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Off Topic and Technical Support => Off Topic => Topic started by: Kentares on 11 March 2020, 20:43:37

Title: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Kentares on 11 March 2020, 20:43:37
According to local news reports Tom Hanks announced that he and his wife both got Covid-19.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: rebs on 11 March 2020, 20:52:12
Confirmed, I just saw it on the dreaded FB scroll-down. 
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: I am Belch II on 11 March 2020, 22:03:03
All my well wishes!
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Dave Talley on 11 March 2020, 22:25:13
not a basketball fan, but the NBA just cancelled the season
at least they are taking it seriously
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: glitterboy2098 on 12 March 2020, 01:43:58
not a basketball fan, but the NBA just cancelled the season
at least they are taking it seriously
clarification. the season is still going to happen, just without fans in the stands.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: StoneRhino on 12 March 2020, 02:32:58
College basketball is supposed to continue without fans. NBA announced that they are suspending all games today:

It's a smart thing to do since it is removing several points of contact that are unnecessary at what is likely to be viewed as the early stage of the situation. A relative of mine was supposed to go to a concert this weekend, but it was also canceled within the past 24 hours. Some might think its getting out of hand, but if people can avoid such large events for a while it would likely help slow the spread of the virus. Regardless of how harmful the virus is, what could make things worse is how people respond.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: rebs on 12 March 2020, 14:03:59
Even the NHL has shut down the season. (
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 12 March 2020, 15:28:35
As I understand it, the NBA decision was based on the fact a player tested positive (or at least that's what ESPN said this morning)...
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: rebs on 12 March 2020, 16:30:05
That's true.  A player in the NBA did test positive for covid 19.  In the NHL statement, they cited that and the fact that the NBA and NHL share many arenas and alternate schedules as reasons why they chose  to "pause" the season.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: pheonixstorm on 13 March 2020, 13:04:14
A lot of the schools out here are closing for a week or two. The surrounding counties say two weeks while the county I live in says one week and will let you know if two. Kids were happy until they found out they don't have to go, but still have classwork and homework to do lol.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: NeonKnight on 13 March 2020, 13:17:27
And the wife of Canadian Prime Minister has Covid-19
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 13 March 2020, 16:21:50
Well, it's an actual National Emergency now... we'll see how this goes.  I'll be at work all next week regardless.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Pat Payne on 13 March 2020, 16:29:26
Well, it's an actual National Emergency now... we'll see how this goes.  I'll be at work all next week regardless.

My company has me working from home the next two weeks.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 13 March 2020, 16:39:25
A good chunk of the Pentagon is figuring out how to operate with shift work.  The rest is still "ops normal".  Seems I'm aligned with the latter part...
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Cache on 13 March 2020, 18:00:48
A lot of the schools out here are closing for a week or two. The surrounding counties say two weeks while the county I live in says one week and will let you know if two. Kids were happy until they found out they don't have to go, but still have classwork and homework to do lol.
Grade-schools around here are showing signs (accessibility surveys) that they want to go to online classes soon. I'm guessing after spring break, like colleges are doing.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 13 March 2020, 18:03:06
I'm not convinced of the effectiveness of distance learning at that age.  Not saying it can't work, but skeptical that it will...
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Ruger on 13 March 2020, 18:55:14
I'm not convinced of the effectiveness of distance learning at that age.  Not saying it can't work, but skeptical that it will...

Based on personal experience, I’m skeptical at any age.

And starting Monday, our temperatures have to be under a certain amount to be let in to work.

Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Liam's Ghost on 13 March 2020, 19:16:57
My nieces just got an impromptu spring break. If I heard right, schools will be closed for six weeks in town.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 13 March 2020, 22:20:11
I work doing in-home care.

I can't not go to work and I'm concerned that some of my coworkers are not taking things seriously even though our client is a very high risk individual.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Valkerie on 14 March 2020, 00:47:21
Schools out here in San Diego are shutting down and adding a couple of weeks to the spring break schedule.  No clear plans on how our district is going to handle it yet.

Saddest thing I saw today were the crowds bum rushing the grocery stores like the end of the world was coming. :(
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Sharpnel on 14 March 2020, 01:16:58
Panic shoppin. It's a wonderful thing.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 14 March 2020, 01:20:28
My grandmother decided not to buy toilet paper, despite being almost out, because she didn't want to look like a horder.

She's 94 and not in good health- she's exactly the type of person who should be hording things like toilet paper right now.

Fortunately, one grocery store still had a relatively decent amount left, so I was able to get her some after work tonight.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Valkerie on 14 March 2020, 01:27:20
Well, at my work, toilet paper is out.  My warehouse is out for at least a week, if not longer.  Paper towels are rapidly reaching that point as well.

We are also wiped out of any kind of breathing mask, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, hand soap, and rubbing alcohol.  Those all have at least a two week backorder.

However, if you want bleach, or any other kind of liquid disinfectant, we've still got plenty of that on hand and more to order. :bang:
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Nightlord01 on 14 March 2020, 06:13:59
Based on personal experience, I’m skeptical at any age.

And starting Monday, our temperatures have to be under a certain amount to be let in to work.


Thankfully things haven't progressed to that stage here, but we have set up protocols on base to handle testing, including keeping any suspected sufferers away from the others within the health centre.

As for online learning, it entirely depends on the motivations of the student. It works well for the motivated student, and poorly for the demotiviated student. However that needs to be contrast against those same demotivated students doing exactly the same thing in a face to face class...

Edit to fix a spelling error.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Cache on 14 March 2020, 06:27:46
Well, Wisconsin schools are now closed starting the 18th. Online learning it is.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 14 March 2020, 06:28:12
My 16 year old has read the fine print in what her school is proposing to do.  Apparently none of the distance learning deliverables are gradable, and will have to be repeated when school is back in session, so she's asked the very pointed question "why should I do it twice?".
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Tymers Realm on 14 March 2020, 08:21:33
What bums me is the following...

I help my GF with her hobby-ish crafting business. We do craft shows/fairs & a occasional small convention.
Starting this weekend, and for the next three weekends after, we had shows lined up. Two of which would of been the first time doing those specific events. Three of the shows are in high schools and the last was at a community center.
As of this post, two of the four have been out right canceled and a third postponed, rescheduling TBA. I'm guessing the fourth will be canceled soon enough. At lest with the two canceled events, my GF will get her money back. The rescheduled one OTOH...  I hope it is rescheduled soon...

It really screwed up some short term goals. Considering what we banked from a couple of small conventions we had in February went right back into replacing stock for this four-week stretch.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Sartris on 14 March 2020, 08:26:48
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Ruger on 14 March 2020, 09:00:21

I would laugh except I talked to a guy this morning that bought ten 24 roll packs of toilet paper (that’s 240 rolls that he had in his buggy as we talked).

Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Kentares on 14 March 2020, 10:20:25
I would laugh except I talked to a guy this morning that bought ten 24 roll packs of toilet paper (that’s 240 rolls that he had in his buggy as we talked).


You called him an idiot right?
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Von Jankmon on 14 March 2020, 11:31:17
He isn't an idiot.  Its excessive buy not unrealistic.  If he had a disability buggy he might be at high risk of infection.  Hope he stocked well up on tins too.
So should you.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 14 March 2020, 11:37:02
Even if you're not at high risk, stocking up on essentials so that you can stay home as much as possible is the recommended course of action.  The less exposure you have to other people, the lower your risk of infection is.

Still, 240 rolls seems excessive.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: jimdigris on 14 March 2020, 11:39:36
One 24 pack should have held him for a month.  Meanwhile, the rest of us have no more than 2 weeks because of his hoarding.  He is causing harm to the nation as a whole and has genuine reason for shame.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: dgorsman on 14 March 2020, 12:29:54
OK, now for some humor.

Has anyone noticed there is an outbreak of bad spelling online, specifically between 'horde' and 'hoard'?  As in

The hoards have picked the stores clean like locusts!  They shouldn't be hording TP like that!
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 14 March 2020, 12:50:16
I really hate autocorrupt.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: pheonixstorm on 14 March 2020, 15:28:17
There was a joke I heard somewhere...

Redneck face mask: Coffee filter and duct tape.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Major Headcase on 14 March 2020, 16:57:28
There was a joke I heard somewhere...

Redneck face mask: Coffee filter and duct tape.

"Hmmm...wish I'd thought of that before leaving the house...."
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Fear Factory on 14 March 2020, 18:40:19
So, who's making the giant MegaMek game when we all get quarantined?  :D
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: rebs on 14 March 2020, 18:46:35
Nah, once everyone has the Curse of Galedon, there's no point in a silly quarantine...
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: dgorsman on 14 March 2020, 19:09:32
So, who's making the giant MegaMek game when we all get quarantined?  :D

Solaris Grand Championship, starting with best-of-three matches for seeding/placement.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Snake Eyes on 14 March 2020, 22:19:52
This ( is where all the hand sanitizer has gone
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 14 March 2020, 22:38:37
Oh yeah, that guy.

Good candidate for having his inventory confiscated and distributed to hospitals.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Liam's Ghost on 14 March 2020, 23:07:04
Some guy came into the local office depot back when the panic started and dropped almost five hundred dollars on the spot to clean them out of hand sanitizer. We figure it's even odds he was either planning on reselling them like this ****** or was off a ship and was taking them back to his home country.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Sharpnel on 15 March 2020, 00:19:26
One 24 pack should have held him for a month.  Meanwhile, the rest of us have no more than 2 weeks because of his hoarding.  He is causing harm to the nation as a whole and has genuine reason for shame.
A 24-pack would last me a year (if it's the MegaRoll).
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Korzon77 on 15 March 2020, 01:02:18
One of my friends just looked at someone asking what would they do if they didn't get toilet paper.

Deadpan: "You have a shower, right?"
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Hellraiser on 15 March 2020, 01:51:26
You called him an idiot right?

He isn't an idiot.  Its excessive buy not unrealistic.  If he had a disability buggy he might be at high risk of infection.  Hope he stocked well up on tins too.
So should you.

Even if you're not at high risk, stocking up on essentials so that you can stay home as much as possible is the recommended course of action.  The less exposure you have to other people, the lower your risk of infection is.

Still, 240 rolls seems excessive.

One 24 pack should have held him for a month.  Meanwhile, the rest of us have no more than 2 weeks because of his hoarding.  He is causing harm to the nation as a whole and has genuine reason for shame.

I'm going to go with, YES, he's an idiot.

I heard Amazon has shut down some royal Douche bags that went & bought up pallets of T-Paper & then were trying to sell it on Amazon/Facebook/Ebay, etc etc, at a massive Profit.

Everyone needs to relax.

The flu isn't creating a shortage,  hording is what is creating the shortage,  using Hand Sanitizer 3x as often for safety doesn't mean you need 20x as much of it in your cupboards.

Someone was telling me about a fight they read about on facebook that occurred because someone tried to steal a box of baby wipes out of the cart of a women that had a new born & toddler with her.
2.  Do people think that baby wipes & Clorox wipes are the same thing??
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: NeonKnight on 15 March 2020, 08:00:03
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Fear Factory on 15 March 2020, 10:08:23
I actually took the opportunity to install two bidet wands in the house. Planned on it before all of this, but now it just seems like a good idea.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: RABIDFOX50 on 15 March 2020, 11:28:30
Everyone panic buying TP now knows what it felt like for those of us who were looking for .22LR ammunition a few years ago.  :D
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: mikecj on 15 March 2020, 11:45:08
Yup, business as usual for us as the school district sends the kids home on Wednesday.

My wife is thinking she'll lose her mind.

The rest of us are dusting off the DSCA manuals.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Tymers Realm on 15 March 2020, 11:58:21
And...   ::: sigh :::

My GF got the confirmation of cancellation of the remaining event. And it'll take maybe a month for her to get her booth fee back.

Now don't get me wrong, I fully get and understand the whys for everything going on. I agree to err on the side of caution and public health & safety. It just sucks in the short term. I think she had some $300+ tied up in booth fees for those four events. And for a really small business she has, that's a lot of money.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: jimdigris on 15 March 2020, 12:24:04
All county schools are closed, so I will be teaching by internet for two weeks.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: CrossfirePilot on 15 March 2020, 12:36:07
Schools in MN here closed for 2 weeks.  walked down to the local store to see the place going nuts.  wtf people?!?!  Who wants to bet that 99% of the people who ran down and hoarded a bunch of cleaning supplies never get around to using them to clean?  Was kinda the same around my house here. Wife was obsessing (still is) watching every news report she could get on it, and constantly asking me "aren't you worried? I'm worried." I finally pointed out that if she was so worried about it, our house would be more spotless than a hospital operating room.  I know with me down playing all of this, I am probably going to be the person that gets it, and then I will be hearing from my death bed "yeah see you should have been more serious about it, perhaps if you would have listened to another 3 dozen news reports you wouldn't be here"

I guess the lucky thing about my job is that I come in contact with very few people. Except those people I do come in contact with (hotel workers, airport personnel), come in contact with lots of other people.  Maybe I should just sleep in my plane, live off jerky and granola, and only use self serve pumps...
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Sartris on 15 March 2020, 12:39:32
All county schools are closed, so I will be teaching by internet for two weeks.

Same. I have a full day inservice tomorrow about how they’re going to try to do live instruction over our decrepit network (totally not going to be a disaster). Apparently the maximum concern for the safety of students doesn’t extend to us  :))
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Fear Factory on 15 March 2020, 13:34:45
Code: [Select]
Grandpa D (Buddy Red's Civil War Hardtack)

3-cups flour
2-tsp salt
1-cup water

1 - Mix by hand
2 - Knead dough into a ball
3 - Roll dough 1/4in thick
4 - Cut 3in x 3in - large cracker squares
5 - With fork, poke even holes (like a saltine)
6 - Place evenly on an ungreased baking sheet
7 - Bake @ 375* for 30 mins, flip and bake for 30 more (or until dry)

Store in cool area, can last for years

FYI, guys.  :D
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Sartris on 15 March 2020, 13:59:53
just watch out for weevils
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 15 March 2020, 14:05:30
Eh, those are just extra protein...  ^-^
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: CrossfirePilot on 15 March 2020, 14:06:48
I was just joking with my wife, I am constantly getting Survival Food spam emails.  Now I wonder if I log into any of those sites, how back ordered are they going to be?
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 15 March 2020, 14:08:01
More than they expected, less than they deserve...  ^-^
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Cache on 15 March 2020, 14:18:46
I was just joking with my wife, I am constantly getting Survival Food spam emails.  Now I wonder if I log into any of those sites, how back ordered are they going to be?
10 weeks for the one I checked this morning.  :D
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Von Jankmon on 15 March 2020, 14:19:58
I'm going to go with, YES, he's an idiot.

I heard Amazon has shut down some royal Douche bags that went & bought up pallets of T-Paper & then were trying to sell it on Amazon/Facebook/Ebay, etc etc, at a massive Profit.

That is a false equivalency.  Yes there are scum who bought out massive amounts of stock and then tried to price gouge it on Amazon to desperate people. Stocking up at home is not the same.

Everyone needs to relax.

No! Everyone needs to prepare.

The flu isn't creating a shortage,  hording is what is creating the shortage,  using Hand Sanitizer 3x as often for safety doesn't mean you need 20x as much of it in your cupboards.

This isnt flu. Also preparation isnt hoarding.  Hoarding is what preppers are accused of when the unprepared get desperate.
There are three types of people in a resource crisis.
1. Preppers.  Who stocked up in the good times.  Most preppers will stock up on specifics at this point now they know the specificity of the prepper scenario.
2. Panic Buyers.  The crisis equivalent of early adopters, they cause problems, but they are wising up and trying to become preppers.
3. Golden Horde.  People who will end up with as full credit card and an empty larder.  Dont be these guys.

Lockdown is not as fantasy or hysteria.  It is happening now.  It could therefore happen near you.  Lockdowns kill the local economy, kill the logistic infrastructure and cause hardship across multiple industries.  There will be economic ramifications wherever there is lockdown, there will be a direct epidemic where there is no lockdown, mismanaged areas might get both.  Only the genuinely isolated have little to no concern.

Don't be afraid, but don't be complacent.  Prepare now.  You want to have four months supply if you can, so when the virus spreads and infection reaches its peak you can stay at home and shut the door.
This is NOT flu.

Finally I would love to be wrong.  A conscientious prepper wants to be proven wrong.  If you follow my advice and buy four months worth of tins over the next fortnight the worst that can happen is that you have spent too much money on tins and missed out on a hobby purchase or two.  And you still have the tins.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 15 March 2020, 14:22:41
Actually it IS flu.  It's just that it's been 100 years since that name invoked the proper response.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Cache on 15 March 2020, 14:57:33
That is a false equivalency. 
Also preparation isnt hoarding. 
You're reading things into those posts that aren't there. Nobody is saying prepping is bad. Nobody is saying prepping is hoarding. What is being said is that opportunists (hoarding in order to sell for massive markup) and panic-buyers are causing shortages.

On the positive side of this, when I refresh my stock of rations after this, I'm pretty well guaranteed to get fresh stuff, not rations that have been on the shelf for a few years.  :D
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 15 March 2020, 15:06:53
Actually it IS flu.  It's just that it's been 100 years since that name invoked the proper response.

Wrong.  This is not an influenza virus. This is a new virus that humans haven't had centuries of exposure to. It's dramatically worse than the flu.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Von Jankmon on 15 March 2020, 15:12:21
That is a false equivalency.  Yes there are scum who bought out massive amounts of stock and then tried to price gouge it on Amazon to desperate people. Stocking up at home is not the same.

You're reading things into those posts that aren't there. Nobody is saying prepping is bad. Nobody is saying prepping is hoarding. What is being said is that opportunists (hoarding in order to sell for massive markup) and panic-buyers are causing shortages.

Sorry I cannot agree with this.  The question arose whether a mobility buggy user with a cargo of toilet roll, which is likely to be well under 100 rolls to fit on a buggy is a panic buying idiot.
I say no because 1. he/she is likely disabled and in a higher risk category 2. people need to prepare as best they can.

It was concluded that he/she was because people hoard toilet roll to sell on Amazon.  There is no evidence this person was that type of douche.  Most preppers and panic buyers are not trying to buy everything and price gouge desperate people.  Even panic buyers tend to buy about double the normal amount of various things, rather than the whole shelf full from Walmart.  There is an assumption, from the unprepared that a panic buyer came in and bought all the stock when in fact several panic buyers/preppers came in and bought about double/triple normal supply, which is quite reasonable.
Most preppers will want to buy lots of different products to prep rationally.  When prepping in the good times a consceietious prepper doesnt take all of one stock.
In the bad times some items are more important than others and go quickly.  Hand sanitiser is a good example.  Toilet roll is a category all of its own.  Its very light, very bulky and a dozen shoppers can easily clear a whole shelf without buying excessive amounts.  It is also one of the key critical items people buy, yet because it is unglamourous people understate its importance until there is a shortage.  Toilet roll shortages were predicted as a litmus test for a supply chain pressure point, a sign that logistics are going to be challenged.
People should take note of this, not just try and get some toilet roll, but use this as the canary in the coal mine to get real preparation done.

On the positive side of this, when I refresh my stock of rations after this, I'm pretty well guaranteed to get fresh stuff, not rations that have been on the shelf for a few years.  :D

You have rations.  So you prepared?
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: CrossfirePilot on 15 March 2020, 15:14:56
I got a 1000rds of ammo.  And anyone who has played Oregon trail knows that cant be a bad thing.  :D

Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Von Jankmon on 15 March 2020, 15:22:12
Wrong.  This is not an influenza virus. This is a new virus that humans haven't had centuries of exposure to. It's dramatically worse than the flu.

Yes.  Even if it is related to influenza, that would only be a technicality.

The current sleepspeak is 'its only a bad flu', which is an extension of last months sleepspeak of 'it wont happen here'.

Just a little wake up call, in addition to the other very serious moves taken, the Irish government is making moves to close it's pubs.  Just let that sink in - Pubs will be closed in Ireland.
This must be serious.

Everyone wake up to a darkening reality, and please prepare as best you can.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 15 March 2020, 15:34:00
That's exactly my point... Take a look at what the Spanish Flu did to public life in 1918.  The key similarity is this:
COVID-19 and the flu are both contagious viruses that cause respiratory illness.
From here:
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Von Jankmon on 15 March 2020, 15:51:24
I think its best to stick with the moral truth.

If someone says 'its just like a bad flu', the answer is not to talk about Spanish flu but to recognise that the majority of the population think of a bad flu as an inconvenience.  Which also is not true as flu kills a lot of people.

The moral truth, aka the hard relevant reality to get across is 'this is not a flu, this is worse'.

What COVID-19 actually is is relevant to virologists alone.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Maingunnery on 15 March 2020, 15:55:25
That's exactly my point... Take a look at what the Spanish Flu did to public life in 1918.  The key similarity is this:From here:
I suggest using the word: Pandemic
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: CrossfirePilot on 15 March 2020, 16:01:10
So one of my brothers friends has gone full bugaloo on this.  He sold all his stocks and bought gold. This guy at one point was a director for an investment company.  So he has been virulently anti gun since I was his roommate 30 years ago in college.  Well he calls my brother asking what gun to buy. Well even though I took my brother to Frontsite a couple years ago, he isn't an anti gun guy. So my brother points friend in my direction.  Was I wrong to suggest to him that he should pick up a HiPoint YC9?
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 15 March 2020, 16:10:15
Only if he uses it inappropriately.

Pandemic is a better term, certainly.  It's a shame that "flu" has come to mean so much less than it used to, but I suppose that's human nature.  "Plague" doesn't even conjure the fear it earned in ages past.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 15 March 2020, 16:17:27
Sorry I cannot agree with this.  The question arose whether a mobility buggy user with a cargo of toilet roll, which is likely to be well under 100 rolls to fit on a buggy is a panic buying idiot.
I say no because 1. he/she is likely disabled and in a higher risk category 2. people need to prepare as best they can.

Ten packages of 24 rolls is an absurd amount of tp.  Two packages that size are enough for a family of six to last on for months. Nobody needs to be buying ten.

Only if he uses it inappropriately.

Pandemic is a better term, certainly.  It's a shame that "flu" has come to mean so much less than it used to, but I suppose that's human nature.  "Plague" doesn't even conjure the fear it earned in ages past.

You are using it inappropriately.  "Flu" refers to a specific family of viruses that Corvid-19 isn't part of.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: CrossfirePilot on 15 March 2020, 16:18:54
Well words are so misused its hard for any of them to properly conjure up the fear or other emotions that they should.  When was the last time that something that was called awesome really struct you with a sense of being full of awe and amazement?

We are also so used to the various media outlets blowing stuff so far out of proportion, that when there is a true threat. We are too desensitized to react to it properly.  Ala Peter and the Wolf.

My actual hope out of all this is that people get more attuned to actually taking some of those sanitary practices more to heart and making them more of a habit.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 15 March 2020, 16:28:27
You are using it inappropriately.  "Flu" refers to a specific family of viruses that Corvid-19 isn't part of.
The first bit about "appropriately" was in response to Crossfirepilot's advice to a panic-stricken person.

You are correct that they are different virus families, and von Jankmon is correct that only virologists care.  Hence why I agreed with Maingunnery that "pandemic" is the better term.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 15 March 2020, 16:47:07
The reason people are taking whether or not Covid-19 is a flu virus seriously is because people get complacent about the flu and as we've seen in other countries, that leads to disaster.

And with that said...

Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 15 March 2020, 16:51:24
Agreed... complacency is the problem, though I haven't been articulating that very clearly.

That Texas poster is hilarious, and I hope effective!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Von Jankmon on 15 March 2020, 16:54:47
Ten packages of 24 rolls is an absurd amount of tp.  Two packages that size are enough for a family of six to last on for months. Nobody needs to be buying ten.

How the hell do you fit all that on a mobility buggy?
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Fear Factory on 15 March 2020, 17:03:13
I took precautions. The hardtack thing is, believe it or not, no joke. You can even break it up and use it as flour again. It's super easy to make and lasts decades. I'm actually going to try making it using quinoa flour so it's nutritional.

Actual serious precautions... my daughter was a preemie, so before all of this recent stuff went down, I got cleaning supplies and all the soap we'll need. I travel all around Chicagoland for work so I have to take it seriously.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: dgorsman on 15 March 2020, 17:37:20
And with that said...


Hah!  I love it!   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: jimdigris on 15 March 2020, 20:06:18
Same. I have a full day inservice tomorrow about how they’re going to try to do live instruction over our decrepit network (totally not going to be a disaster). Apparently the maximum concern for the safety of students doesn’t extend to us  :))
They were going to make us come in, but decided against it.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Snake Eyes on 15 March 2020, 20:45:55
So apparently the Tennessee attorney general has gotten involved, and if its been determined that there was excessive price gouging, that those two nit-wits will face heavy fines. Also they're trying to save their butts by saying they will donate most of their "stash" to first responders and local churches.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Cache on 15 March 2020, 21:37:26
Well, Wisconsin schools are now closed starting the 18th. Online learning it is.
This has now changed (locally for sure) to closed starting immediately.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: rebs on 15 March 2020, 21:46:25
All restaurants and bars in Michigan are ordered to never be more than half capacity,  and most restaurants are "encouraged" to go to carry out and delivery only when possible.  The Governor even reminded us to tip delivery persons since that's how they earn their living.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 15 March 2020, 21:49:32
In a situation like this, they should be getting big tips.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Hellraiser on 15 March 2020, 22:18:02
So apparently the Tennessee attorney general has gotten involved, and if its been determined that there was excessive price gouging, that those two nit-wits will face heavy fines. Also they're trying to save their butts by saying they will donate most of their "stash" to first responders and local churches.

They went & cleaned out Rural Areas that were already limited on supplies since its not some large city.

And $8-$70 I think was the price quoted for $1 bottles.    I'm not sure what needs to be determined since that is CLEARLY price gouging.

My favorite is the "what about my costs" part, you know, where they drove 2K miles to clean everyone out, that is a lot of gas $$.

Asshats.   They deserve every bit of punishment laid on them.

Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Sharpnel on 16 March 2020, 00:31:09
How the hell do you fit all that on a mobility buggy?
You can't. A mobility buggy would barely my two week grocery run and I'm single and mobile.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Liam's Ghost on 16 March 2020, 04:43:45
My town's got its first confirmed case today. So yay.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Sharpnel on 16 March 2020, 05:28:49
We had our first last week and our first death 3 days ago (not the same person). A total of three in the county with one recovered and the other just reported. That's one per 240K people in the county. Statewide is another matter as the ski resort areas are being hardest hit along with the Denver area. It's a good thing that I don't interact with people outside of work. I'm a quasi-hermit only going to nearby take-out restaurants and the grocery store (self check-out) when not at work. I'm concerned, but I'm not a panic maniac like too many people are.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: NeonKnight on 16 March 2020, 08:21:02
Even though this is a true.


Here in Canada wifey and I went to the Korean Market just down the road and absolutely loaded with food and what not, while the Mega Grocery up the road practically wiped out of food. Got to score a 10 pound bag of Potatoes for $4.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 16 March 2020, 10:21:37
I'm afraid that things are likely to get much worse where I live.

We've had one confirmed case in the county, but the local hospital is having people who suspect they have Covid-19 sit in one room that's fairly small (so they all have easy proximity to each other) and telling them to go home without even telling them to self-isolate.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: dgorsman on 16 March 2020, 12:57:00
FYI, just announced Canadian border has been closed to non-residents, and residents outside the country are being urged to return immediately.  If anyone down there knows any local Canucks, please give them a hand on their way if you can.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Ruger on 16 March 2020, 15:03:56
FYI, just announced Canadian border has been closed to non-residents, and residents outside the country are being urged to return immediately.  If anyone down there knows any local Canucks, please give them a hand on their way if you can.

From what I see, this closure is not supposed to impact trade items and the like, and US citizens are still allowed across at this time.

Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: SulliMike23 on 17 March 2020, 10:07:24
Idris Elba confirmed that he's got the virus.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Kentares on 17 March 2020, 17:54:01
Idris Elba confirmed that he's got the virus.

And Olga Kurylenko.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Jaim Magnus on 18 March 2020, 10:00:25
From what I see, this closure is not supposed to impact trade items and the like, and US citizens are still allowed across at this time.


Aaaaaand now the border is closed to all but non-essential travel.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Ruger on 18 March 2020, 10:21:38
Aaaaaand now the border is closed to all but non-essential travel.

Well, at least essential travel includes trade goods. So, for right now, factories with customers on either side should not be grossly affected.

Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: NeonKnight on 18 March 2020, 10:54:33
Aaaaaand now the border is closed to all but non-essential travel.

Sorry, but I'm gonna say - GOOD

This is how Asia managed to crack down on the virus, because it's not just people, it all the stuff we touch!
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Sharpnel on 18 March 2020, 11:24:33
Sorry, but I'm gonna say - GOOD

This is how Asia managed to crack down on the virus, because it's not just people, it all the stuff we touch!
And that's why no matter what we do there's no way to completely minimize the risk of exposure. Short of living in a self sustaining bio-dome for eternity, there's no way to eliminate the possible risk of exposure. At this point in time, I'm living my life the same way I did  last month.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Triptych on 18 March 2020, 12:04:26
Ive moved to the Third World because living here is cheaper and it's just... bonkers. Nothing is open except grocery stores and pharmacies. Streets are empty. Been working at home for the past five years and my son is homeschooled, so its not really a drastic change but still, not being able to go to the mall and eat at my fav restaurants means we cook at home more often.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 18 March 2020, 13:41:44
That's not dissimilar from many cities in the US as of this week.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Ruger on 18 March 2020, 14:04:08

The Big Three are shutting down their NA factories until at least the end of the month.

Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Sharpnel on 18 March 2020, 14:05:31
More unnecessary panic IMO.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Jaim Magnus on 18 March 2020, 14:10:51
More unnecessary panic IMO.

Not panic. Prudence.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: jimdigris on 18 March 2020, 14:30:57
It's not clear to me that it will change much.  It's too widespread already.  If it looks like it's died down and the all-clear is given, it just takes one person to start it all over again.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Scotty on 18 March 2020, 15:04:44
It's not clear to me that it will change much.  It's too widespread already.  If it looks like it's died down and the all-clear is given, it just takes one person to start it all over again.

Social distancing is not to eliminate the disease.  That hasn't been possible for months.  It's about making sure that there are few enough ICU-requiring cases at a time that hospitals aren't overwhelmed.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Jaim Magnus on 18 March 2020, 15:41:47
Social distancing is not to eliminate the disease.  That hasn't been possible for months.  It's about making sure that there are few enough ICU-requiring cases at a time that hospitals aren't overwhelmed.

Very much this.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Dave Talley on 19 March 2020, 08:53:07 (
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: NeonKnight on 19 March 2020, 09:15:49
Fixed that for ya ;)

Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Triptych on 19 March 2020, 12:32:27
Finally managed to do some grocery shopping. Stood at the checkout line for 40 minutes. Ugh.

Whereas in Australia the toilet paper is all gone from the shelves, over here its... junk food like potato chips. The lady in front of me had two carts full of it. LOL crazy..
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: jimdigris on 19 March 2020, 15:42:41
Where do you live? 
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 19 March 2020, 17:10:28
I had to go out today and I can't believe just how busy it is in town.  People here are not staying home.  And quite a few aren't even attempting to stay 6+ feet away from other people.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Kentares on 19 March 2020, 17:22:00
I had to go out today and I can't believe just how busy it is in town.  People here are not staying home.  And quite a few aren't even attempting to stay 6+ feet away from other people.

Be careful. Dont fall in that trap. You never know when one (and only takes one) is sick even without knowing. Here only took one guy (which he thought he was fine) that travelled from France in a bus to spread the damn virus to a dozen people.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 19 March 2020, 17:48:29
Believe me, I'm not.  I'm just amazed at how many people are (or perhaps not, given the city I live in).
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Jaim Magnus on 19 March 2020, 18:06:05
Had to go out today for groceries. Very impressed by how little was completely sold out. Only flour was completely gone. Milk and toilet paper were low, but still available. More people out than I thought there would be, but still pretty good. Thanked the cashier for her hard work.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Liam's Ghost on 19 March 2020, 22:45:25
The family insists I wear a mask when I go out due to my pre-existing constellation of medical problems. I hate wearing the things, but it makes the folks feel better, so...
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: rebs on 19 March 2020, 23:02:03
CDC guidelines recommend that I shave my beard.  I may trim it to a "normal" length, but I don't know about shaving the whole thing.  I've been feeding it hipster beards for breakfast for an awful long time...
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Scotty on 19 March 2020, 23:49:47
CDC guidelines recommend that I shave my beard.  I may trim it to a "normal" length, but I don't know about shaving the whole thing.  I've been feeding it hipster beards for breakfast for an awful long time...

Are you a practicing medical professional, or otherwise need to wear a filtering facepiece respirator?  Then no, they aren't.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Valkerie on 20 March 2020, 01:03:39
California has put the shelter in place order tonight.  Grocery store next to work has gone sane again and is operating normally.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Triptych on 20 March 2020, 05:41:20
Where do you live?

I normally shuttle back and forth between Thailand and the Philippines since I have properties in both. Right now Im stuck in Manila. Thing is, the US State Department is advising all Americans to go home, but I have a family and the last thing I want to do is get stuck with my mom at the East Coast, so I guess Im staying.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: NeonKnight on 20 March 2020, 09:17:28
Just gonna put this out there:

Look, there is a huge difference between Paper Towels and TP (and to a lesser extent Facial Tissues).

TP is designed to 'dissolve' easier in the toilet and not clog the system. Paper Towels not so much (hence the commercials extolling the 'Wet Strength' of Brand X versus Brand Y). Flushing products like these will eventually cause your houses sewage if not your neighbourhoods sewers to back up.

If you are at home, there is an Ohh So Simple solution to this.

A wet Cloth

Take a Bowel movement, and wash yer buttocks.

I Know, I know, it's disgusting, but really, it's what we did 100 years ago. Most folks could not afford the 'good stuff', and to that end, just get some wash cloths, wipe yer tooshie, wash it out in the sink, and use it a few times, and then toss in the laundry. After all, it's no different than the cloth diapers we used about 50 years ago (before the big Disposable diaper Boon of the 60's+).

So, if you run out of TP, no major worry.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 20 March 2020, 09:41:05
If you haven't filed your taxes yet (in the US), don't worry so much.  Tax day just got pushed back from April 15th to July 15th in response to the outbreak.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Cache on 20 March 2020, 10:42:58
If you are at home, there is an Ohh So Simple solution to this.

A wet Cloth
TP won't be a problem for us, but paper towel and napkins are a better option, IMO, than cloth. Just dispose of them in a sealed trash bag. Not unlike you would a disposable diaper.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: NeonKnight on 20 March 2020, 10:46:33
TP won't be a problem for us, but paper towel and napkins are a better option, IMO, than cloth. Just dispose of them in a sealed trash bag. Not unlike you would a disposable diaper.

True that as well, but a re-usable source is even better.

But you are correct, they should NOT be flushed ;)
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Jaim Magnus on 20 March 2020, 10:58:12
True that as well, but a re-usable source is even better.

But you are correct, they should NOT be flushed ;)

Indeed. No one wants to be stuck at home with a clogged toilet.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: rebs on 23 March 2020, 21:22:14
It is being reported that after two weeks since being diagnosed with Covid-19, Tom Hanks and wife Rita are "feeling better". 

Sorry for no link, it can be found everywhere though...
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Liam's Ghost on 23 March 2020, 21:33:00
I've heard incomplete stories that my sister who's teaching up in alaska is going to be kicked out in relation to Covid-19 as a non-resident. I haven't heard any details and everybody here's wrapped up in initial anger, so I don't really know what's going on.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: CrossfirePilot on 24 March 2020, 15:13:58
Though I hate the term "social distancing" Instead I would prefer the term that most people called me when I used social distancing before it was an "in thing."  An aloof #$% that wants nothing to do with you.


Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 24 March 2020, 15:20:11
So you're a social distancing hipster?
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: CrossfirePilot on 24 March 2020, 15:23:01
So you're a social distancing hipster?

No I am just more of a person that loathes a lot of person contact with strangers. just your typical Minnesotan Norwegian I guess.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 25 March 2020, 01:25:16
Just in case you were wondering how serious the outbreak is in the US- Waffle House has closed 365 locations.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Snake Eyes on 25 March 2020, 01:52:09
my daughter showed me that. She jokingly said that we'll be ok unless the Waffle Houses start closing, then we need to worry
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: jimdigris on 25 March 2020, 06:20:38
Aren't they the ones who normally stay open during natural disasters?
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 25 March 2020, 10:03:44
Yes.  There's been a longstanding unofficial tracker for the severity of a hurricane's damage is based on how many Waffle Houses get shut down.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: FenderSaxbey on 25 March 2020, 10:25:14
It was said in the Red Cross that if the Waffle Houses were shut down, don't send assessment teams, send body bags.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Von Jankmon on 25 March 2020, 21:47:19
I am a classic nerd with a neckbeard.  Social distancing is easy.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Giovanni Blasini on 27 March 2020, 15:10:19
I've been working from home for the past couple weeks, but just had to print out a letter from HR in the event I *do* have to go in due to emergency, because SDPD has set up checkpoints at random locations.

I'm a systems engineer and one of only a handful of ECSAs for one of the hospital networks here in San Diego, and our badges.  Governor didn't just list healthcare as essential, but IT staff, so I technically fall under both categories, but luckily am in a position where I can work 100% remote, and already worked remote 2-3 days per week already.

As for our hospital network, we're not swamped...yet.  We started slow-prepping for this back in November/December when it first showed up,

Schools out here in San Diego are shutting down and adding a couple of weeks to the spring break schedule.  No clear plans on how our district is going to handle it yet.

Expect it to go longer.  California's governor is saying that it could extend for the rest of the school year, and we're not the only state in that position.  Lakeside school district is going to reevaluate whether we're going to distance-learning after April 17, but already gave some suggestions on activities to look into, as did his kindergarten teacher.  I know Poway school district is considering similar, and I'd imagine all the San Diego ones are, too.

Saddest thing I saw today were the crowds bum rushing the grocery stores like the end of the world was coming. :(

Yeah, it's still pretty nuts out in East County (Lakeside, Santee, El Cajon), but starting to stabilize here, too.  My mom's up in PQ, and has been lucky that a lot of grocery stores have been adding hours for senior citizens.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 27 March 2020, 18:42:33
VA cancelled for the rest of the school year.  My youngest is ticked.  She planned to graduate at the end of the summer and be DONE.  No idea if that will even work now.

Working for the government has its advantages, I guess.  We're automatically in the "essential" category.  As long as they don't close the base, I can make it into work and be alone in my office.  Most importantly, I have reliable connectivity there.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: CrossfirePilot on 28 March 2020, 09:15:18
I am a classic nerd with a neckbeard.  Social distancing is easy.

Was social distancing before it was hip?  I like trendsetters!

Anyway I also heard that some businesses are banning the use of cash.  So if anyone wants to get rid of their dirty cash, my address is below.  I will ensure that it is disposed of properly.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Tymers Realm on 28 March 2020, 15:49:42
Well at least technology is helping those unable to see motor racing in the US.
The iRacing NASCAR event last Sunday and Indy car taking place as I'm posting is helping.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: monbvol on 28 March 2020, 18:21:31
Hollywood and Vudu(and other streaming services I'd imagine) have even got together to deliver theatrical release movies via streaming now too.

Which I'm somewhat tempted by because I've just gotten to the point I dislike going to the theater, not just because it is too expensive as a cheap showing is just over $10 US at the local theater after all said and done and I refuse to get concessions.

Two things keep me from doing it though.

1.It is a rental and I only buy on Vudu.

2.My access to the big screen and surround system has become severely limited thanks to current state of affairs.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 28 March 2020, 18:41:56
You got exiled from the living room?
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: monbvol on 28 March 2020, 19:03:55
It is effectively under permanent occupation by people I cannot displace under current economic conditions.

I should add they are not movie watchers and spend most of the time watching things I have no interest in and given our bargaining positions in determining what is to be watched I am very much the beggar.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 28 March 2020, 21:36:23
Ah. Well, things are tough, but good for you for helping others out.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: monbvol on 28 March 2020, 22:48:19
It'd be more accurate to say they are helping me out, have been for far too long to be fair and this situation is just prolonging it.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Hellraiser on 28 March 2020, 22:54:27
The family insists I wear a mask when I go out due to my pre-existing constellation of medical problems. I hate wearing the things, but it makes the folks feel better, so...

As I've read it..... The masks aren't saving you from catching it.

They are for sick people to stop them from coughing flem everywhere that has germs in it.

Which then is touched by healthy people who eventually rub an eye, scratch nose, etc etc.

That said, with your pre-existing issues every bit of precaution can't hurt.

But most healthy people are going to get very little from wearing it.

Put them on the sick coughing folks :)
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Hellraiser on 28 March 2020, 22:55:49
A wet Cloth

Take a Bowel movement, and wash yer buttocks.

I Know, I know, it's disgusting, but really, it's what we did 100 years ago. Most folks could not afford the 'good stuff', and to that end, just get some wash cloths, wipe yer tooshie, wash it out in the sink, and use it a few times, and then toss in the laundry. After all, it's no different than the cloth diapers we used about 50 years ago (before the big Disposable diaper Boon of the 60's+).

We were just talking about this at work last week, LOL.

Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 28 March 2020, 23:27:13
As I've read it..... The masks aren't saving you from catching it.

They are for sick people to stop them from coughing flem everywhere that has germs in it.

Which then is touched by healthy people who eventually rub an eye, scratch nose, etc etc.

That said, with your pre-existing issues every bit of precaution can't hurt.

But most healthy people are going to get very little from wearing it.

Put them on the sick coughing folks :)

It depends.  If worn correctly (as in you've been trained in wearing an N95 mask) it's a reasonable piece of protective gear.  This is why it's in such demand for medical staff.

If you're not wearing it correctly, it's effectively a mudflap for your face.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: monbvol on 28 March 2020, 23:29:07
And supplementing it with some safety glasses does a not inconsiderable bit to improve protection further.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: cavingjan on 29 March 2020, 09:44:42
It depends.  If worn correctly (as in you've been trained in wearing an N95 mask) it's a reasonable piece of protective gear.  This is why it's in such demand for medical staff.

If you're not wearing it correctly, it's effectively a mudflap for your face.

Worn correctly (which also requires being fitted correctly too) is key. I understand how uncomfortable on the ears that they can be when worn for hours but I cringe when I see pictures of the way a lot of folks are wearing them. There is a reason why I have my staff where half masks or full masks with removable cartridges. Impractical for medical's need for disposable.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: NeonKnight on 29 March 2020, 09:54:41
It depends.  If worn correctly (as in you've been trained in wearing an N95 mask) it's a reasonable piece of protective gear.  This is why it's in such demand for medical staff.

If you're not wearing it correctly, it's effectively a mudflap for your face.

No matter how well you wear the mask, the original statement is true. The mask does not stop you from catching it, but greatly helps in you not spreading it.

And THAT is the key, if EVERYONE wore a mask (as they did in South Korea) the spread would be greatly slowed, as it would not be transmitted, near as much.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 29 March 2020, 09:56:56
If there were enough masks for everyone to use all the time, sure.  Last I heard, there simply aren't.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: NeonKnight on 29 March 2020, 10:16:29
If there were enough masks for everyone to use all the time, sure.  Last I heard, there simply aren't.

I know, but that's what I am trying to say, it's the false sense of security average folks are going with over this stuff:

I wear a mask =/= I'm immune

I wear gloves =/= I'm immune

Example, at our local grocer, (like a lot of others), they have put up plexiglass to shield the tellers from errant coughs and sneezes. Additionally, the staff wear gloves (not the high end medical gloves, but the $5 for a 100 kind to die you hear, spray paint, etc), and at least the young man I talked to, was changing them after every customer.

But the kicker here is John-Q-Public should not be running around with high end medical gear. Leave that to the medical professionals.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 29 March 2020, 10:24:29
Agreed... isolation is the surest way to avoid catching it.  With no underlying health issues I'm personally not worried, and since my workplace is pretty much deserted, I'm more isolated when I go there than if I stay home.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Sharpnel on 29 March 2020, 10:46:12
The masks are supposed to be for the healthy. They are supposed to be for the infected so that they don't spread it by coughing/sneezing.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: GreekFire on 29 March 2020, 11:07:55
It's worth noting that the WHO and many North American media outlets were saying (or are still saying) that masks don't do much for the non-infected, and many people are still using that information as a guide.

However, in the past few days we've seen a bit of a turnaround as more studies are starting to suggest the opposite - that masks can actually reduce transmission rates when worn by everyone, especially when considering the number of asymptomatic individuals carrying the virus. For example, see:

They can also serve the important role of acting as a physical reminder not to touch your face, as it can be a difficult habit to break, and can act as a visual reminder to maintain social distancing and act in a preventative manner if you see someone else wearing one.

All in all, masks help everyone and no one should be discouraged from wearing one. Hoarding should still be shunned, though.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: CrossfirePilot on 29 March 2020, 11:25:08
Agreed... isolation is the surest way to avoid catching it.  With no underlying health issues I'm personally not worried, and since my workplace is pretty much deserted, I'm more isolated when I go there than if I stay home.

Yeah luckily my workplace is the left seat of a Cessna 177.  Most of the time the closest human contact I get is with the guy pumping gas.  However now since some of the airports offices are closed I am forced to overnight in a hotel, which increases my chances, even though they are doing their best to uber clean.  Which is a nice side effect really.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: CrossfirePilot on 29 March 2020, 13:49:39
Glad not all sports are cancelled.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 29 March 2020, 14:11:10
Heh... the commentary makes all the difference...  ::)
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: DaveMac on 31 March 2020, 02:30:22
In the UK and just starting week two of lockdown

I would makes jokes about the zombie apocalypse outside but its not funny

Stay away from everyone and stay safe folks
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 31 March 2020, 02:54:57
One of the GMs I play D&D with online just launched a zombie apocalypse game... well, I guess technically that happened yesterday.  It's fun- though we had to switch dice-rolling apps twice because the first two were giving us Hellbie Dice levels of crit fumbles.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 31 March 2020, 03:06:08
Ouch... that's some horrible dice!  :o
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 31 March 2020, 11:46:00
A single battle saw five successive fumbles.  And that wasn't the total number of fumbles.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: jimdigris on 02 April 2020, 15:47:11
Remember how the generations who lived through the Great Depression became known for never throwing anything away?  We may be remembered for always having a 4 month supply of toilet paper on hand. xp
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: dgorsman on 02 April 2020, 16:23:53
Or obsessively cleaning everything.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 02 April 2020, 18:46:23
More likely just handwashing...  8)
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Hellraiser on 04 April 2020, 11:02:31

All it took was being up at 6am to be at 2 stores by 715 & 745 respectively for the 3rd weekend in a row.

Seriously, working 5 days a week & not getting to the stores till 3PM or later in the afternoon was getting old, a month straight of no TP on the shelves.

I actually hit one in transit from work to home the other day in the middle of the week at 730AM and it was bone dry empty even though people had some in their carts.

Living solo that 12 rolls just extended my supply by several weeks so I can stop hitting up the stores 3x a week looking.

Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: dgorsman on 04 April 2020, 11:26:17
The chain of shortages have been interesting.  No TP then wipes, then paper towels, then bidets.  Trail mix goes, which results in peanuts, popcorn, and other ingredients being snapped up.  First it was oatmeal/rolled oats, now it's hard to find flour and yeast.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 04 April 2020, 11:30:04
You go through 12 rolls of toilet paper in a matter of weeks?  You may need to see a doctor.  Or check how much you're using when you go.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 04 April 2020, 11:54:41
Especially if you have facilities available at work.  I go through about one roll a month at home when I'm alone.  When the family's here, it's a whole different story.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Liam's Ghost on 04 April 2020, 13:39:19
Just got a swab stuck up my nose because of an ill timed respiratory infection and the fact that my niece (who lives in the same house) works at a laundromat. They tell me that I should hear back in two to four days.

In the meanwhile I get to be sick and confined. Yay.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 04 April 2020, 13:41:12
Bummer!  Best of luck with the test (or rather, the symptoms)...
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Hellraiser on 04 April 2020, 15:36:49
You go through 12 rolls of toilet paper in a matter of weeks?

Especially if you have facilities available at work.  I go through about one roll a month at home when I'm alone.  When the family's here, it's a whole different story.

I did say "SEVERAL", LOL.
Couple = 2
Few = 3-6
Several = 7-10
When combined with working from home 100% now & my severe sinus allergies & substitution for Kleenex frequently, I'm thinking I'm doing ok.  But I'll be sure to check with my doctor  ::)
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 04 April 2020, 16:57:38
Kleenexes are easier to find in stores.  People (surprisingly) don't appear to have started hoarding them.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: GreekFire on 04 April 2020, 17:29:28
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

don't @ me, it's a meme
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: monbvol on 04 April 2020, 18:02:53
Don't forget the lotion because damn that's got to be one raw rear end using an entire roll a day. :D
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Sharpnel on 04 April 2020, 18:18:14
Unless you are a woman who pees A LOT, there's now way you should go through a roll a day. If you are a single man, a roll of TP could last you up to two weeks, especially if you are working and have facililties at work.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 04 April 2020, 18:50:18
A month, I say.  I lived alone for three years not that long ago, and it was one roll a month.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Liam's Ghost on 04 April 2020, 19:18:51
We've got around sixty to seventy rolls in our house for seven people.

Most of which we already had before the crisis started. We bought eight rolls since then and gave four away to a family friend that was completely out.

Bummer!  Best of luck with the test (or rather, the symptoms)...

Thanks. The symptoms are pretty mild for me (any other circumstance I'd just take it easy for a couple of days and think nothing of it). If the test comes up positive though... like I said, there's seven people here (and one cat!) one of whom still works with the general public.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 04 April 2020, 19:33:54
I hope the test comes back negative given those circumstances!
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Ruger on 04 April 2020, 19:45:51
Unless you are a woman who pees A LOT, there's now way you should go through a roll a day. If you are a single man, a roll of TP could last you up to two weeks, especially if you are working and have facililties at work.

Unless you have better tp at home than they do at work.

Of course, that’s no longer an issue for many people.

Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: CrossfirePilot on 04 April 2020, 19:49:16
I hope the test comes back negative given those circumstances!


Not the first time I have uttered "I hope the test comes back negative..."

Sorry just a little levity.  Just learned today that a friend of mine who is an infectious disease specialist is on home quarantine since someone he treated came back with a positive test result.  He was working at a reservation clinic in Arizona and was told person had a simple UTI.  Still no idea how they got Covid19 in the middle of a res in AZ.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 04 April 2020, 19:52:42
The same way anyone else gets it.

People move around.  People come in contact with people who've been moving around.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Hellraiser on 06 April 2020, 16:30:59
Kleenexes are easier to find in stores.  People (surprisingly) don't appear to have started hoarding them.

They were emptied out as well.   Along w/ Papertowels,  Napkins,  baby wipes.

The stores here in Phoenix were bone dry for weeks when I would go it.

Of course I'm not going in at 6AM since I'm working.

Then finally about a week ago I started to see a dozen or so boxes of Kleenex show up on the shelves.

I've seen that on 2 different trips now & then finally Saturday when I saw about 20 packages of TP in that section. 

But that was also at 745am compared to 3PM or so when I normally would check after work.

Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Hellraiser on 06 April 2020, 16:33:39
A month, I say.  I lived alone for three years not that long ago, and it was one roll a month.

If your daily constitutional is while your at work.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 06 April 2020, 19:07:47
One each, actually.  Home and work...
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Garrand on 06 April 2020, 20:02:11
Went to 3 different stores today looking for shredded mozarella cheese (I'm going to make baked ziti sometime this week): Aldi's, Wegmans & Wal Mart. Only Wal-mart had 2 measly packs of shredded mozarella! What is the deal with Covid & cheese? Wegmans was almost completely wiped out, as was Wal Mart. Aldi's had only sliced or block cheese...

Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 06 April 2020, 20:07:37
Calories... cheese is particularly calorie dense...
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Weirdo on 06 April 2020, 20:19:00
If it exists in your area, check out Braum's. A lot of folks forget that it's partially a grocery store, you might find some nice goodies. And ice cream to help keep loved ones sane. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 06 April 2020, 20:44:07
Wow, none of the stores in my area have had any shortages on cheese whenever I've been to them.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Garrand on 06 April 2020, 22:16:23
If it exists in your area, check out Braum's. A lot of folks forget that it's partially a grocery store, you might find some nice goodies. And ice cream to help keep loved ones sane. :thumbsup:

No Braum's here in my part of Pennsylvania. But Ice Cream seems to be reasonably available. I actually thought about baking a cake, since I'm getting really bored at home (you can only hobby so much...).

Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Liam's Ghost on 07 April 2020, 11:29:27
Well, the test they gave me came back negative. They still want me to remain isolated until seventy two hours after my fever goes away. Still, yay me!
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Kentares on 07 April 2020, 15:32:30
Well, the test they gave me came back negative. They still want me to remain isolated until seventy two hours after my fever goes away. Still, yay me!

Its usual procedure because several people didnt registered as positive on a first test in which they didnt had enough viral charge to register as a positive at the time. Hence the wait... just to be sure.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: GreekFire on 07 April 2020, 15:49:09
Well, the test they gave me came back negative. They still want me to remain isolated until seventy two hours after my fever goes away. Still, yay me!

Very good news, glad to hear it.
And completely unrelated, but every time I see your avatar I do a double take. Our cats look super similar, lol.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Liam's Ghost on 07 April 2020, 16:22:44
And completely unrelated, but every time I see your avatar I do a double take. Our cats look super similar, lol.

It seems to be a very common fur pattern, particularly among fluffy cats like Miss Chitty. There's a stray wandering around town that looks almost exactly like her. I get a spook every time I see it in the distance.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: DOC_Agren on 07 April 2020, 16:36:06
Well, the test they gave me came back negative. They still want me to remain isolated until seventy two hours after my fever goes away. Still, yay me!
Good Luck
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 07 April 2020, 16:37:05
Glad to hear your results are negative... my wife always gets tortoise shell cats... the last one was Pookie the III...
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Hellraiser on 07 April 2020, 16:38:28
Wow, none of the stores in my area have had any shortages on cheese whenever I've been to them.

I was looking for some plain old american slices the other day for Grilled Cheese sandwiches,  and I got them, but it was like 3 packs in a sea of empty cooler.

The stores here have plenty of Soda, Beer, & Chips,  but if you want actual FOOD,  its very hit or miss depending on the product & day.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 07 April 2020, 18:00:05
To be fair, I haven't been to any stores in over a week.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Hellraiser on 07 April 2020, 20:44:41
I was going a couple times a week for 2-3 weeks.

And then walk out with a box of tissue,  or some chips,  or a few apples/bananas.

They were out of so much that I'd just get a few things that I knew I'd use & try again a different day.

This weekend was a bit better.

Spent a whole $50 at 1 store when I found all sorts of stuff had just been restocked the night before.

I'm hoping that soon the panic buying & stocking up hits people's storage limit.

I'm sure some things will still be in low supply as people being at home means some products get used more often.

But the completely empty shelves was from people buying a couple month's worth of stuff in 1 trip.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: dgorsman on 08 April 2020, 01:27:03
Around here the emergency buying has mostly stopped, with purchase limits helping.  Now it's people getting bored and picking up hobbies such as baking that's responsible for empty shelves.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: monbvol on 08 April 2020, 03:53:22
Sugar has become a rare commodity.

There was also some serious concern about water limits and my parents needing distilled water for their c-pap machines and them possibly running out because our local water quality is not great so adding in actual drinking/cooking water to that demand was getting a little troublesome.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Daryk on 08 April 2020, 04:01:33
Couldn't your parents boil water?  ???
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: DaveMac on 08 April 2020, 04:06:43

Sobering reading
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Dave Talley on 08 April 2020, 09:40:20
Couldn't your parents boil water?  ???

not just boiling, distilled wont leave lime scale,
my water chamber needs a vinegar bath to dissolve the stuff
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 08 April 2020, 09:53:22

Sobering reading

It's a good week to stay the bleep home.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Cache on 08 April 2020, 09:56:51
not just boiling, distilled wont leave lime scale,
my water chamber needs a vinegar bath to dissolve the stuff

Basically it is just boiling... with collection of vapor:
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: monbvol on 08 April 2020, 11:47:55
Couldn't your parents boil water?  ???

The impurities in our local water would require total vaporization and re-condensation to get out.  Officials say it's safe to drink and cook with but looking at the inside of our dishwasher and the shower heads makes us question otherwise.

Basically it is just boiling... with collection of vapor:

As simple as that looks at the rate we go through distilled water that's something we could only do for a limited period of time and under true emergency.

Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: dgorsman on 08 April 2020, 15:18:57
My dad has sleep apnea, not quite where a CPAP is needed, but concerning nonetheless.  So I understand how important those are to keep running.    :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: jimdigris on 08 April 2020, 15:39:44
On the toilet paper shortage topic, this happened before in the US in 1973.  Some politician whose district supplied paper for toilet paper warned of shortages.  Panic ensued and it took 4 months for the shelves to return to normal.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Cache on 08 April 2020, 15:47:19
The impurities in our local water would require total vaporization and re-condensation to get out.  Officials say it's safe to drink and cook with but looking at the inside of our dishwasher and the shower heads makes us question otherwise.

As simple as that looks at the rate we go through distilled water that's something we could only do for a limited period of time and under true emergency.
Our water is garbage as well. "Liquid rock" is what the water tester said, so we run a softener in addition to a whole-house filter. (The softener was down for two weeks and the toilet valves in both bathrooms started sticking/malfunctioning. Cat dish started getting gritty as well.) That certainly doesn't make it distilled quality, though. We have a couple store-bought gallons on hand for the occasional nasal rinse, but I'd probably set up a still if we needed it in regular quantity. Wouldn't be easy on the electricity bill but it would be better than not having it.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: monbvol on 08 April 2020, 16:22:19
I want to say our contamination is silica based and thus isn't even your typical hard water but with my sanity slowly slipping away my memory is not what it used to be.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: Liam's Ghost on 08 April 2020, 16:45:39
I want to say our contamination is silica based and thus isn't even your typical hard water but with my sanity slowly slipping away my memory is not what it used to be.

Pretty sure it is. I recall they were having a lot of problems with silica after they hooked in the new source to the water supply.
Title: Re: Damn... even Tom Hanks got Covid-19
Post by: guardiandashi on 09 April 2020, 18:57:28
my dad has a cpap and is in santa barbara ca area, so he invested a year or two in a soclean unit so he doesn't have to use a lot of distilled water and such to clean it.

but his doesn't have (use) a humidifier function