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Off Topic and Technical Support => Off Topic => Topic started by: Wombat on 18 September 2019, 23:35:47

Title: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: Wombat on 18 September 2019, 23:35:47
1). The internet.
2). The internet.
3). The inter <<connection terminated>>

(this is not meant to be a political post, please respect the rules of CBT and his holiness WorkTroll and the almighty thwacking with a wet fish thou shall surly earn if you do go down that road)
Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: Sharpnel on 19 September 2019, 00:33:49
The major thing I hate about Shanghai, there are around 25 million people living there This leads to a whole bunch of other things I hate like traffic jams, pollution and overcrowding.
Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: Wombat on 19 September 2019, 03:35:13
Traffic isn't so bad, unless your driving of course (I don't). If you have one of about a million little electric Vespa-type scooters, its actually faster than driving. Still the metro is the quickest way around the 'hai (assuming you don't mind being squeezed into a small metal sardine can for a few hours). Pollution? Better than Beijing. Overcrowding is an issue, but generally I've learned to tune most of the people out around me.
Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: Wrangler on 19 September 2019, 10:21:14
Remember they also Shanghai people there too! That's where name came from!
Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 19 September 2019, 11:05:56
Saying that Shanghai's air pollution isn't as bad as Beijing's is like saying that the fire engulfing your house isn't as bad as the fire engulfing your neighbor's house.
Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: JadeHellbringer on 19 September 2019, 15:22:26
Worktroll and holiness aren't words to throw together loosely. Anyone who can create a Rakshasa miniature out of an avocado pit, a length of aluminum foil, and a bendy straw, that's some dark arts at work.

Also, heya 'Bats!
Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: Wombat on 19 September 2019, 22:26:27
Saying that Shanghai's air pollution isn't as bad as Beijing's is like saying that the fire engulfing your house isn't as bad as the fire engulfing your neighbor's house.


Worktroll and holiness aren't words to throw together loosely. Anyone who can create a Rakshasa miniature out of an avocado pit, a length of aluminum foil, and a bendy straw, that's some dark arts at work.

Also, heya 'Bats!

And suddenly I want to try this recipe for disaster. Finding aluminum foil might be a challenge in these parts...
Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: trboturtle on 20 September 2019, 00:08:13
I'm just glad Wombat is back... this place has been a bit quiet without the blue one causing mayhem.....

Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: PsihoKekec on 20 September 2019, 00:37:09
Remember they also Shanghai people there too! That's where name came from!
Nope, the name came from snatching people somewhere else to forcefully work on ships. Shanghai was just a synonym for a far away place that these ships would sail to.
Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 20 September 2019, 00:52:43
Yeah, the act of Shanghaiing was carried out in places like Liverpool, Portland, or San Fransisco.
Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: Lord Cameron on 20 September 2019, 15:45:28
Things I hate about Shanghai...

Movies starring Madonna & Sean Penn?
Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: mikecj on 22 September 2019, 17:19:04
Probably why Demi-Precentor Rebek Craines destroyed Shanghai during the Jihad.
Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: Wombat on 11 May 2020, 02:46:41
Probably why Demi-Precentor Rebek Craines destroyed Shanghai during the Jihad.

True story.
Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: worktroll on 11 May 2020, 04:37:18
They always forget to mention the earwax. Amateurs ...
Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: DaveMac on 11 May 2020, 05:39:08

Before and after pictures of air pollution in Dehli are shocking:
Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: lucho on 11 May 2020, 06:25:24
Heh, when I studied Chinese in the university my professor was from Shanghai. He said on many occasions that he loved living in Alabama not because of China-USA politics, or any political reason, but simply bacause Alabama is the polar opposite of Shanghai  :screw_loose: :screw_loose:
Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: elf25s on 11 May 2020, 10:08:58
please tell me that no one hates the food ...
had a girlfriend way back when and her grams cooking was awesome!
sorry i tend to think with my stomach when it come to places..
Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: JadeHellbringer on 11 May 2020, 19:16:13
They always forget to mention the earwax. Amateurs ...

Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: Wombat on 11 May 2020, 19:34:26
Heh, when I studied Chinese in the university my professor was from Shanghai. He said on many occasions that he loved living in Alabama not because of China-USA politics, or any political reason, but simply bacause Alabama is the polar opposite of Shanghai  :screw_loose: :screw_loose:

Basically true.
Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: Wrangler on 11 May 2020, 19:48:06
OMG! Wombat returned for a visit from the unseen nether realms of Shanghai!
Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: worktroll on 11 May 2020, 19:56:24

Before and after pictures of air pollution in Dehli are shocking:

I've been to Delhi in the before shot situations - 2017, IIRC. Can only imagine what it's like now.

BTW, they call it "the fog", not pollution. As in "Airplanes can only land at Delhi airport under instruments between December and February, because of the fog."
Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: battlelukas1 on 30 July 2020, 08:36:39

So true the entire enivironment is becoming better, the change is drastic - however, i am not sure, whether it will last long - at least we can hope for it.
Title: Re: Things I hate about Shanghai...
Post by: Wrangler on 30 July 2020, 08:38:57
Problem is people.  Too many, too much industry without any care what their doing. Usually ends up as a mess.