BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat

BattleTech Player Boards => Fan Designs and Rules => Aerospace => Topic started by: Smegish on 25 March 2020, 00:22:00

Title: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 25 March 2020, 00:22:00
Here is the thread for the players to post their turns, ship designs, fleet doctrine, IC arguments between themselves (as High Fleet Lord) and their lord and master about why they shouldn't pick a fight with the THN, all that stuff. Turn results shall also be posted here.

Questions, comments and such should be kept to the other thread:

Turn 1 Has commenced, your budgets for this turn should posted in here by April 10th.

Budgets and players are as follows:

Terran Hegemony (GM-controlled 500lb Gorilla) - 750 Bil
Draconis Combine (UnLimited) - 300 Bil
Lyran Commonwealth (kindalas) - 280 Bil
Federated Suns (Jester Motley) - 290 Bil
Capellan Confederation (NPC) - 280 Bil
Free Worlds League (Venser's Revenge) - 300 Bil
Rim Worlds Republic (NPC) - 120 Bil
Marian Hegemony (truetanker) - 50 Bil
Taurian Concordat (NPC) - 100 Bil
United Hindu Collective (NPC) - 50 Bil
Principality of Rasalhague (Tyler Jorgensson) - 50 Bil
Illyrian Palatinate (NPC) - 30 Bil

EDIT: After discussion with Marcus, reduced UHC budget to match Rasalhague.

Turn 1 Report (
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 25 March 2020, 06:21:32
Turn replaced by UnLimited

Draconis Combine 2350

Code: [Select]
Draconis Combine Admiralty Doctrine


The High Command in the DCA agreed quickly that matching the Hegemony in a pitched battle was impossible in the short or even long term.
However the THN is forced to split its attention between all 5 of the Great Houses, and are unlikely to attack without provocation.
So High Command has decreed that all effort should be taken to avoid such provocation, for now.
The single docking collar typically seen on DCA ships is generally used as an aid to resupply.


DCA crews are trained hard and often, but their reward is better than average crew quarters – for all but the marine contingent anyway – compared to the JumpShip fleet.
The admiralty came to the conclusion that while the Combine cannot match the Terrans in ship size, crew quality is a very different story.
Every effort is taken to improve the fleets performance, including special privileges for the best performing officers and crew,
as well as transfers to the far less luxurious confines of the JumpShip fleet for those that are not up to scratch, where many volunteers can be found to fill their place of honour.
Of special note are the navigators on board, who are rigorously trained, and are required to make 5 successful jumps into 'pirate points'
in a conventional JumpShip before qualifying to be assigned to a WarShip.


The fleets mission is predominately Space Superiority, securing the system so that the standard JumpShips carrying the DCMS can arrive and disgorge their charges without fear of the enemy.
Anti-piracy missions are also undertaken, especially by the smaller, faster more numerous Kutai-class.

Captains are trained to act like a stalking tiger, waiting for the proper moment to pounce,
whilst using surprise as much as possible in the emptiness of space.
One-on-one engagements with an equal opponent are to be avoided as a rule,
although that rule is often waived in the defense of DCMS convoys, Prefecture or District capitals or express orders from a superior.
It is better to wait for the advantage in size or numbers before striking.

Chemical weapons (beyond non-lethal agents like tear gas) are strictly banned,
and orbital bombardment is performed only as a response to Ground-to-Orbit fire,
or against forces deploying WMDs against DCMS ground troops.
If the launch site of said WMDs (whether chemical, biological or nuclear) happens to be in a populated area,
then they should not have tried to use civilians as a human shield.
Such bombardment is to be conducted with the fleets Naval Lasers, to both save NAC ammunition and keep collateral damage to within acceptable limits.


The current fleet includes two classes of warship, both containing a wing of 36 fighters, predominately used for self-defence against enemy strike fighters and capital missiles.
While the fleets fighter corps is also trained in the anti-shipping role, keeping their carrier vessel safe from the enemy is deemed a more important role.

The rest of the DCA's fighter corps not assigned to WarShips is either in training, or deployed in garrison positions on the border,
or guarding important worlds such as Prefecture/District capitals and worlds with shipyards in orbit, usually assigned in individual 36-fighter wings.


The DCAs small JumpShip fleet is used almost exclusively to supply the fleet and act as couriers, though transporting the DCMS in offensive operations is also in their perview.
Internal movements of the DCMS however is typically done with their own tiny Jumpship fleet, or by commandeering civilian craft.

With the realisation of exactly how big the THN has become, the Draconis Combine Admiralty has been given a massive boost to its budget to help kick start a crash building program of WarShips with which to defend and expand the nation. To aid in these efforts existing shipyards over New Samarkand, Luthien and Midway have been upgraded, and new yards in An Ting, Benjamin and Alshain have been constructed. These new yards will provide both increased production and repair facilities much closer to the front lines than the existing yards. A large series of Onsen-class Recharge Stations are also planned to connect the far corners of the Combine and aid rapid transportation of goods of all kinds. Construction of this network of stations is ongoing, and likely to take some time to complete given the size of the Combine.

The makeup of the fleet itself took some time for the DCA High Command to determine. Arguments continuing long into the night about whether it was more important to have a large fleet of Corvettes to patrol the border and deal with internal piracy first, or focus on a slightly smaller force of more battle-worthy Destroyers to expand the Combine by any means. In the end High Admiral Fuyuutski compromised on building half of what both sides wanted, which left neither side of the argument happy.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2350 Value in Millions
Money Available 300,000
Remaining from Last Turn
Available Shipyards

New Samarkand 1/2
Luthien 1/1
Midway 1


Maintanence 50% 0
Prototype Cost Kutai 5,275 1,319
Fubuki 6,391 1,598
Onsen 460 115
Construction Unit Price
Shipyards Existing Yards All S1 > S2 40,000
Benjamin S1 10,000
Alshain S1 10,000
An Ting S1 10,000
Stations Onsen 45 460 20,700
Warships Kutai 12 5,275 63,300
Fubuki 6 6,391 38,346

Jumpships 30 500 15,000
Dropships 120 300 36,000
Fighters 1800 5 9,000
Small Craft 300 10 3,000
Research Ferro-Aluminium 1 40000 40,000

Total Spent 298377


Remaining 1623

Kutai-class Corvette

The two hundred thousand ton Kutai is designed as the fleets first line of defence, able to act as a picket ship, escort larger vessels or patrolling the Combines long borders. With it's main firepower consisting of a dozen Naval Laser 45s, with a handful of Killer Whales and a hefty battery of large lasers and long range missile racks for anti-fighter duties with deep ammunition bins, the Kutai can serve in the field for some time without resupply, keeping the Dragon and his people safe from piracy and the occasional raid from a great house. The small NCSS system installed gives the ship a great advantage as a picket or pirate hunting ship, with very little escaping the notice of its gaze.

Capable of three G's of acceleration, the Kutai is capable of running down or escaping almost any opponent, if not in a sprint then almost surely in a marathon with it's six thousand tons of fuel allowing it to be profligate with its engine use while still keeping its onboard fighter complement supplied for action. Almost entirely a broadside fighter, the Kutai mounts its dozen 45cm Naval Lasers in pairs, two in each quarter and two broadside. The broadside NLs are joined by a pair of Killer Whale missile tubes, with the remaining two missile tubes mounted Fore. Matching quad mounts of LRM 15s and Large Lasers can be found spread all across the ship, with what was deemed a sufficient Point Defense System joining them.

The thirty-six fighters and dozen small craft allow the aboard Kutai are predominately for self-defense or Close Air Support if assisting ground forces. The twelve small craft aboard give the Kutai the ability to quickly resupply if needed, or perform customs duties with the aid of the two platoons of Marines stationed aboard.

The armour of the Kutai was considered to be a bit thin, but as it is not intended to serve in the line of battle, the 160 tons of armour was deemed sufficient for a ship its size.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Kutai
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $5,275,232,000.00
Magazine Cost: $19,440,000.00
BV2: 14,392

Mass: 200,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type: Standard
6 Capital Launcher Killer Whale
24 LRM 15 (IS)
24 Laser Large
48 Machine Gun (IS)
12 Naval Laser 45

Class/Model/Name: Kutai
Mass: 200,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 48,000.00
Safe: 4
Maximum: 6
Controls: 500.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (6 Integrity) 90,500.00
Jump Sail: (3 Integrity) 40.00
Structural Integrity: 40 8,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 1272 Single 918.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 30000 points 6,120.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 120 pts Standard 160.00
Fore: 20
Fore-Left/Right: 20/20
Aft-Left/Right: 20/20
Aft: 20

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 0.00
Life Boats: 30 210.00

Crew And Passengers:
22 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 220.00
63 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 441.00
40 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 280.00
132 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
50 2nd Class Marines 350.00
50 Steerage Passengers 250.00

Bay #1: Small Craft (12) - 2 Doors
Bay #2: Fighters (36) - 3 Doors
Bay #3: Cargo (19159 Tons) - 2 Doors

Small NCSS
Killer Whale Ammo - 60 (10/Tube)
LRM Ammo - 600 Tons (200 Volleys per launcher)
Machine Gun Ammo - 240 Tons (5 Tons per gun)

2 x Killer Whales
4 x LRM 15s
4 x Large Laser
8 x MG

2 x NL/45
4 x LRM 15s
4 x Large Laser
8 x MG

2 x Killer Whales
2 x NL/45s

2 x NL/45
4 x LRM 15s
4 x Large Laser
8 x MG

4 x LRM 15s
4 x Large Laser
8 x MG

Fubuki-class Destroyer

At four hundred and fifty thousand tons, the Fubuki-class isn't intended as a patrol or escort vessel like the Kutai, but rather as a ship killer. Mounting over two dozen Class Ten Naval Autocannon as well as Naval Lasers and Killer Whale launchers, the Fubuki's primary role is to bring the enemy to battle and destroy them. Unable to match the acceleration of the smaller corvette, Fubuki is still capable of two and a half Gees when pushed to full throttle which was deemed acceptable by High Command. The destroyer has a greatly strengthened internal structure compared to the smaller Kutai, allowing for a far greater amount of armour -Six Hundred and Seventy Five tons in fact- to be mounted, roughly equivalent to Terran Navy ships of its size.

Like it's smaller sister, the Fubuki is predominately a broadside fighter, though it is less focused on such action. It sacrifices some of the corvettes AAA firepower in favour of a superior anti-Warship armament, dropping the long range missile racks. Four 45cm Naval Lasers can be found mounted Fore and Aft, with the Fore mount being joined by a pair of Class-10 Naval Autocannons. The four quarters each mount a quartet of NACs alongside a pair of NL45s, with the broadsides having a quad mount of Killer Whale tubes alongside an equal number of NAC gun mounts. Quad Large Laser turrets are festooned all over the ship, as is the Point Defense Systems.

As with the Kutai, the fighter complement of the Fubuki is mainly to defend itself from hostile fighters or attempts to board, while the small craft can be used for SAR work after a battle, or its own boarding actions.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Fubuki
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $6,391,226,000.00
Magazine Cost: $8,080,000.00
BV2: 41,050

Mass: 450,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Standard
16 Naval Laser 45
26 Naval AC 10
40 Laser Large
48 Machine Gun (IS)
8 Capital Launcher Killer Whale

Class/Model/Name: Fubuki
Mass: 450,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 81,000.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 1,125.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (11 Integrity) 203,625.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 53.00
Structural Integrity: 75 33,750.00
Total Heat Sinks: 2380 Single 1,933.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 10000 points 4,080.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 318 pts Standard 675.00
Fore: 53
Fore-Left/Right: 53/53
Aft-Left/Right: 53/53
Aft: 53

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 0.00
Life Boats: 30 210.00

Crew And Passengers:
34 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 340.00
101 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 707.00
65 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 455.00
132 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
50 2nd Class Marines 350.00
50 Steerage Passengers 250.00

Bay #1: Small Craft (12) - 2 Doors
Bay #2: Fighters (36) - 3 Doors
Bay #3: Cargo (40275 tons) - 2 Doors

Killer Whale Ammo - 80 (10/tube)
NAC/10 Ammo - 1040 Rounds (40 Rounds/gun)
Machine Gun Ammo - 240 Tons (5 Tons/gun)

4 x NL/45s
2 x NAC/10s
4 x Large Lasers
8 x MGs

4 x NAC/10s
2 x NL/45s
4 x Large Lasers
8 x MGs

4 x Killer Whales
4 x NAC/10s
8 x Large Lasers

4 x NAC/10s
2 x NL/45s
4 x Large Lasers
8 x MGs

4 x NL/45s
4 x Large Lasers
8 x MGs

Onsen-class Station

Built by the DCA, but useable by civilian traffic as well, the Onsen-class recharge station is intended to speed travel across the vast swathes of the Combine. At 500 kilotons, this large station has three sets of recharge batteries for use by passing ships, and a large cargo hold and quarters for over 500 visiting sailors allows it play the role of supply base for the fleet and rest stop for travelers. Armament is light, only capable of dealing with small craft and meteorites. A full Wing of aerospace fighters and dozen small craft protect the station, although it is no match for any Warship worthy of the name.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Onsen
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $460,345,000.00
Magazine Cost: $240,000.00
BV2: 11,978

Mass: 500,000
K-F Drive System: None
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 1
Armor Type: Standard
48 Laser Large
48 Machine Gun (IS)

Class/Model/Name: Onsen
Mass: 500,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 6,000
Safe: 0.1
Maximum: 1
Controls: 500
K-F Hyperdrive: None (0 Integrity) 0
Jump Sail: (0 Integrity) 0
Structural Integrity: 1 5,000
Total Heat Sinks: 284 Single 130
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 25000 points 10,200
Fire Control Computers: 0
Armor: 600 pts Standard 1,500
Fore: 100
Fore-Left/Right: 100/100
Aft-Left/Right: 100/100
Aft: 100

Dropship Capacity: 10 10,000
Grav Decks:
Small: 0
Medium: 4 400
Large: 0
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 100 700

Crew And Passengers:
28 Officers in 2nd Class Quarters 196
117 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 819
16 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 112
132 Bay Personnel 0
50 1st Class Passengers 500
100 2nd Class Marines    700
500 Steerage Passengers 2,500

Bay #1: Fighters (36) - 6 Doors
Bay #2: Small Craft (12) - 2 Doors
Bay #3: Cargo (152,439 Tons) - 6 Doors

MG Ammo: 240 Tons (5 Tons/Gun)


8 Large Laser
8 MGs
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: marcussmythe on 25 March 2020, 07:44:50
Terran Hegemony 2350

By 2350, the winds of war are winding down for the Terran Hegemony.  With the restoration of the core of the Human Sphere to the flag of Mother Terra, the eyes of the Hegemony turn in, focusing on knitting their newly claimed worlds back into a single nation, rather than future conquest.

This leaves their Navy facing a conundrum.  The large fleets built for the expansion era strain the current budget, and the Cameron government has other priorities.  The existing navy is believed to be sufficient - if not excessive - to current demand, and no new warship building programs are called for.  Some discussion of retiring older vessels to mothballs or the scrap yard is bandied about, but McKenna's successors are as yet unwilling to tear down the machine the legendary admiral built.

Time does not stand still, of course.  Military research provides the short range missile, providing additional punch to the navies fighter-craft.  This is felt to be a worthwhile investment, as the focus is moving away from larger engagements and capital vessels, and better armed fighters (and vehicles) allow for better performance.  Besides, Research and Development is good for the peacetime economy in knock-on effects, so is justifiable.

Similarly, though no new warships are laid, the THN is expanding its yard-space - military yards can support themselves by giving work to civilian concerns during peacetime, and are an investment against future conflict.

Through back channels, the THN makes it clear that while they are unwilling to transfer any capital vessels, interested smaller powers (particularly those that do not border on the Hegemony) might be considered for participation in aiding the THN in disposal of surplus vessels, at a price...*

Turn below.   The THN IS willing to sell smaller ships, on a negotated price basis.  Purchased Ships will come out of the THN budget and maintenance, and be treated as new builds by purchasing powers.  I will modify the turn as necessary.

(Edited for Cruisers to UHC - 5B Price, no upkeep)
(Edited for 4 Vigilants to IP, 3B EA)

Code: [Select]
Terran Hegemony, Turn Beginning 2350 Value/Cost
Starting Funds: 0
Starting Shipyards: Terra: 2/2/2/2 1,140B
Keid:  2/2/1/1
Thorin: 1/1/1
Terra Firma: 1/1/1
New Earth: 1/1/1
Yorii:  1/1/1
Graham IV 1/1/1

Starting Warships:  BB Dreadnought x 6 48.618B
BC Black Lion x 12 84.084B
TT Dart x 13 149.870B
CA Cruiser x 27 201.420B
DD Lola x 24 159.696B
SC Bonaventure x 42 211.512B
PF Vigilant x 33 133.552B

Starting Jumpships:  80 40B
Starting Dropships:  300 (Light) 30B
Starting Small Craft 1,200 12B
Starting Fighters: 3000 15B
Assets: 2,286B

Expenditure Cost (Billions)
Budget: 750B
Maintenance (Standard):         573B
R&D:  SRM Launcher 85B
Upgrade Terra Yard 4->5         50B
Upgrade Terra Yard 3->4         20B
Upgrade Terra Yard 2->3         15B
Upgrade Terra Yard 1->2         10B
New Yard Terra, lvl 1 5B
Jumpship Production: 0
Dropship Production: 0
Small Craft: 0
Fighters: 0
Total: 753B
Remainder: -3B (Debit)

Terran Hegemony, Turn Ending 2360
Ending Funds:  35.92B
Ending Shipyards: Terra: 2/2/2/2/1 1,290B
Keid:  2/2/1/1
Thorin: 1/1/1
Terra Firma: 1/1/1
New Earth: 1/1/1
Yorii:  1/1/1
Graham IV 1/1/1

Ending Warships:  BB Dreadnought x 6 48.618B
BC Black Lion x 12 84.084B
TT Dart x 13 149.870B
CA Cruiser x 23 171.58B
DD Lola x 24 159.696B
SC Bonaventure x 42 211.512B
PF Vigilant x 29         117.33

Ending Jumpships:  80 40B
Ending Dropships:  300 (Light) 30B
Ending Small Craft 1,200 12B
Ending Fighters: 3000 15B

Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: marcussmythe on 25 March 2020, 09:01:21
Deleted Post - LC now has a player, and that turn controls.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: truetanker on 25 March 2020, 13:16:20
Maid Marian has enter the game, fashionably late, of course. What's shakin' y'all?

Marian Hegemony 2350

The Hegemony has rapidly expanded from it's formation a scant twenty years ago, going from just Alphard itself to now hold eight worlds at the start of the decade. This expansion has been peaceful at times, and horrendously violent at others with the Marian Legions coming down on several worlds, killing any who resist and enslaving the rest. It is only since the ascension of Caesar Marcus Julius O'Riley that the Hegemony has made efforts to be seen as a legitimate nation rather then just a Pirate Barony with delusions of grandeur. Building a fleet of real warships rather than the ramshackle, cobbled together assault ships they had was to be a way of accomplishing this.

Meanwhile the Caesar's plans future expansions, and gazes upon the Illyrian Palatinate greedily....

Code: [Select]
Year: 2350 Value in Millions
Money Available 50,000
Remaining from Last Turn
Available Shipyards

Alphard 1


Maintanence 50% 0
Prototype Cost Scapha I 4,131 1,033

Construction Unit Price
Shipyards Alphard New S1 5,000

Warships Scapha I 4 4,131 16,524

Jumpships 10 500 5000
Dropships 40 300 12,000
Fighters 1200 5 6,000
Small Craft 300 10 3000
Research 0

Total Spent 48556.75


Remaining 1,443

Scapha I-class Troop Cruiser

Designed to serve primarily as an armoured transport, Caesar O'Riley immediately threw open the Aerarium Marianes, or Marian Treasury, and continued to pour Talents, the local currency into the shipyards until a vessel was completed. The one hundred and fifty kiloton Scapha I can fit an entire Legion within it's hold, with plentiful space for supplies and support equipment. It's large complement of assault craft and fighters grant it the ability to deploy and support it's assigned ground forces against any foe. Built with it's complement of broadsides of triple Navis Tormenta-X class Naval Autocannons, they were considered experimental at the time of installments, these able to provide orbital fire support if needed.

It's ability to engage space-borne targets however are fairly limited, due to it's mediocre speed and limited fire arcs of its entirely broadside mounted capital guns. A healthy complement of Anti-Small craft and point defence guns are distributed across the rest of the hull, but the focus of so much of it's tonnage to ground support leave it vulnerable to most dedicated gunboats. It's one saving grace is that such ships are almost unheard of in that region of space.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Scapha I
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $4,130,716,000.00
Magazine Cost: $3,150,000.00
BV2: 9,154

Mass: 150,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Standard
60 Parva Tormentis AC 5
72 Jejunium Iaculis " Fast Archer " Machine Gun (IS)
6 Navis Tormenta-X Naval AC 10

Class/Model/Name: Scapha I
Mass: 150,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 27,000.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 375.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (5 Integrity) 67,875.00
Jump Sail: (3 Integrity) 38.00
Structural Integrity: 60 9,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 277 Single 0.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 10000 points 2,040.00
Fire Control Computers: 51.60
Armor: 144 pts Standard 180.00
Fore: 24
Fore-Left/Right: 24/24
Aft-Left/Right: 24/24
Aft: 24

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Escape Pods: 100 700.00
Life Boats: 100 700.00

Crew And Passengers:
18 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 180.00
57 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 399.00
28 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 196.00
1930 Bay Personnel 0.00
20 1st Class Passengers 200.00
54 2nd Class Passengers 378.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00

Bay #1: Small Craft (15), Light Vehicle Bays (60), Heavy Vehicle Bays (30), Cargo (6,038 Tons) - 4 Doors
Bay #2: Small Craft (15), Motorised Infantry Bays (48), Cargo (6,037 Tons) - 4 Doors
Bay #3: Fighters (20) - 2 Doors

NAC/10 Ammo - 240 Rounds (40/Gun)
AC/5 Ammo - 300 Tons (5 tons/Gun)
MG Ammo - 360 Tons (5 Tons/Gun)

10 x AC/5
12 x MG

10 x AC/5
12 x MG

3 x NAC/10

10 x AC/5
12 x MG

10 x AC/5
12 x MG

Falconand Bueto -class fighters

 When first proposed, the Falconidae Project as it was called, was chosen to be a multipurpose frame. Able to deal threats as a main stage fighter or in support bomber roles, the Falconidae was re-designated as two separate identities.

The Falco was built with such a heavy barrage in it's nose, three of the now standard Parva Tormentis or Autocannon 5, given her the ability to plow into any enemy it encounters. Her brother aerofighter, the Bueto was given over for more supporting roles, such as SAR and Bomber runs, they were also seen preforming in-flight refueling and general cargo humping missions. Losing one of the Parva Tormentis and a ton of ammo, the Bueto has the capacity to carry bombs in the five ton Bomb bay located in the fuselage.

Both frames are covered in same amount of armor called Lorica Hamata, or plain standard armor for the non-Hegemony citizens. Since both share the same movement profile, and look identical in every way, one won't realize until to late when on target. As each have a single Refueling Drogue and eight Jejunium Iaculis Machine Guns located in the Nose, Wings and Aft sections, with way more than enough ammunition to supply them indefinitely, the Falconidae Project was complete.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Falco 
Mass:              65 tons

Equipment:                                                              Mass
Power Plant:  195 Fusion                                                 8,00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 5
      Maximum Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity: 6                                                   ,00
Total Heat Sinks:    10 Single                                            ,00
Fuel:                                                                    4,00
Cockpit & Attitude Thrusters:                                            3,00
Armor Type:  Standard  (224 total armor pts)                            14,00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Nose:                                 75
   Left/Right Wings:                    53/53
   Aft:                                  43

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
2 Machine Gun              Nose         2     --     --     --    0      1,00
  Ammo (MG) 200            ---                                           1,00
3 Autocannon/5             Nose         5      5     --     --    3     24,00
  Ammo (AC/5) 60           ---                                           3,00
2 Machine Gun              RW           2     --     --     --    0      1,00
2 Machine Gun              LW           2     --     --     --    0      1,00
  Ammo (MG) 400            ---                                           2,00
2 Machine Gun              Aft          2     --     --     --    0      1,00
  Ammo (MG) 200            ---                                           1,00
1 Refueling drogue (Aft).                                                1,00
TOTALS:                                                     Heat: 3     65,00
Tons Left:                                                                ,00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        2.843.384 C-Bills
Battle Value:      859

Class/Model/Name:  Bueto 
Mass:              65 tons

Equipment:                                                              Mass
Power Plant:  195 Fusion                                                 8,00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 5
      Maximum Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity: 6                                                   ,00
Total Heat Sinks:    10 Single                                            ,00
Fuel:                                                                    8,00
Cockpit & Attitude Thrusters:                                            3,00
Armor Type:  Standard  (224 total armor pts)                            14,00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Nose:                                 75
   Left/Right Wings:                    53/53
   Aft:                                  43

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
2 Machine Gun              Nose         2     --     --     --    0      1,00
  Ammo (MG) 200            ---                                           1,00
2 Autocannon/5             Nose         5      5     --     --    2     16,00
  Ammo (AC/5) 40           ---                                           2,00
2 Machine Gun              RW           2     --     --     --    0      1,00
2 Machine Gun              LW           2     --     --     --    0      1,00
  Ammo (MG) 400            ---                                           2,00
2 Machine Gun              Aft          2     --     --     --    0      1,00
  Ammo (MG) 200            ---                                           1,00
1 Refueling drogue (Aft).                                                1,00
1 Bomb Bay                                                               5,00
TOTALS:                                                     Heat: 2     65,00
Tons Left:                                                                ,00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        2.672.856 C-Bills
Battle Value:      780

Marian Action News Network ( MANN )
Nova Roma, Alphard
Alphard Amphitheatre , Nova Roma

A large imposing man walks to the lone podium slowly, regal like. Stepping up quickly, he signals the throngs of people to quite down.

" I, your Caesar, Marcus Julius O'Riley, wish to introduce you to the Imperator Kortan of the Marianes Navis. He has my full support to act on my behalf. And now, Imperator... " he signals...

An eldarly bald man approaches from the shadows and in a soft but gravel voice he speaks...

"  My people. Alphard's sons and daughters, lo. For many years a broken nation we have been o'erpress'd, and conquer'd, shunt by those we sought to flee. Ten years ago, I ask'd for time, and that boon was grant'd by thee. O thou, thy strength in my arm, holder of my dreams. Our forefathers embark'd upon the greatest journey evermore in all of humankind's antiquity. A journey for independence. Freedom, Marian Hegemony was. At first, it weaken'd body, mind, and soul-- But stay! Our strength, it grew! Throughout the time thou givest me, I have rebuilt our nation, I have rebuilt our strength, I have rebuilt our pride! Our foes at home have been re-train'd to see anew our cause. So henceforward, we stand united once again. Henceforward, our foes who seek to break our will shall hear our voice. And henceforward, we act as one. And we shall be ignored no more! Attend! My heroes of the Marian Hegemony's dream, now is our time! "

Shouts of " Hail Caesar! " and "  Eternal Power to Kortan! " are heard as the Imperator turns and leaves with the Caesar.

Newsperson: "And hail to Caesar and Kortan.  Quoted earlier this month, his lordship has announced his desire to increase the Hegemony thru trade and tribulations, beginning with encompassing the Lothian League and Illyrian Palatinate as soon as possible. He express's his order for conscripts of anyone seventeen years of age or older, women volunteers may apply at any recruitment location throughout the realm. Service will be for two tours of five years mandatory, further tours will increase payments and possible Legionnaire status. We need you all. Service guarantees citizenship. While the Naval Fleet is preforming shakedowns on their new vessels, the Imperator has instigated the Aquilifer rank for his ground forces, though any naval personnel can carry it as well. Next up Sports " ... fade to commericals...

Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: VensersRevenge on 25 March 2020, 14:51:08
Free Worlds League, 2350

The Free World League Admiralty faced multiple conundrums in 2350. Captain-Admiral Domenic Michaels had to navigate the competing wishes of the various power blocs of the Parliament, the Captain General, and his own advisors who all had various interests. Meanwhile, the Terran Hegemony was still overwhelmingly powerful, the Lyrans were building a stronger navy, and the Capellan states were uniting. Worse, rumours from the Periphery showed two states with naval yards near the League’s borders. The Admiralty was forced to admit that there was no way in the short-medium term that the FWLN could fight offensively, especially if the Terran Hegemony took an aggressive stance against the League. Michaels pushed for the League to take a conciliatory approach towards the Hegemony and the Commonwealth, seeing the Capellan states as the weakest power if a war is forced on him by the higher-ups. Michaels true priority for the new navy though, was a combination of showing the flag, pirate hunting, and assisting colonization efforts. As such, Michaels ordered dozens of new jumpships and dropships, along with hundreds of fighters to deal with the lower average threat in the Periphery regions.Political realities came to bear when, to appease Regulus, Michaels was forced to order a shipyard be built in system, and buy a design that he had no control over as the Selaj family played ship designer. The major argument between the Admiralty and the Parliament was over capital ships. While Parliament believed that dozens of small ships was the best option to deal with the League’s long borders, Michaels and his admirals believed that a ship to challenge the Dreadnought was necessary in the long run, and as such committed treason for the good of the state. Shuffling funds around between accounts to deceive Parliament, Michaels laundered enough funds to begin building a capital ship sized slip in the obscure Jardine system. As of 2350,, no one knows this shipyards exists, but if they find out heads will roll.

Marik Class Destroyer:
The first warship built by the Free Worlds League, the Marik class destroyer is a multipurpose ship. While it is built for combat, with capital lasers, autocannons, and Barracuda tubes dotting the hull, the primary purpose of the Marik is to show the flag, particularly in the Periphery regions. With five dropship collars and a large amount of cargo space, the Marik can fight or assist in colonization efforts with equal skill. Each destroyer is named after a member system of the Free Worlds League; and three are deployed in the Periphery border, three on the Capelan border, and the remaining six are based in the Stewart system, where they can rush to reinforce any border if necessary.

Code: [Select]
Marik Class Destroyer
Mass: 500 000 tons
Movement: 4/6
Heat Sinks: 2222
Fuel Points: 2500/3750 (1500.0 tons)
Tons Per Burn Day: 39.52
Structural Integrity: 100
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 12
Armor: 460 (Capital Scale)
Left Front Side
Right Front Side
Aft Left Side
Aft Right Side
2 Naval Autocannon 10
NAC/10 Ammo
3 Naval Laser 45
2 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)
Barracuda Ammo
Front Sides
5 Machine Guns
Machine Gun Ammo [IS]
2 LRM 20
LRM 20 Ammo
5 Machine Guns
Machine Gun Ammo [IS]
Aft Sides
5 Machine Guns
Machine Gun Ammo [IS]
2 LRM 20
LRM 20 Ammo
3 Naval Autocannon 20
NAC 20 Ammo
2 Naval Autocannon
NAC 30 Ammo
2 LRM 20
LRM 20 Ammo
4 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)
Barracuda Ammo
7 Naval Laser 45
Carrying Capacity
Aerospace Fighter (3 doors) - 12 units (2 recovery open)
5 Dropships
Cargo Space (1 door) - 32,214.500 tons
Officers 42
Enlisted/Non-rated 127
Gunners 226
Bay Personnel 24
Life Boats 42
Escape Pods 42
Grav Decks 2 100
Cost per unit 9 961 000 000

Code: [Select]
Year: 2350      Value in Millions
Money Available 300,000
Remaining from Last Turn
Available Shipyards

Atreus       0/2
Irian       1/1
Loyalty       2

Repairs 0

Maintenance 50% 0
Prototype Cost Marik Destroyer 2,490

Construction Unit Price
Shipyards Existing Yards All S1 > S2 40,000
Regulus S1 10,000
        Jardine              S1            10,000
Warships Marik 12        119,532

Jumpships 85 500 32,500
Dropships 100 300 30,000
Fighters 1095 5 5,475
Research Naval PPC 1 40000 40,000

Total Spent 299,994


Remaining 6
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 26 March 2020, 23:32:16
Rim Worlds Republic

Our encounter with the Tamar Pact 2339, followed by the steady expansion of the newly formed Lyran Commonwealth in our general direction has brought the need for a fleet more substantial then the small, primitive-core vessels only useful for piracy we had to defend the borders of the growing republic. Thus the Rim Worlds Navy was born.

To avoid panicking the Lyrans, the build-up of the WarShip fleet will be slow, focusing on defending the border rather than expansion. Such expansion will be done peacefully if possible through colonisation, trade deals and defence agreements with unaffiliated worlds. At least for the time being, if an opportunity presents itself to absorb a weakened neighbour, we shall not stay our hand. The construction of recharge stations in every colonised system, as well as new dockyards in Golandrinas and Icar are seen as vital to aid trade and build vital industry and infrastructure all across the Republic.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2350 Value in Millions
Money Available 120,000
Remaining from Last Turn
Available Shipyards

Apollo 1/1


Maintenance 50% 0
Prototype Cost Vittoria 6,528 1,632
Tarturus 315 79

Construction Unit Price
Shipyards Apollo S1 > S2 10,000
Golandrinas 1 x S1 10,000
Icar 1 x S1 10,000

Stations Tartarus 21 315 6,615
Warships Vittoria 4 6,528 26,112

Jumpships 15 500 7500
Dropships 50 300 15,000
Fighters 1200 5 6,000
Small Craft 300 10 3000
Research AC/10s 1 22000 22000

Total Spent 117937.75


Remaining 2,062

Vittoria-class Destroyer

Designed by the Apollo Conglomerate of Military Engineering on Apollo, the four hundred and fifty kiloton Vittoria patrols the spacelanes of the Republic, guarding it from any intrusion be they pirates or "pirates". Capable of three Gees of acceleration when pressed, the Vittoria can comfortably chase down all but the fleetest of uninvited guests. Six hundred and seventy five tons of armour are wrapped around the hull of this ship, giving it protection roughly comparable to a THN Cruiser.

Armed with a battery of sixteen 55cm Naval Lasers, eight Class-30 Naval Autocannon and sixteen Barracuda tubes, there are few ships her size that can match her fire-power and those that can, cannot keep up. These guns are quite evenly distributed across the hull, supported by quad mounts of the newly designed Class-10 Flak Cannon as well as the point defence battery.

The small cargo bay compared to ships produced by other nations was deemed perfectly acceptable, as it prevents ship captains gallivanting off on their own with proper support. Six small craft and 1 drop collar allow for rapid resupply, and can be used for humanitarian aid if necessary. The full Wing of aerospace fighters can serve to either assist the ships own PDS against missile attack, or launching their own strikes against enemy craft once they have been sufficiently weakened by Vittoria's guns.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Vittoria
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $6,528,316,000.00
Magazine Cost: $22,150,000.00
BV2: 41,999

Mass: 450,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type: Standard
16 Naval Laser 55
8 Naval AC 30
36 AC 10
30 Machine Gun (IS)
16 Capital Launcher Barracuda

Class/Model/Name: Vittoria
Mass: 450,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 108,000.00
Safe: 4
Maximum: 6
Controls: 1,125.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (11 Integrity) 203,625.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 53.00
Structural Integrity: 75 33,750.00
Total Heat Sinks: 2428 Single 1,919.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 15000 points 6,120.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 318 pts Standard 675.00
Fore: 52
Fore-Left/Right: 54/54
Aft-Left/Right: 54/54
Aft: 50

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Life Boats: 30 210.00

Crew And Passengers:
32 Officers in 2nd Class Quarters 224.00
103 Crew in Steerage Quarters 515.00
51 Gunners and Others in Steerage Quarters 255.00
102 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
2nd Class Passengers 0.00
100 Steerage Marines 500.00

Bay #1: Fighters (18) - 2 Doors
Bay #2: Fighters (18) - 2 Doors
Bay #3: Small Craft (6) - 1 Door
Bay #4: Cargo (27540 Tons) - 2 Doors

Barracuda Ammo - 320 Missiles (20/Tube)
NAC/30 Ammo - 240 Rounds (30/Gun)
AC/10 Ammo - 360 Tons (10 Tons/Gun)
MG Ammo - 150 Tons (5 Tons/Gun

2 x NL/55
2 x NAC/30
6 x AC/10
5 x MG

4 x Barracuda
2 x NL/55
6 x AC/10
5 x MG

2 x NL/55
3 x NAC/30

4 x Barracuda
2 x NL/55
6 x AC/10
5 x MG

2 x NL/55
6 x AC/10
5 x MG

Tartarus-class Station

Another design from A.C.M.E., this three hundred and fifty kiloton station is predominately a civilian affair. Only armed with Class-10 Flak Cannon and a fairly substantial PDS, the Tartarus is reliant on it's fighter wing or nearby friendly vessels to protect it against anything more dangerous then the occasional pirate raid. A pair of recharge batteries are available to passing traffic, though military vessels do have first call. The quarters for 250 visitors, as well as nearly one hundred and twelve kilotons of cargo space make the Tartarus ideal as a trading hub, and have been built in every system within Republic borders for this very reason.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Tartarus
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $314,805,000.00
Magazine Cost: $3,120,000.00
BV2: 8,478

Mass: 350,000
K-F Drive System: None
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 1
Armor Type: Standard
48 AC 10
48 Machine Gun (IS)

Class/Model/Name: Tartarus
Mass: 350,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 4,200
Safe: 0.1
Maximum: 1
Controls: 350
K-F Hyperdrive: None (0 Integrity) 0
Jump Sail: (0 Integrity) 0
Structural Integrity: 1 3,500
Total Heat Sinks: 144 Single 8
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 25000 points 10,200
Fire Control Computers: 0
Armor: 400 pts Standard 1,000
Fore: 66
Fore-Left/Right: 67/67
Aft-Left/Right: 67/67
Aft: 66

Dropship Capacity: 6 6,000
Grav Decks:
Small: 4 200
Medium: 0 0
Large: 0
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 50 350

Crew And Passengers:
23 Officers in 2nd Class Quarters 161
92 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 644
16 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 112
132 Bay Personnel 0
50 1st Class Passengers 500
100 2nd Class Passengers 700
100 Steerage Passengers 500
100 Steerage Marines 500

Bay #1: Fighters (36) - 6 Doors
Bay #2: Small Craft (12) - 2 Doors
Bay #3: Cargo (111955 Tons) - 4 Doors

AC/10 Ammo - 480 Tons (10 Tons/Gun)
MG Ammo - 240 Tons (5 Tons/Gun)

8 x AC/10
8 x MG
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: marcussmythe on 27 March 2020, 09:09:37
Capellan Confederation 2350

To speak of the CCN in 2350 is to engage in contradiction.  As the most elementary student of history knows, the Capellan COMMONALITY existed in 2350, along with the Liao Protectorate, Tikinov Grand Union, Sarna Supremacy,St. Ives Mercantile League, and Sian, all as their own governments, and the Capellan Confederation would not exist for nearly another two decades.

Despite this fact, the naval heads of the various powers were already cooperating.  They could not fail to be aware of the size of their opponents, and the forces pressing upon their various minor nations from both the Federated Suns and the Free Worlds League, including the recently and unsatisfactorily completed conflict between the Federated Suns and the Tikinov Grand Union.  By 2350, they were exchanging plans, sharing basing rights, and coordinating construction and budgets between their realms, as well as building a framework for future cooperation.  As such, one could say that the Capellan Confederation was born in 2367, but it had been growing for decades before...

Code: [Select]
Capellan Confederation, Turn Beginning 2350 Value/Cost
Starting Funds:                0
Starting Shipyards: Capella: 1/1                40
Sarna:          1/1                40
Aldebaran:      1/1                40
Starting Warships: 
Starting Jumpships: 
Starting Dropships: 
Starting Small Craft
Starting Fighters:
Assets: 120B

Expenditure Cost (Billions)
Budget: 280B
Maintenance 0
Capella, Sarna, Aldebaran 2->3 90B
Capella, Sarna, Aldebaran 1->2 30B
Capella, Sarna, Aldebaran 1 15B
CA Yangwei Prototyping 2.375B
CA Yangwei Construction x6 57B
DD Binzhou Prototyping 1.15B
DD Binzhou Construction x12 55.26B
Jumpship Production: 10         5B
Dropship Production:  50 15B
Small Craft: 200 2B
Fighters:  600 3B
Total: 275.785B
Remainder: 4.215B

Capellan Confederation, Turn Ending 2360
Ending Funds:  4.215B
Ending Shipyards: Capella 1/1/1 100
Sarna 1/1/1 100
Aldebaran 1/1/1         100

Ending Warships:  CA Yangwei x 6 57B
DD Binzhou x 12         55.26B

Ending Jumpships:  10 5B
Ending Dropships:  150 15B
Ending Small Craft 200 2B
Ending Fighters: 600 3B
Assets: 441.475B

Yang Wei Heavy Cruiser

"I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast; for I intend to go in harm's way."
- John Paul Jones

The Yang Wei (lit. 'Show of Force') class heavy cruiser represents the dawn of the Capellan's warship design philosophy.  To the CCN, the purpose of a navy is to eliminate the opposing navy, allowing it to operate freely.  All other concerns are secondary to this end.

As such, the Yang Wei has a simple mission and a simple goal.  It does not stand in a line of battle or rest over planets asserting control and showing the flag.  The Yang Wei lurks in deep space, using its supreme Sarna Eyes Comm-Scanner Suite to detect its enemies before they detect it in return.  Once an enemy force is spotted, an intercept course is plotted, relying on the Yang Wei's massive fuel bunkerage and agile drives to build a 'no escape' intercept before the opponent is even aware the Yang Wei is there.  Directly before engagement, the ship builds a wave of missiles from its flank tubes, oriented towards the opponent, and then pummels with a barrage of velocity-assisted shells from a dozen Ceres Crusher - 30 Series Naval Autocannon.

Reingagement after such a battle pass is lengthy.. but largely unnecessary. 

Code: [Select]
Yang Wei
Tech: Inner Sphere
Introduced: 2350
Mass: 750,000 tons
Length: 676 meters
Width:  303 meters
Height:  232 meters
Sail Diameter: 983 meters
Fuel: 10,000 tons (25,000)
Tons/Burn-day: 39.52
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Sail Integrity: 5
KF Drive Integrity: 16
Heat Sinks: 5.420 (100%)
Structural Integrity: 90

Cost:  $9.497B

Fore: 130
Fore-Sides: 90
Aft-Sides: 80
Aft: 120

Bay 1 (Nose), 8 Doors:  24 Fighters
                                12 Small Craft

Bay 2 (Aft), 8 Doors:           35,463 Tons Cargo

DropShip Capacity: 2
Grav Decks: 1 (180 meters diameter)
Escape Pods: 30
Life Boats: 30

Crew:  453

Ammunition:         104 Tons MG Ammo
          240 White Shark Missiles
                        1200 NAC/30 Rounds
Large NCSS
Mounts 1,340 Tons of Standard Armor 
100% of required heat sinks


12 NAC/30

Fore Left/Right:
16 MG

4 NL/55
12 White Shark

Aft Left/Right:
4 NL/55
20 LLaser
16 MG

4 NL/55
20 LLaser
16 MG

Binzhou DD

"Quantity has a quality all its own."
- Ioseb Besarionis dzе Djugashvili

Conceptualized as a close escort for the heavily specialized Yang Wei, the Binzhou features her larger stablemates agile drives, along with an all aspect array of 45 and 55 class naval lasers.  Designed to prey on smaller combatants and harass larger ones, as well as intended for counter-piracy, counter-raiding, and raiding roles, she was hampered in this last category by her limited supply bunkerage, which makes maintenance on extended raiding missions challenging.  As such, the Binzhou in a raiding role is limited to the first few systems in jump range of friendly worlds, or is required to pre-position supplies via jumpship and dropship at uninhabited systems.

Code: [Select]
Tech: Inner Sphere
Introduced: 2350
Mass: 240,000 tons
Length: 462 meters
Width:  208 meters
Height:  159 meters
Sail Diameter:773 meters
Fuel: 5,000 tons (12,500)
Tons/Burn-day: 39.52
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 7
Heat Sinks: 2,808 (100%)
Structural Integrity: 80

Cost:  $4.605B

Fore: 46
Fore-Sides: 46
Aft-Sides: 46
Aft: 46

Bay 1 (Nose), 2 Doors:  12 Fighters
                                6 Small Craft

Bay 2 (Aft), 2 Doors:           12,640 Tons Cargo

DropShip Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 1 (120 meters diameter)
Escape Pods: 30
Life Boats: 30

Crew:  217

Ammunition:         32 Tons MG Ammo
                        160 White Shark Missiles

Mounts 384 Tons of Standard Armor 
100% of required heat sinks



Fore Left/Right:
8 MG

8 White Shark

Aft Left/Right:
3 NL/45
8 LLaser
8 MG

4 NL/55
8 LLaser
8 MG
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 27 March 2020, 17:59:20
United Hindu Collective 2350

The UHCN in 2350 has a major problem on it's hands. With the rapidly expanding Federated Suns and the newly encountered Taurian Concordat practically on it's front door, Fleet Admiral Madeira Khaik is charged with the unenviable job of building the UHCN from nothing, with almost nothing to do the job with. Khaik's initial plan is to build up a deterrent force as fast as possible to discourage Davion or Calderon adventurism, and with the very limited shipbuilding capabilities within the Collective, his only option was to purchase ships from another nation.
Fortunately the Terran Hegemony have a number of ships available, and so four Cruiser-class vessels have been purchased. The short strategic range of the Cruiser – limited by it's small cargo hold – will also discourage any UHCN ship captains from the same kind of 'adventures' they are meant to protect against. Plans to design and build ships of their own design are in the works, but the lack of industry to build them have put those plans on hold for the near future.

The small force of JumpShips and DropShips in the UHCN are there to support the Cruisers, doing resupply missions, running the mail service and in the particular case of the DropShips, carrying the fighter cover that the Cruiser cannot hold itself. Those fighters are now being armed with the new Binary Laser Cannon, and while only one can be fitted onto the 80-ton Dharma without unacceptable sacrifices elsewhere, it gives the craft a much needed punch to deal with any pirate forces the navy may encounter.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2350 Value in Millions
Money Available 50,000
Remaining from Last Turn
Available Shipyards

Besantapur 1


Maintanence 50% 0
Prototype Cost 0 0
0 0

Construction Unit Price

Stations 0 0 0
Warships Cruiser 4 5,000 20,000

Jumpships 10 500 5000
Dropships 20 300 6,000
Fighters 360 5 1,800
Small Craft 120 10 1200
Research Blazer Cannon 1 15000 15000

Total Spent 49000


Remaining 1,000
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Jester Motley on 28 March 2020, 12:04:33
Federated Suns 2350

Fluff filler, blah blah, FedSuns are awesome, their flatulence doesn't stick [stink. either. but thats a typo I'm leaving for now cause hahahahaha], and the god's smile down upon them, woah-betides anyone actually threaten them.  At least until 3050.  Then they become the God's own whipping boy and personal outhouse.  Probably cause someone, somewhere, said something inane like "even the Zeus couldn't seduce a Davion Lance."  And poof, there was a Zeus battlemech, and it looked daaaamn good, and really, those Davion boys just couldn't help themselves, but we all know Hera doesn't care if you're innocent, nope, you're gonna pay for turning Zeus's eye.  Or maybe it was Eros who just loves a good frollicking up the back side with a rusty chainsaw covered in hollandaise sauce.  Your backside.  Text subject to major change when I finish fixing all the design screw-ups and figure out how to post properly in this form and make things all pretty like the GMs.  Can't have Davion looking scruffy now, can we.

Naval Doctrine-

Design Philosophy:
The FedSun design doctrine for warships is geared around a flexible core of ships with multiple roles in both peacetime and times of war, valuing speed, maneuverability, range, and defensive systems.

The standard weapons mix are Naval beam weapons and light missiles, over Naval cannons, which are almost entirely relagated to "ships of the line."
Armor is seen as a "yes, all of it" philosophy, but with a preference for faster vessels and lower overall IS than many designs, they do trend lighter than normal.
Intelligence, both on and off the battle field, is crucial to a skirmishing force, so sensors for any fleet operation is a must, and investiments have been made to monitor systems and potential rival naval movements.
"Flexibility in role and action" is the current Admiralty's direction to the Naval Architects, valuing "engagement envelope control" over "Decisive Battle."  Unless, of course, the mission plan for a craft is in fact, "Decisive Battle."

Combat Doctrine:

Combat strategy and tactics lean towards quick, long-range engagements, with a willingness to patience and depth of field, seeking to wear an opponunt down with the death of a 1000 paper-cuts, while taking none in return.
The current Academy record holder, now Light Commodore Maru Koby, for "Best Tactical Match" involved a 4 hour scheduled excercise at 1-hour-equals-1-week time compression, that actually lasted 17 hours, with the victor suffering less than 7% damage while achieving a total victory.  Some claim she cheated, insisting that such a small force could never achieve an actual victory, and that the excercise was designed to teach cadets when to fight, when to skirmish, and especially when to withdraw.

Deployment Doctrine:

Defensive or Offensive fleet deployments are a mix and match, placing units to fill specific mission roles, rather than homogenous ship types.  A core of ships-of-the-line, with supporting carriers and skirmisher fleets, and at least one scout warship, or several dedicated SWACs small craft/fighters patrols.  Realizing these less-than-coherent fleets need work-up-time or they will under-perform, there are recognized, but as yet unsolved, problems in fleet performance for "snap deployments", but given time and notice to work-up a fleet, and most issues can be resolved.  Arguments for standing Fleets other than "Home fleet" all stall on the current inadequate number of vessels vs. the amount of work and missions needed to be covered.

Individual or independent squadron deployments are common in the anti-piracy and skirmish roles.

Naval Doctrine:

The FedSun Navy's priorities, during peace time, are to aggressively protect commercial shipping and commerce lanes, including top priority given to anti-piracy campaigns, and secondary priority to Search and Rescue, Natural Disaster relief, and Invasion defense.  All other concerns are, at this time, tertiary.
During wartime, commerce protection remains a high priority, while anti-piracy operations will switch to commerce and deep-infrastructure raiding and anti-raiding operations.  SAR, Disaster response, and all other civilian interactions will be minimized to a draconian (pun intended) level, unless otherwise directly ordered by the civilian government.  Currently, with such a small Navy, defense remains the highest priority.  While the admiralty believes there are enough supporting small units to handle logistics for an invasion or occupation, there are deep concerns with current warship fleet sizes and hull volume.

With the fleet demands expanding, and without much call to date for show-the-flag missions, the FedSuns are woefully under-prepared for these.  It was in fact, one of the first missions given the AFFSS Cabellus during its shake-down cruise.  Deemed a perfect mission for the ill-reputed ship due to its ample room for passengers, especially the Ambassador's staff and protection detail, it is unfortunate that the news of the ship's design process and flaws had already reached, and was at the highest point of mockery, when the Ambassador arrived for his conference.  The opening night's entertainment, a Terran Comedian of great renown for speaking true facts that are never-the-less hilarious, dedicated his entire set to describing the Cabellus.  Scuttlebutt is that the words the Ambassador had to say when "discussing" his trip after returning were colorful, heated, and as loud, blunt, and undiplomatic as the sound of a NAC/40 loading its breach.

Code: [Select]
Federated Suns Turn report:
Turn: 1
Turn Date: 2350

Base Budget: $290,000
Carryover From previous turn: $0
Bonus/Loss: $0
Total Budget for turn: $290,000

Maintenance: $0
Research: $117,000
New Aquisitions: $156,766
Yard Additions/Upgrades: $15,000
Surplus for next turn/Warchest: $1,235

Research: AC/10
Imp. Ferro-Alum

Existing Yards:
Planet L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 Castles Brian
TOTAL 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Delevan 1 2
Layover 1 1
New Syrtis 1

Yard upgrades/moves:
0->1 1 Layover
1->2 1 Layover

End of Turn Yards:
Planet L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 Castles Brian
TOTAL 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Delevan 1 2
Layover 1 2
New Syrtis 1

Starting Ships:

Starting Minor Vessels:
Fighter 0
Adv. Fighter 0
Small Craft 0
Light DS 0
Med DS 0
Hvy DS 0
JumpShip 0

New Minor Vessels:
Fighter 2,750
Adv. Fighter 0
Small Craft 1,000
Light DS 100
Med DS 0
Hvy DS 0
JumpShip 25


New Designs Built this Turn:
Outpost Space Station (Recharge) 18
Bailey Space Station (Defense) 15
Gladius (Destroyer/Defense) 4
Hornet (Light Carrier) 2
Rapier (Fast Frigate) 3
Terrier (Corvette/Scout) 2
Cabellus (AFS Collier/Combat Stores) 1

Existing Designs: Built this Turn: Starting Numbers Total: Mothballed:
- 0 0 0 0

Designs (there's a lot, sorry)

Outpost-class Recharge Station

The Outpost space station is a standard recharging station used to extend range and strategic manueverability.  Usually paired with defense stations in the more core worlds, it otherwise relies on its sizable fighter and small craft to defend from pirates or raiders.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Outpost Space Station (Recharge)
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $309,330,000.00
Magazine Cost: $35,200.00
BV2: 11,735

Mass: 480,000
K-F Drive System: None
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Armor Type: Standard
160 AC 2

Class/Model/Name: Outpost Space Station (Recharge)
Mass: 480,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 5,760.00
Safe: 0
Maximum: 0
Controls: 480.00
K-F Hyperdrive: None (0 Integrity) 0.00
Jump Sail: (0 Integrity) 0.00
Structural Integrity: 1 4,800.00
Total Heat Sinks: 160 Single 8.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 2500 points 1,020.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 600 pts Standard 1,500.00
Fore: 100
Fore-Left/Right: 100/100
Aft-Left/Right: 100/100
Aft: 100

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Small Craft Capacity:  24             4,800
Fighter Capacity:      48             7,200

Grav Decks:
Small: 0 0.00
Medium: 1 100.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 100 700.00
Life Boats: 50 350.00

Crew And Passengers:
29 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 290.00
112 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 784.00
27 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 189.00
216 Bay Personnel 0.00
40 1st Class Passengers 400.00
80 2nd Class Passengers 560.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
20 AC 2 Nose 20 40 (4-C) Long 120.00
20 AC 2 FR 20 40 (4-C) 120.00
20 AC 2 RBS 20 40 (4-C) 120.00
20 AC 2 AR 20 40 (4-C) 120.00
20 AC 2 FL 20 40 (4-C) 120.00
20 AC 2 LBS 20 40 (4-C) 120.00
20 AC 2 AL 20 40 (4-C) 120.00
20 AC 2 Aft 20 40 (4-C) 120.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
AC 2 Ammo 1600 35.56

Equipment Mass
Energy Storage Battery 400,000.00

Cargo: 50,000

Bailey-class Defense Platform

The Bailey is a light defense station, designed primarily to defend fixed positions, particularly jumppoints, from raiders and pirates.  Used mostly to guard shipyards and core-world jump-points, it has a heavy complement of weapons and a large small craft and fighter screen.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Bailey Space Station (Defense)
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $436,220,000.00
Magazine Cost: $9,056,000.00
BV2: 21,189

Mass: 125,000
K-F Drive System: None
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Armor Type: Standard
16 Naval Laser 45
16 Naval AC 10
16 Capital Launcher Killer Whale
16 Capital Launcher Barracuda
40 AC 5
40 Machine Gun (IS)

Class/Model/Name: Bailey Space Station (Defense)
Mass: 125,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 1,500.00
Safe: 0
Maximum: 0
Controls: 125.00
K-F Hyperdrive: None (0 Integrity) 0.00
Jump Sail: (0 Integrity) 0.00
Structural Integrity: 1 1,250.00
Total Heat Sinks: 2199 Single 2,100.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 5000 points 1,020.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 360 pts Standard 450.00
Fore: 60
Fore-Left/Right: 60/60
Aft-Left/Right: 60/60
Aft: 60

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Small Craft Capacity:  50             10,000
Fighter Capacity:     100             15,000

Grav Decks:
Small: 0 0.00
Medium: 1 100.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 75 525.00
Life Boats: 50 350.00

Crew And Passengers:
25 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 250.00
45 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 315.00
78 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 546.00
450 Bay Personnel 0.00
0 1st Class Passengers 0.00
150 2nd Class Passengers 1,050.00
0 Steerage Passengers 0.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
2 Naval Laser 45 Nose 140 90 (9-C) Extreme-C 1,800.00
2 Naval AC 10 Nose 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
2 Capital Launcher Killer Whale Nose 40 80 (8-C) 300.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda Nose 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
5 AC 5 Nose 5 25 (2.5-C) 40.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) Nose 10 (1-C) 2.50
2 Naval Laser 45 FR 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
2 Naval AC 10 FR 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
2 Capital Launcher Killer Whale FR 40 80 (8-C) 300.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda FR 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
5 AC 5 FR 5 25 (2.5-C) 40.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) FR 10 (1-C) 2.50
2 Naval Laser 45 RBS 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
2 Naval AC 10 RBS 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
2 Capital Launcher Killer Whale RBS 40 80 (8-C) 300.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda RBS 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
5 AC 5 RBS 5 25 (2.5-C) 40.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) RBS 10 (1-C) 2.50
2 Naval Laser 45 AR 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
2 Naval AC 10 AR 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
2 Capital Launcher Killer Whale AR 40 80 (8-C) 300.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda AR 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
5 AC 5 AR 5 25 (2.5-C) 40.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) AR 10 (1-C) 2.50
2 Naval Laser 45 FL 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
2 Naval AC 10 FL 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
2 Capital Launcher Killer Whale FL 40 80 (8-C) 300.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda FL 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
5 AC 5 FL 5 25 (2.5-C) 40.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) FL 10 (1-C) 2.50
2 Naval Laser 45 LBS 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
2 Naval AC 10 LBS 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
2 Capital Launcher Killer Whale LBS 40 80 (8-C) 300.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda LBS 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
5 AC 5 LBS 5 25 (2.5-C) 40.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) LBS 10 (1-C) 2.50
2 Naval Laser 45 AL 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
2 Naval AC 10 AL 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
2 Capital Launcher Killer Whale AL 40 80 (8-C) 300.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda AL 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
5 AC 5 AL 5 25 (2.5-C) 40.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) AL 10 (1-C) 2.50
2 Naval Laser 45 Aft 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
2 Naval AC 10 Aft 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
2 Capital Launcher Killer Whale Aft 40 80 (8-C) 300.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda Aft 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
5 AC 5 Aft 5 25 (2.5-C) 40.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) Aft 10 (1-C) 2.50

Ammo Rounds Mass
Naval AC 10 Ammo 320 64.00
Capital Launcher Killer Whale Ammo 160 8,000.00
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 400 12,000.00
AC 5 Ammo 3200 160.00
Machine Gun (IS) Ammo 3200 16.00

Cargo: 19,500

Gladius-class DD

The Gladius Destroyer is the primary fighting warship of the current FedSun fleet, in both offense and defense.  While current FedSun design philosophies focus on Missile, Naval Laser, and Fighters as the primary weapon systems, the Gladius includes Naval Cannons to effectively engage any threat, at any range.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Gladius (Fleet/Defense Destroyer)
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $6,653,338,000.00
Magazine Cost: $26,515,000.00
BV2: 55,292

Mass: 450,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
16 Naval Laser 55
10 Naval AC 35
10 Capital Launcher Killer Whale
40 AC 5
80 Machine Gun (IS)
8 Naval Laser 35
8 Capital Launcher Barracuda

Class/Model/Name: Gladius (Fleet/Defense Destroyer)
Mass: 450,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 81,000.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 1,125.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (11 Integrity) 203,625.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 53.00
Structural Integrity: 100 45,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 3297 Single 2,850.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 5000 points 2,040.00
Fire Control Computers: 5,928.00
Armor: 600 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 900.00
Fore: 100
Fore-Left/Right: 100/100
Aft-Left/Right: 100/100
Aft: 100

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 0.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 100 700.00
Life Boats: 50 350.00

Crew And Passengers:
35 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 350.00
100 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 700.00
72 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 504.00
0 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
2nd Class Passengers 0.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
3 Naval Laser 55 Nose 255 165 (16.5-C) Extreme-C 3,300.00
2 Naval AC 35 Nose 240 700 (70-C) 8,000.00
2 Capital Launcher Killer Whale Nose 40 80 (8-C) 300.00
5 AC 5 Nose 5 25 (2.5-C) 40.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) Nose 20 (2-C) 5.00
2 Naval Laser 35 FR 104 70 (7-C) 1,400.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda FR 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
5 AC 5 FR 5 25 (2.5-C) 40.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) FR 20 (2-C) 5.00
5 Naval Laser 55 RBS 425 275 (27.5-C) 5,500.00
3 Naval AC 35 RBS 360 1050 (105-C) 12,000.00
3 Capital Launcher Killer Whale RBS 60 120 (12-C) 450.00
5 AC 5 RBS 5 25 (2.5-C) 40.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) RBS 20 (2-C) 5.00
2 Naval Laser 35 AR 104 70 (7-C) 1,400.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda AR 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
5 AC 5 AR 5 25 (2.5-C) 40.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) AR 20 (2-C) 5.00
2 Naval Laser 35 FL 104 70 (7-C) 1,400.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda FL 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
5 AC 5 FL 5 25 (2.5-C) 40.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) FL 20 (2-C) 5.00
5 Naval Laser 55 LBS 425 275 (27.5-C) 5,500.00
3 Naval AC 35 LBS 360 1050 (105-C) 12,000.00
3 Capital Launcher Killer Whale LBS 60 120 (12-C) 450.00
5 AC 5 LBS 5 25 (2.5-C) 40.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) LBS 20 (2-C) 5.00
2 Naval Laser 35 AL 104 70 (7-C) 1,400.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda AL 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
5 AC 5 AL 5 25 (2.5-C) 40.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) AL 20 (2-C) 5.00
3 Naval Laser 55 Aft 255 165 (16.5-C) 3,300.00
2 Naval AC 35 Aft 240 700 (70-C) 8,000.00
2 Capital Launcher Killer Whale Aft 40 80 (8-C) 300.00
5 AC 5 Aft 5 25 (2.5-C) 40.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) Aft 20 (2-C) 5.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
Naval AC 35 Ammo 200 200.00
Capital Launcher Killer Whale Ammo 200 10,000.00
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 160 4,800.00
AC 5 Ammo 1000 50.00
Machine Gun (IS) Ammo 2000 10.00

Cargo:  22,500

Rapier-class Fast Frigate

The Rapier is the FedSun's primary Anti-piracy ship.  Designed to chase down pirate vessels, engage outside of their range, and pummel them with impunity, the Rapier is fast, agile, long legged, and with its NCSS well informed.  The Rapier carries several Marine units for boarding and capturing of ships and targets.  In wartime, the Rapier is used to do deep raids, and can perform fleet scouting, and long-range skirmish or spoiler attacks.  Slashing in quickly, staying at long ranges, commanding the engagement envelope, and being able to... tactically withdraw at will.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Rapier (FF: Anti-Pirate/Raider)
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $5,544,488,000.00
Magazine Cost: $1,237,500.00
BV2: 20,747

Mass: 250,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 5
Maximum Thrust: 8
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
7 Naval Laser 45
7 Capital Launcher Barracuda
46 AC 5
70 Machine Gun (IS)
4 Naval Laser 35

Class/Model/Name: Rapier (FF: Anti-Pirate/Raider)
Mass: 250,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 75,000.00
Safe: 5
Maximum: 8
Controls: 625.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (7 Integrity) 113,125.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 43.00
Structural Integrity: 70 17,500.00
Total Heat Sinks: 832 Single 400.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 6500 points 2,652.00
Fire Control Computers: 315.00
Armor: 252 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 350.00
Fore: 42
Fore-Left/Right: 42/42
Aft-Left/Right: 42/42
Aft: 42

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Small Craft Capacity:   2               400
Fighter Craft Capacity: 8              1200

Grav Decks:
Small: 0.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 50 350.00
Life Boats: 50 350.00

Crew And Passengers:
24 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 240.00
71 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 497.00
44 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 308.00
26 Bay Personnel 0.00
4 1st Class Passengers 40.00
18 2nd Class Passengers 126.00
90 Steerage Passengers 450.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
3 Naval Laser 45 Nose 210 135 (13.5-C) Extreme-C 2,700.00
3 Capital Launcher Barracuda Nose 30 60 (6-C) 270.00
5 AC 5 Nose 5 25 (2.5-C) 40.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) Nose 10 (1-C) 2.50
1 Naval Laser 45 FR 70 45 (4.5-C) 900.00
4 AC 5 FR 4 20 (2-C) 32.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) FR 20 (2-C) 5.00
2 Naval Laser 35 RBS 104 70 (7-C) 1,400.00
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda RBS 10 20 (2-C) 90.00
10 AC 5 RBS 10 50 (5-C) 80.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) RBS 20 (2-C) 5.00
4 AC 5 AR 4 20 (2-C) 32.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) AR 20 (2-C) 5.00
1 Naval Laser 45 FL 70 45 (4.5-C) 900.00
4 AC 5 FL 4 20 (2-C) 32.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) FL 20 (2-C) 5.00
2 Naval Laser 35 LBS 104 70 (7-C) 1,400.00
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda LBS 10 20 (2-C) 90.00
10 AC 5 LBS 10 50 (5-C) 80.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) LBS 20 (2-C) 5.00
4 AC 5 AL 4 20 (2-C) 32.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) AL 20 (2-C) 5.00
2 Naval Laser 45 Aft 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda Aft 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
5 AC 5 Aft 5 25 (2.5-C) 40.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) Aft 10 (1-C) 2.50

Ammo Rounds Mass
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 140 4,200.00
AC 5 Ammo 500 25.00
Machine Gun (IS) Ammo 1000 5.00

Equipment Mass
NCSS Small 100.00

Cargo:  20,500

Hornet-class Light Fleet Carrier

The 2nd ship designed to serve on the battle-line, the Hornet class Light Fleet Carrier was designed to be fast and tough, with the strongest air-wing available.  While the ship carries capital weapons, they are primarily for defensive purposes, relying on its airwing for its combat capabilities.  Fast enough to participate in a raid in force, the primary use for it's speed is to keep it out of range of enemy vessels.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Hornet (Light Carrier)
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $6,646,922,000.00
Magazine Cost: $368,000.00
BV2: 23,298

Mass: 490,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
12 Naval Laser 35
80 AC 5
80 Machine Gun (IS)

Class/Model/Name: Hornet (Light Carrier)
Mass: 490,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 117,600.00
Safe: 4
Maximum: 6
Controls: 1,225.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (11 Integrity) 221,725.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 55.00
Structural Integrity: 110 53,900.00
Total Heat Sinks: 729 Single 200.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 3750 points 1530.00
Fire Control Computers: 585.50
Armor: 687 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 1,035.00
Fore: 115
Fore-Left/Right: 114/114
Aft-Left/Right: 114/114
Aft: 116

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Small Craft Capacity:   75              15,000.00
Aero capacity:         150             22,500.00

Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Medium: 1 100.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 100 700.00
Life Boats: 50 350.00

Crew And Passengers:
31 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 310.00
112 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 784.00
39 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 273.00
675 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
250 2nd Class Passengers 1,750.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
2 Naval Laser 35 nose 104 70 (7-C) Long-C 1,400.00
10 AC 5 nose 10 50 (5-C) 80.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) nose 20 (2-C) 5.00
10 AC 5 FR 10 50 (5-C) 80.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) FR 20 (2-C) 5.00
4 Naval Laser 35 RBS 208 140 (14-C) 2,800.00
10 AC 5 RBS 10 50 (5-C) 80.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) RBS 20 (2-C) 5.00
10 AC 5 AR 10 50 (5-C) 80.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) AR 20 (2-C) 5.00
10 AC 5 FL 10 50 (5-C) 80.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) FL 20 (2-C) 5.00
4 Naval Laser 35 208 140 (14-C) 2,800.00
10 AC 5 LBS 10 50 (5-C) 80.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) LBS 20 (2-C) 5.00
10 AC 5 AL 10 50 (5-C) 80.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) AL 20 (2-C) 5.00
2 Naval Laser 35 Aft 104 70 (7-C) 1,400.00
10 AC 5 Aft 10 50 (5-C) 80.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) Aft 20 (2-C) 5.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
AC 5 Ammo 1600 80.00
Machine Gun (IS) Ammo 1600 8.00

Cargo: 40000

(Enough designs... NO!  WE WANT MORE!)

Terrier-class FS/AGER

The Terrier class Corvette is the primary scout for the FedSun navy.  With the best sensors in the known universe, small, nimble, and with massive speed, the Terrior can, and will find what its hunting for, and stay on its tail.  You will find Terriers roaming around suspicious areas, waiting to bird-dog for Rapiers, running messages as a courier, or acting as the eyes and ears for fleet engagements.  Fragile, and weakly armed, this light vessel rarely chooses to engage, and with her extreme speeds, is rarely forced to do so.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Terrier (FS/AGER Light anti-pirate/Scout Corvette)
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $4,397,258,000.00
Magazine Cost: $22,000.00
BV2: 8,182

Mass: 100,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 6
Maximum Thrust: 9
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
3 Naval Laser 55
40 AC 2
1 Naval Laser 35

Class/Model/Name: Terrier (FS/AGER Light anti-pirate/Scout Corvette)
Mass: 100,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 36,000.00
Safe: 6
Maximum: 9
Controls: 250.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (4 Integrity) 45,250.00
Jump Sail: (3 Integrity) 35.00
Structural Integrity: 50 5,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 363 Single 50.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 20000 points 2,040.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 130 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 100.00
Fore: 23
Fore-Left/Right: 22/22
Aft-Left/Right: 21/21
Aft: 21

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Small Craft Capacity:  2    400.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 0.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 25 175.00
Life Boats: 25 175.00

Crew And Passengers:
15 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 150.00
50 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 350.00
23 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 161.00
10 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
2 2nd Class Passengers 14.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
1 Naval Laser 55 Nose 85 55 (5.5-C) Extreme-C 1,100.00
5 AC 2 Nose 5 10 (1-C) 30.00
5 AC 2 FR 5 10 (1-C) 30.00
1 Naval Laser 55 RBS 85 55 (5.5-C) 1,100.00
5 AC 2 RBS 5 10 (1-C) 30.00
5 AC 2 AR 5 10 (1-C) 30.00
5 AC 2 FL 5 10 (1-C) 30.00
1 Naval Laser 55 LBS 85 55 (5.5-C) 1,100.00
5 AC 2 LBS 5 10 (1-C) 30.00
5 AC 2 AL 5 10 (1-C) 30.00
1 Naval Laser 35 Aft 52 35 (3.5-C) 700.00
5 AC 2 Aft 5 10 (1-C) 30.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
AC 2 Ammo 1000 22.22

NCSS Large

Cargo: 5000



Caballus-class Fleet Supply/Collier

The repercussions of the Caballus Fleet Collier class scandal are still reverberating through the FedSun military.  Initially the Caballus was a modest design for a fleet collier able to keep up with fleet movements and supply beans, bullets, and parts for fleets operating outside of their normal range.  However, after passing through several closed door committees, architectural plans being changed radically but no one willing to own the changes, constant and lengthy cost overruns, finally delivered a ship that is well more than 10 times the cost of existing jumpships, while providing less than 4 jumpships worth of cargo.  As if that wasn't enough, instead of using the latest in defense systems and armor to allow it to survive raiders and the rigors of supplying a active fleet, it has less armor than most dropships.  To quote one anonymous Admiral, upon touring the finished prototype, "I'm afraid to lean on the walls, as I might accidentally fall through the rice paper they're made out of."  The FedSun admiralty is desperate to get rid of the design, but 'guaranteed' secured contracts have at least 3 more in the works, and options for another 2.  For what its worth, however, in its intended role the Caballus prototype saw next to no issues in its shakedown cruise, and is currently performing admirably in helping to supply and shuttling marines and personnel to the fleets working on the current FedSun anti-piracy campaign.

One telling left-over from the design process puree is that the Caballus can carry nearly, but not quite, 4 units of infantry/marines.  As far as the Admirality can figure out, the older blueprint page was accidentally swapped for the correct one for that segment of the ship when building the prototype. 

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Caballus  (AFS Fleet Collier/Combat Stores)
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $5,845,434,000.00
Magazine Cost: $26,400.00
BV2: 2,857

Mass: 180,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type: Standard
40 AC 2

Class/Model/Name: Caballus  (AFS Fleet Collier/Combat Stores)
Mass: 180,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 43,200.00
Safe: 4
Maximum: 6
Controls: 450.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (6 Integrity) 81,450.00
Jump Sail: (3 Integrity) 39.00
Structural Integrity: 30 5,400.00
Total Heat Sinks: 338 Single
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 15000 points 3,060.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 80 pts Standard 103.00
Fore: 14
Fore-Left/Right: 13/13
Aft-Left/Right: 13/13
Aft: 14

Dropship Capacity: 2 2,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 0.00
Medium: 1 100.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 30 210.00
Life Boats: 30 210.00

Crew And Passengers:
16 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 160.00
65 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 455.00
7 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 49.00
0 Bay Personnel 0.00
5 1st Class Passengers 50.00
25 2nd Class Passengers 175.00
100 Steerage Passengers 500.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
5 AC 2 nose 5 10 (1-C) Long 30.00
5 AC 2 FR 5 10 (1-C) 30.00
5 AC 2 RBS 5 10 (1-C) 30.00
5 AC 2 AR 5 10 (1-C) 30.00
5 AC 2 FL 5 10 (1-C) 30.00
5 AC 2 LBS 5 10 (1-C) 30.00
5 AC 2 AL 5 10 (1-C) 30.00
5 AC 2 Aft 5 10 (1-C) 30.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
AC 2 Ammo 1200 26.67

Cargo: 42000

Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 28 March 2020, 18:49:14
Taurian Concordat 2350

With two major players encroaching on their territory and a steadily growing piracy threat, the TCN has finally been given the budget it needs to build a fleet worthy of the name. To avoid being perceived as a threat to the larger powers just across the border, the TCN will be kept to smaller WarShips capable of border patrol and anti-piracy actions, but less able to conquer all known space.

An extensive fleet of JumpShips and DropShips have been purchased from local Taurian industries, with an eye for keeping the fleet resupplied as well as providing support for worlds under Taurian influence and those nearby that may be persuaded to join the Concordat for mutual defence.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2350 Value in Millions
Money Available 100,000
Remaining from Last Turn
Available Shipyards

Taurus 1/1


Maintanence 50% 0
Prototype Cost Iberia 4,975 1,244

Construction Unit Price
Shipyards Taurus 1 x S1 5,000
New Vandenberg 2 x S1 15,000

Warships Iberia 10 4,975 49,750

Jumpships 20 500 10000
Dropships 40 300 12,000
Fighters 720 5 3,600
Small Craft 300 10 3000
Research 0 22000 0

Total Spent 99593.75


Remaining 406

Iberia-class Frigate

The first true WarShip wholly designed and built within the Concordat, the Iberia comes in at two hundred and twenty kilotons, a small ship but well within the capabilities of the Taurian Naval Yards. Capable in almost any role except standing in the line of battle against a THN Dreadnought with it's Two-and-a-half Gees of acceleration and healthy mix of long range 55cm Naval Lasers and Class/10 Naval Autocannon for closer range engagements combine to make the Iberia-class the jack-of-all-trades the TCN navy needs at this time.

The dozen Naval Lasers and ten Autocannon are spread evenly across the ship, making it a dangerous craft to approach from any angle. Its state-of-the-art Taurian Institiute of Technical Sciences designed Naval Comms Sensor Suite is said to be able to identify any pirate vessel in moments by the thickness of the rust on it's hull, such is its storied performance. A mix of smaller lasers and autocannons provide defence against fighters and meteorites, and the large cargo bay enables it to travel the length of the border without need to stop for resupply.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Iberia
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $4,974,582,000.00
Magazine Cost: $2,490,000.00
BV2: 26,067

Mass: 220,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Standard
12 Naval Laser 55
24 Laser Large
24 AC 5
30 Machine Gun (IS)
10 Naval AC 10

Class/Model/Name: Iberia
Mass: 220,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 39,600.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 550.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (6 Integrity) 99,550.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 41.00
Structural Integrity: 50 11,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 1536 Single 1,210.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 20000 points 4,080.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 162 pts Standard 220.00
Fore: 27
Fore-Left/Right: 28/28
Aft-Left/Right: 28/28
Aft: 23

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 0.00
Life Boats: 20 140.00

Crew And Passengers:
23 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 230.00
66 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 462.00
47 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 329.00
66 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
2nd Class Passengers 0.00
100 Steerage Passengers 500.00
100 Steerage Marines 500.00

Bay #1: Fighters (18) - 3 Doors
Bay #2: Small Craft (6) - 1 Door
Bay #3: Cargo (23281 Tons) - 2 Doors

NAC/10 Ammo - 300 Rounds (30/Gun)
AC 5 Ammo - 120 Tons (5 Tons/Gun)
MG Ammo - 120 Tons (5 Tons/Gun)

2 x NL/55
2 x NAC/10
4 x LL
4 x AC/5
5 x MG

2 x NL/55
2 x NAC/10
4 x LL
4 x AC/5
5 x MG

2 x NL/55
4 x LL
4 x AC/5
5 x MG
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 30 March 2020, 01:55:21
Illyrian Palatinate 2350

Away in a far corner of the known galaxy, the tiny Illyrian Palatinate has struggled to get it's economy going with the constant threat of pirates, 'Pirates' and not a whole lot of neighbours with which to trade. The recent discovery of the Marian Hegemony on their borders, and the revelation that they were responsible for at least some of the pirate attacks that plagued them changed this. The budget for a small navy was somehow found, but the IPN found that it lacked the facilities or knowledge to build WarShips worthy of the name themselves, and by the time they obtained this knowledge it would be too late. Instead they decided to purchase ships from whoever they could, and the Terran Hegemony's offer seemed a great opportunity to buy ships from a nation that knew how, and study these vessels to create their own ideas for future designs. Four Vigilant-class were purchased, with two to guard Illyria itself while the other pair patrol the other three systems in the Palatinate, before swapping with the first pair to rest, refit and take their turn guarding the capital.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2350 Value in Millions
Money Available 30,000
Remaining from Last Turn
Available Shipyards

Illyria 1


Maintanence 50% 0
Prototype Cost Haven 284 71

Construction Unit Price

Stations Haven 4 284 1,136
Warships Vigilant 4 3,000 12,000

Jumpships 10 500 5000
Dropships 20 300 6,000
Fighters 720 5 3,600
Small Craft 120 10 1200
Research 0 13000 0

Total Spent 29007


Remaining 993

Haven-class Station

Built to aid what little trade was available, the Haven is a recharge station weighing it at a quarter megaton. Armed only with anti-small craft weapons and a weak point defence network, the Haven is more or less free to provide its pair of recharge batteries to whoever is willing to pay a modest fee in return for faster travel. The full wing of fighters aboard is the one thing that reveals the Haven as a military station, there to provide a defence to nearby JumpShips awaiting their turn in the queue.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Haven
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $283,715,000.00
Magazine Cost: $1,320,000.00
BV2: 8,509

Mass: 250,000
K-F Drive System: None
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 1
Armor Type: Standard
48 Laser Large
48 AC 5
48 Machine Gun (IS)

Class/Model/Name: Haven
Mass: 250,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 3,000.00
Safe: 0.1
Maximum: 1
Controls: 250.00
K-F Hyperdrive: None (0 Integrity) 0.00
Jump Sail: (0 Integrity) 0.00
Structural Integrity: 1 2,500.00
Total Heat Sinks: 432 Single 310.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 2500 points 1,020.00
Fire Control Computers: 64.80
Armor: 356 pts Standard 890.00
Fore: 60
Fore-Left/Right: 59/59
Aft-Left/Right: 59/59
Aft: 60

Dropship Capacity: 5 5,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 4 200.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 0.00
Life Boats: 30 210.00

Crew And Passengers:
20 Officers in 2nd Class Quarters 140.00
75 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 525.00
24 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 168.00
132 Bay Personnel 0.00
10 1st Class Passengers 100.00
50 2nd Class Passengers 350.00
150 Steerage Passengers 750.00
50 Steerage Marines 250.00

Bay #1: Fighters (36) - 6 Doors
Bay #2: Small Craft (12) - 2 Doors
Bay #3: Cargo (25344 Tons) - 2 Doors

AC/5 Ammo - 48 Tons (20 Ton/Gun)
MG Ammo - 48 Tons (200 Rds/Gun)

2 x Energy Storage Batteries


8 x LL
8 x AC/5
8 x MG
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: kindalas on 04 April 2020, 13:00:04
Lyran Commonwealth 2350

The Lyran Commonwealth Navy of 2350 is a service forced to answer to the whims of competing political voices.  The Commonwealth has 9 Archons, each pulling in different directions and each loyal first to their home world or territory, and no Archon Baselius to stand above them as a unitary executive.  First Lord Jaqueline Angler, 1st Lord of Angler, is in what should be the quiet, twilight years of her career, attempting to balance the competing voices of her divided political and economic establishments and trying to forge a path for the LCN independent of political admirals and business executives.  Even so, the dawn of the LCN sees the intended construction plans of the LCN sidetracked by various major industrial interests to serve their own needs.  Expensive and unnecessary R&D programs and massive yard and station construction divert money from building lighter escorts or developing a battle line, creating instead a large collection of overbuilt light cruisers that are some combination of troop transport, carrier, and battleship.

Code: [Select]
Lyran Commonwealth, Turn Beginning 2350 Value/Cost
Funds: $-   
Revenue: $280,000.00
Shipyards: Alarion:0/2 $45,000.00
New Kyoto:  1/1 $35,000.00
Tamar: 2 $15,000.00
Warships:  $-   
Jumpships:  $-   
Space Stations: $-   
Dropships:  $-   
Small Craft $-   
Fighters: $-   
Assets: $375,000.00

Expenses Number Cost
Maintenance $-   
R&D: Naval PPC $38,000.00
R&D: PPC $38,000.00
Prototype: Heimdaller $1,559.50
Prototype: Ribe $36.00
Prototype: Nehalennia Tender $989.50
Prototype: Nehalennia Transport $446.75
Prototype: Snotra $1,189.00
Production:  Heimdaller 5 $31,190.00
Production:  Ribe 100 $14,400.00
Production:  Nehalennia Tender 2 $7,916.00
Production:  Nehalennia Transport 12 $21,444.00
Production:  Snotra 4 $19,024.00
New Kyoto 1->2 $10,000.00
Tamar 1->2 $20,000.00
Tamar 1->2 $10,000.00
Alarion 0->1 x 2 $10,000.00
Jumpship Production: $-   
Dropship Production: Light $300.00 120 $36,000.00
Small Craft: $10.00 1000 $10,000.00
Fighters: $5.00 1900 $9,500.00
Total: $279,694.75

Lyran Commonwealth, Turn Ending 2350 Value/Cost
Funds: $305.25
Shipyards: Alarion: 2/2 $55,000.00
New Kyoto:  0/2 $45,000.00
Tamar: 0/2 $45,000.00
Warships:  Heimdaller 5 $31,190.00
Snotra 4 $19,024.00
Jumpships:  Nehalennia Tender 2 $7,916.00
Nehalennia Transport 12 $21,444.00
Space Stations: Ribe 100 $14,400.00
Dropships:  Light 120 $36,000.00
Small Craft 1000 $10,000.00
Fighters: 1900 $9,500.00
Assets: $294,779.25

Ribe (Recharge Station)

“Amateurs study tactics.  Armchair generals study strategy.  Professionals study logistics”
   -Author Unknown

The humble recharge station is likely well known to the modern reader, as is their near-ubqitous nature throughout Lyran space.  What may be less well known is why.

The first recharge stations mass produced outside the Terran Hegemony were the Chongzhi stations developed by the St. Ives Mercantile League.  Billed as a ‘purely civilian station’, the Chongzhi was still admirably well armed, armored, and carried a number of small craft to aid in loading and unloading. 

The Lyran Navy looked on the Chongzhi, and saw a solution to a burgeoning problem.  They were flanked on all sides by superior forces.  Building ships with enough stowage to cruise those long borders and still remain combat worthy was difficult, and needing to reshuffle limited vessels from one border to another demanded more speed than the K-F drive could deliver.  Also, trade was the lifeblood of the nation, and competition between various competing mercantile interstellar for the lucrative recharge business was serving no purpose but to drive further wedges between the three founding nations of our great commonwealth.

The Ribe, named for a northern port on old Terra, adopts a slightly different approach than her parent Chongzhi.  More focused on commercial than military pursuits, she is more lightly armored, and trades the arrays of autocannons for bays of up to 40 small craft, either cargo shuttles, heavy attack boats or fighters.

Like the small craft, the cargo storage is also dual purpose.  In protected space, it serves as support to mercantile efforts, and is available to merchants at well below cost, as are the recharging facilities themselves.  On hostile borders or over high military traffic worlds, the Ribe’s 76,600 tons of storage is reserved for military supplies, making each one a miniature resupply base to allow the vessels of the Lyran Navy to cruise at length without drawing down their own internal supplies, leaving them fully loaded and ‘agile’ in response to any developing situation.

As is typical of Lyran military projects, berthing for all crew is to a high standard, with the cost in space and weight associated being considered worth it to provide better long term efficiency and morale.

Code: [Select]
Ribe Recharge Station
Mass: 500,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 3145
Mass: 500,000
Battle Value: 1,236
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-X-D
Cost: 143,849,000 C-bills

Fuel: 1,200 tons (3,000)
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Heat Sinks: 154
Structural Integrity: 1

Nose: 10
Fore Sides: 10/10
Aft Sides: 10/10
Aft: 10

Bay 1:  Small Craft (40)        8 Doors   
Bay 2:  Cargo (76649.0 tons)    7 Doors   

7,200 rounds of Machine Gun ammunition (36 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 1
Grav Decks: 1 (90 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 25
Crew:  27 officers, 118 enlisted/non-rated, 12 gunners, 200 bay personnel

Notes: Equipped with
4 Energy Storage Battery
150 tons of standard aerospace armor.

Weapons:                             Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                       Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (0 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                    0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (240000 shots)
FRS/FLS (0 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                    0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (240000 shots)
ARS/ALS (0 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                    0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (240000 shots)
Aft (0 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                    0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (240000 shots)

Heimdallr Light Cruiser

"The Bureaucracy is expanding to meet the expanding needs of the Bureaucracy"
-Oscar Wilde

The Heimdaller was meant to be a light (250Kt Max), fast (3 Gs sustained) jill of all trades, with light weaponry, moderate transport capacity, and long logistical legs.

Then politics became involved.  The representative from Tamar Arms The Tamar Pact insisted that the newly developed Particle Cannons be employed, forcing a delay in design completion and driving the mass of the vessel upwards.  Port Syndey Naval Yards of Alarion had just finished prototype work on the smaller anti fighter Particle Cannons, and maybe a larger ship could take better advantage of it - and Alarion bows to Donegal, and the Donegal Protectorate is not without influence among the Archons.  Skye, with yards in New Kyoto suggested a larger carriage capacity, both for troops (many of the best units of the fledgling Commonwealth hailed from Skye, whose people were noted for a rich military tradition all the way back to Terra), and for fighters (The Shiphil Company was a major Aerospace Manufacturer)

The design grew.  And grew.  And grew.  By the time it was done, what was meant to be a cheap and cheerful first foray into warship manufacturer had burgeoned a design for a near-megaton class one ship invasion.

The Commonwealth had no yards capable of supporting a one megaton ship, and something had to give.  That something was speed.  Though still far larger than originally intended, the result is a 500kt 'Light Cruiser' that is slow to the tactical helm, but with reasonable legs for longer term engagements.  Quad turrets of heavy Naval PPCs on each corner showcase Tamar Arm's latest brainchild, and its quad grav decks and expansive life support equipment can support three infantry regiments of Skye's Finest. The areospace support has two regiments of Shiphil's Space Superiority Fighters, and a Regiment of their Armed Landing Craft to carry down the infantry regiments in one trip.

And the Lyran Commonwealth had its first Warship, and found it.. surprisingly better than expected.  Though more expensive than the smaller hull, the HNPPC quad turrets provide it with enough long range punch to demand a capital ships respect, along with enough fighters to function as a carrier.  These fighters allow it to attack smaller vessels at stand off ranges, or to exploit the vulnerabilities of damaged larger warships.  With three regiments of troops as well as sufficient small craft to carry them quickly to the surface, Heimdaller allows the LCN to reduce the need for fragile jumpships and dropships to carry its troops to orbit.  The Alarion Eagle-Eye Comm Suite allows the vessel to serve as a command and control nexus for the navy - and its extended sensor reach allows the Heimdallr to avoid forces it cannot defeat, and the long duration life support and efficient drives of the massive small craft component further extends this sensor reach.

Code: [Select]
Heimdallr Light Cruiser
Mass: 500,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 3145
Mass: 500,000
Battle Value: 56,504
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-F
Cost: 6,238,162,000 C-bills

Fuel: 5,000 tons (12,500)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 12
Heat Sinks: 4,384
Structural Integrity: 120

    Nose: 76
    Fore Sides: 100/100
    Aft Sides: 100/100
    Aft: 76

    Bay 1:  Fighter (120)           6 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Small Craft (60)        4 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Cargo (19134.0 tons)    3 Doors   

    9,600 rounds of Machine Gun ammunition (48 tons),
    1,536 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition (256 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 4 (240 m, 240 m, 240 m, 240 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 40
Crew:  32 officers, 113 enlisted/non-rated, 47 gunners, 540 bay personnel, 2268 marines

Notes: Equipped with
1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Small)
1,200 tons of standard aerospace armor.

Weapons:                             Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                       Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (148 Heat)
10 PPC                           100  10(100) 10(100)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
8 LRM 20                         48   10(96)  10(96)  10(96)    0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 Ammo (1152 shots)
12 Machine Gun                    0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
FRS/FLS (1,028 Heat)
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)              900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
8 LRM 20                         48   10(96)  10(96)  10(96)    0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 Ammo (1152 shots)
8 PPC                            80   8(80)   8(80)    0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
RBS/LBS (148 Heat)
8 LRM 20                         48   10(96)  10(96)  10(96)    0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 Ammo (1152 shots)
10 PPC                           100  10(100) 10(100)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
12 Machine Gun                    0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
ARS/ALS (1,028 Heat)
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)              900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
8 LRM 20                         48   10(96)  10(96)  10(96)    0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 Ammo (1152 shots)
8 PPC                            80   8(80)   8(80)    0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
Aft (148 Heat)
10 PPC                           100  10(100) 10(100)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
8 LRM 20                         48   10(96)  10(96)  10(96)    0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 Ammo (1152 shots)
12 Machine Gun                    0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)

Shu-3 Space Superiority Fighter

By the mid 2300s, advances in weapon and armor technology, along with a growing understanding of the realities of combat, lead to a reassessment of the Lyran Commonwealth’s premier heavy fighter.

Though the SH-2 had served well, its autocannon had limited success in piercing the heavy armor of enemy ships, and with the rise in resilience of aerospace fighters more generally, were often insufficient to wear down enemy craft before ammunition was exhausted.  Further, the internal structure of the craft was not quite capable of handling the full output of the 340 VOX engine without instability, defeating much of the purpose behind the heavy design.

Increased reinforcement drove the overall mass of the craft higher, requiring the 340 Rated Engine to be modified to achieve design performance – resulting in very slightly less mass available for armor.  Unfortunately, the promised improved armor compounds never materialized, and the replacement of the triple 40mm cannon with a pair of new Particle Cannons allows the Shu slightly improved performance at all ranges, though the pilot must now monitor their heat scales with some care.

A pair of Tamar Thunderstroke Particle Cannons in the nose provide the Shu with its primary anti-ship and long range  anti-fighter firepower, capable of punching through most armor compounds and hitting hard enough to represent a threat to light warships. A staggering 15 machine guns were installed over the craft to provide a bubble of heavy missile protection for squadrons and their companion craft.

Code: [Select]
Shu SH-3

Mass: 90 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant: 360 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 64.8 kph
Maximum Speed: 97.2 kph
Armor: Standard
     3 PPC
     15 Machine Gun
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3145
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-X-D
Cost: 5,446,055 C-bills

Type: Shu
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 90
Battle Value: 1,513

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        360 Fusion             33
Safe Thrust: 6
Max Thrust: 9
Structural Integrity:         9                       
Heat Sinks:                   19                      9
Fuel:                         400                   5.0
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor                  304                    19

     Nose                    96   
     Wings                 74/74   
     Aft                     60   

and Ammo                 Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
2 PPCs                     NOS       14.0     10    10   10    0    0 
2 Machine Guns             NOS       1.0      0      2    0    0    0 
3 Machine Guns             RWG       1.5      0      2    0    0    0 
Machine Gun Ammo (200)     FSLG      1.0      -      -    -    -    - 
3 Machine Guns             LWG       1.5      0      2    0    0    0 
4 Machine Guns             AFT       2.0      0      2    0    0    0 

Nehalennia Class Tender/Transport

“An Army, like a serpent, goes upon its belly.”
-Frederick the Great

In the 2330s it became apparent to military commanders that the conventionally available commercial jumpships had insufficient capacity to support any kind of large scale operation.

As soon as the LCN was formed heavy lift requirements were being pushed into its mandate from all sides of the sprawling military bureaucracy and their political allies.

When First Lord Angler was appointed to the LCN her first order was to embark on a Jumpship development project that could use the same yardspace as the Heimdaller Light Cruiser.

What emerged from the Alarion shipyards was christened the Nehalennia class Transport. Named after a Celtic deity who was attributed power over trading, shipping and horticulture.

Publicly the Nehalennia is a single class of Jumpship, visually the two models are nearly identical dispite the Tender weighing as much as a Heimdaller.

The much more common Transport has a large gravdeck with a cutting edge MASH unity with five operating theaters. The cornerstone of the vessel is its KF Boom controller that allows the Nehalennia to bring ten dropships along with it through hyperspace.

The massively more expensive Tender lacks the MASH facilities of its sister class and the KF Boom controller has been reconfigured to allow for the addition of a massive unpressurised repair facility to the nose of the vessel. This facility is able to provide in the field repairs to the Heimdaller Light Cruisers that make up the bulk of the fleet, but its true purpose is to quickly deploy Ribe Class Recharge Stations to systems that lack the industrial capabilities to build their own stations.

Code: [Select]
Nehalennia Transport
Mass: 460,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 3000
Mass: 460,000
Battle Value: 2,101
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-E-D-F
Cost: 1,787,475,833 C-bills

Fuel: 500 tons (1,250)
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Sail Integrity: 6
KF Drive Integrity: 9
Heat Sinks: 150
Structural Integrity: 1

    Nose: 16
    Fore Sides: 17/17
    Aft Sides: 17/17
    Aft: 16

    Bay 1:  Small Craft (2)         1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (906.5 tons)      4 Doors   

    7,200 rounds of Machine Gun ammunition (36 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 10
Grav Decks: 1 (250 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 12
Crew:  12 officers, 48 enlisted/non-rated, 12 gunners, 10 bay personnel, 30 passengers, 30 marines

Notes: Equipped with
    1 MASH Core Component
    5 MASH Operation Theater
250 tons of standard aerospace armor.

Weapons:                             Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                       Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (0 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                    0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (240000 shots)
FRS/FLS (0 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                    0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (240000 shots)
ARS/ALS (0 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                    0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (240000 shots)
Aft (0 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                    0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (240000 shots)

Code: [Select]
Nehalennia Tender
Mass: 500,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 3000
Mass: 500,000
Battle Value: 1,351
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-E-D-F
Cost: 3,958,370,167 C-bills

Fuel: 200 tons (500)
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Sail Integrity: 6
KF Drive Integrity: 10
Heat Sinks: 154
Structural Integrity: 1

    Nose: 10
    Fore Sides: 10/10
    Aft Sides: 10/10
    Aft: 10

    Bay 1:  Standard Repair Facility (Unpressurized) (500,000)1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (458.5 tons)      1 Door   

    7,200 rounds of Machine Gun ammunition (36 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 1 (250 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 10
Crew:  8 officers, 43 enlisted/non-rated, 12 gunners, 30 passengers, 30 marines

Notes: Mounts 150 tons of standard aerospace armor.

Weapons:                             Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                       Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (0 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                    0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (240000 shots)
FRS/FLS (0 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                    0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (240000 shots)
ARS/ALS (0 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                    0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (240000 shots)
Aft (0 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                    0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (240000 shots)

"If an injury is to be inflicted on an enemy, it is to be so severe, that the enemy's retaliation need not be feared."
– Niccolò Machiavelli

The Heimdaller project was a painful lesson in design by committee, the initial design was to be just under a quarter million tons with an array of missiles, autocannons and lasers providing a thick layer of offensive firepower.

When the final design doubled in size and adopted a Particle Cannon based offensive system the Alarion shipyards were left with millions of dollars of manufacturing equipment and a very high quality KF core extruder that was now useless.

To salvage something from this waste First Lord Angler started the Snotra Project. Named after a Germanic goddess of protection this project was to develop a black opps fleet that was to engage in retaliatory strikes deep within any nation foolish enough to attack the Lyran Commonwealth.

The Frigate inherited many of its components from the Heimdaller project either as castoffs from early prototypes or by modifying components from the current fleet of vessels. Being forced to use the transit drives that are nearly identical to the ones used on the Heimdaller left the Sonotra as maneuverable as the Shu Aerospace Fighter. These massive drives forced a change in weapons layout from the more conventional broadside engagements to a layout patterned after fighter craft.

The nose of the vessel holds four massive autocannons and four of the heaviest laser weapons available. Eight heavy missile launchers support the heavy guns while the rest of the vessel is only protected by the same point defense arrays found on the Heimdaller.

The vessel lacks crew comfort of any kind, there is no grav deck, or escape pods. Even more damning is the cargo capacity of the Sontra, it is incapable of independent operations that its mission profile requires. Any kind of envisioned deep strike would require a Nehalennia, of either type, to be successful.

The four vessels in the class have been named after Sontra's sisters. Currently Sága, Hlín, Sjöfn, and the Snotra have been constructed. The Vár, and Vör are delayed pending approval of a Block II variant.

Code: [Select]
Snotra Deterrence Frigate
Mass: 240,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 3145
Mass: 240,000
Battle Value: 93,922
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-F
Cost: 4,756,364,000 C-bills

Fuel: 1,000 tons (5,000)
Safe Thrust: 6
Maximum Thrust: 9
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 7
Heat Sinks: 900
Structural Integrity: 60

    Nose: 55
    Fore Sides: 35/35
    Aft Sides: 31/31
    Aft: 22

    Bay 1:  Fighter (12)            6 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Small Craft (4)         2 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Cargo (864.0 tons)      1 Door   

    80 rounds of Killer Whale ammunition (4,000 tons),
    19,200 rounds of Machine Gun ammunition (96 tons),
    160 rounds of NAC/30 ammunition (128 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 0
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 0
Crew:  21 officers, 72 enlisted/non-rated, 32 gunners, 44 bay personnel, 30 marines

Notes: Equipped with
    1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Small)
287 tons of standard aerospace armor.

Weapons:                                       Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                 Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (740 Heat)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)                200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (80 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)                200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (80 shots)
12 Machine Gun                              0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
4 Naval Laser 55                           340  22(220) 22(220) 22(220) 22(220)  Capital Laser
FRS/FLS (80 Heat)
4 Capital Missile Launcher (Killer Whale)  80   16(160) 16(160) 16(160) 16(160)  Capital Missile
    Killer Whale Ammo (40 shots)
12 Machine Gun                              0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
RBS/LBS (0 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                              0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
ARS/ALS (0 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                              0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
Aft (0 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                              0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)

Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: kindalas on 04 April 2020, 13:04:09
Just including the MML Files.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Tyler Jorgensson on 06 April 2020, 19:10:59
Principality of Rasalhague, 2350

Outside Palace Hall
Principlality of Rasalhague, 2355

"With the nations farewell we say goodbye to Fleet Admiral Erik Johansson. With over fifty years of service in our brand new Rasalhaguian Navy he has led the newly fledged service into the next century. His sweeping reforms,  expansions of our naval power, and the technology his has helped developed he will be sorely missed." Elected Prince Anita Toffsdotter steps away from the stage, gesturing to the diminutive gray haired man standing at her side. His uniform is awash with medals, service ribbons, and awards. Applause is heard from the crowd numbering several thousand despite the fact that the weather is a chilly negative four degrees Celsius. The man goes to speak but is given a look by the Elected Prince, quick enough to not be caught by the cameras but enough so that he notices, and he smiles and instead waves to the crowd.

"His replacement is newly promoted Admiral Tyler Jorgensson. Admiral Jorgensson was previously in charge of our exploration squadrons out beyond our space in charge of settling new worlds. He was nominated by departing Admiral Johansson and the Riksdag agreed wholeheartedly, and so with honor I introduce Admiral Tyler Jorgensson!" As the assembled officials step aside the begin clapping to herald in the new Admiral. He's a youngish man of about thirty or so with piercing blue eyes and short cut blond hair. He is tall but thin, typical of spacers. He thanks the Elected Prince, saluting her as she pins the new rank insignias on his collar. His uniform is mostly devoid of medals or awards, save for his unit patch depicting a scared Viking warrior holding an axe otherwise known as the First Tyr Aerospace Squadron.

He steps up to the podium and begins a speech...

Later that day....

"That fool did what?" Admiral Jorgensson is in a conference room with several of his newly promoted top commands. They have data slates and sheafs of paper as well as a holoprojector currently displaying the design of the Rav-class Corvette.

"Well Sir, since the Admiral was convicted we've found mounting evidence of his misspending's. The most obvious is of course the Rav-class. Having limited speed, a massive armor bank, and uniform armament in every direction the vessel is ill suited as a corvette. It mounts no escape pods or lifeboats, has a single grav deck, no Marine berths, and only energy based weapons. It mounts no missile launchers what so ever. Not to mention the Admiral diverted production of the newest ship of the fleet to the New Oslo Yards, of which I might add was constructed by his own brothers firm." One of the younger officers wearing the insignia of a Lieutenant rotates the schematics of the Rav-class on the projector as he speaks. Another officer speaks up from the other side of the table.

"His insistence of adding three Strales equipped with fighters to every planet in the Principality, as well as research into the Naval PPC system and not fighter or vehicle particle cannons, has left us nearly twelve billion in debt. We've only recovered a bit over nine billion, leaving us at three billion in debt for the future billing cycle. Not the worst but considering he funded so much into these projects means we are stuck with them for the next five years. We half expected to see some double billing going on." The new Admiral just shakes his head in disgust. The feelings are the same around the table. The various Captains, Commodores, and other assorted officers, of which many are newly promoted mutter between themselves for a minute or two as they continue to read over the documents presented.

"Well we are going to have to make adjustments to hopefully mitigate the damage. All of our designs have slabs of armor that will make us harder for pirates to disable or destroy but we lack enough weapons to do enough damage. Make sure our fighters stay with their wingmen, and the formations stick close together at all times. The dropships need to deliver their fighters and scoot, they don't have nearly enough weapons to protect themselves. In the meantime our two Corvettes will stick close to the shipyards and when the third comes online she'll have a patrol of the Principality. Every six months I want them to rotate positions. When  we get new ships we will consolidate the Corvettes into a patrol group."

"We will need a couple shipyards in the future, but being in debt will impact this endeavor in the future. I want the Quartermasters to figure out which of our systems will support a better set of yards, and the feasible cost for upgrading our main yards. As soon as possible I want Jumpship numbers increased and new designs on my desk for a new better Corvette, an Interceptor-class fighter, a Heavy-class fighter, an armed Dropship, and any lighter Warship design you can think of."

"Remember our primary opponents are the pirates and raiders. We are NOT to set off the Combine or the Commonwealth. If you see their armed ships get out of there as quickly as possible and defend yourselves only if attacked. The same goes for the Rim Worlders. I am going to attempt to talk to the Elected Prince as soon as possible regarding pacts between the Combine and ourselves. I've heard the stories about Urizen Kurita just like the rest of you, and id rather have him as an ally than an enemy. With our fleet crippled for years to come perhaps we might be able to persuade the Combine to engage in joint-military exercises: I hear they fancy a katana and rumors about us say we all wield battleaxes..." Theirs a bit of forced laughter from the room.

"Finally, I want our logistics teams to begin working on plans for supplies distributed across the worlds. As long as Admiral Corrupt gave us these fighters we might as well utilize them for the planets. I'd want a space port with enough supplies stashed for these squadrons and maybe more. I liked his idea in theory and maybe we can figure out a way to transfer this into a mobile logistical Warship at some point… but those are pipe dreams."

"One final thing before we get to work on this ****** we've inherited: Recharge Stations are a thing we need but we cant feasibly work on them right now. And I need the plans on those newfangled Naval PPC's... I might have an idea of my own for them. Dismissed."

Code: [Select]
Räv-class Corvette

Mass: 250,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 2500
Mass: 250,000
Battle Value: 18,358
Tech Rating/Availability: E/D-X-E-F
Cost: 7,016,434,000 C-bills

Fuel: 5,000 tons (12,500)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 7
Heat Sinks: 1,500
Structural Integrity: 90

    Nose: 40
    Fore Sides: 32/32
    Aft Sides: 32/32
    Aft: 21

    Bay 1:  Fighter (12)            4 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Small Craft (2)         1 Door   
    Bay 3:  Cargo (26157.0 tons)    1 Door   


Dropship Capacity: 3
Grav Decks: 1 (100 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 0
Crew:  26 officers, 69 enlisted/non-rated, 34 gunners, 34 bay personnel

Notes: Mounts 450 tons of standard aerospace armor.

Weapons:              Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)        Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class 
Nose (196 Heat)
8 Medium Laser    56   7(72)   3(32)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
    4 Large Laser
2 Naval Laser 45  140  9(90)   9(90)   9(90)    9(90)   Capital Laser

FRS/FLS (196 Heat)
8 Medium Laser    56   7(72)   3(32)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
    4 Large Laser
2 Naval Laser 45  140  9(90)   9(90)   9(90)    9(90)   Capital Laser

RBS/LBS (196 Heat)
8 Medium Laser    56   7(72)   3(32)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
    4 Large Laser
2 Naval Laser 45  140  9(90)   9(90)   9(90)    9(90)   Capital Laser

ARS/ALS (196 Heat)
8 Medium Laser    56   7(72)   3(32)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
    4 Large Laser
2 Naval Laser 45  140  9(90)   9(90)   9(90)    9(90)   Capital Laser

Aft (196 Heat)
8 Medium Laser    56   7(72)   3(32)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
    4 Large Laser
2 Naval Laser 45  140  9(90)   9(90)   9(90)    9(90)   Capital Laser

Code: [Select]
Stråle-class Carrier Dropship

Type: Military Aerodyne
Mass: 1,700 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Introduced: 3145
Mass: 1,700
Battle Value: 2,379
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-X-D
Cost: 138,982,320 C-bills

Fuel: 155 tons (7,750)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Heat Sinks: 50
Structural Integrity: 15

    Nose: 200
    Sides: 175/175
    Aft: 150

    Bay 1:  Fighter (4)             2 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (306.5 tons)      1 Door   


Escape Pods: 2
Life Boats: 0
Crew:  1 officer, 4 enlisted/non-rated, 2 gunners, 8 bay personnel

Notes: Mounts 40 tons of standard aerospace armor.

Weapons:            Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)      Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV     ERV   Class
Nose (24 Heat)
3 Large Laser   24   2(24)   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser 
RW/LW (9 Heat)
3 Medium Laser   9   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser
Aft (6 Heat)
2 Medium Laser   6   1(10)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser

Code: [Select]
Hök-class Medium Fighter

Mass: 60 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant: 180 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Armor: Standard
     4 Small Laser
     2 Large Laser
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3145
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-X-D
Cost: 2,529,540 C-bills

Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 60
Battle Value: 1,588

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        180 Fusion              7
Safe Thrust: 5
Max Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity:         5                       
Heat Sinks:                   17                       7
Fuel:                         480                   6.0
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor                  400                    25

     Nose                   120   
     Wings                100/100 
     Aft                     80   

and Ammo              Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV

2 Large Lasers          NOS       10.0     8      8    8    0    0 
Small Laser             RWG       0.5      1      3    0    0    0 
Small Laser             LWG       0.5      1      3    0    0    0 
2 Small Lasers          AFT       1.0      1      3    0    0    0

Code: [Select]
Falk-class Light Fighter Mark II

Mass: 30 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant: 120 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 64.8 kph
Maximum Speed: 97.2 kph
Armor: Standard
     3 Medium Laser
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 2500
Tech Rating/Availability: D/C-E-D-D
Cost: 1,352,630 C-bills

Type: Falk-class Light Fighter
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 30
Battle Value: 941

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        120 Fusion              4
Safe Thrust: 6
Max Thrust: 9
Structural Integrity:         6                       
Heat Sinks:                   10                       0
Fuel:                         360                   4.5
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor                  240                    15

     Nose                    70   
     Wings                 60/60   
     Aft                     50   

and Ammo              Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV

3 Medium Lasers         NOS       3.0      3      5    0    0    0 

Recon Camera            FSLG      0.5      -      -    -    -    - 

Code: [Select]
Principality of Rasalhague , Turn Beginning 2350 Value/Cost

Funds:                 $ 0
Revenue:         $
Shipyards: Rasalhague: 1

Warships:  $ 0 
Jumpships:  $ 0
Space Stations: $ 0
Dropships:  $ 0
Small Craft         $ 0
Fighters:         $ 0
Assets: $

Expenses Number Cost

Maintenance $ 0
R&D:         Naval PPC         $

Prototype: Falk-class Light Fighter $ 1.300.000
Prototype: Hok-class Medium Fighter $ 2.500.000
Prototype: Strale-class Light Dropship $ 139.000.000
Prototype: Rav-class Corvette $ 1.755.000.000

Production:  Falk-class Light Fighter 168x $ 840.000.000
Production:  Hok-class Medium Fighter 84x         $ 420.000.000
Production:  Strale-class Light Dropship 63x        $ 18.900.000.000
Production:  Rav-class Corvette 3x         $

New Oslo                   0 -> 1 $

Jumpship Production: 6x $

Total: $

Principality of Rasalhague, Turn Ending 2350 Value/Cost
Funds:      $ -
Shipyards: Rasalhague                            1
                                New Oslo                               1

Warships:  Rav-class Corvette     3

Jumpships:  Invader-class                     6             

Dropships:  Strale-class Light Dropship     63

Fighters: Falk-class Light Fighter           168
                                Hok-class Medium Fighter       84
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 09 April 2020, 20:55:07
Truetanker has returned, so this turn is voided.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: UnLimiTeD on 10 April 2020, 12:57:54
Draconis Combine 2350

Code: [Select]
Draconis Combine Admiralty Doctrine


The High Command in the DCA agreed quickly that matching the Hegemony in a pitched battle was impossible in the short or even long term.
However the THN is forced to split its attention between all 5 of the Great Houses, and are unlikely to attack without provocation.
So High Command has decreed that all effort should be taken to avoid such provocation, for now.
The single docking collar typically seen on DCA ships is generally used as an aid to resupply.


DCA crews are trained hard and often, but their reward is better than average crew quarters – for all but the marine contingent anyway – compared to the JumpShip fleet.
The admiralty came to the conclusion that while the Combine cannot match the Terrans in ship size, crew quality is a very different story.
Every effort is taken to improve the fleets performance, including special privileges for the best performing officers and crew,
as well as transfers to the far less luxurious confines of the JumpShip fleet for those that are not up to scratch, where many volunteers can be found to fill their place of honour.
Of special note are the navigators on board, who are rigorously trained, and are required to make 5 successful jumps into 'pirate points'
in a conventional JumpShip before qualifying to be assigned to a WarShip.


The fleets mission is predominately Space Superiority, securing the system so that the standard JumpShips carrying the DCMS can arrive and disgorge their charges without fear of the enemy.
Anti-piracy missions are also undertaken, especially by the smaller, faster more numerous Kutai-class.

Captains are trained to act like a stalking tiger, waiting for the proper moment to pounce,
whilst using surprise as much as possible in the emptiness of space.
One-on-one engagements with an equal opponent are to be avoided as a rule,
although that rule is often waived in the defense of DCMS convoys, Prefecture or District capitals or express orders from a superior.
It is better to wait for the advantage in size or numbers before striking.

Chemical weapons (beyond non-lethal agents like tear gas) are strictly banned,
and orbital bombardment is performed only as a response to Ground-to-Orbit fire,
or against forces deploying WMDs against DCMS ground troops.
If the launch site of said WMDs (whether chemical, biological or nuclear) happens to be in a populated area,
then they should not have tried to use civilians as a human shield.
Such bombardment is to be conducted with the fleets Naval Lasers, to both save NAC ammunition and keep collateral damage to within acceptable limits.


The current fleet includes two classes of warship, both containing a wing of 36 fighters, predominately used for self-defence against enemy strike fighters and capital missiles.
While the fleets fighter corps is also trained in the anti-shipping role, keeping their carrier vessel safe from the enemy is deemed a more important role.

The rest of the DCA's fighter corps not assigned to WarShips is either in training, or deployed in garrison positions on the border,
or guarding important worlds such as Prefecture/District capitals and worlds with shipyards in orbit, usually assigned in individual 36-fighter wings.


The DCAs small JumpShip fleet is used almost exclusively to supply the fleet and act as couriers, though transporting the DCMS in offensive operations is also in their perview.
Internal movements of the DCMS however is typically done with their own tiny Jumpship fleet, or by commandeering civilian craft.

With the realisation of exactly how big the THN has become, the Draconis Combine Admiralty has been given a massive boost to its budget to help kick start a crash building program of WarShips with which to defend and expand the nation. To aid in these efforts existing shipyards over New Samarkand, Luthien and Midway have been upgraded, and new yards in An Ting, Benjamin and Alshain have been constructed. These new yards will provide both increased production and repair facilities much closer to the front lines than the existing yards. A large series of Onsen-class Recharge Stations are also planned to connect the far corners of the Combine and aid rapid transportation of goods of all kinds. Construction of this network of stations is ongoing, and likely to take some time to complete given the size of the Combine.

The makeup of the fleet itself took some time for the DCA High Command to determine. Arguments continuing long into the night about whether it was more important to have a large fleet of Corvettes to patrol the border and deal with internal piracy first, or focus on a slightly smaller force of more battle-worthy Destroyers to expand the Combine by any means. In the end High Admiral Fuyuutski compromised on building half of what both sides wanted, which left neither side of the argument happy.

Fubuki-class Destroyer

At four hundred and fifty thousand tons, the Fubuki-class isn't intended as a patrol or escort vessel like the Kutai, but rather as a ship killer. Mounting over two dozen Class Ten Naval Autocannon as well as Naval Lasers and Killer Whale launchers, the Fubuki's primary role is to bring the enemy to battle and destroy them. Unable to match the acceleration of the smaller corvette, Fubuki is still capable of two and a half Gees when pushed to full throttle which was deemed acceptable by High Command. The destroyer has a greatly strengthened internal structure compared to the smaller Kutai, allowing for a far greater amount of armour -Six Hundred and Seventy Five tons in fact- to be mounted, roughly equivalent to Terran Navy ships of its size.

Like it's smaller sister, the Fubuki is predominately a broadside fighter, though it is less focused on such action. It sacrifices some of the corvettes AAA firepower in favour of a superior anti-Warship armament, dropping the long range missile racks. Four 45cm Naval Lasers can be found mounted Fore and Aft, with the Fore mount being joined by a pair of Class-10 Naval Autocannons. The four quarters each mount a quartet of NACs alongside a pair of NL45s, with the broadsides having a quad mount of Killer Whale tubes alongside an equal number of NAC gun mounts. Quad Large Laser turrets are festooned all over the ship, as is the Point Defense Systems.

As with the Kutai, the fighter complement of the Fubuki is mainly to defend itself from hostile fighters or attempts to board, while the small craft can be used for SAR work after a battle, or its own boarding actions.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Fubuki
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $6,391,226,000.00
Magazine Cost: $8,080,000.00
BV2: 41,050

Mass: 450,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Standard
16 Naval Laser 45
26 Naval AC 10
40 Laser Large
48 Machine Gun (IS)
8 Capital Launcher Killer Whale

Class/Model/Name: Fubuki
Mass: 450,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 81,000.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 1,125.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (11 Integrity) 203,625.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 53.00
Structural Integrity: 75 33,750.00
Total Heat Sinks: 2380 Single 1,933.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 10000 points 4,080.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 318 pts Standard 675.00
Fore: 53
Fore-Left/Right: 53/53
Aft-Left/Right: 53/53
Aft: 53

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 0.00
Life Boats: 30 210.00

Crew And Passengers:
34 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 340.00
101 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 707.00
65 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 455.00
132 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
50 2nd Class Marines 350.00
50 Steerage Passengers 250.00

Bay #1: Small Craft (12) - 2 Doors
Bay #2: Fighters (36) - 3 Doors
Bay #3: Cargo (40275 tons) - 2 Doors

Killer Whale Ammo - 80 (10/tube)
NAC/10 Ammo - 1040 Rounds (40 Rounds/gun)
Machine Gun Ammo - 240 Tons (5 Tons/gun)

4 x NL/45s
2 x NAC/10s
4 x Large Lasers
8 x MGs

4 x NAC/10s
2 x NL/45s
4 x Large Lasers
8 x MGs

4 x Killer Whales
4 x NAC/10s
8 x Large Lasers

4 x NAC/10s
2 x NL/45s
4 x Large Lasers
8 x MGs

4 x NL/45s
4 x Large Lasers
8 x MGs

Onsen-class Station

Built by the DCA, but useable by civilian traffic as well, the Onsen-class recharge station is intended to speed travel across the vast swathes of the Combine. At 500 kilotons, this large station has three sets of recharge batteries for use by passing ships, and a large cargo hold and quarters for over 500 visiting sailors allows it play the role of supply base for the fleet and rest stop for travelers. Armament is light, only capable of dealing with small craft and meteorites. A full Wing of aerospace fighters and dozen small craft protect the station, although it is no match for any Warship worthy of the name.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Onsen
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $460,345,000.00
Magazine Cost: $240,000.00
BV2: 11,978

Mass: 500,000
K-F Drive System: None
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 1
Armor Type: Standard
48 Laser Large
48 Machine Gun (IS)

Class/Model/Name: Onsen
Mass: 500,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 6,000
Safe: 0.1
Maximum: 1
Controls: 500
K-F Hyperdrive: None (0 Integrity) 0
Jump Sail: (0 Integrity) 0
Structural Integrity: 1 5,000
Total Heat Sinks: 284 Single 130
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 25000 points 10,200
Fire Control Computers: 0
Armor: 600 pts Standard 1,500
Fore: 100
Fore-Left/Right: 100/100
Aft-Left/Right: 100/100
Aft: 100

Dropship Capacity: 10 10,000
Grav Decks:
Small: 0
Medium: 4 400
Large: 0
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 100 700

Crew And Passengers:
28 Officers in 2nd Class Quarters 196
117 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 819
16 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 112
132 Bay Personnel 0
50 1st Class Passengers 500
100 2nd Class Marines    700
500 Steerage Passengers 2,500

Bay #1: Fighters (36) - 6 Doors
Bay #2: Small Craft (12) - 2 Doors
Bay #3: Cargo (152,439 Tons) - 6 Doors

MG Ammo: 240 Tons (5 Tons/Gun)


8 Large Laser
8 MGs

Kutai-class Corvette

The two hundred thousand ton Kutai is designed as the fleets first line of defence, able to act as a picket ship, escort larger vessels or patrolling the Combines long borders. With it's main firepower consisting of a dozen Naval Laser 45s, with a handful of Killer Whales and a hefty battery of large lasers and long range missile racks for anti-fighter duties with deep ammunition bins, the Kutai can serve in the field for some time without resupply, keeping the Dragon and his people safe from piracy and the occasional raid from a great house. The small NCSS system installed gives the ship a great advantage as a picket or pirate hunting ship, with very little escaping the notice of its gaze.

Capable of three G's of acceleration, the Kutai is capable of running down or escaping almost any opponent, if not in a sprint then almost surely in a marathon with it's six thousand tons of fuel allowing it to be profligate with its engine use while still keeping its onboard fighter complement supplied for action. Almost entirely a broadside fighter, the Kutai mounts its dozen 45cm Naval Lasers in pairs, two in each quarter and two broadside. The broadside NLs are joined by a pair of Killer Whale missile tubes, with the remaining two missile tubes mounted Fore. Matching quad mounts of LRM 15s and Large Lasers can be found spread all across the ship, with what was deemed a sufficient Point Defense System joining them.

The thirty-six fighters and dozen small craft allow the aboard Kutai are predominately for self-defense or Close Air Support if assisting ground forces. The twelve small craft aboard give the Kutai the ability to quickly resupply if needed, or perform customs duties with the aid of the two platoons of Marines stationed aboard.

The armour of the Kutai was considered to be a bit thin, but as it is not intended to serve in the line of battle, the 160 tons of armour was deemed sufficient for a ship its size.

Changes to the Kutai class

To save costs on the fledgling navy and ablate risks integral to the relatively untested technology that were the new, jump-capable drop collars, the Production version of the Kutai was instead fitted with a drop shuttle hangar in the bow, the likes of which had been used for decades by civilian craft.
The increased capacity would allow them to transport additional supplies between border worlds and to assist in invasions.
Critical voices rose that this would lead to parts incompatibility between the ship types of the Combine, but the coordinator dismissed those doubts as "true, but inconvenient".

The required rework of the Kutai's production version underwent an additional screening, leading to several changes. To further streamline production and increase flexibility, all fighter bays have been upgraded to small craft hangars, located 24 to a side. Technicians are adamant they can still be used to house the allotted fighter complement.
Additionally, a small repair bay, not rated for jump operations, has been included to service army or civilian jump ships where necessary. 
For tactical flexibility, especially retreats or, should it come to that, a last charge, a Mine launcher has been fitted. The usefulness of such a system in modern space combat is dubious, but the required mass to install it was deemed trivial enough.

Lastly, it was found that, for an Escort ship, the point defence capability was a bit light. As the design was nearly finished and the ammunition chutes built in, the power grid was seen as the more flexible target for modification, leading to the installation of twelve-packs of small lasers into each broadside.  This required a minor strengthening of the structure.
As the ship is meant not only as an escort for the larger Fubukis, but also as a border patrol craft, the DCMS demanded to be represented on such missions to personally conduct landing operations. Following much back and forth discussion that a senior government official described as "unworthy", the coordinator ordered necessary provisions to be held in reserve for such missions. Seeking to placate their erstwhile opponents in the least costly way possible, the Navy ordered its engineers to add yet more modifications to the schematics, not without leaving unspecific instructions as to the nature of the requirements.
The revised Kutai class has thus been outfitted with an Infantry bay, providing lodging and equipment storage for a full platoon of foot infantry, including a generous supply of easily visible, but hard to unbox barf bags. The bay will only be used as storage space, as the actual Infantry will be housed in their own quarters representing 50% of the Infantry allotment outside of fleet combat engagements and requiring the expansion of the marine quarters. The Navy has graciously ceded 30 slots of this marine contingent to the army - all of which are steerage class and lacking wifi.

As of the date of this report, no complaints have surfaced
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Kutai (revised)
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $4,824,206,000.00
Magazine Cost: $2,101,200.00
BV2: 14,485

Mass: 200,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type: Standard
6 Capital Launcher Killer Whale
48 Machine Gun (IS)
24 Laser Large
24 LRM 15 (IS)
12 Naval Laser 45
24 Laser Small

Mass: 200,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 48,000.00
Safe: 4
Maximum: 6
Controls: 500.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (6 Integrity) 90,500.00
Jump Sail: (3 Integrity) 40.00
Structural Integrity: 42 8,400.00
Total Heat Sinks: 1296 Single 942.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 30000 points 6,120.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 120 pts Standard 160.00
Fore: 20
Fore-Left/Right: 20/20
Aft-Left/Right: 20/20
Aft: 20

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 5 35.00
Life Boats: 43 301.00

Crew And Passengers:
23 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 23.00
62 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 62.00
44 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 44.00
268 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
30 Marine Quarters 210.00
30    DCMS Quarters          150.00
50 Steerage Passengers 250.00

# Weapons

2 Capital Launcher Killer Whale
8 Machine Gun (IS)
4 Laser Large
4 LRM 15 (IS)

Fore Quarters:

2 Naval Laser 45
8 Machine Gun (IS)
4 Laser Large
4 LRM 15 (IS)


2 Capital Launcher Killer Whale
2 Naval Laser 45
12 Laser Small

Aft Quarters

2 Naval Laser 45
8 Machine Gun (IS)
4 Laser Large
4 LRM 15 (IS)

8 Machine Gun (IS) Aft 16 (1.6-C) 4.00
4 Laser Large Aft 32 32 (3.2-C) 20.00
4 LRM 15 (IS) Aft 20 36 (3.6-C) 28.00
1      Space Mine Launcher

Machine Gun (IS) Ammo 240
LRM 15 (IS) Ammo 200
Capital Launcher Killer Whale Ammo 60
Space Mine Ammo 20


24 Small Craft (Left Broadside)
24 Small Craft (Right Broadside)
2 5000t Drop Shuttle (Nose)

Code: [Select]
Year: 2350 Value in Millions
Money Available 300,000
Remaining from Last Turn
Available Shipyards

New Samarkand 1/2
Luthien 1/1
Midway 1


Maintanence 50% 0
Prototype Cost Kutai 4,824 1,201
Fubuki 6,391 1,598
Onsen 460 115
Construction Unit Price
Shipyards Existing Yards All S1 > S2 40,000
Benjamin S1 10,000
Alshain S1 10,000
An Ting S1 10,000
Stations Onsen 45 460 20,700
Warships Kutai 12 4,824 57,893
Fubuki 6 6,391 38,346

Jumpships 30 500 15,000
Dropships 120 300 36,000
Fighters 1800 5 9,000
Small Craft 300 10 3,000
Research Vehicle Drop Chute 1 40000 40,000

Total Spent 293157


Remaining 6843

Edit: Design for a troop carrier incoming. None will be finished this decade.

Shinryakusen Heavy Troopship

Code: [Select]
Mass: 500,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 2358
Mass: 500,000
Battle Value: 19,850
Tech Rating/Availability: E/D-X-E-F
Cost: 5,756,048,000 C-bills

Fuel: 10,000 tons (25,000)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 12
Heat Sinks: 469
Structural Integrity: 100

    Nose: 70
    Fore Sides: 75/75
    Aft Sides: 75/75
    Aft: 90

    Bay 1:  Fighter (24)            1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Dropshuttle (2)         1 Door   
    Bay 3:  Dropshuttle (2)         1 Door   
    Bay 4:  Small Craft (60)        2 Doors   
    Bay 5:  Infantry (Motorized) (350)1 Door   
    Bay 6:  Heavy Vehicle (20)      1 Door   
    Bay 7:  Standard Repair Facility (Pressurized) (5,000)1 Door   
    Bay 8:  Dropshuttle (2)         1 Door   
    Bay 9:  Cargo (24657.0 tons)    1 Door   

    18,000 rounds of Machine Gun ammunition (1 tons),
    300 rounds of Barracuda ammunition (90 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 3 (109 m, 83 m, 83 m)
Escape Pods: 300
Life Boats: 100
Crew:  30 officers, 115 enlisted/non-rated, 27 gunners, 1908 bay personnel, 3000 passengers, 300 marines

Notes: Mounts 1,000 tons of standard aerospace armor.

Weapons:                                    Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                              Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
FRS/FLS (150 Heat)
2 Naval Laser 45                        140  9(90)   9(90)   9(90)    9(90)   Capital Laser
10 Small Laser                          10   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
RBS/LBS (10 Heat)
10 Small Laser                          10   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
ARS/ALS (170 Heat)
2 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)  20   4(40)   4(40)   4(40)    4(40)   Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (100 shots)
2 Naval Laser 45                        140  9(90)   9(90)   9(90)    9(90)   Capital Laser
10 Small Laser                          10   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
Aft (20 Heat)
18 Machine Gun                           0   4(36)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (3600000 shots)
2 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)  20   4(40)   4(40)   4(40)    4(40)   Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (100 shots)

The Shinryakusen was a child of necessity.
At first, leading Admirals resisted the idea of spending Navy Funds on "an Army Transport", citing divided responsibility and arguing that at least the army should be paying for such a project. Of course, the generals fielded that it was, in fact, a ship, and as such should be budgeted by the navy, adamant as they usually were to call the shots in that environment anyways.
After debates dragging on for literal years, however, the fact they'd have to guard an invasion force anyways paved the way to begrudging acceptance, and the design was commissioned.
The coordinator would not look kindly upon an invasion failing because his troops never reached the battlefield.
At least this way, the ships the Navy had to guard were the Navys ships, which might afford some peace of mind.
As was usual, the Army and Navy couldn't agree on much of anything, even after they'd agreed to build the ship. The first ship was already a year delayed when the decision was made to move the project into the next fiscal planning period and build an additional corvette instead - after all, that design was being built anyways.

Some in the administration, at least, were glad as to this process, as no one would be asking - inside or out - why the DCMS would need invasion ships, if they made such a good show of not being sure themselves; nor building any. Others were wary of the outside appearance of the realm, but at least for now, the glory of House Kurita could be carried forward by the Navys combat ships.

The new ship was designed to to support all phases on an invasion, ignoring the preceding naval engagement, if any.
Suggesting that they fear the common soldiery more than enemy naval assets, the Shinryakusen is the most durable design to date in service of the Combines Navy.
Bays for 350 fulls platoons of DCMS mechanized infantry and 20 heavy tanks with drop chutes are complemented by quarters for up to 3000 troops, though the recipients of such amenities are usually the same people.
To prevent negative effects on morale that being stationed in the relatively tight quarters of a spaceborn troopcarrier might entail, the ship is generously equipped with 3 Grav decks, the biggest of which being exactly one Cho in diameter.
As the role of the ship pretty much excludes loitering anywhere between the jump point and the outer atmosphere of a planet, the usually more common lifeboats have been largely replaced my a truly impressive, but not quite adequate, amount of escape pods, complete with storage for small arms and sensors to enable even a crash-landed fighting force to be a genuine threat to hostile forces, terrain permitting.
6 Shuttles housed and 48 small craft within its hangars can carry the troops planetside, and rear-mounted barracuda launchers and naval lasers allow for precision fire upon the troops request.
In case of ground damage to naval or transport assets, the Shinryakusen even includes a pressurised repair pair capable of servicing small dropships and standard dropshuttles while in orbit.


The Shinryakusen is built to carry a force sufficient to mount a planetary invasion on an average hostile world, or relieve defenders of important worlds in the combines sphere of influence in the face of a determined ground invasion.
Common operative protocol demands a delayed and direct approach to the target. The ship is to wait for signal from a jumpship, or to jump within the protective envelope of a combine fleet, and to make a direct burn to the primary target as soon as naval combat has died down, barring orders from high command to proceed differently.
If utmost hurry is not indicated, the approach is to limited to 1.5 G to reduce exposure of Infantry grunts to unnecessary G-Forces prior to engagement (planetary insertion not withstanding).
Once the ship has reached the planet, the already disembarked drop shuttles, covered by a token fighter complement, are to deploy troops immediately, followed by loaded transport craft as time allows. The Carrier will turn about and, if no Space Defense System of any capacity has been identified, loiter at the upper stratosphere border at no more than 0.1 G thrust, servicing landing craft, providing supply drops, and responding to fire support requests targeted outside major population centers with it's rear-ward naval guns. No nuclear armament is to be carried no matter the circumstances, and the gunners are to receive atmospheric artillery training prior to any sortie and will be held personally responsible for any foreseeable collateral damage unless directly ordered by the leading admiral or general of the operation.

Standard Hangar Load:
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 11 April 2020, 06:09:02

Astropolitical Summary

The decade beginning in 2350 would come to be referred to by future histories as the gathering of the storm-clouds.  The long fluid political situation across the inner sphere was suddenly crystallizing.  Admiral (Later Director-General) James Cameron’s ‘Campaigns of Persuasion had repudiated the Demarcation Declaration and reasserted the control of Mother Earth over her closest neighbors.

Responding to this, nation states sprang into being across the inner sphere, seeking collective protection first from the Terran Hegemony, and shortly thereafter realizing the need for the same protection from one another.   By 2350, the Great Powers of the Inner Sphere are turning their eyes outward, with both fear and, starting to feel their strength for the first time, avarice – towards one another if not towards the great beast at the heart of the inner sphere.

Ironically, even as the newly mighty are first stretching their limbs and finding themselves stronger than they thought, the Hegemony itself is turning inward.  The rise of a new feudalism in the former Hegemony, announced in the Edict of 2351, coupled with the need to retrench and absorb the vast swaths of worlds brought under Hegemony control by McKenna’s efforts, required different spending priorities than those of the decades prior.  The THN, long the premier service under Admiral McKenna, was forced to take second seat at the table to the needs of the armies and police forces necessary to keep potentially restive worlds under control.

An unanticipated, but unsurprising, side effect of this was an upswing in pirate activity across the inner sphere.  Former sailors, seeking other employment and with military conquest as their recent background, filtered out into the broad, empty swaths of space outside the Hegemony.  Trade was the life’s-blood of the scattered worlds further from the core, but that same scattering implied lessened defenses, a fertile territory for any band of pirates or privateers with access to haphazardly ‘militarized’ Aquila Transport or an armed Dropship or two.  The newly popular Jumpships themselves were easy targets, as were their merchant dropships, and pirate havens sprang up to provide repair, refit, and black-market services to those who cruised the dark spaceplanes looking for easy profit…

The proximity of the Principality of Rasalhague, Rimworld Republic, Lyran Commonwealth, and Draconis Combine provide a convenient powder-keg for the inner sphere.  The Combine has taken more than a few worlds from around the Principality over the last few decades, responding to recently deceased Shiro Kurita’s vision of the manifest destiny of the Draconis Combine and House Kurita.  Though Tenno Kurita seems to be more scholarly and less warlike than his father, the dead hand rests heavy on the son, and while hope for rapprochement exists, Shiro Kurita’s words to his son may well define the entire future of the Combine:

I have chosen the dragon as our standard and our symbol, reflecting many facets of our existence. We must never forget the ancient Terran heritage of our line, with its samurai greatness. I remind you, too, that in many mythologies, the dragon is feared and respected for its strength, cunning, and willingness to destroy for the sake of its own power. Always keep the virtues of the dragon in mind, and use them to defeat your opponents.

Always preserve the dragon, and it's magic will keep you strong.
-Shiro Kurita, to Tenno Kurita, 2319

The Principality of Rasalhague is attempting to respond to Kuritan pressure by building its strength – hoping to dissuade Tenno from continuing to pursue the path of conquest set forth by his father.  Further afield, the Rim Worlds Republic and Lyran Commonwealth look on in concern and arm themselves, though the economic strength of the Commonwealth is hampered by its lack of a unitary leader.  There are 9 Archons, and while Kevin Tamar may be first among equals, he lacks the ability to set policy for the nation by himself.  In the Rim Worlds Republic, Arabella Rowe is rumored to have sought under-the-table negotiations with her neighboring powers, in the hope of halting the expansion of the Combine.

The border between the Draconis Combine and Federated Suns is quiet, for the moment.  Separated by light years of lightly or colonized worlds, these two great powers lack any pressing need to go to war, at least for the moment.  Still, President Reynard Davion is well named.  Seeing the glory and power that has flown into the hands of the Kurita as a result of their military efforts against vulnerable neighbors, many wonder if the Federated Suns will look to for opportunities to liberate the oppressed peoples of the Combine, Concordat, or Collective, or if they will prefer to maintain their focus on taking the worlds of the disparate small powers to their galactic west.

To the South of the Federated Suns, the United Hindu Collective and Taurian Concordat are for the moment at least as concerned raiders and pirates as with the Fox’s sharpening teeth.  These small periphery realms have suffered from the depredations of these barbarians for some time.  So conveniently, they arm themselves in the name of protection from pirates, all the while keeping their eyes open to the north, where a much larger predator lies, smiling.  Richard Calderon is perhaps more open in his fear of the Federated Suns, but Shivaji Bhonsle of the UHC is no less capable and focused, though perhaps more subtle, in his concerns, and up-cannoning.

The various minor powers that would later be the Capellan Confederation have no such happy pretense.  Initial talks are already underway to bring their leaders together to form a greater union, precisely as a result of the predations of the Federated Suns and their Davion leader.  Gently (and not so gently) herding them to this conclusion is Emilie Liao.  Despite nearly four decades in power, her grip is not yet weakened, and she is widely considered to be both more cunning, and more patient, than her compatriots.  The same cannot be said for Olav Johannson of the Illyrian Palatinate...

“Marcus Julius O’Riley is a friend of mine.  We’ve had a lot of meetings together.  Very great meetings.  I looked into his eyes.  You can understand a man, when you look into his eyes.  Shake his hand.  He’s a strong leader, looking out for his people – that’s why he’s building those warships and raising those legions – to protect his people from Pirates, and at worst from the Taurians.  We’ve discussed the future of Palatinate-Marian relations, and he has promised us that between us, peace will be what defines our times.”
                -Olav Johannson, regarding Marcus O’Riley, 2352

Historians note that the Palatinate Armed Services did not find Mr. Johannsson’s words reassuring.
In the Free Worlds League, Director General Geraldine Marik has recently ascended to power, and none are yet sure what her tenure in leadership will bring.  The Commonwealth to her North and the various scattered powers to her east both have larger concerns than antagonizing the oldest major government in known space.  Given the historic focus of the Free Worlds League on its own, internal concerns and on health trade with anyone with a few coins, it is expected that the FWL will continue to be quiescent for the time being – even as they arm themselves against the future.

Combat Results

Hunting the Scarlet Privateer

            This decade is characterized by large numbers of small actions, as various warships of the great powers hunt down and neutralize pirate vessels wherever they can find them.  The Kutai of the Draconis Combine is notable for its effect in this role, due to its combination of speed and sensors, as is the Taurian Iberia and the Yang Wei of the Capellan Peoples Provisional Naval Alliance.  It is noted that using a ¾ Megaton Battlecruiser for antipiracy is overkill, though when questioned on this, Admiral Yi Markovich was quoted as saying “I do not intend to try to save money or spend lives by conserving ammunition.”

Most effective are the Terrier of the FSNs and the Snotra of the LCN.  With uprated sensors and blazing speed, these small warships are the terror of pirates and ‘pirates’ operating in their nations territories, particularly the Snotra in the ‘Four Corners’ Hotbed due north of Terra.  Terrier Captains, frustrated as their potential fame is eclipsed by their Lyran cousins, note that they have less pirate captures, because they have less pirates.

In an outstanding example of the breed, in late 2354, a routine patrol passed through the Pasig system.  Home to a shake-and-bake starter colony, such ‘check-ins’ Captain Fetuilelagi Haddad of the Snotra expected no more than a comm handshake and a report before moving on.  What she got instead was a repeater distress signal, placed on automatic and crying for help “Before they come back.  Again.”

Hearing no response from the planet, she took the Snotra in only to find a scene of devastation.  Once a preliminary colony of more than a thousand families tasked with starting up the infrastructure for later expansion, overflights and later face to face contact found less than two hundred people hiding in a cave system and near starvation on emergency supplies – their fields raided and then burned.  The blame was placed on a group of pirates under the leadership of the Scarlet Privateer, supposedly a former THN Officer leading a band of psychopathic cutthroats across the outer territories.  Those not dead were gone, taken as slaves to her band and to fates worse than death.

Captain Haddad responded by hiring every available jumpship in the area to lie quietly with their drives charged, well outside the nadir or zenith jump points of systems.   The jumpers were responsible for listening for comm chatter, unusual in-system jump locations, or any other indications that something was amiss.  When something was detected, they would jump towards where they knew the Snotra was waiting, passing on a report.
Usually these reports came too late, but finally the LC Far Star (a civilian Jumpship) detected an odd emergence pulse, one primitive and one standard jumpship at the same time, in an odd place – well off the nadir point, and far enough out that the planet itself would not have been able to detect them.  Had the Far Star not been herself lying quiet near the Nadir Point, it would have been missed and the world below given little time.

As soon as the incoming jump was identified, the Far Star jumped to carry word to the Snotra.  The Snotra, also sitting with drives hot some 20 light years away, input the coordinates of the anomalous incoming jump and was there herself long before the Scarlet Privateer could respond.  Her jumpship surrendered under the Snotra’s guns, and her (barely) militarized Aquila was run down a little more than a day later, unable to flee the far more agile light vessel.  Unwilling to surrender and knowing what faced them, the Privateer’s “Just Pay Me And I’ll Leave”, armed only with light weapons and a pair of heavy naval Autocannon, was too slow to force an engagement and was picked apart, a bull against a matador, by the Snotra’s naval lasers from beyond her ability to reply.

The handful of survivors proved talkative, and the Snotra was shortly thereafter able to capture the pirates base, a collection of old civilian jumpships hard-docked to one another far from any star, a deep space pirate haven for the Northern Rim.  With the fall of “NeoTortuga”, pirate activity declined in the area for years to come.

Results:  LC Gains 3 Jumpships and 5 Small dropships (Naval Prize), Small Economy Boost, Decreased Piracy on Northern Rim provides minor gains to all area economies.

Draconis Combine Attack on Jezersko

In the latter half of the 2350’s, with the Draconis Combine Admiralty finally getting it’s fleet up to strength Tenno Kurita ordered the long awaited repression of the Principality of Rasalhague to begin. He was eventually persuaded against going with a decapitation strike on Rasalhague itself, instead launching a more gradual assault, giving the DCA time to work out the kinks in their new ships, crews and doctrine.

It wasn’t until 2359 that the attack finally came, with two Kutai (DCS Galedon and DCS Midway) and 4 Jumpships carrying the invasion force under the command of Admiral Teriyaki jumping into a ‘pirate point’ in the Jezersko system a few short hours burn away from the small colony itself. Jezersko was sparsely populated and lightly defended, having only two Stråle-class dropships, six Falk-class and a dozen Hök-class fighters capable of putting up any meaningful resistance. Leaving a dozen fighters and two assault dropships to escort the JumpShips the rest of the DCA fleet burned towards the planet, thinking it had an easy victory on it’s hands. This is the stage where things started to go wrong for the DCA.

Arriving so close to the world had set off alarm bells across Jezersko’s Space Traffic Control system, such as it was. Knowing that such a fleet arriving at a transitory point without warning is never up to any good, a call for aid was sent out and detected by a Rasalhagian JumpShip recharging at the Zenith point which sped up it’s recharging process as best it could and jumped to Vipaava to spread word of the attack. By the grace of some unknown deity, it arrived almost on top of the PoRS Rav, first of it’s class just about to jump to Radlje to continue it’s patrol. One quick jump recalculation later and it found itself arriving in the same transitory point the DCA had arrived at an hour before to find poorly escorted jumpships just outside of weapons range.While the firepower of the PoRS Rav may be mediocre by WarShip standards, against dropships and unarmed JumpShips it is a heavily armoured juggernaut, shrugging off laser fire as it methodically turned each of the four jumpships to scrap.

Admiral Teriyaki was not idle during this time however, as soon as the Rav’s emergence wave was detected he ordered an immediate about face and a return to the embattled jumpships with all speed. He was far too late to save them, but he would have vengeance. With the speed the Combine ships had built up on the way in there was no way for the Rav to escape without damage. As they reached extreme weapons range a dozen capital missiles were fired by the pair of Kutais, six of which failed to find a target and two were shot down more by luck than skill by the PoRS Rav’s fighter complement. The other four however struck their target in the Rav’s port side, one of which found it’s way into the innards of the corvette, destroying the power feeds for it’s fore-quarter naval lasers. As the range decreased both sides opened up with their naval lasers, that opening volley seemed to favour the Combine ships as each of the three solid hits managed to penetrate the armour on PoRS Rav, knocking out more weapons across the ship and damaging the sensors.

However the lone hit suffered by the DCS Galedon struck the CIC, killing Admiral Teriyaki and leaving the ship out of control for a few vital minutes. The Rasalhagian ‘Ship noticed the Galedon no longer matching their maneuvers and tried to use this opening to blow past the out of control ship and escape, but not before another volley of missiles from the DCS Midway streaked into the PoRS Rav, shattering armour across the aft quarter, breaching a cargo bay and doing further damage to the Rav’s sensors. Now almost blind the Rav’s return fire mostly hit nothing but space dust, it’s one hit on the Galedon melting armour but failing to penetrate.

While the ‘Ship fight was going on, the fighters of the DCA and PRN were having their own fight, with the Rasalhagian fighters limited by the need for some to hang back and provide point defence to their mothership. The remaining PoR fighters fought hard but were quickly overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of fighters arrayed against them. The surviving DCA fighters then pounced on the Rav, focusing their efforts around the engines in order to cripple it. The Rav’s gunners made an heroic effort to ward off the fighter swarm, even managing to score some heavy blows on the DCA Galedon as they passed it.

But in the end the numbers soon told and combined with the Midway continuing to fire Killer Whales into the Rav’s aft as it attempted to evade, its engines were turned into rapidly expanding clouds of debris and the Rasalhagian ship left adrift. It was not left completely defenceless however, and it’s remaining guns managed to prevent a boarding attempt by DCA marines before Captain Udon onboard the Midway decided to finish it off with his remaining missiles before getting the conquest of Jezersko back on track.

What little defence Jezersko had couldn’t stand up to the still intact Kutai, and what defenders remained on the world quickly fled into the wilds to form a resistance and await help.

RESULT: Rasalhague - PoRS Rav destroyed, 4 x Dropships, 24 Hok-class Fighters, 4 Falk-class Fighters and 2 Small Craft lost.
Draconis Combine - 1 Kutai-class (DCS Galedon) damaged (1.5B repairs), 4 Jumpships, 2 Dropships, 30 Fighters and 4 Small craft lost.

Jezersko now in DC hands. -2B to PoR economy, +1B to DC economy.

Budget, Turn 2: 
Terran Hegemony:                          758
Draconis Combine:                          325
Federated Suns:                               317
Capellan Confederation:               303
Free Worlds League:                       309
Lyran Commonwealth:                  303, +3 JS, +5 Small Dropship
Rim Worlds Republic:                     126
Principality of Rasalhague:           75
United Hindu Collective:               58
Taurian Concordat:                          109
Marian Hegemony:                         58
Illyrian Palatinate:                            34 

2360 Map (
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Jester Motley on 11 April 2020, 21:28:26
[edit 1:] Added vessel names

I reserve the right to edit/update this but here's the FedSun turn 2:

With the increase in piracy, and while peace still reigns on FedSun borders, the AFFS has stepped up anti-piracy patrols, investing heavily in nearly doubling its anti-piracy forces.  At the same time, "defensive" forces were increased 50%.  This latter move was a salve to the political groups worried about force buildups of FedSun's neighbors.  The "we're still at peace" political alliance so far holds a majority, but it saw its influence dwindle sharply in the last decade.  Fears of war are abundant, and worse, the warmongering factions, clearly backed and favored by Reynold, have gained all of the influence lost by the peaceniks.  While no new ship designs were laid down, both sides saw wisdom in investing in research, infrastructure, and shipyards.  The increased tonnage, though not hull capacity, means the new technologies rolling out of the Q branch, will have ample room to mount or equip to the fleet.  In the meantime, the new Mechs equipping AFFS ground troops, warship and now the miniturized light craft armor technology, and the blunt force trauma that is the new heavy autocannons and naval gauss cannons, ensure that should a fight happen, the AFFS will win decisively.

Doctrine changes-
Outwardly none, anti-piracy remains the top-most priority of the AFFS navy.  But most of the Admiralty can read the winds and know that conflict is coming.  As such, invasion plans for multiple fronts have been drawn up and lighter forces have been built up to handle a campaign.  Confidence is (stupidly) high that a fight with anything less than a major house will be a short, victorious war.  The admiralty is in unanimous agreement, however, that the navy warship capacity is woefully unprepared to directly take on a major house at this time in any offensive capacity.  If questioned about the AFFS warship capabilities in a case ZULU invasion by a major house, most admirals believe the speed and flexibility of the current recharge network will allow the AFFS to determine the time and place an invasion force would be met by a concentrated battle fleet, all while any invasion force is harried by constant long range and logistics raiding.  Finally, the AFFS ground forces are the best equipped forces in the known universe (exaggeration, but mechs and AC/10s, 20s, oh my) and its believed that this will act as a deterrent against invasion while striking fear in anyone they are deployed against.

(AFFS admiralty is confident (possibly over) in anything except an offense against a major house.)

Recharge and defense station deployment-  I'd like to avoid listing every system and what it has?  Just assume that major naval through-ways are lined with recharge stations, and major naval points of interest defensively have a defense station or two.  (Shipyards, stock/supply areas, regional government and high-industry/populace worlds, etc)

Federated Suns Turn report
Code: [Select]
Federated Suns Turn report:
Turn: 2
Turn Date: 2360

Base Budget: $317,000
Carryover From previous turn: $1,235
Bonus/Loss: $0
Total Budget for turn: $318,235

Maintenance: $74,656
Research: $125,471
New Aquisitions: $67,762
Yard Additions/Upgrades: $50,000
Surplus for next turn/Warchest: $347

Research: AC/20
Naval Gauss

Existing Yards:
Planet L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 Castles Brian
TOTAL 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Delevan 1 2
Layover 1 1
New Syrtis 1

Yard upgrades/moves:
Upgrade LV1->2 1 New Syrtis
Upgrade LV2->3 1 Delevan

End of Turn Yards:
Planet L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 Castles Brian
TOTAL 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Delevan 1 1 1
Layover 1 1
New Syrtis 0 1

Starting Minor Vessels:
Fighter 2,750
Adv. Fighter 0
Small Craft 1,000
Light DS 100
Med DS 0
Hvy DS 0
JumpShip 25

New Minor Vessels:
Fighter 1,500
Adv. Fighter 0
Small Craft 1,000
Light DS 5
Med DS 0
Hvy DS 0
JumpShip 5


New Designs Built this Turn:
- -

Existing Designs:                         Built this Turn: Starting Numbers Total: Mothballed:
Outpost Space Station (Recharge) 17                 18                         35         0
Bailey Space Station (Defense)         5                 15                    20         0
Gladius (Destroyer/Defense)         2                 4                 6         0
Hornet (Light Carrier)                         0                      2                 2         0
Rapier (Fast Frigate)                         2                 3                 5         0
Terrier (Corvette/Scout)                 2                 2                 4         0
Cabellus (AFS Collier/Combat Stores) 1                 1                 2      0

AFFS Naval Vessels

Code: [Select]
AFFS Naval Vessels by Class and Design: 2360
Gladius (Destroyer/Defense) 6
Hornet (Light Carrier) 2
Rapier (Fast Frigate) 5
Terrier (Corvette/Scout) 4
Cabellus (AFS Collier/Combat Stores) 2
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: marcussmythe on 12 April 2020, 09:59:31
Capellan Confederation Turn 2 2360-2370
Meeting at St. Andre in 2367, the unofficial cooperation of the various Capellan powers was made official in the birth of the Capellan Confederation.  Whilst vast in its implications for the future, its main impact on day to day naval operations was to allow for tighter cooperation between the various space forces as they began to formally forge themselves into a single operational unit.

Rather than grow the fleet in this transitional era, the newly official CCN chose instead to focus on the future, expanding yard capacity to allow for the larger warships that their tea-leaf readers (and actual naval historians an statistical analysts) agreed that the future would demand.  Some questioned the infrastructure investment, as other powers were pursuing better technology and building up their current warship stocks, but CNO Tseng He dismissed these concerns, stating "One grows rice to feed an army.  One does not build an army to grow rice."

That being said, a rice field needs guardians.  The blossoming yards of the Confederation, outstripping those of any power short of the Hegemony itself, represented a vast investment and a tempting target.  While the CCN was confident in the strength of its fleets, it was felt that providing a set of static defenses over their new yards, sufficient to defeat all but the most powerful of invasion fleets, would not only secure that investment, but allow the navy greater freedom to operate without constantly looking over its shoulder.  The fact that the secured yards all lie over high value worlds further bolstered the value of the defensive investment.

Similarly, the Confederation noted the proliferation of recharge stations in other nations, and felt that increased trade ties would help cement the fledgling nation.  To this end, the Habwr Diogel Stations were put into production.  Better armed and more heavily armored than many of their contemporaries, the stations extensive cargo handling facilities and ability to accommodate up to a thousand travelling merchants, salesmen, and their like at the same time allowed them to serve as port of call, a home away from home, for diplomats, adventurers, merchants, and explorers, Tiknov and Liao, Sarna and Capellan, St. Ives and Sian all together wrapped in a half million tons of spinning steel, all alone in the night...

Code: [Select]
Capellan Confederation, Turn Beginning 2360 Value/Cost
Starting Funds: 4.15
Starting Shipyards: 
Capella: 1/1/1 100
Sarna:1/1/1 100
Aldebaran: 1/1/1         100
Starting Warships:
CA Yangwei x 6 57
DD Binzhou x 12 55.26
Starting Jumpships:10 5
Starting Dropships:150 15
Starting Small Craft:200 2
Starting Fighters: 600 3
Assets: 321.475

Expenditure Cost (Billions)
Budget: 303
Reserves from Prior Turn: 4.15
Maintenance (Full) 68.63
Capella, Sarna, Aldebaran 3->4 120
Capella, Sarna, Aldebaran 2->3 45
Capella, Sarna, Aldebaran 1->2 30
Capella, Sarna, Aldebaran 0->1 15
R&D, Shaobing Defense Station:                                 .008
R&D, Habwr Diogel Trade Station:                               .09
Shaobing Defense Station x 300:                                 9
Habwr Diogel Trade Station x  40                                14.68
Jumpship Production:
Dropship Production:
Small Craft:
Total: 302.408
Remainder: 4.742

Capellan Confederation, Turn Ending 2360 
Ending Funds: 4.742
Ending Shipyards: Capella 1/1/1/1 200
Sarna: 1/1/1/1 200
Aldebaran 1/1/1/1 200

Ending Warships: CA Yangwei x 6 57
DD Binzhou x 12 55.26

Ending Stations:        DS Shao Bing x 300                      9
                        TS Habwr Diogel x 40                    14.66

Ending Jumpships: 10 5
Ending Dropships: 150 15
Ending Small Craft 200 2
Ending Fighters: 600 3
Mainteance Assets:         160.92

Defense Station Shaobing (Sentinel)

The young Capellan Confederation Navy was, by the 2360s, pressing to become the penultimate shipwrights of the inner sphere, eclipsed only by the Terran Hegemony.  Massive yards spread in orbit over Capella, Aldebaran, and Sarna, representing both the future of their naval strength and extensive grounds for commercial jumpship construction.  Each yard represented decades of effort and hundreds of billions of investment, and the loss of any one would be a terrible blow.

The budding CCN was a large, capable force, as measured by its compatriots, but as the value and cost of the major yards climbed, so did their value as a target and the potential threat to them.  Even if the CCN would be sufficient to protect them, increasing the security of those yards would allow the CCN greater freedom to fill patrol or, in the case of war, offensive operations.  Notably, though the yards at Capella and Sarna were within mutual defense range and close to the core of the CC, the Aldebaran yards were within a few jumps of both the Free Worlds League and, worrisomely, the Terran Hegemony.

At the same time, heavily armed defensive battlestations represented their own massive expense, as well as single point of failure immobile targets.  Research and design studies suggested that small, distributed platforms would provide significant firepower, while creating a more resilient defense presenting problems for any incoming force due to the difficulty of targeting many disparate, small targets, and allocating fire properly to reliably defeat them.  As such, the Shaobing (Mand. "Sentinel") class Defense Station is a small nucleus of firepower, meant to act collectively in the defense of high value targets. 

The Shaobing is small for a station, at 11,000 tons.  10% of that mass takes the form of a heavy spinal 55cm Naval Laser, along with its supporting power systems.  A single Naval Laser is potentially lethal to anything smaller than a dropship, and they reach out to match the range of almost any shipboard weapon - a necessary quality for any fixed defense.  Quintuple Barracuda missile launchers are wrapped around the laser, to provide even greater reach, anti-fighter defenses, and to supplant the Naval Lasers fire.  The missiles were also favored for their greater impact against opponents on a high speed engagement profile, where the massive closing velocities will magnify the impact of the hypervelocity kinetic penetrator missiles.  Defensively, 48 autonomous point-defense mounts provide security against incoming missiles, and greatly complicate enemy fire planning.  Provisions are made for up to 20 fighters or small craft shuttles, but these are usually left largely empty unless there is a known, immanent threat. 

The crew of 62 often bored Capellan patriots rest in comfortable, if not extravagant, quarters, and nearly 1500 tons of supplies can in theory keep them supplied for more than six months.  Shaobing Stations are usually deployed in combination with at least one Habwr Diogel station, and the crews of the Shaobing will rotate duty, often taking shuttles to the larger station to sleep in assigned berthing in spin-induced gravity.

Code: [Select]
Shao Bing (Guardian)
Tech: Inner Sphere
Introduced: 2365
Mass: 11,000 tons
Length: 135 meters
Width:  101 meters
Height:  101 meters
Sail Diameter: None
Fuel: 100 tons (1,000)
Tons/Burn-day: N/A
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Sail Integrity: N/A
KF Drive Integrity: N/A
Heat Sinks: 135 (100%)
Structural Integrity: 1
Cost:  $30,014,000 (Including Ammunition)

Fore: 20
Fore-Sides: 14
Aft-Sides: 10
Aft: 9

Bay 1 (Aft), 2 Doors:  20 Small Craft
                        1443 Tons Cargo
DropShip Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 0
Escape Pods: 0
Lifeboats:  0

Crew:      11 Officers
           37 Ratings
           14 Gunners
           100 Bay Personnel

Ammunition:  24 Tons MG Ammo
             100 Barracuda Missiles

Mounts 96 Tons of Standard Armor
100% of required heat sinks
All personnel in 2nd Class Quarters


1 NL/55
8 MG

Fore Left/Right:
1 Barracuda Launcher, 20 Rounds
8 MG

1 Barracuda Launcher, 20 Rounds
8 MG

Aft Left/Right:
1 Barracuda Launcher, 20 Rounds
8 MG

1 Barracuda Launcher, 20 Rounds
8 MG

Trade/Recharge Station Harbwr Diogel (Safe Harbor)

By the 2360s, trade stations in various designs were appearing all over the inner sphere.  Armament varied from nearly none up to 55cm capital lasers or scores of 8cm AAA lasers.  Some carried passenger facilities, most had recharge batteries, and almost all carried at least one gravity deck to provide rest and respite to weary travellers.

Wanting to keep up, the CCN drafted a design that took some of the best elements of each, while providing its own take on matters.  The Harbwr Diogel was widely regarded as unpronouceable, but the Cornish speakers of St. Ives insisted - and it was their design.  It was also regarded as spacious and comfortable, the entire station constituting, essentially, a 250m grav deck spun cylinder, with a docking and cargo 'spine' running along one side in null gravity. 

The crew and up to 1000 civilians live in comfort, if not luxury, inside the open spaces of the spun cylinder, conducting business and arranging the cargo transfers and docking that occur in the spine.  More than 50kt of cargo, along with 60 heavy civilian shuttles, provide for cargo storage and transshipment, as well as supplying replenishment to CCN vessels moving through the system.

Mounting thick capital grade armor on the sides and equipped with 30 launchers for up to 300 capital missiles, the station is able to defend itself against any pirate and is threatening enough to dissuade, if not necessarily defeat, a capital ship raider that proves unwilling to accept the port's surrender.

Code: [Select]
Harbwr Diogel (Safe Harbor)
Tech: Inner Sphere
Introduced: 2367
Mass: 500,000 tons
Length: 372 meters
Width:  254 meters
Height:  254 meters
Sail Diameter: None
Fuel: 100 tons (200)
Tons/Burn-day: N/A
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Sail Integrity: N/A
KF Drive Integrity: N/A
Heat Sinks: 300 (100%)
Structural Integrity: 1
Cost:  $366,954,000 (Including Ammunition)

Fore: 115
Fore-Sides: 115
Aft-Sides: 115
Aft: 115

Bay 1 (Fore), 6 Doors:  30 Small Craft
                                26,451 Tons Cargo
Bay 2 (Aft), 6 Doors:           30 Small Craft
                                26,452 Tons Cargo
DropShip Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 1, 250m
Escape Pods: 0
Lifeboats:  200

Crew:      32 Officers
           113 Ratings
           38 Gunners
           300 Bay Personnel
           1000 Second-Class Passengers

Ammunition:  48 Tons MG Ammo
             300 Barracuda Missiles

Mounts 690 Tons of Standard Armor
100% of required heat sinks


Each Facing:
5 Barracuda Launcher, 50 Rounds
8 MG
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: marcussmythe on 14 April 2020, 08:39:58
Terran Hegemony Turn 2 2360-2370

As Michael Cameron settled into the reins of power, it became apparent to the THN that they would have to find a way to justify their navy, and its budget, within the now more inwardly focused government.  As the era of expansion slipped behind them, Naval Command sought about for new roles, new missions, for their ships and crews to fulfill.

Given their manifest motivation, it is unsurprising that they found not just one, but several.  Some leaders wanted light, fast pickets with expansive sensor suites to run down the new plague of pirates presenting themselves in space.  Others insisted that the THN needed training ships to maintain competence and prepare for the next generation.
Others still insisted on a large, fast, powerful ships, able to maneuver with those being produced by neighboring governments, and defeat them as well, if necessary.

Finally, the accountants looked at the half-dozen proposals for as many different new hull classes, and suggested that maybe it would be better to build a single hull.  Quantity has a quality all its own, and the effective cost of any vessel drops with repeat production and standardization.

Proposals for armed recharge stations at every zenith and nadir were also bruted about at this junction, but delayed in favor of focusing on a standardized large, fast 'cruiser' class, described below.  Older vessels, and even newer ones deemed excess to requirements, were sold off to other navies to allow room in the budget for this expansion.  Some commanders suggested sending the expensive invasion transport "Dart" class vessels into reserve, but for the moment, the new conquests of the hegemony were sufficiently restive that having a ready ability to respond to any disturbance was found to be worthwhile.

Code: [Select]
Terran Hegemony, Turn Beginning 2360         Value/Cost
Starting Funds: 35.92
Starting Shipyards: Terra: 2/2/2/2/1
Keid:  2/2/1/1
Thorin: 1/1/1
Terra Firma: 1/1/1
New Earth: 1/1/1
Yorii:  1/1/1
Graham IV 1/1/1

Starting Warships:  BB Dreadnought x 6 48.618B
BC Black Lion x 12 84.084B
TT Dart x 13 149.870B
CL Cruiser x 23 171.850
DD Lola x 22 159.696B
SC Bonaventure x 40 211.512B
PF Vigilant x 33 133.552B

Starting Jumpships:  80 40B
Starting Dropships:  300 (Light) 30B
Starting Small Craft 1,200 12B
Starting Fighters: 3000 15B
Assets: 2,227B

Expenditure Cost (Billions)
Starting Funds: 35.92B
Sale of 2x DD Lola 6.654B
Sale of 2x SC Bonaventure 5.036B
Sale of 2xCruiser                                                                10B
Budget: 758B

Maintenance 530.54B
R&D:  Ferro-Aluminium 86B
(181.61 remaining)
Prototyping:  Constitution Class CA 2.055B
Production, Constitution Class CA x20 164.4B
Jumpship Production: 0
Dropship Production: 0
Small Craft: 0
Fighters: 0
Total: 790.455B
Remainder: 32.695

Terran Hegemony, Turn Ending 2370
Ending Funds:  32.695
Starting Shipyards: Terra: 2/2/2/2/1
Keid:  2/2/1/1
Thorin: 1/1/1
Terra Firma: 1/1/1
New Earth: 1/1/1
Yorii:  1/1/1
Graham IV 1/1/1

Ending Warships:  BB Dreadnought x 6 48.618B
                                        CA Constitution x 20 164.4B
BC Black Lion x 12 84.084B
TT Dart x 13 149.870B
CL Cruiser x 27 201.420B
DD Lola x 22 159.696B
SC Bonaventure x 40 211.512B
PF Vigilant x 33 133.552B

Ending Jumpships:  80 40B
Ending Dropships:  300 (Light) 30B
Ending Small Craft 1,200 12B
Ending Fighters: 3000 15B

CA Constitution

In 2362, the first of the new Constitution Class Heavy Cruisers left its fitting-out yards over Titan to enter service.  Over the coming years, the Constitution Class and its descendants would become the public face of the Hegemony Naval Arm, both due to its ubquity and to a series of successful televid programs based on the highly fictionalized exploits of the captain and crew of one such vessel.

The Constitution Class had an inauspicious beginning.  By 2360, the THN had resigned itself to declining budgets, conflicting taskings, and a growing strength in its understandably paranoid neighbors.  The Hegemony Navy was needed to show the flag and maintain order over its own space, as well as suppressing piracy and deterring adventurism by the surrounding great powers. 

Initial proposals for a mix of light, fast pickets with powerful sensor suites for anti-piracy work, fast, flexible light cruisers for escort work, and a second run of cost-controlled battlecruiser or dreadnought sized vessels to deter aggression.  Additional quarters to allow for expanded crews (lowering workload and allowing for extended deployment) were suggested, and the still relatively new K-F Collars would likely be a requirement to allow the vessels to carry dropships to give additional mission flexibility, as well as at least a moderate complement of fighters and small craft for further flexiblity in use.

Faced with the cost of designing and fielding as many as five new warship classes, the Naval Accountants balked.  Design Costs would consume more money than an entire ship, and the additional logistic burden of supporting multiple new hull designs would magnify them over time.  The navy simply could not afford to build enough of each to cover the potential need for each type of ship.  Further, many such ships would sit underused when their specialty was not being called for. 

The result was a compromise vessel, intended to meet all the mission requirements set out by the naval planners.  Capable of sustained 2G performance, with bursts as high as 3G, coupled with the most extensive sensor suite possible, she is able to not just locate and run down pirates and privateers, but to approach enemy combatants with both an information advantage and enough engine power to force or decline engagement.   Armament consists of 3 triple NAC/30 turrets on each flank, along with an octet of Naval Laser 'Chasers' fore and aft.  Whilst slightly inferior to the older Dreadnought in middle range firepower, she is nearly her equal at point blank, and can out-range the older ship, as well as controlling engagement ranges at will with her greater engine power.

Heavy hull reinforcement was chosen at the cost of payload, to extend service life and hopefully lower maintenance costs.  This provision allowed for 1,480 tons of standard face-hardening over the underlying structure, making her more resilient than anything that had served the Hegemony Navy before.  Finally, her expansive bays have provisions for not just 40 small craft or fighters, but for a pair of 5000 ton Dropshuttles.  Some eyebrows were raised at the provision for dropshuttle carriage, but the older technology was chosen for reliability and ease of maintenance, as compared to the expensive and sometimes fragile KF Collars coming into service.

Despite her size and power, she was officially classed by the THN as a 'Patrol Cruiser' on budget documents and a 'Heavy Cruiser' internally.  Director-General Cameron was noted to have, on review of the budget request, stated "At least their smart enough to ask for Patrol Boats, rather than more Dreadnoughts.  Approved."

Code: [Select]
Tech: Inner Sphere
Introduced: 2362
Mass: 740,000 tons
Length: 712 meters
Width:  218 meters
Height:  327 meters
Sail Diameter: 970 meters
Fuel: 10,000 tons (25,000)
Tons/Burn-day: 39.52
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Sail Integrity: 5
KF Drive Integrity: 16
Heat Sinks: 2689 (100%)
Structural Integrity: 100
Cost:  $8.22B (Including Ammunition)

Fore: 106
Fore-Sides: 110
Aft-Sides: 110
Aft: 106

Bay 1 (Aft), 16 Doors:  40 Small Craft
                                1 Dropshuttle Bay (2 Dropshuttles)
                                29236 Tons Cargo

DropShip Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 2 (200 meters diameter)
Escape Pods: 100
Lifeboats:  100

Crew:  41 Officers
           152 Ratings
           46 Gunners
           202 Bay Personnel

Ammunition:  1800 NAC/30 Rounds

Large NCSS
Mounts 1,480 Tons of Standard Armor
100% of required heat sinks
All personnel in 1st/2nd Class Quarters
41 First Class Passengers, 400 Second Class Passengers  ('Blue Crew' Second Berthing)


8 NL/55

Fore Left/Right:
3 NAC/30

3 NAC/30

Aft Left/Right:
3 NAC/30

8 NL/55

Dropshuttle Agincourt

With the introduction of the Constitution class cruisers, the THN moved some of its construction resources from the newer KF-Boom equipped Dropship to the older, internally stored Dropshuttles, intended to fill out the Dropshuttle bays on the Constitution.  Whilst the internally carried shuttles could be optimized for numerous roles, including sensor picket, fighter support, or exploration, the first capability the Hegemony pursued was that of armed landing craft.

Though superficially similar, Dropshuttles have the advantage of being carried internally on the trip from jumppoint until they are released to swoop down on the defending planet.  Intended to be inhabited continuously for hours rather than months at a time, the Agincourt focuses its capabilities on transporting a full Battalion of 50 Ton THN Wellesly class Main Battle Tanks to the surface under the heaviest of fire. 144 Tons of StarPlate Standard plating wrap the elongated sphere and provide substantial protection from enemy fire, while over 50 Krupp Model 32 8cm Lasers ward off anything that would contest its landing.

The Agincourt is a basic design, with only the most spartan of crew facilities, rough and ready fittings, and a simplistic armor and armament loadout.  Given its role as a landing boat, rather than an extended operation space-fairing vessel, more involved fittings and design were rejected in favor of reliability, serviceability, and mass production.

Code: [Select]
Manufacturer: O'Neil Yards
Production Year:  2362
Use:  Military Spheroid
Type:  Battalion Transport
Tech Base:  Inner Sphere
Cost:  TBD

Mass: 4800
Structural Integrity: 40
Length: 84m
Width: 84m
Height: 127m
Drive System: O'Neil 500 Series Fusion
Safe Thrust: 2.5G
Maximum Thrust: 4G
Fuel: 100 Tons
Armament: 54 Large Lasers
Nose:  12 Large Lasers
Front Sides:  10 Large Lasers
Aft Sides: 8 Large Lasers
Aft:  6 Large Lasers
Armor: 2304 Armor Points
Fore:  604
Sides: 600
Aft: 500
Crew: 14 (steerage class quarters)
Heat Sinks: 432 (100%)
36 Light Vehicles
104 Tons, Cargo
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 14 April 2020, 19:29:55
Taurian Concordat 2360

To: Protector Calderon
Fleet Readiness Report, December 2359

1. The Iberia-class has so far performed it's intended role impeccably, if it has a fault it is that we don't have enough of them to cover the entire Concordat. Expansion of the fleet continues as fast as yard space and budget allows.
2. The expanding fleets of the Federated Suns and Capellan Confederation are a growing concern. While the Iberia is a match for their smaller border patrol ships, we will need something larger to stand a chance against a Gladius or Yang Wei should their navies come calling.
3. The Far Lookers proposal to use Iberias to escort colonisation efforts and give them special attention to protect them from pirates have been considered and approved. Four ships have been reserved for this duty.
4. Remaining Iberias -and new ones entering service - will be split between guarding the Hyades Cluster, the yards at New Vandenberg and patrolling the border for potential threats. Two ships shall be assigned guard duty for each ship yard complex, with the rest travelling in pairs in case of accidents.
5. Design of series of recharge stations has been finalised, construction to begin as budget allows.

Fleet Admiral Vari'cous Ver'nicolo

Code: [Select]
Year: 2360 Value in Millions
Money Available 109,000
Remaining from Last Turn 406
Available Shipyards

Taurus 2/1
New Vandenberg 2


Maintanence 50% 39175
Prototype Cost Siesta 470 118
0 0

Construction Unit Price

Stations Siesta 12 470 5,640
Warships Iberia 10 4,975 49,750

Jumpships 10 500 5000
Dropships 20 300 6,000
Fighters 480 5 2,400
Small Craft 100 10 1000

Total Spent 109082.5


Remaining 324

Siesta-class Station

While it's primary function is to speed travel and thus trade, the Siesta is built to be more than just a recharge station, mounting sixteen 55cm Naval Lasers as well as a full regiment of fighters to allow it to defend itself and passing civilian shipping from pirates and smaller merchant raiders without outside assistance. Current deployment to be focused on the Hyades cluster, and a connecting branch to New Vandenberg, future construction is planned to include the entire Concordat.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Siesta
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $470,105,000.00
Magazine Cost: $160,000.00
BV2: 12,071

Mass: 300,000
K-F Drive System: None
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 1
Armor Type: Standard
16 Naval Laser 55
32 Laser Large
32 Machine Gun (IS)

Class/Model/Name: Siesta
Mass: 300,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 3,600.00
Safe: 0.1
Maximum: 1
Controls: 300.00
K-F Hyperdrive: None (0 Integrity) 0.00
Jump Sail: (0 Integrity) 0.00
Structural Integrity: 1 3,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 1616 Single 1,487.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 3750 points 1,530.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 400 pts Standard 1,000.00
Fore: 66
Fore-Left/Right: 67/67
Aft-Left/Right: 67/67
Aft: 66

Dropship Capacity: 6 6,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 0.00
Medium: 4 400.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 40 280.00
Life Boats: 40 280.00

Crew And Passengers:
23 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 230.00
82 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 574.00
27 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 189.00
336 Bay Personnel 0.00
0 1st Class Passengers 0.00
50 2nd Class Marines 350.00

Bay #1: Fighters(108) - 8 Doors
Bay #2: Small Craft (24) - 2 Doors
Bay #3: Cargo (41844 Tons) - 2 Doors

MG Ammo - 160 Tons (5 Tons/Gun)


4 x NL/55
8 x LL
8 x MG
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: truetanker on 14 April 2020, 22:24:29
Marian Hegemony 2360

Code: [Select]
Turn : 2
Year: 2360                Value in Millions
Money Available 59.443

Available Shipyards

Alphard  2x Level 1


Maintanence 50% >
Scapha I 4x       4.131 each          8.262
Jumpships 10x         500                  2.500
Dropships 40x         300                  6.000
Fighters 1200         5                  3.000
Small Craft 300x         10                  1.500

Construction        Unit Price

Stations : 16x Sexta Hora-class Station 18.558
Warships :
Jumpships :  5x
Dropships :
Fighters : 1512x
Small Craft : 336x
Research 0

Total Spent 24.82

Remaining 17.123

Sexta Hora-class Station

The Sexta Hora, or Siesta, was built from stolen plans for a Taurian recharge station, mounting sixteen 55cm Lasar Navali as well as a full legion of aerospace fighters to allow it to defend itself and passing civilian shipping from pirates and smaller merchant raiders without outside assistance. Current deployment to be focused on the Alphard's zenith and nadir jump points connecting the two branches in future constructions to include the entire Hegemony.

Current Doctrine : Deploying Scapha I's ( S1 ) to targets, each S1 has a Jumpship with supplies on board.

S1 : Alphard to Statford, JS Prawn
S1 : Scapha to Pompey, JS Shrimp
S1 : Pompey to Islington, JS Giovanni
S1 : Maximus to Horatius, Marius's Tears and St. Andreas OPERATION: Flowerpot. JS Legio

The remaining jumpships are on standard convoy actions across the realm, except two, JS Plata and JS Oro on special duties with Maximus. They are carrying three dropships configured with Ala bays ( 10 asf each : 6 Falcon and 4 Bueto ).

SPECAIL ORDERS : Maximus - if uninhabited: claim, if colony : ask to join Hegemony offer peace unless attacked, if pirate : destroy. Both Jumpships are to enter nadir and zenith routes while Maximus enters orbit, supporting Jumpship is to carry supplies only. ( 1 WS, 3 JS, 9 DS, 30 SC, 80 ASF )

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Sexta Hora
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $470,105,000.00
Magazine Cost: $160,000.00
BV2: 12,071

Mass: 300,000
K-F Drive System: None
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 1
Armor Type: Standard
16 NL-55 Lasar Navali
32 Lasar Magna ( LL )
32 Jejunium Iaculis MG ( IS )

Class/Model/Name: Sexta Hora
Mass: 300,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 3,600.00
Safe: 0.1
Maximum: 1
Controls: 300.00
K-F Hyperdrive: None (0 Integrity) 0.00
Jump Sail: (0 Integrity) 0.00
Structural Integrity: 1 3,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 1616 Single 1,487.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 3750 points 1,530.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 400 pts Standard 1,000.00
Fore: 66
Fore-Left/Right: 67/67
Aft-Left/Right: 67/67
Aft: 66

Dropship Capacity: 6 6,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 0.00
Medium: 4 400.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 40 280.00
Life Boats: 40 280.00

Crew And Passengers:
23 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 230.00
82 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 574.00
27 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 189.00
336 Bay Personnel 0.00
0 1st Class Passengers 0.00
50 2nd Class Marines 350.00

Bay #1: Fighters(108) - 8 Doors
Bay #2: Small Craft (24) - 2 Doors
Bay #3: Cargo (41844 Tons) - 2 Doors

MG Ammo - 160 Tons (5 Tons/Gun)


4 x NL/55
8 x LL
8 x MG

Marian Action News Network ( MANN )
Nova Roma, Alphard

National Anthem ( plays...

Newsperson: " Good evening Hegemony!  Hail Caesar! "  * chest thump * " With the recent acquisition of the Sexta Hora, our fleet can safely execute combat operations without free of persecutions. Tho in light of this, Imperator Kortan has requisitioned more troops for the upcoming battles that surly is to provide more lands for the Patricians and the plebs. In other news a peace treaty has been signed by the Parliament with the Illyrian Palatinate. Any action with them would violate said treaty, after all, we have a more pressing matter next door. Our common border with the Free World Leaque. Again, we need you all. Service guarantees citizenship.  Next up Cooking with Mario and Lugi, the Plumber Bros. " ... fade to commercial's...


Edit: updated, fixed spacing and typos...  xp
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: kindalas on 16 April 2020, 23:17:48
Lyran Commonwealth 2360

[Edit: The First fixing R&D numbers and other numbers]

[Edit: The Second adding some of the fluff.]

[Edit: The Third fluff is done enjoy!]

Jaqueline angrily crumpled up a printout and tossed it to her circular filing system.
She turned to the young man sitting across from her and spoke “The ****** Sontra is now a ****** media darling. Get the refit team to start working on a design that matches Archon (name)’s new mission profile. There is no way that the current leftover parts approach justifies the new hulls that we’re about to be pressured into ordering”
She paused to collect her thoughts “Darren, do you have any good news?”
“Yes madame, the armor is ready.” Darren York replied hastily. “It matches up to the samples we grabbed from the Federated Suns. The secret appears to involve metal foaming in a centrifuge.”
“So, it isn’t a freefall process?” She interjected.
“We believe that was an accidental media misrepresentation that was amplified by the FSN’s silence on the matter. We can start mass production at a number of locations.” Darren answered while handing Lord Angler a folder. “I feel that outsourcing the manufacturing to the belter communities will ensure a steady supply throughout the nation.”
“Do you have any idea what they will ask us for in return?”
“They want the Ribe. I have requests from several different groups, and they all say the same thing.”
“Are they coordinated?”
“Informally, the fleet sneaks think that they are looking at the economic benefits and we don’t really know how many Aquilla variants they have.”
“Have we gathered any more details on their ‘Refits’?”
“Not much, they’re calling it the Sampan and it looks to be 10% heavier than the Aquilla and they seem to have capacity for four drop shuttles.”
“What has the vessel’s treat assessment increased?”
Darren checked his notes before speaking “Not appreciably if anything the drop bays push them further out of the military sphere and into the mercantile area.”
“Very well. What’s next on my agenda?”
“Heimdallr review board, followed by the hammer proposal meeting.”

Figured I should get the technical details of my turn posted.

I wasn't planning on having this much but I got ideas and stuff.

Two Ship refits, and a new hull and a refit of it.

And aerospace fighter that should be looked at closely.

And a mech "design" that I won't actually do more the what I have listed other then add some fluff.

Fluff is coming along with doctrine and maybe even some fiction. (no promises)

[Edit: I messed up the R&D discount math. And found some mistakes in the valuation of assets.]

Code: [Select]
Lyran Commonwealth, Turn Beginning 2360 Value/Cost
Funds: $305.25
Revenue: $303,000.00
Shipyards: Alarion: 2/2 $55,000.00
New Kyoto:  0/2 $45,000.00
Tamar: 0/2 $45,000.00
Warships:  Heimdaller 5 $31,190.00
Snotra 4 $19,024.00
Jumpships:  Nehalennia Tender 2 $7,916.00
Nehalennia Transport 12 $21,444.00
Invader 3 $1,500.00
Space Stations: Ribe 100 $14,400.00
Dropships:  Light 125 $37,500.00
Small Craft 1000 $10,000.00
Fighters: 1900 $9,500.00
Assets: $600,779.25

Expenses Number Cost
Maintenance $76,237.00
R&D: Mechs $40,300.00
R&D: iFA Armor $40,300.00
Prototype: Snotra 1a $481.80
Prototype: Heimdaller 1a $637.50
Prototype: Mjolnir $2,037.25
Prototype: Mjolnir 1a $822.70
Production:  Heimdaller 1a 1 $6,375.00
Production:  Ribe 100 $14,400.00
Production:  Nehalennia Tender 0 $-   
Production:  Nehalennia Transport 6 $10,722.00
Production:  Snotra 1a 4 $19,272.00
Production:  Mjolnir 2 $16,298.00
Production:  Mjolnir 1a 2 $16,454.00
Refit: Sontra -> 1a 4 $248.00
Refit: Heimdaller ->1a 5 $685.00
Alarion 2->3 $30,000.00
Alarion 2->3 $15,000.00
Jumpship Production: $500.00 0 $-   
Dropship Production: Light $300.00 20 $6,000.00
Small Craft: $10.00 350 $3,500.00
Fighters: $5.00 600 $3,000.00
Total: $302,770.25

Lyran Commonwealth, Turn Ending 2360 Value/Cost
Funds: $535.00
Shipyards: Alarion: 2/0/2 $100,000.00
New Kyoto:  0/2 $45,000.00
Tamar: 0/2 $45,000.00
Warships:  Heimdaller 1a 6 $38,250.00
Snotra 1a 8 $38,544.00
Mjolnir 2 $16,298.00
Mjolnir 1a 2 $16,454.00
Jumpships:  Nehalennia Tender 2 $7,916.00
Nehalennia Transport 18 $32,166.00
Space Stations: Ribe 200 $28,800.00
Jumpships: 3 $1,500.00
Dropships:  Light 145 $43,500.00
Small Craft 1350 $13,500.00
Fighters: 2500 $12,500.00
Assets: $439,963.00

Sontra Refit

The original Sontra project was developed to use components that were leftover from previously stalled projects.

Weaponry was selected because it was on hand and not needed for the Heimdallr project.

The envisioned role of the craft was for it to be a deep strike craft to be used in economic disruption attacks.

Its existence was shrouded in secrecy. Its crews were told that their missions would come with the cost of plausible deniability.

The class' mission profile was immediately ignored, it was relegated to flag waving missions, public relations work and hand shakes.

The initial media attention to the long supply chain that the ships lived off of nearly doomed it.

If the medical complications faced by the crew, living in zero G with sub standard quarters had gotten the same attention the ships would have probably been scrapped by one Archon or another.

Then the Sontra herself became a media darling. Crushing the Scarlet Privateer and the dismantling of NeoTortuga caused a shift in the public's opinion of the LCN.

The Navy was no longer struggling under the long shadow of bureaucratic incompetence and Archons dedicated to self enrichment.

The Navy was heroic. Enlistment spiked. Marines were no longer the castoff infanty divisions of Skye but a truly multi planetary force of volunteers dedicated to the idea that protecting everyone was a noble endeavor.

The engagement with the Scarlet Privateer gave a wealth of tactical information. It was a one sided engagement and the outdated vessel should have been boarded and captured. Instead it was destroyed by the Sontra's laser batteries and a potentially useful asset was lost.

The Sontra 1a reflects the new reality of the class.

The weapons compliment have been completely revised.

Instead of heavy missiles, lasers and cannons. One of the Heimdallr's famous quad PPC batteries was installed in the nose.

Supplementing the PPCs are eight Barracuda missile launchers selected for their ability to slap small craft and drop-ships out of the sky.

While the revision of weapons array seems extreme the real revision to the class was in life support systems.

Two grav-decks were installed, adapted from the Heimdallr parts bin, basic quarters for a battalion of marines (1008 troopers) were added along with an expansion of the flight deck to include 18 fighters and small craft.

Proper crew quarters were installed along with medical and fitness facilities.

The Sontra is still considered to be a deterrence craft. When operating alone it can define engagement distances and deploy enough firepower to overwhelm anything faster then itself. The marine compliment mean that Sontras will spend the majority of their time acting as a coastguard for the Lyran Commonwealth. Pirates will be captured and confiscated their crews will be brought to justice and the support behind these well equipped groups will be exposed.

As a part of a fleet the Sontras will be expected to exploit holes in battle lines and to force enemy formations to engage with her larger cousins on their terms.

Code: [Select]
Snotra 1a Deterrence
Mass: 240,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 3145
Mass: 240,000
Battle Value: 37,465
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-F
Cost: 4,817,758,000 C-bills

Fuel: 2,000 tons (10,000)
Safe Thrust: 6
Maximum Thrust: 9
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 7
Heat Sinks: 1,020
Structural Integrity: 60

    Nose: 57
    Fore Sides: 48/48
    Aft Sides: 42/42
    Aft: 29

    Bay 1:  Infantry (1008 Foot Troopers) (36 Platoons)   1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Small Craft (18)        3 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Fighter (18)            6 Doors   
    Bay 4:  Cargo (3756.0 tons)     1 Door   

    19,200 rounds of Machine Gun ammunition (96 tons),
    80 rounds of Barracuda ammunition (2,400 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 2 (240 m, 240 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 26
Crew:  21 officers, 72 enlisted/non-rated, 32 gunners, 1134 bay personnel, 30 marines

Notes: Equipped with
    1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Small)
288 tons of improved ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons:                                    Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                              Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (900 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                           0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                     900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
FRS/FLS (40 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                           0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
4 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)  40   8(80)   8(80)   8(80)    8(80)   Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (40 shots)
RBS/LBS (0 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                           0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
ARS/ALS (0 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                           0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
Aft (0 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                           0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)

Heimdallr Refit

In the first decade of service the five Heimdallrs spent their time moving troops and placing flags.

During this time several issues were identified and corrected with this refit.

There was a massive increase in troop capacity. A further 3000 marines were added, in more cramped facilities, to compliment the 2000 marines present in the original ship.

An array of Barracuda missile launchers were added to enhance the Heimdallr's broadside firepower.

Unfortunately the flight deck for the boarding shuttles had to be revised after a near disastrous accident on the LCN (ship name) in 2356. However the reduction in capacity comes with improvements in utility, using a similar setup to the one used on the Sontra where the marine bunks are laid out to make embarkation and launch a simple affair.

The refit of the Heimdallr was made to shift the role of the vessel from a light cruiser to one of a dedicated troop transport.

The extensive training of LCN marine forces has focused primarily on hostile boarding actions, freight inspections and search and rescue operations.

In a conflict it is expected that the Marines of the LCN will pull their weight on the battlefield but on a battlefield that resembles deck plating and bulkheads.

As a fleet the Heimdallr will act as the well designed carrier/cruiser that they are. The Mojlnir is as maneuverable as the Heimdallr to keep concentrations of firepower together. Where the Heimdallr was the pride of the fleet for a decade it is now the smaller cousin of the Mojlnir. Nearly as dangerous but equipped for slightly different tasks.

Code: [Select]
Heimdallr 1a Light Cruiser
Mass: 500,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 3145
Mass: 500,000
Battle Value: 69,488
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-F
Cost: 6,374,718,000 C-bills

Fuel: 2,500 tons (6,250)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 12
Heat Sinks: 4,768
Structural Integrity: 120

    Nose: 106
    Fore Sides: 145/145
    Aft Sides: 145/145
    Aft: 106

    Bay 1:  Fighter (120)           6 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Small Craft (40)        4 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Infantry (3024 Foot Troopers) (108 Platoons)   1 Door   
    Bay 4:  Cargo (18516.0 tons)    1 Door   

    9,600 rounds of Machine Gun ammunition (48 tons),
    160 rounds of Barracuda ammunition (4,800 tons),
    1,152 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition (192 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 4 (240 m, 240 m, 240 m, 240 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 40
Crew:  35 officers, 110 enlisted/non-rated, 60 gunners, 3464 bay personnel, 2268 marines

Notes: Equipped with
    1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Small)
1,200 tons of improved ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons:                                    Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                              Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (148 Heat)
10 PPC                                  100  10(100) 10(100)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
8 LRM 20                                48   10(96)  10(96)  10(96)    0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 Ammo (1152 shots)
12 Machine Gun                           0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
FRS/FLS (1,028 Heat)
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                     900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
8 LRM 20                                48   10(96)  10(96)  10(96)    0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 Ammo (1152 shots)
8 PPC                                   80   8(80)   8(80)    0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
RBS/LBS (180 Heat)
10 PPC                                  100  10(100) 10(100)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
12 Machine Gun                           0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
8 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)  80   16(160) 16(160) 16(160) 16(160)  Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (80 shots)
ARS/ALS (1,028 Heat)
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                     900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
8 LRM 20                                48   10(96)  10(96)  10(96)    0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 Ammo (1152 shots)
8 PPC                                   80   8(80)   8(80)    0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
Aft (148 Heat)
10 PPC                                  100  10(100) 10(100)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
8 LRM 20                                48   10(96)  10(96)  10(96)    0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 Ammo (1152 shots)
12 Machine Gun                           0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)


We are beyond diplomacy now. They'll get what he came for: war and death. -Thor

The Hammer project was a top secret program to develop a vessel capable of engaging the heaviest ships of the Terran Hegemony Navy.

The Black Lion and the Dreadnought with their batteries of heavy Auto-cannons needed a solution that didn't involve sending a pack of vessels to confront a single target.

The THN always fights with numerical superiority simply because they can toss five ships at a single world.

As a clean sheet design free of many of the pressures that plagued the development of the Heimdallr the Mojlnir, named after a weapon that could only be wielded by the worthy, carries twice as many heavy PPCs as the Heimdallr, two quad turrets on each corner with sixteen barracuda tubes reinforcing the vessels broadside firepower.

A marine compliment that was lifted directly from the Sontra, boarding craft and all. From the Heimdallr half of its very popular expanded marine quarters were installed to expand the Mojlnir's capacity to over 2000 marines.

A fighter deck, that was again half of what the Heimdallr carried, was included along with a pair of grav-decks and a compliment of over 200 lifeboats were installed.

A heavy layering a machine guns were included for point defense against anti shipping missiles along with 40 fighter sized PPCs to deter adventurous enemy pilots.

Learning from the failures of the Sontra Deterrence project a variant of the Mojlnir was developed in parallel to operate hidden in plain sight along with the publicly visible Mojlnir.

The variant was only different in its primary armament. Instead of having sixteen Heavy PPCs covering each broadside it has sixteen of the heaviest Naval Auto-cannons on each side.

There were some detractors to this plan among the Nine Archons, well among the six Archons who learned of it, the PPC had become iconic to the LCAF and LCN and this variant tossed that image aside.

They were mollified when they learned that the variant was to feature in not a single piece of promotional material for the Mojlnir and that they would be grouped with their sister vessels for all deployments allowing for a further obfuscation of the difference in armaments.

It is expected that any ship facing the long ranged weapons of the LCN will try to rush in close to bring all of their firepower to bear before the longer ranged PPCs can overwhelm them. Having a vessel with twice the firepower of the Mojlnir waiting to engage forces employing these tactics should be an expensive surprise.

Code: [Select]
Mjolnir Cruiser
Mass: 750,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 3145
Mass: 750,000
Battle Value: 107,466
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-F
Cost: 8,148,720,000 C-bills

Fuel: 1,000 tons (2,500)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Sail Integrity: 5
KF Drive Integrity: 16
Heat Sinks: 8,320
Structural Integrity: 130

    Nose: 176
    Fore Sides: 224/224
    Aft Sides: 224/224
    Aft: 176

    Bay 1:  Fighter (60)            8 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Small Craft (18)        6 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Infantry (1008 Foot Troopers) (36 Platoons)   1 Door   
    Bay 4:  Cargo (33975.0 tons)    1 Door   

    28,800 rounds of Machine Gun ammunition (144 tons),
    320 rounds of Barracuda ammunition (9,600 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 2 (240 m, 240 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 208
Crew:  49 officers, 146 enlisted/non-rated, 95 gunners, 1218 bay personnel, 1008 marines

Notes: Equipped with
    1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Large)
1,950 tons of improved ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons:                                     Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                               Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (200 Heat)
24 Machine Gun                            0   5(48)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (960000 shots)
20 PPC                                   200  20(200) 20(200)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
FRS/FLS (1,800 Heat)
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                      900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                      900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
12 Machine Gun                            0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
RBS/LBS (160 Heat)
16 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)  160  32(320) 32(320) 32(320) 32(320)  Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (160 shots)
24 Machine Gun                            0   5(48)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (960000 shots)
ARS/ALS (1,800 Heat)
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                      900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                      900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
12 Machine Gun                            0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
Aft (200 Heat)
24 Machine Gun                            0   5(48)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (960000 shots)
20 PPC                                   200  20(200) 20(200)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         

Mjolnir 1a

Code: [Select]
Mjolnir 1a Cruiser
Mass: 750,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 3145
Mass: 750,000
Battle Value: 213,810
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-F
Cost: 8,226,800,000 C-bills

Fuel: 1,000 tons (2,500)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Sail Integrity: 5
KF Drive Integrity: 16
Heat Sinks: 3,920
Structural Integrity: 130

    Nose: 176
    Fore Sides: 224/224
    Aft Sides: 224/224
    Aft: 176

    Bay 1:  Fighter (60)            8 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Small Craft (18)        6 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Infantry (1008 Foot Troopers) (36 Platoons)   1 Door   
    Bay 4:  Cargo (21351.0 tons)    1 Door   

    28,800 rounds of Machine Gun ammunition (144 tons),
    320 rounds of Barracuda ammunition (9,600 tons),
    1,280 rounds of NAC/30 ammunition (1,024 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 2 (240 m, 240 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 208
Crew:  49 officers, 146 enlisted/non-rated, 95 gunners, 1218 bay personnel, 1008 marines

Notes: Equipped with
    1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Large)
1,950 tons of improved ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons:                                     Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                               Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (200 Heat)
24 Machine Gun                            0   5(48)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (960000 shots)
20 PPC                                   200  20(200) 20(200)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
FRS/FLS (800 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                            0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)              200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (80 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)              200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (80 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)              200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (80 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)              200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (80 shots)
RBS/LBS (160 Heat)
16 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)  160  32(320) 32(320) 32(320) 32(320)  Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (160 shots)
24 Machine Gun                            0   5(48)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (960000 shots)
ARS/ALS (800 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                            0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)              200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (80 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)              200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (80 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)              200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (80 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)              200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (80 shots)
Aft (200 Heat)
24 Machine Gun                            0   5(48)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (960000 shots)
20 PPC                                   200  20(200) 20(200)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         

Marsden Multipurpose Long Range Strike Fighter

Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.-Sun Tzu

If any family can take credit for forging the Lyran Commonwealth it is the Marsden family that can bring the strongest arguments forward.

The Marsden was so named because the Shu is a fantastic fighter. The Shu is as fast as a Sontra, armed with a pair of PPCs and an extremely advanced array for point defense.

What it lacks is the same thing that all Aerospace fighters lack: long term endurance.

The Marsden is slow, under armored and heavier then the Shu. It does have three PPCs and a rear facing array of lasers to keep more maneuverable (all) fighters away.

It does have four times as much fuel as the Shu.

Twenty tons of propellant give the fighter enormous range.

The cockpit has been expanded with long-term life support facilities and a sleeping area for very long deployments.

What makes the Marsden truly dangerous is that it doesn't need a pilot.

It can be deployed from deep space and allowed to coast for months, even years, before engaging a target.

Squadrons can be left at Lagrange Jump points in key systems waiting, silently, for enemies to appear.

It is capable of operations considered to be impossible for fighters to perform unsupported.

The Marsden is a autonomous drone fighter.

It is equipped with an advanced Smart Robotic Control System.

And it costs a million and a half less then the Shu.

Code: [Select]
Marsden MRD-3R

Mass: 100 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant: 100 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
     3 PPCs
     5 Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3145
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-X-F
Cost: 4,067,500 C-bills

Type: Marsden
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Tonnage: 100
Battle Value: 1,437

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        100 Fusion              3
Safe Thrust: 3
Max Thrust: 5
Structural Integrity:         10                       
Heat Sinks:                   30                     20
Fuel:                         1600                 20.0
Command Console                                       6
Armor Factor                  272                    17

     Nose                    80   
     Wings                 66/66   
     Aft                     60   

and Ammo                                 Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
3 PPCs                                     NOS       21.0     10    10   10    0    0 
Medium Laser                               RWG       1.0      3      5    0    0    0 
Medium Laser                               LWG       1.0      3      5    0    0    0 
2 Medium Lasers                            AFT       2.0      3      5    0    0    0 
Smart Robotic Control System(Improved)     FSLG      7.0      -      -    -    -    - 
Cargo                                      FSLG      2.0      -      -    -    -    - 


An 85 ton mech named after a famous Valkyrie. Her name means "inciter to victory" and she is armed with a trio of PPCs and comes equipped with a cutting edge cockpit system.

[Note: For the purposes of the LCAF command consoles are going to be installed on all heavy and up mechs for the foreseeable future just because why not.]

Code: [Select]

85 tons, command console, 3 PPCs (2 RT/LT), 3/5 movement, 16.5 tons of armor and 27 heatsinks.

It looks like a Charger with both hands.

There is a variant that has only a single PPC in the right torso and two in the left.

Half of the Sigrdrífas produced are of this variant.

[Edit the Last: Turn is done.]
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 17 April 2020, 17:41:23
United Hindu Collective 2360

With the pirate problem being a growing concern across the collective, and Collective Intelligence getting wind of the size and power of the neighbouring navies further purchases of two additional Cruiser-class ships from the Terran Hegemony have been approved. The UHCN has also started the expansion of the Besantapur naval yards, with the aim of modernising the design in the near future. Thirty years may not be that old for a starship, but technology has been improving by leaps and bounds in that time.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2350 Value in Millions
Money Available 58,000
Remaining from Last Turn 1000
Available Shipyards

Besantapur 1


Maintanence 50% 21920
Prototype Cost 0 0

Construction Unit Price
Shipyards Besantapur S1 > S2 20,000 20,000

Stations 0 0 0
Warships Cruiser 2 5,000 10,000

Jumpships 5 500 2500
Dropships 10 300 3,000
Fighters 140 5 700
Small Craft 60 10 600
Research 0 15800 0

Total Spent 58720


Remaining 280
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 17 April 2020, 18:17:55
Rim Worlds Republic 2360

First Consul,

Like you I have seen the reports of the fighting that happened in Jezersko last year, and I am just as concerned as you are. The Draconis Combine Admiralty has shown itself to be little more then pirates with a government backing them. I have seen the proposals for the Anti-Piracy Treaty with the Principality, though with the war that is on their doorstep we will be the ones doing the heavy lifting having access to their naval bases for resupply will make the mission far easier.

I would warn the First Consul though that putting our ships in Rasalhagian territory is likely end up dragging us into their war. While the senates hope that assistance now will lead to closer ties and perhaps peaceful integration later, I have my doubts. The Rasalhagian people came this far out to be independent, not to bend the knee.

In other news construction of the Vittoria fleet has been accelerated with the expansion of the Golandrinas Yards, new developments in armour are proving promising, colonisation plans are ongoing and diplomacy efforts to bring small colonies along our border into the fold are going as planned.

Fleet Admiral Wade Vernon Rowe, 4th January 2360.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2350 Value in Millions
Money Available 126,000
Remaining from Last Turn 2062
Available Shipyards

Apollo 0/2
Golandrinas 1
Icar 1


Maintanence 50% 32113.5
Prototype Cost 0

Construction Unit Price
Shipyards Golandrinas S1 > S2 20,000 20,000

Stations Tartarus 0 315 0
Warships Vittoria 6 6,528 39,168

Jumpships 10 500 5000
Dropships 25 300 7,500
Fighters 180 5 900
Small Craft 30 10 300
Research Ferro-Aluminum 1 22600 22600

Total Spent 127581.5


Remaining 481

EDIT: Deployment Plan:

Existing Fleet - Two Vittorias to continue patrol of RWR territory, two to join Joint Anti-Piracy taskforce with PoR.

New Builds - First two to be assigned to JAP taskforce, rest to patrol home territory.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: UnLimiTeD on 18 April 2020, 11:34:21
Draconis Combine, 2360-2370 (Turn 2)

I've recalculated the last turn in Excel, and I come up with about 300m more leftover than I thought so far. I'll put them into a dropship or something.

The first decade had gone well for the dragon. The new ships had proven their mettle, the Combine grew, as did the Navy's budget. The admiralty was pleased because the coordinator was pleased.
However, all was not good on the frontier, and the Combine would have to react to these new challenges.
The Combines neighbours, likely startled just the same by the size of the Terran Navy, had initiated similar building programs, some even eclipsing the mighty Hegemony in technological progress. The Navy risked being outclassed by its neighbours. Further, the upkeep on the new ships proved to be much higher than anticipated, weighing heavily into the Navy's budget. Despite the nominally increased funding, both due to economic growth thanks to the new Onsen stations facilitating trade, and a greater threat awareness in the political leadership, the money actually available was less than in the decade before.
Also, an increasing amount of ship classes, warranted by an increasing demand for Navy action, risked to spread the investments thin.
To rectify these issues in order, the Navy ordered increased focus to be put on the research and development of new technology. Unlike their spiritual and cultural ancestors, the Draconis Combine would be pushing for new developments - at least, while no more pressing needs would demand attention and funding.
Seeing as their spinward neighbours had recently developed new ship armour, an investment in a similar alloy was to be undertaken - starting with small craft as a more easily manageable testing basis. Little did they know half their neighbours were funding similar development programs.
Similarly, the Research Division decided to take a page of the Hegemony and invest in short ranged missiles - capital weapons provided sufficient offense at longer distances, and until options for additional point defence or Anti-Capitalship Firepower showed themselves, the highest offensive power per weight was to be prioritized. The DCMS was not uninterested.
In the area of ship design, Combine technicians and designers had been secretly working on a new, larger battlecruiser, to complement the line ships of the Navy with an attack option combining speed and armour with larger ballistic armaments than had been used so far. Thus, priority was given to projects promising further advances in the field of ballistics, one way or another.
A research grant in the field of advanced magnetics research seemed most likely to pay of, and the Combine was willing to spend, even knowing that it would likely take at least a decade to work out the kinks in the new system.

To encourage economic growth(which was the public reason), and to facilitate quick fleet redeployment(which was the internal reasoning), a further 20 Onsen stations were to be spread over the systems of the Combine, with a particular focus on connecting the yard systems. 
Neighbouring, neutral worlds are to be offered the deployment of an Onsen for a small usage fee and granting the DCN free passing rights.

Finally, after years of debate, the DCMS got the assault troopship they so dearly wanted - only obviously it was a Naval vessel. The first Shinryaku-sen class was laid down in 2358, and in late 2360, it would leave its slipway, to be followed a year later by her sister ship.
The design specs were mostly unchanged from the compromise plans half a decade earlier, with a few minor modifications owed to friction between the service branches and recalculations:
The inspection also brought to light a miscalculation of the ammunition storage that luckily hadn't been noticed on previous ships in operation.
The point defense machine guns were, in fact, supposed to be supplied not with 90 bursts, but 90 tons of ammunition.
This also affects the Kutai class, with standard cargo dropping to 7599 tons to accommodate the desired amount of ammunition.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Shinryaku-sen
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $6,839,162,000.00
Magazine Cost: $2,400,450.00
BV2: 17,451

Mass: 500,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Standard

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 90,000.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 1,250.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (12 Integrity) 226,250.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 55.00
Structural Integrity: 100 50,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 692 Single 223.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 25000 points 10,200.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 460 pts Standard 1,000.00
Fore: 70
Fore-Left/Right: 75/75
Aft-Left/Right: 75/75
Aft: 90

Dropship Capacity: 0
Dropshuttle Capacity: 6
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Medium: 1 100.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 301 2,107.00
Life Boats: 110 770.00

Crew And Passengers:
30 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 30.00
115 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 115.00
29 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 29.00
906 Bay Personnel 0.00
5 1st Class Passengers 50.00
1300 2nd Class Passengers 9,100.00
3000 Steerage Passengers 15,000.00

8 Naval Laser 45
72 Laser Small
6 Capital Launcher Barracuda
18 Machine Gun (IS)

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
2 Naval Laser 45 FR 140 90 (9-C) Extreme-C 1,800.00
12 Laser Small FR 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
2 Naval Laser 45 FL 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
12 Laser Small FL 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
12 Laser Small RBS 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
12 Laser Small LBS 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
2 Naval Laser 45 AR 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
12 Laser Small AR 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda AR 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
2 Naval Laser 45 AL 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
12 Laser Small AL 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda AL 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda Aft 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
18 Machine Gun (IS) Aft 36 (3.6-C) 9.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
Machine Gun (IS) Ammo 18000 90.00
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 300 9,000.00

3 Dropshuttle Bays:
1 Nose
1 Aft left
1 Aft right

1 Naval Repair, Preassurized (Aft) - 5000t
48 Fighters, with 2 Doors
2x 30 Small Craft, left and right broadside (2 doors each)

50 Platoons of Mechanized Infantry - Squadleaders, Officers, and technicians will be berthed in regular quarters even on short trips
20 Heavy vehicles with drop chutes.

Cargo: 21771 tons
FYI: The design was first described in the last turn, but no hulls were laid down.
Doctrine has not significantly evolved since the class was approved. Shuttle Flight crews will sleep in their ships, while transported forces will find room on the Shinryakusen.
A planetary invasion is to be conducted by one Shinryakusen with light naval support, as well as several army jump ships and troop dropships.
Available supporting jumpships, as well as drafted civilian jump ships, will ensure sufficient supplies once the initial landing has been secured.

It is an honour to be supported by a Warship, and only the most determined will be allowed a place in the first combat drops. Naval high command will not dispatch a Shinryaku-sen to subjugate a minor border world.

New Design: Assault Cruiser, development codename "Linebreaker"
The new, as of yet unnamed, flagship of Combine Shipbuilding superiority, this radical design is a departure from the line combat approach of existing ships, yet meant to work along with them. Tipping the scales at nearly four times the weight and structural durability of the Kutai class corvette, the ship is designed to smash into an enemy formation followed by a wave of mines, reinforced bulkheads and thick armour belts giving the enemy pause as they are forced to recognise the true power of the dragon.
Primarily armed with large calibre autocannons and prototypes of the combines newest in ballistic acceleration, the ship is perfectly equipped to lay into the enemy at figurative knife fighting distance, though some would argue the Combine's destroyers actually carry more firepower.
It is, however, not meant to operate on its own. Such foolishness is left to the Elite of the DCMS, and maybe some decorated veterans of the fighter corps.
Just one assault cruiser would significantly stiffen a line of destroyers, drawing fire or covering a tactical retreat with naval mines and heavy cannons discouraging pursuit.
With it's extreme durability, powerful drives, and weapons discouraging hostile encroachment, the ship does also offer a viable option for a command ship, or a bodyguard for one.
Some quartermasters note that the small cargo fraction and fuel reserve doesn't lend itself to lengthy offensive operations away from a fleet.
The first of it's class, to be named Kato, has officially entered the books for construction, though internal documents note that it will likely not be physically laid down until 2363, as the necessary shipyard hasn't been completed yet.

Early design specification:
Code: [Select]
Linebreaker DCB-1a (Working name)
Mass: 740,000 tons
Ship Cost: $8,032,356,000.00
Magazine Cost: $9,270,000.00

Armor: 996 pts Standard 2,250.00
    Nose: 175
    Fore Sides: 175/175
    Aft Sides: 153/153
    Aft: 165

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 177,600.00
Safe: 4
Maximum: 6
Controls: 1,850.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (16 Integrity) 334,850.00
Jump Sail: (5 Integrity) 67.00
Structural Integrity: 155 114,700.00

Total Heat Sinks: 1558 Single 918.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 18750 points 7,650.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks: 2
3/4 Cho: 1 50.00
1 Cho: 1 100.00

Escape Pods: 10 70.00
Life Boats: 45 315.00

Crew And Passengers:
41 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 41.00
152 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 152.00
44 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 44.00
240 Bay Personnel 0.00
0 1st Class Passengers 0.00
50 Marine Quarters 350.00
5 2nd Class Passengers 35.00
0 Steerage Passengers 0.00

12 Naval AC 10
96 Laser Small
12 Laser Large
10 Naval Laser 45
2 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy
2 Naval AC 40

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
2 Naval AC 10 Nose 60 200 (20-C) Long-C 4,000.00
12 Laser Small Nose 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
3 Laser Large Nose 24 24 (2.4-C) 15.00
2 Naval Laser 45 Nose 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy FR 18 300 (30-C) 7,000.00
2 Naval AC 10 FR 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
12 Laser Small FR 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
1 Naval AC 40 FR 135 400 (40-C) 4,500.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy FL 18 300 (30-C) 7,000.00
2 Naval AC 10 FL 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
12 Laser Small FL 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
1 Naval AC 40 FL 135 400 (40-C) 4,500.00
2 Naval AC 10 RBS 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
12 Laser Small RBS 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
3 Laser Large RBS 24 24 (2.4-C) 15.00
2 Naval Laser 45 RBS 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
2 Naval AC 10 LBS 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
12 Laser Small LBS 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
3 Laser Large LBS 24 24 (2.4-C) 15.00
2 Naval Laser 45 LBS 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
2 Naval Laser 45 AR 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
12 Laser Small AR 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
2 Naval Laser 45 AL 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
12 Laser Small AL 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
12 Laser Small Aft 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
2 Naval AC 10 Aft 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
3 Laser Large Aft 24 24 (2.4-C) 15.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
Naval AC 10 Ammo 300 60.00
Naval AC 40 Ammo 30 36.00
Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy Ammo 60 30.00
Space Mine Ammo 60 30.00

Equipment Mass
Space Mine Dispenser 10.00 (Aft)
Space Mine Dispenser 10.00 (AL)
Space Mine Dispenser 10.00 (AR)

Carrying Capacity
Dropship - 1
Small Craft (4 doors) - 48 units RBS/LBS
Cargo - 32,064 tons

Originally, the ship was supposed to mount larger Naval Lasers to allow for longer ranged fire, but to ease parts commonality, it was decided to use existing NL/45 dual turrerts, as had already been mounted on the Kutai and Fubuki classes. Unwittingly, a standard had already been set with the Combine's first foray into Warships.

DCN Shipbuilding program

To facilitate the expansion of production, and the spread of skills necessary for future expansion, it was deemed necessary that every yard system would be tasked with at least one warship construction. This created a bit of a challenge, as most of the new shipyards were only sized for corvettes, and the admiralty deemed it had a sufficient quantity of those for now.
A compromise was reached - by mothballing a few of the existing ships, with a skeleton reserve crew, and transferring the remainder to new hulls as part of regular rotation, new hulls could be laid down, granting the systems the prestige they were hoping for and the press a look at the impressive combine Navy building programs, all while keeping maintenance manageable.
As a result of this consensus, contrived as everyone was aware it was, two Kutai class corvettes were mothballed, and four more laid down.
In the future, these ships could be reactivated in an emergency, but given the still ongoing buildup, no funding was reserved for such a case in the upcoming fiscal spending period.
The Navy was quite more enthusiastic to continue its destroyer series, laying down another 2, to bring the total up to 8, hopefully by 67 at the latest. A third ship in New Samarkand was cancelled in favour of upgrading the shipyard and laying down the new would-be flagship of a fleet (to not risk losing face in case of technical failures, the design will stay secret until its shake-down cruise, and assigned a crew of lower profile until proper evaluation has been done).
It was deemed prudent that at least 1 Kutai would accompany a destroyer squadron to serve as both its eyes and improved point defense.

The Admiralty also ordered a significant amount of additional smaller craft, lest the Navy be spread thin trying to protect the common people from pirates.
Code: [Select]
Budget:            325   b
Starting Money:    6.843 b (7.147 b?)

Ferro-Aluminium : 42.5 b
SRM :         42.5 b
N-Gauss :         42.5 b

10 Kutai: 24.12 b
6 Fubuki: 19.173 b
2 Kutai (moth): 0.4824 b
45 Onsen: 10.35 b
26  Jumpships: 6.5 b
68  Dropships: 10.2 b
1770 Fighters: 4.425 b
296   SC   1.48 b

total maint.: 76.73 b

New Samarkand:       0/3 -> 0/2/1  30 b
Luthien:             0/2 -> 1/2     5 b
Onsen :              +20     9.2 b

Shinryakusen +2    13.678 b
prototype: 1.71 b
Kutai +4    19.296 b
Fubuki +2    12.782 b
Kato (Linebreaker) +1    8.032 b
prototype: 2.008 b

Repairs:                      1.5 b

Small Ships:
Jumpships +9 4.5 b
Dropships +32 9.6 b
Fighters +930 4.65 b
SC +184 1.84 b

Total Spent: 324.3774 b

1b has been reserved for repairs and compensation for civilians helping in campaigns against piracy.

Remaining: 3.12 b

Naval Doctrine:
It is the duty, and highest honour, of all Combine Citizens to serve the dragon. Every effort is to be subsumed in the progress and growth of this great nation.
As such, it is seen as the duty of every ship captain to follow when the Navy demands their assistance, for without the protection of the Navy, they would be nothing.
The admiralty is not daft, however; Deplorable as it may be, Loyalty can waver when one has to decide between state and family, for it is the families that, ultimately, form the state.
Thus, the Combine offers substantian rewards of up to 50m to any ship captain who directly helped with thwarting attack on the combines worlds or track down and destroy pirates (up to 5% of ship value for indirect assistance, 10% for attack missions in support of the navy, or transporting navy personell or dropships in offensive missions).
In case citizens of the combine pay the ultimate price in service of the dragon, they can rest easy knowing that their families will be similarly cared for, and their children, should they choose to, will be granted free education at a combine military college.
Further, Ship captains agreeing to help the Combine War- and Anti-Piracy efforts will be granted the great honour of carrying armament, both shipboard weapons and personal defence, increasing their prospects in the face of pirate and bandit attacks.
Civilian ship captains losing their property in a Naval engagement will be offered positions in the Navy, having already proven their determination and skill, as well as a waving of debts and taxes to the state of 50% of their ships value. Further, the Navy will compensate for repair costs incurred during impressed service, as long as the damage was suffered following orders.
Navy officers who have been found wanting may try to redeem themselves serving as liaison officers on impressed vessels, to better direct the Coordinators subjects in serving his designs.
(laying it on a bit thick here, aren't I?)
Edit: Typos
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Tyler Jorgensson on 20 April 2020, 21:44:13
Principality of Rasalhague

Warrior's Hall
Principality of Rasalhague, 2361

"So the plans have been laid down, and all your orders are clear." Admiral Tyler Jorgensson is briefing the various Captains and officers of the fleet. Much has changed in the past decade after the corruption of the previous government and the mass exodus of the cronies and criminals purged from the Navy. "Here is it again for those of you that haven't read the mission briefings provided by your aides."

"First we've contacted the Terran Hegemony and they agreed to sell us two of their Lola I-class Cruisers and two of their Bonaventure-class Corvettes. At the same time the Lyran Commonwealth was busy downsizing their Typhoon Heavy Fighter fleet and we have managed to acquire nearly three full wings of them. Our first Hund-class Frigate is online, the PoRS Hund , and more shall be arriving. Our budget says we can get a grand total of four. Counting the loss of the 'Rav' we will be at a total of ten Capital vessels in our fleet. We've ordered some replacement ships as well to fill up the hangars again and we've bought another two JumpShips. I've taken the ten JumpShips produced within the last decade and attached them to our Navy."

"But Sir.." one Captain begins before the look silences him. The Admiral has no time for this, his prematurely greying and thinning hair showing just some of the stress.

"We've divided the fleet into several elements. Alpha Squadron will be all four of our Hund's, the two Lola's, and the two Bonaventure's. Each ship in the squadron will carry the best capable ships in the fleet maintenance wise. I know, I know, the budget for that department had to be slashed nearly eight billion... but that's what the war has done to us. The three Dropships on the Hund's will carry our own Hok-class Fighters, and the Hund's will carry the new Typhoons. The Lola's and Bonaventure's will carry Typhoon's and Falk's respectively. In addition I've attached three of our Jumpships to the squadron loaded up with nine more Strale's and therefore thirty-six more Typhoons. Alpha Squadron will be based here at Rasalhague with more of the fleet capable of jumping within the hour. It will stress some of our crews, but I've arranged for additional personnel to begin training as ready crews. Not a major amount because of the budget mind you but it will help in the long run."

"Beta Squadron will be the remaining pair of Corvettes. Loaded with twenty-four Falk-class Fighters they will begin a patrol route that spreads from Christiania to Thule stopping at each planet for several weeks and moving on to the next. The planets will supply them with provisions but in essence they will be our reserve force."

"The planets of Vipaava, Trondheim, and Radlje will each receive a pair of Jumpships, six Strale's loaded with a three-to-one mixture of our remaining Hok's and Falk's. Each Jumpship will wait at the jump points in the system, resupplied by DropShip while the fighters will be based planet side. Squadrons are designated as Air Groups Viper, Adder, and Cobra respectively. Finally our remaining Dropships, Jumpship, and fighters will be split evenly at our shipyards and those will be the worst birds in our fleet, our hangar queens, our albatrosses depending on your view of albatrosses." A couple of chuckles as the ancient bird was viewed as both a curse and a blessing, depending on who you asked.

"Our plan is simple ladies and gentlemen: the Draconis Combine and the Principality of Rasalhague are at war and we need to strike hard at the enemy. The various Air Groups are stationed as tripwire forces: as soon as a Combine fleet jumps in, they jump out to Rasalhague to alert us. I've ordered the crews to jump with all possible haste, but if they are unable to jump I've ordered them to surrender."

A couple gasps from the lower ranked officers are stifled. Any officer knows that Jumpships are quite valuable and despite the former Captain of the 'Rav's' action at Jezerkso should be avoided for hostilities. In war it was bound to happen, but better to preserve the valuable ship.

"As a follow up order, ALL naval commanders are to attempt to keep any enemy Jumpships intact for marine actions at a later time. I know in reality this may not be a practical order, but at least give them a warning shot before you blow them out of the water." More half-hearted laughs. "As I was saying, when our Jumpships arrive at Rasalhague Alpha Squadron is to jump to the targeted planet at best possible speed. We will engage the Combine fleet with hopefully superior firepower and the element of surprise before they are able to respond. Our Cruisers will engage their larger ships, our Hund's fighting in pairs to maximize the kill percentages, and the Bonaventures picking off ships in between. Our Heavy fighter squadrons will assist on assault; fighters being the primary Warships secondary, and our Dropships and lighter squadrons will backfill as defensive squadrons."

"Now this has been raised by the Elected-Prince but what happens if multiple planets are attacked at once. Well unfortunately I have no good answer for that other than 'first come, first served'. If we have intel before the Jumpships run we will utilize that the best we can, striking the largest targets first. If one Corvette pops up in Vipaava and two Destroyers in Trondheim we are going to Trondheim. Our objective this round is to give the Combine a broken nose with a sucker-punch: I want them to know we will fight back and I want them to know it will cost them. I'll be personally commanding Alpha Squadron from the [i'"Hund'[/i] and not one of the Cruiser's when they arrive."

"Finally, I've been informed by the Elected Prince of two developments. First they've been working on some of these new BattleMech designs we've heard so much about and soon Army units will be reinforced by these. I've been told to get some proposals for carriers for the Army but I told the Prince that wouldn't be for a while as all of our actions were defensive in nature and the plan to retake Jezersko was on a back burner until I coordinated with General Alfredsson."

"And secondly, we've sent out negotiations to the Rim Worlds Republic and they've been favorable. They've promised two of their fleet to help us against these 'pirates'. We've leased them space at our yards for maintenance if they need it but they will be attached to Alpha Squadron as 'advisors' and 'support' elements, under their own command. Not happy about that last part but hopefully they'll help us when it comes battle time."

"Now.. I've spoken long enough: any questions?"

Code: [Select]
Hund-class Frigate

Mass: 250,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Introduced: 2500
Mass: 250,000
Battle Value: 46,396
Tech Rating/Availability: E/E-X-E-F
Cost: 7,059,972,000 C-bills

Fuel: 5,000 tons (12,500)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 7
Heat Sinks: 1,200
Structural Integrity: 90

Armor (234 points)
    Nose: 47
    Fore Sides: 40/40
    Aft Sides: 40/40
    Aft: 27

    Bay 1:  Fighter (12)            4 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (9551.0 tons)     1 Door   

    120 rounds of Killer Whale ammunition (100 tons),
    60 rounds of NAC/30 ammunition (0.8 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 3
Grav Decks: 1 (120 m)
Escape Pods: 6
Life Boats: 4

Crew:  20 officers, 75 enlisted/non-rated, 24 gunners, 24 bay personnel, 48 marines

Notes: Mounts 450 tons of standard aerospace armor.

Weapons:                                       Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                 Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class     
Nose (470 Heat)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)                200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (60 shots)
2 Naval PPC (Medium)                       270  18(180) 18(180) 18(180) 18(180)  Capital PPC

FRS/FLS (280 Heat)
4 Naval Laser 45                           280  18(180) 18(180) 18(180) 18(180)  Capital Laser

RBS/LBS (40 Heat)
2 Capital Missile Launcher (Killer Whale)  40   8(80)   8(80)   8(80)    8(80)   Capital Missile
    Killer Whale Ammo (60 shots)

ARS/ALS (280 Heat)
4 Naval Laser 45                           280  18(180) 18(180) 18(180) 18(180)  Capital Laser

The Hund-class Frigate is of a Corvette size  but armed with solely capital class weapons. It is designed to be operated in packs of four (or two if absolutely necessary), using its long range weapons to engage targets from as far as possible before moving in for the kill with it's massive NAC/30's. A full squadron of fighters and three Dropships give it many options for support. Generally heavier fighters are carried with one or two carriers and a supply ship. While it does carry a full platoon of Marines they are mostly used for anti-boarding actions, or as additional support on one of the assault ships. A slightly smaller cargo area for its size, a lack of anti-fighter or anti-missile defenses, and a lack of aft based weaponry are its main concerns: concerns that seem to be already addressed as a Block II variant seems to be under design.

(Please ignore the formatting below: something went wrong and I can't seem to fix it currently. Working on it though: sorry in advance.)

Code: [Select]
Principality of Rasalhague , Turn Beginning 2360 Value/Cost

Funds:                 $ -3.106 Million
Revenue:         $ 75.000 Million
Shipyards: Rasalhague:      1
                                New Oslo:         1

Warships:  2x Rav-class Corvettes
Jumpships:  6x
Space Stations: 0
Dropships:  59x Strale-class
Small Craft 0
Fighters: 60x Hok-class Medium Fighter
                                146x Falk-class Light Fighter        

Expenses Number Cost

[i]*Maintenance See Fluff*[/i]
Maintenance:             Jumpships $ 1.200 Million  / 1.500 Million
Maintenance:             Rav-class Corvettes $ 6.000 Million  / 7.016 Million
Maintenance:             Dropships         $ 5.000 Million / 8.850 Million
Maintenance:             Fighters $ 560 Million   / 560 Million
R&D: Mechs         $17.500 Million

Prototype: Hund-class Frigate                              $1.765 Million

Production:  Hund-class Friagte 4x         $ 28.240 Million
Production:  Hok-class Medium Fighter 4x         $ 20 Million
Purchase:                  Lola I-class Cruiser              2x           $ 6.654 Million (Terran Hegemony)
Purchase:                  Bonaventure-class Corvette  2x           $ 5.036 Million (Terran Hegemony)
Purchase:                  Typhoon-class Heavy Fighters  96x       $ 480 Million (Lyran Commonwealth)

Jumpship Production:   4x $ 2.000 Million

Total: $ 74.455 Million

Principality of Rasalhague, Turn Ending 2370 Value/Cost
Funds:      $ 545 Million

Shipyards: Rasalhague                            1
                                New Oslo                               1

Warships:  Rav-class Corvette     2x
                        Hund-class Frigate                 4x
                                Lola I-class Cruiser                2x
                                Bonaventure-class Corvette    2x

Jumpships:  Invader-class                     10x             

Dropships:  Strale-class Light Dropship     59x

Fighters: Falk-class Light Fighter           146x
                                Hok-class Medium Fighter       64x
                                Tyhoon-class Heavy Fighter     96x

List of Ship Names
Rav-class Corvettes
PoRS Rav (Fox Swedish) - Lead ship of class - destroyed at Jezersko 2359
PoRS Kråka (Crow Swedish)
PoRS Korp (Raven - Swedish)

Hund-class Frigates
PoRS Hund (Hound Swedish) - Lead ship of class
PoRS Mäyräkoira (Daschhound Finnish)
PoRS Sækari (Retreiver Icelandic)
PoRS Varg (Wolf Swedish)

Lola I-class Cruisers
PoRS Mjölnir
PoRS Myrskyn Katkaisija (Storm Breaker Finnish)

Bonaventure-class Corvette
PoRS Köttur (Cat Icelandic)
PoRS Blettatígur (Cheetah Icelandic)
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: VensersRevenge on 22 April 2020, 16:24:19
Free Worlds League, 2360

In 2360 things seemed to be going well for the FWLN. The Talwar was a boondoggle, but a relatively cheap one as far as Warships go, and it would hopefully be reasonably useful on the Capellan border. Anti-piracy remained a problem, and Captain Admiral Michaels began training his combat ships in anti-pirate operations. More Jumpships entered the fleet throughout the decade, and when not being used to support combat operations, they were seconded to the Merchant Marine to help assist the League%u2019s economy. The Terran Hegemony remained an extreme threat to Michaels and his staff, but their selling of ships made Michaels hope that they would not be assaulting the League in the near future. To ensure this remained the case Michaels recommended that the Captain General maintain diplomatic efforts with the Hegemony. At the very least it would lessen the chances of war, and trade deals could benefit the economy. The Periphery front also seemed stable. While the news that the Terrans had sold warships to the Illyrian Palatinate was concerning, it seemed that the Marian Hegemony and Illyrian Palatinate would distract each other while colonization continued. This left the Capellan Confederation and Lyran Commonwealth. The newly united Capellan Confederation could become a threat, but it seemed likely they would be more worried about the Federated Suns than the Free Worlds League. The two Talwar%u2019s would be enough new forces on their border. The Lyran Commonwealth, on the other hand, had a relatively clear border as the Draconis Combine and Principality of Rasalhague fought. All four new Marik%u2019s would be deployed on the Commonwealth border to prevent adventurism by the Lyrans. Meanwhile, technological advances continued. New medium AC%u2019s would allow the FWL tanks to fight more effectively, and would give fighters a heavy weapon. Improved Warship armour, while not used on the Talwar due to being prototyped too late, would be valuable on the next generation of Warships. And the Jardine yards continued apace...

Talwar Class Corvette:
Politics is often the enemy of competent warmaking, and the Talwar is a key example of this fact. Designed by a cousin of the Selaj family of Regulus, the Talwar was a political compromise to ensure Regulan support for the Marik Destroyers. In theory it was supposed to be a flexible deep raider that would ambush Jumpships and Dropships behind enemy lines, but the inexperienced designers made choices that would limit the Talwar%u2019s usefulness. Equipped with almost a year's worth of fuel, the Talwar carries only a limited amount of cargo and has no missile defense systems. Additionally, it%u2019s weapons are all nose mounted, making it easy to attack from the sides or behind, and the crew quarters are uncomfortable with no grav decks for exercise. Forced to buy two Talwar%u2019s, the Talwar and it%u2019s sister ship the Tegha, the FWLN had to make the best of the ship. Deployed on the Capellan border, it was hoped the compact size of the Confederation would enable the Talwar to return to resupply while still being capable of moving behind enemy lines.
Code: [Select]
[i]Talwar[/i] Class Corvette
Mass: 100 000 tons
Movement: 5/8
Heat Sinks: 450
Fuel Points: 0/68660 (6866.0 tons)
Tons Per Burn Day: 19.75 
Structural Integrity: 80
Sail Integrity: 3
KF Drive Integrity: 4
Armor: 176 (Capital Scale)
Left Front Side
Right Front Side
Aft Left Side
Aft Right Side
Capital PPC Bay
2 Naval PPC (Heavy)
Carrying Capacity Cargo Space (1 door) - 2,500 tons 
Bay Personnel
Life Boats 12
Escape Pods 12
0 Grav Decks
Cost: 3 904 million

Code: [Select]
Year: 2360      Value in Millions
Money Available 309,000
Remaining from Last Turn
Available Shipyards

Atreus                   0/2
Irian       0/2
Loyalty       0/2
Regulus                 1
Jardine (secret)      1
Repairs 0

Maintenance 50% 98,616
Prototype Cost Talwar Corvette 976

Construction Unit Price
        Jardine              S1>S2            20,000
Warships Marik 4         39,752
Talwar 2                    7,808
Jumpships 50 500 25,000
Dropships 75 300 27,500
Fighters         1008     5   5,040
Research AC/10                                     40,900
Imp Ferro-Alum                         40,900
Total Spent    306,492

Income Remaining 2,508

Free Worlds League Navy:
Marik Destroyers:
FWLS Marik - Stewart System
FWLS Atreus - Periphery border
FWLS Oriente - Stewart System
FWLS Regulus - Capellan Border
FWLS Irian - Stewart System
FWLS Loyalty - Periphery border
FWLS New Delos - Stewart System
FWLS Stewart - Stewart System
FWLS Kanata - Capellan Border
FWLS Tiber - Stewart System
FWLS Gibson - Capellan Border
FWLS Tamarind - Periphery border
FWLS Clipperton - Lyran Border
FWLS Thermopolis - Lyran Border
FWLS Kalidasa - Lyran Border
FWLS Solaris - Lyran Border
Talwar Corvettes:
FWLS Talwar - Capellan border
FWLS Tegha - Capellan Border
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: marcussmythe on 24 April 2020, 15:34:38
Illyrian Palatinate Turn 2 2360-2370

Illyrian Palatinate
5 Jan. 2360
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Attendees : Msl. Rolofson-Army , Air Msl. Knudson-Aerospace Force , CNO & Flt.Adm Karlson
Observers : Administrator Thorson and Director of Defense Erickson

Karlson :Hurmph and snort... Well lets get this Dog and Pony Show started . Some very grave charges have been levied against me
about my management of the Naval budget ;
1-Why does the Navy have a budget surplus
2-Why do Naval Bases look so functional

To charge the !st charge...Why not, if i'm saving that money to procure real Warships , and not keep these nearly 200 year old toys i was saddled with by the former CNO.

To the 2nd charge...My naval Bases are fully functional military facilities , not glorified country clubs and golf courses .

To my detractors i say , look to your own services . Look at the waste and excess i see there . My Service doesn't  need gold plated toilet seats , when perfectly good ABS seats work just fine at 1/10 the cost

To Msl. shipboard marines could take and keep any of your Bases , due to lack of proper equipment and next to 0 training of your troops .

To AirMsl. Knutson...shame on you , your Aerospace forces should be at least on par with my Naval Air Forces . Yet my NavSpecOps have found only about 1/4 the number of asf that i have , so where are they , or is this more of the IS golf Club mentality .

So in retrospect, stop trying to Blow Hot Air Up My Minus-X , because of your own mismanagement of your services budgets .

The Navy must hold the Orbitals against all comers , because both of your services together would be little more than a speed bump and inconvenience for any half ways competent raider or conqueror................................


Excerpt Graduation Address
Dec 20 2365 2nd Combined Class
Bodo Naval Institute
Illyria, Illyrian Palatinate
Speaker : CNO & Flt Adm IPN Karlson

Gentlemen and Ladies
It with great pleasure and pride i greet you , newly minted officers , returning senior enlisted and newly graduated enlisted  . We have a unique training syllabus here in that officers and enlisted are trained together at the same facility . In space you either work together or you end up dead very fast . The deep black plays no favorites .
To my newly minted ensigns , congratulations you passed your snotties cruise with flying colors , showing yourselves to have what it takes to be spacers and officers .
To my returning senior chiefs, thank you for your service to our nation and returning here to enhance your knowledge and skills . you are just as needed anyone else here .
To my newly graduated enlisted of this institute , you have spent nearly six months of one the most grueling basic training courses of any service in the IS or Periphery to get you ready for what was to come . You then were sent to A School for your rating of choice for two to three years . then you were sent TAD for one year to a ground or space based station or ship to hone what you learned in those schools . Congratulations , you passed your finals , or you would not be here . Many passed with such high scores that your term of service , you will start off as jr Petty Officers .

Many will ask why this institute is so hard. It's hard so more of you will survive your 1st 5 years . You can do everything just as professionally and follow the regs to the letter , but some will not be with us next year . As i have already said , space , the deep black has a very cold heart and is an out right bitch . We are in her domain , not her ours .
In the near future a new rank will be opened up known as a Warrant Officer for those senior enlisted who for whatever reason don't to take a full commission . They will fulfill a mid ground area between officers and senior enlisted , and in a lot of cases they will fulfill the role of department heads in very specific tech areas.............................................

Code: [Select]
Illyrian Palatinate
Budget 2360>2370
Money Available                                                 34,000,000Bil
Remaining from Last Turn                                        993,000Mil
Total                                                           34,993,000Bil

Available Shipyards
Illyria                       1lvl1
Trondheimal                   0lvl>1lvl1                        10,000,000Bil
Total Remaining                                                 24,993,000Bil

SS Haven                      x4                                568,000Mil
WS Vigilante                  x4                                8,094,000Bil
JS                            x10                               2,500,000Bil
DS                            x20                               3,000,000Bil
ASF                           x720                              1,800,000Bil
SmlCft                        x120                              600,000Mil

Total                                                           16,562,000Bil

Income Remaining                                                8,431,000Bil

Below is notes and fluff on the Palatinate Jumpship Fleet, per Hairbear.  As they were purchased and assigned as standard generic jumpships, they will serve that function in-game, but desired fluff is preserved.
Code: [Select]
Jumpship Backgroundw

Editors Note...Rasalhague Refugee Fleet listed as JS above are as follows ;
1 Aquilla MkI                                       100,000tn
2 Aquilla MkIC                                      140,000tn
2 Aquilla MkIG                                      180,000tn
1 Aquilla MkIIA                                     210,000tn
1 Aquilla MkIIB                                     220,000tn
2 Aquilla MkIID                                     240,000tn
1 Aquilla MkIIE                                     250,000tn
these vessels brought the refugees to what would become the Illyrian Palatinate
are now Fleet Auxillary Vessels , all are primative kf drive equipped with limited jumprange.
most were produced in the mid to late 21st century by terran alliance or later terran hegemony
firms or by the single rasalhaguen yard capable of producing under license before being subsumed
by the Draconis Combine . the only way to find out where they were produced is to study the
commissioning placs to the right side of the bridge enterance on each vessel .
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: marcussmythe on 26 April 2020, 11:52:44
Turn 2, 2360-2370

Old Friends and New Faces:  Political Leadership of the 2360s

     The political face of the inner sphere saw some changes in the 2360s.  Whilst the relatively young Cameron, Kurita, Davion, and Marik rulers remained in power, an unexpected stroke took the renowned Emilie Liao from leadership of the newborn Capellan Confederation, only to be replaced by the manipulative and politically skilled Franco Liao.  Once in power, Franco seemed a bit less certain in what to do with it, concentrating his efforts in securing his own rule, and that of House Liao, over the demands of the Confederation as a whole.

     A stroke of a different kind in the Lyran Commonwealth saw the end of the effective rule of the Tamar family as an unofficial first among equals.  Disgusted with the inefficiency and infighting of the nine Archons, and determined that the Commonwealth would need unified leadership to face the future challenges of the Draconis Combine.  After years working in intelligence and with criminal investigations, as well as having strong ties to the military, Robert Marsden would take power in a sudden string of arrests, corruption charges, and unspoken threats of military force, backed up by the known support of naval guns in orbit. 

     Robert’s great personal, bureaucratic, and leadership skills would be tested in the coming years as he attempted to deal with restive local leaders and factions that had grown used to seeing their own interests forwarded by their representative Archon, and this would force him to (much to the comfort of his neighbors) to keep his eyes focused internally on the Commonwealth, rather than on matters of conquest.  Still, the future of the Commonwealth was forever changed, and perhaps salvaged, by the ruthlessness of the newly minted Archon Basilius.

     Early in 2370, the First Prince of Rasalhague and his immediate family were lost to the Principality in a Dropship accident.  A tramp merchant vessel on final approach to the Starport in Reykjavik suffered a catastrophic loss of power, and was attempting to abort beyond the limits of the crowded city when it came down on top of the Prince’s Estates just beyond the city limits.  Though accusations of foul play were inevitable, with a list of suspects encompassing most of the inner sphere, little evidence survived the impact, and that which was found was consonant with the idea of an incredibly fortunate happenstance.

     For all of the excitement, little changed in practical policy for the Principality.  First Prince Elect Sven Anitisson laid all blame for the accident at the feet of not just the Draconis Combine, but at those of Tenno Kurita personally, and swore that the free people would be ‘Bloodied, but Unbowed’ in the face of the Combine’s aggression.  Tenno Kurita did not respond immediately, nor with words.. but respond to the insult he would in time.

     In the United Hindu Collective, Lakshmi Kapil ascended smoothly to power in 2368, with a firm promise to continue the peaceful and enlightened traditions of her predecessors and people.  Drama was similarly absent (though a sigh of relief was perhaps present) as Harald Erikkson assumed rulership of the Palatinate in 2365.  His promise to bring sanity, sense, and good order to his people were viewed more favorably than those of his predecessor, as Olav Johannson’s offer to “Let them eat a Jelly Doughnut in Every Pot” was of appeal only to obscure students of political history.

     Finally, in 2361, two and a half decades of rule by Richard Calderon were brought to an end by an invasive cancer diagnosis and the radical treatment necessary to keep it under control.  Though Richard would live a few more years, he passed the helm of the ship of state to his son, Daniel Calderon.  This was met with some combination of joy and concern by the military, as young Daniel was known to be an amateur student of war with a vast enthusiasm for and fascination with such things, as well as a firm belief that the future and safety of the Confederation lay on a strong military foundation.  This was all to the good, and it was with some cheer that the military budget would swell to meet his desires. 

     The concern lay in the phrase ‘amateur student’.  Daniel had never himself served in the armed forces, being found ‘unsuitable for service’ for undisclosed medical reasons.  Despite this fact, he was endlessly confident in his own abilities and qualifications, considering serving professionals to be ‘polished, but often lacking in vision.’

An Era of Expansion:  Expansion Efforts, 2360 to 2370
     The decade from 2360-2370 saw what were essentially a series of land-grabs by the various powers.  Representative not of military might, but of diplomatic and colony efforts, most powers took this opportunity to move other worlds into their sway - either out of sheer expansionist economic exuberance or as preparation and retrenchment against threats to come.  In general, this effort was without central focus and direction (and the one effort that was is treated separately below), but its collective effect was to begin to exhaust the supply of unaffiliated, valuable worlds in the inner sphere, setting the scene for future conflict.  It was noted even at the time that the periphery worlds required heavy colony investment and provided little in return, at least initially, but the more valuable worlds closer to the core carried their own risk in future conflicts.
   Terran Hegemony:  Gain Sabik, 1 Billion Economy

   Draconis Combine:  Treated Below

   Federated Suns:  Treated Below

   Capellan Confederation:  Gain Chesterton, Khi, Redfield, Lochmantle, Fraaier, Weitinger, 6 Billion Economy

   Free Worlds League:  Gain Loric, Hornir’s Keep, Bella, Alula Borealis, Milungera, Aebrenaski, Loongana, Kilarney, Conakry, Tchamba, Wolof, Bowang, Gran, Panjang, 10 Billion Economy

   Lyran Commonwealth: Gain Colmar, Dompaire, Sudenten, Graus, Stonarboi, Carlisle, Annwyn, Aquavita, Sierpc, Rosice, 7 Billion Economy

   Rim Worlds Republic:  Gain Trellwan, Maxie’s Planet, Romulus, Chateau, Csesctreg, 4 Billion Economy

   Principality of Rasalhague:  No Colony Efforts, as the POR has other priorities, Treated Below.

   United Hindu Cllective:  Gain Tiruchuchirappalli, 2 Billion Economy

   Taurian Concordant:  Gain Lothair, Hyalite, Amber Grove,  2 Billion Economy

   Marian Hegemony:  Gain Horatius, Marius’s Tears, 2 Billion Economy

   Illyrian Palatinate:  Gain Landfall, 1 Billion Economy

A Fox in the Henhouse:  Fedsuns and the Draconis March, 2362-2369

A Fox Considers the Henhouse Pt. 1:  Opportunities

     The President of the Federated Suns listened to the idle clink of ice in a glass of scotch as evening sunlight filtered through the armor glass windows of his office in the presidential palace.  The spring was still beautiful on New Avalon, but his eyes were inevitably torn away from it, back to the paperwork scattered across his desk.  He sighed.

     The past few decades had been largely peaceful, and he expected much of that peace to last out his time.  But Etien would be next in line to be elected to the presidency, and Reynard’s brow furrowed for the situation Etien would inherit.  It would be the Kurita.  The Capellan people were barely a government, and their newest leader seemed to limit his talents to politicking for power, not exercising it.  They would no longer be free worlds for the taking, but they were unlikely to go on the offensive .  The United Hindu Collective was a purely defensive alliance - not worth provoking, and with little of value, but not likely to go anywhere.  The Taurians were the strongest of the local periphery nations - but even the first of the second rate powers was just that.  Second rate.

     The Hegemony… would be terrifying if it moved.  But they lacked ambition.  Focus.  Will.  Cameron was busily recreating a nobility… not surprising, given the realities of interstellar communications and command reach.  Feudalism's return was probably inevitable.  But the Camerons lacked the dream of a greater nation.

     No, it would come from the Kurita.  From their Combine.  Forged in blood and conquest, they had exploded across known space by consuming everything in their path.  Digesting the Principality of Rashalhague would take them decades, but it would happen.  Or they would be stymied, and turn their eyes elsewhere.  Likely to the Federated Suns and his childrens realm.

     For all of that, they -were- currently bogged down fighting a minor power, and it was best never to interrupt an enemy when they were making a mistake - especially an enemy that was, for the moment, stronger than you.  So direct conflict, or anything that would too greatly rouse their ire and pull them away from the Principality any sooner than necessary, would be a mistake.

     But the Draconis Combine’s reputation for voracity ran before them, and he was not the only leader to see the writing on the wall.  The Federated Suns needed defensive depth, economic strength, and time, and a battle won at the diplomatic tables was much cheaper than any other kind. 

     And at this thought, the Reynard of Davion smiled.

A Fox Considers the Henhouse Pt. 2:  The Great White War

          Reynard Davion was not famed for the political acumen that founded his family, nor for the military prowess that
          would come to define his successors.  But it is without doubt that the ‘White War’ of 2362-2369 won more for
          House Davion and the Federated Suns, at less cost, than almost any military operation in history…
                   -”A Fox Smiles with its Teeth, Reynard Davion and the Early Federated Suns” Avalon University Press, 3170

     At the dawn of the 2360s, the borders of the major powers had largely settled, with smaller realms incorporating themselves into larger ones, for political support, mutual defense, or economic expedience.  One exception to this was a large wedge of unaligned worlds lying between the Federated Suns and the Draconis Combine.  This ‘Draconis March’, as it was then styled, represented both threat to the Federated Suns, as those worlds could be easily swept up by the Draconis Combine and placing them on the Sun’s border, but also an opportunity, as the Dragon had its teeth sunk into prey on its Northeastern border - and the Dragon is not easily dissuaded from its prey.

     At orders from Reynard, the nation grabbed this opportunity.  State owned and influenced media made heroes of the brave dead who opposed the expansion of House Kurita, telling stories of the suffering of its peasants and the brutality of its soldiers (such stories having only the barest connection to the truth.. But the inhabitants of a backvoid planet are going to be concerned with high quality entertainment more than historical accuracy). 

     Federated Suns warships patrolled the scattered systems of the march.  Destroyers and Carriers waved the Flag of the Federated Suns over these worlds, whilst their Captains invited local leaders on board for goodwill tours touting the military might, democracy loving freedoms, and trade advantages of membership in the Suns.  Economic advantages to the people of their worlds, and to themselves, personally.  The Rapiers and Terriers hopped from system to system, keeping an ear out for local distress calls and laying traps for the unwary pirates (conspiracy theorist musings that piracy increased not long before the Davions appeared, and vanished with the Federated Suns claiming victory soon after, is probably observer bias, with Pirates fleeing the Fedsuns presence deeper and deeper into space, then fleeing again as the systems came to be patrolled.) 

     Concerns about possible Davion skulduggery were laid to rest by for but the most paranoid when the Terrier Class Scout Yorkshire jumped in system in Le Blanc to find the Colony Transport Sauternes under attack by pirates.  Responding to the distress calls,  the Yorkshire’s captain rushed to the aid of Sauternes.  The Sauternes was in the process of being run down just inside the jump limit by the Grim Revenge, an armed Aquila Transport.  The Aquila responded to the Yorkshires warning, and after a brief pursuit, cut her drives.  The Aquila indicated her surrender and stated she was prepared to accept boarders.

     We do not know how the Grim Revenge was able to surprise the Yorkshire and her Captain Chevalier.  What was recorded by the limited sensors of the Sauternes was that the Yorkshire approached carefully, and was apparently shocked when the Grim Revenge revealed a heavy broadside of what appears to have been stolen or converted Naval Autocannon.  In any event, the Yorkshire was staggered and bleeding air moments later, and Captain Chevalier commed the Sauternes briefly, saying only “You have twenty thousand souls on board.  Run.  We will try to hold them.”

     The Sauternes received no more communication.  As Sauternes redlined her drives in flight, her sensors watched a one-sided fight as a crippled, but still slightly more agile, Yorkshire dueled with the heavily armed but clumsy Grim Revenge.  Damage accumulated back and forth, but Yorkshire had been badly hurt by the opening round.  EM Spectrum emissions showed that the Yorkshire’s fusion powerplant was badly damaged and needed to be scrammed, as radiation and waste heat were flooding the small vessel.  Unable to disengage or cut power without allowing the Revenge to run down the Colony Transport, and lacking the firepower to win the fight, at least not before the power plant's waste heat and radiation silenced her crew forever, the Yorkshire instead pushed those drives to failure, forging the crippled ship into a 100kt missile that the Grim Revenge could not evade, and neither ship would survive.

     The colonists, on landing on Le Blanc, insisted on naming a city for Yorkshire, establishing the Chevalier Medallion, and pressed the existing world government to petition for membership in the Federated Suns.

     Less dramatic, but even more important in terms of human life, was the Federated Suns intervention on Hoff.  Less than a century from the founding of the first colony, a Hoff-local weevil equivalent finally discovered how to digest terran food crops.  Within a year, the primary crop was collapsing, and within two seasons starvation was imminent.  No local power had the ability to offer anything beyond sympathy and a pittance of supplies.

     Into the gap rushed the Federated Suns.  Whilst private concerns could offer some support, only the Navy had the available spacelift for effective response.  Megatonnes of plain-but-nourishing staples rode on Naval Transports and Dropships, whilst the Cabellus delivered the cream of the Federated Suns Science and Technical staff.  A combination of new pesticides, new seed crops, and better planning allowed the people of Hoff to turn matters around, and within two years, they were able to stand on their own.

     The stories of Hoff and Le Blanc would spread like wildfire throughout the Draconis March, and while a few worlds chose to side with the Combine for fear of the inevitable and others remained in frightened neutrality, many worlds joined the Federated Suns in the coming years, winning by cunning and mutual aide what could not be bought half so cheaply by force of arms, and creating a strong bastion of loyalty in those worlds that would serve House Davion in the coming decades.

Results, The Fox in the Henhouse

FedSuns:     1 SC Terrier Lost
20 Billion in optempo, relief effort, and operations costs.

FedSuns Gain the Following Worlds:  New Rhodes, Alnadal, Klathan, Dobson, Le Blanc, New Ivaarsen, Ballentine, Hoff, Bettendorf, Sakhara, Dahar, Swales, Turkalia, Sun Prairie, Waunakee, Verda, Caumont, Carcassonne, Junior, Mayetta.  20 Billion Economy

DC Gains the Following Worlds:  Breed, Royal, Crossing, Glenmora, Fairfield, Tisomingo, Choudrant, Damvang, Colia, Sammur.  10 Billion Economy

A Tough Bite to Swallow: the Coordinator and the Prince, 2361-2367

     After the positive result against the Rasalhague Navy in late 2359, and with Jezersko finally secured after a long counter-insurgency action, Coordinator Tenno Kurita would push for further advances into the Principality of Rasalhague over the following decade, to mixed results.

Meeting Engagement:  Battle of Vipaava, 2361

     In 2361, a DCA raiding squadron consisting of a pair of Kutais arrived in Vipaava looking for some easy prey, catching two PRN Jumpships at the zenith point. While one was fortunate enough to be ready to jump and escaped to raise the alarm, the other was forced to surrender.

     All available forces in Rasalhague - which included the ships recently bought from the Terran Hegemony as well as both RWN Vittoria’s sent to assist - were scrambled to the system less than an hour later, catching the 2 Kutai securing the captured JumpShip just inside the proximity limit. Incorrectly assuming the larger Vittoria’s and Lolas to be slower, the Kutais destroyed the captured JumpShip and tried to run, dumping mines as they went. The Vittoria’s gave chase through the mines suffering only minor damage while the PRN ships hot-charged their drives, hoping to jump to whichever transitory point the Kutais were fleeing to and cut them off. With little knowledge of the system and the two RWN ships keeping up with them to his surprise, the DCA admiral fled to the Nadir point, but the travel took long enough that the PRN have managed to hot-charge their drives and jumped ahead of them. Unfortunately only one Lola made it safely, the other suffering problems during it’s attempt to jump, with the jump is aborted before serious damage was done to the K-F Drive, leaving the ship unharmed but out of the fight. Still with data about the location of the Kutais shared by the RWN ships, the Lola that did arrive along with the Bonaventures intercepted, and the fight was on.

     With the Kutais forced to change course in an attempt to avoid the PRN squadron, the Vittorias were finally able to close to weapon range and both sides trade fire at extreme range, all the while the Rasalhague ships also get themselves into range with the Bonnies on either side of the Lola to protect against possible fighter attack. Due to far superior armour on the Vittoria and Lola compared to the Rav that was faced earlier as well as the Vittoria actually having some kind of point defense system, the capital missiles on the Kutais were less effective than in the earlier engagement, though still not useless, scoring hits across the RWNS Larissa hull and knocking out one of its Naval Autocannon along with other non-vital systems.

     The return fire from the RWN flotilla was more telling with the superior range of their naval lasers and missiles being a serious advantage, the RWNS Thessaloniki managing to cripple the engines on the DCS Galedon after a few solid hits forcing it to drop behind it’s sister ship. While the RWN ships slowed to finish the first, crippled Kutai, the PoRS Myrskyn Katkaisija finally entered range on its sister. The Naval Lasers and Autocannons on the Lola should have easily dealt with the much thinner armour of the Kutai as it tried to flee beyond the proximity limit of Vipaava’s star, but the PoRS Myrskyn Katkaisija was badly let down by the poor aim of the rather green gunners aboard. Despite their best efforts not one hit was scored by the Lola’s Naval Autocannons, though the gunners manning the Naval Lasers had slightly better luck scoring a few hits but not dealing enough damage to prevent the DCS Kagoshima from reaching the proximity limit and escaping.

Result -    DCA - 1 Kutai (DCS Galedon) Lost, 1 Kutai (DCS Kagoshima) Damaged - $500 Mil repair bill. 1 Dropship, 12 Small Craft & 36 Fighters Lost. DCS Kagoshima returns to action start 2362.
      PRN - 1 Lola (PoRS Mjolnir) Damaged - $600 Mil repair bill. 1 Jumpship, 3 Dropships and 36 Fighters lost. PoRS Mjolnir sent to Icar for repairs, returns mid 2362.
      RWN - 1 Vittoria (RWNS Larissa) Damaged - $400 Mil repair bill. RWNS Larissa escorts PoRS Mjolnir to Icar for repairs, returns mid 2362.

The Christmas Surprise:  Battle of Christiana, Late 2362

     In an attempt to avoid the trap that befell them the previous year, the DCA sent a trio of Kutai to scout deep on the flank of PoR territory. Ordered to jump into non-standard points well past the proximity limit and listen to signal traffic, gaining information about PRN patrols and fleet movement. A year spent doing this allowed them to predict where the 2 Rav-class ships on the border patrol would be at any one time and also gave them up to date maps of Rasalhague territory.

     Thus it was that the DCA 3rd Battle Squadron (Fubuki-class DCS Murakumo, Hatsuyuki, and Kutai-class DCS Midway) arrived at a pirate point a mere three hours away from orbit of the colony at Christiana where the PoRS Kråka and PoRS Korp had a significant portion of their crews on shore leave at the time. Caught with barely enough time to get their crews back aboard (and with a not insignificant percentage of the crew being in no condition to perform their duties) the PRN vessels had no hope of escaping even if they wanted to and the battle began just after the last few officers and crew made it aboard.

     The PRN ships fought bravely, focusing their fire on the lead ship - DCS Murakumo -  while their fighter complement did their best to keep the capital missiles of the DCA ships off them. They were mostly successful in their efforts, however it is much harder to shoot down incoming Naval Autocannon shells, which the Fubuki-class ships had no shortage of and even if their accuracy wasn’t the best the sheer volume of fire quickly turned the PoRS Korp into a twisted burning wreck before the PoRS Kråka joining its sister ship in death a few short minutes later. The Combine ships did not have it all their own way however, with the DCS Murakumo having multiple hits in it’s port side from the focused fire of both PRN vessels, and having many of its broadside guns knocked out of action. Because of this the Combine vessels decided against hanging around for the main PRN flotilla to arrive, burning for the outer edge of the system just as the Lolas and Bonaventures of the PRN Alpha Squadron arrived at the pirate point the DCA had used a few hours earlier. Unsure of exactly how much damage the Kuritan ships had sustained the Rasalhagian ships decided to let them go and focus on SAR operations.

Result -    DCA - 1 Fubuki damaged (DCS Murakumo) - $800 Mil repair bill. 20 ASF lost.
      PRN - 2 Rav, 4 Small craft, 24 ASF lost.

An Inconclusive Conclusion:  Battle of Last Frontier, 2367

     With the loss of the remaining Rav-class corvettes, the PRN was forced to assign the first two Hund-class ships to anti-pirate patrol, each one paired with a RWN Vittoria for added punch. Because of this when word of the renewed offensive was launched at Last Frontier, the available reaction force (Lola-class PoRS Mjölnir, Myrskyn Katkaisija, Bonaventure-class PoRS Köttur, Blettatígur, RWN Vittoria-class RWNS Delphi, Troy) was slightly more limited than the Elected Princess would have liked. Nevertheless it was deemed more than sufficient to deal with the enemy, so off they went to defend their people.

     With Last Frontier being more than one jump from Rasalhague, by the time the PRN squadron arrived the Combine vessels (Fubuki-class DCS Fubuki, Isonami, ‘Linebreaker’-class DCS Furutaka, Shinryaku-class Shinryaku) were already in orbit, having dealt with the planet’s meagre space defenses and currently dealing with the Rasalhagian forces on the ground. Confident of victory even though his fleet was outnumbered, DCA Admiral Shigeta Dewa prepared his ships for action.

     Having no data on the capabilities of the completely unknown DCS Furutaka, PRN Admiral Jorgensson was reluctant to close on the vessel, visual scans showing a pair of what seemed to be very large gun barrels on each forequarter. Instead the combined PRN/RWN ships kept the range open, expecting their batteries of 55cm Naval Lasers and capital missiles to slowly cut the larger vessel down to size, the lack of heavy return fire at such extreme range served to reinforce their belief that the DCS Furutaka was a short ranged bully. And then the first Naval Gauss slug hit, punching straight through one of the PoRS Mjolnir’s Large Laser turrets and tearing it clean off.

     After recovering from that significant emotional event the PRN/RWN flotilla turned to close, knowing that if it could punch holes that big at extreme range, they may as well close to their effective range rather than waiting to be picked apart by the Furutaka’s new heavy guns. This would also bring them into effective range of the Fubukis, but with a little Appropriate Application of Violence they could be easily dealt with, allowing them to then focus on the larger vessel. This had mixed results, with the combined fire from both PRN Lolas managing to strip large chunks of armour off DCS Fubuki knocking out many of its anti-fighter guns, while the RWN Vittorias did even greater damage to DCS Isonami, detonating the magazine for it’s broadside guns leaving gaping holes in its side and struggling to maneuver. The return fire from the Kuritan ships tore through the PoRS Myrskyn Katkaisija however, setting it adrift and aflame within minutes before doing the same to the PoRS Blettatígur and stripping armour and smashing the fighter bay of the RWNS Delphi, leaving it unable to recover craft.

     Those fighters were busy however in the fight of their lives ,with Rim Worlds and Rasalhagian fighters engaged in a huge furball with their Kuritan counterparts. The Combine fighters had the advantage of numbers, but struggled with it seemed that not all the bugs had been worked out of their brand new Short Range Missile launchers, with many either failing to fire, or detonating prematurely. While the Rim World fighters kept a favourable kill count against the DCA fighter group, the green Rasalhagian fighter pilots suffered terribly, and eventually the sheer weight of numbers won the day for the Combine, though casualties were high all round.

     As the fighter duel was resolving itself and the ‘Ship battle not going in his favour, Admiral Dewa came to the conclusion that discretion was the better part of valour, and conserving his fleet for the future was more valuable to the Coordinator than a pyrrhic victory today. As one the Kuritan ships that could burned their engines to break orbit, the DCS Isonami firing all it had left to keep the enemies attention on them while the others escaped before being destroyed by the heavy naval autocannons of the RWNS Troy. With all their ships suffering various levels of damage, and the Kuritan flagship appearing more or less unaffected by what hits it had suffered, the Rasalhagian and Rim World admirals were quite happy to let it leave and called in the army to deal with the DCMS forces on the ground, the last of which, starved of supplies finally surrendered in November 2369.

Result -    DC - 1 Fubuki lost (DCS Isonami), 1 x Linebreaker, 1 x Fubuki damaged - $2.5 Billion repair bill. 1 Dropship, 16 Small Craft, 50 ASF Lost.
      PoR - 1 x Lola I & Bonaventure PoRS Myrskyn Katkaisija, PoRS Blettatígur crippled - $6 Billion repair bill, 1 x Lola I & Bonaventure PoRS Mjolnir, Köttur damaged - $1.5 Billion repair bill. 6 Small Craft and 60 ASF lost.
      RWN - 2 x Vittoria damaged - $3 Billion repair bill. 1 Dropship, 8 Small Craft and 50 ASF lost.

     With the DCS Furutaka returning in failure, and with casualties far outstripping results, Tenno Kurita called off the invasion of the Principality for the time being, looking instead to rebuild before going in search of easier prey.

Collective Results, The Coordinator and the Prince

DC - 1 Fubuki, 1 Kutai lost, 1 Linebreaker, 2 Fubuki, 1 Kutai damaged.
         2 Dropships, 28 Small Craft, 86 ASF lost.
         Total Repair Bill - $3.8 Billion.

      PoR - 2 Rav lost. 1 Lola, 1 Bonaventure crippled
         1 Lola damaged (twice), 1 Bonaventure damaged
         1 Jumpship, 3 Dropships, 10 Small Craft, 120 ASF Lost
         Total Repair Bill - $8.1 Billion

      RWR - 3 Vittoria damaged, 1 Dropship, 8 Small Craft, 50 ASF lost.
         Total Repair Bill - $3.4 Billion.

Turn 3 Budgets:
(aka, why you are all here)

Power:                                 Budget (in Billions)
Terran Hegemony:               767
Draconis Combine:              345
Federated Suns:                  346
Capellan Confederation       318
Free Worlds League            336
Lyran Commonwealth          311
Rim Worlds Republic           138
Principality of Rasalhague   79
United Hindu Consortium    63
Taurian Concordiate            127
Marian Hegemony               62
Illyrian Palatinate                 41

Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 27 April 2020, 02:02:38
Map for January 1, 2370:
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: marcussmythe on 27 April 2020, 08:57:52
Capellan Confederation Turn 3 2370-2380

As the years turned over into the 2370s, the Capellan Confederation found itself lagging behind its neighbors.  The Federated Suns navy was nearly as large as that of the Confederation, and was posting notable technological advances.  The Free Worlds League boasted a similar number of hulls and greater displacement, powered by their mercantile economy and lavish naval funding. 

The Terran Hegemony and their new "Constitution" Class Cruisers seemed to offer some inspiration, but unlike the mighty but careless Hegemony, the Capellans would be rigorously cost-controlling their new ships, while further expanding on their multirole nature.  An initial plan to pursue massive yard upgrades and lay down more than one new heavy ship per year was abandoned when it was relaized this would come at the cost of either research or continued expansion of its trade and defense station networks.  In a move of temperance, the Confederation chose instead to build what they could at their existing heavy yards, while refitting existing hulls with newly developed technologies.

The final lesson of the Rasalhague conflict was the need for better intelligence and communications.  A vessel having jumped could not do so again for some time, and merchant jumpships and dropships could not be relied upon.  Specialist warships, including some compact core designs, were discussed, but cost containment remained the watchword of the CCN.  It was suggested that standard military jumpships could be assigned and trained to the role, but it was felt that a specialized craft and a carefully trained crew, focused on running silent in deep space, well beyond the jump limit, listening, reporting, would better serve the needs of the Capellan people.  Thus was born the Zencha, a specialized Reconnaissance Jumpship.

In general, doctrine for the CCN is to stay where they go, accepting losses to preserve the interests of the Capellan peoples on the planets below.  The large investment in naval yards allows the CCN to regenerate naval losses quickly, and as such it will be willing to accept those losses to achieve their mission.  However, losses are not to be accepted merely to inflict their own in return, as the CCN has several major powers on its border.

Tactical complexity is  eschewed in favor of local concentration of force informed by intelligence advantages provided by its scout Jumpships and the extensive provision of large sensor arrays on its vessels.  Recharge stations and the security provided by knowing their yards are covered by growing arrays of defense satellites allow the navy to concentrate force more freely than most, in the hopes of providing a local advantage in the correlation of forces. 

DDs will serve as independent raiders or escorts as necessary.  The older Yang Wei class Heavy Cruisers provide an independent fast striking battle wing when assembled, optimized for high speed engagement of enemy vessels and infrastructure.  This force may operate independently as (very) heavy raiders, or in support of the Quan Yin/DD battle line.

Code: [Select]
Capellan Confederation, Turn Beginning 2370 Value/Cost:  Billions
Starting Funds: 4.742
Starting Shipyards:
Capella 1/1/1/1
Sarna: 1/1/1/1
Aldebaran 1/1/1/1

Starting Warships: CA Yangwei x 6 57
DD Binzhou x 12 55.26

Starting Stations:      DS Shao Bing x 300                      9
                        TS Habwr Diogel x 40                    14.66

Starting Jumpships: 10 5
Starting Dropships: 50 15
Starting Small Craft 200 2
Starting Fighters: 600 3
Maintenance Assets:         160.92

Expenditure Cost (Billions)
Budget: 318
Reserves from Prior Turn: 4.742
Maintenance (Full) 80.46
Yard Upgrades
Capella 1->2 10
Sarna 1->2 10
Aldebaran 1->2 10
R&D, NPPC 29.26
R&D, IFA 37.62
R&D, AC/10 33.44
Design& Prototyping, CA Kuan Yin 2.212
Design&Prototyping, CA Yang Wei Block 2         .9735 (IFA -590 Armor)
Design&Prototyping, DD Binzhou Block 2         .468 (IFA- 355 Armor, 20 NL/55)
Design and Prototyping, JS Zencha                               .156
Production, CA Kuan Yin x6 53.562
Refit, CA Yang Wei to Block 2 x6 1.446
Refit, DD Binzhou to Block 2 x12 .9
Production, JS Zencha x 20                                      12.478
Shaobing Defense Station x 300:                                9
Habwr Diogel Trade Station x  40                                14.68
Small Craft: x 200 2
Fighters: x800 4

Capellan Confederation, Turn Ending 2380
Ending Funds: 10.087
Ending Shipyards: Capella 0/2/1/1
Sarna: 0/2/1/1
Aldebaran 0/2/1/1

Ending Warships:
CA Kuan Yin x 6 53.087
        CA Yangwei Blk 2 x6 58.41
DD Binzhou Blk 2 x12 56.16
        JS Zencha x 20                                          12.478

Ending Stations:       
        DS Shao Bing x 600                      18
        TS Habwr Diogel x 80                    29.32

Ending Jumpships: 10 5
Ending Dropships: 150 15
Ending Small Craft 400 4
Ending Fighters: 1400 7
Maintenance Assets:         245.977

CA Yang Wei Block 2

A minor refit of all Yang Wei hulls in service was carried out throughout the 2370s, cycling each ship through the yards for a full replacement of its armor belt with more modern compounds.  Though relatively inexpensive due to the lack of elaborate new technology going into the hulls, each vessel would need to spend a full year in the builder's yards to accommodate the transition to the new Improved Ferro-Aluminium compounds.

DD Binzhou Block 2

Based on battle reports from the far side of the inner sphere, it was determined that engagement range advantages would prove more useful than mere number of weapons mounts.  In service of this, when the Binzhou class DDs were brought in for refit, their primary anti-ship armament was regularized to slightly fewer mounts, though now all of uniform 55cm Naval Lasers.  In addition, the same improved armor used on newer construct was retrofitted onto the older hulls.

CA Kuan Yin

"Specialization is for insects."

Growing from a need to leverage their extensive investment in large naval yards into a competitive naval arm, all with the acknowledgement of their small, but not trivial, economic disadvantage relative to their opponents, the CCN looked afar for inspiration.

Based on the battles between the Principality of Rasalhague and its allies with the Draconis Combine, it was felt that missiles, while still being a threat, would not be a decisive weapon, and so for now at least the CCN would move away from it.  Further, long ranged firepower seemed to naval analysts to carry the day in more than one engagement.  This required not just the usual banks of Naval Lasers, but access to the Naval PPC technology pioneered far afield more than 20 years ago, and so these were put into service.  Hull strength and armor was shown to be another vital advantage, and would be prioritized.  However, the anticipated advantages of superior maneuverability did not appear as great in wartime as they had appeared in peacetime exercises, and so some agility would be sacrificed in service of this.

Jumpships and Dropships appeared too vulnerable, requiring either that escorts be assigned to them, or that they be left vulnerable to loss.  Further, the cost of building jumpships and dropships in sufficient quantity to provide the CCN with an effective counter-invasion force was felt too great - much less the cost of installing docking collars on its warships.   So the CCN focused on a third way.

The Quan Yin would carry 360 medium tanks, making up a reinforced tank brigade.  As the CCN focused on combined arms approaches, including IFVs, carriage for three full brigades of infantry was provided.  Extensive small craft berthing provides for carriage from orbit to surface, though this will be supplemented in time by small craft shuttles, and a full reinforced regiment of fighters provides air cover and support to the landing troops  All of that capacity comes at cost - at a full load, a Kuan Yin has little more than two months of endurance based on her own stockpiles. 

When not carrying invasion troops, most of the small craft bays are re-purposed for carrying additional fighters, raising the Kuan Yin to nearly 150 on board, making her a hybrid battle-carrier.  Troop and Tank bays are then tasked with cargo carriage, giving the Kuan Yin 65,000 tons of supplies, a 6.5% mass fraction.

By moving transport and logistics flexibility from collars into the warship hull, the CCN accepted that they would pay a price both in raw per-hull combat power - a pure battle-line design study provided for 25% more resilient and 20% more firepower, at the cost of carrier and invasion capacity - and also in potential flexibility, as each ship can only 'flex' so far, compared to a multiple-collar warship or a dropship/jumpship heavy fleet.  It was felt however that, given the CCs smaller economic base and limited resources compared to its neighbors, that a single 'maid of all work' heavy cruiser would be best fit for purpose.

The fact that the Confederation built a "Heavy Cruiser" that was when she first left dock the largest warship in space, more than an overmatch for the Hegemony's famed Dreadnoughts, and that they named their vessel for a Goddess of Mercy, was a subject of some black humor by naval researches throughout the inner sphere.

Code: [Select]
Kuan Yin
Tech: Inner Sphere
Introduced: 2371
Mass: 1,000,000 tons
Length: 832 meters
Width:  278 meters
Height:  265 meters
Fuel: 10,000 tons (25,000)
Tons/Burn-day: 39.52
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Sail Integrity: 5
KF Drive Integrity: 21
Heat Sinks: 10,480 (100%)
Structural Integrity: 120
Cost:  $8.848B (Including Ammunition)

Fore: 200
Fore-Sides: 278
Aft-Sides: 278
Aft: 200

Bay 1 (Aft), 18 Doors:  30 Small Craft
                                120 Fighters
                                360 Light Vehicles
                                10,080 Troops
                                46,483 Tons Cargo
DropShip Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 4 (250 meters diameter)
Escape Pods: 100
Lifeboats:  100

Crew:      65 Officers
           180 Ratings
           140 Gunners
           540 Bay Personnel (240/300 1st/2nd Class Quarters provided)
           Up to 1800 Vehicle Crew and Support Personnel (Bay Quarters, Short Term Only)
           Up to 10,080 Troops (Bay Quarters, Short Term Only)

Ammunition:  80 Tons MG Ammo

Small NCSS
Mounts 2,400 Tons of Improved Ferro-Aluminium Armor
100% of required heat sinks


40 Large Lasers
40 Machine Guns

Fore Left/Right:
12 Medium Naval PPC
8 Naval Laser 55

40 Large Lasers
40 Machine Guns

Aft Left/Right:
12 Medium Naval PPC
8 Naval Laser 55

40 Large Lasers
40 Machine Guns

JS Zencha

Information is Ammunition

The final lesson of Rasalhague was the value of information and communications in deep space combat.  The fastest message could travel no faster than a jumpship can recharge its batteries - and no ship can leave a system immediately after entering, for want of that jump drive charge.  Probing and counter-probing would be the order of the day for many battles, and this relies on knowing enemy activity, patrol patterns, and dispositions.  It also relies on the ability to relay that information back to friendly commanders fast enough to take action. 

A simple jumpship lying doggo in a system beyond the hyper limit can provide a communications relay, if it can be pre-positioned and if it can be kept quiet.  This comes at a cost of any other use of that jumpship, and at the cost of reliability if civilian vessels are pressed into service.  Further, jumpships do not carry the required provisions for long deployments, or for multiple jumps made off of fuel reserves rather than the light sail.  Finally, civilian and military transport jumpships carry nothing beyond the basic sensors required for their role.

Thus the Zencha.  Specialized in both construction and crew training for the communications and intelligence mission, each Zencha carries a full 800 tons of fuel, enough for potentially 8 or more jumps off of internal fuel bunkerage.  405 tons of cargo, in combination with extensive recycling facilities, allows the Zencha deployments of up to 16 months unsupplied.  The massive Communications and Scanner Suite, equal to anything equipped on any warship and backed up by a further 22 tons of dedicated communication equipment, along with the attendant highly trained professionals, allow the ship sit silently in deep space, sifting through enemy communications for intelligence, entering and leaving the system well beyond the range at which such a small vessel, and one with no collars, could be detected.  Further, they wait at specific points in their assigned systems, with that location known to its allies.  This allows an incoming force to receive the most recent intelligence on the system in near real time by laser communication, and at the same time allows the force to communicate any requirements or messages back to the waiting Zencha to pass on to command.

While expensive, especially for a jumpship with no collars, the CCN felt that the exorbitant price paid was worth it for the intelligence and communications advantages it offered.

Code: [Select]
Tech: Inner Sphere
Introduced: 2374
Mass: 98,000 tons
Length: 283 meters
Width:  62 meters
Height:  58 meters
Fuel: 800 tons (8,000)
Tons/Burn-day: 9.77
Safe Thrust: .1
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 3
Heat Sinks: 93 (100%)
Structural Integrity: 1
Cost:  $624 Million (Including Ammunition)

Fore: 9
Fore-Sides: 9
Aft-Sides: 9
Aft: 9

Bay 1 (Aft), 2 Doors:  2 Small Craft               
                           405 Tons Cargo
DropShip Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 1 (90 meters diameter)
Escape Pods: 0
Lifeboats:  10

Crew:      9 Officers
           2 Ratings
           38 Gunners
           10 Bay Personnel (2nd Class Quarters provided)
Ammunition:  8 Tons MG Ammo

Large NCSS
22 Tons Communication Equipment
Mounts 54 Tons of Improved Ferro-Aluminium Armor
100% of required heat sinks


2 Large Lasers
4 Machine Guns

2 Large Lasers
4 Machine Guns

2 Large Lasers
4 Machine Guns

Northern Operational Area:
Primary Base - Gan Singh
2xCA Quan Yin
2xCA Yang Wei
2x DD Binzhou

The coreward component is based out of Northern Command, over the agricultural world of Gan Sing, chosen for its central location within the Northern Operational Area, and conveniently within one jump of the yards over Aldebaran (an emergency jumpship messenger is kept in Aldebaran, beyond the jump limit, to carry warning at all times if need be).  Its area of responsibility consists of all of the Capellan Confederation 'North' of Aldebaran, as well as an area up to 90LY, 3 Jumps, south of Aldebaran, roughly along the 150ly 'South' line, measured from Terra.  The Coreward is one of the two 'swing' fleets, as it may be moved away from the Terran border to either reinforce or engage in separate actions along the FWL or FS border, as needed, as the Terran Hegemony is considered a relatively low-risk front.

Eastern Operational Area:
Primary Base:  St. Ives
2xCA Quan Yin
2xCA Yang Wei
2xDD Binzhou
Responsible for all space south of the 150LY line to the 300LY line and East of the 45LY line, the Eastern Fleet will move to support, or be supported by, the Core Fleet, or may engage in shared operations against the Federated Suns, if this becomes necessary.  However, only in the most desparate circumstances will it abandon its own operational area, as the Federated Suns is judged a relatively high risk front.

Western Operational Area
Primary Base:  Sian
2xCA Quan Yin
2xCA Yang Wei
2xDD Binzhou
Responsible for all space south of the 150LY line to the 300LY line and West of the 45LY line, the Eastern Fleet will move to support, or be supported by, the Core Fleet, or may engage in shared operations against the Free Worlds League, if this becomes necessary.  However, only in the most desperate circumstances will it abandon its own operational area, as the FWL is judged a high risk front.

Southern Operational Area
Primary Base:  Grand Base
6xDD Binzhou
Responsible for all space south of the 300LY line, the Southern fleet is often a training ground for young captains, and is regarded as a prestige appointment due to the wide open spaces and opportunities for advancement that come from independent command.  The vessels of the Southern Operational Area are mainly disaster response and anti-piracy focused, and may easily be called in support of other borders, as the Southern Operational Area is considered a very low risk front.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Jester Motley on 27 April 2020, 17:28:07
FedSuns Turn 3

At Reynard's order, the FS admirality began to consider and plan for a full scale war with it's Dragon neighbor.  With the DC's engagements against the PoR, it had become clear that full scale naval warfare was a reality, and would, sooner or later, come to the FedSun boarders.  With this new order, and view on the role of the FS Navy, the Admiralty set to creating a fleet worthy of full scale battle with vigor and alacrity.  Only to be almost immediately drawn up short when it they realized the infrastructure and current designs were sorely lacking.  With pirate hunting best done with smaller ships, the FS navy had spent little in investment in large scale shipyards.  And while the Gladius and Hornet class ships were consider solid protection at the time they were laid down, a review of intelligence reports showed current house naval yards were laying down ships that out massed either design by 50-100% already.  And all intelligence suggests further yard expansion by both the Dracs and the Caps.

With this roadblock, a large scale program for expanding infrastructure and yards was implemented, designed to let the FS match hull size capabilities with its neighbors, though its clear that the numbers of simultanious hulls built will remain...  less than others.  It is hoped that while lacking in raw numbers, solid design and more importantly, the technology edge that the FS has built up, will allow the navy to do its job.  As the first of this tech philosophy, the first ship of the Achilles line was built to showcase both the technology, but the raw fighting ability the FedSun navy encompasses. 

Ship deployment-
FS is divided into 3 operational theaters,  With Fleet 1 on the Heg's border, Fleet 2 on the DC border, and Fleet 3 on the CC border.  Fleet 1 also has the honor of providing for "home fleet."
To that regard, most of the fleet is divided evenly between the 3, with any odd divisors on the DC border at this point.  (Including the new CA)  Those are not, however, hard and fast rules, with fleets doing regular patrol work, repositioning, maintenance, and training excercises.  In addition, ships will be swapped or be adjunct to other fleets to cross-train and keep anyone from getting stale.  As an example, one might find both carriers based on one border for several months, because they are training in combined operations, or staging space-ground campaigns from one flight deck, and ground-space defense from the other.

Basing for each fleet is at the 3 shipyard systems, and New Avalon.

Federated Suns Turn report

Code: [Select]
Federated Suns Turn report:
Turn: 3
Turn Date: 2370

Base Budget: $346,000
Bonus/Carryover From previous turn: $347
Loss/repairs this turn: -$20,000
Total Budget for turn: $326,347

Maintenance: $106,338
Research: $75,820
New Aquisitions: $39,232
Yard Additions/Upgrades: $105,000
Surplus for next turn/Warchest: $-34 (debt)

Med DS

Existing Yards:
Planet L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 Castles Brian
TOTAL 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Delevan 1 1 1
Layover 1 2
New Syrtis 1

Yard upgrades/moves: Full cost Discount
New LV1: 0 2 Delevan New Syrtis
Upgrade LV1->2 0 1 Delevan
Upgrade LV2->3 1 1 Layover Delevan
Upgrade LV3->4 1 0 Delevan

End of Turn Yards:
Planet L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 Castles Brian
TOTAL 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Delevan 1 1 1 1
Layover 1 1 1
New Syrtis 1 1

Starting Ships:

Starting Minor Vessels:
Fighter 4,250
Adv. Fighter 0
Small Craft 2,000
Light DS 105
Med DS 0
Hvy DS 0
JumpShip 30

New Minor Vessels:
Fighter 25
Adv. Fighter 0
Small Craft 150
Light DS 0
Med DS 25
Hvy DS 0
JumpShip 5


New Designs Built this Turn:
Achilles (Cruiser) 1

Existing Designs: Built this Turn: Starting Numbers Total: Mothballed:
Outpost Space Station (Recharge) 5 35 40 0
Bailey Space Station (Defense)         0 20 20 0
Gladius (Destroyer/Defense)         0 6 6 0
Hornet (Light Carrier)                         0 2 2 0
Rapier (Fast Frigate)                         0 5 5 0
Terrier (Corvette/Scout)                 2 3 5 0
Cabellus (AFS Collier/Combat Stores) 0 2 2 0

New Ship design:

Achilles-class Fleet Cruiser

Inspired by the cruisers of the ancient Terran age of sail, the Achilles was designed as a unit that could equally stand on her own in foreign ports and solo adventures, or shoulder to shoulder in fleet battles.  Designed with deep wells for her primary munitions and small arms weaponry, she can engage repeatedly with minimal or no resupply.  Sporting the bleeding edge of Federated Suns technology, the Naval Gauss Cannons have shown in tests to be surprisingly effective weaponry, doing damage for longer, and with more accuracy than the current king of naval weapons the Naval Auto Cannon.  Coupled with the tendency to penetrate and score deep hits, the Achilles has mounted a significant number for her broadside armament, the sides critical for fleet engagements.  To complement the ranged weapons, and to add further depth of fire in an enclosing engagement, the newly developed Naval Particle Projection Cannons were mounted along side the tried and true Heavy Naval Laser systems the FS Navy is well versed in.  Longer ranged weaponry was fitted to the chase fore and aft armaments, to ensure range issues were never a problem.  The tried and true barracuda launchers round out the capital scale weapons.  Primarily for anti-fighter work, the missile weapons and naval lasers give the captain a flexibility traditional anti-fighter weapons lack, able to use munitions to ward off fighters and small craft, or engage larger craft and warships as needed.  The series mounts the heaviest anti-fighter auto cannon defenses available interspersed with heavy laser mounts to engage and deal with lighter craft. Finally, the Achilles mounts a significant amount of tried and true anti-missile machine guns round out the weapons of the Achilles.

Towards the end of design, the realization that the FedSuns lacked dedicated flagship accomodations for fleet command, and proper "show the flag" accommodations for admirals, diplomats, and ambassadors.  It is with that in mind that the Achilles class was outfitted with prestigious quarters for a command staff, a diplomat's working staff, or an ambassador's guard staff.  In addition, accommodations for 8 platoons of marines ensures security of the vessel during combat and boarding operations, but also a security/ground forces for up to an Ambassador's needs for protection.  A complement of 12 Small Craft are available, with several designated for shuttling VIPs, and others for working coverage, air support/swacs, and security for said VIPs.  Finally, her added sensors and com capabilities enhance a flag's ability to command a battle, whether its in space, or on the ground.

Rounding out, and very important to note, the Achilles sports a single drop collar, and was specifically designed to interface and work with the latest Dropship infrastructure technology allowing nearly triple the capacity of the light dropships of the past.  Capable of deploying a mixed battalion of mechs, fighters, and vehicles for diplomatic protection forces, a full battalion of aerospace fighters for air-coverage when not working with carriers, or adds 40% more supplies that can be carried by the Achilles, the single collar for Medium Dropships is a critical, and very flexible component, for this series of ships.

(Design note, Achilles class ships come with medium droppers at all times.  Self imposed Quirk- Med DS only.)

Doctrine changes specific to the Achilles-
When operating in fleet mode, Achilles act as the fleet flagship, with her 1st class berths housing a flag officer and their staff, while some (up to 1/2) of the standard marine berthing is given over to additional flag support staff.  Any further accomdations are regulated to the small craft and attending dropship.  Assumptions are for resupply to be plentiful, in which case missile doctrine is to fire at will, any target.

(Design note:  There's no 'flag bridge' or 'extra communication' gear that I could find or use, except the one item marked Communication Equipment and which I think is for something other than what I envision.  I used it as a place holder for the flag bridge and extra comms they'd want.  Not sure it would matter, but its one thing I've noted lacking in BT warships, any dedicated flag capabilies or 2nd/fighting bridge...)

When operating in a cruising capacity, either solo or in squadron level cruises, the first class accomodations will be used to house bay crew, flight crews, and marine officers for the long duration missions.  Missile doctrine is to use primarily for added anti-light craft/aero defense, and conserve munitions for "best shot."

In all cases, the plethora of Gauss ammunition, a 'typo' by one of the architects specifications that made it through to production, means "free fire at all ranges", as well as authorized for live-fire target practice, even (though conservatively) when on cruise.

(Design note, barring the NLs, Barracuda, and MGs, she's ALL new tech, and at the very least I suggest the GMs consider at least this turn she should probably suffer from bugs/glitches/tech issues.)

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: CA-100 Achilles Class Fleet Cruiser
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $9,861,506,000.00
Magazine Cost: $10,100,000.00
BV2: 105,292

Mass: 1,000,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
24 Naval PPC Medium
34 Naval Laser 55
40 Laser Large
120 Machine Gun (IS)
80 AC 20
10 Naval Gauss Rifle Light
20 Naval PPC Light
10 Capital Launcher Barracuda

Class/Model/Name: CA-100 Achilles Class Fleet Cruiser
Mass: 1,000,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 180,000.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 2,500.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (21 Integrity) 452,500.00
Jump Sail: (5 Integrity) 80.00
Structural Integrity: 110 110,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 9345 Single 8,700.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 12500 points 5,100.00
Fire Control Computers: 20,344.00
Armor: 1290 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 2,040.00
Fore: 215
Fore-Left/Right: 215/215
Aft-Left/Right: 215/215
Aft: 215

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Medium: 2 200.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 50 350.00
Life Boats: 50 350.00

Crew And Passengers:
66 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 660.00
179 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 1,253.00
150 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 1,050.00
60 Bay Personnel 0.00
36 1st Class Passengers 360.00
224 2nd Class Passengers 1,568.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
4 Naval PPC Medium Nose 540 360 (36-C) Extreme-C 7,200.00
4 Naval Laser 55 Nose 340 220 (22-C) Extreme-C 4,400.00
15 Laser Large Nose 120 120 (12-C) Medium 75.00
15 Machine Gun (IS) Nose 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 7.50
4 Naval PPC Medium FR 540 360 (36-C) Extreme-C 7,200.00
4 Naval Laser 55 FR 340 220 (22-C) Extreme-C 4,400.00
20 AC 20 FR 140 400 (40-C) Short 280.00
20 Machine Gun (IS) FR 40 (4-C) Short-PDS 10.00
5 Naval Gauss Rifle Light RBS 45 750 (75-C) Extreme-C 22,500.00
10 Naval PPC Light RBS 1050 700 (70-C) Long-C 14,000.00
5 Naval Laser 55 RBS 425 275 (27.5-C) Extreme-C 5,500.00
5 Capital Launcher Barracuda RBS 50 100 (10-C) Extreme-C 450.00
5 Laser Large RBS 40 40 (4-C) Medium 25.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) RBS 10 (1-C) Short-PDS 2.50
4 Naval PPC Medium AR 540 360 (36-C) Extreme-C 7,200.00
4 Naval Laser 55 AR 340 220 (22-C) Extreme-C 4,400.00
20 AC 20 AR 140 400 (40-C) Short 280.00
20 Machine Gun (IS) AR 40 (4-C) Short-PDS 10.00
4 Naval PPC Medium FL 540 360 (36-C) Extreme-C 7,200.00
4 Naval Laser 55 FL 340 220 (22-C) Extreme-C 4,400.00
20 AC 20 FL 140 400 (40-C) Short 280.00
20 Machine Gun (IS) FL 40 (4-C) Short-PDS 10.00
5 Naval Gauss Rifle Light LBS 45 750 (75-C) Extreme-C 22,500.00
10 Naval PPC Light LBS 1050 700 (70-C) Long-C 14,000.00
5 Naval Laser 55 LBS 425 275 (27.5-C) Extreme-C 5,500.00
5 Capital Launcher Barracuda LBS 50 100 (10-C) Extreme-C 450.00
5 Laser Large LBS 40 40 (4-C) Medium 25.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) LBS 10 (1-C) Short-PDS 2.50
4 Naval PPC Medium AL 540 360 (36-C) Extreme-C 7,200.00
4 Naval Laser 55 AL 340 220 (22-C) Extreme-C 4,400.00
20 AC 20 AL 140 400 (40-C) Short 280.00
20 Machine Gun (IS) AL 40 (4-C) Short-PDS 10.00
4 Naval PPC Medium Aft 540 360 (36-C) Extreme-C 7,200.00
4 Naval Laser 55 Aft 340 220 (22-C) Extreme-C 4,400.00
15 Laser Large Aft 120 120 (12-C) Medium 75.00
15 Machine Gun (IS) Aft 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 7.50

Ammo Rounds Mass
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 100 3,000.00
AC 20 Ammo 1000 200.00
Machine Gun (IS) Ammo 20000 100.00
Naval Gauss Rifle Light Ammo 800 160.00

Equipment Mass
Communication Equipment 4.00
MASH Unit 3.50
NCSS Small 100.00

# Cargo and Bays Mass
12 Bay Small Craft 2,400.00
50000 Cargo, Standard 50000

AFFS Naval Vessels
Code: [Select]
AFFS Naval Vessels by Class and Design: 2370
Achilles (Cruiser) 1
Gladius (Destroyer/Defense) 6
Hornet (Light Carrier) 2
Rapier (Fast Frigate) 5
Terrier (Corvette/Scout) 5
Yorkshire II
Cabellus (AFS Collier/Combat Stores) 2

Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: truetanker on 27 April 2020, 18:02:51
Marian Hegemony 2370

Code: [Select]
Turn : 3
Year: 2370                Value in Millions
Money Available 79.123

Available Shipyards

Alphard  1x Level 1
         1x Level 1 -> 2                20.000


Maintanence 50% >
Scapha I 4x       4.131 each          8.262
Scapha II        2x           4.119
Augustus         2x           6.225
Jumpships 15x         500                  3.750
Dropships 40x         300                  6.000
Fighters 2612x         5                  6.530
Small Craft 636x         10                  3.180
Stations 16x            470                      3.760

Construction        Unit Price

Stations : 7x Sexta Hora-class Station 3.290
Warships : 4x ( 2- Scapaha II and 2- Augustus ) 30.850
Jumpships :
Dropships :
Fighters : 200x                                 1.000
Small Craft :
Research :    Vehical Drop Chutes                      14.600

Total Spent 69.740

Remaining       9.383

Marian Action News Network ( MANN )
Nova Roma, Alphard
Alphard Amphitheatre , Nova Roma

Enters Imperator Kortan

" My people. Alphard's sons and daughters, thy strength thou givest me, I have rebuilt our nation.  I ask'd and was grant'd thy boon. Our foes who seek to break our will, to o'erpress our nation, to o'erpress  our strength and to o'erpress our pride! When we came to Alphard we were lost, a broken collection of exiles on the verge of death, the path we have chosen is not an easy one.

I am humbled by the magnificent example that you my people have set. The workers and artisans among you who toil and ask not for a claim, but accept the honor of your leaders. The soldiers and warriors who burn with cold fire and unyielding resolve never flinching before the guns of our adversaries. The teachers and commissars who hold the very soul of our people in their hands, shielding it from the lies of the treacherous and disloyal. You seek reward in service alone. On this day, we stand united once more. On this day, those driven to divide us will hear our voice! On this day, we shall act as one, and we shall be ignored NO MORE! Defenders of the Marian Hegemony's dream, NOW IS OUR TIME! "

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Scapha II Aerocarrier
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $4,119,252,000.00
Magazine Cost: $1,716,000.00
BV2: 8,389

Mass: 150,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Standard
60 Parva Tormentis AC 5
72 Jejunium Iaculis " Fast Archer " Machine Gun (IS)
6 NL-55 Lasar Navali

Class/Model/Name: Scapha I
Mass: 150,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 27,000.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 375.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (5 Integrity) 67,875.00
Jump Sail: (3 Integrity) 38.00
Structural Integrity: 60 9,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 277 Single 0.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 10000 points 2,040.00
Fire Control Computers: 51.60
Armor: 144 pts Standard 180.00
Fore: 24
Fore-Left/Right: 24/24
Aft-Left/Right: 24/24
Aft: 24

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Escape Pods: 100 700.00
Life Boats: 100 700.00

Crew And Passengers:
18 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 180.00
57 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 399.00
28 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 196.00
1930 Bay Personnel 0.00
20 1st Class Passengers 200.00
54 2nd Class Passengers 378.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00

Bay #1: Small Craft (10), Light Vehicle Bays (20), Heavy Vehicle Bays (10), Cargo (6,200 Tons) - 3 Doors
Bay #2: Small Craft (5), Motorised Infantry Bays (24), Cargo (6,200 Tons) - 2 Doors
Bay #3: Fighters (100) - 5 Doors

AC/5 Ammo - 300 Tons (5 tons/Gun)
MG Ammo - 360 Tons (5 Tons/Gun)

10 x AC/5
12 x MG

10 x AC/5
12 x MG

3 x NL-55

10 x AC/5
12 x MG

10 x AC/5
12 x MG

While the Scapha II is a slight modification of the original Scapha I's, she is capable of carrying one hundred aerofighters. Mostly Falco and Bueto in their standard patrol flights of six Falco and four Bueto. But there is another flight that is also known, the bomber patrols, consisting of six Bueto and four Falco, these flights carry the blunt of naval ground and amidships attcks . There is a further special Ala that is call CAG or Combat Applications Group. They consist of eight Falco and a pair of Bueto bombers. Her ground forces that are attached are for when any forward bases need defending or held.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Augustus
Mass: 400,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 72,000.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 1,000.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (10 Integrity) 181,000.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 50.00
Structural Integrity: 80 32,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 3368 Single 2,944.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 10000 points 4,080.00
Fire Control Computers: 3,548.00
Armor: 304 pts Standard 640.00
Fore: 50
Fore-Left/Right: 51/51
Aft-Left/Right: 51/51
Aft: 50

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 25 175.00
Life Boats: 30 210.00

Crew And Passengers:
38 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 380.00
87 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 609.00
98 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 686.00
90 Bay Personnel 0.00
20 1st Class Passengers 200.00
50 2nd Class Marines 350.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00

Bay #1: Small Craft (10) - 1 Door
Bay #2: Fighters (20) - 4 Doors
Bay #3: Cargo (20,958 Tons) - 1 Door

White Shark Ammo - 800 Missiles (20/tube)
AC/5 Ammo - 240 Tons (5 Tons/Gun)
MG Ammo - 360 Tons (5 Tons/Gun

Small NCSS

8 x AC/5
12 x MG

8 x NL/55
8 x AC/5
12 x MG

20 x White Shark

8 x NL/55
8 x AC/5
12 x MG

8 x AC/5
12 x MG

Originally built as a light cruiser, when intelligence was founded on the FWL based Talwar-class corvette, the Augustus was redesigned to hopefully take the class with capital grade missiles in case a confrontation arises. Detractors of the design said that the ship should only be used as a deterrence, only history can tell.

Combat schedule
Current Doctrine : Deploying Scapha I's ( S1 ), Scapha II's ( S2 ) and Augustus ( A ) to targets, each unit has a Jumpship with supplies on board unless noted. Battle fleets are ( B# ) followed by a number.

Operation: Biscuit
B1 consists of S1 Alphard and Scapha with S2 Unicornis to Addhara, New Venice and Paulinus, JS Prawn, JS Shrimp, JS Bagel and JS Toast. ( Bagel and Toast carry 10 aerofighters, for defense. Prawn and Shrimp carry supplies. )

Operaton: Waffle
B2 consist of S1 Pompey, S2 Troglodytam and both A's Sagittarii and Pilum to Helios, Mondra and Klienwlt, JS Giovanni, JS Bread, JS Cake and JS Pie ( Bread, Cake and Pie carry 10 aerofighters for defense, also are carrying droppers loaded with Legionnaires. Giovanni carries supplies. )

Opertion: Flowerpot II
S1 : Maximus to St. Andreas, JS Legio to carry supplies, JS Plata and JS Oro on special duties with Maximus. They are carrying three dropships configured with Ala bays ( 10 asf each : 6 Falcon and 4 Bueto ).

Every planet has two Sextra Hora stations, except Alphard, it has five surrounding the shipyards and zenith and nadir jumppoints.


{ Fixed typos, edited to add fluff and to correctly re-type this umpteen times! }
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: marcussmythe on 28 April 2020, 08:29:57
Terran Hegemony Turn 3 2370-2380

It is the sense of the Terran Naval Review Board that while the Terran Navy remains bellipotent in terms of its total hull count and combat power, and that this advantage is unlikely to be threatened in the near or medium term.  Recent advances in foreign power technologies indicate that the THN may be challenged by other powers in the long term, if it allows those foreign powers to continue their technological advance.

Resolved:  The THN should curtail production of ships based on currently available technologies, and focus in near and mid term on Research and Development.  Where necessary, ships will be removed from service to free funds to this end.  Ship classes should be where possible retired by type, with a focus on capabilities offered versus cost.

Recommended:  The Vigilant class vessels cannot fill the scout/picket role of the Bonaventure, and is less agile.  Both vessels carry capital firepower sufficient to deal with anything smaller than a fellow warship, but the Vigilant does not carry enough additional firepower to allow it to deal on even terms with the new warships being produced by foreign powers.   Therefore, the Vigilant class should be retired from service.  As it is felt that warship sales to foreign powers have helped to create an arms race among those powers and that such arms race is detrimental to the future superiority of the THN, such ships are to be scrapped rather than sold to foreign powers, save in response to political expedience.  Consider offering steeper discounts on aging classes (Cruiser, etc.) to favored foreign powers or those engaged in direct conflict with powers bordering the Hegemony.

Code: [Select]
Terran Hegemony, Turn Beginning 2370
Beginning Funds:  32.695B
Beginning Shipyards: Terra: 2/2/2/2/1
Keid:  2/2/1/1
Thorin: 1/1/1
Terra Firma: 1/1/1
New Earth: 1/1/1
Yorii:  1/1/1
Graham IV 1/1/1

Beginning Warships:  BB Dreadnought x 6 48.618B
                                        CA Constitution x 20 164.4B
BC Black Lion x 12 84.084B
TT Dart x 13 149.870B
CL Cruiser x 27 201.420B
DD Lola x 22 159.696B
SC Bonaventure x 40 211.512B
PF Vigilant x 29 117.363

Beginning Jumpships:  80 40B
Beginning Dropships:  300 (Light) 30B
Beginning Small Craft 1,200 12B
Beginning Fighters: 3000 15B

Turn Accounting          Income/Cost (Billions)
Starting Funds: +32.695B
Scrap PF Vigilant x 29 +29.341
Revenue: +767B

Maintenance -558.3B
R&D:  PPC -78.03B
R&D:  Improved Ferro-Aluminium         -78.03B
R&D:  NPPC -60.69
Remainder: 53.985

Terran Hegemony, Turn Ending 2380
Ending Funds:  53.985
Ending Shipyards: Terra: 2/2/2/2/1
Keid:  2/2/1/1
Thorin: 1/1/1
Terra Firma: 1/1/1
New Earth: 1/1/1
Yorii:  1/1/1
Graham IV 1/1/1

Ending Warships:  BB Dreadnought x 6 48.618B
                                        CA Constitution x 20 164.4B
BC Black Lion x 12 84.084B
TT Dart x 13 149.870B
CL Cruiser x 27 201.420B
DD Lola x 22 159.696B
SC Bonaventure x 40 211.512B

Ending Jumpships:  80 40B
Ending Dropships:  300 (Light) 30B
Ending Small Craft 1,200 12B
Ending Fighters: 3000 15B
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: marcussmythe on 28 April 2020, 10:00:50
Taurian Concordat 2370

"The Concordat is coming out of the shadows and is ready to take its place on stage as one of the great nations of the Inner Sphere.  The Taurian people are strong, her soldiers brave, her navies vast.  Yet still, we are treated as a second-class cousin by these 'Great Houses'.  Great Houses!  The Calderon's have ruled the Concordat before there was a Capellan Confederation to have a Chancellor!  The Federated Suns are nothing but a vast empire of wealthy industrialists - whereas the Taurian knows that each of us must work for our food!  And we cannot forgive, cannot forget, the murder of our founder's husband, of her children, that lead the great Samantha Calderon into exile, into the foundation of our strong, noble Concordat!  We are no longer the lesser child, the peripheral power!  We demand respect!  We demand our rightful place!  What this nation needs is a short, victorious war to cement our future in the galaxy."
-Daniel Calderon, address to the Inner Council, 2371

Code: [Select]
Year: 2370         Value in Millions
MMoney Available 127,000
Remaining from Last Turn 324
Available Shipyards

Taurus         2/1
New Vandenberg 2


Maintanence 50%         73600
Prototype Cost Auroch 6,633         1,658
Variant Iberia II 5,006         501

Construction Unit            Price
Shipyards         0

Stations                 Siesta x10 4,700
Warship                         Auroch x2 13,266
Refit                         Iberia IIs x20  620

Jumpships         5 500 2500
Dropships         10 300 3,000
Fighters         360 5 1,800

Research Imp. Ferro-Alum 1 20430 20430

Total Spent 122074.85


Remaining 5,249

Iberia II Class Frigate

As the Iberia class represented the vast majority of the TCN's weight of hulls and firepower, it was necessary to keep the vessel as current as possible.  New armor techniques served to in part address the fragility of the light vessels hull, and a focus on combat power over deployment range strengthened the AAA battery as well as its heavy naval laser array.  Though still not a match for the heavy ships of its largest neighbors, it was felt that by operating in groups, the Iberias could overcome this weakness.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Iberia II
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $5,006,714,000.00
Magazine Cost: $1,450,000.00
BV2: 31,473

Mass: 220,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
17 Naval Laser 55
48 Laser Large
10 Naval AC 10
50 Machine Gun (IS)

Class/Model/Name: Iberia II
Mass: 220,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 39,600.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 550.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (6 Integrity) 99,550.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 41.00
Structural Integrity: 50 11,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 2129 Single 1,803.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 20000 points 4,080.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 206 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 220.00
Fore: 34
Fore-Left/Right: 35/35
Aft-Left/Right: 35/35
Aft: 32

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 0.00
Life Boats: 40 280.00

Bays (8 Doors):  Bay Small Craft 6
Bay Fighter 18
Cargo, Standard 17081

Crew And Passengers:
25 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 250.00
64 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 448.00
56 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 392.00
66 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
2nd Class Passengers 0.00
200 Steerage Passengers 1,000.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
3 Naval Laser 55 Nose 255 165 (16.5-C) Extreme-C 3,300.00
8 Laser Large Nose 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00
2 Naval AC 10 Nose 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) Nose 10 (1-C) 2.50
2 Naval AC 10 FR 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
3 Naval Laser 55 FR 255 165 (16.5-C) 3,300.00
8 Laser Large FR 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) FR 10 (1-C) 2.50
2 Naval AC 10 FL 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
3 Naval Laser 55 FL 255 165 (16.5-C) 3,300.00
8 Laser Large FL 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) FL 10 (1-C) 2.50
10 Machine Gun (IS) LBS 20 (2-C) 5.00
10 Machine Gun (IS) RBS 20 (2-C) 5.00
2 Naval AC 10 AR 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
3 Naval Laser 55 AR 255 165 (16.5-C) 3,300.00
8 Laser Large AR 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) AR 10 (1-C) 2.50
2 Naval AC 10 AL 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
3 Naval Laser 55 AL 255 165 (16.5-C) 3,300.00
8 Laser Large AL 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) AL 10 (1-C) 2.50
2 Naval Laser 55 Aft 170 110 (11-C) 2,200.00
8 Laser Large Aft 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) Aft 10 (1-C) 2.50

Ammo Rounds Mass
Naval AC 10 Ammo 200 40.00
Machine Gun (IS) Ammo 50000 250.00

Equipment Mass
NCSS Large 500.00

Auroch Class Destroyer
A response to the growing hull size and combat power of vessels produced by its neighbors, the Auroch is very much an attempt to keep the 'Little Nation that Could' on the same playing field as its larger compatriots, demanding the same respect from what it considers (publically) to be its peers.  Its heavy battery of large naval autocannon make it a threat to opponents of any size as the range closes, with enough fire from 20 55cm Naval Lasers to keep a long range opponent honest.
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Auroch
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $6,632,574,000.00
Magazine Cost: $43,890,000.00
BV2: 90,528

Mass: 480,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
20 Naval Laser 55
48 Laser Large
20 Naval AC 30
30 Machine Gun (IS)

Class/Model/Name: Auroch
Mass: 480,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 86,400.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 1,200.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (11 Integrity) 217,200.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 54.00
Structural Integrity: 90 43,200.00
Total Heat Sinks: 4084 Single 3,624.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 10000 points 4,080.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 573 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 864.00
Fore: 97
Fore-Left/Right: 97/97
Aft-Left/Right: 96/96
Aft: 90

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 0.00
Life Boats: 40 280.00

Bays (8 Doors):
Bay Small Craft 6
Bay Fighter 18
Cargo, Standard 23396

Crew And Passengers:
35 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 350.00
106 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 742.00
65 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 455.00
66 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
100 2nd Class Passengers 700.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
2 Naval Laser 55 Nose 170 110 (11-C) Extreme-C 2,200.00
8 Laser Large Nose 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00
4 Naval AC 30 Nose 400 1200 (120-C) 14,000.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) Nose 10 (1-C) 2.50
4 Naval AC 30 FR 400 1200 (120-C) 14,000.00
2 Naval Laser 55 FR 170 110 (11-C) 2,200.00
8 Laser Large FR 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) FR 10 (1-C) 2.50
4 Naval AC 30 FL 400 1200 (120-C) 14,000.00
2 Naval Laser 55 FL 170 110 (11-C) 2,200.00
8 Laser Large FL 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) FL 10 (1-C) 2.50
4 Naval Laser 55 LBS 340 220 (22-C) 4,400.00
4 Naval Laser 55 RBS 340 220 (22-C) 4,400.00
4 Naval AC 30 AR 400 1200 (120-C) 14,000.00
2 Naval Laser 55 AR 170 110 (11-C) 2,200.00
8 Laser Large AR 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) AR 10 (1-C) 2.50
4 Naval AC 30 AL 400 1200 (120-C) 14,000.00
2 Naval Laser 55 AL 170 110 (11-C) 2,200.00
8 Laser Large AL 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) AL 10 (1-C) 2.50
2 Naval Laser 55 Aft 170 110 (11-C) 2,200.00
8 Laser Large Aft 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00
5 Machine Gun (IS) Aft 10 (1-C) 2.50

Ammo Rounds Mass
Naval AC 30 Ammo 600 480.00
AC 5 Ammo 2400 120.00
Machine Gun (IS) Ammo 30000 150.00

Equipment Mass
NCSS Large 500.00
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 29 April 2020, 07:51:30
Rim Worlds Republic 2370

With the successful defence of the Principality and the borders of their Periphery brothers secure for now, the Rim Worlds now look to expand it's influence further into the reaches of the outer Periphery as well as build it's own defences. To this end many new projects have been started with all of them making use of the new Improved Ferro-Aluminium Armour, samples of which were found after they 'fell out of the airlock' of a passing Lyran Commonwealth freighter. The Apollo Conglomerate of Military Engineering required a few years and a large research grant to develop their own production methods, but this work has finally concluded.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2370                Value in Millions
Money Available                $138,000
Remaining from Last Turn                $481
Available Shipyards               
Apollo    0/2           
Golandrinas    0/1           
Icar    1           
Repairs    Vittoria    1    400    $400
Maintanence                    50%    $52,020
Prototype Cost       Ichnilátis        5,189    $1,297
                    Aspida        152    $38
                    Sagittarius        5958    $596
Construction                        Unit Price   
Shipyards            0    $0
Stations        Tartarus            5    315    $1,575
                Aspida            60    152        $9,120
Warships        Vittoria            0      6,528    $0
              Sagittarius        4        5,958    $23,832
                Ichnilátis        4            5,189    $20,756
Refits                $0
Jumpships                        10    500        $5,000
Dropships                        25    300      $7,500
Fighters                        360    5       $1,800
Small Craft                        60    10        $600
Research    Imp. Ferro-Alum    1    $21,420    $21,420
            Total Spent    $146,620
Income    Sale of Vittorias    2        $10,000
            Remaining    $2,527

Aspida-class Defence Satelite

Coming in at a mere 20,000 tons, the Aspida or 'Shield' Defence Satellite nevertheless packs a substantial punch. Forgoing any weapon that would rely on ammunition, the Aspida's primary armament is no less than ten 55cm Naval Lasers, packed together to allow them to focus on a single target. Supporting this is an array of Large and Small lasers giving it adequate defence against both strike craft and missiles, especially in large numbers. The dozen fighters round out the firepower, and while it has the capacity for a pair of small craft and a dropship, this is used almost exclusively for resupply and crew rotation rather than providing additional support. Due to being positioned exclusively in orbit of valuable worlds, regular crew rotation has been deemed a superior alternative to installing a grav deck.

Current deployment plan is to install fifteen of these satellites to defend the naval yards at Icar and Golandrinas, while the remainder are positioned to defend Apollo should anyone attack.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Aspida
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $152,265,000.00
Magazine Cost: $0.00
BV2: 9,421

Mass: 20,000
K-F Drive System: None
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 1
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
10 Naval Laser 55
40 Laser Large
80 Laser Small

Class/Model/Name: Aspida
Mass: 20,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 240.00
Safe: 0.1
Maximum: 1
Controls: 20.00
K-F Hyperdrive: None (0 Integrity) 0.00
Jump Sail: (0 Integrity) 0.00
Structural Integrity: 1 200.00
Total Heat Sinks: 1250 Single 1,184.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 3000 points 306.00
Fire Control Computers: 24.00
Armor: 127 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 126.66
Fore: 22
Fore-Left/Right: 21/21
Aft-Left/Right: 21/21
Aft: 21

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 0 0.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 0.00
Life Boats: 20 140.00

Crew And Passengers:
14 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 140.00
35 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 245.00
30 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 210.00
34 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
34 2nd Class Bay Personnel 238.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00

Bay #1: Cargo (2,486 Tons) - 1 Door
Bay #2: Small Craft (2) - 1 Door
Bay #3: Fighters (12) - 3 Doors

10 x NL/55


10 x Large Laser
20 x Small Laser

Ichnilátis-class Corvette

The Ichnilátis (Tracker in Greek) was designed to serve as the border patrol guard, capable of dealing with all but the strongest of bandit kings and pirate lords. It's mammoth engines allow it to push itself to 4G's of acceleration, allowing it to chase down or escape almost any ship out in the black. Those engines do take up the bulk of the ships mass however, limiting the firepower the ship has on call. This issue is mitigated however by the decision to mount purely energy weapons, leaving it able to patrol for longer stretches without having to worry about ammunition supplies running low, and saving the cargo space for spare parts, food and fuel.

The ships main firepower consists of ten twin 55cm Naval Laser mounts, two each mounted in the Nose and each quarter for a total of twenty guns. These are backed up by a small array of large and small lasers to give the ship the ability to defend itself from small craft and missile strikes, although its capability as a fleet escort is limited. The ship is intended purely as a coast guard vessel, watching the border with it's extensive scanner suite, chasing down smugglers, slavers and pirates and leaving the war fighting to the bigger boys.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Ichnilátis
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $5,188,742,000.00
Magazine Cost: $0.00
BV2: 31,234

Mass: 250,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 5
Maximum Thrust: 8
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
20 Naval Laser 55
36 Laser Large
60 Laser Small

Class/Model/Name: Ichnilátis
Mass: 250,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 75,000.00
Safe: 5
Maximum: 8
Controls: 625.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (7 Integrity) 113,125.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 43.00
Structural Integrity: 75 18,750.00
Total Heat Sinks: 2048 Single 1,616.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 10000 points 4,080.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 273 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 375.00
Fore: 46
Fore-Left/Right: 46/46
Aft-Left/Right: 46/46
Aft: 43

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 0.00
Life Boats: 30 210.00

Crew And Passengers:
24 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 240.00
71 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 497.00
48 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 336.00
22 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
50 2nd Class Marines 350.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00

Bay #1: Small Craft (2) - 1 Door
Bay #2: Fighters (6) - 1 Door
Bay #3: Cargo (10,693 Tons) - 1 Door

Large NCSS

4 x NL/55
6 x Large Laser
10 x Small Laser

4 x NL/55
6 x Large Laser
10 x Small Laser

6 x Large Laser
10 x Small Laser

Sagittarius-class Missile Destroyer

Based on the Vittoria hull, the Sagittarius is intended to give a heavy missile broadside to any ship foolish enough to enter weapon range. The Naval Autocannons have all been removed, the armour upgraded to the new Improved Ferro-Aluminium, and the dropship collar has been replaced by a cheaper but bulkier Dropshuttle bay. Other modifications include ten additional 55cm Naval Lasers, a significant improvement to the point defence system, as well as a heavy broadside of ten Barracuda and ten White Shark tubes on each side of the ship capable of overwhelming all but the strongest anti-missile defences.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Sagittarius
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $5,951,522,000.00
Magazine Cost: $6,560,000.00
BV2: 38,157

Mass: 450,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
26 Naval Laser 55
36 AC 10
100 Laser Small
20 Capital Launcher Barracuda
20 Capital Launcher White Shark

Class/Model/Name: Sagittarius
Mass: 450,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 108,000.00
Safe: 4
Maximum: 6
Controls: 1,125.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (11 Integrity) 203,625.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 53.00
Structural Integrity: 75 33,750.00
Total Heat Sinks: 2918 Single 2,409.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 10000 points 4,080.00
Fire Control Computers: 2,179.40
Armor: 453 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 675.00
Fore: 76
Fore-Left/Right: 76/76
Aft-Left/Right: 76/76
Aft: 73

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 0.00
Life Boats: 30 210.00

Crew And Passengers:
38 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 380.00
97 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 679.00
89 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 623.00
82 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
2nd Class Passengers 0.00
100 Steerage Marines 500.00

Bay #1: Small Craft (6) - 1 Door
Bay #2: Fighters (36) - 3 Doors
Bay #3: Cargo (27,169 Tons) - 1 Door
Bay #4: Dropshuttle Bay (2 x 5kt) - 2 Doors

AC/10 Ammo - 360 Tons (10 Tons/Gun)
Barracuda Ammo - 200 Missiles (10/tube)
White Shark Ammo - 200 Missiles (10/tube)

4 x NL/55
6 x AC/10
10 x Small Laser

6 x NL/55
6 x AC/10
10 x Small Laser

10 x Barracuda
10 x White Shark

4 x NL/55
6 x AC/10
10 x Small Laser

2 x NL/55
6 x AC/10
10 x Small Laser


With the threat from the Draconis Combine seeming to lessen, but not fully go away the RWN sold off the RWNS Delphi and RWNS Troy to the PRN to bulk out their navies further, while also removing the need for the RWN to pay for the ships to be repaired. The leadership of the Rasalhague government and military have been reminded that the agreed upon treaty was for mutual defence, and the RWN has no interest in joining any viking raids into Combine space at this time.

The remaining elements of the Rim Worlds Navy shall be deployed thus:

4 x Vittorias to patrol the 'Four Corners' region, 2 based out of Icar, 2 in New Oslo where they can react to DCA attacks if they happen.
4 x Vittorias to defend the rest of RWR territory, focusing on Apollo and Golandrinas until Aspida defence net goes online.

As Sagittarius complete space trials, they are to be paired with a Vittoria, starting with the 2 deployed in PoR space.

Ichnilátis to take over the role of border patrol as they come online, with the relieved Vittorias to be put to work 'expanding the influence' of the nation.

New Tartarus stations to be placed in newly occupied systems, to keep the new of recharge stations complete.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: UnLimiTeD on 29 April 2020, 10:37:25
Draconis Combine 2370 -2380 (Turn 3)

"The coordinator is concerned about our lack of ... progress."
Tai-Sho Nagumo got a little bug-eyed.
"The Admiralty ..!" He swallowed his sentence and quickly bowed. It was not yet his moment to talk.
"Our warriors are tested every day as to the strength of their belief into the superiority of the dragon.
Our ... neighbours, are eclipsing us. Even that backwater assortment of ... unenlightened worlds is able to muster stronger forces than we are.
A shameful state of affairs, it would be. Unacceptable, would it continue."
A nod.
"We have been focused on increasing our strike power and reach."
The coordinator looked at him.
"w - We are working on a significant increase in mobility. We will be the envy of the Sphere!"

"And what of our descendants. Would they call us ... visionary?"
He swallowed.
"It is expected we will be able to finish a prototype next year. If we immediately integrate them into new hulls, we could see a return on investment early."
"Is the funding secured?"
He couldn't help but ponder the beautifully worked floor for a fraction of a second.
"It is not"
"A balance has to be reached. The virtues of the dragon are many."

"Understood." He bowed almost to the floor as the coordinator dismissed him.

Ikioi class Assault Cruiser:
The experimental 'Linebreaker'-class has finally come into its own, the descriptive moniker making way for their new, official designation: "Ikioi".
Written in just a single sign, 勢, it has been found to be a fitting description of the classes function and mode of employment, while allowing a variety of alternative readings, all of which befitting the pride of the combine.
The first testbed having finally joined its sister, a third ship, bearing the name of the class, will complete the erstwhile production run.
The three ships of the class, upon completion, will thus be:

DCS Furutaka
DCS Kato
DCS Ikioi

(I intended the first ship to be named Kato, but as always, GM decisions trump all, so she'll be number two. Delayed in the yard or something. And we obviously need a name ship, too, if a bit late.)

Fubuki class Destroyer:
With recent technological advances, the admiralty review board saw both the need and ability to refurbish the Fubuki class to face the changed environment.

In late 2370 the first ship of the Block II series was laid down, to join the combines Navy in action a bit over 2 years later.
The Fubuki Block II, making use of larger guns, modern armour alloys, and a modified gun layout, is an improvement in nearly every respect over the now 20 years old Block I ships, boasting increased firepower, durability, and secondary assets in the form of an expanded small craft hangar, while still being compatible to the original chassis.
Consequently, internal politics being what they are, it was decided to not refit the existing ships, instead building all Block IIs from new hulls laid down at the yards orbiting New Samarkand, ostensibly to keep up force readiness. One Block I ship will be mothballed until such a time that it is needed, while the new ships will be spread evenly across the fleet.
Minor disadvantages of the new design are that the new cannons don't offer full parts compatibility with their smaller predecessors, requiring different barrels, firing chambers, and ammunition, and that the new weapons suite can't be fully covered by the existing heatsinks, though naval strategists would argue that any situation where the ship can fire in all directions at once is already untenable.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Fubuki (Block II)
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $6,521,216,000.00
Magazine Cost: $24,640,000.00
BV2: 51,622

Mass: 450,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
16 Naval Laser 45
14 Capital Launcher Killer Whale
40 Laser Large
48 Machine Gun (IS)
18 Naval AC 20

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 81,000.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 1,125.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (11 Integrity) 203,625.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 53.00
Structural Integrity: 75 33,750.00
Total Heat Sinks: 2380 Single 1,933.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 11250 points 4,590.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 438 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 650.00
Fore: 70
Fore-Left/Right: 75/75
Aft-Left/Right: 74/74
Aft: 70

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00

Escape Pods: 5 35.00
Life Boats: 34 238.00

Crew And Passengers:
34 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 340.00
101 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 707.00
63 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 441.00
192 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
50 2nd Class Passengers 350.00
50 Steerage Passengers 250.00

# Cargo and Bays Mass
36 Bay Fighter 5,400.00
24 Bay Small Craft 4800
Cargo, Standard 40275 tons

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
4 Naval Laser 45 Nose 280 180 (18-C) Extreme-C 3,600.00
2 Capital Launcher Killer Whale Nose 40 80 (8-C) 300.00
4 Laser Large Nose 32 32 (3.2-C) 20.00
8 Machine Gun (IS) Nose 16 (1.6-C) 4.00

3 Naval AC 20 FR 180 600 (60-C) 7,500.00
2 Naval Laser 45 FR 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
4 Laser Large FR 32 32 (3.2-C) 20.00
8 Machine Gun (IS) FR 16 (1.6-C) 4.00

3 Naval AC 20 FL 180 600 (60-C) 7,500.00
2 Naval Laser 45 FL 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
4 Laser Large FL 32 32 (3.2-C) 20.00
8 Machine Gun (IS) FL 16 (1.6-C) 4.00

6 Capital Launcher Killer Whale LBS 120 240 (24-C) 900.00
3 Naval AC 20 LBS 180 600 (60-C) 7,500.00
8 Laser Large LBS 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00

6 Capital Launcher Killer Whale RBS 120 240 (24-C) 900.00
3 Naval AC 20 RBS 180 600 (60-C) 7,500.00
8 Laser Large RBS 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00

3 Naval AC 20 AR 180 600 (60-C) 7,500.00
2 Naval Laser 45 AR 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
4 Laser Large AR 32 32 (3.2-C) 20.00
8 Machine Gun (IS) AR 16 (1.6-C) 4.00

3 Naval AC 20 AL 180 600 (60-C) 7,500.00
2 Naval Laser 45 AL 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
4 Laser Large AL 32 32 (3.2-C) 20.00
8 Machine Gun (IS) AL 16 (1.6-C) 4.00

4 Naval Laser 45 Aft 280 180 (18-C) 3,600.00
4 Laser Large Aft 32 32 (3.2-C) 20.00
8 Machine Gun (IS) Aft 16 (1.6-C) 4.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
Capital Launcher Killer Whale Ammo 140 7,000.00
Naval AC 20 Ammo 900 360.00
Machine Gun (IS) Ammo 48000 240.00

Keep Defensive Station:
The Tenshu, named after the keeps in ancient japanese castles and hill forts, was conceived as a way to exert control over and protect a system from raiders.
Housing two full double-strength wings of aerospace fighters and equipped with an advanced sensor suite, the station is able to monitor traffic and conduct routine patrols, as well as enforce customs.
Thanks to a relatively uniform armament of light capital missiles, the Tenshu can guard space ports and ship yards from asteroids, out of control small craft, and fighter strikes, while providing sufficient firepower to be a threat to dropships, and hopefully at least a deterrence to hostile raiding attacks.

In truth, the station was a slap-job in response to an urgent demand by the coordinator after a secret meeting with military analysts that saw one man beheaded and another demoted, and was only later cleared for its actual deployment profile.

Tenshus will be deployed to Prosperina, Radstadt, Jezersko, and all the DC yard systems.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Tenshu
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $673,807,500.00
Magazine Cost: $25,800,000.00
BV2: 26,452

Mass: 200,000
K-F Drive System: None
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
108 Capital Launcher Barracuda
54 Laser Small
6 Naval AC 10


Controls: 200.00
K-F Hyperdrive: None (0 Integrity) 0.00
Jump Sail: (0 Integrity) 0.00
Structural Integrity: 1 2,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 1314 Single 1,200.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 500 points 102.00
Fire Control Computers: 488.70
Armor: 570 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 712.00
Fore: 95
Fore-Left/Right: 95/95
Aft-Left/Right: 95/95
Aft: 95

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Medium: 0 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 37 259.00
Life Boats: 50 350.00

Crew And Passengers:
37 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 370.00
48 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 336.00
129 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 903.00
450 Bay Personnel 0.00
10 1st Class Passengers 100.00
25 2nd Class Passengers 175.00
100 Steerage Passengers 500.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
18 Capital Launcher Barracuda Nose 180 360 (36-C) Extreme-C 1,620.00
18 Capital Launcher Barracuda FR 180 360 (36-C) 1,620.00
18 Capital Launcher Barracuda AR 180 360 (36-C) 1,620.00
18 Capital Launcher Barracuda Aft 180 360 (36-C) 1,620.00
18 Capital Launcher Barracuda AL 180 360 (36-C) 1,620.00
18 Capital Launcher Barracuda FL 180 360 (36-C) 1,620.00
18 Laser Small Nose 18 54 (5.4-C) 9.00
18 Laser Small AR 18 54 (5.4-C) 9.00
18 Laser Small AL 18 54 (5.4-C) 9.00
2 Naval AC 10 Aft 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
2 Naval AC 10 FR 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
2 Naval AC 10 FL 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 3090 92,700.00
Naval AC 10 Ammo 180 36.00

Equipment Mass
NCSS Small 100.00

# Cargo and Bays Mass
90 Bay Small Craft 18,000.00
56221 Cargo, Standard 56221


Insertion successful. Dropzone cold. Contact estimated 5-5-1. Protocol Kage 2. ..fzzz
Got sight on target. No contact yet.
Approach. Detaching 6-1.
Our contact was right. We're in.   ... Musei!
Wave? Roku-Ichi reporting. We have scouted the area. 2 locals sleeping. 5-1 went silent 20 minutes ago. Approach?
 Sir, what if this fails?
 It will not.
Shoutai-Go-Ichi reporting; target cleared. Approaching meet-up.
Pickup in 9. Code Wind.

Kisaragi 3, Forward Command, Benjamin Military District
"Sir, our team has returned. We have acquired the desired information."
"Good work. Results?"
"It seems to be some sort of artificial muscle. The scientists say it is easy to replicate with a sample."
"It always is in hindsight. Troubles?"
"None. The target was almost deserted. The buffoons really just left it out in the open with just one guard for two hangars."

For a moment, the differences in rank and status were forgotten, and the two shared a chuckle.
"... Detection?"
"Unlikely. One Guard fell of a railing. Two locals temporarily sedated."
"Perfect. Get the big heads on this immediately. The dragon will have its time yet."

Code: [Select]
Fang DCM-1

Mass: 45 tons
Chassis: Standard Biped
Power Plant: 165 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Jump Jets: None
     Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Primitive
     1 SRM 4
     1 AC/10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 2374
Cost: 2,822,715 C-bills

Type: Fang
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Tonnage: 45
Battle Value: 686

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  4.5
Engine                        165 Fusion              6
Walking MP: 3
Running MP: 5
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sink                     10                      0
Gyro                                                  2
Primitive Cockpit                                     5
Armor Factor (Primitive)      112                  10.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Head                    3         9     
     Center Torso            14        16   
     Center Torso (rear)               5     
     R/L Torso               11        12   
     R/L Torso (rear)                  4     
     R/L Arm                 7         10   
     R/L Leg                 11        15   

Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand

and Ammo              Location  Critical   Heat    Tonnage
Heat Sink                LL        1        -       1.0   
AC/10                    RT        7        3       12.0 
AC/10 Ammo (20)          RT        2        -       2.0   
SRM 4                    LA        1        3       2.0   
SRM 4 Ammo (25)          LA        1        -       1.0   
Heat Sink                LA        1        -       1.0   
Heat Sink                LT        1        -       1.0   
Heat Sink                RL        1        -       1.0   

The Fang is the combines first attempt at the new Mech technology. First units are to bound to receive the new equipment in 2373, and pilots are already training in simulators to get used to the new movement profile.
The name was originally earmarked for a new Aerospace fighter, but such a glorious new development demands priority.
A jump-capable version meant for orbital insertions is in development.

Turn Summary and Budget:
Code: [Select]
Starting Money:   2.370 b
Turn Budget: 345.000 b

Ship Repairs:   3.800 b
Available Funds: 343.570 b

Kutai 13 31356
Fubuki 6 19173
Kutai (m) 2 482.4
Fubuki (m) 1 319.55
Onsen 65 14950
Ikioi 1 4016
Shinryakusen 2 6839

Jumpship 34 8500
Dropship 98 14700
Fighter 2614 6535
Small Craft 452 2260
Extra Training: 2050
Total Maint.: 109131

AC 10 35600
Improved Ferro-Aluminium 40050
Mechs 40050

Starting: 4 | 5 | 1  | 0
Building: 0 | 0 | 1  | 1
0 b 0b 15b 40b

Ship building:
Ikioi 2 16064
Fubuki B II 3 19563
Onsen 10 4600
Tenshu 9 6066  (+168.5 )
Jump 6 3000
Drop 12 3600
Fighter 266 1330
SC 48   480

Remaining: 5.938 b
Final Shipyards:
New Samarkand      0/1/1/1
Luthien          1/2      
Midway          0/1      
An Ting           1         
Alshain           1         
Benjamin         1      

Naval Doctrine Update:   
The Destroyers are to be organised into three squadrons of three destroyers each, accompanied by an Ikioi to pose as flagship and shield. A single Kutai will be assigned for any offensive operation to serve as the fleets eyes.
The commanding admiral need not be stationed on the "flagship", but may command from a vessel of his choosing.
For now, the 3 Block IIs will be evenly split between the squadrons to gauge their effectiveness, though in the future, the navy might form new ships into their own squadrons.
To familiarise Navy personell with the modified deployment and ensure a worthy return of invest, the admiralty has ordered extra drills and fleet maneuvers to be conducted, and earmarked funds for extra expenses that might entail (equivalent 5% extra maintenance for Ikioi and Fubuki classes).
Standard deployment of the fleets will be one on the Fed Suns border, one near the PoR/LC border, and one in reserve/repairs.
To facilitate rapid redeployment of a 5 ship strong standard fleet, the common jump routes between New Samarkand, Midway and Luthien will be be enhanced by secondary Onsen stations, if not already present.

Fighters are to be used strictly for defensive operations until such a time that the fighter battle has been won or targets of opportunity preset itself.
Additional dropships carrying supplies or fighters may be carried by jump ships as the situation demands.
The 1 billion reserve to be spent on civilian compensation several years ago will stay in place until such a time that it is needed.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 01 May 2020, 09:44:33
United Hindu Collective

After spending the last 2 decades steadily buying up surplus THN Cruisers as is, the UHCN has finally come to the decision to refit these ships to their own needs. This has been aided by recent developments in the fields of Particle Weapons, with Admiral Mahdonah Khan Singh advocating for their immediate installation into the current fleet. He also pushed for the construction of a series of recharge stations across the nation to speed reaction times of the navy. The growing power of both the FSN and TCN concerns Admiral Singh greatly, though he is confident that neither will attack them for fear of their other neighbours falling upon them while they are distracted.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2370 Value in Millions
Money Available 63,000
Remaining from Last Turn 1000
Available Shipyards

Besantapur 0/1


Maintanence 50% 32780
Prototype Cost Ganges 315 79
0 0
Variant Maharaj 6787 679
Construction Unit Price
Shipyards 0

Stations Ganges 19 315 5,985

Warships Maharaj 1 6,787 6,787

Refit Maharaj 6 0 0
Jumpships 3 500 1500
Dropships 10 300 3,000
Fighters 200 5 1000
Small Craft 50 10 500
Research NPPC 1 11410 11410

Total Spent 63719.45


Remaining 281

Maharaj-class Cruiser

Based on the Terran Cruiser-class vessels the UHCN currently have in service, the Maharaj replaces the entire Naval Autocannon armament with no less than forty-four Medium Naval Particle Cannon, delivering a similar level of armour penetration at a greater range and without needing a supply of ammunition, beyond the fuel the engines would burn anyway. The original missile battery has also been reworked, with the mix of launchers reduced to just Barracudas, eighteen of which dot the hull.

The anti-fighter armament has seen a massive upgrade... mostly because now it has one. Forty-eight Binary Laser Cannon are mounted - twelve per quarter - to hammer any strike craft that come close enough. An adequate Point Defence System has also been installed, along with a Large Comms Scanner Suite. The two drop collars have been removed, and replaced by a significantly cheaper Dropshuttle bay in the nose.

A weakness of the vessel if any, is that it still does not carry fighters, relying on onboard dropships for that role.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Maharaj
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $6,786,484,000.00
Magazine Cost: $1,680,000.00
BV2: 61,083

Mass: 500,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Standard
44 Naval PPC Medium
18 Capital Launcher Barracuda
48 Machine Gun (IS)
48 Laser Blazer Cannon

Class/Model/Name: Maharaj
Mass: 500,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 90,000.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 1,250.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (12 Integrity) 226,250.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 55.00
Structural Integrity: 75 37,500.00
Total Heat Sinks: 6888 Single 6,419.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 12500 points 5,100.00
Fire Control Computers: 4,450.80
Armor: 348 pts Standard 750.00
Fore: 60
Fore-Left/Right: 58/58
Aft-Left/Right: 58/58
Aft: 56

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 0 0.00
Life Boats: 50 350.00

Crew And Passengers:
40 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 400.00
105 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 735.00
90 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 630.00
30 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
2nd Class Passengers 0.00
90 Steerage Passengers 450.00

Bay #1: Dropshuttles (2 x 5kt) - 2 Doors
Bay #2: Small Craft (6) - 1 Door
Bay #3: Cargo (25,994 Tons) - 1 Door

Barracuda Ammo - 180 Missiles (10/tube)
MG Ammo - 240 Tons (5 Tons/Gun)

Large NCSS

3 x Barracuda
12 x MG

3 x Barracuda
12 x Blazer Cannon

3 x Barracuda
12 x MG

12 x Blazer Cannon

3 x Barracuda
12 x MG

Ganges-class Station

Designed as both a recharge station and as a defence against raiders, the two hundred and fifty kiloton Ganges mounts weapons of all sizes, though most of it is aimed at small craft and fighters. Cheap enough to be deployed across the Collective, the Ganges is usually the first sight for any visitor to the UHC.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Ganges
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $315,445,000.00
Magazine Cost: $0.00
BV2: 12,694

Mass: 250,000
K-F Drive System: None
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 1
Armor Type: Standard
16 Naval Laser 55
48 Laser Blazer Cannon
48 Laser Small

Class/Model/Name: Ganges
Mass: 250,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 3,000.00
Safe: 0.1
Maximum: 1
Controls: 250.00
K-F Hyperdrive: None (0 Integrity) 0.00
Jump Sail: (0 Integrity) 0.00
Structural Integrity: 1 2,500.00
Total Heat Sinks: 2176 Single 2,054.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 2500 points 1,020.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 358 pts Standard 893.00
Fore: 59
Fore-Left/Right: 60/60
Aft-Left/Right: 60/60
Aft: 59

Dropship Capacity: 5 5,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 20 140.00
Life Boats: 20 140.00

Crew And Passengers:
22 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 220.00
73 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 511.00
32 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 224.00
66 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
100 2nd Class Passengers 700.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00

Bay #1: Small Craft (6) - 1 Door
Bay #2: Fighters (18) - 3 Doors
Bay #3: Cargo (11342 Tons) - 1 Door

2 x Energy Storage Batteries

12 x SLas

4 x NL/55
12 x Blazer Cannon

12 x SLas

4 x NL/55
12 x Blazer Cannon

12 SLas
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: VensersRevenge on 01 May 2020, 19:11:47
Free Worlds League, 2370

The FWLN began preparing for an offensive fleet in 2370. While Marik's continued to be purchased and deployed, it was acknowledged that their dropship flexibility also made them more expensive than the frontline combatants of other states. While the League had a strong economy, it was not that strong. Although the shipyard upgrades to produce the Cyrus class cruisers were not complete by 2379, they would begin rolling out cruisers by the mid 2380's, and Captain Admiral Michaels began planning deployments for Operation SOAR. Despite being in his late seventies, Michaels shows no signs of retiring anytime soon, and has spoken about being Captain Admiral for the new century. To go along with the preparations for the Cyrus Cruisers, the FWLN has sponsored extensive research, taking advantage of intelligence operations and "borrowed" examples of technology Operation ALEXA has got its hands on. While Michaels is still pushing against offensive operations, the League's access to 'Mechs and a few new weapons to make them more effective will prove invaluable once war happens.

Operation ALEXA:
Admiral Michaels knew that knowledge was power, and wanted to create a second stream of information, not trusting NIA. To do this he took advantage of the mercantile nature of the Free Worlds League that led to the purchasing of dozens of jumpships and cargo dropships. FWLN jumpships and cargoships had always been seconded to the Merchant Marine in times of peace to assist the economy, and in 2364, Michaels put Operation ALEXA into effect to take advantage of this situation. Ships seconded to the Merchant Marine were given a second name to clarify in League records whether they were under military or civilian command at the time. Michaels took advantage of this system by selling off the Merchant Marine ships to Gatzenberg Interstellar, a trading conglomerate "coincidentally" owned by his brother-in-law. These now "privately" owned ships would be used to haul cargo across interstellar borders, and were still crewed with military men who were ordered to learn what they could from foreign crewmen and while on shore eave. While loosened restrictions and orders that included getting drunk and seducing dignitaries will decrease the effectiveness of ALEXA crewmen if used in a military context, it provided valuable information. In 2371 a crewman on shore leave on Tharkad won a PPC in a highstakes poker game, which allowed League engineers to finally reverse engineer PPC's. His decision to use Ouzo instead of Schnapps also created the League variant of the infamous PPC beverage. His success was celebrated by the more liberal members of the League, and got the Navy protested by more conservative members of the League for "encouraging loose morals." However the operation that won the League 'Mechs from the Federated Suns in 2373 was even more audacious. Taking advantage of a cousin of Oriente's Allison family being a captain of one of the Jumpships, they finagled an invitation to a party hosted by the Duke of New Syrtis, which was also being attended by one of the Suns' 'Mech engineers.A combination of the captain propsing trade deals with Oriente and alleging the Captain-General sent her to negotiate an anti-Capellan alliance with the Suns ( an outcome that would be a valuable side benefit), an attractive crewmember seducing the engineer, and breaking into a 'Mech hangar while the guards were distracted by a combination of drunken joyrides, drunken fistfights, and drunken liasons, they were able to get enough information on 'Mech building to allow Free Worlds Defense Industries to build their first combat 'Mechs. Multiple crewmen were arrested, and the Marik ambassador on New Avalon almost had a heart attack when he found out what happened, Michaels felt the cost well worth it, especially because the different people who gave the information did not independently reveal enough information to cause problems, and as such no one knew the League could build Battlemechs until they did. Captain Allison built on her success while returning to the League through the United Hindu Collective, when she was able to bribe a disaffected scientist into giving her the specs for the Blazer. Upon Allison's return to Atreus, she was promoted to Commodore, and put in command of Operation ALEXA, reportind directly to Captain-Admiral Michaels. Operation ALEXA had proven it's value in just a few years, and had not yet been used for it's primary purpose, giving the League advance intelligence on naval maneuvers threatening it.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2370      Value in Millions
Money Available 336,000
Remaining from Last Turn
Available Shipyards

Atreus                   0/2
Irian       0/2
Loyalty       0/2
Regulus                 1
Jardine (secret)      2
Repairs 0

Maintenance 49% 140,793                                                                               
Construction Unit Price
        Jardine              S2>S3             30,000
Warships Marik 4          39,752
Prototype        Cyrus                                      2,281

Jumpships 4 500        2,000
Dropships 10 300   3,000
Fighters             48     5      240
Research Mechs                                      39,240
PPC                                                  39,240
                        Blazers                                                 39,240
Total Spent     335,786

Income Remaining 214
Cyrus Class Cruiser:

Although no Cyrus' have been put into production yet, plans are on track to build at least four by 2380. Cheaper than the Marik Destroyers that currently make up the FWLN's capital ships, the Cyrus has considerably more armour and weapons, at the cost of dropship flexibility and speed. The current plan for the Cyrus' is to deploy them as flagships for the Capellan, Commonwealth, and Stewart fleets, before slowly building them up to represent half of each fleet. However, Admiral Michaels is also looking to move any extra ships built to a new command reporting directly to him, for reasons not connected to any known war plan. What this purpose is is of some concern to Parliament, although the Captain General has not yet ordered any investigations.
Code: [Select]
[i]Cyrus[/i]Class Cruiser
Mass: 750 000 tons
Movement: 3/5
Heat Sinks: 3 393
Fuel Points: 0/10003 (4001.0 tons)
Tons Per Burn Day: 39.52
Structural Integrity: 132
Sail Integrity: 5
KF Drive Integrity: 16
Armor: 1266 (Capital Scale) (Improved Ferro-Alum)
Left Front Side
Right Front Side
Aft Left Side
Aft Right Side
2 Naval AC 30
NAC/30 Ammo
2 Naval Laser 45
16 Machine Guns
Machine Gun Ammo
Front Sides
2 Naval Laser 45
3 LRM 15
LRM Ammo
15 Machine Guns
Machine Gun Ammo
2 Naval AC 30
NAC/30 Ammo
6 Naval PPC Heavy
2 Naval Autocannon 40
NAC/40 Ammo
3 Naval Laser 45
7 Machine Guns
Machine Gun Ammo
Aft Sides
3 LRM 15
LRM Ammo
17 Machine Guns
Machine Gun Ammo
3 Large Laser
17 Machine Guns
Machine Gun Ammo
Carrying Capacity
2 Dropships
Cargo Space (1 door) - 73,658 tons 
Bay Personnel
Life Boats 43
Escape Pods 43
2 100ft Grav Decks
Cost: 9 122 million
Fleet Doctrine:
With Captain-Admiral Michaels strongly encouraging a defensive outlook for the FWLN, and Parliament looking for economic benefits to their investment in the Navy, current doctrine for the FWLN heavily focuses on commerce and showing the flag along the borders and valuable core systems. Marik's on the Capellan and Lyran borders maintain a patrol schedule along the systems within two jumps of the neighboring powers, while also transporting civilian dropships and occasionally carrying cargo within their own hulls to help with the economy of these systems. Live-fire drill are conducted in the New Delos System on the Capellan border and the Concord System on the Lyran border, with grand drills under the direct supervision of Michaels occurring at least once every year at Stewart with the Stewart Fleet. The Stewart Fleet is the primary reserves, ready to move against Terran adventurism or reinforce either border if necessary. They also engage in show the flag operations for interior worlds. This is not to say that they are purely ceremonial, Michaels expects excellence in his men and his aide Vice-Admiral Heihachiro is a strict disciplinarian. Stewart is the main naval system for live-fire exercises,, and the Stewart fleet spends more time exercising than most. The Periphery Fleet does not get to formally exercise like the interior fleets do, but it is constantly helping set up trade and colonization efforts on the Periphery. Fighting pirates gives the individual ships more than enough experience, although massed fleet tactics are mostly theoretical. Finally, the Talwar's. Michaels sees little point in exercising them with the fleet, as they are theoretically independent commerce raiders, so they have a separate training regime. With some help from surprisingly good stabilizers on the PPC's, the crews of Talwars are trained on extreme range sniping at fast speeds. Capable of successfully hitting extreme shots, Michaels hopes this impressive marksmanship will intimidate the Capellans and distract them from the badly designed ships. The fact it has impressed the Marians into designing a ship to counter the Talwar's perplexes Michaels, but he doesn't see it as a major problem for FWLN doctrine. His ultimate solution will be ready soon and remind Periphery States their place in the Sphere.
Code: [Select]
Free Worlds League Navy:
[i]Marik [/i]Destroyers:
Stewart System:
FWLS [i]Marik [/i]- Stewart System
FWLS [i]Oriente [/i]- Stewart System
FWLS [i]Irian [/i]- Stewart System
FWLS [i]New Delos[/i] - Stewart System
FWLS [i]Stewart [/i]- Stewart System
FWLS [i]Tiber [/i]- Stewart System
FWLS [i]Loric [/i]- Stewart System (new)
FWLS [i]Alula Borealis[/i] - Stewart System (new)
Periphery Border:
FWLS [i]Atreus [/i]- Periphery border
FWLS [i]Loyalty [/i]- Periphery border
FWLS [i]Tamarind [/i]- Periphery border
FWLS [i]Sardis[/i] - Periphery Border (new)
Capellan Border:
FWLS [i]Regulus [/i]- Capellan Border
FWLS [i]Kanata [/i]- Capellan Border
FWLS [i]Gibson [/i]- Capellan Border
FWLS [i]Bismarck[/i] - Capellan Border (new)
Lyran Border:
FWLS [i]Clipperton [/i]- Lyran Border
FWLS [i]Thermopolis [/i]- Lyran Border
FWLS [i]Kalidasa [/i]- Lyran Border
FWLS [i]Solaris [/i]- Lyran Border
[i]Talwar[/i] Corvettes:
FWLS [i]Talwar [/i]- Capellan border
FWLS [i]Tegha [/i]- Capellan Border
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Tyler Jorgensson on 01 May 2020, 20:52:37
Principality of Rasalhague

Warrior's Hall
Principality of Rasalhague, 2373

As the aide enters the Admiral's room, she notices the room is darkened. The shades are down and the lights are dimmed.

"Come in Kaptain. What's the status of the fleet?" the voice comes from the couch and not the Admirals desk. As the aide enters the lounge area she notices the Admiral lying down, his uniform disheveled, and a slight beard. His hair has grayed immensely in the last couple of years, and the bags under his eyes and the medication on the table behind him indicate that the stress may be getting to him after nearly thirty years of war."

"Yes sir. The fleet is currently in three squadrons. Alpha Squadrons new Mark II Frigate is online and the Vittoria has been assigned to it. It currently has one Hund Mark I being sent back to Rasalhague for refit, and the two Jumpships assigned to it have made the rendezvous at the nadir jump point. Beta Squadron is of a similar nature, and Delta is currently being repaired at New Oslo with all possible speed."

"The three Jumpships assigned to Operation Tripwire have been sent to the pirate points around each of the planets, and the two reserve Jumpships have been rotating out every other month for crew rest here. In addition pirate points have been uploaded into the fleets navicomputers for all of the planets in the Principality thanks to the Vice Admiral's initiative. Finally the remaining Dropships have been assigned, as well as the fleets fighter wings to the Navy. The spaceports are still being funded by the various planetary governments of course, but we still have basing rights."

"Both Alpha and Beta Squadrons are of course at full readied posture, but per your orders only a quarter of one fleets crew is on R+R at any one given time. The Elected Prince has send another memo requesting the full attack upon Jezersko, and I've sent the reply on your behalf again."

Theirs a moment of silence as the aide finishes. She goes the report as so when the Admiral speaks.

"This is insane. They expect us to fight with one armed tied behind our back." The Aide goes to talk but the Admiral continues. "We could squeeze another couple billion from the governments of the planets and fund nearly everything for this fiscal year. I've seen the plans for the upgrades to our shipyards: plain as day, simple enough for a Marik Parliament to agree on and yet the Prince won't even look at it!"

The Admiral shows a bit of spark as he continues to rant on. "The Carrier program has been delayed, and we've already bought the small craft, Drop Ships, and fighters to supply them. Meanwhile we are left with limited cargo space, no mech carriers for our newly improved army, and not nearly enough supplies on our ships to even consider raiding on conquest. Meanwhile thirty years have dragged on and the Combine has pulled back, like an executioner with his axe raised high. I'm unable to even send messages to fellow Admirals of the Federated Suns or Lyran Commonwealth for joint maneuvers. Hell the Rim Worlders are providing more help!"


"I've half a mind to set the fleet above this building and threaten to blast it to pieces unless they get their heads screwed on correctly. Maybe I should, maybe with new leadership this war would be over sooner one way or another. I'd rather walk straight into the Imperial Palace on Luthien and negotiate with the Coordinator for some sort of peace than listen to one more Governor tell me 'I don't have the money to spare'. Bah!"

The aide is clearly shocked. The Admiral has been such a firebrand in the past but this was a level that she had never seen in her decade serving him as an aide. Scuttlebutt had said that the Admirals wife had left him as well, and at least two of his kids had refused anything to do with him. She can't really comment anything as she has nothing to say in response. "Sir-" she stutters "Do you have any orders?"

The Admiral takes a minute, completely silent. He then sits up, trying to smooth some of his uniform into a semi-balance of shape. He hands his aide a datapad she hadnt noticed.

"Send this to the Vice Admiral and Beta Squadron. It contains my last orders. Transfer his Hund-II to Alpha Squadron and get the crews of Alpha back on their ships. Whatever report we get I want it instantly transmitted via Jumpship to the Squadron. I'll be blooding the crews with Anti-Piracy patrols, because we sure as hell can't afford to go colonizing new planets, or afford a dedicated anti-piracy fleet. Dismissed."

Fleet Doctrine

Both Alpha and Beta Squadron's will be identical in composition: three Hund-class Frigates Mark II, one Vittoria-class Destroyer, and two Invader-class Jump Ships. Each of the Invader's will carry two cargo droppers and one fighter carrier, and the Vittoria will also carry a fighter carrier. The fighter squadron breakdown will be of three squadrons of heavy fighters, two of medium, and one of lights. The two carriers and mediums will remain close to the fleet if possible, and the heavies will be the strikers, with the lights providing recon and missile intercept if possible. Tactically the Fleet will make as many long-range attacks as possible until the fleet is in range for closer NAC and fighter attacks. If a Linebreaker appears: long-range attacks only and load up the special munitions and launch as many attacks as possible.

Once again a single Jumpship will be deployed to each of the border systems, with three carrier Drop Ships and light fighters. They will be deployed to a pirate point, and ordered to Jump with as accurate information as they can provide, handing off the fighters to gather more information but not to engage in combat until a fleet arrives.

Delta Squadron will consist of two Lola Cruisers, two Bonnie Corvettes, and two Jumpships. Similar Jumpship setups to Alpha and Beta, but the fighters will be heavier fighters. The Lola's sole job is to target the larger ships like the Linebreaker with once again many longer range attacks until they close. The Bonnies are going to stay back and protect the larger ships.

Beta and Delta will be based at Rasalhague, while Alpha nominally based at Rasalhague will perform anti-pirate actions across the Principality based from Susquehanna temporarily. When the Jumpships report all three Squadrons will report ASAP to the battle site. Alpha and Beta will jump to the appropriate jump point that the attackers have jumped too, while Delta will jump to the Pirate Point in system. However, once Beta Squadron comes online fully it will be based at Trondheim while Delta remains at Rasalhague.

The remaining two Jumpships will carry relief supplies, crew, and cargo to the various commands and planets in the empire, swapping out for the other Jumpships on duty.

As far as repairs go we would prioritize the Vittoria's, then the Lola's, then the Bonnies last. For construction and refitting, both new Hund Mark II's will be constructed, then refit of one ship per Squadron rotating out until complete.

Rumor's have come across that the DCA has a troop carrying Warship capable of planetary invasions on its own: this ship will be a priority target if no larger target is available. Target the engines, fighter bays, and Dropship collars first if possible to prevent troops from launching. The ship is NOT to be boarded but destroyed. The other priority target is the Linebreaker class. If it is crippled a boarding option may be launched, but it should be destroyed first if possible.

Targeting enemy Jumpships is one again a valid tactic of war due to the continued destruction of our JumpShips. Once again if possible capture first.

Since our fighter wings are twice the size of enemy fighter wings attempt to concentrate squadron to squadron if possible.

Our Dropships are not meant as combat craft: as such they should stick close to their carriers for added defense. The remainder of the Dropships not assigned to commands will be left  in groups of three across the PoR with attached fighter craft and supplies for resupply missions.

Finally RWRS are to be assigned to Alpha Squadron on 'patrol' duties, once again under their own command but integrated battle plan wise with the PoR ships.

(((OOC Lastly Admiral Jorgensson is nearing seventy years of age at this point: he has stated to his Vice Admiral this will be his last tour of duty. He has transfered the best officers and crew to his flagship. He is also a bit 'unhinged': if his ship is crippled he is likely to kamikaze it into a Linebreaker, Troop Ship, high value target, etc by either ramming or Jumping in close proximity. He will of course issue the abandon ship order first: he's first responsibility has always been his crew.))) 

Code: [Select]
Hund-class Frigate Mark II
Mass: 250,000 tons
Mass: 250,000
Battle Value: 58,341
Cost: 4,696,770,000 C-bills

32x Large Lasers
32x Machine Guns
2x NAC/30 Autocannons
2x Medium Naval PPC's
8x Barracuda Capital Missile Launchers
4x Naval Laser 35's
16x Naval Laser 45's

Fuel: 5,000 tons (12,500)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 7
Heat Sinks: 1,300
Structural Integrity: 90

    Nose: 67
    Fore Sides: 57/57
    Aft Sides: 54/54
    Aft: 44

    Bay 1:  Fighter (12)            4 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Fighter (12)            4 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Small Craft (4)         1 Door   
    Bay 4:  Cargo (6557.0 tons)     1 Door   

    12,800 rounds of Machine Gun ammunition (64 tons),
    200 rounds of Barracuda ammunition (6,000 tons),
    60 rounds of NAC/30 ammunition (48 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 1 (100 m)
Escape Pods: 6
Life Boats: 6
Crew:  24 officers, 71 enlisted/non-rated, 43 gunners, 68 bay personnel, 48 marines

Notes: Mounts 375 tons of improved ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons:                                    Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                              Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class 
Nose (782 Heat)
4 Large Laser                           32   3(32)   3(32)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
4 Machine Gun                            0    1(8)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (320000 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)             200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (60 shots)
4 Naval Laser 45                        280  18(180) 18(180) 18(180) 18(180)  Capital Laser
2 Naval PPC (Medium)                    270  18(180) 18(180) 18(180) 18(180)  Capital PPC

FRS/FLS (282 Heat)
4 Large Laser                           32   3(32)   3(32)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
4 Machine Gun                            0    1(8)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (320000 shots)
3 Naval Laser 45                        210  14(135) 14(135) 14(135) 14(135)  Capital Laser
4 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)  40   8(80)   8(80)   8(80)    8(80)   Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (100 shots)

RBS/LBS (242 Heat)
4 Large Laser                           32   3(32)   3(32)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
4 Machine Gun                            0    1(8)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (320000 shots)
3 Naval Laser 45                        210  14(135) 14(135) 14(135) 14(135)  Capital Laser

ARS/ALS (136 Heat)
4 Large Laser                           32   3(32)   3(32)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
4 Machine Gun                            0    1(8)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (320000 shots)
2 Naval Laser 35                        104  7(70)   7(70)   7(70)     0(0)   Capital Laser

Aft (32 Heat)
4 Large Laser                           32   3(32)   3(32)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
4 Machine Gun                            0    1(8)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (320000 shots)

The Mark II Hund-class Frigate is a departure from the original model. Seeing the cost of Dropship collars increased the price quite dramatically it was decided by the Admiralty to create a dedicated carrier and a dedicated warship out of the Hund-class. The Mark II is the warship component adding additional guns including an anti-fighter and anti-missile array. In addition it moves some of the original armament into different positions, based off of the previous combat experience fighting against the DCA. It now has a heavier frontal array of capital weapons, and the capital missiles have been replaced with longer range Barracuda class launchers. The rear armament remains a bit lackluster, but two full fighter squadrons in addition to it's improved armor profile should more than make up for it.

The Mark II will be assigned two to each Daschund-class Light Carrier, or as a block of four. The cost of all these upgrades is an easier maintenance for the PoR yards and nearly 2/3 the cost, however it gives up a third of it's already light cargo space. To better provide cargo capacity, including supplies for the ship and its air wing, usually at least one Jumpship is assigned to each ship.

Code: [Select]
Principality of Rasalhague, Turn Beginning 230 Value/Cost (Millions)

Funds: 545
Revenue: 79.000
- Rasalhague:      1
- New Oslo:         1

- 2x Lola I-class Cruisers
- 2x Bonaventure-class Corvettes
- 4x Hund-class Frigates

- 9x Invader-class

Space Stations: 0

- 36x Light Dropships

Small Craft: 0

- 204x Fighters (Mix of classes)

Expenses                                        Value/Cost (Millions)
- Lola I-class Cruiser: 6.654/ 6.654
- Bonnaventure-class Corvette: 5.036/ 5.036
- Hund-class Frigate Mark II: 9.394/9.394
- Invader-class Jumpships: 2.250/ 2.250
- Dropships: 5.400/ 5.400
- Fighters: 510 / 510

- Last Turn's Combat (Two Lola's, Two Bonnie's): 8.100
- 2x Vittoria-class Destroyers (Bought from the RWR): 3.100

- Hund-class Frigate Mark II: 470
- Improved Ferro-Aluminum Armor: 16.110

- Converting to Hund-class Frigates to Mark II Specification: 0
- 2x Hund-class Frigates Mark II: 9.394
- 52x Small Craft: 520
- 228x Fighters (Mostly heavier designs): 1.140
- 2x Jumpships: 1.000
- 2x Vittoria-class Destroyers (From the RWR): 10.000

- 78.208

Principality of Rasalhague, Turn Ending 2380 Value/Cost (Millions)
Funds: 782
- Rasalhague:      1
- New Oslo:         1

- 2x Lola I-class Cruisers
- 2x Bonaventure-class Corvettes
- 6x Hund-class Frigates Mark II
- 2x Vittoria-class Destroyers

- 11x Invader-class

Space Stations: 0

- 36x Light Dropships

Small Craft:
- 52x Small Craft

- 432x Fighters (Mix of classes)

List of Ship Names
Rav-class Corvettes
PoRS Rav (Fox Swedish) - Lead ship of class - Destroyed - Battle of Jezersko 2359
PoRS Kråka (Crow Swedish) - Destroyed - Battle of Christiana, Late 2362
PoRS Korp (Raven - Swedish) - Destroyed - Battle of Christiana, Late 2362

Hund-class Frigates Mark II
PoRS Hund (Hound Swedish) - Lead ship of class (Admiral Jorgensson's Flagship, Alpha Squadron Flagship)
PoRS Mäyräkoira (Daschhound Finnish)
PoRS Sækari (Retreiver Icelandic)
PoRS Varg (Wolf Swedish)
PoRS Kant (Edge Swedish)
PoRS Terä (Blade Finnish)

Lola I-class Cruisers
PoRS Mjölnir - Delta Squadron Flagship
PoRS Myrskyn Katkaisija (Storm Breaker Finnish)

Bonaventure-class Corvette
PoRS Köttur (Cat Icelandic)
PoRS Blettatígur (Cheetah Icelandic)

Vittoria-class Destroyer
PoRS Kirves (Axe Finnish) - Beta Squadron Flagship
PoRS Miekka (Sword Finnish)

Code: [Select]
Alpha Squadron Ships (Rasalhague -> Susquehanna)
Hund-class Frigate Mark II
PoRS Hund - (Admiral Jorgensson's Flagship, Alpha Squadron Flagship)
PoRS Mäyräkoira
PoRS Sækari

Vittoria-class Destroyer
PoRS Miekka (Sword Finnish)

- 2x Invader Jumships

Beta Squadron Ships (Rasalhague -> Trondheim)
Hund-class Frigate Mark II
PoRS Varg
PoRS Kant
PoRS Terä

Vittoria-class Destroyer
PoRS Kirves  - Beta Squadron Flagship

- 2x Invader-class Jumpships

Delta Squadron Ships (Rasalhague)
Lola I-class Cruiser
PoRS Mjölnir - Delta Squadron Flagship
PoRS Myrskyn Katkaisija

Bonaventure-class Corvette
PoRS Köttur
PoRS Blettatígur

-2x Invader class Dropships
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: kindalas on 03 May 2020, 14:37:00
Lyran Commonwealth, 2370

Arcturus March 17 2370

Archon's Private Office

Robert Marsden was sitting in his office surrounded by stacks of reports and documents. He leaned to press a button on his intercom.

"Sarah, send in my next appointment."

"Sending Darren York in now Sir."

A few moments later Darren York entered the Archon's office.

The Archon made him wait before speaking. "I summoned Lord Angler and she sent you. Why?"

Darren stammered at the Archon's abruptness "My Lord, she wouldn't have survived the trip. And she sent me instead of a courier because she believes that I can give you the information you need without spending months bouncing interceptable notes across the nation."

"I suppose that keeping the navy out of the unrest that followed the arrest of the traitor Archons gives her some leeway. I've read your reports and they don't give me confidence in the navy. Tell me why I shouldn't be more worried then I already am."

"Sir the navy hasn't been tested in a proper conflict. The fleet has done remarkable work in one sided fights against pirates and privateers, and it has performed beyond expectations when it has come to moving the armies around the nation. But she hasn't had a chance to engage an enemy that was an actual danger because of this we can't properly evaluate design and doctrine decisions."

Darren paused before continuing. "We have several design updates for the Sontra and Heimdallr on the drawing board. But we can't justify making changes in a vaccume of information."

"Is this why Angler was pushing the Archons to support the Principality against the Combine?"

"Yes Sir. Lord Angler understands why the Fleet was held in reserve but she is frustrated. We've lost several technological advantages over the past twent years. Our PPC technology is spreading and even the enhanced warship armor we developed has been stolen by the Rimmers."

"Stolen?" the Archon was shocked.

"Design samples and technical specifications were smuggled out by an opportunistic freighter captain. He was sentenced to life in prison. Same as the traitor Archons."

"Yes tell Jaqueline I appreciated that favor. What about the Mjolnir project. I've seen some conflicting reports on them."

"Those ships are our best kept secret. Keeping the ships together at all times has kept the secret armaments of the 1a models. We project that the additional firepower will tilt any engagement in our favor"

"Very well you are dismissed."


Alarion Febuary 4th 2370

First Lord Jaqueline Angler sat in her office. A number of medical machines sat beside her cables and tubes stretched over to her body.

A tall man in a labcoat stood nerviously infront of her.

"I understood none of that. Explain it in simpler terms. I need to understand this properly."

The scientist paused for a moment before gesturing to the tablet in his hand. "The computer I'm holding is one of the units we use frequently in our design work for the navy. It is extremely powerful with a circuitry that is only a few atoms thick. I can use it to calculate a 30 second jump window in under 2 seconds. If we installed it on our ships our strategic flexibility would be heavily enhanced. But if this simple device was to transition through hyperpace it would be scrap."

"I'm following so far."

"The KF field dynamics causes the quantum seper..."

She interrupted him "stop, I don't need to know why. What does this mean for the project?"

"Sorry madame, I guee what I am saying is that the computer system you need to run a neurological simulation of that magnitude would be unable to travel using any kind of FTL technology."

"Is there a solution to this problem?"

"Possibly in several decades. Right now we can't even turn off the simulation without needing a full reintegration and we havent found a way to update the initial scans."

"What does that mean?" She was starting to lose patience.

"If we turn it off and on again the simulation will revert to the initial neural map. And any developments in the personality will be lost."

"Fine, build the prototype." She said dismissivly "and continue working on the obsticles this was never going to be an easy task."


Code: [Select]
Lyran Commonwealth, Turn Beginning 2370 Value/Cost
Funds: $535.00
Revenue: $311,000.00
Shipyards: Alarion: 2/0/2 $100,000.00
New Kyoto:  0/2 $45,000.00
Tamar: 0/2 $45,000.00
Warships:  Heimdaller 1a 6 $38,250.00
Snotra 1a 8 $38,544.00
Mjolnir 2 $16,298.00
Mjolnir 1a 2 $16,454.00
Jumpships:  Nehalennia Tender 2 $7,916.00
Nehalennia Transport 18 $32,166.00
Invader 3 $1,500.00
Space Stations: Ribe 200 $28,800.00
Dropships:  Light 145 $43,500.00
Small Craft 1350 $13,500.00
Fighters: 2500 $12,500.00
Assets: $750,963.00

Expenses Number Cost
Maintenance $124,714.00
R&D: Drop Chute $36,990.00
R&D: AC/10 $32,880.00
R&D: Blazer $36,990.00
Prototype: Rán Customs Station $5.00
Production:  Heimdaller 1a 0 $-   
Production:  Ribe 0 $-   
Production:  Rán Customs Station 400 $8,000.00
Production:  Nehalennia Tender 0 $-   
Production:  Nehalennia Transport 16 $28,592.00
Production:  Snotra 1a 0 $-   
Production:  Mjolnir 2 $16,298.00
Production:  Mjolnir 1a 2 $16,454.00
Alarion 1x2 $10,000.00
Jumpship Production: $500.00 0 $-   
Dropship Production: Light $300.00 0 $-   
Small Craft: $10.00 0 $-   
Fighters: $5.00 0 $-   
Total: $310,923.00 

Lyran Commonwealth, Turn Ending 2370 Value/Cost
Funds: $612.00
Shipyards: Alarion: 4/0/2 $110,000.00
New Kyoto:  0/2 $45,000.00
Tamar: 0/2 $45,000.00
Warships:  Heimdaller 1a 6 $38,250.00
Snotra 1a 8 $38,544.00
Mjolnir 4 $32,596.00
Mjolnir 1a 4 $32,908.00
Jumpships:  Nehalennia Tender 2 $7,916.00
Nehalennia Transport 34 $60,758.00
Space Stations: Ribe 200 $28,800.00
Rán Customs Station 400 $8,000.00
Jumpships: 3 $1,500.00
Dropships:  Light 145 $43,500.00
Small Craft 1350 $13,500.00
Fighters: 2500 $12,500.00
Assets: $519,384.00

Rán Customs station

The Rán Customs station is named after Rán the wife of Ægir norse gods of the sea. Their nine daughters personify the waves.

During the decade of upheaval with the Lyran Commonwealth's transition from nine archons to one Archon and with the establishment of the Estates General it became apparent that the Navy needed to be more present near the worlds of the Commonwealth.

With 292 member worlds the Ribe had only reached 175 of them, 25 words have 2 recharge stations, a simpler solution was needed to increase coverage to ensure that objections to the Navy budget were kept to a minimum.

The Rán was designed to sit in orbit around member worlds to act as customs inspectors for the ever increasing amounts of interstellar trade happening in the Commonwealth.

The station has six fighters, two small craft, temporary quarters for a platoon of marines, a thick layer of point defense weapons and six Barracuda missile tubes.

The sixty missiles that the station carries is expected to be more then enough to ensure that merchants don't step over the line to piracy.

Against an Aquilla or one of the Sampans that the belter communities are rumored to be using the station will fall short but against pirate dropships and raiding parties the missiles should be ample.

The 18 escape pods the station carries should enable a threatened station to safely evacuate it's crew once its missile supply is exhausted.

It is expected that the crew of the stations will be operating on a one week on two off schedule with ample time planetside. Because of this the station doesn't have a grav deck or any extended duration facilities. Evey measure was taken to keep the cost of the station low and the size of the station small enough that a Nehalennia Transport can move ten of them at a time.

Construction will occure at a rapid pace with station components being delivered throughout the commonwealth from over a dozen manufacturers.

Even the secondary yards at Alarion will be diverted to manufacture a large number of the deliverable stations.

Code: [Select]
Rán Customs Station
Mass: 5,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 2370
Mass: 5,000
Battle Value: 2,700
Tech Rating/Availability: E/D-E(F)-E-D
Cost: 20,484,000 C-bills

Fuel: 200 tons (2,000)
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Sail Integrity: N/A
Heat Sinks: 60
Structural Integrity: 1

    Nose: 10
    Fore Sides: 10/10
    Aft Sides: 10/10
    Aft: 10

    Bay 1:  Small Craft (2)         1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Fighter (6)             3 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Infantry (28 Marines)     1 Door   
    Bay 4:  Cargo (425.0 tons)      1 Door   

    12,000 rounds of Machine Gun ammunition (60 tons),
    60 rounds of Barracuda ammunition (1,800 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 0
Escape Pods: 18
Life Boats: 0
Crew:  11 officers, 35 enlisted/non-rated, 16 gunners, 78 bay personnel

Notes: Mounts 75 tons of standard aerospace armor.

Weapons:                                    Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                              Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (10 Heat)
10 Machine Gun                           0   2(20)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (400000 shots)
1 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)  10   2(20)   2(20)   2(20)    2(20)   Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (10 shots)
FRS/FLS (10 Heat)
10 Machine Gun                           0   2(20)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (400000 shots)
1 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)  10   2(20)   2(20)   2(20)    2(20)   Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (10 shots)
ARS/ALS (10 Heat)
10 Machine Gun                           0   2(20)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (400000 shots)
1 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)  10   2(20)   2(20)   2(20)    2(20)   Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (10 shots)
Aft (10 Heat)
10 Machine Gun                           0   2(20)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (400000 shots)
1 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)  10   2(20)   2(20)   2(20)    2(20)   Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (10 shots)

Wælcyrie Orbital Drop WiGE

With the development of orbital drop technology a reliable way to get infantry special forces onto the ground was needed. A WiGE support vehicle was chosen due to its ability to glide down to the surface and to approach target objectives and extraction locations at high speed over a wide variety of terrain. The Orbital drop craft was named the Wælcyrie, using the old English spelling for Valkyrie, to help enhance the public imagery of Lyran warriors flying down to engage in battle.

Note: I'm not 100% certain that I did the math/settings right for this craft but it really just exists as fluff considering everything it does can be done by a small craft for the twice the price.

Code: [Select]
Wælcyrie Orbital Drop WiGE

Mass: 200 tons

Movement Type: Wing in Ground Effect

Power Plant: Fusion
Cruising Speed: 75.6 kph
Maximum Speed: 118.8 kph
Armor: BAR 10
Armament: Mobile Field Base

Introduction Year: 2360
Cost: 20,130,188 C-bills

Type: Orbital Drop WiGE
Chassis Type: Wing in Ground Effect (Large)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Mass: 200 tons
Battle Value: 638

Equipment                                         Mass (tons)
Chassis/Controls                                   67.5
Engine/Trans.                                      32.0
    Cruise MP:7
Flank MP:11
Heat Sinks                    0                     0.0
Fuel                                                0.0
Armor Factor (BAR 10)         104                   5.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   20        23   
     Front R/L Side        20/20     17/17   
     Rear R/L Side         20/20     17/17   
     Rear                    20        13   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   

    Bay 1:  Light Vehicle (1)       1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Infantry (Foot) (25)    1 Door   

Features Environmental Sealing, Armored Chassis Chassis and Controls Modifications
Mobile Field Base(20 tons)

Lyran Fleet Deployments
Code: [Select]
Fleet Type Border
New Kyoto FWL
LCN Freyr Mjolnir
LCN Tīw Mjolnir 1a
LCN Vár Snotra 1a
LCN Vör Snotra 1a
LCN Pherkad Nehalennia Transport
LCN Ciotat Nehalennia Transport

Tamar DC
LCN Yngvi Mjolnir
LCN Tīg Mjolnir 1a
LCN Snotra Snotra 1a
LCN Sága Snotra 1a
LCN Zvolen Nehalennia Transport
LCN Hesperus Nehalennia Transport

Skye TH
LCN Mjolnir Mjolnir
LCN Ziu Mjolnir 1a
LCN Hlín Snotra 1a
LCN Lofn Snotra 1a
LCN Dromini Nehalennia Transport
LCN Glengarry Nehalennia Transport

Alarion Invasion
LCN Frea Mjolnir
LCN Týr Mjolnir 1a
LCN Sjöfn Snotra 1a
LCN Gefjon Snotra 1a
LCN Heimdallr Heimdallr 1a
LCN Eyrgjafa Heimdallr 1a
LCN Imðr Heimdallr 1a
LCN Járnsaxa Heimdallr 1a
LCN Ulfrún Heimdallr 1a
LCN Angeyja Heimdallr 1a
LCN Karbala Nehalennia Tender
LCN Kandersteg Nehalennia Tender
LCN Morges Ribe Recharge Station
LCN Kirkcaldy Ribe Recharge Station
LCN Ramsau Nehalennia Transport
LCN Orestes Nehalennia Transport
LCN Incukalns Nehalennia Transport
LCN Nox Nehalennia Transport

Rán Deployment

LCN Prydain Nehalennia Transport
LCN Coventry Nehalennia Transport

Merchant Fleet

LCN Yeguas Nehalennia Transport
LCN Antares Nehalennia Transport
LCN Pandora Nehalennia Transport
LCN Cumbres Nehalennia Transport
LCN Odessa Nehalennia Transport
LCN Hillerod Nehalennia Transport
LCN Corstairs Nehalennia Transport
LCN Marfk Nehalennia Transport
LCN Tiruppur Nehalennia Transport
LCN Annwyn Nehalennia Transport
LCN Arcadia Nehalennia Transport
LCN Launam Nehalennia Transport
LCN Hainfeld Nehalennia Transport
LCN Esteros Nehalennia Transport

Prephary Growth

LCN Maestu Nehalennia Transport
LCN Vega Nehalennia Transport
LCN Dromini Nehalennia Transport
LCN Cusset Nehalennia Transport
LCN Sudeten Nehalennia Transport
LCN Lamar Nehalennia Transport
LCN Hegel Nehalennia Transport
LCN Laiaka Nehalennia Transport

Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: marcussmythe on 08 May 2020, 08:00:14
Illyrian Palatinate Turn 3 2370-2380

Recognizing that they could not rely on the Hegemony to supply their navy indefinitely, it was decided that Illyrian would need to develop its own naval infrastructure.  Naval Class PPCs were becoming more and more common, and extensive perusal of open source (and slightly less than open source) research and reports greatly aided the budding young nation in developing those techniques for themselves.  Further, a request for proposal went out for a small, simple, relatively inexpensive 'warship' based on the older jump drive techniques, to allow the shipbuilders of the nation to gain practical experience as they continued in their efforts to reverse engineer the advanced Terran Hegemony 'compact' core of their second-hand vessels.

Code: [Select]
Budget 2370-2380
Income                                  41
Remaining from Last Turn                                 8.431
Total                                                    49.431

Available Shipyards
Illyria                        1
Trondheimal                    1

Maintence 16.562
R&D NPPC 9.87
Prototyping, PF Skíðblaðnir .933
Production, PF Skíðblaðnirx4 14.928

Income Remaining                                         7.138

Guided Missile Patrol Boat, Type 50 Skíðblaðnir
Named for the ship of the Norse Gods, PGM-50 Skíðblaðnir is designed as a customs cutter and fast reaction ship for the Illyrian navy.  A battery of missile launchers backed up by 35cm Naval Lasers give her sufficient firepower to dominate dropships and smaller vessels within her reach, while still having enough punch that even a 'true' warship cannot ignore her.  The original design was expanded to allow for some anti-fighter armaments, and bunkerage was extended to allow the little vessels some operational range beyond the borders of the Palatinate.  Though the primitive jump drive limits strategic mobility (having only 15ly jump capability), that was felt to be an acceptable sacrifice, given how few, and close, the worlds of the Palatinate are to one another.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Skíðblaðnir
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $3,732,348,000.00
Magazine Cost: $480,000.00
BV2: 8,749

Mass: 70,000
K-F Drive System: Primitive
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type: Standard
4 Capital Launcher Barracuda
6 Naval Laser 35
16 Laser Large

Class/Model/Name: Skíðblaðnir
Mass: 70,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 16,800.00
Safe: 4
Maximum: 6
Controls: 175.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Primitive (4 Integrity) 35,000.00
Jump Sail: (3 Integrity) 34.00
Structural Integrity: 50 3,500.00
Total Heat Sinks: 480 Single 306.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 5000 points 510.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 86 pts Standard 70.00
Fore: 15
Fore-Left/Right: 15/15
Aft-Left/Right: 15/15
Aft: 11

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 11 77.00
Life Boats: 10 70.00

Bay 1, RBS:  3 ASF, 1 Small Craft, 3 Doors
Bay 2, LBS: 3 ASF, 1 Small Craft, 3 Doors
Bay 3, Aft: 4782 Tons Cargo

Crew And Passengers:
13 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 130.00
55 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 385.00
44 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 308.00
42 Bay Personnel 0.00
9 2nd Class Passengers 63.00

# Weapons Loc
4 Capital Launcher Barracuda Nose
2 Naval Laser 35 FR
2 Naval Laser 35 FL
1 Naval Laser 35 RBS
1 Naval Laser 35 LBS
4 Laser Large Nose
4 Laser Large RBS
4 Laser Large LBS
4 Laser Large Aft

Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: marcussmythe on 09 May 2020, 07:53:43
Turn 3, 2370-2380 (1 of 2)

General Astropolitics in the 2370's

Throughout this decade, every power was expanding - either by pushing back its borders, colonizing unclaimed worlds nearby, or convincing the unaligned to ally with them.  By the end of the decade, each power would find its borders growing ever tighter against its neighbors - but for the most part, the conflict inherent in this tension had not yet seen the flowering that would come later.

In 2372 leadership of the Rim Worlds Republic passed to Randolph Stewart.  Stewart, unlike his predecessor, swore that he would support their ally in Rasalhague against any foreign aggression, and was known to speak at length on the rights of the periphery realms to a future unclouded by the giant powers of the inner sphere.
The Fox of Davion, Reynard, passed in his sleep in 2377.  With his history of success for the Suns in both peace and war, his passing was met with great sorrow and extensive mourning periods on worlds throughout the Federated Suns.  An emergency election was held in early 2378, and Reynard Davions son, Etien Davion, was elected to the Presidency on a promise of continuity with his father’s policies.

Piracy was reported less and less through this period, likely a product of the growth of national fleets.  Some commenters were still concerned about the future of free trade in the stars, however, as conflicts between those national fleets were seen more and more, and chaos is the field in which piracy grows.

The Bull and the Matador – The Taurian-Suns Conflict, 2375

Part 1 “A Short, Victorious War”

By the early 2370s, the Taurian Concordat was feeling its strength.  It’s burgeoning navy coupled with it’s eternal sense of national grievance found fertile soil in Daniel Calderon’s own paranoia and need to distract his people from internal concerns with an external enemy.

To this end, plans were made, and in February of 2375, the Taurian Concordat seized the minor Federated Suns worlds of Mandaree and Sanurcha.  With populations of under a million each and no notable industry or resources, there was little there worth fighting over.  With the Federated Suns facing the might of the Hegemony, as well as two other great houses, it was believed that no response would come, or if it did, it would not come until the Concordat had an opportunity to reinforce its hold on those two worlds.  Calderon himself was dismissive of the aging Reynard Davion’s taste for war, given that he had so far refused the opportunity to take action against the distracted Draconis Combine.

Still, out of an excess sense of security, two of the recently refitted Iberia class Frigates were left to defend each world.  The pair of warships offered security against any proportionate response that the Federated Suns might muster.

Part 2 “Ask me for anything but time”

The Federated Suns has been known for many things throughout its history.  Proportionate response is not among them.

A civilian jumpship arrived at the nadir point of Sanchura not long after the conquest.  Picking up an emergency distress signal lashed together by a group of technicians and engineers originally deployed to the world for a terraforming study, it fled immediately to the nearby New Syrtis, at this point in history little more than a large mining concern.

Within a month, emergency orders from a local naval reserve captain had hurried the invasion warning across the Federated Suns to New Avalon, where an aging Reynard Davion overruled the more careful and conservative members of his military.  As he saw it, the issue was not a minor world (the report of the second falling would not make it to command for some months yet) on the furthest and most forgotten border of the Federated Suns.  The issue was that a foreign power – and a minor one at that! – had thought it safe to strike at the people of the Federated Suns and that it could escape reprisal in doing so.

As Reynard saw it, where one succeeded, others would follow.  And no nation has the power to stand against all others, if they sense weakness.  What was needed was an example.  An example so thorough as to ensure that none would casually trifle with the Federated Suns.
Orders went out on command circuits, and borders were stripped.  The Hegemony and Capellan Commands were ordered to New Syrtis with all possible haste.  Meanwhile, the Combine Command was ordered to spread its ships across all three borders, jumping frequently and changing their identification codes at least as often, in an effort to mask the absence of nearly 2/3 of the Federated Suns navy.  This deception was not entirely successful, but history records that Kurita was focused on Rasalhague, the Hegemony was focused on internal matters, and the Capellans took temporary drawing down of their FS border to reinforce the opposite one.  In any event, no advantage was taken.

The newly completed Achilles was pulled from her fitting-out docks in an attempt to rush her into battle, as well – but cooler heads finally prevailed when the complex of new technologies and the largest engines yet fielded by the Federated Suns proved too much without further testing and tweaking, leaving her dead in space just beyond the dock.  The flower of the Federated Suns navy would not be appearing.

A fleet assembled at New Syrtis, of over a dozen warships, two dozen jumpships, and nearly 80 dropships, including the massive new cargo hulls that would support the navy in its deep space operations.  By this time, report had reached New Syrtis that Mandaree had fallen, along with Sanchura.  Rather than delay, Admiral Dane Talbot split the force into two task groups, one for each fallen world.

Each task force consisted of a pair of Gladius Class Destroyers, coupled with a Hornet Class Carrier, a Cabellus class Supply ship, a Terrier for Scouting and two Rapiers for escort, along with its share of the jumpships and dropships.  Each represented the most powerful force any House short of the Camerons had ever deployed for any purpose.
In a prearranged simultaneous jump, on August 27, six months to the day from the Concordat invasion, task forces Blue and Gold jumped into the Mandaree and Sanchura systems at the habited world’s L1 points - about a million kilometers - 4 hours out for a 1G overrun, just under 6 for a zero-zero plot..

The defending Iberia squadrons at each world were taken by surprise, having no expectation of a counterstroke at all, much less one this quickly.  Still, in the hours before the Federated Fleets reached orbit, they recalled their crews from shore leave as best possible and made the ships ready for battle - sighing as the Federated Suns ships reached turnover - they were obviously coming to stay.

The Taurians rarely lack courage.  Over Mandaree, the paired Iberia’s charged out towards the Federated Fleet, attempting to break through to the dropships and thus prevent any ships from landing to retake the world.  Against over three times their weight in combat power, coupled with the fighter heavy dropships and the carriers, courage was not enough, with both of the Taurian Frigates lost with all hands in a hail of heavy gunfire.

Over Sanurcha, the defenders prioritized making sure a message escaped.  Able to match the acceleration of the Sun’s Gladius class destroyers, and expecting that the Fedsuns would not separate their fleet, the Iberia’s ran for the nadir point.  Rear Admiral Carstairs ordered his Carrier ahead, along with the Rapiers and Terrier as escorts.  Slowly building a velocity advantage with their greater thrust, crews strained as the Carrier detachment closed on the Iberias.  Seeing the Destroyers left behind, the TCN squadron turned to engage, expecting to have their best chance against the lighter ships and the carrier.

Carstairs launched his fighters, carrying their accumulated overtake vector, and burned his fragile carrier away from the TCN squadron.

Over 200 fighters descended on the lightly armed frigates.  Concentrating on the aft quarters of their prey to lame the engines, and staying close to the enemy hulls to limit return fire, they faced less than three dozen 8cm lasers in response.  Light warship armor served only as partial respite from the attack fighters' heavy autocannon, and within a few minutes, TCN Granada vanished as her hydrogen stores erupted.  TCN Valencia, herself lamed by the fighter strike and unable to further flee the distant Davion Destroyers, cut power and signaled her surrender.
The Federated Suns had reclaimed what they had lost.

Losses, Battles of Mandaree and Sanurcha
TCN:  FF Iberia x 4, 36 Fighter
FS: 8 Fighters, 1 Dropship, $500M in repairs

Part 3 “De L'audace, Encore De L'audace, Et Toujours De L'audace”

The Sun’s reply did not stop there.  Over the coming weeks, each squadron worked its way deeper into the Taurian Concordat, relying on the supplies carried by their fleet colliers and in the bellies of the new, larger dropships resting on their jumpships.

Task force Blue moved past Mandaree along a path through Flintoff, Midale, Jansen’s Hold, MacLeod’s Land, and eventually New Vandenburg.  Task force Gold had a shorter road but a sterner target, as they jumped from Sanurcha on through Merope, Carmichael, New Ganymede, and finally to Taurus.

Along the way the Federated Suns were rapacious and thorough.  Jumping in just beyond the apex or nadir points, and leaving the paired destroyers with their jumpships for security, their lighter vessels and carriers ravened their way through each system in turn, striking at jumpships, dropships, orbital infrastructure, whatever they could find that moved through space and held value.  Defenders were always given the opportunity to surrender and take to lifeboats, though rarely was the offer made twice.
Within two months, the Federated Suns Squadrons were closing on the two most valuable Taurian Worlds, New Vandenburg and Taurus itself.  Their destinations were soon obvious, and Protector Calderon called in every vessel he could find, sacrificing the worlds along the road to concentrate his forces.

Raiding Losses, Part 3
TCN:  8 Recharge Stations, 12 Jumpships, 17 Dropships, 5B Economy Loss

The First Battle of Taurus

Over Taurus, the Federated Suns Task Force Blue found itself matched by a squadron of 8 Iberia Frigates and a surprise – a new vessel, the size of a Gladius, and of unknown capabilities.  Admiral Carstairs had no way of knowing that the new Taurian vessel was barely done fitting out and not yet suitable for combat, and not liking the odds, turned to avoid an intercept.  Further, his ability to maneuver was constrained by the heavy asteroid belts.  The Taurian forces came out to do battle, and Carstairs responded by splitting his forces, sending the faster ships off on a delta-v path that the defenders could not catch.   If the defenders continued to run down Carstairs heavier units, the lighter ones would escape their intercept envelope and circle around to burn the Taurian orbitals.  If they themselves split in response, their slower ships would be vulnerable to enemy concentration and defeat in detail.  The Taurian squadron retired to guard the planet, and Carstairs to the outer system, beyond the Nadir Jump Point, with no shots fired.  And so matters stood over Taurus, for a time.

Roughly a week later, Task Force Gold jumped in over New Vandenburg.

The Battle of New Vandenburg

The fight over New Vandenburg was short and sharp.  Taurian Admiral Jenkins brought his squadron of four Iberias, along with a finished and fully capable Auroch Class Destroyer, out to meet the Federated Suns Task Group.  Adm. Jenkins feared that a fight closer to the world would allow ships to slip past and destroy the yards, as they had obviously come to do, and so he tucked his dropships in close to the battle line and accelerated towards the Federated Suns group.

Unfortunately, the lighter Iberia, even with their newly refitted armor, were not designed to stand for long in close battle.  Nearly three dozen dropships and almost 400 fighters dueled with slightly fewer of their Fedsuns counterparts, but the heavy fire from Task Force Gold quickly removed the Dropships from the close combat picture, and by staying in close defense of their parent vessels, the Fedsuns fighters were able to blunt the Taurian attackers and overcome their greater numbers.  Soon the Frigates were dropping out of the line, and while the Auroch itself dealt heavy damage to the armor belt of the FSN Kopis, she was unable to breach those defenses before FSN Tanto came to her sister's aid and left the Aurochs an air-bleeding hulk.

Surrender was offered and accepted by the Taurian survivors, and shortly thereafter lifeboats were taken and the orbital infrastructure of New Vandenburg scuttled.  Neither world nor nation would soon recover.

Losses, Battle of New Vandenburg:
TCN:  4 Iberia, 1 Aurochs, 370 Fighters, 32 Dropships, New Vandenburg Yards, 10B Economy Loss
FSN:  2 B in repairs, 1 light dropship, 128 Fighters

The Second Battle of Taurus – “Don’t make us come back.”

Task force Blue had been ordered to carry on to New Vandenburg if it was able to complete operations over Taurus.  If it did not appear in short order, Task force Gold was under orders to double back to Taurus to finish any work left undone.  After a trip through Flaum, Task Force Gold joined Blue at a prearranged point just beyond the Nadir, and the combined forces made their way to Taurus itself, at a strength only slightly diminished by minor fighter and armor losses over the preceding weeks.
In the meantime, TCN Apis had been made suitable for combat operations, if still not up to full capability, and in concert with the 8 Iberia class Frigates that had waited on her, she and her siblings came out to meet the combined Fedsuns Task Forces.

Order of Battle, 2nd Taurus:
FSN:  4x DD Gladius, 2xCV Hornet, 2xSC Terrier, 4xFF Rapier
TCN:  8xFF Iberia, 1x DD Aurochs

The result was only slightly less inevitable than gravity.  The combined FSN task forces had complete fighter superiority, and were able to leverage the greater resilience of their Destroyers to bully the lighter Taurian ships as they closed.  The Aurochs was again a capable combatant, but badly out numbered and swarmed down.  The Tauran forces fought as only a group with its backs to the wall can.  FSN Kopis took focused fire from the dying Aurochs and her Iberia consorts, and was lost along with FSN Cutlass as the lighter vessel attempted to relieve her.  Still, the greater armor, firepower, and airpower of the Federated Suns fleet ground down the TCN, even as the brave Taurian captains fought, literally at times, until the last gasp.

With the fleet disposed of, matters preceded over Taurus as they had over New Vandenburg, with the Taurians given the opportunity to abandon their orbital infrastructure shortly before it would be blown out from under them.  Taken with new Vandenburg, the heart of the Taurian Economy had been crippled for generations.
That done, the FSN transmitted a brief message before retiring for home.

Losses, Second Battle of Taurus
TCN:  8x FF Iberia, 1x DD Aurochs, 418 Fighters, 42 Light Dropships, Taurus Yards, 15B in Economy Loss.
FS:  Gladius, Rapier, 12 Light Dropships, 224 Fighters, 18B Repairs
Other Effects:  Federated Suns less likely to be attacked for some tim

TCN:  FF Iberia x 16, DD Auroch x2,  824  Fighters, 8x Recharge Stations, 12x Jumpships, 91 x Dropships, 30B Economy, New Vandenburg Yards, Tarus Yards
FS: DD Gladius x1, FF Rapier x1, 360 Fighters, 14 Dropship, $20.5 in repairs

Stealing a Pearl from a Dragon:  The Jerzesko Campaign

Part 1 - Rasalhague Goes A-Viking at Jezersko

All through the early years of the 2370s Elected Prince Sven Anitisson tried to force Admiral Jorgensson to launch a counter-attack to retake Jezersko from the Draconis Combine, and while the Admiral was unable to completely dissuade him from this plan, he did convince the Prince to wait until the fleet had been returned to fighting condition. This lasted until 2376 when the Admiral was told to either launch the attack or the Prince would lead it himself.

The initial assault consisted of both Alpha and Beta Squadrons storming the system together unopposed only by the Tenshu-class station, only recently finished in orbit over Jezersko. A merchant jumpship was parked at the nadir point, and it promptly fled towards the closest DCA naval base in Alshain to raise the alarm. The result of the battle was a foregone conclusion, with the Tenshu having little hope against almost the entire Rasalhague Navy but the crew resolved to do its duty as best they could and die well.

The Tenshu focused its fire on the largest of the PRN vessels: the PoRS Myrskyn Katkaisija, under the belief that the enemy admiral would surely be aboard her and her destruction might sow enough confusion among the Rasalhagians to allow them to live long enough to destroy another ship. Over a hundred Barracuda missiles were fired at the Lola-class Destroyer over the course of just the first two minutes, and despite the efforts of the fleet's PDS and fighter complement, many found their mark punching dozens of holes in the armour and damaging many systems across the ship, including neutralising almost all of the port side naval guns and crippling the engines. Those two minutes was all it got however, as the return fire was equally murderous, rapidly turning the defense satellite into two hundred kilotons of expanding dust cloud as it’s magazines detonated.

That explosion in orbit seemed to be the cue for thousands of Rasalhagian loyalists to come out of the woodwork in revolt, causing chaos for the Kuritan defenders on the ground although the main invasion wouldn’t happen for a few days, as the transports had waited until the system was clear before jumping in. After the battle in orbit was over the PoRS Myrskyn Katkaisija was withdrawn to Rasalhague for repairs and would take no further part in the campaign.

PRN Losses: Lola damaged ($1.5B repair bill), 18 Fighters Lost.
DCA Losses: Tenshu Destroyed, 72 Fighters lost, 18 Small Craft Lost

Part 2: Commerce Raiding Ahoy!

Word of the Rasalhagian counter-attack was passed from one ship to another until it finally reached Battlegroup Kato based in Alshain one week later, with Admiral Boris Zaytsev sending the word down the command circuit to New Samarkand, though it would not get there for a further two weeks. Rather than wait for orders however, Admiral Zaytsev quickly mobilised the force under his command and set sail towards the sound of the guns, metaphorically speaking.

In the meantime word of the attack had started spreading across Kuritan space and Commodore Sasuke Niigata, commander of one of the patrol squadrons with a pair of Kutai at his command took it upon himself to try to distract the Rasalhagian fleet at Jezersko before the Fleets inevitable response came from Alshain. Going into the system itself while so many PRN vessels was suicide, so instead he took his raiding party to Last Frontier before turning coreward. Despite initial success, destroying a pair of merchant jumpships in Trondheim he soon found himself having to evade a pair of Rim World Navy destroyers that had been alerted to the Kuritans presence when they passed through Last Frontier and had been hunting Niigata and his squadron ever since. They never got close enough to engage but fear of the larger vessels kept the DCA ships away from the primary jump points, which limited their potential victims.

PRN Losses: 1B Economy damage due to civilian losses
DCA Losses: 6 Fighters Lost, 1 Small Craft Lost

Part 3: The Combine Returns

It was a full month after the initial assault before the Combine fleet arrived, jumping into the outer reaches of the system, much further out than would be expected in order to avoid detection as long as possible. After arrival Admiral Zaytsev ordered the fleet to close on the colony, with the Kutai (DCS Midway) in front to make full use of its superior sensors. The Combine flotilla’s approach was slow, having done just a short burn in-system before coasting the rest of the way in. This meant their transit took significantly longer than it could have, but also kept the Rasalhagian ships from detecting them until they started their deceleration burn less than an hour from the colony.

The Rasalhagian ships had been dispersed in different orbits around the planet in case any Kuritan dropship tried to land to resupply or rescue the few remaining DCMS forces on the ground. Because of this with under an hour's warning they were just getting into formation and dragging themselves out of the planet’s gravity well by the time the DCA ships entered range. Admiral Jorgensson ordered his ships to keep the range open and to focus fire on the DCS Kato (Ikioi-class) while Zaytsev commanded his ships to focus on both Vittoria-class vessels, both hoping to remove what they believed to be the most powerful ships the enemy had. Both sides held their fighters back to provide additional anti-missile defense as needed.

The remaining momentum from it’s journey in-system did allow the DCS Kato to close to the limit of their onboard class-40 Naval Autocannons range, but the superior thrust of the Rasalhague vessels prevented it from staying that close for long. The one NAC/40 that could be brought to bear only scored a single hit, but after the earlier hits from the other guns from the Kato or DCS Isonami (Fubuki-class) it penetrated deep into the PRNS Kirves and detonated inside the magazine, leaving it adrift and very nearly split in half. At the same time the DCS Uranami, Satsuki (Fubuki and Fubuki II-class respectively) and DCS Midway blazed away at the PRNS Miekka trying to knock it out of the fight quickly, with limited success in the early stages of the battle.

While the Kirves was dying, the combined fire of the Rasalhague fleet had finally managed to burn through the thick hide of the Kato knocking out multiple weapons and blinding it’s sensors, before a Killer Whale lucky enough to make it through the cloud of PD fire found one of the many holes in the Kato’s side and penetrated all the way to the K-F Drive, irrevocably wrecking it in the resulting explosion. With the DCS Kato’s spine broken and more of the crew dead than alive, Admiral Zaytsev gave the order to abandon ship and transferred command of the fleet to Captain Shinji Itami onboard the DCS Satsuki, while the admiral himself stayed on the bridge of his ship, refusing to leave while any of the crew remained on board.

With the Kato beginning to break up the PRN turned it’s attention to the pair of Fubuki-class Destroyers, with all six Hund IIs turning to face them while the Miekka with the substantial damage it had taken by this time attempted to disengage. By this time the Naval Comms Scanner Suite onboard the DCS Midway had determined the source of most of the PRNs radio traffic, and thus the most likely place their commanding admiral could be found: the PRNS Hund.

Admiral Jorgensson’s insistence at leading from the front would result in his death, with all of the remaining Kuritan ships focusing their efforts on his vessel to get revenge for Admiral Zaytsev. The Hund II is a well built ship for it’s size, but it could not withstand the combined firepower of 3 DCA destroyers for long, though it did last long enough for the Rasalhagian return fire to do serious damage to the DCS Isonami, knocking out several of its Naval Autocannons and leaving it unable to recover fighters for the remainder of the battle.

Still in the end the PRNS Hund was a broken wreck within a few short minutes and with Admiral Jorgensson’s death the Rasalhague ships broke off to regroup, only to find the Combine vessels doing the same before they were hailed by Captain Itami, requesting a ceasefire. He told the Rasalhagian ships that he was willing to withdraw his ships after performing operations to rescue any survivors of the broken ships, with any survivors found by either party to be returned to a ship of their nation before the Combine vessels went home. The captains of the remaining PRN ships told Itami they needed to talk it over amongst themselves, and the debate raged for over an hour. Most of them believed that they could still be victorious on the battlefield today, with their remaining vessels being enough to outlast the Kuritans present. The counter argument from the other captains was that while they would win today, the DCA had more ships and they could very well be on their way and further losses would leave them reliant on the Rim Worlders to pull them out of the fire again.

In the end the Rasalhague flotilla agreed with Captain Itami’s proposal and after a S&R operation that went on for over 12 hours and nearly broke out into a firefight on multiple occasions, the surviving crews and as many bodies of the fallen as could be found were recovered, and the 4 remaining DCA vessels, most with some amount of damage burned for the Zenith point, shadowed by the Rasalhague vessels just in case, before jumping back to their own territory.

PoR Losses:    1 x Hund II Destroyed (PRNS Hund), 1 x Vittoria Destroyed (PRNS Kirves)
      1 x Vittoria Damaged (PRNS Miekka) - $2Bil repair bill,
      2 x Hund II Damaged (PRNS Varg, Kant) - $1.2Bil repair bill total,
      12 Small Craft lost, 20 Fighters lost

DC Losses:    1 x Ikioi Destroyed (DCS Kato), 1 x Fubuki Badly Damaged (DCS Isonami) - $2 Bil repair bill,
      1 x Fubuki and 1 x Fubuki II Damaged (DCS Uranami and Satsuki) - $1Bil repair bill,
      1 Dropship lost, 20 Small Craft Lost, 30 Fighters Lost

Campaign Totals -
   PoR -    1 Hund II Destroyed, 1 Vittoria Destroyed, 1 Lola Damaged, 1 Vittoria Damaged,
2 Hund II  Damaged, 12 Small Craft lost, 38 Fighters Lost
Total repair bill - $4.7Bil

DC -    1 Ikioi Destroyed, 1 Tenshu Destroyed, 2 Fubuki Damaged, 1 Fubuki II Damaged,
   1 Dropship lost, 39 Small Craft lost, 54 Fighters lost
   Total repair bill - $3Bil

Jezersko now back in PoR hands, -1 Bil from DC economy, +1 Bil to PoR economy.

Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: marcussmythe on 09 May 2020, 07:54:12
Blood for Iron:  The Giausar Conflict, 2377 (2 of 2)

The world of Giausar lay almost unnoticed on the edge of the periphery, adjacent to both the Free Worlds League and the Lyran Commonwealth, but claimed by neither.  Long colonized by German expatriates from the Terran Alliance, by the early 2360s Giausar had burgeoning, but low tech, mineral extraction and export based industry.
What Giausar did not realize is that they were sitting on a goldmine.  Specific properties of the Iron and Aluminum deposits on Giausar made them especially suitable for the manufacture of Ferro-Aluminium and Improved Ferro-Aluminum Armors coming to be more and more in demand by the burgeoning warship race of the Inner Sphere.  These qualities attracted the interest of the Shipil company out of Skye, and that of Imstar Aerospace out of Atreus.
Both companies set up operations on Giausar, and quickly came into conflict over mineral rights (it appears that the government of Giausar had over-promised in its deals with the corporations, and literally could not honor both contracts).

By 2377, matters came to a head.  A massive deposit of ‘Giausar Sweet’ Ore had been extracted and was prepared for shipping by Imstar.  At the same time, Shipil company was insisting that the Imstar extraction was from Shipil territory, and they were in fact entitled to their share of the ore.  Matters quickly came to blows between the miners and corporate representatives, with loader-mechs engaging in inefficient fisticuffs at the Starport, and representatives of both companies lobbying wildly for Duke Thomas Freiburg to intervene on their behalf (despite the fact that either company had more armed forces on the planet than Giausar did itself!)

Unable to settle their differences and screaming accusations of piracy at one another as the squabbled-over ore sat in the spaceport, each called to its government headquarters, and the navies of each nation responded.

Butting Heads

The Free Worlds were the first to respond.  A pair of Marik Class Destroyers, FWLS Thermopolis and Kalidasa, had been on patrol towards the peripheral reach of the Lyran Border, and were quickly able to respond.  Burning in from the Nadir point, they were just reaching turnover when the Imstar Aerospace facility on-world relayed word to them of a squadron level emergence wave at the Zenith jumppoint.
Of course, at the same time, information about the incoming Marik contingent was relayed by the Shipil representatives to the LCN Squadron.   The LCN Freyer, one of the new Mjolnir class heavy cruisers, in company of the Sontra class Corvette Vor, as well as one of the massive Nehalennia transports, had been dispatched from New Kyoto in response to Shipil’s cries for aid.

Both companies had told their respective governments somewhat.. exaggerated.. versions of events going on on-world, and both squadron commanders were relying on word from their on-world allies.  By the time Admiral Zeno’s FWL Squadron had reached orbit, he was convinced that Shipil company thugs were in process of breaking down their doors.  Meanwhile, the Lyran Admiral Gibbons was certain that he was the only thing that could protect Lyran interests on world from hastily-armed Imstar Aerospace Workmechs that were apparently assaulting the Shipil mining bases.

Admiral Zeno knew he was likely outweighed, but knew equally well that he could not simply abandon the world to the LCN.  Holding his squadron over the world's south pole, opposite the incoming LC units, he went quiet, waiting for word from his allies on the ground.

Admiral Gibbons knew that something was waiting for him over Giausar but had no way of knowing what.  Moving close to the planet, the 2nd Skye Rangers began to deploy to the planet, covered by the Lyran Commonwealth Squadrons.  On report of this and knowing that the landing would limit the Lyran’s ability to maneuver, Admiral Zeno brought Thermopolis and Kalidasa came around the planet at the highest speed possible that still allowed an intercept.

The engagement was short and sharp.  The first conflict was in the air of Giausar, where the FWL fighter squadrons were sent ahead to contest the LCN landing.  Though outnumbered, they managed to bring down two LCN Dropships and inflict minor losses to the LCN fighter squadrons, though at a terrible cost.  Still, this not only eliminated two companies of the Skye Rangers 3rd Battalion, but kept the LCN Fighter advantage from impacting the battle above, as they were short on fuel and ammunition by the time the landing was complete.

In the space above, the two Marik Destroyers were boring in on the Mjolnir and its smaller cousin.  Packing the Vor in tight behind her, the Mjolnir laid her broadside to face the incoming attack.

Mjolnir had been designed to fight at long ranges, and the Marik ambush had denied her that.  Still, her massive broadsides of heavy naval PPCs gave her firepower on par with the Marik Autocannon.. and outranged them.  Concentrating fire on the Kalidasa, the destroyer was staggered, but able to maintain her acceleration and return fire as the range closed.  Heavy autocannon barrages scored armor up and down the Mjolnir’s flanks, forcing her to roll ship to present her undamaged flank.

Continued fire destroyed much of Kalidasa’s armament, and when her CIC was burned out by a penetrating hit, she was ordered out of the fight.  Thermopolis overshot Mjolnir, and realizing that he did not have enough fire left to take advantage of the weakened armor on the cruiser, switched his guns to the now exposed Vor.   Badly damaged by the Destroyers guns, Vor maneuvered for Thermopolis’s baffles, pouring quad NPPC fire into her aft section while the Mjolnir continued to score her sides.  The badly outgunned Thermopolis returned fire as she could, silencing one of Mjolnir’s starboard turrets, but was losing armament, armor, and air under the larger ships guns.

But this was not the only resource the FWL had to hand.  Both of the destroyers mounted copious drop collars, and the FWL itself has more jumpship resources than any other power – including the Terran Hegemony itself.  More than two dozen dropships had come with the FWL Squadron, and of those, a dozen were heavily armed assault boats.  Though usually not risked against a warships guns, here, there were few choices.

Diving into the larger ships, the FWL Droppers maneuvered close, like superheavy fighters, seeking to exploit the damage done by the Destroyer’s battle pass.  Relatively light weaponry was still dangerous to the exposed flanks of Mjolnir, and she moved her fire from Thermopolis to the dropships chewing at her flanks.

This allowed Thermopolis to escape destruction, but at terrible cost.  Dropships were never meant to stand up to the fire of a warship, and the Mjolnir’s guns massed nearly as much as the Dropships she was engaging.  Once Thermpolis’s escape was assured, the ragged remnants pulled out of the fight and burned to catch up.

With the FWL squadron flying out of engagement range, and unable to abandon his landing lest he risk the more agile enemy coming around him to attack the landing forces, Admiral Gibbons held position while Admiral Zeno brought his two badly damaged destroyers and their attendant dropships together, and made for the jump point.  Given the presence of LC Mechs on the ground, and LC Warships in the air, matters between Shipil and Imstar were quickly settled in Shipil’s favor, and a quiet diplomatic meeting (and promise of future protection) between Admiral Gibbons and Duke Freiburg brought Giausar into the Lyran sphere of influence.
Order of Battle:

FWLN Squadron:
2xDD Marik:
FWLS Thermopolis w/12 Fighters
FWLS Kalidasa w/12 Fighters
94 Total Fighters
LCN Squadron:
1xCA Mjolnir
LCN Freyr, w/72 Fighters
1x Snotra 1z
LCN Vor, w/ 30 Fighters
1xNehalennia Transport
10 DS
150 Total Fighters
Outcomes and Losses:
FWL: 76 Fighters, 12 Dropships, DD Kalidasa Crippled, 5B Repair, DD Thermopolis Crippled 4B Repair

LC:    12 Fighters, 2 Dropships, FF Vor Crippled, 4B Repair, CA Mjolnir Heavy Damage, 2B Repair, Lyran Commonwealth gains Giausar, 2B Economy.

A Decade in Review

The 2370s were among the most violent since the Hegemony’s reconquest of its neighbors.  For the most part, few worlds conclusively changed hands, but the seeds of future conflict were planted.  The ongoing struggle between Rasalhague and the Combine threatened to draw more and more of their neighbors into its sprawl, and the Combine was forced to accept that it would have to either make the Principality of Rasalhague a priority (and accept risk on its other borders) or resign itself to this conquest remaining beyond its grasp.  The impact of static defense stations on the battle at Jezersko was also noted by naval theorists, justifying the the large battlestations built by the Draconis Combine and the Federated Suns (though the proper armament for such, as well as the probity of the ‘microbats’ preferred by the Capellan Confederation was still much debated).

To the South, the Federated Suns campaign against the Taurian Concordat showed the importance of strategic surprise, and the weakness that a lack of strategic depth forced upon smaller powers.  Observers note, however, that the FSN’s success against the TCN was based in large part on the fact that the FSN did not allow itself to be bogged down by invasion fleets and holding territory - had the FSN attempted to take and hold a world or two before slowly moving on, the TCN could have regained the initiative and chosen where and when to strike back.  This has lead to a ‘New School’ in several Naval Colleges, which holds that while the seat of naval purpose may be on planetary soil, the best way to achieve that purpose is to focus not on the planets, but on the enemy’s naval resources and shipyards, breaking their ability to contest the space over their worlds and allowing a follow-on conquest.

Small conflicts between the Free Worlds League and the Lyran Commonwealth showed the value of the Commonwealth’s focus on heavy armor and armament, but at the same time, the ability of the FWL to dictate the pace of engagement was noted to let them ‘flee any fight they couldn’t win, and win every fight that they could’.  More traditional big gun theorists did not hesitate to point out that when you trade armament for speed, you may well be giving up the ability to win the battle that matters.

The growing intensity and stakes of conflict was the beginning of the Age of War, though it would be many years before hindsight recognized it.

Turn 4 Budgets
TH      775
DC      365
FS      366
CC      343
FWL      352
LC      341
RWR      157
POR      91
UHC      68
TC      101
MH      67
IP      44
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 09 May 2020, 16:35:42
And the Map, circa 2380:
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: truetanker on 09 May 2020, 23:01:58
Marian Hegemony 2380

Code: [Select]
Turn : 4
Year: 2380                Value in Millions
Money Available 76.383

Available Shipyards

Alphard  1x Level 1
         1x Level 2


Maintanence 50% >
Scapha I 4x       4.131 each          8.262
Scapha II        2x           4.119                      4.119
Augustus         2x           6.225                      6.225
Jumpships 15x         500                  3.750
Dropships 40x         300                  6.000
Fighters 2612x         5                  6.530
Small Craft      636x         10                  3.180
Stations 23x            470                      3.760

Construction        Unit Price

Yards            :
Stations : 6x Sexta Hora-class Station           2.820
Warships : 2x Scapha ( I and II each )           8.250
Jumpships : 16x                                   8.000
Dropships : 24x                                   7.200
Fighters : 1800x                                 9.000
Small Craft      : 720x                                  6.000
Research :

Researched : Vehical Drop Chutes

Total Spent                 75.827 B

Income Remaining                                          .556 M

Marian Action News Network ( MANN )
Nova Roma, Alphard
Alphard Amphitheatre , Nova Roma

Imperator Kortan walks to the podium wearing a respirator mask, he sounds horse and gravely when he speaks.

" Sons and daughters of the Marian Hegemony, your destiny beckons. Stand with your brothers and sisters, stand with me, and together we will be undefeated. The past is our faith, the present is our strength, and the future... the future is our birthright! Sons and daughters of Alphard, the path toward a better tomorrow stretches out before us. Toward a future that is golden and eternal. But our journey together must cross a wilderness of hatred and bigotry, a landscape of lies seeded by the venom of our old enemy. Our foe knows us. They fear us. But we must not underestimate them, while they cower and snipe from beneath their veneer of civility and freedom, are soulless and hollow. They make their pithy, mewling claims of liberty and righteousness, and all the while, they look upon the face of the our little Hegemony with loathing and disgust. The enemy sees us as abominations, mutant freaks fit only for killing. To the foe we are less than human, but they will learn their mistake, my people. We will show them the iron and steel beneath our flesh. We shall cast them against the unbreakable rock of our collective will. We will make them realize the truth that we know in our hearts: that our race, the Marian nation, is the next step in the evolution of mankind. When we came to Alphard we were lost, a broken collection of exiles on the verge of death. At first we thought our new world would poison and destroy us. How wrong we were, our Caesar saw what was in every one of us, our strength and our indestructible spirit, and made it manifest. The great change was the rebirth of our people. A people fit to stride the stars and shatter our enemies. Sons and daughters of Alphard, you are the embodiment of that glorious legacy, the inheritors of the victory that we fight for every day. You alone are fit to forge the future and the destiny of our species. History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid or to dictate our path! When you granted me the privilege of your leadership, I, Kortan, your Imperator, willingly sacrificed myself to the engine of our nation. Our guns never tire, and we have beaten back the foe! Sent them... running! The path we have chosen is not an easy one. Struggle is the father of all things and true virtue lies in bloodshed. But we will not tire, we will not falter, we will not fail! In the blood of our warriors comes the price we must pay. Blood alone moves the wheels of history. And we will be resolute! We will fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win our just triumph! " he rasps as he pounds his fist in repetitive fashion to emphasize his words.

" It is with great pleasure I call upon Prefects Magnus, Octavia and Romunus, your fellow Legionnaire Generals of the Hegemony. " he continues. " They will speak next, hear them sons and daughters, and hear them well. " as the Imperator exits.

A large muscular man and a slim woman in uniform approaches the podium, followed by a thin male with tiny glasses perched on top of his heavy black mustache.

The imposing man starts first, " I am Prefect Magnus, General of the Hegemony Legions, this is Prefect Octavia of the Logista. We both have an important job, mine is to oversee the training and deployments of our legions. " he states. " Mine is to do the same, but make sure we have enough spares for everyone. " Prefect Octavia sqeeks, while the thin man glances at her. " And I am Prefect Romonus of the Hegemony's Vigiles Urbani. That's the inner security of our realm, I run the police and fire departments. " said Romonus.

" What we are trying to say, is that without you, the people of Hegemony, there isn't a Hegemony. Measures have been taken to use some of the Navy's extra cargo and troop ships to help facilitate colonization of recently acquired planets. " he said, glancing at Romunus. Octavia speaks again, " In matters of our Caesar, we need to support our troops, anything helps. HAIL CAESAR! Eternal power to Kortan! " she exclaims chest thumping the official salute, as the crowds scream in reply...  Lights fade for a state authorized commercial.

Upbeat music plays while some little kids in a sandbox play happily, when some older teenagers wearing purple eagles start kicking the sand at them. " Hey! Don't do that! " said a small one, as one of the older one's starts kicking sand in a little girl's face. " What'cha gonna do, go cry? " as they walk away laughing. The little boy stares after them... ( A montague of scenes appear next, showing the little kids beefing up in Marian Hegemony Mobile Infantry outfits, running over obstacles and perseveres. ) The next scene has the same teenagers arriving to do some more mischief... like kicking some more sand around, the teenagers were caught surprised as the smaller kids formed up ranks and pushed them back. Last scene has the little kid standing over the beaten teenage, his purple eagle ripped, with shock on his face. " But how? " he whines. " I am a proud soldier of the Marian Hegemony and a Citizen! " states the little one proudly as he looks from the teenager to the tri-vid. " Service guarantees citizenship. Will you do your part? " he asks. Commercial fades...

Romunus starts to speak, " I have to say, that commercial gives me pride to be a Marian Hegemony soldier! And as a Citizen, I have rights to more actions than before. Even though I was born a lowly plebeian, I did my best and served my Caesar with pride, and have reached Prefect status thru hard work, duty and dedication! So can you! " he turns and salutes the Hegemony flag. Magnus and Octavia turn as well to salute the flag, as Imperator Kortan approaches the podium once more.

" My people, with greatness comes responsibility and with this stated I wear our wounds like badges of honor. Alphard is ours, and we will die before we let it fall to plunderers. That is why your leaders dare not make a martyr out of you. Per Caesar O'Riley's orders, Prefect Romomus stand before me, and except this rank of Aquilifer for service honored in the Marian Legios. " Romonus was shocked into tears as he excepted it, with the rank of Aquilifer, he had shone that anyone could get honors, even plebeian born.

Combat schedule
Current Doctrine : Deploying Scapha I's ( S1 ), Scapha II's ( S2 ) and Augustus ( A ) to targets, each unit has a Jumpship with supplies on board unless noted. Battle fleets are ( B# ) followed by a number.

Operation: Biscuit II
B1 consists of S1 Alphard and Scapha with S2 Unicornis to Paulinus, Login Prime and Stetin. JS Prawn, JS Shrimp, JS Bagel and JS Toast. ( Bagel and Toast carry 10 aerofighters, for defense. Prawn and Shrimp carry supplies. )

Operation: Waffle II
B2 consist of S1 Pompey, S2 Troglodytam and A Sagittarii to Mondra, Klienwlt and Thraxa. JS Giovanni, JS Bread, JS Cake and JS Pie ( Bread, Cake and Pie carry 10 aerofighters for defense, also are carrying droppers loaded with Legionnaires. Giovanni carries supplies. )

Operation : Cookie
B3 consist of S1 : Titus, S2 Pallidi and A Pilum to Forbisher and McEvedy's Folly. JS Spina, JS Strawberry, JS Apple and JS Grape ( Apple, Grape and Strawberry carry 10 aerofighters for defense, also are carrying droppers loaded with Legionnaires. Spina carries supplies. )

Operation: Flowerpot III
S1 : Maximus to St. Andreas, JS Legio to carry supplies, JS Plata and JS Oro on special duties with Maximus. They are carrying three dropships configured with Ala bays ( 10 asf each : 6 Falcon and 4 Bueto ).

Every planet has two Sextra Hora stations, except Alphard, it has five surrounding the shipyards and zenith and nadir jumppoints. The remaining Jumpships are arranged so that every planet shares one on a routine, the rest is use to transport citizens to open plants for colonization. ( 10 open JS, rest assigned to duties and or planet routes. ( 11 and 10 respectfully. ) Also every station has 100 ASF and 20 SC assigned to each, not 108 and 24.

** Later I'll make a Sector, carved of planets, and assigned each with the forces. ) **

Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: kindalas on 09 May 2020, 23:24:44
Budget it up.

Lots of Fluff incoming and some generic unit designs.

Code: [Select]
Lyran Commonwealth, Turn Beginning 2380 Value/Cost
Funds: $612.00
Revenue: $341,000.00
Shipyards: Alarion: 4/0/2 $110,000.00
New Kyoto:  0/2 $45,000.00
Tamar: 0/2 $45,000.00
Warships:  Heimdaller 1a 6 $38,250.00
Snotra 1a 8 $38,544.00
Mjolnir 4 $32,596.00
Mjolnir 1a 4 $32,908.00
Jumpships:  Nehalennia Tender 2 $7,916.00
Nehalennia Transport 34 $60,758.00
Invader 3 $1,500.00
Space Stations: Ribe 200 $28,800.00
Rán Customs Station 400 $8,000.00
Dropships:  Light 143 $42,900.00
Small Craft 1350 $13,500.00
Fighters: 2488 $12,440.00
Assets: $859,724.00

Expenses Number Cost
Maintenance $159,056.00
Repair $6,000.00
R&D: Fero Aluminium $22,050.00
R&D: ECM $44,100.00
R&D: SRM $35,280.00
Production:  Heimdaller 1a 2 $12,750.00
Production:  Ribe 50 $7,200.00
Production:  Rán Customs Station 0 $-   
Production:  Nehalennia Tender 2 $7,916.00
Production:  Nehalennia Transport 2 $3,574.00
Production:  Snotra 1a 0 $-   
Production:  Mjolnir 0 $-   
Production:  Mjolnir 1a 0 $-   
Alarion 2 lvl 1 to lvl 2 $20,000.00
Jumpship Production: $500.00 0 $-   
Dropship Production: Light $300.00 57 $17,100.00
Small Craft: $10.00 150 $1,500.00
Fighters: $5.00 512 $2,560.00
Total: $339,086.00

Lyran Commonwealth, Turn Ending 2380 Value/Cost
Funds: $2,526.00
Shipyards: Alarion: 2/2/2 $130,000.00
New Kyoto:  0/2 $45,000.00
Tamar: 0/2 $45,000.00
Warships:  Heimdaller 1a 8 $51,000.00
Snotra 1a 8 $38,544.00
Mjolnir 4 $32,596.00
Mjolnir 1a 4 $32,908.00
Jumpships:  Nehalennia Tender 4 $15,832.00
Nehalennia Transport 36 $64,332.00
Space Stations: Ribe 250 $36,000.00
Rán Customs Station 400 $8,000.00
Jumpships: 3 $1,500.00
Dropships:  Light 200 $60,000.00
Small Craft 1500 $15,000.00
Fighters: 3000 $15,000.00
Assets: $593,238.00
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: UnLimiTeD on 10 May 2020, 20:07:11
Draconis Combine, 2380 - Turn 4

With the preceding decade approaching its final resolution, Tenno Kurita allowed himself a moment of reflection.
The past years had been concerning. The integration of Rasalhague had stalled. Had his father been wrong?
No, it had rallied the people, gave them a purpose while the nation was still forming.
His thoughts moved to his other borders.
The Lyran Commonwealth was still amassing forces with no one to really check them. Maybe their recent involvement with the free worlds would keep their attention.
Tensions with the Hegemony had long cooled. The combine posed no threat to them, and little opportunity.
The Federated Suns had recently wiped the Taurian Navy off the map. It would take decades for them to recover. His officers were not sure how they amassed the necessary fleet so quickly; Incoming reports suggested they had stripped the border fleets. And no one of his intelligence network had noticed.
He allowed himself a moment of irritation.
At least, no one had seen fit to forward any possible reports upwards.

Still, he could not help but think that things could have gone worse. Somehow, he had that feeling.
Straightening his features, he moved to meet today's nobles and sit through the issues of the day.
The combine would yet grow.

The Rasalhague conflict
The mood in the board room was grim. As much as it could be with everyone keeping their composure and trying hard to not be emotional or speak out of turn.
Just when the principality had served their purpose, these insolent barbarians had struck and attacked Jezersko.
The coordinator had appeared collected, of course always thinking ahead of them - but they just knew he had to be furious.
Twice now, the Navy had failed - failed to protect their assets on the ground, failed to support the heroic ground troops of the combine fighting for his glory.
What captain Itami had done was inexcusable. But it was also the right thing to do - the coordinator would not appreciate sacrificing a third of the combine's fleet power to hold on to a backwater planet with little economic significance. They knew that.
The oldest among them, when ... not entirely sober ... would occasionally remark that Tenno was not his father, but they all knew he was a capable administrator.
There was little to do but swallow their pride and do better the next time. Not all was bad.
The new stations had proven to be a deterrent, if one that wouldn't stand up to a warship fleet.
And while the Rasalhagians had expended all their efforts on reclaiming Jezersko, Radstadt, the Combine's earliest conquest in the conflict, had been conspicuously ignored, a fact that Combine propaganda didn't fail to capitalise on.
The world had been left to partial autonomy - under the watchful eyes of the ministry of internal affairs, of course - and while it would be many decades, the determination of its inhabitants would weaken.
Just in case, the world would be included in the defensive up-armament programme due to reinforce the Combine's yard systems. The dragon would not tolerate further humiliation.

The fleet battle, though ultimately unsuccessful, had shown the value of fleet exercises and formations in keeping fire focused and the fleet able to act in case of a loss of command.
The Ikioi concept had proven itself, drawing disproportionate amounts of fire, though that would maybe make it less suitable of being a command vessel in the future.

To honour the quick reaction, and heroic sacrifice, of Admiral Zaytsev, it was originally planned to upgrade the Alshain Yards to finally be able to fully maintain and replace destroyer squadrons, but such a move had to be postponed. Instead, the system would, until needed elsewhere, be the home of the new yard jumpship the technicians had thought up to allow mobile fleet maintenance.
The fleet's ships had taken extensive damage, and construction of a new Flag ship would take time, albeit one was in construction already. Erstwhile, the fleet was replaced by the reserve fleet and recalled to the Luthien yards for repairs. Given the resources already required for regular repair, it was decided to turn repair into refit and bring the Isonami and Uranami up to Block II standard.

Some officers were tasked with drawing up new plans for a Naval offensive, in case the coordinator or his immediate successor would order further action, and their meeting came to a close.

Minato-Ki Yard Ship
The Minato-Ki is the first and, for now, only representative of her class. Conceived as a cheaper and more easily built alternative to a military fleet tender concept that had making the rounds in R&D for the better part of a decade, the ship is capable to maintain and repair Fubuki-class destroyers in the field, and could theoretically service two corvettes at once.
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Minato-Ki
Ship Cost: $3,939,742,500.00
BV2: 2,828

Mass: 500,000

K-F Drive System: Standard
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 1
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 6,000.00
Safe: 0.1
Maximum: 1
Controls: 1,250.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Standard (10 Integrity) 475,000.00
Jump Sail: (6 Integrity) 97.00
Structural Integrity: 1 3,333.33
Total Heat Sinks: 154 Single
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 500 points 204.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 150 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 250.00
Fore: 25
Fore-Left/Right: 25/25
Aft-Left/Right: 25/25
Aft: 25

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 0.00
Life Boats: 6 42.00

Crew And Passengers:
6 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 60.00
25 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 175.00
0 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 0.00
0 Bay Personnel 0.00
No Passengers

# Cargo and Bays Mass
480000 Naval Repair Unpreassurized 12,000.00
538 Cargo, Standard 538
Due to the very limited cargo fraction, the ship will usually jump with two assigned dropships carrying general cargo, maintenance spares, and standard armour plating, as well as the majority of the required repair crews, using the Jump Ships Grav deck for relaxation and Grav training. Due to having only one external jump collar, only a single dropship can be docked while the Repair Facility is in operation. Still, the Minato-Ki will need to rely on other jumpships to supply it the necessary material for a comprehensive repair or overhaul of a military ships.

The limits of influence
Learning from the past - the dragon prepares
Naval analysts had gathered what they could of the battles fought in other parts of the sphere. Space was becoming increasingly more violent, and the dragon would participate.
The Federated Suns offensive against the Taurian Concordat had not only uncovered a weakness in their military intelligence network, but also shown the effects of concentration of force and strategic mobility. If attacks on a flank could be prevented, a concerted effort could crush an enemy who did not have such luxury.
But it had also highlighted the vulnerability of spaceborne infrastructure. Within just a few months, the FSN had destroyed the Taurians entire capability to project force across their borders, and, short of strategic nuclear weapons, their ability to defend themselves, as well. This showed that such infrastructure would need protection, and such protection could not be reasonably provided by an affordable fleet without crippling the freedom of movement a navy needs to fulfil its duties.
The Tenshus had proven the capability of their concept, and were already in place, but they alone would not provide sufficient deterrent. Further, analysis showed that, if the enemy was allowed to form up and plan an attack, he could circumvent stationary defences or pick them of one at a time.
Plans were drawn up for a new, smaller station, purpose-built for deep space operations, to amplify the firepower of the measures already in place.
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Monban

Ship Cost: $184,467,500.00
Magazine Cost: $3,672,000.00

Mass: 50,000

K-F Drive System: None
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 1
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
36 Capital Launcher White Shark
24 Capital Launcher Barracuda
30 Laser Small

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 600.00
Safe: 0.1
Maximum: 1
Controls: 50.00
K-F Hyperdrive: None (0 Integrity) 0.00
Jump Sail: (0 Integrity) 0.00
Structural Integrity: 1 500.00
Total Heat Sinks: 810 Single 731.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 1000 points 102.00
Fire Control Computers: 432.00
Armor: 225 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 225.00
Fore: 45
Fore-Left/Right: 45/45
Aft-Left/Right: 30/30
Aft: 30

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Medium: 0 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 22 154.00
Life Boats: 22 154.00

Crew And Passengers:
21 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 210.00
34 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 238.00
65 Gunners and Others in 1st Class Quarters 650.00
60 Bay Personnel 0.00
1 1st Class Passengers 10.00
30 2nd Class Quarters 210.00
5 Steerage Passengers 25.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
36 Capital Launcher White Shark Nose 540 1080 (108-C) Extreme-C 4,320.00
12 Capital Launcher Barracuda FR 120 240 (24-C) 1,080.00
12 Capital Launcher Barracuda FL 120 240 (24-C) 1,080.00
6 Laser Small FR 6 18 (1.8-C) 3.00
6 Laser Small FL 6 18 (1.8-C) 3.00
6 Laser Small AL 6 18 (1.8-C) 3.00
6 Laser Small AR 6 18 (1.8-C) 3.00
6 Laser Small Aft 6 18 (1.8-C) 3.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
Capital Launcher White Shark Ammo 180 7,200.00
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 144 4,320.00

# Cargo and Bays Mass
12 Bay Small Craft 2,400.00
24194 Cargo, Standard 24194
Doing away with expensive sensors, large hangars, or all-aspect weaponry, the Monban Space Guardpost focuses on keeping watch over sensitive jump points or provide additional firepower to the defence of naval assets.
Mounting significant firepower along a singular facing, with only enough ammunition stored  for a short engagement, the Station has unusual amenities for a Combine military installation, including a second grav deck and relatively luxurious quarters especially for the gunners, which have to be ready at a moments notice to react to an incoming threat, but usually spend their time in rather uneventful 8-12 hour shifts interrupted only by the occasional drill. Deployment times are often long, depending on the system.

When deployed near a Lagrange point, the crew is tasked to fire on any incoming warship without combine identification that doesn't respond to their hails within 30 seconds; short enough they can not launch a lot of fighters, long enough for the gunners on break to reach their stations.
Part of the stations cargo hold is usually fashioned with extra pressurised berths allowing a few backup personell, as well as sometimes additional small stores of ammunition. While these may increase the risk of explosions in case of enemy fire, the spread out nature in the low pressure atmosphere of the roomy cargo hold actually reduces the risk of catastrophic chain reaction.
While the Station is rated for an allotment of 25 marines, usually only 5-10 are on board, in addition to an officer of internal security and a few secondary gunners, as well as the occasional technician or medic. Two of the carried small craft are equipped to two life pods, allowing the shameless abandoning of the station one the ammunition stores run dry.

Monban Stations will be deployed to all yard systems, in proximity to the yard they are supposed to protect in opposition to their original design role. The Radstadt system will receive an additional station actually positioned at the closest Lagrange point, and the capital is covered by at least four, sitting near the main yard, at the Lagrange point, as well as the Zenith and Nadir jump points.
Ten more stations will be partially built and held in reserve, to be assembled where and when the Navy sees fit in the coming decade.

Understanding the present - the dragon schemes
The past conflicts, and recent developments, had resulted in a few less obvious takeaways that could finally be turned into action:

A Dragon in a Castle
In the past, both invasions and defences had faltered in the absence of Naval support.
Recognising the need for strongpoints that the DCMS could hold, hide in, or supply itself from, analysts and generals had pushed for many years for just such a structure to be devised.
It took many years. Now, finally, the engineers have come forward with a workable proposal, and the DCMS had made reasonable demands. The plan hedged two decades ago could finally be executed, if a few years later than hoped. The Pillar of Steel would soon be reinforced by magnificent ground fortification.
More resembling a cold-war era bunker on pre-space-age terra than a castle, the Tenno-Jo would provide subterranean housing for up to a regiment of regular troops, with several months of integral life-support, hidden under a massive armour belt complete with retractable capital weapon turrets.
Plans were drawn up to install castles across the combine, starting with the capital and shipyard systems which were the most likely to be attacked, followed by the rim-ward and finally the anti-spin-ward borders. Galedon, an important founding member of the combine, also received one such installation.
These hidden sites would provide the source of resistance in case of invasion, holding sufficient food and ammunition for a year-long guerrilla campaign, while providing a ready resupply point for Navy squadrons operating in the conflict zone. Bolstering the resistance of multiple border worlds, the combine could afford a defence in depth strategy to stall ground invasions while the Navy would assemble the large fleets that engagements elsewhere in the sphere had shown were so effective.
While on most worlds, the castles were built innocuously into the terrain, on Radstadt, a different approach was chosen.
The first bunker was built just out of sight, but known to the locals, near the capital city, including an additional layer of outer defences and a larger than normal dropship landing strip.
Unbeknown to most of the inhabitants, however, a second installation was build in the wilderness half the planet away, providing both defence and a show of power for the populace, and camouflage and subterfuge in case that wasn't enough. Enormous measures were taken to keep the project secret for the forseeable future, including using exclusively off-world workers, dropships landing in bad weather hundreds of kilometers away from the build site, and a network of thermal cameras spanning 2 days march around the future installation.

The fortified worlds are: New Samarkand, Midway, Luthien, An Ting, Alshain, Benjamin, Radstadt(x2), Prosperina, Galedon, Breed, Barlows End, Mallory's World, Crossing, and Sendai.

Jumping to "pirate points" or planetary Lagrange points had shown to potentially have a decisive effect on a battle. The Navy intends to use this knowledge to their advantage, but to do so, they need more knowledge. Systems need to be mapped and monitored, data points collected and arranged.
The Navy ordered a dropship equipped with a naval-grade scanner suite to take this work off the warships needed for anti-piracy patrol. It was hoped that through sensor triangulation, sufficiently high quality data could be gathered in sufficient quantity to allow precision jumps into the most important border worlds. Of course, in a pinch, Kutais could also do this job during their regular Anti-Piracy patrols.
Code: [Select]
Megane MDR-1
Type: Military Spheriod
Mass: 3,500 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Introduced: 2600
Mass: 3,500
Battle Value: 2,760
Tech Rating/Availability: E/D-F(F*)-E-E
Cost: 1,552,460,000 C-bills

Fuel: 500 tons (15,000)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Heat Sinks: 70
Structural Integrity: 15

    Nose: 305
    Sides: 257/257
    Aft: 208

    Bay 1:  Small Craft (6)         2 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (610.5 tons)      1 Door   

Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 5
Crew:  3 officers, 2 enlisted/non-rated, 6 gunners, 30 bay personnel, 5 passengers, 5 marines

Notes: Mounts 54 tons of ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons:           Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)     Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV     ERV   Class       
Nose (6 Heat)
6 Small Laser   6   2(18)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Point Defense
RS/LS Fwd (6 Heat)
6 Small Laser   6   2(18)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Point Defense
RS/LS Aft (6 Heat)
6 Small Laser   6   2(18)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Point Defense
Aft (6 Heat)
6 Small Laser   6   2(18)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Point Defense

The dregs of society now had warships. Liaison Officer Okazaki Shinji sighed.
The Hegemony, apparently unsatisfied with selling Naval equipment to the combine's detractors, had apparently "scrapped" an entire class of scout frigates - only for then half of them to appear on the black market within a few years, complete with crews that didn't ask too many questions; Some of them were likely bound to ask for your valuables, though.
Mr. Okazaki kicked back the last of his drink. For a moment, he pondered what had brought him to this point, sitting in a seedy bad in low gravity somewhere in a border system within the Hegemony's "influence", facing those same undesirables he had such a low opinion on.
He was here to grasp "opportunities". After un unsuccessful stint to the Capellan Confederation, his district commander had tasked him with acquiring "assets". Unbound and deniable, their motivations mattered not in service to the combine.
They needn't know their better.
Looking about, he saw Mr. Smirnov had already had too much of his namesake liquor and was mingling with the locals.
Fresh drink in hand, he set about his task with mild disgust and a feeling of determination.
"... A little bird told you you might be in the market for a ... rerouting of property."

Heralding the future - The dragon leaps
Bridge Log, Prototype Rho Go-Nana-Ni JS-B, test-run Beta, 3rd of April 2381.
Charge complete! Target coordinates 360.2, 233.111. Systems functional.
Commencing in 3, 2, 1 ...

Navigation reporting: Jump successful. Systems functional. Reading energy fluctuations in cell 3.
Hailing observer.
Coordinates confirmed. Batteries operational.
New coordinates 359.452, 248.589.
Charging Drive.
Charge complete. Commencing in 3,2,1...

Jump complete. No system damage registered.
It really works...

In 2381, the Draconis Combine entered a new era. Theoretically.
The the navy had long recognised that in a world of interstellar distances, speed wasn't a function of the size of one's engines. While maneuvering drives provided tactical flexibility and an edge in combat, how quickly one could redeploy and how much space could be covered were mostly dependent on the K-F drive.
Recharge stations offered a decrease in redeployment times, and the combine consequently had built a lot of them. Yet, for all their efforts, the brains of the combine had not managed to significantly increase jump range, or decrease recharge times.
In the late 60s, a small think tank led by a scientist from Procyon had a breakthrough: Faster charging wasn't in the books, but a higher charge was possible.
Quickly recognised as the next step in warship development, the research came to a screeching halt when funding did the same, due to an inopportune, but justified shifting of the research budget to try and improve the DCMS ground forces. It took the better part of a decade for the Navy to convince the right people and bow to the right bureaucrats to worm their way up in the coordinators graces again.
Picking back up in the mid 2370s, the research program made great leaps, supported by original research notes by Fuchida that an Intelligence officer had somehow produced.
The Navy poured enormous amount of money and manpower at the task, and was rewarded with working prototypes.
The solution was a kind of fusion-powered battery that could flush the core with sufficient energy to to initiate charging the jump drive immediately after a jump. While it wouldn't allow a ship to move twice as fast due to still having to be recharged, it would allow quick reaction in a 60 LY radius.
Evolving from the prototype, the first ships equipped with the new Lithium-Fusion Batteries were a small series of military jump ships.
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: JS-B

Ship Cost: $1,760,250,000.00
BV2: 1,478

Mass: 250,000

K-F Drive System: Standard with L-F Battery
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 1
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 3,000.00
Safe: 0.1
Maximum: 1
Controls: 625.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Standard with L-F Battery (6 Integrity) 240,000.00
Jump Sail: (5 Integrity) 64.00
Structural Integrity: 1 1,666.67
Total Heat Sinks: 122 Single
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 2000 points 816.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 78 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 130.00
Fore: 13
Fore-Left/Right: 13/13
Aft-Left/Right: 13/13
Aft: 13

Dropship Capacity: 3 3,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 0.00
Life Boats: 5 35.00

Crew And Passengers:
4 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 40.00
15 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 105.00
0 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 0.00
0 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
5 2nd Class Passengers 35.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00

# Cargo and Bays Mass
433 Cargo, Standard 433.00
Unimaginatively named Jump Ship - Battery, short JS-B, with a number behind it, these ships are rather unassuming representatives of the bleeding edge of transportation technology.
Five ships have been ordered, and will for now be used exclusively by the military and high officials of state. Their tasks may include rapid transfer of messages across Combine space, assisting in ground battles, where they can drop off troop carriers or supply dropships and immediately jump out again, and carrying supplies for battery-equipped warships.

A clear disadvantage of the system was it's enormous expense. The technology was still a bit finicky, and the batteries itself, plus the adaptions required on the jump core, drove the cost of ships up by at least a third. As every asset carried outside the hull increased the required energy stored, carrying dropships on a battery-equipped warship proved to be prohibitively expensive.  Equipping every ship, as such, was thus unattainable; But maybe that wasn't necessary.
Yet the biggest hurdle to attaining mobile Naval power, as it had been since humanity first built warships on ancient terra, was feature creep. In the wake of the excitement over the technological progress and with steadily escalating requirements, the planned battle cruiser that was to be the first warship equipped with the new batteries was already 20% overweight before finishing the design phase, and had now outgrown the yards that were supposed to build it. Part of the funding earmarked for the ships was diverted towards a further yard upgrade.

Still, it was seen as imperative to actually use the technology, if only to justify the investment before the coordinator.  A quick reaction force, the ideal use of the technology, was planned around a modified Ikioi assault cruiser, the largest and most durable hull available.
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Ikioi B

Ship Cost: $10,382,930,000.00
Magazine Cost: $16,650,000.00
BV2: 54,987

Mass: 750,000

K-F Drive System: Compact with L-F Battery
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
6 Naval AC 20
96 Laser Small
12 Laser Large
10 Naval Laser 45
4 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 180,000.00
Safe: 4
Maximum: 6
Controls: 1,875.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact with L-F Battery (16 Integrity) 346,875.00
Jump Sail: (5 Integrity) 68.00
Structural Integrity: 150 112,500.00
Total Heat Sinks: 1324 Single 679.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 18750 points 7,650.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 1410 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 2,200.00
Fore: 230
Fore-Left/Right: 240/240
Aft-Left/Right: 230/230
Aft: 230

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 1 100.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 10 70.00
Life Boats: 45 315.00

Crew And Passengers:
40 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 40.00
155 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 155.00
38 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 38.00
240 Bay Personnel 0.00
0 1st Class Passengers 0.00
50 Marine Berths 350.00
5 2nd Class Passengers 35.00
0 Steerage Passengers 0.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
1 Naval AC 20 Nose 60 200 (20-C) Long-C 2,500.00
12 Laser Small Nose 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
3 Laser Large Nose 24 24 (2.4-C) 15.00
2 Naval Laser 45 Nose 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00

2 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy FR,FL 36 600 (60-C) 14,000.00
12 Laser Small FR,FL 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00

2 Naval AC 20 BS 120 400 (40-C) 5,000.00
12 Laser Small BS 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
3 Laser Large BS 24 24 (2.4-C) 15.00
2 Naval Laser 45 BS 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00

2 Naval Laser 45 AR,AL 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
12 Laser Small AR,AL 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00

12 Laser Small Aft 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
1 Naval AC 20 Aft 60 200 (20-C) 2,500.00
3 Laser Large Aft 24 24 (2.4-C) 15.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
Naval AC 20 Ammo 300 120.00
Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy Ammo 200 100.00
Space Mine Ammo 60 30.00

Equipment Mass
3x Space Mine Dispenser 30.00
(AL, Aft, AR)

# Cargo and Bays Mass
48 Bay Small Craft 9,600.00
35012 Cargo, Standard 35012
Having been slightly upsized to fit the batteries, the ship is not quite as robust as the base design, but makes up for this with more modern armour that the Ikiois in service are yet to receive.
Being that the ships are new hulls anyways, someone took the chance to update their armament, too, now featuring dual Gauss Rifles and fewer, but heavier autocannons, similar to the previous updates to the Fubuki destroyers and somewhat foreshadowing their next generation.
Two Ikioi Bs will begin service in the coming years, functioning as a mobile reserve force to bolster fleets on defense or distract invaders with deep strikes.

Fleet Deployment:
The Combine's Navy remains organized in three fleets, one each on the rim-ward and anti-spin-ward border,and one in reserve or repair. Each fleet consists of 3 Fubuki-Class destroyers of usually mixed Block I and Block II vintage, led by an Ikioi cruiser, and usually supported by a Kutai class corvette. One fleet has recently been upgraded to only Block IIs.
New destroyers coming online will be held in reserve and distributed as required, for example to replace losses or bolster a fleet for an attack.
The Shinryaku-sen Invasion transports remain in reserve for offensive operations and usually come with a jumpship carrying additional supplies or battlemechs that the older troop ships have no provisions for. Civilian Jump- and Dropships can be impressed into service to transport additional supplies or reserve troops.
The new Ikioi Bs will act as a rapid reaction force to bolster the defense where needed, enact diversionary attacks, or perform pincer moves.
The Kutais remain the Combine's main anti-piracy & border patrol vehicle. some would argue they really aren't fit for direct combat anymore.

Preliminary turn, with some budget left unspent (not current anymore, more ships have been ordered):
Code: [Select]
Starting Money 5937.775
2380 Budget

Kutai 12 28944
Fubuki 4 12782
Kutai (m) 2 482.4
Fubuki(m) 1 319.55
Onsen 75 17250
Tenshu 8 2696
Fubuki BII 5 16302.5 (+260m for upgrades)
Ikioi 2 8032
Ikioi B 0 0
Shinryakusen 2 6839
Jump 40 10000
Drop 109 16350
Fighter 2826 7065
SC 461 2305

Total 129367.45

Repairs 3000

New Builds:
Kutai 0
Fubuki 0
Fubuki II 3 19563
Onsen 0
Shinryakusen 0
Ikioi 1 8032
Ikioi B 2 20766
Tenshu 1 674
Monban 21 3864
Minato-Ki 1 3940
JS-B 5 8800
Jump 0
Drop 1 300
Fighter 80 400
SC 139 1390
Castle Brian 15 15000

Ikioi B 1038
Minato-KI 985
Monban 440

Downpayment New Samarkand Yard expansion 1038

Lithium-Fusion Batteries 1 46500
Castles Brian 1 46500
AC/20 1 41850

Spent 328421.45
Extra Expenses

Extra Maintenance Ikioi-B 1038
[s]Scouting Dropship 1552[/s] [i][size=8pt]As I assume it would have no effect, it will remain fluff for now.[/size][/i]

Privateers 2000
Left 5168

The coordinator gazed outside the window at the palace grounds.
His sons were now being involved in affairs of state. They showed ... limited promise. It was just as well. He wouldn't be there forever.
The sun would rise again, as billions of suns had done since time immemorial. And with them, the dragon.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: marcussmythe on 11 May 2020, 12:38:04
Capellan Confederation Turn 4 2380-2390

“Give me the projections again.”

Marcus Susanovich settled back into his comfortably overstuffed chair with a sigh, a callused hand massaging his temples.  It was like spinning plates, with too many plates.  Everything needed time, attention, money - but there was only so much to go around.  His shoulders were broad.. Still broader than his waist, despite more than a decade away from manuvering gravities.. But even so, he wondered if they were strong enough.

“We can transition from the Binzhou and Yang Wei into the new Light Cruiser class, but it won’t be cheap.  If we put R&D out to pasture for a decade, we can probably find the budget space to expand the yards and go to high rate production of the Pallada, but it will cost us the next run of the Quan Yins.  By the way.   Pallada?  How did we get authority to STOP naming everything in Mandarin?”

The woman across from him was a study in opposites.  Lilliana Aragoi was older than her boss, but looked decades younger.  Slender where he was broad, mediterranean dark compared to his paleness, and athletic by comparison to a large man too long out of command.  Still, the bright fire in their eyes was the same, and had been since she had recognized the talent of an up and coming junior captain and started nursmaiding his career, so many years ago.

“A few nights of drinks and theater with the Chancellor.  I’ve had no luck getting him interested in anything resembling technical details or the realities of our naval situation… but after leading him through the Bolshoi and the works of Chechov, Ive managed to spark his enthusiasm for things beyond his own cultural heritage.  It isnt getting us any more money, but it is getting us a bit more freedom in our naming conventions and a new ballet.”

“Oh, lovely.”  *the woman joined her boss in the fine art of temple massage*  “Keep me away from him, or I may inadvertently mark the entire Confederation with a new found appreciation of Basque Composition…”

“Well, you had Ravel…”

“Yes, and if you tell the Coordinator that, hes going to make ‘Bolero’ our national anthem.”

“From such destiny Saints preserve us.  But anyway…”

“Yes, in short, you can phase out the old destroyers and heavy cruisers.  I get it, boss.. their both solid units, but narrow.  The destroyers have no buisness in the line and cant escort the Quan Yins, and the old cruisers are all boom and zoom, again, no escort, no presence - just shipkillers.  Id still like to look at the warship core preservation proposal…”

“Don’t knock the shipkillers too hard, old woman!  They kept the Davions off our borders for decades.  And remember, its the Davions and their ‘peacekeeping operations’ and ‘freedom liberations’ that founded the Confederation.  As for ‘core preservation’.. No, you are not turning our ships into dropship-corncobs because droppers are cheaper to replace than compact core warships.”

“Your the one who wants to get rid of the cruisers, boss!  But you arent wrong.  We need the new light cruisers.  The Pallada can cover both roles - better in the case of the destroyers, and nearly as well as a high speed shipkiller… and can cover the flanks of the capships.  I want those ‘cuda swarms - you saw what just one FS Carrier did to those poor Taurian boats.  I still think your wrong about the Battleship Potemkin proposal, but.. Your the boss.”

“And Pallada is bigger and tougher than our old ‘destroyers’.  Barely frigates.  And we saw what happens when big ships fight little ships.  Luckily the nation of shopkeepers isnt building big ships.”

“No, but they are building a LOT of destroyers.  And remember what happened to Napoleon and his disdain for shopkeepers…”

“Bah! Little grandmother, you missed career as midgit in back of Roman Chariot.”

At this, Lillian permitted herself a smile.  “Remember, you are mortal!  Back to my point.  You can cycle in the new cruisers and the older vessels out at a moderate rate.  We can go a little faster if you’r willing to stop production on the heavy cruisers, or to put the research and development issues on the back burner for a few years…”

“Were a decade behind, at least.  Im not sure the new Gauss Rifles are worth their cost, but the FSN has them, we dont, and the Coordinator wants to know why…”

“The coordinator can give us more money?”

“We know better.  The coordinator might give us an art museum.  In the shipyard.  For the edification of our workers.”

“So he wont give us more money.  And we need to change our force structure.  And we have a large collection of pretty good ships that dont fit where we are taking our navy.”

The two shared a comfortable silence, and a conspiratorial glance.

“It occurs to me that we know someone who needs ships pretty badly, and isn’t going to be building their own in job lots any time soon... “

“Brilliant”  A sarcastic sigh followed. “Do you honestly think the Coordinator would allow us to sell that much recently-refitted weight to a neighbor?”

“He might.  It’s not like they would point them at us, at least not this decade or the next - at which point it stops being our problem.  In the meantime, its a new navy that we get paid for, rather than paying for, pointed at the threat on one of our flanks.  Maybe next year we sell to the Illyrians and the Marians.  I’ll tell the Liao… I’ll tell him it’s a matter of cultural exchange.  We will put quotations from Lau-Tzu and Confucious on them.  Gold Dragons.  Ravel’s Bolero, god help us all, and Checkov’s Plays.  We tell the coordinator we're building bridges and bringing them into our sphere of influence.”

“They'll never be in anyone's sphere of influence, no matter what it costs them top stay out.  And sooner or later the coordinator is going to figure out that you're buttering him up.”

“Sooner or later?  He's known it for years.  But it's how the game is played. He ~likes~ being buttered up.  And unlike some of our opponents, he is a man of culture, and understands that the game has to be played.  And this will allow us to pivot hard to the newer classes, and in quantity.”

With that, the pair turned to look out the vast transparent aluminium windows of Nova Petersburg Naval Command Station.  In the distance, the Raspur-Owens-Ceres Fleetyards flickered in the darkness as another heavy cruiser cut her moorings to head out on builders trials.

“You know, boss, if we build everything we can… our problem won't be the Davions or the Mariks.  Our problem will be the Camerons.  What if the Hegemony gets nervous?”

“Strong or weak, they would come in time.  Better to be strong when they come.”

A questioning smile crossed her lips.  “Boom tomorrow?”

Not a smile in return.. Unless you count his eyes.  “There is always a boom tomorrow.”

“You are a pessimist”

“I am Russian.  We understand these things.”

Code: [Select]
Capellan Confederation, Turn Beginning 2380
Beginning Funds:         10.087
Sale, 6xCA Yang Wei Blk2, 12xDD Binzhou Blk 2                 60

Beginning Shipyards:                                                 Capella: 0/2/1/1
                                                                                Sarna: 0/2/1/1
                                                                                Aldebaran 0/2/1/1

Beginning Warships:
        CA Kuan Yin x 6         53.087
        CA Yangwei Blk 2 x6 58.41
        DD Binzhou Blk 2 x12         56.16
        JS Zencha x 20                                          12.478

Beginning  Stations:       
        DS Shao Bing x 600                                      18
        TS Habwr Diogel x 80                    29.32

Beginning  Jumpships: 10         5
Beginning  Dropships: 150         15
Beginning  Small Craft 400         4
Beginning  Fighters: 1400         7
Maintenance Assets:                 131.407

Budget:         343
Reserves from Prior Turn:         10.087
Proceeds from Sales:         60

Maintenance (Full)         65.7
Yard Upgrades
Capella 2->3 x 2         30
Sarna 2->3 x 2                 30
Aldebaran 2->3 x2         30

R&D, Ferro-Aluminium                 22.15
R&D, Mechs         31.01

R&D CL Pallada                 1.96
Production, CL Pallada x 18         141.37
Production, CA Kuan Yin x 6         53.562

Total:         405.752
Remainder:         7.335

Capellan Confederation, Turn Ending 2380
Ending Funds:         7.335
Ending Shipyards: Capella 0/0/3/1
Sarna: 0/0/3/1
Aldebaran 0/0/3/1

Ending Warships:
CA Kuan Yin x 12         106.174
CL Pallada x 18                 141.37
        JS Zencha x 20                                          12.478

Ending Stations:       
        DS Shao Bing x 600                      18
        TS Habwr Diogel x 80                    29.32

Ending Jumpships: 10                 5
Ending Dropships: 150                 15
Ending Small Craft 400                 4
Ending Fighters: 1400                 7
Maintenance Assets:                 337.492

CL Pallada
The debate between ‘specialization’ and ‘multirole’ in military matters is older than the argument between the legionary and the equites, and arguments are strong for each camp.  Specialists are just that, and are often the best possible at what they do.  Sometimes that specialization can buy capabilities that are simply impossible to achieve otherwise.

Other powers prefer generalist units.  Less capable in any single dimension than a specialist, they are vastly more capable outside that single dimension.  Capability traded for flexibility, on the idea that a  dozen good-enough can often be far better than two or three perfects.

The Binzhou class destroyers (little more than a frigate, really) were capable enough anti-pirate and raiders, but recent battles had shown the danger faced by small vessels pressed into the thick of battle - and had also shown that such vessels inevitably would have to be, and would be.  So something like a Binzhou in its ability to conduct anti-piracy operations, in speed and ability to conduct commerce warfare as well as to defend it, was needed.

At the same time, the Yang Wei was aging out of utility.  Whatever replaced her would need to be capable of the same high speed/high firepower tactics of the older Yang Wei, but also able to hold a place in the wall of battle in a way the specialized Yang Wei could not.

Thus the Pallada.  Unusually large for a light cruiser, but still a light cruiser in her role, she was to be agile on the helm, capable of 2G sustained thrust and just a hair under 3 in combat.  Light NAC turrets cover her flanks, both to protect her larger sisters and to provide crushing power in a high speed overrun situation.  Supporting them are nearly 100 barracuda tubes.  These allow the Pallada to protect herself and her sisters from enemy fighter formations, as well as allowing for standoff bombardment of high value immobile targets, and to supplement the NAC with a heavy wave of missiles when called upon to provide the high speed engagements of her older stablemate.  With nearly 100 tubes, it becomes possible to engage in standoff bombardment of the defense stations becoming more and more common in space, necessary for commerce raiding.  Two triple mounts of 55cm Naval Lasers each, fore and aft, give fire against pursuer or the pursued, and also allow Pallada to engage light spaceborn assets, or provide orbital fire support, without expending munitions.

Provision is made for just under 300 marines, including long-term sustainable berthing, as well as cargo sufficient for substantial deployment times - though not sufficient to support a deep raiding doctrine, it is not needed, as CCN doctrine in this era is based on broad but shallow attacks and counter-punching.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Pallada Class Light Cruiser
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $7,788,592,000.00
Magazine Cost:         $65,280,000.00
Mass: 750,000
K-F Drive System: Compact, 16 Integrity
Jumpsail: 5 Integrity
Fuel: 5000 Tons
Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust:                 4
Maximum Thrust:                         6
Heat Sinks: 3600 (100%)
Grav Decks:  2x100m
Crew: 56 Officers
139 Ratings
138 Gunners
280 Marines (2nd Class Quarters)
50 Pilots and Deck Crew (2nd Class Quarters)
Escape Craft
60 Lifeboats
60 Escape Pods
Bay 1, RBS: 8 Small Craft, 4 Doors
Bay 2, LBS:s 8 Small Craft, 4 Doors
Bay 3, Aft:    37,928 Tons Cargo, 2 Doors
Bay 4, Nose: 280 Marines, 2 Doors

Structural Integrity: 100
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
Armor: 960
Bow: 160
FR/FL: 160
AR/AL: 160
Aft: 160

12xNaval Laser 55 6F, 6A
96xBarracuda 12xEach Facing

960 Rounds Barracuda
2400 Rounds NAC

Main Battle Mech 'Jian'
The Capellan Confederation was very late to battlemech procurement, having continued to rely on heavy tanks for thirty years after the first Battlemech set forth on combat trials in the neighboring Federated Suns.  In repayment for that tardiness, the CCAF took the opportunity to study its neighbors designs and tactics while they waited for the necessary reverse-engineering and prototyping of the complex myomers and actuators that a military battlemech required.

Feeling that lighter support and reconnaissance roles could still be filled by their existing vehicle designs, the Commonwealth focused on a heavy main battle unit for their first production Battlemech.  The Jian, or 'Sword', class Mech was a compromise worked out by the Sian-Ceres Armorworks.  Original designs had called for heavy particle cannon supplemented by short range missiles, but neither technology was mature enough for deployment.  As a stopgap, the PPCs were replaced with a pair of the bulky but reliable Wu 8cm Heavy Lasers, and the rescued tonnage was invested in updating the paired SRM4 launchers to a quartet of Sian-Ceres Jaguar 5 tube racks.  Some concerns were raised about the higher heat production of the multiple smaller mounts as the Jian is already heat-burdened, but it was felt that the ability to selectively deploy various specialty missile warheads, coupled with the paired bins allowing for flexibility in munitions loads, justified the heat.  As the range closes and the Long Range Missiles become ineffective, they are supported by a pair of Ceres Arms Medium Lasers, though the pilot will have to manage his fire carefully.  Finally, a pair of CeresArms 20mm Machine Guns under the machines chest serve to suppress any infantry that comes too close for comfort.

While certainly a capable machine, and a bit more polished than those of its neighbors, the Jian, at least in its 2384 configuration, showed its designers inexperience.  Its simple construction and easily accessed internals ensured that it required little maintenance and that easily performed, but the same simplicity penalized the Jian in other areas.  The multitude of poorly secured access panels made it difficult to protect the machines fragile actuator bundles from enemy infantry, and the robust simplicity of its internal layout prohibited cross-feeding of the LRM ammunition across the center torso - each pair of launchers may feed only from the ammo bay nestled beneath them.  Finally, difficulties in Gyro-Neurohelmet Synch would not be worked out until much later models, leaving the early examples of the Jian notoriously difficult to pilot in adverse conditions.

Code: [Select]
MBM-1 Jian
Mass: 75 tons
Chassis: CeresPlex VII
Power Plant: Vlar 300 Fusion
Cruising Speed:          43 kph
Maximum Speed:          65 kph
Advanced Motive: none
Jump Jets: none
Jump Capacity: none
Armor: ProtecTech 4
Cockpit: Standard
2x Wu Heavy Large Laser
2xCeres Arms Medium Laser
2xCeres Arms Model 7 Machine Gun
4xSian-Ceres Jaguar LRM 5
Manufacturer: Inner Sphere
Communications System: Ceres Model 382
Targeting & Tracking System: Apple Churchill 250

Type: Jian
Technology Base: Inner Sphere / 2384
Ruleset: Standard (5th edition)
Tonnage: 75
Cost: 6,382,250 C-bills
Battle Value: 1,154

Equipment          Mass
Internal Structure: Standard 7.5
Engine: 300 19.0
Type: Fusion
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 16 6.0
Gyro: Standard 3.0
Cockpit: 3.0
Armor Factor: 208 13.0

Internal        Armor
Structure Value
Head          3 9
Center Torso          23 33
Center Torso (rear) 10
L/R Torso 16/16 22/22
L/R Torso (rear) 10/10
L/R Arms 12/12 20/20
L/R Legs 16/16 26/26

Weapons and Ammo Location Crits          Tons
Large Laser RA 2 5.0
Large Laser LA 2 5.0
Medium Laser RA 1 1.0
Medium Laser LA 1 1.0
Machine Gun CT 1 0.5
Machine Gun CT 1 0.5
LRM 5 RT 1 2.0
LRM 5 RT 1 2.0
LRM 5 LT 1 2.0
LRM 5 LT 1 2.0
Ammo (MG) 100          H 1 0.5
Ammo (LRM 5) 24          RT 1 1.0
Ammo (LRM 5) 24          LT 1 1.0

Quirks:  Rugged, Easy to Maintain, Exposed Actuators, Hard to Pilot, Static Ammo Feed - LRM


Northern Operational Area:
Primary Base: Gan Singh
4xCA Quan Yin
4xCL Pallada

The coreward component is based out of Northern Command, over the agricultural world of Gan Sing, chosen for its central location within the Northern Operational Area, and conveniently within one jump of the yards over Aldebaran (an emergency jumpship messenger is kept in Aldebaran, beyond the jump limit, to carry warning at all times if need be).  Its area of responsibility consists of all of the Capellan Confederation 'North' of Aldebaran, as well as an area up to 90LY, 3 Jumps, south of Aldebaran, roughly along the 150ly 'South' line, measured from Terra.  The Coreward is one of the two 'swing' fleets, as it may be moved away from the Terran border to either reinforce or engage in separate actions along the FWL or FS border, as needed, as the Terran Hegemony is considered a relatively low-risk front.

Eastern Operational Area:
Primary Base:  St. Ives
4xCA Quan Yin
4xCL Pallada

Responsible for all space south of the 150LY line to the 300LY line and East of the 45LY line, the Eastern Fleet will move to support, or be supported by, the Core Fleet, or may engage in shared operations against the Federated Suns, if this becomes necessary.  However, only in the most desparate circumstances will it abandon its own operational area, as the Federated Suns is judged a relatively high risk front.

Western Operational Area:
Primary Base:  Sian
4xCA Quan Yin
4xCL Pallada

Responsible for all space south of the 150LY line to the 300LY line and West of the 45LY line, the Eastern Fleet will move to support, or be supported by, the Core Fleet, or may engage in shared operations against the Free Worlds League, if this becomes necessary.  However, only in the most desperate circumstances will it abandon its own operational area, as the FWL is judged a high risk front.

Southern Operational Area:
Primary Base:  Grand Base
6xCL Pallada

Responsible for all space south of the 300LY line, the Southern fleet is often a training ground for young captains, and is regarded as a prestige appointment due to the wide open spaces and opportunities for advancement that come from independent command.  The vessels of the Southern Operational Area are mainly disaster response and anti-piracy focused, and may easily be called in support of other borders, as the Southern Operational Area is considered a very low risk front, and elements or even the entirety of the Southern Fleet will be seconded to other fronts in the event of tension or war.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: marcussmythe on 11 May 2020, 14:03:07
Terran Hegemony Turn 4 2380-2390

“The Capellans have really big multirole cruisers?”

“Yes, Director Cameron”

“And the Fedsuns have big special dropships and collars to carry them on?  And Giant Railguns?”

“Yes, Director Cameron.  Though we call them Naval Gauss Rifles.”

“And the Lyrans are building big ships with lots of guns on the side?  A whole lot of guns, I’m told?”

“... yesss… Director Cameron?”

“Well, then build us something better!”

“Better how, Director Cameron?  You want bigger?  We can upgrade our yards.  Our current ships are multirole and flexible, not focused on pure armament - we can build gunships and probably work out the big Fedsuns Gauss Rifles.  Or do you mean that you want something to carry the new dropships the Fedsuns has in service?”


“Flexible multirole pure-gunships, really large?  With collars and the new dropships?”


"Shall we install the flying horses, as well?"

"What was that?"

…  “Yes, Director Cameron.  That was a Yes."

Code: [Select]
Terran Hegemony, Turn Beginning 2380
Beginning Funds:  53.985B
Beginning Shipyards:         Terra: 2/2/2/2/1
Keid:  2/2/1/1
Thorin: 1/1/1
Terra Firma: 1/1/1
New Earth: 1/1/1
Yorii:  1/1/1
Graham IV 1/1/1

Beginning Warships:          BB Dreadnought x 6 48.618B
                                        CA Constitution x 20 164.4B
BC Black Lion x 12 84.084B
TT Dart x 13 149.870B
CL Cruiser x 27 201.420B
DD Lola x 22 159.696B
SC Bonaventure x 40 211.512B

Beginning Jumpships:  80 40B
Beginning Dropships:  300 (Light) 90B
Beginning Small Craft 1,200 12B
Beginning Fighters: 3000 15B

Turn Accounting          Income/Cost (Billions)
Starting Funds:         +53.985
Scrap, TT Dart x 13         +37.468
Revenue: +775

Maintenance -513.365
R&D:  Medium Dropship         -87.5
R&D:  Naval Gauss -87.5

Terra 4->5x1         -25
RnD, Typhoon Class         -7.462
Production, Typhoon Class x 4         -119.391
Production, Medium Dropship x 80         -40

Remainder: -13.765

Terran Hegemony, Turn Ending 2380
Ending Funds:  -13.765
Ending Shipyards:         Terra: 2/2/2/1/2
Keid:  2/2/1/1
Thorin: 1/1/1
Terra Firma: 1/1/1
New Earth: 1/1/1
Yorii:  1/1/1
Graham IV 1/1/1

Ending Warships:          DN Typhoon x 4 119.391B
                                        BB Dreadnought x 6 48.618B
                                        CA Constitution x 20 164.4B
BC Black Lion x 12 84.084B
TT Dart x 13 149.870B
CL Cruiser x 27 201.420B
DD Lola x 22 159.696B
SC Bonaventure x 40 211.512B

Ending Jumpships:  80 40B
Ending Dropships:  300 (Light) 90B
                                        80 (Medium) 40B
Ending Small Craft 1,200 12B
Ending Fighters: 3000 15B

Typhoon Class Dreadnought

“Yes, Director Cameron”

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Typhoon
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $29,599,348,000.00
Magazine Cost: $248,440,000.00
BV2: 139,453

Mass: 1,220,000
K-F Drive System: Compact (25 Integrity)
Jump Sail:  (6)
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 2
Maximum Thrust: 3
Fuel:  9000 Tons
Heat Sinks:  3516 (100%)
Drop Collars:  20
Grav Decks: 4x100m
Escape Pods: 60
Life Boats: 60

Bays: Bay 1, Nose:  20 Fighters, 4 Doors
Bay 2, Aft:  6 Small Craft, 40056 Tons Cargo, 4 Doors

Other Notes:  LNCSS

Crew And Passengers:
66 Officers in 1st Class Quarters
223 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters
98 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters
70 Bay Personnel

SI:  90
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum, 1372 pts
Fore: 200
Fore-Left/Right: 243/243
Aft-Left/Right: 243/243
Aft: 200

36 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy (6 each Front Sides, Rear Sides, Broadsides) 100rnds/ea
12 Naval AC 40 (6 Each Nose, Aft) 50rnds/ea
24 Naval Laser 35  (4 all but broadsides)
80 Machine Gun (IS) (10 each side) 100 rnds/ea
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 12 May 2020, 03:50:11
Rim Worlds Republic Turn 2380

As the 2370s were ending the Rim World Navy took stock of what they had, what worked and what could be improved. Research into the Particle Cannons  the Lyran Commonwealth had made such heavy use of had finally bore fruit and they had working designs entering production as the decade came to a close. The size of the fleet had been deemed sufficient, except that recent rumblings from across the border have deeply concerned some members of RWN Command. The sale of another Vittoria, this time a brand new Block II vessel, to the Rasalhagians will be completed as soon as the vessel is leaves the yard at Golandrinas. I have recommended giving the Rasalhagians a license to build our Aspida gun satellites, as this will reduce how many RWN vessels need to be kept in PoR space to keep the Kuritans from visiting.

The report on the capabilities of each class of vessel in the fleet is as follows:

Sagittarius-class Missile Destroyer

- Superior armour to the standard Vittoria.
- Missile-heavy armament effective against pirates, but yet to be truly tested.
- Point Defense system vastly superior to Vittoria, capable of resisting all but the heaviest of missile attacks.
- Anti-fighter armament insufficient to stop fighter attacks alone, need to rely on onboard fighter complement.

Ichnilátis-class Corvette

- Speed more than sufficient to chase down any known ship except Snotra. Any further increase in thrust would cripple ships combat load, reducing it to scout and courier roles only.
- Sensors vital for fleet scouting role.
- Should not engage anything tougher than pirates alone.
- Lacks sufficient AA to defend itself from heavy fighter attack.

Vittoria-class Destroyer

- 30 Years of solid service
- Dangerously under-armoured for modern battle line
- Class-30 Naval Autocannon range too short to rely on for main armament.
- Recommend upgrade to Naval Particle Cannons and improved armour compounds.

Neighbouring Nation's fleet strengths have also been reviewed:

Principality of Rasalhague

- Their one domestically designed ship shows promise, though still short on AA and PD ordnance.
- Rest of fleet consists of second hand ex-THN ships, as well as the former RWS Larissa, with all their pre-existing flaws.
- Currently friendly and tired after a long war with Draconis Combine.

Threat Level: Low-Minimal.
In no condition to launch a serious assault on our territory even if they wanted to. Recommend we continue with the long term plan to ingratiate ourselves and work towards a peaceful integration.

Draconis Combine

- Fleet size is impressive, despite constant casualties
- All older ships show flaws. Fubuki and Kutai are very thinly armoured, Ikioi is very well armoured, but lacks teeth
- Fleet speed limited to 2.5G, allows for our fleet to choose engagement range at will.
- Substantial industry allows for rapid replacement of ship losses.

Threat Level: Low.
Would be Medium, but distance and the large number of other threats to their borders limits their ability to threaten our homeworld.

Lyran Commonwealth

- Like the DCA, their limited fleet speed allows us to engage or disengage almost at will.
- Intel reports both Heimdallr and Mjolnir very heavily armoured, while still having enough firepower to be dangerous in any engagement.
- Carry improved sensors as standard, as well as heavy fighter complement
- Also have high industrial capacity to replace losses with.

Threat Level: Very High.
Would be Existential, but like the Combine threats on other borders limits how much effort they can focus on us. Saying that, all effort should be spent to avoid war with the LCN, short of surrendering sovereign territory.

Vittoria II-Destroyer

A fairly substantial refit of the old design, the Block II Vittoria replaces the previous armour plate with newer Ferro-Aluminium, giving almost fifty percent better protection for the same thickness. The ship is also home to an almost completely redesigned main gun layout, with two twin turrets to be found in each quarter, each turret home to either a pair of Class-30 Naval Guns or the Heavy Particle Cannons that have just entered service. A single triple turret of 55cm Lasers are mounted fore and aft to cover any blind spots the main guns may have.

The Anti-fighter guns and point defense systems have been improved, with heavy batteries of both to be found along both broadsides of the ship. These upgrades came at the cost of the missile battery which was removed to make space. This is not seen as a great loss, as Vittorias are intended to serve alongside the Sagittarius DDG anyway.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Vittoria II
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $6,724,502,000.00
Magazine Cost: $21,840,000.00
BV2: 58,852

Mass: 450,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
6 Naval Laser 55
76 AC 10
100 Laser Small
8 Naval PPC Heavy
8 Naval AC 30

Class/Model/Name: Vittoria II
Mass: 450,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 108,000.00
Safe: 4
Maximum: 6
Controls: 1,125.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (11 Integrity) 203,625.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 53.00
Structural Integrity: 75 33,750.00
Total Heat Sinks: 3438 Single 2,929.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 10000 points 4,080.00
Fire Control Computers: 100.00
Armor: 453 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 675.00
Fore: 76
Fore-Left/Right: 76/76
Aft-Left/Right: 76/76
Aft: 73

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 0.00
Life Boats: 30 210.00

Crew And Passengers:
32 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 320.00
103 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 721.00
52 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 364.00
102 Bay Personnel in 2nd Class 714.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
2nd Class Passengers 0.00
100 Steerage Marines 500.00

Bay #1: Fighters (36) - 6 Doors
Bay #2: Small Craft (6) - 1 Door
Bay #3: Cargo (24620 Tons) - 1 Door

Naval AC/30 Ammo - 240 Rounds (30/gun)
AC/10 Ammo - 760 Tons (10 tons/gun)

3 x NL/55
6 x AC/10
10 x SLas

2 x NAC/30
6 x AC/10
10 x Slas

20 x AC/10
20 x SLas

2 x NAC/30
6 x AC/10
10 x SLas

3 x NL/55
6 x AC/10
10 x SLas

Code: [Select]
Year: 2380 Value in Millions
Money Available $157,000
Remaining from Last Turn $2,527
Available Shipyards

Apollo 0/2
Golandrinas 0/1
Icar 1


Maintanence 50% $86,324
Prototype Cost 0 $0
0 $0
Variant Vittoria II 6746 $675
Construction Unit Price
Shipyards 0 $0

Stations Tartarus 5 315 $1,575
Aspida 30 152 $4,560
Warships Vittoria 0 6,528 $0
Vittoria II 1 6,746 $6,746
Saggitarius 2 5,958 $11,916
Ichnilátis 4 5,189 $20,756
Refits Vitt > Vitt II 8 218 $1,744
Jumpships 5 500 $2,500
Dropships 30 300 $9,000
Fighters 360 5 $1,800
Small Craft 60 10 $600
Research NPPCs 1 $17,990 $17,990

Total Spent $166,185

Income Aspida License 60 8 $480
Vittoria II sale to PoR 1 $7,000

Remaining $822

EDIT: Fleet Deployment, Jan 1 2380:

The fleet is formed in 5 squadrons, the first four of which contain 2 Vittoria and 1 Sagittarius, the fifth (Epsilon) containing the 4 Ichnilátis which patrol the space between the Republic and the Lyran Commonwealth.

Alpha - Based in Apollo and patrolling the 'northern' reaches of the Republic
Beta - Based in Golandrinas, patrols the 'west' and 'south'
Gamma - Based in Icar, patrols the 'east'
Delta - Based in New Oslo, guards the 'Four Corners' and is on call to defend the PoR if needed.
Epsilon - Based in Golandrinas, focuses its patrols in the region between Blackjack and Seiduts.

Fleet Deployment, Jan 1 2379

The fleet has undergone some reorganisation, but remains in 5 squadrons, 3 with a pair of Vittoria IIs, Sagittarii and 1 Ichnilátis each. The 4th is a pair of Vittoria IIs and 1 Ichnilátis. The 5th is the remaining 4 Ichnilátis.

Alpha - Based in Apollo, covers the region north of Apollo, from Gotterdammerung to Star's End.
Beta - Based in Golandrinas, covers west and south of Apollo, from Bone Norman to Trell.
Gamma - Based in Icar, covers the east, from Maxie's Planet to New Caledonia.
Delta - Based in New Olso, watches the 'Four Corners' and provides additional defence to the PoR as needed.
Epsilon - Based in Golandrinas, continues to watch the unclaimed territory between the RWR and LC for pirates and other hostile activity.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Intermittent_Coherence on 12 May 2020, 22:12:11

Bad enough that the TC was arbitrarily given a much smaller budget, but now it's been dragged by the nose into a heavily contrived conflict with the GM pets.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: kindalas on 12 May 2020, 22:28:49

Bad enough that the TC was arbitrarily given a much smaller budget, but now it's been dragged by the nose into a heavily contrived conflict with the GM pets.

I have no idea where you got that idea.

Considering the TC is one of the GM's pets and it is a smaller nation so it gets a smaller budget.

But thanks for joining the IC thread.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: marcussmythe on 12 May 2020, 22:31:56
If we could keep discussions like this to the OOC thread, please, so this one stays easily readable as an archive of whats going on in game?
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: VensersRevenge on 13 May 2020, 15:20:54
Free Worlds League, 2380

With the failure of the Marik’s at Giausar to defeat the heavier and more combat focused Lyran Navy, Captain Admiral Michaels knew he could no longer stall on creating a more offensively powerful navy, even if it would cost more than he was eager to spend. Even cutting out the secondary ships that had provided the League with so much strategic flexibility down to just replacing losses would still require the Navy to put on debt, but Michaels felt it was necessary. While upgrading shipyards was expensive and would make Atreus in particular a target, it would pay for itself in the long run as more efficient Cyrus’ were produced to supplement Marik’s that, while flexible, were simply too expensive for their ability to hold the battle line. This still left Michaels with many decisions to make to ensure the Free Worlds League would continue to prosper. The first thing he had to do was deal with Admiral Zeno. While Imstar Aerospace’s exaggerations certainly played a role in the Giausar debacle, Zeno’s impetuousness forced a confrontation at a disadvantage, and put Michaels in the position of having to prepare for combat before he was ready. Unfortunately, the public did not see Zeno that way, but as a hero for “standing up to” the Lyrans, so Michaels couldn’t cashier him, but he could reassign him. Vice-Admiral Heihachiro was promoted to Admiral and put in charge of the Lyran Squadron, while Zeno was “rewarded” with a staff position where Michaels could keep an eye on him. As Cyrus’ rolled out, Michaels changed the deployment plans. While the Capellan and League squadrons still got one as a flagship, the other Cyrus’ were rolled into the Stewart fleet, creating an extremely powerful reserve under Michaels' command to respond to any intrusions of the League’s borders. He still hoped that it would wait just a few more years so the Jardine yard would be complete and his masterstroke could be unveiled, but Michaels is ready to defend the League whenever necessary.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2380      Value in Millions
Money Available 352,000
Remaining from Last Turn
Available Shipyards

Atreus                   0/2
Irian       0/2
Loyalty       0/2
Regulus                 1
Jardine (secret)      3
Repairs 9,000

Maintenance 50% 164,172                                                                               
Construction Unit Price
        Jardine              S3>S4             40,000
                    Atreus              Both S2>S3     45,000
                     Irian                  S2>S3            30,000
Warships Cyrus 6          54,732

Jumpships 0 500        0
Dropships 8 300   2,400
Fighters             76     5      380
Research Naval Gauss                                      36,160
Total Spent     381,464

Income Remaining -29,464
Doctrine Changes:
The conflict on Giausar proved that Marik’s would need to be in groups to compete with larger and more directly combat-designed warships, forcing a change in fleet doctrine. Instead of Marik’s on the Capellan and Lyran borders constantly patrolling individually or in small groups, they would form up with their new Cyrus flagships in a united squadron. The large number of jumpships, and cargo dropships, would be used as picket forces on the Lyran and Capellan borders to inform the squadrons if enemy forces cross the border. While this will make preventing invasions difficult, it is felt that a counter attack will have a higher chance of success, and Marik’s battlemech forces will give them an advantage on the ground that their neighbours are only beginning to counter. The Marik’s deployed on the League’s Periphery border are not reorganized this way, as it is felt that with minimal dropship and fighter support they can deal with pirates and minor Periphery attacks as it is. Similarly, the Stewart fleet is already organized into a united reserve, so little is changed for them. Finally, the Talwar corvettes are in theory supposed to coordinate with the Capellan squadron, their new Commodore Allison is at best loosely communicating with Admiral Muric in the Capellan Squadron. While she is unlikely to launch an attack without direct orders, if the Capellans attack her response is likely to be unpredictable and audacious.

Code: [Select]
Free Worlds League Navy:
Marik Destroyers:
Stewart System:
FWLS Marik
FWLS Oriente
FWLS Irian
FWLS New Delos
FWLS Stewart
FWLS Tiber
FWLS Loric
FWLS Alula Borealis
Periphery Border:
FWLS Atreus
FWLS Loyalty
FWLS Tamarind
FWLS Sardis
Capellan Squadron:
FWLS Regulus
FWLS Kanata
FWLS Gibson
FWLS Bismarck 
Lyran Squadron:
FWLS Clipperton
FWLS Thermopolis (Repaired)
FWLS Kalidasa (Repaired)
FWLS Solaris Lyran Border
Talwar Corvettes:
FWLS Talwar - Capellan border
FWLS Tegha - Capellan Border
Cyrus Cruisers:
FWLS Cyrus - Flagship Stewart Fleet
FWLS Darius - Flagship Capellan Squadron
FWLS Xerxes - Flagship Lyran Squadron
Stewart System
FWLS Cambyses
FWLS Artaxerxes
FWLS Achaemenid
Personalities of the early Free Worlds League Navy:
-From Admiral’s of the Black Sea the NVHIST 137.3’s textbook at Lloyd Marik-Stanley Aerospace School

Captain Admiral Domenic Michaels:
“Always remember, that the triumph of the British navy was not just due to it’s Nelsons and Cochranes, or to it’s legendary discipline; but due to planning, position, and logistics. We cannot assume that we will have an advantage in our naval size especially if, gods forbid, we fight the Hegemony, nor can we assume that we will have better technology or more brilliant leaders when we go into combat. That is the best way to guarantee our defeat. What we can do is plan, and build up our logistics, and win in the long term. We are called a nation of shopkeepers, but so were the British, and keeping shop is what gave them the tools for victory.”
-Speech to his officers, 2378

The founder of the FWLN, Michaels is often seen as the height of a Marik naval officer, which is something that few would have expected before he took the reins of power. Only 32 when he was appointed Captain Admiral, Michaels was not a civilian jumpship captain nor a Terran deserter before he became Captain Admiral, he was a history professor at the University of Marik. Having taught Geraldine Marik a naval history class, he impressed her with his knowledge of managing a naval power and his keen understanding of the importance of logistics. Although his early days in charge of the nascent FWLN included dealing with nobles who felt that they should be in charge; Michaels soon surprised everyone, including himself, by showing a keen skill in politics. Quickly becoming the father of the navy, Michaels was able to inspire his men and hold their deep respect. This respect allowed Michaels to largely focus on an economic and logistical buildup before launching offensive actions, but it also created a Navy that was united by respect for the man, not the institution. It would be a challenge for his successor to ensure the Navy does not fall into fratricidal infighting that has proven the League’s curse.

Admiral Vincent Heihachiro:
“If wooden ships required iron men, then my ships demand men of neutronium! The Captain Admiral is soft, and only demands excellence, I demand perfection! That is the second virtue of a sailor, the first is obedience! You do not have the whole picture, so you must instantly obey those that do!Your honour is in your obedience, and in your perfection!”
-Twice daily speech to the crew of the ship Heihachiro commands

Coming from a long line of Japanese naval officers on his father’s side and English on his mothers, Heihachiro was raised on tales of naval prowess. He grew up into someone who saw the navy as everything, and demands all others see it as everything as well. Almost ridicu;ously conservative, he was known to complain that the navy did not use the lash to instill discipline like in the olden days. His conservatism includes a fanatical reliance on the chain of command, which meant that Heihachiro’s foibles were limited as long as Michaels was his superior officer, but many captains feared what would happen if he succeeded Michaels. Heihachiro’s absolute focus on discipline and respecting the chain of command means that ships under his command show much higher levels of technical skill than those drilled under other admirals, but their unwillingness to diverge from his commands means that opportunities are not seized that could bring glory to the FWLN.

Admiral Jakob Zeno:
“While I will acknowledge Giausar was less than successful, that ultimately is the fault of Imstar Aerospace, both for misinforming me and for making inferior fighters. If they had designed their fighters better, my brilliant strategy would have worked perfectly. But without my strategy, think about how much worse it could have been? At least the Lyrans have learned to fear the FWLN and Admiral Zeno”
-Response to reporters asking about the Battle of Giasaur 2377

A favourite of the Marik Commonwealth, and a scion of a water purifier magnate, Admiral Zeno sees the Navy as the best way to gain glory and his father’s respect. Although his rise to Admiral in charge of the Lyran border was certainly helped by his connections, Zeno is also a genuinely talented commander skilled at thinking on his feet. But when the opportunity to gain glory at Giausar appeared he took it without thinking of the potential risks. Zeno proved his skill by salvaging his command with relatively low losses, but he still cost hundreds of people their lives by fighting a battle he was unlikely to win. Michaels is hoping that by placing Zeno directly under him he can teach him to think about the long term instead of just short term glory, but right now Zeno is a skilled commander weighed down by his overaggressive personality and need to be important.

Admiral Esfir Muric:
“The first priority of a state is to protect its people. The Navy, as with all militaries, is an extension of the state. Thus, the first priority of the navy is to protect the people. This is what we are charged to do. Many in the League would then say that other states, and other navies, do not understand this is proof that the multicultural democracy of the League is a strength that others lack, and should liberate those unfortunates who have to live under tyrannical oppression. This is true, but it is limited. We must first master ourselves before we can tell others that are fit to be their master. The Navy must treat its people with the respect they deserve before they can extend their protection to the oppressed of other states. Whether through pride, apathy, conservatism, or recklessness we prevent ourselves from doing this, we will fail to be a Navy that can prevail.”
-From Philosophy of Naval Power written by Muric is 2379

A religious scholar and philosopher as well as a naval officer, Muric is a unique officer that most of the FWLN is uncertain how to respond to. Her studies have led to a strong belief that no matter what, the protection of civilians is the ultimate priority of herself and the FWLN. While every commander would agree to this in principle, except maybe Heihachiro, her extreme dedication to this sets her apart. Although her beliefs have not been tested in real combat yet, in simulations she has frequently sacrificed ships to protect civilian jumpships and dropships, including in one case civilian ships that were on the same side as the OpFor. This dedication has not endeared her to more militaristic officials, who do not understand her ideals but hold them in contempt, although the civilians on Capellan border worlds have responded well to having someone who values their lives so much with an outpouring of support. Michaels, with his academic background, can bridge the gap between Muric and other officers, but neither side is likely to work well together once he retires.

Admiral Harkiran White:
“Offended at not receiving a Cyrus? Why would I be? When you’re in the Periphery, light-years away from support, having a few more guns is meaningless. Having the collars to transport colonists and supplies, or to bring more fighters or add assault dropships to your force, well that’s useful. That’s flexible. And I’ll take that any day of the week.”
-Interview with Tamarind Weekly, 2385

The Admiral of the ships on House Marik’s Periphery border, White is an independent man on a border that requires independence, and is at his best commanding just his own ship. On any other border. He would only be fit to be a captain, as his skills at commanding a single ship are only matched by his inability to coordinate multiple capital ships and their attendant fleets. But he is extremely skilled at negotiating the wild borders of the Periphery, and training his captains to do the same thing. So he is left at admiral in the Periphery, leaving him with little chance of promotion to Captain Admiral, a limitation he is happy to accept in return for getting to make his mark helping expand the League further into the Periphery.

Commodore Isabella Allison:
“So I took a gamble, what’s wrong with that? You can never remove chance from warfare no matter how hard you beat your crews into compliance. And even if you could, you could never achieve as much as a skilled gambler could when they play their cards right. We have potential enemies on all sides, we will never win by refusing to take risks.”
-Recorded response to Admiral Heihachiro criticizing her actions with ALEXA, 2376

Recently put in charge of the Talwar corvettes on the Capellan border, Allison runs the thin line between audacity and recklessness. Unlike the other flag officers, who see the Talwar’s as a boondoggle, Allison loves them. The speed and aggression, not to mention the near-insanity required to use them effectively, fits Allison’s willingness to gamble to achieve extreme results. Her public praise of the Talwar has also won her the support of the Selaj family, which combined with her relations to Oriente’s Allisons makes her practically untouchable. This is good for her because her aggressiveness and her actions with Operation ALEXA have caused her to gain many critics, most obviously Heihachiro.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Jester Motley on 13 May 2020, 20:00:18
Federated Suns 2380

Code: [Select]
Federated Suns Turn report:                   
Turn:                          4             
Turn Date:                    2380           
Base Budget:                  366000         
Carryover From previous turn: -43           
Bonus/Loss:                    20500         
Total Budget for turn:        386457         
Maintenance:                  115622.5       
Research:                      128977.1       
New Aquisitions:              49984         
Yard Additions/Upgrades:      50000         
Surplus for next turn/Warchest 41873.4       
Research:                      PPC           
Existing Yards:                               
Planet                        L1    L2    L3    L4    L5    L6    L7    L8    L9    L10  Castles Br
TOTAL                          3    3    2    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   
Delevan                        1    1    1    1                                             
Layover                        1    1    1                                                   
New Syrtis                    1    1                                                         
Yard upgrades/moves:                         
Upgrade LV4->5                1             
End of Turn Yards:                           
Planet                        L1    L2    L3    L4    L5    L6    L7    L8    L9    L10  Castles Br
TOTAL                          3    3    2    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0   
Delevan                        1    1    1    0    1                                       
Layover                        1    1    1                                                   
New Syrtis                    1   
Starting Ships:                               
Starting Minor Vessels:                       
                              Fighter        4275           
                              Adv. Fighter    0             
                              Small Craft    2150           
                              Light DS        105           
                              Med DS          25             
                              Hvy DS          0             
                              JumpShip        35             
New Minor Vessels:                                            Total EOT:     
                              Fighter        500            4775           
                              Adv. Fighter    0              0             
                              Small Craft    100            2250           
                              Light DS        0              105           
                              Med DS          0              25             
                              Hvy DS          0              0             
                              JumpShip        0              35             
New Designs                    Built this Turn
-                              -             
Existing Designs:              Built this Turn Refit:          Starting Number Total:          Mothballed:                   
Outpost Space Station (Recharg 0              0              40              40              0             
Bailey Space Station (Defense) 0              0              20              20              0             
Gladius (Destroyer/Defense)    2              0              5              7              0             
Hornet (Light Carrier)        1              0              2              3              0             
Rapier (Fast Frigate)          1              0              4              5              0             
Terrier (Corvette/Scout)      0              0              5              5              0             
Cabellus (AFS Collier/Combat S 0              0              2              2              0             
Achilles (Cruiser)            0              -1              1              0              0             
Achilles-B-A1 (Cruiser)        2              1              0              3              0                       

Achilles-B-A1-class Cruiser Refit
With the unsuccessful attempt to rush the namesake Achilles into readiness for the Taurian Campaign, the engineers had the chance to do extensive stress testing of the new systems.  On paper, the Achilles was a solid design, but practical trials showed that she had extensive Fire control issues, heavily crowded gundecks, and CiC issues with inadequate sensors and combat environment information.  Combined with several technology breakthroughs that occurred in the final construction, trials, and engineer testing, the call was made to upgrade her 2 sister ships, whose keels had already been laid, but where changes could be done with minimum added costs.

Her gun decks were broadside gun decks were simplified by reducing the number of barrels, but substantially increasing their sizes.  In addition, the primary fighting decks were cleared of secondary weapon systems, relying on her Naval lasers and Missiles for anti-vehicle defenses, and her considerably strengthened secondaries on her fore and aft corners.  Eschewing the venerable heavy caliber machine guns for small laser mounts along with reducing the number of autocannon barrels is hoped to give the Achilles longer legs.  Though the ammunition feed systems were removed for the machine guns, it was noted by an engineer that the ammo vaults shared a wall with the Gauss rounds.  As there was little that could be done with the space, substantially more Gauss slugs were added to the Ache's stores, allowing her to shoot for more than 5 hours of continuous fire from her broadside weapons.  While the brand new small PPC mounts are lighter than the autocannons they're replacing, they're heavier than the large diameter lasers, and the longer and larger engagement envelope is hoped to counter the overall reduced short range punch.

An extensive overhaul was given to her electronics package, incorporating the best sensors available to the FedSuns, and adding in the newest ECM capabilities on top of it.  And last, but not least, was the upgrade to the new Ferro-Carbide armor that was just starting to come off the factor lines thanks to the near-alchemy magic of the RnD dept.  The upgrade added nearly 25% more armor all around, making it more than 3 times as thick as the "high-tech" plating on the Gladius destroyer.  giving the Achilles the greatest resiliency of any of the FedSun warcraft.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: CA-100 Achilles-B-A1 Refit
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $10,493,566,000.00
Magazine Cost: $18,000,000.00
BV2: 119,915

Refit Cost: $632,000,000

Mass: 1,000,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Ferro-Carbide
24 Naval PPC Medium
34 Naval Laser 55
80 PPC
180 Laser Small
40 AC 20
10 Naval Gauss Rifle Light
10 Naval PPC Heavy
10 Capital Launcher Barracuda

Class/Model/Name: CA-100 Achilles-B-A1 Refit
Mass: 1,000,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 180,000.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 2,500.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (21 Integrity) 452,500.00
Jump Sail: (5 Integrity) 80.00
Structural Integrity: 110 110,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 9830 Single 9,185.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 12500 points 5,100.00
Fire Control Computers: 14,162.00
Armor: 1826 pts Ferro-Carbide 2,200.00
Fore: 305
Fore-Left/Right: 305/305
Aft-Left/Right: 305/305
Aft: 301

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Medium: 2 200.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 50 350.00
Life Boats: 50 350.00

Crew And Passengers:
67 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 670.00
178 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 1,246.00
156 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 1,092.00
60 Bay Personnel 0.00
36 1st Class Passengers 360.00
224 2nd Class Passengers 1,568.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
4 Naval PPC Medium Nose 540 360 (36-C) Extreme-C 7,200.00
4 Naval Laser 55 Nose 340 220 (22-C) Extreme-C 4,400.00
20 PPC Nose 200 200 (20-C) Medium 140.00
30 Laser Small Nose 30 90 (9-C) Short-PDS 15.00
4 Naval PPC Medium FR 540 360 (36-C) Extreme-C 7,200.00
4 Naval Laser 55 FR 340 220 (22-C) Extreme-C 4,400.00
10 AC 20 FR 70 200 (20-C) Short 140.00
10 PPC FR 100 100 (10-C) Medium 70.00
30 Laser Small FR 30 90 (9-C) Short-PDS 15.00
5 Naval Gauss Rifle Light RBS 45 750 (75-C) Extreme-C 22,500.00
5 Naval PPC Heavy RBS 1125 750 (75-C) Extreme-C 15,000.00
5 Naval Laser 55 RBS 425 275 (27.5-C) Extreme-C 5,500.00
5 Capital Launcher Barracuda RBS 50 100 (10-C) Extreme-C 450.00
4 Naval PPC Medium AR 540 360 (36-C) Extreme-C 7,200.00
4 Naval Laser 55 AR 340 220 (22-C) Extreme-C 4,400.00
10 AC 20 AR 70 200 (20-C) Short 140.00
10 PPC AR 100 100 (10-C) Medium 70.00
30 Laser Small AR 30 90 (9-C) Short-PDS 15.00
4 Naval PPC Medium FL 540 360 (36-C) Extreme-C 7,200.00
4 Naval Laser 55 FL 340 220 (22-C) Extreme-C 4,400.00
10 AC 20 FL 70 200 (20-C) Short 140.00
10 PPC FL 100 100 (10-C) Medium 70.00
30 Laser Small FL 30 90 (9-C) Short-PDS 15.00
5 Naval Gauss Rifle Light LBS 45 750 (75-C) Extreme-C 22,500.00
5 Naval PPC Heavy LBS 1125 750 (75-C) Extreme-C 15,000.00
5 Naval Laser 55 LBS 425 275 (27.5-C) Extreme-C 5,500.00
5 Capital Launcher Barracuda LBS 50 100 (10-C) Extreme-C 450.00
4 Naval PPC Medium AL 540 360 (36-C) Extreme-C 7,200.00
4 Naval Laser 55 AL 340 220 (22-C) Extreme-C 4,400.00
10 AC 20 AL 70 200 (20-C) Short 140.00
10 PPC AL 100 100 (10-C) Medium 70.00
30 Laser Small AL 30 90 (9-C) Short-PDS 15.00
4 Naval PPC Medium Aft 540 360 (36-C) Extreme-C 7,200.00
4 Naval Laser 55 Aft 340 220 (22-C) Extreme-C 4,400.00
20 PPC Aft 200 200 (20-C) Medium 140.00
30 Laser Small Aft 30 90 (9-C) Short-PDS 15.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 200 6,000.00
AC 20 Ammo 1000 200.00
Naval Gauss Rifle Light Ammo 1600 320.00

Equipment Mass
Communication Equipment 4.00
MASH Unit 3.50
NCSS Large 500.00

# Cargo and Bays Mass
12 Bay Small Craft 2,400.00
50207 Cargo, Standard 50207

Ship Names
Code: [Select]
AFFS Naval Vessels by Class and Design: 2370-2380
Achilles (Cruiser) 1
Gladius (Destroyer/Defense) 7
Hornet (Light Carrier) 2
Rapier (Fast Frigate) 5
Terrier (Corvette/Scout) 5
Yorkshire II
Cabellus (AFS Collier/Combat Stores) 2
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 14 May 2020, 02:51:08
United Hindu Collective 2380

The decimation of the Taurian Concordat Navy was a very sobering experience for the UHCN leadership to witness, and the knowledge that it could have easily been them cemented the official position of the High Admiral to never challenge the Federated Suns. On the other hand with the aggression shown by both sides, an opening had presented itself to show themselves as a nation of peace and stability to their neighbouring unaffiliated worlds, and try to bring them into the fold. The opportunity to take advantage of the Taurians in their moment of weakness was also too good to pass up, but to strike them directly would spoil the reputation they were trying to build. Fortunately the pirate problem that had so long plagued the periphery could be turned to other uses with the right incentive....

Code: [Select]
Year: 2380 Value in Millions
Money Available 68,000
Remaining from Last Turn 281
Available Shipyards

Besantapur 0/1


Maintanence 50% 40147
Prototype Cost Shooraveer 1 5,736 1,434
0 0
Variant 0 0
Construction Unit Price
Shipyards Besantapur New S1 5,000 5,000

Stations Ganges 5 315 1,575

Warships Maharaj 0 6,787 0
Shooraveer 1 5,736 5,736
Refit 0 0
Jumpships 0 500 0
Dropships 0 300 0
Fighters 50 5 250
Small Craft 70 10 700
Research Imp. Ferro-Alum 1 11760 11760
Pirates JumpShip 3 500 1500

Total Spent 68102


Remaining 179

Shooraveer-class Frigate

The UHCN's struggles with dealing with the pirate problem was largely blamed on the slow speed of the Maharaj, which could drive away but not catch the Aquilas and occaisonal Vigilant that were so dangerous. To rectify this the Shooraveer was designed by the Tendulkar Military Institute. Featuring a much better thrust-to-weight ratio it is capable of chasing down any pirate ship seen so far, which is seen as it's primary role.

The primary armament consists of fourteen Medium Naval PPCs, mounted in 7 turrets spread across the ship covering every angle except directly behind. These guns are supported by seven triple 55cm Laser turrets in matching fire arcs, as well as eight Barracuda launchers. The Anti-Small Craft battery is sufficient to fight off all but the most determined of attackers, as is the Point Defence guns.

Wrapped in as much Ferro-Aluminium armour as the hull will allow, the ship nevertheless is intended to fight at a distance against anything even vaguely approaching an even match. The Large Comms scanner suite helps to track down any suspicious vessels, which can then be stopped and searched by the on board marine complement.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Shooraveer
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $5,736,434,000.00
Magazine Cost: $736,000.00
BV2: 45,549

Mass: 350,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
14 Naval PPC Medium
8 Capital Launcher Barracuda
48 Machine Gun (IS)
48 Laser Blazer Cannon
21 Naval Laser 45

Class/Model/Name: Shooraveer
Mass: 350,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 84,000.00
Safe: 4
Maximum: 6
Controls: 875.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (9 Integrity) 158,375.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 48.00
Structural Integrity: 80 28,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 4208 Single 3,754.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 10000 points 4,080.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 384 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 560.00
Fore: 64
Fore-Left/Right: 65/65
Aft-Left/Right: 65/65
Aft: 60

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 0 0.00
Life Boats: 50 350.00

Crew And Passengers:
32 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 320.00
83 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 581.00
71 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 497.00
66 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
66 2nd Class Passengers 462.00
90 Steerage Marines 450.00

Bay #1: Fighters (18) - 3 Doors
Bay #2: Small Craft (6) - 1 Door
Bay #3: Cargo (15426 Tons) - 1 Door

MG Ammo - 96 Tons (400 rds/gun)
Barracuda Ammo - 80 (10/tube)
Large NCSS

3 x NL/55
2 x Barracuda
12 x MG

3 x NL/55
12 x Blazers

3 x NL/55
2 x Barracuda
12 x MG

3 x NL/55
12 x Blazers

2 x Barracuda
12 x MG

Fleet Deployment:

The Maharaj's are patrolling the borders individually, with one exception - the UHCS Karachi, which stays in Besantapur in case of attack.
The UHCS Shooraveer will perform it's shakedown cruise in Panpour, before taking station in the space between the UHC and Concordat.

The privateers that have been "Incentivized to look elsewhere" have been steered in the Concordat's direction.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 16 May 2020, 20:42:31
Illyrian Palatinate 2380

With the openly militant Marian Hegemony slowly encroaching on their territory and reports of the size of the newest ships in the Hegemony Navy, the Palatinate Navy High Command knew the Vigilants they had relied on up till now were no longer sufficient to defend them. However no yard inside the Palatinate was large enough to build a ship that could possibly stand up to the MHN Augustus-class, so massive upgrades were planned. However funds for this upgrade would prove difficult to find, in the end the only way the yard expansion and the new ship that would be built within it was to scrap the obsolescent Vigilants before their replacements entered service. Even then it wasn't enough, and the debt would build until it was finally time to pay the piper.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2380 Value in Millions
Money Available 44,000
Remaining from Last Turn 7138
Available Shipyards

Illyria 1
Trondheimal 1


Maintanence 50% 15932
Prototype Cost Snekkja 5,999 1,500

Construction Unit Price
Shipyards Illyria S1 > S2 20,000 20,000

Stations Haven 0 284 0
Warships Vigilant 0 4,047 0
Skíðblaðnir 0 3,732 0
Snekkja 2 5,999 11998
Jumpships 0 500 0
Dropships 0 300 0
Fighters 0 5 0
Small Craft 0 10 0
Research Imp. Ferro-Alum 1 7200 7200

Total Spent 56630

Income Vigilants Scrapped 4 1012 4047

Remaining -1,445

End Turn In Service
Warships Vigilant 0
Skíðblaðnir 4
Snekkja 2

Stations Haven 4
Jumpships 10
Dropships 20

Fighters 720
Small Craft 120

Total Value
Fleet Complement Fighters 96
Small Craft 20

Snekkja-class Light Cruiser

With the limited budget available to the Palatinate, getting the most bang for their buck was essential. Thus the old Vigilant class was retired in favour of the larger, far more capable Snekkja (or Yacht). Weighing in at Four Hundred and Sixty Kilotons the ship fits in amongst the destroyers of other fleets, it is labelled a Light Cruiser more for propaganda purposes than anything relevant to it's intended role.

Despite it's more powerful R.O.G.E.R. Ramjet 3000 manoeuvring drive, the Snekkja's acceleration is no better than the older Vigilant it replaces, but as this matches the acceleration profile of their most likely opponent - the MHN Augustus-class - this is not seen as an issue. Large fuel tanks allow it to keep itself and one hundred and twenty strong fighter complement in the field for extended durations, and the decision to forgo the Naval Autocannons on the Vigilant in favour of the newer Particle Cannon removes one more type of ammunition that needs to be carried, further aiding the vessels endurance.

Of those Particle Cannons, ten heavy and thirty-two light guns are mounted. The heavy guns are in twin turrets mounted in the nose and each quarter, while the light guns are also in twin turrets, spread equally around the entire vessel. This gives a mix of big guns to punch holes in armour before the lighter ones pierce into the internals, while the multiple smaller turrets make the ship harder to disarm with a few lucky hits. This heavy armament came at a cost however, and although the point defence network is adequate for all but the heaviest missile barrages, no anti-small craft guns are mounted. Instead the ship is dependant on its fighter complement to defend it from enemy strike craft.

Finally a Naval Comms Scanner-Suite was reverse engineered from examples bought from the Lyran Commonwealth, and installed in the ship to give it superior detection ranges. All this in a ship that comes in just under Six Billion each.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Snekkja
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $5,999,434,000.00
Magazine Cost: $192,000.00
BV2: 58,360

Mass: 460,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
10 Naval PPC Heavy
96 Machine Gun (IS)
32 Naval PPC Light

Class/Model/Name: Snekkja
Mass: 460,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 82,800.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 1,150.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (11 Integrity) 208,150.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 53.00
Structural Integrity: 90 41,400.00
Total Heat Sinks: 5610 Single 5,159.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 10000 points 4,080.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 551 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 828.00
Fore: 93
Fore-Left/Right: 92/92
Aft-Left/Right: 92/92
Aft: 90

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 35 245.00
Life Boats: 40 280.00

Crew And Passengers:
34 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 340.00
103 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 721.00
64 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 448.00
270 Bay Personnel In 2nd Class 1890.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
50 2nd Class Marines 350.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00

Bay #1: Fighters (60) - 3 Doors
Bay #2: Fighters (60) - 3 Doors
Bay #3: Small Craft (6) - 1 Door
Bay #4: Cargo (17666 Tons) - 1 Door

MG Ammo - 192 Tons (2 tons/gun)
Small NCSS

12 x MG

12 x MG

12 x MG

12 x MG

12 x MG
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Tyler Jorgensson on 19 May 2020, 20:11:06
Principality of Rasalhague

Principality of Rasalhague, 2382

"Admiral Hjelmstad you must be delusional! This is by far the most harebrained scheme I have ever heard of." The Elected Prince is practically screaming at this newest Fleet Admiral. The man is quite young, his fiery red hair and bear plaited up like a Viking of ancient Terra. His gray uniform has a few combat medals, most notably that of the Third Battle of Jezersko. Harold Hjelmstead had commanded the PoRS Varg and had rallied the fleet after Admiral Jorgensson's demise. Since then he had worked hard to organize the POR ships , drilling them consistently in chain of command loss and how to survive it. He had also instituted a number of recruiting programs across PoR space bringing in many new recruits to academies, training programs, and engineering firms. Despite all that, his latest plan had him being screamed at by nearly the entire High Command, including the Elected Prince himself.

"You want to not only waste the rest of your budget for this quarter on not upgrading our shipyards and technological base, but you want an additional six billion to spend on this insane stunt? One that we might lose the entirety of for some half-assed plan to fight the largest and most powerful of the five non-hegemony powers? Explain why I shouldn't have you fired right now?!"

The young Admiral takes a second and pulls out his datapad.

"First sir, Vice Admiral Knudtson had a solid plan ... before we've received intelligence on the latest DCA fleet maneuvers. Studying the last decade worth of movements, including their counter-attack of Jezersko, we've determined a relatively known weakness. While we are their smallest neighbor, they must concentrate on their war as heavily as if we were the Lyrans or Fed Rats themselves. Nearly a third of their fleet is on our border at all times, and their reinforcements and most likely to continue this trend, even if their would be a naval reserve at their Capital of New Samarkand."

"My plan, while dangerous in the short term, plans to strike a blow against our enemy that will force them to re-evaluate their commitment to this war. We've locked into our trade and alliance deals with the Rim Worlds, and despite my personal opinions on the idea of an alliance with them, our strategists believe that they truly intend to continue supporting us. By licensing the Aspida defensive platforms from them we have a slight defensive buff to our forward systems and our shipyards for minimal cost. Our fleet is sufficient enough for defensive purposes and is not really built as an offensive measure."

He forestalls the Prince's argument, "Yes sir, I realize Jezersko was an offensive engagement, but it was practically within our own borders. My plan is a much larger offensive raid." He brings up a couple of documents on his datapad.

"With new recruitment numbers and a seasoned crew of veterans e will have enough to crew this new fleet. Declarations of Intent sent to the Hegemony and the Commonwealth should more than suffice to move the fleet towards our territory, and of course a solid promise to defend against pirates or 'adjacent hostile powers' is always a bonus."

"But you want to give, GIVE, away a Jumpship to the Capellans! One of only a dozen in our fleet to a power that builds them by the hundreds!', screams the Prince again.

"Yes sir! We need to convince the Capellans that we need the ships more than the Taurians, or the Combine herself. By offering a free ship to the Capellans to transfer their crews home it is an extra incentive to sell to us. And we will obviously ask for it back after their prize crew returns home."

"-SIX BILLION! We're already stretched to the breaking point. How in the nine realms of hell do you expect us to pay for that!"

"Sir frankly I don't care. Cancel a dinner party of the government, sell a tank regiment or three, don't build a couple dozen mechs. Tighten a couple belts: we need this fleet. I want to strike this blow DEEP into Combine territory and wipe out their capacity to wage war against us. I want to destroy their fleet so we wont have to fight them again. I want the surrounding nations to wake up and take notice that we cannot be ignored. The other nations can and WILL take advantage of the Combines losses buying us time and breathing room. Most of all, the Combine will reconsider this war."

The Elected Prince for once is quite silent. The arguments, while valid, still are a hard pill to swallow. Admiral Jorgensson had done an excellent job on defending the Principality for many years. Even with a larger budget the Principality was at a breaking point. This madness.... might be just what they needed to buy more time. Nearly forty years of skirmishing.... no this had become a war long ago. Thousands had died on both sides, worlds had changed hands, and countless billions in damage....

"Alright..." the Prince says silently.


"I said alright. We will go for this plan. We'll find the money somewhere. I warn you if it fails though its your head that will roll. Now get out of my office and begin your work. I've got to send a message to Archon Marsden about 'future exercises'...."

"Yes Sir!" the young Admiral smiles as he salutes and leaves the room.

Fleet Doctrine
The Fleet will be broken up into three Squadrons: Alpha, Beta, and Delta. Alpha and Beta will mirror each other with the Hund II's split, with a Vittoria escorting it and two Invader-class Jumpships. One Jumpship will function as a carrier, carrying fighters and  ground troops if necessary, while the other will be a cargo carrier.
Alpha will be based from Rasalhague, patrolling the 'middle line' of PoR territory along with allied RWR fleets. Beta will be patrolling the front line (Last Frontier, Radlje, Vipaava, and Trondheim), based at Jezersko.

Delta will consist of both Lola I's, and the new acquisitions. After it's arrival in PoR space it will be based at Jezersko until it's deployment. Four Invader-class Jumpships will escort it, complete with mostly cargo carrying vessels. Admiral Hjelmstad's command will be based from the new Yang Wei-class Heavy Cruiser "Jörmungandr". Two Binzhou-class Destroyers will be responsible for general defense of the Jumpships and maintain a rear line presence.

Twelve of the new Aspida-class Defensive stations will be deployed to Rasalhague, ten to Jezersko, eight to New Oslo: five each to Trondheim, Vipaava, Last Frontier, and Radlje; and two each to Thule, Pinnacle, Christiania, Dawn, and Susquehanna. Two Jumpships will be responsible for the seeding of the stations starting from the front (at least one will carry fighters for support and will be responsible for jumping to warn the fleet after deploying its craft). Once this task is complete they are ordered to deploy relief crews and supplies to the Squadrons from Naval Reserve personnel.

Any and ALL Jumpships are to avoid combat at all cost, jumping to obtain reinforcements. Any pilots are tasked with covering this retreat and are then ordered to head to ground if possible.

The fighter and Drop Ship assignments of the fleet will be the same as Admiral Jorgensson had laid down nearly two decades ago. Drop Ships and medium craft to remain close to the fleet, light squadrons to scout, and heavies for assault support. In addition the small craft will be appropriately tasked for boarding actions if possible but otherwise close in support actions. Our fighter squadrons still outnumber the enemies as of last known intelligence briefings so typical fleet engagements should see our fighters triumph over the enemies.

Priority targets are once again troopships and their line cruisers. However local commanders are given broad latitude in how to target their fleets guns, semi-reversing Admiral Jorgensson's policy of 'It must die or else!'. Commanders are also give latitude to determine if ships can be captured, crippled, or destroyed. If ceasefires are negotiated we will 'NOT' fire first: we will maintain all level of civility if possible. Be wary of traps from the Combine for they are crafty. Orbital bombardment on enemy forces is forbidden while in PoR space.

Finally, the Third Battle of Jezersko taught us much about fleet combat. In light of the Flagship of a given squadrons destruction the chain of command will pass to the senior Captain among the remaining members. Commanders are to drill rapid changes of command with their crews to enforce this. Our fleet will also maintain formation in system on patrol routes together, not independently split off from each other. They are patrolling, being repaired/upgraded/ or holding at Jump Points together. They are not to maintain positions near the gravity well of the planets if at all possible: they should always be in motion.

Code: [Select]
Principality of Rasalhague, Turn Beginning 2380 Value/Cost (Millions)

Funds: + 782
Revenue: 91.000
- Rasalhague:      1
- New Oslo:         1

- 2x Lola I-class Cruisers
- 2x Bonaventure-class Corvettes
- 5x Hund-class Frigates Mark II
- 1X Vittoria-class Destroyer

- 11x Invader-class

Space Stations: 0

- 36x Light Dropships

Small Craft:
- 92x Small Craft

- 394x Fighters (Mix of classes)

Expenses                                        Value/Cost (Millions)
- Lola I-class Cruiser: 6.654/ 6.654
- Hund-class Frigate Mark II: 10.000/ 11.743
- Vittoria-class Destroyer: 3.000/ 3.264
- Invader-class Jumpships: 1.750/ 2.750
- Dropships: 5.000/ 5.400
- Fighters: 985/ 985
- Small Craft: 460/ 460

- Last Turn's Combat (One Lola, One Vittoria, Two Hund II's): 4.700

- 2x Bonaventure-class Corvettes: +2.518

- 76x Fighters (Mostly heavier designs): 380
- 1x Vittoria-class Destroyer (Upgraded)(From the RWR): 7.000
- 60x Aspida-class Defensive Stations (From the RWR): 9.600
- 5x Yang Wei-class Heavy Cruisers (From the CC): 25.000
- 10x Binzhou-class Destroyers (From the CC): 25.000

Total: 96.229

Principality of Rasalhague, Turn Ending 2390 Value/Cost (Millions)
Funds: -5.229
- Rasalhague:      1
- New Oslo:         1

- 2x Lola I-class Cruisers
- 5x Hund-class Frigates Mark II
- 2x Vittoria-class Destroyers (1x Upgraded)
- 5x Yang Wei-class Heavy Cruisers
- 10x Binzhou-class Destroyers

- 11x Invader-class

Space Stations:
- 60x Aspida-class Defensive Stations

- 36x Light Dropships

Small Craft:
- 92x Small Craft

- 470x Fighters (Mix of classes)

List of Ship Names

Hund-class Frigates Mark II
PoRS Mäyräkoira (Daschhound Finnish)
PoRS Sækari (Retreiver Icelandic)
PoRS Varg (Wolf Swedish)
PoRS Kant (Edge Swedish)
PoRS Terä (Blade Finnish)

Lola I-class Cruisers
PoRS Mjölnir
PoRS Myrskyn Katkaisija

Vittoria-class Destroyer
PoRS Miekka (Sword Finnish) - Alpha Squadron Flagship
PoRS Yxa (Hachet Swedish) - Beta Squadron Flagship

Binzhou-class Destroyer Block Two
PoRS Odin
PoRS Frigg
PoRS Thor
PoRS Borr
PoRS Freyr
PoRS Freya
PoRS Baldr
PoRS Tyr
PoRS Geri
PoRS Freki

Yang Wei Heavy Cruiser
PoRS Jörmungandr - Fleet Command Ship
PoRS Loki
PoRS Fenrir
PoRS Hel
PoRS Surtr

List of Destroyed Vessels
- Vittoria-class Destroyer PoRS Kirves (Axe Finnish) - Destroyed - Third Battle of Jezersko - Late 2376
- Hund II-class Frigate PoRS Hund (Hound Swedish) - Lead ship of class - Destroyed - Third Battle of Jezersko Late 2376
- Rav-class Corvette PoRS Rav (Fox Swedish) - Lead ship of class - Destroyed - First Battle of Jezersko 2359
- Rav-class Corvette PoRS Kråka (Crow Swedish) - Destroyed - Battle of Christiana, Late 2362
- Rav-class Corvette PoRS Korp (Raven - Swedish) - Destroyed - Battle of Christiana, Late 2362

Code: [Select]

Alpha Squadron Ships (Rasalhague -> Patrolling Secondary Line)
Hund-class Frigate Mark II
PoRS Mäyräkoira
PoRS Sækari

Vittoria-class Destroyer
PoRS Miekka - Alpha Squadron Temporary Flagship

- 2x Invader Jumpships

Beta Squadron Ships (Rasalhague -> Patrolling Jezersko and Front Line)
Hund-class Frigate Mark II
PoRS Varg
PoRS Kant
PoRS Terä

Vittoria-class Destroyer
PoRS Yxa - Beta Squadron Temporary Flagship

- 2x Invader-class Jumpships

Delta Squadron (Jezersko -> Assault Fleet)

Yang Wei-class Heavy Cruisers
PoRS Jörmungandr - Delta Squadron Flagship
PoRS Loki
PoRS Fenrir
PoRS Hel
PoRS Surtr

Lola I-class Cruisers
PoRS Mjölnir
PoRS Myrskyn Katkaisija

Binzhou-class Destroyer Block Two
PoRS Odin
PoRS Frigg
PoRS Thor
PoRS Borr
PoRS Freyr
PoRS Freya
PoRS Baldr
PoRS Tyr
PoRS Geri
PoRS Freki

- 4x Invader-class Jumpships

- Rasalhague: 12
- Jezersko: 10
- New Oslo: 8
- Trondheim: 5
- Vipaava: 5
- Last Frontier: 5
- Radlje: 5
-Thule: 2
- Pinnacle: 2
- Christiania: 2
- Dawn: 2
- Susquehanna: 2
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 20 May 2020, 07:06:36
Taurian Concordat 2380

Good god, what a disaster.

Protector Calderon's little adventure into the Federated Suns achieved one thing: It reduced the maintenance budget of the TCN by turning the majority of it into clouds of dust and debris around Taurus and New Vandenberg, and took all the experienced fleet commanders under the age of 70 with it. This left Captain Peter Brock, commanding FF-05 TCS Granada as the most senior officer who wasn't over the hill to take over field command, while Admiral Allan Moffat was placed in overall command. Together they took stock of what they had, and what they needed right now.

Clearly rebuilding the naval yards before the Davions or someone else came to take advantage of their current weakness was top priority, with no less than four yards being ordered for immediate construction over Taurus itself. The fleet also needed an immediate injection of strength, and word that the Capellans were offering their older ships up for sale was immediately jumped on, only to discover that somehow the Rasalhagians had already bought the majority of what was on offer.

The TCN's own designs were a mixed bag. The Auroch performed admirably, but there simply weren't enough of them to make a difference, and for now the Concordat lacked the facilities to build new ones anyway. The Iberia Block II was a disappointment, too slow to close to effective range and too poorly armoured to survive long under fire. The Iberias one saving grace was that it was something that could be built now, and with some modifications and the addition of the recently acquired Naval Particle Cannons, bought from a dealer of ill-repute who apparently obtained them from the UHC, it could prove a useful patrol boat once again.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2350 Value in Millions
Money Available 101,000
Remaining from Last Turn 5249
Available Shipyards

New Vandenberg


Maintanence 50% 20242
Prototype Cost Matador 148 37
0 0
Variant Iberia III 5150 515
Construction Unit Price
Shipyards Taurus 4 x S1 25,000 25,000

Stations Siesta 4 470 1,880
Matador 50 148 7,400
Warships Iberia II 0 5,006 0
Auroch 6,633 0
Iberia III 4 5,150 20600
Purchases Yang Wei II 1 5,000
Binzhou II 2 5,000
Jumpships 0 500 0
Dropships 30 300 9,000
Fighters 224 5 1,120
Small Craft 0 10 0
Research NPPC 1 10050 10050

Total Spent 105844


Remaining 405

End Turn In Service
Warships Iberia II 4
Iberia III 4
Auroch 0
Yang Wei 1
Binzhou 2
Stations Siesta 18
Matador 50
Jumpships 18
Dropships Small 30
Fighters 600
Small Craft 300

Iberia Block III

Based upon the barely a decade old Block II, version three of the Iberia pushes the hull to it's limits, increasing the weight to two hundred and forty kilotons, and reinforcing the structure as much as possible. Armour has been further upgraded, with nearly three hundred tons of Ferro-Aluminium now protecting the hull. The Naval Autocannons have been replaced with Medium Particle Cannons - twelve in all - with the Nose turret being replaced by a turret on each broadside. The point defence network was also improved, at the cost of a small amount of cargo space.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Iberia III
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $5,149,354,000.00
Magazine Cost: $160,000.00
BV2: 33,405

Mass: 240,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
18 Naval Laser 55
48 Laser Large
80 Machine Gun (IS)
12 Naval PPC Medium

Class/Model/Name: Iberia III
Mass: 240,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 43,200.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 600.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (7 Integrity) 108,600.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 42.00
Structural Integrity: 60 14,400.00
Total Heat Sinks: 3534 Single 3,196.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 20000 points 4,080.00
Fire Control Computers: 3,447.00
Armor: 267 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 288.00
Fore: 47
Fore-Left/Right: 45/45
Aft-Left/Right: 45/45
Aft: 40

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 0.00
Life Boats: 40 280.00

Crew And Passengers:
27 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 270.00
66 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 462.00
64 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 448.00
66 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
2nd Class Passengers 0.00
84 Steerage Passengers (Bay and 25 Marines) 420.00

Bay #1: Small Craft (4) - 1 Door
Bay #2: Fighters (18) - 3 Doors
Bay #3: Cargo (13977 Tons) - 1 Door

MG Ammo - 160 Tons (2 tons/gun)
Large NCSS

3 NL/55
8 LLas
10 MG

3 NL/55
8 LLas
10 MG

10 MG

3 NL/55
8 LLas
10 MG

3 NL/55
8 LLas
10 MG

Matador-class Weapon Satellite

The ease with which the FSN destroyed the naval yards over New Vandenberg and Taurus demonstrated the need for stiffer defences. Admiral Moffat had the choice between large, powerful stations or smaller, cheaper gun satellites that could be produced in large numbers. Clearly he went with the second option.

At only fifteen thousand tons the Matador is tiny, and needs to be deployed en masse in order to be effective. Most of the station is built around the single Heavy Particle Cannon in a spinal mount, with a quartet of 55cm Lasers mounted around it. Eighty small lasers comprise the rest of the stations armament, with defence against fighter attack being left to the stations single squadron of strike craft kept aboard. Again weight of numbers is essential. To that end the fifty planned for initial construction will be placed in orbit of Taurus itself, to defend the capital and the newly rebuilt shipyards.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Matador
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $148,267,500.00
Magazine Cost: $0.00
BV2: 6,180

Mass: 15,000
K-F Drive System: None
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 1
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
1 Naval PPC Heavy
4 Naval Laser 55
80 Laser Small

Class/Model/Name: Matador
Mass: 15,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 180.00
Safe: 0.1
Maximum: 1
Controls: 15.00
K-F Hyperdrive: None (0 Integrity) 0.00
Jump Sail: (0 Integrity) 0.00
Structural Integrity: 1 150.00
Total Heat Sinks: 642 Single 579.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 2000 points 204.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 110 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 110.00
Fore: 20
Fore-Left/Right: 20/20
Aft-Left/Right: 20/20
Aft: 10

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 0 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 10 70.00
Life Boats: 10 70.00

Crew And Passengers:
12 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 120.00
36 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 252.00
19 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 133.00
22 Bay Personnel 0.00
0 1st Class Passengers 0.00
0 2nd Class Passengers 0.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00

Bay #1: Cargo (4327 Tons) - 1 Door
Bay #2: Fighters (6) - 3 Doors
Bay #3: Small Craft (2) - 1 Door

4 NL/55

20 SLas
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 25 May 2020, 04:01:39
Turn 4: 2380-2389

After the savaging of the Taurian fleet last decade, the start of the 2380's were relatively quiet, with nothing of great note except for a more organised pirate presence in some areas. Of particular note is the pirates that seemed to be harassing all of the Draconis Combines neighbours except for the Principality with variable success. Both the Lyran Commonwealth and Rim Worlds Republic navies encountered old Aquila-class Jumpships run by pirates attacking their shipping and tried to capture them for interrogation, however their attempts to stop the ships were a touch overzealous, and none were taken alive. A Vigilant corvette that had officially been retired some years previously arrived at Ridgebrook in Taurian space, declaring that they had a gift to deliver. With the other pirate attacks they had suffered in the area the TCN had no patience to deal with pirate trickery and the ship was instead seized and the crew collectively dumped out the airlock. It turned out the offer of a gift was true however, though the identity of the benefactor would not be known for some time

Privateer results - Fed Suns, Rim Worlds, Lyrans and Free Worlds League suffer minor economic damage. Taurians, United Hindu and Combine receive small economic boost, included in Budgets.

“I Want My Corners!” 2386-8

During the mid 2380s the Rim Worlds Republic started to bring worlds in the so-called ‘Four Corners’ region under their control, some peacefully and others less so. The Edge and Renren joined the Republic first with little attention paid by their neighbours. It wasn’t until Beta, Malibu and Butler were colonised the following year that the Lyran Commonwealth noticed just how fast First Consul Randolph Stewart was expanding his nations borders and moved to do the same, though with less time to let regular diplomacy do it’s work gunboat diplomacy was often used, with Vantaa, Kreller and Ridderkerk all having a pair of Mjolnir arrive in orbit during 2387 to give them the choice between living under the Commonwealth or dying under their bootheels.

Unfortunately for the Lyrans it was at this time that the Draconis Combine and Principality of Rasalhague decided to join in the fun, and with Admiral Angler’s Big Shiny Distraction Fleet currently on the Marik border and unable to react quickly, the Mjolnir’s of the Tamar Squadron were called off the conquest to watch the Kuritans until further help could arrive, though they did use this time to take control of Memmingen and Bushmill. The Kuritans themselves would have pushed harder into the area after taking Vorarlberg and Gunzberg in mid 2387, except they had a roving fleet of rather angry vikings gallivanting around their territory pillaging as they went. Still the Kutai-class vessels were not needed for that campaign and while they largely avoided action against the larger powers the DCA corvettes were not afraid to drop the hammer on the unaffiliated colonies they moved to occupy along the border they shared with the Principality.

Also during ‘87 the Rasalhagians weren’t afraid to lay claim to new territory, though they were slower off the mark than their Rim Worlds compatriots. While Admiral Hjelmstad was leading his merry band of misfits through the outer reaches of the Draconis Combine, other elements of the PRN secured Unzmarkt and Alleghe, with follow-on advances to St. John and Rodrigo before Elected Prince Sven Anitisson called a halt to further offensive action at the end of the year.

Twenty Three Eighty Eight was when the action really heated up, especially between the Rim Worlds Republic and Lyran Commonwealth. On no less than three occasions in the early months a fleet from one nation arrived at a colony to find the other already in the midst of incorporating it into theirs. At Feltre and Mozirje it was the Lyrans who arrived first, and the RWN withdrew rather than force a confrontation as they had been ordered. At Planting however it was the Rim Worlders who got there early and in force, and the Lyran admiral commanding the Tamar Squadron determined that this backwater world was not worth the cost in lives and ships required to take it. But one other world would be a very different story.

At almost the exact same time in late ‘88, all four powers had been informed by the local populations that some kind of large slaver ring was operating in the area, and had been taking people for years. After a brief investigation they each determined that with so many worlds having already been taken, there was only one place left these slavers could be operating: Liezen. By this time Admiral Angler had finally led her Big Shiny Distraction across the entire Commonwealth and arrived at Tamar just in time to receive word about the goings on between the Terran Hegemony and Capellans, and her new orders to turn back around. The Hegemony’s worlds were far more developed than the barely inhabited rocks out in the periphery and so she turned her fleet around once again and drove them towards the inner core and glory. This left the Tamar Squadron to once again fight alone, a situation they had grown accustomed to. The Combine sent what ships could be spared that weren’t currently under repair or taking advantage of the Hegemony's moment of weakness.

It would later be discovered that the ‘colony’ present on the world was inhabited with a mix of indentured workers who had agreed to work here in return for passage for their families and promises of a better life who had then discovered they could not leave when the reality of the world didn’t match what they had been promised, and slaves who had been taken from the nearby worlds. They were all forced to work the mines on the planet, extracting germanium and other rare earth metals in horrific conditions. The mine and colony had been named Blue Sky to hide it’s true nature, and was operated off the books by ‘Director’ Peter Garrett on behalf of the Colmar Steel & Resource Corporation.

The Rim Worlds and Rasalhagian ships arrived first to find a large station orbiting the one habitable world, with a pair each of Aquilas and Vigilants quickly undocking from it to either defend their home or flee. The RWN vessels gave them little option, a few volleys of capital missiles from the RWNS Pergamon combined with accurate Particle Cannon fire from the RWNS Argos making short work of the slave ships. The station itself was only armed with anti-small craft weapons and surrendered before the final Aquila-P had even started breaking up. The Rim Worlds and Rasalhagian admirals had a short discussion about which of their two nations now owned the system, before agreeing to kick that decision further up the command chain. As they moved to secure the station, LCN and DCA flotillas arrived within hours of each other, the former at the Lagrange point of the larger of the two gas giants in the system, the latter far enough beyond the proximity limit to be undetectable from the colony’s orbit. The emergence waves of the Commonwealth’s arrival was heard loud and clear by the fleets already present but they would not be sure who their opposition was for a few days. They used this time to offload as much of the Germanium and other rare minerals that had been stored in the station's cargo hold awaiting transport.

LCN Admiral Till Lindemann brought his fleet in slowly, trying to make full use of his state-of-the-art ECM systems to get as close as possible without warning the pirates he believed still held the system. The Kuritan Admiral Okita Uesugi however had not arrived where he had planned, but had arrived in time to detect the Lyran emergence wave and knew he had competition to deal with, so he burned in-system at a more accelerated pace. This resulted in both fleets arriving in proximity of Liezen within minutes of each other, leading to a chaotic battle as both the Combine and Commonwealth forces would learn that the ‘pirates’ were already dead and the neighbours had already moved in.

Battle of Liezen, late 2388

Detecting the drive plumes of the DCA ships hours before they were within targeting range with even the best sensors, the Rim Worlders and Rasalhagians assumed they were their only opposition and positioned the bulk of their fleet behind to planet to hide it from the incoming ships, leaving just the RWNS Hector exposed to be the fleets eyes and bait to draw the Kuritans deep into the gravity well. Unfortunately this positioning left them open to the LCN flotilla approaching from a very different vector, who had not fired up their main drives for 90% of the trip, and had closed to under fifty thousand kilometres without being spotted. It was at that range that they did start their deceleration burn, raising alarm bells both in the RWR/PoR flotilla and the DCA ships rapidly closing on the lone vessel they saw in orbit.

The allied fleets caught in orbit both tried to escape the onrushing tide rapidly coming their way, but the Commonwealth fleet was on them before that was possible and they were equally confused and alarmed by the difficulties they were having getting a solid target lock on either of the LCN’s heavy cruisers. The pair of Mjolnir’s were having no such difficulty, though their accuracy at such long range was less than ideal. As those fleets traded blows at extreme range the DCS Furutaka (Ikioi) was taking potshots of it’s own at the RWNS Hector (Ichnilátis), who was suffering from a previously unnoticed engine issue cutting it’s thrust in half and leaving it unable to escape the far more powerful Combine vessel which wasted no time, pounding it into scrap within minutes.

With both the LCN and DCA ships pursuing the desperately evading combined RWR/PoR fleet it wasn’t long before they were within range of each other as well, with the Kuritan ships having the same targeting issues the others had suffered. They discovered that the effects of whatever ECM system the Commonwealth ships had were reduced as they pushed closer however, though the firepower aimed their way while they closed rapidly disposed of the DCS Galedon (Kutai) and started chipping away at the armour protecting the DCS Furutaka. The DCA’s return fire was lacking in precision but murderous when it was on target, with the Naval Gauss cannons from the Furutaka neutralising multiple turrets on the LCS Yngvi.

The combined RWR/PoR fleet reacted differently to their opponents turning on each other. PRN Admiral Gunter Jarlsson decided discretion was the better part of valour and burned for  home to fight another day, while Admiral Makon Rowe of the RWN turned his fleet around to see if an opportunity would reveal itself, taking pot shots at both sides as he could. The majority of the small cloud of capital missiles fired at the Lyran ships from the RWNS Pergamon either missed entirely or were shot down by the extensive point defence batteries mounted on those ships, but the few that made it through did telling damage to the LCS Saga (Snotra), badly damaging its sensors leaving it almost blind. Unfortunately for the Rim Worlds ships while they had turned their guns on the Kuritans that were firing at them, they had not changed course and were now closing on the Rim Worlds ships quite rapidly. The heavy guns on the LCS Tig (Mjolnir 1a) gouged holes in the RWNS Argos big enough to park a shuttle in as the larger vessel raked it from stem to stern, leaving it adrift with escape pods and lifeboats leaving the ship as fast as they could be filled before the reactors finally let go and fire engulfed the ship.

As the capital ship fight was breaking down into a general melee, the fight between the 3 nations fighter groups had already reached that stage in a cloud of expanding gas and debris in the middle of the chaotic battle. The heavy autocannon armament on the Kuritan fighters allowed them to get kills rapidly if they could hit, while the drone fighters the LCN made heavy use of would have been more effective except the ECM that affected their opponents targeting systems were also interfering with the drones command and control systems. The RWN’s fighters were somewhere in the middle performance wise, just as affected by the massive electronic interference that covered the battlespace as the Kuritans but like the kuritans they still had living pilots inside who were at least theoretically capable of fighting without their fancy targeting systems if needed. In the huge dogfight many pilots would find themselves taking out an opponent only to be killed themselves by someone else they never knew was there. It wasn’t until the warship fight was winding down that the dogfight finally came to end, with the Lyran drone fighters all destroyed and what few Rim Worlds or Kuritan fighters returning to their fleets to escape.

While the fighters were busy slaughtering each other, the LCS Yngvi (Mjolnir), DCS Isonami (Fubuki II) and RWNS Thebes (Vittoria II) were all pounded to scrap in the close range slugfest the battle had broken down into. The Yngvi going down after the Furutaka scored a lucky hit with one of it’s Class-40 Naval Guns, penetrating a weakened section of the armour belt that protected the primary missile magazine, gutting the powerful vessel. The Isonami’s death was less spectacular, being beaten to pieces by the LCS Tig in a very similar manner to how the Argos had gone down. The Thebes’ destruction came about when two separate volleys of missiles first took out the ships bridge leaving it momentarily out of control and thrusting directly for the planet, before the second wave disabled the ships engines leaving it unable to change course before it eventually reentered the planet’s atmosphere before suffering a sudden lithobraking incident.

All this left just the RWNS Pergamon and DCS Furutaka to face the LCS Tig and the two Snotras. Neither lone ship felt like that was a fight they could win, and so instead did their best to disengage. This was easier for the Pergamon which had never gotten any closer than it had to than it was for the Furutaka. However the final massed volley of missiles fired from the Pergamon managed to disable a few gun turrets on the Tig and damage the engines, and this gave the Furutaka the break it needed to escape to safety as well, albeit badly damaged.

All this left the three remaining Commonwealth vessels in the system to claim victory and plant their flag.

Battle Results:  RWR -     2 Vittoria II lost, 1x Ichnilátis lost, 90 Fighters lost, 15 Small Craft lost
            1 Sagittarius Damaged - $1 Billion repair bill
        DC -     1 Fubuki II lost, 1 Kutai lost, 78 Fighters lost, 20 Small Craft lost
            1 Ikioi Damaged - $2.5 Billion repair bill
        LC     1 Mjolnir lost, 156 fighters lost, 20 Small Craft lost
            1 Mjolnir 1a damaged - $2.5 Billion repair bill
            1 Snotra damaged - $1.5 Billion repair bill

RWR Gains: Barcelona, Black Earth, Renren, Beta, Malibu, Butler, Twycross, Evciler, Seiduts, Planting, Kirchbach, Lovinac, The Edge
    Cost: $12 Billion in Colony Development Costs

LC Gains:    Vantaa, Kreller, Ridderkerk, Mozirje, Liezen, Feltre, Hohenems, Kufstein, Bushmill, Memmingen
    Cost: $10 Billion in Colony Development Costs

PoR Gains: Alleghe, St John, Rodigo, Unzmarkt
    Cost: $4 Billion in Colony Development Costs

DC Gains: Gunzberg, Vorarlberg, Stanzach, Engadin, Ferleiten, Predlitz, Pomme De Terre
    Cost; $9 Billion in Colony Development Costs

Other colonisation efforts were also going on across the Inner Sphere and Periphery, with most nations making small gains throughout the decade with the three exceptions being the Capellan Confederation, Illyrian Palatinate and the Marian Hegemony. The Capellans and Illyrians both busied themselves developing the worlds they had without worrying about further expansion, while the Marians did the exact opposite, sending forces in all directions to lay claim to any inhabitable worlds they could find. Their efforts were mostly successful as they either landed colonists on empty worlds or occupation forces on the few worlds near them that already had colonists eking out a living. All this expansion proved to be very expensive however, and stretched the Marian jumpship fleet to it’s limits. One such fleet traveled all the way out to a system called St Andreas to find an empty, though habitable world around a dim star. While they logged it as a potential future colony, for the moment it was simply too far out to be worthwhile.

The massive expansion of the Hegemony deeply concerned the Illyrian Palatinate who now had an aggressively expanding neighbour practically on their doorstep.

Meanwhile across the periphery -

LC Gain: Guatavita, Radostov, Gypsum

FWL Gain: Aigle, Altoona, Abramkovo, Penobscot, Timbiqui

FS Gain: Sanrucha, Hepzibah

DC Gain: Tallmadge, Tabayama, Suianheer

UHC Gain: June

TC Gain: Bergtatt, Larsha

MH Gain: Paulinus, Logan Prime, Stettin, Thraxa, Mondra, Kleinweit, Frobisher, McEvedy’s Folly
    Cost: $10 Billion in Colony Development Costs, due to the relatively long distances involved.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 25 May 2020, 04:05:04
2380-2389 Turn Report, Part 2

When Can Their Glory Fade:  Rasalhague Operations in the Draconis Combine 2387-2388

Half a League, Half a League, Half a League Onward

It had taken longer than they would have hoped, nearly a decade.  And it had cost by far more than was conscienceable, with the very sinews and heartbeat of Rasalhague straining under the taxes needed to pay for the fleet expansion.

The crews were a hodge-podge, taken from civilians brought into service by methods just barely short of press-ganging, to rush-trained ratings forced out of hastily erected naval academies in job lots,  to veterans of Jezersko called back to the colors to provide experience, and a spine… the Men of Iron for Rasalhague’s newest ships.

The time was right.  The conflicts in the four corners and surrounding the Terran Hegemony had drawn the focus of all the great powers, as the proud houses of the Inner Sphere turned their eyes on ‘more important matters’.

The objectives were right.  Alshain was a minor yard, and would be a feint.  The otherwise minor agricultural world of Luthien had a major shipyard orbiting it, and that would be taken in passing.  The real jewel was the Capital, New Samarkand.  A raid on New Samarkand would be a modern day Doolittle raid, putting the Combine on notice, and on the back foot.

The massive fleet, representing by far the majority of Rasalhague’s raw combat power, slowly assembled at an uninhabited star system.  It was there the captains read their sealed orders (not that anyone had any doubt of where they were going, but details matter), and it was there that they heard the recorded voice of Elected Prince Sven Anitisson, rumblilng through the speakers of every ship in the fleet.

“It is my honor, my pride, to address you all today.  Today, you set forth on a journey to ensure the freedom, the safety, of Rasalhague - forever.  Today you leave behind home and hearth for how long we cannot say, to break the power of the Draconis Combine to threaten our free people.  Today we mark the beginning of our -true- independence from the ‘great’ powers of the Inner Sphere!  We will not go gently into the night!  Will will not give up without a fight!  We will stand together until the end of the world, because today, we are Canceling The APOCALYPSE.”

And with that, as one, task force Crimea (who will ever understand secret-code naming conventions) jumped for the Combine.

Task Force Crimea, Order of Battle:

10 DD Binzhou Blk. 2
PoRS Odin
PoRS Frigg
PoRS Thor
PoRS Borr
PoRS Freyr
PoRS Freya
PoRS Baldr
PoRS Tyr
PoRS Geri
PoRS Freki

5 CA Yang Wei Blk 2
PoRS Jörmungandr - Fleet Command Ship
PoRS Loki
PoRS Fenrir
PoRS Hel
PoRS Surtr

2 CA Lola
PoRS Mjölnir
PoRS Myrskyn Katkaisija

192 Total Fighters

4 JS
22 DS (Cargo Focused)

Forward the Light Brigade

The initial jump route ran from Spittal, through Corfu, and finally on to Thessalonika.  It was there that Task Force Crimea slowed to take the time to raid the system thoroughly, and to give an opportunity for word to go out and response forces to move.

With her new, LF-Battery equipped jumpships to spread the word, the might of the Dragon was already stirring.  With an unprecedented Rasalhague task force at Thessalonika, the obvious target was the forward fleet base and yard facilities at Alshain, and the Combine had no choice but to honor that threat.

With hurried orders, the Western Combine border fleet assembled at Alshain, while the fast reaction force readied in the core of the Combine - but did not move, as it could not reach Alshain in time and did not want to be wrong-footed. 

And then… Task Force Crimea did not arrive.  A week, two… certainly enough time to charge drives and finish matters at Thessalonika. 
Word came.  The Principality was at Tuat.

They were bypassing Alshain.  They were headed for Luthien.

DC Losses (For simplicity, DC economic losses from raiding are included only in the final tally for this action)

Charge for the Guns!

The Western fleet surged into action, trying to make up time and space.. But they were not LF Equipped, and time once lost can rarely be found.  Still, the Combine had naval reserves and a fast reaction force for a reason, and it awaited Task Force Crimea over Luthien.  3 of the older Fubuki Class Destroyers, of mixed design, as well as the massive lines of the new Ikoi-B class heavy cruisers, pride of the fleet.  Two battlestations sat over the yards, and one of the newly completed Castles Tenno, a planetary installation of massive resilience and firepower,  waited on the planet below (though it would play no role in the Battle of Luthien - being on the opposite side of the world from the yards when the Principality came calling.

The arriving Rasalhague forces made quick work of the Onsen station at the jump-point, as well as the light traffic nearby.  With that, they then headed in-system, though warning had gone ahead on laser-link communications, before they were silenced.

The math was terrible.  The Reserve Fleet lacked the strength to begin to challenge the Rasalhague Armada.  Fixed defenses over the yards were light, and they had been unable to muster their strength in time.  So Admiral Nagumo made the best of a bad situation.  All evidence indicated that the incoming enemy was on a least time Zero-Zero course for the shipyards and orbital facilities over Luthien, and Nagumo ordered his ships out under maximum sustainable thrust.  While some questioned this, fearing that Task Force Crimea might well modify their course once out of detection range of the Jumppoint traffic they could not catch, Nagumo simply said… “They did not come all this way to not fight.  They will welcome the embrace of death with us.  Tell the men to compose their Haiku.”

And an embrace of death it was.  Carefully timed, the Combine’s defenders intercepted the incoming Task Force Crimea just as Crimea was hitting turnover - when their relative velocities would be the highest.  Waves of missiles were launched first, their drives adding only slightly to the base velocities they inherited.  Task force Crimea had many missile tubes, and interception was difficult at those velocities.  But they did not have it all their own way.  The Massive Naval Gauss Rifles of the Combine fleet, velocity-shifted into utter lethality, spoke next, their rounds punching through even the thickest armor and in some cases blowing out the other side.

Still, it was the Naval Autocannon that were decisive.  The Combine fleet had many, and it was Nagumo’s hope to inflict the most damage possible with them before his ships were crippled or killed.  Against the advice of some of his subordinates, he focused fire on the older Lola class ships - knowing full well that this deep in Combine Territory, the most important resource that Rasalhague had was not guns, but supplies.  Still, though the Combine had many heavy guns, task force Crimea had many, many more.  Further, the recently purchased Capellan Cruisers clustered their guns on their nose, built purely for this sort of engagement.

The exchange was computer managed, and over in moments.  In seconds, all three Fubuki class Cruisers and one of the Ikoi vanished into fire and ruin, while the remaining Ikoi drifted past, crew rushing to lifeboats - she would later be recovered as a memorial, but the combination of structural and radiation damage meant she would never serve again.  The defending fleet was gone.

They did not die alone.  Though only the PoRS Myrskyn Katkaisija was outright destroyed, PoRS Mjölnir,  PoRS Freya, PoRS Thor, and PoRS Fenrir had their armor savaged and significant internal damage.  Uncertain what waited him, and unwilling to split the fleet, Admiral Hjelmstad tucked his cripples in close and moved on to the yards.

PoR Losses:  1 Lola, Destroyed, further  1 Lola, 2 Binzhou, 1 Yang Wei damaged.
DC Losses:  1 Fubuki 1, 2 Fubuki 2, 2 Ikoi-B, 1 Onsen, 1 Tenshu, 1 Monban

Was their a man dismayed

Admiral Hjelmstad brought his remaining ships into the yards, almost at relative rest.  As expected, the defending battlestations, a Tenshu and a Montban, opened fire at maximum rate at maximum range, joined by the aerospace fighters Nagumo had left behind and the local defending fighters from Luthien, five hundred in all.

Defending missiles targeted the attackers fighters, allowing their superior numbers to overwhelm the Rasalhague fighters and swarm their ships.  By focusing their fire first on the damaged vessels, Mjölnir,  Freya, Thor, and Fenrir were destroyed.  Suicidal attacks on still healthy ships brought down Freyr and Tyr, but the Combine’s squadrons could give no more, and Task Force Crimea swept over the yards.

PoR Losses:  1 Lola, 1 Yang Wei, 4 Binzhou, 192 Fighters, 2 Dropships (abandoned and scuttled due to loss of collars)
DC Losses:  1 Tenshu, 1 Montban, 500 Fighters, Luthien Shipyards

POR Order of Battle, after Luthien:
Binzhou-class Destroyer Block Two
PoRS Odin
PoRS Frigg
PoRS Borr                   
PoRS Baldr
PoRS Geri
PoRS Freki

Yang Wei Heavy Cruiser
PoRS Jörmungandr - Fleet Command Ship
PoRS Loki
PoRS Hel
PoRS Surtr

4 Jumpships
22 Dropships

Theirs not to reason why

With the first objective complete, the fleet was faced with a decision.  The loss of both Lola class ships had taken with it a huge part of the task force’s supplies, and losses so far had been heavier than anticipated.  For all of that, they still had four heavy cruisers and six destroyers with no more than moderate damage, and had knocked out not only a major shipyard, but five cruisers and much of the heart of the Combine’s strength.  Still, with limited supplies, the damage and time on drives away from home would tell, and the combat strength of the fleet would lessen slowly, even if never under fire.

After much deliberation, the command decision was made.  They had orders, the strength left to carry them out, and a duty to fulfill.  They would make for the Combine Capital of New Samarkand, destroying everything in their path.

Months passed as Task Force Crimea savaged its way through Chatham, Kagoshima, Shimonoseki, Miyako, Hakkaido, Worrell, Sighisoara, and Murmansk, all with nary a sighting of the Kurita fleet.

Theirs but to do and die..
At Murmansk, with no further sightings, it was decision time.  The fleet could go on immediately to New Samarkand, where the remainder of the Combine fleet was likely waiting for them.. Or they could continue to hit the systems around New Samarkand, causing further damage, and hoping to draw off the defenders so that they could be defeated in detail.  On consideration, it was thought best to inflict what damage they could ‘on the cheap’, while hopefully making their final objective easier to obtain.  Thus Taskforce Crimea jumped on, into Chinmen Tao, Ban Na San, Koulen, Chirala, Old Canton, Soul, and finally Monywa, inflicting what damage they could wherever they went, but still never seeing any defending fleet units.  With supplies reaching critical, it was time to decide.. They would have to strike New Samarkand now, or return home. 

Cannon to the left of them, Cannon to the right of them...
The decision was made to strike.  They had not come all this way to not level the heaviest blow possible at the heart of the Dragon.

At the same time, Admiral Dewa Heihachiro had been gathering his strength from across the Combine.  The western fleet, embarrassed at being left out of position while Luthien burned, had redlined its jump drives in the rush to New Samarkand.  Similarly, the Southern Fleet had rushed north as well.  While dangerous to leave the Lyran and Suns borders uncovered, the fleet rampaging through the heart of the Combine was an existential risk, and had to be countered at all costs.  Only the light Kutai class, which would have been wasted in the coming conflict, were left to cover the Dragon’s underbelly.

Despite the continued provocations, and over some pressure from the Coordinator, Admiral Heihachiro held his fleet tight.  As he wrote in his memoirs “Had I come to their capital, I would come only to strike, and anything else I did would be to weight the blow.  I did not think them more cowardly or less decisive than I.”

After two painful months, and with the Coordinator’s patience beyond exhausted by continual reports of the Rasalhague Rampage, Heihachiro was proven correct.

On October 27th, 2378, Taskforce Crimea jumped into New Samarkand.

Stormed at by Shot and Shell, into the Mouth of Hell

Task Force Crimea moved quickly.  Coming in at a non-standard point pre-calculated to be as close as possible to the yards, they set a blistering pace to reduce transit time.  Exhausted engines pushed to 2.5G for hours and hours while the crew struggled, they were just reaching turnover when their sensors detected activity at the DeHuego & Freshet WarShip Design Yards over New Samarkand.

Far too much activity.  9 Cruiser class drives - the entire remainder of the Combine’s strength - was waiting for them, and their base velocity was too high.  They were committed.

Calling for an immediate heavy burn, Task Force Crimea built velocity for the yards, intended to destroy as many of them as possible and blow through the defenders.  Fire was plotted onto the yards themselves, accepting blows from the defenders in the hopes of achieving their objective.

First to fall on the Task Force was the over 1000 defending fighters.  Unable to engage for long (as they could not match the high base velocity of the incoming task force) they still came out to meet them, and did what damage they could during their brief window in range.  Given the damage already taken and their lack of defensive fighter cover, only the high base speed of the Rasalhague force saved it.  Hundreds of Kuritan fighters died in that brief pass, but they died hard, and destroyers and cruisers died with them.

But then Admiral Heihachiro was out of cards to play.  Moving his ships away, in front of the yards, six Fubuki and 3 Ikoi class cruisers tried to interpose themselves, while the surviving Rasalhague fleet attempted to direct fire past them and strike their blows.  A high base speed again saved the Rasalhague force from annihilation as it broke past and into the yards and orbital infrastructure.

Just as the task force survivors were preparing to make good on all the sacrifices they had made, all the burdens borne to reach this point - to break the back of the Combine Navy for a generation or more - they were shocked as a sudden brace of energy fire - a cluster of capital class Particle Cannon - burst from the surface of New Samarkand, ripping the heart out of the damaged Jormungandr.  Unknown to Task Force Crimea, the shipyard's orbit had taken it over the freshly finished ‘Castle Tenno’, a massive capital grade fortification on the planet's surface, intended as a hardpoint against invasion and additional defense of the world.  While no single fort can cover an entire planet’s orbit, in this case, it was in the right place at the right time to save the commonwealth.

With the Kuritan Center Force building velocity behind them, and under heavy energy fire from an unexpected vector, the survivors of Task Force Crimea did what damage they could as they scattered for the jump limit.

POR Order of Battle, New Samarkand:
Binzhou-class Destroyer Block Two
PoRS Odin
PoRS Frigg (destroyed)
PoRS Borr                   
PoRS Baldr (destroyed)
PoRS Geri (destroyed)
PoRS Freki

Yang Wei Heavy Cruiser
PoRS Jörmungandr - Fleet Command Ship (destroyed)
PoRS Loki
PoRS Hel (destroyed)
PoRS Surtr (destroyed)
72 Fighters (destroyed)

4 Jumpships
14 Dropships (6 more abandoned and scuttled due to lost collars)

Kurita Order of Battle, New Samarkand
1 Castle Brian
1 Tenshu
4 Montban (2 damaged, 2 destroyed)
3 Fubuki I  (1 Damaged)
3 Fubuki II
2 Ikoi
1 Ikoi-B
Approx 1000 Fighters (200 destroyed)

Losses, New Samarkand

Kurita:  2 Monban Class Stations, 200 Fighters, 20B in yard repairs
PoR:  3 DD Binzhou, 3 CA Yang Wei, 72 Fighters, 6 Dropships

Back from the mouth of hell all that was left of them…

The road back to Raslhauge was a long one. 12 jumps, over four months as damaged drives were nursed and tradeoffs were made between the risk of jumping before repairs were completed against the risk of losing everything as the condition of the fleet, now barely a squadron, deteriorated.  Many were the lost tales of individual courage and tenacity that were not recorded in the collective effort to save what remained.

That they were largely successful is a testimony to the sailors of Task Force Crimea.  No longer veterans, cadets, and civilians, they were the Iron Men in the Steel Ships.  PoRS Odin vanished along the way in a jump mishap, and a JumpShip had to be scuttled when its drive core accumulated unrepairable cracks, taking its dropships with it.  But the iron men carried on.

Binzhou-class Destroyer Block Two
PoRS Odin (Lost to Jump Mishap, 3 weeks in)
PoRS Borr                   
PoRS Freki

Yang Wei Heavy Cruiser
PoRS Loki
4 Jumpships  (One scuttled in deep space, 8 weeks out from New Samarkand)
11 Dropships (Cargo) (3 Abandoned and scuttled when Jumpship was lost)

When can their glory fade?  Oh the wild charge they made!

In the end, some made it home.  2 Destroyers, one Cruiser, three Jumpships, and 12 dropships jumped into Jerzesko to the public acclaim and private horror of the admiralty, nearly a year and a half after they had set forth from Pom de Terre.  Once the full tale was told, both sides would declare it a victory publicly while considering it defeat privately.  Rasalhague had struck at the heart of the dragon, and cut wounds on its flanks that would be years in the healing.  But to do so, Rasalhague had mortgaged its future and sacrificed the greatest force it would have under its flag for many years to come.  From the Combine’s point of view, an attack on New Samarkand itself, not to mention the losses over Luthien, were an incredible insult - but an insult repaid, as the Combine had shattered the fist raised against them and sent its remnants streaming home in disrepair.

Honor the Light Brigade, Noble 600!

Final Losses:
PoR:  8 DD Binzhou, 4 CA Yang Wei, 2 CA Lola, 1 JS, 10 DS, 190 Fighters. 9B in repairs

DC:  1 Fubuki 1, 2 Fubuki 2, 2 Ikoi-B, 6 Jumpships, 19 Dropships, 17 Onsen, 1 Tenshu, 3 Monban, 700 Fighters, Luthien Yards Lost, 20B repairs to New Samarkand Yards, 10B in other repairs, general economic and industrial damages.

Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 25 May 2020, 04:15:57
2380-2389 Turn Report, Part 3

The Sword and the Circles:  The Terran-Capellan Conflict, 2388

“For want of a nail…”

The biggest things are made of the littlest things.  In this case, the littlest thing is a crack in a hydrogen feed line that leaks into an internal space, slowly building pressure. 

The littlest thing is a sensor so old that the maintenance charts that included it were lost three decades ago - and the ship was older than most of its crew even then.

The littlest thing is spark that arcs across the hydrogen, and the baffle space venting into a NAC Magazine.

THN Maine, lead ship of Battle Squadron 6, and sister to the renown and beloved THN Dreadnought, explodes over the Capellan Confederation world of Bex. 

The sister ships of her squadron, unsure of what happened and fearing unknown attackers, decamp immediately, throwing accusations and threats over their shoulder.  The local Capellan leadership denies all wrongdoing in increasingly strident (and privately terrified) terms, but such protestations fall on deaf ears.

And suddenly we are no longer dealing with the littlest of things.

Never let a crisis go to waste

    The true cause of the loss of TCN Maine is still unknown to history.  It was, however, very clear to Admiral Thomas Fitzgibbons, Commander Southern Fleet, Terran Hegemony Navy. 

    Fitzgibbons had watched the burgeoning strength of the Capellan Confederation to his south for decades.  With that strength had come less and less of the deference that the THN had come to expect as its natural and inevitable due.  Less and less respect from these punched up neobarbarians on the frontiers.  Fitzgibbons knew, as well as he knew the sun rose, that this was nothing more than a naked provocation, enemy action taken against a proud ship on a goodwill tour. (the fact that Maine had been at Bex in the pursuit of somewhat spurious piracy allegations against the local government conveniently forgotten)

    After a  flurry of dispatches to various elements under his authority, and a somewhat more tardy one back Fleet Command at Terra, herald the assembly of the largest single fleet in the history of mankind.  Long before any response is possible from Fleet Command, and while the Capellan Confederation is still trying to figure out what has gone wrong and what is coming, Admiral Fitzgibbons takes personal command of the First Terran Expeditionary Squadron and sets course for Capellan Space on his own authority.

    Alarms and Excursions

    First Lord Susanovich did not feel young when he was young, and he was feeling rather older today, specifically.

    “Sir, we do not know their intentions.  I don’t think we can afford to antagonize them until we know for certain…”

    “We have to honor the threat.  Sure, we didn't do it, and we know that.  But they -don't- know that, and the last words we got before they hit the jump limit suggest that their local commander was pretty sure we -did- do it.  And if they think we did, or even may have… they cant afford to look weak.”

    “But can we afford to try to look strong?  It’s the Hegemony, Marcus!”

    “Remember you telling me I was a pessimist?  It appears I was a wise one.  No, we aren't going to shoot first, not unless they go bit.  If they want to trail their coattails up and down the border, make threatening noises… hell… even if they kill some of our people..”  *sighs*  “Even if they burn some infrastructure or invade a world or two, your right, we have to accept it.  Even if it's not fair.  Even if we didn't do it.  But, and I’m guessing here… they have to be looking south, to what the FedSuns did to the Taurians.  They are going to head south, as fast as they can, aiming for the highest value target they can find.  If -I- were -them-, and I wanted to teach us a lesson.. Id go to Aldebaran.”

    ‘If they head straight there - which they are going to, by your reasoning - we wont be able to reinforce in time.  Sian and St. Ives can’t get there in time.  And what if the Mariks and the Davions get froggy while the Hegemony is taking shots at us?  We have to let Gan Singh and NorFlt hold Aldebaran on its own.”

    “This is just the first move, Lilliana.  Even if we cant reinforce in time to keep them off Aldebaran, we cant assume it will all be over in one pass.  Admiral Simonidies is going to need all the help he can get if this goes on.  We’ll roll EsFlt and WesFlt up to Gan Singh.  PerpFlt.. And please, remind me to change that designation…”  A chuckle of levity, needed in the moment… “PerpFlt can at least provide a threadbare pretense of defending our flanks, especially if we pull them into the core and set them as a response force.  Besides, the League and the Suns aren't existential risks to us.  The Hegemony is.  The Suns smashed the Concordat because the Concordat tried to defend everything…”

    “...And he who defends everything defends nothing.  Okay.  I still think it's a big risk.. But okay.”
    “Cut orders to Gan Singh to hold in place until we know that the Terrans are going after something we can't afford to lose, or until they have the strength to stop them -hard-.  I want scout jumpers over every likely invasion route, and keep the command circuits set up for information transfer.  But past that… were too far away.  Let Simonidies handle this war - it's what we put him there for - and we can't back-seat drive from Capella.  He's not as subtle as I am or as intuitive as you are, but he's a dog with a bone in his teeth, and that may be what we need more.”

    “Maybe we won’t need either.”

    “You don't believe that.”

Run to the South

“Fitzgibbons may have been aggressive, but he was no fool.  In his position, I might have come up with his plan… and had I been aware of it, I may have endorsed it.”
    -Flt. Adm. Raphael Cortez, High Council Naval Investigation of 2389

Admiral Fitzgibbons moved with all considered speed.  The First Expeditionary Fleet represented every fast ship he could get orders to before he set out.  Less than six weeks after the explosion of the Maine, nearly three dozen warships appeared at the Bex Apex point.  Stopping only long enough to demand that the recharge station and every jumpship in reach take to their lifeboats and then quick charge his drives off of his fusion plants, Fitzgibbon moved rapidly.

Nanking was hit next.  Then Zurich.  He had been shadowed the whole time, but that mattered little.  Fitzgibbons knew that every jumpship he did not run down would be headed south, squawking and passing word on of his coming.  He knew that the CCN had built quiet jumpships with exquisite sensors to track him.  And he knew if he was fast enough, it wouldn't matter.

At some risk to his KF-Cores, Fitzgibbons was over Aldebaran within two months of the loss of the Maine, long before his opposite number could be reinforced, exactly as intended.

Losses, Run to the South:
CC:  3 Recharge Stations, 4 Jumpships

First Aldebaran

Gan Singh, CC Northflt HQ

“Admiral Simonidies.  Flash Traffic.”

“Thank you Thomas.  On Screen.”

The screen flickered to life, revealing a well-pressed young commander.  He was not visibly sweating, though he likely should have been.

“Admiral Simonidies.  I bring word from Aldebaran.  Aldebaran Command reports a large emergence wave at the Nadir point, and one of the Zencha had their drive plumes on sensors long enough to lock in what looks like a zero-zero profile on the yards.  They MIGHT be playing games with our heads and planning to course-correct in a day or so to let them hit the orbital yards at high speed, but FltIntOps thinks…”

    “Captain, I know what they think.  And I agree with them this time.  A freight train pass might be safer for them, but they didn’t come all this way to be safe.  They came here to be thorough.  We wait.  Charge your drive and wait further instructions”

    With a gesture, Simonidies cut the laser line to the jumpship report boat.  By the time her drive recharged, it would all be over, anyway.

    “Nav, keep a continuous update on fleet drive status and and on calculations for the Aldebaran Five L-1 Point.  We will have another jumper coming in when the Terrans hit point Victor.”


Aldebaran, CC Major Shipyard

    “Emergence Wave at the L1, Admiral Fitzgibbons.  Big one.  Looks like.. Eight ships.  Four roughly the size of Connie, and four more closer to Dreadnought.”
    “That's their whole North Fleet.  I see Simonidies decided he couldn't let us wreck his yards without sticking his nose in.  What's their profile?”

    “Looks like they are headed for the yards.   We can still abort our pass on the yards if they are going to be reinforced, but we will need a decision soon.”

    “Abort?  For barely a half-dozen ships and some defense stations?  You would make the THN a laughing stock.  Besides…  I think you overestimate their chances.  Stay on course.”

Order of Battle, First Aldebaran:
6 CA Constitution
6 BC Black Lion
8 DD Lola
10 SC Bonnaventure
10 Jump Ships
42 Drop Ships
864 Fighters

4 CA Quan Yin
4 CL Pallada
200 DS Shao Bing
10 Drop Ships
660 Fighters

THN 1st Expeditionary Flagship “Congress” - Flag Bridge Black Box Recording

“Missile Launch!  I have over a thousand inbound!”

“Bring the fighters in closer.  Small craft to point defense stations.  Energy mounts - start burning down those satellites.  Lets see if we can cut some fire control links before the missiles get here.”

“I'm getting some hits.. Looks like the stations are shaking off single energy mount hits, and it's hard to keep consistent fire on any one station.  And they are firing back.. Looks like 55cm lasers on the things”

“Impact warning… 5… 4… 3…. 2.. 1…”


“The fighters, sir.  They went after the fighters.  We just lost two regiments.  All the missiles were on fighters and defense craft.  They’re stripping our point defense.”

“Keep hitting the stations… get us some more closing velocity.  We need to get into the ballistic envelope.  And find me those extra missile sources, they don’t have enough stations for that.  Keep the fighters close!”

“The cruisers were hiding in the stations.. Coming out now, we are taking heavy energy fire.  Next wave in 3.. 2.. 1…  that's most of our small stuff, Sir.  Remaining units are losing cohesion.  Felis Rex is venting atmosphere, and I've got a pair of Lola’s requesting permission to break off.”

“Keep them in, but move them behind the Connies.  We will be in ideal range shortly, and the cannon will settle this.  Concentrate fire on that big cruiser, there.  Barrage fire, fleet orders”

“Aye, sir.  Ships rolling in response to armor damage… wave in 3.. 2…1… we just lost Yorktown, Jaguar is not responding to hails - multiple missile hits to CIC.  DD Squadrons are starting to lose station-keeping with the heavier ships.”

“DAMMIT.  We need to kill those stations.”

“Stations or the Cruisers, Sir?  NACs coming into good range…”

“Burn the cruisers.  Biggest ones you can find.”

“Fighters coming in… going after the exposed flanks of the rolled ships.  Our fighter squadrons are trying to respond, cohesion is rough from their losses to the missiles.  Mary and Ipanema are gone.  Enemy PPCs are focusing on Constellation.. She's gone, sir.  YES!  Finally.  Big enemy CA just lost containment.  Looks like a full Stackpole”

“Shift fire to the next.  Those damn things take too much killing.”

“Report Catherine has lost power.  Edsel is trying to cover her, but is lamed.  Enemy NACs cycling and PPCs coming into rapid fire range,  range, shifting fire to our flag...”

“Missile fire has also shifted.  Wave inbound on us in 3..2...1…”


Hearing before the Capellan House of Scions, 2389
“The Terran Squadrons came in fast, as expected.  They were aware of our missile and energy weapon advantages, and were trying to close quickly into Naval Autocannon range, which was their best opportunity.  Fitzgibbons was aggressive, but not stupid.

We used combined missile fires from ships and stations to strip their defensive fighters and small craft, exposing their fleet units to further missile strikes and the use of fighters against any fragile or damaged ships.  Fighters were of at best moderate effectiveness against anything but damaged or light enemy ships.  We will need new fighters with heavier weapons if we expect them to carry the load against heavier enemy combatants.”

“Yet you make some serious allegations here on page 4 about not having enough fighters.  How  much could more matter if you are saying they were only moderately effective.”

“The Shao Bing over Aldebaran had provisions for up to four thousand fighters on board.  I understand the budgetary concerns that prevent us from building and basing four thousand aerospace fighters over every shipyard, but if we had a redeployable reserve enough to cover at least one yard, it would help.  Barely over 5 wings of fighters still made a difference at 1st Aldebaran.  Give me the other four thousand, and I probably wouldn't have lost those cruisers.”

“And what about the lost cruisers?  A brand new Quan Yin and a Pallada, and another Quannie that will be in the yards for another year.  If your captains had held back behind the stations...”

At this, Admiral Simonides' lips thinned.  “I had 8 cruisers, and some stations.  The THN threw thirty hulls at us.. Even if ten were just scouts.  Yes, we had the stations.  We have far tougher ships - THN hulls are thin, and their armor is mostly the old compounds.  We have far more range - they run light on energy mounts, relying on heavy ballistics and close range engagement.  But thirty warships are still thirty.  Damn.  Warships.  Naval Autocannon may be last century’s tech, but the Terrans have a LOT of them and they WILL kill you DEAD if they get in range.   I will not have my dead criticized, especially when they did nothing wrong.  If they had held behind the stations, the THN would have rolled the stations with light casualties, and they probably would have done the same to us.  Criticize me.  I could have done better.  But if you go after my men again, my participation in this affair will be over and you can court-marital me and be damned.”

“.. allright.  And the decision to continue firing on the escaping enemy scouts?  It has been suggested that if you had allowed them to go, the Hegemony would have been less angry…”

Simonides laughed, bitterly  “Less angry?  They threw a fleet at us for an accidental explosion.  Then they threw ANOTHER fleet at us for not rolling over for their first one.  If we could have picked off all of those Bonnies, we'd have had more time before Second Aldebaran.  Besides, we let them abandon and scuttle everything that had time to surrender.  You don't understand how fast these things are.  Twelve minutes.  Thousands of men and decades of production by an entire star nation.  Twelve.  Minutes.”

Losses, 1st Aldebaran

THN:    6 CA,  6 BC, 8 DD, 7SC, 6 JS (Caught by in-system jump while charging, scuttled), 24 Dropships, 812 Fighters

CC:    1 CA, 1 CL, 30 DS, 480 Fighters, 1 CA Crippled and unable to participate for the rest of the turn. 3B in Repairs.   Presence of Shipyard or Repair Ship reduces repair cost, allows cripples to be saved.

Second Aldebaran

“Admiral Cortez… One of your damn fool admirals went off half-cocked and got how
many of our people killed?”

    “Director Cameron, as I have said before and will say again, I'm not sure that Fitzgibbons was a fool.  Intemperate perhaps, and obviously WRONG, but given what he knew at the time…”

    “It doesn't matter now, anyway.  Can we prove that the Capellans were behind the loss of Maine?  Or at least manufacture proof?”

    “We have no way to know for sure, but we've got some HumInt sources telling us things that seem suggestive.  They were certainly more than ready for us when we came.  Maybe they were setting us up?  Hard to say, and not much we can do now.  Though yes, if it would help on the political side, I can ‘suggest’ that Naval Intelligence write the report you need.”

    “It will help.  I cannot allow… the Hegemony cannot allow… a pissed up second-class state like the Capellans to stand up to us and get away with it.  If they'd just abandoned the damn yards, they could have rebuilt, and we'd have saved face.. But no.  Too damn proud.”

    “Director-General, the fact that they DID what they DID suggests that we can’t keep treating the Houses as second-raters we can order around at will.  Whatever my private opinions of Fitzgibbons, I think we disavow him publicly, apologize, and politely ask for our people back.  Well could allow for at least token repariations, as well.  It will be cheaper than throwing another fleet into that meat grinder before we understand exactly what happened.”

    “Apology?  Reparations?  No, Admiral.  We cannot let this stand.  Would McKenna have let this stand?”

    “McKenna never had the misfortune of being in anything like a fair fight, Director General.  It's pretty easy to build an amazing reputation if you never have to have one of those.  Though in his defense, one of the points of the job is to avoid anything like a fair fight.”

    “Even so.  If we let these neo-barbarians THINK they CAN have a fair fight with us, they will keep doing it.  No more light expeditionary forces.  Pull as much of the Battle Fleet as you can afford.  Take your time.  Bring every bit of throw-weight we can spare.  And go visit Aldebaran again and show the Inner Sphere what happens when you ‘stand up’ to the Hegemony.”

    “Director General.. I must object…”

    “You may object, Admiral.  Feel free.  But you will carry out your orders or we will see who in your chain of succession will.”

2nd Battle of Aldebaran

The runup to second Aldebaran was eerily similar to first.  The THN took its time, this
time, telegraphing the punch and giving the Capellans time to sweat.  They stopped at each system on the way in, not just sterilizing the jump-points, but moving through the system destroying every bit of orbital infrastructure along the way.  It was somewhat frustrated in this, as by the time the THN Battle Fleet moved into Capellan space, their coming was anticipated, and everything even vaguely mobile had been shut down, mothballed, or moved out of their path.  Still, the second run to the south did inflict some minor damage, though not enough to assuage the lost pride of the Inner Sphere’s premier navy.

    By the time the THN 1st Battle Fleet arrived at Aldebaran, their arrival was long anticipated.  Given nearly four months to repair and rearm, the survivors from 1st Aldebaran were returned to active service by the handy fleet yards, and reinforced by the Capellan East and West Fleets.  Rather than following a predictable run in, the THN Admiral brought his ships in directly to the L1 Lagrange Point, anticipating catching Capellan Reinforcements there, as they had at 1st Aldebaran.  The Capellans had been careful not to repeat their subterfuge, and were instead investing in brutal simplicity - their entire order of battle was resting under strict emissions control behind the surviving defense stations.

    The first battle squadron was no more trusting of this innocent silence than any parent of a five year old, but without definite indications that the Capellans were there in strength, and anticipating a good chance that the CCN might well have elected not to stand against the full strength of the THN, they proceeded towards the yards in good order and at significant speed, planning on closing quickly into NAC range of the pernicious defense stations.

    As the THN Closed, the battle of 2nd Aldebaran played out eerily similar to the first, though there were some differences.  The THN forward deployed its nearly thousand fighters, intending to get maximum use of them before they were lost to heavy missile fire.  This forced the CCN Fighter squadrons to remain on defense, and though it preserved the CCN fighter strength at the cost of the THN squadrons, it bought some extra time for the Battle Fleet to advance without taking missile fire, and also ensured that the surviving CCN Squadrons were exhausted of fuel and ammunition before they could move against the Battle Fleet’s warships.

    The Typhoon class vessels were the bastions of the THN.  More heavily armored than the more fragile, older THN hulls, armed with massive batteries of the heaviest naval weapon in service, they absorbed early focused fire from the CCN, preserving their lighter siblings for closer engagement.  Typhoon herself reduced Quan Yin to a wreck, drifting with her spine broken by successive penetrating hits, before the total weight of the CCN missile and energy weapon fire stripped her armor and gutted her internals.

    Numbers and weight of fire inevitably told.  If one discounts their scouts (kept in the line of battle at great risk, to provide extra anti-fighter defense and to force dispersal of fire), the THN had only 22 Warships in 1st Battle Fleet, to the CCNs 21.. And all of the CCN vessels were new, heavily armored, and focused on long range fires, while on the THN side, many vessels were 50 years old or more, and had not been significantly refit during that time.  Their heavy NAC batteries were devastating once they came into range, but their more fragile ships meant that far too few of the THN vessels survived to see the range closed.

    Some naval observers have questioned why the THN did not break off once the first few minutes of fire showed their disadvantage.  However, an analysis of survivor reports show that the THN Admiral felt that his best chance was to close the range as quickly as possible - and that if he attempted to break off, he would be pursued for at least some time by the longer-ranged CCN ships, risking total loss without any damage being done in return.  Thus the Terran Navy, professional to the last, kept their ships heading to the sound of the guns and in obedience to the order given down by the Director General, in an attempt to break through and and carry out their objective of destroying the Aldebaran Yards.

    A handful made it out the far side, and rather than pursue, the CCN allowed them to flee the system, though the jumpships and cargo dropships left at the pirate point were claimed under the guns of the CCN.
-“The Turning of the Tide - Aldebaran and the Cameron Dynasty” Sarna University Press, 2457

Order of Battle, Second Aldebaran:
    2 DN Typhoon
    4 BB Dreadnought
    6 BC Black Lion
10 DD Lola
6 SC Bonaventure
20 Jump Ships
40 Medium Dropships
60 Light Dropships
900 Fighters

10 CA Quan Yin
11 CL Pallada
170 DS Shao Bing
10 Drop Ships
600 Fighters (total fighter stocks of CCN are nearly exhausted by 2nd Aldebaran)

Losses, 2nd Aldebaran:

THN: 2 DN, 4BB, 5 BC, 9DD, 5SC, 830 Fighters, 40 Medium Dropships, 60 Light Dropships, 20 Jumpships, 9B in repairs.

CCN:  1 CA, 2 CL, 40 DS, 220 Fighters, 2 Dropships, 1 CA and 1 CL Crippled, unable to participate for remainder of turn.  8B in Ship and Yard Repairs.  Presence of Shipyard or Repair ship reduces repair cost, allows cripples to be saved.

CCN Prizes:  20 JS, 60 Light DS, 20 Medium DS (Captured at L1 Point)

The Run to the North

“The Moral is to the Physical as 3 is to 1”
    -N. Bonaparte

Even after the terrible losses of the Aldebaran Conflict, the THN remained the largest and theoretically most powerful navy in the inner sphere.  But for all its physical strength, its internal commands were in shock.  Half of the fleet had headed into the least of the Inner Sphere states, and only dribs and drabs had made it out, telling bitter stories of trying to limp crippled ships home across the light-years.  What was worse, none quite understood exactly what had gone wrong, as many parts of the THN had disparaged the evolving technologies and doctrines that had been sharpened in conflicts between those minor states.

Rather than wait for the Hegemony to regain its balance, the Confederation swung immediately onto the offense.  Their surviving heavy cruisers moved north, loading any army units available over each world as they passed.  Crossing into Hegemony Space in some cases ahead of the Terran survivors of 2nd Aldebaran, they swooped down on every exposed Hegemony world.  Many of these worlds were only a few decades under the Hegemony banner, and were offered the promise of greater freedoms in the Confederation.. Or in the alternate, promise of multi-regiment invasion backed by the threat of orbital fire.

Rather than drive deep into the Hegemony, the Confederation claimed a string of worlds along the border.  This had the effect of both presenting the Confederation as an ‘invading horde’ across their entire border, but also making it clear that the core of the Hegemony was not under threat - at least not yet.  Faced with a Naval Service in near-catatonic shock and the possible threat of revolution if he could not focus its attentions at home, Director General Cameron met with Coordinator Liao over Terra Firma on Christmas Day, 2389, to sign a treaty promising ‘Eternal Peace and Greater Understanding’ between the Hegemony and Confederation.  The Terra Firma Concord of 2388 also offered the establishment of a ‘Mediating Body’ with representatives from all the major powers to ‘help prevent regrettable misunderstandings and loss of life’, but at the time, no other power sent diplomats or was willing to cede any authority, even theoretical.

CC Gains/TH Losses: Alpha Eridani, Tigress, Basalt, Nopah, Kawich, Fletcher, Woodstock, Acamar, Terra Firma, Capolla, Hisen, Chisholm, Mandal, 39B Econ

Quick, while they aren't Looking

Having the two largest navies in the Inner Sphere focused on beating one another into a pulp represented an irresistible opportunity to many of their neighbors, though each would weigh the balance of forces, and opportunity, differently.

After considering a wealth of options and planning to attack almost everyone, the Coordinator of the  Draconis Combine suggested it was better to keep things simple, especially after the difficulties with Rasalhague.  Before the Hegemony regained its balance, the Combine was able to seize Kervil, Telos, and Inglesmond, securing both the flank of the Deneb Algedi salient, though perhaps at the risk of the Hegemony’s future ire.  These worlds had been restive under the Hegemony, and would likely remain so under the Combine, perhaps tempering the Hegemony’s anger.  Dieron, unfortunately, would remain out of reach at the time.

DC Gains/TH Loses:  Kervil, Telos, New Britain, 9B Econ

Eschewing the idea of pressuring the Hegemony, Case Nightmare is abandoned and the Federated Suns considers their options under Case Green.  While part of their doctrine included deep strikes against shipyards, the proposition was tabled on the argument that “Capellan Shipyards are apparently Roach Motels for Warships.  Do we have any spare fleets burning a hole in our pockets?”  As they manifestly did not, and with the Davion pressing that SOME hay be made while the sun was shining, the FSN picked off the periphery realms of Avigait, Bacum, Ashley from CC control, as well as the exposed  Stein’s Folly.The Liao was quoted as saying “Ashley?  Where is that?  Why do I care?” and little more came of the matter.

FS Gains/CC Loses:  Avigait, Bacum, Ashley, Stein’s Folly,  5B Econ

The Free Worlds League took the opportunity of the Capellan-Terran conflict to move its forces to the Lyran Border, likely anticipating an upswing in conflict across the inner sphere and expecting that the CCN would be unwilling to engage in offensive operations for some time.  Still, one proud nail was too much to pass up, and a ‘gentle suggestion’ by a passing diplomat, coupled with the promise of lavish government contracts for purchase from the extensive heavy metal mines of Chertan (owned by the Planetary Governor’s Cousin), brought Chertan into the League with little drama or risk of future conflict with the Hegemony.  The FWL also took the opportunity to pick off both Giausar and Pressby from the Lyran Commonwealth, while the other was busily poking the Hegemony Bear.

FWL Gains/TH Loses:  Chertan, 3B Econ
FWL Gains/LC Loses:  Giausar, Pressby, 2B Econ

The Lyran Commonwealth, in an unusual showing of marital vigor, moved more quickly against the exposed Hegemony than any other power not directly involved in the conflict.  The worlds of Sabik, Atria, Ko, and Lyons all fell before the Lyran forces (or, as was often the case, before Lyran Gunboat Diplomacy) before the Hegemony was able to cement a peace with the Capellan Confederation and reorient its forces.  A second Commonwealth squadron was just about to jump into Summer to cut off the Galatea spur when neutral merchant traffic jumping out from Summer reported a large Terran squadron had just settled into position over that world.  Anticipating that they had gotten everything they could cheaply, the Commonwealth settled into the process of integrating its newest worlds.

LC Gains/TH Loses:  Sabik, Atria, Ko, Lyons, 11B Econ

The Periphery Realms on the whole watched the goings on from the blessed safety of extreme distance and collectively decided they wanted nothing to do with the matter, though more than one leader was on record decrying violence and offering its thoughts and prayers to the Terrans.

Budgets, 2390:
Terran Hegemony - 659B
Draconis Combine - 356.5B
Federated Suns - 383B
Capellan Confederation - 396B
Free Worlds League - 372.5B
Lyran Commonwealth - 391.5B
Rim Worlds Republic - 174.5B
Principality of Rasalhague - 97B
Taurian Concordat - 106B
United Hindu Collection - 73B
Marian Hegemony - 71B
Illyran Palatinate - 45B

Map, 2390 (
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: marcussmythe on 27 May 2020, 08:53:17
Terran Hegemony Turn 5 2390-2400

“If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same” 
        -Rudyard Kipling, ‘If’

     In the wake of the disasters at Aldebaran, Director General Cameron attempted, and failed, to remove Fleet Admiral Raphael Cortez from control of the Hegemony Navy.  Rumor has it that even as the pre-signed resignation was being delivered to Naval HQ in Geneva, a recording of the fateful meeting between Director General Cameron and Fleet Admiral Cortez, wherein the Director General pressed for naval action over Ft. Adm. Cortez’ objections arrived at the Director General’s Office.  An armed silence followed, and the developing factions aligning with one government center of power or another quieted in due time.  Civilian authority over the military arm would remain, but it would be exercised more gently, and at a greater remove.

     As the dust settled from his frantic efforts to knit the remainder of the Hegemony Naval Services into a functional organization again, Adm. Cortez turned to planning for the future.  The Hegemony was best on all sides, and any further showing of weakness might result in the Great States surrounding her carving her like a turkey - a process that had already begun.

     At the same time, he felt that the focus on fixed defenses was a trap.  Many argued that with a mere hundred worlds, compared to neighbors two and three times that size, the Hegemony was ideally situated to simply fortify each world in turn, such that each would be too expensive to justify its capture.

     Cortez felt this to be a mistake.  The other powers had hundreds of low value worlds, and could afford to lose some or even many, so long as the core of their strength, a few productive worlds and their industrial capitals, remained inviolate.  A handful of worlds, perhaps a half dozen or less, could be so fortified.  But the Hegemony did not have half a dozen valuable worlds amidst a mountain of chaff - every last world of the hundred was too valuable to lose - and each was an attractive prize to the great houses around her. 

     The Hegemony simply could not afford to place the sort of defenses seen at Aldebaran over each world and anything less simply invited defeat in detail.  Oh, in time, Terra would have to have some, and perhaps a few worlds besides, though no more than that.

     Curiously, however, the Hegemony’s weakness was also her strength. She was still rich, far beyond any other nation.  And that strength was not spread out over hundreds of words and more hundreds of light years.  The vast majority of the Hegemony was within 60 light years of Terra.

     Sixty light years was about to be an important number.  The new Lithium-Fusion Batteries would allow a ship to jump twice in quick succession.  A force so equipped could reach the majority of the Hegemony within hours of an attack, and all of it within a week.  An inbound enemy force burning in from the Zenith Point might find the entire Hegemony fleet jumping into a pre-calculated pirate point, waiting for it before it even arrived.

     The old navy had been vast in number, sprawling in design, and lacking in unified purpose.  It was a remnant of an era of constant invasion and military conquest, an era that was over.  Worlds would change hands only a few at a time, and space supremacy was more important than vast space lift for a navy intending to focus on limited offense, or defense.

     Over the coming decades, the THN would begin an aggressive construction and refit campaign.  Elderly ships, even the beloved THN Dreadnought, would be sent to the breakers or to museum duties, to free personnel and resources for the New Model Navy.  If possible, they would be released at fire-sale prices to the periphery powers, to serve as pressure and distraction on the Hegemony’s hostile neighbors.

     The new navy would be a  fleet of ‘Fast’ ships, able to deploy to any place in the Hegemony with stunning speed, concentrating force at the point of conflict.  While her total numbers would be reduced, her effective strength, particularly her effective strength at any decisive point, would be far greater than it had been before.

Code: [Select]
Terran Hegemony, Turn Beginning 2390
Beginning Funds:  -13.765
Beginning Shipyards:         Terra: 2/2/2/1/2
Keid:  2/2/1/1
Thorin: 1/1/1
New Earth: 1/1/1
Yorii:  1/1/1
Graham IV 1/1/1

Beginning Warships:          DN Typhoon x 2 59.7
                                        BB Dreadnought x 2 16.2
                                        CA Constitution x 14 115.08
BC Black Lion x 1 7.0
CL Cruiser x 21 156.66
DD Lola x 5 33.27
SC Bonaventure x 28 141

Beginning Jumpships:          54 27
Beginning Dropships:          216 (Light)         64.8
                                        40 (Medium)         20
Beginning Small Craft 1,200         12
Beginning Fighters: 2188                 10.9

Turn Accounting         Income/Cost (Billions)
Starting Funds:         -13.75
Repairs         -9
Revenue: +659
Scrap CL Cruiser x21         +39.165
Scrap SC Bonaventure x28         +35.25
Scrap DD Lola x 5 +8.3175
Scrap BB Dreadnought x2         +4.05
Scrap BC Black Lion x 1         +1.75

Maintenance         -151.74
R&D:  Ferro-Carbide         -75.9
R&D:  LF Battery -75.9

Terra 4->5x1        -25
Terra 3->4x2        -40
Terra 2->3x2        -30
Terra 1->2x2        -20

RnD, Iron Duke Class        -3.75
RnD, Constitution Refit                -2.69
Production, Iron Duke x 6        -89.92
Refit, Constitution->Constitution (Refit) x 14                        -35.812
Construction, Constitution Refit x 16                 -172.32
Remainder: 2.718

Terran Hegemony, Turn Ending 2400
Ending Funds:          2.718
Ending Shipyards:         Terra: 0/2/2/2/3
Keid:  2/2/1/1
Thorin: 1/1/1
New Earth: 1/1/1
Yorii:  1/1/1
Graham IV 1/1/1

Ending Warships:          DN Typhoon x 2         59.7
DNF Iron Duke x 6         89.92
                                        CAF Constitution Refit x 30         323.33

Ending Jumpships:  54         27
Ending Dropships:  216 (Light)                 64.8
                40 (Medium)         20
Ending Small Craft 1,200                 12
Ending Fighters: 2,188                 10.9

Iron Duke Fast Dreadnought

After Antares, the THN found its numbers depleted, its budget cut, and its priorities drastically rearranged.  While still the preeminent naval power in the galaxy, it could no longer simply assume absolute dominance as a given and realized it would have to treat its neighbors as legitimate threats, especially given the proven opportunism of nearly all the great houses when the Hegemony found itself distracted and weakened.

In this environment, the Hegemony focused first on defensive duties.  It would no longer set aside massive cargo volumes to support invasions and deep deployments - if it fought, it would be on the defense over its own worlds, or if on the offense, one planet on the front at a time.  Invasion and logistics could be supplied by jumpships and dropships operating in fleet support.

Boasting thick layers of Ferro-Carbide Armor, broadsides containing ten massive naval gauss rifles and eight heavy naval PPCs, a single broadside could cripple or destroy most warships in existence when she first slipped from her builders yards.  Eight missile launchers served to provide mixed anti-ship and anti-fighter fire.  Eschewing hull mounted AAA batteries and Point-Defense Systems, Iron Duke relegated close in anti-fighter and anti-missile work to up to five dozen specialized AAA/PDS focused small craft.

Fittings were rough, if solid, and the quarters while comfortable were not extravagant, especially by the standards of the THN.  Iron Duke and the ships that followed her were uncompromising, pure warships, reflecting the changing focus of the Hegemony in response to the defeats it had suffered.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Iron Duke
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $14,778,344,001
Magazine Cost: $219,200,000
BV2: 189,876

Mass: 1,250,000
K-F Drive System: Compact w/LFB (26 Integrity)
Jump Sail:  (6)
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Fuel:  5000 Tons
Heat Sinks:  4715 (99%)
Drop Collars:  0
Grav Decks: 4x100m
Escape Pods: 36
Life Boats: 36

Bays: Bay 1, Nose: 60 Small Craft, 18 Doors
Bay 2, Aft:  14836 Tons Cargo, 2 Doors

Crew And Passengers:
70 Officers in 1st Class Quarters
225 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters
116 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters
300 Bay Personnel

SI:  150
Armor Type: Ferro-Carbide, 3090 Points
Fore: 405
Fore-Left/Right: 545/545
Aft-Left/Right: 545/545
Aft: 405

20 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy (6 each FS, 4 each RS) 200rnds/ea
16 HNPPC (4 each FS/RS)
80 Capital Launcher Barracuda (20 each Chase and Broadside) 5rnds/ea

Constitution [Refit] Fast Heavy Cruiser

Although the admiralty originally requested a clean sheet design for its Fast Heavy Cruiser class, the THN budget in 2390 simply did not have room for a new build line of LF-Battery equipped Heavy Cruisers as well as its new line of Fast Dreadnoughts. 

The extant Constitution Class Heavy Cruisers were fairly new builds with extensive life left on their drives and hulls, and so were chosen for refit to Fast Cruiser standards.  The Dropshuttle Bay provided ready internal space to contain the batteries, and a stem to stern replacement of the new armor compounds completed what was an expensive, but simple and straightforward, refit.  Hull strength was on the light side for a pure warship, but unlike Iron Duke, the Constitutions were intended not only for duty in the wall of battle, but also for independent patrol duties - and a design that retained Constitution’s firepower and added structural reinforcement would consume the cargo volume needed for patrol duties.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Constitution Refit
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $10,720,212,000
Magazine Cost: $57,680,000
BV2: 98,382

Mass: 740,000
K-F Drive System: Compact w/LF Battery (16 Integrity)
Jump Sail:  (5)
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Fuel:  10,000 Tons
Heat Sinks:  4400 (100%)
Drop Collars:  0
Grav Decks: 2x100m
Escape Pods: 100
Life Boats: 100

Berthing for full second crew

Bays: Bay 1, Nose: 40 Small Craft, 8 Doors
Bay 2, Aft:  32207 Tons Cargo, 2 Doors

Crew And Passengers:
53 Officers in 1st Class Quarters
140 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters
119 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters
200 Bay Personnel

SI:  100
Armor Type: Ferro-Carbide, 1244 Points
Fore: 200
Fore-Left/Right: 211/211
Aft-Left/Right: 211/211
Aft: 200

16 NL/55 (Corners)
24 NAC/20 (Corners) (100 Rnds ea)
160 PPC (Sides/Ends)
240 MG (Sides/Ends)
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Tyler Jorgensson on 29 May 2020, 18:06:01
Principality of Rasalhague

Principality of Rasalhague, 2391

"Admiral.... with all due respect you should still be in a hospital bed." Elected Prince Sven Anitisson said standing as the horrifically injured Admiral Hjelmstad walks in. Half of his face is covered in burn scars, not to mention his hand. He limps in on a cane, and quickly takes a seat. An aide comes and delivers a couple glasses of water and then quickly retreats.

"With all due respect sir, I've been 'resting' for quite a while now." Admiral Hjelmstad has been in a coma for nearly three years. He was lucky enough tovive the explosion of his flagship but had taken quite a beating. His leg had been broken in over a dozen spots, not to mention second-degree burns. The medics aboard the surviving ships did their best to stabilize him but he had been played in a medical induced coma until his body could 'heal'. He had only recently awakened and shocking many he had elected to resume his post. The thirty something Admiral had become a hero, along with every survivor of Task Force Crimea.

"I know we've talked before.... but are you sure of this? Vice Admiral Knudtson is willing to assume full control, you've more than done your service."

The Admiral ignores the question and presents a datapad. "I've compiled the new budget and made my additions. There's also a report of our current readiness."

The Prince. "Very well Admiral. Please summarize your findings for me."

"The remaining three ships of Task Force Crimea have been scrapped for spare parts. We've saved over twenty billion by doing so, and some of the armor has been turned into medals for the crew, posthumous crew included. Our fighter forces has been cut in half and we've lost additional Dropships. The defensive stations have been set up in their appropriate systems."

"My recommendation is to take Vice Admiral Knudtson's previous proposal and modify it slightly. Our yards at Rasalhague will be improved over spending more money on additional yards. I fear that our attack on the Combine ill change the nature of this war, however we need larger ships quickly. Thirty-five new defensive stations will augment our new colonies and reinforce our current ones. I've ordered R&D to begin looking into a larger station design as well."

"Our maintenance budget remains similar, however our production totals makes up the most of this budget. New fighters, a new Hund-class, and the stations make up our domestic production. The Terran's are selling the bulk of their smaller fleet off, and yes I've received your 'concerns'. I've assigned our budget there to purche their remaining Lola-class Cruisers. Our Navy has experience with them, and despite their thinner skin, the serve well to augment our current designs. We unfortunately do not have enough money to purchase any Rim Worlder Vittoria's, but I've also tasked R&D to begin designing a similar design, or seeing if our yards can locally produce them. They are also working on a new Destroyer, the Tjur, a new scout ship, the Hare, and a new fleet supply tender. Once again our funds prohibit actual schematic development and testing, but between their tasks I feel like we can get a head start for the next budget."

"Our R&D team is currently working on the newer Naval Gauss Rifles. The DCA has had them for a while but their impact was quite devastating. I wanted to put one on a Hund, but the space and weight constraints mean that they most likely will be deployed on the Tjur when it become available. Vice Admiral Knudtson advocated for AC/10's to be broadly deployed, but I fear like that is a waste of resources. I've been talking with my opposite in the Army and he believes Particle Projection Cannon's would be a better weapon for both ground and aerospace forces and I agree. Of course-"

"Budget constraints. Yes I know. The deficit cause by Task Force Crimea's purchase, combined with our recent colonization efforts leave you a bit short this budget, but don't worry. I assume you have nothing fanatical planned?" the Prince asks mockingly.

"No Sir. We need to rest, rearm, and repair. The Dragon has been roused, and we've wounded him, but I think that we will both be resting for a while. Maybe let the new generation blood themselves on pirates, rather than a larger war."

Fleet Doctrine
The Fleet will be broken up into three Squadrons: Alpha, Beta, and Delta. Alpha and Beta will mirror each other with the Hund II's split, with a Vittoria and a Lola I escorting them and two Invader-class Jumpships as support. One Jumpship will function as a carrier, carrying fighters and  ground troops if necessary, while the other will be a cargo carrier. Alpha will be based from Rasalhague, patrolling the 'middle line' of PoR territory along with allied RWR fleets mostly concentrating on the coreward section. Beta will be patrolling the front line (Last Frontier, Radlje, Vipaava, and Trondheim), based at Jezersko.

Delta will consist of three Lola I's and three Invader-class Jumpships as support. They will be based at Jezersko as a reaction force. Similar to Alpha and Beta the Jumpships  will be mostly used for cargo, with a handful of fighters for defense.

Thirty-Five new Aspida-class Defeve stations will be constructed. Rasalhague will now boast 15, Jezersko 12, and New Oslo 8. The remaining will be five at each of the following planets: Trondheim, Vipaava, Last Frontier, Radjie, Thule, Pinnacle, Christiania Dawn, Susquehenna, Leoben, Unzmarkt, and Hermagor. Every station will mount the full complement of fighters, small craft, and marines.

Any and ALL Jumpships are to avoid combat at all cost, jumping to obtain reinforcements. Any pilots are tasked with covering this retreat and are then ordered to head to ground if possible.

The fighter and Drop Ship assignments of the fleet will be the same as Admiral Jorgensson had laid down nearly three decades ago. Drop Ships and medium craft to remain close to the fleet, light squadrons to scout, and heavies for assault support. In addition the small craft will be appropriately tasked for boarding actions if possible but otherwise close in support actions. Dedicated training towards anti-missile defense will be instituted.

Priority targets are once again troopships and their line cruisers. However local commanders are given broad latitude in how to target their fleets guns, semi-reversing Admiral Jorgensson's policy of 'It must die or else!'. Commanders are also give latitude to determine if ships can be captured, crippled, or destroyed. If ceasefires are negotiated we will 'NOT' fire first: we will maintain all level of civility if possible. Be wary of traps from the Combine for they are crafty. Orbital bombardment on enemy forces is forbidden while in PoR space.

The Third Battle of Jezersko taught us much about fleet combat. In light of the Flagship of a given squadrons destruction the chain of command will pass to the senior Captain among the remaining members. Commanders are to drill rapid changes of command with their crews to enforce this. Our fleet will also maintain formation in system on patrol routes together, not independently split off from each other. They are patrolling, being repaired/upgraded/ or holding at Jump Points together. They are not to maintain positions near the gravity well of the planets if at all possible: they should always be in motion.

Task Force Crimea veterans have been assigned across the fleet, or given their choice of assignments in the PoR military (up to and including retirement with full pensions). The have counciled for greater numbers of fighters on PoR ships, as well as enhanced anti-missile defenses. They also have spoken about the lethality of the new Naval Gauss Rifles and the surface to space defensive works. The Admiralty has taken these notes into high considerations and are beginning to augment the fleet with those exact suggestions.

Regarding the events at Liezen, the local PoR commander was neither reprimanded nor congratulated on his decision to remove the fleet from combat. In wake of this however new orders went out to the fleet. "In light of recent events, avoid confrontation with other forces in large multi-fleet battles unless defending PoR territory or colonization efforts. Allied forces should be warned of this, however we do give permission for commanders on scene to augment allied forces when defending their own territory or colonization efforts.

On the southern section of the Inner Sphere the stories of the battles between Capellan and Terran forces have leaked out. Weights of missile fire and fighter support, not to mention anti-missile fire, have only intensified the needed research for Carriers and Missile Cruisers. However, the Admiralty has bee told that no additional funding is available at this current time.

Code: [Select]
Principality of Rasalhague, Turn Beginning 2390 Value/Cost (Millions)

Funds: -5.229
Revenue: 97.000
- Rasalhague:      1
- New Oslo:         1

- 5x Hund-class Frigates Mark II
- 1x Vittoria-class Destroyer
- 1x Vittoria-class Destroyer Mark II

- 10x Invader-class

Space Stations:
- 60x Aspida-class Defensive Stations

- 26x Light Dropships

Small Craft:
- 92x Small Craft

- 280x Fighters (Mix of classes)

Expenses                                        Value/Cost (Millions)

- Hund-class Frigate Mark II: 11.743/ 11.743
- Vittoria-class Destroyer: 3.264/ 3.264
- Vittoria-class Destroyer Mark II: 3.373/ 3.373

- Invader-class Jumpships: 2.500/ 2.500
- Dropships: 3.900/ 3.900
- Fighters: 700/ 700
- Small Craft: 460/ 460

- Aspida-class Stations:  4.560/ 4.560

- None

- 2x Binzhou-class Frigate Block II's (Damaged): +1.590
- 1x Yang Wei-class Cruiser Block II (Damaged): +934

- 1,176x Fighters (Mostly heavier designs): 5.600
- 35x Aspida-class Defensive Stations (From the RWR): 5.600
- 5x Lola I-class Cruisers (From the TH): 8.316
- 1x Hund-class Frigate Mark II: 4.697

- Upgrade Rasalhague: 1 -> 2 : 20.000

- Expenses: 4.000

Technology/ Research:
- Naval Gauss Rifles: 15.760

Total: 97.178

Principality of Rasalhague, Turn Ending 2400 Value/Cost (Millions)
Funds: -178
- Rasalhague:      0/1
- New Oslo:         1

- 5x Lola I-class Cruisers
- 6x Hund-class Frigates Mark II
- 2x Vittoria-class Destroyers (1x Upgraded)

- 10x Invader-class

Space Stations:
- 95x Aspida-class Defensive Stations

- 26x Light Dropships

Small Craft:
- 92x Small Craft

- 1,456x Fighters (Mix of classes)

List of Ship Names

Hund-class Frigates Mark II
PoRS Mäyräkoira (Daschhound Finnish)
PoRS Sækari (Retreiver Icelandic)
PoRS Varg (Wolf Swedish)
PoRS Kant (Edge Swedish)
PoRS Terä (Blade Finnish)
PoRS Veitsi (Knife Finnish)

Lola I-class Cruisers
PoRS Mörda (Murder Swedish)
PoRS Parvi (Flock Finnish)
PoRS Flyg (Flight Swedish)
PoRS Epäystävällinen (Unkindness Finnish) - Delta Squadron Flagship
PoRS Grzmot (Thunder Polish)

Vittoria-class Destroyer
PoRS Miekka (Sword Finnish) - Alpha Squadron Flagship
PoRS Yxa (Hachet Swedish) - Beta Squadron Flagship

Code: [Select]

Alpha Squadron Ships (Rasalhague -> Patrolling Secondary Line)
Hund-class Frigate Mark II
PoRS Mäyräkoira
PoRS Sækari
PoRS Veitsi

Vittoria-class Destroyer
PoRS Miekka

Lola I-class Cruiser
PoRS Parvi- Alpha Squadron Flagship

- 2x Invader Jumpships

Beta Squadron Ships (Rasalhague -> Patrolling Jezersko and Front Line)
Hund-class Frigate Mark II
PoRS Varg
PoRS Kant
PoRS Terä

Vittoria-class Destroyer Mark II
PoRS Yxa - Beta Squadron Flagship

Lola I-class Cruiser
PoRS Grzmot

- 2x Invader-class Jumpships

Delta Squadron (Jezersko -> Reaction Fleet)
Lola I-class Cruisers
PoRS Mörda
PoRS Flyg
PoRS Epäystävällinen - Delta Squadron Flagship

- 3x Invader-class Jumpships

- Rasalhague: 15
- Jezersko: 12
- New Oslo: 8
- Trondheim: 5
- Vipaava: 5
- Last Frontier: 5
- Radlje: 5
-Thule: 5
- Pinnacle: 5
- Christiania: 5
- Dawn: 5
- Susquehanna: 5
- Leoben: 5
- Unzmarkt: 5
- Hermagor: 5

List of Destroyed Vessels
- Vittoria-class Destroyer PoRS Kirves (Axe Finnish) - Third Battle of Jezersko - Late 2376

- Hund II-class Frigate PoRS Hund (Hound Swedish) - Lead ship of class - Third Battle of Jezersko Late 2376

- Rav-class Corvette PoRS Rav (Fox Swedish) - Lead ship of class - First Battle of Jezersko 2359
- Rav-class Corvette PoRS Kråka (Crow Swedish) - Battle of Christiana, Late 2362
- Rav-class Corvette PoRS Korp (Raven - Swedish) - Battle of Christiana, Late 2362

- Lola -class Cruiser PoRS Mjölnir - Battle of Luthien Early 2387
- Lola -class Cruiser PoRS Myrskyn Katkaisija (Storm Breaker Finnish) - Battle of Luthien Early 2387

- Yang Wei-class Cruiser Block II PoRS Jörmungandr - Battle of New Samarkand October 2387
- Yang Wei-class Cruiser Block II PoRS Fenrir - Battle of Luthien Early 2387
- Yang Wei-class Cruiser Block II PoRS Hel - Battle of New Samarkand October 2387
- Yang Wei-class Cruiser Block II PoRS Surtr - Battle of New Samarkand October 2387

- Binzhou-class Frigate Block II PoRS Odin - LOST - Misjump in Early 2388
- Binzhou-class Frigate Block II PoRS Frigg - Battle of New Samarkand October 2387
- Binzhou-class Frigate Block II PoRS Thor - Battle of Luthien Early 2387
- Binzhou-class Frigate Block II PoRS Freyr - Battle of Luthien Early 2387
- Binzhou-class Frigate Block II PoRS Freya - Battle of Luthien Early 2387
- Binzhou-class Frigate Block II PoRS Baldr - Battle of New Samarkand October 2387
- Binzhou-class Frigate Block II PoRS Tyr - Battle of Luthien Early 2387
- Binzhou-class Frigate Block II PoRS Geri - Battle of New Samarkand October 2387
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: VensersRevenge on 29 May 2020, 20:44:25
Free Worlds League, 2390
Michaels groaned as he pulled himself out of his bed, and stumbled towards his desk. His heart was beating hard, and he fumbled with the container that held his medication. He finally swallowed a couple of pills and sat down at his work desk in his apartment on Stewart. Michaels had hoped that he would be able to command the FWLN into the new century, but while he would not admit it to anyone, he knew it was less and less likely that he would make it through the decade. "There is still too much to do" he muttered to himself as he went over the low level messages that were delivered to him overnight. Still, his tenure as Captain Admiral could not be described as unsuccessful. The League had expanded, maybe not as dramatically as some, but with a much lower cost in lives and money. Other than Giasaur, the League was able to slowly and peacefully expand just like Michaels had hoped when his career started. But that would not be the case for long. He had largely dismissed the Capellans, but they proved able to humiliate the Terran's and claim more than a few systems. But they had to worry about Terran retribution, and the Federated Suns who had stayed uninvolved in the battles of the past decade. The Lyrans had already fought the League for Giasaur, but had also become involved in the Rasalhague quagmire. The Marian's rapid expansion was of concern to him, but was unlikely to be a problem within his lifetime, considering the health problems that had quietly been plaguing the Admiral. Still, he would have to begin creating Operation Plans for his successor, whoever that would be. Just then, his computer pinged, and when Michaels saw the message he almost forgot his pain. "I just might be able to create a stronger League for my successor after all." Michaels got dressed in his dress uniform, walked out of his apartment, and made his way to the Stewart dropport.
The conflicts of the 2370's left the Free Worlds League largely alone, but Captain Admiral Michaels and his staff knew that that would not be the case forever. The Periphery border was still seen as low priority, but the rapid expansion of the Marian Hegemony worried the FWLN. This worry was compounded by the fact that the propaganda department of the Hegemony made it difficult to tell how strained they truly were by the rapid expansion they undertook. Even ALEXA could not help, because the Hegemony's citizens were also exposed to the propaganda, and simply parroted it. Despite the concerns, the Hegemony was not considered a short term threat. Admiral White was informed to keep a careful watch for pirates or "pirates" on the Periphery border, and Michaels recommended that the Diplomatic Corps put out feelers to the Illyrian Palatinate to make common cause against the Marian's. Meanwhile, new warplans were made to take advantage of Lyran or Capellan weakness' as they became clear. Although the Terrans may also end up showing weakness that could be exploited by the FWLN, Michaels still felt that the Terrans were an enemy that the League could not defeat. Nonetheless, warplans were made so that if every other power began ripping the Terrans apart, the League would get its fair share and ensure at least some Terran citizens would join the state that clearly respected it's people the most.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2390      Value in Millions
Money Available 372,500
Remaining from Last Turn -29,464
Available Shipyards

Atreus                   0/2
Irian       0/2
Loyalty       0/2
Regulus                 1
Jardine (secret)      4
Repairs 0

Maintenance 50% 192,928                                                                               
Construction Unit Price
        Jardine              S4>S5             50,000
Prototype        Juliano Marik                        2,843
Warships J Marik 1         11,371
Research         Medium Dropships                 42,525
Jumpships            20 500        10,000
Small Dropships              0 300            0
Medium Dropships            58 500   29,000
Fighters          873     5     4,365

Total Spent     372,496

Income Remaining 4
Doctrine Changes:
The FWLN made only minor shifts to it's doctrine, focused on it's new development of heavier dropships. Based on information gained from the Federated Suns (Operation ALEXA paying off once again), the larger dropships are seen as a way to increase the combat power of Marik's, as well as the large jumpship core. At this time, Medium Dropships bought by the FWLN are split evenly between combat dropships and carriers, with plans to buy troop transports and cargo ships later. The larger civilian cargo models that have been produced will also assist the League economy.
Operation Plans:
Captain Admiral Michaels and his staff have produced a series of Operation Plans for combat with neighbouring powers.
Operation ARMINIUS:
The plans to break the Marian Hegemony, ARMINUS is considered low priority at this time, but likely an inevitability in the future. Based on a deep strike on Alphard to eliminate the Marian ability to build ships, with follow on attacks to damage the Marian economy on nearby systems and eliminate as much of the Marian Navy as possible ARMINIUS also has sub-operations for a joint attack with the Illyrians, and an intervention to protect Illyria from a Marian assault. ARMINIUS-DELTA, the plans to intervene to protect Illyria, is the only plan authorized for 2380-2390. If Illyria is attacked, Admiral White is to lead the Periphery Squadron into Marian territory. Constant raiding is to be done in Marian systems to force the Hegemony to pull ships back, after which the Squadron is to coordinate with Illyrian forces.
The plans to assault the Lyran Commonwealth involves a two-pronged attack. The Lyran Squadron would escort assault troops to take the Gienah Thumb (Gienah, Ford, Arcadia, Nestor, and Launum). The fleet would stay together and land troops one plane at a time until the second prong landed. The Stewart Fleet would first assault New Kyoto and it's shipyards, taking it if possible  and destroying the yards if Lyran strength is too strong on the border. The Stewart Fleet would then swing up to the Gienah Thumb and assist taking the remaining planets. The Lyran Squadron would then begin raids to attempt to force the Commonwealth to the negotiating table, while the Stewart Fleet would pull back to a defensive state. BROKEN CROWN is only to be launched if the Capellans are felt to be suitably distracted, as the Capellan Squadron may be recalled to protect vital shipyards.
A similar plan to BROKEN CROWN, the Capellan Squadron is to assault Ling and Park Place, to create a stronger border, while the Stewart Fleet moves up to assault Andurien. Refugees from Andurien had pleaded for assistance from the League, claiming the Confederation was oppressing Andurien citizens. Lopez and Shiro were secondary targets if the Capellan fleet was too tied up on the Terran border to prevent the League taking more planets. The Talwar's were to raid along the League-Capellan-Terran border to keep the Capellans focused on the south and cause economic damage.Similarly to BROKEN CROWN, SAI is to be enacted only if the Lyrans are distracted. A two-front war is the last thing the FWLN wants.
The least likely warplan to be put into action, HOMECOMING is an all out assault on the Terran Hegemony. Only to be put into place if the Terrans are being assaulted by every major power and appearing to break under the pressure, the League doesn't want other powers to get more powerful without the League gaining more resources as well, and of course liberating those civilians whose lives would be worse under other powers control. If HOMECOMING is put into place, every fleet except the Periphery Squadron would be used to take as much Terran territory as possible.
Every warplan is of course subject to change, and if other powers seek to work together to attack a power, then that would of course lead to that warplan being put into place.
Juliano Marik Battleship:
Decades in the making, the Juliano Marik is the new flagship of the Free Worlds League. Always operating in concert with the Stewart Fleet to provide the Juliano Marik logistical and dropship support, it will provide large amounts of extra firepower. With six Heavy Naval Gauss Rifles, Heavy Naval PPCs, and three Naval Laser 45s for long range firepower, it can savage enemy ships from extreme range. Six NAC 's in each broadside ensure that coming close is no salvation, and the corners mount three more Naval Laser 45's for extra long range firepower and three nuclear tipped Killer Whales for anti-fighter defenses and more firepower. The anti-fighter and anti-missile defenses are weaker than most FWLN designs, but that is why it is supported at all times. 12 fighters are bayed in the ship so that even if caught away from the rest of the fleet, it still has some assistance in keeping fighters off of it. These fighters are exclusively used to defend the Juliano Marik from enemy fighters and attempt to shoot down missiles.
Code: [Select]
Juliano Marik Class Battleship
Mass: 1 250 000 tons
Movement: 3/5
Heat Sinks: 6 371
Fuel Points: 0/10000 (4000.0 tons)
Tons Per Burn Day: 39.52
Structural Integrity: 150
Sail Integrity: 6
KF Drive Integrity: 25
Armor: 3750 (Capital Scale) (Improved Ferro-Alum)
Front Sides
Aft Sides
6 Killer Whale
K.W. Ammo
2 Naval Laser 45
12 Machine Guns
Machine Gun Ammo
Front Sides
3 Naval Laser 45
3 Killer Whale
K.W. Ammo
3 LRM 15
LRM Ammo
14 Machine Guns
Machine Gun Ammo
6 Naval PPC Heavy
6 Naval Autocannon 40
NAC/40 Ammo
3 Naval Laser 45
6 Naval Gauss Rifle - Heavy
Naval Gauss Heavy Ammo
Aft Sides
3 Naval Laser 45
3 Killer Whale
K.W. Ammo
3 LRM 15
LRM Ammo
17 Machine Guns
Machine Gun Ammo
3 LRM 15
LRM Ammo
17 Machine Guns
Machine Gun Ammo

Carrying Capacity
0 Dropships
12 Fighters (3 Doors)
Cargo Space (1 door) - 12,223 tons 
Bay Personnel
Life Boats 70
Escape Pods 70
4 100ft Grav Decks
Cost: 11 371 million
Code: [Select]
Free Worlds League Navy:
Marik Destroyers:
Stewart System Marik Destroyers:
FWLS Marik
FWLS Oriente
FWLS Irian
FWLS New Delos
FWLS Stewart
FWLS Tiber
FWLS Loric
FWLS Alula Borealis
Periphery Border Marik Destroyers:
FWLS Atreus
FWLS Loyalty
FWLS Tamarind
FWLS Sardis
Capellan Squadron Marik Destroyers:
FWLS Regulus
FWLS Kanata
FWLS Gibson
FWLS Bismarck 
Lyran Squadron Marik Destroyers:
FWLS Clipperton
FWLS Thermopolis
FWLS Kalidasa
FWLS Solaris
Talwar Corvettes:
FWLS Talwar - Capellan border
FWLS Tegha - Capellan Border
Cyrus Cruisers:
FWLS Cyrus - Flagship Stewart Fleet
FWLS Darius - Flagship Capellan Squadron
FWLS Xerxes - Flagship Lyran Squadron
Stewart System
FWLS Cambyses
FWLS Artaxerxes
FWLS Achaemenid

FWLS Juliano Marik - FWLN Flagship, meeting Stewart fleet either at Stewart or on path to attack under Captain-Admiral Michaels
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Jester Motley on 31 May 2020, 21:03:31
FedSuns Turn 5

[EDIT: corrections for mislabeled headers, no content or rule level edits made]
[EDIT 2: Added ship names for this turn]

The 2380s were calm for the Federated Suns.  Its citizenry, and navy, could afford a sigh of relief after the previous decades of high levels of activity.  However, Life, and space especially, abhor a vaccum, especially the vacuum of quiet.  While the rest of the galaxy viewed the Taurian Incident of the previous decade, with shock and awe, the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns Navy recognized the recklessness, the pure gamble, that the campaign was.  But the galaxy hadn't witnessed real shock or awe until the first and second battles of Aldebaran.  Undoubtably going down in the history books along side such battles as Crecy, Thermopylae, or perhaps most appropriately, the English defeat of the Spanish Armada.  Icing on the cake was the deep raid and devastating damage done to the Drakes.  For such a small house to punish so badly, and with near with impunity, echo'd the Cap's fight with the Terrans.  Clearly, the galaxy had gone insane, all assumptions now stand challenged.

The AFFS-N awoke to the new situation, the new possibilities. No longer were the Hedgehogs the Sword of Damocles against the other houses.  No longer could the minor houses be dismissed.  War was coming, war was here, war the likes the galaxy has not known.  In the incredible, upsetting news and events of the 2380s, the AFFS-N found itself woefully unprepared.  It was with this new understanding, the Navy sprung to action, like a whipped dog.  For the first time, the AFFS-N yards were operating at maximum capacity, churning out everything from the newest of jumpships, to it's crown ship, the giant Achilles.  Brand new designs were rolled out of yards, upgrades and refit planning began, and the Navy doubled its hull mass and drastically increasing its fixed defenses.

These new designs, defenses, and refits also took into account lessons learned in previous conflicts, as well as the battles fought this last decade.

Fighters were meaningful, but could not go unsupported.
Fixed defenses could be overwhelming.
Missiles used properly, were a devastating part of naval weapon toolkit, and could clearly dominate a battle if allowed to.

The Capellan's defensive stations proved the difference in Aldebaran, there can be no doubt there.  And with it, the massive missile swarms that allowed them to obliterate the Terra forces light craft.  The FS Bailey, a stalwart and dependable station design for decades, lackes missile tubes and is too large, too expensive to be used in the same effect as those stations that made such a difference.  With that in mind, the Parapet was designed.  Built to augment a suite of Baileys, the Parapet brings missile tubes to AFFS-N static defenses, at an affordable cost.

At the same time, a new invention, the Lithium-Fusion Battery, gave rise to a new capability, a new speed for communications.  With the L-F Battery, communications and transit times were halved, allowing news of war, invasion, and calls for reinforcements to spread at unprecedented speeds.  The value of this was demonstrated when the prototype vessel, AFFSS Beagle, was used to carry a new experimental antibiotic to one of the new FS colonies who had found to their detriment, a native biologic that resisted all known antibiotics.  It's estimated that several 100 colonists were able to be treated, and saved, because of the Beagle's crew and their new battery.  It was also the Beagle, out on testing maneuvers near the Capellan border, that picked up brought the news of 2nd Aldebaran to the First Prince.  Its believed he knew more than a week ahead of the Terrans, and that the early news was directly responsible for the success in capturing of the Capellan worlds taken.

Doctrine change- Beholder Jumpships will accompany all major fleet engagements, and can, and will be, stationed in packet lines (pony express) to facilitate galactic level strategic command, control, and communications.  (And if I get an idiot for a Prince, I expect they can be used to micromanage fleets to their detriment or demise...)  In addition, they are used as diplomatic packet/personnel carriers, to facilitate political discourse with our neighbors.  And as thus, many will operate under "diplomatic immunity" where allowed, and under white flag of truce/parley when called on to do so.  Their single collar will be occupied with either a diplomatic "ambassador's" drop ship (solid gold toilet), a supply dropship (for packet line or long range deployments), or a defensive drop ship for protection against pirates and raiders.

With increased pirate activity, caused by the Taurians (or so is the official word), it was decided that the tried and true Terrier and Rapier ships need upgrades.  Delays, design issues, and a compete offer saw the venerable ships unchanged, but a new addition, the Epee, joined their ranks.  Heavily armed, armored, and protected, the Epee was originally designed to meet the FedSun calls for a support vessel designed to handle a high missile and fighter environment, such as the Terrans encountered at Aldebaran.  Though ultimately rejected due to her being to light and fragile to stand a battle line, war games showed both the needs for much thicker defenses against craft and missiles, and the necessity of dedicated PDS/AA vessels.  As light vessel designs were less expensive to prototype and build, the Priwen and Svalinn designs were developed to help defend the various March fleets.

The Javelin was initially an older design from the previous decade, but with the pressing need for warships, the design was dusted off, spruced up, and geared up.  The Bolo, however, was a fresh, new design, taking into account the new combined arms missile doctrine from the "lessons learned" by the Navy.   War games showed that Javelins covering at long range with a Hornet carrier, Bolos and Achilles at mid ranges, and Gladii pushing to close to short ranges, gave defense and damage in layers, denying an enemy an exclusive long range engagement, but preventing the Terran's mistakes of depending on massive short ranged weapons to carry the day.  (Doctrine change)

Late in the decade, a modest upgrade and refit design was approved for the Gladius destroyers, but with no yards available, actual refits were delayed for this decade.  (Ie, I paid for it, intended to refit, then figured out I didn't have the yards, but forgot to "unpay" for the design...  so... go me!)

Finally, with a minor surplus, the Navy started contracting for an increase to it's shipyards late in 2398, but due to union strikes, lawsuits with the controlling corporations over safety issues, and a bizarre murder-suicide of several politicians and executives of those corporations, negotiations have often stalled and drag on to the decade's closing.  As more than 1/3rd of the cost to upgrade has been earmarked and contractually held until the negotiations can be handled, there's little doubt the yard upgrades will happen.  Even if the marines have to be sent in to negotiate for the Prince.

Federated Suns Turn report

Code: [Select]
Federated Suns Turn report:   
Turn:                          5     
Turn Date:                    2390
Base Budget:                  383000
Carryover From previous turn: -34
Bonus/Loss:                    0
Total Budget for turn:        382966                       
Maintenance:                  143930.5                     
Research:                      96593.2                       
New Aquisitions:              119306.5                     
Yard Additions/Upgrades:      0                             
Surplus for next turn/Warchest 23135.8                       
Research:                      L-F Batteries                 
                              Double Heatsinks             
Existing Yards:                                             
Planet                        L1        L2        L3        L4        L5        L6        L7        L8        L9        L10        Castles Brian                 
TOTAL                          3          3          2          1          0          0          0          0          0          0          0                             
Delevan                        1          1          1          0          1                                                                                         
Layover                        1          1          1                                                                                                             
New Syrtis                    1          1
Yard upgrades/moves:         

End of Turn Yards:                                                                                                                                                    Planet                        L1        L2        L3        L4        L5        L6        L7        L8        L9        L10        Castles Brian                 
TOTAL                          3          3          2          0          1          0          0          0          0          0          0                             
Delevan                        1          1          1          0          1                                                                                         
Layover                        1          1          1                                                                                                             
New Syrtis                    1         
Starting Minor Vessels:       
                              Fighter                        4775
                              Adv. Fighter                  0   
                              Small Craft                    2250
                              Light DS                      105
                              Med DS                        25 
                              Hvy DS                        0   
                              JumpShip                      35 
New Minor Vessels:                                                                        Total EOT:
                              Fighter                        0                              4775   
                              Adv. Fighter                  0                              0       
                              Small Craft                    0                              2250   
                              Light DS                      0                              105     
                              Med DS                        0                              25     
                              Hvy DS                        0                              0       
                              JumpShip                      0                              35     
New Designs                    Built this Turn:                                                   
Gladius-B-A1 (Destroyer)      0    (Blueprint paid for, $673M)
Existing Designs:                  Built this Turn:                    Refit:                              Starting Numbers                    Total:                              Mothballed:                                                                               
Outpost Space Station (Recharge)    0                                  0                                  40                                  40                                  0                                                                                         
Bailey Space Station (Defense)      0                                0                                20                                20                                0                                                     
Gladius (Destroyer/Defense)        0                                0                                7                                7                                0                                                     
Hornet (Light Carrier)              0                                0                                3                                3                                0                                                     
Rapier (Fast Frigate)              0                                0                                5                                5                                0                                                     
Terrier (Corvette/Scout)            0                                0                                5                                5                                0                                                     
Cabellus (AFS Collier/Combat Stores 1                                0                                2                                3                                0                                                     
Achilles (Cruiser)                  0                                0                                0                                0                                0                                                     
Achilles-B-A1 (Cruiser)            2                                0                                3                                5                                0                                                     
Parapet Defense Satellite          150                                0                                0                                150                                0                                                     
Epee (Heavy Frigate)                3                                0                                0                                3                                0                                                     
Bolo (Heavy Destroyer)              4                                0                                0                                4                                0                                                     
Javelin (Light Cruiser)            2                                0                                0                                2                                0                                                     
Beholder Packet Ship                8                                0                                0                                8                                0                                                     

New Vessels and designs:

Javelin (Light Support Cruiser)
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Javelin (Light Support Cruiser)
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $8,640,484,000.00
Magazine Cost: $36,000,000.00
BV2: 69,568

Mass: 725,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type: Ferro-Carbide
4 Naval Laser 55
40 PPC
80 Laser Small
8 Naval PPC Heavy
6 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy
1 Naval Laser 35
Class/Model/Name: Javelin (Light Support Cruiser)
Mass: 725,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 174,000.00
Safe: 4
Maximum: 6
Controls: 1,813.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (16 Integrity) 328,063.00
Jump Sail: (5 Integrity) 67.00
Structural Integrity: 130 94,250.00
Total Heat Sinks: 1474(2948) Double 840.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 10000 points 4,080.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 1586 pts Ferro-Carbide 1,885.00
Fore: 265
Fore-Left/Right: 265/265
Aft-Left/Right: 265/265
Aft: 261

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 1 100.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 20 140.00
Life Boats: 20 140.00

Crew And Passengers:
39 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 390.00
151 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 1,057.00
39 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 273.00
84 Bay Personnel 0.00
4 1st Class Passengers 40.00
112 2nd Class Passengers 784.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00
# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
3 Naval Laser 55 Nose 255 165 (16.5-C) Extreme-C 3,300.00
5 PPC Nose 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small Nose 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
1 Naval PPC Heavy FR 225 150 (15-C) Extreme-C 3,000.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy FR 18 300 (30-C) Extreme-C 7,000.00
5 PPC FR 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small FR 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
2 Naval PPC Heavy RBS 450 300 (30-C) Extreme-C 6,000.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy RBS 18 300 (30-C) Extreme-C 7,000.00
5 PPC RBS 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small RBS 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
1 Naval PPC Heavy AR 225 150 (15-C) Extreme-C 3,000.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy AR 18 300 (30-C) Extreme-C 7,000.00
5 PPC AR 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small AR 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
1 Naval PPC Heavy FL 225 150 (15-C) Extreme-C 3,000.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy FL 18 300 (30-C) Extreme-C 7,000.00
5 PPC FL 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small FL 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
2 Naval PPC Heavy LBS 450 300 (30-C) Extreme-C 6,000.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy LBS 18 300 (30-C) Extreme-C 7,000.00
5 PPC LBS 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small LBS 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
1 Naval PPC Heavy AL 225 150 (15-C) Extreme-C 3,000.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy AL 18 300 (30-C) Extreme-C 7,000.00
5 PPC AL 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small AL 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
1 Naval Laser 55 Aft 85 55 (5.5-C) Extreme-C 1,100.00
1 Naval Laser 35 Aft 52 35 (3.5-C) Long-C 700.00
5 PPC Aft 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small Aft 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
Ammo Rounds Mass
Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy Ammo 800 400.00
Equipment Mass
# Cargo and Bays Mass
40000 Cargo, Standard 40,000.00
12 Bay Fighter 1800
12 Bay Small Craft 2400

Parapet Defense Satellite
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Parapet Defense Satellite
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $78,015,000.00
Magazine Cost: $880,000.00
BV2: 3,428

Mass: 7,000
K-F Drive System: None
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
80 Laser Small
8 Capital Launcher Barracuda
8 Capital Launcher White Shark
Class/Model/Name: Parapet Defense Satellite
Mass: 7,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 84.00
Safe: 0
Maximum: 0
Controls: 7.00
K-F Hyperdrive: None (0 Integrity) 0.00
Jump Sail: (0 Integrity) 0.00
Structural Integrity: 1 70.00
Total Heat Sinks: 169(338) Double 112.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 1000 points 102.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 83 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 83.00
Fore: 13
Fore-Left/Right: 15/15
Aft-Left/Right: 15/15
Aft: 10

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 0.00
Life Boats: 0.00

Crew And Passengers:
13 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 130.00
34 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 238.00
30 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 210.00
20 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
2nd Class Passengers 0.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00
# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
10 Laser Small Nose 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda Nose 10 20 (2-C) Extreme-C 90.00
1 Capital Launcher White Shark Nose 15 30 (3-C) Extreme-C 120.00
10 Laser Small FR 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda FR 10 20 (2-C) Extreme-C 90.00
1 Capital Launcher White Shark FR 15 30 (3-C) Extreme-C 120.00
10 Laser Small RBS 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda RBS 10 20 (2-C) Extreme-C 90.00
1 Capital Launcher White Shark RBS 15 30 (3-C) Extreme-C 120.00
10 Laser Small AR 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda AR 10 20 (2-C) Extreme-C 90.00
1 Capital Launcher White Shark AR 15 30 (3-C) Extreme-C 120.00
10 Laser Small FL 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda FL 10 20 (2-C) Extreme-C 90.00
1 Capital Launcher White Shark FL 15 30 (3-C) Extreme-C 120.00
10 Laser Small LBS 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda LBS 10 20 (2-C) Extreme-C 90.00
1 Capital Launcher White Shark LBS 15 30 (3-C) Extreme-C 120.00
10 Laser Small AL 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda AL 10 20 (2-C) Extreme-C 90.00
1 Capital Launcher White Shark AL 15 30 (3-C) Extreme-C 120.00
10 Laser Small Aft 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda Aft 10 20 (2-C) Extreme-C 90.00
1 Capital Launcher White Shark Aft 15 30 (3-C) Extreme-C 120.00
Ammo Rounds Mass
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 40 1,200.00
Capital Launcher White Shark Ammo 40 1,600.00
Equipment Mass
# Cargo and Bays Mass
4 Bay Small Craft 800.00
594 Cargo, Standard 594

Bolo Heavy Destroyer
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Bolo (DH)
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $7,073,810,000.00
Magazine Cost: $15,520,000.00
BV2: 66,397

Mass: 500,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Ferro-Carbide
13 Naval Laser 55
16 Capital Launcher Barracuda
16 Capital Launcher White Shark
40 PPC
80 Laser Small
8 Naval PPC Medium
4 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium
Class/Model/Name: Bolo (DH)
Mass: 500,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 90,000.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 1,250.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (12 Integrity) 226,250.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 55.00
Structural Integrity: 150 75,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 1797(3594) Double 1,328.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 7500 points 3,060.00
Fire Control Computers: 902.00
Armor: 1290 pts Ferro-Carbide 1,500.00
Fore: 215
Fore-Left/Right: 215/215
Aft-Left/Right: 215/215
Aft: 215

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 1 100.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 20 140.00
Life Boats: 19 133.00

Crew And Passengers:
38 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 380.00
107 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 749.00
77 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 539.00
108 Bay Personnel 0.00
4 1st Class Passengers 40.00
112 2nd Class Passengers 784.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00
# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
2 Naval Laser 55 Nose 170 110 (11-C) Extreme-C 2,200.00
4 Capital Launcher Barracuda Nose 40 80 (8-C) Extreme-C 360.00
4 Capital Launcher White Shark Nose 60 120 (12-C) Extreme-C 480.00
5 PPC Nose 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small Nose 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
2 Naval Laser 55 FR 170 110 (11-C) Extreme-C 2,200.00
2 Naval PPC Medium FR 270 180 (18-C) Extreme-C 3,600.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium FR 15 250 (25-C) Extreme-C 5,500.00
5 PPC FR 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small FR 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
1 Naval Laser 55 RBS 85 55 (5.5-C) Extreme-C 1,100.00
4 Capital Launcher Barracuda RBS 40 80 (8-C) Extreme-C 360.00
4 Capital Launcher White Shark RBS 60 120 (12-C) Extreme-C 480.00
5 PPC RBS 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small RBS 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
2 Naval Laser 55 AR 170 110 (11-C) Extreme-C 2,200.00
2 Naval PPC Medium AR 270 180 (18-C) Extreme-C 3,600.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium AR 15 250 (25-C) Extreme-C 5,500.00
5 PPC AR 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small AR 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
2 Naval Laser 55 FL 170 110 (11-C) Extreme-C 2,200.00
2 Naval PPC Medium FL 270 180 (18-C) Extreme-C 3,600.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium FL 15 250 (25-C) Extreme-C 5,500.00
5 PPC FL 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small FL 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
1 Naval Laser 55 LBS 85 55 (5.5-C) Extreme-C 1,100.00
4 Capital Launcher Barracuda LBS 40 80 (8-C) Extreme-C 360.00
4 Capital Launcher White Shark LBS 60 120 (12-C) Extreme-C 480.00
5 PPC LBS 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small LBS 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
2 Naval Laser 55 AL 170 110 (11-C) Extreme-C 2,200.00
2 Naval PPC Medium AL 270 180 (18-C) Extreme-C 3,600.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium AL 15 250 (25-C) Extreme-C 5,500.00
5 PPC AL 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small AL 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
1 Naval Laser 55 Aft 85 55 (5.5-C) Extreme-C 1,100.00
4 Capital Launcher Barracuda Aft 40 80 (8-C) Extreme-C 360.00
4 Capital Launcher White Shark Aft 60 120 (12-C) Extreme-C 480.00
5 PPC Aft 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small Aft 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
Ammo Rounds Mass
Naval Gauss Rifle Medium Ammo 400 160.00
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 160 4,800.00
Capital Launcher White Shark Ammo 160 6,400.00
Equipment Mass
# Cargo and Bays Mass
25000 Cargo, Standard 25,000.00
24 Bay Fighter 3600
12 Bay Small Craft 2400

Epee Heavy Frigate (Anti-Pirate/Raider/Scout)
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Epee (FF: Anti-Pirate/Raider/Scout)
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $6,050,864,000.00
Magazine Cost: $0.00
BV2: 30,239

Mass: 250,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 5
Maximum Thrust: 8
Armor Type: Ferro-Carbide
14 Naval Laser 55
100 PPC
160 Laser Small
Class/Model/Name: Epee (FF: Anti-Pirate/Raider/Scout)
Mass: 250,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 75,000.00
Safe: 5
Maximum: 8
Controls: 625.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (7 Integrity) 113,125.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 43.00
Structural Integrity: 70 17,500.00
Total Heat Sinks: 2520(5040) Double 2,088.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 10000 points 4,080.00
Fire Control Computers: 1,884.00
Armor: 322 pts Ferro-Carbide 350.00
Fore: 60
Fore-Left/Right: 55/55
Aft-Left/Right: 51/51
Aft: 50

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 0 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 10 70.00
Life Boats: 10 70.00

Crew And Passengers:
28 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 280.00
67 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 469.00
70 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 490.00
24 Bay Personnel 0.00
4 1st Class Passengers 40.00
112 2nd Class Passengers 784.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00
# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
1 Naval Laser 55 Nose 85 55 (5.5-C) Extreme-C 1,100.00
20 PPC Nose 200 200 (20-C) Medium 140.00
30 Laser Small Nose 30 90 (9-C) Short-PDS 15.00
2 Naval Laser 55 FR 170 110 (11-C) Extreme-C 2,200.00
5 PPC FR 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small FR 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
3 Naval Laser 55 RBS 255 165 (16.5-C) Extreme-C 3,300.00
20 PPC RBS 200 200 (20-C) Medium 140.00
30 Laser Small RBS 30 90 (9-C) Short-PDS 15.00
1 Naval Laser 55 AR 85 55 (5.5-C) Extreme-C 1,100.00
5 PPC AR 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small AR 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
2 Naval Laser 55 FL 170 110 (11-C) Extreme-C 2,200.00
5 PPC FL 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small FL 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
3 Naval Laser 55 LBS 255 165 (16.5-C) Extreme-C 3,300.00
20 PPC LBS 200 200 (20-C) Medium 140.00
30 Laser Small LBS 30 90 (9-C) Short-PDS 15.00
1 Naval Laser 55 AL 85 55 (5.5-C) Extreme-C 1,100.00
5 PPC AL 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small AL 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
1 Naval Laser 55 Aft 85 55 (5.5-C) Extreme-C 1,100.00
20 PPC Aft 200 200 (20-C) Medium 140.00
30 Laser Small Aft 30 90 (9-C) Short-PDS 15.00

Ammo Rounds Mass

Equipment Mass
NCSS Large 500.00

# Cargo and Bays Mass
14250 Cargo, Standard 14,250.00
2 Bay Fighter 300
4 Bay Small Craft 800

Beholder class Packet Jumpship
Code: [Select]
Beholder Packet Jumpship
Mass: 200,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 2390
Mass: 200,000
Battle Value: 735
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-X-F
Cost: 1,405,833,750 C-bills
Fuel: 500 tons (2,500)
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 5
Heat Sinks: 114 (228)
Structural Integrity: 1
Armor      Nose: 2      Fore Sides: 2/2      Aft Sides: 2/2      Aft: 2
Bay 1:
Small Craft (1)
2 Doors
Bay 2:
Cargo (1127.5 tons)
8 Doors
Dropship Capacity: 1 Grav Decks: 1 (100 m) Escape Pods: 0 Life Boats: 0 Crew: 4 officers, 12 enlisted/non-rated, 8 gunners, 5 bay personnel
Ammunition: None

Notes: Equipped with lithium-fusion battery system, 1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Large), and 20 tons of standard aerospace armor.

Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Nose (20 Heat)
2 Large Laser
4 Small Laser
FRS/FLS (20 Heat)
2 Large Laser
4 Small Laser
ARS/ALS (20 Heat)
2 Large Laser
4 Small Laser
Aft (20 Heat)
2 Large Laser
4 Small Laser

The below are FS designs for a Dropship and Small Craft that you would expect to find rolling off the assembly lines in early to mid 2390s, given doctrine changes above.

Svalinn Class (PDS/AA Carrier) DS
Code: [Select]
Svalinn Class (PDS/AA Carrier) Dropship
Type: Military Aerodyne
Mass: 20,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Introduced: 2390+
Mass: 20,000
Battle Value: 7,389
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-D
Cost: 803,995,200 C-bills
Fuel: 50 tons (1,000)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Heat Sinks: 260 (520)
Structural Integrity: 35
Armor      Nose: 458      Sides: 388/388      Aft: 317

Bay 1:
Small Craft (36)
6 Doors
Bay 2:
Cargo (3038.0 tons)
2 Doors

Escape Pods: 5 Life Boats: 5 Crew: 6 officers, 12 enlisted/non-rated, 40 gunners, 180 bay personnel

Ammunition: 80 rounds of AC/20 ammunition (16 tons)
Notes: Mounts 157.5 tons of ferro-aluminum armor.

Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Nose (69 Heat)
20 Small Laser
2 AC/20, AC/20 Ammo (200 shots)
5 Medium Laser
RW/LW (62 Heat)
20 Small Laser
1 AC/20, AC/20 Ammo (100 shots)
5 Medium Laser
Aft (35 Heat)
20 Small Laser
5 Medium Laser

Priwen Class PDS/AA Small Craft
Code: [Select]
Priwen Class PDS/AA Small Craft
Type: Military Spheriod
Mass: 200 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Introduced: 2390+
Battle Value: 1,799
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-D
Cost: 15,295,000 C-bills
Fuel: 0 tons (0)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Heat Sinks: 11 (22)
Structural Integrity: 7
Armor      Nose: 142      Sides: 119/119      Aft: 96
Bay 1:
Cargo (7.5 tons)
2 Doors
Escape Pods: 0 Life Boats: 0 Crew: 2 officers, 6 gunners
Ammunition: 600 rounds of Half Machine Gun ammunition (3 tons), 20 rounds of AC/20 ammunition (4 tons)
Notes: Mounts 25 tons of ferro-aluminum armor.
Weapons and Ammo

1 AC/20
2 Medium Lasers
4 Machine Guns

Fwd R/L
4 Machine Guns
4 Machine Guns

Aft R/L
4 Machine Guns

2 Medium Lasers
4 Machine Guns

Active Probe
ECM Suite

AFFS Ship Names, 2380-2390
Code: [Select]
AFFS Naval Vessels by Class and Design: 2380-2390
Achilles (Cruiser) 5
Javelin (Light Cruiser) 2
Bolo (Heavy Destroyer) 3
Gladius (Destroyer/Defense) 7
Hornet (Light Carrier) 2
Epee (Heavy Frigate) 3
Rapier (Fast Frigate) 5
Terrier (Corvette/Scout) 5
Yorkshire II
Cabellus (AFS Collier/Combat Stores) 3
Beholder (Packet, Notable names only)  8
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 01 June 2020, 03:38:56
United Hindu Collective Turn 2390-99

Mostly quiet during the 2380s, the Collective busied itself with internal development while showing a strong front to their neighbours. Still wary of the Federated Suns after their treatment of the Taurians - however deserved it was - The Collective decided to take up the Terran offer and purchase more of their old, worn out Cruiser-class vessels to upgrade them to their own, far superior Maharaj-class Cruiser. The Shooraveer was deemed a success after it comfortably dealt with a pirate owned Aquila in Panpour, and further production of the class is planned. The privateers that had been hired proved most effective at harassing the Taurian people, but they have grown difficult to control, and so their base in the Warren system will soon be dealt with.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2390 Value in Millions
Money Available 73,000
Remaining from Last Turn 179
Available Shipyards

Besantapur 1/1


Maintanence 50% $43,928
Prototype Cost $0
0 $0
Variant 0 $0
Construction Unit Price
Shipyards Besantapur S1 > S2 10,000 $10,000

Stations Ganges 1 315 $315

Warships Maharaj 0 6,787 $0
Shooraveer 2 5,736 $11,472
Purchase THN Cruiser 3 1,865 $5,595
Refit Cruiser > Maharaj 3 0 $0
Jumpships 2 500 $1,000
Dropships 0 300 $0
Fighters 0 5 $0
Small Craft 0 10 $0
Research 12110 $0
Pirates $0

Total Spent 72309.5


Remaining 870

End Turn In Service
Warships Maharaj 10
Shooraveer 3

Stations Ganges 25
Jumpships 20
Dropships Sml 40

Fighters 750
Small Craft 230


The Maharaj's shall be deployed in pairs, with one pair based at Besantapur at all times while the other 4 pairs patrol the nation, returning to Besantapur at regular intervals for maintenance.

The three Shooraveer will be formed into a battlegroup, and sent to Warren to deal with the pirates that are known to frequent the system.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 01 June 2020, 06:53:24
Taurian Concordat Turn 2390-99

Lord Protector Calderon,

I am happy to report that the reconstruction of the navy continues apace, the ships we purchased from the Capellans have proven themselves most useful, having successfully hunted down pirates all along our border. I would be more than happy to order more of these ships but they don't have any others to sell and the navies budget does not allow for orders of new built ships from their yards along with our own ship designs. Our broken yards have been steadily repaired, and we are now capable of building new Auroch-class ships once again.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2390 Value in Millions
Money Available 106,000
Remaining from Last Turn 405
Available Shipyards

Taurus 4
New Vandenberg


Maintanence 50% 42066.5
Prototype Cost 0
0 0
Variant Auroch II 7107 711
Construction Unit Price
Shipyards Taurus 2x S1 > S2 30,000 30,000

Stations Siesta 5 470 2,350
Matador 10 148 1,480
Warships 5,006 0
Auroch II 2 7,107 14,214
Iberia III 0 5,150 0

Jumpships 2 500 1000
Dropships 10 300 3,000
Fighters 0 5 0
Small Craft 0 10 0
Research Naval Gauss 1 16480 16480

Total Spent 111301.2

Income Iberia IIs Scrapped 4 1251.5 5006

Remaining 110

End Turn In Service
Warships Iberia II 0
Iberia III 4
Auroch 2
Yang Wei 1
Binzhou 2
Stations Siesta 23
Matador 60
Jumpships 20
Dropships Small 40
Medium 0
Fighters 600
Small Craft 300

Auroch-class Destroyer Block II

The original two Aurochs fought valiantly against the damned Davionista, but the superior numbers and firepower of the FSN ships doomed them to die. New technologies like the recently reverse-engineered Naval Gauss Rifles will give the updated ship design superior firepower at longer range than the original Auroch design.

The mass of the ship has been slightly increased to five hundred thousand kilotons, with most of that extra weight being dedicated to extra reinforcement of the hull, along with additional armour. Twelve Medium Railguns have been installed in four triple turrets, one in each quarter. They are supported by sixteen Medium Particle Cannons, mounted in eight twin turrets spread evenly across the ship. The anti-fighter armament and the expanded Naval Comms-Suite of the Block I was retained, while the Point Defence system was heavily upgraded.

The ship is still far from the fastest in known space, but the sacrifice of speed in favour of firepower was deemed acceptable.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Auroch II
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $7,096,144,000.00
Magazine Cost: $11,340,000.00
BV2: 61,727

Mass: 500,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Improved Ferro-Aluminum
12 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium
16 Naval PPC Medium
48 Laser Large
60 Laser Small

Class/Model/Name: Auroch II
Mass: 500,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 90,000.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 1,250.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (12 Integrity) 226,250.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 55.00
Structural Integrity: 100 50,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 2784 Single 2,315.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 10000 points 4,080.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 660 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum 1,000.00
Fore: 100
Fore-Left/Right: 115/115
Aft-Left/Right: 115/115
Aft: 100

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 0.00
Life Boats: 40 280.00

Crew And Passengers:
35 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 350.00
110 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 770.00
58 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 406.00
66 Bay Personnel in 2nd Class 462.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
50 2nd Class Marines 350.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00

Bay #1: Fighters (18) - 3 Doors
Bay #2: Small Craft (6) - 1 Door
Bay #3: Cargo (22648 Tons) - 1 Door

Medium Naval Gauss Ammo - 360 Rounds (30 per Gun)

Large NCSS

8 LLas
10 SLas

3 MNGauss
8 LLas
5 SLas

10 SLas

3 MNGauss
8 LLas
5 SLas

8 LLas
10 SLas
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: UnLimiTeD on 01 June 2020, 19:02:28
Draconis Combine, 2390 - Turn 5

The preceding decade had been one of hardship for the dragon. Tenno Kurita, who had led the Combine for 40 years, was no more.
And while he left the Combine in a competitive state, the spread of defensive installations, some of them bearing his name, and growth of the fleet under his reign had been proven to be insufficient.
It is unknown to the public whether he died before seeing catastrophe befall his realm, or if he committed suicide after witnessing the progress of a decade undone by an inferior people.
What is known is that his son, Kurita Nihongi, was inaugurated in early 2389. While he had been coveting power for years, he proved his detractors sort of right in that he apparently hadn't considered what to do with it once he got there.
Having neither the military acumen and ravenous drive of his grandfather nor the administrative competence of his father, his self-centeredness was somewhat tempered by the quasi-invasion, including a battle for the future of the realm over the capital, that preceded his rise to relevance.
Knowing where he was outmatched, he accepted counselling from Adam Kurita, the last last of the family line to be a veteran of the conquest of Radstadt- though rumours at court indicate this was actually at the behest of his late father, and merely accepted by him after the barbarians had made obvious their continued threat to the glory of the Dragon.
Thus, he would eventually be convinced to appoint a grandson of Urizen as Warlord - that branch of the family had always been more military-minded.

Gathering fallen leaves
After the Ministry of the Expansion of the Glories of the Draconis Combine had recovered from its near catatonic state, with not a few of the more traditionally minded choosing the honourable way out, the situation was assessed.
The Rasalhague Navy had performed a daring raid deep into combine territory, crippling military infrastructure and incurring damages of close to 140 b, not counting future economic effects incurred through a reduction in mercantile traffic.
Many called for an immediate counterattack, but though they were shamed to admit it, the DCN lacked the strength, at this moment, to respond without leaving other borders weak to attack.
The raids on the Hegemony by nearly all Houses had shown that showing weakness must not be followed by baring one's flanks to their neighbours. Preparations would be made, but now was not the time. The Dragon would heal, but he would not forget. The Combine would honour the threat that the Principality represented in full.

Until then, they would overhaul their defensive plans, rebuild their infrastructure, and reorganise their spending. The tears caused by the raid would take longer than a decade to be mended.
While at first plans were laid out to rebuild all the damage caused to the Combine within but a few years in a show of force and superiority, the Admiralty soon interjected, stating that such an approach would stall the combine in the current race for power nearly all major Houses had so enthusiastically engaged in, or leave them with insufficient funds to rebuilt naval assets whose necessity had been shown so painfully obvious. Taking a few years to recover would be no shame if the Dragon came out stronger in the end.
All was not bad. During the reign of Tenno, the Combine had more than tripled its population, and the economy had grown even more vigorously than the military might of the Dragon.
Only a few would dare question where that wealth was spent.

Analysing a decade
The humbling - some would say humiliating - defeat of the Hegemony against the Capellans that must've shocked analysts across the sphere also didn't fail to reach Kuritan Intelligence, and the reports would be most enlightening, indeed. They showed that the Giant at the center wasn't untouchable, and Draconis Forces, like most other participants ready to make a play, had engaged in non-consensual embraces to the best of their ability. Still, the military leadership feared that the actions of the Rasalhaguian Navy had cost them the opportunity to get a bigger slice of the pie.
The available data also indicated that the guard stations already employed by the combine were as promising a concept as originally hoped, a take-away that might have been discarded as they had not reached the critical mass the Confederation had employed.
The colonisation efforts, on the other hand, had clearly been a success. Though for now more of a burden than a boon, in a few decades, the planted trees would bloom, and the Combine would be filled with new vigour. An expansion not founded in conquest was an expansion no less.
There was an annoying counterpoint in the battle of Liezen, but ultimately, it was probably for the better no larger forces were employed in that sector at that time.
It was becoming clear that the worlds available for the taking were becoming scarce, and the view outwards would more often than not be met by the nervous gaze of the Combine's neighbours.

Gathering Breath
The Draconis leadership had some tough choices to make. They had three fields to fund, and only enough for one to put their full attention to - maybe two with some creative bookkeeping.
Amongst the things demanding their attention were:
In the end, more through political inertia than deliberate analysis, they decided to not compromise on 3. Well, maybe a little. While not quite putting as singular a focus as in past decades into research and advancements, they did have to pay for an expansion of the yards in excess of the repairs required. The new Battlecruisers had been in the making for almost 20 years, and come hell or hegemony, they would be built. Similarly, skipping on the already planned final development of warship ECM and further improved armour, now that most of their neighbours were already employing one or the other, would have been a short-sighted folly.
With that point decided more for them than by them, the focus switched to the remaining funds.
The original plan had been to replace the destroyed stations, and all other losses of "small" assets, one for one with new ones, of the same make and quality, and add additional Monban stations to the shipyards defence envelope in the process.
But this would leave precious few spare funds to actually rebuilt the navy, which, while defending their charges valiantly, had taken a beating in the space vikings fit of suicidal rage.
Clearly, money needed to be saved somewhere.

An early victim of the scenarios laid out were the yards on Luthien. Why that agrarian world had a yard in the first place was anyone's guess, but all the money potentially available for yard work had been earmarked for the expansion of the New Samarkand Capital shipyards, needed to produce the Admiralties newest folly - before it outgrew those, as well.

With the Luthien Yards gone, for now, so was the need for a massive fighter complement, so that was put onto the chopping block next. The system would of course receive a newly built jump station, but for the foreseeable future, it would remain a system as many others, only with a huge cloud of scrap in orbit and a war memorial circling a neighbouring planet.
The system had shown merit as a maintenance point for reserve fleets, and was considered for future rebuilding once funds became available.

"Turn every last Ryu!"
Next in line were the stations. Many Onsen had been destroyed by the honourless hordes. Replacing them all and bolstering the defensive installations had already been shown to be unaffordable at this time.
A study, dubbed the sentou project, was initiated to explore the possibility of further arming these stations. While the results were largely unconclusive, with the people involved not quite agreeing on whether the militarised version would prove any benefit against an actual attacker. It did turn out the end result was slightly cheaper, though, sparking effort to check other existing stations for saving potential, in an effort to get as many as possible into service under a given budget.

Onsen S
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Onsen S
Ship Cost: $416,840,000.00
Magazine Cost: $2,160,000.00

Mass: 500,000
K-F Drive System: None
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 1
Armor Type: Standard
48 Laser Large
48 Machine Gun (IS)
24 Capital Launcher Barracuda

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 6,000.00
Safe: 0.1
Maximum: 1
Controls: 500.00
K-F Hyperdrive: None (0 Integrity) 0.00
Jump Sail: (0 Integrity) 0.00
Structural Integrity: 1 5,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 624 Single 470.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 25000 points 10,200.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 660 pts Standard 1,650.00
Fore: 110
Fore-Left/Right: 110/110
Aft-Left/Right: 110/110
Aft: 110

Dropship Capacity: 10 10,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Medium: 2 200.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 10 70.00
Life Boats: 100 700.00

Crew And Passengers:
32 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 320.00
113 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 791.00
40 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 280.00
132 Bay Personnel 0.00
20 1st Class Passengers 200.00
50 2nd Class Passengers 350.00
300 Steerage Passengers 1,500.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
8 Laser Large Nose 64 64 (6.4-C) Medium 40.00
8 Machine Gun (IS) Nose 16 (1.6-C) 4.00
4 Capital Launcher Barracuda Nose 40 80 (8-C) 360.00
8 Laser Large FR 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00
8 Machine Gun (IS) FR 16 (1.6-C) 4.00
4 Capital Launcher Barracuda FR 40 80 (8-C) 360.00
8 Laser Large FL 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00
8 Machine Gun (IS) FL 16 (1.6-C) 4.00
4 Capital Launcher Barracuda FL 40 80 (8-C) 360.00
8 Laser Large AR 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00
8 Machine Gun (IS) AR 16 (1.6-C) 4.00
4 Capital Launcher Barracuda AR 40 80 (8-C) 360.00
8 Laser Large AL 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00
8 Machine Gun (IS) AL 16 (1.6-C) 4.00
4 Capital Launcher Barracuda AL 40 80 (8-C) 360.00
8 Laser Large Aft 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00
8 Machine Gun (IS) Aft 16 (1.6-C) 4.00
4 Capital Launcher Barracuda Aft 40 80 (8-C) 360.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 240 7,200.00
Machine Gun (IS) Ammo 48000 240.00

Equipment Mass
Energy Storage Battery 300,000.00

# Cargo and Bays Mass
36 Bay Fighter 5,400.00
12 Bay Small Craft 2400
144005 Cargo, Standard 144005
Offering not quite as many or as nice accommodations as the original Onsen, this version can still do its job just fine, while mounting enough (barely) capital-grade firepower to discourage a lone raider. The new station will built exclusively to replace destroyed stations outside of yard systems. With the planned buildup of actual defensive units in those systems, it was seen as unnecessary to compromise on an existing station design when the available new capabilities could be provided by cheaper options.
The lower price will allow the replacement of combat damage by 2400.

Monban Kumo
Footage from the Capellan Victory over Aldebaran had convinced the admiralty that for their stations to be useful, they needed more. However, more stations also cost more money.
The first approach was to take the existing station and improve upon it, creating lesser numbers of a potentially smaller, but more capable design. But size wasn't the primary cost factor, and that turned out to be even more costly, thanks in part due to the high cost of the new armour composites. It took them a while before someone stated the, in hindsight, obvious: The operation parameters had changed.
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Monban Kumo
Ship Cost: $117,345,000.00
Magazine Cost: $3,972,000.00

Mass: 60,000

K-F Drive System: None
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 1
Armor Type: Standard
36 Capital Launcher White Shark
24 Capital Launcher Barracuda
2 Naval Laser 35
30 Machine Gun (IS)

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 720.00
Safe: 0.1
Maximum: 1
Controls: 60.00
K-F Hyperdrive: None (0 Integrity) 0.00
Jump Sail: (0 Integrity) 0.00
Structural Integrity: 1 600.00
Total Heat Sinks: 884 Single 802.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 1500 points 153.00
Fire Control Computers: 432.00
Armor: 208 pts Standard 259.00
Fore: 40
Fore-Left/Right: 40/40
Aft-Left/Right: 30/30
Aft: 28

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 0 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 23 161.00
Life Boats: 5 35.00

Crew And Passengers:
22 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 220.00
35 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 245.00
67 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 469.00
60 Bay Personnel 0.00
1 1st Class Passengers 10.00
30 2nd Class Passengers 210.00
5 Steerage Passengers 25.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
36 Capital Launcher White Shark Nose 540 1080 (108-C) Extreme-C 4,320.00
12 Capital Launcher Barracuda FR 120 240 (24-C) 1,080.00
1 Naval Laser 35 FR 52 35 (3.5-C) 700.00
12 Capital Launcher Barracuda FL 120 240 (24-C) 1,080.00
1 Naval Laser 35 FL 52 35 (3.5-C) 700.00
6 Machine Gun (IS) FR 12 (1.2-C) 3.00
6 Machine Gun (IS) FL 12 (1.2-C) 3.00
6 Machine Gun (IS) AL 12 (1.2-C) 3.00
6 Machine Gun (IS) AR 12 (1.2-C) 3.00
6 Machine Gun (IS) Aft 12 (1.2-C) 3.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
Capital Launcher White Shark Ammo 180 7,200.00
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 144 4,320.00
Machine Gun (IS) Ammo 60000 300.00

# Cargo and Bays Mass
12 Bay Small Craft 2,400.00
32434 Cargo, Standard 32434

While the original Monban was(and still is) intended for and excels at jump point guard duty, with multiple grav decks and lavish quarters meant to keep crews combat ready that wouldn't leave the station for months at a time, the mission had shifted ever so gradually over the last decade, and what the Navy was now looking for was a yard defence station.
The Kumo, or Cloud, is a cost-conscious adaption of that concept. Stripping out unnecessary systems and comforts that were cost drivers and now surplus to requirements, and replacing the armour with cheaper, mass produced alloys, every effort was made to bring the cost of the system somewhat down.
It still still a small defensive station with a one-sided armament of 60 capital missiles.
The Kumos will be deployed exclusively to defend important spaceborne assets, while the existing Monban design will continue to fulfil the task it was actually designed for.
Deployment: Besides watching over the most commonly used jump points (Monban), every yard system will receive additional stations circling its yards (Monban Kumo) in a quantity 1 larger than the biggest yard's size class. This means, f.Ex., 1 Tenshu, 3 Monban, and 6 Monban Kumo for New Samarkand. Luthien will receive the previous complement of stations, but no more, as long as the yards have not been rebuilt.
Plans are being drafted to supply more stations to systems of importance in coming years.

Tenshu 二
The attacks by the Rasalhaguians had shown that, against a determined fleet, no armour a station of this size could mount would suffice. In line with the design adaption to other stations, the armour will be replaced by a thinner layer of standard alloys, with the partial dismantling of of the station being used to add additional storage areas. The quell crew discomfort from these changes, the regular operating crew will receive improved quarters.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Tenshu 二
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $543,595,000.00
Magazine Cost: $25,800,000.00
BV2: 24,877

Mass: 225,000
K-F Drive System: None
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 1
Armor Type: Standard
108 Capital Launcher Barracuda
54 Laser Small
6 Naval AC 10

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 2,700.00
Safe: 0.1
Maximum: 1
Controls: 225.00
K-F Hyperdrive: None (0 Integrity) 0.00
Jump Sail: (0 Integrity) 0.00
Structural Integrity: 1 2,250.00
Total Heat Sinks: 1314 Single 1,196.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 500 points 102.00
Fire Control Computers: 488.70
Armor: 480 pts Standard 800.00
Fore: 80
Fore-Left/Right: 80/80
Aft-Left/Right: 80/80
Aft: 80

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Medium: 0 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 37 259.00
Life Boats: 50 350.00

Crew And Passengers:
37 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 370.00
53 Crew in 1st Class Quarters 530.00
129 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 903.00
450 Bay Personnel 0.00
10 1st Class Passengers 100.00
25 2nd Class Passengers 175.00
100 Steerage Passengers 500.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
18 Capital Launcher Barracuda Nose 180 360 (36-C) Extreme-C 1,620.00
18 Capital Launcher Barracuda FR 180 360 (36-C) 1,620.00
18 Capital Launcher Barracuda AR 180 360 (36-C) 1,620.00
18 Capital Launcher Barracuda Aft 180 360 (36-C) 1,620.00
18 Capital Launcher Barracuda AL 180 360 (36-C) 1,620.00
18 Capital Launcher Barracuda FL 180 360 (36-C) 1,620.00
18 Laser Small Nose 18 54 (5.4-C) 9.00
18 Laser Small AR 18 54 (5.4-C) 9.00
18 Laser Small AL 18 54 (5.4-C) 9.00
2 Naval AC 10 Aft 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
2 Naval AC 10 FR 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
2 Naval AC 10 FL 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 3090 92,700.00
Naval AC 10 Ammo 180 36.00

Equipment Mass
NCSS Small 100.00

# Cargo and Bays Mass
90 Bay Small Craft 18,000.00
80368 Cargo, Standard 80368
All Tenshu stations are due to be updated to new specifications by mid decade.

We have come so far. We will go so far.
In 2394, the DCN would enter a new era of glory and harmony of purpose.
Decades in the making, the new Battlecruiser was the primary driving force behind the development of Lithium-Fusion batteries and the new ECM systems now coming online.
Escalating requirements, always just ahead of current manufacturing or technological capability, and the resulting feature creep, had delayed the design for year after year, leading unsurprisingly to further growing requirements as new technologies became available, or used by the Combine's neighbours. 
Now, in the wake of the Rasalhagian attack on the capital, the design had finally matured enough - or filled with enough gimmicks, as detractors in other states would later comment - to be laid down. Whether it was due to a feeling of urgency, a projected decrease in research funds due to expected conflicts, or the reality check forced on some of the brass that progress wasn't guaranteed or exponential, it mattered little; As soon as the yards were brought back to operation, the first hull was laid down even before the yard had been sufficiently extended to cover the future hull.
In finalising the design, engineers found that the concept had indeed been hanging in limbo for so long that technology had actually overtaken the schematics at times, and they would have access to new Ferro-Carbide composites before the ship would first clear it's slipway. As this was not expected in the original plans, the additional protection has been spread evenly across the ship. (53 pts extra on each facing, to be exact)

The original launch was somewhat less glorious than the Admiralty - and it's designers, for once actually agreeing with the higher-ups - would have preferred, launching to the scrutinising eye of a court official and Admiral Heihachiro, off a still damaged slipway amidst a yard complex itself in scaffolding, guarded by a lone destroyer and 2 scout corvettes due for routine maintenance; But maybe that was for the better, as the project was veiled in secrecy, and not all systems were yet fully integrated.
After a test of its enormous drives, followed by a short activation of the new ecm system, the ship slipped into a nearby repair facility to be fitted with her remaining weapons complement.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Ayakashi
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $12,670,774,000.00
Magazine Cost: $21,940,000.00
BV2: 66,769

Mass: 1,080,000

K-F Drive System: Compact with L-F Battery
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 5
Maximum Thrust: 8
Armor Type: Ferro-Carbide
96 Laser Small
6 Laser Large
4 Naval Laser 45
4 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium
4 Naval Gauss Rifle Light
18 Naval Laser 55
2 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy
4 Capital Launcher Barracuda

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 324,000.00
Safe: 5
Maximum: 8
Controls: 2,700.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact with L-F Battery (22 Integrity) 499,500.00
Jump Sail: (6 Integrity) 84.00
Structural Integrity: 90 97,200.00
Total Heat Sinks: 2126 Single 1,277.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 33750 points 13,770.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 1318 pts Ferro-Carbide 1,580.00
Fore: 213
Fore-Left/Right: 223/223
Aft-Left/Right: 223/223
Aft: 213

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 0 0.00
Medium: 2 200.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 10 70.00
Life Boats: 61 427.00

Crew And Passengers:
56 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 560.00
205 Crew in 1st Class Quarters 2,050.00
69 Gunners and Others in 1st Class Quarters 690.00
240 Bay Personnel 0.00
10 1st Class Passengers 100.00
98 2nd Class Passengers 686.00
20 Steerage Passengers 100.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
12 Laser Small Nose 12 36 (3.6-C) Short-PDS 6.00
3 Laser Large Nose 24 24 (2.4-C) 15.00
2 Naval Laser 45 Nose 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium FR 15 250 (25-C) 5,500.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Light FR 9 150 (15-C) 4,500.00
3 Naval Laser 55 FR 255 165 (16.5-C) 3,300.00
12 Laser Small FR 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium FL 15 250 (25-C) 5,500.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Light FL 9 150 (15-C) 4,500.00
3 Naval Laser 55 FL 255 165 (16.5-C) 3,300.00
12 Laser Small FL 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy RBS 18 300 (30-C) 7,000.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium RBS 15 250 (25-C) 5,500.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Light RBS 9 150 (15-C) 4,500.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda RBS 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
12 Laser Small RBS 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy LBS 18 300 (30-C) 7,000.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium LBS 15 250 (25-C) 5,500.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Light LBS 9 150 (15-C) 4,500.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda LBS 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
12 Laser Small LBS 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
6 Naval Laser 55 AR 510 330 (33-C) 6,600.00
12 Laser Small AR 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
6 Naval Laser 55 AL 510 330 (33-C) 6,600.00
12 Laser Small AL 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
12 Laser Small Aft 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
2 Naval Laser 45 Aft 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
3 Laser Large Aft 24 24 (2.4-C) 15.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
Naval Gauss Rifle Medium Ammo 300 120.00
Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy Ammo 150 75.00
Naval Gauss Rifle Light Ammo 600 120.00
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 80 2,400.00
Space Mine Ammo 20 10.00

Equipment Mass
NCSS Small 100.00
Communication Equipment (10t) 5.00
Imager Hi-Res 5.00
Searchlights 2.00
Space Mine Dispenser 10.00

# Cargo and Bays Mass
1 Bay Dropshuttle 11,000.00
24 Bay Small Craft 4800
24 Bay Small Craft 4800
33721 Cargo, Standard 33721

Quirk: Gas Hog

Over a third larger than the biggest vessel to leave the New Samarkand shipyards so far and fitted with a diverse array of the Dragons most deadly weapons, the Battlecruisers are the new pride of the fleet, supplanting the short lived Ikioi-B.
The hearth of the ships are their massive engines. Massing more than half again the displacement of a corvette on their own, and producing thrust equal to four Fubuki class destroyers, her maneuvering drives can propel the ship at a designed flank speed of up to 4 G.
The Combine's biggest ship to date will also be it's fastest. Early tests showed the engines can actually exceed specifications reliably, but it was also noted that they consume excessive amounts of fuel above what is considered "safe" cruising speed(which has been accepted on the grounds that the safe acceleration is maximum flank speed for most ships of this size).
Conceived for both deep strikes and fleet support, the weaponry is focused on range and striking power, showcased by the new triple Gauss turrets seated in the ships flanks, housing one each of all available calibres of these impressive weapons.
(The turrets in the forequarters had to be downsized due to weight and stability constraints, a fact communicated to the coordinator as "making the ship look better" by a group of terrified bureaucrats)

The first two Battlecruisers, to be named Ayakashi and Mononoke, will spend their shakedown cruise showing the flag, and their sleek, angular lines, especially in the systems recently ravaged by the enemy, before being spirited of to an undisclosed system for extensice training. Intended to house -and be- the Elite of the Combine, the Navy is willing to spend more than sensible on these vessels. Only graduates with proven exceptional G-force tolerances over sustained periods of time may be assigned to these ships, and the most promising officers are routed their way to provide the best possible command for the shining beacons of Kuritan superiority. Surviving officers, technicians, and navigators of the lost Ikioi-Bs have also been offered transfer to these ships, and many accepted in favour of a safer, but less glorious desk job, bringing with them expertise in jump operations and battery maintenance. The helm has been likened to an oversized aerospace cockpit, and indeed the pilots have received basic training in just such a unit.
Spacious and modern crew quarters, and above average pay, are the rewards for these men of exceptional performance and unquestioning loyalty, as well as future prestige, should they survive their service to the glory of all of mankind in accepting the rule of the Dragon.
Standard comforts include vacuum-safe G-Suits for all crewmembers, regular and free medical checkups, and additional standard quarters for the pilots of all fighters and small craft.
Shore Leave outside of government-controlled facilities is not amongst those comforts for the moment, however.

The ships will form the new rapid response fleet, training whenever they aren't being overhauled or on patrol, and may be assigned individually to strike at an enemy's war effort or assist a border fleet, stiffening a battle line or hunting down stragglers.
The crews have been specifically instructed to keep the capabilities of the ship a secret, including not thrusting faster than 3 G unless the ship/fleet is in danger, and, on a slightly darker note, to not leave any uncaptured survivors if they do.
It is expected that the need for such secrecy will abate over the coming decade.
Maboroshi, yuurei, and tengu have been earmarked as further names should production continue that long.
The original plan to name the ships purely after various Tengu was abolished as they might have some connotations of arrogance and facilitation of chaos. (The fact that a name list of daitengu would allow for a much larger production run might also have influenced the decision. <.< )
Unlike ships of certain other navies, these will have no ceremonial duties outside of showing strength or maybe escorting important officials to an international conference.
These ships are meant to kill, and the Navy doesn't believe in doing that with words - unlike most court officials.

Naval Rebuilding
... to be continued a few posts below.

As I seem to be stuck in Limbo thinking of ship names, a little sumup so the GMs can at least plan somewhat:
I intend to build extra stations, about 17 each of the Monban/Kumo and Onsen S, update Fubukis to Block II, build two Battlecruisers, and 2-3 new destroyers to a newer pattern.
The Navy isn't planning any large maneuvres, instead striving to show strength and flag and protect the remaining infrastructure. Minor raids into conflict zones are intended to keep the pressure on. Jumping in, mining a jump point, and leaving again would be a valid form of economic disruption. No further Ikioi will be laid down this turn, with the remaining 3 converted to command ships.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: truetanker on 02 June 2020, 18:55:27
Marian Hegemony 2390

Code: [Select]
Turn : 5
Year: 2390                Value in Millions
Money Available 71.556

Available Shipyards

Alphard  1x Level 1
         1x Level 2


Maintanence 50% >
Scapha I    5x        4.131 each        10.3275
Scapha II          3x          4.119                    6.1785
Augustus           2x          6.225                    6.225
Jumpships    31x          500                    7.750
Dropships    64x          300                    9.600
Fighters    4412x           5                11.030
Small Craft        636x           10                 6.780
Stations    29x           470                    6.815

Construction        Unit Price

Yards            :
Stations : 8x Sexta Hora-class Station             3.760
Warships : 1x Dreadnought Refit  8.127             2.859
Jumpships :
Dropships :
Fighters :
Small Craft      :
Researching      :

Researched       :
Vehical Drop Chutes

Total Spent                   71.556 B

Income Remaining                                            .000 M
Debt Remaining        -Colony Budget-                     -9.769 B

Marian Hegemony 2390

Nova Roma, Alphard
Mount Palatine, Domus of Kortan
Outside of Caesar's Palace

Kortan strolled across his gardened atrium briskly towards a small alcove where he paused briefly, catching his breath before pushing open the portal leading underground. He walked to the end of the long hallway, turning down another equally long hallway, bypassing many rooms until he came to one small room off to one side. Upon entering this room, lights automatically turned on as he closed and locked the door. Seating himself in a plush chair, he unlocked a secured link and began to read reports of the realm.

 Report Log, Prefect Magnus : General, MH Army

  ' With the recent advances by our forces, we have secured new lands at Paulinus, Logan Prime, Stettin, Thraxa, Mondra, Kleinweit, Frobisher and McEvedy’s Folly. While loosing only a few contubernii and a cohort of tanks, of which we can replace easily from new recruits. While I wish we could gain more assets in our pursuit of obtaining more lands, if would be wise of me to consolidate what we have gained until a later time. The FWL has had it's feathers ruffled by our rapid advance and so has the Illyrian Palatinate, who have seemed to cower in front of us like scared kid. I suggest an invasion of the Palatinate soonest, my lord. Hail Caesar! Eternal power to Kortan. '

 " Direct as usually I see Magnus, " spoke Kortan " we'll see. " he continued, rasping deeply even with a respirator on.

 Report Log, Prefect Romonus : General, MH Auxiliary

  ' My lord Kortan,
I have prepared my report as follows, even though we have conquered new lands, we still need to support them. I have taken the liberty of sending supplies from our stockpiles on my authority as Aquilifer of the Realm to them. In hopes to bootstrapping these lands for our future, I hope this gains favor from our Caesar in light of this. I wouldn't promise I won't do it again, but we need recruits and recruits need supplies... As always my liege, Hail Caesar and Hail Kortan! '

" Impressive! Would you make us lay down our rifles and surrender our armor, stark naked before a force that wishes only death for us? No I think not Romonus, at least you have some spine, even a monkey can write Shakespeare, given enough time. " he said with a grin.

 Report Log, Legatus Bond : Commander, MH Navy ( Reserve ) Frumentarii

  ' " Sir, my report isn't much our propaganda against the Free World Leaque is a success, but they have yet to assign more than a passing glance at us. Our overture and lightning advances into areas surrounding us has heightened the Illyrian Palatinate forces to establish their Snekkja-class Light Cruisers, but their really just heavy frigates, achieving this by scrapping the old Vigilants-classes.

On the Terran front, sir my contacts has given us an opportunity to own one of their fabled ships, not only that but refit her as well at cost, though my lord, we must act quickly before someone else seizes it for their own.

Hail Kortan! " '

" My word, it is not enough that they fear to be beaten by us. They must learn to fear the very sight, that sound of us! We have survived exile. We have survived isolation. We will survive this." exclaimed Kortan to no one.

 Report Log, Prefect Octavia : General, MH Army Logista

  ' " TEN BILLION! " screamed Octavia from the built in speaker on his console. " TEN BILLION! " she stares at Kortan hard, with murder on her face. " How DARE he steal my resources for his own pleasure, the nerve of that weasel, he's not a man... he's.. he's... UUGH! " Sounds of glass shattering followed by heavy cursing, followed by silence... ' the screen went blank

Kortan recoiled from the sudden onslaught... recovering quickly he opened a commlink to her.

Octavia heard her comm jingled and went to answer it, seeing Imperator Kortan staring at her, she straightened her hair by combing a hand over it.

" Yes sir? " she stated... " About your report Commander..." started Kortan. " Yes sir, sorry sir, he... he made me so mad sir, he didn't have authority. I'm sorry sir, won't happen again sir. " she reported. " Octavia... " Kortan replied softly, " gets some rest, report to me later, that's an order Commander! " " Yes sir... " but he ended the link before she could speak.

Next morning Kortan received the report and added them to his notes for when he reported to the Caesar himself later that week.

Marian Action News Network ( MANN )
Nova Roma, Alphard
Alphard Amphitheatre , Nova Roma

Imperator Kortan walks to the podium wearing a respirator mask, he sounds horse and gravely when he speaks.

" Sons and daughters of the Marian Hegemony, your destiny beckons. Stand with your brothers and sisters, stand with me, and together we will be undefeated. You've brought much joy to our Caesar and he has granted thee new lands to populate! With decisions made, Ceasar has instructed our Navis and Legions to conduct themselves in honor, to showcase our pride, our heritage and our blood if need be, to our enemies near and abroad. " he spoke softly.

A little bit louder " Our victory is imminent. With our hearts tempered in the fires of war we strive forward and take the fight to the foe. Let us never forget the duty that we have taken upon ourselves. Our enemy is tenacious and bold. They dared to turn their weapons upon that which we hold dearest. Our cradle, our homeworld, our... Alphard! " he paused for effect. " Our Caesar has dictated by painting white a Naval detachment, he hopes to curtail any doubts our might. "

Deployment of  MHN :

 Sending their prized Dreadnought, the MHS Limonello, along with two S1 : Alphard and Scapha, a S2 : Unicornis and both Augustus missile cruisers to the Illyrian capital to use as a show of force. Along with five Jumpships ( JS Prawn, JS Shrimp, JS Bagel, JS Bread and JS Toast ) carrying fifteen Light Dropships, fifty Aerospace fighters, and a full Legion with supplies. All ships carry maximum fighters as well as their assigned Legions. Both Augustus carry Assault Light Droppers, also both Scapha I's carry their full complement. Their orders are to showboat their way to Illyria and return, only defending themselves if attacked. They are to destroy small asteroids to demonstrate their power but not civilian or military, unless attacked.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Limoncello (2390)
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $8,127,732,000.00
Magazine Cost: $54,336,000.00
BV2: 81,764

Mass: 960,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Manoeuvring Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armour Type: Standard
24 Navis Tormenta-X Naval AC 20
76 Parvus Lasar
64 Parva Tormentis AC 5
16 NL-55 Lasar Navali
16 Navis Tormenta-X Naval AC 10

Class/Model/Name: Limoncello (2390)
Mass: 960,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 172,800.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 2,400.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (20 Integrity) 434,400.00
Jump Sail: (5 Integrity) 78.00
Structural Integrity: 60 57,600.00
Total Heat Sinks: 3660 Single 3,028.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 12500 points 5,100.00
Fire Control Computers: 8,002.00
Armor: 496 pts Standard 1,152.00
Fore: 85
Fore-Left/Right: 85/85
Aft-Left/Right: 80/80
Aft: 81

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 0.00
Medium: 2 200.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 60 420.00
Life Boats: 60 420.00

Crew And Passengers:
54 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 540.00
183 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 1,281.00
80 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 560.00
1940 Bay Personnel in Steerage 9,700.00
20 1st Class Passengers 200.00
50 2nd Class Passengers 350.00
270 Steerage Marines 1,350.00

Bay #1: Fighters (40) - 4 Doors
Bay #2: Small Craft (20), Motorized Infantry Bay (40 Platoons - includes Non-combatants) - 4 Doors
Bay #3: Small Craft (20), Heavy Vee Bay (30), Light Vee Bay (60) - 4 Doors
Bay #4: Cargo (128645 Tons) - 2 Doors

NAC/20 Ammo - 1920 Rounds (80/Gun)
NAC/10 Ammo - 1280 Rounds (80/Gun)
AC/5 Ammo - 320 Tons (5 Tons/Gun)

6 NAC/20
8 AC/5
6 Slas

4 NL/55
4 NAC/10
8 AC/5
12 SLas

6 NAC/20
8 AC/5
8 SLas

4 NL/55
4 NAC/10
8 AC/5
12 SLas

6 NAC/20
8 AC/5
6 Slas

Alphard Defense : S1 Pompey, S2 Troglodytam w/ JS Giovanni, JS Cake and JS Pie
Alphard, Stetin, Suetonius, Baccalieu, Stafford

Mondra Defense Corridor : S1 Titus, S2 Pallidi w/ JS Spina, JS Strawberry, JS Apple and JS Grape
Mondra, Thraxa, Klienwelt, Helios

Forbisher Defense Corridor : S1 Maximus w/ JS Legio, JS Plata and JS Oro
Frobisher, McEvedy’s Folly

Every planet has two Sextra Hora stations, except Alphard, it has five surrounding the shipyards and zenith and nadir jumppoints. The newer eight planets have only one to protect them. The remaining Jumpships are arranged so that every planet shares one on a routine, the rest is use to transport citizens to open planets for colonization.

EDIT: Fixed station quantity and updated costs.

Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Lagrange on 06 June 2020, 13:53:21
Capellan Confederation, 2390

Well, that was unexpected.  While the battle success at Aldebaran was welcome, it created several new problems.

At the top of the list, the Terran Hegemony still has a far greater budget and plenty of motivation to take back the worlds it lost after reconstruction is completed.

Second on the list is the Federated Suns.  While nibbling at the border has no material impact on the integrity of the Capellan Confederation, it's the sort of activity which should be actively discouraged as a matter of policy.

Third on the list was a publicity misdirect within the confederation which spoke of thet "Great Wall" stopping the Terran Hegemony cold.  Politicians adopted this framing, constantly asking for "Great Wall" plans and demanding it be extended to their system. 


With active enemies on multiple fronts it's clear that the navy needs to be able to act on information far faster.  The first proposed solution to this was a crash research program on the fancy new Lithium Fusion batteries the Combine created, but that didn't get by the accountants.  Studying the problem more deeply, there was plenty of opportunity to improve "act on information" from the information side.

Thus was initiated project HEARTBEAT, a Pan-Confederation jump circuit hitting every major naval, industrial, and political world.  The Heartbeat circuit enables the travel of people, goods, and information from all industrial/political worlds in the Confederation to any other in less than a day every 8 days.  To maximize potential value, the jump circuit takes advantage of the much larger dropships taken as spoils at Aldebaran.  The Heartbeat circuit is military-run with tight information security to guard against sabotage and ensure the kind of precision necessary for a Pan-Confederation Jump Circuit.

Using the jump circuit, dropships are able to move just about anywhere via repeated jumps.  To support operational security during times of invasion, the jump circuit will _not_ use the standard Zenith and Nadir jump points, instead operating many more light hours away from the primary so that no invader reaching the Zenith, Nadir, or in-system points can observe jump signatures.  The precise jumpship meeting points change on a weekly basis according to a drunk walk so even knowing where the previous meeting was does not tell you where it will be.

The Heartbeat circuit is a deep space time-triggered double circuit with stations at meeting points.  Every 8 days, jumpships will travel from a station in system A to a station in system B, and then back again the next week with another jumpship traveling the opposite direction.  Dropships on the other hand travel from jumpship to jumpship along the chain with a flurry of goods and people exchanged via smallcraft and while docked during their interchange time.  Since this is a double circuit, the number of jumpships is twice the number of stations.  This is expensive, but it means the entire circuit is robust to failures, the layout of stations can be arbitrary as long as they remain within 30 light years, transport capacity is doubled, and you can support travel from anywhere and to anywhere in less than a day. 

In terms of propagation patterns, the "far ends" of the circuit trigger first with jumps happening sequentially through the center of the circuit and then back out to the far ends.  By shifting from one dropship to another at the right times, you can get from anywhere on circuit to anywhere else.  The standard docking time for dropships is 30 minutes, and the diameter of the jump circuit is 18 so the maximum transit time is about 9 hours from one end to the other.  The standard safe charging time is 175 hours, so allowing an extra 12 hour slop we get an 8 day heartbeat.

The heartbeat circuit communicates with the rest of Capella via deep space communications from in-system and via jumpships.  Although the location of the jump circuit is a secret, recharge stations pass on jump solutions to inspected and vetted Capellan-flagged commercial vessels just before they transit.  The commercial price of transport on the jump circuit is set by auction although the military always has override priority.  Obviously, if an attack on the station occurs, the first step is purging location information from the computers.

The jump circuit provides two benefits to the military.  The first (and most significant) is that it dramatically reduces the time required to learn about and react to events across the Confederation. If we think of every week as the tick of a clock, then information flows all over the Confederation every week rather than happenstance based travel.  Note here that every planet within 30 light years of a stop on the Heartbeat circuit (i.e. most) can benefit weekly, if jumpships travel back and forth on a synchronized cadence.

The second benefit is the ability to transport 40+ kilotons of goods where needed on demand every week.  This can supply fleets, but it also means that people and small units can be transported where they are needed. 

The jump circuit has several "lines", including a primary and several secondaries which are best shown with a map (  Several of the stations are not in any settled system.

Supporting the jump circuit is a basic deep space station (Deep Habwr ( with a large fuel reserve used to charge up the jumpships.
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:       Deep Habwr
Tech:   Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $65,360,000.00
Magazine Cost: $480,000.00
BV2: 2,846
Mass:   100,000
K-F Drive System:       None
Power Plant:    Station-Keeping Drive
Armor Type:     Standard
6 Capital Launcher Barracuda

Class/Model/Name:       Deep Habwr             
Mass:   100,000         
Equipment:                      Mass
Drive:                  1,200.00
Controls:                       100.00
Structural Integrity:                   1,000.00
Total Heat Sinks:       93 Single               
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:      100000 points           10,200.00
Fire Control Computers:                 0.00
Armor:  120 pts Standard                150.00
Fore:   20             
Fore-Left/Right:        20/20           
Aft-Left/Right: 20/20           
Aft:    20             
Dropship Capacity:      1               1,000.00
Grav Decks:                     
Small:  1               50.00
Life Boats:     15              105.00
Crew And Passengers:                   
11      Officers in 1st Class Quarters          110.00
54      Crew in 1st Class Quarters              540.00
6 Gunners and Others in 1st Class Quarters 60.00
50      Bay Personnel           0.00
50      1st Class Passengers            500.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda Nose 10 20 (2-C) Extreme-C 90.00
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda FR 10 20 (2-C) 90.00
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda FL 10 20 (2-C) 90.00
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda AR 10 20 (2-C) 90.00
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda AL 10 20 (2-C) 90.00
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda Aft 10 20 (2-C) 90.00

Ammo Rounds Mass Equipment
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 60 1,800.00 None

#       Cargo and Bays                          Mass
10      Bay Small Craft                         2,000.00
80645 Cargo, Standard 80645
Although the craft itself is minimally armed, it's common to post aerospace fighters in the smallcraft bays.

The entire Heartbeat circuit is hideously expensive, costing about 6 warships.  Nevertheless, the accountants judged this much cheaper than lithium fusion batteries, and the economic benefits should help as well.

To maximize the value of the new jump circuit, a new series of Zenith/Nadir stations is created, the Habwr Diogel II (  The running joke is that the new version is just like the old version, except worse in every way.  Nevertheless, all the cost cutting implies that a many more can be created and deployed.  With these deployments, most of the star systems of the Capellan Confederation (225) will benefit from a recharge/transshipment station.
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:       Habwr Diogel II
Tech:   Inner Sphere
Ship Cost:      $109,470,000.00
Magazine Cost:  $498,000.00
BV2:    2,889
Mass:   300,000
K-F Drive System:       None
Power Plant:    Station-Keeping Drive
Armor Type:     Standard
6       Capital Launcher Barracuda
36      Machine Gun (IS)

Class/Model/Name:       Habwr Diogel II         
Mass:   300,000         
Equipment:                      Mass
Drive:                  3,600.00
Controls:                       300.00
Structural Integrity:                   3,000.00
Total Heat Sinks:       129 Single             
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:      25000 points            10,200.00
Fire Control Computers:                 0.00
Armor:  120 pts Standard                300.00
Fore:   20             
Fore-Left/Right:        20/20           
Aft-Left/Right: 20/20           
Aft:    20             
Dropship Capacity:      2               2,000.00
Grav Decks:                     
Small:  1               50.00
Life Boats:     35              245.00
Crew And Passengers:                   
20      Officers in 1st Class Quarters          200.00
85      Crew in 1st Class Quarters              850.00
12      Gunners and Others in 1st Class Quarters                120.00
60      Bay Personnel           0.00
90      1st Class Passengers            900.00

#       Weapons Loc     Heat    Damage  Range   Mass
1       Capital Launcher Barracuda      Nose    10      20 (2-C)        Extreme-C       90.00
1       Capital Launcher Barracuda      FL      10      20 (2-C)                90.00
1       Capital Launcher Barracuda      FR      10      20 (2-C)                90.00
1       Capital Launcher Barracuda      AL      10      20 (2-C)                90.00
1       Capital Launcher Barracuda      AR      10      20 (2-C)                90.00
1       Capital Launcher Barracuda      Aft     10      20 (2-C)                90.00
6       Machine Gun (IS)        Nose            12 (1.2-C)              3.00
6       Machine Gun (IS)        FL              12 (1.2-C)              3.00
6       Machine Gun (IS)        FR              12 (1.2-C)              3.00
6       Machine Gun (IS)        AL              12 (1.2-C)              3.00
6       Machine Gun (IS)        AR              12 (1.2-C)              3.00
6       Machine Gun (IS)        Aft             12 (1.2-C)              3.00

Ammo    Rounds          Mass
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 60              1,800.00
Machine Gun (IS) Ammo   3600            18.00

Equipment                               Mass
Energy Storage Battery                          200,000.00

#       Cargo and Bays                          Mass
12      Bay Small Craft                         2,400.00
73459   Cargo, Standard                         73459


Taking advantage of jump circuit, the Aerospace pilots who distinguished themselves well at Aldebaran will form the core of an elite unite (70% maintenance) which transports via the circuit to wherever they are needed.  Typically, their aerospace fighters are packed as cargo allowing transportation of regimental-scale (108 units) aboard captured medium dropships.  These meet up with warships in transit to battle and load into ASF bays aboard the warships.

To assist the Aces in battle a new super-heavy aerospace fighter is commissioned. 
Code: [Select]
Dire Bear Aero

Mass: 100 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant: 300 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Armor: Ferro-Aluminum
     17 Small Laser
     1 Binary Laser (Blazer) Cannon
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3055
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-E-D
Cost: 6,369,375 C-bills

Type: Dire Bear
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Experimental)
Tonnage: 100
Battle Value: 2,727

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        300 Fusion             19
Safe Thrust: 5
Max Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity:         0                       
Heat Sinks:                   0                      14
Fuel:                         400                   5.0
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor (Ferro)          743                  41.5

     Nose                   203   
     Wings                200/200 
     Aft                    140   

and Ammo              Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
4 Small Lasers          NOS       2.0      1      3    0    0    0 
Binary Laser Cannon     NOS       9.0      16    16   16    0    0 
4 Small Lasers          RWG       2.0      1      3    0    0    0 
4 Small Lasers          LWG       2.0      1      3    0    0    0 
5 Small Lasers          AFT       2.5      1      3    0    0    0 

The Dire Bear is built especially for naval combat.  This includes an immense armor load capable of surviving multiple direct hits from Barracudas.  It also features a newly developed Blazer cannon, the best known weapon for penetrating heavy warship armor.  The design is rounded out with an array of 15 small lasers capable of destroying even a Killer Whale capital missile with half the weight of the Dire Bear itself.  The small lasers can also be used in close attacks against other ASF or damaged warships to cause large amounts of damage. 

The Aces drill on both defending and attacking warships in addition to more standard aerospace fighter fare.

The army will take advantage of the same transport ability forming elite regiments which can be quickly transported to whichever battle is brewing.


The navy lost this battle---in return for a new warship construction allowance, the politicians demanded a "Great Wall" that protects from attack.  A list was drawn up with 23 worlds including those with naval yards, political capitols, and industrial planets.  Protecting those worlds with 200 Shao Bings would cost over 1/3 of the budget, forcing the scrapping of at least one fleet of warships.

Noting the common tactic of attacking ship yards, the navy came to the conclusion that it needed to reduce it's own attack profile.  To do this, the navy decided to "deep space" the yards over Terra Firma, Capella, Aldebaran, and Sarna by using the Yard's station keeping drives to move far beyond detection range of enemy ships that may jump in system.  This increases local transportation costs to and from the the local system while decreasing transportation costs from remote systems.  The strategic benefit is that it makes targeting by an invasion force radically more difficult since the location will not be observed by forces jumping in system.  The yards will sync up with the jump circuit within their systems and move with them using similar information security measures.

The above only nibbled at the edges of the problem though. What was called for was a new design, and thus the Yi Bai ( ("100") was born.
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:       Yi Bai
Tech:   Inner Sphere
Ship Cost:      $105,380,000.00
Magazine Cost:  $8,680,000.00
BV2:    29,130
Mass:   100,000
K-F Drive System:       None
Power Plant:    Station-Keeping Drive
Armor Type:     Standard
108     Capital Launcher Barracuda
80      Machine Gun (IS)

Class/Model/Name:       Yi Bai         
Mass:   100,000         
Equipment:                      Mass
Drive:                  1,200.00
Controls:                       100.00
Structural Integrity:   1               1,000.00
Total Heat Sinks:       1000 Single             907.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:      3000 points             306.00
Fire Control Computers:                 3,528.00
Armor:  314 pts Standard                393.00
Fore:   94             
Fore-Left/Right:        50/50           
Aft-Left/Right: 40/40           
Aft:    40             
Escape Pods:    13              91.00
Life Boats:     13              91.00
Crew And Passengers:                   
32      Officers in 1st Class Quarters          320.00
33      Crew in 1st Class Quarters              330.00
122     Gunners and Others in 1st Class Quarters                1,220.00
200     Bay Personnel           0.00
25      1st Class Passengers            250.00
        2nd Class Passengers            0.00
        Steerage Passengers             0.00

#       Weapons Loc     Heat    Damage  Range   Mass
98      Capital Launcher Barracuda      Nose    980     1960 (196-C)    Extreme-C       8,820.00
2       Capital Launcher Barracuda      FL      20      40 (4-C)                180.00
2       Capital Launcher Barracuda      FR      20      40 (4-C)                180.00
2       Capital Launcher Barracuda      AL      20      40 (4-C)                180.00
2       Capital Launcher Barracuda      AR      20      40 (4-C)                180.00
2       Capital Launcher Barracuda      Aft     20      40 (4-C)                180.00
16      Machine Gun (IS)        FL              32 (3.2-C)              8.00
16      Machine Gun (IS)        FR              32 (3.2-C)              8.00
16      Machine Gun (IS)        AL              32 (3.2-C)              8.00
16      Machine Gun (IS)        AR              32 (3.2-C)              8.00
16      Machine Gun (IS)        Aft             32 (3.2-C)              8.00

Ammo    Rounds          Mass
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 1080            32,400.00
Machine Gun (IS) Ammo   8000            40.00

# Cargo and Bays Mass
40 Bay Small Craft 8,000.00
40064 Cargo, Standard 40064

The Yi Bai is a massive 100 kiloton defense satellite with the capacity to send 100 Barracudas at a target.  Designed for deployment in constellations of 20, it delivers overwhelming missile salvos, more than twice what the constellation of 200 Shao Bing delivered at Aldebaran.  The 40 smallcraft bays additionally allow for the support of up to 800 aerospace fighters in a combat situation.  The fact that the Confederation did not even own that many fighters was noted---thousands more were ordered.  Although the accountants cut prices everywhere, they left money in the budget for a top quality intercom and a catalog of patriotic music. 

Deployments of 20 are made at the following political center worlds:
Code: [Select]
St. Ives

Deployments of 10 are made at the following industrial worlds:
Code: [Select]
Grand Base
Terra Firma

In addition, deployments of 1 are made at frontier planets. 
Code: [Select]
Beunos Aires
Amu Darya
Although not able to resist a warfleet, these should strongly deter pirate-scale attacks as they easily wipe out Aquila-scale ships and can make quick work of any dropships that land.

In addition, the admiralty will order an extra 148 which are used elsewhere.


With all the new projects, very little was left for the warship budget so refit proposals were entertained to maximize the usefulness of the fleet.  Naturally, everything was desired: A ship of the wall, a killer, a carrier, a troop transport, a raider, a scout, etc... Between all of these competing choices a two massive refits were hammered out described as the "Yang Yin" approach as it incorporates elements of the old Yang Wei and the Kuan Yin.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:       Kuan Yin II
Tech:   Inner Sphere
Ship Cost:      $9,000,402,000.00
Magazine Cost:  $11,520,000.00
BV2:    191,553
Mass:   1,000,000
K-F Drive System:       Compact
Power Plant:    Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust:    3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type:     Improved Ferro-Aluminum
21      Naval PPC Heavy
14      Naval AC 20
400     AC 10
1800    Laser Small

Class/Model/Name:       Kuan Yin II             
Mass:   1,000,000               
Equipment:                      Mass
Drive:                  180,000.00
Safe:   3               
Maximum:        5               
Controls:                       2,500.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (21 Integrity)          452,500.00
Jump Sail:      (5 Integrity)           80.00
Structural Integrity:   120             120,000.00
Total Heat Sinks:       8565 Single             7,920.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:      25000 points            10,200.00
Fire Control Computers:                 14,900.00
Armor:  1512 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum                2,400.00
Fore:   522             
Fore-Left/Right:        220/220         
Aft-Left/Right: 200/200         
Aft:    150             
Dropship Capacity:                      0.00
Grav Decks:                     
Small:                  0.00
Medium: 4               400.00
Large:                  0.00
Escape Pods:    100             700.00
Life Boats:     100             700.00
Crew And Passengers:                   
108     Officers in 1st Class Quarters          1,080.00
137     Crew in 2nd Class Quarters              959.00
402     Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters                2,814.00
12360   Bay Personnel           0.00
240     1st Class Passengers            2,400.00
260     2nd Class Passengers            1,820.00

#       Weapons Loc     Heat    Damage  Range   Mass
21      Naval PPC Heavy Nose    4725    3150 (315-C)    Extreme-C       63,000.00
14      Naval AC 20     Nose    840     2800 (280-C)            35,000.00
100     AC 10   FL      300     1000 (100-C)            1,200.00
100     AC 10   FR      300     1000 (100-C)            1,200.00
600     Laser Small     LBS     600     1800 (180-C)            300.00
600     Laser Small     RBS     600     1800 (180-C)            300.00
600     Laser Small     Aft     600     1800 (180-C)            300.00
100     AC 10   AL      300     1000 (100-C)            1,200.00
100     AC 10   AR      300     1000 (100-C)            1,200.00

Ammo    Rounds          Mass
Naval AC 20 Ammo        280             112.00
AC 10 Ammo      8000            800.00

#       Cargo and Bays                          Mass
48435   Cargo, Standard                         48,435.00
60      Bay Small Craft                         12000
90      Bay Fighter                             13500
360     Bay Conventional Infantry (IS), Foot                            1800
360     Bay Vehicle Light                               18000

The Kuan Yin II ( has a slightly improved troop transport capacity since 30 fighter bays were swapped into Small craft bays and cargo slightly increased.  This additional capacity means that vehicle maintenance and repair can typically happen on planet in smallcraft-based vehicle bays rather than shuffling back and forth between planet and warship.  Configured for transport, it carries 90 aerospace fighters and 60 smallcraft as well as the normal complement of 360 light vehicles and 360 companies of companies of troops.

The weapons and armor layout was radically altered.  A massive mixed array of Naval PPCs and NAC 20s is placed in the nose making a capable naval combatant in ranged, close, or high speed pass fights, as needed.  Supporting this, the armor layout heavily favors the nose. Although this design approach has less endurance than "4 corner" designs which can roll sides in warship-to-warship combat it delivers more firepower and endurance in fleet combat where warships are typically targeted once by the opposing fleet and then destroyed.  In such situations, maximizing damage delivered to the opposing fleet per minute (... about 96% more based on capital weapon damage) and minimizing the number of ships that the opposing fleet can kill per minute (... about 23% less based on armor) is preferred.

Noting the doctrine changes implied by the Yi Bai, the Kuan Yin II has a massive array of small lasers on 3 sides with each side able to target 200+ Barracudas per round while destroying 100+.  Although the nose has no such protection, a complement of 150 Dire Bear aerospace fighters can provide an additional 2250 small lasers capable of targeting 800+ Barracudas per round while destroying 400+.

Compared to the capital weapons and point defense the arrays of 100 AC/10s on each corner are almost an afterthought unless you happen to be an enemy aerospace fighter.

The Pallada II ( borrows conceptually from the Kuan Yin II while retaining it's traditional harrassment/raider/scout role and specializing less in the wall of battle.
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:       Pallada II
Tech:   Inner Sphere
Ship Cost:      $7,949,392,000.00
Magazine Cost:  $28,800,000.00
BV2:    113,465
Mass:   750,000
K-F Drive System:       Compact
Power Plant:    Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust:    4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type:     Improved Ferro-Aluminum
4       Naval PPC Heavy
20      Naval Laser 55
11      Naval AC 20
1200    Laser Small
200     AC 10

Class/Model/Name:       Pallada II             
Mass:   750,000         
Equipment:                      Mass
Drive:                  180,000.00
Safe:   4               
Maximum:        6               
Controls:                       1,875.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (16 Integrity)          339,375.00
Jump Sail:      (5 Integrity)           68.00
Structural Integrity:   100             75,000.00
Total Heat Sinks:       5060 Single             4,415.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:      12500 points            5,100.00
Fire Control Computers:                 2,400.00
Armor:  960 pts Improved Ferro-Aluminum         1,500.00
Fore:   235             
Fore-Left/Right:        145/145         
Aft-Left/Right: 145/145         
Aft:    145             
Dropship Capacity:                      0.00
Grav Decks:                     
Medium: 3               300.00
Escape Pods:    60              420.00
Life Boats:     60              420.00
Crew And Passengers:                   
80      Officers in 1st Class Quarters          800.00
115     Crew in 2nd Class Quarters              805.00
281     Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters                1,967.00
8244    Bay Personnel           0.00
330     2nd Class Passengers            2,310.00

#       Weapons Loc     Heat    Damage  Range   Mass
4       Naval PPC Heavy Nose    900     600 (60-C)      Extreme-C       12,000.00
10      Naval Laser 55  AL      850     550 (55-C)              11,000.00
10      Naval Laser 55  AR      850     550 (55-C)              11,000.00
11      Naval AC 20     Nose    660     2200 (220-C)            27,500.00
400     Laser Small     LBS     400     1200 (120-C)            200.00
400     Laser Small     RBS     400     1200 (120-C)            200.00
400     Laser Small     Aft     400     1200 (120-C)            200.00
100     AC 10   FR      300     1000 (100-C)            1,200.00
100     AC 10   FL      300     1000 (100-C)            1,200.00

Ammo    Rounds          Mass
Naval AC 20 Ammo        1100            440.00
AC 10 Ammo      4000            400.00

Equipment                               Mass
NCSS Large                              500.00

#       Cargo and Bays                          Mass
240     Bay Conventional Infantry (IS), Foot                            1,200.00
240     Bay Vehicle Light                               12000
72      Bay Fighter                             10800
36      Bay Small Craft                         7200
36205   Cargo, Standard                         36205

The Pallada II offers much more firepower at extreme range (82%) and significantly more firepower at long range (56%) via the heavy nose.  In addition, transport capacity for up to 108 aerospace fighters is provided, capable of either protecting the Pallada from missile fire or actively attacking enemy ASF or wounded warships.  Altogether, the Pallada II isn't quite the ship of the line that the Kuan Yin is, but it's a solid stand-in.

Unlike the Kuan Yin, the Pallada II is also designed for raider/harasser/scout missions, retaining it's large naval comm-scanner suite and using a weapons layout capable of delivering significant damage in every arc.  The Pallada II can lock onto and then mimic a slower opponent's heading and velocity while pouring steady fire into them regardless of how they turn or accelerate.  All enemies lacking either range or speed are "accidents waiting to happen".  In raider role, the Pallada II can execute a 'smash and grab' attack in undefendend systems via a combination of ortillery and smallcraft. 

Borrowing from the successful deployment of the Kuan Yin in the run to the north, the Pallada II also enables transport of many regiments of infantry and light tanks, about 2/3 the capacity of a Kuan Yin.  Given the sheer number of Pallada II's this doubles the Warship transport capacity of the Confederation.

Updates: Dire Bear uses FA instead of HFA (which apparently isn't available), a map, some jump circuit details, optimized jump circuit, extended recharge stations to 225 worlds, reduced Yi Bai purchase.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Lagrange on 06 June 2020, 13:55:15
Capellan Confederation, 2390, Part 2


The Heartbeat circuit enables enables rapid movement of goods and information across all industrialized worlds of the confederation, but it's actually a poor transport path for the slower movement of bulk goods or warships between locations.   Due to the very high cost of purchasing and maintaining jumpships to operate the Heartbeat circuit, it is designed to have as few links as possible which means that it meanders on the larger scale.  To facilitate warship movement, a second network consisting of 60 Deep Habwr will be built.  This Highway network's stations are carefully placed so that each station is ~29.95 light years away from others while tiling the Capellan Confederation so every planet can reach a station within 1 jump.  Stations not on the boundary, are within 29.95 light years of 6 other stations in the network with the entire network offering virtually optimal transport in 6 different directions according to the corners of a hexagon.  Given the layout of the Confederation, two of these directions are north/south while the other 4 are 60 degrees away from either north or south.  The network will be anchored on Liao and opportunistically share deep space stations with the Heartbeat circuit where that is possible.

The Highway network is also available for commercial use similar to the Heartbeat network with Zenith stations transmitting jump solutions to vetted Capellan flagged vessels just prior to departure.  Commonly, the Highway network allows shaving a jump or two off longer transits.


The effectiveness of stations at Aldebaran requires a rethink of naval philosophy since, at least for now, stations can provide effective firepower much cheaper than warships.  In essence, stations are footsoldiers of naval warfare.  What's lacking is the capacity to repair, replace, and move stations, something provided by the Sailor's Mercy (

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Sailor's Mercy
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $3,952,861,250.00
BV2: 2,486
Mass:   500,000
K-F Drive System:       Standard
Power Plant:    Station-Keeping Drive
Armor Type:     Standard
6       Laser Blazer Cannon

Class/Model/Name:       Sailor's Mercy         
Mass:   500,000         
Equipment:                      Mass
Drive:                  6,000.00
Controls:                       1,250.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Standard (10 Integrity)         475,000.00
Jump Sail:      (6 Integrity)           97.00
Structural Integrity:   1               3,333.50
Total Heat Sinks:       154 Single             
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:      2000 points             816.00
Fire Control Computers:                 0.00
Armor:  111 pts Standard                277.50
Fore:   19             
Fore-Left/Right:        19/19           
Aft-Left/Right: 18/18           
Aft:    18             
Dropship Capacity:                      0.00
Grav Decks:                     
Small:  1               50.00
Life Boats:     5               35.00
Crew And Passengers:                   
7       Officers in 1st Class Quarters          70.00
24      Crew in 2nd Class Quarters              168.00
1       Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters                7.00
5       Bay Personnel           0.00

#       Weapons Loc     Heat    Damage  Range   Mass
1       Laser Blazer Cannon     Nose    16      12 (1.2-C)      Medium  9.00
1       Laser Blazer Cannon     FR      16      12 (1.2-C)              9.00
1       Laser Blazer Cannon     FL      16      12 (1.2-C)              9.00
1       Laser Blazer Cannon     AR      16      12 (1.2-C)              9.00
1       Laser Blazer Cannon     AL      16      12 (1.2-C)              9.00
1       Laser Blazer Cannon     Aft     16      12 (1.2-C)              9.00

#       Cargo and Bays                          Mass
100000  Naval Repair Unpressurized                              2,500.00
100000  Naval Repair Unpressurized                              2500
100000  Naval Repair Unpressurized                              2500
100000  Naval Repair Unpressurized                              2500
100000  Naval Repair Unpressurized                              2500
1       Bay Small Craft                         200
142.00  Cargo, Standard                         142

The Sailor's Mercy can transport and enable repair of 5 Yi Bai.  It never deploys into a contested combat zone and more generally avoids unprotected jumppoints at the Zenith or Nadir by stationing at deep space yards or traveling on the Heartbeat or Great Highway networks.  Unloading and loading the Yi Bai takes about 18 hours, so it's not at all quick.


The army was active as well, developing a highly mobile artillery concept.  Armed with a single Thumper artillery piece and 80 shots worth of ammunition, the MSMK prototype was first tested at company scale in the 2390 Capellan Military Games.  As an artillery unit, the MSMK was considered an outside in direct competition with other combat units, but they entered anyways to make a good show.  The MSMK proved unexpectedly capable and adaptable, led by a young captain Zheng.  In the finals, a company of Jian faced off against a company of MSMK with the Zheng using mobility, range, the large reserve set aside,  and direct fire of simulated cluster charges to eliminate half of the Jian in the first few minutes while staying out of effective range of the Jian.   The remainder  retreated into the forest where the hovercraft could not follow so Zheng switched to standard rounds and walked fire all over the forest until the judges declared victory for the MSMK company.  It was the messiest victory ever seen, with the flourescent orange die flowing out of the forest every rainstorm over the next 6 months.  Thus, the Messmaker was born.

Code: [Select]

Mass: 50 tons
Movement Type: Hover
Power Plant: 165 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 129.6 kph
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous
     1 Thumper
Introduction Year: 2391
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-D-D
Cost: 2,156,000 C-bills

Type: Thumpercraft
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Hover
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 509

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    5
Engine                        165 Fusion             10
Cruising MP: 8
Flank MP: 12
Heat Sinks:                   10                      0
Control Equipment:                                  2.5
Lift Equipment:                                     5.0
Turret:                                             1.5
Armor Factor (Ferro)          125                     7

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         31   
     R/L Side               5/5      25/25   
     Rear                    5         19   
     Turret                  5         25   

and Ammo              Location    Tonnage   
Thumper Ammo (80)      Turret       4.0     
Thumper                Turret       15.0 


Code: [Select]
                Price   Initial Scrap   Maint   Resch   Produce M Cost  R Cost  Prod Cost       Total           Final # Final $
Kuan Yin        8.927   10                              -10     44.635  0       -89.270 -44.635 Kuan Yin        0       0.000
Pallada         7.854   15                              -15     58.905  0       -117.81 -58.905 Pallada         0       0.000
Zencha          0.624   20              0.2                     8.736   0       0.000   8.736   Zencha          20      12.480  //Elite level maintenance
Jumpships       0.5     30                              82      7.500   0       33.000  40.500  Jumpships       96     48.000  //Heartbeat circuit
S Dropship      0.3     110     80                              -1.500  0       0.000   -1.500  S Dropship      30      9.000
M Dropship      0.5     20                                      5.000   0       0.000   5.000   M Dropship      20      10.000
ASF             0.005   700             0.2             3020    2.450   0       15.100  17.550  ASF             3720    18.600  //Enough for every warship including smallcraft bays, elite maintenance
Smallcraft      0.01    400                             980     2.000   0       9.800   11.800  Smallcraft      1380    13.800  //Enough for every warship
Shaobing        0.03    530     530                             -3.975  0       0.000   -3.975  Shaobing        0       0.000
Habwr Diogel    0.367   80      80                              -7.340  0       0.000   -7.340  Habwr Diogel    0       0.000
Yi Bai          0.105   0                       0.25    515     0.000   0.026   54.075  54.101  Yi Bai          515     54.075  //The Great Wall
Habwr Diogel II 0.109   0                       0.25    225     0.000   0.027   24.525  25.552  Habwr Diogel II 225     24.525  //Zenith station for every inhabited system
Deep Habwr      0.065   0                       0.25    110      0.000   0.015   7.15   7.166   Deep Habwr     110      7.15   //Hearbeat circuit and Highway network
Sailor's Mercy  3.953   0                       0.25    5       0.000   0.988   19.765  20.753  Sailor's Mercy  5       19.765  //Transport for up to 25 Yi Bai
Kuan Yin II     9       0                       0.1     14      0.000   0.900   126.000 126.900 Kuan Yin II     14      126     //4 new Kuan Yin
Pallada II      7.949   0                       0.1     15      0.000   0.795   119.235 120.030 Pallada II      15      119.235
Budget  396                                                                                             
Remainder       7.335                                                                                           
Repairs -11                                                                                             
Blazer  -34.72         
Vee Drop Chute -34.72
Total costs     -320.734
Remainder       2.161                                                                                         


The Southern fleet is based out of Liao and is the largest in case the Terran Hegemony becomes active again.
6x Kuan Yin
6x Pallada
4x Zencha
6x Sailor's Mercy
Since the jump circuit provides single-jump access to every TH frontier world, warnings about invasions should happen very rapidly.

The Fed Suns facing fleet is based out of Ares, although the jump circuit allows it to be easily supplied all the way to Texlos with more conventional supply otherwise required.
4x Kuan Yin
2x Pallada
3x Zencha

The FWL facing fleet is based out of Ingersoll and similarly uses the jump circuit for easier supply where available. 
4x Kuan Yin
2x Pallada
3x Zencha

The frontier fleet is based out of Grand Base, although it's often split up across the southern jump circuit to enable fast response to any pirate incidents.  If/where the greater power invade, other fleets are called in for assistance.
5x Pallada
10x Zencha
Most of the Zencha in the frontier fleet are used to assist exploration of new systems to support further colonization.  In a typical pattern, they operate in pairs jumping to explore separate systems, while jumping back together at prearranged times and locations.  If there are any mishaps, the survivor brings in a Pallada to investigate.

The Zencha and Sailor's Mercy never travel into battle zones.  If they jump into a possibly contested system, it's always far away from anywhere that is likely to have an enemy ship capable of detecting them.  With the Sailor's Mercy acting against an active invasion, it might sometimes be worthwhile to jump into an L1 pirate point so as to deliver some Yi Bai in case the fight moves to this system.

The Yi Bai are almost always deployed in constellations.  The default configuration of the constellation is a hedgehog with 1/3 pointing in each direction.  When an opponent is observed, they slowly turn to face the opponent.  The Yi Bai are excruciatingly slow at turning but at Extreme or Long Ranges this doesn't matter.  For example, at range 40, a station can track a 5/8 warship moving at maximum thrust perpendicular to the axis between the station and warship.  At closer ranges the ability to track degrades---at range 30, a station can track a 4/6 warship.  At range 25, a 3/5 warship.   The nose arc is however 120 degrees, so it's quite likely able to track until short ranges in an actual combat situation. 

The doctrine for fleet engagements is relatively unchanged. The Yi Bai, if they are available, form the main wall of battle, with the Kuan Yin secondary, so as to avoid losses before the enemy is fully committed to battle.  The Pallada may join with the Kuan Yin or act in more of a harrier/harraser role if appropriate.  The ASF's primary mission is defending the fleet but if that is taken care of the ASFs can concentrate on the enemy (where they can cause damage).

When invasions of the Confederation start, the goal is destroying the strategic mobility of the invading force---jumpships are high priority targets, but shows of force in a random invaded system when there are multiple can also paralyze further advancement by achieving superior local firepower in that system.  One advantage of the "Great Wall" is that there are many strong points around the Confederation which, with the assistance of some quickly dispatched reinforcements via the jump circuit, can resist warships.  In addition, there is at least a possibility of creating strong points with the Sailor's Mercy if the destination of an invasion fleet can be deduced sufficiently in advance. 

In fleet battles, there is sometimes a difficult tradeoff between stations, ASF, and warships.  Warships are the default priority target on defense due to their strategic speed.  Defense Stations may (depends on the situation) be a priority target on offense simply because they are easy to destroy compared to damage they can do.  ASF become a priority target if they can substantially block Barracuda fire from the Yi Bai. 

Edits: added a bit about strategy, fixed budget, add great highway, squeezed in Vee Drop Chute, and adjusted budget.  Swapped Sailor's Mercy for version using corrected costs.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: UnLimiTeD on 06 June 2020, 16:34:16
Draconis Combine, 2390+, continued

Naval Rebuilding
After all that frivolous spending, the Navy had still not been rebuilt. Half of the ships were damaged, the Battery equipped Cruisers were smouldering wrecks, and the entire naval reserve had been wiped at Luthien.

Fubuki II
The past decades had shown that while the Fubukis had held the flag admirably, the design was relatively fragile in the face of combat, and too expensive for that fragility.
In a rare show of common sense and harmony, Navy Engineers, the Admiralty, and the Bursar agreed that it was time to create something more cost efficient.
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Fubuki IIa
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $6,005,430,000.00
Magazine Cost: $23,320,000.00
BV2: 57,192

Mass: 460,000

K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Ferro-Carbide
16 Naval Laser 45
4 Capital Launcher Barracuda
40 Laser Large
48 Laser Small
12 Naval AC 20
12 Capital Launcher Killer Whale
4 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium
2 AC 20

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 82,800.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 1,150.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (11 Integrity) 208,150.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 53.00
Structural Integrity: 85 39,100.00
Total Heat Sinks: 2562 Single 2,111.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 12500 points 5,100.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 678 pts Ferro-Carbide 780.00
Fore: 110
Fore-Left/Right: 115/115
Aft-Left/Right: 114/114
Aft: 110

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 5 35.00
Life Boats: 60 420.00

Crew And Passengers:
34 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 340.00
103 Crew in 1st Class Quarters 1,030.00
63 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 441.00
310 Bay Personnel 0.00
1 1st Class Passengers 10.00
50 2nd Class Passengers 350.00
15 Steerage Passengers 75.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
4 Naval Laser 45 Nose 280 180 (18-C) Extreme-C 3,600.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda Nose 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
4 Laser Large Nose 32 32 (3.2-C) 20.00
8 Laser Small Nose 8 24 (2.4-C) 4.00
3 Naval AC 20 FR 180 600 (60-C) 7,500.00
2 Naval Laser 45 FR 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
4 Laser Large FR 32 32 (3.2-C) 20.00
8 Laser Small FR 8 24 (2.4-C) 4.00
3 Naval AC 20 FL 180 600 (60-C) 7,500.00
2 Naval Laser 45 FL 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
4 Laser Large FL 32 32 (3.2-C) 20.00
8 Laser Small FL 8 24 (2.4-C) 4.00
6 Capital Launcher Killer Whale LBS 120 240 (24-C) 900.00
2 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium LBS 30 500 (50-C) 11,000.00
8 Laser Large LBS 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00
6 Capital Launcher Killer Whale RBS 120 240 (24-C) 900.00
2 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium RBS 30 500 (50-C) 11,000.00
8 Laser Large RBS 64 64 (6.4-C) 40.00
3 Naval AC 20 AR 180 600 (60-C) 7,500.00
2 Naval Laser 45 AR 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
4 Laser Large AR 32 32 (3.2-C) 20.00
8 Laser Small AR 8 24 (2.4-C) 4.00
3 Naval AC 20 AL 180 600 (60-C) 7,500.00
2 Naval Laser 45 AL 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
4 Laser Large AL 32 32 (3.2-C) 20.00
8 Laser Small AL 8 24 (2.4-C) 4.00
4 Naval Laser 45 Aft 280 180 (18-C) 3,600.00
4 Laser Large Aft 32 32 (3.2-C) 20.00
8 Laser Small Aft 8 24 (2.4-C) 4.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda Aft 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
2 AC 20 Aft 14 40 (4-C) 28.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
Capital Launcher Killer Whale Ammo 120 6,000.00
Naval AC 20 Ammo 600 240.00
AC 20 Ammo 100 20.00
Naval Gauss Rifle Medium Ammo 200 80.00
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 40 1,200.00

# Cargo and Bays Mass
62 Bay Small Craft 12,400.00
29203 Cargo, Standard 29203
Slightly enlarged and with a somewhat stiffened structure, the biggest economic factor for this new take on the classic Fubuki is the lack of a dropship collar.
Survivability is increased as much by the extra structural reinforcements as it is by the new armour, covering the ship in a far thicker belt than the previous iteration.
Too different from the older iteration to be a refit, the project ran into a problem from an unexpected direction:
For decades now, the Fubuki Block IIs had, colloquially and also in some documents, be called just "Fubuki II". Unable and unwilling to change the designation to just "Fubuki III" after the first ship had already been laid down and a PR campaign prepared, the Bureaucrats settled on an unconventional solution:
The ships, even though more different from their predecessor than the Block II from the Block I, would internally just be called IIa, while out "in the wild", all remaining Block Is in service would be refitted to the not quite as old Block II standard, allowing a differentiation between the old and new ships.
Colloquially, the new ships would also occasionally be called "shinFubuki", though that monicker never found its way onto an official document - if one ignores the PR statements.
3 ships will be built in this spending period.
The ship is the first step to stratifying the fighter organisation between planetary defense and navy allotments, including a command flight of 2 fighters for a 36 strong fighter complement. The remaining small craft bays remain filled with 12 point defense small craft and 12 for other duties.

Kutai II
Learning from the stumbling block that was the naming of the new Fubuki, the military administration decided to not rename the new Kutai when it was pointed out that it was really just a refit the likes of which had resulted in the Block II designation on the destroyers. Ironically, the ship was actually called "Kutai II" in some internal documents, and Kutai(Upgrade) in others.
Ultimately, the fact that no second production run of the Kutais had been built and none were planned in the future either made the decision somewhat of a moot point.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Kutai (upgrade)
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $4,847,910,000.00
Magazine Cost: $14,210,000.00
BV2: 16,009

Mass: 200,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type: Ferro-Carbide
7 Capital Launcher Barracuda
60 Laser Small
24 Laser Large
24 LRM 15 (IS)
12 Naval Laser 45

Class/Model/Name: Kutai (upgrade)
Mass: 200,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 48,000.00
Safe: 4
Maximum: 6
Controls: 500.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (6 Integrity) 90,500.00
Jump Sail: (3 Integrity) 40.00
Structural Integrity: 42 8,400.00
Total Heat Sinks: 1282 Single 928.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 30000 points 6,120.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 192 pts Ferro-Carbide 168.00
Fore: 36
Fore-Left/Right: 30/30
Aft-Left/Right: 30/30
Aft: 36

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 5 35.00
Life Boats: 33 231.00

Crew And Passengers:
23 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 230.00
62 Crew in 1st Class Quarters 620.00
43 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 301.00
240 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
60 2nd Class Passengers 420.00
40 Steerage Passengers 200.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda Nose 20 40 (4-C) Extreme-C 180.00
6 Laser Small Nose 6 18 (1.8-C) 3.00
4 Laser Large Nose 32 32 (3.2-C) 20.00
4 LRM 15 (IS) Nose 20 36 (3.6-C) 28.00
2 Naval Laser 45 FL 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
6 Laser Small FL 6 18 (1.8-C) 3.00
4 Laser Large FL 32 32 (3.2-C) 20.00
4 LRM 15 (IS) FL 20 36 (3.6-C) 28.00
2 Naval Laser 45 FR 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
6 Laser Small FR 6 18 (1.8-C) 3.00
4 Laser Large FR 32 32 (3.2-C) 20.00
4 LRM 15 (IS) FR 20 36 (3.6-C) 28.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda LBS 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
2 Naval Laser 45 LBS 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
12 Laser Small LBS 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda RBS 20 40 (4-C) 180.00
2 Naval Laser 45 RBS 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
12 Laser Small RBS 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
2 Naval Laser 45 AR 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
6 Laser Small AR 6 18 (1.8-C) 3.00
4 Laser Large AR 32 32 (3.2-C) 20.00
4 LRM 15 (IS) AR 20 36 (3.6-C) 28.00
2 Naval Laser 45 AL 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
6 Laser Small AL 6 18 (1.8-C) 3.00
4 Laser Large AL 32 32 (3.2-C) 20.00
4 LRM 15 (IS) AL 20 36 (3.6-C) 28.00
6 Laser Small Aft 6 18 (1.8-C) 3.00
4 Laser Large Aft 32 32 (3.2-C) 20.00
4 LRM 15 (IS) Aft 20 36 (3.6-C) 28.00
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda Aft 10 20 (2-C) 90.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
LRM 15 (IS) Ammo 3600 450.00
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 70 2,100.00
Space Mine Ammo 20 10.00

Equipment Mass
NCSS Small 100.00
Space Mine Dispenser 10.00

# Cargo and Bays Mass
1 Bay Dropshuttle 11,000.00
5000 Naval Repair Unpreassurized 125
24 Bay Small Craft 4800
24 Bay Small Craft 4800
8064 Cargo, Standard 8064
The biggest difference to the (Block)Is, in this case, was the armour. A ship like this will never be tough, but they will be somewhat less fragile. An additional capital missile tube aft is the only relevant change in offensive firepower, though the point defence suite has been overhauled to reduce the logistic footprint somewhat in compensation.
8 ships will be refit, with the rest going into mothballs.

Ikioi C
The 勢 class has served the combine faithfully for decades. Initially envisioned as a line breaker and fast assault ship, it had found use as a command ship and fleet flagship due to the same impressive durability. But time was moving, and requirements change.
The B subclass had come, and gone, and in light of recent developments wouldn't be continued, and the original vessels weren't the monoliths of invincibility they seemed to be when first launched.
The admiralty thus decided to focus on the obvious application as fleet flagships.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: 勢 - Ikioi C
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $8,464,322,000.00
Magazine Cost: $10,650,000.00
BV2: 87,035

Mass: 740,000

K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type: Ferro-Carbide
10 Naval AC 20
96 Laser Small
12 Laser Large
10 Naval Laser 45
4 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium
2 Naval AC 10

Class/Model/Name: 勢 - Ikioi C
Mass: 740,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 177,600.00
Safe: 4
Maximum: 6
Controls: 1,850.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (16 Integrity) 334,850.00
Jump Sail: (5 Integrity) 67.00
Structural Integrity: 155 114,700.00
Total Heat Sinks: 1612 Single 972.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 18750 points 7,650.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 1930 pts Ferro-Carbide 2,292.00
Fore: 330
Fore-Left/Right: 335/335
Aft-Left/Right: 300/300
Aft: 330

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 1 100.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 10 70.00
Life Boats: 45 315.00

Crew And Passengers:
43 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 430.00
150 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 1,050.00
60 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 420.00
240 Bay Personnel 0.00
35 1st Class Passengers 350.00
30 2nd Class Passengers 210.00
0 Steerage Passengers 0.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
2 Naval AC 20 Nose 120 400 (40-C) Long-C 5,000.00
12 Laser Small Nose 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
3 Laser Large Nose 24 24 (2.4-C) 15.00
2 Naval Laser 45 Nose 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
2 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium FR 30 500 (50-C) 11,000.00
2 Naval AC 20 FR 120 400 (40-C) 5,000.00
12 Laser Small FR 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
2 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium FL 30 500 (50-C) 11,000.00
2 Naval AC 20 FL 120 400 (40-C) 5,000.00
12 Laser Small FL 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
2 Naval AC 20 RBS 120 400 (40-C) 5,000.00
12 Laser Small RBS 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
3 Laser Large RBS 24 24 (2.4-C) 15.00
2 Naval Laser 45 RBS 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
2 Naval AC 20 LBS 120 400 (40-C) 5,000.00
12 Laser Small LBS 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
3 Laser Large LBS 24 24 (2.4-C) 15.00
2 Naval Laser 45 LBS 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
2 Naval Laser 45 AR 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
12 Laser Small AR 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
2 Naval Laser 45 AL 140 90 (9-C) 1,800.00
12 Laser Small AL 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
12 Laser Small Aft 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
2 Naval AC 10 Aft 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
3 Laser Large Aft 24 24 (2.4-C) 15.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
Naval AC 20 Ammo 300 120.00
Naval Gauss Rifle Medium Ammo 100 40.00
Space Mine Ammo 60 30.00

Equipment Mass
NCSS Small 100.00
Communication Equipment (10) 5.00
Space Mine Dispenser 10.00
Space Mine Dispenser 10.00
Space Mine Dispenser 10.00

# Cargo and Bays Mass
24 Bay Small Craft 4,800.00
24 Bay Small Craft 4800
25991 Cargo, Standard 25991
Sheathed in new Ferro-Carbide composites, the C subclass dwarfs even the impressive durability of the original, mounting nearly twice as much protection; Notably more than the Combine's new Battlecruisers.
An admiral intending to command his forces from the front will find support from a dedicated staff operating a fully computerised boardroom. Extra communication gear and a Naval ComScanner Suite ensure connectivity with the rest of the fleet, while at the same time alleviating the need of a scout corvette to accompany the fleet in offensive operation (though this is still standard doctrine).
It also allows a more foresighted -or paranoid - commander to transfer orders securely and reliably through the Ikio-C's communications array while commanding from a less obvious target; The incredible durability of the ship certainly makes this an uncommon choice.
The weaponry was slightly overhauled and modernized. Recognising that a command ship performs it's duties best when it is still intact, the C is based on the weapons suite of the B, having in fact only been based on the original chassis because those are actually around for refit, as well as having served under their respective commanders for a while now. Even the most hidebound Navy man will surely accept the same ship, but with more comfort and doubled protection.
It is not expected to see any less aggressive tactics from these ships, but they could.

Edit: Doctrine Adaption:
Draconis Fleet Doctrine has proven sufficient. Every warship, unless otherwise noted, will carry two platoons of marines for customs enforcement and defence against boarding actions.
All ships will usually bring a 36 strong fighter complement, in the newer vessels augmented with 2 strong command flight, as well as 12 point defence small craft and 12 small craft for fleet support purposes, though those can also be pressed into a defensive role if absolutely necessary.
Ships stay organised in three fleets, with the "reserve" fleet, after the destruction of Luthien, moving a bit closer towards the TH border now that it had the potential to be a genuine operational theatre. The Battlecruisers, when not on manoeuvre-training, will be stationed near the capital.

Turn Totals: (late enough)
Code: [Select]
Year 2390
Starting 5168
Budget 356500

Maintenance Amount Cost
Kutai 0 0
Kutai II 8 19392
Kutai (moth) 5 1206
Fubuki(m) 1 319.55
Onsen 58 13340
Onsen S 0 0
Tenshu 0 0
Tenshu 二 8 2176
Monban 18 1656

Fubuki II 8 26084
Fubuki Iia
Ikioi C 3 12693
Ayakashi (training) 2516.4

Shinryakusen(m) 1 341.95
Shinryakusen 1 3419.5
Jump 34 8500
Drop 91 13650
Fighter 2128 5320
SC 580 2900

Total 113514.4

New Ships:

Fubuki Iia 3 18015
Onsen 1 460
Onsen S 16 6672
Ayakashi 2 25164


Tenshu 二 1 544
Monban 8 1472
Monban Kumo 15 1755


Minato-Ki 0
JS-B 0
Jump 6 3000
Drop 9 2700
Fighter 578 2890
SC 20 200
Castle Brian 0

Kutai II 676.8
Fubuki IIa 390
Ayakashi 3145.5
Onsen S 42
Fub 600.5
Ikioi C 846.2

4 -> 5 (prepaid) 40000
 Size: Now: 2391+:
  1 3 3
  2 2 2
  3 1 1
  4 1 0
  5 1

Repairs 32500
Research:  2 91300
Total costs: 343440.2
Colony Development 9000
Privateers 500
Remaining 6281
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: kindalas on 07 June 2020, 23:52:27
Lyran Commonwealth 2390

Dedication for the LCN Yngvi Memorial

Given by Archon Marsden-Steiner to the Estates General January January 5th 2391

“Half a century ago three nations invited their like-minded neighbours to form a Commonwealth, a new nation, conceived in liberty and duty, and dedicated to the proposition that all worlds are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great war, testing whether this nation, or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure. We have come to dedicate this place as a final resting-place for those who gave their lives in the sky above us, so that this Commonwealth might live.

The path we have chosen for the future is full of hazards, as all paths are; but it is the one most consistent with our character and courage as a nation surrounded by aggressors in this Age of War.

The cost of freedom is always high, but us Lyrans have always paid it. Our goal is not the victory of might, but the vindication of our belief that the equality of worlds is paramount. From this day forwards we will no longer strive to hold on to what is ours, to beat our enemies away from the sealed gates of the Commonwealth. Our gates shall open, and will shall sally forth to bring ruin to those who would threaten us and to rescue the worlds on our borders from their oppressors.

This monument is more then just a memorial to sacrifice it is a promise from your Archon to the Commonwealth this Age of War we have found ourselves in will be won.”

First Lord’s Office
Darren York looked up from his tablet to the officers sitting in front of him. “Summarize this bypass and consolidate doctrine for me.”
The younger officer spoke quietly. “Sir, my team at the dynamic strategy section began working on this as soon as the strategic implications of the battery system became apparent. Before this system was developed our fleets were always jumping into systems blind relying on information that was at times weeks old and there was always a week long period where our fleets were trapped and at the mercy of whomever was in system. Frequently enemy fleets were able to flee if outnumbered. This forced us to use the overwhelming force model for our warfare. And it forced us to focus on hardened targets that had to be defended.” She paused before continuing “Our planners never explicitly acknowledged this weakness despite spending countless hours strategising around it.”
Darren interrupted “But why does it call for bypassing enemy fortifications and forces?”

“This doctrine involves attacking and enemy along their entire border, snapping up worlds with a minimum of force and adding them to our manufacturing and tax base. When the inevitable counterattack occurs, our fleets can respond from a considerably wider area and engage the enemy during that weeklong interval where they are trapped.”

“How am I supposed to tell the Archon to sustain a war on four fronts? Without having him scale back on the outward expansion program?”
The older officer spoke up “Sir, we don’t think that the Archon will have trouble seeing a surrounded Commonwealth as a direct comparison to the Terran Hegemony and its current state of collapse.”
“I’ll be sure to emphasize the importance of keeping the Rimmers off balance. You two are dismissed. Get the final details of bypass and consolidate doctrine to me by tomorrow so I can brief the Archon properly.”

Code: [Select]
Lyran Commonwealth, Turn Beginning 2390 Value/Cost
Funds: $2,526.00
Revenue: $391,500.00
Shipyards: Alarion: 2/2/2 $130,000.00
New Kyoto:  0/2 $45,000.00
Tamar: 0/2 $45,000.00
Warships:  Heimdallr 1a 8 $51,000.00
Snotra 1a 8 $38,544.00
Mjolnir 3 $24,447.00
Mjolnir 1a 4 $32,908.00
Jumpships:  Nehalennia Tender 4 $15,832.00
Nehalennia Transport 36 $64,332.00
Invader 3 $1,500.00
Space Stations: Ribe 250 $36,000.00
Rán Customs Station 400 $8,000.00
Dropships:  Light 200 $60,000.00
Small Craft 1480 $14,800.00
Fighters: 2844 $14,220.00
Assets: $975,609.00

Expenses Number Cost
Maintenance $180,791.50
Colony Development Costs $10,000.00
Repair $4,000.00
Scrap: Generic Jumpships -3 $(375.00)
R&D: Lithium Fusion Battery $49,150.00
R&D: FeroCarbide Armor $49,150.00
Prototype: Hermóðr Messenger $163.00
Prototype: Marsden Defense Station $17.75
Prototype: Heimdallr 1b $928.70
Prototype: Mjolnir NAC $1,111.00
Prototype: Mjolnir NPPC $1,103.00
Refit: Mjolnir 1a -> Mjolnir NAC 4 $11,532.00
Refit: Mjolnir -> Mjolnir NPPC 3 $8,643.00
Refit: Heimdallr 1a -> Heimballer 1b 8 $23,296.00
Production:  Heimdallr 1b 0 $-   
Production:  Ribe 0 $-   
Production:  Rán Customs Station 0 $-   
Production:  Nehalennia Tender 0 $-   
Production:  Nehalennia Transport 0 $-   
Production:  Marsden Defense Station 100 $7,100.00
Production:  Mjolnir NAC 0 $-   
Production:  Mjolnir NPPC 1 $11,030.00
Production:  Hermóðr Messenger 34 $22,168.00
Alarion 2 lvl 1 $10,000.00
Jumpship Production: $500.00 0 $-   
Dropship Production: Light $300.00 0 $-   
Small Craft: $10.00 20 $200.00
Fighters: $5.00 156 $780.00
Total: $390,788.95

Lyran Commonwealth, Turn Ending 2390 Value/Cost
Funds: $3,237.05
Shipyards: Alarion: 4/2/2 $140,000.00
New Kyoto:  0/2 $45,000.00
Tamar: 0/2 $45,000.00
Warships:  Sontra 1a 8 $38,544.00
Heimdallr 1b 8 $74,296.00
Mjolnir NAC 4 $44,440.00
Mjolnir NPPC 4 $44,120.00
Jumpships:  Nehalennia Tender 4 $15,832.00
Nehalennia Transport 36 $64,332.00
Hermóðr Messenger 34 $22,168.00
Space Stations: Ribe 250 $36,000.00
Rán Customs Station 400 $8,000.00
Marsden Defense Station 100 $7,100.00
Dropships:  Light 200 $60,000.00
Small Craft 1500 $15,000.00
Fighters: 3000 $15,000.00
Assets: $678,069.05

Fleet Breakdown

The Lyran Commonwealth operates four fleets that operate on each of it's hostile borders. In the past the fleets were limited in how far they could travel while acting as a deterrent to invasion. The new Lithium Fusion Batteries are expected to greatly enhance each of the main fleet's ability to project force. When on the offensive the fleets are supported by at least two Nehalennia Transports, but more can be added based on the military's need for troop deployment.

The defensive fleets are structured around two Snotras and a supporting Nehalennia Transport they are deployed to protect the Navy construction yards and are expected to take advantage of in system jumps and their extreme maneuverability.

The 43 Hermóðr Messengers haven't been deployed in conventional fleets but they are to be used to enable scouting and rapid lines of communication across the LC. There is resistance from Navy command to using the Hermóðr to enable micro-management of fleets as fleet commander autonomy has been a strength of the LCN.

Code: [Select]
Destroyed Ships
LCN Yngvi Mjolnir

Fleet Type Border
New Kyoto FWL

LCN Freyr Mjolnir NPPC
LCN Tīw Mjolnir NAC
LCN Imðr Heimdallr 1b
LCN Eyrgjafa Heimdallr 1b
LCN Pherkad Nehalennia Transport
LCN Ciotat Nehalennia Transport

Tamar DC

LCN Freyr Mjolnir NPPC
LCN Tīg Mjolnir NAC
LCN Ulfrún Heimdallr 1b
LCN Angeyja Heimdallr 1b
LCN Zvolen Nehalennia Transport
LCN Hesperus Nehalennia Transport

Skye TH
LCN Mjolnir Mjolnir NPPC
LCN Ziu Mjolnir NAC
LCN Imðr Heimdallr 1b
LCN Járnsaxa Heimdallr 1b
LCN Dromini Nehalennia Transport
LCN Glengarry Nehalennia Transport

Alarion Prephary
LCN Frea Mjolnir NPPC
LCN Týr Mjolnir NAC
LCN Heimdallr Heimdallr 1b
LCN Eyrgjafa Heimdallr 1b
LCN Ramsau Nehalennia Transport
LCN Orestes Nehalennia Transport

Defensive Fleets
New Kyoto
LCN Vár Snotra 1a
LCN Vör Snotra 1a
LCN Hegel Nehalennia Transport

LCN Snotra Snotra 1a
LCN Sága Snotra 1a
LCN Laiaka Nehalennia Transport

LCN Sjöfn Snotra 1a
LCN Gefjon Snotra 1a
LCN Hlín Snotra 1a
LCN Lofn Snotra 1a
LCN Arcadia Nehalennia Transport
LCN Pandora Nehalennia Transport

Ran, Ribe & Marsden Deployment

LCN Prydain Nehalennia Transport
LCN Coventry Nehalennia Transport
LCN Phalan Nehalennia Transport
LCN Koniz Nehalennia Transport
LCN Karbala Nehalennia Tender
LCN Kandersteg Nehalennia Tender
LCN Porrima Nehalennia Tender
LCN Aur Nehalennia Tender

Merchant Fleet

LCN Yeguas Nehalennia Transport
LCN Antares Nehalennia Transport
LCN Cumbres Nehalennia Transport
LCN Odessa Nehalennia Transport
LCN Hillerod Nehalennia Transport
LCN Corstairs Nehalennia Transport
LCN Marfk Nehalennia Transport
LCN Tiruppur Nehalennia Transport
LCN Annwyn Nehalennia Transport
LCN Launam Nehalennia Transport
LCN Hainfeld Nehalennia Transport
LCN Esteros Nehalennia Transport
LCN Incukalns Nehalennia Transport
LCN Nox Nehalennia Transport

Prephary Growth

LCN Maestu Nehalennia Transport
LCN Vega Nehalennia Transport
LCN Dromini Nehalennia Transport
LCN Cusset Nehalennia Transport
LCN Sudeten Nehalennia Transport
LCN Lamar Nehalennia Transport

Age of War Doctrine Changes

In previous conflicts the primary avenue for invasions was the warships of the navy.

This lead to decisive battles over single worlds with value and slow annexation of the worlds surrounding conflicts.

Under Marsden's Age of War doctrine ground forces will be the avenue for invasions. By deploying Hermóðrs with the Nehalennia Transports worlds with unexpected defenders can receive heavy naval support from the Navy's fast fleets.

The risk of this plan is that invasions will cover entire fronts as easily annexed worlds will be part of the long term economic growth that this plan is designed to perpetuate.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 08 June 2020, 00:14:27
Illyrian Palatinate 2390-99

"The enemy is at the gates..."

Those were the words that came out of Palatine Harald Erikkson upon learning of how close the Marian Hegemony had encroached upon his nations borders. Happy to concern himself with wine, women and song while his councillors handled the day to day running of the country, hearing that the Hegemony was now only 2 jumps from his people's border drove him into a panic. The next day however saw a completely different man leave his chambers: Calm, sober and ready to do whatever was necessary to keep his people out of Alphard's slave markets. Production of the Snekkja was given top priority, as it was the only ship in Illyrian possession that stand up to anything that resembled an actual WarShip. Upgrading the yards at Trondheimal was suggested to further accelerate Snekkja production, but the money for such work simply could not be found without crippling the economy.

Rumors have reached Illyria that the Marians are purchasing older Terran Hulls, but the pair of Cruisers or Lolas the Marians could afford do not concern the Palatinate Navy.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2390 Value in Millions
Money Available $45,000
Remaining from Last Turn -1445
Available Shipyards

Illyria 0/1
Trondheimal 1


Maintanence 50% 21931
Prototype Cost 0

Construction Unit Price

Stations Haven 2 284 568
Warships 0
Skíðblaðnir 2 3,732 7,464
Snekkja 2 5,999 11998

Jumpships 0 500 0
Dropships 0 300 0
Fighters 280 5 1,400
Small Craft 0 10 0
Research 0

Total Spent 43361

Income 0

Remaining $194

End Turn In Service
Skíðblaðnir 6
Snekkja 4

Stations Haven 6
Jumpships 10
Dropships 20

Fighters 1000
Small Craft 120
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: truetanker on 08 June 2020, 21:14:24
Marian Hegemony 2390 Part 2

Nova Roma, Alphard
Mount Palatine, Domus of Kortan
Outside of Caesar's Palace

Kortan stroked his chin as he reread Prefect Octavia's report again. According to her report the Marian Hegemony's Navis spent way to much on recent acquisitions of late. In no particular order, the amount of live ammo usage for the Army was into the hundreds of millions of Golden Talents, being only around a few billion in the Common Bill, or C-Bill. Compared to the Navis budget of currently in debt, of which it had trillions of golden talents only a few short months ago.

Technical Report

The following is for Level Alpha ONE Clearance ONLY

Code: [Select]
Legion-class Cargo Hauler Dropship
Type: Military Aerodyne
Mass: 5,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Introduced: 3145
Mass: 5,000
Battle Value: 2,154
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-X-D
Cost: 168,220,800 C-bills

Fuel: 200 tons (6,000)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Heat Sinks: 65
Structural Integrity: 8

    Nose: 181
    Sides: 152/152
    Aft: 123

    Bay 1:  Cargo (3071.5 tons)     1 Door   

    160 rounds of AC/5 ammunition (4 tons),
    600 rounds of Machine Gun ammunition (3 tons)

Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 2
Crew:  2 officers, 3 enlisted/non-rated, 4 gunners

Notes: Mounts 36 tons of standard aerospace armor.

Weapons:                            Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                      Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV     ERV   Class       
Nose (9 Heat)
1 Large Laser                    8    1( 8)    1( 8)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
1 AC/5                           1    1(5)    1(5)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (40 shots)
RW/LW (9 Heat)
1 Large Laser                    8    1( 8)    1( 8)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
1 AC/5                           1    1(5)    1(5)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (40 shots)
3 Machine Gun                    0    1(6)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (200 shots)
Aft (9 Heat)
1 Large Laser                    8    1( 8)    1( 8)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
1 AC/5                           1    1(5)    1(5)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (40 shots)
3 Machine Gun                    0    1(6)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (200 shots)

Code: [Select]
Legion-class Army Hauler Dropship
Type: Military Aerodyne
Mass: 5,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Introduced: 3145
Mass: 5,000
Battle Value: 2,154
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-X-D
Cost: 230,716,800 C-bills

Fuel: 200 tons (6,000)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Heat Sinks: 65
Structural Integrity: 8

    Nose: 181
    Sides: 152/152
    Aft: 123

    Bay 1:  Heavy Vehicle (15)      5 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Infantry (Motorized) (28)1 Door   
    Bay 3:  Cargo (1543.5 tons)     1 Door   

    160 rounds of AC/5 ammunition (4 tons),
    600 rounds of Machine Gun ammunition (3 tons)

Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 2
Crew:  2 officers, 3 enlisted/non-rated, 4 gunners, 232 bay personnel     

Notes: Mounts 36 tons of standard aerospace armor.

Weapons:                            Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                      Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV     ERV   Class       
Nose (9 Heat)
1 Large Laser                    8    1(8)    1(8)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
1 AC/5                           1    1(5)    1(5)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (40 shots)
RW/LW (9 Heat)
1 Large Laser                    8    1(8)    1(8)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
1 AC/5                           1    1(5)    1(5)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (40 shots)
3 Machine Gun                    0    1(6)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (200 shots)
Aft (9 Heat)
1 Large Laser                    8    1(8)    1(8)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
1 AC/5                           1    1(5)    1(5)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (40 shots)
3 Machine Gun                    0    1(6)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (200 shots)

Code: [Select]
Legion-class Assault Carrier Dropship
Type: Military Aerodyne
Mass: 5,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Introduced: 3145
Mass: 5,000
Battle Value: 3,387
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-D
Cost: 182,584,800 C-bills

Fuel: 200 tons (6,000)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Heat Sinks: 65
Structural Integrity: 8

    Nose: 181
    Sides: 152/152
    Aft: 123

    Bay 1:  Fighter (10)            1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (1151.5 tons)     1 Door   

    160 rounds of AC/5 ammunition (8 tons),
    600 rounds of Machine Gun ammunition (3 tons),
    11 rounds of Barracuda ammunition (330 tons)

Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 2
Crew:  2 officers, 3 enlisted/non-rated, 4 gunners, 20 bay personnel     

Notes: Mounts 36 tons of standard aerospace armor.

Weapons:                                    Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                              Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV     ERV   Class       
Nose (19 Heat)
1 Large Laser                            8    1(8)    1(8)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
1 AC/5                                   1    1(5)    1(5)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (40 shots)
1 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)  10   2(20)   2(20)   2(20)   2(20)  Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (11 shots)
RW/LW (9 Heat)
1 Large Laser                            8    1(8)    1(8)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
1 AC/5                                   1    1(5)    1(5)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (40 shots)
3 Machine Gun                            0    1(6)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (200 shots)
Aft (9 Heat)
1 Large Laser                            8    1(8)    1(8)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
1 AC/5                                   1    1(5)    1(5)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (40 shots)
3 Machine Gun                            0    1(6)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (200 shots)

Built as a standard operational dropship of the Marian Hegemony, that has the capacity to be ruggedly adaptive, these Legion-class Light droppers carry thirty-six tons of standard heavy commercial plate armor, sheathing them from most weapons. The basic model, also know as the Cargo Hauler can carry up to three thousand, seventy-one tons and a half with easy while pushing close to 3 G's of gravity.

Next up is the Army Hauler, built on the same chassis modeled for the Cargo Hauler, it too carries the same armaments as the basic. Armed with four Lasar Magna and Parva Tormentis AC 5 combos, three located in the front of the vessel and one protecting the rear as it flies thru space. For Anti-Missile or Point Defenses, it carries triple Jejunium Iaculis in the fore right and left arcs as well as the aft, each arc contains two hundred rounds of machine gun ammo. While the Cargo Hauler is so equipped like this, the Army's version carries into combat up to three Century's of Heavy vehicles. While some might say it is a waste of space to build when lighter units might be assigned to this dropper, it was an ergonomic conundrum that was easily solved by allowing smaller units to transported. Also included was bunkrooms for up to twenty-eight squads of infantry, now while this may seem a lot, the Army Hauler does have the ability to transport Colonists when not used by the Marian Legions.

Lastly, the Legion-class Assault Carrier, also built on the Cargo Hauler frame, using the same armaments, but includes a special surprise located in the nose, a Sphyraenidae-class 'Cuda launcher. It's been outfitted with eleven shots of ammo and carries a full Ala, or wing of ten Aerospace units. Of which the standard allocation is three Century's of Falco, the space superior fighter and two of Bueto, the heavy bomber. Each traveling 4 G's at max acceleration.

For ease of reference :

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Falco 
Mass:              65 tons

Equipment:                                                              Mass
Power Plant:  195 Fusion                                                 8,00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 5
      Maximum Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity: 6                                                   ,00
Total Heat Sinks:    10 Single                                            ,00
Fuel:                                                                    4,00
Cockpit & Attitude Thrusters:                                            3,00
Armor Type:  Standard  (224 total armor pts)                            14,00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Nose:                                 75
   Left/Right Wings:                    53/53
   Aft:                                  43

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
2 Machine Gun              Nose         2     --     --     --    0      1,00
  Ammo (MG) 200            ---                                           1,00
3 Autocannon/5             Nose         5      5     --     --    3     24,00
  Ammo (AC/5) 60           ---                                           3,00
2 Machine Gun              RW           2     --     --     --    0      1,00
2 Machine Gun              LW           2     --     --     --    0      1,00
  Ammo (MG) 400            ---                                           2,00
2 Machine Gun              Aft          2     --     --     --    0      1,00
  Ammo (MG) 200            ---                                           1,00
1 Refueling drogue (Aft).                                                1,00
TOTALS:                                                     Heat: 3     65,00
Tons Left:                                                                ,00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        2.843.384 C-Bills
Battle Value:      859

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Bueto 
Mass:              65 tons

Equipment:                                                              Mass
Power Plant:  195 Fusion                                                 8,00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 5
      Maximum Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity: 6                                                   ,00
Total Heat Sinks:    10 Single                                            ,00
Fuel:                                                                    8,00
Cockpit & Attitude Thrusters:                                            3,00
Armor Type:  Standard  (224 total armor pts)                            14,00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Nose:                                 75
   Left/Right Wings:                    53/53
   Aft:                                  43

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
2 Machine Gun              Nose         2     --     --     --    0      1,00
  Ammo (MG) 200            ---                                           1,00
2 Autocannon/5             Nose         5      5     --     --    2     16,00
  Ammo (AC/5) 40           ---                                           2,00
2 Machine Gun              RW           2     --     --     --    0      1,00
2 Machine Gun              LW           2     --     --     --    0      1,00
  Ammo (MG) 400            ---                                           2,00
2 Machine Gun              Aft          2     --     --     --    0      1,00
  Ammo (MG) 200            ---                                           1,00
1 Refueling drogue (Aft).                                                1,00
1 Bomb Bay                                                               5,00
TOTALS:                                                     Heat: 2     65,00
Tons Left:                                                                ,00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        2.672.856 C-Bills
Battle Value:      780

Closing the report down, Kortan continues stroking his chin, his mind on possible strategies that his Caesar could use... he'll make it a report on how the possible dropship upgrade to this newier, even heavier class that was recently proposed by the Naval portion of the Collegium Bellorum Imperium.

Oddly he had read a footnote report on the peoples of Marius' Tears wanting to rename their planet Herculaneum, as they wanted to be more "roman". It has become a vacationing paradise with it's scenic volcanism.

Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 10 June 2020, 03:15:10
Rim Worlds Republic Turn 2390-99

First Consul,

I have to report the unfortunate death of Grand Admiral Sue Rijpype last night, the cause is believed to be a heart attack. I am to be her replacement. At this time the fleet is in good spirits despite the losses suffered at Liezen, with the navy's role in the expansion of the Republic a particular point of pride. Further construction of recharge stations to include the newly occupied systems into the Republics network have begun, and a large order of fighters has been made to try to fill the required slots for those stations.

I have to mention however the review of the Battle of Liezen has shown that the time of the Vittoria serving as the fleets main combat vessel is nearing it's end. Even with the upgraded armour and firepower they proved unable to stand in the wall of battle for long against the larger, more powerful Mjolnir and Ikioi. A new, larger design is needed with utmost urgency, however while we had the budget to begin the upgrading of one of the slips over Apollo, we lack the funds to begin construction of the newly designed Carcharodon-class Heavy Cruiser.

The Sagittarius on the other hand served it's role superbly, it's large missile volleys doing tremendous damage despite the heavy point defences found on the vessels of both opposing fleets. The only major fault found is related to the magazines being too small for extended battles.

I know that you wish to take advantage of how the Terran Hegemony's apparent weakness has distracted the Lyran Commonwealth, but even the fraction of their fleet that can be spared to face us is more than we can currently handle. I humbly request a further delay in offensive actions against the Commonwealth until we have fleet assets capable of defeating their larger vessels.


Admiral Faye Dinawae.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2390 Value in Millions
Money Available $174,500
Remaining from Last Turn $822
Available Shipyards

Apollo 0/2
Golandrinas 0/1
Icar 1

Repairs $1,000
Colony Development $12,000
Maintanence 50% $105,146
Prototype Cost $0
0 $0
Variant $0
Construction Unit Price
Shipyards Apollo S2 > S3 30,000 $30,000

Stations Tartarus 12 315 $3,780
Aspida 0 152 $0
Warships $0
Vittoria II 0 6,746 $0
Saggitarius 0 5,958 $0
Ichnilátis 0 5,189 $0
Refits $0
Jumpships 0 500 $0
Dropships Small 0 300 $0
Medium 0 500 $0
Fighters 1000 5 $5,000
Small Craft 0 10 $0
Research Blazers 1 $19,215 $19,215

Total Spent $176,141
Income Aspida Licencse 35 8 $280

Remaining -$539
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: kindalas on 12 June 2020, 18:50:28
TRO Lyran Commonwealth 2390

As soon as Lithium Fusion batteries were identified as being a theoretically possible addition to the KF Cores used by the Lyran Navy design work on the Hermóðr Messenger began.

Starting from the smallest commercial courier jumpships that were in use the Lyran design teams started working to integrate the the advanced sensor and ECM systems found on the Heimdallr into a tiny 50,000 ton design.

The vessel was protected by the most advanced armors avaialable to the Navy, the fuel capacity was prioratised to allow for extended operations a tiny 90m gravdeck was included to keep the crew healthy and over 200 tons of cargo were included in the design to supply the 9 crew members.

The Hermóðr is a courier and a scout.

It exists as the eyes and ears of the Navy, frequently jumping well beyond the standard emergence points or deep into solar systems for scouting missions.

With an inital production run of over 30 vessels several Hermóðrs are to be attached to each fleet.

Others will form the backbone of Commonwealth wide communication chains.

Code: [Select]
Hermóðr Messenger
Mass: 50,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 3145
Mass: 50,000
Battle Value: 634

Cost: 652,036,375 C-bills

Fuel: 400 tons (4,000)
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Sail Integrity: 3
KF Drive Integrity: 2
Heat Sinks: 79
Structural Integrity: 1

    Nose: 5
    Fore Sides: 6/6
    Aft Sides: 6/6
    Aft: 4

    Bay 1:  Cargo (236.0 tons)      1 Door

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 1 (90 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 2
Crew:  2 officers, 7 enlisted/non-rated

Notes: Equipped with
    Lithium-Fusion battery system
    Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Small)
27.5 tons of ferro-carbide armor.


The second refit of the Heimdallr was fairly basic consisting of new advanced armor composites a lithium fusion battery system.

The marine and infantry bays were extensively modified. Marine quarters were reduced to a half battalion (504 steerange quarters) of troopers and the regimental quarters were tripped to over 9000 soldiers (in cramped bays).

Cargo capacity of the refitted vessel increased by 3000 tons which is expected to be used for more consumables for the short term passengers.

Code: [Select]

Heimdallr 1b Light Cruiser
Mass: 500,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Mass: 500,000
Battle Value: 74,288

Cost: 9,286,958,000 C-bills

Fuel: 2,500 tons (6,250)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 12
Heat Sinks: 4,768
Structural Integrity: 120

    Nose: 146
    Fore Sides: 185/185
    Aft Sides: 185/185
    Aft: 146

    Bay 1:  Fighter (120)           6 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Small Craft (40)        4 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Infantry (9072 troops) 1 Door   
    Bay 4:  Cargo (21256.0 tons)    1 Door   

    9,600 rounds of Machine Gun ammunition (48 tons),
    160 rounds of Barracuda ammunition (4,800 tons),
    1,152 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition (192 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 4 (240 m, 240 m, 240 m, 240 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 40
Crew:  35 officers, 110 enlisted/non-rated, 60 gunners, 9512 bay personnel, 504 marines

Notes: Equipped with
    Lithium-Fusion battery system
    Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Small)
1,200 tons of ferro-carbide armor.

Weapons:                                    Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                              Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (148 Heat)
10 PPC                                  100  10(100) 10(100)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
8 LRM 20                                48   10(96)  10(96)  10(96)    0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 Ammo (1152 shots)
12 Machine Gun                           0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
FRS/FLS (1,028 Heat)
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                     900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
8 LRM 20                                48   10(96)  10(96)  10(96)    0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 Ammo (1152 shots)
8 PPC                                   80   8(80)   8(80)    0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
RBS/LBS (180 Heat)
10 PPC                                  100  10(100) 10(100)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
12 Machine Gun                           0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
8 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)  80   16(160) 16(160) 16(160) 16(160)  Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (80 shots)
ARS/ALS (1,028 Heat)
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                     900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
8 LRM 20                                48   10(96)  10(96)  10(96)    0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 Ammo (1152 shots)
8 PPC                                   80   8(80)   8(80)    0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
Aft (148 Heat)
10 PPC                                  100  10(100) 10(100)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
8 LRM 20                                48   10(96)  10(96)  10(96)    0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 Ammo (1152 shots)
12 Machine Gun                           0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)

The Mjolnir refits were similar to the Heimdallr with the addition of the LF Battery and new armor composites. Like the Heimdallr the number of Marines were reduced to a half battalion but unlike the Heimdallr the shorterm infantry quarters were left unchanged.

The broadside Barracuda missile launchers were replaced with half as many White Shark lauchers. The heavier launchers were chosen because they had proven more adept at damaging critical components during the early stages of an engagement.

As before the Mjolnir was actually two classes of vessels that only differ in their primary armaments. The vessels would still be deployed in pairs but the secrecy surrounding the Autto Cannon equipped models has been dropped. There was a long debate about switching to only autocannon equipped vessels but it was felt that with the slightly faster engagement speed of the LC's neighbours the extra range avaiable to the Heavy PPCs would balance engagements in the LC's favor.

Code: [Select]
Mjolnir NPPC Cruiser
Mass: 750,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 3145
Mass: 750,000
Battle Value: 104,058
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-F
Cost: 11,030,454,000 C-bills

Fuel: 1,000 tons (2,500)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Sail Integrity: 5
KF Drive Integrity: 16
Heat Sinks: 7,840
Structural Integrity: 130

    Nose: 211
    Fore Sides: 304/304
    Aft Sides: 304/304
    Aft: 211

    Bay 1:  Fighter (60)            8 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Small Craft (18)        6 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Infantry (1008 troopers)   1 Door   
    Bay 4:  Cargo (33852.0 tons)    1 Door   

    160 rounds of White Shark ammunition (6,400 tons),
    28,800 rounds of Machine Gun ammunition (144 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 2 (250 m, 250 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 208
Crew:  46 officers, 149 enlisted/non-rated, 79 gunners, 1218 bay personnel, 504 marines

Notes: Equipped with
    lithium-fusion battery system
    1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Large)
1,950 tons of ferro-carbide armor.

Weapons:                                      Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (200 Heat)
24 Machine Gun                             0   5(48)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (960000 shots)
20 PPC                                    200  20(200) 20(200)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
FRS/FLS (1,800 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                             0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                       900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                       900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
RBS/LBS (120 Heat)
24 Machine Gun                             0   5(48)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (960000 shots)
8 Capital Missile Launcher (White Shark)  120  24(240) 24(240) 24(240) 24(240)  Capital Missile
    White Shark Ammo (80 shots)
ARS/ALS (1,800 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                             0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                       900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                       900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
Aft (200 Heat)
24 Machine Gun                             0   5(48)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (960000 shots)
20 PPC                                    200  20(200) 20(200)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         

Code: [Select]
Mjolnir NAC Cruiser
Mass: 750,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 3145
Mass: 750,000
Battle Value: 210,402
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-F
Cost: 11,110,134,000 C-bills

Fuel: 1,000 tons (2,500)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Sail Integrity: 5
KF Drive Integrity: 16
Heat Sinks: 3,840
Structural Integrity: 130

    Nose: 211
    Fore Sides: 304/304
    Aft Sides: 304/304
    Aft: 211

    Bay 1:  Fighter (60)            8 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Small Craft (18)        6 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Infantry (1008 troopers)   1 Door   
    Bay 4:  Cargo (20828.0 tons)    1 Door   

    160 rounds of White Shark ammunition (6,400 tons),
    28,800 rounds of Machine Gun ammunition (144 tons),
    1,280 rounds of NAC/30 ammunition (1,024 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 2 (250 m, 250 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 208
Crew:  46 officers, 149 enlisted/non-rated, 79 gunners, 1218 bay personnel, 504 marines

Notes: Equipped with
    lithium-fusion battery system
    1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Large)
1,950 tons of ferro-carbide armor.

Weapons:                                      Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (200 Heat)
24 Machine Gun                             0   5(48)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (960000 shots)
20 PPC                                    200  20(200) 20(200)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
FRS/FLS (800 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                             0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)               200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (80 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)               200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (80 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)               200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (80 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)               200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (80 shots)
RBS/LBS (120 Heat)
24 Machine Gun                             0   5(48)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (960000 shots)
8 Capital Missile Launcher (White Shark)  120  24(240) 24(240) 24(240) 24(240)  Capital Missile
    White Shark Ammo (80 shots)
ARS/ALS (800 Heat)
12 Machine Gun                             0   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)               200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (80 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)               200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (80 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)               200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (80 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)               200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (80 shots)
Aft (200 Heat)
24 Machine Gun                             0   5(48)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (960000 shots)
20 PPC                                    200  20(200) 20(200)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         

Protecting the temporary tansit points in critical systems has been a drain on resources for decades. The policy of leaving squadrons of Marsden fighters just floating to wait for intruders to arrive had paid off dividends. However a small group of autonomous fighters would never slow down any kind of invasion force.

The Marsden Defense station is very similar to the Rán Customs Station, but with several critical differeces. The Marsden is autonomusly operated and its heavy missile batteries all face in a single direction. It is intened that the station would deplete its munitions as quickly as possible before being overwhelmed.

It has enough firepower to leave a raiding jumpship or refitted Aquilla a broken hulk and to cause a fleet serious issues when recovering from the after effects of a jump.

The station itself doesn't have any fighter launch bays but where one is deployed any number of Marsden fighters can be left in space near the station.

Code: [Select]
Marsden Defense Station
Mass: 5,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 3145
Mass: 5,000
Battle Value: 4,869
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-F
Cost: 71,415,500 C-bills

Fuel: 400 tons (4,000)
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Sail Integrity: N/A
Heat Sinks: 204
Structural Integrity: 1

    Nose: 15
    Fore Sides: 15/15
    Aft Sides: 15/15
    Aft: 15

    Bay 1:  Cargo (271.0 tons)      1 Door   

    60 rounds of White Shark ammunition (2,400 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 0
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 0
Crew:  12 officers, 34 enlisted/non-rated, 25 gunners

Notes: Equipped with
    1 Smart Robotic Control System (SRCS)(Improved)
75 tons of ferro-carbide armor.

Weapons:                                      Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (104 Heat)
6 Capital Missile Launcher (White Shark)  90   18(180) 18(180) 18(180) 18(180)  Capital Missile
    White Shark Ammo (60 shots)
14 Small Laser                            14   4(42)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
FRS/FLS (20 Heat)
20 Small Laser                            20   6(60)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
ARS/ALS (20 Heat)
20 Small Laser                            20   6(60)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
Aft (20 Heat)
20 Small Laser                            20   6(60)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense

The original Marsden aerospace fighter was a gamble and technological demonstrator. It dedicated space to a dual control system and longterm life support modules.

The refit discards the redundant systems and half of the fighters fuel supply to add Fero-Aluminum Armor, an EECM system to protect the craft's AI system and an additional PPC to give the fighters a very heavy punch.

The Marsden is still slow, unmanuverable and thinly armored when compared to the Shu but it serves a much different purpose then the Shu.

The Marsden is still viewed as a disposable weapon by the Navy.

Leaving them at jumpoints during invasions to deter sneak attacks is standard operating procedure.

As is deploying them during an in system flip over as extremely effective kinetic impactors. 

Code: [Select]

Marsden MRD-4R

Mass: 100 tons
Power Plant: 100 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Ferro-Aluminum
     4 PPC
     4 Medium Laser

Cost: 4,844,500 C-bills

Type: Marsden
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Tonnage: 100
Battle Value: 1,593

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        100 Fusion              3
Safe Thrust: 3
Max Thrust: 5
Structural Integrity:         10                       
Heat Sinks:                   40                     30
Fuel:                         800                  10.0
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor (Ferro)          241                  13.5

     Nose                    81   
     Wings                 60/60   
     Aft                     40   

and Ammo                                 Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
4 PPCs                                     NOS       28.0     10    10   10    0    0 
Medium Laser                               RWG       1.0      3      5    0    0    0 
Medium Laser                               LWG       1.0      3      5    0    0    0 
2 Medium Lasers                            AFT       2.0      3      5    0    0    0 
Smart Robotic Control System(Improved)     FSLG      7.0      -      -    -    -    - 
ECM Suite                                  FSLG      1.5      -      -    -    -    - 

The SH-4 Shu is a refit of the SH-3 Aerspace fighter. It was refitted with new armor composites and an advanced ECM system that is based on the designs that have been found on the LC's warships for the past decade.

The fighter is still as manuverable as a Snotra and it still carries 2 PPCs in its nose and the machineguns that allow the fighters to operate as close support against missile fire was maintained.

Code: [Select]
Shu SH-4

Mass: 90 tons
Power Plant: 360 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 64.8 kph
Maximum Speed: 97.2 kph
Armor: Ferro-Aluminum
     2 PPC
     12 Machine Gun
Cost: 5,968,055 C-bills

Type: Shu
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 90
Battle Value: 1,613

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        360 Fusion             33
Safe Thrust: 6
Max Thrust: 9
Structural Integrity:         9                       
Heat Sinks:                   19                      9
Fuel:                         400                   5.0
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor (Ferro)          313                  17.5

     Nose                   101   
     Wings                 76/76   
     Aft                     60   

and Ammo                 Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
2 PPCs                     NOS       14.0     10    10   10    0    0 
2 Machine Guns             NOS       1.0      0      2    0    0    0 
3 Machine Guns             RWG       1.5      0      2    0    0    0 
3 Machine Guns             LWG       1.5      0      2    0    0    0 
4 Machine Guns             AFT       2.0      0      2    0    0    0 
Machine Gun Ammo (200)     FSLG      1.0      -      -    -    -    - 
ECM Suite                  FSLG      1.5      -      -    -    -    - 

Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: kindalas on 13 June 2020, 22:50:02
Added Fleet deployments and doctrine changes to my turn.

Explained how the "Age of War" doctrine works and tried to keep it vague enough to give the GMs room to let it fail or succeed in dramatic fashion.

Edit: wrong thread my bad.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 24 June 2020, 04:04:34
Sorry this took so long,

2390-99 Turn Report

Operation Weserübung, 2394

Seeing the potential threat of the Rim Worlds - Rasalhague alliance and wanting to do whatever was necessary to split them apart before they became the Seventh Great House, Archon Alistar Marsden pushed the Admiralty to launch Operation Weserübung. This involved the invasion of both nations targeting the shipyards at Icar and New Oslo, with further assaults on the capitals of both nations if the initial attacks went well.

Concerns about the orbital defences that would likely be present, and the decision not to use their newly developed doctrine of ‘Bypass and Consolidate’ were initially dismissed, the Archon Marsden stating that “These were Peripherats after all, not the Draconis Combine or Terran Hegemony”. The Admiralty were eventually able to convince the Archon of the potential danger in the end, and the initial attack would focus solely on the Rim Worlds Republic. However he still insisted on focusing on the yards at Icar as the battle fleet's primary target, although he allowed the taking of the border worlds with the fleet's large flotilla of Nehalennia Transports.

Preparations began in 2391, with the ships in both the Tamar and Alarion squadrons given first priority for the planned upgrades to their vessels. These refits, the need to gather the ships at intended start point in the Keller system plus the Admiralty throwing the mother of all send-off parties at Tamar for the officers of the fleet just in time for Christmas (followed by a slight delay while those officers were fished out of drunk tanks, and any legal proceeding dealt with) delayed the attack until early 2394. The plan was for the Tamar and Alarion Squadrons to each hit a border world and wait for the RWN response before taking advantage of the Lithium-Fusion Batteries to double jump straight to Icar to strike the yards while the RWN were reacting to the initial attacks along the border. Rim Worlds Intelligence had noticed the buildup on their borders just before Christmas 2393 and expected the attack, they just didn’t know where it would fall. In response they had issued orders to the entire Rim Worlds Navy to gather at Icar to be ready to counter attack. Beta squadron was already based in the system and were ready for whatever came their way, Alpha Squadron however were in the middle of it’s maintenance cycle and would not be available for a few weeks while Delta and Epsilon Squadrons were scattered across the edges of the Republic and would take time to rally together. Word had been sent to Rasalhague asking for assistance, and Elected Prince Sven Anitisson sent what aid he could spare.

The operation began with attacks at Planting and Seiduts, the newly built and not yet fully equipped recharge stations in both systems surrendering almost immediately rather than committing Suicide by WarShip. However there had been no civilian jumpships present in either system to spread word of the attacks, and so while the Nehalennia transports arrived to begin securing both colonies the battle fleet pressed on to Harvest, where there was a jumpship parked at the Zenith point just outside weapon range that dutifully advanced to the rear to spread word of the Commonwealth’s arrival. And two weeks later, right on schedule the RWN arrived, close enough to be detected by the waiting LCN vessels but far enough out that the strength of the arriving fleet was not clear. Still the LCN Admiral stuck to the plan and double-jumped for Icar, leaving the newly arrived RWN Beta Squadron far behind. However the slight delay to the plan had given time for the PRN ships to turn up, as well as parts of Delta and Epsilon Squadrons arriving in ones and twos.

Thus it was that while the Rim Worlders were shocked to see the Lyran Navy arrive in the Icar system before any word of them leaving Harvest had been received, the Lyrans were also surprised to see half of the RWNs battle line waiting in orbit to receive them along with the Rasalhague navy and the surprisingly thick satellite network. Still Admiral Rick O’Shea was confident of victory and sent his ships into battle. O’Shea ordered his ships to remain at extreme range as best they could to make maximum use of their superior EW suites to cause havoc with the Rim Worlds targeting systems. While this was largely effective early on, the sheer weight of fire of three hundred Naval Lasers coming out of the Aspida-class satellites pretty much guaranteed they would be taking some damage. Still the Commonwealth fared much better than their opponents, with the cloud of Aspida satellites being thinned out rather quickly, their lack of maneuverability and thin armour making them easy targets. The LCN’s electronic countermeasures were a problem for the combined RWR/PoR fleet, however the Ichnilátis with it’s enhanced scanner suite seemed to be suffering less than the rest of the fleet. They tried to share their targeting solutions with the rest of the fleet, but the benefits of what information they were able to send were marginal, though better than nothing. The other solution both halves of the combined fleets came to was to simply close the range as fast as possible, losses would be high but at least they would take some of the Lyrans with them.

Admiral O’Shea saw this change of plan, and knowing that his ships couldn’t hope to maintain the range for long, instead decided to push past the enemy to hit his primary target, and then either try to use his momentum to break off and escape or turn to face the Combined Fleet once again. This led to the range between both navies closing rapidly, with the Combined Fleet focusing their fire on the two Mjolnir NACs, which were quite easily identified earlier in the battle purely because they were the ones not firing while the range was so long. The Lyrans however focused on the Ichnilátis as they were growing concerned by the surprising accuracy of fire coming from the frigates. The volleys of fire traded between both fleets and their swarm of fighter craft as they merged tore apart three of the four Ichnilátis, broke the Sagittarius RWS Rhodes in half and reduced the Hund PRNS Veitsi to a rapidly expanding cloud of debris with the rest of the Combined Fleet suffering varying, lesser amounts of damage, whilst the LCN fleet had the LCS Tig and LCS Freyr heavily damaged and the crew of the LCS Heimdallr abandoned ship after a lucky missile strike crippled it’s engines just before it collided with aft end of the recently destroyed RWS Agamemnon. Still the Commonwealth fleet had pushed past their enemy and had their target open before them, and they wasted little time tearing the yard apart before burning for the outer edges of the system. While the Combined Fleet could have chased them down, they instead busied themselves recovering survivors.

The Lyran fleet returned to Harvest, coincidentally just 12 hours after the RWN fleet in the system had heard where the Lyrans had gone and jumped away to return to Icar after them. The badly damaged ships were sent on to Tamar for repairs while the ships that stayed were reinforced by a pair of Snotras and later two Nehalennia transports that arrived to begin the assault on the colony itself. Back in Icar the Rim Worlds admirals were trying to figure out just how the LCN had moved so fast, and while their entire fleet was now concentrated and could defeat the ships that had just struck them, they could not be sure exactly where the LCN fleet had just gone, and much of their newly-concentrated fleet was damaged and had to be fixed. In the end worlds that were lost were deemed not worth the further damage to the fleet that would happen trying to retake them.

Battle result:

RWR -     3 Ichnilátis Lost, 1 Sagittarius Lost, 27 Aspida Lost, 356 Fighters Lost, 38 Small Craft Lost
    Fleet Repairs - $8 Billion
    3 Tartarus Stations lost
    Icar Shipyard Destroyed.

PoR -     1 Hund II Lost, 20 Fighters Lost, 6 Small Craft Lost
    Fleet Repairs - $6 Billion

LC -     1 Heimdallr 1b Lost, 200 Fighters Lost, 15 Small Craft Lost
    Fleet Repairs - $12 Billion
    3 Tartarus Stations Captured

Seiduts, Planting and Harvest captured by Lyran Commonwealth.

Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 24 June 2020, 04:12:54
Turn 2390-99 Continued

A Comedy of Errors, 2396

The 2390s saw the Marian Hegemony steadily encroach closer and closer to the Illyrian Palatinate, and it seemed only a matter of time before the two nations would be trading fire. The situation would finally come to head in 2396, but not quite in the way most would expect.

A Illyrian Skíðblaðnir-class corvette (IPNS Rauma) was patrolling the Lahti system when it received a distress call from the Ave Maria, a civilian JumpShip hailing from the Free Worlds League parked at the Nadir jump point. Rushing to it’s aid it detected a dropship (The Fancy) known to be operated by the local pirate band, which having also spotted the incoming corvette broke clear of the embattled JumpShip and fled as fast as it could. If not for the momentum the Rauma had already built up the pirates probably could have escaped and made their way to their hideout, instead the Rauma was entering weapon range just as the velocities of the two craft were starting to even out. And this is when all the chaos broke out.

The Rauma’s crew were so intent on catching the pirates, and the pirates so focused on escaping them that neither ship had noticed the thermal bloom of two incoming ships directly in front of the fleeing pirate vessel. That thermal bloom was the MHS Limoncello (Limoncello-class) and the MHS Alphard (Scapha I-class), coming to lay claim to the system. The Rauma fired it’s missile tubes at the Dropship, of the four missiles only 1 hit, disabling one of the droppers main thrusters and sending it into an uncontrolled spin. Of the other three missiles two would fire off into the distance before self-destructing after a predetermined flight time, the third would have joined the other two had the MHS Alphard not suddenly appeared in its path. Sensors blinded by their own emergence wave the Marian ships point defences had no chance of stopping the missiles, and it scored a direct hit on the bridge of the Scapha, killing the entire command crew and leaving the ship unable to evade the out of control dropship currently spiraling towards it.

Fortunately for the Alphard, the dropship only scored a glancing blow on the vessel. Unfortunately that glancing blow was to the aft quarter, and the impact of five kilotons of dropship travelling at hypersonic speeds was still enough to break multiple fuel lines, spraying fuel throughout the engine compartment which would ignite a few short minutes later, tearing the engine compartment clean off the ship and the force of the explosion combined with the G forces of the earlier collision reduced most of the crew to the consistency of chunky salsa. The Fancy however was torn open down the port side from stem to stern like a can opener, spilling the ship's crew and cargo into the void.

This was the image that was presented to the MHS Limoncello as it recovered from its own sensor blindness:
* It’s escorting Scapha was missing the rear third of the ship and spinning off out of control.
* A Marian-built dropship was rapidly tearing itself apart as it spun off into deep space (the fact it was listed as stolen was not relevant at this time)
* A Illyrian corvette was flying past at high speed untouched, desperately trying to pretend like it wasn’t there

The captain of the Limoncello rapidly put two and two together, got five, and ordered the gunners to open fire on the Rauma. A Skíðblaðnir could be described in many ways, well armoured is not one of them. Naval Lasers and Autocannons blazed away at the little ship, and despite the crews best efforts to evade it wasn’t long before the Rauma was a twisted wreck, joining the Fancy in it’s out of control journey into deep space as a tomb for it’s crew.

The occupation of the Lahti system - the reason the Marian ships had come in the first place - would continue even without the Alphard, the Limoncello carrying more than enough forces to take control of the small colony on the world. Vengeance for their fallen brothers would come in time, when the full force of the Hegemony could be brought to bear.

Marian Losses: 1 Scapha I lost, 30 Small Craft lost, 20 Fighters lost
Illyrian Losses: 1 Skíðblaðnir lost, 2 Small Craft lost, 6 Fighters lost

Goin’ Huntin’, 2399

By 2399 the United Hindu Collective felt it had the spare fleet strength to finally remove the largest pirate band in their area of the Periphery: the so called Dead Rabbits based out of the Warren system. Wanting to ensure that no pirates escaped to cause trouble in the future, nearly half of the UHCN was committed to this operation. Both the Zenith and Nadir points of the system would be hit by a Shooraveer-class frigate, while the third Shooraveer and 3 Maharaj-class Cruisers would jump into the relatively stable pirate point that existed between the one inhabitable world in the system and it’s quite large moon. The hope was that with all three of the obvious escape routes covered the Dead Rabbits would swiftly surrender.

There was a ‘Significant Emotional Event’ on board the bridge of the UHCS Maharaj when it arrived at the pirate point to find a completely unexpected Dart-class cruiser parked just six hundred kilometres off the port bow, but the pirates were even more surprised and slow to react. The Maharaj as well as it’s newly arriving sister ships were able to bring their guns to bear and begin firing before the Dart (named the Kamchatka by it’s captain and ruler of Warren, Zinovy Rozhestvensky) even managed to get it’s guns properly manned and warm up. The crew of the Kamchatka fought far more valiantly than most would expect of pirates, but caught by surprise and unable to use some of the ships biggest guns due to lack of maintenance or ammunition supply, the final result was in little doubt and while each of the UHCN vessels had taken damage, none of it was sufficient to knock them out of action.

Having removed the only real threat to their existence in the system, the Collective ships entered a low orbit over the only large settlement on the planet and disgorged it’s half dozen dropships, packed to the gills with some of the finest troops the Hindu Collective had to offer. With their leader dead many of the pirates either surrendered without a fight or fled into the wilderness, but some stood and fought to the last. It was as the last of the pirates were being cleared out of the stone palace that Rozhestvensky had worked so many slaves to death to have built, that two of the UHC soldiers found something that would flip the whole operation on its head. Over three dozen people, each one a scion of one of the Collective’s noble houses including the Maharaj’s heir herself, were found dead, their bodies horribly mutilated. It was not initially clear just how long they had been dead, or how they had all gotten there as many of them were supposed to be at a resort on Panpour, but their discovery drove the entire UHC taskforce into a rage. Despite Admiral Ajaz Singha’s repeated calls for calm and to secure prisoners for interrogation the soldiers on the ground systematically executed everyone they found who put up even token resistance. Any kind of organised resistance was met with orbital artillery, with little care for any potential collateral damage. Many of those killed were guilty of nothing except for living on the same world as pirates. By the time the Admiral finally regained control of his men over half of the people who had called the world home were dead or wounded, and most of the rest had run for the hills and would eventually die of starvation or exposure. The only information Admiral Singha had to investigate the abductions were transaction records found in the remains of the now burnt-out palace, which would take time to sort through.

Upon their return to Besantapur and the Admiral’s report to Maharaj Lakshmi Kapil, the Maharaj collapsed and was dead before medical attention could reach him, A heart attack is believed to be the cause. With the Maharaj dead and no clear heir to take over, the nobility of the collective would argue for a few short months over who should ascend the throne until at last through much politicking Chandra Ghandi, brother-in-law of the late Maharaj and head of the Collective Intelligence Agency came out on top, to the surprise of much of the nobility. He vowed to track down who organised such a travesty and ensured the people that vengeance would be had.

UHC Losses -     3 Fighters Lost
        Repairs - $1.5 Billion


Terran Hegemony: $748 B

Draconis Combine: $374 B
Federated Suns: $398 B
Capellan Confederation: $413 B
Free Worlds League: $390 B
Lyran Commonwealth: $417 B

Rim Worlds League: $185 B
Principality of Rasalhague: $102 B
United Hindu Collective: $85 B
Taurian Concordat: $105 B
Marian Hegemony: $77 B
Illyrian Palatinate: $51 B

The Inner Sphere, Jan 1, 2400 (
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: VensersRevenge on 29 June 2020, 23:50:02
Free Worlds League, 2400
The Free Worlds League may have only been peripherally involved in the events of the 2390's, it soon became clear that it's Navy suffered the worst losses of any power in that decade. Captain Admiral Michaels died of a heart attack on June 24 2399 on the bridge of Juliano Marik. The pills he had been taking to continue leading the FWLN had taken their toll, but it soon became clear just why Michaels resisted retirement for so long. The position of Captain Admiral was created by Captain General Geraldine Marik for Michaels, it was unclear whether Captain General Peter Marik was to appoint his successor, if it was to a Parliamentary decision, or if Captain Admirals were promoted strictly through the Navy. Unsurprisingly, the Parliament argued it was their responsibility, and then descended into years of bickering over the various candidates. Peter Marik was too busy campaigning in the field to step in, and the admirals themselves descended into protecting their own positions. While Admiral Heihachiro would seem to be the obvious successor, his disdain for Parliament won him few allies, while the Zeno and Muric blocs cancelled each other out. This deadlock led to few capital ships being built, although the creation of medium dropships continued apace. Only Admiral White was able to get new ships built, taking advantage of SelaSys Loyalty's concerns of not being upgraded to produce Cyrus', or for that matter being in line for the rumoured expansions to build battlecruisers, to get them to produce four new Marik's to reinforce his Periphery forces. While technically illegal for a mere admiral to command new shipbuilding the increased presence of Marians on the border led to Parliament retroactively approving his decision. Meanwhile, new technologies proliferated into the League. Ferro-Aluminum armouring for fighters was developed after trade and raiding gave the League a lot of samples to work with. Similarly, samples of Short Range Missiles from captured Hegemony worlds proliferated enough to be a viable weapons system on fighter, vehicles, and 'Mechs. These conventional forces would need to be as prepared as possible to make up for the problems facing the Navy.
Code: [Select]
Year: 2400      Value in Millions
Money Available 390,000
Available Shipyards

Atreus                   2 lvl 3
Irian       1 lvl 2 1 lvl 3
Loyalty       2 lvl 2
Regulus                 1 lvl 1
Jardine                   1 lvl 5
Repairs 0

Maintenance 50% 220,296                                                                               
Construction Unit Price
Irian lvl 2>lvl 3                                           15,000
SRM                                                   34,300
Ferro-Aluminum                                  24,500
Jumpships            40 500    20,000
Small Dropships              0 300           0
Medium Dropships 62 500   31,000
Fighters     1030     5     5,150
Mariks                                4   9,938    39,752
Total Spent     389,998

Income Remaining 2
Doctrine Changes:
The chaos in the Fleet following Michaels' death has limited the ability for new doctrines, however medium dropships have continued to proliferate. Fleets can expect to have more powerful combat dropships or larger carrier dropships attached to their warships docking collars at all times, with more carried by the jumpship arm of the FWLN. With the lack of Captain Admiral, individual worlds on borders or with valuable industries have placed orders for squadrons and wings of aerospace fighters, and even small combat dropships for richer worlds, normally ones replaced by the new larger models in the navy itself. While still unable to counter any warships larger than a Talwar, if enemy forces think they can invade without naval support, they will be sorely mistaken.
Code: [Select]
Free Worlds League Navy:
Marik Destroyers:
Stewart Fleet:
FWLS Marik
FWLS Oriente
FWLS Irian
FWLS New Delos
FWLS Stewart
FWLS Tiber
FWLS Loric
FWLS Alula Borealis
Periphery Border:
FWLS Atreus
FWLS Loyalty
FWLS Tamarind
FWLS Sardis
FWLS Westover (New)
FWLS Timbiqui (New)
FWLS Bolan (New)
FWLS Kilarney (New)
Capellan Squadron:
FWLS Regulus
FWLS Kanata
FWLS Gibson
FWLS Bismarck 
Lyran Squadron:
FWLS Clipperton
FWLS Thermopolis
FWLS Kalidasa
FWLS Solaris
Talwar Corvettes:
FWLS Talwar - Capellan border
FWLS Tegha - Capellan Border
Cyrus Cruisers:
FWLS Cyrus - Flagship Stewart Fleet
FWLS Darius - Flagship Capellan Squadron
FWLS Xerxes - Flagship Lyran Squadron
Stewart Fleet:
FWLS Cambyses
FWLS Artaxerxes
FWLS Achaemenid

FWLS Juliano Marik - FWLN Flagship, Stewart Fleet
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 04 July 2020, 01:20:37
United Hindu Collective 2400

Your Glorious Highness,

Your plan went even better than anyone could have hoped. We knew that removing most of the heirs of the noble families would weaken them and leave you as the best candidate for the throne, but we didn't expect the news of his sons death to kill the Maharaj right then and there. Truly a genius move my lord! I thank you for my promotion to Lord Admiral of the navy, and will continue to do whatever is necessary to see our people rise to their proper place in the Inner Sphere.

As to who to pin the blame on for the attack, surely the Taurian Concordat is the only appropriate option. Even though the Davions are slowly surrounding us and something shall have to be done about them in time, the Taurians themselves demonstrated the futility of attacking the Federated Suns as long as they are not distracted by a larger power. The Concordat however has still not fully recovered from that short brutal war, and their fleet is predominately patrol frigates which have been shown in other wars to be less than useful in a serious engagement. Your sister's work in securing additional ships from the Capellan Confederation for our upcoming conquest will be another nail in the Concordat's coffin, those three Pallada-class Battle-cruisers are superior to anything the TCN can field. I will ensure they are manned by the most reliable officers I have. Further build-up of the fleet has been curtailed by the limited budget I have available, with so much funding being thrown into the development of the 'BattleMechs' by the army. Not that they shall ever overshadow the navy's work in keeping the people of our nation safe.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2400 Value in Millions
Money Available 85,000
Remaining from Last Turn 870
Available Shipyards

Besantapur 0/2

Repairs 1500

Maintanence 50% $60,494
Prototype Cost $0
0 $0
Variant 0 $0
Construction Unit Price
Shipyards Besantapur $0

Stations Ganges 0 315 $0

Warships Maharaj        0 6,787 $0
.        Shooraveer 0 5,736 $0
Purchase Pallada II 3 0 $8,000
Refit 0 0 $0
Jumpships 0 500 $0
Dropships 10 300 $3,000
Fighters 653 5 $3,265
Small Craft 70 10 $700
Research Mechs 1 9250 $9,250
Pirates $0

Total Spent 86209


Remaining -339

End Turn In Service
Warships Maharaj 10
Shooraveer 3
Pallada II 3

Stations Ganges 25
Jumpships 20
Dropships Sml 50
Fighters 1400
Small Craft 300

Deployment Plan

Due to the need to receive delivery of the three Pallada's and the time required to train the crew, our planned response will have to be delayed until late 2401 at the earliest. However the chances of the Taurians having any kind of major buildup prior to this date is remote to say the least, so the plan remains this:

1. The inhabitable worlds between our nations shall be secured using small forces on the navy's available JumpShips. No major colonisation is planned, just small military bases to keep them out of Taurian hands. These worlds include Weippe, Die Moot, Anaheim, Keuterville, Warren and Sartu.
2. While this is ongoing, five other navy JumpShips disguised as merchant vessels will wander the Concordat, gathering intel on fleet positions and locations of major bases.
3. Once the operation truly begins, eight of our ten Maharaj-class Cruisers shall be deployed in pairs alongside a standard-core JumpShip and each strike a seperate system on a broad front stretching from Zalzangor to Amber Grove.
4. Our strike group consisting of the three Pallada's, along with the entire invasion force will hit Victralla and begin securing the system.
5. When either the Maharaj task forces secure their designated system or encounter TCN capital ships, their accompanying JumpShip will travel to Victralla. Depending on the report given by said 'Ship, either the strike group or part of the invasion group will then travel to that system to deal with the situation.

Once those 5 systems have been secured, this pattern shall be repeated across Taurian space, with any damaged Maharaj-class vessels being swapped out for the two remaining ships assigned to defend Besantapur. Meanwhile the three Shooraveer's shall be scouting ahead of the fleet, with particular emphasis on finding exactly where in the Pleiades and Hyades Clusters the Taurian colonies can be found.

As ever, your humble servant,
Lord Admiral Ajaz Singha
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 04 July 2020, 20:28:32
Taurian Concordat Turn 2400

Lord Regent,

With the tragic passing of Protector Daniel Calderon and the regency for his young daughter Amanda, I give this report to you on the condition of the navy.

Rebuilding efforts from the disaster in the 2370s are still ongoing, with the full rebuilding of the fleet not expected to be completed until well after Amanda comes of age and ascends the throne in 2405. However the capabilities of the fleet are much greater than they were and I feel we could see off any attack short of an all-out invasion. Further upgrades of the yards over Taurus have begun, to give us the shipbuilding capability to build something equal to the Yang Wei we purchased off the Confederation, as the one we own is starting to suffer from metal fatigue and it's older technology is getting harder to acquire replacement parts for it. Still for now it is the fleets flagship until such a time as we construct a domestically-produced replacement.

Expansion of the Siesta-class recharge station network continues apace, with over half the inhabited systems having one by the end of the decade and the rest of the Concordat should be similarly serviced by the end of the next decade.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2400 Value in Millions
Money Available 105,000
Remaining from Last Turn 110
Available Shipyards

Taurus 2/2
New Vandenberg


Maintanence 50% 43076.5
Prototype Cost
0 0
Variant 0
Construction Unit Price
Shipyards Taurus 1 x S2 > S3 30,000 30,000

Stations Siesta 10 470 4,700
Matador 0 148 0
Auroch II 2 7,107 14,214
Iberia III 2 5,150 10300

Jumpships 0 500 0
Dropships 0 300 0
Fighters 500 5 2,500
Small Craft 0 10 0
Research 0 16400 0

Total Spent 104790.5


Remaining 320

End Turn In Service
Iberia III 6
Auroch II 4
Yang Wei 1
Binzhou 2
Stations Siesta 33
Matador 60
Jumpships 20
Dropships Small 40
Medium 0
Fighters 1100
Small Craft 300

Fleet Deployment

With our fleet still currently too small to hold back any of the vessels in reserve over Taurus itself, we have been forced to deploy the fleet independently, with ships spread all throughout the Concordat. The one exception is the our Yang Wei-class TCS Vengeance, which sits over Taurus ready and awaiting to jump to the nations defence if word of an attack comes.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Lagrange on 05 July 2020, 16:47:20
Capellan Confederation 2400, Part I

"Good news, bad news."

"It's still morning.  Good news first."

"Our prototype naval gauss guns can hit targets 1000 kilometers away outranging every other naval weapon."

"Wow, that's the perfect for this new space superiority warship we've had on the drawing board....  Wait, what's the bad news?"

"Our investment in the Great Wall of Yi Bai was apparently obsolete before we even began building.  The Federated Suns has deployed these weapons aboard the Achilles, so they could simply mow down the Yi Bai from beyond effective missile range."

"Oh dear.  Can we refit the Yi Bai to have a naval gauss gun?"

"Of course, but it more than doubles the cost so we'll need to at least halve the number to stay in budget."

"Let's see if we can sell some of them off.  The new Lie Ren will let us stand down Operation Stroke so we can afford to get by with substantially fewer Yi Bai."

Research and Investment
The Capellan Confederation is investing an abnormally large amount (for the CC anyways) in R&D this turn.  The investment in naval gauss guns and PPCs are arguably overdue given that even periphery states have them.  Taking advantage of contacts in certain multinational corporations allows these techs to be introduced much more cheaply than would otherwise be possible.  The investment in Ferro-Carbide armor on the other hand is uncharacteristically expensive.  Nevertheless, it offered immediate payback for warship hulls after inclusion in this decades refit&refresh program.

The most controversial investment is actually in a new 1250K-ton yard at Capella, which is driven purely by the Lie Ren.

The Lie Ren
The Capellan Confederation has heavily invested into multi-use warships which has paid great benefits in terms of naval robustness, no matter which challenges are faced. The Lie Ren ( ("Hunter") represents a significant departure from this strategy as a specialized design.  Nevetheless, the Lie Ren project was given a green light, yards were upgraded, Naval Gauss and Ferro-carbide armor were invested in, and 5 Pallada were sold off because the primary mission of the Lie Ren is defeating an entire enemy fleet.

The most phenomenal aspect of the Lie Ren is the enormous engines, providing up to 4 gravities of thrust.  Given the large size of the Lie Ren, this is by far the largest engine ever produced in the inner sphere.  The second remarkable aspect is the Light Naval Gauss array in the aft-side arcs.  This positioning makes the Lie Ren a capable broadside combatant out to 1000km.  Combined with the engines, the aft-side array can keep firing against a pursuing opponent while the Lie Ren simply keeps the range.  The last vital component is the relatively large amount of armor for such a fast design.  Aside from providing robustness against piloting mistakes, sufficient armor is applied to all sides to make it completely immune to smallcraft and aerospace fighter weapons.  The massive small laser array provides heavy point defense against assault dropships carrying capital missiles and the ability to melt any boarding craft which comes within range.

The massive ammunition load makes the Lie Ren capable of firing for 24 hours straight giving it the ability to steadily mow through entire opposing fleets.  The Lie Ren will be the most prestigious appointment for any captain or gunner (... next round, maintenance investments are at the elite level).  Amongst possible opponents, only the Federated Suns Achilles has the range to attack.  The Lie Ren's advantage here is "just" more armor, 2.5x more naval gauss guns, and the ability to choose or refuse engagement.  While the relatively low cargo capacity of the Lie Ren is potentially problematic in any deep strike approach, the extensive logistical support of the CC navy should largely remedy that issue.

Altogether, the Lie Ren is a nightmare of a warship to oppose, at least for existing enemy fleets.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:       Lie Ren
Tech:   Inner Sphere
Ship Cost:      $11,469,968,000.00
Magazine Cost:  $194,400,000.00
BV2:    92,832
Mass:   1,250,000
K-F Drive System:       Compact
Power Plant:    Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust:    5
Maximum Thrust: 8
Armor Type:     Ferro-Carbide
30      Naval Gauss Rifle Light
50      PPC
2000    Laser Small

Class/Model/Name:       Lie Ren         
Mass:   1,250,000               
Equipment:                      Mass
Drive:                  375,000.00
Safe:   5               
Maximum:        8               
Controls:                       3,125.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (25 Integrity)          565,625.00
Jump Sail:      (6 Integrity)           93.00
Structural Integrity:   100             125,000.00
Total Heat Sinks:       1770 Single             859.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:      16000 points            6,528.00
Fire Control Computers:                 2,500.00
Armor:  2060 pts Ferro-Carbide          2,500.00
Fore:   280             
Fore-Left/Right:        350/350         
Aft-Left/Right: 400/400         
Aft:    280             
Dropship Capacity:                      0.00
Grav Decks:                     
Small:                  0.00
Medium: 1               100.00
Large:                  0.00
Escape Pods:    75              525.00
Life Boats:     75              525.00
Crew And Passengers:                   
114     Officers in 1st Class Quarters          1,140.00
181     Crew in 2nd Class Quarters              1,267.00
384     Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters                2,688.00
20      Bay Personnel           0.00
        1st Class Passengers            0.00
20      2nd Class Passengers            140.00
60      Steerage Passengers             300.00 //typically marines

#       Weapons Loc     Heat    Damage  Range   Mass
15      Naval Gauss Rifle Light AL      135     2250 (225-C)    Extreme-C       67,500.00
15      Naval Gauss Rifle Light AR      135     2250 (225-C)            67,500.00
20      PPC     FL      200     200 (20-C)              140.00
20      PPC     FR      200     200 (20-C)              140.00
5       PPC     AR      50      50 (5-C)                35.00
5       PPC     AL      50      50 (5-C)                35.00
500     Laser Small     Nose    500     1500 (150-C)            250.00
500     Laser Small     LBS     500     1500 (150-C)            250.00
500     Laser Small     RBS     500     1500 (150-C)            250.00
500     Laser Small     Aft     500     1500 (150-C)            250.00

Ammo    Rounds          Mass
Naval Gauss Rifle Light Ammo    21600           4,320.00

Equipment                               Mass
NCSS Large                              500.00

#       Cargo and Bays                          Mass
20115   Cargo, Standard                         20,115.00
4       Bay Small Craft                         800
(Play notes: In actual gameplay, it's always possible to avoid return fire with weapons of range 52 or less.  This can be seen by analyzing the worst case situation.  In the worst case, the opponent goes 4/6 and is facing the Lie Ren nose-on, the Lie Ren is facing the opponent nose-on, the Lie Ren loses initiative, and the Lie Ren has some closing velocity.  In this case, the Lie Ren can spend 2 thrust points to yaw, swapping nose and aft, then spend 6 thrust points to accelerate directly away.  The opponent can accelerate 6 towards the Lie Ren, and then each can accelerate maximally on the following turns.  Analyzing this situation, the following initial distance/velocity pairs result in the Lie Ren avoiding reaching range 52 where an opponent could respond with more typical weapons: 53/0, 54/-1, 55/-2, 57/-3, 59/-4, 62/-5, 65/-6, etc... where the first number is the range and the second number is the closing velocity quantified in hex distance change.

This establishes that the Lie Ren can avoid damage.  To inflict damage, you'll need to win initiative instead and reach range 56 or less while avoiding having a to-large closing velocity as per the above.  Positional fencing like this takes a relatively long time in tabletop play but there is lots of fuel and plenty of ammunition.)

The Pallada, Kuan Yin, and Yi Bai go through significant upgrades while the Dire Bear, Deep Habwr, and Habwr Diogel each have cosmetic upgrades.

The Kuan Yin III ( gains ferro-carbide armor, a light naval gauss, and a small NCSS.  The LNG provides the capability to mow down defense stations from beyond effective return fire.  The Small NCSS was added back so the Kuan Yin can operate without Pallada support.  The Ferro-carbide armor also brings the Kuan Yin's armor up to the point where it's immune to small weapons fire.  As a consequence, the many blazers are converted into a few NL/55s and a few PPCs.  One more grav deck (for a total of 5) is also added to help keep troops healthy in transport.
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:       Kuan Yin III
Tech:   Inner Sphere
Ship Cost:      $9,207,614,000.00
Magazine Cost:  $42,600,000.00
BV2:    188,367
Mass:   1,000,000
K-F Drive System:       Compact
Power Plant:    Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust:    3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type:     Ferro-Carbide
1       Naval Gauss Rifle Light
20      Naval PPC Heavy
14      Naval AC 20
8       Naval Laser 55
72      PPC
1500    Laser Small

Class/Model/Name:       Kuan Yin III           
Mass:   1,000,000               
Equipment:                      Mass
Drive:                  180,000.00
Safe:   3               
Maximum:        5               
Controls:                       2,500.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (21 Integrity)          452,500.00
Jump Sail:      (5 Integrity)           80.00
Structural Integrity:   120             120,000.00
Total Heat Sinks:       7049 Single             6,404.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:      25000 points            10,200.00
Fire Control Computers:                 11,825.00
Armor:  1992 pts Ferro-Carbide          2,400.00
Fore:   792             
Fore-Left/Right:        300/300         
Aft-Left/Right: 200/200         
Aft:    200             
Grav Decks:                     
Medium: 5               500.00
Escape Pods:    100             700.00
Life Boats:     100             700.00
Crew And Passengers:                   
93      Officers in 1st Class Quarters          930.00
152     Crew in 2nd Class Quarters              1,064.00
311     Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters                2,177.00
12360   Bay Personnel           0.00
240     1st Class Passengers            2,400.00
260     2nd Class Passengers            1,820.00

#       Weapons Loc     Heat    Damage  Range   Mass
1       Naval Gauss Rifle Light Nose    9       150 (15-C)      Extreme-C       4,500.00
20      Naval PPC Heavy Nose    4500    3000 (300-C)            60,000.00
14      Naval AC 20     Nose    840     2800 (280-C)            35,000.00
2       Naval Laser 55  FL      170     110 (11-C)              2,200.00
2       Naval Laser 55  FR      170     110 (11-C)              2,200.00
2       Naval Laser 55  AL      170     110 (11-C)              2,200.00
2       Naval Laser 55  AR      170     110 (11-C)              2,200.00
18      PPC     FL      180     180 (18-C)              126.00
18      PPC     FR      180     180 (18-C)              126.00
18      PPC     AL      180     180 (18-C)              126.00
18      PPC     AR      180     180 (18-C)              126.00
500     Laser Small     LBS     500     1500 (150-C)            250.00
500     Laser Small     RBS     500     1500 (150-C)            250.00
500     Laser Small     Aft     500     1500 (150-C)            250.00

Ammo    Rounds          Mass
Naval Gauss Rifle Light Ammo    1000            200.00
Naval AC 20 Ammo        1400            560.00

Equipment                               Mass
NCSS Small                              100.00

#       Cargo and Bays                          Mass
48086   Cargo, Standard                         48,086.00
60      Bay Small Craft                         12000
90      Bay Fighter                             13500
360     Bay Conventional Infantry (IS), Foot                            1800
360     Bay Vehicle Light                               18000
The Pallada III ( upgrades to ferro-carbide armor and places a light naval gauss in each of the nose and aft-side arcs.  This gives it a superior ability to harry opponents from beyond their effective range.  Although the Pallada's armor doesn't quite reach the level of "immune to smallcraft weapons fire", it comes close enough that the light weapons array is downgraded to a few PPCs.  The Pallada also adds one more grav deck to help keep troops healthy en route.
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:       Pallada III
Tech:   Inner Sphere
Ship Cost:      $8,103,132,000.00
Magazine Cost:  $51,000,000.00
BV2:    108,582
Mass:   750,000
K-F Drive System:       Compact
Power Plant:    Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust:    4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type:     Ferro-Carbide
10      Naval AC 20
3       Naval Gauss Rifle Light
2       Naval PPC Heavy
19      Naval Laser 55
66      PPC
1200    Laser Small

Class/Model/Name:       Pallada III             
Mass:   750,000         
Equipment:                      Mass
Drive:                  180,000.00
Safe:   4               
Maximum:        6               
Controls:                       1,875.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (16 Integrity)          339,375.00
Jump Sail:      (5 Integrity)           68.00
Structural Integrity:   100             75,000.00
Total Heat Sinks:       3312 Single             2,667.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:      12500 points            5,100.00
Fire Control Computers:                 1,200.00
Armor:  1260 pts Ferro-Carbide          1,500.00
Fore:   300             
Fore-Left/Right:        215/215         
Aft-Left/Right: 190/190         
Aft:    150             
Grav Decks:                     
Medium: 4               400.00
Escape Pods:    60              420.00
Life Boats:     60              420.00
Crew And Passengers:                   
76      Officers in 1st Class Quarters          760.00
119     Crew in 2nd Class Quarters              833.00
257     Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters                1,799.00
8244    Bay Personnel           0.00
330     2nd Class Passengers            2,310.00

#       Weapons Loc     Heat    Damage  Range   Mass
10      Naval AC 20     Nose    600     2000 (200-C)    Long-C  25,000.00
1       Naval Gauss Rifle Light Nose    9       150 (15-C)              4,500.00
1       Naval Gauss Rifle Light AL      9       150 (15-C)              4,500.00
1       Naval Gauss Rifle Light AR      9       150 (15-C)              4,500.00
2       Naval PPC Heavy Nose    450     300 (30-C)              6,000.00
7       Naval Laser 55  Nose    595     385 (38.5-C)            7,700.00
6       Naval Laser 55  AL      510     330 (33-C)              6,600.00
6       Naval Laser 55  AR      510     330 (33-C)              6,600.00
20      PPC     FR      200     200 (20-C)              140.00
20      PPC     FL      200     200 (20-C)              140.00
13      PPC     AL      130     130 (13-C)              91.00
13      PPC     AR      130     130 (13-C)              91.00
400     Laser Small     LBS     400     1200 (120-C)            200.00
400     Laser Small     RBS     400     1200 (120-C)            200.00
400     Laser Small     Aft     400     1200 (120-C)            200.00

Ammo    Rounds          Mass
Naval AC 20 Ammo        1000            400.00
Naval Gauss Rifle Light Ammo    3000            600.00

Equipment                               Mass
NCSS Large                              500.00

#       Cargo and Bays                          Mass
240     Bay Conventional Infantry (IS), Foot                            1,200.00
240     Bay Vehicle Light                               12000
72      Bay Fighter                             10800
36      Bay Small Craft                         7200
37111   Cargo, Standard                         37111
Despite the large amount of free yard space, only one Pallada will go through an upgrade per year to keep combat readiness high.

The Yi Bai II ( "upgrade" adds a light naval gauss, 9 NL-55s, and 15 more Barracuda launchers.  The "upgrade" is much more expensive than the baseline Yi Bai, so not all of them will be upgraded---some are sold off while others are scrapped to support the new deployments and a few are kept.  In addition, a new 'mobile defense' strategy will be the defense plan for all worlds but the most vital or vulnerable.  25 Yi Bai II will be positioned at each yard (Terra Firma, Aldebaran, Sarna, and Capella), as well as 25 Yi Bai at Sian (the capital), and 25 at Tikonov and Andurien which are particularly vulnerable industrial/capital worlds.
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:       Yi Bai II
Tech:   Inner Sphere
Ship Cost:      $272,855,000.00
Magazine Cost:  $10,465,000.00
BV2:    39,030
Mass:   100,000
K-F Drive System:       None
Power Plant:    Station-Keeping Drive
Armor Type:     Standard
119     Capital Launcher Barracuda
1       Naval Gauss Rifle Light
9       Naval Laser 55
90      Machine Gun (IS)

Class/Model/Name:       Yi Bai II
Mass:   100,000         
Equipment:                      Mass
Drive:                  1,200.00
Controls:                       100.00
Structural Integrity:   1               1,000.00
Total Heat Sinks:       1170 Single             1,077.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:      3000 points             306.00
Fire Control Computers:                 14,850.00
Armor:  314 pts Standard                393.00
Fore:   94             
Fore-Left/Right:        50/50           
Aft-Left/Right: 40/40           
Aft:    40             
Escape Pods:    25              175.00
Life Boats:     25              175.00
Crew And Passengers:                   
35      Officers in 1st Class Quarters          350.00
30      Crew in 1st Class Quarters              300.00
144     Gunners and Others in 1st Class Quarters                1,440.00
92      Bay Personnel           0.00

#       Weapons Loc     Heat    Damage  Range   Mass
115     Capital Launcher Barracuda      Nose    1150    2300 (230-C)    Extreme-C       10,350.00
2       Capital Launcher Barracuda      AL      20      40 (4-C)                180.00
2       Capital Launcher Barracuda      AR      20      40 (4-C)                180.00
1       Naval Gauss Rifle Light Nose    9       150 (15-C)              4,500.00
9       Naval Laser 55  Nose    765     495 (49.5-C)            9,900.00
18      Machine Gun (IS)        FL              36 (3.6-C)              9.00
18      Machine Gun (IS)        FR              36 (3.6-C)              9.00
18      Machine Gun (IS)        AL              36 (3.6-C)              9.00
18      Machine Gun (IS)        AR              36 (3.6-C)              9.00
18      Machine Gun (IS)        Aft             36 (3.6-C)              9.00

Ammo    Rounds          Mass
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 1190            35,700.00
Naval Gauss Rifle Light Ammo    100             20.00
Machine Gun (IS) Ammo   9000            45.00

#       Cargo and Bays                          Mass
11514   Cargo, Standard                         11,514.00
36      Bay Fighter                             5400
4       Bay Small Craft                         800
The Deep Habwr II ( provides  a few "upgrades" that modestly reduce it's firepower for cost-cutting reasons.  (Note: added primarily for the bugfixes.)
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Deep Habwr II
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $64,135,000.00
Magazine Cost: $240,000.00
BV2: 2,459

Mass: 100,000
K-F Drive System: None
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Armor Type: Standard
3 Capital Launcher Barracuda

Class/Model/Name: Deep Habwr II
Mass: 100,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 1,200.00
Controls: 100.00
Structural Integrity: 1 1,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 93 Single
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 100000 points 10,200.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 120 pts Standard 150.00
Fore: 19
Fore-Left/Right: 20/20
Aft-Left/Right: 20/20
Aft: 19

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Life Boats: 15 105.00

Crew And Passengers:
12 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 120.00
53 Crew in 1st Class Quarters 530.00
3 Gunners and Others in 1st Class Quarters 30.00
30 Bay Personnel 0.00
30 1st Class Passengers 300.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda Nose 10 20 (2-C) Extreme-C 90.00
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda AR 10 20 (2-C) 90.00
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda AL 10 20 (2-C) 90.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 30 900.00

# Cargo and Bays Mass
6 Bay Small Craft 1,200.00
82845 Cargo, Standard 82845
The Habwr Diogel III ( provides a similar "upgrade" with minor alterations.
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Habwr Diogel III
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $106,470,000.00
Magazine Cost: $252,000.00
BV2: 2,487

Mass: 300,000
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Armor Type: Standard
3 Capital Launcher Barracuda
24 Machine Gun (IS)

Class/Model/Name: Habwr Diogel III
Mass: 300,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 3,600.00
Controls: 300.00
Structural Integrity: 1 3,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 129 Single
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 25000 points 10,200.00
Armor: 120 pts Standard 300.00
Fore: 20
Fore-Left/Right: 20/20
Aft-Left/Right: 20/20
Aft: 20

Dropship Capacity: 2 2,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Life Boats: 20 140.00

Crew And Passengers:
20 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 200.00
85 Crew in 1st Class Quarters 850.00
7 Gunners and Others in 1st Class Quarters 70.00
30 Bay Personnel 0.00
30 1st Class Passengers 300.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda Nose 10 20 (2-C) Extreme-C 90.00
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda AL 10 20 (2-C) 90.00
1 Capital Launcher Barracuda AR 10 20 (2-C) 90.00
4 Machine Gun (IS) Nose 8 (0.8-C) 2.00
4 Machine Gun (IS) FL 8 (0.8-C) 2.00
4 Machine Gun (IS) FR 8 (0.8-C) 2.00
4 Machine Gun (IS) AL 8 (0.8-C) 2.00
4 Machine Gun (IS) AR 8 (0.8-C) 2.00
4 Machine Gun (IS) Aft 8 (0.8-C) 2.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 30 900.00
Machine Gun (IS) Ammo 2400 12.00

Equipment Mass
Energy Storage Battery 200,000.00

# Cargo and Bays Mass
6 Bay Small Craft 1,200.00
76596 Cargo, Standard 76596

The Dire Bears go through a minor upgrade replacing the Blazer, a small laser, and heat sinks with 2 PPCs.  The modest reduction in maximum damage/weapon is regarded as worth the extra range and total damage.  The new Dire Bear can fire both PPCs, one PPC and 10 small lasers, or all 16 small lasers without overheating.
Code: [Select]
Dire Bear II Aero

Mass: 100 tons
Power Plant: 300 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Armor: Ferro-Aluminum
     2 PPC
     16 Small Laser
Introduction Year: 2401
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-E-D
Cost: 6,625,500 C-bills

Type: Dire Bear II
Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Tonnage: 100
Battle Value: 2,828

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        300 Fusion             19
        Safe Thrust: 5
        Max Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity:         10                       
Heat Sinks:                   24                     10
Fuel:                         400                   5.0
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor (Ferro)          734                    41

     Nose                   204   
     Wings                200/200 
     Aft                    130   

and Ammo              Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV     
2 PPCs                  NOS       14.0     10    10   10    0    0 
3 Small Lasers          NOS       1.5      1      3    0    0    0 
4 Small Lasers          RWG       2.0      1      3    0    0    0 
4 Small Lasers          LWG       2.0      1      3    0    0    0 
5 Small Lasers          AFT       2.5      1      3    0    0    0 

The Highway Circuit
Map here (

Many changes to simplify, improve, and expand the existing jump circuits and highway networks will be undertaken throughout the decade.

With the establishment of the new jump circuit, fleets will become dispersed in unpredictable locations and concentrations throughout the border worlds of the CC.  In order to muster the fleet rapidly, each warship (or several which are together) will have a jumpship from the reserve "shadow" it while staying on the nearest circuit station.  When the fleet needs to assemble, the shadow jumpships will jump to their warships to send the message.  Hence, despite the dispersed nature of the CC fleet they will retain the ability to muster quickly in the event of a Riposte-Strike (see below) event while being more prepared for a Riposte-Invasion event and offering some coverage of vulnerable worlds.

Despite the dispersed nature, the ships are still organized into fleets for administrative purposes.  The TH fleet consists of 6 Kuan Yin and 2 Pallada.  The FWL and FS Fleets consist of 4 Kuan Yin and 2 Pallada.  The remaining 4 Pallada form the frontier fleet.

As the Lie Ren become available, they will not be attached to any fleet, operating as independent commands.

The Sailor's Mercy will be based at the Aldebaran yards when not running errands.  They have many errands in constructing the full highway system, but deliveries of purchases are the highest priority.  1-2 Sailor's Mercy, 2 reserve jumpships, and a Zencha will be dedicated to each customer until deliveries are fulfilled (it should take about 1.5 years).  The Zencha will scout ahead to lay out new locations for highway stations which will be filled in later.  Delivery will happen 5 at a time with the Sailor's Mercy and a reserve jumpship jumping into undetectably-deep space, disgorging the Yi Bai, and then the Yi Bai and the reserve jumpship working on a 0/0 intercept with the primary.  (The fuel loads necessary for all this check out with medium size dropships.)

Most Zencha will be attached to the frontier fleet for scouting out new worlds for colonization, with two attached to each of the other fleets for use in other capacities.  Many of the Zencha will be called on periodically for tasks related to deliveries or scouting for the highway system.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Lagrange on 05 July 2020, 16:48:29
Capellan Confederation 2400, Part II

Captain's Missions

There are four elements to the Capellan naval arsenal: The Lie Ren, Kuan Yin III, the Pallada III, and the Yi Bai.  Each of these is associated with a standard set of tactics which we review here.

Kuan Yin
Ranged Fire: Move just into range and then open fire with extreme range weapons.  This tactic is commonly useful against space stations or other immobile targets.

Oblique Assault: Advance into range of the NAC/20 arsenal at an oblique angle so that the Kuan Yin does not come to close.  This is potentially useful against warships with very large (and very short range) NACs.

Close Assault: Aim for a close pass dealing maximum damage.  As you pass, swivel to keep fire on the target as necessary.  This tactic can be useful against adversaries with weak close assault defenses.

High Speed Engagement: Make a pass at high speed dealing brutal damage quickly.  This tactic is rarely used but potentially useful against energy-heavy adversaries.

Retreat: The Kuan Yin's weapons layout makes a fighting retreat impossible.  Nevertheless, retreating is a reasonable option to attempt once significant attacks are no longer viable due to sustained battle damage.  It might even work if adversaries are distracted.

Transport: The Kuan Yin can carry and transport an enormous number of troops and vehicles.  In a standard deployment, associated smallcraft will carry troops and vehicles to the ground in multiple waves, and then disperse amongst the grounded troops to function in a maintenance and repair capacity.

Ortillery: The Kuan Yin can use energy weapons fire for ortillery to support ground combat elements.  This is straightforward and overwhelming although the lack of accuracy for ortillery makes use selective. 

Carrier: The Kuan Yin's large aerospace fighter complement can perform all the missions available to fighters.

Antifighter: The Kuan Yin can't be damaged by standard ASF scale weapons while retaining PPCs and naval lasers capable of targeting ASF.  In addition, the carrier complement can engage with ASF as needed.

Antimissile: The Kuan Yin's heavy point defense arrays can quench substantial missile fire.  This might destroy ~94 Barracuda's in an unlimited storm or about 36 with an expected one getting through.  When augmenting with 150 Dire Bears each with 16 small lasers, it climbes to ~543 Barracudas in a storm or about 150 Barracudas with an expected one getting through.

For each of these attack types, aerospace fighters can be deployed defensively, deployed offensively, or not deployed depending on circumstances.  Deployed offensively, coordinating fire so that capital weapons rip holes in naval armor while ASF exploit the weakness should allow enemy capital ships to be more quickly destroyed in a fleet engagement.

By default, the use of a Kuan Yin is straightforward: just keep the nose pointed at the enemy.  However, in a low intensity combat situation where there is time to shift orientation after taking damage against a single opponent, the Kuan Yin can expose the forward side aspect and use the thrust of the main engine to frustrate enemy targeting while keeping nose weapons on target until side armor is exhausted, then revert to attacking with the nose aspect.

The Pallada has all the tactical flexibility of the Kuan Yin in naval combat with new tactics available as well.

Harry: Reach extreme range with zero relative velocity and then match course heading and thrust with an oppenent while constantly pouring fire into them.

Scout: The Pallada has excellent sensors allowing it to detect enemy combatants beyond normal ranges.

Lie Ren
The Lie Ren is designed for maximal use of the Harry tactic.  In addition, it can handle Scout, Ortillery, Antifighter, and Antimissile missions.  Often, the Lie Ren operates independent of any other ships using the highway network and jump circuits for logistical support.

Yi Bai
Yi Bai are potent due to the high-accuracy saturation missile attacks they can put out and low costs.  Nevertheless, they are virtually immobile in tactical combat, with their limited mobility typically focused on simply tracking enemy warships.  There are about three tactics associated with Yi Bai use.

Hedgehog: a fleet of Yi Bai have varying facings so that 1/3 face each direction.  The hedgehog formation is typically used when no enemy is known.

Point of fire: One or more enemy ships are approaching on a vector, so point in that direction.

High Speed engagement: If the Yi Bai start far enough away and have a known near-stationary target, they can (very slowly) accelerate to high speeds, attack, and then (very slowly) decelerate to rest.

The optimal choice of tactic of course depends on the situation for ship-to-ship combat.

Every fleet action should include a LNCSS unit to support the fleet.  Typically this is a Pallada since the Lie Ren operate independently.

Fleet tactics generally need to be simple and use concentration of fire.  Since several of the ship to ship tactics are incompatible a fleet commander will need to choose one of them based upon the situation.  Where available, Yi Bai should be used to take the brunt of enemy attacks.  When Yi Bai are not available, the following advice holds for concentrated fleet actions:
TC: If missing the Yang Wei, use a Close Assault approach.  With just the Yang Wei, use Harry or Ranged tactics if possible.
FWL: Use Ranged Attack if possible targeting the Cyrus and Juliano first.  A Marik-only fleet is particularly vulnerable to Harry tactics.
FS: Use Close Assault unless its a Gladius-based fleet.  Against a Gladius-based fleet, use Ranged Fire.
TH: In a Constitution heavy fleet, use Ranged fire.  In an Iron Duke heavy Fleet, use close assault.  If there are Typhoons, try to use Oblique assault to stay out of the heavy NAC range.
Regardless of the above, the Lie Ren (and to a lesser extent the Pallada III) can use Harry tactics to damage or disrupt enemy fleets using Light Naval Gauss.

Top Secret: The Missions Rolodex
Operation Riposte
Ripose is a mission to counter an invasion from <x> and followup with a counter-invasion.  For example, Riposte FWL, counters an invasion from the FWL.  There are several independent components to an invasion response.

The goal in all Riposte operations is to shift from defense to offense, with the exact details of offense varying substantially with the nation.  Offensive operations are meant to paralyze the enemy and take territory.  Offensive operations come in multiple sizes including Nibble, Bite, and Bite-and-Swallow.

Nibble involves invading a few worlds.
TC: Zanzibar, Bergtatt, Kern, Larsha
FS: Maharet and/or Lee and/or Mira, Mesartim, Almach
FWL: Berenson and/or Gomeisa, New Delos, and/or Calloway
TH: some of Ruchbah, Deneb Kaitos, Hean, Ankaa, New Florence

Bite involves invading more worlds which requires investment from multiple fleets of the CC.  Bite could involve targeting multiple possible nibbles and/or:
TC: Daol, Mendham, Yuris, Maldive, Non Diz, Corodiz
FS: Acala, Lacadon, Perkasie, Oli, Gallitzin or Avigait, Chouli, Aucara, He-Shi, Mandaree, Ashley
FWL: Oriente, Mosiro, Fletcher, Fujidera, Nam Dinh, Kwamashu, El Giza
TH: All of them, plus Addicks

Bite-and-Swallow involves invading a blocking set of worlds and then following up with invasions of secondary worlds behind the blocking set.  The general strategy here is to use Yi Bai II transported by Sailor's Mercy into a far-from-detection location, then accelerate for a 0/0 intercept with the blocking world (which takes about 35 days).  These will be joined by a warship carrying troops and vehicles as they near the world, fight off any naval resistance, then land troops.  Once the troops have succesfully suppressed major resistance, the Yi Bai will remain while the warship returns to the jump circuit for more troops to invade the secondary worlds.

TC: Special treatment (see below)
FS: Turko, Noh-Wan Honm, Kathil, Smolensk, Beten Kaitos and the worlds between them and the CC or New Syrtis, Kaitangata, Mordiallac, Kigamboni, Ogilvie, Fortymile, Namen, Stein's Folly, and the worlds between them and the CC.
FWL: Fujidera, Milnerton, Tintavel, Barlaston, Kearny, Yanchep, Bogrib, and the worlds between them and the CC.
TH: Special Treatment (see below)

Notes for specific possible adversaries:
TC: An invasion from the Taurian Concordat is considered extremely unlikely. 
TH: The LF-battery fleet of the Terran Hegemony does not assist with strategic speed beyond an initial sprint due to a lack of recharge stations.  Access to the highway system should still provide an edge to the CC in strategic speed beyond that initial sprint.  In Riposte-Spike, the primary goal is defending
FS: The FS's Achilles is a priority target due to its light naval gauss arrays.
Multiple opponents: An invasion from multiple opponents uses a response composed of the above elements, although the exact mixture varies.

Operation Lance
There is no Bite-and-Swallow plan for the TH.  The alternative for the TH is to transport 100 Yi Bai II into the Oort Cloud of Terra (via multiple back-and-forth trips), then thrust for a 0/0 intercept in system.  This force is slow enough that most of the TH fleet can be assembled to oppose it since it will be days between observation and reaching a 0/0 intercept.  It's large enough that a maximal effort is required for a successful combat and Terra (as a capital and given it's yards) is vital enough that combat must occur.  With one Lie Ren supporting, a massive battle will likely occur, the outcome of which is uncertain, except in the scale of destruction.  That's good enough for the CC---it means worlds can be invaded across a broad front.  The CC will generally avoid taking worlds bordering new nations to keep any surviving TH functioning as an effective buffer state.  This attack plan is generally discouraged unless Liao deems it absolutely necessary due to the strategic implications of removing an important buffer state.

Operation Bear Hug
Bear Hug is an operational plan to invade the TC for the purposes taking over the territory. 

Although Bear Hug uses many elements from the above a key new element is a clock which counts down to (approximately) the moment when an attack is observable by an opponent.  This moment is delayed as long as possible by using the highway network for secret transport and avoiding sending material until it's needed via the primary jump circuit and a war circuit.

The goal of Bear Hug is the wholesale incorporation of the Taurian Concordat into the confederation.  The primary obstacle to operation Bear Hug is the Federated Suns navy with the Taurian navy a secondary obstacle.

Executing Bear Hug requires months of preparation with 50 Yi Bai II pulled from reserves along with 7 Pallada (leaving each Kuan Yin fleet with 1), 14 Zencha (leaving each Kuan Yin fleet with 2), 3 Kuan Yin, and ships from the jump reserve creating a warcircuit through the Taurian Concordat.

Thee strategy is a modified bite-and-swallow with two key worlds in the first wave attack---Electra and Taurus, as well as secondary objectives consisting of border worlds: Shaunovan, Wrentham, Flintoft, Ridgebrook, Maia, and Merope.

Task force Electra, consisting of 1 Pallada and 2 Kuan Yin configured for transport and jumping into the L1 pirate point at T=0 days, eliminate naval resistance and begin a land invasion.

The reason why Electra is a key target is single-jump proximity to New Syrtis.  Controlling Electra keeps the Federated Suns from having easy territory to take and the in-system force presents an immediate threat to New Syrtis.  Hence, if the Federated Suns sends forces to interfere in the Taurian Concordat, forces from Electra may jump into and attack New Syrtis.

In addiiton, forces in Electra have single jump proximity to a wide range of systems.

Once the Electra system is secured 25 Yi Bai will be deployed in system to anchor the attack.

At T=0, a Lie Ren will jump into the Taurus L1 jump point and begin reducing all naval elements which do not surrender.  Priority here is given to more mobile elements (like warships), but that will eventually turn to the naval stations.  The objective here is forcing a surrender and negotiations.  Once resistance is eliminated, the Lie Ren will be replaced by a Pallada with the Lie Ren stationing at Electra as a deterrent.

Second Wave
Once resistance on first wave worlds has been reduced, the Yi Bai II will remain on station to mop up any resistance while the warships proceed to invade a second wave of industrial worlds: Jansen's Hold, Illiushin, Pinard, New Vandenburg, and Macleod's Land using armies shipped in by the war circuit.  The second wave will function as a 'rolling invasion' with new worlds being invaded on a rolling basis as warships free up and armies are shipped in. 

Operation Flutter
Operation Flutter is for when the Federated Suns attacks the Taurian Concordat.  In this case, it's likely that the FS will be back looking for territory.  The likely targets of this are the Pleiades. Operation Flutter begins by offering aid to the Taurian Concordat in return for territory: Daol, Mendham, Non Diz, Yuris, Maldive, Corodiz, Zanzibar, Kern, Bergtatt, and Larsha.  These worlds are peripheral to the Taurian Concordat and improve the integrity of the Confederation.  In return, all of frontier fleet will assist the Taurian Concordat in resisting intrusion and the FS facing fleet will attack some FS worlds in a nibble or bite approach as a spoiler, the Sailor's Mercy will transport in Yi Bai to reinforce TC positions, and the TH facing fleet will attack Mira, Mesartim, and Almach as a further spoiler.  These attacks will happen near-simultaneously with forces then gathering at nodal points to resist counterattacks.  Unbeknownst to the Taurian Concordat, the attacks on the FS may proceed regardless of negotiation outcome (up to Liao). 

If the FS continues to attack and the TC does not negotiate, then the CC is likely to shift strategies when the FS penetrates the Flintoft to Mithron line.  The CC will attack the TC directly to capture the industrial worlds of the TC according to an abbreviated form of Operation Bear Hug (above).

Code: [Select]
                  Price Initial Scrap Sell Sell Price Maint. Offset Research     Produce M Cost R Cost Prod Cost Total cost        Final # Final $
Zencha                0.624 20               0.2         8.736                        8.736 Zencha          20 12.480
Jumpships        0.5 96                         4 24   2             26 Jumpships 100 50.000
S Dropship             0.3 30                          4.5                  4.5 S Dropship 30 9.000
M Dropship             0.5 20                          5          5 M Dropship 20 10.000
ASF                0.005 3720 310               0.1                                9.843                          9.843 ASF        3410 17.050  //The Aldebaran Aces continue elite-level funding, although there are many other ASF fighters not in the Aces now.
Smallcraft        0.01 1380 108                                  6.09          6.09 Smallcraft     1272 12.720
Yi Bai                0.105 515 240    75 7.125                      -175       -2.925         -18.375        -21.300 Yi Bai          25 2.625
Yi Bai II        0.273 0                   0.1       175 0.027    47.775         47.802 Yi Bai II 175 47.775
Habwr Diogel II      0.109 225                      -225     12.262 -24.525        -12.262 Habwr Diogel II 0 0.000
Habwr Diogel III     0.106 0                   0.1       300 0.011 31.8         31.811 Habwr Diogel III 300 31.800
Deep Habwr      0.065 110                      -110 3.575 -7.150         -3.575 Deep Habwr   0 0.000
Deep Habwr II      0.064 0                   0.1       215 0.006 13.760         13.766 Deep Habwr II 215 13.760
Sailor's Mercy      3.953 5                                 9.883          9.883 Sailor's Mercy   5 19.765
Lie Ren            11.47 0                   0.25         2 2.8675 22.94         25.808 Lie Ren           2 22.940
Kuan Yin III     9.208 0                   0.1        15 0.921 138.12        139.041 Kuan Yin III 15 138.120
Pallada III     8.103 0                   0.1        10 0.81 81.03         81.84 Pallada III 10 81.030
Kuan Yin II     9         14                       -14 63.000        -126.000        -63.000 Kuan Yin II   0 0.000
Pallada II     7.949 15      5 13                       -10 26.745 -79.490        -52.745 Pallada II   0 0.000

Budget                                 413
Remainder                                2.161
PPC                                    -30.78
Naval Gauss                            -30.78
Ferro-Carbide Armor                    -46.17
Upgrade Yard at Capella to L5          -50
Total costs                       -257.236
Remainder                                0.195

Edit: added fleet tactics
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: truetanker on 07 July 2020, 17:46:58
( Placeholder until current computer fixed, sorry. The GM's know what to do.   ;D )

Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Jester Motley on 07 July 2020, 19:17:25
FedSuns Turn 6
[Edit: Adding the Gladius refit info]

Apologies, time is limited this month, major re-org at work happened.  I wanted to write some fluff for the emergence of a ship I've been waiting to build since before turn 1, the Athena, but maybe I can get some time later this week.  Quick synopsis-  She's a true Ship-of-the-Line, designed to go nose to tail line/wall (2d/3d) with broadside direct fire, and missiles using the arc advantage, to get front/aft/BS all on target when in the sweet-spot, or using the front/aft to support her sisters in the line of battle.  The Athena is the recognition of the FS that war has come, and its time for dedicated warships whose beginning and ending mission is "full scale war."

(I already had the design, so could easily post the Athena.  I'll fix the stations when I can, but for now just assume the weapons on the broadsides are non-operational and I'll pay the mass penalty til I can post revised stats.)

Federated Suns Turn report

Code: [Select]
Federated Suns Turn report:   
Turn:                          6                             
Turn Date:                    2400                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Base Budget:                  398000                       
Carryover From previous turn: 23136                         
Bonus/Loss:                    0                             
Total Budget for turn:        421136                       
Maintenance:                  205925                       
Research:                      104227.2                     
New Aquisitions:              67699.25                     
Yard Additions/Upgrades:      60000                         
Surplus for next turn/Warchest -16715.45                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Research:                      XL Fusion                     
Large Dropships                                                                                                                                       
Existing Yards:                                                                                                                                                                                                   
Planet                        L1        L2        L3        L4        L5        L6        L7        L8        L9        L10        Castles Brian                 
TOTAL                          3          3          2          0          1          0          0          0          0          0          0                             
Delevan                        1          1          1          0          1          0         
Layover                        1          1          1         
New Syrtis                    1          1                   
Yard upgrades/moves:                                                                                                                                                               
Upgrade LV5->6                1                              Delevan                       
End of Turn Yards:                       
Planet                        L1        L2        L3        L4        L5        L6        L7        L8        L9        L10        Castles Brian                 
TOTAL                          3          3          2          0          0          1          0          0          0          0          0                             
Delevan                        1          1          1          0          0          1         
Layover                        1          1          1                   
New Syrtis                    1          1         

Starting Minor Vessels:                                                                                                                                               
                              Fighter                        4775                                                                                                                 
                              Adv. Fighter                  0                                                                                                                       
                              Small Craft                    2250                                                                                                                 
                              Light DS                      105                                                                                                                   
                              Med DS                        25                                                                                                                     
                              Hvy DS                        0                             
                              JumpShip                      35                           

New Minor Vessels:                                                                        Total EOT:                   
                              Fighter                        0                              4775                                                                                   
                              Adv. Fighter                  0                              0                                                                                         
                              Small Craft                    0                              2250                                                                                   
                              Light DS                      0                              105                                                                                     
                              Med DS                        0                              25                                                                                       
                              Hvy DS                        5                              5                                                                                         
                              JumpShip                      0                              35                                                                                                                                                         
New Designs                    Built this Turn:             

Athena (BB/Ship of the Line)  2                             
Existing Designs:                  Built this Turn:                    Refit:                              Starting Numbers                    Total:                              Mothballed:                       
Outpost Space Station (Recharge)    0                                  0                                  40                                  40                                  0                                                                                                         
Bailey Space Station (Defense)      0                                0                                20                                20                                0                                             
Gladius (Destroyer/Defense)        0                                7                                7                                0                                0                                             
Hornet (Light Carrier)              0                                0                                3                                3                                0                               
Rapier (Fast Frigate)              0                                0                                5                                5                                0                               
Terrier (Corvette/Scout)            0                                0                                5                                5                                0                               
Cabellus (AFS Collier/Combat Stores 0                                0                                3                                3                                0                                                                                                                               
Achilles-B-A1 (Cruiser)            0                                0                                6                                6                                0                               
Parapet Defense Satellite          150                                0                                150                                300                                0                               
Epee (Heavy Frigate)                2                                0                                3                                5                                0                               
Bolo (Heavy Destroyer)              0                                0                                4                                4                                0                               
Javelin (Light Cruiser)            0                                0                                2                                2                                0                               
Athena (BB/Ship of the Line)        2                                0                                0                                2                                0                                 
Beholder Packet Ship                8                                0                                8                                16                                0                                                               
Gladius-B-A1 (Destroyer)      0                                7                                                                7                                0                               

New Vessels and designs:

Athena class Ship-of-the-Line (Battleship)
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Athena (BB/Ship-of-the-line)
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $12,292,524,000.00
Magazine Cost: $114,000,000.00
BV2: 168,409

Mass: 1,400,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Ferro-Carbide
60 Capital Launcher White Shark
60 Capital Launcher Barracuda
100 Laser Small
16 PPC
4 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy
8 Naval Gauss Rifle Light
16 Naval PPC Heavy
24 Naval Laser 55
Class/Model/Name: Athena (BB/Ship-of-the-line)
Mass: 1,400,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 252,000.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 3,500.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (28 Integrity) 633,500.00
Jump Sail: (6 Integrity) 100.00
Structural Integrity: 150 210,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 4154(8308) Double 3,400.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 12500 points 5,100.00
Fire Control Computers: 2,552.50
Armor: 3450 pts Ferro-Carbide 4,200.00
Fore: 600
Fore-Left/Right: 600/600
Aft-Left/Right: 600/600
Aft: 450

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 6 300.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 60 420.00
Life Boats: 60 420.00

Crew And Passengers:
87 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 870.00
238 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 1,666.00
192 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 1,344.00
216 Bay Personnel 0.00
36 1st Class Passengers 360.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
15 Capital Launcher White Shark Nose 225 450 (45-C) Extreme-C 1,800.00
15 Capital Launcher Barracuda Nose 150 300 (30-C) 1,350.00
25 Laser Small Nose 25 75 (7.5-C) 12.50
4 PPC Nose 40 40 (4-C) 28.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy FR 18 300 (30-C) 7,000.00
2 Naval Gauss Rifle Light FR 18 300 (30-C) 9,000.00
4 Naval PPC Heavy FR 900 600 (60-C) 12,000.00
6 Naval Laser 55 FR 510 330 (33-C) 6,600.00
15 Capital Launcher White Shark RBS 225 450 (45-C) 1,800.00
15 Capital Launcher Barracuda RBS 150 300 (30-C) 1,350.00
25 Laser Small RBS 25 75 (7.5-C) 12.50
4 PPC RBS 40 40 (4-C) 28.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy AR 18 300 (30-C) 7,000.00
2 Naval Gauss Rifle Light AR 18 300 (30-C) 9,000.00
4 Naval PPC Heavy AR 900 600 (60-C) 12,000.00
6 Naval Laser 55 AR 510 330 (33-C) 6,600.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy FL 18 300 (30-C) 7,000.00
2 Naval Gauss Rifle Light FL 18 300 (30-C) 9,000.00
4 Naval PPC Heavy FL 900 600 (60-C) 12,000.00
6 Naval Laser 55 FL 510 330 (33-C) 6,600.00
15 Capital Launcher White Shark LBS 225 450 (45-C) 1,800.00
15 Capital Launcher Barracuda LBS 150 300 (30-C) 1,350.00
25 Laser Small LBS 25 75 (7.5-C) 12.50
4 PPC LBS 40 40 (4-C) 28.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy AL 18 300 (30-C) 7,000.00
2 Naval Gauss Rifle Light AL 18 300 (30-C) 9,000.00
4 Naval PPC Heavy AL 900 600 (60-C) 12,000.00
6 Naval Laser 55 AL 510 330 (33-C) 6,600.00
15 Capital Launcher White Shark Aft 225 450 (45-C) 1,800.00
15 Capital Launcher Barracuda Aft 150 300 (30-C) 1,350.00
25 Laser Small Aft 25 75 (7.5-C) 12.50
4 PPC Aft 40 40 (4-C) 28.00
Ammo Rounds Mass
Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy Ammo 1600 800.00
Naval Gauss Rifle Light Ammo 3200 640.00
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 600 18,000.00
Capital Launcher White Shark Ammo 600 24,000.00
Equipment Mass
# Cargo and Bays Mass
24 Bay Small Craft 4,800.00
48 Bay Fighter 7200
71000 Cargo, Standard 71000

Gladius-B-A1 (DD- Fleet Defense) refit
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Gladius-B-A1 (Fleet/Defense Destroyer)
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $6,716,714,000.00
Magazine Cost: $58,100,000.00
BV2: 61,030

Mass: 450,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Ferro-Carbide
16 Naval Laser 55
10 Naval AC 35
10 Capital Launcher Killer Whale
40 PPC
80 Laser Small
8 Naval Laser 35
8 Capital Launcher Barracuda
Class/Model/Name: Gladius-B-A1 (Fleet/Defense Destroyer)
Mass: 450,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 81,000.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 1,125.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (11 Integrity) 203,625.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 53.00
Structural Integrity: 100 45,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 2097(4194) Double 1,650.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 7500 points 3,060.00
Fire Control Computers: 5,926.00
Armor: 780 pts Ferro-Carbide 900.00
Fore: 130
Fore-Left/Right: 130/130
Aft-Left/Right: 130/130
Aft: 130

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 0.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 25 175.00
Life Boats: 25 175.00

Crew And Passengers:
35 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 350.00
100 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 700.00
72 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 504.00
0 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
0 2nd Class Passengers 0.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00
# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
3 Naval Laser 55 Nose 255 165 (16.5-C) Extreme-C 3,300.00
2 Naval AC 35 Nose 240 700 (70-C) Medium-C 8,000.00
2 Capital Launcher Killer Whale Nose 40 80 (8-C) Extreme-C 300.00
5 PPC Nose 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small Nose 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
2 Naval Laser 35 FR 104 70 (7-C) Long-C 1,400.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda FR 20 40 (4-C) Extreme-C 180.00
5 PPC FR 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small FR 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
5 Naval Laser 55 RBS 425 275 (27.5-C) Extreme-C 5,500.00
3 Naval AC 35 RBS 360 1050 (105-C) Medium-C 12,000.00
3 Capital Launcher Killer Whale RBS 60 120 (12-C) Extreme-C 450.00
5 PPC RBS 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small RBS 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
2 Naval Laser 35 AR 104 70 (7-C) Long-C 1,400.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda AR 20 40 (4-C) Extreme-C 180.00
5 PPC AR 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small AR 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
2 Naval Laser 35 FL 104 70 (7-C) Long-C 1,400.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda FL 20 40 (4-C) Extreme-C 180.00
5 PPC FL 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small FL 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
5 Naval Laser 55 LBS 425 275 (27.5-C) Extreme-C 5,500.00
3 Naval AC 35 LBS 360 1050 (105-C) Medium-C 12,000.00
3 Capital Launcher Killer Whale LBS 60 120 (12-C) Extreme-C 450.00
5 PPC LBS 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small LBS 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
2 Naval Laser 35 AL 104 70 (7-C) Long-C 1,400.00
2 Capital Launcher Barracuda AL 20 40 (4-C) Extreme-C 180.00
5 PPC AL 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small AL 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
3 Naval Laser 55 Aft 255 165 (16.5-C) Extreme-C 3,300.00
2 Naval AC 35 Aft 240 700 (70-C) Medium-C 8,000.00
2 Capital Launcher Killer Whale Aft 40 80 (8-C) Extreme-C 300.00
5 PPC Aft 50 50 (5-C) Medium 35.00
10 Laser Small Aft 10 30 (3-C) Short-PDS 5.00
Ammo Rounds Mass
Naval AC 35 Ammo 500 500.00
Capital Launcher Killer Whale Ammo 200 10,000.00
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 200 6,000.00
Equipment Mass
# Cargo and Bays Mass
22500 Cargo, Standard 22,500.00

AFFS Ship Names, 2400-2410
Code: [Select]
AFFS Naval Vessels by Class and Design: 2400-2410 Fallen:
Athena (BB/Ship-of-the-Line) 2
Achilles (Cruiser) 6
Javelin (Light Cruiser) 2
Bolo (Heavy Destroyer) 4
Gladius-B-A1 (Destroyer/Defense) 7
Hornet (Light Carrier) 3
Epee (Heavy Frigate) 5
Botta Segrete
Rapier (Fast Frigate) 5
Terrier (Corvette/Scout) 5
Yorkshire II
Cabellus (AFS Collier/Combat Stores) 3

Beholder (Packet, Notable names only)
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: kindalas on 14 July 2020, 14:23:19
Lyran Commonwealth, Turn Beginning 2400

Code: [Select]
Lyran Commonwealth, Turn Beginning 2400 Value/Cost
Funds: $3,237.05
Revenue: $417,000.00
Shipyards: Alarion: 4/2/2 $140,000.00
New Kyoto:  0/2 $45,000.00
Tamar: 0/2 $45,000.00
Warships:  Heimdallr 1b 7 $65,009.00
Snotra 1a 8 $38,544.00
Mjolnir NAC 4 $44,440.00
Mjolnir NPPC 4 $44,120.00
Jumpships:  Nehalennia Tender 4 $15,832.00
Nehalennia Transport 36 $64,332.00
Hermóðr Messenger 34 $22,168.00
Space Stations: Ribe 250 $36,000.00
Rán Customs Station 400 $8,000.00
Marsden Defense Station 100 $7,100.00
Dropships:  Light 200 $60,000.00
Small Craft 1485 $14,850.00
Fighters: 2800 $14,000.00
Assets: $1,084,632.05

Expenses Number Cost
Maintenance $217,197.50
Scrap: Tartarus $(236.25)
Repair $12,000.00
R&D: Naval Gauss $31,020.00
Prototype: Skeggøx Troop Transport $2,852.25
Prototype: Angler Heavy Picket $2,080.00
Prototype: Snotra II $480.90
Refit: Snotra 1a -> Snotra II $-   
Production:  Heimdallr 1b 1 $9,287.00
Production:  Rán Customs Station 0 $-   
Production:  Nehalennia Tender 0 $-   
Production:  Nehalennia Transport 0 $-   
Production:  Marsden Defense Station 0 $-   
Production:  Mjolnir NAC 0 $-   
Production:  Mjolnir NPPC 0 $-   
Production:  Angler Heavy Picket 4 $33,280.00
Production:  Hermóðr Messenger 8 $5,216.00
Production:  Skeggøx Troop Transport 4 $45,636.00
Alarion 2>3 *2 $30,000.00
Move Lvl 3 to Tharkad $15,000.00
Move Lvl 3 to Odessa $15,000.00
Jumpship Production: $500.00 0 $-   
Dropship Production: Light $300.00 0 $-   
Small Craft: $10.00 15 $150.00
Fighters: $5.00 250 $1,250.00
Total: $420,213.40

Lyran Commonwealth, Turn Ending 2410 Value/Cost
Funds: $23.65
Shipyards: Alarion: 4/0/2 $140,000.00
New Kyoto:  0/2 $45,000.00
Tamar: 0/2 $45,000.00
Tharkad: 0/0/1 $60,000.00
Odessa: 0/0/1 $60,000.00
Warships:  Snotra II 8 $38,472.00
Heimdallr 1b 8 $74,296.00
Mjolnir NAC 4 $44,440.00
Mjolnir NPPC 4 $44,120.00
Skeggøx Troop Transport 4 $45,636.00
Angler Heavy Picket 4 $33,280.00
Jumpships:  Nehalennia Tender 4 $15,832.00
Nehalennia Transport 36 $64,332.00
Hermóðr Messenger 42 $27,384.00
Space Stations: Ribe 250 $36,000.00
Rán Customs Station 400 $8,000.00
Marsden Defense Station 100 $7,100.00
Dropships:  Light 200 $60,000.00
Small Craft 1500 $15,000.00
Fighters: 3050 $15,250.00
Assets: $879,165.65

Skeggøx Troop Transport

With the adoption of the Fast Fleet Doctrine the LCN was faced with the problem of a Fleet that could outpace the Army.

The Skeggøx Troop Transport was the solution to this problem and a sign that the Navy was committed to the Age of War Doctrine presented by Archon Marsden.

Twelve infantry regiments, three light tank regiments, a heavy tank regiments and a single Mech regiment were to be deployed directly from the Skeggøx's massive troop bays.

Supporting these ground forces were 160 landing craft and six aerospace fighter regiments.

While the Skeggøx was not designed for combat it was still armed with more firepower then the Heimdallr and as much armor as its frame could handle.

To further increase the protection for the 40,000 troops that the Skeggøx carries a lithium-fusion battery was included along with a comprehensive secondary weapons array surrounding the vessel in a bubble of protection.

To ensure the health of the crew eight large gravdecks were installed along with over a thousand Life Boats.

To supplement the 36,000 infantry there were expanded billets for 6048 marines.

The Skeggøx Troop Transport should never enter into a combat situation, its doctrinal requirements read like the ones given to the Captains of the Nehalennia Transports that continue to move the bulk of the Army to their targets.

Because of the extremely high number of troops that billet on the Skeggøx it is the only ship in the fleet with an LCAf Liaison as part of the command staff.

Code: [Select]
Skeggøx Troop Transport
Mass: 750,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 2400
Mass: 750,000
Battle Value: 77,903
Cost: 11,408,610,000 C-bills

Fuel: 4,000 tons (10,000)
Safe Thrust: 1
Maximum Thrust: 2
Sail Integrity: 5
KF Drive Integrity: 16
Heat Sinks: 6,112
Structural Integrity: 60

    Nose: 118
    Fore Sides: 130/130
    Aft Sides: 130/130
    Aft: 118

    Bay 1:  Fighter (324)           8 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Small Craft (160)       2 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Mech (108)              1 Door   
    Bay 4:  Heavy Vehicle (108)     1 Door   
    Bay 5:  Light Vehicle (324)     1 Door   
    Bay 6:  Infantry 36,288 Troops  1 Door   
    Bay 7:  Cargo (50,711 tons)     1 Door   

    3,200 rounds of Machine Gun ammunition (16 tons),
    160 rounds of NAC/30 ammunition (128 tons),
    1,344 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition (224 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 8 (240 m, 240 m, 240 m, 240 m, 240 m, 240 m, 240 m, 240 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 1,050
Crew:  45 officers, 150 enlisted/non-rated, 74 gunners, 40436 bay personnel, 6048 marines

Notes: Equipped with
    lithium-fusion battery system
    1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Large)
900 tons of ferro-carbide armor.

Weapons:                             Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                       Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (320 Heat)
20 LRM 20                        120  24(240) 24(240) 24(240)   0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 Ammo (1440 shots)
20 Machine Gun                    0   4(40)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (160000 shots)
20 PPC                           200  20(200) 20(200)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
FRS/FLS (1,208 Heat)
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)              900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)      200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (40 shots)
8 LRM 20                         48   10(96)  10(96)  10(96)    0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 Ammo (576 shots)
6 PPC                            60   6(60)   6(60)    0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
RBS/LBS (320 Heat)
20 LRM 20                        120  24(240) 24(240) 24(240)   0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 Ammo (1440 shots)
20 Machine Gun                    0   4(40)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (160000 shots)
20 PPC                           200  20(200) 20(200)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
ARS/ALS (1,208 Heat)
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)              900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)      200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (40 shots)
8 LRM 20                         48   10(96)  10(96)  10(96)    0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 Ammo (576 shots)
6 PPC                            60   6(60)   6(60)    0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
Aft (320 Heat)
20 LRM 20                        120  24(240) 24(240) 24(240)   0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 Ammo (1440 shots)
20 Machine Gun                    0   4(40)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (160000 shots)
20 PPC                           200  20(200) 20(200)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         

Angler Heavy Picket

The transition to the Fast Fleet Doctrine left room for a defensive picket vessel. A role that the Mjolnir had originally been able to fufil as part of its design profile. When keeping a lithium-fusion battery equipped Mjolnir in critical systems turned out to be cost prohibited a new vessel was developed to defend the Lyran Shipyards.

The Angler Heavy Picket shares many of its primary KF components with the Mjolnir but it has a heavier structure and a more powerful transit drive.

The cost of these incrases resulted in 12 guns to a side, instead of 16, a miniscule cargo fraction and a very limited array of support craft.

The Angler maintained a healthy secondary armament and a compliment of over 300 marines to fight off boarding parties.

The limitations placed on the Angler lets it excel in a defensive role where an interception jump can place it anywhere an invading fleet doesn't want while limiting its offesive legs keeping the vessels from being diverted to the front lines and away from the critical infrastructre that they were built to defend.

Code: [Select]
Angler Heavy Picket
Mass: 750,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 3145
Mass: 750,000
Battle Value: 216,819
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-F
Cost: 8,320,238,000 C-bills

Fuel: 1,000 tons (2,500)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Sail Integrity: 5
KF Drive Integrity: 16
Heat Sinks: 3,008
Structural Integrity: 170

    Nose: 271
    Fore Sides: 400/400
    Aft Sides: 400/400
    Aft: 271

    Bay 1:  Small Craft (6)         3 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Fighter (18)            9 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Cargo (1802.0 tons)     1 Door   

    240 rounds of NAC/30 ammunition (192 tons),
    96 rounds of LRM 20 ammunition (16 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 2 (240 m, 240 m)
Escape Pods: 98
Life Boats: 0
Crew:  41 officers, 154 enlisted/non-rated, 47 gunners, 66 bay personnel, 336 marines

Notes: Equipped with
    1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Large)
2,550 tons of ferro-carbide armor.

Weapons:                         Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                   Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (94 Heat)
10 Small Laser               10   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
6 PPC                        60   6(60)   6(60)    0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
4 LRM 20                     24   5(48)   5(48)   5(48)     0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 Ammo (288 shots)
FRS/FLS (470 Heat)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)  200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (20 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)  200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (20 shots)
10 Small Laser               10   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
6 PPC                        60   6(60)   6(60)    0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
RBS/LBS (470 Heat)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)  200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (20 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)  200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (20 shots)
10 Small Laser               10   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
6 PPC                        60   6(60)   6(60)    0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
ARS/ALS (470 Heat)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)  200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (20 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)  200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (20 shots)
10 Small Laser               10   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
6 PPC                        60   6(60)   6(60)    0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
Aft (94 Heat)
10 Small Laser               10   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
6 PPC                        60   6(60)   6(60)    0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
4 LRM 20                     24   5(48)   5(48)   5(48)     0(0)   LRM         
    LRM 20 Ammo (288 shots)

Snotra II

Officially splitting the LCN into two fleet types, the defensive slow fleet lead by the Angler Heavy Picket gave life to the languishing Snotra Deterrance Frigates who had been place in the refitted Fast Fleet that had come to define the LCN.

The long awaited refit of the class saw the expected upgrades to the vessels armor to the new Ferro Carbine Composites but under the skin many changes took place.

The Naval PPC was a signature of the LCN from its inception, but with the success of the Mjolnir with its extreme broadsides of Naval Autocannons a new philosophy was emerging and the Snotra found its NPPC Battery replaced with the same quad turrets of the Mjolnir. The Barracuda missiles were upgraded to White Shark tubes because of their dramatically improved ability to damage delicate components under the increasingly thick layers of armor that enemy fleets were being deployed with.

The massive gravdecks that were first developed for the Heimdallr were replaced with a pair of compact decks that greatly reduced the Snotra's profile and the vessels impressive transit drives remained despite considerable debate aimed at limiting the vessels to only 4 gravities of acceleration.

Finally the cramped and generally unsafe infantry bays were replaced with quarters for 140 marines, this made room to double the compliment of Shu fighters carried by the Snotra and allowed for a reduction in Small Craft to provide space for consumables for the vessels shorter patrol envelope.

Code: [Select]

Snotra II
Mass: 240,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 3145
Mass: 240,000
Battle Value: 84,857
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-F
Cost: 4,808,650,000 C-bills

Fuel: 500 tons (2,500)
Safe Thrust: 6
Maximum Thrust: 9
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 7
Heat Sinks: 600
Structural Integrity: 60

    Nose: 70
    Fore Sides: 60/60
    Aft Sides: 50/50
    Aft: 34

    Bay 1:  Small Craft (6)         2 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Fighter (36)            6 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Cargo (2223.0 tons)     1 Door   

    80 rounds of White Shark ammunition (80 tons),
    80 rounds of NAC/30 ammunition (1.6 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 2 (65 m, 65 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 20
Crew:  20 officers, 73 enlisted/non-rated, 26 gunners, 102 bay personnel, 140 marines

Notes: Equipped with
    1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Small)
288 tons of ferro-carbide armor.

Weapons:                                      Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (410 Heat)
10 Small Laser                            10   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)               200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (40 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/30)               200  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/30 Ammo (40 shots)
FRS/FLS (70 Heat)
4 Capital Missile Launcher (White Shark)  60   12(120) 12(120) 12(120) 12(120)  Capital Missile
    White Shark Ammo (40 shots)
10 Small Laser                            10   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
RBS/LBS (10 Heat)
10 Small Laser                            10   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
ARS/ALS (10 Heat)
10 Small Laser                            10   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
Aft (10 Heat)
10 Small Laser                            10   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense

Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: GermanSumo on 15 July 2020, 16:33:04
Rim Worlds Republic, "First Steps"

Apollo Military Academy (12.07.2399), Apollo, Outside of Terra Prime, biggest Auditorium "Soup Bowl"

The Auditorium is filled with the class of 3399. Several hundreds of graduated Pilots, Crews and Ship personel sit in rows in their parade uniforms. Lots of Apollos media is also present along with the current govenor, the representative of the Roe Weapons System and of course the Commanding Officers of the ground forces and the navy compartment that defends main Rimworld colony. The graduation speech of the newly appointed Rear Admiral Konstantin van Farch was awaited with anxious anticipation. Konstantin van Farch had been an instructor of the AMA for the last decades after his warship career had been cut short due to an unfortunate accident on one of the then newly christended Vittoria Block Is. He had always been sharp and outspoken of his political and strategic views which made him unwelcome at best with the admiralty and the Rim World leadership. Despite this and his open criticism he had been promoted him to head the most important naval academy for the Republic but this post could be taken away as soon as tomorrow. Until this point though, his academic teachings and the test regime he had implemented were well respected throughout the vast reaches not only of the “Four Corners Region” but also well beyond. In the two decades of him working on the curriculum, the naval part of the Apollo Military Academy had been one of the best and respected Academy whose reputation rivaled the academies on Terra.

The whispering and murmuring stops as a small, hunched figure slowly enters the main stage. A life in space took its toll on the frail body. The man had a crude and ancient leg replacement where his right leg would be. A crutch helped him maintain his balance under planetary gravitation. He slowly limped to the single speakers desk where a chair was waiting for him. The lights in the big auditory went out and only a single beam of light focussed on that desk. Van Farch sits down on the chair. The first thing he does is to pull out a cigar and light it. Before looking into the darkened auditorium in front of him. He takes a deep breath and exhales a clould of cigar smoke (University rumor has it that van Farch smoked everywhere. Even on the ships he commands or enters in space). He leans slightly forward to speak into the several microphones. His voice is a smoky rasp and you can hear the iron undertone of somebody used to command a group.

"Class of 99... congratulations on your results. You all are now full members of the Taurian Naval Forces in varying positions" a slight smile suddenly appears on the otherwise stern face "may god help us all for this. Only i know the true depth of despair the Naval Forces have to need YOU to fill the ranks!" The graduates laugh a bit... they know their old head instructors humor all too well. Some other attendees and younger students who never learned under the "Old Man" gasp from hearing this. "Some of you may expect a lengthy speech of tradition and honor and the need to protect the state and some other bullshyte from me at this point. You graduates know me better. I put you through hell and back with my testing and command style. No such shyte this year. I have something else prepared for everybody..." a big overhead projector springs to life and transmitts giant pictures on the wall behind the rear admiral. "Here, ladies and gentlemen, you see the fleet strengths of the the Lyran Commonwealth... or what we know of them... their fleet power is considerably stronger in their 2 fleets currently operating on our border than what we have. Also take in consideration that their tech base is further ahead of us. They just have many many more systems to sustain their navy compared to us. And OUR great Admiralty decided, it would be a great idea to colonize our realm TOWARDS this power. To step on their toes and make them strongly aware that we are here.   What happened then was quite easy to foresee. They came knocking at our door. And their knocking was powerful enough to give us a bloody nose. Ladies and Gentlemen… I must emphasize this. The Lyrans have bigger ships, more ships and they can DOUBLEJUMP before needing to fight. Why did our state go and step on their proverbial toes? We have more than enough issues defending and policing our territories while helping our allies to beat back an agressive Combine.
Ladies and Gentlemen, our nations colonies are some of the youngest in space. We worked hard and dilligently to build us up to where we are. From a band of slavers and criminals we became a thriving Republic. We have many more stars ahead of us that we can settle without butting heads with anybody. We expect billions of refugees searching known space for a safe haven in the coming decades… But the recent administration politics endanger all these prospects. Now... i am no politician. I am a military instructor and planner. I might criticize my government but ultimatly i will do what they tell me to do as long as it is constitutional. But i can suggest something... and suggest i will do now!" He makes a break after this small speech, letting the audience think about his words. Van Farch takes several deep breaths with his cigar, clouding the stage in some smoke. He finally continues. "Our fleet deployment must change. We need to keep a strong force gathered and well trained to repel attacks as we can. We need more of our Ichnilatis Corvettes to scout the unknown for threats, pirates and potential wealths. The fleet must be retrained from offensive to defensive actions. As commanding admiral of the navy i would be willing to invest up to 20% of our budget into efforts to support the founding of new colonies and a force to protect a fleet to support a major effort to colonize away from the Lyrans! We need to trade more, we need to produce more, we need to harvest more. THEN we can think about ddoing more than helping our allies.
Our Republic is renowned for our ability to adapt and overcome. Let us use that to our advantage, ladies and gentlemen. I suggest we invest heavily in fighters, dropships, jumpships, colonies and our economy. Not ships of the line, not right now. They cost us more than we can afford right now. These plans and suggestions are available in detail at my public domain right now. Im not a revolutionary... i am an advisor and i have a mission i will fullfil. To give new and well trained officers and crews to the RWR navy. I am proud i am allowed to do that. And now... CLASS OF 01... AAAAAAAATTENTION!!!!!" The majority of the auditorium stands up as one man at the sound of van Farchs words. "Your new orders and deployments will be posted in your personal tablets. Deployment begins late evening as of tomorrow. Until then the order is as following: RELAX AND ENJOY. .... Make our nation proud, boys and girls. DISMISSED!!!" With these words the lights in the auditorium switch on again. The newly commissioned crews and officers start a short HOORAY-chant. The military and political leaders look very thoughtful, some angry at the man who just held this speech, the media makes some more pictures of the chanting and celebrating students... and a small, hunched, limping figure can be seen slowly moving his broken body back from the auditorium.

Nowy Mazyr (18.10.2404), Csesztreg, Public Park
Van Farch pulled his long coat around him to warm himself some more. Of course he had been fired from his position by forcing him to retire. The First Consul and his Commanding Admiral didn’t take lightly to criticism. In the old times he would have just been shot. Today he was retired, given a small pension and a ticket to any world inside the realm of his choosing. The decision was simple. His leg prevented him from permanently staying on most planets. But Csesztregs gravity was well below 1 g. And the climate was to his liking. His family line descended from Sami people. Cold had always been preferable to warm, lush summers for him. As a final insult to him the Republican Navy issued a small apartment in one of the downtrodden miner complexes that dotted the surface of Csesztreg to him. In an equally downtrodden, bleak town. He was allowed to keep his trusted, powerful portable which held the data of many test and simulations which had made even good, experienced officers cringe during his days as head instructor. Without access to most of the databases of course. So he sat nearly every day outside on one of the concrete benches in an effort to keep his mind trained and sharp and not making him go nuts with boredom. Since his retirement he stopped watching any kind of news media which wasn’t very hard in the place he had found himself in. His neighbours never cared for him as they did their back breaking work in the mines and the few hardened females populating the area couldn’t stand his bluntness and solitary character. Thus he was sitting outside a good part of the day in the cold wind, smoking his cigars, drinking tea or coffee from a thermocup and running simulations for a navy which didn’t want him anymore.
“Damn, its nearly as cold as on Arcturus here” he heard a womans voice. Not looking up from his simulation he replied “As if I would know, woman. Never been there… and I think, you haven’t been either.” “And how do you think this, oldtimer?” “Your accent is Apollonian… I been there, I know… and an apollonian woman with the means to travel to Arcturus and to THIS place…” He looked up, his gaze towards the Mining Complex and its slagheap pile, then to the old, bleak living complex and finally to the woman. “You don’t quite fit in here… or were you send to finally end me? Like in old times? Just go ahead… im fine with that outcome.” He leaned back, mustering the woman in front of him. Her age was undistinguishable, black hair flowed down her shoulder. She was pretty. She wore warming clothes. On any really civilized world they would have been viewed as dirt cheap and unassuming. Here though… They were without holes and patches. Which made her look wealthy here. “I see… not a lady but not from here. So, woman. Don’t just stand there looking at me as if I was a young naked man…” He lit another cigar. “Spit out what you want” The woman started to smile and let out a laughter as she sat down on a neighboring bench. “I see why my brother and the Admirals didn’t like you. Good day, Mr van Farch. How does retirement befit you? My name is Heather….” Van Farch sat straight up as if a lightning hit him. “Heather Durant? You are…. But WHY in camerons name? Why did you come here?” “Well, Mr van Farch. I am in need of an Admiral. My brother died some time ago, leaving me with the rather unthankful task of leading the Republic. And my GRAND Admirals disappointed me one time too much. She is just on her way to a similar place to this… of her own choosing of course. I have been told you were available… if youre not too busy sitting in the cold and enjoying the sights of Csesztreg!” An amused smile crept through her pretty face as she waited for Konstantines reply. The confused stare in Konstantines face made way for the concentrated instructors expression as he realized the situation. “How much did we loose, First Consul? How can I serve the Republic?”

Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: GermanSumo on 17 July 2020, 07:21:02
Navy Headquarters (22.12.2404), Apollo, Terra Prime Fleet Deployment, Part I

The huge conference room was filled with anticipation. If an assassin would have known about this meeting, he would probably have blown up the whole headquarters. ALL the highest officers, ship commanders and their staff was assembled in the room. The participants knew about this extraordinary fact of course and all of them were between uncomfortable and outright outraged to the fact that they – and their ships – were all assembled here. All of them had heard about the mans career (and his last public speech) who was responsible for this meeting. A murmuring filled the room like soft waves filled beaches on Terra. The man responsible for this gathering did not yet show himself. In his absence, a small army of stewards filled the room. The RWR navy had kept the tradition of assigning stewards to every commanding officer so he could concentrate on more important things than his food or what to wear.
Finally a door close to the head of the big hall opened and a hunched figure could be seen limping into the room towards a central chair which was just removed by stewards and exchanged for a comfortable arm chair. Van Farchs body moved slower than usual. He sat down on the arm chair with a sigh of relief. Before addressing the assembled navy commanders, he lit a cigar and took a sip of the coffee prepared for him by a steward. With a sigh of relief he leaned his body into the cushions.
“I must apologize, ladies and gentlemen. I was held up by an important conversation which just came up. I am inconsolable about this breach of protocol.”
“This is damn outrageous, van Farch. Not only did you usurp the post of First Space Lord… you also weakened our nations defenses by pulling ALL of us here like a bunch of first year cadets. We should be fighting the enemy, van Farch. Not sit here.”
One of the veteran Commodores had stood up and angrily proclaimed what most of them thought. He was not much younger than van Farch and surely never went through Farchs Hell, the famed graduation test and last year course at the Academy. This course was what had many young nobles from all over the known sphere come to Apollo for training. Many of the older officers nodded… most of those who had gone through his training regimen were a lot more careful and just looked blankly at the armchair and his inhabitant.
“Ah, Frederick O´Shea? The cousin of the woman I replaced?” A smile could be seen on van Farchs weary face before his gaze turned to laser focused beams. “Don’t worry, O´Shea. This is the republic. I will not let you get whipped publicly or kill you and take your family as slaves.” O´Sheas face turned white. “I see… you are still familiar with the old traditions, Frederick. No, Article 25 of the Sailors Manual clearly states to register your official complaint and send it to the higher authority. In my case this would be the First Consul. I already prepared some complaint papers for every officer who wishes to take their case there. You only need to give your signatures.” Van Farchs eyes searched the room. O´Shea shook his now white skinned head. “PPFFFF… I thought so. Anyone else?” Van Farch looked with disgust at the assembled and shook his head. “Really??? Nobody? Gosh… I was hoping for some fookin BACKBONE here. You lead the most important forces of the Republic in the time its facing its most existential threat and THIS IS ALL???” His loud, angry yell echoed through the room as he paused for a moment while inhaling deeply from his cigar. “I read all reports of the last several years. REALLY??? Not a single initiative by ALL of you? No proposal how to lead the war? Nobody stood up for what THEY thought was best? All hid behind their rank and pointed to higher authorities? I am disappointed, ladies and gentlemen. This is not the crowd I encouraged to THINK, to DARE… to be OFFICERS of the Republic.”

Van Farchs voice became a bit softer. “I know, ladies and gentlemen. You had been facing difficult odds. A technically superior navy, bigger numbers and an enemy nation that is exponentially bigger than our Republic. Still… many of you went through Farchs Hell. I expected more than dutiful service.” Van Farchs body relaxed into the cushions again. He inhaled deeply and took another sip of his coffee. He pressed some buttons and a projector posted a picture of the current RWR on the wall of the conference room.
“You may not like to hear this, ladies and gentlemen… but we basically lost already. If WE can not find a way to turn this war around. WE! Nobody else. I personally operate under the assumption that the Archon basically just tests his new toys against us and wants the Republic subdued. Then he will turn to bigger fish. With an experienced navy which has a decent, proven idea of what they can do with all the shiny new toys Alarion is churning out.
On the other side are we… beaten in 2 major engagements, having lost parts of our territory and having been unable to defend while the Lyrans disassembled our yardslips over Icar. And since then… all of you here did not take a stand ONCE. None of you issued a plan, a strategy or anything that would have helped the Republic. It doesn’t matter if you would have been retired for taking a stand. I did as well. And WAS retired.”
Van Farch gave a hand signal to a steward. This steward brought him a bunch of Tablets. He took the first of those and held it pointing towards a group of 4 commanding officers. It was the group of Ichnilatis officers crowd. “You 4… choose ONE from your midst and that person step forward.” The 4 captains looked surprised at each other. They never had been to a similar kind of briefing. The youngest of them nodded and he stood at van Farchs desk. As he wanted to introduce himself, van Farch waved him away.
“Not important, Captain. Your orders are as followed: You are hereby promoted to temporary Commodore. You will take command of your own Ichnilatis, two Vittorias and 5 Jumpships with Dropship flotilla. The ships and commanders serving under you had been choosen before and will get their mission assignments now from the stewards. You will have to cover our asses from pirates to the areas away from the front. Yours is basically a Search and Destroy mission. Your area of operations is basically all space between our borders and heaven. Excluding all territory of other states. You are free to operate under your own, independent authority. Just stop the pirates as good as you can using all legal means and following the general guidelines. Any questions? Oh… and Commodore? One advice… Mission parameters include finding possible pirate bases. So don’t blow up any pirate ship you see on sight. Make prisoners and question them. I am sure, the Military and the un-intelligent agencies will have a specialist or two to support your mission… IF you care to ask nicely. One more thing: I know that your battle group is way too small to make stop every pirate out there. I don’t expect wonders. I expect initiative and as many results as you can bring, understood? Dismissed!”

As the newly promoted Commodore hastily managed to give his salute and leave with all the mentioned captains and staff, Stewards brought in 25 Officers. All wearing Captains and Commanders stripes. They gathered next to the conference table as van Farch waved to the other 3 Ichnilatis Captains to come closer. As they stood before him, he held up one hand and offered 3 straws. The gathered officers looked in to this spectacle in total confusion, as he unceremoniously ordered: “Draw, Gentleman and Ladies”. The Captains each took on and eyed their straws. 2 had the same length, 1 was shorter. Konstantine pointed towards the Captain with the short straw. “Alright… you… please join the crowd again and sit down.” His eyes mustered the 2 remaining captains and he took 2 more tablets. Both were females.
“Well, well… I have 2 volunteers. I don’t have good news for you. No independent command for you. You and those fine officers over here will be my eyes. 25 Jumpships and your 2 Ichnilatis will roam the half of the Republic between here and the 4 corners region. Your mission will be to scout the area towards the front. I need to know if and where the Lyrans strike next, so we can issue an appropriate response. Jump patterns will be found on your pads. You are strictly NOT to engage enemy forces. You see one, you get your sorry asses back home. No heroic actions, no matter what you scout. No jumping into occupied territory, no engagement other than pirates. No matter how weak the enemy appears to be. You are eyes only. No brain. Did I make myself clear? …. Good. DISMISSED. All of you. Out, out and out and to your deployment zones. Now!”

Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 19 July 2020, 00:16:22
Illyrian Palatinate Turn 2400-10

My Lord,

We still do not know exactly what happened to the Rauma, however the Marian claims that it opened fire on one of their ships without provocation has to be a lie. Still the Marian ambassador is livid, and continuing to ignore their demands for reparations is likely to anger them further. Thus in preparation for their anticipated assault, I have contacted the Capellan Embassy's naval attache and secured the purchase of a large number of their Yi Bai satellites to defend the capital with. The existence of the MHS Limoncello has me deeply concerned, even if the ship hasn't had any kind of modernisation it's century old design is still sufficient to deal with any single vessel in our possession. I would not want to face it with less than 3 Snekkja's under my command. Fortunately other than the two Augustus Missile Cruisers the Marians lack any escorting ships of note, the various Scaphas only being useful as escort carriers and troop ships.

To improve our chances against the MHN, production of the Snekkjas continues as fast as the yard over our head allows. With the addition of the Yi Bais we may not have sufficient fighter craft for everything, but the fleet will be given priority followed by a wing of fighters to be stationed on each planet, with the satellites then receiving the remainder.

In all honesty your highness, now may be the best time to strike the Marians. Their fleet has a huge border to cover and would be unable to react quickly to a rapid thrust at their heart. I suggest an attack on their yards at Alphard itself, without a yard to do routine maintenance or replace losses their fleet will be unable to risk moving against us giving us more time to prepare the killing blow.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2400 Value in Millions
Money Available $51,000
Remaining from Last Turn 194
Available Shipyards

Illyria 0/1
Trondheimal 1


Maintanence 50% 30755
Prototype Cost 0

Construction Unit Price

Stations Haven 0 284 0
Warships 0
Skíðblaðnir 0 3,732 0
Snekkja 2 5,999 11998
Purchase Yi Bai 30 100 3,000
Jumpships 0 500 0
Dropships Small 5 300 1,500
Medium 500 0
Fighters 706 5 3,530
Small Craft 42 10 420
Research $12,080 $0

Total Spent 51203

Income 0

Remaining -$9

End Turn In Service
Skíðblaðnir 5
Snekkja 6

Stations Haven 6
Yi Bai 30
Jumpships 10
Dropships 25

Fighters 1700
Small Craft 160
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: GermanSumo on 27 July 2020, 17:30:42
Navy Headquarters (22.12.2404), Apollo, Terra Prime Fleet Deployment, Part II
Navy Headquarters (22.12.2404), Apollo, Terra Prime
With a lot of the assembled navy officers leaving the many of the warship officers with their retinue and a handful of Jumpship captains alone with van Farch and the stewards. Tables were moved, fresh coffee and dishes were handed out while van Farch checked his personal note pad for the last time. Frederick O´Shea and some of the remaining officers still looked upset. All of them could do the math. But it was not their turn yet. Another officer entered the room and saluted in front of van Farchs armchair. Konstantine looked up and nodded.
“Ah, Counter Admiral Karadopolous, thank you for coming. I have some modified orders for you and your Squadrons. The whole fighter training regimen has to be changed somewhat. I decided that our Fighter doctrines needed an overhaul. We need to concentrate their training on space superiority against other fighter swarms and point defense against incoming missiles. The new armor that is in development should provide our ships that already have a thick hide compared to some of the other designs throughout known space enough staying power. So your fighter compliments around the Republic will not so much concentrate on fighting droppers and actual Warships anymore. I have ordered the purchase of quite a lot of more ASF and I am hoping to find some genius designer somewhere to actually get us new designs for the mission profiles that I have in mind. I also plan to give every republican planet at least one regiment of fighters. But that might have to wait until the second decade of the 25th Century. If I can modify our tartarus to hold such a large fighter bay in the future, I cannot tell yet as of this moment. And please make it clear that the regiments of ASF in each system will have to answer to the needs of the commanding officers of the Warships that come to visit. For training or for battle. I don’t need any discussions about seniority or ranks. Just have them assume that whoever officer comes into a system, he has my blessing and order to take command of the ASF forces. The First Consule promised me that this order will be sent to the respective ruling bodies of the systems as well. Before you ask, as long as I am in command of the Navy, every system will be protected by a Tartarus as usual. If we can spare Aspidas for systems other than Apollo and Golandrinas right now… the answer to that question is a definite NO!”
He turns to the assembled officers.
“What this means, ladies and gentlemen. And this fact is NOT to leave this room yet… for the first years of the new decade, we assume that the Lyrans will want to decapacitate our nation and/or cripple its ability to build a decent navy. This means that Golandrinas and Apollo are our main priority. Without these systems and our yards, the Republic will be no more. The Lyrans are nearly in striking distance to either system. And with the threat of 2 of their battle fleets at our borders concentrating on us we simply lack the hulls to defend our borders right now. The Ichnilatis and the Jumpers can only provide us with older information, if we are in bad luck and my scout patterns are lacking brilliance… maybe we won’t get ANY warning of an attack on Apollo. And if we take all to go on a serious offence, we can maybe gain half a dozen newer colonies fast. But we risk their wrath and we risk them sending us another fleet. AND a surprise attack on Apollo is always possible. So you are our home defense for now! Nothing else. And yes, that might cause us to loose more systems to the Lyrans. I am fully aware of that. But without the industrial might concentrated on Apollo, we might as well roll over now.
But all is not bad. I ordered a massive refurbishing program for the fleet and the home defense. We are about to nearly up our Aspida count by about 50%. The naval laser batteries they carry did serve us well. The first of these will be sent to Golandrinas. Once these are installed and got their fighter compliments, Apollos defenses will benefit from the other half of these. During their installation you won’t be idle, ladies and gentlemen. All remaining warships will go through extensive training and exercises in the first half of the decade. We will train to fight massive attacks of those 2 fleets on our borders. Until we have an idea how to repel them. With or without local stations and fighters to support you. Especially unit cohesion in bigger battles is of importance. The Battle of Icar showed us one thing. We are not prepared for the confusion of the modern space battlefield. I want to remedy this. Our Vittorias, Sagittarii and the Ichnilatis and especially their commanding officers will have to support each other better and predict what is going on even if our sensors are overwhelmed.

The scout Ichnilatis that looks for Lyran troop movement with the Jumpships will regulary change place with one of the two in training over Apollo. Should the Admiralty – and that means ME – decide that we can attack a Lyran fleet which went to far out and into the reach of our homefleet, we will go out to face them. But make no mistake, Ladies and Gentlemen… I doubt, such an opportunity will arise in the first 5 years. Our opponent proved that he is not a Greenhorn or stupid. And our main directive is to defend Apollo.
And two aspects of the training will be new to you. I am allowed to inform you that all Vittorias will be upgraded to the Block III standard in the next decade. And 2 new will join your ranks. Those upgrades, new hulls and improved system defenses will give us the opportunity for more offensive operations again, I hope. So you and your crews are gonna be training according to those new specs already.
The First Consul informed me that she is actually sending diplomatic envoys to Tamar to try and convince the Archon(s) that the true enemy of our way of life is on the other side of the borders. The Draconis Combine threatens all of us equally. It has proven that already with the unjustified attack on our defensive allies.
Should the Archon(s) not be convinced by logic and republican offerings of deals… I suggested to use some… robust pressure on the Lyrans. Once our defenses at Apollo and Golandrinas are more capable of defeating at least one fleet of the Lyrans and has a chance against two of their fleets. For this case, I devised

Operation “Wolf Pack”
3 Block III Vittorias and 2 Sagitarii will be split from the Home Fleet. They will move through deep space along with some Jumpships carrying support. Once they are one jump away from a Lyran colony designated as target before, the warships will jump into Lyran space while the Jumpships will return home.
In the target system the warships will immediately start destroying infrastructure, industries and hunt for dropships and jumpships. Military and civilian. Each target will be given advance warning to enter life boats due to the imminent destruction about to happen. The flotilla will basically destroy the industrial and military assets of the system. After this action they will jump out to a pre-designated system. There another small flotilla of Jumpships will await them. With orders to where their new target system will be. Our strategists determined that this fleet can stay on this operation for a long time and with the right planning disturb the economy of up to 25 systems any year.
True military confrontation will be avoided at all cost, unless facing down the enemy with overwhelming odds. Our ships have the faster maneuvering drives. Unless they hunt this flotilla with most of their Snotras, we should be able to evade anything they send at this fleet. And as we utilize deep space and they have such a huge territory to cover, this Operation will be extremely hard for the Lyran Admiralty to counter at any time. 
Their orders will also include to spare civilian and even military lives as much as possible. We will conduct this operation to destroy infrastructure, industries and gear. Cause as much economic havoc as possible. We are NOT pirats or barbarians. Every surrendered enemy will be given a chance to enter the lifepods and is NOT to be harassed or killed. This operation must convince the Archon(s) that the war against us is too costly for them. I personally will read EVERY incoming battle report from our Wolff pack. Any officer violating these guidelines will be courtmartialed and handed over to the Lyran authorities. I just ordered our pirate hunters to treat any captives in the most civil manner. I will not allow anything else in my navy.”

Van Farch leaned back into his arm chair after he finished. He poured himself some orange juice and continued to smoke his cigars. His ship commanders had a chance to think about what they just heard. Many of them seemed to be relieved. At least he was able to offer them an offensive operation. Not just sitting at home doing nothing but exercises. Van Farch knew that just sitting still in space was detrimental for morale. But he couldn’t help it for now. Until the massive upgrade and expansion program was done, his hands were basically tied due to the strategic need to defend Apollo. Even sending 2 of his Vittorias was a decision not lightly made. Each of these ships tore a hole into his defenses. And if he would be the opposing Admiral in charge, he would definitely behead the Republic now. Not in 10 years.

Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: GermanSumo on 27 July 2020, 17:39:24
Rim Worlds Republic Turn 2400-2410

„Neue Besen kehren gut / New brooms swipe clean(er)“
After taking over the responsibility for the Rim Worlds Republic, Konstantin van Farch used his office to restructure and redeploy the defenses of the black waters of the realm. The Vittorias received a third upgrade, two battlecruisers and 2 new Vittorias were build, a new armor type became developed, a massive program to build 100 new defensive stations for Apollo and Golandrinas was marshalled and many fighter crafts were ordered to bolster the defenses even more. All stations (except the three Aspidas around Icar) finally have their full fighter compliment. And on each Apollo and Golandrinas a full brigade (5 regiments) of fighters were installed to enhance any fleet action in these systems or to be deployed somewhere else later.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2400 Value in Millions
Money Available $174,500
Remaining from Last Turn $-539
Available Shipyards

Apollo 0/2
Golandrinas 0/1

Repairs $8,000
Maintanence 50% $95,146
Prototype Cost $0
Carcharodon $8,006 $2,002
Dourata $  105 $   26
Sarissa $   98 $   25
Variant Vittoria III $6,778 $  678

Construction Unit Price

Stations Tartarus 0 315 0
Aspida 0 152 0
Dourata 50 105 $5,250
Sarissa 50 98 $4,900
Carcharodon 2 8,006 $16,012
Vittoria III 2 6,778 $13,556
Saggitarius 0 5,958 $0
Ichnilátis 0 5,189 $0
Refits Vittoria II > III 6 32 $  192
Jumpships 0 500 $0
Dropships Small 0 300 $0
Medium 0 500 $0
Fighters 708 5 $3,540
Small Craft 0 10 $0
Research Ferro-Carbide 1 $24,705$24,705

Total Spent $174,104
Income Aspida Licencse 0 0 0

Remaining -$143

Sarissa/Dourata Defense Stations
In his first visit to the headquarters of A.C.M.E, Konstantin van Farch made a lasting impression. The Engineers, Scientists and Shipbuilders assembled to talk with the First Space Lord were totally in dismay when van Farch laid out his own plans. He brought demands for refurbishing of the successful Aspida station none of them expected.
Following van Farchs “proposals” the new stations were basically to be throwaway weapon platforms in a warship fight. Delivering their payload and then dying to enemy fire. For this he postulated a doctrine of overwhelming missile walls directed at any incoming fleet for a short period of time. Dourata was to be constructed around FIFTY White Shark launchers in the nose and Sarissa around 65 Barracuda launchers. The flight deck was to be left out from the design and replaced with 25 and 35 Escape Pods respectively. These were added to let the crew abandon station as soon as the enemy fleet actually returns fire. To save the experienced crew to man another station later. For this reason, each station has many free “guest quarters” to be able to accommodate crew from the other stations after those were given up. In an effort to save costs further, the armor of the Tartarus was replaced with Standard Armor on both stations.
The Dourata and Sarissa stations would be deployed alongside the Aspida stations in thick belts around the yard facilities (which were pulled into orbit of each planet to reduce the spread of defensive installations) over Apollo and Golandrinas. The plans were to built and deploy 30 of each stations for both planets but budget restrains only allowed for 25 of each the be installed until the end of the decade over each planet. Still, being able to shoot 1.250 White Sharks and 1.625 Barracudas at any approaching enemy fleet would give every Admiral pause and rethink his priorities, van Farch hoped. The assembled executives of A.C.M.E. decided to keep their opinion for themselves. 

Code: [Select]
Sarissa Defense Station
Mass: 24,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Introduced: 2402
Battle Value: 17,869
Cost: 98,040,000 C-bills

Fuel: 300 tons (3,000)
Safe Thrust: 0,1
Maximum Thrust: 1
Sail Integrity: N/A
Heat Sinks: 1,010
Structural Integrity: 1

    Nose: 20
    Fore Sides: 18/18
    Aft Sides: 18/18
    Aft: 18

    Bay 1:  Cargo (950.0 tons)      1 Door   

    325 rounds of Barracuda Ammunition (5,850 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 0
Escape Pods: 35
Life Boats: 0
Crew:  25 officers, 25 enlisted/non-rated, 96 gunners, 5 Bay Personel, 34 Guest Quarters

Notes: Equipped with
140 tons of Standard Armor

Weapons:                                      Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                Heat  Damage Standard(Capital) Range        
Nose (640 Heat)
65 Capital Launcher (Barracuda)  650 1300 (130-C)  Extreme-C
    Barracuda Ammo (325 shots) NA
FR (94 Heat)
8 Large Laser 64 64 (6,4-C) Medium
30 Small Laser                            30 90 (9-C) Point Defense
FL (94 Heat)
8 Large Laser 64 64 (6,4-C) Medium
30 Small Laser                            30 90 (9-C) Point Defense
AR (94 Heat)
8 Large Laser 64 64 (6,4-C) Medium
30 Small Laser                            30 90 (9-C) Point Defense
AL (94 Heat)
8 Large Laser 64 64 (6,4-C) Medium
30 Small Laser                            30 90 (9-C) Point Defense

Code: [Select]
Dourata Defense Station
Mass: 24,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Introduced: 2402
Battle Value: 15,823
Cost: 105,315,000 C-bills

Fuel: 300 tons (3,000)
Safe Thrust: 0,1
Maximum Thrust: 1
Sail Integrity: N/A
Heat Sinks: 1,200
Structural Integrity: 1

    Nose: 20
    Fore Sides: 18/18
    Aft Sides: 18/18
    Aft: 18

    Bay 1:  Cargo (1055.0 tons)      1 Door   

   250 rounds White Shark Ammunition (5,850 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 0
Escape Pods: 25
Life Boats: 0
Crew:  22 officers, 28 enlisted/non-rated, 82 gunners, 5 Bay Personel, 34 Guest Quarters

Notes: Equipped with
140 tons of Standard Armor

Weapons:                                      Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                Heat  Damage Standard(Capital) Range        
Nose (750 Heat)
50 Capital Launcher (White Shark)  750 1500 (130-C)  Extreme-C
  White Shark Ammo (250 shots) NA
FR (94 Heat)
8 Large Laser 64 64 (6,4-C) Medium
30 Small Laser                            30 90 (9-C) Point Defense
FL (94 Heat)
8 Large Laser 64 64 (6,4-C) Medium
30 Small Laser                            30 90 (9-C) Point Defense
AR (94 Heat)
8 Large Laser 64 64 (6,4-C) Medium
30 Small Laser                            30 90 (9-C) Point Defense
AL (94 Heat)
8 Large Laser 64 64 (6,4-C) Medium
30 Small Laser                            30 90 (9-C) Point Defense

Vittoria Block III
The Rim World Admiralty decided before van Farchs rise to become First Space Lord that the venerable Vittoria needed another upgrade. Its performance during the conflicts of the last decades was sterling. Although it had one main flaw: its armor belt was its great weakness. So while developing the Ferro-Carbide armor in their labs, A.C.M.E already proposed changes to the Block II Vittorias. The admiralties procurement department decided that it was best to keep a successful design as close to its original than it was before. So besides removing the old AC-10 and replace them with their own Laser Blazer Cannons to protect the ship against fighters, not much changed. Except the thickness of its armor belt. Nearly 50% of armor was added to all sides except the rear which only received a “modest” addition of 18%. These design changes would hopefully help to keep the pride of the Rim Worlds Navy sailing the black waters through the next decades.
Interestingly enough, van Farch didn’t propose any changes to this design. It allowed him to keep the “Old Guard” of officers in these older ships which had been a symbol of pride to them and to keep them in line. Frankly, he wished to replace these ships with something else. But he was too busy shaping the rest of the navy to his image to risk meddling with a really well proven design. Once the Ferro-Carbide would be available, he ordered two more ships constructed to add to the fleet and simultaneously added the upgrade of the whole fleet of Vittorias to the  new specs.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Vittoria III
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $6,766,284,000.00
Magazine Cost: $17,280,000.00
BV2: 64,823

Mass: 450,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type: Ferro-Carbide
6 Naval Laser 55
100 Laser Small
8 Naval PPC Heavy
8 Naval AC 30
76 Laser Blazer Cannon

Class/Model/Name: Vittoria III
Mass: 450,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 108,000.00
Safe: 4
Maximum: 6
Controls: 1,125.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (11 Integrity) 203,625.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 53.00
Structural Integrity: 75 33,750.00
Total Heat Sinks: 3918 Single 2,929.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 10000 points 4,080.00
Armor: 675 pts Ferro-Carbide 675.00
Fore: 100
Fore-Left/Right: 100/100
Aft-Left/Right: 100/100
Aft: 88

Dropship Capacity: 1 1,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 0.00
Life Boats: 30 210.00

Crew And Passengers:
32 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 320.00
103 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 721.00
52 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 364.00
102 Bay Personnel in 2nd Class 714.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
2nd Class Passengers 0.00
100 Steerage Marines 500.00

Bay #1: Fighters (36) - 6 Doors
Bay #2: Small Craft (6) - 1 Door
Bay #3: Cargo (24620 Tons) - 1 Door

Naval AC/30 Ammo - 240 Rounds (30/gun)

3 x NL/55
6 x Blazer
10 x SLas

2 x NAC/30
6 x Blazer
10 x Slas

20 x Blazer
20 x SLas

2 x NAC/30
6 x Blazer
10 x SLas

3 x NL/55
6 x Blazer
10 x SLas

The Carcharodon
The Carcharodon had been designed to be the pride of the RWR naval forces. A flagship for fleet operations. Sleek, deadly, swift and beautiful. With massive broadside batteries of Heavy Naval PPCs and Missile Launchers. A prototype was laid down in 2398 and was nearing finished construction when Konstantin van Farch had his fateful meeting with the A.C.M.E staff. During this meeting he informed the shocked executives of his own plans and design suggestions for the vessel. From fleet flagship leading assaults and possible spearheading of invasions his direct orders were to transform the noble Warship into a crude, nose-heavy defensive dreadnaught. All weapon systems other than the point defenses were to be ripped from the side and installed into the nose. All plans for dropship collars were scrapped. And some of the NPPC and NL armament was simply removed in order to succumb to the First Space  Lords wishes.
After these design modifications, the once stylish vessel turned into what looks like a giant, crude Warhammer with its head resembling a wide open round mouth filled with 60 White Shark launchers as teeth.
Its mission is simple: stay close to the Aspidas, Sarissas and Douratas and coordinate the missile fire from extreme ranges until the ammo bins are empty. Its thick layer of armor plates would hopefully withstand the incoming fire and its other weapons -albeit very light for battlecruiser standards- would enable it to continue a fight should it ever run out of ammunition for its launchers.
Two Carcharodon should be constructed at the end of the decade. Each will be stationed over one of the RWRs yard and be the center of defensive efforts.
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Carcharodon
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $8,006,022,000.00
Magazine Cost: $8,4000,000.00
BV2: 111,823

Mass: 750,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Ferro-Carbide
16 Naval Laser 55
120 Laser Small
24 Naval PPC Heavy
60 White Shark Missiles

Class/Model/Name: Carcharodon
Mass: 750,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 135,000.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5
Controls: 2,884.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (16 Integrity) 339,375.00
Jump Sail: (5 Integrity) 68.00
Structural Integrity: 100 33,750.00
Total Heat Sinks: 7.216 Single 2,929.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 10000 points 4,080.00
Armor: 1,500.00 pts Ferro-Carbide 1,260.00
Fore: 220
Fore-Left/Right: 220/220
Aft-Left/Right: 220/220
Aft: 160

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 40 280.00
Life Boats: 40 280.00

Crew And Passengers:
55 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 320.00
140 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 721.00
132 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 364.00
174 Bay Personnel in 2nd Class 714.00

Bay #1: Fighters (72) - 6 Doors
Bay #2: Small Craft (6) - 1 Door
Bay #3: Cargo (44660 Tons) - 1 Door

600 rounds White Shark Ammunition (24,000 tons)
NCSS Large

60 x White Shark Launchers
20 x SLas

4 x NL/55
10 x Slas

20 x SLas

4 x NL/55
10 x SLas

20 x SLas
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 02 August 2020, 01:36:21
Marian Hegemony Turn 2400-09

Imperator Augustus O'Reilly,

I know the destruction of the MHS Alphard has enraged your noble personage as well as the senate, but further investigation of what occurred has led me to determine that the event was entirely accidental and while we should try to get whatever reparations we can off of the Illyrians, the great offensive that the Senate is crying out for is currently beyond our abilities. The crippling cost of developing the newly colonised worlds has stripped our nations budget down to the bone, and no new naval construction is possible at this time beyond the purchase of some defence satellites from the Capellans.

I am aware of the Rim Worlds ambassador asking about the possibility of us sending a few legions to aid in the defence of their nation against the Lyran Commonwealth. I cannot argue against this action strongly enough, the only ship we have that could make a journey of that length without needing to resupply is the Limoncello, and we cannot risk our only capital ship on just a long journey through hostile space.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2400 Value in Millions
Money Available 77,000
Remaining from Last Turn 0
Available Shipyards

Alphard 1/1

Colony Budget 5769
Maintanence 50% 69134
Prototype Cost 0 0

Construction Unit Price
Shipyards 0

Stations Sexta Hora 0 470 0
Yi Bai 25 100 2,500
Warships Scapha I 0 4,131 0
Scapha II 0 4,119 0
Augustus 0 6,225 0
Limoncello 0 8,127 0

Jumpships 0 500 0
Dropships 0 300 0

Fighters 0 5 0
Small Craft 0 10 0
Research 8850 0

Total Spent 77403


Remaining -403

End Turn In Service
Warships Scapha I 4
Scapha II 3
Augustus 2
Limoncello 1

Stations Sexta Hora 37
Yi Bai 25
Jumpships 31
Dropships 64

Fighters 4692
Small Craft 1326

Fleet Deployment

With the current pause in our great nations expansion, the fleet's deployment has been adjusted into a more defensive posture.

MHS Limoncello, the Scapha I MHS Scapha along with both Augustus-class Missile Cruisers will be based in Alphard, where they can defend the capital and also respond to any threat that may emerge within our nation.

The remaining Scapha Is and Scapha IIs will be deployed in pairs - one of each - and given a rather large area for each pair to cover:

Illyrian Group (MHS Pompey and Troglodytam) - responsible for patrolling the space 'northwards' of Paulinus.
Rim Group (MHS Titus and Pallidi) - responsible for the space 'southwards' of a line drawn between Algenib - Thraxa
Inner Group (MHS Maximus and Unicornis) - responsible for the space between the other two groups.

EDIT: adjusted for Marian satellite purchases. $4B colony debt remains
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Tyler Jorgensson on 04 August 2020, 21:34:04
Principality of Rasalhague Turn 2400-2410 (Turn Six)

1) PoR leadership, RWR, and LC leaders meet for mutual non-aggression pact/ peace offer. the PoR agrees to the terms set out by the RWR for the buffer zone of systems, and will designate Alpha Squadron's heavier ships to remain at New Oslo while the four Hund-III Frigates and a Jumpship patrol the remaining two systems. Admiral Hjelmstead will meet with RWR to discuss the treaty before Ambassadors from the RWR arrive to meet with the Prince-Elect, based mostly on joint operations against the DC/LC which will spiral into more discussion on mutual aid in allied systems, like the colonization efforts or defensive pacts. He will also state that Delta Squadron could help 'patrol' RWR is necessary. He also expresses interest in seeing the new defensive stations and a possible licensing build in the future.

2) Alpha Squadron now has twice as much space to patrol, but the Admiralty forbids them from splitting up. They will spend less time at each planet in the line, mostly for cargo/supplies, and limited crew leave. Orders will be sent to planets Utzenmarkt, Thule, New Bergen, and Pinnacle to begin construction on minor fleet bases for readiness crews (next turn).

3) Beta maintains the 'front line' so to speak and continues drilling. It does travel but not nearly as much. It also has begun sponsoring Jezersko for additional academies, factories, and fixed defenses to fortify the system further (next turn).

4) Delta is the capital guard at the point and its officers reflect that, with most being senior staff. They have been offered to help the RWR patrol its space if necessary.

5) Colonization efforts will go north of the PoR adn will be supported by four Jumpships, three for colonies, and an additional one for extra supplies.

6) Do nothing to antagonize the DCMS but defend PoR sovereign space at all costs.

Fleet Doctrine

Any and ALL Jumpships are to avoid combat at all cost, jumping to obtain reinforcements. Any pilots are tasked with covering this retreat and are then ordered to head to ground if possible.

The fighter and Drop Ship assignments of the fleet will be the same as Admiral Jorgensson had laid down nearly four decades ago. Drop Ships and medium craft to remain close to the fleet, light squadrons to scout, and heavies for assault support. In addition the small craft will be appropriately tasked for boarding actions if possible but otherwise close in support actions. Dedicated training towards anti-missile defense will be instituted.

Priority targets are once again troopships and their line cruisers. However local commanders are given broad latitude in how to target their fleets guns, semi-reversing Admiral Jorgensson's policy of 'It must die or else!'. Commanders are also give latitude to determine if ships can be captured, crippled, or destroyed. If ceasefires are negotiated we will 'NOT' fire first: we will maintain all level of civility if possible. Be wary of traps from the Combine for they are crafty. Orbital bombardment on enemy forces is forbidden while in PoR space.

The Third Battle of Jezersko taught us much about fleet combat. In light of the Flagship of a given squadrons destruction the chain of command will pass to the senior Captain among the remaining members. Commanders are to drill rapid changes of command with their crews to enforce this. Our fleet will also maintain formation in system on patrol routes together, not independently split off from each other. They are patrolling, being repaired/upgraded/ or holding at Jump Points together. They are not to maintain positions near the gravity well of the planets if at all possible: they should always be in motion.

"In light of recent events, avoid confrontation with other forces in large multi-fleet battles unless defending PoR territory or colonization efforts. Allied forces should be warned of this, however we do give permission for commanders on scene to augment allied forces when defending their own territory or colonization efforts.

Code: [Select]
Tygrys-class Battecruiser
Mass: 500,000 tons
Mass: 500,000
Battle Value: 67,455
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-X
Cost: 6,654,954,000 C-bills

64x Large Lasers
64x Machine Guns
24x NL-55 Naval Lasers
4x Heavy Naval PPC's
4x Naval Light Gauss Rifles

Fuel: 4,500 tons (11,250)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 12
Heat Sinks: 3,600
Structural Integrity: 110

    Nose: 132
    Fore Sides: 121/121
    Aft Sides: 121/121
    Aft: 121

    Bay 1:  Fighter (36)            6 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Fighter (36)            6 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Cargo (15772.5 tons)    1 Door   

    120 rounds of Light N-Gauss ammunition (24 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 2 (100 m, 100 m)
Escape Pods: 12
Life Boats: 12
Crew:  48 officers, 97 enlisted/non-rated, 74 gunners, 144 bay personnel, 48 marines

Notes: Equipped with
    1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Large)
1,008.5 tons of improved ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons:                           Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                     Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class   
Nose (972 Heat)
8 Large Laser                  64   6(64)   6(64)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
8 Small Laser                   8   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)            900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC

FRS/FLS (430 Heat)
8 Large Laser                  64   6(64)   6(64)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
8 Small Laser                   8   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
4 Naval Laser 55               340  22(220) 22(220) 22(220) 22(220)  Capital Laser
2 Naval Gauss (Light)          18   30(300) 30(300) 30(300) 30(300)  Capital Gauss
    Light N-Gauss Ammo (60 shots)

RBS/LBS (412 Heat)
8 Large Laser                  64   6(64)   6(64)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
8 Small Laser                   8   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
4 Naval Laser 55               340  22(220) 22(220) 22(220) 22(220)  Capital Laser

ARS/ALS (412 Heat)
8 Large Laser                  64   6(64)   6(64)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
8 Small Laser                   8   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
4 Naval Laser 55               340  22(220) 22(220) 22(220) 22(220)  Capital Laser

Aft (72 Heat)
8 Large Laser                  64   6(64)   6(64)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
8 Small Laser                   8   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense

AKA the Mini-Texas-class.

Code: [Select]
Hund-class Frigate Mark III
Mass: 250,000 tons
Mass: 250,000
Battle Value: 54,064
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-F
Cost: 4,820,492,000 C-bills

64x Large Lasers
64x Machine Guns
8x Baraccuda Capital Missile launchers
16x NL-55 Naval Lasers
2x Naval Heavy PPC's
2x NAC-20 Naval Autocannons

Fuel: 4,000 tons (10,000)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 7
Heat Sinks: 1,800
Structural Integrity: 100

    Nose: 70
    Fore Sides: 65/65
    Aft Sides: 60/60
    Aft: 50

    Bay 1:  Fighter (12)            4 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Fighter (12)            4 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Small Craft (4)         1 Door   
    Bay 4:  Cargo (3473.0 tons)     1 Door   

    40 rounds of NAC/20 ammunition (16 tons),
    19,200 rounds of Machine Gun ammunition (96 tons),
    200 rounds of Barracuda ammunition (6,000 tons)

Dropship Capacity: 0
Grav Decks: 1 (100 m)
Escape Pods: 8
Life Boats: 8
Crew:  24 officers, 71 enlisted/non-rated, 50 gunners, 68 bay personnel, 48 marines

Notes: Equipped with
    1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Small)
417 tons of improved ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons:                                    Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                              Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class 
Nose (634 Heat)
8 Large Laser                           64   6(64)   6(64)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
8 Machine Gun                            0   2(16)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
2 Naval PPC (Heavy)                     450  30(300) 30(300) 30(300) 30(300)  Capital PPC
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/20)             120  40(400) 40(400) 40(400)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/20 Ammo (40 shots)

FRS/FLS (428 Heat)
6 Large Laser                           48   5(48)   5(48)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
6 Machine Gun                            0   1(12)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)
4 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)  40   8(80)   8(80)   8(80)    8(80)   Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (100 shots)
4 Naval Laser 55                        340  22(220) 22(220) 22(220) 22(220)  Capital Laser

RBS/LBS (64 Heat)
8 Large Laser                           64   6(64)   6(64)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
8 Machine Gun                            0   2(16)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (480000 shots)

ARS/ALS (404 Heat)
8 Large Laser                           64   6(64)   6(64)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
8 Machine Gun                            0   2(16)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (320000 shots)
4 Naval Laser 55                        340  22(220) 22(220) 22(220) 22(220)  Capital Laser

Aft (64 Heat)
8 Large Laser                           64   6(64)   6(64)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
8 Machine Gun                            0   2(16)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
    Machine Gun Ammo (640000 shots)

AKA Heavier guns upgrade.

Code: [Select]
Principality of Rasalhague, Turn Beginning 2400 Value/Cost (Millions)

Funds: --179
Revenue: 102.000
- Rasalhague:      0/1
- New Oslo:         1

- 5x Lola I-class Cruisers
- 5x Hund-class Frigates Mark II
- 2x Vittoria-class Destroyers (1x Upgraded)

- 10x Invader-class

Space Stations:
- 95x Aspida-class Defensive Stations

- 26x Light Dropships

Small Craft:
- 92x Small Craft

- 1356x Fighters (Mix of classes)

Expenses                                        Value/Cost (Millions)

- Hund-class Frigate Mark III: 12.050/ 12.050
- Lola I-class Cruiser: 16.635/ 16.635
- Vittoria-class Destroyer Mark II: 6.746/ 6.746

- Invader-class Jumpships: 2.500/ 2.500
- Dropships: 3.900/ 3.900
- Fighters: 3.390/ 3.390
- Small Craft: 460/ 460

- Aspida-class Stations:  7.220/ 7.220

- Repair:  6.000/6.000

- None

- 270x Fighters (Mostly heavier designs): 1.350
- 184x Small Craft: 1.840
- 6x Invader-class Jumpships: 3.000
- 20x Yi Bai-class Station (From the CC): 2.000
- 35x Aspida-class Defensive Stations (From the RWR): 5.600
- 3x Hund-class Frigate Mark III: 14.460
- 2x Tygrys-class Battlecruisers: 13.310

- None

- 1.000 :'Northwards' (Damian, Porhtos, and Santander)

Technology/ Research:
- Hund-class Frigate Mark III: 482
- Tygrys-class Battlecruiser: 665

- 1x Vittoria-class Destroyer Mark I --> Vittoria-class Destroyer Mark II: 218
- 5x Hund-class Frigates Mark II --> Hund-class Frigate Mark III: 615

Total: 103.269

Principality of Rasalhague, Turn Ending 2400 Value/Cost (Millions)
Funds: - 1.269
- Rasalhague:      0/1
- New Oslo:         1

- 5x Lola I-class Cruisers
- 8x Hund-class Frigates Mark III
- 2x Vittoria-class Destroyers Mark II
- 2x Tygrys-class Battlecruisers

- 16x Invader-class

Space Stations:
- 130x Aspida-class Defensive Stations
- 20x Ya Bai-class Defensive Stations

- 26x Light Dropships

Small Craft:
- 276x Small Craft

- 1,726x Fighters (Mix of classes)

List of Ship Names

Hund-class Frigates Mark III
PoRS Mäyräkoira (Daschhound Finnish)
PoRS Sækari (Retreiver Icelandic)
PoRS Varg (Wolf Swedish)
PoRS Kant (Edge Swedish)
PoRS Terä (Blade Finnish)
PoRS Keihäs (Spear Finnish)
PoRS Tykki (Cannon Finnish)
PoRS Sverd (Sword Norweigan)

Lola I-class Cruisers
PoRS Mörda (Murder Swedish)
PoRS Parvi (Flock Finnish)
PoRS Flyg (Flight Swedish)
PoRS Epäystävällinen (Unkindness Finnish)
PoRS Grzmot (Thunder Polish)

Vittoria-class Destroyer Mark II
PoRS Miekka (Sword Finnish)
PoRS Yxa (Hachet Swedish)

Tygrys-class Battlecruisers
PoRS Björn (Bear Swedish)
PoRS Örn (Eagle Swedish)

Code: [Select]
Alpha Squadron Ships (Rasalhague -> Patrolling Secondary Line)
Hund-class Frigate Mark III
PoRS Mäyräkoira
PoRS Sækari
PoRS Tykki
PoRS Sverd

Vittoria-class Destroyer Mark II
PoRS Miekka

Lola I-class Cruiser
PoRS Parvi

Tygrys-class Battlecruiser
PoRS Björn - Alpha Squadron Flagship

- 2x Invader Jumpships

Beta Squadron Ships (Rasalhague -> Patrolling Jezersko and Front Line)
Hund-class Frigate Mark III
PoRS Varg
PoRS Kant
PoRS Terä
PoRS Keihäs

Vittoria-class Destroyer Mark II
PoRS Yxa

Lola I-class Cruiser
PoRS Grzmot

Tygrys-class Battlecruiser
PoRS Örn - Beta Squadron Flagship

- 2x Invader-class Jumpships

Delta Squadron (Rasalhague -> Reaction Fleet)
Lola I-class Cruisers
PoRS Mörda
PoRS Flyg
PoRS Epäystävällinen - Delta Squadron Flagship

- 2x Invader-class Jumpships

Civilian Fleet
 - 6x Invader-class Jumpships on patrol for merchant/scouting duties: one dropship is military fighter carrier

- 4x Invader-class Jumpships on colonization duties

Yi Bai-class Stations
- Rasalhague: 10
- Jezersko: 5
- New Oslo: 5

Aspida-class Stations
- Rasalhague: 15
- Jezersko: 15
- New Oslo: 15
- Trondheim: 5
- Vipaava: 5
- Last Frontier: 5
- Radlje: 5
- Thule: 5
- Pinnacle: 5
- Christiania: 5
- Dawn: 5
- Susquehanna: 5
- Leoben: 5
- Unzmarkt: 5
- Hermagor: 5
- Constance: 5
- Glabach: 5
- Bruben: 5
- Rodrigo: 5

List of Destroyed Vessels
- Vittoria-class Destroyer PoRS Kirves (Axe Finnish) - Third Battle of Jezersko - Late 2376

- Hund II-class Frigate PoRS Hund (Hound Swedish) - Lead ship of class - Third Battle of Jezersko Late 2376
- Hund II-class Frigate PoRS Veitsi (Knife Finnish) - Battle of Icar 2395

- Rav-class Corvette PoRS Rav (Fox Swedish) - Lead ship of class - First Battle of Jezersko 2359
- Rav-class Corvette PoRS Kråka (Crow Swedish) - Battle of Christiana, Late 2362
- Rav-class Corvette PoRS Korp (Raven - Swedish) - Battle of Christiana, Late 2362

- Lola -class Cruiser PoRS Mjölnir - Battle of Luthien Early 2387
- Lola -class Cruiser PoRS Myrskyn Katkaisija (Storm Breaker Finnish) - Battle of Luthien Early 2387

- Yang Wei-class Cruiser Block II PoRS Jörmungandr - Battle of New Samarkand October 2387
- Yang Wei-class Cruiser Block II PoRS Fenrir - Battle of Luthien Early 2387
- Yang Wei-class Cruiser Block II PoRS Hel - Battle of New Samarkand October 2387
- Yang Wei-class Cruiser Block II PoRS Surtr - Battle of New Samarkand October 2387

- Binzhou-class Frigate Block II PoRS Odin - LOST - Misjump in Early 2388
- Binzhou-class Frigate Block II PoRS Frigg - Battle of New Samarkand October 2387
- Binzhou-class Frigate Block II PoRS Thor - Battle of Luthien Early 2387
- Binzhou-class Frigate Block II PoRS Freyr - Battle of Luthien Early 2387
- Binzhou-class Frigate Block II PoRS Freya - Battle of Luthien Early 2387
- Binzhou-class Frigate Block II PoRS Baldr - Battle of New Samarkand October 2387
- Binzhou-class Frigate Block II PoRS Tyr - Battle of Luthien Early 2387
- Binzhou-class Frigate Block II PoRS Geri - Battle of New Samarkand October 2387
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: UnLimiTeD on 09 August 2020, 13:11:36
Here's the short before I forget it another week:

Adam Kurita resigned from his role of warlord, quasi-inheriting his position to his youngest son, who, lacking experience as of yet is focusing on further modernising the fleet.
Nihongi doesn't seem particularly motivated to order an attack, anyways, if the past decade is anything to go by.

A third Battlecruiser, Maboroshi, is laid down, and due to be completed mid-decade.
Befitting their role and prestige, the battlecruiser fleet will also be the first in line to receive the new fighters once they roll off the assembly lines, followed by the capital defense squadron and the command fligths on the border fleets.

As the Battlecruisers are notorious gas hogs and not meant to operate in the line of battle, a variant based on the Ayakashi was developed to fulfil those needs, as well as provide a more standard vessel to show the flag.
The "Pillar (" series of battleships, to be named after the five pillars of Draconis society, will stiffen the line of battle, and be rotated through the fleets as soon as multiple are available.
The series is planned around 5 units, and in the future, new designs may replace individual ships depending on the march of technology, or battle damage.
The first ship, "Steel", is currently being fitted for a testrun.
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Pillar
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $9,953,522,000.00
Magazine Cost: $40,710,000.00
BV2: 97,485

Mass: 1,100,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type: Ferro-Carbide
8 Capital Launcher AR-10
132 Laser Small
30 Naval Laser 55
2 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy
6 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium
2 Naval Gauss Rifle Light
12 Naval AC 20
3 Laser Large

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 264,000.00
Safe: 4
Maximum: 6
Controls: 2,750.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (22 Integrity) 497,750.00
Jump Sail: (6 Integrity) 85.00
Structural Integrity: 100 110,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 3570 Single 2,799.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 25000 points 10,200.00
Fire Control Computers: 984.50
Armor: 1620 pts Ferro-Carbide 1,950.00
Fore: 265
Fore-Left/Right: 275/275
Aft-Left/Right: 270/270
Aft: 265

Dropship Capacity: 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 0 0.00
Medium: 2 200.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 50 350.00
Life Boats: 106 742.00

Crew And Passengers:
59 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 590.00
206 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 1,442.00
83 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 581.00
284 Bay Personnel 0.00
10 1st Class Passengers 100.00
118 2nd Class Passengers 826.00
120 Steerage Passengers 600.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
2 Capital Launcher AR-10 Nose Extreme-C 500.00
30 Laser Small Nose 30 90 (9-C) 15.00
6 Naval Laser 55 Nose 510 330 (33-C) 6,600.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy FR 18 300 (30-C) 7,000.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium FR 15 250 (25-C) 5,500.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Light FR 9 150 (15-C) 4,500.00
2 Naval Laser 55 FR 170 110 (11-C) 2,200.00
12 Laser Small FR 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
3 Naval AC 20 FR 180 600 (60-C) 7,500.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy FL 18 300 (30-C) 7,000.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium FL 15 250 (25-C) 5,500.00
1 Naval Gauss Rifle Light FL 9 150 (15-C) 4,500.00
2 Naval Laser 55 FL 170 110 (11-C) 2,200.00
12 Laser Small FL 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
3 Naval AC 20 FL 180 600 (60-C) 7,500.00
3 Naval Laser 55 RBS 255 165 (16.5-C) 3,300.00
2 Capital Launcher AR-10 RBS 500.00
12 Laser Small RBS 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
3 Naval AC 20 RBS 180 600 (60-C) 7,500.00
3 Naval Laser 55 LBS 255 165 (16.5-C) 3,300.00
2 Capital Launcher AR-10 LBS 500.00
12 Laser Small LBS 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
3 Naval AC 20 LBS 180 600 (60-C) 7,500.00
2 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium AR 30 500 (50-C) 11,000.00
6 Naval Laser 55 AR 510 330 (33-C) 6,600.00
12 Laser Small AR 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
2 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium AL 30 500 (50-C) 11,000.00
6 Naval Laser 55 AL 510 330 (33-C) 6,600.00
12 Laser Small AL 12 36 (3.6-C) 6.00
30 Laser Small Aft 30 90 (9-C) 15.00
2 Naval Laser 55 Aft 170 110 (11-C) 2,200.00
3 Laser Large Aft 24 24 (2.4-C) 15.00
2 Capital Launcher AR-10 Aft 500.00

Ammo Rounds Mass
Naval Gauss Rifle Medium Ammo 800 320.00
Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy Ammo 200 100.00
Naval Gauss Rifle Light Ammo 600 120.00
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 120 3,600.00
Capital Launcher Killer Whale Ammo 60 3,000.00
Space Mine Ammo 20 10.00
Equipment            Mass
Space Mine Dispenser            10.00

# Cargo and Bays Mass
1 Bay Dropshuttle 11,000.00
25 Bay Fighter 3750
25 Bay Fighter 3750
18 Bay Small Craft 3600
51829 Cargo, Standard 51829
12 Bay Mech 1800
10.00 Bay Conventional Infantry (IS), Mechanized 80

Primarily a downgrading of the engine and stiffening of the structure, the new not-a-battlecruiser also features a slightly altered weapons suite befitting its different role.
Unlike what might be expected, the new battleships are not flagships, and contain neither separate flag facilities nor improved sensors.

Also, as some accountant insisted on carrying the full complement of supplies for a 5 men crew per small craft bay, despite the fact that no small craft are ever deployed from most of those bays - and small craft bring their own supplies - the bays have been rearranged to be clearly marked for fighter use, with the remainder of the oversized bays being declared "cargo".
Older ships will regularly vent excess supplies to satisfy the bureaucracy until the culprit can be found.

New technologies
Research has been done in the fields of lighter fusion engines and capital missiles, resulting in advanced fighters and the AR-10 launcher. A spin-off development is expected to benefit the army.
Further, some money has been invested into copying the medium dropship designs of the Combine's neighbours.
The official outlets stress that these are markedly superior to their competitors. How exactly has not been asked by anyone.

Defence and Industry
To prepare for future production, the yards at midway are upgraded to produce larger ship designs (2 -> 3). Midway was chosen mainly on the basis that there was no other location outside of New Samarkand.
To further protect that investment, all yards will now be protected by twice the amount of Monban Kumo stations, resulting in a total defence layout of of:
SystemBiggest YardMonbanKumoTenshuCastle
New Samarkand531111
Al Ting13311
Again, Alshain was overlooked when it came to yard expansions, leading to some rustled feathers.

The Navy has requested the construction of 15 additional castle tenno on border worlds of the combine, to raise defences where the Navy can not be the commoners shield.
As usual, maintenance goes to the army.

The new Line
As the newest iteration of the Fubuki lacks dropship collars, a light cruiser design, christened the Kiyokaze series, was to be put into production to provide that capability, in addition to better endurance and a modernised, streamlined, and longer ranged suite of weaponry.
However, as the fiscal planning period came to an end, it was discovered that no money has actually been allocated to production of the design, and so the prototypes where shelved, and the yards tooled for other tasks.
However, a subvariant of the new cruisers, the Tsuru ( class Missile cruiser, actually had been allocated funding, albeit only for a single prototype.
This lead to the unusual case of the variant actually being the lead model.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:   鶴 - Tsuru
Tech:    Inner Sphere
Ship Cost:   $5,782,204,000.00
Magazine Cost:   $19,276,000.00
BV2:   91,235
Mass:   480,000
K-F Drive System:   Compact
Power Plant:   Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust:   3
Maximum Thrust:   5
Armor Type:   Ferro-Carbide
28   Capital Launcher AR-10
12   Machine Gun (IS)
216   Capital Launcher White Shark
48   Laser Small
4   Naval Laser 45

Class/Model/Name:   鶴 - Tsuru     
Mass:   480,000     
Equipment:         Mass
Drive:         86,400.00
Safe:   3     
Maximum:   5     
Controls:         1,200.00
K-F Hyperdrive:   Compact (11 Integrity)      217,200.00
Jump Sail:    (4 Integrity)      54.00
Structural Integrity:   85      40,800.00
Total Heat Sinks:   3988 Single      3,528.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:   18000 points      7,344.00
Fire Control Computers:         4,250.70
Armor:   693 pts Ferro-Carbide      798.00
Fore:   111     
Fore-Left/Right:   120/120     
Aft-Left/Right:   111/111     
Aft:   120     
Dropship Capacity:         0.00
Grav Decks:         
Small:   2      100.00
Medium:         0.00
Large:         0.00
Escape Pods:   20      140.00
Life Boats:   68      476.00
Crew And Passengers:         
67   Officers in 1st Class Quarters      670.00
74   Crew in 2nd Class Quarters      518.00
258   Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters      1,806.00
240   Bay Personnel      0.00
1   1st Class Passengers      10.00
25   2nd Class Passengers      175.00
50   Steerage Passengers      250.00

#   Weapons   Loc   Heat   Damage   Range   Mass
14   Capital Launcher AR-10   Nose         Extreme-C   3,500.00
6   Machine Gun (IS)   Nose      12 (1.2-C)      3.00
14   Capital Launcher AR-10   Aft            3,500.00
6   Machine Gun (IS)   Aft      12 (1.2-C)      3.00
54   Capital Launcher White Shark   FR   810   1620 (162-C)      6,480.00
3   Laser Small   FR   3   9 (0.9-C)      1.50
54   Capital Launcher White Shark   FL   810   1620 (162-C)      6,480.00
3   Laser Small   FL   3   9 (0.9-C)      1.50
18   Capital Launcher White Shark   RBS   270   540 (54-C)      2,160.00
2   Naval Laser 45   RBS   140   90 (9-C)      1,800.00
18   Laser Small   RBS   18   54 (5.4-C)      9.00
18   Capital Launcher White Shark   LBS   270   540 (54-C)      2,160.00
2   Naval Laser 45   LBS   140   90 (9-C)      1,800.00
18   Laser Small   LBS   18   54 (5.4-C)      9.00
36   Capital Launcher White Shark   AL   540   1080 (108-C)      4,320.00
3   Laser Small   AL   3   9 (0.9-C)      1.50
36   Capital Launcher White Shark   AR   540   1080 (108-C)      4,320.00
3   Laser Small   AR   3   9 (0.9-C)      1.50

Ammo   Rounds      Mass
Machine Gun (IS) Ammo   2400      12.00
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo   280      8,400.00
Capital Launcher Killer Whale Ammo   56      2,800.00
Capital Launcher White Shark Ammo   1136      45,440.00
#   Cargo and Bays            Mass
48   Bay Small Craft            9,600.00
11478.3   Cargo, Standard            11478.3
With limited ammo, a small cargo fraction, no dropship collar, and in no way tougher than the existing destroyers, the Tsuru is everything the Kiyokaze was not supposed to be.
In fact, it could be described as a variant of the Fubuki, such is its lack of new features.
On the bright side, it is cheap.
Capable of smothering an enemy fleet in broadsides of up to 136 White Shark missiles, it carries only 4 reloads for its primary launchers; The ship will be employed purely as a supporting element to provide critical weight of fire in the opening stages of an engagement, meant to swamp enemy anti-missile defence or to force the enemy to bring more purely because she could be there.
The new AR-10 launchers were crammed in at the last minute, replacing older, but more weight-efficient barracuda launchers, in favour of a 6th salvo for the white shark launchers.
While these allow the bow and stern launchers to contribute, if inaccurately, to the initial salvos, and still provide small craft deterrence afterwards, some lament the loss of actual firepower.
Only 2 ships total are planned of this design.

what#          =
Small Jump4010 b
Drop10015 b
M. Drop0
Fighter27066.765 b
Adv. Fighter0
SC6003 b
Stations Onsen5913570
Onsen S163336
Tenshu 二92448
Monban Kumo15
WarshipsKutai II819392
Kutai (moth)51206
Fubuki II826084
Fubuki IIa39007.5
Ikioi C312693
146.59 b
New Builds
Missile CruiserTsuru15782
StationMonban Kumo121404 m
M. Drop105000
Adv. Fighter1802.7 b
Castle Brian1515  b
Pillar995 m
Tsuru578 m
3130 b
AR10full price     47400
XL Enginesfull price     47400
Medium Dropships20% off     37920
Extra expenses5000 (I don't remember what this was actually for)
Privateers500 m (the usual pirates to harass the RWR/PoR/LC border. They can keep the profits, again, as usual.
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Smegish on 13 August 2020, 23:51:07
Terran Hegemony Turn 2400-09

State of the Inner Sphere, 2396

Director-General Richard Cameron,

This document is a very brief overview to inform you about the nature of the leadership of the rest of the Inner Sphere, now that you have ascended to the throne.

Draconis Combine - EDIT: Nihongi Kurita replaced his father in 2398

Since becoming Coordinator in 2398, Nihongi has been fairly quiet, seemingly content to continue the work to rebuild the navy his father started. That is not to say he is purely defensive in outlook however, he is still a Kurita after all. His fleet is now mostly rebuilt, but we haven’t seen any indication of plans for a renewed Combine offensive either in our direction or aimed at the Principality.

Federated Suns - Etienn Davion

First Prince Etienn has not been afraid to throw mountains of money in the Federated Suns Navy since coming to power in 2377, though other than taking advantage of the Capellans distraction during the Aldebaran Affair they have not seen major action since sticking the boot into the Taurian Concordat. His navy is certainly building towards offensive action of some kind, though what direction they will be sent in is not known at this time.

Capellan Confederation - Franco Liao

Currently the longest ruling House Lord having been in power since 2367 after the death of the Confederations founding ruler Emilie Liao, he has yet to show the political or economic acumen of his predecessor, although he has been happy to leave military decisions in the hands of his trusted subordinates thus far. As shown at Aldebaran, the Capellan Navy is a formidable opponent, a fact that has only been reinforced in the years since.

The existence of a substantial network of recharge stations well outside of the normal travel lanes are known to exist within the Confederation, and rumours abound that they have been working to expand it beyond their borders, possibly even to within striking range of the capital worlds of their neighbours including Terra.

Free Worlds League - Allan Marik

Since taking the Captain-General’s seat in 2385, Allan Marik has so far shied away from the overly aggressive actions of some of his neighbours like the Marians, instead being happy to expand the nation through colonisation or the peaceful annexation of existing colonies along the border. One of our safer borders, with the growing potential threat of the Marians keeping them from becoming too adventurous in other theatres.
If war came, the FWLN is large enough that we would have to weaken our other borders to defeat them quickly, but their lack of fixed defenses over their shipyards could make deep strikes a viable option, though we have not as yet located the yard that built the Juliano Marik.

Lyran Commonwealth - Alistair Marsden

After having fought several border wars since taking power in 2384 against both the Free and Rim Worlds, Alistair Marsden has definitely shown that he is not afraid of performing actions that he believes will ensure the safety of his people, and for the most part his actions have paid off. Whether the added buffer gained between the Rim Worlds and the more established worlds of the Commonwealth were worth the cost his navy paid is yet to be seen.
The LCN is the smallest navy of the Great Houses in terms of hull count, however the bulk of their fleet are quite capable of serving in the battleline, and the fights with the Rim Worlds have given them much-needed experience. The work to find a counter to the LCN’s electronic warfare systems are ongoing at this time.

Rim Worlds Republic - Randolph Rowe

Not a young man when he seized the throne in 2372, his years in power have only aged him further. During his time though the Rim Worlds has almost doubled in size, and despite recent reversals he remains a very sharp dagger poised at the back of the Lyran Commonwealth, ready to strike if weakness is shown.
His drive to expand the Republic has brought it to the brink of all-out war with the Lyrans, while their ongoing treaty with Rasalhague has also dragged them into fights against the Draconis Combine on several occasions, however all that action has left the Rim Worlds Navy as one of the most experienced and with a solid ally at its side.

Principality of Rasalhague - Sibylla Anitisson

Having only taken power quite recently, not much is known about Sibylla. So far she has left military matters to the experts and kept herself busy building up the nations economy by whatever means she could. Rumours abound that Sibylla claims to experience visions of the future, we believe they have been spread by her political rivals to weaken her hold on the nation, though such efforts do not appear to be working as of yet.
The constant action that the PRN has gone through ever since the Combine poked at them in the 2350s has left them in a similar state to their Rim Worlds allies: Small but experienced.

United Hindu Collective - :EDIT: Chandra Ghandi took the throne of the UHC in 2399

We know very little about Chandra Ghandi that can be reliably confirmed. We know he was related by marriage to the previous Maharaj, and was the head of their intelligence agency. Other than that we know almost nothing about the man. Since taking power however he has almost apoplectic in rage about the act of piracy that led to his rise to power, and most of his rhetoric has been aimed at the Taurian Concordat, despite that what investigation we have been able to carry out about the abductions and failed rescue show absolutely zero hard evidence of any foreign power playing a part.
With a fleet mostly based on a refit of our old Cruiser-class vessels, we wouldn’t normally consider the UHCN capable of much more that border defence, however with the gutting of the Taurian fleet by the Davions and inspired by their new Maharaj, the Collective Navy could pull a few surprises.

Taurian Concordat - Amanda Calderon

There is currently a Regency Council in control over the Concordat, as Amanda herself is only 9 at the time of this writing. They are still in the middle of rebuilding after their disastrous attack on the Federated Suns, and are highly unlikely to be bothering anyone for the foreseeable future.

Marian Hegemony - Augustus O’Rielly

Just as aggressive as his predecessor Augustus has seen the Hegemony double in size since his ascension, although the cost of all this colonial development has very nearly bankrupted the nation. He has so far not launched an attack on the Palatinate, but we know it’s just a matter of time and waiting until the Free Worlds League is distracted with a larger threat.

Illyrian Palatinate - Thorbjorn Bruntland

Another of the leaders to come to power recently, we don’t have a lot of information about Thorbjorn. His little nation have so far been wholly concerned with keeping their independence with the encroaching Marians, and as long as they don’t do anything particularly stupid they appear to have the fleet to do that.

Code: [Select]
Year: 2400 Value in Millions
Money Available 748,000
Remaining from Last Turn 2718
Available Shipyards

Terra 0/2/2/2/3
Keid 2/2/1/1
Thorin 1/1/1
New Earth 1/1/1
Yorii 1/1/1
Graham IV 1/1/1


Maintanence 50% $301,789
Prototype Cost Reagan 409 102
0 0
Variant 0
Construction Unit Price

Stations Reagan 180 409 73,620
0 0 0
Warships Typhoon 0 $29,848 $0
Iron Duke 6 $14,997 $89,982
Constitution 18 $10,777 $193,986


Jumpships 3 500 1500
Dropships Light 0 300 0
Medium 40 500 20,000
Fighters 4642 5 23,210
Small Craft 400 10 4000
Research Mechs 1 42400 42400

Total Spent 750589


Remaining 129

End Turn

Typhoon 2
Iron Duke 12
Constitution 48

Reagan 180
JumpShips 57
DropShips Light 216
Medium 80
Small Craft 1600
Fighters 6000

My Lord, the reconstruction of the Navy is just about complete, and we shall be ready to reclaim the worlds taken from us before this decade is out. The decision of my predecessor to focus the fleet on the battleline and not bother with small patrol vessels has certainly helped bring us back to our rightful place as the premier naval power, the maintenance costs of all those small ships was clearly not worth what little value they held in a serious fight.

One area the earlier leadership did not address was fixed defences, which the Capellans clearly put to good use against us at Aldebaran. This is an issue I have seen to, and the designers over at Ares Arms have not let us down.

Reagan-class Defence Satellite

Built by Ares Arms and named after a leader from antiquity who first envisioned this kind of defence, the Reagan-class station is designed to serve as the final line of defence for the worlds of the Hegemony. While for now the focus of the defences will be on Sol system and the other systems that have extensive shipyards, the eventual plan is for a network of these satellites to defend every world in the nation.

At only thirty thousand tons, the Reagan is smaller than the defence satellites of most nations, but is intended to be fielded en masse, and while it only fields ten Barracuda launchers rather than the 100+ the Yi Bai may have, the Reagan supports those tubes with a quartet of Heavy Naval PPCs which allow it to punch holes in any unwelcome guests that come calling.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Reagan
Tech: Inner Sphere
Ship Cost: $408,930,000.00
Magazine Cost: $800,000.00
BV2: 15,987

Mass: 30,000
K-F Drive System: None
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Armor Type: Ferro-Carbide
4 Naval PPC Heavy
10 Capital Launcher Barracuda
100 Laser Small
100 PPC

Class/Model/Name: Reagan
Mass: 30,000

Equipment: Mass
Drive: 360.00
Safe: 0
Maximum: 0
Controls: 30.00
K-F Hyperdrive: None (0 Integrity) 0.00
Jump Sail: (0 Integrity) 0.00
Structural Integrity: 1 300.00
Total Heat Sinks: 2100 Single 2,029.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 10000 points 1,020.00
Fire Control Computers: 150.00
Armor: 192 pts Ferro-Carbide 160.00
Fore: 34
Fore-Left/Right: 32/32
Aft-Left/Right: 32/32
Aft: 30

Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 20 140.00
Life Boats: 20 140.00

Crew And Passengers:
17 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 170.00
34 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 238.00
48 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 336.00
10 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
2nd Class Passengers 0.00
Steerage Passengers 0.00

Bay #1: Small Craft (2) - 1 Door
Bay #2: Cargo (7827 Tons) - 2 Doors

10 x Barracuda


20 x PPC
20 x SLas

Fleet Deployment:

Once the fleet is up to strength in early 2409 the navy shall be divided into 3 fleets, based in either Graham, Yorii or Sol itself. Each fleet shall consist of one Battle Squadron - comprised of 4 Iron Duke-class vessels and four Cruiser Squadrons - with 4 Constitutions filling each of those squadrons. The navy is deployed thusly:

1st Fleet: Deployed at Sol, responsible for defence of the Sol system, and defending the Capellan border
2nd Fleet: Deployed at Graham, responsible for defending Free Worlds and Lyran borders
3rd Fleet: Deployed at Yorii, guards the Draconis Combine and Fed Suns borders
Title: Re: Warship Arms Race - The In Character Stuff
Post by: Lagrange on 01 December 2020, 08:02:33
Part of Turn 2400-2409 (Marik v Lyran commonwealth)


A Marik fleet consisting of a Cyrus, 4 Marik, 9 Carrier Dropships, 5 Combat Dropships, 8 Transport dropships, and 372 fighters arrived at the Gienah I pirate point on February 3, 2405.  This arrival was initially unobserved as Geinah II was on the opposite side of the Gienah primary.  Wasting no time, Vice-Admiral Humphreys ordered a burn towards Gienah primary building velocity before whipping around polar south with engines and radar off on a vector intersecting Gienah II.

The system's zenith recharge station detected one emergence wave.  On Gienah II, this was presumed to be a smuggler evading customs, with a pair of long range armed  smallcraft dispatched.  They found nothing at the Gienah I pirate point and upon return discovered that it was not a smuggler.

45 minutes prior to arrival, the Marik fleet fired all engines executing a hard burn at 3 Gs.  A half hour before arrival, radar was turned on, and suddenly the planet discovered it was under assault by a fleet of 27 ships.  The planetary militia scrambled to assemble, but many were simply to far away to effectively muster.  The fight for control of Gienah lasted about 3 weeks, longer than expected due to various elements of planetary militia activating in a guerilla status.  Nevertheless, casualties were quite low for the FWL due to the disorganized defense.

Although Gienah II was surprised, they did manage to warn the Ribe at the Zenith point.  Combat and carrier dropships were dispatched to capture the Ribe although two jumpships currently at the Ribe managed to recharge and depart before their arrival.  Word of the invasion of Gienah reached New Kyoto on February 24 with a fleet of 2 Heimdallrs, a Mjolnir PPC, and a Mjolnir NAC carrying 116 Small Craft and 360 fighters dispatched just as the last organized resistance was smothered on Gienah II.  Arriving in-system, on March 4th at the nadir point, Admiral Nurem used a conventional transit to study the situation.

Admiral Humphreys faced a difficult choice.  The invasion was over, with the planet fully captured.  Should the prize be abandoned?  The Marik design was old, but he had more hulls and the combat dropships could provide substantial supporting missile fire.  ...It's important to test the mettle of the Lyrans, and since every ship except the Cyrus is faster, they can always disengage.  Leaving only token forces on world, Humphreys prepares.

As the forces approached each other cautiously, both sides launched fighter and smallcraft swarms.   The transport and carrier dropships remained at a distance, so it was 5 warships, 5 combat dropships, and 372 fighters versus 4 warships, 360 fighters, and 116 smallcraft.  Aware of the range advantage which the Lyrans had, Admiral Humphreys moved first with a quick 2.5G burn building up velocity from just beyond 1000 kilometers.   

Tactical: "Sir! The Lyrans have 15 ships now!"

Humphreys: "What?!...  Broadsides on, open fire!  Fighters close!  This must be the ECM we heard about.  Make sure we capture the sensor logs."  31 naval lasers, 6 naval PPCs and 90 barracuda's all missed.

Tactical: "They're returning fire!... all missing."

Humphreys: "Stay on course.  It could be the range, or maybe they can't fire through their ECM.  Let's see how they feel about NAC distance."

Tactical: "We missed again, and so did they, coming into extreme NAC range now."

Humphreys: "We'll need to close more to be fully effective."

Tactical: "Our Barracuda's are getting closer, but they were lost to point defense.  Our luck just ran out---Oriente took 7 hits, no critical damage, heavy damage to the aft side, rolling sides."

Humphreys: "Message to all ships: exchange and record sensor logs in real time."

Tactical: "One Barracuda hit, but 4 dropships destroyed in a hail of NPPC fire.  Oriente was hit again this time by NAC fire with damage to the KF drive."

Humphreys: "What about the fighters?"

Tactical: "Their fighters are staying near the warships giving them a substantial edge as well in a developing dogfight.  They missed our last dropship again, but we can't penetrate the point defense with our remaining Barracuda launchers.  Oriente was hit several times and is venting atmosphere, rolling sides again."

Humphreys: "We can't win this.  Oriente and Irian, break off.  Pick up dropships on the way out.  Bring the sensor logs home at all costs!  We'll cover your exit.  Focus fire on the NAC boat."

Tactical: "We're getting close enough to burn through some of their ECM.   Multiple hits from lasers and ppcs on the Lyran NAC boat! New Delos is venting, rolling sides.  The last dropship is gone.  Fighters are coming at us now."

Humphreys: "Keep transmitting sensor feeds, all we can do now is gather data."

Tactical: "More hits on the NAC boat.  New Delos just took many hits, venting from all sides."

Humphreys: "Keep transmitting."

Tactical: "Amazing, New Delos is still fighting and scored a few more hits.... Our PPCs are at short range now, pouring in damage.  ... But so are there's.  Stewart is hit, venting atmosphere.  Xerxes is hit, but armor is intact.   Oh lord, the Lyran fighters just shredded New Delos and Stewart through the holes in their armor."

Humphreys: "Keep transmitting."

<end transmission>

The surviving Mariks departed via the Gienah II pirate point 3 hours later.

Combat Results:

Marik: 2 Marik lost, 1 Cyrus lost, 5 dropships destroyed, 7 captured.  200 fighters lost, 136 captured.  1 Marik sustains heavy damage ($3B).  Excellent raw sensor logs of ECM captured.

Lyran: Mjolnir NAC sustains some heavy damage ($3B), 100 fighters, 30 smallcraft lost.

New Kyoto

About a day later, Admiral Ryer jumped into the New Kyoto pirate point aboard a Juliano accompanied by a powerful fleet with 4 Cyrus, 8 Marik, and 48 dropships.  Sensors stabilized confirming no nearby ships and immediately started thrusting towards the New Kyoto yards.

The jump signatures immediately set off alarm bells aboard the New Kyoto shipyards interrupting Kommodore Natash's dinner.  "Sir, we have 13 jump signatures and over 50 drives inbound from the pirate point at 1g."

Natash: "With that many drives, it must be the Mariks.  Give the Hermóðr's the current solution, evacuate civilians, and move the yards over Taka as we discussed."

T-2 hours: "Admiral Ryer, the yards haven't resolved on radar yet, but we have many point sources boosting at 0.1 G towards the 4th moon, Taka."

Ryer: "Interesting move. Let's do a turnover as we planned and watch closely."

T-30 minutes: "Admiral Ryer, the yards have finished their move---they are near to Taka, about 1000km from the surface.  ECM appears to be engaged, so radar isn't telling us much."

"Launch the fighters, then have the carriers and transports separate to a safe distance.  Terminate our deceleration so we come in at 16 kps.  Humphreys' experience taught us that we can beat the ECM with proximity."

T-18 minutes: "Emergence! 3.. 4 signatures from a Taka transient only 20 kilometers from the yards."

Ryer: "Well, that explains why they moved to Taka.  It's unfortunate, but our plan was organized assuming the cavalry was already here. Let's continue."

T-12 minutes: Natash: "The relief fleet is here, so we have a fighting chance now.  Let's shift operations to the Mjolnir NAC while we can."

T-6 minutes: Natash: "Send 1 Snotra after their carriers and keep the other here."

T-5 minutes: "Sir, something just took off in the direction of our carrier/transport dropships moving at 4.5 Gs."

Ryer: "That must be a Snotra.  We can't abort now, so tell the carriers and transports to evade towards our meeting point.  In the meantime, target the 3 big ones."

T-1 minutes: "here we go..."

The FWL forces came pouring in at at 16kps velocity with 16 combat dropships, 8 Mariks, 4 Cyrus, and the Juliano accompanied by 684 aerospace fighters.  Arrayed against them were a Snotra II and an Angler fresh out of the yards at Tharkad and rushed forward in case of just such an eventuality.  Accompanying them on short notice were 2 Heimdallr's, a Mjolnir NAC, and a Mjolnir NPPC that were 54 light years away in Alcor.  The Natash had station personnel running jump solutions for the Taka transient continuously since the New Kyoto fleet left.  The Lyran forces were accompanied by 650 fighters and 134 smallcraft.

The point blank range combat with interpenetrating fleets was ferocious.  Although no gunners used bore sighting, that was a real possibility as the ships could see each other.  At such short ranges, ECM played almost no role.  Both sides engaged in careful targeting, although the commanders choose differently.  Natash targeted 5 Mariks, looking to crack open the relatively thin armor for the fighter squadrons to go to work.  Ryer targeted the larger ships, hoping to break the back of Lyran navy.

Thousands lost their lives in the exchange of fire.  The Mjolnir's both had their sides ripped open by concentrated NAC and NPPC fire while the Angler's unexpectedly heavy armor weathered the storm.  Arriving just behind were 63 missiles, mostly fired by the combat dropships, that further damaged the Mjolnir's, blowing apart sensors and structure.  And, behind those came the fighters firing into the massive holes the earlier capital weapons had ripped.  One of the Mjolnir's completely lost sensors, but that was irrelevant as Mjolnir NAC exploded.  At least one overenthusiastic fighter pilot lost control and rammed the warship.

On the FWL's side, 3 Mariks were destroyed outright, one survived with a massive gash almost severing the fore and aft quarters, while a 5th Marik merely lost a docking collar.

Although not directly targeted, the yards took extensive damage from collisions with large chunks of high speed and exploding warship debris.

Kommodore Natash did not survive the battle, but he left one last order: release the last Snotra to join it's packmate after the pass.

Initially, the 32 dropships try to evade as group, but the Snotra II moved faster and hammered the dropships, destroying 5 in a single pass.  After that the dropships ran individually trying to make the Snotra's targeting as difficult as possible.  The Snotras managed to account for another 6 dropships before the remainder successfully linked up with the FWL fleet.

T+30 minutes: "Sir, the Snotras are keeping their distance for now.  Damage amongst the carrier fleet was extensive, so we are slowly recovering the excess fighters into cargo, which will take about 2 hours to complete."

Ryer: "Let's recover fighter and get ready.  I'm sure we can break the Lyran navy with another pass.  We'll leave one Marik with the transport dropships to keep those Snotra at bay."

T+76 minutes: "Emergence! 4 more jump signatures at the Taka transient."

Ryer: "That changes the equation.  Let's go home."

Clouded behind ECM and beyond battlefield radar, the emerging jumpships were three Nehalennia and a Hermóðr, Natash's last bluff.

FWL combat damage: 3 Mariks destroyed.  1 Marik with minor damage ($1B), 1 Marik with extreme damage ($6B), 11 medium dropships lost, 4 medium dropships scuttled, 34 fighters lost.

Lyran damage: Mjolnir NAC destroyed.  Mjolnir NPPC heavily damaged ($4B).  Angler suffers minor damage ($1B).  25 fighters lost and 3 smallcraft lost.  Civilian infrastructure in New Kyoto yard suffers substantial incidental damage ($10B).