Bone white mechs with bright gold and green scales advanced steadily through the diminishing ranks of fanatical defenders. Home Guard fled from their posts using whatever vehicles they could manage. Disabled tank crews powered down waiting for the DCMS Ashigaru troops that would certainly follow.

Theodore’s Assault Company spread out as artillery rounds fell around them, throwing up great clumps of dirt and concrete. They barreled through makeshift barricades formerly manned by Home Guard, the assault mechs crushed it beneath them with sheer mass leaving rubble in their wake for the Yokai (Bulldog) and Kappa (Goblin) tanks to push through.

A Squadron of DCA Zeros laden with bombs flew over them, their sonic booms indistinguishable from the ongoing bombardment. Moments after they released their cluster bombs, filling the city with dispersed explosions, disabling the guns, at least temporarily. A pair of Transits that had somehow evaded the CAP pursued them.

Upon reaching the city, the advance units paused as they encountered minefields, ambush tanks, and reinforced bunkers filled with fanatical Home Guard units. Theodore’s Akuma caught up with the forward element, gingerly stepped over the remains of a Zonbi, the victim of an ambushing Predator tank destroyer. The fateful tank now burned, filling the block with a smoky haze that obscured other hostiles.

“All light mechs secure the West Gate and deal with flankers. Heavy Battalion with me.”

1st Ghosts Heavy Battalion followed; despite its name still contained a reinforced lance of Pansa (Panther) to serve as rooftop snipers, their quad missile launchers loaded with fragmentation warheads. Theodore’s six pack was as well, adding its firepower to the flamer in his mech’s right arm. Kanabo (Warhammer 6K), Katana, Daboku, and Ono (Stalker 4N) carried regular HE, or Infernos to deal with large concentrations of infantry.

Almost immediately Heavy Battalion engaged Home Guard armed with SRM launchers and heavy machine guns. Heavy 14.5mm rounds stitched across his plate dealing minor damage, but the real threat was the many missiles. Theodore's Akuma, the most intimidating mech took heavy fire. Heavy rapidly silenced the enemy with fragmentation warheads and scorching heat forcing them to withdraw.

“They are probably going to take the tunnels, but we can’t do anything about that. Keep your eyes peeled. The House of Scions will be well defended.”

Reports were coming in from 3rd Ghost’s Mechs and 111th Benjamin infantry under the command of his wife Tomoe. Her force had subdued the Ceres City and Metals garrison with only minor casualties and would join the main front into Memorial City earlier than planned. 2nd Ghost had subdued their targets and was moving to reinforce positions around the Memorial City Spaceport using their few Union transports to reinforce 1st Ghost’s task force there.

The advance was slowed by vibrabombs set to go off under the 80-90-ton mechs that formed the Assault contingent of the Battalion. Kanabo and Pansa units were immune, but they required the support of the heavily armored assault group, particularly at close range.

“Cavalry Battalion, cautiously force the center until Third Ghost arrives”

Tai-sa Kasagi acknowledged and ordered his forces onward under cover of smoke to obfuscate their location from indirect fires by mortar and rocket teams positioned throughout the city. The Cavalry battalion took time to load AP shells, and a few had already swapped at least one of their lasers for small pulses, provided by COMSTAR. Ichi (1st) Ghost had several expert street fighters among their ranks and were familiar with CQB and combined arms engagements.

Theodore’s command cautiously headed toward the Eastern Gate. A longer approach than they had hoped for and the initial target of the Cavalry battalion because of the Justin Aris Memorial Park. Along the way they encountered Home Guard technicals and heavy weapons teams at almost every intersection.

An Ono lost an arm to the Predator’s gun before the machine folded under overwhelming fire. Wyverns, Urbanmechs, and Firebees hidden down narrow streets hit hard, then faded away into the warrens. These took their toll on armor and ammunition, particularly for the Pansa and Shinobi units capable of pursuing but lacking the stopping power of the heavier units. The limited exposure time left some completely wrecked however, particularly if they closed with the Akuma whose ERPPC lacked the dead space of the normal variant while still shooting further. Unfortunately, the heat penalty was severely limiting its usefulness and punishing the Gunji-no-Kanrei with excess joules. Heavy Battalion took the time to ensure that fallen Mechwarriors met their proper end.

A Katana fell through a prepared roof trap crashing into the building which was then imploded on top of it by the enemy entombing the assault mech and its pilot. Explosives trapped machines in subway and utility tunnels under the roads in rubble, delaying the armor group. The difficult terrain made them easier to hit with mortar bombs, satchel charges, and heavy recoilless rifles.

Frustrated and infuriated, the DCMS Ghosts pushed forward, their bone white colors blackened by fire and shattered by enemy weapons. By the time Theodore reached the Park Fast Strike elements, mostly Jenners and Kumo (Spider), replaced the heavily damaged elements of his command. The slender machines were deceptively deadly but would fold in any sustained firefight.

The Holdfast Guard showed their hand as they neared the forest. A reinforced company of Vindicator, Cataphract, Koschei, and Catapult battlemechs activated beneath the canopy. Although the DCMS picked up the engine signatures, they were too late to avoid the missiles and autocannon rounds that now filled the sky. Heavy Battalion trudged forward into the onslaught, as there was no other choice.

This formation would have overwhelmed the Cavalry Battalion even with the space to maneuver, but the endurance of Heavy Battalion even compromised as it was. Theodore’s Lord’s Light ERPPC shot lightning and the Imperator Code Red thunder while flames and missiles engulphed supporting infantry concealed in their fighting holes just inside the now burning forest. Beside him was a constant din as the Daboku’s fast firing ultra-autocannons peppered the CCAF with lightweight shells from afar splintering trees and shattering armor plates.

Ground-bound the Koschei and Cataphracts were easy prey for the heavier DCMS mechs. Theodore’s Akuma crushed the autocannon arm of a Koschei with its left hand. It’s still smoldering PPC barrel in the opposite one stuck through the cockpit like a cigar. He withdrew the barrel and pushed forward through the burning forest, his mech shoving aside mighty flaming trees to make room for its bulk. Just above the smoke he could see the flaring jump jets of CCAF mechs attempting to break contact with Jenners and Kumo in hot pursuit.

“Keep pushing through, we have heat sinks and a mission to finish.”

Holdfast Guard held firm but gave ground as other Ghost Battalions joined the attack. Theodore Kurita saw the shape of the House of Scions, home to the lesser of the Capellan governing bodies and many corrupt officials, its metal roof reflecting the setting sun.

Heavy Battalion whittled down to a reinforced company as the CCAF desperately pulled back. They hoped in vain that one of their dirty tricks would be enough to stop the DCMS. Unfortunately, the Yakuza had a few of their own and their unorthodox training gave them the right instincts to combat the defenders.

Ghosts now controlled the skies and spaceport. DCA Fighters strafed the ragged formations which could not longer hide within the tight streets of Memorial City. They struck likely enemy positions with Ashigaru artillery. Increasingly the Home Guard abandoned their positions or threw down their weapons at the mere sight of a Ghost.

By Dawn, Gunji-no-Kanrei Theodore Kurita of the DCMS looked up to the New Samarkand Dragon Banner flying from the House of Scions. Before him were the bloody parade grounds of Memorial Square where the Scions had met their gruesome end. Behind him, Memorial City was quiet except for the occasional siren of the fire brigade. The Capellan flag that flew over the House of Scions just yesterday was on the cobblestones before them. Ragged DCMS troopers cheered as he set a torch to it, watching red flames consumed the brilliant jade piece of fabric.

COMSTAR Broadcast Theodore Kurita's lean face broadcast throughout Cappella, Sarna, Liao, and most of the Terran-Adjacent Capellan Confederation on every video or radio channel.

“ The judgement of the Gunji-no-Kanrei and his Ghosts is that the Chancellor has lost the mandate of heaven.

Henceforth the Draconis Combine claims these worlds and extends a merciful hand to all those have suffered under her misrule.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 12 May 2021, 23:49:57
11/05/3043 Location–The Hiring Hall, Galatea City, Galatea

“Look, I don't care how much it costs. Bill it to the Archon.”

Mandrinn Tormano Liao's phone hadn't stopped ringing for the past two days. 'Free Capella' was no longer a mere patriotic slogan or name of his organization. It was now a military objective that Archon Melissa Steiner and Duke Paul Marik were riding him hard to make reality. They expected him to do something with all the support and funds they had given him over the years, but the window was rapidly tightening. The present conditions forced him to expand administrative staff and office space faster than expected to field the contracts coming in and procurement from Kali Yama, Defiance Industries, and a dozen lesser suppliers.

Two days ago they heard that Theodore Kurita had taken over the Capella Commonality, slaughtered the House of Scions, saving Tormano the trouble, and was rattling his saber next to the Commonwealth's Skye Province and Duchies of Oriente and Orloff. The Capellan Civil War was over and they had fired the first shorts of a new Succession War with the DCMS controlling the tempo and battlefield.

Hanya came into the office with a cup of perfumed tea and a concerned expression on her face, so worn with worry for her husband. She sat across from him and pushed the cup toward him. “My special blend. You need sleep.”

He removed his glasses, rubbing his forehead, which did little to relieve the pressure that intermittently pained him, and looked over the detritus of a lived in office that hadn't seen sunlight in days.

“I doubt even your special blend could help me now. If I drift off I fear the DCMS will fly their flag from Sian with my sisters in chains when I wake. Romano had to know this would happen as soon as she invited them in.”

She came around the desk, embracing him deeply, and kissed him lightly. “I know you didn't want this to happen. You tried but they wouldn't listen to you. Your father sent you away because you stood up to him.”

“Not hard enough. I should have stepped up immediately after his death (suspected murder) like Hanse and Ian suggested. This isn't how it was supposed to end.”

“There was no good ending to be had once it became a hot war between them. Ours was a Succession War in miniature and is no longer.”

“The last couple of those didn't work out well for the Confederation. Ours has been a long struggle.”

“Its fate is in your hands now.”

Tormano put his hands on the desk, admiring the fine but wrinkled form and extended carbon fiber nail on his left pinkie. “These are not the hands of a warrior.”

“Wars are not won by force of arms alone. Use your gifts, Tiexin.”

With a kiss she departed toward their penthouse at the top of the West Tower, watched continuously by the Hiring Hall's security teams and private bodyguards. He exhaled loudly. The sudden noise through an open door drew the attention of Sao Lei. The woman formerly employed by his once rival, now friend Tran Ky Bao, was far too competent for her salary, which had increased at least three times in the past year.

“Hold my calls for two hours. I need a nap,” he sniffed the funk of his office, “a shower, and a visit from the cleaners.”

“I advise a sit down meal with the family as well Mandrinn Liao. To gain some perspective on what you are fighting for.”

Now he was even more certain she was MIIO. What the hell. He needed all the allies he could get.

She pulled out her comm-pad, long nails gently tapping on the touchscreen. “Should I make a reservation? There is a noodle house nearby that comes highly recommended by the concierge.”

“Sure, the works.”

The young woman bowed politely and departed quietly to her corner desk. He looked at his comm-pad's calendar, which was filled with various mercenary logos, including some high-profile ones subcontracted to him by the Archon.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: PsihoKekec on 14 May 2021, 00:53:41
Curse your sudden, yet inevitable betrayal!

How Kuritas expect to hold Confederation is beyond me, as this will bleed their forces, with other three Successor States setting their quarrels temporarily aside, in order to focus on them. Unless Comstar promised them they will make sure that everyone is still at each others throat. I wonder if Corinne's kidnapping was part of these schemes.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 15 May 2021, 00:59:59
11/10/3043 Location–Homestead HPG

Photon Brett had just gotten through the most boring briefing ever, for an organization so accustomed to clipping communication down to the smallest byte COMSTAR's meetings drew on forever. Cutting a dark figure with his black hair and complete disregard from COMSTAR custom faced the mousy Phi, COMSTAR's banker, Adept with his sunglasses mirroring two men's white clad forms and silver amulets in this plain meeting room.

“Adept Prisba, why didn't you just tell me that Ian Davion laundered a two hundred million of his 'winnings' from 'our' bout through the Solaris branch of Mindstar only to have it pop out on Luxen and packaged over to Detroit in cash form.

Oh and by the way he hasn't been seen in two weeks or checked his messages. Sounds like a secret mission to me.”

“But you completely ignored all of my...” The other man, a Rho Adept, one of COMSTAR's dirty tricks division, put his hand over the other's mouth. “I think that Mr Lamda has heard enough of your efforts. Go count some c-bills Prisba.”

The Banker retreated from the room. “You don't have to be so rough on him, Stavros. He's just doing his job.”

Photon faced the other man. This one looked rough, like someone you wouldn't want to run into in a dark alley, but that meant nothing to Photon. He lived there and he had seen and done things that COMSTAR likely knew about and some that they didn't. “Your job is to give me a target. I don't care how it is chosen. I have a target. Now, where is he going.”

Adept Shiro activated the hologrid dimming the lights to see a blown up map of their surrounding area with dots representing active and registered jumpships. “We think Corrine was transported toward Brisbane by the Red Chasseurs based on the past few weeks' history,”

“You think the Protector sent a raid to kidnap my cousin across St Ives' controlled space? To bring her back?”


“To what end? Why would he take her closer to the Federated Suns when Duke Hasek-Davion is watching for any TDF movement to justify a preemptive attack?”

Photon took control of the grid. “I would have taken her to Independence or Rockwellawan. There's no New Syrtis Fusiliers or Capellan March Militia nearby. Then I would have drawn Ian in and killed them all. Blaming it on those pirates we equipped.”

“But the data suggests something different.”

“Screw your data! Think like a killer, supposing that is what he wants.

No, this is Quintus, I'd bet my own two hundred million on it if my mother hadn't taken it from me.

He's taking her closer to the Federated Suns so she will be safe, while giving Hanse Davion and his ally Magestrix Centrella Cassus Belli against the Concordat.”

He highlighted a world near the increasingly lawless Tri-border area but within one jump of the St Ives acting capital of Victoria.

“Get my battalion transport to Zanzibar Adept. We can take out Quintus, Candace, Ian, and Corrine all in one go.”

11/17/3043 Location–Excalibur CCS Zheng Hi, Victoria, St Ives Compact

Count Quintus Allard paced the CIC, eerily silent despite his analysts working at their stations late into the evening. He looked up to the comms officer. “Any confirmation from Shiao-Zheng Schmidt?”

The young man tapped a few keys on his display and leaned over. “Negative sir. No word from him or anyone from Kamata since Cappela fell.”

Quintus punched the wall before him, mildly denting the plastic covering. “We have the AFFS and FWLM's support now. I don't need to manufacture an incident.”

He looked up at the date marked on his calendar. The fateful date was coming worryingly close. The abort command was sent but no confirmation had come back, which meant one of two things, and both involved ROM.

“There's nothing we can do with that now. I trust Ian will figure it out.”

Quintus shouted out to the analysts. “Compile and send me the latest down-links from the SIMC positions near Sian. We need to know how far Theodore Kurita's reach can extend before he can figure it out.”

From the briefing room, Quintus poured over the latest troop disposition. The DCMS' Ghost Regiments bore a striking resemblance to the first growth phase of the COMGUARDs comprising SLDF grade bone white battlemechs, most with some kind of lingering damage showing how rapidly they were being brought back online. With their caches hopefully depleted after helping supply a brigade of mechs to the DCMS, Phi Branch had massively opened their checkbooks. COMSTAR preferentially purchased their new equipment from Combine, Confederation, and Periphery manufacturers leaving the more mature industries and rivals in FedSuns, LyrCom, and FWL space out of the bidding process. Phi and Beta Branches exchanged both technical skill and cold currency for materiel and combat advisers to improve both sides abilities.

This had enabled these small realms, including the St Ives Compact, to sustain a larger military than ever before. Ceres Arms had been the largest beneficiary, allowing the Order to change the conditions of battle through economic and logistical means and through their monopoly on interstellar communication.

Quintus suspected the Order was up to something, urging Candace to refuse their business. However, each Battlemech or tank they purchased from HildCo or other suppliers was almost half a new one for the fledgling SIMC and if she didn't sell them, the Order would buy from Romano. With the war having taken a turn for the worse and allegations of weapons of mass destruction being deployed by SIMC forces, they lost the ability to source other suppliers.

Battle Report
Twelve Ghost Regiments, Both Genoyasha, and all five Ryuken regiments along with support from Arkab, Amphigian, and Ashigaru auxiliary regiments have pushed into the Terra facing portions of the Confederation taking Liao, Capella, Sarna, and several other strategic worlds Romano initially invited these units in to combat the AFFS forces massing on her border and thus were in the perfect position to strike.

Colonel Jaime Wolf and his Dragoons, in the employ of Hanse Davion, have stalemated the Ryuken on Tikonov. The Republicans have fired on both sides forcing the Mercs and Ryuken out into the hinterlands and away from their cities to finish their feud.

Colonels Patrick and Morgan Kell and both Regiments of their Kell Hounds, ostensibly in the Duchy of Oriente's employ, skirmish with the Genyosha under the command of Yorinaga Kurita, the original Prince Ian's killer and Patrick Kell's sworn enemy.

1st and 2nd St Ives Janissaries are mobilizing to secure Sian from DCMS forces.
The St Ives Lancers are preparing to take the Necromo Yards from St Ives to prevent it from falling into DCMS hands.
Armored Cavalry Regiments press up from Grand Base toward Harloc.

Present CCAF territory comprises a line from Boardwalk to Hexare then to Highspire, Chancellor Romano Liao's de facto capital, with a slender line up to Tikonov.

The Oriente Fusiliers and Hussars along with Marik Militia and Orloff Grenadiers go to DEFCON 2. Parliamentary procedure prevents them from deploying in offensive engagements but they are ready to counter attack imminent threat to their systems. Fleet Transport assets positioned throughout Capellan border territory are activated and move to their staging worlds.

11/24/3043 Location–Zanzibar, Independent World

Countess Corrine Marik sat huddled under a plain canvas tent anchored to a bulldog truck with the others. The flaps of which whipped in the acrid winds of this wasteland. Their captors carried no guns, but they didn't need to in order to maintain control of the weakened Legionnaires.

A month in low gravity without exercise had sapped them of vigor. It had been a quiet journey with no ill treatment beyond being locked in a darkened wardroom with escorted visits to the head and insufficient rations. Her limbs felt awkward, a feeling echoed by the others. Their strength would return, but until then they were in no condition to make a run for it, even if they knew where they were, and had the right tools. Now that they were planet-side the food quantity increased, but now they could taste the underwhelming quality of the scant traces of meat, vegetable, and rice. It was a good or bad sign, but the Legionnaires welcomed gravity and more chow.

Giselle looked at her with concern. Corrine had spent the journey concerned about her. She was injured during the attack on Sardurni. Whoever was holding them for ransom had excellent astro-medical skills, and her wounds had almost completely healed. “Did you recognize any stars?”

Corrine had gotten better treatment over the past beside having a knife at her throat for a tense video post-abduction. She had just come back from walking around under the stars, observed by her silent female captor. Canopus or the Diamond Garter cluster could be seen throughout the Rim when she was outside, but she also wasn't certain the axial tilt or which hemisphere they were on of the world either.

“No, we jumped at least five times. We could be in the Confederation or near Fronc space by now.”

“Isn't Ian near Fronc?”
She started getting more agitated, “Maybe your father contacted him to help find us,” before breaking down in Corrine arms, “I just want to go home.”

She patted her friend and used her sleeve to wipe away tears, “Me too. I'm sure someone will come for us soon. We'll all get home.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Wrangler on 15 May 2021, 19:21:16
Man this situation gotten twisted.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 18 May 2021, 16:48:19
Man this situation gotten twisted.

That's the AlphaMirage special.

11/27/3043 Location – FSS Valor in orbit around Zanzibar

The Canopian Jumpship executed an impressive pirate jump taking advantage of this world’s lack of a detection network outside of maybe its HPG compound. Ian held onto the bar in the CIC waiting for the coordinates where the swap would occur. It was fun to count out 200 million c-bills in cash for a while but that was a small price to pay for Corrine and the other’s safety. Two orbits and three hours passed without a message.

“Captain Davion, the Wolfsbane has located a number of thermal and magnetic signatures approximately two hundred kilometers to the North of Wete. Images showing up now.”

From their high view the Wolfsbane locked onto that sector, Thirty Battlemechs and Six armored vehicles were in hot pursuit of a convoy of vehicles.”

“Are those MRVs?”

The sensor operator zoomed in on the vehicles, long flatbeds that were easily recognizable to any Mechwarrior with any campaign experience. “Looks like it sir.”

“What’s following them?”

After enhancement the small gray vehicles came into view, “Some kind of light tank.”

“Send in the Aerospace fighters to check it out.”
After an “Ay sir” Ian threw himself through the corridor toward the ready room. Expecting trouble he was already in his cooling vest and ordered the techs to bring the eight fusion reactors of his mech command online.

“FedSuns Armored Cavalry. Prep for a hot drop!”

Mechwarriors and Techs both looked at him like he was mad but saluted and did as ordered. Vance and the other Techs outfitted the Crusader, Jagermech, and Marauder with jump packs, a mix of parachute and retrorockets enabling the heavier mechs to descend at a reasonable safe velocity. The other five mechs in his command, (Dervish, 2 Shadow Hawks, Vulcan, and Swordsman) all had their own jump jets. 2nd Company, consisting of many medium mechs, was entirely jump capable. Among Wolfsbane only Bishop and a few others had the training and ability to execute a hot drop.

By the time everyone suited up and their mechs were cocooned the Aerospace pilots radioed back into Ian. “Hostiles confirmed they have fired on us. We will soften them up for you.”

“Negative. Take out those tanks pursuing the MRVs and return to the dropship. Leave the mechs to us. We might need you to cover us later.”

He patted the instrument cluster of Golden Lion and donned his neurohelmet with his unofficial callsign ‘Scratch’ printed in gold letters on the worn red enamel. “This will be a new one for both of us.”

On the ground Corrine and the 2nd Legionnaires looked through the rear-view mirror as eight burning shapes appeared out of the sky. They had been pursued for hours now and the fuel tank was running on empty in the MRV, so it was only a matter of time until they had to bail. Her voice was filled with fear, “Aerospace fighters! lining up for a strafing run.”

She pulled the wheel to the side attempting to evade the likely attack from whomever had it out for her captors only to see incoming fire land among the pursuing tanks. The Corsairs passed over them and burned back into the sky using sheer thrust power rather than any lifting surfaces to return to wherever they had come from. Their pursuers fired back but their lasers were not optimized for anti-air use particularly on such a small and nimble target as a Corsair. Four of the six pursuing tanks fell behind the pack, their tires melted to the asphalt or armor breached by laser fire. Any that were still mobile broke off the pursuit heading to the forests and hills to obtain top cover.

The MRV’s radio came to life as a voice was broadcast in the open, “Second Legionnaires, if you are still out there, the Armored Cavalry has arrived and is hot dropping in. If you see us get there, and we will get you off-world.”

Within his Black Knight Photon Brett looked up at the sky to see a dozen shapes dropping from the sky. Their ablative drop cocoons burning away to reveal the battlemech inside. Photon shook his head the sleek SLDF neurohelmet proving more comfortable than anything he had ever experienced before, “Oh Ian, why couldn't you have arrived just hours later? I had a speech prepared and everything. Now it’s ruined.”

He pulled out the card from their bout on Solaris VII where he had almost managed to kill the Prince in the ring in a legitimate bout, “Black Eagle vs Golden Lion, rematch. What a pity the press can never know it occurred.

Engage the Armored Cavalry before their dropship arrives!”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: PsihoKekec on 19 May 2021, 00:35:28
“Oh Ian, why couldn't you have arrived just hours later? I had a speech prepared and everything. Now it’s ruined.”
Alas, poor villain, left without the chance to do his trademark villain monologue.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 19 May 2021, 18:46:25
Alas, poor villain, left without the chance to do his trademark villain monologue.

It is one of the many benefits of being a villain along with having the most attractive woman on your side, in the beginning at least.


Golden Lion was not meant to fly but today it did. Ian landed it with only minor leg damage and a sore jaw. As with any air assault the formation was scattered about the chaparral. Their jump jets and hot feet caused a minor brush fire now racing toward the horizon in all directions. Through the smoke a group of gray painted MRV (Mech Recovery Vehicles) drove off road avoiding pockets of flame and once hidden ditches. Behind them was a brilliant view of a sleepy fishing town overlooking the bay.

Ian took his first tentative steps on the terrain, his mech serving as the rally point for the command. Mechs worked their way toward him from the almost hectare sized LZ, very tight for a hot drop, and testament to the Armored Cavalry’s training and experience. The MRVs stopped far short of them and signaled with their horns. Jumpin’ Jack arrived first on the scene with Bishop bounding over the terrain while Ian triggered the sequence to detach his mech’s jump pack.

“We got here just in time Captain. Seems like they are out of gas.”

“Better to be lucky than good right?”

“You know it better than anyone else Scratch.”

“I have taken really good care of Golden Lion recently.”

“They still always remember your screw ups kid.”

He opened the battle-net channel looking warily at the incoming battalion of heavy battlemechs that the Legionnaires were attempting to evade, “Anyone with a rumble seat move forward to take on a passenger, everyone else delay those grays.”

The majority of the ArmCav mechs had one as only on the smallest or most cramped mechs lacked one. They stepped over the warm ground to the disabled vehicles. Picking up a passenger required time and stillness. Ian nervously watched as the enemy push forward despite the valiant effort of two Valkyries. The cockpit hatch was still warm but now safe to touch so he disengaged the lock and threw a chain ladder down to Corrine who looked so small almost five meters below him.

Within the cupola he took in the sights and resinous smells of the brushy foothills. Bravo’s Blackjack ‘King of Clubs’ opened fired with its long-range autocannons followed by Alpha’s Jagermech once it was clear that neither needed to take on a passenger. Wolfsbane’s contingent of five mechs did the same. The punishing counterattack ultimately forced the enemy to slow and engage them. They were worryingly close by the time Ian grabbed Corrine’s grimy hand to pull her in and disengaged the chain ladder which fell to the ground with a clank.

She held onto him tightly, “I would love to give you a kiss right now Corrine, but they are too close.”

He looked over her to see that she didn’t have a cooling vest or armor on, having lost both for a set of rather plain clothes ragged from the scramble to escape he imagined.

“Secure the hatch, buckle up, and drink some water. It’s about to get hot in here.”

Corrine secured the hatch while Ian returned to the cockpit chair and his waiting neurohelmet, “Ejection override, five, five, seven, two, Echo, Charlie.”

His ejection light turned red with a black bar across it while the hatch light turned green. The rumble seat was pulled down and Ian heard the buckle snap. “What are you doing?”

Ian’s Neurohelmet visor display lit up as his weapons came online and the armored cowling that protected the cockpit glass slid into position, “If I have to eject it will burn you up. I’d rather neither of those happen.”

“All units this is Scratch, begin rolling withdrawal. No one try to be a hero. We have thirty minutes and our objectives.”

Status lights blinked from his subcommanders acknowledging the order. His PPC’s capacitor status glowed green, positive charge, and the lasers adjusted to local atmospheric conditions. Light smoke from smoldering scrubs partially obscured their presence until the unknown gray mechs appeared. A Black Knight in the lead followed by a number of heavy and medium mechs mostly SLDF vintage except for some DCMS models such as the three Grand Dragons.

Ian let loose a pair of bolts from his Hellstar PPCs into the lead Grand Dragon, both shots going wide of their intended mark. The faster mechs separated themselves from the larger pack now that they were in skirmishing range. One hit but three more were fired back along with flights of missiles. In the cockpit Ian could feel the impact of their warheads as explosions bloomed around him. When the smoke cleared a bizarre looking slender limbed design appeared in his periphery vision.

“What’s that Ian?”

“It’s a Kintaro. New DCMS doctrine has them close to provide precision missile guidance for Gladiator and Dragon lances.”


“Almost certainly. Although it doesn’t help me figure out whether it’s a ROM, DCMS, or some very well-equipped mercs. Did you get a chance to talk to them at all?”

“No, they made an offer to ransom us yesterday. Our captors refused and then they started fighting.”

“Well at least they took a little bit of damage beforehand.”

His mech juked out of the way of incoming PPCs, walking backwards meant he was rapidly losing ground to the Cavalry Lance which ran at almost twice his speed. With only 16 intact mechs vs 30 partially damaged ones the odds were not in their favor. He couldn’t turn and let them shoot him in the back either and even then, he would be shortly run down.

Overhead a squadron of ArmCav Corsairs lined themselves up for an attack run diving to fire powerful laser strikes against the Grand Dragons. The gray’s raised their left arms to shield the cockpit from the burning light but the impact was felt as each one took a quartet of laser pulses hitting with the strength of an Awesome. One fell under the onslaught its damaged legs gave out as the vulnerable myomer muscles that powered the machine were melted by the laser’s heat.

Golden Lion, King of Clubs, and the Jagermech were all moving together in the difficult terrain. 40mm cannon fire and energy strikes left nasty scars of carbonized or blasted plate behind on the Kintaro. The long-limbed construct continued unabated firing more missiles at Golden Lion. Its SRMs hit hard but scattered about the mech causing no breaches.

Behind them were a series of ridges, due to their construction and locomotion Battlemechs even light ones piloted by veteran pilots couldn’t walk backwards up steep slopes. Their gyros and skeleton were not that flexible. He did however had two mechs that could flip their arms and fire behind them and were even designed for that. King of Clubs used its jump jets to clear the ridge while the Jagermech and Golden Lion turned to run up the hill. Their backs covered by white smoke rockets deployed by Bravo’s Shadow Hawks and Swordsmen.

A powerful bolt punched through the smoke with a whorl tearing into Golden Lion’s left leg. The impact combined with the missiles launched at them required Ian and Corrine to brace themselves as the Marauder barely managed to remain standing.

“Was that an AC Twenty?”

Ian looked in his rear view snapshotting a PPC toward the Kintaro which was breaking off under fire from three mechs. The only unit with anything approaching that kind of weaponry nearby was the Black Knight whose arm mounted PPC unit still glowed red. Its mount posed gracefully giving the whole unit the appearance of a knight with lance couched.

“No just a really powerful PPC and a Mechwarrior with good aim.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 21 May 2021, 22:58:09
Photon felt the surge of heat and electricity passing through his Black Knight. His many heat sinks would distribute and radiated the heat out, but a capacitor linked ERPPC was the hottest weapon in the Inner Sphere. Golden Lion stutter stepped forward up the hill, one of its PPCs firing toward a Dragon. The particle beam blow its gun arm clear off, Photon batted the wreckage down with his shield rather than take the impact on his machine.

“That was satisfying. Rattled yet Ian?”

He watched as another strike by the Corsairs inflicted more casualties on his force. The force had been in motion since late last night in pursuit of Corrine and her escaped Legionnaires. Fatigue and accumulated battle damage incurred while fighting a determined defense by their captors was taking its toll. They drew many Guardsmen from the ranks of poorly disciplined stock, mercenaries, dispossessed, and pirates, looking more for a new Battlemech in exchange for service than Blake's enlightenment.

They were getting sloppy, faster units pushing beyond the fire envelope. He stepped past the wounded cavalry lance that had paid the price for it on his way to Ian. The Armored Cavalry and Wolf's Dragoons realized it, and although he had them outnumbered almost 2 to 1, he didn't feel in control of the situation.

“Form up, you fools! Tighten your formation. Shoot those fighters down next pass.”

The Blackjack and Jagermech pelted him with auto-cannon shells which failed to penetrate his shield, something he had observed in a Solaris blood pit during his time there.

Ian crested the hill, turning sideways to shield his damaged leg from Photon's recharging PPC.

Another strike mission from the Armored Cavalry's Corsairs sped above the landscape after cooling off in the stratosphere. The COMGuardsmen formed up into a solid block under his command. Rather than fly into the imposing formation the Corsairs veered off. Unfortunately, this delay gave Ian's command more time to escape. The Armored Cavalry's Green mechs using the terrain to screen them from the enemy's firepower, which had momentarily tilted skyward.

“We are doing this properly. Do not push beyond the fire envelope to take obvious bait. Get over that hill and kill those bastards.”

Golden Lion backpedaled as quickly as Ian could manage. In unison, the enemy advanced over the hills the rabble tamed for the moment. 

Sword Squadron Lead buzzed in Ian's ear, “They are blocking up Captain, can't make an approach.”

“Keep buzzing them. Maybe they will slip up again and separate.”

"Roger that. Caution sir: we running low on fuel only a few more passes before we have to get to orbit."

"Understood, do what you need to do."

Corsairs zoomed above, but the fight was once more between the ground forces. In the lead was the Black Knight using a shield to protect itself from incoming light cannon fire. He took a second line position as they cleared the ridge. Black Knight's firepower forced lighter machines to disengage as the powerful weapon and shield, pockmarked with shell holes and ablated with energy, meant they would have minimal impact.

One of Bravo's Valkyries lost an entire side under its impact. The pilot forced to turn and make best speed away to the landing dropships. The Armored Cavalry forced their enemy to rotate to the rear, where they provided support and harassing fire for their leading brethren. Less damaged machines stepped up. A Phalanx style arrangement with sixty ton infantry and a Black Knight towering over them like a Roman Centurion. Its arm slinging powerful lighting to smite his foes like some vengeful god.

Corrine made some noise behind him, but his world was within that helmet visor and the constant buzzing of his comm-set. His attention on where the next round of fire was coming from, and going. He had to plan his shots carefully In order to maintain speed and keep Corrine from passing out. The enemy rotated in and out of position using tonnage to reduce the Cavalry's ability to bring them down.

Sweat fell down to his trigger toggle, soaking the control yoke, which was growing uncomfortably hot. Already the Armored Cavalry's had endured ten minutes of constant fire, their numbers dwindled along with their armor and ammunition. With only energy armament and a thermonuclear reactor providing effectively limitless power, Golden Lion, Jumpin' Jack, and a few others could endure for so long. Although they too were running low on ammo, the sheer mass of fire provided by even a partially effective enemy was turning the tide.

They shredded Golden Lion under a constant hail of harassing fire. Gray myomer muscles exposed, its right arm hanging by its structure, sparks popping from the discharging capacitors, legs mangled but mobile. A shimmer of cooling oil from damaged heat sinks created white smoke where it touched exposed components. Ian looked up to see Sword coming back into alignment.

“Strafe now!”

The Corsairs dove again, alternating North-South and East-West with practiced formation timing. Depleted of ammo and with damage fighters raked the enemy with laser fire which they were powerless against. Concentrating the lesser armored mechs in the rear made them easy targets. Mech with most of their fighting capacity remaining such as the Black Knight had them aimed groundward.

Photon turned the radio waves blue with rage. His rear line broke in panic, fleeing into the forest to escape the fighters that threatened to destroy the COMGUARD's cherished mechs. He could see Mackenzie's Dragoons just clearing the ridge from their LZ. He checked his HUD. His PPC's capacitor powered up and Golden Lion was looking unsteady.

Ian strained at the controls, trying to keep control of his machine long enough for the Dragoon's to come to the rescue. Many times he had rebuilt Golden Lion but the life support had always checked out. Now it was down for the count, and he was not far behind. Only half of Golden Lion remained the last blast from the Knight's PPC destroyed his left side, exposing the vulnerable heart of his machine.

Only one weapon was still active. The Exostar laser was hanging in there even as alarms rang in his head. It was a shorter ranged one though, and he was just out of range. The Black Knight knew it. It stopped slowly, aiming the weapon as one would hold a dueling pistol or lance ready about to deliver the killing blow. Its sculpted armor, once reminiscent of a muscle torso from some ancient Hoplite, now looked like some beast had mauled it.

Black Knight and Golden Lion faced one another in the forested glade, once more cratered with missile and shell holes and filled with wreckage. Golden Lion stopped, its three-toed feet dug deep into the soft soil like some saurian beast cornered by a predator. Instead of continuing to retreat, it charged forward with reckless abandon. It swayed and strained under the damage from the battle as it tore clods of dirt from the earth below and let loose one more burst of light.

Lightning filled the area between them. Simultaneously Photon clawed at his eyes as Golden Lion's laser burned into his helmet shaped armor. Because of previous battle damage, fragments of the coherent light reflected off a console, blinding him with a white flash. His vision only saved by COMSTAR's advanced helmet and a lucky eye blink.

He blinked away the darkness, his vision replaced with noon light and burned in lines.

Golden Lion was gone, only its tracks remained on world. Tracks leading to the dropships presently lifting off. Out of his reach once more.

Photon Brett withdrew from the field, taking with him one of Golden Lion's destroyed arms. His Black Knight disappeared into the forested foothills. 

“Run cowardly Lion.

This isn't over yet, Ian.

Not by one bit.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 22 May 2021, 12:50:53
11/30/3043 Location - Devil's Gorge, Tsinghai, Contested

Patrick Kell cut a sharp figure with the rising sun behind him as he stood atop his silver and black Thunderbolt-5S 'Moonsliver'. The rays spread out long shadows which came alive as the ashen gray Genyosha gathered opposite him. He looked through the range-finding binoculars, scanning until he found his target, a lone Warhammer standing in the lead position of the wedge.

“I see you, Yorinaga.”

Colonel Kell executed a series of hand gestures, his subordinates' activation signal. Patrick leapt back along his mech's 'head' opening the hatch to his cockpit.

Today would be his tenth bout with the Genyosha in as many months. Thirtieth against Yorinaga in as many years, if he counted correctly.

Captain O'Cathin, one of his company commanders, chimed in on his personal channel.

“Sir, look toward the DCMS position.”

“I will in a moment, from my cockpit. With lasers and missiles aimed at them.”

“There is a jeep flying a flag of parley heading out toward the middle of the field.”


He swung around, bringing the binoculars attached to his hip up in a single motion. Indeed, a DCMS marked vehicle flying a white flag drove across the wasteland. It continued toward the center before stopping. A dust cloud caught up to them and settled among the stones. Inside was an older man, Yorinaga Kurita, and two younger men, which he did not know. All still carried their swords as far as he could see, but seemed content to wait for what might come.

“What's your angle Yorinaga?”

He watched and waited for five breaths. No radio communication came from the Genyosha. All was still quiet on the badlands. Even his own subordinates were silent. The DCMS machines with their tsunami star motif sparkled as the sun rose toward the active yet motionless Samurai.

“Hounds keep ready for any surprises. Dan, you are in charge until I return.”

Major Allard's Wolfhound appeared beside him. Tharhes built the lean and reliable machine to the Kell Hound's specs to combat the Panthers, Spiders, and Jenners of their traditional foes. It was now barely an even match for the new Zonbis and Tora/Wolf Traps rapidly filling in the expanding DCMS.

“You can't be serious Paddy!”

Motion among the Genyosha caught his attention, His XO on the move seemed to infer that the Kell Hounds would not honor their master's parley.

“I am. Hold your position Major. You're making them nervous.”

“I'm making them nervous. With all due respects Colonel, you are nuts to get close to those snakes.”

Their shared past consumed nearly half their lives. Conflicts ranging from the sands of Mallory's World to the marshes of Styx and now the badlands of Tsinghai. The Kell Hounds had clashed with the DCMS throughout the Inner Sphere since their inception at the turn of the millennium.

“Maybe you 're right Dan, but despite our many encounters, I've never actually seen his face with my own eyes.”

“You're not supposed to. We're in Battlemechs. This is business.”

Yorinaga and his companions showed no sign of discontent, waiting patiently. He clenched his cybernetic hand, straining its micro-myomer, carefully crafted by Riva, to replace the original lost on Styx, “Not between Yorinaga and I.”

Patrick slid down the chain ladder before walking toward the motor pool that accompanied their tech teams. An Ibex RV now flew a white painting sheet with Patrick inside. A Rorynex assault rifle concealed under the passenger seat, just in case.

The drive out across the fields was quiet. Patrick had a comm headset on just in case Dan or the others noticed something before he reached his destination. Its gigantic wheels and suspension made the physical ride comfortable, but nothing stopped Patrick's mind from going to darker and rough places.

It came to a stop twenty paces from the DCMS truck and its three DCMS Warriors occupants who got out to stand opposite one Kell Hound. Yorinaga Kurita walked toward him. A crude cybernetic eye replaced one lost to the burns that covered his face and bald head. His body, a mosaic of injury from both burn and blade, made him a mosaic of pain. Patrick 'Playboy' Kell had plastic surgery to cover burns, unable to be concealed under a short-sleeve shirt, although they had cost him a forearm.

Beside him were two young men, a handsome teenager and someone likely twice that kid's age. Both were fine Warrior specimens, with the older one clearly possessing some experience in the military and a Tanto and Wakizashi tucked into his belt. The younger one was unarmed and dressed in a fine black kimono with ornate gold adornment.

“I'm here Yorinaga. Do you want to discuss the terms of your surrender?”

Yorinaga came within five paces of him, way too close, and Patrick's hand drifted toward his Sternsnact Python, ready for him to draw his Katana and finally end their rivalry.

“No, I have in my possession something far more valuable to you.”

With a gesture by the older dragon, the teenager stepped forward followed by the older one.

“This is Christian.”

The young man bowed and, despite being unarmed, closed far too near to Patrick.


“Son of Takara the Renketsu of Halstead Station and you, Patrick Kell of Arc Royal.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: snakespinner on 22 May 2021, 18:53:29
Nice surprise. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 23 May 2021, 13:00:51
Patrick Kell took in a deep breath. Momentarily lost in a daydream of a covert mission long ago. One he had barely succeeded in because of a beautiful woman and her talents.

“Takara? No I don't believe it. She would have told me if I had a son. I wanted her to come with me.”

Christian bowed slightly. “I am sorry, father. She did not wish to impede what she thought was your destiny. My mother felt she would put an undue burden on you if she informed you of my existence.

Only recently had I learned who my father was with my mother's death last year. Yorinaga-sama has told me much of you since they transferred me to the Genyosha for training.”

Colonel Kell looked toward the old Tai-Sa keeping Christian in his peripheral vision in case this was some kind of trick. “What exactly does he say?”

“It would be imprudent to speak for sensei. Please ask him yourself.”
With that he bowed again and stepped aside waiting quietly for the response.

“What did you tell him Yorinaga?”

“Only the truth.

You are a Warrior-Prince of Mercenaries. Your warriors the whetstone of the LCAF. On it is honed the fine art of a bushi through constant practice and innate talent.

My most respected rival who has inspired me to greater feats of arms than I would have otherwise.”

“Pretty words from a brutal Warrior.”

Yorinaga's tone remained, although the other man behind him seemed to take offense. Patrick watched him warily, hand still near his pistol.

“The nature of our work is bloody Colonel Kell. I know you hold me personally responsible for First Prince Ian Davion's death on Mallory's World. It was mutually agreed however; he did not have to demand a duel, and I did not have to accept. I could have ordered the Sword of Light around his position. They would have been victorious against the routing Prince's men before your own arrived to relieve them and ultimately force us off the world.

However, I accepted his duel as one of equals and ordered my men to honor the request and his noble sacrifice. Is the Federated Suns truly lessened by his loss? I should think not. As much as you, your brother, and the First Prince think. Truly you have been better off for the second son to inherit the Suns during this age of calamity.”

“Why did you bring Christian here? Do you seek to hold him hostage and that I should now and Kell Hounds stand down because of that?”

The Tai-Sa and the other man's eyes narrowed with disdain. “I can understand how you might you think I would do such a thing. Believing as you do that, I am your personal demon, constantly tormenting you through my presence on the battlefield.

However, I would not do such a thing. Only recently have I freed my son from his own detainment with the aid of the Gunji-no-Kanrei.

Even Director Indrahar intended for Christian to be such. Fearing I had lost my edge and would need insurance against the fearsome Kell Hounds. I do not need such a token however, nor would I deny another father the pleasure of knowing his son.”

Yorinaga stepped aside and gestured toward the other man, who bowed politely. “This is my son, Akira Brahe. Held hostage by Marcus Kurita and his fellow conspirators for most of his life to ensure my loyalty to the Coordinator.”

“Then why does he not carry your name?”

Akira spoke up, the young man very animated. A clear Rasalhague half-blood that would be at home on any Commonwealth-Combine border world. “I renounced any ties to the Kurita Clan long ago. Instead, I carry my grandfather's surname. Who with my mother sacrificed themselves to ensure that I might live when Marcus Kurita stated he needed only one hostage... Their noble legacy lives on with me, Patrick-sama. I carry the instruments of their deaths to remember their lives.”

He presented the blades to Patrick, unsheathing them one by one while keeping a safe distance from the visibly anxious Hound. “With this tanto Sula Brahe ended her life in Jigai before her son. This wakizashi was used by Gustav Brahe's who seconded by Yorinaga committed Seppuko on Trondheim before Marcus Kurita and Vasily Cherenkoff who both died during the Ronin Wars of which I was a participant. Although I did not have the honor of killing them much to my disgrace.”

The young man stepped back as Yorinaga neared Patrick. “Akira and Christian seek to learn alongside your Kell Hounds of other ways. I have given them my blessing. Although it hurts my being, I know they will do better with you than among our own...for now. Without them being held hostage or under threat I may act freer than otherwise.”

Patrick's hand was no longer on his pistol as the offer took him aback. “You would surrender your own son as potential hostage to me knowing how I feel about you?”

“You are an honorable man Patrick Kell and Akira is no stranger to mistrust or being among those that might be enemies. Christian will require a trusted sensei of his own in foreign lands and among strangers. He has little experience outside our realm and Akira too much within.

We will meet again but the Genyosha will go no further under my or Kanrei Theodore's orders.”

He presented Christian with a scroll and the young man walked it toward Patrick clearly unarmed so that there was no threat. “In this is a cease fire and information offered freely by the Kanrei to your masters. Takashi does not know that Theodore has volunteered this information or extended an offer but I trust your people will honor it covertly while he goes onto the next phase of his plans.”

“Is Theodore plotting a coup?”

“Not within the Combine. Inside is information pertaining to Tormano or whomever you wish to present it regarding Romano's defenses on Highspire. Along with a list of Coordinator Takashi and Primus Waterly's agents within her court and the Draconis and Skye Marches along with staging points for dishonorable weapons meant to be used against civilian populations.

We trust you will get it to the rightful ears of those that can deal with such issues.”

“So treason it is then?”

“No, merely establishing diplomatic relations for the next generation. Given in good faith to one that I know better than himself.

If you will accept them, Christian's bag is in the truck already. Akira, his family, and Charenja
(Charger CGR-SB 'Challenger') will join you tomorrow.”

Patrick accepted the scroll from Christian. “You mentioned nothing about his family.”

“Would you separate a husband from his wife and children rather than offer asylum to those that seek to leave for greater opportunity and safety?”

“Perhaps you know me better than I know myself, Yorinaga. I will accept them upon evaluation of Akira's skills as a Mechwarrior.”

“I am certain it would delight him to offer you a demonstration tomorrow. The sun is long now. We, Genyosha will return to our camp to meet the Kell Hounds another time.

I release you to your father, Christian-kun. I am certain you will perform ably at his side.”

Christian bowed deeply to the warrior, “Thank you sensei. I know you did this at significant risk and appreciate all you have taught me in our short time together.”

Patrick and Christian walked back toward the Ibex the young man carrying his DCMS issue rucksack to the passenger side. Patrick started it up as Christian entered, “You brought an assault rifle to an offer of parley father?”

“I apologize...son. It's habit. I have been burned to many times. I suppose I will have to relearn how to trust.”

“We all will.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: PsihoKekec on 23 May 2021, 14:20:04
You keep hitting us with unexpected turns in the story.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Wrangler on 23 May 2021, 16:59:07
Very promising story. I'm glad your writing it, AlphaMirage. 

Twist and turns, yet not too backstabby.  ;D
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 24 May 2021, 21:03:33
I appreciate all the good feedback. This story has developed into a completely different and better beast for its hiatus. The original end differed from what it will be now. Well, except for Ian and Corrine getting married, that was going to happen, regardless. Was originally going to do the Hanse wedding gift with them but decided against it.

Chapter 19 - Preparations
12/1/3043 Location – FSS Valor, Still above Zanzibar

Prince Ian sat in the rec room of the Valor across from him was Corrine Marik, dressed in a turquoise and black jumpsuit cut to tight for her form. Even half unzipped, she struggled to move about in it without bursting seams. “I cannot believe that even with half rations for a month, I cannot fit into Trish's clothes. How does she keep that figure?”

They moved the game pieces hovering over the display, a simple strategy game in the vein of Stratego. “I don't think she eats solid food.”

Ian put his hand to his chin. “Now that I think about it, I rarely see her in the mess.”

She responded to the move with a celebratory beeping as the holograms engaged in simulated combat. "Well, whatever she's doing, I need to find out. I will be going to a wedding soon and will need to fit into a dress.”

Ian involuntarily swallowed his cup of tea, letting out a series of coughs. “Is that so?”

Corrine smiled at him. “Of course, silly. Why would I go back empty-handed after my near death experience? I'm only missing a few things.”

“Now what would those be?”

“A groom, a ring, and a proposal.”

A knock at the door caught their attention, but so it stopped shortly after, hearing no response. “Did you lock the door when I wasn't looking?”

Carefully, she edged across the seat to sit next to him. Her tone was demure but in a scheming girl's way. “Maybe...but we're allowed to have some private time together. They'll find something else to do.

If it was important, they would have used the intercom.”

“So you think you can secure all the missing pieces before you go return home?”

Her hand wrapped around him as she leaned in. “Absolutely.”

“Well, Countess I don't have a ring.”

He felt her hand move down to his Albion Military Academy class ring. A handsome piece of etched gold with a faceted ruby inside. “This will work.”

Ian looked at her incredulously. It would be massive on her finger. He feared she might drop it if she tried to put it on and had no interest in searching the air filters for it should it fall. “Really, you want this one?”

“Only temporarily. You have a lot of cash sitting down in the cargo hold.”

The ship's Master of Arms and his deputy guarded four metal chests filled with C-bills, League Eagles, Capellan and St Ives Yuan, and Suns Pounds downstairs in the cargo hold. Next to them was Trish's luggage, a solidly wooden trunk weighing 150 kilos for just her 'might wear' clothes.

“That's going right into the Ducal Bank of New Syrtis then back to the Casinos I laundered it from under AFFS guard.”

“I accept payment in check,”
she kissed him, both lingered on the sensation, “or trade.”

Ian returned the kiss with just as much vigor. “I am glad you are happy with our arrangement?”

She tightly embraced him. Ian smelled the carefully chosen floral perfume borrowed from Trish for this moment. “Immensely, I very much enjoyed our 'completely incidental' encounters with one another. 

A dashing prince in bespoke uniform. Who knows his manners, duty, and how to dance, fight, and sing. Risking his life and fortune to swoop in to save the day. Only to sweep his lady off her feet to other places when he returns.

What woman wouldn't want that?”

The ring came off with some effort, feeling immensely heavy in his palm. “Well, as long as you don't make it a habit, Lady Marik. I've already rebuilt Golden Lion a half dozen times. It has become something of my great-grandfather's axe.”

“I'm afraid I cannot make you any promises other than I am in no hurry to get back into a battlemech, particularly since Troubadour was a total loss.

I won't get my inheritance until after the ceremony.”

Ring now in hand he knelt down figuring out something poetic to say, “You certain now is the right time?”

“On one condition.”
She whispered something into his ear. He whispered something back right into her ear which elicited a giggle and affirmative nod.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Wrangler on 25 May 2021, 11:53:57
That was nice ending to the chapter.  I am really looking forward to the next chapter in this alternate Succession Wars era.  I think it truly has alot promise.  Please keep going, AlphaMirage.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 25 May 2021, 21:10:23

That was nice ending to the chapter. I am really looking forward to the next chapter in this alternate Succession Wars era. I think it truly has alot promise. Please keep going, AlphaMirage.

Much appreciated

Ian Davion disembarked from the FSS Valor onto New Syrtis after weeks of transit. His coat collar pinned up. A scarf around his neck bobbed slightly as he walked. His gait was odd, a common issue from anyone spending too much time in microgravity, yet he strove to keep his back straight and feet for his own pride in front of his cousin. Duke Morgan Hasek(-Davion) waited for him on the tarmac of Saso Starport. Their auburn hair tousled gently by the cool winds only partially tamed by the Mawreddog Range anchored by the great peak of Heaven's Rest.

Even with Ian being pale from spending too much time on the dropship, Morgan noticed the lack of AMA ring where his own Warrior’s Hall was. “Walking funny from microgravity? Or something else.”

Prince Ian shook Morgan's hand and gave him a wolfish smile. “What else can you do if you're canned up for weeks on end?”

“You could keep putting Golden Lion back together."
He playfully put him in a headlock, rubbed Ian's hair with his knuckles. "Scratch. What a great callsign.”

Ian escaped the lock and attempted to comb his disheveled hair. Playfully socking Morgan's arm. “I need a lot of parts. Those pirates on Zanzibar really messed him up.”

“I'm sure you do. Happy that you got out of that situation in one piece.

Good thing you keep it as close to stock as possible. Johnson Industries will make it like new, my treat.”

Ian looked over to the armored car en route to the Valor. “I appreciate the offer, but it's my mech. I'll buy the parts and cube time at the normal rate. You will not get out of giving Corrine and I a wedding gift by fixing my mech.”

Morgan let out an exasperated sign. “You know I am hopeless in this kind of situation.” Ian was adamant and Morgan's posture changed to signal defeat at being outmaneuvered. Something that rarely happened. “Kym and I will find something suitable by that time.”

“I believe that.” Ian breathed in deep of the pure air. “Its been years since I've set foot in the Federated Suns.”

“It will always be here for you to return to.”

“Another thing I believe.”

Both men walked along the snowy tarmac, enjoying the peace and cool stillness.

“Anyway, where's the lucky young lady?”

“She's waiting for an arctic jacket that fits her. Trish went back to Canopian space with most of the others, so she took most of her giant clothes chest back with her, minus what Corrine was just fitting into.

We had to travel off the grid to get back here, otherwise I would have found something for her. Sorry we arrived with such brief notice.”

“You're always welcome on New Syrtis.” They watched as the armored car departed and a bus arrived from the terminal. It parked next to a large wheeled vehicle bearing House Hasek flags. Three people exited, two carrying duffel bags, each in a hurry to get out of the cold.

“Now that would be Kym trading the clothes for gossip, pastries, and tea. Guess the kids are with grandma Marie.”

Morgan started back toward the immense machine whose six wheels all carried snow chains, “Well that will take a while to settle.”

He handed Ian the keys. “Wanna take a turbocharged GM World Rover for a spin kid?”

The silver keys caught the light just right much to Ian's delight. “Do I!?”

Ian climbed into the machine and adjusted the seat as Morgan entered on the passenger side. He turned the ignition switch and the I.C.E. Engine came alive with a deep rumble. Both of them attached the five point harnesses for the super charged off-road vehicle. “You always were the coolest cousin.”

The rover idled as Morgan pulled up the map. “Drew was always a bit more like my father. You made the right choice working with Tran Ky Bao when you were there. Terrible choice of taking Photon Brett in The Jungle though. Seriously terrible. You're lucky you made it out alive.”

His cousin was slightly taller than Ian, so he needed to adjust the seat and mirrors. It had an instrument cluster that would make an Atlas operator proud. “I was young and impetuous then. Besides, Photon can't get his revenge now, he's grounded forever on Tamarind.”

Morgan listened as Ian throttled up the rover. “Young and impetuous then, yeah right..."

With concern, he watched as Ian’s hands reached for the shifter. “Look Ian, just let it out easy. We can work up to turbo.”

The Rover roared over the flat starport, ripping up thick ice and a little concrete in its wake. Its tracks leading up toward Heaven's Rest as a stack of black exhaust dissipated in the wind.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: PsihoKekec on 26 May 2021, 00:25:50
Ian escaped the lock and attempted to comb his disheveled hair.
It really doesn't matter when standing next to the man with the most fabulous hair in the Inner Sphere.

Besides, Photon can't get his revenge now, he's grounded forever on Tamaron.
Did his family grab him or did MIIO miss something?
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Iron Grenadier on 26 May 2021, 00:30:18
Just curious - how old is Ian? Beginning of the story we meet his 20 year old younger sister.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 26 May 2021, 04:37:23
He was born on July 3015 (post 3rd battle of Mallory's world but pre 4th) so he's 28 right now
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Iron Grenadier on 26 May 2021, 05:12:01

Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 26 May 2021, 05:19:48
It really doesn't matter when standing next to the man with the most fabulous hair in the Inner Sphere.
Did his family grab him or did MIIO miss something?

ROM nabbed him when he defected to COMSTAR. Therese simply keeps up the lie that he's still there until it is more useful that he isn't.

Also yes Morgan's mane is bishi as hell and I love it.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 26 May 2021, 21:58:36
02/02/3044 Location - Lady's Favor, New Syrtis

Countess Corrine Marik looked out over the frozen lake warm inside her fur lined parka. Her hair the longest it had been since girlhood safely tucked in a woolen cap. Ian joined her carrying piping hot mugs of coffee. The rich smoky aroma was one of the things she missed most while captive. A momentary thought cross her mind; where on this icy world would one grow coffee or was it all imported or fake?

Ian interrupted her daydreaming, “How does it feel to be in our first home together?”

The mug warmed her hands but they were still freezing despite her gloves, “I thought it would be far enough south to be warm during the winter when I picked it.”

They both laughed, “Morgan said its cold everywhere on New Syrtis.”
He wrapped his arm around her waist, “You just find someone to share your heat with.”

“That's a terrible line.”
“Worked for him.”
He sipped the coffee nonchalantly, “I've made progress with worse.”

She tousled Ian's hair which had grown longer than uniform regulations demanded, “You sure it wasn't that amazing mane of his.” Her hand moved down his face, “or that chiseled jaw you share.”

“And women call men shallow. Nothing about our sense of humor.”
He struck a heroic pose his coffee mug facing outward like some sword or pistol, “or honor.”

Ian retracted his arm placing it on his hip and took of a sip of coffee, “Our spirit of daring,” tugging at his AFFS issue red winter coat, “or fine fashion sense.”

“No merely a handsome face.”
She put her free hand in his back pocket goosing him, “with deep pockets.”

His surprise caused some coffee to spill onto the deck boards, “That's it! Engagement off.”

They shared a kiss, “I think you're just marrying me for my body and wealth Corrine. One of the covetous Countesses Patrick warned me about.”

Corrine's face twisted into a hurt expression at the faux reproach. “Oh Ian, what may I do to reassure you?”

His arms were folded and head up pretending to not look at her. Of course he couldn't help it. “I don't know if you can.”

She put the mug down on the table and politely took his away as well. They embraced and she got up on her toes to whisper. “There must be something,” into his ear.

02/08/3044 Location – New Syrtis Metals Limited, Snowden, New Syrtis

The trio wore reflective silver overalls and hard hats with blackened visors as they passed along the sky tunnel. Ian and Corrine watched great crucibles of metal pour out into molds which were then shaped into industrial and military components. Each was impressed by the display of industriousness. Despite the insulation the noise in the tunnel was almost deafening a cacophany of sizzling metal and warning sirens. Even though it was frigid outside the heat of molten iron was trapped inside and they sweltered under their clothes.

Morgan shouted over the noise, “This is the latest expansion to NSM, Limited. Everything here is post Helm Core design. It takes up half the space as the old foundry but all the mechanization means its produces the same amount of product.”

Corrine looked out onto the floor seeing men and machines scurry along transporting red hot steel to shaping machines and the tempering furnace. “Wow Morgan this is amazing.”

Despite being covered in protective gear she looked at him sheepishly, “I'm sorry to interrupt the tour but where's the restroom?”

He pointed behind them, “There should be one near the foreman's office. We'll be right here when you are done.”

“Thank you!” Corrine rushed away leaving the two men on the catwalk.
Ian looked around stopping in parade rest to stare at the floor. “Good eyes Morgan.”

His cousin stood beside him watching the yellow lights of an industrial-mech transporting a large piece of iron in its clamp like hands. “You pay closer attention to those things when you have a daughter.”

“You wouldn't happen to be looking for investors. I have too much money for my own good.”

“No we're in good shape here on New Syrtis. Recently hired a lot of Capellan refugees to foster better relations. I will do what I can to help them stand on their own feet after so much misery. Heavens know they need it more than I do.

Ask Corrine what you should do with it. The best investment a man can make is his wife. They will make or break you more surely than any stock exchange.”

Morgan patted him on the back, “I'm proud of you kid. You've done a lot of growing up out there in the wide crazy Inner Sphere.”

02/22/3044 Location – Johnson Industries, Saso City, New Syrtis

Ian Davion walked into the mech bay he had rented for the past few months while fixing Golden Lion. Full rebuilds were always difficult but since it was a Marauder 3-Delta parts were easy to find in FedSuns space. New Syrtis manufactured all the weapons and armor he needed and with their mechanics the structure and myomer were easily assembled to factory specs.

All that was left now was final installation of the Johnson Parti-Cannon Improved PPCs. Their smaller mass (6 tons, iPPC) allowed Ian to finally return Golden Lion to its normal over-under gun arrangement with new Intek Medium lasers for close combat capability, something he had been sorely lacking. The assemblies were supposed to be finished today for mounting onto his Mech's arms.

He turned the light on to see a brand new machine painted white, purple, and green in the cradle next to his. It looked like the Swordsman that had returned to Detroit with the rest of his unit but slightly altered, its main gun was in the arm, with only four tubes and an off hand laser of some kind. “Weird, wonder whose mech that is?”

Corrine entered an hour later as he was inspecting the assemblies. She too looked at the unusual machine. “Ian why is there a mech painted in Stygian colors next to Golden Lion?”

With a shrug he stated he didn't know. “It was here when I walked in this morning. What's a Stygian?”

“The Second Legionnaires silly.”
She stopped to look at the strange machine, “That's my regimental paint scheme.”

A realization dawned on Ian. “White, green, and purple? Corrine those are terrible colors.”

She gave him a glare, “I quite like them actually. Thank you very much.”

“I don't know where it came from, guess we will wait till we hear something.”

With that she rolled up her coverall's sleeves to help him work on the weapon assembly. Morgan entered while they were on lunch break enjoying chili and warm tea within the just above freezing hanger bay. His silhouette a familiar sight to them by now.

He started at her. “Tsk, Tsk, you haven't even jumped into that Icarus yet.”

Corrine looked at him. “We didn't know who it belonged too Morgan. I'm not going to just jump into a random mech.”

“Even one that's obviously yours. I had hoped your demurity would not extend this far. My cousin requires stronger willpower to keep in check.”

Ian's face and body language registered protest.

She put down the bowl and headed toward the mobile stairs leading to the Icarus' head. “Why didn't you just leave a note or something?”

“I did!

Its in the cockpit along with a brand new set of Artemis Vermilion cooling garments and neurohelmet. Those and the mech courtesy of Gilmour Miltech of Talitha, its a smaller FWL supplier we've been working with lately.

Due to our success with the Swordsman in the Magistracy they want to bring back the Icarus but with modern tech including endo-steel structure, the Northstar laser, Federated Super Streak SRMs, and .Sutel Precision small pulse laser

They insisted Corrine serve as a test pilot and extended a contract as spokeswoman, if she's interested. Which she clearly isn't.

Pity, but I suppose I will just register her disapproval of their product. So many hours wasted.”

Morgan turned his back on them smiling as he tapped away on the comm-pad. Corrine shouted at him from the PA of the Icarus which was now operating on battery power. “You stop that! Or I'll zap you. Pew, Pew” The mech bay filled with raucous laughter.

He shouted back to her, “Big talk for the little lady. We'll take it to the Proving Grounds tomorrow.”

With a bow that brought his furred cape almost to floor he departed, “Enjoy your evening you two.”

03/05/3044 Location – Lady's Favor, New Syrtis

Dana Davion and Cecelia Kral-Marik sat across from one another on the couches before the fireplace. Corrine wearing a very fine dress that drew compliments form both sides brought them another tray of cheese and crackers. A bottle of wine, pitcher of water, and glasses for both occupied the center of the table. She couldn't help but notice the fine contrast between both women.

Dana had the firm control and handsome figure of a Warrior just past her prime more than the doting mother of her husband to be. Her mother possessed the fragile elegance of a model but she had seen her angry before. It was a sight to behold when she became a furious tempest.

Corrine sat between the two of them directly across from the fireplace politely listening and affirming either woman's wishes when they matched her own. Mostly she was there to ensure they be amicable to one another and not try to control her wedding day. A proper engagement ring now adorned her finger and she fussed with it looking at its faceted diamond catching the firelight from as many angles as possible.

Cecelia addressed her, “Are you even listening Corrine?”

She sat up properly now. Calmly but firmly taking control of the conversation.

“I am, and I think you should trust Ian and I to manage the core aspects of our wedding. Mother you can provide input on the reception and Dana I trust your judgment on venue and security concerns.

The invitations are already on their way to our respective parties. Giselle, Bishop, Morgan, and Yvonne will help us with any complications that may arise. Now can we talk of something else?”

Her mother was taken aback by the sudden authoritative tone of her daughter. Dana seemed pleased but didn't appreciate the challenge it seemed to represent. She was going to be a tough one. Cecelia daintily finished a cheese and cracker sandwich before speaking to Dana. “Baby names?”

“No mother why?”
Corrine facepalmed as both women vigorously presented their thoughts. “And I thought Ian was bad.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Shadow_Wraith on 27 May 2021, 07:53:38
Nice story update!  Glad to see Corrine getting a mech as a  present.   Also adored the scene of Corrine negotiating with her mother and future mother in law about her wedding!
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: PsihoKekec on 27 May 2021, 12:13:32
She will have to give up career in the FWLM though, unless they are willing to station Stygians in the Free World League
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 29 May 2021, 00:44:27
She will have to give up career in the FWLM though, unless they are willing to station Stygians in the Free World League

She barely started so that's not that terrible.

Nice story update!  Glad to see Corrine getting a mech as a  present.   Also adored the scene of Corrine negotiating with her mother and future mother in law about her wedding!

Thank you that was a fun entry to write, glad you enjoyed it

Chapter 20 – The Bell Tolls

Legionnaire Tai checked his gear for the last time before the battle was real and micrograviy set in once more. The Mammoth freighter CCS Jie Fang was in the center of a twenty dropship fleet composed of Gray Death Legion, Jie Fang ('Liberation') Foreign Legion, and St Ives' Janissaries completing their deceleration burn. Highspire's diminutive moon Peak appeared on the large screen above floating in front of the emerald world of Highspire and their white sun. So filled with equipment and personnel that it looked more like a Solaris city block.

A timer ticked down on everyone's watch. Less than five hours before they reached orbit, one last chance to sleep before drop hour. Shizi Battalion, his unit, would be first into the fight. It was going to be bloody. Tai knew it better than anyone. His past may have been erased from history upon admission to the Legion but the burns and scars he acquired along the way told more than any tale could.

Every time he walked past an incendiary unit his mind went back to the burning cities of No Return. A planet which had acquired the ominous name 'No Escape' after what Warrior House Hiritsu had done to President Vorhees and his supporters. One of Romano's numerous atrocities, ones she would answer for no. Candace's own failings would have to chase her to the spirit realm.

Tai walked past grim Legionnaires whose haunted faces and empty eyes didn't betray which side they were on during the War. It didn't matter anyway Warrior House Adepts, Mercenaries, Death Commandos, regulars and irregular, Servitor, Home Guard, Armored Hussar, etc.... The Capellan Confederation Armed Forces long incorporated diverse groups of soldiers unified in utmost dedicated to the Celestial Triad (Lorix Creed, Sarna Mandate, Korvin Doctrine) that formed the basis of their empire.

That is until Mandrinn Tormano Liao whose sloth combined with Candace's greed and Romano's envy finally broke the back of a Confederation that had endured for centuries. It was hard to admit that none of their leaders were without fault. Nor any Legionnaire without a tainted past. All wanted an end and saw it in sight. The Civil War was ending on Highspire. No one could claim victory; for the Capellan Confederation had already lost.

Just past Peak Gray Death Flight, 51st Air Lancers, Barodin's Red Wings, and 275th St Ives Air Wing deploy to protect dropship flotilla from Highspire Orbital Guard and Da Dai Chi aerospace interceptors. The overwhelming force pulverizes HOG and DDC fighters and assault dropships.

Legionnaire Tai and his fellow Shizi warriors took up their positions in the Ares Mark VII Landing Craft. The Steiner model that Tormano had procured could no longer hold heavy armor such as the CCAF standard Po, trading it instead for high acceleration. Instead two Arachne (Wheeled Scorpions, 5/8 with Light AC/5) were strapped into a line. Their compact turrets turned just right to prevent them from being entangled in one another. Loadmasters checked the straps holding their wheels in place as the crews climbed in.

Twenty of these carrying either a pair of lightweight Arachne tanks and an infantry platoon or a King Tiger medium tank were readied aboard the Jie Fang. More small craft from the Mule and Trojan freighters were carrying additional infantry along with anti-tank guns and artillery pieces. Jump capable mechs from the Janissaries and Gray Death Legion would execute an orbital drop to clear the starport and bring down their heavier assets. His objective was to hold off any reinforcements until they could.

He strapped himself into the seat with his unloaded rifle locked into the mount. The seat was hard metal with an overhead strap that would keep him from cracking his helmet on the bulkhead above. Inside the cargo compartment the loadmasters checked the straps on everything including the metal chest between them that contained their heavy weapons and ammo.

They would need it. WolfNet sources indicated that there were three regiments of Romano Loyalists within her palace, and two outside. The Gray Death Legion would serve as reserve while all commands answered to the Mandrinn, callsign 'Namean.'

Lights changed to the red tone indicated it was time for helmets to be donned. The tanks closed their hatches. Their cargo ramp raised and sealed just as the airlock on the other side did.

Tai and the others in his platoon donned their helmets tying them into the landing craft's air for the hour long transit. With a sharp jolt of acceleration the Landing Craft was on its way.

He looked down at the rifle.

Tormano intends for us to win the war on our own.

Easy for him to say.

He has a Battlemech.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Wrangler on 29 May 2021, 15:02:52
Sounds like things are going get ugly on Highspire.

I guess that infantryman knows whom the bell tolls....him.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 29 May 2021, 19:01:54
“Legionnaires Deploy!”

Tai undid his seat buckle and picked the rifle up with practiced movement. Already Loadmasters worked on the straps holding the Arachnes in place. Legionnaires gathered on the lowering ramp. Warm air filled the compartment with sickly humidity. As soon as they could Legionnaires hopped onto steaming pavement.

Thirteen Ares Landing Craft of the initial twenty in this command had made it to the ground. His was in the lead. Sounds of anti-air guns and bombs surrounded them. Close impacts could be felt in their bones. They grunted under the strain of heavy weapon components, already sweating despite being on the ground for less than three minutes. Highspire's sun was dampened by the low clouds above.

Six minutes later one of the light tanks rolled down the cargo ramp. Loyalist Guardian fighter-bombers flew overhead heavily laden with bombs. Neither Ares or infantry had weapons that could engage the aircraft but it had clearly seen the vulnerable formation on the ground.

“Set the charges! We have to prepare for incoming.”

One of the five ten man squads rushed forward wrapping rings of C8 around the towering tropical hardwoods. Others slid off the pavement into the spongy ground of drainage ditches running parallel to the road. Cutting through the jungle was an arduous affair. Tai hacked at the strangling vines with his machete desperate for cover.

A Swift Wind scout car appeared at the edge of the steamy haze. Capable of moving at nearly 160 kilometers per hour it was an ominous harbinger considering how reliant CCAF forces were on indirect fires. The light tank rolled forward to engage it before their position was triangulated.

“Move! Get off the road.”

Tai dove into the jungle as shells began to fall around them. The tank exploded as artillery shells landed around it. Turret and chassis was propelled into the thick jungle sending deadly shrapnel and live rounds in all directions. Even those that missed cratered the road that now needed to serve as the airstrip for the Ares landing craft. Their only remaining Arachne tank rolled off the landing craft and pushed forward. As soon as its wheels cleared the ramp it began closing.

“Shizi. We are closing the cargo bay. Fast burn out. Clear position.”

The Legionnaires ran into the jungles as the Ares' engines spun up until everything became a great roar. Artillery shells inched closer guided in by the Swift Wind. Eager to return to the safety of the sky other landing craft did the same. As soon as the landing craft leaped back into the sky the charges detonated toppling the tropical hardwoods, their trunks came down with a crash blocking the road and armored vehicles began to appear in the distance as Legionnaires assembled their heavy weapons and settled into the swampy ground.

“Weapons free.”

Two hours later, Mandrinn Tormano Liao's Hercules 'Nemean' was snarled by burned out equipment, razor wire, and tank barriers littering the road. Armored bulldozers and similar vehicles from the 16th Ward Combat Engineers struggled to push them out of the way. The 16th slowly cleared and repaired the road from the starport to allow his logistics vehicles to pass. Engineers checked for IEDs and other mines that might have been left behind by retreating forces in the next zone.

Loyalists had placed cratering charges, barriers, and mines on the road knowing full well that any approach would have to come from that direction. These combined with heavy anti-air fire had taken out some of the landing craft on approach.

Tormano had to come that way despite the WolfNet report providing an extensively detailed layout of her defenses. There was no other way to invade Highspire and remove Romano once and for all. Sounds of intermittent rifle and artillery fire betraying the danger of enemies still in the jungle.

Jie Fang Legion and Janissary infantry marched around the destroyed vehicles and craters. The tropical sun shined relentlessly above. Since their trucks were unable to follow the infantry used bayonets and cordage making bamboo poles to carry water, weapons, and ammo between them. A scene out of some primitive Periphery world contrasting sharply with Tormano's Battlemechs who stepped over the carnage their mech's feet crushing or kicking debris out of their way. Foot troopers gave them space pausing to stare at them as they passed them by on the way to the front line.

As the Mech column approached the Grand Palace Tormano was struck by the impressive edifice. Low wide walls, stone buildings, and deep moats ringed the formation almost three layers deep. The architecture inspired by Terra's Ankor Wat fueled his sister's god complex. She would make a final stand in a world built by her own pride.

Damaged Battlemechs from the first drop of Jie Fang and Janissary forces kept on the move or fled away along the road they just traveled. Field guns, tanks, and artillery fired at them from their fortifications within the compound.

TOAD (CM/70) Cruise Missiles from the CCS Seven Gates (A Triumph variant with four of them instead of all the heavy tanks) arced overhead. They joined Arrow IVs and Mortar shells, LRMs being very expensive and often out of stock in St Ives space, from Janissary Pillagers to land in the midst of Romano's defenses shattering stone and steel with high explosives.

The bombardment continued long into the night, the next day, and longer still.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 29 May 2021, 19:38:30
Excerpt from the Journal of Mandrinn Liao. Highspire Campaign. 03/28-04/05/3044

For the past three nights I could not sleep. Bright muzzle flashes lit up the sky and their thunderous report fills my mind and those of the men with dread. We all seemed to grow used to it on the fourth day.

Loyalist's counter-battery fire have caused many casualties in both equipment and personnel. We lost track of too many forces during the encirclement requiring troopers to patrol the fetid jungles in search of the enemy.

Death Commando raids cause damage to critical systems like our mobile water purifiers and heavy transports. Bulk water thus needs to be transported from dropships in smaller parcels almost a hundred kilometers from the starport reducing both fuel and water rations for all.

Thuggees came out of their Chu-li mountain strongholds to raid the starport. The murderous fanatics were barely repulsed by the Gray Death Legion left to defend our only source of trusted resupply. Grayson sent out scouts to man observation posts in order to provide better warning.

The CCS Jie Fang lost many of its shuttles during the initial assault causing today's transfer issues. What's the point of having 40 kilotons of capacity if I can barely move a kiloton each day? We use that much in ammo every other day.

Ambushes on the J-27 ordnance transports and trucks have increased in the past days requiring more escorts to protect our dwindling supply corps. Without resupply the guns will run dry and the enemy will rise from their holes once more to overwhelm us. They return with worn out weapons and men, succumbing to tropical illness and heat exhaustion.

Our Dove's medical tent at base is already overloaded with those afflicted by fever and parasites. The surgeons do what they can to tend to the Legionnaire's wounds but infection runs rampant due to environmental and transport issues. Loyalists fester in the fields spreading disease until they are buried. Even then the soggy ground causes them to return to the surface affecting morale. Battalion aid stations have increased the distribution of drugs to combat the pestilence that drains our vigor.

I can scarcely spare more vehicles for regular patrols, many have begun breaking down due to sabotage, battle damage, and lack of trained crews and technicians. Only our Mech Corps, kept in reserve, have remained at higher than 60% the initial readiness. Repair Depot crews have begun suffering the same illness as those on the lines reducing productivity.

Combat engineers spend as much time towing vehicles back to the starport for repair as they do preparing bridges for the assault or ensuring the road remains clear of mines. They always find some, requiring the road be shut down until it is removed.

The enemy has withdrawn to their third ring of defenses. Chlorine gas deployed by the Loyalists prevented an exploit of the breakthrough. Jie Fang Legionnaires donned their protective gear but there were more casualties from heat exhaustion than exposure to the offensive vapors. Additional attempts to force that breach have been repulsed by the fanatical defenders including the few remaining Mechs in my sister's forces.

Today is the day, a week of bombardment have shattered Romano's defenses and forced her loyalists underground. With any luck we have buried a number of them saving us the effort later. If I linger any longer we won't have the manpower or equipment to complete the assault suffering as we are under such great attrition in both.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Wrangler on 29 May 2021, 20:30:13
Brutal war, i wonder if Confederation will ever be reunited.  End up turning back to way it was before the Confederation...the Capellan Zone.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: PsihoKekec on 30 May 2021, 02:12:31
War to the knife, knife to the hilt.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 31 May 2021, 17:07:05
04/05/3044 Location – Romano's Grand Palace, Highspire

Since it was almost constant Jie Fang had grown used to bracing themselves when artillery was about to go nearby. An Augmented Lance of two kneeling Pillagers and four Liequan (Hunting Hound, a version of the Hunter) Mortar tanks let loose volleys ahead of the main assault. Spearheaded by Battlemechs charging forward across the marsh to wade moats and clambered over the Loyalist's defenses. The roar of their blast ended just as the sound explosions and shattered stone returned.

A column of Hu Wang (King Tiger) medium tanks unspooled from the assembly area toward the pontoon bridges built by the 16th Ward Combat Engineers. Legionnaire Tai and his squad rode atop one of the formidable machines cradling rifles in their laps, packs and heavy weapons secure within the netting attached to the tank deck.

Armored Chemical Corps trucks maintained a white smoke screen preventing Loyalist artillery from targeting them while they were vulnerable. The smell of burning diesel fuel a welcome respite from the miasma they had grown accustomed to.

Fever, hostile wildlife, and enemy fire had decimated the Legion and even now Tai was barely hanging on. He looked down into the moat watching a python swimming through the diseased and gore filled water. Tank and squad moved up a ramp linked to a steel span passing over the wide cratered wall that once housed bunkers with deadly weapons on them.

The short trip ended with another ramp leading to yet another bridge over the second and third rings. As they neared the Grand Palace the troops dismounted slicing the netting off with bayonets to prevent it from fouling the turret mechanism. Sharp snaps of rifle fire and rumbles of artillery echoed off the shattered stone and its once grand carvings.

Legionnaire's armored vests heavy with grenades and ammo. Tanks increased the space between them as the terrain closed and grew rough from fallen stones. Infantry squads filled the flanks of the void ever vigilant for threats as they sped toward the front while clearing the complex.

On the front line a worn Hercules and ragged Thunder aka baby Victor (4/6/4, AC-20, 3ML) exchanged fire with one another utilizing the narrow paths through broken stone and concrete buildings. Mandrinn Tormano Liao felt the impact of his opponent's Kali Yama Big Bore in his bones. He traded fire with his own Imperator Code Red which struck true although on a peer foe even one as worn as the Thunder it was not a death blow. The invisible yet deadly particles streaming from the Kreuss PPC flew wide based on his sensors.

Nemean strained to keep on its feet as the heavy impact struck its hip. Tormano's mech enemy could jump over the rubble strew paths rather than have to plow through even with a faster ground speed.

“Where are you Juliet-Five-Eight?”

“En route Mandrinn.”

He nodded, keeping his eyes on a swivel in preparation for his opponent's next move and unseen threats. His paired small pulse lasers had dealt with more than a few infantry platoons that thought to come near and engage him. They wised up however instead choosing indirect fires or command mines concealed between the rubble that he was forced the push forward through before they toppled his Battlemech with C8.

“Some hustle would be appreciated.”

“Apologies Mandrinn.”
Several blocks to the West a group of Janissary Mechwarriors stormed through the streets crushing tank barriers while taking heavy fire from infantry in their concealed fighting positions above and below them. “The Loyalists have something to say about it.”

The Mech peered around the corner and saw nothing, “He has to be running low on ammo by now.”

His mind strained to the CCAF Mechwarrior doctrine he had been trained in many years ago. “Did you disengage?”

Battlemech feet plowed through the broken stones reaching to his ankles, they moved and shifted under the 70 ton mass above them threatening to topple it. Only through experience, skill, and the over-sized gyro was he able to maintain balance. “No, where would you go too?”

Playing hide and seek with an AC/20 armed unit was never optimal yet it was standard CCAF tactics. The formation's preference for mobile big guns that could kill lighter units quickly and disable larger ones was legendary.

If the Loyalist Mechwarrior had more ammo it would easily destroy his mech's rear armor or his fellow Lancemates. If he didn't there would be time to reload and deliver coup de graces to damaged mechs such as his own slowly working their way out of the maze. “What would I do?”

Tormano caught motion and light in his peripheral vision. The Thunder had decided to turn itself into the projectile. Its large sleek shape descending rapidly toward his own machine. Nemean backpedaled in the process bringing its cannon into alignment. Cluster munitions firing toward the damaged ambush machine that had disabled much of the Mandrinn's Lance.

At such close range the full compliment of munitions was very concentrated striking the enemy mech's vulnerable legs. The damage along with Tormano's evasive action spoiled the attack. It struggled to rise after landing wrong crumpled one of its legs. Tormano's however were quite functional.

Juliet-Five-Eight and its Augmented Lance of a Hu Wang platoon and two Vindicators pushed through enemy positions to reinforce his. Shortly after their arrival a CASEVAC Ferret VTOL arrived to recover the Mechwarriors who had been trapped in their machines which they had removed the control module to in order to deny them to the Loyalists.

Unable to land in the rough terrain it dropped a SPI rig which they hooked up to. As they ascended Juliet-Five-Eight's commander came in over the radio. “We will cover your withdrawal Mandrinn Liao.”

Tormano looked over his unit's damage display, all of his weapons were operational with a few rounds of ammo left, his armor was diminished moderately. It could be completely operational tomorrow but could not take another heavy hit. “As long as we take the long way. Sao-Wei Chen.”

“Affirmative Mandrinn.”

In a bunker beneath her Grand Palace Chancellor Romano Liao steamed at the injustices of her world. Her brother had finally come to take over HER DOMAIN with 'HIS' Army of mercenaries and traitors. All of this after he had abandoned them choosing to live a high roller lifestyle in the Lyran Commonwealth while her sister and Kanrei Theodore Kurita betrayed them. The DCMS occupied the world he was Mandrinn of and dozens of others. Only now that he could come in as a 'Liberator' and had no contest with Candace dead he chose to act.

She sat in the cockpit of, 'Empress of the Sun,' her Emperor battlemech which had taken the field earlier that day for the first time in more than a year. It had killed four traitorous St Ives Mechs and more than a dozen of their armored vehicles. Tomorrow it was going to kill the treacherous Tormano wherever he was. Romano had to legacy to think about but no kids to watch, they were already beyond the evil uncle's reach.

Legionnaire Tai's reorganized squad took up position in one of the many abandoned structures within the complex. They had failed to uncover and secure an entrance to the Loyalist's underground redoubts and lacked night vision optics. Instead they dug in, fortifying their concealed positions with ample stone and rubble surrounding them.

Everyone knew it was going to be a long night as soon as the Death Commando and Warrior House sharpshooters and Thuggee radio static of tortured noises started.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Wrangler on 31 May 2021, 20:12:49
Ack, evil spawn were born. 
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 01 June 2021, 08:17:32
Ack, evil spawn were born.

Well it was that or Tormano shoots them. Better to have some unresolved points should I return.

04/06/3044 Location – Romano’s Grand Palace, Highspire

The Jie Fang Legionnaire’s M&G machine guns glowed a dull red before running dry as they laid down suppressive fire against the Thuggee forces assailing them from all direction, including below. Enemy fanatics had caught Tai and others by surprise after undermining their defensive position by blowing a hole in the floor with explosives. Closing the hole had cost him the last of his ten grenades.

He lay under one of them with his pistol still pressed against the man who just moments ago had nearly killed him with a machete. He rolled the corpse away window. The dark night was filled with the cries of wounded, dull throb of grenades and mines exploding, and the Thuggee drums of war outside.

Shouts of “Xiufu Ciadao!” rang out across the whole defensive line as the Legionnaires ran out of their generous ammunition allotment before the enemy ran out of bodies. Tai rolled over to find his rifle amid the dust and gravel holstering his now empty pistol on the chance he would come upon a fallen Legionnaire with extra magazines in his pockets. Blood rolled down to pick up dust from the many superficial cuts sustained after he lost his helmet in the scrum.

After fixing his bayonet he worked his way back to the command post to see it abandoned. Everyone was on the line, staccato radio chatter confirmed that the Legionnaires were fighting hard to sustain their positions against the irregular Thugee cultists, masters of ambush and terror tactics. Morale was low, ammo gone, all their high-tech weapons had run dry and the only thing that stood between them and death was 60 centimeters of cold steel and the will of the soldier behind it.

He picked up the blood splatted radio transmitter next to the dead Centurion beside it, the victim of an enemy sharpshooter. “If there is anyone out there don’t bother to come get us.” He found two more magazines for his pistol and loaded one into the weapon while shouldering the bayonetted rifle. “We have this under control.”

Five blocks from them, a pair of Legion Commandoes (the most common mech in the formation, which has absolutely nothing to do with them being made by Coventry Metal Works, coincidentally controlled by Duke Bradford, the Archon’s husband) endured sporadic attacks by Thuggee irregulars. Their hardened armor resisted the feeble small arms as they pushed through the streets laden with nets of extra ammo. Fragmentation warheads launched from their arm mounted missile launchers forced the enemy back to their holes.

One of them kicked a revetment that had been built out of rubble facing the friendly position. Throwing the stones back toward the doorways and holes blasted into the walls. “These fanatics are persistent Grigori. Thousand rounds per man and still ran dry.”

Warrior Attack VTOLs had been scrambled on their position as well as Jump Bombers. The Mechs watched as one of the latter made an attack run with rockets on one of the stone buildings. “Da, comes with the whole fanaticism thing,” His mech’s head swiveled to search the ruins that surrounded them, “and too much cover.”

Their searchlights came on as they rounded the corner to see the Legionnaires and Thuggee forces in the midst of a brutal melee. Barefoot machete and wicker shield wielding irregulars clashed with the bayonet wielding Legionnaires.

A primal sight but at the sign of the Battlemechs the square was filled with an eerie whistling which forced the Thuggee to break contact and run away. Cheers erupted from the Legionnaires as the Commandos dropped off their cargo and took up defensive positions around their fellow soldiers.

Mandrinn Tormano Liao arrived at the square at the front of the relief column. He looked upon the devastation wrought overnight. At a solemn pace his boots stepped over the same rubble and dirt that his Legion shed blood to hold.

Tai watched from his perch his rifle leaned against the wall, “If I wanted to anymore, it would be so easy to end you Mandrinn. Not long ago, I would have done it in a heartbeat at the Chancellor’s command.

Now I only want to ask.

Why did you wait so long?”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 02 June 2021, 21:30:27
04/06/3044 Location – Romano's Grand Palace, Highspire

Two decapitated Jie Fang Legion Commandos slumped to the ground as a camouflaged Emperor withdrew its hefty fists from the light mechs.

Chancellor Romano Liao's disengaged her data-gloves before clapping for the imaginary audience in her cockpit. “Another pair of cockroaches squashed.”

First Prince Hanse Davion had cleverly leaked a formula for more potent myomer using it as bait for a surprise attack by his AFFS to liberate her treacherous late brother-in-law from captivity. The rest of the Inner Sphere had moved beyond the prototype triple strength myomer but the 'Empress' and Thuggee Warrior House Rakshasa.  Her spies had acquired plans for the now abandoned 'Hatchetman' mech and made alternations to both it and the TSM to fit the Vindicator's frame prior to the start of the St Ives conflict but had seen only limited use so far due to cost and lack of aspirants. A pair of these 'Gargoyles' painted in red and dark blue tribal patterns jumped to her side from their over-watch positions.

“An impressive set of kills Chancellor. I did not think you would be able to drop them with a punch.”

“My brother thinks we must be on the ropes to send in his little scavenger mechs.”

“They have proven damaging to our brothers' morale.”

“Take heart Pai-Zhang. They die easy.”

Dull throbs rang out around them as artillery exploded around them. The Thuggees jumped away to take cover from the last known location of the fallen Legionnaires. Romano had designed her palace complex to be a labyrinth and she was its guardian.

A tropical storm had rolled in from the coast bringing with it howling wind and torrential downpours. Tormano Liao's Hercules worked its way through rubble strewn streets. Its large feet splashing in large puddles. His sensors were picking up numerous ghost contacts produced by Loyalist ECM beacons concealed throughout the complex. Legionnaire infantry pushed slightly ahead, vigilant for mines and ambushes under the protective envelope of their battlemechs.

One of the modified Jie Fang Vindicators followed behind using its jump jets to keep up with the slightly faster Hercules. “The Loyalists seem hesitant to engage us today Mandrinn.”

“Romano has nothing else to do but wait for us to find her.”

“She could be hunting us.”

Tormano's hand clutched Nemean's control yoke, “I suppose she could be. Never seen her in a Battlemech before, she was more of the artist in our family. That was a long while ago. I haven't seen her in person in nearly twenty years.”

“Probably for the better.”
“Was it though?”

“Suppose we will never know now.”

He ensured the mic was off before whispering, “No I suppose we won't.”

The infantry paused, running into the structures. “Incoming!”

Two of their brutal looking battlemechs complete with their blood-chilling tribal mask type head structures landed on the structures around them looming like vicious gargoyles. Rain dripped off the cleaver like appendages that replaced their mech's left hands looking like blood. Nemean's Augmented Lance prepared themselves for close quarters battle with the vicious predators haunting this ruin.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: PsihoKekec on 03 June 2021, 00:17:30
Ah yes, an artist turned ruler, always the winning combination.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 06 June 2021, 00:02:21
Ah yes, an artist turned ruler, always the winning combination.

For the subject of history perhaps but not the subjects of history


The impact of a battlemech fist's crushed one of the few carvings to survive a week of bombardment. Stone chips clattered to the street as Nemean slipped most of the other impact. Inside its cockpit Mandrinn Tormano Liao heard armor plates cracking as the Emperor's hammer-fist crashed on it.

Tormano felt a chill as Romano's voice came in, on his personal frequency. “Very impressive. You learn that on Solaris?”

Nemean and 'Empress' wove between broken pillars and narrow alleys exchanging fire with one another in a slow motion chase.

“Among other things.
Is this how you wanted this to end?”

Empress of the Sun slid down landing as gracefully as a jumping assault mech could after landing on an unstable roof, “It was the only way.
After you betrayed us.”

“That's not true, and you know it.”

Thuggees engaged the rest of his lance like warriors possessed shooting pulses of high energy light and pairs of missiles.  The impacts struck their enemies with unerring accuracy as they waved their hatchets like tribal headhunters. His Jie Fang Lancemates responded in kind. Thunderous concussions from cannons echoed off stone walls, slightly muted by the rain that pooled in footprints.

Romano relished the melee, her Rakshasa's pressed the others skillfully double teaming and slowly began dismembering a Grasshopper jumping away when pressured by the other Battlemechs. Its pilot struggled to stay upright as it attempted to block vicious hatchets with mixed success. Friendly infantry were to close for fire support and her pair of Thuggees pressed Tormano.

Jie Fang Legionnaires set up position in the sturdiest structure they could find. Rain dribbled down on them unceasingly as the wind picked up and visibility worsened. Their Centurion called in artillery support dropping light ranging shots to help correct for the wind.

“Missiles! To the windows.

Check back-blast and wait for targets of opportunity.”

The Legionnaires did as ordered clearing debris that could be thrown by their Heavy SRM Launchers as fire-teams set up observation posts. Looking for an opportunity to call down supporting fires or vector reinforcements.

Tormano struggled to outmatch her heavier yet more mobile mech in the suffocating ruin. Nemean was fleet of foot but could not jump over large debris piles that littered the area. Romano's ruin had the feel of Ishiyama in Kobe particularly the confusing layout.

“Where are you?”

Her mech dropped down right behind him launching a full alpha strike of shells and lasers that he just barely turned to take on his side. The Empress' armor plating was too thick for his Imperator's canister shot and Kreuss PPCs despite both hitting at such close range.

Missiles fired from above peppered its upper sections with pinpricks of red. This assault caused her to lash out at the decorative stonework beneath them collapsing the ceiling.

Invisible to the naked eye Legionnaire Tai aimed a TAG spotter at the assault mech. Despite the Quikstim pulsing through his veins his nerves of steel, conditioned as a Hiritsu Aspirant, steadied it as laser guided shaped charges punched deep into armor.

Chancellor Liao cursed as the assault from above continued and intensified only stopping as Nemean charged forward through the smoke and haze. It shoulder tackled her mech into a building with an intensity of large beasts fighting for territory. Empress's triple strength enhanced myomers and heavier mass proving insufficient to stop the bold high speed attack. Its feet dug deep into the bricks below with the combined mass of 160 tons absorbed by Empress and its pilot. The building shuttered and collapsed after the impact burying the mech in a collapsed sub-level.

Tormano felt dizzy after the impact seeing stars in his visor. “I can't believe that worked.”

A Jie Fang Orion stepped beside him, having only recently arrived to provide its powerful Kali Yama Big Bore in case it was needed.

“An impressive hit Mandrinn.”

The Legionnaires started firing off their rifles in celebration before one of Empress' hands shot up through the rubble, like a ghoul rising from the grave. Mandrinn Liao stepped on a large intact piece of the fallen structure. It added Nemean's mass to the rubble above in just the right area to prevent the Emperor from rising again.

“Stay down sister. You made your bed. Now its time to lie in it.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Shadow_Wraith on 06 June 2021, 00:16:41
Nice story update.  Glad to see tactics work on the mad follewers!
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: PsihoKekec on 06 June 2021, 03:26:39
And thus the fight is decided by a common soldier with infantry TAG.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Wrangler on 06 June 2021, 10:06:16
I'm surprised she alive. Hopefully they get the location of her devil spawn she gave birth to before offing her off.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 06 June 2021, 16:25:24
Chapter 21 – New Beginnings

06/14/3044 Location – Ducal Palace, Tian-Tan, St Ives, Capellan Confederation

Mandrinn Tormano Liao stepped lightly in his sister's house. Rich furniture was still covered in white sheets due to lack of occupancy during the War and the family portraits under black cloth for grieving. He removed the sheet from one of them carefully studying himself as a young man in the half-light of dawn. He was proud and wanted to prove himself worthy of an unworthy father

His father who he had recently learned Romano personally garroted after leading a palace coup with the help of Thuggees from Highspire and Highlanders from Northwind. Her own rebellion against their father incited after her own father hurt Romano's girlfriend, Mai Shi, whom he had taken as a concubine.

Their father did all this to punish her for the murder of her unfaithful stepmother, Elizabeth Jordan, and her lover, the traitor Pavel Radzik, both secretly working with Candace. The old man apparently was shocked at her behavior expecting continued submission to his browbeating rather than the repressed fury that consumed her and almost toppled the Capellan Confederation.

A dark silent shape appeared behind him. “Upset Count Allard?'

The old man, Candace's father-in-law and Hanse Davion's former spymaster, looked worn beyond his already substantial years. “It is not my place to make decisions for your sister.”

“Then you should perhaps have chosen not to send your son to seduce Candace in the first place. They have both payed a grave cost for this coup.”

“The Confederation under your father endangered my Federated Suns. Almost succeeding in assassinating the First Prince before his disappearance.”
“You do not need to tell me of the machinations of Chancellor Maximillian Liao, I lived through worse than you could know.”

“I'll be the first to admit some of my errors were grave Mandrinn Liao. Yet consider myself at your disposal if you would have it.”

“I will politely refuse your consul Quintus. Go back to Bristol, Riva, and Tamara. You can come to visit and in time my nieces and nephews may choose to go to you. Until then I do not want you nor your influence in my house any longer than it takes for you to pack up.”

Count Quintus' white hair dropped down as he bowed. “Very well Tormano. I will leave but do not think I will allow you to turn my grandchildren against me.

Should I fear that occur.

Know that I will act.”

“I expect nothing else. Know that I would not turn children against their parents....I have standards.

If they ask why? I will tell them the truth, and let them judge it on its own merits; in the proper context.”

Quintus' boots clapped on the marble floor, echoes dampened by grand tapestries hanging from the walls. His son Treyhang arrived shortly afterward in a light green jumpsuit complete with a St Ives AMS logo on it. Tormano looked over the young man who stood tall with his own proud features. “Why are you dirty young man?”

“After simulator practice Kai wanted to wrestle.”

Tormano put his hand on his son's back as they walked through the palace admiring the furnishing and architecture. “Did he win?”

Treyhang smiled, “Not this time, but he got close.”
“That's my boy. I know this is not going to be an easy adjustment for us from Solaris. I have every confidence you'll come to love the new challenges though.”
“Thanks dad, that means a lot to me.”

He looked back at the portrait as shadows of swaying trees outside danced along its canvas, “Me too.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Wrangler on 06 June 2021, 18:06:11
Is Candice alive? Way he talking, sounds like she not.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 06 June 2021, 19:15:12
Is Candice alive? Way he talking, sounds like she not.

Tai talks about her having to face judgment in the spirit realm while Romano states that she is dead. In this AU she succumbs to the breast cancer that she was diagnosed with in canon only a few years later.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 07 June 2021, 10:03:51
07/01/3044 Location – House of Scions, Capella, Contested

Gunji-no-Kanrei Theodore Kurita wore a black kimono with a block-printed Draconis Combine seal on its back, his swords tucked into a crimson obi. Before him was the empty House of Scions' assembly room. Its Capellan Confederation banners had been pulled down and burned but the Draconis Combine hadn't replaced them with their own yet.

Precentor Martial Anastasious Focht walked in stopping just behind him. “You wished to see me Kanrei.”

Theodore turned to face the man, his former prisoner turned general of the COMGUARDs at the request of Primus Waterly in exchange for the Order's aid to Luthien. “I am afraid my troops cannot hold all of our conquests any longer. Jie Fang Partisans have taken a toll on our occupation forces.”

“The COMGUARDs are not ready to take over the garrison yet. Order your forces to hold their positions!”

Focht let out a gasp as he looked down to see Theodore's Wakizashi in his chest. His blood leaking down the cold steel as the light faded from his eyes. The Kanrei twisted the blade in the older man's chest. “The DCMS will no longer be your mercenaries Precentor Martial.”

Theodore leaned in on him holding him close. “nor my son your hostage. Tomoe has already liberated him and I no longer have a purpose for you Frederick. You have proven yourself the traitor I always knew you were. I took an eye expecting you to learn your lesson and gain the wisdom your Odin did with the same sacrifice.”

Frederick let out a gasp before his death rattle, “The Primus...”
Kanrei Kurita watched as the Precentor Martial fell dead on the floor.

“Will be told you decided to retire to a monastery to write your memoirs.”

He used a nearby towel to wipe blood off the blade before returning it to its sheath. “Your heart was no longer in your work.”

Three Yakuza arrived shortly afterward. Theodore pointed to the Precentor Martial whose white robes were now stained crimson. “Go-cho Yodama please take this Steiner traitor where he belongs.”

Shin Yodama and his companions lifted the Precentor to an unceremonious end. “With pleasure.”

07/08/3044 Location – Hilton Head HPG, Terra

“What do you mean he retired?!

Without consulting me.”

Primus Myndo Waterly stormed about as Precentor ROM Charles Senaca delivered his latest report.

“That is what Precentor Dieron Sharilar Mori says in her report.”
“Lies! Theodore did something to him. Where is his son?”
“Missing Primus. Fortress Dieron was raided by an unknown party last week.”
“It must be the Order
(of Five Pillars) then. Damn them!”
“We have to do something.”
“I'm afraid we cannot he still has the full support of the Coordinator and much of the DCMS' best equipped forces are those under his command. To move against one would lose the other and the Combine is our strongest ally.

Already MIIO, LIC, and SAFE are closing in on my agents and increasing resistance to COMGUARD forces throughout the realm. We are checkmated as it were. If we push to hard we could face an organized resistance we cannot hope to contain with our current strength.”

Myndo looked out over the Atlantic, its depths filled with secrets long forgotten just as the Blessed Order. “They win this time.” She fingered the platinum medallion that marked her rank, “but there will be other opportunities. The Order is patient. I want you to disband the COMGUARDs, put them back under ROM and find yourself a deputy. Someone as cunning and cold-blooded as yourself.”

“Yes Primus.”
Charles Seneca departed from her chambers with his head still in the tablet computer. “I already have someone in mind.”


Primus Myndo Waterly stood majestically before Terran and Interstellar Press. Camera drones feeding directly into the HPG standing behind her between the ocean and COMSTAR's glittering HQ. Her white robes sewn with metallic thread and platinum medallion sparkling in the mid-day sun.

"In light of the resolution of the Capellan Crisis I as Primus of COMSTAR and fellow citizen of the Inner Sphere am pleased to announce that the security situation has stabilized enough that the COMGUARDs are no longer needed to ensure our organization's security. COMSTAR will retain token security personnel but no heavy equipment. As it was before the Crisis we expect the noble rulers of the Inner Sphere live up to their obligations to defend out installations in exchange for our neutrality and disarmament. Only through their efforts will we ensure the continued operation of the interstellar super-liminal communication net that connects all of humanity to one another, and a brighter future together, as one."
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Wrangler on 07 June 2021, 20:26:01
Hmmm...either Inner Sphere going get steamed rolled when the Clans show up, or something radical will accrue.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 07 June 2021, 23:49:54
07/23/3044 Location – Vinson Pharmaceuticals HQ, Kiverson City, Torrence, Federated Suns

The sun lowered right into Prince Ian Davion's eyes baking him in the black suit and tiring situation making both feel even more uncomfortable. Across from him was a grim-faced older woman in a richly adorned yet professional looking dress. He spoke comfortably in the highborn Torrencial dialect. The dialect was a creole with a fair bit of Farsi and Arabic mixed in from its founders who had originated principally from Terra's Algeria, Oman, and Morocco.

“Lady Torenson, I understand your continued concerns regarding the planetary government's threats to nationalize Vinson Pharmaceuticals. However, know that this is your final warning.

House Davion will not support a change of government on Torrence nor tolerate your repressive anti-union actions throughout the Federated Suns. Particularly in the Outback plantations.”

Ian stood up to get out of the sun and loomed over the seated woman. “I have personally invested a large sum of money into your organization over the past year because I believe in its core mission. Based on recent events however my confidence in you personally is less certain than when I made that investment.

As a three percent owner and Prince of the Federated Suns I demand you cease your aggressive actions and treat your employees as such, instead of your serfs.”

He took a sip from a glass of tepid formerly sparkling water, “That is if you wish to remain in control of Vinson Pharmaceuticals as a Corporation rather than have it turned into a Cooperative.”

“You wouldn’t dare make such a motion. Millions of Pounds would be lost and without market incentives those Capellans would return to their old unproductive ways.”

Ian leaned forward and stared her down, “They have plenty of incentive to succeed on their own and they know best how to farm those harsh worlds.

I spent most of the past three years on the Rim working with the Canopians; who as you know own twelve percent of this company, rounding up slavers working refugees’ hands to the bone in exchange for a measly ration of gruel and minor beatings.

From what I hear of your Outback plantation workers and their supervisors.”
  The Prince paused his eyes boring deep into her own. “Well let’s say there might be an investigation issued to determine if you are that much different.”

He took another sip. “Imagine the financial and reputation damage for your stockholders should the BII (Bureau of Internal Investigation) determine you treated your workers no better than a Combine Daimyo.”

She grew increasingly defensive. “They are not even your subjects. Why do you care how I treat them?”

The Prince laughed and pulled out his comm-pad. “Not my subjects.
Should I dial up the Chancellor then?
I have his personal contact information. He would pick up my call and I know precisely what he would say.”

“Which would be?”

His voice grew dark in an impersonation of Tormano 'Ironheart' Liao, “Should I start with the fingers? or the toes?”

Lady Torenson blanched and Ian put away his comm-pad. “If the Chancellor heard about this. Well MIIO might not be able to stop the Maskirovka before they rendition you to St Ives to face trial.

So I would like a signed memorandum of understanding and acceptable reform plan by the time I depart for New Avalon.”

“My price, a five percent, maybe,”
he shrugged economics was never his strong suite but he still had to pay attention, “drop in already sphere leading profits over the next few years.”

She tried to say something, “and the support of myself and that of Magestrix Centrella that you remain CEO if there is a stockholder vote regarding this potentially 'poor' performance. Emma and I jointly control nearly a sixth of your company and both of us can rally more support than our own shares for a good story.

Though I doubt it would be such since there is much growth potential in the now open Capellan market particularly if we make it abundantly clear that we treat our workers well.”

Ian started to walk away as his watch began beeping. “Or you could potentially face a Capellan Court and a few very unpleasant months with Chancellor Liao using you for medical experiments instead.”

One of Ian's Federation Marshal bodyguards opened the door as he approached.
Without even looking back Ian entered. “I do hope you make the smart choice Baroness.”

Marshall Brahme was joined by two others who had been keeping watch. “You know I am quite capable of taking care of myself.”

The stone jawed Sikh and his turban towered over Ian who was an impressive specimen himself, particularly since he had been hitting the gym regularly in preparation. “I am certain you are sir, but we have orders from the First Prince himself.”

“Yes, Yes, I know Hanse wants me to be safe, but its my own realm, or it will be.”

They walked up no fewer than three flights of stairs to reach the roof where an AFFS helicopter waited for them. Ian looked out over the city unused to seeing the world from such high perspectives after spending so much time in a Battlemech. Torrence's sun reflected off the surface of the nearby ocean.

Ian breathed deep. “I remember when I could take a day off for my birthday.” and sighed, “No longer it seems...What a drag.”

His eyes were drawn to the comm-pad expecting messages from his fiancée and found none. “I hope she didn't have anything planned for the evening. Tonight though...”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Wrangler on 08 June 2021, 17:51:41
I wonder what brought Ian all way out to ...hmm no where?  Other than squash would be corporate dictator.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 09 June 2021, 11:12:00
As the world passed below Ian was attempting to listen to a collection of the latest music his brother had sent him. His headphones dampening most of the rotor noise while allowing the pilots to contact the passengers behind them via intercom.

“Andrew is this really what passes for popular music in the Suns these days?”

Ian looked out to the sun nearing the horizon as they descended to one of the many House Davion properties on Torrence. Mostly used by members of the family attending its prestigious and very expensive civilian universities such as Lubrene which was a popular one for the cadet line of Argyle Davions. “You leave for three years and everything goes to crap including the music.”

'Terraces', the name of the mansion, clung to a sea cliff with its own marina, helipad, and room for 50 guests in addition to whatever Davion family was there and the estate staff.

He looked down to see a seaplane docked to the marina. “Looks like Conrad has returned.”

“Yes sir. He came with your brother in that seaplane while you were away.”

His helicopter landed at the helipad which was located above the marina complex. The seaplane's prop began spinning pulling the vehicle out for another sortie as Ian waved to its pilots. It soared into the sky above a calm ocean of orange. Ian disembarked and straightened his suit.

“You sure are making the most of your break from Galax brother.

Brahme, where's Corrine?”

The Chief Marshal had just started toward the marina house to transfer their charge to the estate's security. “She is waiting for you in the Solarium.”

“Of course she is. She insisted on getting a tan after spending so much time on New Syrtis and in a dropship.”

A uniformed messenger arrived shortly after Ian started his walk up the stairs inhaling the salty sea breeze that brought a cooling presence to the sub-tropical biome. “Your Highness, we just received a curious message regarding your impending wedding from the HPG.”

Having been in meetings and behind a conference table all day Ian didn't want to sit around and chat. “Can you walk and talk?”

He vigorously strode forward, followed slightly behind by the messenger. “Of course sir.”

They ascended the steps at a quickening pace, as the stairs went by Ian became more animated. “What do you mean the Kanrei wants to send an envoy? A Kurita on New Avalon! He has to be mad!”

“I will register your concerns to the Precentor sir.”

The messenger departed before Ian reached the glass door leading to the Solarium which was curiously darkened. Ian took a moment to look over the ocean and saw his brother dipping the seaplane close to the ocean like a great comorant or pelican in what he figured was a take off and landing drill. “Well I suppose the sun is done for the day and so I am.”

Ian checked himself in the mirrored glass smoothing out wrinkles and ensuring his teeth were free of debris. “Quick shower, dinner, then straight to bedroom time, well after warming up of course.”

Upon opening the door Ian was shocked to see so many people crammed into the cleared out room. Andrew, Yvonne, Tancred, Patrick, Conrad, and others he didn't know all blew gaudy horns his way.

Corrine came forward looking tan and well rested and gave him a big kiss.

“Surprise! Happy Birthday Ian!”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Ajax_Wolf on 09 June 2021, 12:49:09
Ian should have changed and walked through that door properly attired to Corrine on his birthday. That was have been a surprise for all.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 10 June 2021, 12:11:52
Ian and Corrine embraced, he whispered to her. “I wasn't expecting so many people tonight corrie. Thought it would be just you and me...”

She kissed him again, brushing his hair gently with her hand, to lean close. “I need a break for the honeymoon love.” Ian grimaced in a show of intense pain that nevertheless failed to sway her. They separated and Yvonne gave him a hug, Tancred, Conrad, and Andrew handshakes, Patrick an intentionally embarrassing pair of kisses on the cheeks that drew groans from his family. Corrine acted indignant. “Playboy, Lay off my Ian!”

Patrick looked over to her as Ian gently pushed him out away. “Your Ian? I saw him first. Taught him everything he knows about the ladies. You should be thanking me.”

Corrine rolled her eyes at the remark before ushering guests into the dining room.

He waited for some of them to disperse, “You know the sign of a good teacher is that their student should always surpasses them.”

“Sounds like a challenge. You've seen the size of my book.”

“Just a saying. Anyway what a surprise. I thought you were still in League space with the Hounds.”

“We caught a ride with the Archon's guests and Paul. Picked up some Highlanders along to way to consult with Jaime
(Wolf) on the AMC. Heading to Outreach to join them once we finish up here.”

Ian looked at the unfamiliar faces next to Patrick. A lithe dark skinned teenager with an ivory necklace, rich jewelry, and fine silk haori jacket draped over dark colored clothes. “This is my son Christian.”

Shock appeared on the Prince's face. “You have a son?”

Patrick looked away, “Possibly more than a few...” before looking back, “but this one has returned to me and I recognize him. His mother was very special.”

“Was...I'm sorry.”

Christian bowed slightly and spoke with a Rasalhague accent. “Without her death I would not have found my father. She deeply cared for Patrick and didn't want us to burden him.”

The young man produced and presented a wrapped parcel from the table. “Until a few hours ago I did not realize it was your birthday Ian. Please take this painting, I made it today, so it is not my best work, but I believe you will enjoy it all the same.”

After initially refusing the gift Ian unwrapped it. Inside was a small ink painting of the landscape outside the solarium. Outlines and deep texture of the cliffs, calmness of the bay outside, with a stylized bird (seaplane) flying over it pulling a cloud behind with a script of Kanji draping down to the corner. “You made this in a day? It's magnificent. Thank you Christian.”

“Doumo Arigato Ian.”

Sounds of raucous laughter rose from the adjacent room. “Sounds like quite the party going on over there. We should join them.”

All gathered around the table for the family style feast recounting amusing stories incurred along their recent travels across the Inner Sphere aboard the Silver Eagle with Archon Melissa Steiner and Speaker Paul Marik.

Patrick started after Ian asked him what it was like to have the two arch rivals on the same dropship. “I am going to be totally honest with you I thought it was going to be a mess but they spent the whole trip talking about their struggles with Parliament or the Estates General. By the end I think she could have just spent more time with the man instead of touring the Suns Riveria with Thomas and little Arthur.

Oh by the way she gave me this and told me to only give it to you.”

Ian opened the note which was written in French. The feminine script itself was gorgeous and bold, just like the Archon. Corrine looked over to him. “What is it?”

“Its an invitation for a dance on Numenor in honor of our wedding.”

Corrine tilted her head in confusion. “Melissa is throwing us a party?”
“At her own expense no less.”
“Well we have to go then, but I'm not a very good dancer.”

He looked over to Patrick who was otherwise distracted. “We'll practice. You'll do great.”

Actual note – 'I look forward to seeing how well the Coun Tess can tango. We all had a lovely evening last time. Avec Amour, Melissa Alexandra Steiner, Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth.'

Desperate to change the subject Ian looked over to Akira Brahe whom Tancred was staring at intently. “How did you end up in the Kell Hounds?”

He too spoke in a thick Rasalhague accent but only looked half the part. “Recommendation by a respected colleague.”

The talk evolved to mech tactics and wars stories. Akira and Tancred despite their initial hesitation to interact with one another were both assault mech pilots (Challenger and the recently, thanks to the Dragoons, reintroduced Nightstar) so they had something in common. With both their wives and Akira's children present they kept themselves civil and glazed over the kill counts of their respective enemies.

Duke Thomas Bradford had apparently challenged Akira to a simulator duel while penned up on the Silver Eagle and found that the Challenger in Brahe's hands was more than a match for his Banshee. Tancred also offered to take him in a simulator as he was; “getting rusty on Lexington.”

Andrew eventually found his way over to his brother. The resemblance was there but Ian had grown a slight stubble while Andrew had to remain clean shaven for his air supply to seal properly. “You surprised ne. I thought you were in that float-plane.”

“Nope that was Lacey,” he looked over to his girlfriend, a pretty but common-born Aerobat and carnival performer he met during his first tour of duty in the Outback. The young woman was presently entertaining Akira's young children, Gustav and Azure, and their mother by juggling colored balls and precisely tossing them into a bucket four meters away.

Then she moved on to knives, juggling and tossing them at a wooden board safely away from other people to the astonishment of all onlookers.

“She is disappointed it can't do flips and other tricks, but likes the security of flying over your own landing strip.

Call it even for all those times you held something in one hand and switched it to your pockets for yourself.”

“I only did that a couple of times.”

His little brother tapped his chest, “and it hurt me deep.”
“Get over yourself.”
“I'm already flying as high as I can.”

The party continued into the morning hours with the Brahe leaving first followed by the Kells, then one by one the Davions dropped from exhaustion until Ian and Corrine were the only ones left up. “This was a great time Corrine. Thanks for everything.”

She held his hand in hers with the others firmly gripping the balcony's handrails. “This was easy compared to planning a wedding.”

“Soon enough.”
He released her hand and placed it on her shoulders now covered from the night chill. "You must be exhausted from all the prep. Get some sleep.”

They embraced. “Will you be joining me?”
“Shortly. Just want to look at the stars a little longer. Never thought I would miss something so simple. I don't think I ever paid it much attention except in SERE.”

Corrine departed with a kiss closing the glass door behind her.

Ian looked up with the assistance of a starfinder program to see the G5V star around which was a planet known as New Avalon. His destination, his destiny was just visible through binoculars as a twinkling white dot. He was so tantalizingly close to a place he had not set foot on for more than five years. The end was in sight but so was the beginning of something new.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 10 June 2021, 23:47:04
09/14/3044 Location – Fox's Den, New Avalon, Federated Suns

Ian stood in the Mech Bay lit with high recessed lights staring at the Davion House Battlemechs in their regimental colors. Each looked as if it had just walked off the factory floor but some had been fighting to preserve the Federated Suns for centuries, Golden Lion included.

“You know they say as long as the heart is still strong. You can lose everything else then still win the day.”

He turned to see his father First Prince Hanse Davion carrying a flask of some sort and small glasses. Despite looking like a soldier in his prime rather than a worn down First Prince due to exercise and better diet enforced vigorously by Dana. He had been keeping a low profile while Ian was away only appearing publicly for Yvonne's wedding and Andrew's graduation from Armstrong Flight Academy where he gave the commencement. The Argyle Davions had thus needed to pick up most of the slack, at least in the Crucis March.

“I figured you'd find me eventually dad.”

They pulled out a bench and placed it in the Mech Walk despite numerous stickers and placards telling the techs not to place or park stuff there, as it will get squashed. Hanse poured an amber liquid out into the two glasses. “Nothing beats pre-wedding jitters like a fine Argyle scotch.”

“To the Federated Suns.”

Their dull clink of glasses echoed off concrete walls painted with the logos for the mechs given nicknames like weapons of legend. Only two of which were in use presently since Yvonne resigned her post as Mechwarrior to focus on humanitarian missions taking a reluctant Tancred with her and no opportunity for him use his new mech.

Ian's Marauder 4- D 'Golden Lion,' and Hanse's Battlemaster 1-D 'The Black Prince' stood side by side in the revetment.

His father looked at his father's mech. “Your grandfather would be proud of everything you've done so far Ian.”

“I would have liked to meet him.”

“He died to soon for both of us. I had just started at Albion when he passed. Had to figure out how to be a First Prince all by myself. Unfortunately your Uncles were not the best example in their own ways.”

Another glass was poured. “I had help of course; Ardan, Ran, James, Morgan, Tormano, your mother...but when it comes down to making the hard decisions its you making it.

Not the Marshals, Ministers, or March Lords. Learned a thing or two over thirty years on the job. But you want to know what the three most important things in a First Prince are?”

“Seems prudent, you know before I become one.”

“Courage, Wisdom, and a wicked sense of humor.”

His son stopped mid-sip at the last statement. “Is that a dad joke? You can't be serious.”

Hanse finished the remainder of his. “You stopped didn't you? To think about it.

People always appreciate cleverness, even in their enemies. Now we might curse it when the enemy is clever. I'm known as the Fox for a reason, but nevertheless you will gain their respect and increase their wariness.”

The First Prince stood up to stretch. “Grand tales are spun about Warrior-Poets and Kings who mastered the art of timing, can do much with little, knew their audience, and subverted people's expectations. If you can control people's attention you can lead them astray or your way.”

A notepad came up and Hanse furiously scribbled something in it before returning it to his pocket. “I think I might even use that as a quote in my memoirs.

Most of leadership is grabbing people's attention and not letting it go until you get them to follow you. So you must master that to inspire trust that you know what is going to happen next even if you don't. I know you can grab attention kid. Look at all the doors that stunt on Solaris opened.”

He couldn't help but notice that on the wall behind his mech was one of his Solaris VII 'Golden Lion vs Black Eagle' posters. “It gave you a heart attack! It almost killed me! Mom threatened to came across the Inner Sphere to drag me home by my spurs.”

“Well you're not dead. I've never felt better, and your mother is going to get a front row seat to see you marry a beautiful young woman tomorrow through countless tears of joy.”

The flask was empty on the third glass. “You know Golden Lion was supposed to be my brother's mech, but he wanted Ajax. Maybe he would have had better luck like you seemed to, or he just knew it was meant for another.”

Ian couldn't see the tears but he could hear it in Hanse's voice. “A toast to lost loved ones and the new ones we found along the way.”

“Do you want some company?”

“No, I'm just going to stay here a little while longer.
You get some sleep Ian. Big day tomorrow, for everyone.”

Although he hesitated Ian's lonely bootsteps faded away in the near empty mech bay.

Conclusion of Chapter 21
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 11 June 2021, 09:54:13

02/18/3045 Location – New Samarkand, Galedon Military District, Draconis Combine

Theodore Kurita stood along the battlements of Castle Isu, his mother's ancestral home, one of many fortified enclaves on the war torn world of New Samarkand. Beside him was a tan assault rifle with an Isu Clan Mon engraved on its stock. Clan Isu owned a controlling share of New Samarkand Metals, now monopoly supplier of Endo-Steel in the Draconis Combine. This dominance was assured by 'relocating' Ceres Metals employees, smart investments in mechanization, COMSTAR suddenly withdrawing technical support, and a dreadful run of bad fortune ranging from labor strikes to street battles and sabotage.

Their continued wealth and control however were subject to the vagaries of the evolving situation throughout the Realm. Clan Sato their only real competition for control of the world had one of their own as present Duke of New Samarkand. That post could change at the end of every fifth year based on which Clan held the most territory. The Isu-Sato vendetta was as fierce as the one between the Federated Suns and Draconis Combine.

While he was here with members of the Ghost regiments his cousin Isoroku, Warlord of the Galedon Military District, had chosen to send a Mechwarriors from the Regulars to Castle Sato. Both realized that with the COMGUARDs no longer buying equipment from LAW and other Combine suppliers that internal consumption would have to increase in order to stave off depression throughout the Realm, and that meant war. With Takashi's decentralization of power to the Warlords and declining health there would soon be a battle to succeed him.

Before placing the powder keg Theodore had prepared the field as best he could. Raising the Ghosts, granting sanctuary to CCAF soldiers and Maskirovka agents he felt could be trusted, all while bolstering support from industrialists and lesser nobles.

ISF Director Indrahar, principal kingmaker, and Primus Waterly, an influential power broker and schemer, were paralyzed as their most deep cover operatives were captured, tried, and executed sowing distrust throughout their organizations. They were quietly replaced by ones loyal to Theodore, already been put into position before he gave Patrick Kell the enemies within. His daughter Omiko (Sakade) was heading to Sian University as part of the embassy staff and possible prospect for Treyhang Liao if interested. Otherwise she would return and help him as his other children would, in time.

“Father they are ready for you.”

Theodore turned to see his son Hohiro already in his cooling suit for his first live fire test as a Warrior-Prince to be. “Perfect, so I am.”

The Castle Gates opened to allow the Battlemechs passage over the reinforced bridge that spanned the River Yan that served as a moat to exit onto grassy plains. Theodore's Akuma dwarfing the Oyori (Gladiator) and Grand Dragons that made up the bulk of the force standing against the Sato massing nearby.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Wraith_Spirit013 on 11 June 2021, 11:04:01
Nice wrap up to the story.  Hope to see a spin off?
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: Wrangler on 11 June 2021, 18:28:39
It certainly has making of the next interesting leg in this AU's story. Theodore Kurita, Drangon Lord maybe?
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
Post by: AlphaMirage on 12 June 2021, 02:07:29
Nice wrap up to the story.  Hope to see a spin off?

I will have other stories in this universe for sure but am going to start The Other War back up again in the meantime. Was thinking a Chaos Campaign.

"Of Warring States and Black Dragons."

I would also like to thank Wrangler for reminding me that this final post is made 4 years+1 day (Leap Year) since I started this story and for all his hard work running the fandom wiki.

Epilogue part II

03/17/3045 Location – Mars, Sol, COMSTAR Protectorate

Delta I Demi-Precentor Stavros Lambda had plenty of time to adjust to martian gravity on the gravdeck of the Dante Frigate CSV Discord. One of the few operational Warships in the Inner Sphere although it was mostly an armed carrier for the Valkyrie Corps, formerly known as the White Wings, as few other vessels could endure even its small capital armament. Still if it came down to it the Great White Fleet was formidable, and it would need to be.

Although in Photon's mind it was more of a flotilla or squadron with only four Warships and another under construction, all Dantes, around Titan as well as a few armed Q-ships for irregular operations. Nevertheless he was confident that if Primus Waterly gave the order they could take Task Force Argo, the Wolf Dragoon's Fleet salvaged from wherever they came, now undergoing some kind of secret operation around Galax according to ROM.

One of his escorting Adepts peered out the window. “You can almost breath the air at lower elevations now thanks to the terraforming. Isn't that amazing.”

He looked out from the skywalk to see black and purple lichen spread out as far as the eye could see. “It's no small feat that's for sure. I would expect nothing else if one were to cover the red planet in black ink for almost four hundred years.”

“It has been very profitable sir. Blake be praised that most of DoME survived. It would have been a shame to lose such a long term project. To say nothing of all the facilities left behind after the Amaris Crisis.”

To emphasize the point a King Crab and its smaller Kin kept to a narrow path free of lichen between Cosara's factory and the Starport. On the other side a train ran along a pink piste loaded with packaged vehicles and cargo cars from Mars' formidable industries which nearly equally Terra in volume though not complexity.

Delta Prime under Stavros made their way to the maglev station, waiting for a group of hooded COMGUARDs shouldering Mauser 960s to exit. His Demi-Company boarded the dusty train and took the assigned seats. The machine raced along the track toward a grim edifice carved into solid basalt by automated machines.

“Do you know anything about the Prophet Demi-Precentor?”

“I never heard of him. I presume it is a him at least, until I received our orders aboard the Discord. I thought the buck stopped with Waterly.”

“Maybe he's some kind of consultant, like an oracle from legend.”

“No one can predict the future with any certainty. There are too many variables.”

“If any organization can do it, it's COMSTAR.”

Stavros drifted off as the train accelerated above the plain on electromagnetic currents. As it decelerated he came to and was prepared when they arrived at the station to see armed men, not COMSTAR uniforms. Instead they wore red armor, black helmets, and no insignia. A less threatening group, including a beautifully exotic woman in a sleek jumpsuit, appeared shortly after to guide them through 'The Temple.'

This woman, who introduced herself as Dyma Sobral, dismissed the rest of his command staff. They had been selected to participate in a weapons research program while on Mars and had to undergo a briefing beforehand.

“Demi-Precentor Brett, please follow me.”

Photon's face betrayed nothing. “The Prophet knows everything. You did not think he would not know you. He has selected you personally.”

“For what?”


“If that was joke I'm not laughing.”

She stopped to eye him and he noticed some things that were off about her. Dyma, although a waif of a woman, had a number of subtle implanted cybernetics and he was immediately wary, giving himself space to draw his pistol.

“Last chance before I bring you to him. Bodily if I must.

You have no options other than drawing the gun on yourself, though I doubt even that will work. The Prophet has survived worse and found wisdom in his suffering.

He sought to give it to you, without the suffering. Unless that is the only way of course.”

“I think I'll take my chances in the dark.”

“Wrong answer.”

Photon dropped to the floor avoided a roundhouse kick to free his Hawk Eagle pistol from its holster. He rolled up and Dyma moved incredibly fast grappling him as he let off a three round burst at close range into her stomach. The case-less rounds had no effect on the cyborg who proceeded to grab his right hand, crushing it with strength beyond any she should naturally posses, until the pistol clattered to the floor and Photon grunted in pain.

Still he managed to free his hand sweeping a leg up to execute a flying arm bar that dragged her to the floor. Photon strained on the offending arm trying to break her shoulder and retrieve his pistol.

With the extra weight and leverage he heard a crack and muffled cry of pain. Immediately he rolled away to where it skittered bringing the gun up to fire at her.

She too rolled delivering a crushing ax kick to his chest that winded him. With smooth fast motions she secured the weapon and wrapped her legs around his neck.

“You are very non-compliant Photon Brett.”

His voice was weak as she applied more pressure, making him see stars. “It's my nature. Blame Therese. She left a lot of rebel in me.”

“I don't know why the Prophet chose you, but I have been ordered to bring you before him. I give you the option to walk there.”

Photon's vision narrowed as the blood choke took effect. “or I can drag you.”

“I'll walk.”

Dyma released the choke and Photon rose to his knees in a coughing fit. The cyborg used her left hand to pop her right arm back into position with a crack and quick exhale. Photon's Hawk Eagle was tucked into the now un-zippered waistband of her jumpsuit. “I don't care whether you are looking at me or the Eagle, you won't get either.”

He rose to his feet and turned around. “I didn't think I would be okay with that but my mind has changed. I'll stick with flesh and blood Farah.”

The pair continued the lonely walk to increasingly shadowed hallways lit only with red light. “You couldn't get some full spectrum lights in here.”

“Not all of us are as comely as myself. We all see fine in it, unlike you frails.”

“I've been called a lot of things, but frail was never one of them.”

“Be quiet. We are almost there.”

A set of metal doors stood before them, each opened in series until they let out into a darkened void faintly illuminated above by a white orb. As Photon's eyes cleared it was a model of the Solar System writ large with a mechanism moving the planet's in their proper alignments.

“Prophet I have brought you Photon Brett as ordered.”

The room filled with a synthesized voice one Photon was not able to pinpoint. “Was there any trouble?”
“Nothing I couldn't handle.”
“Good, now give him his pistol and leave us.”

She had the pistol pointed toward Photon. “But Prophet. He might be a threat.”
“He had his chance already. Do as I ask child.”

Dyma removed the magazine and worked the action to clear the chambered round before flipping it to extend the grip toward Photon. “He didn't say it had to be loaded.”

As the door closed Photon heard cloth rustle in the darkness as a decrepit looking man appeared at the edge of his sight. “So you're the mighty Prophet I heard about?
What do you mean I had a chance already? I don't know who you are?”

A faint sound of servos filled the space between them as the decrepit man stood tall and uncovered himself. Beneath the hood was pale skin, gray myomer, and brilliant chrome that caught the light of the sun above. “Oh, but you do nephew.”


Thomas Marik walked up to Photon who had gone shocking white, as if seeing a ghost.

“In the flesh, as it were.”
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion (Complete, Comments welcome)
Post by: PsihoKekec on 14 June 2021, 11:49:13
This was great trip, would love to see more stories in this AU.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion (Complete, Comments welcome)
Post by: Wrangler on 14 June 2021, 21:44:38
Hopefully there will be more. I suspect since the "The Other War" started up, he going finish up that and come back to this.

So far, i like this AU better.

Fun Fact.  I've uploaded the entire story to the wiki.  (,_Golden_Lion) In addition, there Mechs with record sheet that appeared exclusively, in AU stated out with pictures i managed to cobble together for them.
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion (Complete, Comments welcome)
Post by: DOC_Agren on 26 June 2021, 09:09:39
love the ending.  8)
Title: Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion (Complete, Comments welcome)
Post by: Wrangler on 27 June 2021, 09:51:29
I've started collecting the new story Golden Lion, Warring States on the wiki now as it comes out.

Ian Davion, Golden Lion is now in PDF form findable on the main page.  Its not perfect, but included pictures and mini-TRO of the mechs unique to the setting.