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BattleTech Player Boards => Fan Fiction => Topic started by: Cannonshop on 24 May 2020, 07:55:29

Title: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 24 May 2020, 07:55:29
Continued from: The Absolute Zero (

New Readers can begin this Here. (

Somewhere along the Exodus Road...

the emergence wave was significant, and the satellites left in this system picked it up almost immediately.  a Potemkin class transport cruiser,  using a 'Ryan formation' with a Leviathan class dreadnought and several smaller ships kicks up quite the emergence wave.

What is a Ryan Formation?  In the early days of human colonization, the "Ryan Ice Cartel" used grouped jumpships to move massive ice-comets from outer solar systems inward to pirate points to supply terraforming efforts.  The formation itself largely became supernumerary and was eventually forgotten as development outpaced it and the acceptance of the risks of such operations declined in the years leading up to the Star League.

The method did enjoy a short revival of sorts, as a tactic of terror by the Word of Blake in the Inner Sphere, and The Society during their uprising in the Clan Homeworlds.

these ships were escorting a massive hull, one packed to the gills with...something. 

It is 3160, it is late November, the Satellites are part of a network left behind by Comstar after Operation Serpent, and the data is being reported to a receiver that has gone unmonitored and ignored since the 3080s.

or rather, had, until this year.

the resolution on the camera, which has spent the better part of the last eighty years without maintenance, isn't the best.  The small fusion core and solar panel supplemental power supplies are slightly out of adjustment, and the Comstar monitoring spy satellite has seen better days-days when it was maintained...

but it still works.  the HPG transmitter in the core still works, and it's sending the alarms down a chain of relays and side-relays, back to Terra.

the images will get there in a week or so, as the data worms its way through a network that is only just this year being brought back into service with the aid of the Wolf Empire and the surviving technical crews from the Federated Suns protectorate of Taussen.

A week before, and the signal would have been lost.  a week later, and it would have been arriving at nearly real-time, the warning that the Homeworld Clans were coming...and this time, coming in force.

For the next 96 hours, in this system that is necessary only for recharging a jump core if you don't want to burn fuel,  transports and warships are erupting into being at both Zenith and Nadir.

Eventually, on the 97th hour, the camera catches sight of the fighter star that kills it.

Meanwhile, far from here, nearly a year's travel from this point and well antispinward of it, LCS Discovery, a Beagle Class Exploration cruiser, and her supporting formation of Cutters and Frigates, are overseeing the archaeological efforts to determine what killed an alien race, and where that enemy came from.

Ironically, The fleeing Homworlders could answer that question...
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Sir Chaos on 24 May 2020, 07:59:45
Uh oh.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: JA Baker on 24 May 2020, 08:04:49
Dun dun duuuuuuuuun!
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 24 May 2020, 08:19:05
Another story! :excited:

And this one has shades of the later Dune books (the ones actually by Herbert, not his son)…  ^-^
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Euphonium on 24 May 2020, 09:00:59
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Sharpnel on 24 May 2020, 11:02:17
Ping. One ping only.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: cklammer on 24 May 2020, 13:26:30
Ziel erfasst.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Giovanni Blasini on 24 May 2020, 13:55:18
I'm not clear what the Ryan iceball style jump is carrying. I think that's by design, but wanted to make sure I wasn't just extra-dense this morning.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Sir Chaos on 24 May 2020, 13:56:28
I'm not clear what the Ryan iceball style jump is carrying. I think that's by design, but wanted to make sure I wasn't just extra-dense this morning.

I´m guessing something that contain A LOT of refugees.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: JA Baker on 24 May 2020, 13:58:32
I'm saying it's a repurposed space-station.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: ThePW on 24 May 2020, 14:17:46
I'm saying it's a repurposed space-station.

Is it a MW2: Mercs reference? The ice ship you defend?

One Ping. One Ping Only.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Giovanni Blasini on 24 May 2020, 16:11:14
Wouldn't anything carried like that, normally, get pulverized? I mean, we don't care if ice does, because it's still ice on the other side. I'm wondering if this is a unique Lyran take on dropping comets or asteroids on someone.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: glitterboy2098 on 24 May 2020, 16:46:24
Cannonshop has used the formation for moving large items intact before in these stories, so evidently in this continuity it is possible to move things without shattering them. perhaps the standard Ryan cartel method was actually a flawed version, which could be perfected if you had skilled enough jump-navigators?
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: JA Baker on 24 May 2020, 16:53:46
Is it a MW2: Mercs reference? The ice ship you defend?
Okay, it's been longer than I care to think of, but IIRC, that was purely in-system
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 24 May 2020, 18:15:15
Engmann, Chainelaine Isles...

KCGS Morgan icaza was a Cutter, part of 9 Division LCN Reserves, and their 'patrol zone' included a lot of former Jade Falcon held worlds outside the Lyran Commonwealth as an aftermath of the campaign to smash the Jade Falcons in response to Malvina's Mongol Madness.

Someone had to take up the job of patrolling out here, and while LCN was rapidly gaining the ability to do so, it was by indirectly leaning on the Coast Guards for the actual manpower.

Kowloon's Coast Guard was still technically the militia for a single collection of minor worlds-a regional formation not meant to engage in long-distance missions, but needs must, when devils drive demands.  Plentiful ships plus a long lead-time on personnel meant that you recruited where you can.

"How are they doing down there, Piper?"  Commander Ira asked.

"Surface teams report the civil population is recovering technologies from the ruins now that the surface is safe, Sir...oh, and congratulations."

"It is not Congratulations until our tour out here is finished." he said, "That is four months away.  To be clearer, I am not entirely sure being assigned to a Landmark class is much of a promotion."

His XO grinned, softening her harsh Icaza heritage somewhat.  "Gravity deck, showers..." she teased, "A true capital ship? not a promotion?"

He groaned, "Paperwork, a crew in the hundreds so I never get to properly know my comrades, and having to speak Deutsch even in quarters?  I admit, I will not miss having to negotiate who gets to sleep in the bed, and I will not miss having three out of four heads packed with supplies or needing to go on space-walks of the hull to get time to myself!"

"YOU are just too Kowloonese." she said, and giggled, "A prim and proper boy from Hue under that hard-nose spacer persona."

"And you are just as qualified for a Destroyer as I am." he told her.

"Ah! but see, they did not ask for me." she said primly, "They wanted the Buhallin boy, not the Icaza girl."

"before I leave for LCN regular service, I'm going to write you an OER that will drag you right over behind me!" he mock-threatened.

she rolled her eyes.  "As if.  someone has to do this job, and someone has to do that job.  I am perfectly content to remain a Guard Lifer, taking small boats into places you can not fit a half million tons of destroyer."

"I am writing that OER, Piper." he said, "our heritage is Jade Falcon, and while our cousins smeared that name with feces and called it 'mongol', we belong-all of us-in the Regular Fleet, to serve with distinction and redeem our bloodname."

"Seyla sir."

"Hey, sirrah, Mum, could you two maybe take it in the missile mags or something? we're tryin' t'wuhk heah!"  RTO Devin McCammon's Arluna accent was thin enough not to need much speech correction therapy before he deployed.  Ira looked past his executive officer at the boy-man who handled their signals.  McCammon's pale skin made the plague marks stand out more.

"I'll get you too, Mac." Ira said, "I want to try and get all of you into the regulars."

"Sirrah, all due respect, th'only one y'all needs is-" he stopped.  "Incoming signals, header is priority Alpha one alpha all points bulletin...holy shit.  Clanner fleet detected in transit along the Exodus road, hull counts are in excess of ninety one vessels, identified hull markings indicate combined Clan fleets from at least six different Clans, and they're not traveling light."

"on my display, Arto." Ira ordered.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: worktroll on 24 May 2020, 18:21:02
Dun dun duuuuuuuuun!

This ...

Options do not include the Omnivoracity from Starfire, could include the aliens from the Dahakverse, or the Xenophones from the SPI series of games, but ... Cannonshop, ever read Passage at Arms by Glen Cook? Or the related Starfishers trilogy?
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 24 May 2020, 18:30:37
This ...

Options do not include the Omnivoracity from Starfire, could include the aliens from the Dahakverse, or the Xenophones from the SPI series of games, but ... Cannonshop, ever read Passage at Arms by Glen Cook? Or the related Starfishers trilogy?

I confess I have not.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: ThePW on 24 May 2020, 18:34:56
Cannonshop has used the formation for moving large items intact before in these stories, so evidently in this continuity it is possible to move things without shattering them. perhaps the standard Ryan cartel method was actually a flawed version, which could be perfected if you had skilled enough jump-navigators?

Nooooooo… well, maybe yes but something occurred to me. In SBY 2202, two Dreadnaughts dock to either side of the stricken Andromeda (who because of battle damage could not jump +/- reasons unclear). That occurance ushers in how Capt Smiling face goes with his BB-type drone Andromeda fleet later in a futile overhead attack of the Comet Empire structure: The 2 Drone Class-D's jump with the Andy already hot loading its WMG. Spoilers for those.... who have not watched yet. You should!
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 24 May 2020, 19:34:22
LCS Discovery, 9 months antispinward of the Lyran Commonwealth...

Star Captain Sara Tseng knocked on the Admiral's sea-cabin door.  "come"

the hatch toggled and opened, "Admiral, we have gotten a flash traffic from LCN command."

Rear Admiral Michael Hogarth looked up from his present task-reviewing Materiel reports from the Discovery taskforce.  "Flash huh? what is it?"

"They have detected a Clan fleet..a massive fleet, coming down the Exodus Route, presently it is believed to be moving through the Veil."

"The Caliban Nebula?" he asked.

"Yes." she answered.

"We are a hell of a long way off if they want us to try to intercept, Star Captain." he said, "Is it a recall order?"

"Neg, sir." she said, "But it is concerning."

he sighed, "you have family in the Dominion, yes?" he asked.


"I have family in the Commonwealth, and I'm sure Tai-Sa Hinomori has told all of us her stories about her family in the Combine.  We have a job to do here, until we get the recall order, we need to be doing it."  He told her.  "What is the word from the other captains in the task-force at this news?"

"Some are asking when we will be returning, Sir."

He nodded.  "Understandable.  I'll call a general staff assembly at nineteen hundred for all senior officers, and we will discuss options and contingencies."


He swiped left on the screen in front of him, "last time, Admiral Ngo was called back because of a war with the Republic." he said, "THIS time, the operation is multinational as is the mission.  every ship from participating governments is here voluntarily, and the last time the Clans invaded it was devastating to at least three nations-but if we don't answer the questions here, that could put every nation in peril, not just ours.  I can't order the Hiryu to stay here, I won't force your people to stay if they want to go home, but I'm going to argue that our mission out here has precedence unless or until we get orders from home to return."

"Aff, Sir."

"Nineteen Hundred, have your Dominion officers present." he told her, "And make sure it's passed throughout the task-force that all field-grade and above officers are expected to attend either by link, or in person.  is that all, Star Captain?"

"yes sir."

Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 24 May 2020, 20:01:03
This Hogarth is still made of win, I see...  8)
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: worktroll on 24 May 2020, 20:05:11
I confess I have not.

Passage at Arms is basically Das Boot in space. This quote made me think of it:

I admit, I will not miss having to negotiate who gets to sleep in the bed, and I will not miss having three out of four heads packed with supplies

You could safely read it and not have any impact on your current story. However, I'd stay clear of the Starfisher trilogy for now.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 24 May 2020, 20:39:02
Overview: The lay of the land in 3165...

The Wolf Empire holds Terra, and most of the remainders of Prefecture X.  This has not given them the massive advantage that Alaric had hoped for, instead it fulfills the grim prediction of Sharon Ngo in the 3150s, that the former Terran Hegemony is indeed largely stripped of useful resources and overloaded with trillions of hungry mouths forcibly idled by circumstance.

Luckily, the Empire's portions outside of that area, are sufficient to provide for the resources needed to fix this, and there's an outlet to move those trillions into less cramped and crowded conditions.

Alaric is having to learn how to govern his slice of the galaxy.  Lucky for him, he has cousins Julian and Trillian to give him useful advice on how to handle a population that outnumbers his entire warrior caste by milllions to one.

as it has turned out, Nick Kerensky's social theories only work with relatively small populations.  Being the ilClan isn't turning out to be the road to paradise after all.

The Confederation's leadership has begun a series of economic reforms, much of that inspired by (or directly copied from) the Magistracy of Canopus, who share a joint rulership under Chancellor/Magestrix Danai Centrella-Liao.  Surprisingly  to some, her ability to keep the peace with Davion on one border, and Marik on the other, has led to a massive expansion outward into the Periphery, bringing much-needed wealth into the Confederation.

This hasn't crippled their military spending by any stretch of the imagination, and the CapCon has licenses to produce a number of hull types besides their own Stealthy destroyers, including a license-copy of the Marsden II class cruiser and the Sampan IV class Cutter.  These vessels are mostly used to patrol new holdings out in the outer periphery, and as adjunct forces for the MAF's Naval branch in addition to forming a strong supporting structure for the CCAF/Naval forces.  Pirates have begun to truly miss the days when the Great Houses were more interested in fighting each other over a throne on Terra.

House Kurita has begun purchasing additional warships from yards in the Commonwealth to supplement their Carrier fleet.  Notably, their major purchases have been from the 'used' market, and include Sampan II and Sampan III and III* cutters.  These are being retrofitted at the Combine's restored shipyards with better technology to serve as fleet scouts and multi-system 'reaction vessels' in a defensive role.  the Combine versions dispense with the large(ish) marine complement and have a number of adaptations applied to make duty less punishing on crews.  Discussions for purchase of Landmark class destroyers have resulted a small number of the over-produced vessels finding their way into Combine service as escorts for Carrier task groups, again with significant changes to the design at Combine yards to make them a better partner for the DCA's super-carrier forces.

The aid-package to the Ghost Bear Dominion included hulls, and it included training packages.  the ships themselves have Clan-spec weapons and armor laid over Lyran manufactured hulls.  Engineering work has already begun in the Ghost Bear Dominion to design a domestically produced 'flagship' vessel less impractically large than the Leviathans that they lost during the short combat phase of the Commonwealth/Dominion conflict, and a contract with Clan Snow Raven has boosted training numbers for Ghost Bear warship crews to fill seats on their new navy.

LCN training observers have noted a significant improvement in Ghost Bear's crew quality and equally significant improvements in the Dominion's ability to grasp deep-vacuum strategy.

The FWLN have expanded significantly.  Both with the purchase of Marsden II class cruisers, and bulk purchases of Sampan IV and IV* cutters to supplement their own domestically produced destroyer designs, as well as reactivation of yard capacity to produce their own domestic designs with improved technology.  Relations with NIOPS have improved significantly, especially after a FWLN task force suppressed a Marian offensive aimed at NIOPS in 3160.  The subsequent war with the Marian Hegemony is ongoing, with the FWLN demonstrating a grasp of Lyran-style "Neutralization warfare" against the bandit kingdom.  Nikol Marik's official stated position being "Peace will be maintained."  Bandit groups along the League's periphery are on notice, and noticing.  Meanwhile, the FWLN is building up quite a bank of experience and capability.

Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 24 May 2020, 21:08:08
overview continued...

House Davion, the Federated Suns, has had perhaps the more bizarre turnaround, fielding what is in effect two navies, with the newer service outstripping the senior one both in impact, and prestige, in less than a decade.  While senior admirals in the FSN continue to cling to traditionalist doctrines and home-grown dogmas, including the insistence upon the 'Ram' designation for the Kentares class light escort carrier, as well as massive influxes of research funding into the 'Ramming Prow' device (which has, thus far, not proven to be particularly useful, nor proven to deliver potential uses outside of respected FedSuns naval circles). The "Patrol Force",  technically a nationalized militia adjunct to the AFFC, has proven to be extremely effective in dealing with piracy and in repelling an attempted Taurian attack on the Federated Suns border.

all without plowing a single ship into another ship.

Observers suggest that the AFFC/N will wind up much like the LCAF Transport Command, as the First Prince has personally strangled funding of dedicated superiority designs to the 'proper navy' in favor of expanded transport capability, while at the same time encouraging the 'dirty brownwater' Patrol Force's expansion with additional Kentares and Fox class vessels, as well as license purchase of unmodified Marsden II and Frederick Steiner class cruisers and battleships to bulk up the Patrol Service's numbers and strength.

When confronted by this at a press conference, the First Prince shut down discussion with the statement "They get results."
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 24 May 2020, 22:59:02
"it's not the Star League..."

"...we're not trying to run a super-state because That failed."  Sixty year old Admiral Sharon E. Ngo tapped the display.  "These guys? they knew it, when they kicked your ancestors out of 'club kerensky'.  I don't suppose anyone's tried making contact with them to find out what in the ****** they think they're doing coming this way."

"Yet we do, in fact, have a de-facto superstate forming." Khan McKenna noted, "Your Lyran Commonwealth wields power and influence over the other Inner Sphere states, you managed to put Devlin Stone out to pasture and plant Alaric Ward, a Steiner-Davion scion, on Terra as ilKhan of the ilClan."

"yeah, look how well that's worked out for him." Sharon said, "It wouldn't have worked any better for your bunch, only you'd have an even longer supply line.  A Trillion people he can barely keep fed isn't what any of your dreams expected, is it?"

", nobody has attempted to directly contact this massive fleet."

"Well, we've got six more months before they hit the frontier of inhabited space." Sharon said, "I assume your Clan wants first or second try before us dirty spheroids step in."

McKenna snorted, "We do not want 'first or second try'." he said, "The Homeworlders made the...separation quite clear-with violence."

"Hmnh.  So what are we actually talking about?"

"Military options." he told her.

"Diplomatic options are usually less costly in the short run and the long run-and I speak as someone who made an entire Clan Realm get to their proverbial knees and beg for mercy using military options."  she examined the trac-plot carefully.

"They lack that experience-these have not been defeated by Inner Sphere forces, I am not sure they know how to react to it, except that it will likely be to react badly."

"They are hauling a station.  The Gravity shear from using Ryan methods isn't good for anything at the center of it, including people, unless they've somehow found a way to get around it."

"Our scientists have some speculations about that-mostly from work begun by the Blakists and Taussen."  McKenna said.

"Yeah, our eggheads do too-but testing those hypotheticals hasn't gone exactly well on our end." she noted.

"ours either-but they are doing it."

"if it has been done, it can be done, if it can be done, someone will do it." Sharon agreed.  "Okay, so what are we looking at with this incoming fleet?"

"Lots of mothball ships, lots of ships in poor repair, possibly pressed into service in a hurry-but not so hurried that they could not do it in an organized manner."

"Disaster maybe?" she asked, "are we looking at a second or third exodus?"

He froze, and looked thoughtful.  "I just realized...that is not a stupid idea."

"It's an obvious thing, McKenna." Sharon said, "Look at this imagery-those fighters are running minimum fuel burns, that means they aren't stopping for gas, or haven't been, or don't intend to.  Those hulks being group-jumped don't have weapons ports or emplacements, and those Potempkins aren't carrying assault droppers in nearly what would be an efficient configuration for military invasion forces-those dropships are mostly old models, and patchy-looking."

"They will want to land." he said.

She nodded, "let me speculate a sec here-these guys are on the run.  They shot the sats instead of trying to slice them or use them to contact the owners, which means they think they need to fight...which they might, if they want to be in charge of wherever they end up, and I know Kerenskyists back home, their dogma and doctrine-and so do you, being one.  You're anticipating military action because no matter how up shit creek these guys are, they're going to want to fight for dominance once they get here."

"Aff.  That is the most likely to be correct assessment."

"AND we don't have a formal 'Star League' and being Kerenskyists, they're going to want to impose theirs if we don't have one of our own-or even if we do."


"I'll take your proposal up with the Archon when I get back." Sharon said, "I assume you're already discussing things with Alaric and Tseng, and being where you are, I speculate you've been in talks with Kurita and Davion?"

"We have.  They have been...reluctant.  A unified front will be necessary regardless of whether the solution is military or diplomatic-a diplomatic outcome can not happen if they believe the Inner Sphere to be...out of order."

"I hear that."

"How is your Alien Hunting going?" he asked.

"We found a couple of dead civilizations antispinward so far." she said, "Nobody alive yet, nobody to tell us what happened to them, only some pretty ****** worlds and leftover hardware and debris...I really wanted to go this time."

"When I heard about your fool's mission I wanted to go." he said, "Grand adventures, new conquests..."

"Not so grand an adventure, mostly it's finding new ways to be horrified." She countered, "Trillian won't let me go out again, she insists on me being here in civilized society."

Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 24 May 2020, 23:17:36
Well, at least Trillian has the good sense to keep Sharon around...

And it's now "a couple" of dead civilizations??  ???
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Nikas_Zekeval on 24 May 2020, 23:22:24
For your benefit Sharon, or for 'civilized society's' benefit? ;)

Well, at least Trillian has the good sense to keep Sharon around...

And it's now "a couple" of dead civilizations??  ???

Yeah, unless we are talking Fae level touchy about social faux pas?  Sounding more like xenophobes, "we have to get them before they get us!"

Problem with that line of thinking?  You can't exactly clean up all the evidence, so someone is going to find what you did.  And then decide given your track record to do unto you first, or at least consider it and be ready if you do try it on them.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 24 May 2020, 23:25:08
You know... what if it was an unfettered AI stomping non-human civilizations to "protect" humanity from them?
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Sharpnel on 25 May 2020, 00:27:20
V-ger has returned.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: worktroll on 25 May 2020, 01:00:29
Did we get a date on how long ago the first xenocide event found was?

Prior or post fall of the original Star League?

What have Tabby and Maggie and Sybil been up to?
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Giovanni Blasini on 25 May 2020, 01:13:49
Did we get a date on how long ago the first xenocide event found was?

Prior or post fall of the original Star League?

What have Tabby and Maggie and Sybil been up to?

IIRC, prior.  It was definitely stated as the evidence pointing towards the SLDF, rather than, say, ComStar or the proto-Clans.  I'd have to go back and reread it for details, but IIRC somewhere in the 28th Century.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: worktroll on 25 May 2020, 01:27:39
" ... by action or inaction, allow a human being to come to harm."

Nah, it's bugs. Bugs, Mr. Rico! Zillions of them!
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Dave Talley on 25 May 2020, 02:41:18
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: JA Baker on 25 May 2020, 04:48:52
Why do I have the feeling that someone decided that they wanted to kill the lampreys?
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 25 May 2020, 08:46:41
" evidence of survivors."

Mike waited for the geological survey team's report to conclude.  "Bomb damage we think is kinetic based, and it was systematic, as close as we can assess, someone was hitting inhabited areas especially hard, with traces of iridium, nickel iron, and other materials common to the local asteroid belts comprising the bulk of the bombardment residue in the craters we've surveyed, now normally, there is a fractional chance of survivors even in an extinction level event."

"Normally?" he asked.

"Well, that's where things get ****** weird, sir. I have to turn this over to the biological survey team for the next part."  Dr. Faustus, the lead geologist, said.  "Because what they found is ****** strange as hell.  Paola?"

Dr. Paola Ourodanna stood up.  "We think a weapon was designed to cleanse the local biosphere of anything more complex than plant-life, sir." she said, "We're pretty sure it isn't biological per se but copies biology.  The alternative would be a low temperature silicon based organism-which doesn't make any sense chemically."

"Low temperature?" Mike asked.

"Silicon life forms in theory would be exremophile, sir, to fill the same niche as carbon based life would require extreme temperatures not found in habitable systems, but we've found signficant contaminations we initially thought were part of the local, pre-bombardment biology until we cross-checked with the Beagle expedition's data.  Traces of Gallium and silicon are all over and they're not, according to my colleagues from geosciences, consistent with crustal formation on the planet.  Under microscopes, we've identified motors and gearing, and a microwave collection nanostructure."

"Killer micro-robots powered by microwaves?" Mike asked.

"Engineering's done some testing in detached lab four on the planet's moon, and yeah, you hit some of the dust with a tuned microwave, it goes active, they're not quite von neumann machine level, but higher concentrations do show increased...artificial intelligence."

"how intelligent?" Mike asked.

"Imagine a guided biological weapon, sir.  collected samples in the lab module over about half a millilitre in volume will follow microwave sources and preferentially dismantles iron-oxygen-carbon structures.  they tested with lab rats, and as long as there's power, the volume pursued, and then dismantled the test animals.  at one liter sizes, it can even negotiate a maze to seek out prey.  it doesn't USE the biologicals for anything, it just destroys them.  Cut off the power and a one liter size mass of the stuff goes dormant after a few hours, cut it off long enough, and it disperses into dust."

"sweet mother of christ." Mike Hogarth crossed himself.  "that's... monstrous."

"We found the largest concentrations of the stuff in what the archaeological team suggests were rural areas sir, and we found some one-way landers in the same area.  The tech on the landers is roughly 26th century equivalent, with large cargo modules and what we think is a modified version of the Blue Shield system.  We're pretty sure it isn't native, and there are some odd alloy combinations so it's not from any known human civ."

"Someone went out of their way to bomb these people into the stone age, then dropped what, pods to kill every survivor?"

"And their domestic animals, and their pets, and any animal that might evolve to live on land.  There are fish in the rivers, lakes and oceans, but nothing more advanced than fish." the biologist continued, "We've found evidence of the...super-sludge? on some of the artifacts in shallow waters."

"can you give me dates on how long ago this happened?"  Mike asked.

"Softballing it?  maybe three to five centuries ago."
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Centurion03 on 25 May 2020, 09:23:32

Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Tegyrius on 25 May 2020, 10:15:54
Getting my speculation down now:

My two C-Bills are on a rogue highly-self-evolved branch of Caspar/Locura AIs.  The existential terror of aggressive aliens enforcing a Great Filter is less unnerving than the slowly-dawning horror awakened by the realization that this is wrought by things wrought by human hands.  It's consistent with both Battletech canon and what I've read of Cannonshop's other work, in that humanity's own capacity for atrocity and self-destruction is one of the setting's greatest forces.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 25 May 2020, 10:17:14
Agreed, and the time frame still fits...
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Sir Chaos on 25 May 2020, 10:48:52
Getting my speculation down now:

My two C-Bills are on a rogue highly-self-evolved branch of Caspar/Locura AIs.  The existential terror of aggressive aliens enforcing a Great Filter is less unnerving than the slowly-dawning horror awakened by the realization that this is wrought by things wrought by human hands.  It's consistent with both Battletech canon and what I've read of Cannonshop's other work, in that humanity's own capacity for atrocity and self-destruction is one of the setting's greatest forces.

AI, yes. But not necessarily rogue.

One possibility: Star League AI tasked with keeping humanity safe by eliminating all potential competition/threats. They used AI, because unlike humans, AI doesn´t have moral conflicts, and it doesn´t blab about what it does, thus avoiding bad press from Operation Xenocide. This AI has only gone rogue insofar as it has targetted the Clan homeworld - so either its standards of what is human and what is alien have slipped, or it is programmed to destroy any civilisation further than a certain distance from Terra, human or not.

Another possibility: someone in the Star League saw the writing on the wall that the Star League wouldn´t last all that much longer, and decided to fabricate an external threat to foster cooperation among human nations - finding the remains of murdered civilisations, whose killers might be headed for the Inner Sphere next, could be a powerful motivation to set aside their petty squabbles. This AI might not even be programmed specifically to target aliens, just to kill anything beyond a certain distance from Terra so that the threat is always "out there" without actually threatening the Inner Sphere.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: ThePW on 25 May 2020, 12:36:32
This the part where they bring the things WITH them... Those guys might NOT want to leave, out of risk of spreading beyond the planet (because what limits radiation? your planet. What isn't a limiting factor? Space. The stuff could be all over the ship(s). Once they get into space... that stuff could turn ON and then, things go pear-shaped...
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 25 May 2020, 12:59:17
Star's End Sea Fox Base...

Star Colonel Jacob Fowler watched as the Kowloonese cutter approached the floating docks.  "What is the significance of the killer whale insignia again?" he asked.

"Historical.  Orcinus Orca is a predator that hunts sharks, the rim Worlds Republic's totemic symbol was that of a shark, and the Kowloonese hated them to a degree not even our ancestors hated them."  Loremaster Kenneth Clarke told him, "Before the war, according to what records we have remaining, Kowloonese pirates attacking Rim Worlds trade vessels displayed the same symbol, and during the Amaris war, the Kowloonese painted it on lend-leased fighter hulls, any dropships they had, and their jumpships."

the indicators on the docking umbilicals went green. 

History wasn't that interesting-except when it could benefit the Clan.  "Thank you for the explanation, at least they are not trying to ape being a Clan." he said.


The inner lock cycled and their visitors crawled laboriously 'up' into the single-gee spin gravity of the station.  "Permission to come aboard, Sirs?" a muffled female voice inquired, invoking an old spacer's custom that hardly fit the circumstances.

"Permission Granted, Commander Hui?"

"Aye sir." she took her helmet off, revealing slim asiatic features under a half-shaved brush-cut that barely concealed the tracery of spacer-born tattoos under the hairline.  "you keep it heavy here." she said.

"It is better for muscle-tone.  How long have you been out?"

"Eight month cruise, sir." she said, "mostly survey work and servicing early warning and comm relays left out by their previous owners, but we did chase down a bunch that hit one of your colonies, I've got thirty five civilians on my ship, and their ident docs say they're yours."

"The men who took them?"

"got a class on breathing vacuum, my prize crew's bringing their ride in behind us." she said, "There's another hundred and fifty of your folks, plus some dirtyfeet that these ****** grabbed off a couple of the indie planets in the region.  As you're the nearest recognized legal authorities and most of the hostages were stolen from your ships and facilities, seemed reasonable to show up with them and arrange delivery and transfer of the rest...and since I was already bringing your people back, the CO for 9th Cutter Div sent me comm packages for your government from ours, they're marked classified and hand-deliver, sir."

"and their ship?" he asked.

"Well, we couldn't find ownership docs that didn't look like a half-ass forgery, and a run on the registry of missing ships came up blank for Commonwealth, Combine, Dominion, Cappie, and League, so a return of the vessel to her proper owners is kind of out of the question, unless it's yours." she said, "if it is, well, then I don't have to process the paperwork for impound and auction.  Not sure what you'd do with a Merchant that old, but if you want to check your own registries for missing ships, I'd be appreciative."

"You took no prisoners, quineg?"

"We didn't have room, sir. I wasn't about to leave pirates where they can re-jack a ship, and we had to convert the brigs to medical bays for the stretcher cases."


"Look, this is ugly, alright? some of the people they grabbed they...had fun with, catch my vector? you'll want to have trauma counselors and medics ready.  Because slaving and piracy are both capital crimes, I recorded a field  expedient tribunal under maritime law, and sentence was carried out by-the-book...but they damaged some of these civilians pretty badly, and not just their bodies.  If I could have given your guys the arrest credit, I would, we just happened to catch them where they shouldn't be, doing what they shouldn't  be doing."

she extended a manila-tan envelope with a seal on it, "The dispatches for your government from ours, sir...and can I go ahead and return your people now?"

"Absolutely." he took the envelope, and handed it to his Loremaster.

"one more request, sir?" she asked.


"My crew has been in space for eight months, and some of them are Dirtyfeet, they need shore leave or they get kinda...strange.  Permission for my crew to conduct shore leave activity in your jurisdiction, sir?"

Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Artifex on 25 May 2020, 13:05:32
Pirates will be Pirates always.  ::)
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: mikecj on 25 May 2020, 13:44:38
Only until the airlock...
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 25 May 2020, 13:56:52
Spider Moon Coast Guard Station, Boojum gas giant system, Kowloon Star System...

185 civilians recovered, one Merchant class jumpship with a Union and a Mule docked to it.  the jumpship wasn't on the ownership register, but the Union's markings matched a string of hit-and-fade attacks all along the coreward periphery, and the Tribunal held prior to the executions was by-the-book.

So why wasn't Admiral Dao Goldsmith happy?

it was a clean bust, by the book, but we could've questioned the sons of bitches.  she decided.  the way to break a Piracy ring, or slaving ring, or any organized crime, was to hit the distribution network and roll it up to the bosses and financiers.

"Commendation...for the crew of Cutter 4143, KCGS Chie Hong, the rescue of one hundred eighty five civilian lives, and the return" hmm... "...strategically important sovereign neighbour." there.

She hit 'send'.  Hui knows better than to waste that opportunity, but she's limited in what she can do out there, especially with their tender already loaded down with prep activities.

One copy went to the restored 'Wolfnet' HPG network, that would in turn be sent to Tharkad, and to the Sea Fox command staff, along with the case files submitted by the officers on the scene.  One was sent by black-box relay direct to 9th Cutter Division for delivery to the Chie Hong.  the third was sent to records at Vin Drin Lap.

this gave the CNO of the Coast Guard time to look at her annual reportage to Mount Asgard.  over the last twenty years, the job was mostly forwarding candidate files for officer-transfers to the LCN, but lately LIC had been asking for reports on activity in the Periphery itself, some of those reports were going to go to LIC, some to LCN's strategic operations group, and the weird ones, she was sure, would wind up on Clarissa Ngo's desk at Special Operations.

"Today...nothing much to report..." she muttered.  She appended it to the compiled files, along with personnel rosters and promotion lists.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 25 May 2020, 14:08:21
THAT report is going to get some attention...  ^-^
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 25 May 2020, 16:28:05
Overview: Kowloon Coast Guard 9th Cutter Division

The 9th Cutter Division was formed by expansion of the 9th Coast Guard Quarantine Squadron in 3147, initially drawing personnel from all 13 worlds in the Quarantine Zone, as well as volunteers from Rockjack spacer communities in the same region.  Operationally, Division 9 was tasked with long-range recon into Jade Falcon held territory along the Lyran periphery, but later in the Falcon War, their area of operations was pushed deeper into the near periphery to locate hold-outs and cut any flow of resources, reinforcements, or retreat for the remains of the Falcon Ordun. 

Postwar, in the power vacuum that resulted from the brutal suppression of the Jade Falcons, the 9th assumed long-term station as an antipiracy and 'public service' force, much the same role that the Coast Guard itself held for nearly seventy years in the Quarantine Zone.  The 9th Squadron is primarily equipped with the longer-ranged and slightly roomier Sampan Mk IV class cutters, and has a 'tender fleet' of 4 Star Lord class jumpships, each carrying supply and consumable dropships that are exchanged via LCN courier flights on an annual basis.

by 3165, Coast Guard Division 9 has gained something of a 'face of the commonwealth' reputation among the many tiny independent worlds in the region.  Their antipiracy efforts, along with rendering aid to the few local independent spacers, and their strict refusal to become entangled in local politics has led to rumors of a resurgent Star League.  It has also led to an upswing in the fortunes of poorer worlds in the region, as stable trade routes and a neutral presence to mediate disputes tends to increase trade while decreasing tensions between independent statelets, and some view the presence of this force as the first steps toward genuine imposition of civil law in the region in the absence of the Falcons.

In keeping with the KCG's policies, rotations in the 9th Division's AOR are six to twelve months duration, during which vessels conduct wandering patrol, postal delivery, communication and technical service, and jumpship inspection and repair. 

in 3155, Coast Guard tenders delivered a number of small 'modular station' modules to several systems, to serve as 'coaling stations' for Coast Guard operations and as central control positions.  Local sovereignty of inhabited systems is observed by Coast Guard and their 'coaling stations' are located in uninhabited systems close to trade routes.


The 9th Division uses the standard Kowloon Coast Guard leaping orca roundel, with a typeface '09' serving as background, and the motto "We Keep The Peace".

Uniform: Like both LCN and KCG regulation, the standard uniform is a skinsuit worn under a working duty uniform.    Working Duties are generally blue (Enlisted and lower NCO), Khaki (NCO and officer) overgarments bearing the assigned ship's number, rank insignia, and standard gear harness.  Vessel commanders add a long blue-black 'greatcoat' at their discretion.  Cap badges are the Coast Guard crest, and caps are white (Officer) or Khaki (NCO).  For enlisted, a ball-cap with 'scrambled eggs' bill and the name of the vessel said crewman is assigned to in gold-thread letters.

Manner and Behaviours:

Professionalism is the watch-word for personnel in the 9th, and woe betide the Nugget who forgets it, because he or she won't forget it for long, and will have to work hard to live it down.  Despite this, the 9th division is one of the reasons the Kowloon Coast Guard has specific regulations detailing how far a prank or practical joke may go before it crosses into the realm of an actionable nonjudicial punishment offense. (beyond that point, of course, comes courts-martial.)

Due in large part to the exceptionally long distance to home-ports and long duration of missions, crews are selected for the ability to work together ad maintain personal stability, and when not selected, peer pressure and constant activity tends to reshape assigned personnel to fit into the group.

Institutionally, the 9th Division takes quite seriously their 'jurisdiction' which, under the charter that the Coast Guard formed, is rather large for any law-enforcement organization, thus they tend to treat the spacelanes of the deep periphery as 'their beat' and civilians in it as their responsibility-even civilians that aren't paying the taxes that pay their wage.

thus, their reputation for answering any distress call if they are in range.

since adopting their current 'patrol status' in the region, 211 members of the 9th division  have died in the line of duty, and the 9th Division's various squadrons have added additional battle-stars in action against encroaching bandit and pirate units to their hulls.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 25 May 2020, 16:39:25
Interesting... FYSA, "scrambled eggs" are for O-5s and O-6s in the USN (Admirals have a second row of them).
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Euphonium on 25 May 2020, 17:25:36
How many ships is a Cutter Division?
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: worktroll on 25 May 2020, 17:37:53
Interesting choice of killing vector. The requirement for external power - microwaves, in this case - means that in a planetary environment you're unlikely to see a "grey goo" event. It would also be likely that the Dust only responds to a specific frequency, or band of frequencies. Withdraw the power source, no breakaway. Not so much low-tech nanotech, as deliberately reined in.

Would be amusing if you could Dust a ship, then play some masers over it ...
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: glitterboy2098 on 25 May 2020, 17:55:28
Interesting choice of killing vector. The requirement for external power - microwaves, in this case - means that in a planetary environment you're unlikely to see a "grey goo" event. It would also be likely that the Dust only responds to a specific frequency, or band of frequencies. Withdraw the power source, no breakaway. Not so much low-tech nanotech, as deliberately reined in.

Would be amusing if you could Dust a ship, then play some masers over it ...
it also would simplify decontamination measures. as once the power beams are off, the agent no longer is active. presumably you could also engineer them to be vulnerable to some other form of energy so that you could destroy the motes prior to colonization. (given it is nanoscale technology the likely choices would be UV, which tends to rip apart DNA and similar organic molecules, or ionizing radiation like X-rays and gamma rays.)

as a persistent agent though it would be nasty. as most technology generates a degree of EM radiation, which may trigger the motes. and most radios fall into similar part of the spectrum as microwaves. (the first microwaves literally were using radar magnetrons) so if someone else finds the planet, there is a chance the motes would activate and kill whatever colonists, explorers, or military units that were on the world.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 25 May 2020, 18:30:15
How many ships is a Cutter Division?

There are 64 cutters, and 16 support ships in a Cutter Division.

breakdown like this:

1 patrol=4 cutters and a support tender
1 Squadron=4 Patrols
1 Divsion=4 Squadrons.

Cutters are commanded by Lt. Commanders (O-4) or Lt. Promotables (O3P)
Patrols are commanded by Commanders (O-5)
Squadrons get Captains (O-6)
Divsions get Commodores (O-6P)

Standard forms of address:

the officer in charge of a ship (even a cutter) is addressed as "Captain", "Sir", or "ma'am".  Informally it's "Sirrah" or "Mum" or "Skipper".
Patrol bosses/commanders are addressed by rank, or as "Sir" or "Ma'am"
Squadron leaders are  "Boss", "Sir", "Ma'am"  and so on.

correct usage is to address Lt. Commanders as "Commander" unless there's an actual reason to make the verbal distinction, or if they happen to be the OIC of the ship you're on, in which case it's 'Captain' or 'Skipper'.

Note that during the Jihad, Kowloon had ONE cutter division, but they have been constructing the damned things continuously since the 3060s.  By the 3140s they had MANY divisions.

also note that this in part explains how Sharon could replace so many officers in the LCN directly with competent subordinates who know how to fight as a fleet, operate as a fleet and sustain operations as a fleet.  You can't do that when your whole 'fleet' consists of a bunch of dropships and three capital vessels in poor repair crewed by political appointees and incompetents.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Euphonium on 25 May 2020, 18:35:21
There are 64 cutters, and 16 support ships in a Cutter Division.
(snips breakdown)

Thank you
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 25 May 2020, 19:05:35
more overview

Funding and Financial:  Kowloon's Coast Guard is funded primarily from the economic activity of one world: Kowloon, with 1.5 billion residents (Planetside) and 500 million or so non-planetary system natives or "Rockjacks" (whom also serve as both primary customers for the Coast Guard's space arm, and as much of the serving technical, command, and leadership staff).  With Nationalization (first in the 3068 through 3082 state of emergency, and then with the declared state of emergency in 3135) a portion of operating and procurement funding was brought in from LCAF and LCN coffers. 

at present, the Coast Guard's budget pie is sliced with 50% coming from Kowloon, another 15% from worlds in the former Quarantine zone, and the rest from National funding allocated from the LCAF budget.  Supplemental funding efforts are also often conducted, but such fundraising is not treated as a reliable income source for budgeting, and is 'banked' against emergencies.

What KIND of emergencies?  the sort that require an emergency call up of retired personnel, or the sudden need to procure additional replacement hulls.  You know, emergencies.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: DOC_Agren on 25 May 2020, 19:39:53
I step away for 2 days and have to catch up

Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 25 May 2020, 19:55:12
I step away for 2 days and have to catch up

it's alright, I can't figure out why I keep dropping into world-building recursions.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: worktroll on 25 May 2020, 20:06:41
I was asking another writer whether he was a Strazinski, or a Martin. Eg. Strazinski had a 5-year arc for Babylon 5, with enough flexibility to roll with the punches, but knew where he was heading. Whereas Martin is quoted as saying "he builds the world, puts the characters in it, and then they do what they're going to do".

Like most writers, I suspect it's a little from column A, a little from column B. Where do you feel you sit on that range?
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 25 May 2020, 20:31:12
I was asking another writer whether he was a Strazinski, or a Martin. Eg. Strazinski had a 5-year arc for Babylon 5, with enough flexibility to roll with the punches, but knew where he was heading. Whereas Martin is quoted as saying "he builds the world, puts the characters in it, and then they do what they're going to do".

Like most writers, I suspect it's a little from column A, a little from column B. Where do you feel you sit on that range?

It kind of grows organically, I'll usually have one or two end-states that I may or may not hit, but then the characters run the show with a bit of 'rule of natural consequences' to steer things, but then, I've been kind of 'refining' the ngoverse stuff for a couple decades now, through various iterations and versions.

Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: idea weenie on 25 May 2020, 22:14:58
I wonder how many people are going to want to study the motes for their own purposes.  At the very least the programming involved would be useful for setting up a coordinating network.  Imagine a C3 or C3i ( network that could reconfigure as needed, or the Nova CEWS ( that could go higher than 3 connections.

A nicer version of it would be used for recycling, cleanup of biohazards, chemical weapon residuum removal, etc.

Or someone developing it for superior cybernetic enhancements, where they program the connections into the goo, and the recipient gets a new computer network in their body.  Make them a Sentinel ( against their enemies.  You'd have to set up a smaller core within the body to manufacture the goo when the little bots wear out (Shadowrun Nanohive), but as long as the core doesn't get damaged from X-Rays you should be good.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 25 May 2020, 22:27:47
Tharkad Naval Yard planning area...

"They're coming close to the patrol region 9th Division's been maintaining."  Fleet Admiral Emily Falcone noted, "Your Highness, you will shortly be called on to make a decision.  That zone may be unclaimed, but Lyrans have bled to keep the peace in there and the first organized resistance they're going to hit, are sixty four cutters."

Trillian studied the plot in silence for a few more minutes.  "Send Second Fleet." she said, turning to Emily, "That's Vice Admiral MacAulliffe's force, isn't it?"

"Yes ma'am."

"They're the closest force to that region, so send Second Fleet and put Lizzie Mac in charge, then start getting the rest of the navy ready to pick up the pieces when the Clanners blow through."  she turned, "Roddy, tell your generals it's time to stop playing war-games and get ready for the real thing, I want six regimental combat teams with all their support ready to roll in there-or anywhere along that frontage, in twenty four hours.  this isn't like the Dominion, there will be ground actions."

Roderick looked at Emily, "Did you guys work up a contingency for this?"

"We did, it probably won't work, but we've got at least a dozen scenarios gamed out in G-3 for everything from a single clan, to a full court press."

"break out the plans, I need something to brief my generals." he said.

"Aye sir."

"Well it's nice to see you two have figured out which service branch has precedence. Get it done." Trillian said, "I have to go argue with the Estates General this morning, and I'm hoping to catch Hogarth's report from the exploration front before Clara and her Aunt have dissected it for me."



"I would recommend pulling Admiral Ngo into this to work up our contingency for when the initial plans fail, Ma'am." Emily said, "I can do it, but she's better."

"Do your best for now, I'll have a...conversation with Sharon."  Trillian said, and swept out of the command center, leaving Roderick and Emily.

"that was cruel." he said.

"It is a matter of pragmatism." Emily stated, "Sharon wants to be a detective or an explorer, but she's a planner and a thinker, and we'll need her in the G3 shop for this, not digging through hobby activities and ancient mysteries...god help us, we might even need her commanding a fleet when this goes pear shaped."

"you didn't say 'if'."

"No, I didn't.  let's get to work, Roddy, we've got a lot of fragmentary orders to cut and a strategy to hammer out for this."
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: kindalas on 25 May 2020, 22:38:55
I was asking another writer whether he was a Strazinski, or a Martin. Eg. Strazinski had a 5-year arc for Babylon 5, with enough flexibility to roll with the punches, but knew where he was heading. Whereas Martin is quoted as saying "he builds the world, puts the characters in it, and then they do what they're going to do".

Like most writers, I suspect it's a little from column A, a little from column B.

Interestingly JMS talks about using the "do what they are going to do" thing frequently when writing his characters at the micro level.

Which leads me to believe that most writers do the Martin thing and some manage to get the skill to do the macro level and make it feel natural.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Korzon77 on 25 May 2020, 22:43:01
I wonder what will be said when they find that the Clans are refugees--and will the Clanners be wise enough to ask for Sanctuary and assistance--because this is the kind of existential threat that makes the WOB look like a band of naughty boys.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 26 May 2020, 02:23:50
I suppose it depends on how much damage they do before bothering to talk to anyone.

Amusingly, they just might keep running rather than stop...  ^-^
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: ThePW on 26 May 2020, 08:50:57

1) What worlds are the Quarantine Zone?

2) What Worlds (from point Far East to Far West, on the 3150 map (or closest map that would serve) so show roughly the patrol zone  of the 9th District?

3) Linkie to the story that deals (and explains) the Quarantine Zone?
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 26 May 2020, 12:51:36

1) What worlds are the Quarantine Zone?

2) What Worlds (from point Far East to Far West, on the 3150 map (or closest map that would serve) so show roughly the patrol zone  of the 9th District?

3) Linkie to the story that deals (and explains) the Quarantine Zone?

3 First, "A Watery Silence" (

Question 1 next:

Overview: August/September, 3067...

Pestilence doesn't stop when the first disease has burned out-like most unpleasant things, it keeps on giving.

Death Toll, August/September 3067 (by world)

Arluna : 1.75 Billion
Kowloon 29.1 Million
Australia 234 Million
Inarcs Death Toll: 985 Million
Miquelon Death Toll: 27.8 Million
Anembo Death Toll: 18 Million
Melissia Death Toll: 1.5 Billion
Jerangle Death Toll:3 Million
Jessenice Death Toll: 12 Million
Kwangchowwang Death Toll: 77 Million
Hood IV Death Toll: 2 Million
Winter: 135 Million; 77% of planetary population now dead.
Guataveta: 65 thousand
Coventry; 10 thousand
Brooloo: 256 thousand
Recife: 24 thousand
Tangua: 19 thousand
Timehri: 40 thousand

With Death Tolls as of 3067!

As for Question 2, I'm having a hard time finding the really good map to show it, and now that it's 'work week' again, I need my sleeping time or risk screwing up an airplane that (they tell me) is built to carry between 300 and 500 people on long-haul flights.  (I work on the 777 production line at Boeing.)
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: ThePW on 26 May 2020, 13:49:40
It's OK. we'll wait. It's more important to make sure you sign off the MAF as 'RFI & FOD Free' now that you are allowed to hammer stuff into place again...
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: DOC_Agren on 26 May 2020, 16:18:24
So does this mean that Ngoverse stuff will come to a slow ending again   :'(

And here a map center on Hood (
1 more centered on Miquelon (
and 1 centered on Brooloo (
Those should help show the Quarantine Zone area

and PW don't feel bad many of us have been trying to follow with love the Ngo's for years.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: ThePW on 26 May 2020, 22:44:12
So does this mean that Ngoverse stuff will come to a slow ending again   :'(

And here a map center on Hood (
1 more centered on Miquelon (
and 1 centered on Brooloo (
Those should help show the Quarantine Zone area

and PW don't feel bad many of us have been trying to follow with love the Ngo's for years.

Thank you. For some reason (mostly because I assumed), I thought Kowloon was on the east side of the LC (because in my dyslexic mind, I kept thinking Kwangjong-Ni for Kowloon. Funny for a location on the border to the Clan OZ, the planet still has nothing offcial to it's name.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Dave Talley on 26 May 2020, 23:00:07
and of course there are multiple parallel universes here also

i have started just disconnecting my brain as i read, too much else to keep track of, but wonderful story telling
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 27 May 2020, 09:55:21
and of course there are multiple parallel universes here also

i have started just disconnecting my brain as i read, too much else to keep track of, but wonderful story telling

Sorry about that, but it's been almost 20 years. (IIRC, the first Ngo story dates back to the late 1990s when Fanpro was just getting off the ground in the U.S., and these boards were a private board because the company didn't even properly exist.)

a number of changes HAVE happened over the years.  Most of the revisions were 'just enough to keep kinda current-ish'.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 27 May 2020, 10:24:13
" wanted to be the High King."

The construction outside was reconstruction.  Inside, was restoration...with technical improvement.  Alaric Ward passed a crew of workers repairing the intricate inlaid tilework of the old Star League Palace here in Unity City.

He had made the unilateral decision to place the capital back where it belongs, on the Puget Sound, in Unity City, instead of the administrative nest of vermin that was Fort Geneva on the European continent.

It was symbolic.  The Wolf Empire would by damn be the leading state in the Star League, if he had to build the damned thing himself, one alliance at a time, and eventually, one conquest at a time.

For now, it would be the Wolf Empire, but Alaric had already determined his next trick.  Trillian had no heirs beyond Roderick's line, she'd neglected to have children, or to marry, she didn't even, as far as he knew, have a living fiance'.

and she had the strongest navy in the Inner Sphere, bar none, but that would have to wait for a proper opportunity-for Alaric's new Empire to get its feet fully under it, for him to solve the multitude of neglected problems that come with suddenly gaining one point four trillion people, over half of which were on some form of public support simply to keep living, and the galaxy's largest 'rust belt' of idled, obsolete factories lacking skilled workers and raw materials.

On a practical level, the conquest of the Hegemony remnants in the Republic held almost no practical value whatsoever beyond waves of underemployed human beings on worlds teetering at the brink of collapse due to a lack of raw resources.

But it was symbolic.  He stopped at a place in the Great Hall, and looked at the artists carefully restoring the portraits of the Cameron dynasty, all the way back to the original Admiral McKenna.

"I will do it better than you." He  muttered, staring at the three meter tall image of Simon Cameron.  "I will pull them back together, and they will want it when I do."

of course, the massive portrait made no expression, no reaction to his words.

After a moment, Alaric turned and returned to his path.

Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: DOC_Agren on 27 May 2020, 12:15:16
Sorry about that, but it's been almost 20 years. (IIRC, the first Ngo story dates back to the late 1990s when Fanpro was just getting off the ground in the U.S., and these boards were a private board because the company didn't even properly exist.)

a number of changes HAVE happened over the years.  Most of the revisions were 'just enough to keep kinda current-ish'.
yep the old private/personal board when many of us 1st jumped from rec.mecha.something to this.
was it really that long ago
either way I have always enjoy your Ngo stories
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 27 May 2020, 12:32:41
yep the old private/personal board when many of us 1st jumped from rec.mecha.something to this.
was it really that long ago
either way I have always enjoy your Ngo stories

I do enjoy making them.

I've had a few terrible ideas that I don't have the resources or time to do wrt to them.  how terrible?  Remember when Herb Beas did "Operation:Flashpoint" (the Kaumberg civil war in the Davion Civil War era)?

yah, something like that as a non-canon sourcebook (or series of modules) that people could play out and see if their results match mine.

Maybe a 'quarantine campaign' for post-Jihad era showing just how things ran between "Black Jumpsails" and "The Administrator" for Kowloon.

and then a follow up with a bunch of major battles from the final Falcon War.

could even be a stack of the things. Lots of Aerotech/space battle scenarios with planetary invasion sub-modules.  why? because I doubt it was as 'easy' as the story makes it look, but I'm absolute crap for laying out good tabletop scenarios.

Then again, I'm LOVING what Giovanni_Blasini is doing with NIOPS in this-a tie in that isn't overt, but is really, really cool.  I'd like to see more-maybe a FWL based set of stories from someone who really, really rocks the purple, or something deeper with the Cappies or the Davions or the Dracs.

something like an "Age of Navies" group project.  yeah, that would be cool.  (My opinion, other views may vary).
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 27 May 2020, 17:55:44
Trillian, Trillian, Trillian... if you're going to be a dynast, you have to do it RIGHT!  ::)

And Alaric... hubris fits you too well...  8)
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Dave Talley on 27 May 2020, 18:22:48
Sorry about that, but it's been almost 20 years. (IIRC, the first Ngo story dates back to the late 1990s when Fanpro was just getting off the ground in the U.S., and these boards were a private board because the company didn't even properly exist.)

a number of changes HAVE happened over the years.  Most of the revisions were 'just enough to keep kinda current-ish'.

nah, no problem

for me its just remembering, nope that happened a couple years back on story X, or catching references to BTA's stories etc, there are some sections that have been done 3+ times like Liz, but all of them done really freaking well
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: DOC_Agren on 27 May 2020, 19:52:52
I do enjoy making them.

I've had a few terrible ideas that I don't have the resources or time to do wrt to them.  how terrible?  Remember when Herb Beas did "Operation:Flashpoint" (the Kaumberg civil war in the Davion Civil War era)?

yah, something like that as a non-canon sourcebook (or series of modules) that people could play out and see if their results match mine.

Maybe a 'quarantine campaign' for post-Jihad era showing just how things ran between "Black Jumpsails" and "The Administrator" for Kowloon.

and then a follow up with a bunch of major battles from the final Falcon War.

could even be a stack of the things. Lots of Aerotech/space battle scenarios with planetary invasion sub-modules.  why? because I doubt it was as 'easy' as the story makes it look, but I'm absolute crap for laying out good tabletop scenarios.

Then again, I'm LOVING what Giovanni_Blasini is doing with NIOPS in this-a tie in that isn't overt, but is really, really cool.  I'd like to see more-maybe a FWL based set of stories from someone who really, really rocks the purple, or something deeper with the Cappies or the Davions or the Dracs.

something like an "Age of Navies" group project.  yeah, that would be cool.  (My opinion, other views may vary).
it might be interested to see a Ngo fanbook & tech readout with maybe some Scenarios.  I mean you have put lots of work into Coast Guard and how they work.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 28 May 2020, 11:05:06
" know this can't end well for you.  Before you pull that trigger, think about this...

...Forgiveness isn't something you give to someone who deserves it, because that's the person who doesn't need it, same goes for redemption."  CPO Christine Vanh stared intently at the welded hatch on the old Merchant class ship.  "We can make this stop, Gary.  You don't have to do this, we can make it stop, we can make it go away and nobody has to die, but if you pull that trigger, people will die, and you still won't get what you want."

Taps on the ship's systems from engineering showed up on the lower quadrant of her helmet's heads-up display.  The man on the other side of the door wore a ragged green uniform, and he was holding the family of the ship's master at needler point. 

"I can die with my honor!" he spits at the camera.

"No, you won't.  If you make me come in there, you'll die like a rabid dog.  No honor, no glory, just a rogue and a war criminal, gunned down by police after he killed civilians."  she said quietly,  "You did it, you didn't surrender, you stuck it out and you kept out of sight, but this is it, the end of the line, you're the last Mongol standing, are you going to go down like an animal, Gary? How is that going to look in the Remembrance, Gary? there are still Falcons, do you think we won't show them you dying like a beast? is that a legacy worthy of a man with Hazen blood?"

"What would you know?" he demanded.

"I grew up sixty seven kilometres south of Hue, my family lives next to the Mosovich-Icazas.  I know you don't want this to be how you go down-you're Jade Falcon, not...this. Be the man you know you should be. Let the civilians go and come out-you can still redeem your honor."

the portion of the hatch that wasn't welded groaned, and opened.

"Children first!" she heard him bark.  The kids came tumbling through the opening, pulled aside and passed down the corridor from hand to hand.

The woman came next.

Then, the man.

"I'm coming in there, Gary, you did the honorable thing." she said.

THe needler's discharge bounced off her faceplate as she came through, and anchored on the wall/deck.

"You're armored." he said.

"I'm Coast Guard, Gary.  we live in this stuff." she told him, "You don't." she reached up, and lifted her faceplate, "Let's be honorable about this, give me a minute to get out of the armor."

He waited while she crawled out of the oversuit, and closed it behind her.  "We don't have to do this, You can come in, I can get you immigrant status in Hue, you don't have to burn up."

"Ah, 'immigrant' status, with the abjured." he scoffed, "They would not have me."

"there are other options, a fresh start on one of the colonies, they could use a man who is resourceful and committed." she told him, "if you insist, augmented or not?"

He cast the needler aside, and drew a fighting knife.

"Bargained well and done." she said, and drew her own.  "I will bring you in alive, Gary."  she quickly slipped an end of cord through the lanyard loop, and looped the rest around her wrist with a grapple weight on the end.

he snarled, and launched himself.

She whipped the weight out in a snap-arc and it tangled around his feet, letting her use her magnetic boots to run along the wall, whipping him feet-for-head into the bulkhead with a bang and a surprised yelp.

she used her leverage and anchorage to whip him away from the wall, velocity keeping him in motion with alternating acceleration and impacts.

An elemental, even one with Hazen blood, is a huge mass to manipulate with rescue cord and a grapple weight, and Gary wasn't trained for this kind of zero-gee combat.

Christine use a yank and a twist to roll his flailing limbs in the cord, ducking and jumping across the command deck of the stricken vessel, to anchor again on the far wall, his velocity pulling him tight in the two thousand kilo test line.

she'd looped around his arms, pulled them tight to his body at the elbow.  He thrashed and each thrash tangled him further (with her encouragement) until they were almost nose-to-nose.  "Do you yield warrior?" she asked.

His face twisted in fury, he grunted, his fighting knife falling from purpling fingers.  "yes, damn you." he hissed.

this close, the big man was so familiar, his stubborn pride and pain at defeat so much like her father.

they were even roughly the same age.

"I accept your bond." she told him, loosening the rescue cord enough to slip the item from her pocket out, and tie it around his wrist, "bondsman." she added, "You can regain your honor with discipline, faith, and obedience."

she untangled him, "Let's get you home now, Gary, your people need you."

Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 28 May 2020, 11:19:50
KCGS Morgan Icaza...

"Good god, Christine, you made him a Bondsman?" 

"Aye sirrah." she answered.  "I did.  Are you going to report this?" 

"I have to." Commander Ira Buhallin-Hawk said.  "I doubt you will be permitted to keep him, at minimum he will have to transfer to Spider Moon for training-and he is old."

"Sirrah, all due respect, I was a kid when the Falcons were broken-he's the same age as my dad...but Coast Guard reg says I can offer him a bond as an honorable alternative to arrest if it gets him to not kill civilians, and that's what I did."

"I will support it if it comes to a review." Ira told her, "where will you be settling him?"

"I'm thinking he can immigrate to Hue once his five's up if he doesn't stay in, sir." she said.

"Get him kitted and start working him through basic apprenticeship-we are not going back to Spider Moon, but instead we are set to rendezvous with LCN Second Fleet in sixty days."

"Aye Sirrah."

"And find him a bunk!"

"Aye sirrah!"

Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 28 May 2020, 15:02:04
Well... that's ONE way to add crew to a ship...  ::)
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 28 May 2020, 18:10:15
KCGS Evelynn Mosovich, Idrmach system,  September 5, 3165...

"...look, I don't have a problem with you importing weapons, heck, we're officially hands-off're taking pot-shots at random trading ships." Lt. Commander Truk Jennison was having a 'day' here, trying to mediate a local conflict that was getting out of hand.

"They are Spying on us!"  the lordling supreme leader of Idmach spat in increasing fervent inbred frustration.

"Okay, we can solve that." Truk growled in frustration.

"Solve it?"

"Yes, if the jumpships and dropships are spying on you, the Coast Guard can post your system as a do-not-enter with warning beacons and a general quarantine.  No more spying, we'll even voluntarily enforce it."  he'd had enough of this crap.  "I can guarantee we can make sure not a single jumpship enters your space for as long as it takes for this to blow over.  no more traders, no more gun-runners, no more 'spies', you'll be free to do...whatever it is you're doing, no more bothersome interstellar trade, spare parts, ammunition, industrial goods, manufactured goods or medicines.  Thing is, you're halfway there already because we've gotten complaints about your 'defensive fire' from every shipper and trader in the cluster and the only reason I'm here is to try and stop your neighbours from putting an embargo on your ass."

he didn't realize he was shouting until he stopped speaking.

on the vid, the Supreme Leader quailed, wide-eyed.  "That would kill us..."

"No shit, but you're so frekking paranoid that someone is going to see you bolting armor plates on industrial mechs that you're missing the bigger picture here-you need that stuff to live and if you keep shooting at the people who bring it to you, you won't get it.  If you take up piracy, you will get an LCN Punitive expedition up your ass...and that's if they're being nice, if we have to do it it's elbar toothpicks for everyone responsible."

"We have the right to defend our territory!"

"I'm not disputing your sovereign rights, I'm telling you that I'm here today to keep this from spiraling out of control, you need trade to live, and to restock your expended ammunition, but mostly to live.  So, let's talk deals and talk about talking to your neighbours so that you still have an economy to be paranoid about."

"Sir!"  Lt. Charlee Riggs interrupted.

"Dammit what-"

"Emergence waves detected at the zenith and nadir, large ones." she said.

"Son of a bitch.  Send an all-points to the rest of the patrol-" He turned tot he comm panel, "We're going to need to talk later, Mister Orlov, but in the meantime, you might want to scramble that ragged-ass piece of shit you call a militia, because company has arrived in force and it's not us."  with a gesture, he cut the transmission to the planet.  "Helm, get us underway and moving!  Gladlee, I want telescopes on those points, show me what we're in for!"
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 28 May 2020, 18:14:22
Somebody's in trouble...  ::)

BTW, it's "underway"... you "weigh" anchor... two different things...
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 28 May 2020, 18:48:13
Somebody's in trouble...  ::)

BTW, it's "underway"... you "weigh" anchor... two different things...

the attempted pun didn't work.  in null-gee, being under thrust gives weight, so... but it didn't work, so edited.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: AMARDA on 28 May 2020, 18:55:53
I got it. Kinda wish you kept it in, as it makes total sense in a Zero Gee context.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 28 May 2020, 18:59:45
Sorry... 27 years in the Navy got to me first...
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: kindalas on 28 May 2020, 19:04:49
the attempted pun didn't work.  in null-gee, being under thrust gives weight, so... but it didn't work, so edited.

It was an awesome line. It's the kind of clever that I like.

Sorry... 27 years in the Navy got to me first...

Wrong type of navy I guess  :P
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 28 May 2020, 21:11:14
[out of story] 

Now begins the massive research and list making effort.  why, you ask?  I've got to figure out just how thoroughly steamrolled 4th Squadron, KCGM 9th Cutter Division is going to get.  I have to assign values to the asskicking which they are about to receive.

I have to figure out which of my characters is going to die horribly at Idrmach, defending a tinpot dictator for no pay far from home in an effort to speedbump the invasion that's coming.

I suppose it's not that horribly, really...
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: ThePW on 28 May 2020, 21:39:09
It was an awesome line. It's the kind of clever that I like.

Wrong type of navy I guess  :P

Choose your Rate, Choose your fate.  ::)
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 28 May 2020, 22:48:39
Defending forces:

4th Squadron, 9th Cutter Division

2 Patrol, 4th Sqdn. 9th Cutter Division

KCGS Evelynn Mosovich, Veteran/Reliable, Sampan Mk IV*
KCGS Edward Vanh Veteran/Fanatical Sampan Mk IV*
KCGS Kelli Whyte II  Regular/Fanatical Sampan Mk IV*
KCGS Nathan Roshak Regular/Reliable Sampan Mk IV*

3 Patrol, 4th Sqdn. 9th Cutter Division

ACGS Melinda Castellanao, Regular/Reliable Sampan Mk III* (Arluna)
WCGS Luanne Pfiel, Regular/Fanatical Sampan mk IV(Winter)
KCGS  Linda Sithers, Veteran/Reliable Sampan Mk IV** (Boojum/Kowloon outer system)
MCGS Sydney Davis-Copperton, Regular/Reliable Sampan Mk IV* (Mandaoaaru)

Mark numbers followed by an asterisk indicate updated or upgraded technologies and/or late model manufacture.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 29 May 2020, 02:22:27
As long as they get a message out, they will not have died in vain...
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Artifex on 29 May 2020, 02:38:47
Well, maybe there can be diplomacy first? Because you know, those forces about to hit them are probably filled to the gills with refugees from the homeworlds?

In any case HIGHCOM already cut orders for 2nd Fleet to haul ass there didn't it?
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: DOC_Agren on 29 May 2020, 06:02:43
Never know Clan Warriors to try Diplomatic Means first...  So if they are controlling this fleet, I doubt it.

The other option is if he ships themselves can't HPG a message out, and there no HPG in system, 1 of the cutter needs to head back, knowing most likely they will never see the rest alive again.
I would suggest the following to be sent for HELP being the oldest ship type
ACGS Melinda Castellanao, Regular/Reliable Sampan Mk III* (Arluna)

Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 29 May 2020, 11:11:29
The emergence wave cleared...

and revealed the pathetic defense of this degenerate hole.  The ship types on radar were familiar, but not too familiar.  The Hansa had fielded a handful of primitive, pre-dreadnought Gunboats obtained from Founder-only-knows-where.  a handful of easily shattered, obsolete hulls crewed by devoted-if completely outclassed, crewmen.

mass spectra showed the three visible ones falling into formation were only slightly better than the brutalized and dysfunctional Mark 51s that died trying to defend the homeworld of the Hanseatics.

These were only slightly bigger-still below 100,000 tons.  Flimsy machines.

Star Commodore Leland stared at the telescope image of the vessels forming up a mere 2,000,000 kilometers off his warship's port bow.

Statistical analysis by the warbook was having a problem identifyng them, but the roundels?  Those could be enhanced.

as could the view as each of the three ships launched six fighters.  something tugged at the back of his mind, and it took him a moment to grasp what that something was.

the fighters were identical.

someone's pride project, no doubt-or some remnant factory pushing out all the same products...

one of the small ships fired her manuevers-and pushed off with three gravities of acceleration.

They weren't running away.

"Launch aerostars." He ordered.

something picked at his memories, memories of Sibko classes and boring historical analysis in basic tactical training.

something about the roundel...

"Have you identified these?"

"They are identifying themselves, Ovkhan."  the technician caste at comms said.  "We are being hailed by...The Kowloon Coast Guard."

"Out here?"
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 29 May 2020, 11:57:16
KCGS Edward Vanh...

"I repeat, this is Commander Phillip Von Jankmon of the Kowloon Coast Guard vessel Edward Vanh, Hull number zero-two-two-three-four-niner to unidentified Clan Vessel, you are trespassing in a peacekeeping area.  Stand to and state your identity and business, Over."

"Zero Two-Two-Three-Four-Niner, did I hear you right, you are claiming to be a Kowloonese vessel, Quineg?"

"AFF that is what I said, identify yourselves and state your business in entering a hazard area, over."

"This is STAR Commodore Leland Khatib of Clan Cloud Cobra, and this is our vessel the Cameron-class Incense, little man By what right do you contend our claim upon the habitable planet below?"

"One question then, are you carrying civilians, Incense?"

There was silence on the channel for a moment.  "yes.  What will it matter when we have destroyed you and your pathetic little fleet of three ships?"

"It determines whether we use megaton yields to pull you over for a safety inspection, You jumped into my pond, the planet is not my pond, if you want to negotiate with the owners of the planet, we will stand by, Over."

More silence on the channel.

"Clarify, Commander, you are claiming the space in the system as yours, but not the planet, quineg?"

"Our jurisdictional writ only reaches fifty nautical miles inland from navigable waterways or everything past the atmospheric interphase of a habitable planet.  The cities on the planet are inland, if the owners offer you safe conduct, we will not interfere.  If they do not, we will," he paused and signaled the RTO to send course adjustments and targeting data to the rest of 2 and 3 Patrol, "this area is navigationally hazardous, I suggest you contact the surface traffic control officers if you wish to land at this world, and obtain clearances, or I will have to ask you to stand to for a health and welfare inspection as well as provide documentation showing you are not engaged in kidnapping or unlawful human trafficking for illegal profit. Over."

for a moment there was more silence, then, a sound that at first sounded garbled, but he realized it was laughter.

"YOU...pull US over?"

"You're in a stolen ship.  slam dunk case, SLS Queen Victoria on your transponder, Cameron class, stolen from the Terran Hegemony yards by one Aleksandr Kerensky 14 February, 2784 in an act of mutiny, brigandage, conspiracy to commit mutiny, and outright treason by a conspiracy of officers seconded to the Star League Defense Forces.  Notably these are aggravated charges due to the fact this mutiny and desertion occurred during a period of national distress, and lucky you, the perps and the victims are all dead now.  over."
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Sharpnel on 29 May 2020, 12:49:40
You gotta love the moxie of the officers in the KCGM.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Euphonium on 29 May 2020, 13:26:14
You gotta love the moxie of the officers in the KCGM.

KCGS Edward Vanh...

"It determines whether we use megaton yields to pull you over for a safety inspection, "

That's one hell of a "stop or I'll shoot" warning right there and I can't tell if the Star Commodore missed it or just glossed right over it.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Dave Talley on 29 May 2020, 14:06:17
You gotta love the moxie of the officers in the KCGM.

where do they issue these titanium spines at, and how many old cop movies do they binge watch to get the patter down?
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: kindalas on 29 May 2020, 14:32:19
8 Cutters with nukes vs 1 Cameron seems one sided.

8 Cutters without nukes vs 1 Cameron seems one sided.

Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: worktroll on 29 May 2020, 14:39:35
8 Kowloon-doctrine cutters vs 1 Cameron? Lot of unknowns.

- How much the ship's combat role is impacted by civilians on board. Okay, I checked - at best, a Cameron pulls 1.5g. And I quote this from Sarna: "Despite its illustrious name, the Cameron-class battlecruiser was a massive boondoggle, heavily flawed and a literal death trap for its crews."

- What condition the ship is in. They're reported to be sturdy.

- What condition the Clan crew is in. We've seen how well the Bears did vs. Loonie doctrine

Still, the Cameron only needs to be lucky some of the time.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Artifex on 29 May 2020, 14:55:37
Yaysus ... that moxie :D

But nice to know that the KGC remembers all those facts about the Cameron-class ship. :thumbsup: Guess the war and skirmishing against the Falcons and Wolves made them refresh memory on all those former SLDF ships :D
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: georgiaboy on 29 May 2020, 15:00:32
The big difference is that SOP for 99.99% of any Navy which has standard or lesser grade ships armor(ie. BT innersphere and clan Naval ships armor) are standard missiles, cause SOP is to use the missiles you have to knock down fighters in first wave attacks since the fighters will get to you before the enemy ships do. and when the ships are in range, you only use kiloton weapons so that if one cooks off on the rails, it does not take the ship with it.

Now small ship tactics you use the biggest boom you can, 5, 10 25, 50(MOAB)* so you pray you can take out all the fighters or the enemy ships before they can kill you. Kiloton weapons do not one-shot Space SHIPS. A 150 kt weapon to the face of a Cameron will only make it mad.

*MOAB: I don't care what kids today say, a LNG or Farmers Fuel-Air bomd is not "The Mother of All Bombs"

only TWO Bombs in histry can have that name:

Trinity and Zar-Bomba! 
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Giovanni Blasini on 29 May 2020, 15:29:05
8 Cutters with nukes vs 1 Cameron seems one sided.


8 Cutters without nukes vs 1 Cameron seems one sided.

Not necessarily.  The Cameron is actually a pretty mean ship that has good dissipation for its weapons, and enough of them to hit fairly hard, barring things outside the rules like the original's power system issues.  On paper, the Aegis refit looks meaner, and does in fact have a bigger broadside, but the Cameron can actually defeat an Aegis in an engagement between the two, because its SI and armor are strong enough to keep from being taken out in one turn by the Aegis, while the weaker armor and SI of the Aegis means that, even once they roll, the Cameron could take out the Aegis on the second turn, thanks to having a broadside surprisingly comparable to a Texas class.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: glitterboy2098 on 29 May 2020, 16:18:08
"They are identifying themselves, Ovkhan."  the technician caste at comms said.  "We are being hailed by...The Kowloon Coast Guard."

"Out here?"
the "oh ******" heard round the galaxy..
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: kindalas on 29 May 2020, 16:47:49

Not necessarily.  The Cameron is actually a pretty mean ship that has good dissipation for its weapons, and enough of them to hit fairly hard, barring things outside the rules like the original's power system issues.  On paper, the Aegis refit looks meaner, and does in fact have a bigger broadside, but the Cameron can actually defeat an Aegis in an engagement between the two, because its SI and armor are strong enough to keep from being taken out in one turn by the Aegis, while the weaker armor and SI of the Aegis means that, even once they roll, the Cameron could take out the Aegis on the second turn, thanks to having a broadside surprisingly comparable to a Texas class.

I meant that the Cameron could take out the 8 cutters, especially if it has been refitted.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 29 May 2020, 16:52:03
I can NOT wait to see how this turns out... MORE PLEASE!!!
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: DOC_Agren on 30 May 2020, 01:34:11
"It determines whether we use megaton yields to pull you over for a safety inspection, You jumped into my pond, the planet is not my pond, if you want to negotiate with the owners of the planet, we will stand by, Over."

"They are identifying themselves, Ovkhan."  the technician caste at comms said.  "We are being hailed by...The Kowloon Coast Guard."

"Out here?"
So Star Commodore Leland Khatib, the really question, do you feel lucky?  Do you punk?

You know who they are and what they will do.

Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Red Pins on 30 May 2020, 01:35:29
Dang it, missed this - thought it was the design stuff.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 30 May 2020, 10:07:25
"you know, Kerenskyists don't have a sense of humor, right?"

Christine asked quietly. 

"I would take offense, but your observations are...on the mark, Bondholder." Gary said, "this armor is terrible."

"Lowest bidder gear, sad to say." she told him,  adjusting the hip actuators on his revised EVA armor.  she looked up at him, "You've been in the Guard less than two months, are you up for what's coming?"

He laughed.  "Your humor is remarkably dry and droll, Chief." he told her, "I studied and passed the qualification for coms, I have studied your 'playbooks' and I have confidence in my own abilities.  I am as ready as anyone in this infantry squad."

she stood up, "eh, check your anchors." she told him, and lofted his helmet to his waiting hand before dogging her own.  "Now, check mine."

He helped her run her own armor's checklist, then they went over the armaments.

"We will be launching a boarding attack, quiaff?" he asked.

"That's what they tell me-these Cobras brought civilians on a battleship, means we have to do things the hard way." she said, "We're in luck though, they're looking at the distraction.  Let's go over the plan again.  We're the sapper team, that means what?"

"We attempt a dive-boarding of the hull of the warship and eva along the hull to the main engine packs." he recited, "Horizontal drop method, off the hull of a smallcraft.  We plant the charges, de-lock, and let inertia take us away from the ship, then trigger the munitions."

"Bingo, right, and what happens if I lose the detonator?" she asked.

"My suit has the backup trigger." he stated, "your suit has a backup to mine."

"correct.  What happens if we run into resistance on the hull?"

"That is why we have guns." he said.

"And if anything unforeseen happens?"

"Also why we have guns." he asserted.

"Have you ever surfed a jump before, Gary?"

"I am unfamiliar with the term."

"When the ship goes into jump, hug the hull, the EMP knocks out most systems, you don't want to be eyes-open during a KF transition as a normie." she told him, "let's get up topside with the rest of the team now."

"How many times have you done this?" he asked as they left the airlock and climbed onto the hull of their cutter.

"Twenty or thirty times." she said, "Don't get distracted by what you see and hear in the transition-I've seen a guy let go of the handles and get lost in hyperspace before, and after the shit I went through capturing you, I am not keen to see you drift off in the colorless void or get ripped in half because you drifted into the interphase between the KF field and reality during the jump."

over their suit comms, the CO's voice began counting down the timing for their KF transition-the target was a nine second zone near the port-side of the Clan Cameron class warship.

"Hug the hull, this is the awesomest." she enthused, as the count reached zero  "You'll never see anyth-"


The colorless void extended forever, and he could see eternity.  the hours passed, he looked to his left, he could perceive her through her suit, the expression on his bondholder's face exultant, ecstasy written on every molecule of her.  to his left, he could see PO3 Grau and PO1 Wheeler, both looked a little ill and stunned at how very long this was taking.

her voice wasn't filtered through the speakers, he could hear Christine's delighted laughter...could feel the innocent joy from her.  He wanted it to last forever...


And Space returned, the bulk of a Cameron-class Warship filling the space above him.

"-ing like it! WHOOOO!  Alright guys, ranging Twenty Kliks, we're almost right on them! Stand to and prep for assault!"

The solid rocket booster came out, and they dogged lines to it.


the booster fired, and he felt  his kidneys try to migrate to his feet.

"Yeeehawwww!!" came over the channel, as the squads were hauled away.

Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 30 May 2020, 10:29:25
Cloud Cobra Warship Incense...

Anyone with experience could tell what had just happened, as the sensor and fire control grids went down and the thermal management sinks went into overload.


No amount of shouting would suffice, of course, but it was clear that the EMP and thermal pulse could only be from a ship pulling a 'crazy jane' maneuver-jumping into close proximity-a maneuver famous, but rationally rare-the risk it poses to both vessels is extreme.

Emergency lighting came up, and emergency power lit the main sensor arrays.

Four ships, not three, and the new arrival was less than 20 kilometers off his port hull, close enough to be a problem for bracketing with point defenses, and small.

but not so small it could not be hit, once the secondary batteries could get a lock, however...

it was positioned between the incense and the assault dropships from her escort group, and those ships, (and their fighters) were still recovering from the extreme-close-range KF wave.

This was a race of sorts-the combatants were racing to see who can get their weapons systems up and running before the other side could.

To his horror, the Coast Guard ship got their guns up first, and began hammering the Dropships with an immediate launch of four missiles from the dorsal mount, while simultaneously firing single bursts from a turreted autocannon that had far too much punch for the size of it.

"Pack tactics..." he marveled, recognizing what had happened while he'd focused his fighter complement on the three pathetic gunships.

A fourth was positioning from anothr location, to strike.

Three silver flashes announced the destruction of better than half a cluster of warriors as the dropships were destroyed by thermonuclear fire.  Of course, they asked about civilians, and presumed we would have the civilians on the main ship so that the warriors could pursue glory in the landings!

The dread certainty of that realization settled in.  "They want us to know they use nuclear weapons, but they also want us to understand they will not willingly use them on civilians."

This was not like the conquest of the Hanseatics. 

This enemy has rules.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 30 May 2020, 11:43:05
Heh... Rules they're about to clobber the hell out of you with...  >:D
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 30 May 2020, 12:34:48


The Rim worlds officer shuddered a bit on the stake, making a strangled gurgle.  Saul took a moment and prodded the Rimjob with his bayonet, the body still had enough life to flinch.

"Private Shimon, don't do that, it's needlessly cruel."  Corporal Wendt ordered.

"Needless? did you
see what they did? to those people?"

"I saw it.  we all saw it. that's why the Colonel had us stake their leaders, but it's disturbing to the Star Leaguers and we need their support. come on, we've got a movement order."

"Kill more?"

"yes, to kill more."


Lance Corporal Sara Shimon-Gui's vision cleared as the ship came out of jump on the starboard side of the enemy Cameron.  "Ready Four, Eighteen Kliks Range, lock-and-release!!"  Gunny Schwarzchild's voice in her helmet steadied her, and she fastened her tow-strap to the portable booster, then released her boot magnets.  "Fire Team Three, READY!" she announced over the channel.

"Team away!"

the SRB pack hauled them off at ridiculous speed.  Ludicrous speed even.  enough speed that the shock-absorbers built into her legs would get a REAL workout when they hit the target hull.  Already, the Shot from the Evelynn was backlighting the target, while her own ship, the Kelli Whyte was beginning the support run-firing warshots with the ventral tubes at the enemy dropships and spraying down sensor emplacements and small weapons bays with the 208mm augmented deck-gun, a 'sub Capital' cannon mount firing hypervelocity shells at a somewhat slower rate than a proper 'Naval autocannon' would.

She enlisted to become a Marine, she'd dealt with freezing cold and the depths of deep ocean exercises, to become a marine.  She'd frozen her ass off in antarctic ice flows, suffered under sadistic desert sunlight from two suns to be a Marine, she'd covered her TDS in interviews and studied her ass off to become a Marine.  Three years of Basic, Environmental training, parachute, jump pack, battle armor, sniper, and demolition schools, endless hours in Parade and Dress, Jungle training in places where the insects are lethal and the plant life is trying to kill you, to become a marine.

"Hey-ha gunny, who buys the beer ya?" she asked.  Banter was better than watching that huge armored bulk race toward her feet.

"Last one down buys the beers yah." Gunny Pheltzer answered.

"race yas?"

"Stick to your spot, Shimon-Gui, we'll all get down in one piece."

"Aye sirrah."

it raced up, and then, shockwave as her boots hit, and the hydraulics absorbed the impact before the mag-clamps activated.

pleasantly, the battery levels spiked and leveled off as the kinetic-generators built into the legs of her suit converted impact energy to electricity, fed it through dampening and charging circuits, and slammed the remainder into the reserve capacitors for her antipersonnel gauss rifle.

jump with a short load, land fully armed.  These guys aren't going to know what hit them.

her lips skinned from her teeth, Teach you bastards to desert. 

she disconnected from the now useless booster pack, and began a slow, shuffling trot along the enemy's hull, as the Clan ship's external marker lights came back on.

Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 30 May 2020, 12:40:01
Those Marines better get a move on, or there won't be any ship to go back to... :-\
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Euphonium on 30 May 2020, 13:26:45
Those Marines better get a move on, or there won't be any ship to go back to... :-\

The marines will be fine, they'll being going home on a Cameron  >:D
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 30 May 2020, 17:06:48
Just when it looked like things were going well...

The plan had been solid, and with a fraction of the tonnage, they'd been giving the Clan Cameron class vessel hell....literally.  But as Charlie Vanh was wont to say during the various conflicts of the 3050s, "Then shit goes downhill."

'Downhill' could be code-speaking dogwhistling for 'The clanners bring in their buddies.'

Seven Cutters at 98,000-something tons plus one smaller one at 77,000, is almost a tonnage equal to 860,000 tons of Terran-built, Clan-refitted advanced warship-if you screw your eyes the right way.  there's a small advantage in being able to execute unconventional tactics, and with the nuking of the combat dropships and the EMP flatlining of fighters, things were almost...but not quite even.

for example, this is a Coast Guard unit-naval personnel clinging to an organizational ethos that civilians must be preserved at any cost, fighting Clanners who brought their civilians in the hold.  this means no nukes, the single biggest equalizer the cutters have, neutralized from the start don't nuke civilians.  This isn't the Quarantine, they aren't carrying a world-ending plague.  You just don't fire nukes at them.

Because it's the Coast Guard, the move to board-and-neutralize is within both organizational experience running down bandits and shipjackers.  they're pretty good at this, pretty good at null gee combat, and pretty good at knowing HOW to make a ship stop working enough to take it over-but that's not against 860,000 tons of Warship carrying infantry in larger numbers, that are better equipped, and have at least practiced counter-boarding techniques enough to boil out of the airlocks that weren't shot to hell by the two cutters yet.

There's also the matter of achieving concentrated firepower without breaching the pressure envelope.  Preferably without shutting down your own people...the time frames to achieve that having vanished to nothing with the elimination of point-gravity sources via the destruction of the separated dropships.  There just isn't a window, and the whole time, the Incense has been flying straight-and-level out of the stable point's 'incoming zone'.

which leads to the next set of problems.  Namely, the next three warships to emerge from jump.

Eight cutters might have a chance against one Cameron, if they are going all-out and have no restrictions.

Doing it against a McKenna?

ehhh...not so much?  This one had a huge roundel on the side, a triangle with a canine face painted full-on.  Clan Coyote.

two clans.  Two sets of forces, and this new arrival is bigger, more powerful, and launching fighters while releasing dropships.

Not that that's quite the problem yet.  The problem is that the incense has gotten their fire-control power back up.  This being demonstrated by the fact that the KCGS Kelli Whyte was speared through immediately while trying to break contact with a single concentrated volley that included far more overkill than the little hull could take.

the second volley speared the Nathan Roshak at the same time.

In both cases, it took multiple hits, effectively having to annihilate the little ships because for some reason, they didn't 'brew up' properly.  Clan gunnery officers were able to really narrow in their calibrations due to the lack of visible catastrophic kill results.

Size, matters and tonnage does have right-of-way.

Naval historians on both sides will note that Commodore Von Jankmon didn't abandon his men, or their mission, or their morals, when he brought the rest of his squadron into play.  He did, however, order LtC. Consuela Apone to take ACGS Melinda Castellanao out of the fight, to reach a system with a working HPG to send calls for help.

ACGS Melinda Castellanao was the only Coast Guard vessel left intact by third hour of the engagement, being as they were, at the fringes of the battle zone to monitor the situation and with Clan warships erupting from the stable points in the system, the most interesting part from a navigational perspective, was that the older, Sampan mk III* was cornered, running at full thrust, with a Clan pursuit cruiser on her tail, when she left most of her dorsal and ventral missile mountings behind, taking a four second leap of faith in the shadow of a rogue asteroid seconds before the enemy's weapons would have caught up with her.

this wasn't facing the Jade Falcons-gone-mongol, these guys know what they're doing.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 30 May 2020, 17:17:33
Ouch... and I thought the first boarding team detonated its charges??  ???
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Nikas_Zekeval on 30 May 2020, 18:33:39
Ouch... and I thought the first boarding team detonated its charges??  ???

Even if they disable the Cameron, there are all the other Clan Warships.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: glitterboy2098 on 30 May 2020, 18:46:48
i'm gonna guess that Christine and Gary are going to end up captured (probably after being injured) and will thus end up our viewpoint characters to find out what the heck is happening with the homeworlders that led them to pull an exodus to the "tainted" inner sphere..
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Korzon77 on 30 May 2020, 19:30:17
You know, I just had a terrible thought as to why the Clan might not be talking that much.

The aliens used remote weapons and nanite goo to sterlize the world.

The WOB was really into biological and cybernetic weapons.

What if the Clan's actually think that the WOB or some Inner Sphere faction were behind the attacks?
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 30 May 2020, 19:31:24
Breathing got harder after the fifth day...

in space, nobody can hear you gasping on carbon dioxide.  "You still with me, Gary?" she asked.  she had to ask, she couldn't feel her hands anymore.

"I remain." he wheezed.  "How are you doing?"

"Still alive." she answered, "great view, huh?  you know..when I told dad I wanted to stargaze with a boy, I don't think I was imagining this."

"How old were you?" he asked.

"Five? not sure. it was a long time ago.  I can't feel my fingers."

"I have you." he answered. not reminding her that her right arm ended just below the elbow now-the suit's blowout protection had sealed the damage by cutting off the ruined remains of that hand with the emergency valve.

"Sorry about it going all ******, Gary..."

"You fought well, Christine, I am honored to have fought by your side."

"Would've been better if we'd made the getaway." she told him.

"We did." he told her, "Our ride, however..."

"Yah.  good people lost."

her vision grayed.

"Christine, stay awake!" he bumped helmet to hers. "Do not go to sleep!"

"I'm cold..."

"Do not leave me here!" he commanded her, and grappled her limp body to his. "Stay..."

light played on them, from an NL-42 as it pulled in close.

Gary briefly wondered what would happen to them, in Cloud Cobra captivity.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 30 May 2020, 20:08:19
"Vanh, Christine Amanda, Chief Petty Officer Marine Branch, Kowloon Coast Guard Service number 525055801."

Name, rank, and service number.  Point Three Dell Mannix was impressed.  The young woman in the interrogation couch had suffered from carbon dioxide poisoning from a malfunctioning scrubber in her suit and five days on dwindling battery reserves, was largely still in shock from losing a limb, doped to the nines on expired drugs, and in every way should have little to no resistance under narco interrogation.

and she had offered nothing except name, rank, and service number.

The scanning equipment showed little to no brain damage beyond some old scarring from what was presumably a childhood head injury. 

She was deeply interesting however, because so few of these space-soldiers had survived to be recovered at all, and because of the pendant on her Dogid.

a six pointed star, and what was in her 'breadbag'-along with the detonators, was a copy of the Torah, not in proper Star League english, but instead inscribed like some of the very old copies still brought out by the Loremaster of the Ka'an cloister for festivals.

Kowloon was known to be one of the havens that had large concentrations of jews, even reports from before the sundering of the Clans showed that the blood of israel was a major factor in that world's resistance.

He tried Hebrew as a last resort, certain that the language was long dead in the corrupt inner sphere.

"what is the law?"

the girl in her drugged stupor answered.

"I am the Lord Your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

You shall have no other gods beside Me. You shall not make for yourself any graven image, nor any manner of likeness, of any thing that is heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them, nor serve them, for I, the Lord Your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation.

You shall not take the name of the Lord Your God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that takes His name in vain.

Remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work; but the seventh day is a Sabbath unto the Lord Your God, in it you shall not do any manner of work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your man-servant, nor your maid-servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger that is within your gates; for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested on the seventh day. Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and made it holy.

Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord God gives you.

You shall not murder.

You shall not commit adultery.

You shall not steal.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house, nor his wife, his man-servant, his maid-servant,
 nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is your neighbor’s."

Dell's breath caught.  her accent was harsh, somehow more primal than the recitations by his cluster's chaplain.

more real, even in the fervor she recited it with.

her voice segued to a sing-song.

"Hear o israel for our god is the one god, and his promise is true..."

on the imager, scenes of unimaginable beauty played out, unearthly and impossible images played out in colorless splendour.  Her song went on for minutes, praising G-d, as if those were memories of seeing something completely alien.

"Listen to the chorus of the angelic host, praising HIM! Amen!!"

what the interrogation scanner was picking up and translating from her brain's electrochemical signals was incomprehensible, her tone in singing her little impromptu hymn was exultant, more joy than he had heard in his life...and completely impossible to justify given her condition and injuries.

" that?" he asked, forgetting to use the language.

"On the hull. during jumps." she whispered.  "hull surfing is the best."

Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 30 May 2020, 20:39:02
"If you harm her, I will rip your arms off, and shove them up  your rectum."

Gary said it as a simple fact, facing his own interrogator with his hands folded in aplomb, his EI tattoos slick with sweat.

"You are a Trueborn, Quiaff?"  the warrior across the table from  him asked.


"What line?"

"Hazen." he said, "my gene-mother was Kleia of the line of Elizabeth.  My Genefather was from the Icaza line."

"Impressive pedigree.  You are not bloodnamed, quineg?"

"Neg.  the tags say 'falcone' because that is the default for Trueborns of Falcon lineage in Hue, and the paperwork for Inner Sphere militaries requires a surname, earned or not."

"So you are a Kowloon Abjured?"

"Neg.  I was captured, after evading the destruction of my Clan due to Malvina's mad folly...which is another reason not to seek to claim that bloodname." he rumbled.

"What is your relationship with the fem?"

"Christine defeated me in single combat and accepted my bond-when that is no longer the accepted practice after Malvina's treacheries-she brought me back to the honor road...and if you harm her, I will tear you and this whole facility down with my bare hands if necessary in reprisal-or die trying."

"Why such loyalty? you are among the Clans again, and yet you make such...florid threats on behalf of a mere Spheroid-and a cripple at that."

Gary studied the Elemental across from him.  "You wish an explanation? very well.  Imagine someone who will run into a fire to save a stranger, who does not ask for honors or glory, who will challenge a combat-hardened elemental twice her mass, a man with nothing left to lose, for people who denigrate her faith and her heritage.  I want you to imagine someone willing to place their life and faith on the line, constantly, without complaint, for those too vain and ungrateful to even comprehend the, imagine that character, in someone who is also a cunning and resourceful fighter, who will risk their life to prevent a death."

he laid his palms on the desk, "She is truly good.  Not just 'honorable', but good...and if you harm her, I will harm a disproportionate measure in reprisal, or die trying.  I will do this, because she has made it possible for me to be better."

Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: ThePW on 30 May 2020, 21:06:25
*Derp!*  :)
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: glitterboy2098 on 30 May 2020, 22:18:29
Gary studied the Elemental across from him.  "You wish an explanation? very well.  Imagine someone who will run into a fire to save a stranger, who does not ask for honors or glory, who will challenge a combat-hardened elemental twice her mass, a man with nothing left to lose, for people who denigrate her faith and her heritage.  I want you to imagine someone willing to place their life and faith on the line, constantly, without complaint, for those too vain and ungrateful to even comprehend the, imagine that character, in someone who is also a cunning and resourceful fighter, who will risk their life to prevent a death."

he laid his palms on the desk, "She is truly good.  Not just 'honorable', but good...and if you harm her, I will harm a disproportionate measure in reprisal, or die trying.  I will do this, because she has made it possible for me to be better."

Kowloon in a nutshell.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 30 May 2020, 22:46:10
"Why were you defending this place?

they are not Lyrans, they are not even loyal to you, they even disparage your why?"

The drugs were off, and she was in a medical couch. 

"do I need to outline it for you?" she asked.  "Why are you here?  You threw six Clans out of your club, killed thousands of their people, declared you didn't want the 'taint' of the Inner Sphere, why are you here?"

"So you were placed to stop our return?"

"No, we're  here to keep the peace." she almost growled, "That is what we do.  we keep the peace.  You came looking to break that peace against people who did you no harm, what were we supposed to do? sit back and let it happen?  Let you come in, rape these worlds and their peoples the way the Invasion did before, lie back and think of a Star League your own ancestors abandoned to chaos and murder?"

she was clear, she didn't know what they got out of her while she was drugged, whatever it was, they were suddenly very interested in having her answer their questions with a clear head.

"It was not like that-"

"By my count, your people abandoned us all twice.  Three times if you include the Kerenskyists." she said, "First, in 2784, then in 3069, and again in 3070.  yet here you are again, just as we're getting things back together to bring more chaos, more war, more suffering and murder, more billions of people burned up for some damned fool crusade, your people left mine a long time ago, Star Captain...but you can't stay away, can you?"

her stump hurt.  Christine rubbed it with her free left hand.  "what is it this time? did you finally use up your worlds? did you get in another internal fight, and you're fleeing your former comrades? are we going to see more genocides on our doorstep?"

"You were one of the sabotuers deployed against the Incense, Christine."  the officer in front of her said.

"yeah.  that's what you do when you're dealing with a ship filled with innocent bystanders-you take it down without killing them so that you can save them from their captors.  In our doctrine, you showed up with a boat-loaded to the gunnels with hostages and the intent to pick a fight, how were we supposed to deal with that?  Standard antishipping rounds can't be used with your using civilians as human shields.  the objective was to neutralize drives and weapons, and force a negotiation, secure the release of the hostages, transfer them to a friendly port and arrest the hostage-takers."

"Those are our people, not hostages." he stated, "You are working from wrongthink."

"No.  Did you know Kerenskyism is a recognized religion on Kowloon?  we know all about the Caste system, the structure and the interaction, they're chattel you trade them like currency in the Homeworlds, it's serfdom, not freedom, they are enslaved by every rational definition, and my people do not accept chattel slavery as legitimate.  Even our domestic Falcons have learned the limit there, what will and will not be tolerated."

he stood, slamming his palms on the table, "THey are not slaves!!"

"why did you come back? why did you bring colonists?"  she asked.  "Let's leave out the astropolitical arguments, you had a good setup, why are you here?  Why are my shipmates dead?"

She studied his face.  He looked...satisfied.  "you were baiting me." he said after a moment.

"Did it work?" she asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"You have not answered my questions." he said.

"Yes, I did, if you don't like the answers, you're asking the wrong person." she mirthed.  "you know why we did what we do, you just can't accept it.  you're not alone, the Wolf Empire can't accept it either, or the Dominion, or the Dracs.  I think maybe the Feddies or the Cappies might grasp it-to a degree."

"Grasp what, exactly?"

"We keep the peace." she said.  "That is what the Coast Guard does, and when someone comes, intent on breaking the peace, we deal with them.  we do it because someone has to, someone who remembers the massacres, and the atrocities, someone who can stay their hand and avoid killing civilians, who will aid the common people? your kind don't. I know that after seeing the mass gravesites on too many worlds, seeing too many places with warlords and serfdoms, chasing down slavers and pirates and worse.  we do it because nobody else will, but someone must."

He met her eyes, "We lost." he said.

she nodded slowly.  "Tell me about it, Star Captain."

somehow, the interrogator had become the interrogated.

Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 31 May 2020, 02:32:52
And THAT is how the KCG rolls!  8)
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Artifex on 31 May 2020, 02:57:52
I like this result, I like it a lot. Especially the insights to Christine!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 31 May 2020, 09:44:25
On the holostage, the star was average looking, ordinary.  the swirling mass surrounding it  moved according to orbital mechanics...

then, the mass lit.  a billion little engines, diving inward on fusion flames.

The star's light dimmed, and then, it brightened in a silent explosion.

"This was how far out?" Christine asked.

"Five Light Years from Strana Mechty." Star Captain Joseph Khatib stated.  "The shockwave will reach the Pentagon worlds in a decade."

"Annihilating everything more complex than a virus." Christine breathed.  "They blew up a star to kill you know why?"

He shook his head. "Negative."

"How many did you leave behind?" she asked suddenly.


"How many did you leave behind?" she asked, "How many of your people are going to burn because you don't have the lift to evacuate them in time?"

"Millions." he said.

"That is unacceptable." She stated.  "I need to call home. you need to show this, we have very little time for a lift that big, but if we get it in motion in time-I need to speak with Admiral Ngo."

"Admiral Ngo?"

"Sharon, Elizabeth's granddaughter. she's got the knack for this, and enough pull to get cooperation on our end, millions will die if we don't...or is it billions?"  her left hand snaked out and caught his uniform jacket, "is it billions, Star Captain? how many did you have to leave behind? How long ago did this happen?"

Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: kindalas on 31 May 2020, 09:48:04
A Billion engines pushing iron asteroids to break down the exothermic fusion process in the star?
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 31 May 2020, 10:11:43
Now I'm getting shades of Schlock Mercenary... when it's easier to kill a star than a planet... yikes!
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 31 May 2020, 10:18:40
When your neighbour's barn is burned by arsonists,
all feuds are off the table. 
The Fire must be Fought.

-Ia Drang proverb.

Unity City, Terra...

"savashri..."  Alaric breathed. 

"We have four years." Admiral Sharon Ngo stated, "Four years to get as many people out of there as possible."

Yori Kurita studied the expanding projection of the artificial supernova's blast wave.  "The Draconis Combine will participate." she said, "If the Lyrans will."

"We're going." Trillian Steiner-Davion stated, "mein gott..."

"The Confederation will participate." Danai Centrella-Liao stated, "If House Davion will also contribute."

"We're going." Julian stated.

"I'm thinking we should've tried harder to take the Alshain and the Rasalhague intact." Fleet Admiral Emily Falcone mourned.

"Too late for regrets."  Nikol Marik stated.  "The Free Worlds League has a number of new Atreus class vessels nearing completion, by deleting the armaments and converting some of the flight decks to steerage quarters we can have transport vessels available in one year to boost the lift, but details...where are we settling them?"

"Wherever we can." Trillian stated.  "We'll worry about details once it's done."

Alaric cleared his throat, "SO...we are putting the...'band' back together? the Star League, quiaff?"

"Let's see where we are in four years, ilKhan Ward." Sharon said, "Whoever did this, they're going to probably come for us next."

"And your argument against forming a formal alliance is..?"

"I don't have one." Sharon confessed, "Em?"

"all vectors lead to Terra." Emily said, "Highness?"

"we're short some seats." Trillian stated.  "The Commonwealth supports the idea in principle...but this is an emergency situation with billions of lives on the line, an entire culture and civilization in peril, with serious ramifications not only for their survival, but our own.  There is an enemy out there, that doesn't hesitate to blow up suns."

"The original states of the Star league are present." Nikol Marik stated, "I call this meeting of the Star League Council to order, our first order of business, is the nomination of a First Lord pro-tem."

"Who does the Honorable Captain-General nominate for this critical position?" Yori asked.

"I nominate the Honorable Khan Alaric Ward of the Wolf Empire for the post of acting First Lord.  is there a second?" she asked.

Julian stood, "I second the nomination...with reservations, but I second it.  He holds Terra, and that has manna for the people we're going in to save."

"Are there other nominations?" Nikol asked.

"I nominate Trillian Steiner." Yori said, "She has had the vision, consistently, to see this coming, the resources to build the navy we need to make it happen, and the strength of character not to nominate herself."

"is there a second?"

"I second Trillian Steiner." Alaric said, "I can do that, quiaff?"

"of course."

"We need the Taurians and the Canopians." Trillian said, "The last Star League Council seated them as well...and what does Rasalhague say?"

Prince Miraborg frowned, "very little until we are actually voting."

"are there other nominations?" Nikol asked.

"Only the obvious one." Alaric stated, "You took charge, Nikol."

"I'm just taking minutes." Nikol said, "I have enough handling the mass of contrary interests in my own realm.  If nominated, I will step down immediately."

this got a chuckle from Danai, who jabbed her friend in the ribs, "Slacker.  the Confederation moves that we vote with two absentee-we have sufficient quorum here."

"all in favor of the vote?" Nikol asked.

six hands went up in the affirmative.

"Opposed? motion carried.  Candidates are Trillian Steiner-Davion, Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth, and ilKhan Alaric Ward of the Wolf Empire, show of hands for Trillian?"

Yori and Alaric raised theirs.

"For Alaric?"

Miraborg, Julian Davion, Danai Centrella Liao, and Nikol raised theirs.

"Motion carries, congratulations First Lord Alaric Ward of the Wolf Empire."

"I require one of your Admirals, Archon Steiner." Alaric said, "To organize and plan this massive humanitarian operation."

"Which one?" Trillian asked.

"The Star League Navy requires the services of Admiral Sharon Elizabeth Ngo to serve as over-all Naval commander." he stated.

"Done." Trillian said.

"We have a powerful bit of work to be doing." He added.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 31 May 2020, 12:09:11
Continued in: The Armada (
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 31 May 2020, 13:06:03
Dang it, I thought Trillian had that one locked down...  :-\
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: croaker on 31 May 2020, 13:48:31
Dang it, I thought Trillian had that one locked down...  :-\

Like they said, Alaric holds Terra, which is going to be a Big Deal to non-Reform Clanners.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 31 May 2020, 13:49:52
Yeah, but I figured at least Julian would vote for her rather than Alaric. The result would have been the same, but with stronger bonds between the two.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: glitterboy2098 on 31 May 2020, 13:58:49
eh, Trillian will probably cinch the 2nd election.
and the Canopian seat will be an interesting legal conundrum, given that Danai holds rulership of both Canopus and the CapCon, so in theory she holds both seats.
i'm assuming that the Wolf Empire inherits the Terran Hegemony's seat.

IMO they should make sure to also also add the Outworlds Raven Alliance and the Marian Hegemony, as well as the Hells Horses and Diamond Sharks to the voting council. and give non-voting advisory seats to the minor periphery powers like the Fronc Reaches, Circinius, etc. actually get all the legitimate (or quasi-legitimate) states present and involved. the minor 'non-voting' states can easily be given voting status when they grow large enough (size criteria TBD and formalized)

the real trick is going to be ensuring that the 3rd star league doesn't fall into the trap of the 2nd, and get so focused on the external enemy that they fail to establish goals and identity outside the mission to stop said external enemy.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 31 May 2020, 14:12:09
I wouldn't be surprised if the minor powers contribute at least one JumpShip each...
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: ThePW on 31 May 2020, 14:34:17
What is going on with the Hell Horses, Sea Foxes and the Raven Alliance: None of those factions have been mentioned in the story content I've read so far. With Clan Homeworld refugees inbound, both the HHOZ and Rasalhague will be first line to deal with the refugees. The Sea Foxes are the first line of defense against our still unknown aggressors… unless they too, are already dead?

FL Alaric. From smug asshat to proper politician. Who'd a thunk?
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: glitterboy2098 on 31 May 2020, 14:41:48
I wouldn't be surprised if the minor powers contribute at least one JumpShip each...
perhaps more. i'm sure that they have contacts with freelancers more than willing to hire on for (very generous) star league pay and promise of maintenance and overhaul afterwards (or during)

IMO they should send as many LF battery equipped ships as they can to the homeworlds proper. build one massive command circuit with multiple lines running concurrently. so you can pass loaded dropships filled with civilians down the line quickly, and emptied ones back to the homeworlds quickly. puts less reliance on the warships to carry things (i suspect they'll be busy guarding the effort from outside interference).
stick the non-LFB ships and the primitive core ships (which by now even the periphery ought to be building in bulk) closer to the IS where there is less immediate need of haste and you can build some stations for recharge duty. (though there are probably a bunch already there already thanks to the Kowloon coast guard and LCN peacekeeping ops)

the big question is where best to drop the homeworlders.. and how to handle the fact that a lot of the HW civvies probably won't want to be settling the same place as the HW clan leadership and warriors.

my own inclination would be to give any Homeworlder who wishes to leave clan jurisdiction their choice of worlds in the periphery.. with an aid package built around valuable skills so that the periphery realms can get a major boost in skilled and knowledgeable labor. those without major skills ought to have the option  to study and obtain them.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Daryk on 31 May 2020, 15:05:33
I'm kind of wondering how much chaos was left behind by the deserters.  How much was know about the impending annihilation by those left behind?   ???
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Sharpnel on 31 May 2020, 18:27:14
They also need to find a way to navigate around the shockwave so as to avoid their own destruction.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: idea weenie on 01 June 2020, 00:48:41
  They also need to find a way to navigate around the shockwave so as to avoid their own destruction. 

Depends on how 'thick' the shockwave is.  If it is less than 30 light-years thick, they can just pop from outside to inside.

You also have to figure that after a certain distance, the shockwave will attenuate enough to not be a problem.

Pentagon worlds are over 1300 light years from Terra.  Assume 1400 light years as the maximum, and 250 light years as the edge of useful Lyran space (i.e. your goal is to get the refugees into a wide area rather than dumping them all on the closest Lyran planet)

So 1200 light years.  Assuming you have to zig-zag taking 25 light years instead of going straight at 30 light years per jump, that is 48 jumps needed.

Option 1: Each Dropship is carried by a Jumpship all the way back.  Advantage is that you don't have to worry about undocking/redocking.  Disadvantage is that while you are waiting for the Jumpship to recharge, the people on board are eating food and breathing.  Advantage is that the route is self-adjusting, as you don't have to worry about if another Jumpship breaks down.  Disadvantage is that you have to entertain people for the entire year.

Option 2: Extra-long Command Circuit.  Dropships will have to perform docking maneuvers at least once per day, meaning all passengers have to be strapped down during that time.  Advantage is that you are making 1 jump per day, instead of 1/week, so you only need 60 days of supplies for the passengers, rather than 1 year of supplies.  Bring 75 days of supplies just to make sure, and you can shove people into Bays rather than Steerage Quarters.  Downside is that if one of the Jumpships on the path breaks down, you have a major problem.  The path is also limited by the fewest Jump collars at a location, i.e. if the lowest amount at a system is 3 Jump collars, that means you can only steadily send 3 Dropships at a time along the path.

Logistics time:
The Jumpships are sent out from Lyran space towards the Pentagon worlds.  As each Jumpship arrives at the Pentagon worlds, it is carrying large Dropships to deliver necessary supplies and carry passengers back.  At the Pentagon worlds the Dropships are detached, and the first Jumpships start returning.  At the Pentagon worlds people are put onto Dropships, and the Dropships are attached to a Jumpship.  Each Jumpship then jumps to the next system, arriving before the prior Jumpship is timed to leave.  The Dropship transfers, and the receiving Jumpship then jumps.

The Jumpships will take 2 years to make the circuit, while the Dropships might take ~2 months to head out, and another ~2 months to return.  Those two months is enough time for the passengers to be provided basic skills that are needed by someone.  Dropships that return have the people transferred off and are cleaned/refitted to make the next run.  Jumpships that arrive have been jumping 1/week for 2 years, so will need full overhauls.

Since you know roughly the time frame of when people will be returning, you have a time frame of when you will need to set up the receiving infrastructure.

If there are any multi-body political systems between the Pentagon Worlds and Lyran space, those can be used to help resupply as needed.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Sir Chaos on 01 June 2020, 04:09:47
And I still think the scale doesn´t work out:

"Five Light Years from Strana Mechty." Star Captain Joseph Khatib stated.  "The shockwave will reach the Pentagon worlds in a decade."

It´s over 200 light-years from Strana Mechty to the Pentagon worlds. The shockwave cannot move faster than light. If it is to hit the Pentagon worlds in the 3170s, in must have been set off in the 2950s at the latest; by the time of Operation Revival, most of the Kerensky Cluster would have been hit already.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Artifex on 01 June 2020, 06:01:50
Depends on how 'thick' the shockwave is.  If it is less than 30 light-years thick, they can just pop from outside to inside.
If there are any multi-body political systems between the Pentagon Worlds and Lyran space, those can be used to help resupply as needed.

I love this! :thumbsup:

Excellent write up of logistics and I'm totally looking forwards to whether Cannonshop will pick up on this or go his own predetermined way.  8)
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 01 June 2020, 08:09:26
And I still think the scale doesn´t work out:

It´s over 200 light-years from Strana Mechty to the Pentagon worlds. The shockwave cannot move faster than light. If it is to hit the Pentagon worlds in the 3170s, in must have been set off in the 2950s at the latest; by the time of Operation Revival, most of the Kerensky Cluster would have been hit already.

"More than one".
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: georgiaboy on 01 June 2020, 10:18:34
Big think to remember about Jump Chains.

The Chain moves at A jump per how long the slowest ship is charging.
in other words. the Jump chain can send a shipment only once per week.

If in a command circuit, you have some Jumpship that charges at 180 hours and others at 168, then you will have bottlenecks at the slower charging ships.

A Command Circuit is optimized for moving a few Jumpships quickly, they are not set up to do a continuous movement.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 01 June 2020, 10:25:27
Big think to remember about Jump Chains.

The Chain moves at A jump per how long the slowest ship is charging.
in other words. the Jump chain can send a shipment only once per week.

If in a command circuit, you have some Jumpship that charges at 180 hours and others at 168, then you will have bottlenecks at the slower charging ships.

A Command Circuit is optimized for moving a few Jumpships quickly, they are not set up to do a continuous movement.

in order to make it work, you need two things: LOTS of jumpships, spread out across a long chain, alternating, and LOTS of coordination and scheduling.

Hanse Davion: "Planning an invasion of a neighboring state is complex and requires precise logistics and timing."

Anastasius Focht: "We're going to strike the Clan Homeworlds, it will be the largest single military operation in history."

Sharon Ngo: "Here, hold my beer."
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: shadowdancer on 01 June 2020, 13:11:45
Why do you have to move all of them into the innersphere all at once. The clans probably know of a habitale world out side of the shock wave. Take supplies to build a temporary community, food, medicine and equipment to make housing. Then transfer the people there to get them out of the path. While starting to move some of them back. Once everybody and every thing that can be taken is safe then move them to the innersphere. By then you should be able to build enough jumpships and passenger dropships to be able to make a major command circuit with enough backup to make it fairly safe.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: kindalas on 01 June 2020, 14:32:50
Why do you have to move all of them into the innersphere all at once. The clans probably know of a habitale world out side of the shock wave. Take supplies to build a temporary community, food, medicine and equipment to make housing. Then transfer the people there to get them out of the path. While starting to move some of them back. Once everybody and every thing that can be taken is safe then move them to the innersphere. By then you should be able to build enough jumpships and passenger dropships to be able to make a major command circuit with enough backup to make it fairly safe.

You need to move large numbers of people to locations that can support them.

Moving 100 million people from 29 ish worlds would require hundreds of worlds to absorb that number of refugees.

Otherwise the people will end up in camps for at least a generation of suffering and scarcity.

Dumping that many people on undeveloped worlds would kill most of them.

And that is assuming the hostile forces in the area don't attack at some point.

And the command circuit idea works but only for a flow rate equal to the minimum number of collars in each chain link and it would be no faster then that many jumpships going there and back again. It would only reduce the on ship time for the refugees and really only makes sense if you have a shortage of dropships and a surplus of jumpships.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Sir Chaos on 01 June 2020, 14:50:41
You need to move large numbers of people to locations that can support them.

Moving 100 million people from 29 ish worlds would require hundreds of worlds to absorb that number of refugees.

Otherwise the people will end up in camps for at least a generation of suffering and scarcity.

Dumping that many people on undeveloped worlds would kill most of them.

And that is assuming the hostile forces in the area don't attack at some point.

And the command circuit idea works but only for a flow rate equal to the minimum number of collars in each chain link and it would be no faster then that many jumpships going there and back again. It would only reduce the on ship time for the refugees and really only makes sense if you have a shortage of dropships and a surplus of jumpships.

The advantage of the command circuit is that it takes people off the doomed worlds at a steady rate, rather than in huge numbers at once every few months or every year. A planet may have port facilities - or places that can be pressed into service as port facilities in an emergency - to embark tens of thousands of people a day; it probably won´t have facilities to embark half the planetary population all at once.

Oh, and you also only have to DISembark (and find accomodation for) a more manageable number of refugees at their destination each week, rather than massive numbers at once.

And "only" reducing the on ship time is actually a massive advantage - passengers need far less supplies for a one month journey than for a one year journey. That means not just that the ships need to carry less supplies, you also need to *procure* less supplies. Even the Inner Sphere would probably struggle to cough up non-perishable foodstuffs (and all the other life support supplies) to keep billions of people alive for a year.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Euphonium on 01 June 2020, 16:18:36
And while repeatedly jumping at short intervals could be hard on the evacuees it's probably less hard than many months packed into tiny cubicles with minimal facilities
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: nroe03742 on 01 June 2020, 16:21:32
this kind of situation would be ideal for my Columbia Evac Mk I as the main ship with people being transported up to the ships with the Evac Transport MK II small craft
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: idea weenie on 01 June 2020, 16:32:21
this kind of situation would be ideal for my Columbia Evac Mk I as the main ship with people being transported up to the ships with the Evac Transport MK II small craft

How did your 2.5 MTon Columbia Mk 1 manage to get 40 Dropship collars, two lithium-fusion battery systems, and cost only 2 billion?

For its price it is a good deal, but I'm wondering if there was some creative accounting going on behind the scenes.

The other detail is that if it isn't built yet, it may not be finished in time to help out.
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Giovanni Blasini on 01 June 2020, 16:36:32
What year are we in for the Silent Black?
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: nroe03742 on 01 June 2020, 16:58:35
How did your 2.5 MTon Columb1a Mk 1 manage to get 40 Dropship collars, two lithium-fusion battery systems, and cost only 2 billion?

For its price it is a good deal, but I'm wondering if there was some creative accounting going on behind the scenes.

The other detail is that if it isn't built yet, it may not be finished in time to help out.

attached is the break down of the cost for the ship
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: idea weenie on 03 June 2020, 03:42:40
  attached is the break down of the cost for the ship 

Thank you for the details

In your cost sheet, you have the following items with a listed cost:
KF Drive x 14,119,759,440
KF Drive Support System         6,000,000,000
Autonomous Tactical Analysis Computer (ATAC)       5,000,000,000
Naval C3         2,500,000,000

Even assuming the KF Drive line should be:
KF Drive x 1            4,119,759,440

That is still four items in the cost breakdown that are individually over 2.1 billion
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: Cannonshop on 03 June 2020, 07:19:52
What year are we in for the Silent Black?

Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: nroe03742 on 03 June 2020, 13:24:01
Thank you for the details

In your cost sheet, you have the following items with a listed cost:
KF Drive x 14,119,759,440
KF Drive Support System         6,000,000,000
Autonomous Tactical Analysis Computer (ATAC)       5,000,000,000
Naval C3         2,500,000,000

Even assuming the KF Drive line should be:
KF Drive x 1            4,119,759,440

That is still four items in the cost breakdown that are individually over 2.1 billion

I know that the cost calcs where off because I have not updated to the newest version of the program yet which is why I have stopped working on my designs. when I have time I will figure out the correct costs
Title: Re: Ngoverse/"The Administrator" series: The Silent Black Ocean.
Post by: georgiaboy on 03 June 2020, 13:53:40
How did your 2.5 MTon Columb1a Mk 1 manage to get 40 Dropship collars, two lithium-fusion battery systems, and cost only 2 billion?

For its price it is a good deal, but I'm wondering if there was some creative accounting going on behind the scenes.

The other detail is that if it isn't built yet, it may not be finished in time to help out.

Unless you are using a non-standard build rule, you can only have one battery.